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IUT250 Customer Service


Customer Service



SAP IS-Utilities/Customer Care Service 472




Material Number: 50072182





Copyright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.

 SAP AG 2004

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SAP Utilities (IS-U/CCS) Level 2

Level 3 IUT220

3 days

Device Management IUT221


2 days

Energy Data Management

3 days

Work Management IUT110

5 days

Introduction to the ISU/CCS


3 days

Basic Data/ Basic Functions


5 days

Billing and Invoicing IUT240 5 days Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable IUT250 3 days Customer Service IUT280


2 days

Real Time Pricing


3 days

Integration of CRM, IS-U and BW

2 days

Print Workbench

 SAP AG 2003





z Knowledge of the Windows environment z Basics of R/3 z Course IUT 110: Introduction to the IS-U/CCS System z Course IUT 210: Master Data and Basic Functions

 SAP AG 2003




Target Audience

z Participants „

Project managers responsible for implementing IS-U


Project team modeling business processes with IS-U


Administrators optimizing processes in the IS-U environment


Consultants preparing for IS-U implementation

z Duration: 3 days

 SAP AG 2001 2003




Course Objectives

This course will enable you to understand: z The basics (including configuration options) of the Customer Interaction Center (CIC), an efficient work environment for the customer service agent (configuration possibilities) z Typical customer service processes (move-in/out, disconnection and reconnection, service connection management)

 SAP SAP AG 2003  AG 2001




Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: z Recognize the configuration options of the CIC and use the CIC as a working environment z Execute the basic business processes in the system, such as move-in, move-out, disconnect / reconnect z Use Customizing to create the system settings

 SAP SAP AG 2003  AG 2001




Course Content: IUT250

Introduction Unit 1

Overview of Customer Service

Unit 5

Disconnection and Reconnection

Unit 2

Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Configuration

Unit 6

Move-In, Move-Out, Move-In/Out

Unit 3

Navigation and Application Area

Unit 7

IS-U Sales Processing

Unit 4

Front Office Processes

Unit 8

mySAP Utilities in Deregulated Markets


 SAP AG 2003




Customer Service - Overview

Contents: z Shows the structure of the Customer Service component z Introduces some key terminology z Explains the navigation and operation of the user interface

 SAP AG 2003




Customer Service Overview: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: z Name the structure of the Customer Service component z Explain the functions available in the Customer Service component z Operate the Customer Interaction Center (CIC)

 SAP AG 2003




SAP for Utilities: The Comprehensive Solution for Utility Companies

Strategic StrategicEnterprise Enterprise Management Management

Customer Customer Service Service

Managerial Managerial Accounting Accounting

Financial Financial Accounting Accounting

Marketing Marketing Program Program Management Management

Product/ Product/ Brand Brand Marketing Marketing

Regulatory Regulatory Reporting/FERC Reporting/FERC Sales Sales Channels Channels

Sales SalesManagement Management

Production Production

Plant PlantMaintenance Maintenance

Decommissioning Decommissioning

Engineering Engineering&& Construction Construction

Operati Operations onsManagement Management

Maintenance Maintenance&& Work WorkManagement Management

Transmissi Transmission on && Distribution DistributionService Service

Connection Connection&&Installation Installation Management Management

Service Service Management Management

Meter MeterReading Reading Management Management

Service Service Agreement Agreement

Special SpecialCustomer Customer Processes Processes

Retai l Billing Retail Bi lling

Sales SalesCycle Cycle&& Bi lling Billing

Sales SalesCycle Cycle

Energy Energy Data Data Management Management

Invoicing Invoicing


Busi ness Intelligence Business Intelligence && Data Data Warehousing Warehousing

Market MarketResearch Research &&Analysis Analysis

Engineering Engineering&& Construction Construction

Human HumanResource Resource Management Management

Traders Traders Workbench Workbench

Risk Risk Management Management

Recei Receivables vablesManagement Management

Procurement Procurement

Treasury Treasury

Wholesale Wholesale Bi lling Billing

Pool/ Pool/ ISO ISO

Reconciliation Reconci liati on &&Settlement Settlement

Third ThirdParty PartySettlement Settlement

Fixed FixedAsset Asset Management Management

Real RealEstate Estate



z Finances & Controlling z Human Resource Management z Logistics

z z z

Cross-Industry Solutions SAP Customer Relationship Management SAP Supply Chain Management SAP Business Intelligence SAP Business-to-Business E-Commerce

 SAP AG 2003


See the SAP homepage for a link to the current solution map: http://www.sap.com




SAP for Utilities - Architecture Internet SAP BUSINESS INFORMATION WAREHOUSE



Customer Relationship Management for Utility Companies Marketing - Sales - Service


CustomerOriented Asset & Work Mgmt SAP PLM & IS-U/CCS

Energy Data Mgmt




Invoicing & Accounts Receivable Accounting



SAP Customer Relationship Management


Data Exchange IS-U/CCS IDE

 SAP AG 2003




Structure of the Customer Service Component

z Customer Interaction Center (CIC) z Customer Information z Process Execution z Customer Contact Management

Tran spor t

z Marketing & Sales


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003


Structure refers to the structure forming the basis for the customer service component in the "utility industry" menu.


Later in the course, you are shown how it is possible to integrate the customer service subcomponents in the CIC (Customer Interaction Center).


The course also explains the configuration possibilities for the individual components in the Implementation Guide (IMG, Customizing).




Customer Interaction Center (CIC, Contact Center) Telephony Telephony controls controls

Identification Identification & & Installation Installation

Call Call status status


L-Form Transaction:

Action box box

/nCIC0 Navigation Navigation area area

Application Application area area


 SAP AG 2003


Transaction EC20 for the contact center is no longer being developed.


The layout with the seven vertical slots was developed by SAP Basis, and is no longer maintained by Utilities development.


This course deals exclusively with the L form of the contact center.


The contact center represents the central initial access point for agents in the customer center (call center).




Overview of CIC Functions

z Central starting point for processing transactions z Supported by fuzzy search to identify customers using incomplete/imprecise data z Possible to create new customers z Starting point for processing all business processes z Provision of specific information for customer inquiries. z Start of business processes z Display of self-defined overview pages z Appropriate work environment for every user

 SAP AG 2003




The CIC in Different Layouts

z Six vertical screen areas (SAP standard and IS-U)

z L form for large pictures (IS-U-specific) z L form for small pictures (IS-U-specific)

 SAP AG 2003


The framework is the foundation for all the functions that can be used in the CIC. The definition of a framework (framework ID) is identical to defining a screen in which you can select different functions for the agents in the various screen areas. The same framework can result in different screen views; only the components (screen areas) have the same arrangement. The framework enables the interaction between the selected components by dividing the system functions in visible (screen presentation) and hidden (background processing) components and using an event-driven mechanism.


First choose a screen for the framework. By selecting a screen, you determine the basic screen layout of the CIC. You have three options: - Screen with six vertically arranged screen areas (slots) - Screen division in L form (large), number 8101. This size is for users whose screen is larger than 15". Only about 55% of the screen area is used for a 21" screen. The optimal resolution is 1280 x 1024 pixels for default font and font size settings in Windows and SAPGui at the front-end computer. - Screen division in L form (small), number 8100. This size is for users whose screen is smaller than 15". The optimal resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels.




Data Finder: Process Flow


Tool for finding data objects

Search criteria Name first/last Street/house number City/zip code ........... Company code Division ..............

Hit list (optional)




BP Str./No./Supp. or CO Str./No./Supp.  SAP AG 2003


The data finder search takes all the search criteria into account together in an AND operation.


The data finder supports generic (wildcard) searches using *. To search for the name Winfield or Wingfield, for example, you can enter the string Win*field in the name field of the search criteria.


Two different components are available for finding data in IS-U (i.e. for identifying data objects): · ISUSDPART (business partner search in IS-U) · ISUFINDER (IS-U data finder) The functionality of both components has been tailored for use in the CIC. The IS-U Datafinder component (ISUFINDER) can only be used together with a framework with vertical slots, in which the object type being searched for is also used. The ISUSDPART component (business partner search in ISU) is intended for the L-shaped framework.


The business partner search component in IS-U is a specific serach function that exclusively provides data for IS-U/SD business partners. If you use the CIC with the L-shaped framework architecture, you should use the business partner search in IS-U.




The Action Box

Drop-down Drop-down menu menu

•• Overviews Overviews •• Transactions Transactions •• Front Front office office processes processes •• Workflows Workflows  SAP AG 2003




The Navigation and Application Area

z Prerequisite: CIC profile must be integrated with component profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES z NAV_AREA component for the navigation area z APPL_AREA_2 component for the application area

Central Customizing maintenance within the utility industry component.  SAP AG 2003




Overview of Additional CIC Functions

z Call center integration „

Automatic caller identification by means of telephone number (ANI)

z Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) „

Agent allocation to telephone numbers/telephone queues


"Soft phone" functions

z Reminder scripting functions to provide call support z Logging of all activities z Automatic callback

 SAP AG 2003


Along with the CIC functions already discussed, this interface also offers additional functions:


A call center is the area in a company where telephone calls are made and received. The CIC supports call center agents with telephone functions.


ANI stands for Automatic Number Identification


The CTI component is the interface to the telephone. The CTI establishes a link to SAP software via the SAPphone Gateway.


The Scripting component provides prompts to support agents, and can be customized for each individual agent.


The logging component logs all the activities performed by an agent during the course of a call. The activities are logged in tables.


Callback can be planned and then executed automatically.




Technical Structure

Phone system


CTI middleware



Applications (IS-U, CS, SD…)


Internet Mail Fax

Optional use  SAP AG 2003


CTI architecture with IVR. IVR is an optional, yet frequently used method of customer interaction.


PROCESS FLOW y The IVR script initializes the interaction with the caller y IVR sends call-specific data to the telephony server y Phone system forwards call to wait queue/phone extension y Phone system informs CTI link of the forwarded call y CTI link informs telephony server y SAP application server is informed of incoming call y Agent sees dialog box with ANI y Phone call is forwarded to agent y Phone server transfers call-specific data


This course covers the configuration and use of the Customer Interaction Center within the SAP for Utilities component.




Integration with External Communications Systems (1)




Archive integration

Telephone Call Center integration


In person

Internet integration

IS-U/CCS CIC functions

IS-U Customer Information System

 SAP AG 2003


IS-U can be integrated with a variety of external communications systems used in your business on a daily basis.


The following slides deal with the three most important applications of this communications technology: y Archiving documents created in IS-U (bills to customers or welcome letters, for example) and carrying out optical archiving for incoming (or outgoing) documents that would otherwise only exist in paper form (such as faxes or letters). y Linking to a call center solution via the SAPPhone component. y Connection to Internet service (such as E-mail) via SAPConnect




CIC Telephony Functions Telephony Telephony controls controls

•• Forward, Forward, conference, conference, call call waiting, waiting, hold, hold, ... ...

Customer Customer is is displayed displayed

Call Call status status of of all all calling calling parties parties ANI ( Automatic Number Identification ANI (Automatic Number Identification)) DNIS DNIS (Dialled Dialled Number Number Identification Identification Service Service))

 SAP AG 2003




Typical Front Office Calls Premise Premise

Create quotation for new service connection Customer information for the agent

Budget billing

Change budget billing plan R

Move-in/move-out processing Logging customer contacts


P.O. #:


Qt y Order ed

Qt y Shipped


Descripti on



Reprint bill


Subtotal Sales Tax Data



Disconnection at customer request Complaints processing

 SAP AG 2003


Front office calls are the business processes that are carried out daily in your company.




Customer information

z Customer overview (configurable) z Connection object overview z Customer environment (configurable) z Connection object environment z Device environment

 SAP AG 2003


The CIC provides the agent with a comprehensive overview of most business or technical master data for a business partner.


Additional information interfaces are available within the utility industry component. These are also integrated in the CIC, and can be structured individually.




Process Execution

z Owner allocation z Move-in / move-out / move-in/out z Disconnection/reconnection z Rate data

 SAP AG 2003


The aforementioned transactions deal with core processes for energy companies. The usage and adjustment of these processes is described in detail later in the course.


These transactions can be used as subprocesses within business processes for deregulated markets.




Customer contact management

z Component for logging and reporting contacts z Two-way customer contacts z Automatic customer contact management z Flexible reporting options

 SAP AG 2003




Sales and Marketing in IS-U/CCS (1)

CIC as Call Center z

allows rapid and direct access to all relevant information and transactions required during contact with a customer z For example: customer overview, change master data, bill display, enter meter reading results, account information, and many others


Work items allow IVR-supported callbacks

Loyalty Program z

Allows the creation of loyalty accounts for regular customers


Points can be cashed for rewards


The amount of points to be issued depends upon the event

 SAP AG 2003




Sales and Marketing in IS-U/CCS (2)

IS-U Sales Processing z

Product modeling based on configured materials and pricing


IS-U sales processing with generation of quotations and orders


Master data generation for order execution

IS-U Content for BW z

Sales statistics, consumption statistics, transaction statistics, and so on

 SAP AG 2003




SAP Utility Customer E-Services - Overview SAP Utility Customer E-Services Bill Display Master Data Change

Credit Memos Credit Memo Clearing

Bill Details Maintenance Bank Data

Complaints E-Mail Notification

Bill History

Move-In Credit Card Maintenance

Bill Payment Payment History Partial Payments

Meter Reading Entry

Move-Out Move-In/Out

Collection Authorization

As of IS-U/CCS 4.64 New with IS-U/CCS 4.72. Possible downgrade of IS-U/CCS 4.64 in project.  SAP AG 2003




Internet Self Services: Home Page

Selection Selection of Service Service

Entry: Entry: User User and and Password Password

 SAP AG 2003




Customizing the L Form Customizing is performed in two areas within the Implementation Guide z Customizing for CIC standard functions Customer Service Æ Customer Interaction Center (CIC)

z Customizing for IS-U extensions SAP Utilities Æ Customer Service Æ Customer Interaction Center

 SAP AG 2003




Exercises Unit: Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Topic: Using the CIC

• Description of the objectives and application areas of the CIC • Using the CIC for efficient process Quick, complete processing of customer inquiries raises customer satisfaction and increases efficiency. Experience in using the CIC contributes considerably to these goals. In these exercises you implement the CIC using examples of typical customer inquiries.

Business partner

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number) Rose Taylor Oxlade Drive 0## 02100 Boston

Contract account number

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Electricity contract/installation

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Water contract/installation

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number)

Electricity meter

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number) Double-rate meter

Water meter

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number) Single-rate meter

Move-in document

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Connection object

PJ0203A0## (##: group number)




1-1 True or false? 1-1-1 The CIC serves as the central work environment for each agent and can be individually configured to meet their individual requirements. _________________________________________________________ 1-1-2 The CIC contains a tool for finding data objects (such as business partners, contract accounts and contracts) created in the IS-U system. _________________________________________________________ 1-1-3 The data finder always provides the business partner as its search result. _________________________________________________________ 1-1-4 The CIC supports you in providing simple information, as well as processing complex business processes. _________________________________________________________ 1-1-5 Front office processes can only be performed using the action box in the CIC. _________________________________________________________ 1-2

The CIC (L form) is divided into four units that efficiently help agents perform their customer service duties. Name these four units and describe their purposes: Unit 1: _____________________________________________ Purpose: _____________________________________________ Unit 2: _____________________________________________ Purpose: _____________________________________________ Unit 3: _____________________________________________ Purpose: _____________________________________________ Unit 4: _____________________________________________ Purpose: _____________________________________________




1-3 Search criteria The search area of the CIC contains the Business partner block, which you can use to identify your business partner based on the specified criteria. You can enter additional criteria using the data finder (pushbutton

All search criteria).

1-3-1 Use the wildcard search function of the business partner search to find all business partners whose last name begins with T. Did you find any? ______________________________________________________ 1-3-2 You determine that this information is insufficient for identifying the business partner and are given the address as additional information: Oxlade Drive, Boston, house number 0## (0##: group number). (Note that house numbers are saved in the system with leading zeros.) Determine the correct business partner. Business partner:________________________________________ 1-4 Information from the CIC Business partner PJ0203A0## wants to know how much their last bill was. Display the bill. You can simulate the bill on the screen. Final bill amount: _______________________________________________ When is the bill due? ________________________________________ How much is the future budget billing amount? ___________________________ Use the customer overview for information. 1-5 Navigation area: Process Change bank data Process description: A business partner named Taylor on 0## Oxlade Drive (0##: group number) calls. He would like future repayments to be transferred to the following account at the Citibank: Bank number 134329042, account number 345670## (0## group number). 1-5-1 First, identify the customer with the surname Taylor on 0## Oxlade Drive (0##: group number) and start the Change bank details process. In business partner, enter a new bank ID and the aforementioned bank details. Save your data and select back. You are taken to the contract account, where you must specify the bank details for outgoing payments. Change the outgoing payment method from Check to Bank transfer. Enter the bank details you just defined in field Bank details outg.. Save the data, then branch to the screen for creating a customer contact. You can save this without making any changes. Customer contacts will be explained in detail in the next unit. © SAP AG



Solutions Unit: Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Topic: Using the CIC


True or false? 1-1-1 True 1-1-2 True 1-1-3 True: While you can enter other search criteria in the data finder, such as a contract, a contract account, or a device number, the result is always the corresponding business partner. For the technical area, you must use the CIC with vertically arranged screen areas instead of using the CIC in L form. This CIC is used, for example, as the interface in the plant maintenance for the PM / CS component. 1-1-4 True 1-1-5 False: Within the CIC, front office processes can be performed both with the action box and via the context menu of the corresponding object in the navigation area.



CIC structure (L form) Unit 1: Task:

Identification and creation Selecting data using flexible search criteria.

Unit 2: Task:

Navigation area Providing specific information to customer inquiries. Starting comprehensive business processes, amongst others, with SAP Business Workflow.

Unit 3: Task:

Application area Self-defined overview pages, such as using SAP Business Workflow inbox, CIC contact management, and many more.

Unit 4: Task:

Action Box Calling specific business processes.




Search criteria From the SAP menu, choose Utilities Industry Æ Customer Service Æ Front Office/Cust.Interact.Center Æ Customer Interaction Center. 1-3-1 For a generic search, enter T* under surname in the search criteria, and select the push button with the magnifying binoculars. A list of found business partners is displayed (if a message appears informing you that the set of hits may not be complete, you can simply confirm this message). 1-3-2 Business partner


PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Information from the CIC Enter the specified customer number in the search criteria and identify the customer. Choose Confirm Partner to confirm the selection. Then start the Customer overview process from the Info call group in the action box. The amount of the last bills is displayed in the Bills area. Double clicking on the most recent bill amount takes you to the print document display. Select Simulate bill. Check the print parameters and select Continue. The bill is displayed. Return to the document overview and select the Header data tab page. The Due date for net payment and Amount fields are located in the General data group. Select the Display Documents (shift + F9) call. Select the budget billing plan in the selection area, and choose Apply Selection. You are taken to the budget billing plan display. Alternatively, you can find the budget billing amounts in the customer overview in the BB Amount Due Dates display area. Double clicking here also takes you to the budget billing plan display. The cumulated budget billing amount is calculated from the budget billing payments for water and electricity.


Navigation area: Process Change bank data Identification Identify the customer in the search area, and select Continue to confirm your selection. Start transaction Select the Change Bank Data call in the context menu of the contract account. This activates the change mode for the contract partner. Click on the Payment transactions tab page and enter the specified bank details with any ID (such as 0002). Save your entries and select back. You are taken to the contract account. Choose the second tab strip, Payments/Taxes, and enter a B for bank transfer in the Outgoing payments field, and enter the new bank details ID in the Bank details ID field. Using the F4 selection, you can view all bank details entered in the business partner, and select one of them. Then save the changes in the contract account. You automatically branch to the Create Contact screen. The fields are already filled with data so that you only have to save to log the customer contact.




CIC Configuration

Contents: z Structure of the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) z IS-U-specific components z Linking a CIC profile with an HR organizational unit

 SAP AG 1999




CIC Configuration: Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: z Understand the structure of the CIC z Customize the interfaces z Customize individual components of the CIC

 SAP SAP AG 2003  AG 2001


The first section of this unit describes the concepts behind configuring your own CIC.


The second section explains the special Customizing for each individual module of the CIC.




CIC Configuration 1

z Interface Customizing z Customizing certain components

Tran spor t


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003

Structure refers to the structure forming the basis for the customer service component in the "utility industry" menu. „ Later in the course, you are shown how it is possible to integrate the customer service subcomponents in the CIC (Customer Interaction Center). „ The course also explains the configuration possibilities for the individual components in the Implementation Guide (IMG, Customizing). „




CIC Terminology

z Call Center (CIC, contact center, front office) z Framework (slots) z Components (functions) z Component Profiles (component attributes) z


CIC profile

z Agent z Navigation area z Data environment z Action box z Application area (workspace) z CTI layer

 SAP AG 2003


The framework is a "toolkit" structure that enables you to flexibly customize the CIC. You can add any type of component to the framework in order to provide agents with the best possible working environment.


The components represent the functions that can be used in the CIC.


The instances of the individual components are referred to as "component profiles". They define, for example, which processes can be called in the action box. You can define different component profiles for each component.


The CIC profile provides a custom-tailored screen view for the agents in the call center. It is specially customized to each individual agent's skills and responsibilities. The profile is based on a framework and component profiles, and is linked with the agent through the organization management functions.


The navigation area is a specific part of the CIC interface, from which you can start processes or call information. The navigation area also contains information that you have compiled regarding the business partner currently identified (such as, contracts, service orders, contacts, and so on).


The data environment is a specific area of the navigation area. Once the business partner has been successfully identified, his/her current and future data environment is displayed here.


You can execute calls from the action box. These calls are made in the form of workflows, transactions, or other processes.


The application area is used to present data that is relevant to the business partner.


The CTI establishes a link to SAP software via the SAPphone Gateway. It forms the interface to the phone system.




CIC Terminology

Framework + Components Visible components Hidden components +

Component profiles = Customer Interaction Center profiles (CIC profile)

 SAP AG 1999


The structure of the CIC enables you to selects the components you want and arrange them on the screen (framework). The purpose of the framework is to enable you to use the components you want to use.


The system functions are divided into visible components (that appear on the screen) and hidden (background processing) components.


You need to modify most of the components. These modifications are referred to as component profiles.


The CIC profile is a collective profile composed of all the settings made in the individual components contained in a framework.


The CIC profile determines what the agent's user interface looks like. Infotype "CIC profile 1260" allocates the agents in the structure organization. You can define and allocate CIC profiles based on the agent profiles at your company.




CIC Profile: Framework and Components


Component profile

Visible components ACTION_BOX Action box

ACTION_BOX_1 FO config. IS-U


Business object display

ACTION_BOX_2 General FO config.


IS-U data finder


Four components


Two components


Administration 1


Administration 2

CUST_OVIEW HTML customer overview CCONT

Component container

Hidden Components BD_MARK

Selection function


Telephony integration


Call center

CALLBACK Call back


ile f o pr

 SAP AG 1999


Visible components are displayed as subscreens in the slots. Hidden components provide background functions that do not need their own screen areas.


Examples of visible components include: · Action box · Clipboard · IS-U data finder · Component container Examples of hidden components include: · Selection function · Telephony integration


Example: Use the Action box component.. This component is allocated to a framework so that it can be arranged on the screen. You then create one or more component profiles for the action box component. In this case, the component profile is a front office configuration. The CIC profile, new versions of which can be created for different agent groups, can contain the action box. In this case, the action box is assigned a component profile (a front office configuration). The CIC profile is allocated to agent groups (such as planning or organization departments) using the structure organization.




CIC Configuration: Overview

CIC profile Profile attributes Profile category + instance

FO framework Components Visible / hidden

C o m p o n e n t c o n f i g u r a t i o


Action box Instances Calls

Navigation and application area N/A components

Calls Methods Front office processes Workflows BDC sessions HTML operations

Instances Calls . . .

 SAP AG 1999




CIC Customizing (1)

Title bar

1. Create framework

 SAP AG 1999


A framework serves as a placeholder for the screen structure. When you create a new framework, none of the existing frameworks contains the components you need in the required layout. Framework customizing also sets the screen title and controls whether the framework is active.


You can reuse frameworks because they only determine the selection and positions of the visible components in the screen and determine which hidden components are assigned. The same framework can result in different screen views; only the components have the same arrangement.




CIC: Visible Components

z Visible components can be arranged on the screen. Examples of components provided by SAP include: „

Action box: calls SAP transactions


Business object display: saves business objects and business data


Call status display: displays the status of calls for the agent's extension


Find and display customer data: functions for finding and displaying customer data


Application area: provides an area for integrating HTML pages


Quick keys: the pushbuttons assigned to the telephony functions

 SAP AG 2003


The component description of the "Call Status" (CALL_STATE) component is called "Call Status" in Customizing.




CIC: Quick Keys

End call Cancel hold

Wait Hold/retrieve

Pick up Deflect

Cancel wait Consult

Update Connect

Hold Direct dial

z Provides fast access to frequently used telephony functions z Minimizes the search with mouse and menu z Replaces the phone handset z Configuration of screen position and key assignment z Are displayed in the lower margin of the CIC screen if necessary

 SAP AG 2003


Quick keys are freely configurable.




CIC Customizing (2): L Form

Slot Slot 11 Business Business partner partner Slot Slot 55 Navigation Navigation area area

Slot Slot 22 Phone Phone Slot Slot 44 Action Action box box 1. Create framework 2. Assign visible components to slots

Slot Slot 66 Application Application area area

Slot Slot 33 Not Not used used Slot Slot 77 Not Not used used

 SAP AG 1999


In this step, you determine which visible components you want to have in the framework, as well as the slots in which they will appear.


The selection and arrangement of the components cannot be chosen freely in the L-shaped framework. The following component assignments are possible: - Slot 1: ISUSDPART: business partner identification - Slots 2 and 4: ABOX_SLIM, CALL_STATE, QUICK_KEYS - Slot 5: NAV_AREA: navigation area - Slot 6: APPL_AREA_2: application area


You can use several special components at the same time in the application and navigation areas in slots 5 and 6. You configure these settings in Customizing under Maintain Navigation and Application Areas.


Slots 3 and 7 are normally not used in IS-U. You can use these slots to integrate a solution database, for example. For more information on solution databases, refer to the IMG under Customer Service -> Solution Database. In a framework , you cannot use the same component more than once with different component profiles. A component can only be used once in a framework.




CIC Customizing (2): Vertical Slots

Title bar Slot 1: Component container Slot 2: Script display

1. Create framework 2. Assign visible components to slots

Slot 3: Customer component X Slot 4: Find and display customer data Slot 5: Action box Slot 6: Telephony function keys

 SAP AG 1999


In the framework with six vertically arranged slots, you can arrange the following visible components in any order: - ACTION_BOX: Starts calls with table display - ABOX_SLIM: Starts calls. Displayed as application toolbar with drop-down menus - BD_DISPLAY: Clipboard for saving objects (such as a contract account) - CALL_STATE: Displays the current calling parties (when telephony integration is active) - CCONT: Component container for adding additional components - ISUFINDER: IS-U search criteria - QUICK_KEYS: Function keys - SCRIPT_DISP: Reminder scripting display - SOL_SEARCH: Input screen for the solution database


APPL_AREA: Standard application area for HTML configuration calls that are started in the action box.




Hidden Components

z Background processing functions „

Not displayed in the user interface


Background functions provide services to the framework


Example 1: Select function

Š „

An object saved in the clipboard should be selected for immediate further processing

Example 2: Telephony integration


The component has been assigned a certain CTI OK code (such as "Hold"). The component uses the extended SAPphone API to perform the requested CTI activity.

 SAP AG 1999


There are three different types of hidden components: 1. Independent components - AUTOCALL (automatic ac-tivity) - CALLBACK (return calls) - CIC_TOOLBAR (icon bar and toolbar), use required - HLOG (logging) 2. Components required for certain visible components to work - CTI (telephony integration) for CALL_STATE - HIDDEN SCRPT (scripting) for SCRIPT_DISP 3. Components that can be used in combination with visible components - BD_MARK (selection function) with BD_DISPLAY - CALLCTR (call center) with CALL_STATE




CIC Customizing (3) Slot Slot 11 Business Business partner partner Slot Slot 55 Navigation Navigation area area

Slot Slot 22 Phone Phone Slot Slot 44 Action Action box box Slot Slot 66 Application Application area area

1. Create framework 2. Assign visible components to slots 3. Assign hidden components to the framework

Slot Slot 33 Not Not used used Slot Slot 77 Not Not used used

 SAP AG 1999


Hidden components enable background processing. Hidden components can be arranged in any order. There is no limit to the number of possible hidden components.


SAP supplies the following hidden components: y Return calls: (CALLBACK) Creates and processes return calls. This component is not part of the framework screen and is therefore considered to be hidden. y Call center strategy: (CALLCTR) Controls processing of the call information y Toolbar: (CIC_TOOLBAR) While it appears on the screen, it does not occupy any of the slots, and is therefore considered to be hidden y CTI: (CTI) Supplies all the telephony functions in the background y Scripting engine: (HIDDEN SCRPT) Component used to determine values for variables like "customer's name" and "time of day" y Logging: (HLOG) Logs the agents' activities y Hidden action box: (HIDDEN_ABOX) Every framework with a visible action box also requires a hidden action box component


If you do not use telephony integration, you do not need the components CALL_STATE , SCRIPT_DISP, HIDDEN SCRPT, CALLCTR, or CTI.




CIC Customizing (4)

e l i f o r p CIC

Slot Slot 11 Business Business partner partner

Slot Slot 55 Navigation Navigation area area

Slot Slot 22 Phone Phone

Slot Slot 44 Action Action box box Slot Slot 66 Application Application area area

Slot Slot 33 Not Not used used

1. Create framework 2. Assign visible components to slots 3. Assign hidden components to the framework 4. Assign framework and component profiles in the CIC profile

Slot Slot 77 Not Not used used

 SAP AG 1999


The CIC profile combines the framework with the instances of the components used. Organization management is used to establish a link between the CIC profile and the agent.


If you defined that an action box is to appear in slot 4, for example, then you determine which action box is used in this step.




SAP Components and Profile Requirements (1)


Visible components


Component profile required


Action box



Action box



Business obj. display

No profile required


Call status

No profile required


Component container




Search functions

No profile required



Quick keys



Script display



Solution search

No profile required




Application area





Navigation area




Description Action box comp. configuration Action box comp. configuration

Without telephone X X X

Component container IS-U business partner search Quick keys button configuration profile


Scripting profile

X: Is used in IS-U (L form)  SAP AG 1999




SAP Components and Profile Requirements (2)

Hidden components


Component profile required


Selection function


Callback queue





Call center component CIC toolbar / exclusion CTI



Script text

No profile required





Action box

No profile required

Description BDD profile Selection function Callback queue Profile allocation Callback component Configuration Callback queue Profile processing Call center component CIC toolbar

Without telephone X X X X


CTI administration Profile CTI wait loop Profile allocation X Activity codes Log profile


 SAP AG 2003


You can also use a self-defined GUI status. You can define functions for function keys, without having to define an action box call. For more information, see the cookbook. Arrange the profile with the selfdefined GUI status in the IMG activity, SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Customer Interaction Center Define Standard Toolbars and User-Defined GUI Status. You must then add the invisible component CIC_TOOLBAR2 in the IMG activity, SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Customer Interaction Center Maintain Front Office Framework ID and Parameters.





1. Analysis of the business processes 2. Defining CIC Calls 3. Define frameworks 4. Assign components

5. Define the component profile 6. Define CIC profiles 7. Allocate CIC profiles to organizational plan

Customer Interaction Center  SAP AG 2003


To use the CIC, you have to analyze the business processes and define them in the system (steps 1 and 2). The processes are then used in the CIC in the form of component profile calls for the action box. You can also use these calls within the context menu for the data environment of the navigation area.


Using the front office without the CIC (not possible after Release 4.51, transaction EC20) y To use the (old) front office you must define a configuration determination, in order to be able to assign a specific front office configuration to each individual agent.


Using the CIC (available from IS-U/CSS V4.51) y You can integrate other CIC functions (CIC components) into the framework. y You can define modifications for each CIC component in the form of component profiles.




CIC Customizing (5)

e l i f o r p CIC

Slot Slot 11 Business Business partner partner

Slot Slot 55 Navigation Navigation area area

Slot Slot 22 Phone Phone

Slot Slot 44 Action Action box box Slot Slot 66 Application Application area area

1 2



5. Assign CIC profile to an organizational level in organization management

Slot Slot 33 Not Not used used Slot Slot 77 Not Not used used

 SAP AG 1999




Organizational Plan

Organizational unit Organizational unit Job

Organizational unit Job

Organizational unit







Holder  SAP AG 1999


The organizational plan is a means of modeling your company's structure in the system.


The organizational plan comprises organizational units and all their interrelationships. - Organizational units represent logical business units in your company and can be structured to form a hierarchy that represents your business as a whole. The organizational units can be function-based or region-based or reflect other aspects of your business (examples are: business areas, departments, project groups). - The organizational plan can have any number of organizational unit levels (the slide shows two levels).


The organizational plan contains positions that are linked to the organizational units.


Positions can have one or more holders assigned to them (and each holder can be assigned to more than one position). Holders are responsible for particular tasks and are one of the following: - A user - someone with an SAP system user ID - A person - someone, maybe an employee in your company, without an R/3 system user y Workflow tasks can only be carried out by holders with access to the R/3 system.


The organizational plan also contains jobs, which describe tasks that occur in a number of different positions.




Allocate the CIC Profile in the Organizational Plan

file o r p C I C

Organizational unit e.g. utility company


Organizational unit


e.g. customer service






e.g. move-in/out processing

e.g. bill complaints

e.g. technical service




e.g. Mr. Miller

e.g. Mr. Smith

e.g. Mr. Jones

 SAP AG 1999


The energy company depicted above has the organizational unit Customer service. The unit has three different positions- an agent is allocated to each of them.


CIC profiles can be allocated to users on either the position or organizational unit level. To do this, use infotype "CIC profile". Infotypes enable you to describe and define the different attributes and characteristics of objects.




Organizational Structure in HR

Search Search window window

display display area area

display display details details Results/ Results/ Navigation Navigation

 SAP AG 2003


This maintenance from the HR module (human resources) consists of four areas: y Search y Result list y Display area y Details for display area


You can use different criteria to search for any search object. The hit list is then displayed in the result / navigation area.


Double click on an object from the result list to display the object details in the display area.


Double click on an object in the display area to display further details for the object in the lower screen area. Important: When allocating the CIC profile to an organizational unit or position, you must ensure that you have selected the correct object. If not, the allocation may be incorrect, and you will wonder later why the CIC interface you wanted is not displayed.




CIC profile Tailored to different skills ... CIC profile for new agent CIC profile for agent

Scripting support required

No scripting support required

Tailored to different requirements... CIC profile for sales agent CIC profile for service agent

Sales functions in action box and telephony toolbar required Service functions required in action box No telephony toolbar required

 SAP AG 1999


The CIC profile saves settings regarding the configuration and screen structure of the Customer Interaction Center. It can be configured according to the specific requirements of a certain agent, a group, or an entire call center. For example, a new agent may need support from the scripting component, while another agent may not want to see this component while working with the Customer Interaction Center. Call centers that deal with different types of calls usually need different components and functions.




Assigning a CIC Profile to a User ID (1)

CIC profile

Customer service organization

CIC profile for A CIC profile

Sales agent 1 Sarah Hodder Sales agent 2

CIC profile for sales agent

Peter Fellows Erin McCart Patricia Needham

1. Choose the desired organizational level. 2. Choose Goto -> Object description -> Enhanced object description

 SAP AG 1999


The CIC profile saves the configuration and screen structure for the framework. The CIC profile is assigned to the agent through the HR infotype. An infotype enables you to describe and define different attributes and characteristics for objects.


A CIC profile must be assigned for every agent who works in the CIC, either at the organizational unit level (all agents within the same organizational unit use the same CIC profile) or at position level (agents who are assigned to the same position use the same CIC profile).


To assign a CIC profile (infotype 1260) to an agent or an organization, proceed as follows: 1. Click the required organizational level (either organizational unit or position). 2. Choose Goto -> Object description -> Enhanced object description.




Assigning a CIC Profile to a User ID (2)

Maintain Planning Data: Choose Infotype Object Edit Goto Utilities Settings System Help

3. Choose infotype "CIC profile"

0 Plan variant Object cat. Object ID Object abbrev. Active

Agent 1

Planned Submitted




Infotype name Object Description CIC profile

4. Click the Create or Change icon

01 Current plan S Position 50012948 Agent 1

5. Press F4 to display list of available CIC profiles 6. Choose the CIC profile and click the "Adopt" icon


 SAP AG 1999

3. A list of infotypes appears. Scroll down this list until you reach CIC profile (infotype 1260). 4. Click the infotype icon Create or Change. 5. Press F4 in the next screen. A list of all the available CIC profiles is displayed in the CIC profile ID field. 6. Choose the required CIC profile and choose Input/Save.




CIC Profile: Inheritance CIC profile: ALL Framework: S4 1. Script: Standard 2. Action box: Sales 3. Find: Customer ...

Telesales organization Sales agents Sarah Hodder New agents Peter Fellows

CIC profile: New Framework: S4 1. Script: New agent

Erin McCart Patricia Needham

New agent starts CIC:

Framework: S4 1. Script: New agent 2. Action box: Sales 3. Find: Customer

 SAP AG 1999


When a CIC profile does not contain all the component profiles in the framework at a lower level, then the system searches for a different CIC profile with the same framework at a higher level in the organizational structure, in order to retrieve the additional profiles.


This method is useful for providing new employees with special components or for defining default values if the Customizing at a lower level is incomplete.


You can display the selected configuration in the CIC Front Office screen by choosing Agent -> Framework status.




Starting the CIC

z What happens when you call the CIC transaction CIC0? „

The system searches the organization management to determine which profiles to assign to the executing user.


The profiles determine which components the framework loads for the user and how the individual components work.


The profile values are saved in a generic framework information store.


The framework loads all configurable visible and hidden components.

 SAP AG 2003


Profile 00000001 is defined as the default profile in the IS-U application. Therefore, users who have not been assigned to an organizational unit, a position, or a job can still call the CIC.




CIC Configuration II

z Interface Customizing z Customizing individual components

Tran spor t


The Johnsons



 SAP AG 2003

Here, the configuration options for the individual components in the implementation guide (IMG Customizing) are explained.




CIC components

z Toolbars z Business partner search z Action box z Call center components „

For example, quick keys, scripting, call center, CTI, callback

z Other components „

Selection function, component container, scripting,...

z Navigation and Application Area

 SAP AG 2003


You can individually define both visible and invisible components in the implementation guide.


The navigation and application area of the CIC is a special area. You can make many settings here, and integrate several components, which are looked at in detail in the next unit.





z The CIC consists of a framework, and an area that does not belong to the framework „

The toolbar (application toolbar) belongs to this area


This consists of:


Profile names (GUI)Status


The toolbar is, nevertheless, allocated to the invisible components (component CIC_TOOLBAR)


A special form of the toolbar must be specified in the CIC profile, under the profile category TBAR_PROF.

 SAP AG 2003


A (GUI) status consists of a menu bar, function keys, pushbuttons, and many active functions.


Two statuses are supported: y PFS100 (with telephone integration) y PFS300 (without telephone integration)


Furthermore, it is possible to define your very own (GUI) status and thus define your own standard application toolbar.




Business Partner Search

z Components for Data Search in IS-U „




z Fast creation of business partners z Template for entering further search criteria z Correct / reset identification z The business partner search can be individually enhanced

 SAP AG 2003


You can only use the ISUFINDER component with a framework with vertical slots. You can use the ISUFINDER component to find a wide variety of data objects within IS-U. The SAP enhancement ECSFO001 is available for changes within the search and display fields.


The ISUSDPARTNER component is to be used in L-form frameworks. This is a special search function that exclusively searches for and finds IS-U / SD business partners. The SAP enhancement ESCFO001 was extended to this component so that changes can be made to this component.


You can use the function group EECIC_SD to make changes to the screen. To do this, you must call a corresponding screen and then modify it in the screen painter.




Action box z Various calls can be made from the action box „

The most common of these are front office processes, workflows, and also information views

z There are two different components for the action box: „


z The layout of the CIC screen can be influenced by variants „

For example, with shortcut, shortcut/frame, or by adding blank lines

 SAP AG 2003


Depending upon which components you include in the CIC, you must allocate the individual attribute in the CIC profile to the corresponding profile category: y ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM for ABOX_SLIM y ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION for the (wide) action box (ACTION_BOX)




Call center components

z All visible and invisible components that are recommended typical call center tasks „

CTI component


Call Center


Toolbar with telephone functions


Call status


Quick keys



 SAP AG 2003


The CTI component runs in the background and does not contain any visible elements or screens. As a central component, it administers the data exchange and consistency between functions in the CIC and the SAPphone APIs for the telephone system (CTI).


The call center component further processes a call by triggering the search function of the automatic number identification (ANI) for incoming calls. It represents the link between the CTI component and the other areas in the CIC application. You can also use call-related data or self-developed function modules to configure the search.




Other components z Business partner component z Component container z Workflow inbox component z Auto action components z Interaction history

 SAP AG 2003


In the business partner component, define which master data template to use for creating a business partner in the CIC. The CIC partner template is used as default.


The component container is a configurable tab page subscreen, which is used in a layout with six vertical slots. The component container can contain up to five components and allows a greater number of components in the framework.


As of IS-U Release 4.62, the workflow inbox component exists for displaying tasks (work items) in the application area of the CIC (L-form). You can use the task filter to select the tasks to be displayed in the inbox. If no filter is set, all the user's tasks are displayed.


You can use the auto action component to define, for example, that calls are to be triggered automatically from the action box after you have identified the business partner in the CIC.


The contact history component is a search function for customer contact, which you can use within the navigation or application area in the CIC. By entering search criteria in the search template you can find corresponding customer contacts - provided they exist. You can create individual attributes for this component in Customizing.




CIC Configuration: Summary

z The CIC consists of a generic framework and several layouts: z Vertical slots z L-shape z You can allocate visible and invisible components to this framework. These components display different functions, which are necessary to operate a call center. z Many of these components can be defined individually. z Additionally, customer-specific components can be developed and included.

 SAP SAP AG 2003  AG




Exercises Unit: Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Topic: Configuring the CIC

• Create a CIC framework and a CIC profile

You want to extend the existing CIC standard profile with specific additional calls. In this section, you will create a CIC framework and a CIC profile for the Customer Interaction Center.


Framework The framework describes the screen layout of the Customer Interaction Center. Choose the components you want to use and arrange them on the screen. The framework differentiates between different types of component. Which ones? 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ Which components are used in framework ZFRAME000? 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________





Create the framework and CIC profile In this exercise, you will define the structure of the Customer Interaction Center in several steps. 1-2-1 Creating the framework ID with components First create your own framework ID. Use the framework ZFRAME000 as the template to create your own framework ID ZFRAME0## (0##: group number) with the text Framework Group ##. 1-2-2 Creating the CIC profile Create a CIC profile with the key ZPROF0## (0##: group number) and the description CIC Profile Group 0##. Allocate your framework ID ZFRAME0## (0##: group number) to this CIC profile. Use CIC profile ZPROF000 as a copy template. 1-2-3 Creating component profiles What are the component profiles used for? For which components of the original front office structure are the profiles needed? Which component profile category is responsible for the instantiation of the action box, and what is the current instance in your CIC profile ZPROF0##? After you have displayed the component profiles assigned in your CIC profile, change the instantiation of several of the components. 1-2-4 Defining the component profile for the action box In Customizing, call up the component configuration that you identified as the instantiation of the profile type for component ABOX_SLIM in Exercise 1-2-3. Which call types can be defined as calls in the action box? Copy configuration ZABOX000 to the name ZABOX0## and define this instantiation in the profile attributes of your CIC profile, ZPROF0##.




1-2-5 Assigning the CIC profile to an agent For an agent to be able to use a specific Customer Interaction Center, that agent must be assigned the appropriate CIC profile in the organizational structure. At which levels of the organizational structure can you allocate CIC profiles to agents? 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ Allocate your CIC profile to a position. A position has been created for you for the purposes of this course. In the SAP menu, choose Tools → Business Workflow → Organizational Plan → Organizational Plan → Organization and Staffing → Change. First use the organizational unit to select IDES*. There you also find the lowerlevel organizational unit Customer Service. In the staffing plan, allocate your CIC profile to the position Customer service ## (##: group number). Then allocate your R/3 user (IUT250-##) to this position. 1-2-6 Calling the Customer Interaction Center Call the Customer Interaction Center and check whether the CIC profile you created has been determined. Identify business partner PJ0203A0## (##: group number) and examine the data environment of the navigation area. Which object is the entry object? Which calls have been defined for the contract account?




Solutions Unit: Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Topic: Creating a CIC Profile


Framework We differentiate between visible and hidden components in the framework. In the SAP Reference IMG, select: SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center. The Change View "CIC Framework" Overview screen appears. You will find framework ZFRAME000 there. Select this framework and then choose the Visible components and Hidden components functions in turn. The following visible components have been selected: ISUSDPART CALL_STATE ABOX_SLIM NAV_AREA APPL_AREA_2

IS-U Business Partner Search Call state IS-U Action Box Slim IS-U Navigation Area IS-U Application Area

The following hidden components have been selected: CIC_TOOLBAR BD_MARK 1-2

Toolbar BDD Selection service

Create the framework and CIC profile 1-2-1 Creating the framework ID with components In the SAP Reference IMG, select: SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Maintain Front Office Framework ID and Parameters. Select entry ZFRAME000 and choose the Copy as function. Change the copied framework ID to ZFRAME0## and the framework text to ISU framework group 0##. Do not change the title number, the screen, or the Enter. The message appears that the entry to be copied has status. Press dependent entries. This refers to the allocated components, which you also want to copy. Select i Copy All. A confirmation prompt appears informing you that 7 entries were copied. Choose Confirm and then save your entries.




1-2-2 Creating the CIC profile In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center (CIC) → CIC Profiles → Maintain CIC Profiles. Now select CIC profile ZPROF000, choose the Copy as ... function, and enter CIC profile ZPROF0## (0##: group number) with profile description CIC profile group 0## and your framework ID ZFRAME0## (0##: group number). Press Enter. The message appears that the entry to be copied has dependent entries. This refers to the allocated components, which you also want to copy. Select Copy All. A confirmation prompt appears informing you that 5 entries were copied. Choose Confirm and then save your entries. 1-2-3 Creating component profiles Select your CIC profile ZPROF## and navigate to the profile attributes. The component profiles enable you to create individually instances of the selected components. You only need to modify the components you selected yourself. Of the components that have been selected in framework ZFRAME0##, components IS-U Action Box Slim ABOX_SLIM (using profile category ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM) and component BDD selection service BD_MARK (using profile category BD_MARK_PROF) require special profiles. In addition, the definition of the navigation and application area is integrated in a CIC profile as a profile with component profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES. 1-2-4 Defining the component profile for the action box In the SAP Reference IMG, choose the path Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center (CIC) → Component Configuration → Action Box Settings → Determine Configuration Profiles for Action Box. Enter the configuration name ZABOX000 and choose Display. The following types of calls can be used: -





Front office processes


Batch input sessions


HTML operations

Choose Back, and copy configuration ZABOX000 to the name ZABOX0## (##: group number) and define this configuration in the profile attributes of your CIC profile, ZPROF0##, under profile category ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM.




1-2-5 Assigning the CIC profile to an agent A CIC profile can be used in the following levels in the organizational structure: 1. Organizational unit level (all agents within the same organizational unit use the same CIC profile) 2. Position level (agents who are assigned to the same position use the same CIC profile) Use the search term IDES* to search for the organizational unit in the search area. Find the organizational unit Customer Service in the selection area (hit list). Double click on this entry in the overview area to display the staffing plan for the organizational unit Customer Service. When you double-click on position Customer Service ## (##: group number), the detailed information is displayed in the detail area of the screen. Choose Goto → Object details → Extended object description to access the object processing screen. Scroll down the infotype list and select item CIC profile. Choose Create Infotype. In the next view, press F4 for field CIC Profile ID to display a list of available CIC profiles. Choose the profile ZPROF0## (0##: group number) and then save your entry. Now allocate yourself, as a user, to this position. Select your position and use the right mouse button to select Allocate. Select the user as the position owner and determine the R/3 user IUT250-##. Transfer the user from the hit list and check the allocation in the organizational structure. Save your entries. 1-2-6 Calling the Customer Interaction Center Select the SAP menu path Utilities Industry → Customer Service → Front Office/Cust.Interact.Center → Customer Interaction Center. Select Agent Æ Framework Status to check the framework status. The entry ZFRAME0## must exist in the Framework ID field in the dialog box. The component configuration ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM refers to the entry ZABOX0##. The business partner appears as the entry object in the environment display of the navigation area. Select the contract account. Use the right mouse button to open the context menu for the contract account.




Navigation and Application Area

Contents: z Navigation area „

Data environment


Document display




Agent history

z Application area „

Customer overview: requirements


HTML connection


Addendum: customer contact

 SAP AG 2003




Navigation and Application Area: Unit Objectives:

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: z Explain the processes and Customizing of the navigation and application area

 SAP AG 1999




The Navigation and Application Area

z Prerequisite: CIC profile must be integrated with component profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES z NAV_AREA component for the navigation area z APPL_AREA_2 component for the application area

Central Customizing maintenance within the utility industry component.  SAP AG 2003




Customizing for the Navigation and Application Area

z Navigation area z Application area Tran spor t

z Information Views z Addendum: Customer Contacts


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003




The Navigation Area Up Up to to 10 10 tab tab pages, pages, for for example example •• Documents Documents •• Clipboard Clipboard

Data Data environment environment

Context Context menu menu

•• Overviews Overviews •• Transactions Transactions •• Front Front office office processes processes •• Workflows Workflows

 SAP AG 2003

What can be configured in the navigation area? „

Number of tab headers in the navigation area


Object display on the clipboard


Definition of the context menu call

Which CIC components can be used in the navigation area? „

Data environment display


Document display




Interaction history




Data Environment for the Navigation Area Business partner Contract account Premise Utility contract Utility installation Device Print document

z Component NAV_VIEW can be used in navigation or application area z Select the structure „

Technical view


Business data view


Document view


Technical deregulation view

I account information IM BB plan 1 IM BB plan 2 IM BB plan 3 IM credit history IM customer payments IM dunning items IM paid items Customer contact

z Object categories to be displayed z Additional selection parameters „

Maximum number


Maximum age

Service order Service notification Sales order Customer quotation

z Activity profile

 SAP AG 1999


From the initial screen of the activity, press the "Activity profile" button to maintain the activity profile that is linked with your data environment. You use this feature to determine which transactions can be called at runtime by double-clicking or through the context menu for an object category in the data environment. The maintenance interface of the activity profile is similar to the maintenance interface for creating an action box configuration.


The activity groups are automatically generated in your activity profile, and correspond to the displayed object categories in the assigned data environment. The following objects are available for defining the data flow: y

: The object selected at runtime


: The current business partner at runtime




Action profile

Action profile display: Use the right mouse button to select the object.

 SAP AG 2003


The action profile contains all calls that are available within the context menu for an object.


In addition to the configurable calls, there are also object services that the system automatically generates. The following are some such object services:


Send objects, create installations for an object, or define a personal note for an object.




Data and Documents in the Navigation Area

z Customer data environment z Customer contacts z Service orders and service notifications z Quotations and sales orders z Deregulation processes (cross-company data exchange) z Clipboard

 SAP AG 1999




Customizing for the Navigation and Application Area

z Navigation area z Application area Tran spor t

z Information Views z Addendum: Customer Contacts


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003




The Application Area (L Form)

Tab pages with z Customer overview z Account balance z CIC contact z SAPGUI for HTML: IS-U/CSS and R/3 transactions z Sales and distribution processing z Workflow inbox z Any HTML pages

 SAP AG 1999




CIC Application Area

Web search

Microsoft Technical

 SAP AG 1999


The application area component can be used to display HTML pages (among other things). When several pages are started, these pages are displayed in different tabstrips. The application area can be used to display HTML pages created by the customer or those in the intranet or Internet. The application area can call HTML pages via an Internet/intranet address, a file/path name, or an SAP Web Repository ID. When you use the application area, several HTML pages can exist in parallel. The different pages are displayed in different tabs in the application area. Each individual tab is called a workspace.


Possible uses for the application area: y Intranet applications y HTML scripting applications ("branch" scripting, buttons for starting action box transactions that are called from scripts, script responses returned to SAP or a data warehouse) y BAPIs and customer-specific input screens


When an HTML page is called in the action box, but no application area has been configured in the framework, the HTML page is displayed in a dialog box.




Application Area - Displaying HTML Pages

z Displaying HTML pages „





HTML pages

z SAP action box transactions can be started from within HTML pages. z Multiple, parallel workspaces z Can pass on information: „

From the CIC to HTML pages (e.g. customer number, material number)


Between different HTML pages


From an HTML page to a CIC / action box transaction (e.g. order number, answers in survey)

 SAP AG 1999




Workflow Inbox z Lists all the work items that are assigned to the agent in the call center. z Restriction via (workflow) task filter z Received e-mail (SAPconnect)



 SAP AG 2003




E-Mail and Fax Messages in the Workflow Inbox E-mail, fax, letter (scanned document), etc. System

Business partner


utes Exec

Agent in the contact center


Work item in inbox with e-mail, fax, letter, etc.

Customer data is displayed in the CIC

 SAP AG 1999




Starting the Workflow through SAPconnect E-mail, fax, letter (scanned document), etc. E-mail is received at [email protected] System: SAPconnect • Inbox distribution: Which workflow has to be started? • Process manually or start with job


[email protected] is linked with workflow 20500144 (example supplied by SAP) • A job for triggering the send process is started once every minute

Workflow 20500144 is started

 SAP AG 1999




Externally Triggered Callback


Web site


Business partner

Business partner Sends data to the CIC: •Phone number •Business partner number •Time and reason for call


Agent in the contact center

Work item in inbox: "Call customer back" Customer data is displayed Press button to trigger callback

 SAP AG 1999




Defining HTML Calls

z Define the HTML configuration z Define external parameters z Define internal parameters

 SAP AG 1999


If you want to use HTML configurations in the application area, configure the required settings in the IMG under path Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Component Configuration -> Application Area -> Maintain HTML Configuration of the Application Area.




HTML Configuration (1)



HTML configuration Text

Service notification

External URL


WWW object ID




Stop button Navigation button Refresh button Delete button URL separator 1 URL separator 2


 SAP AG 1999


Example of an HTML configuration using a WWW object ID and a transaction call from the action box


In this activity, you configure the HTML pages that can be executed in the application area. Under "HTML configuration", enter the name of the configuration, an explanatory text, and the source of the HTML page (URL, path in file system).


A URL with external parameters then has the following format: "=" [[ "=" ]]


A URL can have the following appearance: http://server1/ABoxCalls/CustomerInquiry.html?Customer=0000815&SD_Doc=000000000002305 In this example, is "?" and is "&". separates the root URL from the block of arguments. separates the individual pairs of argument name and argument value. Because different pages can be used to process the arguments of different indicators, these values can be configured. SAP recommends using the separators "?" and "&", because the ITS (Internet Transaction Server) requires these values.




HTML Configuration (2) - External Parameters



External parameters Parameter NOTIF_TYPE

Text Multiline Element type Required Notification type Export and import E

customer Customer customer_name Customer name

Import Import

Proc.seq. 2


 SAP AG 1999


If you want to pass on parameters to the HTML page at startup, you have to maintain them as external parameters.




HTML Configuration (3) - Internal Parameters



Internal parameters Parameter Customer

Text Customer

Equipment d_code d_codegrp dl_code dl_codegroup

Equipment Problem Code grp. - Problem Object part Code grp. - ObjParts


Notification text


Element type Export



Export Export Export Export Export



 SAP AG 1999


Internal parameters are passed on by the HTML call.


Select the names of the internal and external parameters in accordance with the parameters that are expected by the URL of the HTML page.


The "Customer overview" component also calls an HTML configuration. This HTML configuration is called again whenever a business partner is identified or corrected. When you customizing this HTML configuration, make sure that you set the external parameters that will be supplied with data by object category ISUPARTNER to edit sequence 1, and the external parameters that you want to supply with the key (current business partner data) to edit sequence 2. Choose the names of the parameters as they will be expected in the called HTML page. You can also define an alternate HTML configuration that will be displayed whenever no business partner is currently identified. The name of this HTML configuration consists of the name of the HTML configuration for customer info plus an appended _INIT.




HTML Configuration (4)



HTML configuration Text

SAP Home Page

External URL


WWW object ID Configuration Stop button Navigation button Refresh button Delete button URL separator 1 URL separator 2

 SAP AG 1999




Customer Overview (1) Customer Customer data data

This structure is based on HTML data selection PARTNER

Business Business partner Premise Contract account Utility contract Utility installation Device Print document Account info level 1 IM account balances IM BB plan 1 IM BB plan 2 IM BB plan 3 IM credit history IM customer payments IM dunning items IM paid items

Customer Customer contact

Customer Customer contacts contacts Service Service notifications notifications Service Service orders orders

Service Service order order Service Service notification notification Sales order Customer quotation

 SAP AG 1999


To customize the HTML customer overview, go to Customizing under SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Define HTML Customer Overview. You can use this activity to edit the HTML data selection (view) of the customer information function. The HTML data selection indicates which levels (nodes) and which data from the maximum number of available levels will be displayed.




Customer Overview (2) This structure is based on HTML data selection ACCOUNT

Business partner partner Contract Contract account account

Customer Customer and and contract contract account account

Premise Utility contract Utility Utility installation Device

Print document Account info level 11

Account Account balance, account account overview, billing billing documents documents

IM IM account balances IM BB plan 1 IM BB plan 2 IM BB plan 3 IM credit history IM customer payments IM dunning items IM paid items

Premises Premises and and contracts contracts

Customer contact Service order Service notification Sales order Customer quotation

 SAP AG 1999


You can also integrate the HTML customer overview in the application area in the CIC. To do this, go to Customizing, choose Utilities Industry -> Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Maintain Navigation and Application Area and then add the CUSTINFO component. You can also maintain a configuration for the CUSTINFO component under Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Component Configuration -> Application Area -> Maintain HTML Configuration of Application Area.




Customer Overview

Enter Enter payment payment data data

Start process, process, e.g. e.g. •• Payment Payment •• Installment Installment plan plan

 SAP AG 1999


The above example illustrates the call of a transaction from the HTML display within the application area.




Customizing for the Navigation and Application Area

z Navigation area z Application area Tran spor t

z Information Views z Addendum: Customer Contacts


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003




Customer Overview: Requirements

z Flexible definition of „

What is displayed (content)


How it is displayed (layout)

z Simple Customizing „

No screen modifications


No re-coding of ABAP programs

z Integration in the CIC initial screen „

Initial screen must be as static as possible, so that as few screen changes as possible (or none at all) are necessary

 SAP AG 1999




Information Views

Customer center Simple display transaction

Process transaction

Information Views Display of print documents

Preprogrammed information views


Data environment (IS-U navigator)

Configurable information views

ct tra n o



 SAP AG 1999


Transactions or report programs that provide information are known in IS-U as information views. The following information views are available in IS-U: y Simple display transaction: Common transactions that have usually already been defined, often in the form of BOR methods (Display customer, for example) y Process transactions: Usually a business process involving several entities, such as Move-in/out y Hard-coded information views: Fixed lists such as the Account overview, for example y Freely-configurable information views: Lists whose structure can be changed in Customizing y Data environment: Hierarchical lists that give the user a rapid overview of the data environment of an object (Connection object environment, for example) y Display of print documents: On-screen display of forms such as a bill


You can use the IS-U navigator to define your own data-environment-based information views.




IS-U Navigator

Overview of the data environment for a selected object

Navigation allows you to branch to the detailed display of a single object Object link display relating to key date or period

Can be called from the front office, IS-U master data, or as an independent transaction

 SAP AG 1999


The main task of the IS-U navigator is to display data environments for objects you specify. This will only work for objects that belong to an object type defined in the BOR.


Data environments can be called from the front office. To integrate a data environment into the front office, you use the BOR method BusinessView.DisplayEnvironment in Customizing for the relevant front office configuration.




IS-U Navigator: Structure


Data Environment from 01/01/98 to 12/31/9999 Edit Goto Extras System Help

Business partner

1000000001 Smith Thomas

IS-U contract account 30000100001 private account Utility contract

01/01/98- **.**.** 1000000056 Walldorf 1012 Main St.

Utility installation 2000000074 Electricity Walldorf 1012 Main St., 1st floor Device 04/01/98 - **.**.** 900000000000004711 Device 01/01/98 - **.**.** 900000000000004812 Utility Contract Utility contract

Data environment relates to a key date or period Initial object: business partner Hierarchical structure of the data environment

03/01/98 - **.**.** 3000000998 Boston 1012 Main St.

Utility installation

40000009998 Boston Gas Main St. 10 1st Floor

Navigation to detail display possible

 SAP AG 1999


The entry object does not have to be at the top of the hierarchy. The IS-U navigator also determines higher-level data objects.




IS-U Navigator: Customizing IS-U Navigator: Create Configuration Environment Edit Goto Extras System


z Define entry object z Create hierarchy:

Create parent „ Create child „ Create sibling

Business partner


IS-U Contract acct Utility contract Utility installation

z Define navigation type:


Structure reader „ BOR navigation „

Move-in document

z Maintain structure nodes:

Control „ Navigation „ Display options „

ExportParameter  SAP AG 1999


To create a navigator configuration in transaction ECNC, you first specify the entry object.


The object types that you can use in your hierarchy are predefined by the system. When you choose Create child, Create parent or Create sibling, the system proposes possible object types for you to select and assign to positions within the hierarchy. You can choose between object types whose objects are read either by the structure reader or via the BOR. Wherever possible, however, you should choose objects that are determined using the structure reader. There are two reasons for this: y 1. The structure reader is a special report program designed to fetch data more quickly than is possible via the BOR. y 2. The structure reader also determines a time relationship between the objects, which means that you can display time references in the navigator environment.


In structure node maintenance, you define y whether the object is to be displayed with time references (only if it is determined using the structure reader) y which nodes should be expanded when the environment is started y how the object is to be formatted at runtime (display options)




Customizing for the Navigation and Application Area

z Navigation area z Application area Tran spor t

z Information Views z Addendum: Customer Contacts


The Johnsons

 SAP AG 2003




Addendum: Customer Contacts

At the conclusion of this addendum, you will be able to: z Create a customer contact z Customize customer contacts z Gather information on previous customer contacts

 SAP SAP AG 1999  AG 2001




What is Customer Contact Management?

Component for logging and analyzing contacts between a utility company and its customers

 SAP AG 1999




General Requirements

Two-way customer contacts (Customer Utility company) Automatic customer contact management Efficient and flexible analysis

 SAP AG 1999




Which Data does a Customer Contact Contain? Manual


With data entry

With or without data entry

Customer contact Business partner, contact person z Date and time of contact z Process description (contact class, contact activity) z Communication medium (type of contact: telephone, letter, etc.) z Reference to external documents (additional documents) z Priority z Assessment of the contact (the customer is dissatisfied, etc.) z Notes on the contact z Reference to data objects or documents z Self-defined data (division, company code) z

 SAP AG 1999


In addition to the general data stored in the contact, you can store: y References to data objects ( such as a device number) and documents (such as a bill). You can also enhance the data fields stored in the contact.


If non-system documents (MS Word documents, for example) that are relevant to the customer contact exist outside the R/3 system, you can describe these documents in the Additional documents field in the customer contact.


Customer contacts can be assigned a priority to ensure that the most urgent activities are tackled first. In a future version of IS-U, this priority will be passed on to service orders.


In Customizing, you determine which data objects or documents are to be inserted into which customer contacts.








With data entry

From a front office process or workflow

Within an IS-U transaction

With or without data entry


Customer contact  SAP AG 1999


You create a customer contact manually if for example, you want to log an inquiry made on the telephone.


Customer contacts can be automatically created as an additional result of a transaction, such as changes to a budget billing amount. When a contact is created automatically and any of the data that is required to create this contact is unavailable, a dialog box is displayed to enter this data.


Use the BCONTACT.CREATE method in the BOR for creating customer contacts.




Example: Customer Contact in the Business Process

Assign Enter Log bank details bank details customer in the Identification in the contact contract business account partner

Customer data is stored in the clipboard

 SAP AG 1999


The logging of a customer contact can be part of a business process. In the above example, an customer contact is created when the bank details are changed.




Structure of Customer Contacts

Contact class Complaint



4711 Mrs. Schulz

Billing Reversed

Budget billing changed

Device complaint


Quotation created Confirmation given

Billing created


4712 Mr. Maier

Rate info given


Account Info given

BB info provided

Bill info given

MR info given



Contact activity  SAP AG 1999


Individual customer contacts are described in IS-U by certain contact activities, which are grouped in contact classes.




Contact Classes, Contact Activities

Activity Activity


Contact class Activity Activity

z Contact classes group the contacts, for example: „

information, complaints, etc.

z Contact activities describe a process within a contact class, for example: „

Rate information provided


Account information provided


Both of these belong to the Information contact class

 SAP AG 1999


You can define contact classes and contact activities in Customizing to correspond to the customer contacts used in your enterprise.




Object Links

z Object links in customer contacts are classified by their role, for example: „

Move-in customer


Faulty device

z You can define roles in Customizing z You can allocate roles to contact activities, so that „

an object link is mandatory


a maximum of one object link exists per contact activity


no object links can be created

z Object references are created as general object links using the generic object services z You can use as many objects as you want in a reference

 SAP AG 1999





z Aim:

Automatic creation of customer contacts

by z Pre-assigning certain fields in the customer contact „

Contact class, contact activity


Contact type, contact direction, customer information, additional documents


Business partner and contact person (category, grouping, type, and function category of business partner)

 SAP AG 1999


You can configure the system to automatically create customer contacts by pre-assigning various customer contact fields in Customizing.




Configuration Determination

Call context = Program context + sub-context

z Dependent on calling program z Dependent on user

User group

Configuration User group


Program context

SAPLEC50 ....

SubSub-context Configuration

ABCD ...

001 002 003 .... .... ....

 SAP AG 1999


The fields and screens of customer contacts can be configured to suit individual user groups. Each SAP user must be allocated to a user group. To do this, use parameter CUG (user specifications).


You can also define different configurations for particular programs. To find out in which programs you can do this, see the F4 help. In the example above, a different configuration is used whenever a particular user group uses the move-in function (program SAPLEC50).


If customer contacts are created within front office processes, no entries need to be made in the table. The Configuration parameter is assigned a value by the process data flow.




A Customer Contact for Every Print Activity

IS-U print workbench Text 1

Text 2

Form class

Automatic customer contact for every printout

Application form

All bills

Specific bills only

Customizing  SAP AG 1999


You can configure the system so that a customer contact is created after every print activity. triggered by the IS-U print workbench.


Customizing tables control how customer contacts are created. If a contact is to be created every time the form class is used for notifications, the control parameters must be defined in the form class.




Analysis of Customer Contacts


Method ContactOverview

Account overview

Statistical overview

Contacts for a customer

As additional information

Analysis by:

Can be used in:



Business partner Date z Contact class z Activity




Workflows The CIC

Previous customer contacts can be called from the CIC

 SAP AG 1999


The system gives the agent an up-to-date overview of previous customer contacts in the accounts overview display.


The customer contact overview is provided as a standard front office call.




Customer Contact

Contact Contact is is created created with "End contact" with "End contact" Component: CONTACT_MAINTENANCE

Activate / deactivate deactivate contact contact creation creation

Contact Contact data data

Field Field for for user-defined user-defined text text  SAP AG 1999




Navigation and Application Area: Unit Summary

You are now able to: z Configure the Customizing settings for the

navigation and application area z Name the different information views z Configure and manage customer contacts

 SAP AG 2003




Exercises Unit: Navigation and Application Area Topic: Configuring the Navigation and Application Area and Creating and Evaluating Customer Contacts • Configuring the data environment in the navigation area • Calling a data environment • Creating an IS-U Navigator environment • Integrating the IS-U Navigator environment with a CIC configuration • Processing customer contacts The CIC provides a fast, comprehensive overview of the environment of a specific data object. This chapter will explain how these data environment displays are configured and integrated as calls in the CIC configuration. In addition, the CIC provides various options for creating customer contacts. These options are illustrated below. 1

Components in the navigation and application area 1-1

The navigation and application areas each contain several tab strips that can contain special components like the clipboard, contact processing of the current customer contact, the customer overview, and the data environment. Determine the current instantiation under profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES in your CIC profile, ZPROF0##. Copy this profile to the name ZNAV0## (0##: group number). Write down 1. The selected clipboard component for the navigation area _________________________ and 2. The component in the environment of the navigation area and its profile. _________________________ Copy the latter profile to name ZUMF0## (0##: group number) and change the data environment display of the navigation area such that the business partner is now the entry object in the data structure. Define your profile, ZUMF0##, in the appropriate tab page of your navigation area in profile ZNAV0##. Then change the instantiation of profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES to ZNAV0## in CIC profile ZPROF0##.





Displaying the IS-U data environment The IS-U navigator provides an overview of the environment of a data object (for example, a customer, a connection object, etc.) in IS-U. Display the environment of the connection object for the business partner with the customer number PJ0203A0## (0##: group number). 1-2-1 How do you proceed? ______________________________________________________ 1-2-2 Which devices are installed in the connection object? ______________________________________________________ 1-2-3 Navigate forward and display the bank details that are entered in the business partner. What did you find? Bank details________________________________________ Bank details________________________________________ 1-2-4 How can you determine whether these bank details are used for the direct debit of open receivables in the customer’s account in FI-CA? ______________________________________________________


Creating a navigator configuration You can define data environments for an object (for a business partner, for example) yourself. You define the information you want to see on your list. In this exercise, create a navigator configuration that looks like this: Z_GR0## I____ISUPARTNER Business partner I____ISUACCOUNT IS-U: Contract account I____ISUCONTRCT Utility contract I____BUDBILPLAN Budget billing plan I____INSTLN Utility installation 1-3-1 Create a navigator configuration Create a navigator configuration with the key Z_GR0## (0##: group number) and the entry object Contract account. 1-3-2 Create the hierarchy structure Create the hierarchy structure such that it looks like the diagram above. 1-3-3 Object type attributes Take the validity period into account for the utility installation. Save the navigator configuration.





Integrate the navigator configuration as a call from the data environment of the navigation area. To be able to display the data environment for the contract account from within the CIC, you have to integrate it as a call in the action profile of the data environment in the navigation area. In the previous exercises, you created your own data environment, ZUMF0## (##:group number). Now add this call to the data environment. 1-4-1 Create the call Integrate your navigator configuration as a new transaction under the contract account. Select VKUM as the call ID code and Environment contract account as the description. You must also enter a short text that you would like to see used for this call in the CIC. Select an icon of your choice for the call. The method for this call is DISPLAYENVIRONMENT of object type ISUBUSVIEW. The processing type is now 2 Display/Change. 1-4-2 Define the data flow Define the export data flow for the following fields: Initial object, From-date (today’s date), To-date (today’s date) and Navigator configuration. Use your configuration Z_GR0## (0##: group number) as the navigator configuration. Now define the import data flow. Once the environment has been displayed, the Contract account object should be placed on the clipboard. Insert the relevant objects as target elements in the import data flow and assign them the appropriate values from the call container using F4 help. Save the action profile. 1-4-3 Display the data environment for the contract account From within the CIC, display the data environment for the contract account of business partner PJ0203A0##.



Integrating an HTML page in the customer overview You want to display SAP’s Web site, http://www.sap.com ,in the customer overview of the application area. To do this, create an HTML configuration called ZCUSTINFO0## (##: group number) in the application area and integrate it as a component profile in application area ZNAV0##. Test your changes.




Customer contact Business partner

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Contract account number

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Electricity contract/installation

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Water contract/installation

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number)

Electricity meter

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number) D Double-rate meter

Water meter

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number) Single-rate meter

Move-in document 2-1

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

True or false? 2-1-1 You can only create customer contacts manually. ______________________________________________________ 2-1-2 You can define the customer contacts required by your enterprise in Customizing. ______________________________________________________ 2-1-3 Customer contact management provides the agent with a quick overview of a business partner's previous customer. ______________________________________________________ 2-1-4 The CIC contact contains all the objects related to the business partner that have been saved during the course of processing that business processor – even those that were placed in the clipboard. ______________________________________________________





Creating a customer contact manually A customer calls your utility company and asks for information about her outgoing payment method. The agent displays the customer’s contract account and answers the question. The agent then logs the customer contact with a link to the contract account. This last step is the one you will carry out in this exercise. First, identify the business partner with customer number PJ0203A0### and create a customer contact. You can find the Create contact process in the action box under the Customer call group. To create a customer contact, select the activity Payment information. Select a contact type, and specify the contact as received. You also need to link the contact to the contract account. Attach the customer’s contract account in the form of a BOR object to the contact and create a note with the following text: Customer wishes to pay by direct debit. Save the contact.


Analyzing customer contacts When a customer calls, an agent will often find it helpful to have immediate access to records of previous contacts with the customer. The agent will usually call this information from the CIC. You can access an over view of the customer contacts at various points in the CIC. You will practice calling this in this section. Display all previous customer contacts for business partner PJ0203A0##. 2-3-1 To do this, use the Documents overview in the navigation area. Select the Initial Reporting of a Move-In contact from the list by double-clicking on it. You then branch to the corresponding contact. The move-in document is stored as the object in this contact. Display the move-in document. 2-3-2 You will find the Customer overview in the Information call group. You can also display previous contacts here. Which customer contacts have already occurred?


Creating a customer contact within a business process Many business processes already incorporate the creation of a customer contact. You learn how to define a customer contact as a step in a CIC process in the next exercise. In this exercise, you will create a customer contact as part of a business process. The advantage of process chains like this is that values can be pre-assigned to certain fields in Customizing. Process description: The business partner PJ02030A0## (0##: group number) appears personally in the customer center. She wants to change her budget billing amount because she is expecting lower consumption in the future. The process Change budget billing plan consists of the following steps: Change budget billing plan Create customer contact A customer contact is created in the last step. The customer contact can contain predefined data such as: the contact class, contact activity and business partner.




2-4-1 Start the Change budget billing plan process. Change the budget billing amount of the electricity contract to Euro 100 and the water contract to Euro 120. To do this, use the Change BB amount button in the budget billing plan. 2-4-2 Once you have saved, the screen for creating customer contacts automatically appears. Check that the budget billing plan has already been created as the object link. Change the contact type and save the customer contact. 2-5

CIC contact The CIC contact is a contact that automatically logs all the activities performed in the CIC when a business partner calls. In addition to the business partner, all the objects that are located in the clipboard when the contact is ended are also referenced. Call up the CIC and call up your business partner PJ0203A0## again. Call the customer overview. Copy the electricity contract to the clipboard. Return to the CIC and choose End contact to end the contact. Call the business partner again and navigate to the CIC contact that was just generated. Which object was referenced, and which contact class and contact activity were automatically selected? Where is the proposal for contact class and contact activity maintained for the CIC contact in Customizing?




Solutions Unit:

Navigation and Application Area

Topic: Configuring the Navigation and Application Area and Creating and Evaluating Customer Contacts 1-1

Navigation and Application Area In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center (CIC) → CIC Profiles → Maintain CIC Profiles. The instantiation under profile category DEFAULT_WORKSPACES is ZNAV000. In the SAP Reference IMG, choose SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center → Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Area, select profile ZNAV000 and choose Copy as. Enter profile name ZNAV0## and profile text “Profile group 0##”. Press Enter. The message appears that the entry to be copied has dependent entries. This refers to the allocated components, which you also want to copy. Choose Copy all in the dialog box. A confirmation prompt appears informing you that 6 entries were copied. Choose Confirm and then save your entries. Select the new profile and choose Display areas. Double-click on the third tab page, navigation area clipboard, and you will see the selected component BD_DISPLAY, which controls the clipboard for temporarily saving objects. You can also double-click on the first tab page, environment of the navigation area, to see component NAV_VIEW with profile ZUMF000. In the IMG activity SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center → Define Data Environments for the Navigation Area, copy the ZUMF000 profile to your new ZUMF0## profile. Select this profile and start change mode. You see the business partner as the top node in the structure. Set the Display active flag in the Business Partner Attributes group box and save your profile. In the IMG activity Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Area, save your environment configuration, ZUMF0##, under profile ZNAV0## (navigation area, first tab page). In the last step, save the instantiation of your navigation and application area in the profile attributes of your CIC profile, ZPROF0##. In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center (CIC) → CIC Profiles → Maintain CIC Profiles. The responsible profile category, DEFAULT_WORKSPACES, is given the instantiation ZNAV0##.





Displaying the IS-U data environment 1-2-1 How do you proceed? Enter customer number, PJ0203A0##, in field Business partner in the search criteria and press Enter twice in order to fill the data environment in the navigation area. Position the cursor on the premise and click the alternate mouse button to select the Connection object environment. A list with the data environment for the connection object is displayed. Press the corresponding button to expand the environment. 1-2-2 Which devices are installed in the connection object? You see that the connection object contains an object location in which the following devices have been installed: Device: Device:

PJ0203A0## PJ0203B0##


1-2-3 Navigate forward and display the bank details that are entered in the business partner. What did you find? To branch to the contract partner display, double-click on the Business partner field or on the ID located beside it. Scroll forward to the third tab page, Payment transactions. All the bank details for the business partner are entered there. 1-2-4 How can you determine whether these bank details are used for the direct debit of open receivables in the customer’s account in FI-CA? Display the contract account to see whether these bank details are used (either by navigating forwards from the data environment list, or from the business partner via the Contract accounts button). The first set of bank details is stored in the tab page Payments/Taxes as an incoming payment method and is therefore used for the direct debit of open receivables. 1-3

Creating a navigator configuration 1-3-1 Create a navigator configuration In the SAP Reference IMG, select SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Information → Configure Data Environment Display and enter key Z_GR0## (0##: group number). Choose Create. Select ISUACCOUNT as the initial object and enter Navigator Configuration Group 0## (0##: group number) as the description. (0##: group number). Press Enter to confirm.




1-3-2 Create the hierarchy structure You have selected the contract account as the entry object. This is now displayed against a yellow background. 1. Business partner: Position the cursor on the initial object. Choose Create father to insert the business partner into your list. To do this, choose the element from the structure reader navigation. 2. Utility contract: Position the cursor on the initial object. Choose Create child to insert the utility contract into your list. To do this, choose the element from the BOR navigation. 3. Budget billing plan: Position the cursor on the utility contract. Choose Create child to insert the budget billing plan into your list. To do this, choose the element from the BOR navigation. 4. Utility installation: Position the cursor on the budget billing plan. Choose Create brother to insert the utility installation into your list. To do this, choose the element from the BOR navigation. 1-3-3 Object type attributes Position the cursor on the utility installation and select menu path Edit

→ Choose. A dialog box appears. Mark the With validity checkbox. Confirm your entries with 1-4

(Continue) and then save the entries.

Integrating the navigator configuration as a call from the data environment of the navigation area 1-4-1 In Customizing, select the activity SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center → Define Data Environments for Navigation Area. Use Maintain Action Profile to change action profile ZUMF0## (0##: group number). Expand transaction group 0003 and position the cursor on the transaction under which you want the new call to appear. Choose Transaction (Create transaction). Enter data in the fields of the dialog box as follows: Transaction Call description Call desc. menu Icon name Processing type

VKUM Environment Contract account Environment Caccount use F4 help to select an icon 2

In the call definition, choose type Method and enter ISUBUSVIEW in the Object type field. Enter DISPLAYENVIRONMENT in the Method field. Choose Standard (generated) as the parameter dialog and choose Run in application area if possible in the runtime specifications. © SAP AG



1-4-2 Define the data flow In the export data flow, assign the contract account the following values using the F4 help: Entry object: &NODEOBJECT& From-date DATE in the form YYYYMMDD To-date DATE in the form YYYYMMDD Navigator configuration Z_GR0## In the import data flow, choose New target element to create element CAccount with data type reference Object type ISUACCOUNT. Use the F4 Help to assign the target elements the following value: Contract account &ROOTOBJECT& Go Back to exit the definition of the data flow and save the action profile. 1-4-3 Display the data environment for the contract account Select business partner PJ0203A0## using the search area. Select the contract account in the data environment of the navigation area and click the primary mouse button to select your new call. Expand the entire tree. You see the budget billing plan and the utility installation under the two contracts for the contract account. When you return to the CIC, the contract account is saved in the clipboard of the navigation area. 1-5

Including an HTML page in the customer overview Choose Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center (CIC) → Component Configuration → Application Area → Maintain HTML Configuration of Application Area. Use New entries to create a new entry with the name ZCUSTINFO0## (## = group number). Define the external URL http://www.sap.com and a text label. Activate the stop, navigation, and refresh keys and save your entry. Now include the HTML configuration ZCUSTINFO0## in the application area ZNAV0##. Choose the following IMG activity: SAP Utilities → Customer Service → Customer Interaction Center → Maintain Navigation and Application Area. Define your HTML configuration, ZCUSTINFO0##, with the title Customer Overview in the display area of the first tab page. Recall the CIC. Enter business partner PJ0203A0## in the search criteria and press Enter twice to confirm. SAP’s home page should now appear in the application area.





Customer contact Business partner

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Contract account number

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Electricity contract/installation

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

Water contract/installation

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number)

Electricity meter

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number) Double-rate meter

Water meter

PJ0203B0## (0##: group number) Single-rate meter

Move-in document 2-1

PJ0203A0## (0##: group number)

True or false? 2-1-1 _________________________________________________________ False. Customer contacts are also created automatically. 2-1-2 True 2-1-3 True 2-1-4- True


Enter business partner number PJ0203A0## (0## group number) in the search criteria. You can find the Create contact process in the action box under the Customer call group. Start the process. To create the customer contact, select the Payment information activity from the Information contact class using the F4 input help. In the Contact type field, use the input help to select a contact type. In the Direction field, specify the contact as received. Choose the Business objects tab page. The subscreen for creating object links appears. To create the reference to the contract account, press the Add object button. Once you have selected BOR object Contract account in the dialog box that appears, navigate to the data finder search screen to identify the contract account. Enter business partner PJ0203A0## and press Enter. As the system only finds one contract account, the system automatically inserts this in the table as the object link. At the bottom of the screen there is a notepad in which you can enter text. Save the contact.




2-3 2-3-1 To do this, use the Documents overview in the navigation area and press the Refresh button to refresh the display. Expand the previously saved contacts and select the Initial Reporting of a Move-In contact from the list by doubleclicking on it. You then branch to the corresponding contact. The move-in document is stored as the object in this contact. Display the move-in document. 2-3-2 You can get the customer contacts that have already been created from the display on the documents tab page. 2-4 2-4-1 Identify the customer and display the data environment in the navigation area. You will find the Change Budget Billing Plan process under the Customer call group. Once you have started the Change Budget Billing Plan process, a dialog box for Water appears. Select a line that has not yet been used in a bill. You go automatically to the change mode for the budget billing plan. Press the Change BBamt button. Another dialog box appears in which you can change the sub-budget-billing amount for both the electricity and water contracts. Change the budget billing amount for electricity to Euro 100 and for water to Euro 120. Choose Enter. You return to the initial screen and can see that the budget billing amounts have been changed. Save your entries. You will be asked if you wish to send the customer a letter confirming the change to the budget billing plan. Choose No. 2-4-2 The customer contact appears automatically. Choose the Business objects tab page to navigate to an overview of existing object links. There is already an entry for the budget billing plan here. Enter a different contact type (use the F4 help) in the Contact type field and save the customer contact.





Choose business partner PJ0203A0## again and press Enter to store it in the data environment of the navigation area. Call the Customer overview from call group Information in the action box. Position the cursor on the company code in the contract group box and press the Object to clipboard button. Press (F3) to return to the CIC and make sure that the electricity contract has been copied to the navigation area clipboard. Press the End contact button to end this CIC transaction and then call the same business partner again. In the Documents tab page of the navigation area, double-click to display the last saved CIC contact Activity in Customer Interaction Center The referenced object is the electricity contract with number PJ0203A0##. The contact class is 22 CIC Contact and the contact type is 1 Activity in Customer Interaction Center. You can find this preassignment in the SAP Reference IMG, under Financial Accounting Æ Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Æ Basic Functions Æ Customer Contacts Æ Define Configuration Determination in the Program column, CL_ISU_CONTACT_WORKSPACE======CP. It refers to the configuration CIC_DEF. You define the configuration itself in the SAP Reference IMG, under Financial Accounting Æ Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Æ Basic Functions Æ Customer Contacts Æ Define Configuration Determination.




Front Office Processes

Contents: z Using front office processes z Customizing front office processes z Special methods for modeling complex front office processes

 SAP AG 1999




Front Office Processes: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: z Create front office processes z Use special support methods in front office processes

 SAP SAP AG 1999  AG 2001




Calls (technical) Calls (technical)

z Methods (from the BOR) „ „

Change customer Data environment of connection object


file o r p

z Front office processes „

Change bank details SAP Utilities

z Workflows „ „

Disconnection/reconnection Service connection

z Test runs (CATT procedures) z BDC sessions  SAP AG 2003


Behind every front office call you always find one of the four process categories listed above.


BOR methods: Methods from the Business Object Repository have a significant part to play in integrating business processes into the front office. Methods are also the smallest units with which you can work when configuring front office processes and workflows.


Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT): CATT procedures are not based on BOR methods. A CATT procedure is a record of a specific sequence of R/3 transactions that can be executed and transported in batch input. First, the transactions are executed in their most typical sequence. This sequence is recorded to form a business process. Transactions are always in a fixed linear sequence. CATT procedures should therefore be used as a last resort and only if no BOR methods exist for the transactions and applications you need to integrate in your business process. For a detailed description of how to create CATT procedures, please see the documentation under R/3 library -> Cross-application components -> Computer Aided Test Tool.


Workflows: The definition of workflows is described in detail under R/3 Library -> Basis -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow.


Front office processes: You can model front office processes for use in the IS-U system only. This unit describes the modeling of front office processes in detail.




Business Object Repository (BOR) BOR Object Type BOR objects Customer 10004711 Customer 10004712 Customer 10004713 ...



Methods Change Create Display ...

Key fields Customer number ....

Attributes Name Customer group Address ...

Events Customer created Name changed ...

 SAP AG 1999


The Business Object Repository is the strategic, object-oriented interface with R/3 business functionality.


The BOR is a fundamental prerequisite for configuring and using the front office.


A BOR object type describes the attributes and applications that objects of the same type (customers or contracts, for example) have in common. A BOR object is a specific instance of a BOR object type, as in, for example, customer Smith with customer number 10004711.


A BOR method can be used as a front office call. You can, for example, use the method CREATE with the object type ISUPARTNER to integrate a front office call for creating a customer into the front office. This is a simple example of a front office call. For more complex business processes, you may need several steps - that is, a sequence of several BOR methods.




Call Definition: Method

z Uses the Business Object Repository and a method z To determine whether a BOR is available: „

Press F4 and search for Description or


SWO1 and search the Business Object Repository

Š „

Choose business objects / organizational categories

Display the object type and determine the suitable method


Parameters: Are exported for the transaction

 SAP AG 1999


Accessing the directory of business objects:


Tools --> Business Workflow --> Development --> Business Object Builder


The following information is helpful in determining suitable BORs: y The method should have a dialog, otherwise it will not be displayed. y If the parameters do not contain the information that you want to transfer from the CIC (such as the customer number), then you don't have the right BOR. y BAPIs (characterized by a green dot) are usually not suitable for CIC transactions.




Call Definition: Workflow and Test Procedure

z Workflow „

Define the task type and task ID

z Test procedure (CATT) „

Requirements regarding window size and command field confirmation


Not very effective in the call center environment

 SAP AG 1999




What Is a Front Office Process?

z A sequence of R/3 functions that represent a business process z A process carried out by a front office agent z A process that is dealt with immediately z A process that can trigger background processes (workflows)

 SAP AG 1999


A front office process enables you to model R/3 functions in a pre-defined sequence.


The purpose of a front office process is to model a business process in the system that can be carried out immediately in the front office by an agent in direct contact with a customer.


A front office process can be cancelled at any time.


A front office process can contain a workflow as one of its process steps. In such a case, the workflow is triggered by the front office process, which then proceeds immediately with the next process steps (so it is not necessary to wait for the workflow to be completed).




Front Office Process: Example

Step 1 BOR method


Enter bank details in the business partner

Step 2 BOR method

Step 3 BOR method

Assign bank details in the contract account

Log customer contact

Customer data is stored in the clipboard

Change Bank Data  SAP AG 1999


This slide illustrates a simple example of a front office process. The process Change bank data comprises three process steps. Behind each process step is a method from the Business Object Repository.


In the first process step, the business partner is changed using the method ISUPARTNER EDIT.


In the second process step, the contract account is changed using the method ISUACCOUNT EDIT.


In the third process step, a customer contact is created using the method BCONTACT CREATE.




Front Office Process (Technical)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Front office process


BOR method

z Sequence of process steps from „ „ „ „ „

BOR methods Front office processes Workflows CATT procedures Editor steps

z Used for modeling customer-specific business processes  SAP AG 1999


Customizing for front office processes is a powerful tool which enables you to integrate complex IS-U business processes into the CIC/front office.


A front office process consists of one or more process steps, which can, in turn, consist of other processes.


An editor step is a screen that is generated by the system with fields that are a direct reflection of its defined parameters. An editor process enables you to enter data required by subsequent process steps. You use the data flow to define how the entries made by an agent are processed by the front office process. For the fields in an editor step to be processed further, the subsequent steps have to be able to import the parameters. An example of such a process is Workflow with users/notes, which is supplied as part of the standard IS-U system.




Differences Between Front Office Processes and Workflows

z Front office processes: Chain of processing steps that „

Are usually to be processed immediately


Are carried out by front office agents


Are not logged

z Workflow: Chain of processing steps that „

Are not processed immediately (back office)


Are carried out by different agents and/or departments


Are logged

 SAP AG 1999


The purpose of a front office process is to model a business process in the system that can be carried out immediately in the front office by an agent in direct contact with a customer. A workflow, on the other hand, is used to send tasks to specific agents for processing via the integrated inbox.


Unlike a workflow, a front office process is not a persistent. That means the sequence of a front office process is not written to the database. The progress of a workflow, on the other hand, is stored in the database in the form of a step log.


A front office process can be cancelled at any time. A workflow process must be completed according to its pre-defined end point.


A front office process can contain a workflow as one of its process steps. This means that workflows can be triggered by front office processes. After a workflow has been called, the system resumes the front office process, meaning that the subsequent steps can be processed immediately.




Data Flow of a Front Office Process

CIC data CIC CIC data data flow flow Process container Process Process data data flow flow 1



Process step 1 container

Process step 2 container

Process step 3 container

Import data flow Export data flow

 SAP AG 1999


Just as in SAP Business Workflows, every front office process has its own data container which contains all the data necessary to control the process.


Each process step also has its own container. This is supplied during runtime with data from the process container by the process manager .


The necessary parameters for the process container are pre-defined by the process step interface. These parameters are assigned suitable values via the data flow defined for each process step. Taking the data flow for the call as a whole into account, an import and an export data flow is defined for each individual step.


The values available for use in the import data flow are constants, system fields and data from the process container.




Data Export and Data Import

Bus. object display Service notification



Becker Berlin

Import from transaction to business object display

Export from business object display to transaction

 SAP AG 1999




Action Box Call: Data Flow

z Export data from the business object display to the transaction „

Customer number, contact person, order number

z Export constants to the transaction „

System date, time, user ID, order types, priorities

z Import data from the transaction back to the business object display „

Document numbers, material numbers

z Main object is already known from the call

 SAP AG 1999


The Maintain Data Flow screen is displayed as soon as a new call is created. If the call already exists and you want to update the data flow, position the cursor on the call and click on Data flow.




Data Flow: Clipboard --> Transaction Example: Start an action box call from the clipboard Transaction
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