
July 8, 2016 | Author: MindMajix | Category: Types, Presentations
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MindMajix is proficient in delivering ITIL Training emphasize on hands on experience with examples from real-time scenar...


MindMajix Live ITIL Training

Introduction to ITIL  The Information Information Technology Technology Infrastructur Infrastructure e Library (ITIL) is a set of practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business In its current current form (!nown as ITIL "#$$ edition)% ITIL is published in a series of &ve core volumes% each of which covers an ITSM lifecycle stage ITIL underpins IS'I* "#### (previously +S$,###)% the International Service Management Standard for IT service management% although di-erences between the two framewor!s do exist ITIL describes processes% procedures% tas!s and chec!lists that are not organi.ation/speci&c% used by an organi.ation organi.ation for establishing integration with the organi.ation0s strategy% delivering value and maintaining a minimum level of competency It allows the organi.ation to establish a baseline from which it can plan% implement and measure It is used to demonstrate compliance and to measure improvement

*ourse *urriculum Unit 1: Introduction to service management ntroduction to Service Management Management Lifecycle 2review%2rinciples 2review%2rinciples of IT Service Topics / ntroduction Management 2review%'bjectives%IT Service Management +est 2ractices%2ublic and 2roprietary 2ractices%3nowledge *hec!%Service Introduction%Service ManagementService Management 2ractice%*hallenges in Service Management%+ene&ts of IT Service Management%Sta!eholders in Service Management%Internal and xternal *ustomers%Internal and xternal  xternal Services%2rocess%2rocess Services%2rocess%2rocess *haracteristics%4u *haracteristi cs%4unctions nctions 5elated to Service Management%6ow 2rocesses and 4unctions 4unctions 'perate%5oles in Service Management%57*I Management%57*I Model%Types Model%Types of Service 2roviders%Supplier and *ontracts

Unit 2: Service management lifecycle Management Lifecycle%Interactions in Topics  /  The Service Lifecycle%'bjectives%*omponents of Service Management the Service Lifecycle%5elationship between 8overnance and ITSM

Unit 3: Introduction to Service Strategy Strategy%Introduction to Service Strategy%'bjectives%Service Strategy Topics Service Strategy%Introduction 'verview%Service Strategy 2rocesses%Types of Services%Service Strategy *ustomers and 9sers

Unit 4:

Service Strategy Concepts

Topics  / 'bjectives%Service 9tility and :arranty%Service :arranty%Service 7ssets%3nowledge *hec!%;alue *reation%4actors *reation%4actors that In 2?s of Service =esign%Major 7spects of Service =esign%Service =esign 2ac

Our Live ITIL Training batches batches starts starts every day. day.  You  You can attend a !"O #or #ree

$e %rovide On&ine Trainin' On  TI+*' +: +:  Tableau  Tableau @li!;iew  TI+*' Spot&re Spot&re S7S +I S72 6ybris Selenium 'racle =+7 'racle S'7 'racle 4inancials I'S =evelopment 7ndroid =ata Modeling/ rwin 2erformance Testing S4=* S72 9I, S72 6ana

$e o(ers o(e rs You You 1 .I nt e r a c t i v eLe ar ni ngatLe ar ne r sc o n v eni e nc e 2 .I ndus t r ySa v vyTr a i ne r s  3 . “ Re a l Ti me "Pr a c t i c a l s c e n a r i o s

4 .Le a r nRi g htf r o m Yo urPl a c e 5 .Cus t o mi mi z e dCo ur s eCur r i c ul um 6.24/ 7Se r v e rAc c e s s 7 .Suppo r ta f t e rTr a i ni ngandCe r t i fic a t i o nGui danc e 8 .Re s umePr e p ar a t i o na ndI nt e r v i e wa s s i s t a nc e 9.Re c o r de dv e r s i o no fs e s s i o ns

Than) you  Your  Your #eedbac) is hi'h&y i*portant to i*prove our course *ateria&.

+or +ree e*o %&ease ,ontact IA=I7B CD$/D">EFFF">,% 9SB C$/"#$FGH#,$H% mail idB in#o-*ind*ai/.co* httpBbitly$2wAh53 

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