ITC Company Profile
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1) Intr Intro oduct ductio ion n ITC is one of India's foremost foremost private sector companies with a market capitalisation of nearly US $ 14 billion and a turnover of over US $ 5 billion.* ITC is rated among the World's Best Big Companies, Asia's 'Fab 'Fab 50' 50' and and the the Worl World' d's s Most Most Repu Reputa tabl ble e Comp Compan anie ies s by Forb Forbes es magazine,
Busi Busine ness ssWo Worl rld d and and amon among g Indi India' a's s Most Most Valu Valuab able le Comp Compan anie ies s by Busines ness
Today. ITC ITC ranks among India ndia''s
`10 Most Valuab uable
(Com (Compa pany ny)) Bran Brands ds', ', in a stud study y cond conduc ucte ted d by Bran Brand d Fina Financ nce e and and published by the Economic Times. ITC also ranks among Asia's 50 best performing companies compiled by Business Week. ITC has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards & Spec Specia ialt lty y Pape apers, rs, Packa ackagi ging ng,, Agrigri-Bu Bus sines iness, s, Pack Packag aged ed Foods oods & Confect Confectione ionery, ry, Informa Information tion Technol Technology ogy,, Brande Branded d Apparel, Apparel, Person Personal al Care, Stationery, Safety Matches and other FMCG products. While ITC is an outs outsta tand ndin ing g mark market et lead leader er in its its trad tradit itio iona nall busi busine ness sses es of Cigar Cigaret ette tes, s, Hote Hotels ls,, Pape Paperbo rboar ards, ds, Packa Packagin ging g and and Agri Agri-E -Expo xport rts, s, it is rapi rapidl dly y gain gainin ing g mark market et shar share e even even in its its nasc nascen entt busi busine ness sses es of Packaged Foods & Confectionery, Branded Apparel, Personal Care and Stationery. As one of India's most valuable and respected corporations, ITC is widel widely y perce perceive ived d to be dedica dedicate tedly dly nati nation on-or -orien iente ted. d. Chair Chairma man n Y C Deveshwar Deveshwar calls this source of inspiration "a commitment beyond the market". In his own words: "ITC believes that its aspiration to create enduring value for the nation provides the motive force to sustain
growing shareholder value. ITC practices this philosophy by not only driving each of its businesses towards international competitiveness but by also consciously contributing to enhancing the competitiveness of the larger value chain of which it is a part." ITC's diversified status originates from its corporate strategy aimed at creating multiple drivers of growth anchored on its time-tested core competencies: unmatched distribution reach, superior brand-building capabilities, effective supply chain management and acknowledged servic service e skills skills in hotelie hotelierin ring. g. Over Over time, time, the strate strategic gic forays forays into new busi busine ness sses es are are expe expect cted ed to garn garner er a sign signif ific ican antt shar share e of thes these e emerging high-growth markets in India. ITC's ITC's Agri-Bu Agri-Busine siness ss is one of India's India's largest largest export exporters ers of agricul agricultur tural al products. ITC is one of the country's biggest foreign exchange earners (US (US $ 3.2 3.2 bill billio ion n in the the last last deca decade de). ). The The Comp Compan any' y's s 'e-C 'e-Cho houp upal al'' init initia iati tive ve is enab enabli ling ng Indi Indian an agri agricu cult ltur ure e sign signif ific ican antl tly y enha enhanc nce e its its competitiveness by empowering Indian farmers through the power of the the Inte Intern rnet et.. This This tran transf sfor orma mati tion onal al stra strate tegy gy,, whic which h has has alre alread ady y beco become me the the subj subjec ectt matt matter er of a case case stud study y at Ha Harv rvar ard d Busi Busine ness ss Scho School ol,, is expe expect cted ed to prog progre ress ssiv ivel ely y crea create te for for ITC ITC a huge huge rura rurall distrib distributio ution n infrast infrastruc ructur ture, e, signific significant antly ly enhanci enhancing ng the Company' Company's s marketing reach. ITC's ITC's wholly wholly owned owned Informa Information tion Technolo Technology gy subsidi subsidiary ary,, ITC Infote Infotech ch India India Limit Limited, ed, is aggre aggressi ssive vely ly purs pursuin uing g emerg emerging ing oppo opport rtun unit ities ies in providing end-to-end IT solutions, including e-enabled services and business process outsourcing. ITC's production facilities and hotels have won numerous national and international awards for quality, productivity, safety and environment
manag nageme ement systems. ITC was the first company pany in India to voluntarily seek a corporate governance rating. ITC employs over 25,000 people at more than 60 locations across India. India. The Company Company continuo continuously usly endeavo endeavors rs to enhance enhance its wealth wealth generating capabilities in a globalising environment to consistently reward more than 3,60,000 shareholders, fulfill the aspirations of its stakeholders and meet societal expectations. This over-arching vision of the company is expressively captured in its corporate positioning statement: "Enduring Value. For the nation. For the Shareholder."
ITC ITC was was inco incorp rpor orat ated ed on Augu August st 24, 24, 1910 1910 unde underr the the name name of 'Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited'. Its beginnings were humble. humble. A leased leased office office on Radha Radha Bazar Bazar Lane, Lane, Kolkata Kolkata,, was the centre of the Company's existence. The Company celebrated its 16th birthday on August 24, 1926, by purchasing the plot of land situ situat ated ed at 37, 37, Chow Chowri ring nghe hee, e, (now (now rena rename med d J.L. J.L. Nehr Nehru u Road Road)) Kolkata, for the sum of Rs 310,000. This decision of the Company was historic in more ways than one. It was to mark the beginning of a long and eventful journey into India's future. The Company's headquarter building, 'Virginia House', which came up on that plot of land two years later, would go on to become one of Kolkata's most
prog progre ress ssiv ivel ely y Indi Indian anis ised ed,, and the name name of the Comp Compan any y was was changed to I.T.C. Limited in 1974. In recognition of the Company's multi-business portfolio encompassing a wide range of businesses Cigarettes & Tobacco, Hotels, Information Technology, Packaging, Paper Paperbo boar ards ds & Specia Specialt lty y Pape Papers rs,, Agri Agri-Ex -Expo port rts, s, Foods Foods,, Lifes Lifesty tyle le
Retailing and Greeting Gifting & Stationery - the full stops in the Compan Company's y's name name were were remove removed d effecti effective ve Septembe Septemberr 18, 18, 2001. 2001. The Company now stands rechristened 'ITC 'ITC Limited'. Limited'.
Tho Though ugh the the first first six decad decades es of the the Compa Company ny's 's exis existe tence nce were were prima imarily ily
devoted to the growth
Ciga Cigar rette ettes s
and and
Lea Leaf
Tobac obacco co
and conso nsolida idation ion busi busine ness sses es,,
the the
of the
Seve Sevent ntie ies s
witnessed the beginnings of a corporate transformation that would usher in momentous changes in the life of the Company.
ITC's Packaging & Printing Business was set up in 1925 as a strategic backward integration for ITC's Cigarettes business. It is today India's most sophisticated packaging house.
business with In 1975 1975 the the Comp Compan any y laun launch ched ed its its Hotels business with the the
acqui acquisi siti tion on of a hote hotell in Chenna Chennaii which which was was rechr rechris iste tene ned d 'ITCWelcomgroup Hotel Chola'. The objective of ITC's entry into the
hotels business business was rooted rooted in the concept of creating value for the nation. ITC chose the hotels business for its potential to earn high leve levels ls of fore foreig ign n exch exchang ange, e, crea create te tour tourism ism infra infrast stru ruct ctur ure e and and generate large scale direct and indirect employment. Since then ITC's Hotels business has grown to occupy a position of leadership, with over 100 owned and managed properties spread across India.
In 1979, ITC entered the Paperboards business by promoting ITC Bhadrachalam Bhadrachalam Paperboards Paperboards Limited, which today has become the
amalg amalgam amat ated ed with with the Compa Company ny effec effecti tive ve Marc March h 13, 13, 2002 2002 and and became became a Divisio Division n of the Company Company,, Bhadra Bhadrachal chalam am Paperbo Paperboards ards Divis ivisio ion. n. In Nove Novemb mber er 2002, 002, this his divi divisi sion on merg merged ed wit with the Compa Company ny's 's Tribe Tribeni ni Tissu Tissues es Divi Divisio sion n to form form the the Paper Paperbo board ards s & Spec pecial ialty
Papers ers
Divisi ision.
pape paperrboar oards'
techn chnolog ology y,
productivity, productivity, quality and manufacturing manufacturing processes are comparable comparable
to the best in the world. It has also made an immense contribution contribution to the develop development ment of Sarapak Sarapaka, a, an economi economicall cally y backwar backward d area area in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is directly involved in education, environmental protection and community development. In 2004, ITC ITC acqu acquir ired ed the pape paperb rboa oard rd manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g faci facili litty of BIL BILT Industrial Packaging Co. Ltd (BIPCO), near Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The The Kov Kovai Unit Unit allo allows ws ITC to impr improv ove e cust custom omer er serv servic ice e with with reduced lead time and a wider product range.
n 1985, ITC set up Surya Tobacco Co. in Nepal as an Indo-Nepal and British joint venture. Since inception, its shares have been held by ITC, British American Tobacco and various independent shareholders in Nepal. In August 2002, Surya Tobacco became a subsidiary of ITC Limited and its name was changed to Surya Nepal Private Limited (Surya Nepal).
In 1990, 1990, ITC acquired acquired Tribeni Tribeni Tissues Tissues Limited Limited,, a Specialt Specialty y paper paper manufacturing company and a major supplier of tissue paper to the cigaret cigarette te industr industry. y. The merged merged entity entity was named named the Tribeni Tribeni Tis Tissu sues es Divi Divisi sion on (TTD (TTD). ). To harn harnes ess s stra strate tegi gic c and and oper operat atio iona nall synerg synergies, ies, TTD was merged merged with with the Bhadrac Bhadrachala halam m Paperbo Paperboards ards Division to form the Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division in November 2002.
Also in 1990, leveraging its agri-sourcing competency, ITC set up the Agri Business Division for export export of agri-c agri-commo ommoditi dities. es. The Division is today one of India's largest exporters. ITC's unique and now widely acknowledged e-Choupal initiative began in 2000 with soya soya farm farmer ers s in Madhy Madhya a Prade Pradesh sh.. Now Now it exten extends ds to 10 stat states es covering over 4 million farmers. ITC's first rural mall, christened 'Choupa 'Choupall Saagar' Saagar' was inaugurat inaugurated ed in August August 2004 2004 at Sehore. Sehore. On
the rural retail front, 24 'Choupal Saagars' are now operatonal operatonal in the 3 states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.
In 2000, ITC launched a line of high quality greeting cards under the brand name 'Expressions'. In 2002, the product range was enlar enlarged ged with with the the intro introduc ducti tion on of Gift Gift wrappe wrappers, rs, Autogr Autograph aph books books and Slam Slam books. books. In the same year, ITC also launched 'Expre 'Expressio ssions ns Matru Matrubha bhasha sha'', a vern vernac acu ular lar ran range of gree greetting ing
cards in eight languages and 'Expressions Paperkraft', a range of premium stationery products. In 2003, the company rolled out otebo ooks oks in the schoo chooll station ionery 'Classmate', a range of noteb segment.
ITC also entered the Lifestyle Retailing business with the Wills Sport range of international quality relaxed wear for men and
women in 2000. The Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive stores later expanded its range to include Wills Classic formal wear (2002) and Wills (2003). ). ITC ITC also also initi initiat ated ed a Wills Clublif Clublife e evenin evening g wear wear (2003 foray into the popular segment with its men's wear brand, John Players, in 2002. In 2006, Wills Lifestyle became title partner of
the country's most premier fashion event - Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Fashion Week - that has gained recognition from buyers and
retailers as the single largest B-2-B platform for the Fashion Design industry. To mark the occasion, ITC launched a special 'Celebration Seri Series es', ', taki taking ng the the even eventt forw forwar ard d to cons consum umer ers. s. In 2007 2007,, the the Miss Player Players s'- a fashion brand in the Compa Company ny intro introduc duced ed 'Miss
popular segment for the young woman.
In 2000, ITC spun off its information technology business into a wholly owned subsidiary, ITC Infotech India Limited, to more aggressively pursue emerging opportunities in this area. Today ITC Infotech is one of India’s fastest growing global IT and IT-enabled
services companies and has established itself as a key player in offs offsho hore re outs outsou ourc rcin ing, g, prov provid idin ing g outs outsou ourc rced ed IT solu soluti tion ons s and and services to leading global customers across key focus verticals Manuf Manufac actur turing ing,, BFSI BFSI (Banki (Banking, ng, Finan Financia ciall Serv Service ices s & Insura Insurance nce), ), CPG CPG&R (Con (Consu sume merr Packa ackage ged d Good Goods s & Reta Retail il), ), THT THT (Tra (Trave vel, l, Hospitality and Transportation) and Media & Entertainment.
ITC's foray into the Foods business is an outstanding example of successfully blending multiple internal competencies to create a new driver of business growth. It began in August 2001 with the introduction of 'Kitchens of India' ready-to-eat Indian gourmet dish dishes es.. In 2002 2002,, ITC ITC ente entere red d the the conf confec ecti tion oner ery y and and stap staple les s segments with the launch of the brands mint-o and Candyman confectionery and Aashirvaad atta (wheat flour). 2003 witnessed witnessed the introduction of Sunfeast as the Company entered entered the biscuits segment. ITC's entered the fast growing branded snacks category with Bingo! in 2007. In just seven years, the Foods business has grown to a significant size with over 200 differentiated products under six distinctive brands, with an enviable distribution reach, a rapidly growing market share and a solid market standing.
In 2002, 002, ITC' ITC's s philo hiloso soph phy y of cont contrribut ibutin ing g to enha enhanc ncin ing g the the comp compet etit itiv iven enes ess s of the the enti entire re valu value e chai chain n foun found d yet yet anot anothe herr expr express essio ion n in the the Safety initiative ive.. ITC now market markets s Safety Matches Matches initiat popular safety matches brands like iKno, Mangaldeep, Aim, Aim Mega and Aim Metro.
ITC's foray into the marketing of Agarbattis (incense sticks) in 2003 marked the manifestation of its partnership with the cottage sect sector or.. ITC' ITC's s popu popula larr agar agarba batt ttis is bran brands ds incl includ ude e Spriha and Mangaldeep acro across ss a range range of fragr fragran ance ces s like like Rose, Rose, Jasmi Jasmine, ne,
Bouquet, Sandalwood, Madhur, Sambrani and Nagchampa.
Essenza a Di Wills Wills, an excl ITC introdu introduced ced Essenz exclus usiv ive e range ange of fine fine
fragrances and bath & body care products for men and women in July 2005. Inizio, the signature range under Essenza Di Wills provides provides a comprehensive grooming grooming regimen regimen with distinct lines for men (Inizio Homme) and women (Inizio Femme). Continuin Continuing g wit with its its tradi raditi tion on of brin bringi ging ng worl world d clas class s prod produc ucts ts to Indi Indian an consumers the Company launched 'Fiama Di Wills', a premium range of Shampoos, Shower Gels and Soaps in September, October and December 2007 respectively. respectively. The Company also launched the 'Superia' rang range e of Soap Soaps s and and Sham Shampo poos os in the mass mass-m -mar arke kett segment at select markets in October 2007 and Vivel De Wills & Vivel range of soaps in February and Vivel range of shampoos in
June 2008.
1) Mean Meanin ing g of of Nam Name e
ITC stands for “Imperial Tobacco Company” initially when it was incorporated for the 1 st time time in 1924 1924.. Late Laterr on the the name name has has been changed to “Indian Tobacco Limited” in 1974. After that, in recognition
enco encomp mpas assi sing ng a wide ide rang range e of busi busine ness sses es - Ciga Cigare retttes tes & Tobacco,
Paperb Paperboar oards ds & Specialt Specialty y Papers Papers,, Agri-E Agri-Expo xports rts,, Foods, Foods, Lifesty Lifestyle le Retailing and Greeting Gifting & Stationery - the full stops in the Company's name were removed effective September 18, 2001. The Company now stands rechristened rechristened 'ITC ' ITC Limited'. Limited'. There is no specific meaning meaning of ITC name is given on their website. website. But what
I think is that it is the name given to the company to signify the oper operat atio ion n of the the comp compan any. y. Sinc Since e ITC ITC star starte ted d its its busi busine ness ss in tobacco industry, they have chosen the name to demonstrate their nature of business and what exactly what they want to perform.
Evol Evolut utiion of Name Name
ITC ITC was was inco incorp rpor orat ated ed on Augu August st 24, 24, 1910 1910 unde underr the the name name of 'Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited'. ITC had a humble beginning and in the initial days it used to operate from a leased office office on Radha Radha Baza Bazarr Lane, Lane, Kolka Kolkata ta.. On its its 16th 16th birt birthd hday ay on August 24, 1926, ITC purchased the plot of land situated at 37, Chowringhee, (now renamed J.L. Nehru Road) Kolkata. Two years later later company company's 's headqua headquarte rterr building building,, 'Virgi 'Virginia nia House' House' came on that plot. Progressively the ownership of the company Indianised, and the name of the Company was changed to I.T.C. Limited in 1974 1974.. In recog recogni nitio tion n of the the Compa Company ny's 's multi multi-bu -busi sines ness s port portfo folio lio encompassing a wide range of businesses, the full stops in the Company's name were removed effective September 18, 2001 and the Company was rechristened as 'ITC Limited'.
1)About Logo
The logo basically showing the name of the company i.e. “Imperial Tobacco Company” and later on “Indian Tobacco Company”. Company using the logo to show their company name which is clearly understood from the logo.
ITC ITC is a boar board-m d-man anage aged d prof profes essio siona nall compa company ny,, commi committ tted ed to creating enduring value for the shareholder and for the nation. It has has a rich rich orga organis nisat atio iona nall cult culture ure root rooted ed in its its core core value values s of respect for people and belief in empowerment. Its philosophy of all-round
governance policies and systems. Its main operation is related to tobacc acco indus ndusttry of India dia fro from which ich the com company grab maximum revenue. revenue. Additional Additional to this company has its footprints in other sectors also. Starting from Hotel industry, FMCG foods, Personal
Greetings cards, Pens etc. ITC is one of the top conglomerates of India and the 2nd largest exporter from India. The main strength of ITC is their “Brand value” and “Distribution Channel” which has its reach at all parts of the company.
Product Mix Mix
Fig.: Product Mix of ITC
Cigarettes •
ITC is the market leader in cigarettes in India. With its wide range of invaluable brands, it has a leadership position in every highly ly popu popula lar r port portfo folio lio of segm segmen entt of the the mark market et.. It's It's high brands includes Insignia, India Kings, Classic, Gold Flake, Silk Silk Cut, Cut, Navy Navy Cut, Cut, Scisso Scissors, rs, Capsta Capstan, n, Berkel Berkeley, ey, Bristo Bristoll and Flake.
The Company has been able to build on its leadership position because of its single minded focus on value creation for the consu consume merr thro through ugh signif significa icant nt inve invest stme ment nts s in produ product ct desig design, n, innova innovatio tion, n, manufac manufactur turing ing techno technology logy,, quality quality,, marketi marketing ng and distribution.
All initiatives are therefore worked upon with the intent to fortify market standing in the long term. This in turns aids in designing products which are contemporary and relevant to the changing attitudes and evolving socio economic profile of the country. This strategic focus on the consu nsumer has has paid paid ITC hands ndsome dividends.
ITC's pursuit of international competitiveness is reflected in its initiatives in the overseas markets. In the extremely competitive US market, ITC offers high-quality, value-priced cigarettes and RollRoll-yo your ur-ow -own n solut solutio ions. ns. In West West Asia, Asia, ITC ITC has becom become e a key play player er in the the GCC GCC mark market ets s thro throug ugh h grow growin ing g volu volume mes s of its its brands.
ITC's ITC's cigaret cigarettes tes are produce produced d in its statestate-ofof-the the-art -art factor factories ies at Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Munger, Saharanpur and Kolkata. Kolkata. These factories factories are known for their high levels of quality, contemporary technology and work environment.
FMCG Foods •
ITC made its entry into the branded & packaged Foods business in August 2001 with the launch of the Kitchens of India brand. A more broad-based entry has been made since June 2002 with brand launches in the Confectionery, Staples and Snack Foods segments.
The The packa packaged ged food foods s busine business ss is an idea ideall avenu avenue e to lever leverage age ITC's proven strengths in the areas of hospitality and branded cuisine, cuisine, contem contempor porary ary packagi packaging ng and sourcing sourcing of agricu agricultur ltural al commodities. ITC's world famous restaurants like the Bukhara and the Dum Pukht, nurt urtured by the Company pany''s Hotels els business, demonstrate that ITC has a deep understanding of the Indi Indian an pala palatte and the the expe expert rtis ise e requ requir ired ed to trans ransla late te this his knowledge into delightful dining experiences for the consumer. ITC has stood for quality products for over 98 years to the Indian cons consume umerr and and sever several al of its its brand brands s are are toda today y inter interna nati tion onall ally y benchmarked for quality.
The Foods business carries forward this proud tradition to deliver quali quality ty food food produ product cts s to the the consu consume mer. r. All All produ product cts s of ITC' ITC's s Foods business available in the market today have been crafted base based d on cons consum umer er insi insigh ghts ts deve develo lope ped d thr through ough exte extens nsiv ive e market research. Apart from the current portfolio of products, several new and innovative products are under development in ITC's ITC's statestate-ofof-thethe-art art Product Product Develo Developmen pmentt facilit facility y located located at Bengaluru.
Leadership in the Foods business requires a keen understanding of the supply chain for agricultural produce. ITC has over the last 98 years established a very close business relationship with the farming community in India and is currently in the process of enhancing the Indian farmer's ability to link to global markets, Chou oupa pall init thro through ugh the the e- Ch initia iati tive ve,, and and prod produc uce e the the qual qualit ity y
demanded by its customers. This long-standing relationship is being leveraged in sourcing best quality agricultural produce for ITC's Foods business. •
The Foods business is today represented in 4 categories in the market. These are: Ready To Eat Foods Staples Confectionery Snack Foods
In order to assure consumers of the highest standards of food safe safety ty and and hygi hygien ene, e, ITC ITC is enga engage ged d in assi assist stin ing g outs outsou ourc rced ed manufact manufacture urers rs in implemen implementing ting world-c world-clas lass s hygiene hygiene standa standards rds through through HACCP HACCP certific certificatio ation. n. The unwaver unwavering ing commit commitment ment to interna internatio tionall nally y benchmar benchmarked ked quality quality standar standards ds enabled enabled ITC to rapidly gain market standing in all its 6 brands:
Kitchens of India
Lifestyle Retailing •
ITC’ ITC’s s Lifest Lifestyle yle Reta Retaili iling ng Busin Business ess Divis Divisio ion n has esta establi blishe shed d a nationwide retailing presence through its Wills Lifestyle chain of excl exclus usiv ive e spec specia ialt lty y stor stores es.. Wills ion Wills Lifesty Lifestyle le, the fashion destination, offers a tempting choice of Wills Classic work wear, Wills Sport relaxed wear, Wills Clublife Clublife evening wear, fashion
accessories and Essenza Di Wills – an exclusive range of fine fragrances fragrances and bath & body care products and Fiama Di Wills a range of premium shampoos shampoos and shower gels. Wills Lifestyle has also introduced Wills Signature designer wear, designed by the leading designers of the country. •
With With a disti distinct nctive ive pres presenc ence e acro across ss segme segment nts s at the the prem premium ium John Players Players as a brand that end, ITC has also established John
offers a complete fashion wardrobe to the male youth of today. The The rece recent nt launc launch h of Miss Miss Player Players s with its range of trendy fashion wear for young women has been a successful successful addition to the youthful offering. With its brands, ITC is committed to build a domi domina nant nt pres presen ence ce in the the appa appare rell mark market et thro throug ugh h a robu robust st portfolio of offerings. •
At Wills Lifestyle, customers can browse at leisure, and shop in a relax laxed and plea pleas sing ing atmos mosphere. The use use of spac pace is refr refresh eshing ing,, which which is refl reflect ected ed even even in the the spacio spacious us chan changin ging g
rooms. rooms. Every Every store store offers offers an intern internati ationa onall retaili retailing ng ambienc ambience e with the extensive use of glass, steel and granite, reflecting the most contemporary trends in store design, thereby creating a splendid backdrop for the premium offerings. •
Wills lls Lifes festyle was named Superb erbrand 2009 by the Superbrands Council of India recently. Wills Lifestyle has 'The Most Most Admi Admire red d Ex Excl clus usiv ive e Bran Brand d been been twice twice decla declare red d 'The Retail Chain of the Year' at the Images Fashion Awards in 2001 & 2003 as well as 'Most Admired Fashion Brand of the year - Fashion Forward' in 2009.
Personal Care •
In line with ITC's aspiration to be India's premier FMCG company, recogni recognised sed for its world-c world-clas lass s quality quality and enduring enduring consume consumerr trust, ITC forayed into the Personal Care business in July 2005. In the short period since its entry, ITC has already launched an array of brands, each of which offers a unique and superior value prop proposi ositi tion on to disce discerni rning ng consu consumer mers. s. Ancho Anchore red d on exte extensi nsive ve consu consume merr rese resear arch ch and and prod product uct devel develop opme ment nt,, ITC' ITC's s pers person onal al care
differentiated benefits to quality-seeking consumers. •
'Essenza Di Wills', Wills', ITC' ITC's s Pers Persona onall Care Care port portfo folio lio under under the the 'Essenza 'Fiama Di Wills', 'Vivel Di Wills' 'Vivel UltraPro', 'Vivel' and 'Superia' brands has received encouraging consumer response
and is being progressively extended nationally. •
ITC' ITC's s stat statee-ofof-th thee-ar artt manufa manufact ctur uring ing facili facility ty meet meets s stri stringe ngent nt requ requir irem emen ents ts of hygi hygien ene e practices.
and and
benc benchm hmar arke ked d
manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g the
manufacturing processes have combined to produce distinctly supe superi rior or prod produc ucts ts whic which h rank rank high high on qual qualit ity y and and cons consum umer er appeal. •
Extensive insights gained by ITC through its numerous consumer enga engage geme ment nts s hav have prov provid ided ed the plat platfo form rm for its its R&D R&D and and Product Development teams to develop superior, differentiated products that meet the consumer's stated and innate needs. The produ roduct ct
for formula mulattions ions
use use
inte intern rnat atiional onally ly
reco recog gnise nised d
safe safe
ingredi ingredients ents,, subject subjected ed to the highest highest standar standards ds of safety safety and performance.
Education & Stationary products •
ITC made its entry into the stationery business in the year 2002 with its premium range of notebooks, followed in the year 2003 with the more popular range to augment its offering. Today, ITC continues to blend its core capabilities to market a grow growin ing g rang range e of educ educat atio ion n and and stat statio ione nery ry prod produc ucts ts.. Thes These e capabilities include, a.
Manu Manufa fact ctur urer er of Indi India’ a’s s firs firstt Ozon Ozone e trea treate ted d envi enviro ronm nmen entt frie friend ndly ly Eleme lement ntal al Chlo Chlori rine ne Free Free (ECF (ECF)) pulp, ulp, pape paperr and and paperboard.
Know nowledg ledge e of imag image e proc proces essi sing ng,, prin printi ting ng & garnered from its Packaging & Printing Business.
conv conve ersio rsion n
c. Brand Brand Buil Buildin ding g & Trad Trade e Mark Market eting ing & Dist Distri ribut butio ion n stre strengt ngths hs resident in its FMCG Business. •
ITC’ ITC’s s stat statio ione nery ry Bran Brands ds are are mark market eted ed as “Classmate” and “Paperkraft”, with Classmate addressing the needs of students
executives. •
Classmate - India’s truly largest National brand, reaching
65,000 outlets across the country, has over 300 variants in its
range which comprises notebooks, long books, practical books, drawing books, scrap books, reminder pads etc. •
The Classmate Fun N Learn range of children books targeting pre pre school school learn learner ers, s, compr compris ising ing cate categor gories ies like like Pre Pre Scho School ol Learner, Active Minds and Read Aloud Tales with features
like Wipe n Use again, Trace & Color and Puzzles ensure that a child's first lessons are truly enjoyable. •
Clas Classm smat ate e Inve Invent nto o Geom Geomet etry ry Boxe Boxes, s, laun launch ched ed for for scho school ol
stude student nts s compr comprise ise a worl world-c d-clas lass s preci precisi sion on compa compass ss and and high high quality quality plastic plastic instrume instruments nts coupled coupled with with intere interestin sting g trivia trivia and usef useful ul info inform rmat atio ion, n, to make make geom geomet etry ry more more fasc fascin inat atin ing g for for students. •
Aesthetically Aesthetically designed, designed, Classmate pens offer the consumer a smoother and more comfortable writing experience through use of ergonomic design, reducing the effort required for writing. The init initia iall laun launch ch comp compri rise ses s ball ball pens pens - Classmate Classmate Safari Safari and Clas Classm smat ate e Ilet Ilet - and gel pens - Classm Classmate ate Glider Glider and Classmate Octane.
A new entry to the Classmate portfolio is its range of HB Jet Black pencils. Designed attractively for school kids, the pencils
offe offerr a uniq unique ue adva advant ntag age e of less lesser er lead lead wear wear out out and and thus thus,, “Stay Sharper for Longer”. •
The The Classma Classmate te Notebo Notebook ok range range builds builds in region regional al prefere preferences nces and caters to the requirements of All India & State Education Boards. Every Classmate notebook carries ITC's Corporate Social Responsibility message on its back. For every four Classmate Note Notebo book oks, s, ITC ITC cont contri ribu bute tes s Re. Re. 1 to its its rura rurall deve develo lopm pmen entt initiative that supports, among other projects, primary education in villages.
Classmate Classmate has successfully successfully run the “Classmate Young Author & Artist Contest” for 5 years. The contest is a national level cities s and gettin even eventt going going acro across ss 34 citie getting g partici participati pation on from from 5000 schools.
The Paperkraft range consists of premium stationery with a wide wide varie variety ty for for execu executiv tives es to choos choose e from from.. The asso assort rtmen mentt consi consist sts s of note notepad pads s & mult multii subje subject ct noteb noteboo ooks ks in hard hard,, soft soft covers & multiple binding formats including spirals, wiros etc.
The Paperkraft bran brand d rece recentl ntly y launc launched hed premi premium um busine business ss paper – an environment friendly multipurpose paper for office and
Bhadrachalam unit using a pioneering technology, called “Ozone Treat reated ed
Elem lementa entall
Chl Chlorin orine e
Free ree
tech techno nollogy ogy” .
business paper is the whitest and brightest 75 & 70 GSM papers manufactured in India and provides consumers an opportunity to “Go Green”.
Safety Matches •
As part of its strategic initiative to create multiple drivers of growth in the FMCG sector, ITC commenced marketing safety matc matche hes s sour source ced d from from the the smal smalll-sc scal ale e sect sector or.. The The Matc Matche hes s business leverages the core strengths of ITC in marketing and dist distri ribu buti tion on,, bran brand d buil buildi ding ng,, supp supply ly chai chain n mana manage geme ment nt and and paperboard & packaging to offer Indian consumers high quality safety matches.
ITC’s range of Safety matches include popular brands like i Kno, Mangaldeep, Aim, Aim Mega and Aim Metro. With differentiated product features and innovative value additions, these brands
effectively address the needs of different consumer segments. The Aim brand is the largest selling brand of Safety Matches in Indi India. a. ITC ITC also also expo export rts s regul regular ar and and prem premium ium safe safety ty matc matches hes brands to markets such as Middle East, Africa and the USA. The succ success essful ful acqui acquisi siti tion on of Wimc Wimco o Ltd. Ltd. by Russe Russell ll Credi Creditt Ltd. Ltd.,, a wholl wholly y owne owned d subsi subsidia diary ry of ITC ITC has cons consol olida idate ted d the marke markett standing of the Company's Matches business through synergy bene benefi fitts
deri derive ved d
thro throug ugh h
combi ombine ned d
port portfo foli lio o
of offe offeri ring ngs, s,
improved servicing of proximal markets and freight optimization. Through
competitiveness of the small and medium scale sectors through its its
comp comple leme ment ntar ary y
R&D base based d
prod produc uctt
deve develo lopm pmen entt
and and
marketing strengths, especially the breadth and depth of the Company's trade marketing and distribution.
Agarb ga rbat atti tis s •
As part of ITC's business strategy of creating multiple drivers of growth in the FMCG sector, the Company commenced marketing Agarbattis Agarbattis (incense sticks) sourced sourced from small-scale and cottage cottage units in 2003. This business leverages the core strengths of ITC in nation-wide distribution and marketing, brand building, supply chain chain managem management, ent, manufac manufactur ture e of high quality quality paperboa paperboards rds and the creation of innovative packaging solutions to offer Indian consumers high quality Agarbattis. With its participation in the business, ITC aims to enhance the competitiveness of the small and and medi medium um scal scale e sect sector ors s thro throug ugh h its its comp comple leme ment ntar ary y R&D R&D
based product development and strengths in trade marketing and distribution. •
Manga angald ldee eep p Aga Agarbat rbatti tis s are are avai availa labl ble e in a wide wide rang range e of fragra fragrances nces like Rose, Rose, Jasmine, Jasmine, Bouquet Bouquet,, Sandalw Sandalwood ood,, Madhur Madhur,, Durbar, Tarangini, Anushri, Ananth and Mogra.
Mangaldeep Yantra is a spec specia iall offe offeri ring ng from from ITC ITC and and this this
specially created fragrance evokes the ambience of a temple. The The prem premiu ium m rang range e from from ITC, ITC, Mangaldeep Spriha has has two two offerings, Pratiti and Sarvatra and are specially hand rolled by Cottage Cottage Industries, Industries, Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo Ashram, Ashram, Puducherry. Puducherry. Cottage Industr Industries ies,, Puducher Puducherry, ry, has recently recently been accredi accredited ted with with IFAT IFAT certification, which is an internationally recognized benchmark for fair trade practices. •
Mangaldeep is also available in 3-in-1 and 5-in-1 packs giving the cons consum umer er a choi choice ce of mult multip iple le frag fragra ranc nces es in a sing single le pack pack.. Mang Mangal alde deep ep appe appeal als s to a cros crosss-se sect ctio ion n of cons consum umer ers s with with offerings offerings at various price points. points. These agarbattis agarbattis are available in innovative 'Fragrance-Locked' packaging. 'Fragrance locking' is a unique concept of packaging which retains the fragrance for a longer period and helps in "Completing the Purity of Prayer". Mangaldeep is fast emerging as the only national brand in an industry dominated by multiple local brands.
In line with ITC's Triple Bottom Line philosophy of every business contributing to the nation's economic, environmental and social capital, capital, Mangaldeep Mangaldeep agarbattis are manufactured manufactured by small scale and cottag cottage e units, units, providi providing ng liveliho livelihood od opport opportunit unities ies for more more than han 5000 000 peop people le.. Seve Seven n out out of 10 Manga angald ldee eep p Agar Agarba batt ttii manufac manufactur turing ing units units are ISO 9000 9000 certifie certified. d. Mangald Mangaldeep eep ASHA ASHA (Assist (Assistanc ance e in Social Social Habilit Habilitati ation on through through Agarbat Agarbattis tis)) is an ITC
initiative to improve the quality of raw agarbatti production and provid provide e better better value value realiza realization tion for women women roller rollers. s. Under Under the project, ITC has extended support to NGOs in states and like Bihar, Bihar, Tripura, Tripura, Tamil Tamil Nadu, Nadu, who are setting setting up agarba agarbatti tti units, training village women in rolling agarbattis and employing them in these units. Expressions Aromatic Candles ○
Leve Leverragin aging g its its deep deep cons consum umer er insi insigh ghtt, ITC' TC's Agar Agarba batt ttii busi busine ness ss
rece recent ntly ly
laun launch ched ed
"Expre "Expressi ssions ons" "
Premiu Premium m
India a throu hroug gh Will Wills s Rang Ra nge e of Arom Aromat atic ic Cand Candle les s in Indi Lifestyle Stores. Research on usage and attitude reveals a stro strong ng link linkag age e of cand candle les s to attr attrib ibut utes es like ike Roma Romanc nce, e, Decoration and Wellness (Aromatherapy). ○
The The Expr Expres essi sion ons s rang range e of Arom Aromat atic ic cand candle les s comp compri rise ses s Amo mour ur - the Ro Roma manc nce e Serie eries, s, Ador Adora a - the Deco Decor r Seri Series es and and Nirv Nirvan ana a - the the Spa Spa Seri Series es.. The The basi basis s of
segmentation is colour and fragrance - Red for romance, Purple for décor and Green for wellness. The fragrance of the candles have been specially selected are made from the the fine finest st perf perfum umes es and and oils oils.. Each Each cand candle le's 's frag fragra ranc nce, e, shape hape and and desi design gn are are care carefu full lly y chos chosen en wit with a dist distiinct nct sensation
Expressions Expressions Aromatic Candles promise to soothe, soothe, uplift and transform.
Hotels •
ITC entered the hotels business in 1975 with the acquisition of a hotel in Chennai, which was then rechristened ITC Chola. Since then the ITC-Welcomgroup brand has become synonymous with India dian hospit pitalit ality y. With ith over 100 hot hotels in more ore than 80 dest destin inat atio ions ns,,
ITC ITC-Wel -Welco comg mgro roup up has has
set set
new new
stan standa dard rds s
exce excelle llence nce in the the hote hotell indus industr try y in Acco Accomm mmod odat ation ion,, Cuisi Cuisine ne,, Environment and Guest Safety. ITC's Hotels business is one of India's finest and fastest growing hospitality chains. ITC Hotels' comm commit itme ment nt
deli delive veri ring ng
glob global ally ly
benc benchm hmar arke ked d
serv servic ices es,,
embedded in a culture deeply rooted in India's rich tradition of hospitality, gives it a unique and distinct identity.
A leader in the premium hospitality segment, ITC Hotels have had the privilege of hosting world leaders, Heads of State and discerning guests from across the world and within.
ITC-We ITC-Welcom lcomgro group up pioneere pioneered d the holisti holistic c concept concept of 'brande 'branded d accommodation' in the hospitality industry. It was the first to laun launch ch the idea idea of a 'Hote Hotell withi ithin n a Hote Hotel' l' by segm segmen entting, ing, customizing and branding hotel services like 'ITC One', 'Towers' and and the 'Exe 'Execut cutive ive Club' Club'.. Each Each of these these cate caters rs to specia specializ lized ed needs of the global business traveller with unmatched quality and a range of custom-made services.
ITC-We ITC-Welcom lcomgro group up was the first first to introd introduce uce brande anded d
cuisi uisine ne..
Its Its
restau staurrants nts
Bukha khara,
Daksh Dakshin in and and DumP DumPukh ukhtt are are toda today y powe powerf rful ul cuisine brands. ITC-Welcomgroup also showcases international cuisine in its specialty restaurants West View and Pan Asian.
ITC ITC has has stra strate tegic gicall ally y custo customi mize zed d its its hote hotels ls and and appro appropri priat atel ely y catego categoriz rized ed them them to fulfill fulfill the service service and budgeta budgetary ry needs needs of travellers. ITC-Welcomgroup has an exclusive tie-up with global part partne nerr Star Starwo wood od for for its its top top of the the line line prem premiu ium m bran brand, d, the the 'Luxury Collection'. ITC Hotels was also instrumental in bringing the the 'She 'Sherat raton' on' bran brand d to India India,, with with which which it enjoy enjoyed ed a thre threeedecade exclusive partnership.
ITC-Welcomgroup's properties are classified under four distinct brands: ITC Hotels - Luxury Collection •
In 2007 2007,, ITC-W ITC-Welc elcom omgro group up enter entered ed a new new phas phase e in its its coll collab abor orat atio ion n with with Starwood
Welcomgroup now has an exclusive tieup
Starwood brand,
India a. Thes These e are super uper delu deluxe xe and and premi remium um Collection', to Indi hotels located at strategic business and leisure locations. The seven hotels which are part of this collection are: ITC Maurya in Delhi, ITC Maratha in Mumbai, ITC Sonar in Kolkata, ITC Grand Centr Central al in Mumba Mumbai, i, ITC ITC Winds Windsor or in Beng Bengalu aluru ru,, ITC ITC Kakat Kakatiy iya a in Hyderabad and ITC Mughal in Agra. •
WelcomHotels offer five-star hospitality
for for the the discer discernin ning g busin business ess and and leisu leisure re trave ravell ller er.. hotels
Curre urrent ntly ly under
Welcom WelcomHot Hotel el
there here
this Rama Rama
are are
Inter Internat nation ional al
WelcomHot Hotel el Vadoda Vadodara ra and Welcom WelcomHot Hotel el Aurangabad, Welcom Gran Grand d Bay Bay Vishakhapatnam. Four other other ITC-Wel ITC-Welcomg comgroup roup
Rajpu jputana
Shera Sheraton ton Chola Chola Hotel Hotel Chenna Chennaii and Shera Sheraton ton New Delhi Delhi
offer warm, comforting services to the global traveller and a chance to connect.
Fort Fo rtun une e
Hote Hotels ls
prop proper erti ties es all all
offer fer
full ull
service ice
over over Indi India, a, incl includ udin ing g
smaller towns and cities, ideal for the budget traveller. Fortune Hotels have a
T Thir hiruva uvana nant nthap hapur uram am,, Calic Calicut ut,, Darje Darjeeli eling, ng, Jamsh Jamshedp edpur ur,, Vapi, Vapi, Hyde Hydera rabad bad,, Gurg Gurgao aon, n, Indor Indore, e, Oota Ootacam camun und, d, Madu Madura rai, i, Jodhpu Jodhpur, r, Vijayw Vijaywada ada,, Chennai, Chennai, Visakha Visakhapat patnam nam,, Mahaba Mahabalipu lipuram ram,, Kolkata Kolkata,, Bengalu Bengaluru, ru, Navi Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, Tirupat Tirupatii and Port Port Blair, Blair, while while severa severall more hotels are expected to be commissioned soon in other key locations in India. •
WelcomHeritage brin brings gs toge togeth ther er a
chai chain n of pala palace ces, s, fort forts s, have haveli lis s and resorts that offer a unique experience. Welco elcomH mHer erit itag age e
ende endeav avou ours rs
preserve ancient royal homes and the historical Indian grandeur and opulence for the future future Indian Indian generat generation ions. s. WelcomH WelcomHerit eritage age provid provides es a fine range of hotel services inside these architectural legacies present present in Rajasth Rajasthan, an, Madhya Madhya Prades Pradesh, h, Uttara Uttarakhan khand, d, Himachal Himachal Prad Prades esh, h, Jamm Jammu u & Kash Kashmi mir, r, West West Beng Bengal al,, Karn Karnat atak aka, a, Tami Tamill Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Assam, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharastra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry. •
Welcom Environment
ITC-Welcomgroup's vision for a green world. WelcomEnviron is ITC-Welcomgroup's It's It's a multimulti-fac facet eted ed prog progra ramme mme star starte ted d in order order to propa propagat gate e envi enviro ronm nment ental al cause causes s in the the cities cities wher where e ITC-W ITC-Welc elcomg omgro roup' up's s hotels are located. With the guiding principle of 'Reduce, Reuse and
encompa encompassin ssing g local local partici participat pation, ion, creati creating ng awarene awareness ss among among employees and internal conservation. ITC Green Centre •
The The ITC Green Centre Centre in Gurgaon Gurgaon,, the headquarters of ITC's Hotels Business is
comm commit itme ment nt Ecolog Ecologica ical, l,
sust sustai aina nabi bili lity ty
Social Social and
This building is one of the world's largest green buildings with space of over 170,000 square feet and the first non-commercial complex in the country to be awarded the United States Green Buil Buildi ding ng
Coun Counci cill-Le Lead ader ersh ship ip
Energ nergy y
and and
Envi Envirronme onment ntal al
Desi Design gn's 's (USG (USGBC BC-L -LEE EED) D) plat platin inum um rati rating ng - the the high highes estt in the the order. •
At ITC ITC Gree Green n Cent Centre re,, energ energy y cons consump umptio tion n has has been been reduc reduced ed significantly through design integration. The building has been designed to maximize the effect of natural light during daytime, largely eliminating the need for artificial ones. At the same time, the the windo window w glass glass,, while while allow allowin ing g light light insid inside, e, does does not allow allow heat. This not only keeps the office cool from inside during the day, but also decreases the load on air-conditioners. Again, there
is minim minimum um exter exterio iorr light lighting ing to limit limit night night sky pollu polluti tion on.. The wate waterr cons consum umpt ptio ion n has has drop droppe ped d by 40 per per cent cent and, and, with with a zero wate water r water ater re-c re-cy yclin cling g plan plantt, the buil buildi ding ng is now now a zero discharge building. •
ITC Welcomgroup - Empowering Differently-abled people
ITCITC-We Welc lcom omgr grou oup p has has esta establ blis ishe hed d that that if prov provid ided ed with with an opportunity to work and become self-sufficient, people who are differe differentl ntly y abled abled can signific significant antly ly contri contribut bute e to the workpl workplace, ace, famil families ies and and the the commu communit nity. y. ITCITC-We Welco lcomgr mgroup oup has has taken taken a posi positi tive ve step step in this this dire direct ctio ion n by empl employ oyin ing g peop people le who who are are differe differentl ntly y abled abled across across its hotels hotels.. ITC-We ITC-Welcom lcomgro group up believe believes s that everyone should be treated with sensitivity and empathy. The models els it has created have bee been effect ective and have succeeded in sensitising other employees to the needs of those differently-abled. Keeping in mind their specific skills, over 100 differe differentl ntly y abled abled have have been employe employed d in divers diverse e functio functions ns like hous houseke ekeepi eping, ng, telew telewor orkin king, g, baker bakery y and and as music musicia ians. ns. Speci Special al badges for the visually impaired, whistles for hearing impaired employees to use in an emergency and sign language classes for the staff to communicate with them are just a few examples of how ITC-Welcomgroup has created an atmosphere of sensitivity and caring.
Paperboard and Speciality papers ITC’s Paperboards Paperboards and Specialty Specialty Papers Division is India’s largest and most technologically advanced paper and paperboards business. ITC cate caters rs to a wide wide spect spectru rum m of packa packagin ging, g, graph graphic ic,, commu communic nicat atio ion, n, writing, printing and specialty paper requirements through its four world-cl d-cla ass
mills lls
India dia.
pio pioneered
man many
spec pecial iality
applications like cigarette tissues, packaging boards, aseptic cartons and gypsum liners, ITC’s Paperboards and Specialty papers business enjoys market leadership in the value-added paperboards segment, and also has a significant share of the Indian paperboards market. It is also the largest Indian exporter of coated boards.
Packaging the coun countr try' y's s larg larges estt ITC' ITC's s Pack Packag agiing & Prin Printi ting ng Busi Busine ness ss is the convertor of paperboard into packaging. It converts over 50,000
tonnes of paper and paperboard per annum into a variety of valueadded dded pack packag agin ing g sol solutio utions ns for for the the food food & beve beverrage, age, pers person onal al products, cigarette, liquor, cellular phone and IT packaging industries. It has also entered the Flexibles and Corrugated Cartons business. The The Divi Divisi sion on,, whic which h was was set set up in 1925 1925 as a stra strate tegi gic c back backwa ward rd inte integr grat atio ion n for for ITC' ITC's s Ciga Cigare rett ttes es busi busine ness ss,, is toda today y Indi India' a's s most most sophist sophisticat icated ed packagin packaging g house. house. StateState-of-t of-the-a he-art rt technol technology ogy,, worldworldclass quality and a highly skilled and dedicated team have combined to position ITC as the first-choice supplier of high value added packaging.
The The Divi Divisi sion on supp suppli lies es valu valuee-ad adde ded d pack packag agin ing g to the the Comp Compan any' y's s Cigarettes business. Its client list includes several well-known national and international international companies companies like British American Tobacco, Philip Morri orris s
Inter nterna nati tion ona al,
Surya urya
Nep Nepal
Priv Priva ate
Limi Limite ted, d,
Industrie Industries, s, UB Group, Group, Nokia, Nokia, Flextronics Flextronics,, Foxconn, Foxconn, FMC India Pvt Pvt Ltd. Ltd.,, Pern Pernod od Rica Ricard rd,, Allie Allied d Dome Domecq cq,, Whyt Whyte e & Mack Mackay ay,, Hind Hindus usta tan n Leve Lever, r, Tata Tata Tetl Tetley ey,, Nest Nestle le and and Re Reck ckit ittt Benk Benkis iser er India Limited, etc. With With all all the the thre three e fact factor orie ies s at Tiru Tiruvo vott ttiy iyur ur near near Chen Chenna nai, i, Munger in Bihar and Haridwar in Uttarakhand certified to ISO
9001 001, ISO ISO 1400 14001 1 and OHSAS HSAS 1800 18001 1, the Compan pany offers a
comprehensive product range in packaging: Flip Flip-t -top op boxe boxes s
Disp Displa lay y oute outers rs
Shel Shells ls and and Slid Slides es
Soft So ft cup cup
and strap Labels Bundle Bundle Wraps Wraps
Flap Flap boxes boxes
Inner Inner Frames Frames
Coupon Coupon Inser Inserts ts
Folding Cartons Fluted Fluted Carton Cartons s
Should Shoulder er Boxe Boxes s
Pre-pr Pre-print inted ed cork cork tippin tipping g
Flexibles Packaging
ITC occupies a leadership position in cigarette and liquor packaging in India. It supplies packaging to cover 70 billion cigarettes a year domestically, domestically, and supplies packaging for 15 billion cigarette sticks a year for the export market. It is the largest supplier of liquor mono cartons in the country. ITC has enhanced the value of some of the most favoured brands with superior look-and-feel packaging, using the best raw materials and process combinations, and an in-house pre-press Design Centre. A Product Introduction Process team pioneers packaging innovations. The The team team uses uses a uniq unique ue proc proces ess s to pilo pilott the the clie client nt's 's pack packag agin ing g through its manufacturing system. Specifications are evolved based on clients' needs. Corresponding to the specifications, a variety of packaging solutions is then generated. The efficacy of the packaging is tested simulating the client's factory conditions.
E- Chau ha upal ITC's pre-eminent position as one of India's leading corporates in the agricultural
part partne nersh rships ips,, that that has has revo revolut lutio ioniz nized ed and and trans transfo form rmed ed the the rura rurall agri agricul cultu tura rall secto sector. r. A unique unique rura rurall digit digital al infra infrast stru ruct cture ure netwo network rk,, coup couple led d with with deep deep unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g of agri agricu cult ltur ural al prac practi tice ces s and and intensive research, has built a competitive and efficient supply chain that creates and delivers immense value across the agricultural value chain. One of the largest exporters exporters of agri products from the country, ITC sources the finest of Indian Feed Ingredients, Food Grains, Edible Nuts, Marine Products, Processed Fruits, Coffee & Spices. ITC' ITC's s Agri Agri Busi Busine ness ss Divis Division ion is the the coun countr try' y's s seco second nd larg larges estt
exporter of agri-products with exports of over Rs. Rs. 1000 1000 Cror Crores es (Rs. 10 billion). Its domestic sales of agri-products are in excess of Rs. 1500 Crores (Rs. 15 billion). It currently focuses on exports of: •
Feed Ingredients - Soyameal
• Food Grains Grains - Rice (Basmati & Non Basmati), Wheat,
Pulses • Edible Nuts - Sesame Seeds, HPS Groundnuts, Castor oil • Marine Marine Produ Products cts - Shrimps and Prawns Fruit Pure urees/Conce ncentr ntrates, • Proc Proces esse sed d Fruit uits IQF/Frozen Fruits, Organic Fruit Products, Fresh Fruits • Coffee & Spices - Coff Coffee ee,, Blac Black k Peppe epperr, Chil Chilly ly,, •
Turmeric, Ginger, Celery and other Seed Spices Farmer empowerment through e-Choupals
ITC's unique strength in this business is the extensive backward linkages it has esta establ blis ishe hed d networking
with with the the with
farm farmer ers. s. This This the
community has enabled ITC to build a highly ghly system.
cos cost ITC
effec fective has
procuremen ment
investments in web-enabling the Indian
farm farmer. er. Chris Christe tened ned 'e-Choupal', ITC' ITC's s empo empowe werm rmen entt plan plan for for the the farmer centres around providing Internet kiosks in villages. Farmers use this technology infrastructure to access on-line information from ITC's farmer-friendly website Data accessed by the farmers relate to the weather, crop conditions, best practices in farm farmin ing, g, ruli ruling ng inte intern rnat atio iona nall pric prices es and and a host host of othe otherr rele releva vant nt information. e-Choupal toda today y is the the worl world' d's s larg larges estt rura rurall digi digita tall infrastructure. The unique e-Choupal model creates a significant two-way multidimensional channel which can efficiently carry products and services into into and and out of rura rurall India India,, while while recov recover ering ing the the asso associa ciate ted d cost costs s through through agri-so agri-sourc urcing ing led efficien efficiencies cies.. This This initiati initiative ve now compris comprises es about 6200 installations covering nearly 40,000 villages and ser servin ving over over 4 mill millio ion n farm farmer ers. s. Curr Current ently ly,, the the 'e-Choupal' website provi provides des infor informa matio tion n to farm farmer ers s acro across ss the the 10 State States s of
Madhya Madhya Pradesh Pradesh,, Haryana Haryana,, Uttarak Uttarakhand hand,, Uttar Uttar Pradesh Pradesh,, Rajast Rajasthan, han, Karnat Karnataka aka,, Mahara Maharashtr shtra, a, Andhra Andhra Pradesh Pradesh,, Kerala Kerala and Tamil Tamil Nadu. Nadu. Over the next 5 years it is ITC's Vision to create a network of 20,000 e-Cho -Choup upal als, s,
ther thereb eby y
exte extend ndin ing g
cove covera rage ge
100, 100,0 000
vill villag ages es
representing one sixth of rural India. Suppo Support rting ing the the e-Ch e-Choup oupal al netwo network rk are are ITC' ITC's s procu procure reme ment nt team teams, s, handl handling ing agent agents s and and cont contemp empor orar ary y ware warehou housi sing ng facil facilit ities ies acro across ss Indi India, a, enab enabli ling ng its its
Agri gri
Busi Busine ness ss to sou source rce
iden identi tity ty-p -pre rese serv rved ed
merchandise even at short notice. ITC's processors are handpicked, relia reliable ble high high qualit quality y outfit outfits s who who ensur ensure e hygie hygienic nic proc process essing ing and and modern packaging. packaging. Strict quality quality control control is exercised exercised at each stage to pres preser erve ve the the natu natura rall flav flavou our, r, tast taste e and and arom aroma a of the the vari various ous agri agri products.
Choupal Saagar
Following the success of the e-Choupal, the
Saagar, a physical infrastructure hub
that comprises collection and storage facilities
a that
unique offers
rural multiple
services under one roof. This landmark infrastructure, which has set new new benc benchm hmar arks ks for for rura rurall cons consum umer ers s also also inco incorp rpor orat ates es farm farmer er faci facili lita tati tion on cent centre res s with with serv servic ices es such such as sour sourci cing ng,, trai traini ning ng,, soil soil testin testing, g, health health clinic, clinic, cafete cafeteria, ria, banking, banking, investm investment ent services services,, fuel station etc. 24 'Choupal Saagars' have commenced operations in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. ITC is engaged in scaling up the rural retailing initiative to establish a chain of 100 Choupal Saagars in the near future. Choupal Fresh Choupal Fresh, ITC's fresh food wholesale
and retail initiative, leverages its extensive backward linkages with farmers and supply chain chain effic efficien iencie cies. s. It focus focuses es on stoc stockin king g fresh horticulture produce like fresh fruits and vegetab vegetables. les. Thre Three e Chou Choupa pall Fres Fresh h Cash & Carry Stores and Six Choupa Choupall Fresh Fresh retail retail stores stores are
currently operational at Hyderabad. The company has also set up a complete cold chain for ensuring the availability of fresh products in the market, besides directly sourcing farm fresh produce from the farmers. •
Choupal Pradarshan Khet
In line with its mission of improving the quality of life in rural India, ITC's Agri
flag lagship
ext extensi nsion
progra gramme
called 'Choupal Pradarshan Khet' (CPK) or demo demons nstr trat atio ion n plot plots s to
productivity by adopting agricultural best practices. Started in 200506, 06, the the crop crop port portfo foli lio o incl includ udes es soya soya,, padd paddy, y, cott cotton on,, maiz maize, e, bajr bajra, a, whea wheat, t, gram gram,, must mustar ard, d, sunf sunflow lower er and and pota potato to.. This This initi initiat ative ive,, has has cove covere red d over over 70,0 70,000 00 hect hectar ares es and and has has a mult multip ipli lier er impa impact ct and and reaches out to 1.6 million farmers. Processed Fruits
In line with its strategy of achieving a higher order of value capture, the the busi busine ness ss also also focu focuse ses s on the the valu value e adde added d segm segmen ent, t, stea steadi dily ly enhancing its basket of offerings with several new products. These includ include e frozen frozen foo foods, ds, IQF IQF (indiv (individu iduall ally y quick quick frozen frozen)) fruits fruits,, nich niche e prod produc ucts ts like like baby baby-fo -food od qual qualit ity y pure purees es and and high high brix brix pulp and organic purees. ITC seeks to focus on this segment and
exploit the market opportunity for tropical fruits and fruit products, where India has a natural advantage of growing the complete range, including exotic varieties. In Processed Fruits category, ITC exports from HACCP certified plants to Western Europe, North Africa, West Asia Asia,, Japa Japan n and and Nort North h Amer Americ ica, a, a wide wide rang range e of Proc Proces esse sed d Frui Fruitt prod product ucts s made made from from Mango Mango (Alph (Alphon onso, so, Kesa Kesarr & Tota Totapu puri) ri),, Guav Guava, a, Papa Papaya ya and and Pome Pomegr gran anat ate. e. ITC ITC is the the lead leadin ing g Indi Indian an expo export rter er of Organic Fruit Products certified to European (EC 2092/91) and US (NOP) Standards.
Fresh esh Table Grapes pes & Pomegrana anates are sourced ced from ITC's EURE EUREPGA PGAP P cert certifi ified ed farm farmer er grou groups ps & reta retaile iled d thro throug ugh h prom promine inent nt supermarkets supermarkets like Sainsbury's and Albert Heijn in Europe and Daiei in Japan. Marine Products
ITC has been a significant exporter of seafood from India since 1971. It exports frozen as well as cooked shrimps and other seafood products to Japan, USA and Europe. Gold Ribbon Ribbon,, Blue Blue Ribbon Ribbon,, Aqua Aqua Its well-kno well-known wn brands brands include include Gold Kings, Aqua Bay, Aqua Feast and Peninsular.
A customer centric approach
ITC's ITC's Agri Agri Busines Business s Divisio Division n continu continues es to use innovat innovation ion as its core strategy to retain its position as the one-stop shop for sourcing agricomm commod odit itie ies s from from Indi India. a. Besi Beside des s sett settin ing g benc benchm hmar arks ks in qual qualit ity, y, reliability and value-added services, ITC is a trendsetter in customer care care parti particul cular arly ly in comm commodi odity ty trad trading ing.. Major Major customers include Cargill, Cargill, Marubeni, Marubeni, Toepfer Toepfer, among others, who source agriculture
commodities and food products from India. Customers can log onto,, and readily access information on crop production and and fore forecas cast, t, marke markett updat updates es,, the the latest latest shipme shipment nt stat status us and and the the prevailing foreign exchange rates. Sourcing for ITC
ITC's ITC's Agri Agri business business is progre progressiv ssively ely aligning aligning its commodi commodity ty portfo portfolio lio with the sourcing needs of the Company's Foods business to generate highe higherr order order value value from from its its agri agri procu procure remen mentt infra infrast struc ructu ture re.. The The business has commenced procurement of chipstock potatoes, one of the the crit critic ical al raw raw mate materi rial als s in the the manu manufa fact ctur ure e of the the Comp Compan any' y's s
'Bin 'Bingo go!' !' bran brand d of pota potato to chip chips. s. The The acqu acquis isit itio ion n of Technico, an Australian company with technology leadership in the production of early generation seed potatoes, helped the business access a ready pipeline of new high-yielding varieties of chipstock potato seeds.
1)Chairman The chairman of ITC limited: Yogesh Chander Deveshwar
Executive Directors: ➢
Sahibzada Syed Habib –ur-Rehman
Anup Singh
Krishnamoorthy Vaidhyanath
1)Critic Critical al Events Events that that chang change e the course
Indian rural and agri. market is 70% to other resources in India ,but only 30 % of GDP is from agriculture sector . ITC realized it that their cigarette business has a limit further which they wont be able to tap profit and their expansion plans. So diversification was needed in any case to build a foothold in Indian market.
FMCG MCG bien bieng g the four fourtth larg larges estt sect sector or in the fiel field d whic which h is expanding at a very fast pace and it has huge potential , along
with the benefit that it can be accrued by organizing the existing fragmented market leading to concept of ‘one stop shop’.
Further India being one of the largest economies with the benefit of its its vast vast mark market et,, it attr attrac acte ted d ITC ITC to expa expand nd its oper operat atio ion n in vario various us area areas s of hospi hospita talit lity, y, FMCG FMCG ,Gre ,Greet eting ing cards cards Bran Branded ded Apparels etc.
1)The The Respo Responsi nsibi bili lity ty Facto Factor r Preamble Over the years, ITC has evolved from a single product company to a multi-business multi-business corporation. corporation. Its businesses are spread over a wide spectrum, ranging from cigarettes and tobacco to hotels, packaging,
commodities commodities trading. Each of these businesses businesses is vastly different different from the others in its type, the state of its evolution and the basic nature of its activity, all of which influence the choice of the form of governance. The challenge of governance for ITC there erefore lie lies in fashion ioning a model that hat addre dresses ses the uniqueness of each of its businesses and yet strengthens the unity of purpose of the Company as a whole. Since the commencement of the liberalisation process, India's economic scenario has begun to alter radically. radically. Globalisation Globalisation will not not only only sign signif ific ican antl tly y heig height hten en busi busine ness ss risk risks s, but but will ill also lso comp compel el Indi Indian an compa ompani nies es to adop adoptt inter nterna nati tion onal al norm norms s of tran transpa spare rency ncy and and good good gove govern rnanc ance. e. Equal Equally ly,, in the the resul resulta tant nt competitive context, freedom of executive management and its
ability to respond to the dynamics of a fast changing business environment will be the new success factors. ITC's governance policy recognises the challenge of this new business reality in India.
Definit efi nitio ion n & Func Functio tion n ITC ITC define defines s Corp Corpor orat ate e Gove Govern rnan ance ce as a syst system emic ic proce process ss by which companies are directed and controlled to enhance their wealt wealth h gener generat ating ing capac capacit ity. y. Since Since large large corpo corpora rati tions ons employ employ vast quant uantum um of societ ietal resources, es, we bel believ ieve that hat the gover governan nance ce proc process ess shoul should d ensur ensure e that that these these compan companies ies are are managed managed in a manner manner that that meets meets stakeho stakeholder lders s aspirat aspiration ions s and societal expectations.
Core Principles ITC' ITC's s Corp Corpor orat ate e Gove Govern rnan ance ce init initia iati tive ve is base based d on two two core core principles. These are : i.Management must have the executive freedom to drive the enterprise forward without undue restraints; and ii.This freedom of management should be exercised within a framework of effective accountability. ITC
Gove Govern rna ance nce must must provi rovide de empo empowe werm rmen entt to the exec execut utiv ive e mana manage geme ment nt of the the Comp Compan any, y, and and simu simult ltan aneo eous usly ly crea create te a mech mechan anis ism m of chec checks ks and and bala balanc nces es whic which h ensu ensure res s that that the the decision making powers vested in the executive management is not only not misused, but is used with care and responsibility to meet stakeholder aspirations and societal expectations. Cornerstones
From From the the abov above e defi defini niti tion on and and core core prin princi cipl ples es of Corp Corpor orat ate e Gove Govern rnan ance ce emer emerge ge the the corn corner erst ston ones es of ITC' ITC's s gove govern rnan ance ce philoso philosophy phy,, namely namely trustee trusteeship ship,, transpa transparenc rency, y, empowe empowerme rment nt and accountability, accountability, control and ethical corporate corporate citizenship. ITC believes that the practice of each of these leads to the creation of the right corporate culture in which the company is managed in a manner that fulfils the purpose of Corporate Governance. Trusteeship:
ITC believes that large corporations like itself have both a social and economic purpose. They represent a coalition of interests, namely those of the shareholders, other providers of capital, business associates and employees. This belief there herefo fore re cast casts s a res respons ponsib ibil ilit ity y of trust rustee eesh ship ip on the Company's Board of Directors. They are to act as trustees to protect and enhance shareholder value, as well as to ensure
that hat
Com Company any
fulf ulfils its its
obli bligat gations
respons responsibil ibilitie ities s to its other other stakehol stakeholder ders. s. Inheren Inherentt in the concept of trusteeship is the responsibility to ensure equity, namely, that the rights of all shareholders, large or small, are protected. Trans Transpar paren ency cy :
Company's policies and actions to those to whom it has resp respon onsi sibi bili liti ties es..
Ther Theref efor ore e
tran transp spar aren ency cy
must must
lead lead
maximum appropriate disclosures without jeopardising the Compa Company ny's 's stra strate tegic gic inter interes ests ts.. Inter Interna nally lly,, tran transp spar arenc ency y means
openn penne ess
Company pany''s
relat lationshi nship p
with ith
empl employ oyee ees, s, as well well as the the cond conduc uctt of its its busi busine ness ss in a
manner manner that will will bear bear scrutin scrutiny. y. We believe believe transpa transparenc rency y enhances accountability. Empowerment and Accountability:
Empowerment is an essential concomitant of ITC's first core principle of governance that management must have the freedom to drive the enterprise forward. ITC believes that empowerment is a process of actualising the potential of its employ loyees.
Empowerment ent
unle nleashe ashes s
creativi ivity
innov innovat atio ion n thro through ughou outt the organ organisa isati tion on by trul truly y vest vesting ing decision-making powers at the most appropriate levels in the organisational hierarchy. ITC believes that the Board of Directors are accountable to the shareholders, and the management is accountable to the the Boar Board d of Dire Direct ctor ors. s. We belie believe ve that that empo empowe werm rment ent,, comb combin ined ed with with acco accoun unta tabi bili lity ty,, prov provid ides es an impe impetu tus s to performance
enhancing shareholder value. Control: Control:
ITC believes that control is a necessary concomitant of its second core principle of governance that the freedom of mana manage gemen mentt should should be exer exercis cised ed within within a fram framew ewor ork k of appropriate checks and balances. Control should prevent misuse of power, power, facilitate facilitate timely management management response to change, and ensure that business risks are pre-emptively and effectively managed. Ethical Ethi cal Corpora Cor porate te Citize Cit izenshi nship p:
resp respon onsi sibi bili litty
that to
set set
corporations exem exempl plar ary y
sta standar ndards ds
have of
ethi ethica call
behaviour, both internally within the organisation, as well
as in their external relationships. We believe that unethical behaviour corrupts organisational culture and undermines stakeholder value.
1)What make them different from others
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Registered Office VIRGINIA HOUSE 37 J.L.NEHRU ROAD, KOLKATA 700 071 EPABX NO. : 91-(0)33 22889371
Communications Department-wise Fax VIRGINIA HOUSE Ground Floor Merchandising
Fax 22881417
Fax 22880842
Blending Marketing PD 1st Floor Corporate Accounting
Fax 22881256
India Tobacco Division Accounting
Fax 22882256/ 22882070
2nd Floor General Chairman Directors
Fax 22882257
Communication Room Corporate Financial Controller 3rd Floor General
Fax 22882251
Engineering Engineering Marketing Production
Fax 22880188
Leaf Purchasing 4th Floor India Tobacco Division Board (ITD) Human Resources - ITD ITD Finance
Fax 22882953
ITC CENTRE 1st Floor Corporate Funds & Planning
Fax 22880826
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