IT Practical Manual

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TYBSc.I.T,Semester VI

Internet Technologies - Practical Manual


TYBSc.I.T Semester VI

Internet Technologies

Practical Manual 2013-2014

Prepared By:Mr.Hiren Dand – Mulund College of Commerce,Mulund Ms.SudhaBhagavatheeswaran – SIES College of Arts,Science& Commerce,Sion(W) Mr.MandarBhave - D.G Ruparel College,Matunga Page | 1

TYBSc.I.T,Semester VI

Internet Technologies - Practical Manual


Practical No.1 Q 1 A. IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting Given an IP address and network mask, determine other information about the IP address such as: • Network address • Network broadcast address • Total number of host bits • Number of hosts Given : IP Address :- Network Mask :- To find: Network address :-First address = (any address) AND (network mask) = AND = Network broadcast address :-Last address = (any address) OR [NOT (network mask)] = OR = Total number of host bits:- 32-26 = 6 bits Number of hosts :-N 232-nin which n is the prefix length and N is the number of addresses in the block. = 26= 64 hosts Q 1 B. Given an IP address, network mask, and subnetwork mask, determine other information about the IP address such as: • The subnet address of this subnet • The broadcast address of this subnet • The range of host addresses for this subnet • The maximum number of subnets for this subnet mask • The number of hosts for each subnet • The number of subnet bits • The number of this subnet Example:-Consider class a ip address the its default subnet mask is which means we can represent it by the “/” factor indicates the CIDR value If we decide to block some of the bits to minimize no of host in any given subnet then that technique is called as variable length subnet masking (VLSM) Let us see the example where we borrow some bits from host part and minimize the count to an extent and create small independent N/W’s of big N/W .Or even we can say that we want 8 N/W out of 1 big n/w then we will observer following N/W created with their VLSM and no of hosts per subnet 2 21=2097152 2=2097150 ID




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First Host

Last Host

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Practical No.2

Q2) USE OF PING AND TRACERT / TRACEROUTE AND ARP UTILITIES Diagnostic commands help you detect TCP/IP networking problems. Some of the diagnostic commandsarearp, hostname,ipconfig,,netstat, ping, route, and tracert .

i) arp This diagnostic command displays and modifies the IP-to-Ethernet or Token Ring physical address translation tables used by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Syntax arp -a [inet_addr] [-N [if_addr]] arp -dinet_addr [if_addr] arp -sinet_addrether_addr [if_addr] Parameters -a Displays current ARP entries by querying TCP/IP. If inet_addr is specified, only the IP and physical addresses for the specified host are displayed. -d Deletes the entry specified by inet_addr -s Adds an entry in the ARP cache to associate the IP address inet_addrwith the physical address ether_addr. The physical address is given as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by hyphens. The IP address is specified using dotted decimal notation. The entry is static. It will not be automatically removed from the cache after the timeout expires and will not exist after a reboot of your computer. -N [if_addr] Displays the ARP entries for the network interface specified by if_addr. ether_addr Specifies a physical address. if_addr Specifies, if present, the IP address of the interface whose address translation table should be modified. If not present, the first applicable interface will be used. inet_addr Specifies an IP address in dotted decimal notation.

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ii) hostname This diagnostic command prints the name of the host on which the command is used. Syntax hostname -- This command has no parameters.

iii) ipconfig This diagnostic command displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values. This command is useful on computers running DHCP because it enables users to determine which TCP/IP configuration values have been configured by DHCP. If you enter only ipconfigwithout parameters, the response is a display of all of the current TCP/IP configuration values, including IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Syntax ipconfig [/all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter]] Parameters all Produces a full display. Without this switch, ipconfig displays only the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway values for each network card. renew [adapter] Renews DHCP configuration parameters. This option is available only on computers running the DHCP Client service. To specify an adapter name, type the adapter name that appears when you use ipconfig without parameters.

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release [adapter] Releases the current DHCP configuration. This option disables TCP/IP on the local computer and is available only on DHCP clients. To specify an adapter name, type the adapter name that appears when you use ipconfig without parameters.

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iv) netstat This diagnostic command displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. Syntax netstat [-a] [-e][-n][-s] [-p protocol] [-r] [interval] Parameters -a Displays all connections and listening ports; server connections are usually not shown. -e Displays Ethernet statistics. This can be combined with the -s option. -n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form (rather than attempting name lookups). -s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP; the -p option can be used to specify a subset of the default. -p protocol Shows connections for the protocol specified. -r Displays the contents of the routing table. Interval Redisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display.

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v) ping This diagnostic command verifies connections to one or more remote computers. Syntax ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list Parameters -t Pings the specified host until interrupted. -a Resolves addresses to host names. -n count Sends the number of ECHO packets specified by count. The default is 4. -l length Sends ECHO packets containing the amount of data specified by length. The default is 64 bytes; the maximum is 8192. -f Sends a Do Not Fragment flag in the packet. The packet will not be fragmented by gateways on the route. -ittl Sets the time to live field to the value specified by ttl. -v tos Sets the type of service field to the value specified by tos. Page | 9

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-r count Records the route of the outgoing packet and the returning packet in the record route field. A minimum of 1 to a maximum of 9 hosts must be specified by count. -s count Specifies the timestamp for the number of hops specified by count. -j host-list Routes packets via the list of hosts specified by host-list. Consecutive hosts can be separated by intermediate gateways (loose source routed). The maximum number allowed by IP is 9. -k host-list Routes packets via the list of hosts specified by host-list. Consecutive hosts cannot be separated by intermediate gateways (strict source routed). The maximum number allowed by IP is 9. -w timeout Specifies a timeout interval in milliseconds. destination-list Specifies the remote hosts to ping.

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vi) route This diagnostic command manipulates network routing tables. Syntax route [-f] [command [destination] [MASK netmask] [gateway] [METRIC metric]] Parameters -f Clears the routing tables of all gateway entries. If this parameter is used in conjunction with one of the commands, the tables are cleared prior to running the command. command Specifies one of four commands. Command Purpose print

Prints a route


Adds a route

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Command Purpose delete

Deletes a route


Modifies an existing route

destination Specifies the host to send command. MASK Specifies, if present, that the next parameter be interpreted as the netmask parameter. netmask Specifies, if present, the subnet mask value to be associated with this route entry. If not present, this parameter defaults to gateway Specifies the gateway. METRIC Specifies the route metric (cost) for the destination.

vii ) tracert This diagnostic utility determines the route taken to a destination by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets with varying time-to-live (TTL) values to the destination. Each router along the path is required to decrement the TTL on a packet by at least 1 before forwarding it, so the TTL is effectively a hop count. When the TTL on a packet reaches 0, the router is supposed to send back an ICMP Time Exceeded message to the source computer. Tracert determines the route by sending the first echo packet with a TTL of 1 and incrementing the TTL by 1 on each subsequent transmission until the target responds or the maximum TTL is reached. The route is determined by examining the ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent back by intermediate routers. Notice that some routers silently drop packets with expired TTLs and will be invisible to tracert. Syntax tracert[-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name Page | 12

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Parameters -d Specifies not to resolve addresses to host names. -h maximum_hops Specifies maximum number of hops to search for target. -j host-list Specifies loose source route along host-list. -w timeout Waits the number of milliseconds specified by timeout for each reply. target_name Name of the target host.

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Practical No.3 Q3) Configure IP static routing.

Static Route Configuration

Static Route 1.Static routing method is most trusted by a router. 2.Static routing is not really a routing protocol. 3.Static routes do not dynamically adapt to network changes, are not particularly scalable, and require manual updating to reflect changes.

Static routing has the following advantages 1. There is no bandwidth usage between routers, which means you could possibly save money on WAN links. 2. There is no overhead on the router CPU, which means you could possibly buy a cheaper router than you would use if you were using dynamic routing. 3. It adds security because the administrator can choose to allow routing access to certain networks only.

Static routing has the following disadvantages 1. Static routes don’t dynamically adapt to network change. 2. If a network is added to the internetwork, the administrator has to add a route to it on all routers—by hand. 3. It’s not feasible in large networks because maintaining it would be a full-time job in itself. 4. With static routing, as your network grows, it can be difficult just keep adding static routes makes sure everybody can still get everything. 5. The administrator must really understand the internetwork and how each router is connected in order to configure routes correctly.

There are two different styles to configure an “ip route” command: 1. Using a next hop IP address 2. Using an outgoing interface Syntax: ip route [destination_network] [mask] [next_hop_address or exit_interface][administrative_distance][permanent] We can break the above syntax: ip route [destination_network] [mask] [next_hop_address] ip route [destination_network] [mask] [exit_interface/next_hop_address] network - the destination network mask - is the subnet mask for that network address - IP address of the next hop router interface - the interface the traffic is to leave by distance - (optional) the administrative distance of the route Example: 1

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Router(config)#ip route 110 is the destination network/remote destination network/final destination. is the subnet mask for that network and is the next hop ip. 110 is the administrative distance. The AD is the trustworthiness of a route, where 0 is best and 255 is worst. The default administrative distance of static route is 1.

Example: 2

Router0(config)#ip route next hop ip) Router0(config)#ip route fa0/1(using exit interface) We can use the exit interface instead of next hop ip address. Functionally, next hop ip and exit interface work exactly the same. But, it is preferred to use next_hop_ip_address for troubleshoot easier way.

Why Static Route Need Tutorial There is a golden rule of routing: If the router cannot find the route, it will drop the packet and send an ICMP "Destination Unreachable" message to the original sender. The only way a router knows about a route (destination network) is one of 3 ways: 1.It is directly connected to that network 2.It learns about the remote (not directly connected) route from another router - it does this by both routers speaking the same routing protocol. 3.An administrator MANUALLY enters a static route in the router. The problem with #3 is that you have to enter EVERY route on EVERY router. This very quickly becomes tedious and is prone to error. Static routing is a good choice IF the following are true: 1.You only have a few routers. Page | 15

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2.You have NO redundant paths (routes). 3.You don't want the routers to use up precious bandwidth by using routing protocols. Above discussion taken from "Chrys Thorsen", from facebook of "Zambia CCNA Study Group".

Putting two IP addresses, subnet mask and default gateway to PC1 and PC2. Click PC1/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

Click PC2/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static In this scenario, PC1 can ping router R1’s f0/0( interface and f0/1( interface.

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But PC1 can not ping router R2’s f0/1( interface. Configure R1 rourer. Router>enable Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R1 R1(config)#int f0/0 R1(config-if)#ip addess R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#int f 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip add R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#^Z R1# Configure R2 rourer. Router>en Router>enable Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R2 R2(config)#int f0/1 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#int f0/0 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#^Z R2# Let's ping from PC1 to R1’s interfaces. PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=255 PC> PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=255 PC> Let's ping from PC1 to R2's interfaces. Let's ping from PC1 to R2's interfaces.PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Page | 17


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Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), PC> Ping is a echo request goes to the router and then router sends the echo reply back to the pc. Why PC1 can not ping router R2? Let’s see R1’s routing table. R1#sh ip rou Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 2 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 R1# Let's see R2's routing table. R2#sh ip route Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 2 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 R2# This R1 router knows about two routes. It knows about the and networks. When pings from PC1, router R1 knows how to send packet to router R2’s interface f0/1( So, packet actually arrives at router R2’s f0/1 interface. The problem is, echo-reply never returns. Router R2 knows about and networks. When router R2 tries to send packet back to network, to PC1(, he does not has network in his routing table. So R2 has no idea about network. So, if we put a static route( to router R2, whole thing start working. R2#conf t R2(config)#ip route R2(config)# Now ping will work. Let's ping from PC1 to R2's interfaces. PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=254 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=254 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=254 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=254 PC> Static Route Lab with Packet Tracer Tutorial

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Static Route Lab with Packet Tracer Configure Static Route on Cisco Routers with following information: Network:,, Gateway Address:,,

Putting three IP addresses, subnet mask and default gateway to three PCs. Click PC1/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

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Click PC2/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

Click PC3/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

Configure Router R1 Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R1 R1(config)#int fa 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#int fa 1/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config)#int fa 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#

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Configure Router R2 Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R2 R2(config)#int fa 0/0 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config)#int fa 0/1 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#exit R2(config)#

Configure Static Route to router R1 Go to config mode, type ip route command, the subnet number, followed by the mask, and next hop ip address. R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#ip route R1(config)#^Z

See routing table of router R1 R1#show ip route Gateway of last resort is not set S [1/0] via is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 R1# Note a static route added to the routing table. The character S means static route. It references subnet and it says to get there via100.0.0.2. via means that the next hop router’s IP address.

Now check IP connectivity Click PC-1/ Desktop/Command Prompt Page | 21

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PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), PC> However PC-1 can’t ping PC-3 right now, the ping fails.

See routing table of router R2 R2#show ip route Gateway of last resort is not set C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 R2# The output confirms that R2 does not have route to reach subnet, or PC-1, PC-2. As a result, if PC-1 tries to ping PC-3 or PC-3 tries to ping PC-1 right now, the ping will fail.

So, we have to add a routing protocol(in this case, static route) that points PC-3’s subnet namely In this way we will tell R1 how to forward packet to subnet. The packet arrives at R2, R2 has a directly connected route PC-3’s subnet.

Configure Static Route to router R2 R2#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R2(config)#ip route R2(config)#ip route R2(config)#^Z R2#

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Now,see routing table of router R2 R2#show ip route Gateway of last resort is not set C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 S [1/0] via S [1/0] via R2#

Now check IP connectivity Click PC-1/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 20ms, Average = 14ms PC> We can reach network. Click PC-2/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

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Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 24ms, Average = 15ms PC> We can reach network. Click PC-3/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 16ms, Average = 12ms PC> We can reach network. PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 22ms, Average = 13ms PC> We can reach network.

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Practical No.4

Q4) Configure IP routing using RIP.

Routing Information Protocol - RIP There are two versions of RIP: RIPv1 and RIPv2. Comparing between RIPv1 and RIPv2

1.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 have the Administrative distance 120. 2.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 are distance vector routing protocol. Both RIPv1 and RIPv2’s metric is hop count. Maximum hop count = 15. Max routers = 16.

For example, all routers are running RIP and network goes down. After hold timer expires, that network will be advertised by metric 16 and everyone will know that the network is down and that network will be seen in routing table as possibly down. 4.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 send routing updates or complete routing table or broadcast every 30 seconds. i.e. The default routing update period for both version of RIP is 30 seconds. i.e. Both have the same timers. 5.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 use split horizon to prevent routing loops. 6.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 are configured with router rip. command tells both RIPv1 and RIPv2 to send hellos, out an interface, to find neighbors and to advertise routes. R1(config-router)#network ? A.B.C.D Network number R1(config-router)#network ?

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R1(config-router)#^Z R1#

8.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 are verified with show ip protocols.

Router#show ip protocols R[120/3] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/0 The first number in the brackets is the administrative distance of the information source. The second number is the metric for the route. In this case, the administrative distance is 120, default AD for RIP routes, and the 3 represents the metric, which is the number of router hops in RIP.

Difference 1. RIPv1 used broadcast. RIPv2 used multicast( 2. RIPv1 is a classful.(Classful: all subnet mask must be the same in the network.) RIPv2 is a classless. 3. RIPv1 does not support VLSM. RIPv2 supports VLSM. subnet mask field was added to the RIPv2 message header by RFC 1723 to add support for VLSM and CIDR. 4. RIPv1 does not allow authentication. RIPv2 allows MD5 authentication 5. RIP enabled interfaces send version 1(RIPv1) updates.Do not send version 2(RIPv2) updates. RIP enabled interfaces receive any version(RIPv1 and RIPv2). 6. RIPv2 sends the subnet mask in updates and RIPv1 does not. i.e. Subnet mask information is included in RIPv2 routing updates that is not included in RIPv1.

Advantage of RIPv2 over RIPv1 1. RIPv2 supports MD5 authentication for routing updates. i.e. RIP version 2 supports routing update authentication. 2. RIPv2 used multicast( rather than broadcast. 3. RIPv2 auto summarize advertised routes across classful boundaries. To disable this behavior, should apply no auto-summary command under the RIP process. 4. RIPv2 is classless routing protocol means that it sends subnet mask information when updates. By sending the subnet mask information with the updates, RIPv2 can support Variable Length Subnet Mask(VLSMs) as well as the summarization of network boundaries.

Disadvantage of RIPv1 and RIPv2 1.Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 send full routing tables out every 30 seconds. It’s a lot of overhead, require too much bandwidth. Sending full routing table is unnecessary. 2.RIPv1 and RIPv2 does not form adjacency. Page | 26

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3.RIPv1 and RIPv2 work only on hop count(not consider the bandwith). 4.RIPv1 and RIPv2 have slow convergence. 5.Not scalable, because hop count is only 15.

RIPv1 Lab with Packet Tracer Tutorial

RIPv1 Lab with Packet Tracer Configure RIPv1 on Cisco Routers with following information: Network:,, Gateway Address:,,

Putting three IP addresses, subnet mask and default gateway to three PCs.

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Click PC1/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

Click PC2/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static

Click PC3/ Desktop/IP Configuration /Static Page | 28


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Configure Router R1 Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R1 R1(config)#int fa 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#int fa 1/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config)#int fa 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#

Configure Router R2 Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R2 R2(config)#int fa 0/0 Page | 29


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R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config)#int fa 0/1 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#exit R2(config)#

Configure RIPv1 to router R1Here we put all three network those are connected to R1 router. A numeric value is required for EIGRP, OSPF. With EIGRP, AS number, with OSPF, the process number, but RIP, there is no number. R1(config)#router rip R1(config-router)#network ? A.B.C.D Network number R1(config-router)#network ? R1(config-router)#network R1(config-router)#network R1(config-router)#network R1(config-router)#^Z R1#

Configure RIPv1 to router R2 Here we put two network those are connected to R2 router. R2(config)#router rip R2(config-router)#network ? A.B.C.D Network number R2(config-router)#network R2(config-router)#network R2(config-router)#^Z R2#

See routing table of router R1 R1#show ip route Gateway of last resort is not set R [120/1] via, 00:00:20, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 Page | 30

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C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 R1# R1#show ip rip database [1] via, 00:00:12, FastEthernet0/0 directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 R1#

See routing table of router R2 R2#show ip route Gateway of last resort is not set C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 R2#

R2#show ip rip database directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 [1] via, 00:00:19, FastEthernet0/0 [1] via, 00:00:19, FastEthernet0/0 R2#

Now check IP connectivity Click PC-1/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=126

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Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 20ms, Average = 14ms PC> We can reach network. Click PC-2/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 24ms, Average = 15ms PC> We can reach network. Click PC-3/ Desktop/Command Prompt PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 16ms, Average = 12ms PC> We can reach network.

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PC>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 22ms, Average = 13ms PC> We can reach network.

Routing Information Protocol - RIP Command Tutorial

RIP Command

1.The command show ip route followed by the protocol will show that protocol's route from the entire routing table. R1#show ip route rip 2.The command show protocols is used to view the RIP routing protocol settings and configuration. 3.The command show ip rip database will display RIP routing updates or RIP routing information as they are sent and received. But to see the updates in real time, we need command Debug not Show. But don't do debug ip rip, don't do debug all. It may crash your router.Because all possible debugs will start and consume router's whole processing and memory. 4.If The command Router(config-router)# version 2 is entered on the routers, only version 2 updates are sent to 5.If The command Router(config-router)# no version 2 is entered on the routers, version 1 and 2 updates will be received and the version 2 updates will not be sent. 6.The command debug ip rip shows the routes being advertised in RIP updates and the metrics of these routes. i.e. debug ip rip will display RIP activity as it occurs on a router. R1#debug ip rip 7.The command clear ip route * should apply after the command debug ip rip to clear the routing table of its dynamic routes. R1#clear ip route *

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8.The command undebug all turn off all debugs. R1#undebug all 9.To turn off specific debugs, run the command no debug followed by the type of debug you want to turn off. R1#no debug ip rip

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Practical No.5 Q5) Configuring OSPF.

OSPF Terminology Link: Interface on a router Link state: Description of an interface and of its relationship to its neighboring routers. The collection of all the link-states would form a link-state database. 1.OSPF uses cost as a metric, which is the inverse of the bandwidth of a link. OSPF identifies the best route by use of cost. 2.OSPF uses Dijkstra or SPF(Shortest Path First) algorithm. Dijkstra or SPF is a same algorithm. 3.OSPF provides a loop free topology. 4.OSPF's administrative distance is 110. 5.Before exchanging routing information, OSPF routers find out neighbors. OSPF routers exchange LSAs, and the OSPF algorithm uses the contents of those LSAs to build their routing table. In this way, OSPF allows extensive control of routing updates. 6.OSPF is complex to configure and difficult to troubleshoot. 7.OSPF does not support IPX. 8.OSPF requires more memory and faster processors to handle OSPF than distance vector protocol. i.e. OSPF is a CPU-intensive protocol, and very large OSPF networks can experience routing and update traffic problems that seriously impact network performance. 9.OSPF confines network instability to a single area of the network. 10.OSPF uses WILDCARD MASK instead subnet mask.

Advantages of OSPF 1. OSPF is an open-standard, purely link-state protocol. RIP, IGRP and EIGRP are distance-vector (routing by rumor) routing protocols, susceptible to routing loops, split-horizon, and other issues. 2. OSPF converges very quickly - from the point of recognizing a failure, it often can converge in less than 10 seconds. 3. OSPF sends updates only changed portion or partial updates of a network when link status changes rather than the complete routing table. In this way, reduces the usage of bandwidth(BW) and decreases routing overhead by sending triggered updates to announce changes in the network. RIP and IGRP hold-down timers can cause slow convergence. 4. OSPF supports VLSM and CIDR. OSPF supports route summarization. RIPv1 and IGRP do not. Page | 35

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5. OSPF is a classless protocol, not classful. 6. OSPF uses the concept of areas to implement hierarchical design, not a flat design like RIP. 7. With OSPF, a router does flood its own LSAs when it age reaches 30 minutes. The flooding, however, does not happened all at once, so the overhead is minimal. RIP sends entire routing table every 30 seconds, IGRP every 90 seconds. 8.Link state protocol like OSPF doesn't have anything like Hop. i.e. Do not use hops to mark networks as unreachable. When an OSPF router does not receive a Hello packet for a specified time period, it assumes that the neighbor is down. The router then runs the SPF algorithm to calculate new routes.

Routing Overhead Routing overhead is the amount of information needed to describe the changes in a dynamic network topology. All routers in an OSPF area have identical copies of the topology database. The topology database of one are is hidden from the rest of the areas to reduce routing overhead. Because fewer routing updates are sent and smaller routing trees are computed.

OSPF Hierarchical Design Tutorial

Hierarchical Design

1.Hierarchical routing speeds up the convergence time for all routers. 2.Hierarchical routing reduces the amount of routing overhead. 3.Hierarchical routing confines network instability to a single area of the network. i.e. Hierarchical routing hides network instability from routers in other areas. 4.OSPF network can be divided into areas which is logical segmentation of a large network. OSPF supports a two-layer hierarchical design: 1. backbone (area 0) and 2. areas off of the backbone. Multiple OSPF areas must connect to area 0. All other areas have at least one connection to area 0, either directly or through the use of virtual links. If any area does not have a direct connection to the backbone area 0, then an OSPF virtual link must be configured. The backbone area is not a network type, but a collection of OSPF networks links. Area 0 is reserved as the backbone area, and routers within area 0 may or may not go through the DR/BDR election process, depending on the network type. 5.If an OSPF network is configured as a single area, then area 0 does not need to be used. If the network design is hierarchical, then multiple areas do not need. i.e. Hierarchical OSPF network do not require multiple areas.

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6.OSPF allows to summarize networks from one area into another. Instead of routers needing to know about all the individual networks in another area, they need to know only about the summary route. The fewer routes result in faster convergence and less routing overhead. 7.Loopback interfaces are created on a router, and the highest IP address on a loopback (logical) interface becomes the RID of the router but has nothing to do with areas. 8.If a network in an area go down, it will not affect routers in other areas. A small change in the topology of a single area won't force every router to run the SPF algorithm. Changes in one area are limited to that area only, not to every router within the entire network.

OSPF Area Tutorial

OSPF Area 1. OSPF uses the concept of areas which helps route summarization. 2.Area 0 is called the backbone area. 3. Multiple OSPF areas must connect to area 0. 4. If you have only one are, it must be called are 0. 5. The area number can be the range from 0 to 4,294,967,295; or 0 to 4.2 million. 6. The backbone area is not a network type, but a collection of OSPF networks links. Area 0 is reserved as the backbone area, and routers within area 0 may or may not go through the DR/BDR election process, depending on the network type. 7. If a network in an area goes down, it will not affect routers in other areas. 8. The OSPF command network area 0includes all of its interfaces in area 0.

OSPF Adjacency/Neighbor Tutorial OSPF Adjacency 1.OSPF neighbor relationship table is called an adjacency database. 2.Before exchanging routing information, OSPF routers find out neighbors. Each router discovers its neighbors on each interface. The list of neighbors is kept in a neighbor table. 3.Each router uses a reliable protocol to exchange topology information with its neighbors. 4.If OSPF is configured correctly, OSPF form neighbor relationships only with the routers directly connected to it. 5.To share information with another router, they must be neighbors: their area numbers and types, timers, and passwords must match.

To form a neighbor relationship The following must match before routers become neighbors: Page | 37

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1. Hello and Dead interval must match on the two routers on the same link or they will not form adjacency. 2. The area type must match on the segments. i.e.The router that is formed a neighbor relationship must be in the same area. 3. Subnet mask must match on the segments. 4. MTU size must match on the segments. 5. Authentication password.

OSPF Hello 1.OSPF uses Hello packets to create and maintain adjacencies. i.e. A neighbor is discovered dynamically through reception of Hello packets. The rules that govern the exchange of OSPF hello packets are called the Hello protocol. 2.the hello packets are addressed to the multicast address The multicast IP address is known as 'All SPFRouters.' On point-to-point networks, OSPF hello packets are addressed Hello packets are always sent to this destination. Also, certain OSPF protocol packets are sent to this address during the flooding procedure. RIPv2 multicast to EIGRP multicast to 3.Hello packets detect unreachable neighbors. 4.Hello packets ensure two-way communications between neighbors. 5.Hello packets ensure correctness of basic interface parameters between neighbors. 6.Hello packets provide necessary information for the election of the designated router (DR) and a backup designated router (BDR) on a LAN segment/ On multi-access networks. 7.On a broadcast multi-access and point-to-point networks, such as Ethernet, Hello packets go at every 10 seconds. On a non-broadcast segment, NBMA networks, such as Frame Relay, Hello packets go at every 30 seconds. 8.When an OSPF router does not receive a Hello packet for a specified time period, it assumes that the neighbor is down. The router then runs the SPF algorithm to calculate new routes.

OSPF Dead Interval 1.The dead time is four times the hello time. 2.If you change the hello time, dead time will change dynamically. 3.Dead time can not be statically set. Page | 38

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4.The OSPF Hello time can be set with the ip ospf hello-timecommand:ip ospf hello-time 20 . As the Dead time is 4 times the Hello time, Dead time will be 80 seconds. 5.The OSPF Dead time can be set with the ip ospf dead-timecommand:ip ospf dead-time 80 . As the Dead time is set to 80 seconds, the Hello time will dynamically change to 20 seconds.

OSPF Cost Metric Tutorial

Cost Metric 1.A cost is associated with the output side of each router interface. This cost is configurable by the system administrator. The lower the cost, the more likely the interface is to be used to forward data traffic. 2.OSPF identifies the best route by use of cost. OSPF route metrics are referred to as cost. 3.OSPF uses cost as a metric, which is the inverse of the bandwidth of a link. OSPF identifies the best route by use of cost.

For example, Above the figure, the value 128 shown in bold is the OSPF cost metric. 4.Cost of a route is the cumulative costs of the outgoing interfaces from this router to the network. 5.Cost is defined as 10^8/bandwidth. i.e. 10^8(100,000,000) is the reference bandwidth.

Cisco's default interface costs: The cost of a 56 kbps link in OSPF is 1785. 56-kbps serial link = 1785 (10^8/56000) The cost of a 64k link in OSPF is 1562. 64-kbps serial link = 1562 (10^8/64000) The cost of a 128k link in OSPF is 781. 128-kbps serial link = 781 (10^8/128000) The cost of a 1.544 T1 link in OSPF is 64. T1 (1.544-Mbps serial link) = 64 (10^8/1.544*1000000) The cost of a 2.048-Mbps link in OSPF is 48. E1 (2.048-Mbps serial link) = 48 (10^8/2.048*1000000) The cost of a 4-Mbps Token Ring in OSPF is 25. 4-Mbps Token Ring = 25 (108/4*1000000) Page | 39

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The cost of a 10MB link in OSPF is 10. 10MB serial link = 10(108/10000000) Ethernet = 10 Fast Ethernet = 1 Note: Both sides of the link should have the same bandwidth value.


Two different ways we can go R3 from R1. We can go through R4 which involves two 512 cable links. Or, we can go through R2 which involves two T1 links. The OSPF can be made easily understand the speeds. RIP is going to see these paths is being equal, because all RIP understand hop count.


DR/BDR Which network types have a DR/BDR election occur:

1. No DR is assigned on any type of point-to-point link. On a point to point link, only two routers exist so there is no need for a DR or BDR. i.e. Point-to-point segments don’t use DR/BDR. OrOn Point-to-point segment DRs/BDRs are not elected. 2. In a point-to-point and point-to-multipoint OSPF network type, OSPF will establish router adjacencies but not perform the DR/BDR election. 3. No DR/BDR is assigned on the NBMA point-to-multipoint due to the hub/spoke topology. 4. DR and BDR are elected on broadcast and non-broadcast multi-access(NBMA) networks. Frame Relay is a non-Broadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) network by default. Page | 40

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Some key features of OSPF DR/BDR 1. DRs and BDRs assist in sharing topology information. 2. In a hub and spoke OSPF NBMA network, the hub router should be configured as the Designated Router(DR). 3. DR is responsible for making adjacencies with all neighbors on a multiaccess network, such as Ethernet or FDDI. 4. DR represents the multiaccess network, in that it ensures that every router on the link has the same topology database. 5. BDR is the backup to the designated router (DR), in case the DR fails. BDR performs none of the DR functions while the DR is operating correctly. 6. A router on an OSPF segment that is neither the DR nor the BDR is called DROTHER. Lets say an broadcast segment, we have 4 routers. One router can be DR, one router can be BDR and other two routers would be DROTHERS. 7. To determine manually which router will be the DR, it is necessary to set the priority of the router. A router interface can have a priority of 0 to 255. The value of 0 means that the router cannot be a DR or BDR. Router(config-if)#ip ospf priority The number in the priority command can be set between 0-255, where the higher the number, the greater the likelihood that this router will be selected as the DR. 8. DR and BDR election is done via the Hello protocol. Hello packets are exchanged via IP multicast packets on each segment. 9. Routers use multicast address to send LSAs to the DR/BDR. Or Traffic sent to a DR/BDR pair is multicast to 10. Traffic sent to all routers on a segment has a destination address of 11. Hello messages are sent out every 10 seconds, with a dead interval timer of 40 seconds. The DR sends a periodic update every 30 minutes. 12.If DR is down and no BDR is configured, then selection of DR starts again automatically. If there is no BDR, the protocol will restart the process to look for another possible DR in the NBMA network.

Note Many administrators prefer to use point-to-point or point-to-multipoint for NMBA to avoid the DR/BDR and full-mesh issues.

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OSPF Router ID Tutorial

OSPF Router ID

Router ID – Used to identify the routers in the OSPF network. 1. Each OSPF router has an ID, which is either the highest IP address on a loopback interface, if one exists, or the highest IP address on an active interface. 2. To configure network instability to one area of the network, OSPF uses router ID(RID) or a 32-bit IP address selected at the beginning of the OSPF process. 3. If a router’s OSPF RID is hard coded or change a router’s OSPF RID, router reload or clear the OSPF process is needed. Or Changing the OSPF RID, will require to either reload the router or clear your OSPF process. 4. RIDs have no relationship with areas.

Process of selecting RID 1. The highest IP address configured on the router is the router ID, if no loopback exist. i.e. At the moment of OSPF process startup, the highest IP address on any active interface will be the Router ID(RID). 2. When loopback interface is created on a router, the IP address of loopback(logical) interface override the IP address and becomes the RID(router ID). 3. If multiple loopback interfaces are configured, the highest loopback address becomes the RID.

Advantage of using loopback 1. Loopback address provides stability for the OSPF process on router. 2. Loopback address has the advantage of never going down as long as the router is powered on. It provides greater stability the OSPF process on router and the routing table ,thus diminishing the possibility of having to re-establish adjacencies.

OSPF-Difference Between RIP and EIGRP Tutorial

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1.OSPF is link-state routing protocol. RIP and EIGRP are distance-vector (routing by rumor) routing protocols, susceptible to routing loops, splithorizon, and other issues. 2.OSPF has fast convergence. RIP use hold-down timers can cause slow convergence. 3.OSPF supports VLSM and CIDR. RIPv1 does not supports VLSM and CIDR. 4.OSPF metric is based on bandwidth. RIP metric is based on hop count. EIGRP metric is based on bandwidth, delay, reliability, load. 5.OSPF only sends out changes when they occur. With OSPF, a router does flood its own LSAs when it age reaches 30 minutes. RIP sends entire routing table every 30 seconds, IGRP every 90 seconds. 6.OSPF uses the concept of areas to implement hierarchical routing. There are no hierarchical concept to RIP and EIGRP.

OSPF Commands Tutorial

OSPF Commands Enable OSPF process or routing

Syntax Router(config)#router ospf

Note The command router ospf 100 stand for an Process ID. It is not going be advertised down stream routers. Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#router ospf ? Process ID Router(config)#router ospf

The command router eigrp 100 stand for an Autonomous system number. Logically create group routers with AS. That not only will be advertised to potential neighbor, they have to agree become neighbors. Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#router eigrp ? Page | 43

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Autonomous system number Router(config)#router eigrp

Define an interface on which OSPF runs and define the area ID for that interface

Syntax Router(config-router)#network address < area>

Configure loopback

Syntax Router(config)#interface loopback number

DR/BDR election

Syntax Router(config)#interface Router(config-if)#ip ospf priority By default all links are equal with a priority of 1. In a hub-and-spoke network to become the DR, don’t raise the OSPF interface priority of hub router – lower the OSPF interface priority of the soke routers. The command ip ospf priority is commonly used in hub-and-spoke network on the spoke only. The command ip ospf priority 0 disqualifies from taking part of DR, BDR election for that particular segment. For example, R2#conf t R2(config)# int so.123 R2(config-subif)# ip ospf priority 0 Modify bandwdth

Syntax Router(config-if)#bandwidth kbps

Explicitly specify the cost of sending a packet on an OSPF interface

Syntax Router(config-if)#ip ospf cost Page | 44

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Specify or modify Hello/Dead time

Syntax Router(config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval Router(config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval

Specify the authentication type for an interface Authentication (Plain)

Syntax Router(config-router)#area authentication Authentication (md5) Router(config-router)#area authentication message-digest

Enable OSPF MD5 authentication. Assign a password to be used by neighboring OSPF routers

Syntax Router(config-if)#ip ospf Router(config-if)#ip ospf

Verify OSPF

To see the detail information of all OSPF routing process enabled on a router Router#show ip ospf

To display interface-specific OSPF information

Syntax Router#show ip ospf interface [int] For example, the command show ip ospf interface serial 0 will display the serial interface of OSPF information. Such as: Hello and dead interval timers, Priority of the router, Cost of the interface, display the router ID of both the DR and the BDR on the network segment. You can not see Process and router ID using the command show ip ospf interface . Router#show ip ospf database Router#debug ip ospf packet

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Router#debug ip ospf hello Router#debug ip ospf adj

Display all OSPF neighbors

Router#show ip ospf neighbor Example: Router#show ip ospf neighbor Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/ 00:00:38 Serial1/0 Router#

Neighbor ID: The neighbor ID that is the OSPF RID of the neighbor. Pri: Short for “priority”, that’s the interface priority of the neighbor. State: That’s the OSPF adjacency state and role of the router – DR, BDR, or DROTHER. Dead Time: Time remaining until the adjacency is torn down. Receipt of a valid hello packet will reset this timer. Address: The IP address of the neighbor’s interface through which the adjacency has formed. It can be same as the neighbor ID. Interface: The interface through which the adjacency has formed.

OSPF ip ospf hello-interval Command Tutorial

ip ospf hello-interval Command

Configure Router R1 Page | 46

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Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R1 R1(config)#int f0/0 R1(config-if)#ip add R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#

Configure Router R2 Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R2 R2(config)#int f0/0 R2(config-if)#ip add R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#exit R2(config)#

Configure OSPF on router R1 R1(config)#router ospf 1 R1(config-router)#network area 0 R1(config-router)#^Z R1# Configure OSPF on router R2 R2(config)#router ospf 1 R2(config-router)#network area 0 R2(config-router)# 00:09:35: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done

R1# 00:09:38: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done

R1 and R2 formed adjacency over their fast Ethernet interfaces. To see the default dead time on the fa0/0 interface of router R1: Page | 47

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R1#sh ip ospf int fa0/0 FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 R1#

From the output, we see that the Hello time is 10 seconds, dead time is 40 seconds. We want to double this Dead value using the command ip ospf dead-interval or ip osfp hello-interval. By default, the dead time is four times of hello times in ospf. So, if we double the hello time, dead time will be dynamically be doubled. Since hello time is 10 seconds on a broadcast segment, we could put 20 here. R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#int fa0/0 R1(config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 20 R1(config-if)#^Z R1# R1#sh ip ospf int fa0/0 Timer intervals configured, Hello 20, Dead 80, Wait 80, Retransmit 5 R1# R2# 00:24:30: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Dead timer expired 00:24:30: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from FULL to Down: Interface down or detached R2#

From the output, we see that the dead time is double now. Now we have a problem with adjacency. R1#sh ip ospf neighbor R1# The adjacency went down,because we have configured hello time which effected on router R2. To see the default dead time on the interface fa0/0 of R2 router: R2#sh ip ospf int fa0/0 Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5 R2#

Using the command ip ospf hello on R2’s fa0/0 interface to double the hello time:

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R2#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R2(config)#int fa0/0 R2(config-if)#ip ospf hell R2(config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 20 R2(config-if)#^Z R2# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console 00:35:40: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from EXCHANGE to FULL, Exchange Done R2# R2#sh ip ospf int fa0/0 Timer intervals configured, Hello 20, Dead 80, Wait 80, Retransmit 5 R2# Note, both hello and dead timer now have changed. R1# 00:35:44: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on FastEthernet0/0 from EXCHANGE to FULL, Exchange Done

And we see that, adjacency again formed between R1 and R2 routers.

Practical No.6 Q6) Generate Network Traffic and examine the functionality of UDP and TCP. (Refer to Exploration of TCP and UDP.pdf file)

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Practical No.7

Q7) Run different SCTP commands.

sctp To enter the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) configuration, use the sctp command in IDSN User Adaptation Layer (IUA) configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command. sctp [ [ t1-initmilliseconds ] [ t3-rtx-minseconds ] [ t3-rtx-maxmilliseconds ] [ startup-rtxnumber ] [ assoc-rtxnumber ] [ path-rtxnumber ] ] nosctp

Syntax Description t1 initmilliseconds

Timer T1 initiation value in milliseconds. Valid values are from 1000 to 60000. The t1-init configurable option applies only during the creation of an SCTP instance.

t3 -rtx-min seconds

Timer T3 retransmission minimum timeout in seconds. Valid values are from 1 to 300.

t3 -rtx-max milliseconds

Timer T3 retransmission maximum timeout in milliseconds. Valid values are from 1000 to 60000.

startup -rtx number

Maximum startup retransmissions. The startup-rtx configurable option applies only during the creation of an SCTP instance. Valid values are from 2 to 20.

assoc -rtx number

Maximum association retransmissions. Valid values are from 2 to 20.

path-rtx number

Maximum path retransmissions. Valid values are from 2 to 20.

Command Default SCTP configuration commands cannot be entered.

Command Modes IUA configuration (config-iua) To enter SCTP configuration commands, you must first enter IUA configuration mode and then enter sctp at the Router(config-iua)# prompt to enter SCTP configuration mode.

Examples The following example shows how to enter IUA configuration mode: Page | 50

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Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. Router(config)# iua Router(config-iua)#


End with CNTL/Z.

The following is an example of how to set failover time (in milliseconds) between 1 and 10 seconds as part of SCTP configuration of the T1 initiation timer. This example uses the lowest failover timer value allowed (1 second): Router(config-iua)# as as5400-3 fail-over 1000

The following is an example of how to set SCTP maximum startup retransmission interval. This example uses the maximum startup retransmission interval value allowed: Router(config-iua)# as as5400-3 sctp-startup 20

The following is an example of how to configure the number of SCTP streams for this AS. This example uses the maximum SCTP streams allowed: Router(config-iua)# as as5400-3 sctp-streams 57

The following is an example of how to configure the SCTP T1 initiation timer (in milliseconds). This example uses the maximum timer value allowed: Router(config-iua)# as as5400-3 sctp-t1init 60000

Related Commands Command pri-group (pri-slt)

Description Specifies an ISDN PRI on a channelized T1 or E1 controller.

show debugging To display information about the types of debugging that are enabled for your router, use the show debugging command in privileged EXEC mode. showdebugging

Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC (#)

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Use this command to display the current SCTP association and instance identifiers, the current state of SCTP associations, and the local and remote port numbers and addresses that are used in the associations.

Examples The following is sample output from this command for three association identifiers: Router# show ipsctp association list *** SCTP Association List **** AssocID:0, Instance ID:0 Current state:ESTABLISHED Local port:8989, Addrs: Remote port:8989, Addrs: AssocID:1, Instance ID:0 Current state:ESTABLISHED Local port:8989, Addrs: Remote port:8990, Addrs: AssocID:2, Instance ID:0 Current state:ESTABLISHED Local port:8989, Addrs: Remote port:8991, Addrs:

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. Table 11 show ipsctp association list Field Descriptions Field


Assoc ID

SCTP association identifier.

Instance ID

SCTP association instance identifier.

Current state

SCTP association state, which can be ESTABLISHED, CLOSED, COOKIE-WAIT, and COOKIE-ECHOED.

Local port, Addrs

Port and IP address for the local SCTP endpoint.

Remote port, Addrs

Port and IP address for the remote SCTP endpoint.

Related Commands Command


clear ipsctp statistics

Clears statistics counts for SCTP.

debug ipsctpapi

Reports SCTP diagnostic information and messages.

show ipsctp association parameters

Displays the parameters configured for the association defined by the association identifier.

show ipsctp association statistics

Displays the current statistics for the association defined by the association identifier.

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show ipsctp errors

Displays error counts logged by SCTP.

show ipsctp instances

Displays the currently defined SCTP instances.

show ipsctp statistics

Displays the overall statistics counts for SCTP.

show iua as

Displays information about the current condition of an application server.

show iua asp

Displays information about the current condition of an application server process.

showipsctp association parameters To display configured and calculated parameters for the specified Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association, use the show ipsctp association parameters command in privileged EXEC mode. showipsctpassociationparametersassoc-id

Syntax Description assoc-id Association identifier. Shows the associated ID statistics for the SCTP association.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC (#) The following sample output shows the statistics accumulated for SCTP association 0: Router# show ipsctp association statistics 0 ** SCTP Association Statistics ** AssocID/InstanceID: 0/1 Current State: ESTABLISHED Control Chunks Sent: 623874 Rcvd: 660227 Data Chunks Sent Total: 14235644 Retransmitted: 60487 Ordered: 6369678 Unordered: 6371263 Avg bundled: 18 Total Bytes: 640603980 Data Chunks Rcvd Total: 14496585 Discarded: 1755575 Ordered: 6369741 Unordered: 6371269 Avg bundled: 18 Total Bytes: 652346325 Out of Seq TSN: 3069353 ULP Dgrams Sent: 12740941 Ready: 12740961 Rcvd: 12740941

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. Page | 53

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Table 13 show ipsctp association statistics Field Descriptions Field


AssocID/InstanceID SCTP association identifier and instance identifier. Current State

State of SCTP association.

Control Chunks

SCTP control chunks sent and received.

Data Chunks Sent

SCTP data chunks sent, ordered and unordered.

Data Chunks Rcvd

SCTP data chunks received, ordered and unordered.

ULP Dgrams

Number of datagrams sent, ready, and received by the Upper-Layer Protocol (ULP).

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Practical No.8 Q8) Configure DHCP and DNS.(Using Packet Tracer/LINUX/Windows) Four steps occur sequentially when a client requests addressing information:

1. When client wants to get ip address via DHCP, it generates dhcp discover. The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message on its local physical subnet. The DHCPDISCOVER message may include options that suggest values for the network address and lease duration. DHCPDISCOVER is a UDP broadcast message type. 2. One or more servers may answer on it with dhcp offer. Each server may respond with a DHCPOFFER message that includes an available network address in the "ipaddr" field (and other configuration parameters in DHCP options). The server unicasts the DHCPOFFER message to the client (using the DHCP/BOOTP relay agent if necessary) if possible, or may broadcast the message to a broadcast address (preferably on the client's subnet. 3. When client choice from what server it want ip address, and generate dhcp request, in which set ip address selected server. The client chooses one reply and responds to the server with aDHCPREQUEST. DHCPREQUEST is a UDP broadcast message type. 4. The server acknowledges the request with a DHCPACK.

Features of DHCP: 1. DHCP messages from a client to a server are sent to the DHCP server port (UDP port 67), and DHCP messages from a server to a client are sent to the DHCP client port (UDP port 68). 2. DHCP is used to provide IP information to hosts on your network. DHCP can provide a lot of information, but the most common is IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS information. 3. The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as it is the transport layer protocol. i.e. DHCP is connectionless. 4. DHCP also called the Host-to-Host layer. 5. The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.

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6. A client that sends out a DHCP Discover message in order to receive an IP address sends out a broadcast at both layer 2 and layer 3. The layer 2 broadcast is all Fs in hex, or FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. The layer 3 broadcast is, which means all networks and all hosts. 7. DHCP clients lease their IP addresses from DHCP servers. When this lease expires, that IP address can no longer be utilized by the DHCP client. For that reason, DHCP client must periodically renew their IP address leases, preferably before the lease has expired or is about to expire. The default lease period is 30 days.The default ping timeout is 500 milliseconds. 8. DHCP allows for both private and public addressing. 9. A DHCP server uses a ping to detect address conflicts.

DHCP Commands: 1. ipdhcp pool command creates a DHCP address pool. Or To create a DHCP server pool, use the ipdhcp pool command. 2. network command is used to specify the range of addresses. 3. ip address dhcp command is used to acquire a DHCP address on a router’s interface. 4. showipdhcp binding command is used to see the assigned DHCPaddresses. 5. clearipdhcp binding * command is used to clear DHCPaddresses on the server. 6. DHCP's other commands domain-name, dns-server, netbios-name-server,defaultrouter, and lease. 7. ipconfig/release command is used to terminate a PC’s DHCP-assigned lease.

DHCP Lab with Packet Tracer

Configure DHCP services on a Cisco Router with following information Network: Gateway Address: DNS Server:

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DHCP pool: to Excluded Address: to Configure router Router>en Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#intfa 0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shut Router(config-if)#exit

Configure DHCP Router(config)#ipdhcp ? excluded-address Prevent DHCP from assigning certain addresses pool Configure DHCP address pools Router(config)#ipdhcp pool ? WORD Pool name Router(config)#ipdhcp pool mypool Router(dhcp-config)# network Router(dhcp-config)#default-router ? A.B.C.D Router's IP address Router(dhcp-config)#default-router ? Router(dhcp-config)#default-router Router(dhcp-config)#dns-server ? A.B.C.D Setip address of DNS server Router(dhcp-config)#dns-server Router(dhcp-config)#exit Router(config)#ipdhcp ? excluded-address Prevent DHCP from assigning certain addresses pool Configure DHCP address pools Router(config)#ipdhcp excluded-address ? A.B.C.D Low IP address Router(config)#ipdhcp excluded-address Router(config)#ipdhcp excluded-address ? A.B.C.D High IP address Router(config)#ipdhcp excluded-address Router(config)#^Z Router#

View the assigned DHCP addresses Page | 57


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Router#showipdhcp binding IP address Client-ID/ Lease expiration Hardware address 00E0.F9BE.AD2D - 0090.2185.88DD - 0001.6450.50D8 -Router#

Click PC1/ IP Configuration /DHCP

Click PC2/ IP Configuration /DHCP

Click PC3/ IP Configuration /DHCP

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Click PC1/ Command Prompt PC>ipconfig /all Physical Address................: 00E0.F9BE.AD2D IP Address......................: Subnet Mask.....................: Default Gateway.................: DNS Servers.....................: PC>

Click PC2/ Command Prompt PC>ipconfig /all Physical Address................: 0090.2185.88DD IP Address......................: Subnet Mask.....................: Default Gateway.................: DNS Servers.....................: PC>

Click PC3/ Command Prompt PC>ipconfig /all Physical Address................: 0001.6450.50D8 IP Address......................: Subnet Mask.....................: Default Gateway.................: DNS Servers.....................: PC>

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Domain Name Server (DNS) Configuration and Administration using LINUX Domain Name System The Domain Name System (DNS) is the crucial glue that keeps computer networks in harmony by converting human-friendly hostnames to the numerical IP addresses computers require to communicate with each other. DNS is one of the largest and most important distributed databases the world depends on by serving billions of DNS requests daily for public IP addresses. Most public DNS servers today are run by larger ISPs and commercial companies but private DNS servers can also be useful for private home networks.

To Check IP [root@www Desktop]# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:84:6D:8C inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe84:6d8c/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:6624 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1474 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:442710 (432.3 KiB) TX bytes:1901220 (1.8 MiB) Interrupt:19 Base address:0x2000 eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:84:6D:96 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe84:6d96/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:13927 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:7518 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:9215651 (8.7 MiB) TX bytes:948169 (925.9 KiB) Interrupt:19 Base address:0x2080 lo

Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:480 (480.0 b) TX bytes:480 (480.0 b)

To Set DNS Server IP vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 EVICE=eth0 HWADDR=00:0c:29:84:6d:8c NM_CONTROLLED=no Page | 60

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ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= BOOTPROTO=none NETMASK= DNS= TYPE=Ethernet IPV6INIT=no USERCTL=no save :wq To Set Host Name [root@station Desktop]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes save :wq [root@station Desktop]# vim /etc/hosts station save :wq [root@station Desktop]# vim /etc/resolv.conf search nameserver save :wq [root@station Desktop]# hostname [root@station Desktop]# hostname To Install Package [root@station Desktop]# yum install bind* Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Repository 'yum' is missing name in configuration, using id Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Setting up Install Process Package 32:bind-utils-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686 already installed and latest version Package 32:bind-libs-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686 already installed and latest version Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package bind.i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 will be installed ---> Package bind-chroot.i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 will be installed ---> Package bind-dyndb-ldap.i686 0:0.2.0-7.el6 will be installed --> Finished Dependency Resolution

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Dependencies Resolved ======================================================================== Package Arch Version Repository Size ======================================================================== Installing: bind i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 yum 3.9 M bind-chroot i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 yum 67 k bind-dyndb-ldap i686 0.2.0-7.el6 yum 49 k Transaction Summary ========================================================================= Install 3 Package(s) Total download size: 4.0 M Installed size: 7.1 M Is this ok [y/N]: y Downloading Packages: (1/3): bind-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686.rpm | 3.9 MB 00:00 (2/3): bind-chroot-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686.rpm | 67 kB 00:00 (3/3): bind-dyndb-ldap-0.2.0-7.el6.i686.rpm | 49 kB 00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 20 MB/s | 4.0 MB 00:00 Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. Installing : 32:bind-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686 1/3 Installing : 32:bind-chroot-9.7.3-8.P3.el6.i686 2/3 Installing : bind-dyndb-ldap-0.2.0-7.el6.i686 3/3 Installed: bind.i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 bind-chroot.i686 32:9.7.3-8.P3.el6 bind-dyndb-ldap.i686 0:0.2.0-7.el6 Complete! [root@station Desktop]# To Copy named.conf file [root@station Desktop]# cp /etc/named.conf /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf

To Change directory cd /var/named/chroot/etc/ To edit configuration file [root@stationetc]#vim named.conf options { Page | 62

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}; zone "" IN { type master; file ""; }; zone "" IN { type master; file ""; }; save :wq To Change Group Name [root@stationetc]# chgrp named named.conf To Copy File same Location [root@stationetc]# cp /var/named/named.localhost /var/named/chroot/var/named/ [root@stationetc]# cp /var/named/named.loopback /var/named/chroot/var/named/ To change directory [root@stationetc]# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/ To edit configuration file [root@station named]# vim $TTL 1D @ IN SOA ( 0 ; serial 1D ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expire 3H ) ; minimum @ IN NS station IN A save :wq To edit configuration file [root@station named]# vim $TTL 1D @ IN SOA ( 0 ; serial 1D ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expire 3H ) ; minimum @ IN NS 1 IN PTR Page | 63


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save :wq To Change Group Name [root@station named]# chgrp named [root@station named]# chgrp named [root@station named]# ll total 8 -rw-r-----. 1 root named 190 Jun 1 19:12 -rw-r-----. 1 root named 196 Jun 1 19:15 [root@station named]# To Restart Service & On [root@station named]# service named restart Stopping named: [ hiren ] Starting named: [ hiren ] [root@station named]# chkconfig named on To Check Named Server [root@station named]# dig ; DiG 9.7.3-P3-RedHat-9.7.3-8.P3.el6 ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADERHEADERHEADERexit

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[Connection to closed by foreign host] R1# Telnet with packet tracer:

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Configure router R1

Router>enable Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R1 R1(config)#intfa 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#intfa 0/1 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#exit R1(config)#

Configure router R2

Router>enable Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#host R2 R2(config)#intfa 0/1 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config)#intfa 0/0 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut R2(config-if)#exit R2(config)# Page | 85


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Configure static route on router R1

R1(config)#ip route R1(config)#

Configure static route on router R2

R2(config)#ip route R2(config)#

Configure telnet on router R2

R2(config)#line vty 0 4 R2(config-line)#login local R2(config-line)#exit R2(config)#

Create some users on router R2

R2(config)#username xxx password x123 R2(config)#username yyy password y123 R2(config)#username Admin ? password Specify the password for the user privilege Set user privilege level secret Specify the secret for the user R2(config)#username Admin privilege ? User privilege level R2(config)#username Admin privilege 15 ? password Specify the password for the user secret Specify the secret for the user R2(config)#username Admin privilege 15 secret ? 0 Specifies an UNENCRYPTED secret will follow 5 Specifies a HIDDEN secret will follow LINE The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) user secret R2(config)#username Admin privilege 15 secret Aspell R2(config)# privilege 15 makes user go to directly hash prompt, not > prompt.

Go to PC-1 and try to telnet

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PC>telnet Trying ...Open

User Access Verification Username: xxx Password: R2> Notice that user xxx can enter > prompt.

R2>exit [Connection to closed by foreign host] PC>telnet Trying ...Open

User Access Verification Username: Admin Password: R2# Notice that user Admin directly go to # prompt. This is the power of privilege 15 command.

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Practical No.10 Q10) Configure SMTP, POP3, IMAP and MIME.

How to Setup and Configure the SMTP Service for Windows Server 2012 Many applications depend on the internal Windows SMTP Service to relay email confirmations to visitors browsing their web site. When using Windows Server 2012 the SMTP feature must be installed and configured first. Below are the steps for installing the internal Windows SMTP Service.

Install the SMTP Service 1 Launch the Server Manager.

2 From the Dashboard, click on Add Roles and Features to begin the wizard. Click Next on the first screen.

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3 Select 'Role-based or feature-based installation'.

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4 Select the server.

5 Click Next to bypass the Roles selections.

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6 Scroll down the list and tick the 'SMTP Server' feature.

7 A new window will pop up to inform you that some other services will also be installed. Click Add Features to confirm and continue.

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8 Click Next to continue past the features selection screen.

9 Click Install to complete the installation.

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10 Click Close when the installation has completed.

Configure the SMTP Service 1 Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager. 2 Click Yes to the UAC Prompt.

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3 Right-click on SMTP Virtual Server #1 and select Properties.

4 Select the General tab and change the IP Address to the server’s IP address.

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5 Select the Access tab and click on the Connection button.

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6 In the Connection window, select 'Only the list below' and click the Add button.

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7Add the IP address, Group of computers or Domain of the devices permitted to use the internal SMTP, then click OK.

8 In the Access tab of the Connection window, click the Relay button. Add the same permitted devices to the Relay Restrictions list.

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9 In the Delivery tab of the Connection window, set an external domain.

10 Launch the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console. 11 Right-click on 'Inbound Rule' and select 'New Rule' to begin the wizard.

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12 Select 'Port' and click Next.

13 Set the local port to 25 and click Next.

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14 Choose 'Allow the connection' and click Next.

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15 Uncheck 'Public' to prevent external access to the server. Click Next.

16 Give the rule a name, and click Finish.

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17 You should now see a new rule enabled in the firewall management console.

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18 In the Server Manager, click on Tools and select Services.

19 In the Services window, double-click on 'Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)'.

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20 Stop and then Start the service. Set the Startup type to Automatic.

20 Click OK to finish. The internal SMTP service is now ready and listening.


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