Issues of Grammar Teaching and Assessment

October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Issues of Gramm Grammar ar Teaching and Assessment.


Why should we teach grammar?

“Why do we have to learn this? When am I ever going to need this in life? This is so B-O-R-I-N-G!”


Why should we teach grammar? •

If you’ve ever taught grammar, you may be familiar with complaints like these. It’ss not only students who often dislike grammar lessons, though. Some It’ teachers question it, and some parents and administrators think it’ i t’ss an outdated practice. If you’ve encountered resistance in your English teaching experience, you may feel like teaching grammar is fighting an uphill battle.


Why should we teach grammar? •

English Language Arts Arts teachers need to have a firm fi rm understanding of why they are teaching grammar because – let’s face it – opposition will come. It’s natural for skeptics to question why we are teaching certain concepts, but when we don’t have an answer, answer, things get, well….a little li ttle awkward.

So, why bother? Because it matters.


What are some of the primary reasons grammar is not taught? • •

It’s boring. Students don’t like it.

Kids don’t remember it.

The skills don’t transfer to real life.

Teachers don’t understand it.

It’s an outdated practice.

There’s not enough time.


Professionals need to help students understand grammar,, but in order to do so, we need to understand: grammar •

Grammar lessons and units need to be structured eectively.

The overall grammar sequence impacts students’ understanding.

Grammar needs to be taught both directly and in context.

Teachers have to take time to study grammar and understand how language works.


The teacher is not the only pedagogue

“Cooperation works better than competition in the large class: cross-ability grouping allows the more able learners to improve their language skills by honoring their ability to explain, to state clearly, and to give eective examples, while it provides the less able with considerable support” (Hess,

2001, p.3)


How to Sequence Grammar  •

I always begin with a pre-test. It features questions that cover all grammatical concepts I plan to teach throughout the year. Based on the results of the pre-test, I know what I can go through t hrough quickly and what needs more focused instruction. First semester is all about the building blocks – establishing a firm foundation that can be built upon upo n second semester.

The 8 parts of speech are the basics of our language, so if students need a refresher, I begin there.

The 8 Parts of Speech

Simple & Complete Subjects & Predicates

D.O. / I.O. / P.N. / P.A. (Subject Complements)


Why? •

Students have to understand nouns, verbs, and modifiers to be able to identify the subject and verb of a sentence as well as to divide a sentence in two: complete subject and complete predicate. predicate. I cover direct objects, indirect indirect objects, and subject complements next because infinitives and gerunds can function as some of these elements.

At this point, I only cover coordinating conjunctions with the 8 parts of speech because the other conjunctions rely upon an understanding of more complex grammar concepts.


Two main issues in teaching grammar.

Teaching large multi-level classes

catering to different learning styles.


Teaching large multi-level classes

Unfortunately, we often deal with many classes that do not conform the  pedagogical norm of 20-25 students per classroom. In many parts of the world teachers may have a class size range from 30 students to over 130. This, of course brings benefits and challenges.


The benefits

There are always enough students for interaction. •

We tend to think small classes are ideal. However, when there are very few students in a class, they quickly get to know one another. Opportunities for personalization become rare as students have fewer new ideas to offer, and the classes themselves can become quite dull.


The benefits

We get a rich variety of human resources. •

Depending on the age of our students, but normally we always have students from different backgrounds, that can contribute their experiences to the whole class and make the learning experience more significant and interesting.


The benefits

In mixed-ability classes, we can deploy the more able students to play tutoring roles for their less linguistically able students and take some of the load of teachers. This can create a positive, collaborative climate. The biggest challenge in making students “tutors” is that they will feel that they are not learning anything. But with enough support and guidance from the instructor,  peer-to-peer tutoring can be very very beneficial for all involved.


The benefits

We are never bored. •

This point reflects the richness richn ess and diversity of the large class. There are always multiple things going on, issues to attend and challenges to meet.

Professional development occurs naturally. •

Although we prefer small classes, the techniques we have taught will have to be reinvented and refined with larger groups.


The challenges

We often feel out of control. •

Even the most experienced teacher can have trouble managing a large class. If we opt for  pair or group work, simply getting students in and out of groups can pose a formidable f ormidable challenge even before any teaching takes place. A chaotic environment can happen when all students talk at the same time, this will generate so much noise. It is often difficult to hear individual students or to make oneself heard.


The challenges

Hess (2001) suggests that a solution to a chaotic environment is organization.

Good organization, among other things, helps students to know what is expected of them and to get on task quickly and efficiently. Having a special place on the board where homework assignments are always placed or where directions for the first activity of the day are written, and a place where all the scheduled activities for the lesson are listed, help in establishing good control (Hess, 2001, p.4).


The challenges

In the larger class we may feel trapped in problems of management. •

We are confronted with multiple tasks, some of which are performed simultaneously with numerous practical managerial decisions including taking attendance, collecting homework, and so on.


The challenges •

In terms of grammar, grammar, we have to deal with the following questions: •

How and when do we deal with errors when they occur in the course of a communicative activity?

How about if the error occurs during a form-focused drill or exercise?

How do we give feedback to students who are at different stages of grammar development, and for whom some explanations will either be irrelevant or incomprehensible?


The challenges

 We are frustrated by the huge amount of written work. •

Correcting the grammar errors in students’ written work is, for many teachers, the most time-consuming they do. can Collaboration is key, getting when students reviewers of eachthing other’s work be helpful for the teacher this to is act doneasinpeer the classroom.


The challenges

It is difficult to provide for individual learning styles. •

When we teach grammar, we need to use a range of different techniques that cater to those who favor the deductive learning of grammar as well as those who prefer to learn inductively.


The challenges

Activating the quiet student is difficult. •

Even though some students can learn just as effectively by not participating as they can  by Giving adequatecues timetotoimprove prepare accuracy what they have to say say,, possibly  by participating. providing them with them grammatical accuracy, , not requiring them to speak up in front of the whole class can actually improve participation rates.


Catering to different learning styles

A learning style refers to the learners’ preferred way of learning. It is “an individual’s natural, habitual, and preferred ways of absorbing, processing and retaining new information and skills” (Kinsella, 1995, p. 171). Some individuals are visual learners while other prefer to learn by listening to the target language.


Catering to different learning styles •

Willing (1987) identified 4 different language learning styles.


How do might you imagine that the four different types of learners prefer to st udy study grammar? •

Concrete learners like to encounter grammar in context. They are likely to respond well to tasks in which a grammar point is supported and explained by some kind of visual. Analytical learners, on the other hand, prefer to identify grammar rules and principles through the inductive study of language. Communicative learners also prefer learning inductively, and encountering grammar in context, where the relationship between form and function is clear. Authority-oriented learners favor a deductive approach in which the teacher provides a rule and then gives them opportunities to apply the rule.


Catering to different learning styles

If the majority of your students are authority-oriented, they will probably be more satisfied with the fairly “traditional” exercises and tasks such as cloze, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple choice. Analytical learners will  probably be happy if you provide them with wit h self-study sel f-study resources, time in the self-access center or to practice grammar through internet. Communicative and concrete learners are more likely to prefer learning grammar through games, simulations, role-plays, information gaps, and projects.


Catering to different learning styles

Often teachers will subconsciously design lessons that favor their dominant learning style. Therefore it is important to remember to cater to an assortment of learning styles.


Reference diest-of-confessions-whywe-teach-grammar-and-you-should-too/ -to-sequence-grammarinstruction/ 

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