Overview 'his sotw$re !ro4i&es $ conteo7 >o7 will will in& this s)(bol s)(bol se4er$l ti(es on on the the User Desto!.
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Login n or&er to 7se the sotw$re? )o7 will h$4e to log in. le$se enter )o7r 7ser n$(e $n& !$sswor&. )o7 &o not h$4e $n $cco7nt or this sotw$re or )o7 orgot )o7r !$sswor&? !le$se cont$ct )o7r A&(inistr$tor. or irst-ti(e 7se o the sotw$re? !le$se enter admin $s 7ser n$(e $n& admin $s !$sswor&.
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