ISO9001-2015 Departmentwise Audit Questionnaire

February 5, 2019 | Author: Anonymous jKuXWubR8 | Category: Audit, Competence (Human Resources), Quality Management System, Quality Management, Information
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ISO 9001:2015 Audit Checklist...


ISO 9001:2015, Department Wise Audit Questionnaire


QMS & G!"A# $"O%D"S:'

(1) (1)

How How do you you meas measur ure e effec effecti tive vene ness ss of of syst system em for for worki working ng of you yourr compa company ny? ? How do do you collec collectt neces necessar sary y inform informati ation on for the same? same? Are Are you gettin getting g inform informati ation on for  corrective action taken and it’s effectiveness for discussion in the management review meeting?


Have you considered the context of the organiation’s overall !usiness activities and issues and environmental conditions affected !y your activities? "o whom you have identified your  interested parties?


$hat $hat are are the needs needs and and expect expectati ation ons s of inter interest ested ed partie parties s in %nvir %nvironm onment ent manage managemen mentt system? $hat procedure or process is followed to understand interested parties re&uirements? re&uirements?

How How do you esta esta!l !lis ish h the the %'? %'? How How do you !rin !ring g cont contin inua uall impr improv ovem emen entt in %nvironment management system in accordance of * +,,1-2,1.? (/) (/)

How How do you you plan plan for for manag managem emen entt review review mee meeti ting ng and and who who are are comm commit itte tee e mem! mem!er er? ? 0o you you circu circulat late e agenda agenda for 'anag 'anageme ement nt review review meetin meetings gs in advanc advance? e? 0o you you prep prepar are e minu minute tes s of 'ana 'anage geme ment nt revi review ew meet meetin ing g with ith the the acti action ons s deci decide ded d in management review meeting? How do you monitor effectiveness of the system? Are you having any &uantifia! &uantifia!le le o!ectives o!ectives for managemen managementt review? review? $hen do you review it?


Have you done any planning for how to achieve the environmental o!ectives? 0oes this plan cover what will !e done3 resource details and responsi!ilities3 target date? How the results are evaluated including indicators for achievement of this o!ective?


Have you update risks !ased on investigation and opportunities determined during planning? How do you ensure corrective action taken is appropriate to the effects of the 5on conformities encountered?


How do you improve the suita!ili suita!ility3 ty3 ade&uacy ade&uacy33 and effectivene effectiveness ss of the 7' to enhance enhance performance? Have you determined is there needs or opportunities that are addressed as a part of continual improvement? improvement?

(8) (8)

Are Are you you doin doing g foll follow ow-u -up p for for comp comple leti tion on of acti action on deci decide ded d in 'ana 'anage geme ment nt revie review w meetings? How? $hat is input and output of 'anagement review meetings?

(+) (+)

0oes 0oes the the maste masterr list for for docum documen ente ted d infor informa matio tion? n? how how us late latest st revi revisi sion on of 7ual 7uality ity 'anual and other documented information? How do you inform all the persons for  changes in any documents? $ho is responsi!le for approval and control of different types of documents? How do you get information for changes in the procedure 9 documented information? How do you inform to all the concerned person?

(1,) (1,)

How docum document ents s are identi identifie fied d for contro control9u l9unco ncontr ntroll olled ed : o!sole o!solete? te?

(11 (11)

0o you you prese preserve rve o!s o!sole olete te docu documen ments? ts? $he $here re do you you pres preserv erve e it?

(12) (12)

0o you you have have list list of train trained ed audi audito tors rs? ? $ho $ho has has give given n trai traini ning ng to them them as per per * * +,,1;2,1.? How many days? Have you made audit plan : audit schedule? 0uring auditing do the auditor check and monitor results of 7uantifia!le criteria reported !y the functional heads? 0oes all the 5olicy o!ectives? $here? How do you ensure that it is implemented !y all the employees? 0oes the 7' o!ectives are in



line with strategic direction of the organiation?



How do you provide evidence of your commitment to the development and implementation of the 7uality 'anagement ystem and continually improving its effectiveness? How do you ensure customer re&uirement are determined (tated product related3  Application related or intended use3 statutory and regulatory and additional) and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction as a part of customer focus? How do you communicate the same to all the employees 9 A#(A)AA %OM$A!* + .a-a/aa.om

$ae 14 o/ 15

ISO 9001:2015, Department Wise Audit Questionnaire (/)

Have you determine external and internal issues in the 7uality management system (7')? 0oes this issues are relevant to its purpose and a!ility to achieve intended outcome of 7'?


s there 7uantifia!le o!ectives defined from 7uality >olicy? How do you measure 7uality >olicy o!ectives? $here? s it supported with o!ective evidence? $hat are the prime o!ectives for going for * +,,1;2,1. 7uality 'anagement ystem? $hat is your experience after implementing *; +,,, systems in last four  months?


(6) (8)

Have you determine the !oundaries and applica!ility of the 7uality management system?


Have you considered the context of the organiation’s overall !usiness activities and issues and conditions affected !y your activities? ased on that have you identified risk and opportunity and what actions are planned? $hat is your next . years vision and to achieve goals how do you see organiation commitment for 7uality management system?


Are regular 'anagement =eview 'eetings held to review 7uality system? How 'any management review meetings are held? Any agenda or circular for the same? How do you review effectiveness of system with respect to 7uality o!ectives and *; +,,1 re&uirements? 0o you receive any report from H*0 for review on effectiveness of  system? $hich points are discussed in 'anagement =eview 'eeting? How do you get information for re&uirement of resources? 0oes management provided ade&uate resources for installation of 7uality 'anagement ystem like (1) Human resources (
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