ISO 45001

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ISO 45001 Current status of development July 2015 ISO/PC 283


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Verbal statements made by the presenter may represent personal opinions and/or interpretations

The presentation includes information related to the drafting process up to and including July 2015

Internatonal Or"an#aton for Standard#aton $ISO% 

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!" is based in #ene$a% & 'ith 1(5 member national standards bodies & 20500 published standards  )ll !" standards are based on consensus !"*s 'or+ in$ol$es all rele$ant sta+eholders and includes e,perts from: industry and commerce% go$ernment% consumers% labour% academia% standards applications% -#"*s.

Internatonal Or"an#aton for Standard#aton $ISO%

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!"*s roect ommittee -o. 23 4!"/ 23 is responsible for the de$elopment of !" 5001

!"/ 23*s membership currently includes: & 56 participating countries% & 15 obser$er countries% & 1( liaison members.

&'s presentaton 

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t pro$ides an o$er$ie' of the current state of de$elopment of !" 5001 Occupational health and safety management systems  – Requirements with guidance for use

t is being de$eloped by !"/ 23 for use by its members for communication purposes

t 'ill be updated as the de$elopment of !" 5001 progresses

(ey perspe!tves &'s ne) standard s *en" developed to+ 7elp organi8ations minimi8e the ris+ of harm to all those 'or+ing under their control 4defined as 9'or+ers 'ithin the standard 

ro$ide a platform for continual impro$ement in occupational health and safety performance 

ntegrate "7;! 'ithin an organi8ation*s o$erall business management system 

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,an fo!us &'e draft standard puts emp'ass on+ Top management : & being accountable for "7;! management & needing to demonstrate leadership.

 =or+er participation in: & the identification of ha8ards and ris+s & the de$elopment and operation of the "7;! management system%

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and indicates these are essential for success.

,an fo!us &'e draft standard puts emp'ass on+  The need to pre$ent ill&health 4including mental ill&health% as 'ell as inuries

The need to recogni8e that the causes of ill&health and inuries can be through & immediate impacts 4e.g. accidents or epidemics & longer term impacts 4such as repeated e,posure to radiation or carcinogenic chemicals% or to a constantly stressful 'or+ing en$ironment

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-"' level stru!ture  ) ne' common format has been de$eloped by !" for use in all its management system standards% and is being used by !" 5001. This is often referred to as 9)nne, !>% and gi$es:

     ̶ a common top level clause structure (or sequence)      ̶ standardized core text      ̶ standardized core definitions

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t is intended to enable organi8ations to achie$e easier implementation and better integration of multiple management systems 4e.g. @uality% en$ironmental% information security The high le$el structure and common te,t is public information and can be found in .nne S of the !" !upplement to the !"/? Directi$es art 1% see: '''$es

Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012 1 2 3 4


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S!ope ormatve referen!es &erms and defntons Contet of t'e or"an#aton .1 Anderstanding the organi8ation and its conte,t .2 Anderstanding the needs and e,pectations 'or+ers and other interested parties .3 Determining the scope of "7;! management system . "7;! management system and its processes eaders'p% )orer part!paton and !onsultaton 5.1 >eadership and commitment 5.2 olicy 5.3 "rgani8ational roles% responsibilities and authorities 5. articipation% consultation and representation Plannn" (.1 )ctions to address ris+s and opportunities (.2 "7;! obecti$es and planning to achie$e them

Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012

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