ISO 31000 Risk Manager Training and certification in doha.pptx

April 21, 2018 | Author: emeka2012 | Category: Risk Management, International Organization For Standardization, Risk, Business, Evaluation
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ISO 31 3100 000 0 Risk M anager anager

In this threee-day intensive cour urse pa participants de devel elop the com petence to m astera m odel odelforim plem enting risk m anagem nagem ent processes throughouttheirorganizat ation using the ISO 31000:2009 standa ndard as a reference fram ewor ework.

Prog ogr ram Outline Day 1: 1:Introdu duction to the Ri Risk M anagem ent ntfram ewo work according to ISO 3100 31000 0 • Conc ncept pts and nd definitions ns related to Risk M anagem ent nt • Ri Risk M ana nage geme m entstand ndar ards,fram ewo works and nd m ethod odol ologi gies • Im plem entation of a Risk M anag anagem ement entfram ew ewor ork • Understanding an organ anization and its cont ntext xt

Prog ogr ram Outline Day 2:Risk ident ntification and assessme m ent nt,risk eval aluation,treat atm ent nt, accept ptance,com m unication an and sur urveillance ac according to ISO 31 3100 000 0 • Risk identification • Risk analysis an and risk eval aluation • Risk treatm ent • Risk accept ptanc nce and nd residual alrisk m anag agem ent • Risk com m unication and cons nsultation • Risk m oni nitoring and review

Prog ogr ram Outline

Day 3:Risk assessm entm ethodo dologi gies according to ISO 31000 and nd Certification Exam • Present ntation of risk as assessm ent ntm ethodo dologi gies • Certification Exa xam

Delivery M od odes es


InstructorLed VirtualClassroom om 

To understand the concepts, approaches, methods, tools and techniques allowing an effective risk management according to ISO 31000 and IEC/ISO 31010

To understand the relationship between the risk management and the compliance with the requirements requirements of different stakeholders stakeholders of an organization

To acquire the competence to implement, maintain and manage an ongoing risk management program according to ISO 31000

To acquire the competence to effectively advise organizations practices in risk management

on the best

Becom e M asterofISO 31000

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Get ISO 31000 Risk Manager Certified



Accredi dited Training Organizat ation & Exa xam ination Cen entre

26 Yrs – 33 Yr Yrs.Trainerhaving thous usand ndshour ursof Auditing exp xperienc nce

Participantm anualcontainsover er350 pages ofinforma m ation and practical exam ples. Cas ase Study Ba Based & Con onsulting Pr Practice bas ased training m ode del& nota book okish approach! In case of offailure of ofan exa xam ,the pa participants are al allowe w ed to retake the exam (*) A participation certificate of21 21 CPD PD (Con ontinuing ProfessionalDevel elopm ent nt) credi ditswi w illbe issue ued to the participants

Exa xam and certification fees esar are included in the training price

You willbe pr prepa pared as Industry Co Cons nsultant

 W ho Should Attend? • Ri Risk m anager anagers • Informa m ation Sec ecurity Con onsultant • IT He Head ads,IT SeniorM anagem ent ntProfessiona nals • Professiona nalslook oking to lear arn Ri Risk M anagem ent nt • Individuals respo ponsible forInform ation Secur urity or orconform ity within an organ anizat ation • M em bers of the Inform ation Security team am • ITconsul ultants • IT M anagers

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