ISO 10816

September 26, 2018 | Author: Pedro Roque Izquierdo | Category: Steady State, Turbine, Bearing (Mechanical), Resonance, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics
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Vibraciones mecanicas version ingles...




Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

Jawaharlal Nehru

IS/ISO 10816-2 (2001): Mechanical vibration - Evalauation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts, Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW [MED 28: Mechanical Vibration and Shock]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

15/150 10816-2 : 2001 [Superseding IS 14817 (Part 2) : 2004J

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Indian Standard


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Price Group 6

Mechanical Vibration and Shock sectional Committee, MED 28

NATIONAl FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) which is identical with ISO 10816-2 : 2001 'Mechanical vibrat ion Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MN with normal operating speeds of 1 500 rlmin, 1 800 rlmin, 3 000 r/min and 3600 rImin' issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee and approval of the Mechanical Eng ineering Division Council. This Indian Standard supersedes IS 14817 (Part 2) : 2004 'Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts: Part 2 Large land-based steam turbine generator sets in excess of 50 MN'. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularty drawn to the following: a) 'Mlerever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard , they should be read as 'Indian Standard'. b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standards, while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker. In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in their respective places . are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard

Corresponding Indian Standard

Degree of Equivalence

ISO 7919-2 : 2001 Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1 500 rlmin, 1 800 rlmin, 3 000 r/min and 3 600 rlmin

ISIlSO 7919-2 2001 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts : Part 2 Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1 500 rlmin, 1 800 rlmin, 3 000 r/min and 3 600 rlmin


ISO 10816-1 1995 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on nonrotating parts Part 1: General guidelines

IS 14817 (Part 1) : 2000 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on nonrotating parts : Part 1 General guidelines


For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with , the final value , observed or calculated. expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


10816-2: 2001


1 Scope This part of ISO 108 16 gives spec ific gUidance for evaluating the seve nty of vibrat.o n measured o n the bea nncs of ste am tu rbines and generators. GUid elines are pres ented for II! situ. broad -ba nd vibra tion measu reme nts take n ,; :rl~ rad ial direc tion on the bea nngs In terms of : vibration under normal steady -state operating co nd itions; vibration dunng transient operation. Including passage through resonant speeds dunng run up or run down . chan ges in vibrat ion wh ich can occur dunng normal steady-state ope ration . The gUideli nes also apply to axial vibration measured on thrust beanngs. This part of ISO 10816 IS applicable to land-based steam turbines and generators with a normal operatmg speed of 1 500 r/rrun , 1 800 r/rrun. 3000 r/rrun or 3600 r/rnin , and power outputs greater than 50 MW II also Includes steam turbines and/or generators which are directly coupled to a gas turbine (SUCh as for cornomed cy cle app hcattons]. In such ca ses the cntena of this part of ISO 10816 apply only to the steam turbine and the generator. Evaluation of the gas tu rbine vibration should be carried out In accordance w ith ISO 7919·4 and ISO 10816·4

2 Normative references The follow ing nor mat ive documents conta in provisions which. thr ough reference In this text. co nst itute provrs io ns of this part of ISO 10816 For dated references. subsequent a me ndmen ts to. or reVISIOr)S of. an y of these pubhcanons do not a pply. How ever. par ties to agreements based on this part of ISO 10816 are encouraged to Invest igate the pos sibility ot appl ying the mo st recent ed itions of the normative documents Indicated bel ow For undated rete rences, the latest edi tio n of the nor mative doc ument refe rred to appl ies Me mbers of ISO and lEe ma intain reg iste rs of cur rently va lid Interna lto nal Standards . ISO 7919·2. Mech amcal Vib ration - Evaluation of mac hme vibrat ion b.ymeasur emen ts on rotaling snetts - Part 2 ' Land-based steam turbin es and generators in excess of 50 MW WIth norma l operst mq speeds of 1 500 r.trun, t 800 r/mm , 3 000 r/min and 3 600 r/mm ISO 10816-1 , Mechamcal vtbtetion Part 1: General gUidelmes

Evaluation of machme vibretion by measuremen ts on non-rotating parts -

3 Measurement procedures The measurement procedures to be followed an d the mstrurnen tanoo to be use d shall bf! as descr.bsd In ISO 10816-1.

IsnSO 10816-2: 2001

The measurement system shall be capable of measuring broad-band vibration over a frequency range from 10 Hz to at least 500 Hz . If, however, the instrumentation is also to be used for diagnostic purposes, or mon ito ring during machine run up, run down or overspeed, a wider frequency range may be necessary. Furthermore, in special cases where significant low-frequency vibration can be transmitted to the machine (e.g . in earthquake reg ions), It may be necessary to attenuate the low-frequency response of the instrumentation. The transducers for vibration measurements shall be mounted on a rigid part of the structure such that they prov ide adequate sensitivity to the dynamic forces of the machine. Typically, this will requ ire measuring in two orthogonal radial directions on each bearing, as shown in Figure 1. Although the transducers may be placed at any angular location on the bearings, vertical and horizontal directions are usually preferred .

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Evaluation critena in this part of ISO 10816

measurementson thrust beanngs. Figure 1 -




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' . . app Iy to rad lal vibration measurements on all bearings and to axial vibration

Recommended locations of vibration measurements on bearings

151150 10816·2: 2001

A single radial transducer may be used on a beanng In place of the more typical pa ir of orthogonal transducers If It IS known to prov ide adequa te mtorrnanon on the magmt ude of the mach ine vibration In genera l. however, caunon should be observed 10 evaluating vrbrat .on from a slOgle transduce r at a measu reme nt plane since it may not be onented to provide a reason able apo rox.rnatron of the maximum val ue at that plane . It is not common pract ice to measure axral vibratron on main radial load -carrymq beanngs of steam turbines and generators for cont muous operationa l rnorutonnq . Such measurements are used pnmanly dunng penodic vibration surveys. or for diagnostic purposes . AXial vioranon c ntena are not prov ided In this part of ISO 10816 . However, when ax ial vibration IS measured at thrust beanngs . thp seve nty may be Judged usmg the same cruena as for radial vibration .

4 Evaluation criteria 4.1 General ISO 10816-1 provides a general descriptron of the two evaluation cntena used to assess vibration seventy on vanous classes of machines . One criterion considers the magnitude of observed broad-band vioranon: the second considers changes in magnitude. Irrespective of whether they are Increases or decreases. Critena are presented for steady-state operatinq conditions at the spec ined rated speed and load ranges . including the normal slow changes In electncal load of the generator. Alter native values of vibrat .on magnitude are also prov ided for trans ient operation .

4.2 Criterion I: Vibration magnitude 4.2.1


This criterion is concerned with defin ing limits for absolute vibratron magnitude consistent with acceptable dynamiC loads on the bearings and acceptable vrbranon transrmssion IOtO the support structure and toundancn . 4.2.2

Vibration magnitude at rated speed under normal steady-state operating conditions General The max imum vibration magnitude obs erved at each beanng or pedestal is assessed aga inst four evaluanon zones established from international expenence . The maximum magnitude of Vibration measured '5 defined as the vibranon severity. Evaluation zones The following evaluat ion zones are defined to permit a qua litat ive asses sment of the vb ranon of a given mactune and to prov ide guidelines on possible actions. Zone A: The vibration of newly commissioned mach mes would no rma lly fall with in trus lone Zone B: Machi nes with vibration withm tms zone a re nor mally con sidered acceptable lor unrestricted long ·term operation. Zone C: Machines with vibration within trus l one are norm ally considered unsati sfactory for IQng te rm continuou s operation. Ge nerall y. the mach ine may be operated for a limited pe nod In trus condition untli a SUitable oppo rtunity ar ises for remed ial action . Zone 0 : Vibrat ion values within this zone are norma l!y considered to be of sutncte n t seven ty te cau se darnaoe to the machine.



15/150 10816-2: 2001

NOTE The evaluation zones dehned above are relevant to normal steady-state operation at rated speed. Subclause 4.24 provides quideunes for transient operation. Evaluation zone boundaries Recommended values for the zone boundaries are given In annex A. They apply to radial vibration measurements on all bearings and to axial vibration measurements on thrust bearings when taken under steady-state operaling conditions at rated soee . The zone boundary values were established from representative data provided by manufacturers and users. Since the data show significant spread. the zone boundary values should be considered only as quidelines. They are not Intended to serve as acceptance specitications, which shall be subject to agreement between the machine manufacturer and customer However, these values provide guidelines for ensuring that gross detic.encres or unreahsnc requirements are avoided. In most cases the values given In Table A.1 are consistent with ensuring that the dynamic loads transmitted to the bearmq support structure and foundation are acceptable. However, in certain cases. specific features or available experience associated With a particular machine type may require different zone boundaries to be used (lower or hl'jnen. Examples are as follows. a) For comparatively lightly loaded beanngs (e.g. exciter rotor steady bearings) or other more flexible bearings. other cntena based on the detailed machine design may be necessary. b) For some machine designs. where the rotor and bearings are supported on a compliant base/support structure, tbe magmtudes of (absolute) bearing vibration might be higher than those for steam turbines and generators that have more rigid bearing support structures. It may then be acceptable, based on demonstrated satisfactory operatmq history, for the zone boundary values given In annex A to be increased. See also 423.2 and annex B With regard to setting limits for machines havinq beanngs With different support stiffness In general wren higher zone boundary values are used. it might be necessary for technical Justification to be prJvi'Jed to confirm that the machine reliabihtv Will not be cornprorruzed by operaling with higher vibration magnitudes. Trus could be based. for example. on successful operating experience With machines of Similar structural desiqn and support Higher values may also be tolerated dUring transient conditions, such as run up and run down (see 42.4) ThiS part of ISO t 0816 does not provide dlfferenl evaluation zone values for steam turbines and generators mounted on rigid and tlexibte foundations This is consistent With ISO 7919-2 which deals With shaft Vibration for the same class at machines However. this part of ISO 10816 and ISO 7919-2 might be revised In the future to give different Criteria lor steam turbines and qenerators mounted on massive concrete foundations and those mounted on lighter, tuned steel foundations. If additional analvsis of survey data on such machines shows trus to be warranted. The common measurement parameter for assessing machine Vibration severity is velocity. Table A.1 presents the evaluil!icln lone boundaries based on broad-band ems (root-mean-square) velocity measurements. In many cases. however, It was customary to measure Vibration With Instruments scaled to read peak rather than Vibration velocitv values If the Vibration wave form is basicauy smusordal, a Simple relationship exists between the peak and r m S vaues and the lone boundaries of Table A. 1 may be readily expressed In peak values. For steam turbines and generators, it 15 common for the Vibration to be predominantly at the running frequency of the rrachlO€ For such cases and when peak rather than r.rn.s. values of Vibration are beinq measured. a table equivalent to Table A.1 can be constructed . The zone boundaries of Table A.1 are multiplied by ~ factor of \/2 to produce such a'" eqUivaient table for assessing peak Vibration seventy. Alternalively. the measured peak Vibration values mav be diVided by \ 2 and JUdged against the rrns. criteria of Table A.1. A different factor may be required If Instrumentation rneasurinq true peak values IS used .


I5nSO 10818-2: 2001


Operational limits for steady-state operation


For long-term steady-state operation. it is common practice to establish operational vibration limits . These hrruts take the form of ALARMS and TRIPS. ALARMS: To provide a warning that a defined value of vibration has been reached or a significant change has occurred, at which remedial act ion may be necessary. In general , If an ALARM suuation occurs, operation can continue for a per iod whilst investigations are carried out to ident ify the reason for the change In vibration and define any remedial action . TRIPS: To specify the magnitude of vibration beyond which further operation of the machine may cause damage. II the TRIP value is exceeded, immed iate action should be taken to reduce the vibration or the machine should be shut down. Different operat ional limits, reflecting differences in dynamic loading and support stiffness, may be specified tor different measurement positions and directions. setting of ALARMS The ALARM values may vary for Individual machines. The values chosen Will normally be set relative to a baseline value determined from experience for the measurement position or direction for that particular machine It is recommended that the ALARM value be set higher than the basehne by an amounl equal to 25 % of the zone boundary B/C. If the baseline is low, the ALARM may be below zone C (see the example In annex B) . Where there is no estabhshed baseline (for example With a new machine) the Inlbal ALARM seltlng should be based either on experience with other SImilar machines or relative to agreed acceptance values . After a period of time, the steady-state baseline value Will be established and the ALARM settinq should be adjusted accordingly. Where the baseline signa l IS non -steady and non-repetnive. some method of time averaging of the signal IS required. This could be achieved With the aid of a computer. It is recommended that the ALARM value should not normally exceed 1.25 times the zone boundary BIC f the steady-state baseline changes (for example after a mach ine overhaul). the ALARM setting should be revised accordingly. Different operational ALARM settings may then exist for different bearings on the machine, reflecling differences in dynamic loading and beanng support stiffnesses. An example of estab lish ing ALARM values is given in annex B. Setting of TRIPS The TRIP values will generally relate to the mechanical Integnty of the machine and be dependent on any specific design features which have been introduced to enable the machine to Withstand abnormal dynamic lorces . The values used will, therefore . generally be the same for all machines of Similar deSign and would not normally be related to the steady-state baseline value used for setnnq ALARMS. There may, however, be differences for mach ines of different des iqn and It IS not possioie to give more prec ise guidelines for absolute TRIP values. In general. the TRIP value Will be Within zone C or D. but It ISrecommended that the TRIP value should not exceed 1,25 times the zone boundary CID


ISJlSO 10816-2: 2001

4.2.4 Vibration magnitude during transient operation General The vibration values gIven In annex A are specified with regard to the long-term operation of the steam turbine and/or generator at the specified steady-state operating conditions, Higher values of vibration can be tolerated durinq transient operation. This Includes both transient operation at rated speed and durinq run up or run down. particularly when passing through resonant speed ranges. The higher values allowed for transient operation may exceed the ALARM values specified in 4.2.3. As with the steady-state vibration. any acceptance values for specific cases shall be subject to agreement between the machine manufacturer and customer. However, guidelines are given below which should ensure that gross defICiencies or unrealistic requirements are avoided. Vibration magnitude during transient operation at rated speed This includes operation at no load following synchronization. rapid load or power factor changes and any other operational conditions of relatively short duration. For such transient conditions, the Vibration magnitude shall normally be considered to be acceptable provided that it does not exceed the zone boundary C/O. Vibration magnitude during run up, run down and overs peed The speciticanon of vibration limits during run up, run down and overspeed may vary depending on particular machine constructional features, or the specific operational requirements. For example. higher vibration values may be acceptable for a base load Unit for which there may be only a small number of starts, whereas more stnngent limits may apply for a unit which undergoes regular two-shift operation and may be subject to specific time constraints for achieVing guaranteed output levels. Furthermore, the vibration magnitude when passing through resonant speeds dUring run up and run down Will be strongly Influenced by the damping and the rate of change of speed. For example, as the rate of change of speed IS generally lower dUring run down than run up. higher vibration values may be expenenced when pasSing through resonant speeds during run down (see also ISO 10814 for further Information about the sensmvity of machines to unbalance). In thrs part of ISO 10816 It is only possible to provide general quidehnes which can be used if there are no established baseline values available for Similar machines (see also annex B). The quioeune IS that the allowable pedestal Vibration velOCity to prevent damaging levels of vibranon from being expenenced durinq run up. run down or overspeed should not exceed the zone boundary C/O. It should also be noted that the specification of a Single value of pedestal Vibration velocity dunnq run up or run down would lead to unacceptably high vibration displacements at low speed. In such cases It may be necessary to define alternative low-speed cntena. Trus retationstup IS shown In graphical form in Figure 2. The maximum values Will normally occur dunnq passage through resonant speed ranges. In order to avoid excessive Vibration It is recommended that. where possible. the vibration should be assessed before a resonant speed IS reached and compared with typical vibration vectors obtained under the same conditions during previous satisfactory runs If any slgnllicant differences are observed. It may be advisable to take further action before proceeding (for example. hold speed until the vibration stabilizes or returns to previous values. carry out a more detailed investigalion or check operational parameters). As IS the case for vibration measured under normal steady-state operaling conditions, any ALARM values durinq run up. run down and overspeed should normally be set relative to the corresponding baseline values determined from experience dUring run up. run down or overspeed for the particular machine. It IS recommended that the ALARM value during run up. run down and overs peed should be set above the baseline value by an amount equal to 25 % of the zone boundary BIC In those cases where no rehable baseline data are al/allable. It IS recommended that the maximum ALARM value should be not greater than the zone boundary C/O.



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10816-2: 2001


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