ISNA- Dawa'h Manual
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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful.
All rights reserved Copyright II:> 1983 by Islamic Circle of North America First Edition: August 1983 Second Edition: December 1988 Third Edition December 2008 Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 83-82068 International Standard Book No.: 0-9691479-1-0 Published by: ISLAMIC CIRCLE OF NORTH AMERICA 166-26 89th Ave. Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 (718) 658-1199 Distributed by: ICNA Book Service 166-26 89th Ave. Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 (718) 657-4090
Arabic Transliteration For the Arabic letters and sounds we have adopted the following transliteration table which has been approved by the American Library Association and the Library of Congress. Letters of the Alphabet I
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CONTENTS Preface I Introduction II PART I CONCEPT OF DA'WAH 1. Significance of Da’wah 2 Planning 4 Approach 5 2. Contents of Da'wah For non-Muslims, 6 For Muslims 9 3. Who is a Da’I, 11 Personal Conduct of a Da’I 11 PART II TECHNIQUES OF DA'WAH 4. Da’wah to fellow Muslims 14 Program of Da’wah 15 Individual level 15 Collective level 17 Da’wah meetings in mosques 18 Organization of Muslims in ICNA 19 5. Da'wah to non-Muslims General introduction to Islam 20 Serious dialogue and acceptance of Islam 21 Islamic training and organizing them in ICNA 22
PART III DA'WAH AT DIFFERENT PLACES 6. Areas of Da'wah Da’wah at home 27 Da’wah at job 28 Da’wah in the neighborhood 29 Da’wah at Campus 30 Da'wah in the market place 31 Da’wah in the prisons 32 PART IV MEANS OF DA 'WAH 7. Communications Spoken Words 34 Written Words '.' 36 Audiovisual Aids 38 PART V DIALOGUE WITH CHRISTIANS 8. Jesus in the Qur'an 40 9. Christianity: Its development and aberrations 44 Misconception and their causes 46 10. Historical position of the Gospels 51 Reasons for Gospel questionable authenticity 53 Gospel of Barnabas 54 Contradictions in the Gospels 57 11. Original teachings of Jesus (p) in the Gospels 62 Prophecies about Muhammad (p) in the Bible 66 12. The Children of Israel in the Qur’an 70
PART VI DAWAH PROJECTS OF ICNA WHY ISLAM.ORG GAINPEACE.COM Appendix A Recommended Reading for Islamic Workers 73 Appendix B Books for Distribution 77 Appendix C Further Reading in Christianity 81 Appendix D An Introduction to the ICNA 82 Epilogue Let us join Hands! 87
PREFACE Da’wah - dissemination of the message of Islam - is a collective responsibility of the Muslims. Qualitatively it is the raison d’être for Muslims to be the Khayr-i Ummah (the best community that has been raised up for mankind). This designation to the leadership role of the Muslims is purely ethical. If they fulfill their obligation, they will retain the leadership role here and receive their reward in the Hereafter. Islamic Da’wah is not a part time or weekend activity. The act of submitting to Allah requires that every heart beat of a Muslim must carry the message to those around him, that there is no god but Allah and therefore, He alone is the final authority. Concern and unequivocal commitment to Allah's orders are not the only tools for an Islamic worker. He employs the best available technique of mass communication in a systematic manner for taking Allah's message to all. The Manual 0f Da'wah is a preliminary effort in providing the guidelines to the Islamic workers in their enormous task. Their task includes calling people towards Islam, and organizing them in Islamic Jama’ah to bring about a total Islamic change. The Manual of Da'wah is for everyone who feels that he should perform his obligation whether he is involved with the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) or not. We have collected the material needed: 1. To train the workers of ICNA for Da'wah. This training cannot be achieved by sitting in comfortable living rooms. We will have to reach to a vast number of Muslims and non-Muslims in this continent for conveying the real message of Islam. I
2. To present a challenge of fieldwork of Da’wah to the workers of ICNA. This will give the necessary motivation for them to be active and exemplary Islamic workers. 3. To motivate the workers towards sacrificing, not just their money, but time away from their busy day to day family and business schedule. 4. To achieve close brotherly relations among the ICNA workers. Reaching out in groups, and living together and traveling together, will provide ample opportunity to know each other and develop personal relations of brotherhood. The Manual of Da'wah, in short, tries to emphasize and outline the ways and means of performing Da’wah of Islam in an organized way, and achieve the pleasure of Allah and the success in the Hereafter. The Manual of Da’wah is by no means the final word on Da’wah. As we will implement the recommendations given in the Manual and get involved in the field work, we will learn more and more and find new ways to improve our performance and effectiveness. We are extremely thankful to Allah; He gave us the privilege of presenting this humble effort to fellow Muslims. We also thank the brothers and sisters who assisted us in shaping and producing this Manual. May Allah accept our efforts, keep us on the right path, and guide us to fulfill our duties as Muslims and Islamic workers. Amen. In charge, Department of Da’wah Islamic Circle of North America II
INTRODUCTION Da'wah (dissemination of the message of Islam), stands for a universal movement that was carried on by all the prophets and messengers of Allah. They called upon people to worship and submit themselves to none other than Allah and to sever all ties of allegiance with Taghoot (false deities).
Nahl: 16.036 For We assuredly sent amongst every People a messenger, (with the Command), "Serve Allah, and eschew Evil": of the People were some whom Allah guided, and some on whom error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see the end of those who denied (the Truth). This movement was carried further by the last messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him), through all its stages with the greatest success. For the humanity at large he left behind him the best example of a Da’I (Islamic worker) that will serve as a guide till the Day of Judgment. The primary object of Da’wah is to invite man not to follow his whims or Satan or other fellow human beings, but to submit himself totally to Almighty Allah carrying out His Commandments. The worship of Allah and obedience to Him is ingrained in the very nature of man. He (the man) acknowledged this that Allah is the only Lord and Master of this universe before even he was created in his present mould.
007.172 When thy Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants, and made them testify concerning them, (saying): "Am I not your Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)?"They said: "Yea! We do testify!" (This), lest ye should say on the Day of Judgment: "Of this we were never mindful": (A'raf: 172) This explains the fact that a man when in harmony with nature cannot dispense with the worship and submission to Allah like a fish cannot survive without water. III
Unfortunately man often relies too heavily on his senses, thus virtually neglecting his real Master. He follows his desires blindly thus facilitating Satan to entangle him in his evil-designs and lead him astray from the right path. Once a victim of the trap, it is extremely difficult for him to disentangle himself from the cobweb which Satan has woven around him so scrupulously. The danger increases when false leaders take over the helms of affairs and, through misleading policies, deface and transform human nature. The following Hadith of the Prophet (p) confirms this fact: A child is born on his true nature, but his parents transform him into a Jew, a Christian or a Majus. (Mishkat) To steer humanity on the right path Allah sent his messengers and prophets. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last of the messengers. The message that was revealed to him is everlasting, most perfect and universal. The Qur'an and the Sunnah are the final guidance for the mankind. The Qur'an has employed various terms like Da'wah ila Allah, Da'wah ila al-Khayr, Shahadah ala al-Haq, lqamah-al-Din, Amr bil-Ma'roof wa Nahi an al-Munkar and Tawasi bil Haq to explain the nature of Da'wah. The terminology may differ but they have the same basic significance. It invites man to realize his position vis-à-vis his Creator – Allah (SWT), and submit himself to Him. After the Prophet (p) the Ummah (Muslim community) has been entrusted to carry on his mission. Every member of the Ummah has to bear this responsibility. Allah says in the Qur'an:
And this Qur'an hath been revealed to me, that I may warn therewith you and whomsoever it may reach. (An 'am: 19) IV
The Prophet (p) emphasized this fact on the occasion of Hajjatul Wida (His final pilgrimage) :
ٍب ُمبَلّ ٍغ َيبُْلغُهُ َأ ْوعَى لَ ُه مِ ْن سَامِع ّ ُصلّى اللّ ُه عََليْ ِه َوسَلّمَ َيوْ َم النّحْرِ َفقَالَ ِليُبَلّغْ الشّاهِ ُد اْلغَائِبَ فَِإنّهُ ر َ ِخَ َطبَ َرسُولُ اللّه The one who is present must convey (the message) to the one who is absent. (Ibn Maja) Da’wah is a comprehensive program which includes every aspect of Islam. A Muslim as an individual and the Ummah as a collective body cannot absolve itself of its responsibility of Da'wah if it is not an all embracing movement. When we call towards only moral reforms or start a campaign emphasizing only certain part of Islamic rituals, it will only be a partial Da'wah. No doubt there is an element of good in each of them, but the Ummah is not supposed to invite towards "partial good". We are obliged to undertake Da'wah towards "total good". It is reported that the Prophet (p) said: Islam implies that you worship Allah, do not commit idolatry, establish prayers, keep fast in Ramadan, perform Hajj, call towards good and forbid from evil-deeds and to say Salaam to family members. Whosoever abstains from one of these things, he abandons a part of Islam and he who does not abide by any of them is (like a person) who turns away from Islam. (Hakim) Allah (SWT) has laid down the fundamental principles for Da'wah in the Qur'an. The most important are: 1. To carry on Da'wah with wisdom;
Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. (Nahl: 125) 2. A Da’I should not contradict himself by doing just the opposite what he preaches;
O’ ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? (Safff: 2) 3. To persevere with determination and without any fear.
O’ Prophet! Keep thy duty to Allah and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites. (Ahzab: 1) V
Those who accept this concept of Da'wah with the satisfaction of their hearts and are ready to fulfill their promise to Allah, must organize themselves into a Jama'ah (organized group), a necessary condition for the achievement of its objective. It is all the more imperative when a great task like Iqamah al-Din (establishment of Islamic way of life) is to be undertaken Islam does not permit three persons traveling together without forming a collective entity and making one of them as their leader. How can a Muslim, then, think of leading his entire life outside the fold of Islamic Jama’ah? By the grace of Allah, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is established on the principles of Islamic Jama’ah in order to call Muslims and non-Muslims alike to the path of Allah. It strives for Iqamah- Al- Din in this part of the world. Its sole purpose is to seek Allah's pleasure and success in the hereafter. ICNA conducts its activities through a central executive body which is led by an Ameer (President) elected by its members. He conducts the affairs of ICNA in consultation with elected Majlis ash-Shura (consultative body). Branches and units of lCNA exist in most of the major cities of the U.S. Different types of activities are held regularly to achieve its aim and objectives. There are different departments and services at the central level to facilitate the work of lCNA. One of these departments is the department of Da'wah which prepared this Manual of Da'wah for Islamic Workers. This Manual shall (Insha'Allah) serve as a guide book not only for persons associated with ICNA but also for all Muslims who realize their responsibility and have the urge to fulfill it. VI
We expect that this Manual will also go a long way in convincing those who read it carefully to put their capabilities and energies to their best use by undertaking the real task of Da'wah. Finally, we pray to Allah to accept our humble services and give us the courage for carrying on Da'wah more effectively. Amen. Department of Da’wah Dec, 2008 VII
MANUAL OF DA'WAH I SIGNIFICANCE OF DA 'WAH The obligation of Da'wah has been clearly delineated in the following verses of the Qur'an.
Thus we have appointed you as middle Ummah so that you may be witness on all mankind and that the Messenger may be witness on you. (Baqarah 2:143)
You are the best Ummah that has been raised up for mankind. You enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency and you believe in Allah. (Ale'Imran 3:110)
And let there be from you an Ummah which invites to goodness and enjoins right conduct and forbids indecency. Such are they who are successful. (Al-i ‘Imran3:104)
Strive hard in the path of Allah (SWT) as it must be done. He has chosen you and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Ibrahim (is yours). He has named you Muslims in old times and in this (Qur'an) that the Messenger may be a witness against you and that you may be witness against mankind. So establish Salah, pay Zakah and hold fast to Allah (SWT). (Hajj: 78) 2
CONCEPT OF DA'WAH It is quite obvious from these Ayat that Da'wah is a duty of the Ummah (Muslim Community) to be carried out till the day of Judgment, as no more prophets are going to be sent by Allah (SWT). There must always be an Islamic Jama’ah (organized group) of conscientious Muslims who should perform this duty. The messenger of Allah, Muhammad (p) has also stressed upon the significance of Da'wah as is evident from the following Ahadith. 1- Abu Sa'id al-Khudri® reported from the Messenger of Allah (p) that he said: "Whosoever among you witnesses an evil; he should remove it with hand (force). If he is not able to (remove with force), then he should remove it by his tongue (speak out against it). If he is not able to (speak out against it) at least he should resent it in his heart and that is the weakest level of Iman", (Muslim) 2- 'Abdullah Ibn 'Umar® reported that the Messenger (p) said that "You should pass on to others even if you know just one sentence (of Islamic knowledge)" (Bukhari) 3- Hudhaifah® reported that the Prophet (p) said: “By Him in Whose hands is my life, you must enjoin good and forbid evil, otherwise it is near that Allah will send chastisement upon you from Himself. You will then call Him but you will not be responded to.” (Mishkat) 3
MANUAL OF DA'WAH PLANNING Da'wah requires a thorough planning and execution. It is similar to the construction of a well conceived building whether it is built on a virgin land or on the site of an existing structure, in either case, the following steps are involved:1. Formulation of concept. 2. Planning and design. 3. Gathering of resources, capital, building materials, and selection of site, labor and management. 4. Actual step by step construction and re-enforcement starting point being the site preparation and laying the foundation in a sound and thorough manner. 5. Finishing of and furnishing the building. In a major construction project the existing structures have to be uprooted and demolished. Similarly in the case of Da'wah, the initial step is to prepare the audience for the reception of the message, so that the dissemination can be effective. Obviously the individual circumstances of audience must be taken into account. In most cases the old beliefs and prejudices have to be uprooted. Some of these beliefs have developed over several generations. The first step of cleansing is very important. The roots of Islamic belief can best be planted in a clean and receptive mind cleansed from the old beliefs. It is very similar to the beginning of a new life. 4
Call unto the path of thy Lord with wisdom and kindly exhortation, and reason with them in the most courteous manner. (Nahl 16:125)
The person involved in Da'wah must be aware of the importance, and greatness of the message of Islam. The Da'wah should not be haphazard, disorganized or lighthearted. A full measure of the timeliness and opportunity must be made before hand. The message and material should be tailored to the needs of the audience concerned and their intellectual, social and religious level. The person involved in Da'wah must be selfless, sincere and known to be a well-wisher. He must be able to arouse the best feelings in the audience. An atmosphere of receptiveness, mutual respect and trust should be cultivated to deliver the message of Allah (SWT) in a most conducive environment. The argument and the reasoning for the message of Islam must be presented in a very courteous manner. The message should have the following attributes:- Simplicity - Captivating and convincing style. - Must not arouse hatred, prejudice or stubbornness. - Should be based on reasoning and rationale. - Should create a genuine desire for learning. If for any reason it is not possible to create these conditions, the Da’I should wait patiently, leaving the door open for the message to be conveyed at an opportune moment. 5
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 2 CONTENTS OF DA 'WAH FOR NON-MUSLIMS The basic Islamic concepts as well as the all encompassing features of Islam as a complete and comprehensive code of life should be explained in a convincing manner, using the teachings of the Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (p). The meaning of Islam - Peace, Purity, Submission and Obedience to Allah (SWT) - should be explained. Only through submission to the will of Allah (SWT) and by obedience to His laws can one achieve true peace and enjoy lasting purity. Muslims accept all previous prophets of Allah (SWT) without discrimination, including Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them). We believe that all these prophets of Allah (SWT) and their faithful followers were Muslims and their religion was Islam, the only true religion for mankind. Islam started with Adam (p) and it was continued and reinforced by Allah (SWT) through the Prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them). Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet of Islam. Basic beliefs The principal articles of Islam should be expounded:1. Tauhid or oneness of God Almighty - the One and only Allah (SWT). The only unforgivable sin in Islam is the belief in any deity besides or other than Allah (SWT). 2. Belief in all the Messengers of Allah without discrimination. 6
CONCEPT OF DA'WAH 3. Belief in all the Scriptures of Allah (SWT). The Qur'an is the last and final message of Allah (SWT). 4. Belief in the Angels of Allah (SWT). 5. Belief in the Last Day of Judgment and in the life hereafter. Basic concepts One must believe in the timeless knowledge of Allah (SWT) and His power to plan and execute His plan. Allah (SWT) is not indifferent to this world nor is He neutral to it. Allah (SWT) exhorts human being to think, to plan and to make sound choices. Allah's SWT) creation is meaningful and life has a sublime purpose beyond the physical needs and material activities of man. The purpose of life is to worship Allah (SWT) in the widest sense of the term. Human beings enjoy an especially high ranking status in the hierarchy of the known creatures. They are gifted with rational faculties and spiritual aspirations as well as power of action. They are the Viceroy of Allah (SWT) on earth. Every human being is born in submission to Allah. Every person is endowed with spiritual potential and the intellectual inclinations that can make him a good Muslim - the one who submits to the will of Allah. Every person is born free of sin or any hereditary claim to any special status or virtue, such as "Chosen People". Adam (p) asked Allah for forgiveness of his sin. Allah (SWT), the Forgiving and Merciful, granted Adam (p) pardon. Each person must bear his own burden and be responsible for his own actions because no one can expiate for another’s sins. Hence the Muslims cannot possibly accept the doctrine that Adam (p) with the whole human race had been condemned and not forgiven until Jesus (p) came to expiate for their sins. 7
MANUAL OF DA'WAH Human beings must strive for salvation through the guidance of Allah SWT). To attain salvation a person must combine faith, action, belief and practice. Allah (SWT) does not hold any person responsible until he has shown him the right way. That is why Allah (SWT) has sent many messengers and revelations to different nations. A Muslim must build his faith on a well grounded conviction beyond any reasonable doubt and above uncertainty. If he is not certain about his faith, he is invited by Allah to search in the open book of nature, to use his powers, and to reflect on the teachings of the Qur'an. He must search for the indisputable truth until he finds it, and he will certainly find it, if he is capable and serious enough to establish his faith on sound ground. The Qur'an is the word of Allah revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Qur'an is the only scripture in human history that has been preserved in its complete and original version without the slightest change in words or even punctuations. There is a clear distinction between the Qur'an and the Hadith. The Qur'an is the word of Allah SWT) as the Hadith of Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the oral and practical interpretations of the Qur’an. Islam is not the name of some unique faith presented for the first time by Muhammad (peace be upon him) who should on that account be called the founder of Islam. The Qur'an makes it abundantly clear that Islam - the complete submission of man before Allah - is the one and only faith consistently revealed by Allah SWT) to mankind from the very beginning. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them) - prophets and messengers who appeared at different time and places - all propagated the same faith and religion. They were not the founders of faiths, often named after them. 8
CONCEPT OF DA'WAH FOR MUSLIMS Da'wah or reminder to the Muslims consists of the following three points: 1. Submission to the will of Allah (SWT) does not mean to accept Allah (SWT) the One, the Lord and the Master only. If no change takes place in one's moral and social life after proclaiming the Shahadah, then the sincerity of one's claim to be a Muslim is in question. Similarly it does not mean to divide the sphere of life into the religious and worldly compartments and accept Allah's (SWT) sovereignty upon the "religious" matters and to run the worldly affairs according to one's own whims. In other words the concept of the division between the church and the state is alien to Islam. All the Prophets, including the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) called towards Islam - total submission to the will of Allah. It clearly meant to accept Allah as the Lord, the Sustainer, the only one Worthy of worship, the Sovereign, the Master, the Law-giver. It demands that all aspects of life whether individual, social, moral, political, economical, philosophical etc. must be run totally in accordance with the commandments of Allah. 2. Whoever claims to be a Muslim, must remove hypocrisy and inconsistency from his life. Hypocrisy means to feel satisfied living in un-Islamic environment and show no desire or make no efforts to establish Islam. On the contrary, a hypocrite focuses all his efforts to make his own life comfortable in that environment. Sincere Islamic faith demands that one must present the practical example of beautiful teachings of Islam and share them with others to bring a positive change. 9
MANUAL OF DA'WAH Inconsistency means to claim one's faith in Islam and then to practice contrary to that. If someone claims that he submits to the will of Allah (SWT), then he should never willfully do anything against the commandments of Allah (SWT). 3. Empowering Islam. World today is facing multidimensional crises. At present the secular leadership in the fields of education, art, literature, media, law, economics, industry, commerce, international relations etc. has failed to provide viable answers to these crises. Islam the perfect way of life prescribed by our Creator Allah (SWT) gives us the best guidance in all aspects of life and provides real answers to the crises of modern age. This Divine guidance is to be brought to the status as to guide and lead the mankind to true justice, peace and success. This change can only be brought about by well organized, sincere, God fearing , devoted Muslims who also possess educational and technical expertise necessary to provide leadership in different spheres of life. Therefore, there is need of such organization which must have members with strong faith, sincere deeds and high moral characteristics. The members of this organization must also strive to have all the excellent capabilities, knowledge, and expertise needed in all fields of knowledge to lead in all aspects of life in the best possible way. 10
CONCEPT OF DA'WAH 3 WHO IS A Da’I (ISLAMIC WORKER)? Da’I is one who presents Islam in its totality by words and actions to others - whether these are Muslims, who have forgotten their 'duty or non Muslims, who are not aware of it. Every Muslim has the obligation to play the role of a Da’I, no matter which part of the world he belongs to, what language he speaks, or how much educated he or she is. This obligation starts from the day one embraces Islam till his or her death. PERSONAL CONDUCT OF A Da’I This is the most important thing in the Da'wah process. Da’I ’s personal conduct of life must be beyond reproach and any tinge of hypocrisy. It must be a true reflection of his belief in Islamic principles, as is stressed upon in the following verses of the Qur'an.
O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? (Saff: 2)
Enjoin ye righteousness upon mankind while ye yourselves forget (to practice it)? And ye are readers of the Scripture! Have ye then no sense? (Baqarah: 44). 11
MANUAL OF DA'WAH A Da'i's behavior and manner should be molded according to the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He must bear in mind that he is representing Islam - the true message of Allah, and hence, his primary duty is to reflect the true Islamic values in his own life. The Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life was a complete and true picture of Islamic conduct. The lives of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are also a source of inspiration for the Muslims. Personal conduct has proven to be so important and effective in influencing human mind that a real Islamic personal conduct may itself become a source of inspiration to others. The life of our Prophet (p) and his companions bear ample testimony to this fact. The Following Hadith of the Prophet (p) outlines some of the characteristics of a Da’I. He said that my Lord (Allah) has ordered me of the following nine: i. To fear Allah whether (I am) in the open or in seclusion. ii. To say just whether I am sober or angry with anybody. iii. To stick to the right and balanced way whether I am poor or rich. iv. To meet with one who severs his relation with me. v. to give the one who deprives me. vi. To forgive the one who inflicts harm to me. vii. That my silence be thoughtful. viii. That my conversation be of (Allah's) remembrance. ix. That my vision be of caution. He added that I am ordered to enforce virtues and stop evils. Whoever is going to perform the duty of Da'wah must equip him with the above characteristics. 12
DA’WAH TO FELLOW MUSLIMS The Da'wah to Muslims (or reminder) is to invite them to "enter totally into the fold of Islam". Muslims generally are aware of their belonging to a different 'religious' group and identify themselves with the Muslim world. However, the nature of their problems is heterogeneous. Sense of fear and suspicion of their heritage is a common characteristic. Some of them believe in Islam but do not admit Islam as a complete code of life. Some of them just believe, and do not practice. Some of them perform the five basic duties, but do not practice Islam's moral principles or do not accept the comprehensive nature of Islam. Most of the Muslims in the Western world are highly educated intelligent, but not well informed about the role of Islam. Some of them represent Islam so badly to the non-Muslims that they have a distorted view of Islam and Muslims. Poor knowledge and understanding of Islam, or sheer ignorance, temptations of the strong materialistic society, persistent anti-Islamic propaganda through high pressure techniques of media, unfavorable cultural environment and surroundings strengthened by television, magazines, movies, school text books are some of the various important causes of the present situation. Da'wah to such Muslims should begin through establishing social contacts with them and being close as a friend and a well-wisher. A thorough understanding of his nature and problem is very important. In general, simple and straight forward approach is expected to be more effective. In many cases, reference to the position of the Muslim in the eyes of Allah(SWT) and their desired role, the present misery and 14
TECHNIQUES OF DA 'WAH turmoil for which, in most cases, we are responsible and the real bargain of the Hereafter can be quite effective. Involving them in study through arousing inquisitiveness and bringing them in communication with the lCNA Unit activities (if possible) can be desirable in a course of time. The approach to them should be free from dogmatism; it should be scientific, logical, concise, rational and with deep fellow-feeling. Understanding, patience, wisdom, respect, courtesy, and hospitality are essential parts of any program that involves changing them to be better and practical Muslims.
PROGRAM OF DA’WAH INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Every one of us must play the role of a Da’I in his or her individual capacity. Our character and day to day activities have far more impact on others than words of mouth. Therefore, our attitude and dealings with others must reflect those of an exemplary Mumin (believer). There are three spheres of Da’wah work at individual level: 1. Home: Our first audience for Da'wah includes our spouses and our children. We must give adequate attention to the proper Islamic education and training to our family members. 2. Relatives and friends. 3. People in the society at large. An Islamic worker should divide the people of above groups (number two and three) into two for Da'wah purpose: 15
MANUAL OF DA'WAH a) General contacts:- Those who are either Muslims or non-Muslims, do not know much about Islam. They obviously require more concerted efforts on the part of Da’I. b) Close contacts:- These are the individuals who know and follow the teachings of Islam to some extent, but due to some reasons are not involved in Da'wah work. A Da’I must meet his contacts on regular basis and follow up should be done by phone calls. In addition to conversation on matters of general interest, one should talk about the responsibilities of being a Muslim and books on Islam should be given for personal study. Some practical suggestions for Da'wah work: i. We should develop good personal relationship with everyone. All those actions which can adversely affect these relations should be avoided. Allah (SWT) mentions these in Surah Al Hujurat 49:12-13 ii. We must treat our contacts on equal term. Our conversation or attitude should never indicate that we are in any way superior to them. iii. We should present our Da'wah in a way that the listener may not take us as his rival. Rather he should take us as his sympathizer. We should start our conversation on topics we agree upon and then proceed to differences with wisdom. iv. We must avoid heated argumentation because it rarely changes other's mind. v. We should try to appeal to other's emotions. We may succeed in defeating someone in arguments, but he may not accept our viewpoint. vi. We should always meet others with a smiling face. Sometimes a smile is much more effective than harsh arguments. Harshness in attitude can easily drive our audience away from us. 16
COLLECTIVE LEVEL Local Area a) Small groups of two to three workers should go to the Muslims, new-Muslims, and non-Muslims presenting Da'wah of Islam (it should be done by prior appointment). b) Preferably the group should go out on the day of Da'wah meeting of ICNA Unit. c) Each group will have its leader and others should follow him. d) All participants should concentrate on remembrance of Allah and avoid diversion of attention to the surroundings. e) Da'wah of total submission to Islam is presented. Discussion should never divert to minor Fiqh problems. f) Some introductory pamphlets or books on Islam should be given for preliminary reading. g) The contact persons should be invited to the Da'wah meetings. h) Follow-up individual and group contacts with newcomers should continue.
Outside the local area Workers are encouraged to go out of their localities in groups for Da’wah. a) Groups of workers could visit either on weekends or weekdays as convenient. b) Da’wah groups could go to visit other ICNA Units or areas where there is potential for establishing new Units. c) Travel, food, and lodging expenses will be shared by the group members. 17
MANUAL OF DA'WAH d) Before going to their destination, appointments should be made with potential contacts. They could be among Muslims, new-Muslims, or even non-Muslims. e) Each Da'wah group should have pamphlets and the books on Islam for distribution and self-study. f) Each group should have a leader, who is to be obeyed in Ma'ruf (accepted norms of Islam). g) At their destination, the group members will meet the ICNA Unit workers or other contacts. Then small groups will be formed so as to go out and meet their contacts with whom they have appointments. These contacts should be invited to the Da'wah meeting to be held later in the day, preferably in the local mosque or community center. h) Da'wah of total submission to Islam be emphasized and not a fragmented view of Islam. i) If there is an ICNA Unit, then the new contacts should be invited to join in its activities. Otherwise a Unit of ICNA should be established.
DA 'WAH MEETINGS IN MASAJID Our workers should organize their Da'wah program and other activities in masajid and Muslim community centers. They should be in forefront in arranging regular prayer, Jama’ah Khutbah, 'id prayers, and other Islamic activities also. Da'wah meetings could also be arranged on large scale on special occasions, e.g., Isra and Mi’raj, the Days of Hijrah and Badar, and especially in Ramadan. These meetings could be held either in masajid or other public places. Purpose of these meetings is to present the Islamic Da'wah and introduce ICNA to a larger audience. 18
TECHNIQUES OF DA'WAH ORGANIZATION OF MUSLIMS IN lCNA As a result of the Da'wah process, we will be able to reach to Muslims who are conscientious of their obligations and willing to strive in the way of Allah (SWT). They are to be organized under the banner of Islamic Circle. As a part of this organization, they will be involved in intensive Islamic education and training. This is to prepare for the struggle for Da’wah Ilallah - and achieve the ultimate, the success in the Hereafter. 19
DA’WAH TO NON-MUSLIMS For the sake of simplicity and understanding one can divide the Da'wah process among non-Muslims into three stages: 1. General introduction to Islam. 2- Serious dialogue and acceptance of Islam 3-Islamic education, mentorship, brotherly relationship, and making them part of Islamic Circle. These three stages of work are not entirely isolated. There is a considerable overlap and quite often Da'wah work at different stages is to be carried out simultaneously. Moreover, not every new contact will require the same amount of time and attention at all the stages.
1-GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO ISLAM In this stage a Da’I has to utilize every opportunity to present Islam's message through dialogue, by his character and conduct and by distributing basic pamphlets about Islam. These pamphlets can be placed at public places, e.g. waiting rooms of various offices and hospitals. They can be distributed at shopping centers, airports, bus stations, and even at crossings. Following are some of the other measures to be taken for general introduction of Islam: i. One should invite his non-Muslim neighbors to his house for tea or dinner and then present Islam's message. ii. One can request the local school authorities to invite someone to deliver lectures on Islam before the students. If the request is accepted then arrange for someone to be the speaker for presenting Islam's message. 20
TECHNIQUES OF DA 'WAH iii. Articles about various aspects of Islam may be written and submitted for publication in local newspapers on a regular basis. iv. One can request time for presenting Islam from local radio or TV stations. All T.V. and radio stations are obliged to donate time for certain religious programs for public service. v. Local churches could be contacted and one could participate in a dialogue with Christian leaders and present Islam to the church members. vi. Local public libraries should be urged to acquire books on Islam. Similarly, they should be requested to subscribe to Islamic journals. vii. One of the avenues for Islamic Da'wah among new Muslims and non-Muslims is the work in prisons. One can contact the local prison authorities and get permission to meet Muslim inmates (if any). Through these contacts, one can reach non-Muslims, by distributing Islamic literature, individual and group discussions, and audiovisual presentations and establish congregational prayers.
2-SERIOUS DIALOGUE AND ACCEPTANCE OF ISLAM As a result of the general Da'wah work outlined above, one may come across individuals who like to know more about Islam and contemplate accepting Islam. Islamic worker has to devote more time for such individuals who are open-minded and serious. Here are some suggestions to facilitate such efforts: 1. Develop friendship and win the trust and confidence of any individual who shows inclination towards Islam. 2. Engage in serious dialogue, inviting him and his family for tea or dinner. 21
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 3. Concept of Tauhid - the Oneness of God - should be presented with the help of the Qur'anic teachings. Belief in all the prophets and the Day of Judgment should be stressed upon. Then one should try to explain the flaws of the Christian beliefs like Trinity, with wisdom. 4. These contacts may extend over a period of time and may cover a variety of topics. 5. The Qur’an, the Hadith and the Seerah of our holy Prophet (P) are the sources of inspiration for the individual seeking the Truth. Regular study sessions may be arranged if convenient. 6. Let him make his own decision about accepting Islam. When he is ready, the Shahadah should be witnessed in the presence of two or more Muslims.
3-ISLAMIC Education, Mentoring, BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP AND ORGANIZING THEM IN lCNA Da'i's work does not end when an individual accepts Islam. Actually, it is the beginning of more intensive work. There are three aspects of this stage of work: 1. Intensive Islamic Education and Training Whenever someone accepts Islam and wants to make sincere effort to practice Islam, Satan the eternal enemy of man and his followers abhor it. They try their best to misguide the new-Muslim and create doubts and misunderstanding in his mind. The best defensive weapon against the attacks of Devil is the sound knowledge of the Qur'an and the Hadith. Therefore, it is imperative upon the Da’I to arrange for the regular study of the Qur’an and the Hadith with the fellow new-Muslims. 22
TECHNIQUES OF DA 'WAH A copy of the Qur'an with English translation and commentary should be provided for his personal study. An English translation and commentary of the Hadith should also be given to the new revert. We should arrange for collective study of Qur’an and Hadith. This can be done at one's home or in a mosque with other Muslims. He should be encouraged to ask questions especially on the parts under study. Lessons in Salah should be started at the beginning. He should be told about the requirement of cleaning (Taharah), Congregational prayers should be arranged wherever and whenever possible. 2. Developing brotherly relations and help solve the problems American constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, expressing and disseminating one's views and holding meetings. Therefore, one can accept Islam in this society, practice it, and disseminate its teachings without any danger of serious repercussions faced by early companions at the time of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In spite of this fact, new Muslims may face certain social and economic hardships. Social difficulties: The members of his/her immediate family and friends may show their resentment and disapproval about his/her acceptance of Islam. They may threaten to or even sever relations with him/her. He/she may find himself / herself isolated or rejected by his/her own family members and friends. This is a period of great trial for him/her. Devil again and again does his best to lead him/her away from Islam. 2.3
MANUAL OF DA'WAH During this time of trial, other Muslim brothers must extend welcoming and loving arms to this newMuslim brother/sister. /she should feel at home with Muslim brethren sharing his/her worries and fears. He/she needs encouragement from the Muslim community to be steadfast in the Way of Allah. He/she needs to show sympathy and kindness to his relatives and friends and explain to them with wisdom the truth of Islam, and the tremendous rewards of the life hereafter in return for right beliefs and deeds. It is seen that gradually his/her relatives return to him/her and start accepting him/her as a Muslim. Economic hardships: It is quite possible that due to one's acceptance of Islam, one may lose a job. If he is a small businessman he/she may lose customers. Similarly due to prohibition of Riba (usury or interest), new -Muslims may have to quit a job. He/she may face hardships avoiding Riba (interest) dealings. Again, close brotherly relations with the new-Muslim brother are essential to gain his confidence and to know about his problems. One has to try his best to help solve these problems by utilizing his own as well as Muslim community's financial resources. There is a dire need to pool the financial resources of the Muslim community in North America, to fulfill the needs of all Muslims. However, until then, the Units of lCNA should develop system of Zakah, mutual aid etc. In addition to above mentioned two areas of hardships for new-Muslims, there are hosts of others which might develop. The key to the solution of all these problems is true Islamic brotherhood, sharing, and understanding the difficulties and solving them with collective efforts and prayer to Allah (SWT). 24
3. Organizing them in Islamic Circle It is incumbent upon us to organize the conscientious Muslims in the lCNA. This is to launch the struggle for Da’wah Ilallah in most effective way. 25
DA'WAH AT HOME Like charity, Da'wah begins at home. No one can know the virtue and beauty of the character of an Islamic worker better than his own family members. Historically the messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked to begin his Da'wah with his own household. The more intimate the relationship is, the more a Muslim is expected to communicate the message of truth to that person. Da'wah at home, or micro-cosmic struggle for establishment of Islam, prepares an Islamic worker to struggle at a macro level in any given society. Necessary steps in Da'wah at home are provided in the exemplary behavior of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). First a relationship of love, trust and mutual sharing should exist among the family members. A believer, especially an Islamic worker is kind and loving to his relatives. This kindness and love is to be equally practiced with brothers and sisters in faith also. Though responsibility for the maintenance of the family lies on the shoulders of the husband, mutual consultation is an important Islamic value. It increases not only mutual trust but also develops a favorable atmosphere for Da'wah in the home. Receptivity among the family members and sense of responsibility and accountability among the participating members in the family is further reinforced by consultation. One should establish Salah (prayer five times a day) with Jama'ah (congregation) at home. This is an important initial step of Da’wah at home. 27
MANUAL OF DA'WAH A Muslim couple has no justification for not establishing prayers with Jama’ah when both husband and wife are at home. Particular care must be taken of Fajr, Maghreb and Isha prayers. Recitation of the Qur'an for half an hour, listening carefully and calmly to the Qur'anic recitation on tapes, CD’s, computer or TV must be made part of the daily routine of the family. Effort should be made to read at least ten Ayat of the Qur'an with the help of a good Tafsir. This leads to a better understanding of mutual Islamic Da'wah. . In the joint study programs of the sources of Islam, it is strongly recommended to study at least one of the Hadith every day. Many good English translations of the Hadith are available. To get the maximum benefit from the program of the study of the Qur'an and the Hadith, an effort should be made to encourage the wife or the older children to lead the discussion. Everyone in the household should recite from the Qur'an and the Hadith. This will help in developing leadership qualities as well.
DA'WAH AT JOB Islamic worker has an obligation to communicate Islamic message to his co workers, whether he is a student, a medical doctor, an engineer, a chemist, or belongs to any other profession. If you are a medical doctor, a chemist, or you own a store or an office, assign a corner for the literature on Islam. You should try to have ample supply of these publications in your office and display them properly. 28
DA 'WAH IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Muslims in North America are developing two extreme types of behavior. Many of them have isolationist, introvert attitude, mainly due to the fear that if they interact with the non-Muslims in a non-Islamic society, they will lose their identity. Others take pride in their material successes and secular life style. They prove their “modernity" through imitating the T.V. culture and adopting liberal values in their homes. They gradually develop a self centered, individualistic way of living. In neither case, attention is paid to Da'wah in the neighborhood. Due to lack of information, misconceptions and cultural differences, sometimes neighbors might not respond enthusiastically to invitation to Islam. However this does not give any justification for our silence and inaction. The following suggestions may help in developing a better rapport with our neighbors: 1. Invite them for socialization. Islam and Muslims have a bright tradition of hospitality. Show the maximum courtesy and respect to your guest but observe Islamic manners. Avoid mixed gatherings. Let your wife sit with the neighbor's wife separately. Needless to say, the Muslim women are not allowed to shake hands with strangers or to uncover any part of their body, including hair, except the face and hands in front of the strangers. You must explain with pride the reason for you not shaking hands with his wife and vice versa. This is a pluralistic society, and as such, it is supposed to honor and respect customs and culture of other groups. 2. If your neighbors return your hospitality, explain to them your food habits and other requirements. Be specific. Do not feel shy to talk about your taking only the Islamic ally slaughtered meat and other food that meets the dietary requirement. After all, the purpose of this get together is Da'wah. 29
MANUAL OF DA'WAH This is a unique chance for you to explain to your neighbor Islam's impact on food habits, dress, language, customs, culture, laws and traditions. Avoid talking about Muslim lands and their problems. Concentrate on what Islam is and what it stands for. If you do not know certain aspects of Islam, do not provide wrong information. Admit your inability to explain certain topics and provide the needed information when you meet next time. 3. If possible, give a small gift, something with Islamic touch, to your neighbor. Select an appropriate book. If they have children, get the small gifts. Our Prophet (p) encourages giving of gifts.
DA'WAH AT CAMPUS If you are a professional, say an M.D. or engineer do not think your main area of work is with your children or in narrow confines of your community. Muslim students are an integral part of the community. The importance of work among foreign Muslim students must be fully recognized. They are the cream of Muslim society. Their Islamic needs are not much different than the needs of the other members of the community. Many of these students are married and have children. Therefore, to think that students and "community" are two separate realms would be only naive and incorrect. They need support, encouragement and help from more experienced Islamic workers. The class consciousness, that you have a certain status that you should interact with people of nearly similar economic and professional status is purely an un-Islamic and materialistic approach. Do not be a victim to it. Do not act against what you say by word of mouth. 30
DA'WAH AT DIFFERENT PLACES A large number of non-Muslim students on campuses are seeking the Truth. They are unhappy and unsatisfied with their own system and life style. If you have a message, and indeed you have a message of hope for them, you must reach them. They are more patient listeners than many others.
DA'WAH IN THE MARKET PLACE Reaching out to a common American and presenting our message, Islam's solution to the problems of man, calls for careful planning and organization of Da'wah work. 1. The first step in this direction is the availability of relevant material. Acquire books on Islam. Always keep a large supply at hand. 2. Prepare a brief talk of ten to fifteen minutes introducing the broad outlines of Islam. Prepare yourself about more detailed and often asked questions about Islam. Acquire a megaphone. 3. Whenever possible take two or three Muslims with you. Distribute free literature while one Muslim may take care of the books for sale. 4. Plan your strategy before you go to the market place. Make sure there are no legal restrictions, if so, get permission from the authorities. 5. Study map of downtown where you want to preach. Select three or four street corners where you may be able to give Da'wah. 6. After working on one point for around half an hour, move to the second point and so on. This will expose you to different situations and will also help in making your presence known in the area. 31
DA 'WAH IN THE PRISONS The Qur'an instructs us not to neglect prisons in dissemination of the Islamic message. The prophet of Allah (SWT), Yusuf (peace be upon him) is presented as an ideal in this respect. In North America, correctional institutes house a large group of those who are willing to learn more about other ideologies than what they are used to. If they are properly approached, they have potential of becoming Muslims. Necessary steps in this respect involve: 1. Getting in touch with prison chaplain and show willingness to volunteer for Muslim inmates.. 2. Contact prison authorities to visit the inmates as a Muslim minister. 3. Keep with you necessary books and flyers. 32
COMMUNICATION In order to present the Islamic message effectively, we have to prepare and utilize all lawful means possible. In the following, some recommendations are outlined to achieve this objective.
THE SPOKEN WORD This is a fundamental need for any Islamic Organization to have dedicated workers well equipped with knowledge and ready to present their message effectively before any audience. A comprehensive study and training program must be launched to prepare such speakers or orators. Some of the essentials of such a training process are indicated below: 1. This should include a comprehensive study of the Qur'an, Hadith, the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the life of his companions, and Islamic history. All reasons, arguments and examples which are applicable and suitable for this secular society should be kept in mind. Studies of the Islamic Da’wah struggles of the past and present should be done. 2. Critical, comprehensive and analytical study of the modern civilization and its component parts is to be done. One must study its development process, historical evaluation pin-pointing its weaknesses, fallacies, and shortcomings, its psychological and practical impact on the social, cultural, and moral life of the Western societies and individuals. Then one should compare Islamic civilization and study its potentials to guide the destiny of mankind for all times to come. 34
MEANS OF DA'WAH 3. This intellectual training should include detailed critical study of American history, geography, natural resources, constitution, politics, economic system with a special reference to big cartels, corporations, judicial system, educational system, and its failures to produce ideal men for the society. 4. A critical study of American society is to be undertaken. One should study its historical development, its immigrant populations and their psychology, social, cultural, and family life. One should look at intricate problems, e.g., the neglect of (old people) parents by their sons and daughters, liberations movements for women, fight for equal job opportunities, sex anarchy, and child delinquency. Then one should provide Islamic solution to each and every problem. 5. Then one should accomplish detailed, critical and analytical study of Christianity, Judaism, Zionism, and other religious factions and various other reformatory movements in the U.S. One should indicate why these religions deviated from the path of righteousness, why they could not solve human problems, rather became instruments of moral decay, ethical degradation, and driving people away from religion and its values. Above outlined plan of study is only one aspect of this training process. It also includes character building and purification of family life. These special programs are to be planned to improve their ability to address the public gatherings on different topics, participate in dialogues and debates and conduct workshops, panel discussions and question-answer sessions. 35
THE WRITTEN WORD This is a very important task to be accomplished for the Da'wah work in this country. After the word of mouth, the written word is the second best way of communication. Thought-provoking articles on Islam should be written and presented for publication in the local and national newspapers and magazines. Any news, article or comments published about Islam causing misunderstanding should be promptly responded to and true Islamic teachings be presented. Articles may be written covering the following themes, topics, and subjects in contemporary English: i. Secular Civilization – its achievements and short-comings. ii. What did man gain and what did he lose from this civilization? Is this an era of clash of civilizations? iii. An analytical survey of American family life, factors which are threatening it. What are the devastating effects of breakage of family system on society, and on individuals? What Islam has offer for its reconstruction on healthy and positive lines. iv. Critical discussions of those factors and elements which are gradually but persistently polluting the society, its economy, politics, and social structures. v. Comprehensive survey and analytical study of the USA's economic and financial system. Why it is facing serious crises? How Islamic guidelines provide solutions and alternatives? vi. Modern Slavery-A critical discussion of all those factors, elements, slogans of capitalism, existentialism, determinism, and permissiveness which have made the individual enchantingly captive to their bondage. 36
MEANS OF DA'WAH vii. Modern Idolatry-One should earmark all the material social, cultural, political, economical, psychological, isms, slogans, dogmas, catchwords, beliefs and convictions which are being carried to the extent of worship by today's society. viii. When, why and how Judaism and Christianity distracted from the right path. In fact it is to be explained that all these religions are distorted forms of their Prophet’s teachings. ix. Mankind's salvation lies only in completely surrendering to the will of Allah (SWT). x. Need and necessity of only one code of life, i.e., Islam. xi. Life Hereafter - why and what for? Survey of its possibilities, probabilities, and necessity of belief in the hereafter.. xii. Introduction of Islam as a code of life, a dynamic ideology, its universality, all comprehensiveness, and its true claim of solving the problems of today's world. Periodicals of lCNA like The Message should be used for Da'wah. It could be a good means to start discussion on Islam. 37
AUDIOVISUAL AIDS Power of media in today's world cannot be denied. Scientific inventions in the field of communication have revolutionized the ways and means of mass contact, shaping up the public opinion, and mobilizing the masses for a cause and bringing about a change in the society. T.V., radio, video, CD’s, MP3, internet are proving more powerful in winning various struggles (political, economic, social, etc.), than conventional methods of personal visits and literature. Therefore in order to launch an effective effort for Islamic Da’wah. It is imperative for any Islamic organization to utilize these powerful tools of mass communication. It must be realized, however, that this is a tremendous task and requires both financial means and technical know how. Therefore, Islamic workers will have to make financial sacrifices to provide for the purchase and operations of these technological tools. At the same time, some Islamic workers have to be devoted for this task, so that they develop the expertise and technical know-how to effectively prepare and operate audiovisual resources for the purpose of Da'wah: 38
Dialogue with Christians
JESUS (p) IN THE QURAN Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah. This message was preached by all the messengers and prophets of Allah (SWT) from Adam to Jesus (peace be upon them). With the passage of time, however, the followers of the prophets lost or distorted the Scripture which the prophets had bequeathed. That was why other messengers were sent to re-state the original message and guide mankind to the right path. The last of these messengers was Muhammad (peace be upon him) who presented Allah's guidance in its final form - the Qur'an, which is preserved in its original form. The Christianity, in the present form is distorted in its beliefs and it has altered the Books of Allah (SWT). But the Qur'an provides sufficient insight to the original mission and teachings of Jesus (p). An Islamic worker must be fully informed about all the facts and he must methodically clear away the cobwebs of misconception to build a foundation for the true message of Islam. Some of the pertinent verses of the Qur'an regarding Jesus (p) are: The Birth of Jesus (p):
And when the angels said: 0 Mary! Lo! Allah hath chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above (all) the women of creation. (Ale’Imran: 42)
(And remember) when the angels said: 0 Mary! Lo! Allah(SWT) gives thee glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto Allah), 40
Dialogue with Christians
He will speak unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood, and he is of the righteous.
She said: My Lord! How can I have a child when no mortal hath touched me? He said: So (it will be). Allah creates what He will. If He decrees a thing, He says unto it only: Be! And it is.
And He will teach him the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel.
And will make him a messenger unto the children of Israel, (saying): Lo! I come unto you with a sign from your Lord. Lo! I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird, by Allah's leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I raise the dead, by Allah's leave. And I announce unto you what ye eat and what ye store up in your houses. Lo! Herein verily is a portent for you, if ye are to be believers.
And (I come) confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of that which was forbidden unto you. I come unto you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah (SWT) and obey me.
Lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a Straight path. (Ale'Imran: 45-51) The Mission of Jesus (p):
Oh sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot.
Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle a young boy?
He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet,
And hath made me blessed wherever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive,
And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest. (Maryam: 28-32) 41
And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him, and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah-a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil).
Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein. Whoso judges not by that which Allah hath revealed; such are evil-livers. (Maida: 46-47) Jesus (p) was not put to death on the cross:
And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - They slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! Those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
But Allah took him up unto Himself. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise.
There is not one of the People of the Scripture but will believe in him before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them-. (Nisa: 157-159) Jesus (p) was not the Son of God:
Lo! The likeness of Jesus before Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then He said unto him: Be! And he is. (Ale'Imran: 59)
The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. And his mother was a saintly woman. And they both used to eat (earthly) food. See how we make the revelations clear for them, and see how they are turned away! (Maida: 75) 42
Dialogue with Christians Qur'an condemns the doctrine of Trinity
They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the third of three; when there is no God save the One God. If they desist not from so saying a painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve. (Maida: 73)
They indeed have disbelieved who say: Lo! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. Say: Who then can do aught against Allah, if He had willed to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother and everyone on earth? Allah's is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He creates what He will. And Allah is Able to do all things. (Maida: 17) 43
CHRISTIANITY: its BRIEF HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT One of the tasks of the Da’I is to thoroughly understand the history and development of Christianity, and its relationship with Islam. In the following, some aspects of Christianity are presented. How did they adopt the name Christian? Prophet Jesus (p) never called his followers Christians. He did not come to initiate a new religion with his name. His message was to call people toward the same religion Islam, as was done by other prophets before him. Therefore, his true followers used to worship in the same temple with other Children of Israel and followed the Shariah - the Law - of Prophet Moses (p). (Acts 3:1, 10:14, 15:1-5, 21:21. After Jesus (p), Paul declared that belief in Jesus (p) was enough for salvation and abrogated following of the Shariah of Prophet Moses (p). At the same time Jewish scholars called the followers of Prophet Jesus (p) the misguided sect of Nazarene or Galileans (Acts 24:5, Luke 13:2). They called this name as a satire sine Prophet Jesus (p) was from Nazarene. However, this name did not become popular. In 43 and 44 C.E. when Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch to preach their ideas, they were called Christians by the local habitants (Acts 11:26). The name was given to ridicule them. Initially it was not accepted by the followers of Jesus (p). However later on, their leaders decided that if they are being given a name in reference to Jesus {p) then there is nothing wrong to accept it (I Peter 4:16). 44
Dialogue with Christians Paul and present day Christianity: Paul was a staunch opponent of Prophet Jesus (p) and remained so for many years after his ascension. Later on he joined the followers of Jesus (p). However, he started altering the religion presented by Jesus (p). His main objective was to make such changes in this religion so that it may be acceptable to the Gentiles (non-Jewish people). He made the following alterations: 1. He propounded the concept of Jesus (p) being the son of Allah. 2. He claimed that Jesus (p) died on the cross to wash the eternal sins of the Adam's children through his blood. 3. He renounced abiding by the Law of Torah. He abolished all regulations concerning food. He abrogated the injunctions of circumcision. He did not present any evidence from prophet Jesus (p) teachings as basis for his alterations. Rather he based all these on his own ideas. Original followers of prophet Jesus (p) opposed these blatant misrepresentations of prophet Jesus (p) message. But these alterations were quite appealing to the so-called Gentiles and a vast number of them accepted this distorted version of "Christianity". Up till third century, there were some true believers who denied the concept of Divinity of Jesus (p). However, they could not effectively stop this misguidance. In 325 Christian Era (C.E.) a council of Christian leaders met at Nicaea, and officially accepted Paul's beliefs as their religion. Then Roman Empire accepted it as the religion of the State. Thereafter, all those books which denied these beliefs were banned. In 367 C.E. those books were announced which were acceptable by the State. In 382 C.E. a council held under the presidency of Pope Damasius approved these books. Then at the end of fifth century, Pope Galasius published the list of unauthorized 45
MANUAL OF DA'WAH books (Apocryphal). The basis for this classification was Paul's distorted beliefs rather than original message of Jesus (p). MISCONCEPTIONS AND THEIR CAUSES Misconceptions about Prophet Jesus (p):
Say: 0 People of the Scripture! Stress not in your religion other than the truth, and follow not the vain desires of folk who erred of old and led many astray, and erred from a plain road. (Maida: 77) This verse of the Qur'an refers to the two root causes of Christian disbeliefs and alterations in the true message of Jesus (p). i. They derived their false beliefs and wrong concepts from the misguided polytheist nations like the Greeks. ii. They committed excesses in the respect and love of Prophet Jesus (p) and associated him as a partner to Almighty Allah. When Paul promulgated the self-made idea about Jesus (p) as having a combination of human and divine qualities, he actually created a difficult puzzle to solve. Three kinds of explanations were presented to solve it: a) Whoever inclined to the human side of Jesus (p), he declared him as son of God and one of three, i.e., Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. b) Whoever was leaning towards (self-made) divine side of Jesus (p) he declared him to be the physical appearance of God and hence called him God or Lord. 46
DIALOGUE WITH CHRISTIANS c) There were others who wanted to find a happy medium. They used complex, verbatim so that he may be considered a human being and at the same time divine. In fact, Pauline Christianity proclaims monotheism and Trinity at the same time. The sayings of Jesus (p) which we find in Gospels clearly proclaim that there is one God and there is no partner to Him. Christians cannot deny this. However, in the beginning they developed misunderstanding about "Word of God" and "Holy Spirit" and this misled them to believe in the divinity of Jesus (p) and "Holy Spirit". Therefore, they have created a complex puzzle for themselves that is to believe monotheism and Trinity at the same time. Christian scholars are struggling to solve this puzzle for the last 2000 years. Several sects came into existence due to this problem and they have their separate churches. This difficulty is self-created and not by Allah or his Prophet Jesus (p). The root cause of this puzzle is the excesses committed in relation to Prophet Jesus (p). There is only one solution, that they abandon the idea of divinity of Jesus (p) and Holy Spirit and believe in one God Almighty (Allah) and do not make anyone His partner. The 'Word of God':
O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not "Trinity”: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah. Glory is to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. Nisa 4:171
The Gospel of John has put in a great deal of Alexandrian and Gnostic mysticism around the doctrine of the "Word" (Greek, Logos). Christians took this word equivalent to Allah's quality of speech. Then they hypothesized that this quality of Allah entered Mary's womb and was born in the form of Jesus (p). 47
MANUAL OF DA'WAH This way the misconception of divinity of Jesus (p) started among Christians. The Qur'an tells us that Jesus (p) was son of Mary and therefore a man, but a messenger of Allah with a mission from Allah and therefore, entitled to a status of honor and respect. He was created without father, with a word bestowed on Mary, i.e., "Be" (Kun) and he was. The "Holy Spirit": In the above quoted verse, Allah calls Jesus (p) spirit proceeding from Him. In another verse Allah declares:
. We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you an apostle with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!
(Baqarah:2: 87) Both of the above verses mean that Allah bestowed Jesus (p) that virtuous spirit which did not know evils. It was a spirit of truthfulness and possessed high moral values. This explanation was given to the Christians, but they committed excesses in this matter. They said that the Holy Ghost is Allah's own spirit which entered into Jesus (p). Therefore besides Jesus (p) and Allah they accepted Holy Ghost as third part of God. The Qur'an warns those Christians who have invented and adopted this false belief of Trinity. Misconceptions about Mary: Christians declared Mary as the Mother of God. There is not a hint about divinity of Mary in Gospels. Christian world was unaware of such misconception about Mary for three hundred years after Jesus (p). In the last part of 3rd century, some scholars of Alexandria first time used the word "Mother of God" for Mary. Then gradually this misconception started spreading among Christians. 48
Dialogue with Christians In the beginning the Church did not accept this misconception and called these people as misguided. In 431 C.E. a council of Christian leaders met at City of Ifsos. This council first time used the word "Mother of God" in Church's official language. Thenceforth, this rancor of worshiping Mary started spreading inside the Church. Her sculptures were placed in churches and people worshiped her idol. They started praying to her, ask her for help, and call her in their needs. Although in later years Protestants raised their voice against this misconception, but the Roman Catholic Church still accepts the same disbelief. Misconception of Man's Original Sin: The divine Scriptures have never presented the idea of man being sinner from birth. Christianity has invented this misconception and believes in it for 1700 years. Now some biblical scholars themselves admit that there is no basis for this concept in the Bible. A famous German scholar, Rev. Herbert Haag has written a book "Is Original Sin in Scripture". He states in his book that at least till third century this belief was non-existent that man is sinner since birth. Then this idea started developing. The Christian scholars rejected it for two centuries. At last, in fifth century, St. Augustine introduced this misconception into the basic beliefs of Christianity, through his self styled logic. Misconception of Jesus’ (p) Sacrifice on the Cross for Man's Eternal Sins: This misconception is invented as part of the previous one. It is claimed that man is sinner since birth and one has to accept Jesus (p) as personal saviors for salvation as he died on cross for man's eternal sins. This misconception is totally illogical and absurd, when one looks at the following questions: 49
MANUSL OF DA'WAH i. Nobody in this world can be punished for someone else's crimes. Then why an honorable person like Jesus (p) should have been punished for other's sins? ii. If accepting Jesus (p) as personal savior is the only way to salvation, then what is going to happen to all the Prophets? Judaic and Christian's holy books testify they never knew about him? Therefore, it is evident that above misconceptions are self-made and not based on the true teachings of the Prophets'. Jews and Christian holy books testify to the fact that Prophet Abraham (p) used to worship only Allah and this was his message not to make any partners to Allah. Therefore both Jews and Christians have deviated from that right path and are committing the greatest sin, i.e., Shirk. 50
Dialogue with Christians 10 HISTORICAL POSITIONS OF THE GOSPELS We cannot find an authentic book today which consists of true revelations of Allah to Jesus (p) like the Qur'an. Similarly we can't find collections of sayings and preaching of prophet Jesus (p) in his own words like Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The so called 'Canonical Gospels' are actually written by authors who were not Jesus’ (p) disciples. A brief historical review of four Gospels follows: 1. Gospel According to Mathew: Mathew is presented by some as Jesus’ (p) companion as noted by A. Tricot in his commentary to the translation of the New Testament: "Mathew alias, Levi, was a custom officer employed at the toll-gate or customs house at Capharnaum when Jesus called him to be one of his disciples". This opinion is no longer held today. According to the comments of the Ecumenical Translation origin of this gospel is as follows: "It is normally considered to have been written in Syria perhaps at Antioch or in Phoenicia because a great many Jews lived in these countries". Many authors date it back to 80-90 C.E. Author is well versed in Jewish writings and traditions. He would fit fairly well the description of an educated Jew turned Christian. Mathew borrowed heavily from Mark's Gospel although the latter was not one of Jesus’ (p) disciples. Out of its 1068 verses, 470 are same as in Mark's Gospel. 51
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 2. Gospel According to Mark: Mark was not a disciple of Jesus (p). He never met Jesus (p). He was Peter's companion in Rome. This book was written between 63-70 C.E. Text reveals a major flaw. It is written with a total disregard to chronology. It contradicts Mathew and Luke with regard to the sign of Jonah. The final section of Mark's Gospel (16: 19-20) is considered by modern authors to have been tacked on to the basic work. 3. Gospel According to Luke: Luke never met Jesus (p). He was cultivated Gentile convert to Christianity. His attitude towards Jesus (p) is apparent. He leaves out Mark's most Judaic verses and highlights Jesus’ (p) incredibility at Jesus’ (p) words. This is striking example how evangelists make Jesus (p) say whatever suits their personal outlook. He was Paul's follower and remained with him. He represents Paul's ideas in his Gospel. Date of its compilation is not certain. It was probably written between 57-79 and 80 C.E. 4. Gospel According to John: Its author is not John the disciple of Jesus (p). According to Ecumenical translation of the Bible the majority of Critics do not accept the hypothesis that this Gospel was written by John. It was written in 90 C.E. or even after that. 52
Dialogue with Christians REASONS FOR GOSPELS QUESTIONABLE AUTHENTICITY 1. It is quite well-known that there are contradictions, improbabilities, and incompatibilities among the four Gospels. They are unnoticed by many Christians because they have been influenced by their readings of commentaries that provide subtle explanations calculated to reassure them. But it is impossible to believe two "facts" contradicting each other. 2. Authors' own ideas and views are prominent in all the four Gospels. Mathew seems to address the Jews. Mark addresses the Romans and wants to familiarize them with Gospels. Luke represents Paul's ideas and supports him against other disciples. John appears to be impressed by philosophical thoughts prevalent among Christians at the end of the first century. The controversies in meaning are much more abundant than differences in language and style. 3. Gospels were written in Greek which was not the language that Jesus (p) used in delivering his message. The translations naturally lead to distortions and differences in interpretation. 4. Gospels were written in the first century. Initially it was thought that oral transmission is better. At the end of the first century, they were written, but they are not considered authentic. The first text of New Testament was approved in council of Carthage in 397 C.E. 5. None of the originally written texts are available in any form today. The oldest text of Gospels available today is from the middle of the fourth century. Therefore it is hard to say that how much the present day Gospels are in line with the Gospels written in the first three centuries. 53
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 6. No attempts were made to memorize Gospels as was the case with the Qur'an. Initially its meaning was transmitted by word of mouth. Personal explanation and opinions were added. Later, when they were written, the writers added or deleted things according to their personal taste and inclination. GOSPEL OF BARNABAS This "Gospel" is among the "apocryphal" writings which were rejected by the Pauline Christian leaders. However if someone could read it without prejudice and open mind and then compare it with the four socalled "Canonical” Gospels, he will realize its superiority on the latter. Objections on the Gospel of Barnabas: In the Christian literature it has been mentioned that this is an unauthentic writing probably compiled by a Muslim, because there are several prophecies in it about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is a blatant misrepresentation of facts due to the following: I. Review of the material presented in this Gospel clearly tells us that it cannot be written by a Muslim. ii. If it was written by a Muslim, then it should have been well known among Muslim scholars and referred to in their writings. But the fact is that before George Sale's English translation of the Qur'an, no Muslim knew about it. Great Islamic scholars like Tabari, Ya'qubi, Mas'udi, Al-Ba'runi, Ibn Hazm who were authorities on Christian literature did not mention the Gospel of Barnabas. Two famous catalogues of Islamic literature Al-Fihrist by Ibn Hazm and Kashaf Al-Zunoon by Haji Khalifah do not mention its name. 54
Dialogue with Christians iii. About 75 years before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), at the time of Gelasius I, there were several prohibited religious books. Gospel of Barnabas (Evangelium Barnabe) was included among these books. Who is the Author of this Gospel? The author of this Gospel, i.e., Barnabas, states that he is one of the original disciples of Jesus (p). He remained with him from the beginning till the end of his mission. He also states that he is giving an account of happenings seen with his eyes and statements heard with his own ears. At the end of the book he writes that before departing from this world Jesus (p) told him that it is his responsibility to clear misunderstandings about him and tell the truth about him to the world. Who was this Barnabas? A man by that name has been mentioned in Acts. He was of Jewish decent from Cyprus. He is praised for assisting the followers of Jesus (p) and disseminating his teachings. It is not told, when he accepted Jesus’ (p) message. His name is not included in the list of twelve disciples in the Gospels. The list of disciples given in Mathew and Mark differs only in two names with the list given by Gospel of Barnabas. One name is Luke, instead of which Barnabas gives his name and the second name is Shimon Kinani instead of which he writes the name of Judah Iscariot. This latter name is present in Luke's Gospel. Therefore it is quite possible that Barnabas's name was arbitrarily removed from the list of disciples to get rid of his Gospel. Some Characteristics of this Gospel: 1. Life history of Prophet Jesus (p) has been described in more detail. The account of his life is in more chronological order and comprehensible. It appears as if the reporter was participant in all the incidences and gave an eye-witness account. 55
MANUSL OF DA'WAH 2. Prophet Jesus’ (p) teachings are given with more clarity, detail, and effectiveness. These teachings include belief in One God, rejection of polytheism qualities of Almighty God, spirit of worship, and high moral characters. Examples are given for easy comprehension of these teachings. One does not find this detail and effectiveness of Jesus’ (p) teachings in other four Gospels. Then one does not find those contradictions in Jesus’ (p) teachings which one can see in four Gospels. By studying the language, and the way of presentation of Jesus (p) in this Gospel, one is convinced that this is not a phony book compiled by some unknown fugitive. 3. Prophet Jesus’ (p) life and teachings appear to be in accordance with the prophetic standard. He presents himself as a prophet and testifies the truth of all previous prophets and Divine Books. He presents the concept of One God, the concept of prophet-hood and the life hereafter as presented by other prophets. He emphasizes the significance of prayer, fasting, and charity. He used to make wudu before prayer and his five times of prayers were the same as observed today by Muslims. 4. Barnabas, apostle of Jesus (p) expresses the purpose of his writings in the following words "Many, being deceived by Satan under pretence of piety, are preaching most impious doctrine, calling Jesus (p) son of God, among whom also Paul has been deceived, whereof I speak not without grief, for which cause I am writing that truth which I have seen and heard". He tells that when Jesus (p) was alive, some Roman soldiers witnessing his miracles started calling him God and the son of God. The Children of Israel started exaggerating his position. Prophet Jesus (p) repeatedly denied this concept about him and cursed those who invented this disbelief about him. Then he sent his apostles to all parts of Judea to condemn and deny these disbeliefs. Author denies this misconception invented by Paul that 56
Dialogue with Christians Jesus (p) died on cross. He says that Judah Iscariot took bribe from Jewish scribes and came with policemen for the arrest of Jesus (p). Then God sent four angels who took away Jesus (p) and Judah Iscariot's face and voice became similar to Jesus (p). Therefore he was put on the cross and not Jesus (p). This is a misfortune of Christians that they rejected this book. They could have corrected their beliefs and know the true teachings of Jesus (p) through this book. CONTRADICTIONS IN THE GOSPELS As mentioned earlier, there were many writings on Jesus (p) in circulation during the early days of Christianity. The abundance of literature concerning Jesus (p) led the Church (Pauline) to make selections suitable to it. Perhaps a hundred Gospels were rejected. Only four were retained and put on the official list of New Testament writings called Canons. However, there are obvious contradictions and variations in the so-called Canons which testify to human manipulations, additions, deletions, and influence of author's personal inclinations. The Qur'an, the true word of Allah, boldly presents this as one criterion to differentiate the divine revelation from human writings. Mawlana Rehmatullah Keranwi in his book Izharul Haq (in Urdu) or Truth Revealed (in English) has presented 124 contradictions and 110 mistakes in the Gospels. There are several Christian scholars who admit the contradictions. The following are two of the samples: 57
MANUAL OF DA'WAH Not all the copies of the New Testament that have come down to us are identical. On the contrary, it is possible to distinguish differences of varying degrees of importance between them, but however important they may be, there is always a large number of them. Some of these only concern differences of grammatical detail, vocabulary or word order. Elsewhere, however, differences between manuscripts can be seen which affect the meaning of whole passages. (Ecumenical translations of the Bible) As, little by little, the New Testament writings broke away from the rest of early Christian literature, and came to be regarded as Holy Scripture, so the copier became more and more hesitant about taking the same liberties as their predecessors: they thought they were copying the authentic text, but in fact wrote down the variations. Finally, a copier sometimes wrote annotations in the margins to explain an obscure passage. The following copier, thinking that the sentence he found in the margin had been left out of the passage by his predecessor, thought it necessary to include the marginal notes in the text. - This process often made the new text even more obscure. The New Testament by 0' Cullman Some Examples of Contradictions and Improbabilities: 1. The genealogy of Jesus (p) given by Luke (3, 23-38) is different from Mathew (1, 1-17). 2. John places the Last Supper "before the Passover Celebrations" and the other three evangelists place it during the celebrations themselves. How is it possible to believe that the memory of one event in relation to the other could have faded to such an extent in the tradition recorded later by the evangelists? Then the description of the Passover differs from one evangelist to another and more particularly between John and the first three Gospels. Then Mathew, Luke, and Mark all relate Jesus’ 58
Dialogue with Christians (p) Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane but John does not mention it. 3. Institution of the Eucharist is not mentioned by John. Eucharist or the Consecration of the bread and wine which became the body and blood of Jesus (p) is the most essential act of the Christian liturgy. How can this omission in John's Gospel be explained? 4. Imaginative descriptions have been given of the abnormal phenomena said to have accompanied "Jesus death" in Mathew's Gospel. There are contradictory and absurd descriptions given in other Gospels. 5. Neither John nor Mathew refers to Jesus’ (p) Ascension. Mark and Luke are the only ones to speak of it. 6. John the Baptist both did and did not recognize Jesus (p) as the Messiah (cf., John 1, 29, 34, and Matt. xi, 2, 3) 7. John the Baptist was, and was not Elias, the harbinger of the Messiah (cf., John, 1, 21 and Mat. xi, 14) 8. The father of Joseph (Mary's husband) was Jacob-no, he was Heli (cf., Mathew 1, 16 and Luke iii, 23) 9. Mary and Joseph fled into Egypt with the infant Jesus-no, they did not flee, but returned to Nazareth (cf., Matt. 11, 14, 15, 19, 23 and Luke ii, 22, 39) 10. Jesus went into the wilderness after his baptism-no, He went to the Cana wedding (cf., Mark i, 12, 13 and John ii, 12) 11. Jesus preached his first Sermon on the Mount-no, it was on a plain (cf., Matt. v, 1, 2 and Luke VI, 17, 20) 12. John was in prison when Jesus went preaching into Galilee-no, he was not in prison (cf., Mark i, 14, and John i, iii, 22, 24) 13. Jesus told the disciples to go forth with neither staff nor sandals-no, they should take staff and sandals (cf., Mark VI, 8, 9 and Matt. x, 9, 10) 59
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 14. Two blind men cried for His mercy-no, only one (cf., Matt xx, 30 and Luke xvii, 35, 38) 15. Two men came possessed from a tomb-no, only one (cf., Matt. viii, 28 and Mark v, 2) 16. A centurion sought Jesus to heal his servant-no, it was the messenger of the centurion (cf., Matt. viii, 5, 6 and Luke vii, 3, 4) 17. Jesus was crucified at the third hour-no, it was the sixth (cf., Mark xv, 24 and John xix, 14, 15) 18. Judas conspired with the chief priests before the Last Passover Supper-no, it was after (cf., Luke xxii, 3, 4, 7 and John xiii, 27) 19. Both thieves reviled Jesus in execution-no, only one, the other rebuking the first (cf., Matt. xxvii, 44 and Luke xxiii, 39, 40) 20. Vinegar mingled with gall was offered to Jesus on the cross-no, it was wine with myrrh. (cf., Matt. xxvii, 34 and Mark xvi, 23) 21. Three women came to the sepulcher-no, it was two-no, it was only one (cf., Mark xvi, Matt. xxviii, 1 and John xx, 1) 22. Jesus arose on the third day-no, it was the second (cf., Matt. xii, 40, and Mark xv, 25, 42, 44, 45, 46, xvi, 9) The women told the disciples of the resurrection-no, they did not tell anyone (cf., Luke xxiv, 9 and Mark xvi, 8) 23. Jesus ascended from Bethany-no, (cf., Luke xxiv, 50, 51 and Mark xvi, 14, 19; also Acts 1, 9, 12) 24. Christ is equal with God-no, He is not equal (cf., John x, 30 and Matt. xxiv, 36) 25. Christ judges men-no, He does not judge (cf., John v, 22, 30 and John xii, 47) 26. Christ was all powerful-no, (cf., Matt. xxvii and Mark VI, 5) 60
Dialogue with Christians 27. The Law was changed by Christ-no, it was not (cf., Luke xvi, 16 and Matt. v, 17, 18, 19) 28. Christ came to bring peace-no, He came to make war (cf., Luke i, 76, 79, ii, 13, 19 and Matt. x, 34) Quotations from two Christian Scholars: Father Roguet in his book Initiation to the Gospels observes that many readers of the Gospels are embarrassed when they stop to think about the meaning of certain descriptions or make comparisons between different versions of some event found in several Gospels. He notes that their requests for explanations concern texts that are considered "abstruse, incomprehensible if not contradictory, absurd, or scandalous"? Father Jannengiesser, a professor at the Catholic Institute of Paris wrote a book Faith in the Resurrection. He notes that 'one should not take literally facts reported about Jesus by the Gospels, because they are 'writings suited to an occasion' or 'to combat, whose authors are writing down the translations of their own community about Jesus.' The flat contradictions between Gospels, the improbabilities, the incompatibilities with known facts, the successive distortions of the text - all the things add up to the fact that the Gospels contain chapters and passages that are the sole product of the human imaginations. 61
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 11 ORIGINAL TEACHINGS OF PROPHET JESUS (p) IN THE GOSPELS Even though human additions and deletions have made it difficult to find the original teachings of Prophet Jesus (p) in four Gospels, still one can recognize them with the help of the Qur'an, the true word of Allah. In the following, these teachings are presented with appropriate headings. They will show that Jesus’ (p) mission was no different from other prophets, i.e., call everyone to the submission before only Allah. Call towards worship of One Almighty God: And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him. The first of all the commandments is, Hear, 0 Israel; the Lord our God is One Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all they strength: This is the first commandment. (Mark 12:28, 30) Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve. (Luke 4:8) “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven.” (Mathew: 7) Islamic Government: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our father which art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Mathew 6:9, 10) Last verse above clarifies Prophet Jesus’ (p) mission, i.e., establishing commandments of Allah on this earth as His commandments are being obeyed in the rest of the universe. 62
Dialogue with Christians Jesus (p) was preparing for this change. Christians misinterpret the meaning of this "kingdom" as spiritual kingdom. The second verse explains it clearly that Jesus (p) prayed for establishing Allah's kingdom on this earth as it is in the rest of this universe. Struggle between truth and falsehood: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Mathew 10:34, 38) Struggle is filled with hardships and trials: And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. (Mathew 10:39) "Taketh not his cross" means that those who are ready to join this struggle should prepare themselves for hardships and even death. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. (Mathew 16:24) And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child, and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. (Mathew 10:21, 22) Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. (Mathew 10:16, 18) 63
MANUAL OF DA'WAH If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yea, and his life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to furnish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it. all that behold it begin to mock him. Sying, this man began to build, and was not able to finish. (Luke 14:26, 30) All of the above verses indicate that Jesus (p) did not come to just start another so-called religion. His mission was to bring about a total change in the existing sociopolitical structure in accordance with the commandments of Allah. He challenged the Roman and Jewish states, the Rabies and their power which were based on rebellion against the orders of Allah. Therefore, he told clearly to everyone that his mission was fraught with dangers and those should accompany him who are ready to face them. Life Hereafter and the love of this world: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be. (Mathew 6:19, 21) No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate one and love the other; or else he will hold to one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and monnon. (Mathew 6);24) There is a common misunderstanding that Jesus (p) preached Rahbaniyah (Monasticism). We know from above references, that his mission was calling towards submission to the Will of one Almighty God 64
Dialogue with Christians and hence establish a true Islamic state and society. This mission always demands sacrifices from its workers. That is why Jesus (p) prepared his followers for the hardships expected in this struggle. Above teachings in which he stresses upon love for the life Hereafter are actually for preparing his followers for this struggle. Criticism of Jewish Rabbies: The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them as men’ shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men. (Mathew 23:2, 28) Above sentences describe the condition of Jewish Rabbis of his time. They had the knowledge but they did not practice it. One can see the same situation existing at the present time. PROPHECIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD (p) IN THE BIBLE In spite of immense adulteration and alterations throughout the centuries, clear signs which indicate the coming of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are still found in the Bible. They establish beyond any shadow of doubt that a messenger of Allah (SWT) will come after Jesus (p). His name will be Muhammad or Ahmad, and that he will be strong and powerful like Moses (p). He will come from the brethren of the Israelites (that is; the Arabs, the progeny of the prophet Ishmael). He will confirm the words 65
MANUAL OF DA'WAH of the previous prophets of Allah and will establish the Law of Allah on the earth and defeat the forces of evil. His message will remain till the Day of Judgment In the following, some passages of the Bible are quoted which clearly refer to the coming of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). . The Old Testament: 1. The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me (Moses) from among you, from among your brethren; 'him you shall heed; just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, "Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, nor see this great, for any more, lest I die? And the Lord said to me, "They have rightly said all that they have spoken. I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren. I will put My words into his mouth and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to My words which he shall speak in My Name, I Myself will require it of him. (Deuteronomy XVIII: 15, 19) This prophecy of Prophet Moses (p) describes nobody but the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), because: i. That Prophet would be like Moses, i.e., will bring a Law -Shariah-from Allah. Other prophets after Moses (p) followed the same Shari 'ah. ii. Obviously the brethren of the Israelites are none other than the Arabs (Ishmaelite). No one but the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has claimed Prophet hood among Ishmaelite. iii. In this passage Horeb is the mountain where Moses (p) was given commandments. "Just as you desired of the Lord" refers to the request of Israelites that they may not be given commandments again under those difficult circumstances which they faced on Horeb. Prophet Moses (p) 66
Dialogue with Christians tells them that their request has been accepted by God. So God will just put His words into his mouth and he shall speak. This prophecy came true and the commandments were given by revelation to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he did not face the circumstances faced by Prophet Moses (p). The New Testament The Qur'an confirms in the following verse that prophet Jesus (p) did prophesize that a prophet named Ahmad would come after me.
And remember Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "0 Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad". But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "This is evident sorcery!"
(Saff: 6) Let us now review some of the prophecies about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Gospels. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter (Periqlytos) that he may abide with you forever. (John XIV, 16) The original word used by Jesus (p) either in Arabic or in Hebrew has been changed first into Greek and then into English. Original Greek word is Periclytos or Paracletus. Periclytos means illustrious, renowned and praiseworthy and this is exactly what the word Ahmad means when it was translated into English, different words were used like teacher, advocate, assistant, comforter, or consoler (see Encyclopedia of Biblical Literature), But the comforter (Paraclete), which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John XIV, 26) 67
MANUAL OF DA'WAH He shall testify of me. (John XV, 26) It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the comforter (Paraclete) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprieve the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. (John XVI: 7, 8) Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. (John XVI: 13) By using the words Holy Spirit and the Spirit of truth, deliberate attempts are made to hide the true meaning of these passages. We arrive at this conclusion due to following reasoning: i. It seems strange to ascribe the paragraph quoted above (XVI: 13) to the Holy Spirit. The ability to speak and declare whatever he hears cannot possibly be ascribed to the Spirit. In the original Greek text (as written by John) the words used are "akouo" (to perceive sound) and "laleo" (to emit sound or to speak). These words define concrete actions which can only be applied to a being with hearing and speech organs. It is impossible to apply them to the Holy Spirit. ii. If the words Holy Spirit are omitted from the passage, the complete text of John then conveys a meaning which is clear. It is confirmed by another paragraph in John (14, 16) where he uses this word Paraclete to mean Jesus. Therefore logically, one is brought to see in John's Paraclete a human being like Jesus (p), possessing the faculties of hearing and speech, i.e., a prophet who hears Allah's words and repeats to man. 68
Dialogue with Christians And this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not, but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, what then? Art thou Elias? And he saith I am not. Art thou that Prophet? And he answered no. Then said they unto him, who art thou? That we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? And they asked him, and said unto him, why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias neither that Prophet? (John 1:19, 25) This passage clearly indicates that Children of Israel were awaiting "that Prophet" besides Jesus (p) and Elias (p). That Prophet is none else but Muhammad (peace be upon him). Prophecies in the Gospel of Barnabas: Gospel of Barnabas contains these prophecies in clearer words than in the Bible. There are so many of these prophecies in this Gospel that it is not possible to quote all of them here. References are being given in the following to study in the original text: Chapter 17, 42, 43, 44, 72, 82, 83, 96, 97, and 113. 69
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 12 THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL IN THE QUR'AN Jews share with Muslims a common religion and many dietary and social laws. Tragically, however our common legacy was unable to prevent the development of hostile feelings and strife. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tried very hard to live in peace with the Jews but at each step he was betrayed. However, we have many notable Jewish converts to Islam from Abdullah Ibn Salaam to Maryam Jameelah. A Da’I must thoroughly study the religion and various sects among the Jews today. Every opportunity must be utilized to address the Jewish audience about the unity and truth of Islam's message. The process may be slow but we must keep on. The pertinent verses of the Qur'an regarding the Jews or the Children of Israel are presented as follows:
O Children of Israel! Remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and fulfill your (part of the) covenant, I shall fulfill My (part of the) covenant, and fear Me.
And believe in that which I reveal, confirming that which ye possess already (of the Scripture), and be not first to disbelieve therein, and part not with My revelations for a trifling price, and keep your duty unto Me. (Baqarah: 40, 41)
And when ye said: 0 Moses! We are weary of one kind of food; so call upon thy Lord for us that He brings forth for us of that which the earth grows - of its herbs and its cucumbers and its corn and its lentils and its onions. He said: Would ye exchange that which is higher for that which is lower? Go down to settled country, thus ye shall get that which ye demand. And humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they 70
Dialogue with Christians disbelieved in Allah's revelations and slew the prophets wrongfully. That was for their disobedience and transgressions. (Baqarah: 61)
And (remember) when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, (saying): Worship none save Allah (only), and be good to parents and to kindred and to orphans and the needy, and speak kindly to mankind; and establish worship and pay the poor-due. Then, after that, ye slid back save a few of you, being averse. (Baqarah: 83)
And the Jews say the Christians follow nothing (true), and the Christians say the Jews follow nothing (true); yet both are readers of the Scripture. Even thus speak those who know not. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ. (Baqarah: 113)
And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! The guidance of Allah (Himself) is Guidance. And if thou should follow their desires after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, then wouldst thou have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper. (Baqarah: 120)
And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say (unto them, 0 Muhammad): Nay, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters.
Say (0 Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. (Baqarah: 135, 136)
Bethink thee of the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, how they said unto a Prophet whom they had: Set up for us a king and we will fight in Allah's way. He said: Would ye then refrain from fighting if fighting were prescribed for you? They said: Why should we not fight in Allah's Way when we have been driven from our dwellings with our children? Yet, when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, all save a few of them. Allah is aware of evil-doers 71
Their Prophet said unto them: Lo! Allah hath raised up Saul to be a king for you. They said: How can he have kingdom over us when we are more deserving of the kingdom than he is, since he hath not been given wealth enough? He said: Lo! Allah hath chosen him above you, and hath increased him abundantly in wisdom and stature. Allah bestoweth His sovereignty on whom He will. Allah is All-Embracing, AllKnowing. (Baqarah: 246, 247)
Say: 0 People of the Scripture. Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for Lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Him). (Ale'Imran: 64)
Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.
Lo! Those of mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who followed him, and this Prophet and those who believe (with him); and Allah is the Protecting Friend of the believers. (Ale'Imran: 67, 68)
And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!
They have taken as lords beside Allah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One God. There is no god save Him. Be He glorified from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)! (Tawba: 30, 31) 72
MANUAL OF DA'WAH A- WWW.WHYISLAM.ORG 877-WHY-ISLAM INTRODUCTION The 877-WHY-ISLAM project is a comprehensive Da’wah project of ICNA to share the true message of Islam with fellow Americans. Insha’Allah we will walk thru the model of Da’wah that the 877-WHY-ISLAM project has used to propagate the message of Islam for the previous few years with substantial success from Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah the services rendered by the project have resulted in many returning to the religion of Islam. We believe that most of the people are of good nature and have open mind. They are willing to listen, dialogue and appreciate the true and convincing message of Islam. In many cases Allah (SWT) brings out the urge in them to come back to Allah’s worship and enter the fold of Islam. If we are able to join hands with the “Dai’s’ throughout the continent and teach each other the various means and modes of Da’wah, we should be able to convey the message of Islam to each and every household in America. Allah will guide all whom he wills to the straight path. Main Services The main services of the project consists of - The Toll free hotline It receives several calls per month. In the recent years, number of calls haven increased several folds due to successful marketing campaigns by the volunteers nationwide. Usually callers on the hotline have various kinds of questions for the associates who are alhamudlillah very knowledgeable and handle these requests very efficiently. The visitors can also pose these questions and are assigned to an associate to respond to these questions. Usually these associates keep in touch via email for some time responding with answers and explaining the Islamic beliefs and discussing various topics. Some request to visit Mosques and continue to be in touch. Alhamdulillah many callers eventually take Shahadah at the Mosques or on the hotline. Following their Shahadas these new Muslims are assigned to Ansar brothers/sisters who try to look after their needs as Muslims and try to integrate them into the Muslim Community in their respective neighborhoods
The website - Receives several thousand hits per month. - Provides accurate and authentic information. - Contains a section for FAQ’s and Multimedia (Audio/Video) - Can Order Free Literature – English and Spanish - Email Discussions lead many people to call the hotline. Many times we have got people who have requested to be called to have them take their Shahadah - Arrange Mosque visits – Non-Muslims put in their request on the website to visit a mosque. Why Islam assigns a local contact to facilitate this visit.
Free LiteratureProject has prepared pamphlets and published Quran and other books for distribution. It is mailed to those who request it. It is also distributed through Da’wah booths .Callers to the hotline and visitors to the website can request free literature on Islam. Manual of Da’wah Following are some of the pamphlets published/ distributed by the project: • Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem • Towards Understanding Islam • Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam • Christ in Islam • What They Say About Mohammad (pbuh) • Malcolm X – From Darkness to Light • Who was Jesus (pbuh) • Islam Explained • What Islam says about Terrorism • Concept of Worship in Islam • Concept of God in Islam • Status of Women in Islam • Hijab: Unveiling the Mystery -
Literature is also available in Spanish language.
Literature Requests - Top 10 States
New York
Not Specified
Islam Explained
New Jersey
Roman Catholic
United Kingdom
Status of Women In Islam Concept of God in Islam Who was Jesus (p)?
Prophet Muhammad (p) Worship in Islam
Sri Lanka
Life After Death
Why Islam billboards
24 Islam Billboards were hosted in new cities during 2009 major Holiday season
Coverage by major media (TV, Newspapers, etc)
National Billboards Campaign State Daily Views Atlanta 46,120 Baltimore 32,500 Chicago 12,400 Cleveland 99,100 Columbus 15,700 Dallas 94,700 Daytona 23,200 El Paso 70,300 Las Vegas 116,300 Los Angeles 26,200 Memphis 28,290 Miami-Ft Lauderdale 26,400 Minneapolis 15,890 Orlando 40,380 Portland 18,100 Portland 98,000 Salisbury 32,900 San Antonio 138,800 San Diego 18,460 San Francisco 16,900
Why Islam community booths at malls Why Islam advertisements in community newspapers
Public Libraries Discussion forums are held in the public libraries. Some of the topics discussed are listed below; Women In Islam Islam Science and Creation History of Muslim in America Islam between Rejection and Extremism Islam and Christianity more in common than you think Islam and Science, Compatible? Clip from “The Message” Movie Legacy of a Prophet Movie Myths and Realities about Islam Da’wah tables are also set up outside the public libraries where pamphlets and books are distributed free. Visitors are given message of Islam and questions are answered. School Visits Volunteers visit various schools to give information about Islam to the students and faculty. Law Enforcement Outreach Volunteers offer time to conduct seminars at the law enforcement centers to share the information about Islam. Such programs were held successfully in Houston and other cities. Window to Islam Grand booths outside ICNA/ISNA Conventions Da’wah booths are arranged outside these conventions to reach out to our non Muslim friends to share the message of Islam. Da’wah booths at the flea markets and farmer markets Da’wah tables are set up to give out free literature and answer questions about Islam Book/County Fairs Volunteers set up Da’wah tables in these fairs to distribute the pamphlets and books and answer any questions about Islam.
Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Amusement Parks •
Many ICNA Units host the Muslim Family Day at Six Flags.
Da’wah booths are hosted and hundreds of flyers and Qurans are distributed.
Presentations on Islam are also given to the Six Flags Staff.
Subway project – New York 2008 •
One month Da’wah project to introduce Islam to people of New York was launched.
1000 subway cars displayed the Islam ad with the message ‘You Deserve To Know’.
1000s of calls were received
Almost every day a Shahadah
• website traffic increased by 10 times
Increase in call volume and request for literature was 2-3 times
Percentage of positive calls was high compared to previous campaigns
All major media provided coverage of this project.
Calls, Literature Requests & Shahadas during Subway Campaign
Pens, Mugs, T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers FM & AM radios. Campus Ads Hospital / Resting homes visits Prison Inmate Program Church visits Islam Awareness Week Comparative Religion Seminars
New Muslim Services •
Alhamdulillah around 500 people accepted Islam in 2008 via ICNA Da’wah endeavors
Each new Muslim is provided a ‘Welcome to Islam’ gift package
A mentor is then assigned to this new Muslim
In-house and online classes are then offered for continued learning and practicing of Islam
B- WWW.GAINPEACE.COM is a Da’wah project of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Following the command of Allah (swt) to share Islam with humanity, it has successfully conducted several programs to achieve its objectives. Services provided by this project
Islam Bus Project 2008 This unique project ran from September to November (2008). Ad spaces were bought on the sides of the City of Chicago buses and the following message was placed on them: 'Islam, the way of life of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad (peace be upon them).' Please see the bus above for how the ads appeared. As a result of this project, following results was the summary report: o 25 Buses in the City of Chicago hosted Islam's message o 800 calls received on national hotline - 800-662-ISLAM o 400 request for free Quran and Islamic Literature o Over 1 million hits on website 54 Shahadas took place with this campaign.
New Muslims Follow up Programs Alhamdulillah, realizes that a new Muslims needs enormous support and encouragement in their learning and practicing of Islam. Gain Peace has designed a comprehensive support network for our new brothers and sisters. A welcome to Islam Shahadah gift is sent out to new Muslims with the following items: o The Quran in Arabic and English o How to Pray DVD o CD-ROM o Book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) o Book - Islam in Focus o Brochures on various topics o Prayer mat o Kufi or Hijab o A mentor is assigned o Weekly in-house and online classes are held to assist in learning and practicing Islam o Conferences and workshops on topics relevant to new Muslims Online Da’wah o Google (Text) o Facebook (Text) Billboard o Kansas City, KS o Detroit, MI Buses o Florida Bus Campaign o City of Chicago (Southside) Upcoming Projects: Online Da’wah o YouTube (Graphic)
o Facebook (Graphic) o Yahoo (Graphic) Billboard o Chicago, IL (Southside) o Chicago, IL (Aurora) o North Carolina o Ohio
APPENDIX A RECOMMENDED READING FOR ISLAMIC WORKERS Qur'an with translation: 1. The Qur'an A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 2. The Glorious Qur'an M. Pickthall English/Urdu Tafsir 1. Fi Zilalal Qur' an s. Qutb Arabic/English (part.I/Urdu (part.) 2. Tafhimul Qur'an A. Mawdudi Urdu/English (part.)/Arabic (part.) 3. Tafsir-i Majidi A. Daryabadi English/Urdu 4. Tafsir-i Kathir Ibn Kathir EnglishlUrdul Arabic Hadith i. Riadul Salihin An-Na'wawi ArabiclUrdu 2. Meaning and Message of Traditions M. Nu'mani English/Urdu 3. Selection from Qur'an and Ahadith H. Siddiqui English 4. Mu'atta Imam Malik " English/ArabiclUrdu 5. Rahi 'Amal Nadwi Urdu Sirah 1. Encyclopaedia of Sirah A. Rahman English 2. Muhammad, the Benefactor of Humanity N. Siddiqui English 3. Sirah Ibn-i Hishium. English/Urdu/Arabic 73
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 4. Siratun Nabi Shibli ……….. Urdu/English 5. Sirat-e Sarawar-e 'Alam A. Maududi ••••••• Urdu 6. Nabi-e Rahmat A. Nadwi ·· English/Urdu 7. Glorious Caliphate A. Husain English Fiqh & Islamic Law 1. Everyday Fiqh Yusuf Islahi ••••••••••• English/Urdu 2. Islamic Law - Concept and Codification . Islahi English/Urdu 3. Islamic Law and Constitution A. Mawdudi..... •••••••••••• •••• English/Urdu 4. Philosophy of Islamic Law and the Orientalists Muslehuddin English Islamic Da'wah & Movements 1. Hasan al-Banna & Ikhwan al-Muslimun M. Jameelah English 2. What is our Message? H. al-Banna.. , English/Arabic/Urdu 3. Majmu'ah al-Risa'al H. al-Banna , English/Arabic/Urdu 4. The Muslim Brethren I. Husain English/Arabic 5. Moral Foundation of Islamic Movement A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 6. A Short History of Revivalist Movement in Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 7. Evidence of Truth A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 8. Guidelines for Islamic Workers A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 9. Rudad-e Jama'at-e Islami Jama 'at-e Islami Urdu 10. Saviours of Islamic Spirit A. Nadwi English/Urdu Ideology of Islam 1. Milestone S. Qutb English/Arabic/Urdu 74
2. Fundamentals of Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 3. Islam, the Misunderstood Religion M. Qutb English/ArabiclUrdu 4. Islam at a Glance S. Islahi English/Urdu/Arabic 5. Four Basic Terminologies of the Qur'an A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 6. Islam in Theory and Practice M. Jameelah English 7. How to Attain True Piety and Righteosness in Islam A. Islahi EnglishlUrdu 8. Islam Aur Ijtama'iyat S. Islahi Urdu 9. Fariza-e Iqamat al-Din S. Islahi Urdu 10. Family Structure in Islam A Ati English 11. Hajj. A. Shari'ati English 12. Finality of Prophethood A. Mawdudi English/Urdu Comparative Religion & Ideologies 1. The Bible, the Qur'an & Science M. Bucaille , English/ArabiclUrdu 2. Islam and Christianity U Saeed English 3. Christianity in History A. Azhar English 4. 'Isa'iyat Kia Hay? T. Usmani Urdu 5. Islam vs. Ahl al-kitab. Past and Present M. Jameelah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English 6. Yahudiyat-O-Nasniniyat A. Mawdildi 00 ••••••••••••••••••• Urdu 7. The Myth of the Cross A. Ajijola English 8. Zionism & Racism S. Qureshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .English 9. What is a Jew? Kertzer English 10. Protestant Catholic Jew W. Herberg English 75
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 11. Islam and Modernism M. Jameelah English 12. Marxism & other Western Fallacies A. Shari'ati English American Scene 1. The Autobiography of Malcolm X A . Haley........................................ English 2. Roots A. Haley English 3. Soul on Ice E. Cleaver...................................... English 4. Religion in America J. Cogly English 5. This Land of Promises Mauss & Wolfe English 6. What's Happening? Glaziers English 7. The Political System of the United States J. Lees English 8. Public Opinion and American Democracy V. Key, Jr. English 9. Interest Groups and Lobbying A. Holtzman English 10. Zionist Connection A. Lilienthal English Canadian Scene: 1. What is happening to Canada? W. Gordon English 2. Just looking, Thank you; An Amused Observer's view of Canadian Life styles p. Marchand English 3. Entering the 80's; Canada in Crises Oxford Univ. Press English 76
MANUAL OF DA'WAH APPENDIX B BOOKS FOR DISTRIBUTION I-Among Muslims Tafsir 1. Tafsir-i Majidi A. Daryabadi English/Urdu 2. Tafhimul Qur’an A. Mawdudi' English/Urdu/Arabic 3. Fi Zilalal Qur' an s. Qutb English/Urdu/Arabic Hadith, Sirah & Fiqh 1. Selection from the Qur'an and Hadith A. Siddiqui · English 2. Rahi 'Amal J. Nadwi Urdu 3. Riadul Salihin An-Nawawi English/Arabic/Urdu 4. Muhammad, the Benefactor of Humanity N. Siddiqui English/Urdu 5. Everyday Fiqh Yusuf Islahi English/Urdu Ideology of Islam 1. Islam at a Glance S. Islahi English/Urdu 2. Islam and Ignorance A. Mawdudi' English/Urdu/Arabic 3. Vitals of Faith A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 4. Islamic Way of Life A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 5. Ethical Viewpoint of Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 6. Milestone S. Qutb English/Arabic/Urdu 77
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 7. Fundamentals of Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 8. Worship in Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 9. Evidence of Truth A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 10. Islam the Misunderstood Religion M. Qutb English/Arabic/Urdu 11. Islam, the religion of Future S. Qutb English/Arabic/Urdu 12. Islam and Universal Peace S. Qutb English/Arabic/Urdu 13. An Introduction to the Qur'an A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 14. Four Pillars of Islam A. Nadwi English/Urdu/Arabic 15. Modesty & Chastity in Islam Z. Nadwi English 2-Among Non-Muslims Qur’an 1. AI-Qur'an (Translation only) M. Pickthall English 2. Al-Qur'an (Translation only) S. Latif......................................... English Hadith & Sirah i. Glimpses of the Hadith Azizullah : English 2. Forty Hadith An-Nawawi English/Arabic 3. The Life of Muhammad A. Siddiqui .. : English Ideology of Islam 1. What Islam Stands For? A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 2. The Road to Peace & Salvation A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 3. Islam: Basic Principles & Characteristics K. Ahmad English 78
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 4. The Religion of Truth A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 5. Life after Death A. Mawdudi English/Urdu 6. Islamic Way of Life A. Mawdudi , . English/Urdu/Arabic 7. Islam, the misunderstood Religion M. Qutb English/Urdu/Arabic 8. Towards Understanding Islam A. Mawdudi English/Urdu/Arabic 9. What Islam is? M. Nu'mani English/Urdu 10. Islam in Focus? A. 'Ati English 11. Milestone S. Qutb English/Urdu/Arabic 12. Islam & Universal Peace S. Qutb English/Urdu/Arabic 13. Islam, the Perfect Religion & A Way of Life A. Nadwi English/Urdu/Arabic 14. Why I Embrace Islam? M. Jameelah English 15. An Introduction to the Qur'an A. Mauidiidi English/Urdu Comparative Religion 1. The Bible, the Qur'an & Science M. Bucaille English/Urdu/ Arabic 2. The Myth of the Cross A. Ajijola English 3. Jesus, A Prophet of Islam S. Muffassir English 4. Muhammad in the Bible A. ·Dawood English 5. The Gospel of Barnabas . Lonsdale & Ragg. English 6. Initiation to the Gospels Father Rognet English 7. Islam & Modernism M. Jameelah English 8. What is a Jew? Katzer English 9. Zionist Connection A. Lilienthal English 79
MANUAL OF DA'W AH Misconceptions About Islam 1. Woman in Islam M. Siddiqui 2. Political Theory of Islam A. Mawdudi 3. Jihad in Islam A. Mawdudi 4. Human Rights in Islam A. Mawdudi 5. Status of Woman in Islam G. Badawi 6. Polygamy in Islamic Law G. Badaw'i 7. Crime & Punishment in Islam M. Shariff 80
English EnglishlUrdu/Arabic English/Urdu/Arabic English/Urdu/ Arabic English English English
MANUAL OF DA'WAH APPEND/X C Further Reading On Christianity 1. Who Founded Christianity, Jesus or Jewry? W. Sheard English 2. Was Christ Crucified? A. Deedat English 3. Commentry on Holy Bible Dumellane English 4. Encyclopedia Biblica Y. Cheyne English S. The New Testament O. Culmann English 6. Commentary to the Translation of the New Testament A. Tricot English 7. Early Christian Doctrine J. Kelly English 8. Christian Doctrine J. Whale English 9. Faith in the Resurrection Kannengiesser English 10. What Bible Says About Muhammad A. Dcedat : English All books which are mentioned in the appendixes and many more are available from: ICNA BOOK SERVICE 166-26 89th Ave., Jamaica, N.Y. 11932 Tel: (718) 657-4090 Fax: (718) 658-1255 81
MANU L OF DA'WAH APPENDIX D AN INTRODUCTION TO ICNA What is ICNA? It is Islamic Circle of North America When and where it all started? ICNA was formally established In the U.S. in 1971, although it dates back to 1962 when some concerned Muslims residing in North America laid a formal blue print to inculcate true Islamic spirit amongst Muslims living in this continent and thought of giving it a shape to an Islamic movement with all its attributes. What is the Da'wah of ICNA? The Da'wah of ICNA is the same that all prophets of Allah (Who is the One, Lord, Sustainer and Sovereign) have given. The burden of propagating this message has passed on to the Ummah (Muslim Community) from the last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). ICNA invites both Muslims and non-Muslims to understand Islam (the only way of life prescribed by Allah) as a complete code of life and to enter into its fold totally. ICNA's invitation is towards the total submission to Allah and to accept the Qur' an and the Sunnah (practice of the Prophet) as the validating argument and final testimony and source in each and every matter of one's life. ICNA reminds the Ummah to understand their status and responsibilities to guide the mankind towards the right path. Muslims are the ambassadors of Islam and they must fulfill their responsibility to share the truth of Islam. This is to be done in an organized way being part of Islamic organization. 82
MANUAL OF DA'WAH What is the aim of ICNA? The only goal and aim ofICNA is to achieve the pleasure of Allah through the struggle of Iqamiih. at-Din (establishment of the Islamic system both in personal and collective life) . What are the objectives ICNA wants to achieve? 1) To acquaint the Muslims with the call ofICNA and to disseminate the message of Islam among nonMuslims in North America. 2) To organize those, who agree with the call ofICNA, according to the methodology contained in the constitution of ICNA. 3) To provide intellectual, moral and physical training from an Islamic perspective to those who are associated with ICNA. 4) To co-operate and co-ordinate plans with other Islamic organizations to achieve the aim and objectives of ICNA. 5) To make every efforts to contact, co-operate with and co-ordinate the Islamic movements outside North America. Which methodology ICNA adopts to achieve these objectives? 1) In order to achieve its objectives ICNA uses all its resources and lawful means within the framework of Islamic principles and determined not to violate Islamic boundaries in any situation. 2) In any decision making process ICNA seeks the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. 3) ICNA uses all its manpower in a planned and organized manner under the leadership of Niizim (organizer) and the basic policy of ICNA is to do things with consultation. 83
MANUAL OF DA'WAH 4) a) For spreading the Da 'wah, ICNA adopts all possible and legal ways and means. To mention a few: i) ICNA workers individually and in groups meet and establish contacts with the people around them, invite them in meetings and seminars where the Qur'iinic and the Ifadith studies, lectures on Islamic topics are presented. Pamphlets and books on Islam are also distributed. ii) Central ICNA publishes its quarterly organ The Message for the Da 'wah purpose. b) ICNA holds night vigils, study circles, training camps at different intervals on central, zonal and local levels to help its workers in improving Islamic knowledge and practice and also to train them for effective Da 'wah work. c) Organizational meetings are held where evaluation of previous work, planning for future work and other organizational matters are discussed. d) ICNA workers actively participate in community organizations to help fulfilling the needs of their local Muslim communities. How does leNA elect its leadership? The members of ICNA elect one of its members as the Niizim through a direst and secret ballot every year. The criterion for electing a Niizim is that he should be among the best ones in Taqwah (Allah awareness and piety), and is never desirous or ambitious to seek this responsibility, knowledgeable, able to take wise decisions according to the Qur' an and the Sunnah and has rendered big sacrifices for the sake of Iqamiili at-Din and possesses better administrative capabilities and there is no candidacy and no canvassing. 84
MANUAL OF DA'WAH What is the Organizational structure of ICNA? 1) The central organization consists of the following elements. a) General Assembly: it is the assembly of members which gives the final approval of policies. b) Niizim : elected by the members as described earlier. c) Majlis ash-Shilrii: which is a five member consultative council to help and advise the Niizim and to carry out Ehtisdb (criticism and accountability aimed at future improvements) and elected by members. d) Mu'tamid (Secretary General): to help Niizim and appointed by Niizim with the consultation of Majlis ashShiirii. e) Incharges of the Central Departments: they are responsible to carry out central departments viz., Training and Da 'wah, Information and Publication, Baitul-Miil (treasury), Planning, External and Internal Relations, Organizational Affairs, Book Service, Sisters Wing, Audio and Video, Matremonial, Muslim Saving and Investment and Youth Wing. 2) Whole North America is divided into four organizational zones with a zonal Ntizim. in each zone to look after the work of the local units in the respective zones and advise unit Ntizims. 3) a) A local unit of ICNA is established where there are three or more members, which is headed by a local Niizim elected by the local members. b) A sub-local unit of ICNA is established where there are less than three mem bers. Who can join ICNA? Any Muslim individual (man or woman) who in general agrees with the aim and objectives of leNA and is willing to cooperate with ICNA can become an associate member. A non-Muslim who is interested in ICNA can become an honorary member. 85
MANUAL OF DA'WAH What is the criterion for membership in ICNA? Any adult Muslim (man or woman, regardless of caste, family or race) who sincerely tries to lead an Islamic life and at least observes the obligatories of the Shari'ah (Islamic code of law) and abstains from major vices and pledg-es to abide by the constitution of leNA, is eligible to become a member. Who finances ICNA? Collection of regular contributions from its members and associate members and donations from the well wishers are the only source of income in Baitul-Miil. Does leNA work among women? ICNA feels it vital to work among women and for this a separate sisters wing was established. Sisters associated with ICNA organize their work separately and follow the same methodology as described earlier. The central Niizimah. of the sisters wing and its Majlis ash-Shura prepare their own annual planning and direct and guide local units. 86
MANUAL OF DA'WAH EPILOGUE LET US JOIN HANDS Everything in this world has a beginning and an end. The completion of certain things serves as the starting point for others. You have just completed reading the Manual of Da 'wah. This should prove to be the beginning of a long struggle. There is no use of acquiring knowledge if it is not put to practice. This is true all the more with the Islamic knowledge.and your negligence may end up in your being accountable before Allah in the Hereafter. This Manual, besides highlighting the significance of Da 'wah, has provided you with necessary information about the mode of carrying into effect this great task. You may be unaware of the ICNA in the past, but, after going through the Manual, you have come to appreciate its goal and the methodology that it employs. Every Muslim, as a Dii'i, is accountable to partake in the struggle for the propagation and the establishment (Iqiiman at-Din) of Islam. We live in this part of the land where people around us are starving spiritually and are restless. We acquire scientific and technological knowledge here and make money. We cannot justify ourselves if we do not share the most precious thing that we have - Islam - with others. Certainly these people will hold us responsible before Allah in the Hereafter for not conveying the message of Islam to them. Those who are already with the ICNA have to concentrate all their energies and capabilities to realize its objective. tive. 87
MANUAL OF DA'WAH Those who have not formally associated themselves with the leNA as yet may do so now. They can join simply by filling out the associate membership form attached hereto and mail it to the central office. There is no fee for it. Only your conviction and commitment is needed to keep you active through all the stages of this great struggle. We are constantly under trial in our worldly life. This is the only time when we can discharge our responsibilities. Come and become part and parcel of Islamic Jamii 'ah, the Islamic movement - Islamic Circle of North America. We hope our efforts will bear fruit. Islam will be established and Taghut eliminated. May Allah be pleased with us in the Hereafter. Amin. Zaheer Uddin 88
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