New Functionality added to IsisMarc (IsisMarc 1.542)
Search records inside IsisMarc.
From IsisMarc 1.53 adds the posibility to search inside the active database and after doing double click over a result of the search, to go to the record. The interface is similar to inIsis!s e"pert search. The #ay to access this record navigator is through the Menu $ption%
$r through the icon in the toolbar%
This option could be accesed in any moment #hen a database #indo# is open. The main #indo# looks like that%
The principal areas in this #indo# are% 1. &earch e"press e"pression. ion. This This area is used used for inserti inserting ng the te"t that that the user user is looking looking for. for. '. &earch &earch (istor (istory. y. )emembe )emembers rs all the searc searches hes that that the user did did in the present present sessi session. on. *ould *ould be used for inserting previous searches in the search e"pression. 3. +utt +utton ons% s% &imp &imply ly add add the the sign signss that that corr corres espo ponds nds to the the desi desire red d opera operato tor. r. lso lso invo invoke kess the the dictionary. -. Tag choice. choice. sing this this option option the user could could choice choice #hich field field #ill be be sho#ed /oint /oint to the the MF0 of the result in the result list. It will NOT add a condition in the search, its use is related to de!ine which !ield "resent in the result list. #owe$er i! you want to %a&e a search !or a "articular FST line you could do it usin' re'ular Isis Search e"ression (as Medicine*(2) !or ea%"le). 5. )esult )esult ist. ist. This section section present presentss the MF0 and the selected selected record record field field as result result for the search search e"pression 2see before. +ictionary.
The 4ictionary #indo# is invoked by the 4ictionary +utton inside search #indo#. The 4ictionary #indo# looks as follo#%
The user could select one or more terms from the list. *ould insert characters in the top line and automatically the dictionary #indo# #ill present the dictionary terms that matches #ith the terms. "actly as inIsis. The user could use the bottom navigator buttons for navigating inside dictionary. hen the user #ants to search records based in dictionary terms, simply double clicks the term, and it #ill be transported inside &earch "pression from &earch indo#. ttention- If search e"pression is not empty automatically #ill be added a plus 26 sign bet#een the actual content and the term selected.
The 4ictionary #indo# is closed automatically #hen search #indo# is closed.
Na$i'atin' inside ecords
hen the user puts an e"pression inside &earch "pression, could press nter 7ey or "ecute +utton and a list of results is sho#ed%
In the previous e"ample the user has insert the term science8 and IsisMarc sho#s that 9 records contains that term 2In the above e"ample #e!ve chosen to present tag 1:: /oint to MF0.
The easiest #ay to go to some of the result records is simply to double click in the list. This action #ill order to the database #indo# to go to the selected record. et!s see%
The user clic&s o$er a record and the data0ase window, 'oes to the selected record
For editing the record, the user simply must click over the database #indo#, and start the editing task. The user could ma"imi;e the database #indo#, but #henever the search function is invoked the database #indo# #ill be restored to the original si;e.
ddin' M/ records to a data0ase. I%"ortin' Marc ecords.
IsisMarc 1.5- could import M)* 2I&$'rocess It? ill be enabled. The user must click it for starting the import process. +efore doing so, the user could select if #ants to apply diacritics over the imported record and if #ants to apply autonumbering for ::1 field #hen the records are inserted into the database. If autonumbering is checked, and if isismarc'.cip!s T$0M+) parameter is redirected to a lock file, the Insert )ecord operation #ill replace ::1 Marc field for the apropiate number used commonly for this database. The same applies to T$>)FI@. /o"y /atalo'uin'.
The first step consist in obtaining the record. For demostrating purposes #e!ve choose ibrary $f *ongress for do#nloading individual records.
The user could do#nload the record, pressing over MarcAB 2not nicode, and #ill obtain%
fter this, the user could select and copy the content of the #indo#, and put it into M)* import #i;ard.
0o# the user could press >rocess It, and the record #ill be inserted into the temporary database. The #ay for introducing one or more records is to save the records into a separate file. &ome catalogs only offer this posibility. 7eep in mind that, for instance, if you select several records from the original catalog, could paste directly into the te"tAbo" for direct processing. In this case, the user could press the elipsis button and could choice the file that contains the M)* records.
The imported records #ill appear in the list presenting 1:: and FT +utton.
This #indo# presents the imported record and the tags that it contains. tention- The i%"orted record is not directly trans!erred to the data0ase that is actually o"ened. The user %ust indicate to IsisMarc that wants to trans!er this record to the data0ase. ll the i%"orted records are stored in a Te%"oral data0ase called te%" that resides in c-Te%". tention II- The user could see how the record will !it3 inside the data0ase usin' the !or%at co%0o. ll the !or%ats are !ro% the data0ase window that is actually acti$ated.
hen the user #ants to add a selected record inside the actually opened database, simply must click at the Insert +utton. IsisMarc #ill copy the selected record at bottom of the currently opened 2and selected database. The database that #ill receive the record is sho#en in the Title bar of the Import indo#%
fter inserting the record, the inserted record #ill be sho#en #ith a rose background indicating that this record has been added to some database 2 $r the same, that has been used.
The user could also Insert ll the records that are inside the temporal database 2in this case all the records #ill be painted in rose, delete some record or delete all the records in the temporal space 2database. Final O0ser$ation- ll the !unctionality o! insertin' is ena0led eactly as the user is ty"in' the co"ied record. It %eans that i! +T671 in" the i%"orted record could 0e searched in%ediatly a!ter it was i%"orted. lso the lo' tet and so on will 0e u"dated.
Searchin' o$er 89:.5; ser$ers. +e!inin' new ser$ers.
IsisMarc 1.53 has added the CD 2http%EE###.inde" $pen &ource library. This library adds the functionality to access D3=.5: servers. This introduces also a uestion% (o# to define #hich D3=.5: servers #ill be accessedG IsisMarc 1.53 comes #ith an Isis 4atabase called servers that defines #hich servers #ill be accessed. The user could choice from this database for each search, #hich servers #ish access for completing the uery. The servers database is a common inIsis database that could be modified in the common #ays%
The final user could access to this database and defineEdeleteEadd or modify ne# D3=.5: servers for accessing through IsisMarc%
There are only four fields to complete%
The name of the destiny 2This is ho# it #ill be referenced inside IsisMarc, the ) to access it, the port and the database name. IsisMarc comes #ith -- servers predefined, mostly from spanish spoken libraries.
#ow 89:.5; wor&s inside IsisMarc< 89:.5; 'ent.
D3=.5: searches could take long time. This is specially true from countries #ithout good Internet conection. The protocol says that the #ay is% 1. '. 3. -. 5.
$pen a session #ith the server. >erform the uery. *heck the number of results. $btain the results. *lose the session.
ditionally IsisMarc stores the results in another temporal database for admiting that the user could import this records to the final database, after a process of e"amination of the record obtained. For this reasons, IsisMarc 1.5 has added an agent that could make all this process and allo#s the user to continue #orking #ith another tasks inside IsisMarc. It means that the process of doing a D3=.5: Huery is to inform IsisMarc for the search e"pression, indicating #hich servers #ill be accesed, and simply leave it and continue #orking #ith another thing until IsisMarc informs that this uery has finished and could be accesed.
e could reali;e that IsisMarc comes #ith a personJ that makes the D3=.5: #ork. e inform to this personJ that #e need a D3=.5: and heEshe #ill start its #orks. e could continue editing or adding or searching records using the same IsisMarc interface and #hen this personJ has finished #ill inform us that has nothing more to doJ. e named this person as 89:.5; 'ent. $ne of the differences in this ne# IsisMarc version is related to the &tatus +ar, it seems like this%
This is the indication that the agent has nothing to doJ. The 89:.5; a'ent wor& in ti%e=inter$als. It %eans that chec&s i! has so%ethin' "endin'3 !or ea%"le each 2; seconds. lso it %eans that when a new >uery is inserted, the user %ust wait that a'ent is acti$ated to attendin' it.
The time interval could be defined in isismarc.cip ho#ever.
#ow to %a&e a new >uery<
The uery indo# could be accesed through the File menu%
This is the #ay to access to the D3=.5: i;ard. The #indo# that appears looks like%
et!s anali;e every part of the #indo#. The part that is signaled #ith 1 is related to the searches that have been done or are in >rocess. If you #ant to make a ne# search simply click over 0e# &earch. If you #ant to perform the same last uery, could use )eAdo search. If you #ant to &top the current search, press over &top &earch.
et!s see part signaled #ith '. This are the states representation. In rose it means that the uery is in process. In red that the uery has obtained some error code, in *yan that is in ueue and in blue that is finished.
In cyan it!s indicating that the D3=.5: agent has not attending it yet. *ould be attending some other uery or #ill be attended ne"t time 2see time periods the agent is activated. The part signaled #ith 3 corresponds to the records area. (ere #ill be presented the records obtained for each search. It means that #hen the user clicks over part 1, all the records that this search has obtained, #ill be presented in area 3. s #ith the M)* import assistant, the user could select a record and insert into the database #indo#. )emeber that all the records that comes from D3=.5: goes to a temporal database 2that, inclusive, is no the same that used by the Import M)* assistant. For inserting a )ecord, the user could press Insert +utton and the record #ill be painted in rose indicating that #as usedJ. ?o' Tool. rea 4.
&ome D3=.5: servers could admit some kinds of ueries and some others not. IsisMarc 1.5 comes #ith a predefined +ibA1 sets trying to use the more commons of its. (o#ever some speciali;ed ueries 2that uses some +ibA1 attributes could be not admitted in some servers. nother kind of problem could be that simply the connection could not be reached bet#een IsisMarc and the D3=.5: server. This kind of problem could be generated because bad ) definition, bad database definition or simply that the D3=.5: server has been shuted do#n, the database name has changed, or the service has been converted to a pass#ord modeJ. The very different nature of the problems has determined that a og information is necesary. For e"ample #ith the purpose of evaluating ho# many servers could be reached and anse#ered from my original choice, or simply ho# many has records for sending me. The area - informs all the tasks that have been done by the agent in the process of the uery. It means that #hen the agent tries to connect to the server, it stores a log from this connection, #hen sends the uery, stores the uery and so on. This functionality allo#s the user to analy;e the entire result from a uery. (o#ever clicking over area 1, area - #ill be refreshed sho#ing the log for the selected uery. The log database is an Isis database that is stored in *%KTemp.
Matter o! si@e. rea 5.
The final user could choice ho# many results from the server #ish to obtain and store locally. ith a constant use this #ay of #orking could be very e"pensive in terms of disk space. The area 5 is presenting ho# much space the temporary D3=.5: databases are using from this machine. It includes the records database and the log.
Ma&in' a new Auery. AN and Isis Search ?an'ua'e.
hen the user generates a ne# search this #indo# is opened%
The first list presents all the servers that are included in servers database, that #e have seen ho# to touch. e could choice one or several 2or all, clicking over &elect all servers D3=.5: servers. fter that #e could add a search e"pression ualifying it #ith the options referring to the fieldEtag. lso #e could add a logical operator for all the e"pressions. Isismarc #ill generate the appropiate >H0 &earch e"pression to be sended to the D3=5: &ervers and #ill obtain the results and the diagnostics for this particular &earch. e could choice also ho# many records from each server #e #ant. Finally #e press button Lo for doing or *lose to *ancel. uttin' all to'ether.
$ur first step #ill be input a ne# search. e have selected all the servers and put a comple"J e"pression%
fter pressing the Lo? +utton this #indo# desapears and the D3=.5: #i;ard looks like this%
s #e can see, the search is inserted in >ending state, #aiting for the agent. lso the search e"pression is converted to a Isis comprensibleJ e"pression. This is not the e"pression that #ill be sent to server, this could be seen moving in this area to the right. The ne"t step is simply to close the indo# and continue #orking #ith some another thing. The agent #ill comunicate us its #ork through the state bar. tention- For security reasons is hi'hly reco%%ended to /lose the window a!ter insertin' a new >uery and o"enin' it only when the a'ent tells that is doin' nothin'.
Fe# moments after the gent is informing that the search is attended. The agent #ill be informing the progress of the search, it means ho# many servers have been visited.
hen the search finishes. The agent #ill inform that is updating IEF from logs and records. fter that #ill inform that is doing nothingJ. e could re open the #indo# and seeing the results.
s #e can see, the search has obtained 1=3 results. The search has finished #ith error state. tention- ll the searches that in so%e action contains an error, will 0e sa$ed in this state indicatin' that so%e ser$ers could not res"ond or ha$e a search error.
e no# could see the records obtained using the database currently opened formats or simply to see all the record.
&electing from the list bo", #e could see ho# #ill be seenJ this record inside the database.
+eletin' and %antainin' 89:.5; te%"orary data0ases
If you are refreshing the D3=.5: databases and the gent is doing searches, the inde"es could be broken. lso if you #ant to erase some searches or delete all the previous searches you #ill have an option for mantaining the databases%
This option #ill #arn about the D3=.5: agent #ill be disabled until the operation #ill finish. fter that it opens the follo#ing #indo#%
sing the first button you could delete the resultsElog from the selected search. sing the second you could delete all the searches logEresult. The third button is used for reinde"ing all the temporary databases!s inde". The fourth is used to unlock the temporary databases if any problem has happen. The reco%%ended "rocedure is to unloc& the data0ases and a!ter that reinde the te%"orary data0ases. IsisMarc will use /-Te%" !older !or storin' I%"ort and 89:.5; data0ases. I! you erase the content o! the !older, IsisMarc will re create e$ery data0ase 0ut all the records, searches and lo's will 0e lost.
+eletin' all the records !ro% the actual data0ase.
sing the follo#ing procedure you #ill delete all the content of the actual database. It #ill present t#o confirmation steps, after them the actual database #ill be erased.
dded "ara%eters to"
4uring the ne# install process made #ith $pen &ource!s Inno&etup, IsisMarc install process #ill ask
1. '. 3. -. 5.
anguage 2could be actually enAnglish E esA &panish E frAFrench E pt >otuguese Interval; parameter. e!ll e"plain more do#nstair. og name file pdate Inverted File 2isismarc.cip >4TN: or >4TN1 >ro"y for D3=.5: connection.
For a parameters that #ill be saved to isismarc.cip. fter installing you can ho#ever, change this simply editing isismarc.cip. s it!s e"plained in the setup screen, the I0T)OD parameter defines #hich is the period that the D3=.5: agent is #aken up. If it!s defined to :, simply the D3=.5: features #ill be disabled. The valid period is bet#een ': and 9: seconds. If you have a pro"y for doing Internet connections, you can also store the I> address for detecting and making D3=.5: through this I> address. ll of this options could be postAinstall changed simply editing isismarc.cip file Fro% $ersion 1.542 in ad$ance, will consider isisuc and isisac.ta0 !or in$erted !ile u"datin'. s CinIsis this !iles should 0e stored in *Cinisis*IsisMarc*Menu !older.
New "ara%eters added to"
>arameter I0T)OD
>osible Oalues PsecondsQ
PI> addressQ
"planation Interval in seconds for activating D3=.5: agent. I> address for using pro"y in D3=.5: agent. *onfiguration used by CD library. sed for ::1 field. If you #ant to autoA complete ::1 field #ith a patron te"t you could use this parameter. For e"ample% T$>)FI@N>(C&A sed for ::1 field. If you #ant that IsisMarc completes automatically #ith a number, you could create a te"t file, simply inserting the number and specify in this parameter the name of the file. IsisMarc #ill open this file, read the number put into the records, and add 1 to the number and store into the file. T$>)
[email protected] compatible inIsis repeteable field #as added. It serves for defining the special seuence of characters that defines a repeteable fieldEsubfield. It #as reported that some records includes R as data inside a field. For avoiding this problem could be added BNRR for e"ample in isismarc.cip sing this parameter only #hen the user types t#o R it #ill be interpreted as a repeteable occurrence for the fieldEsubfield.
New "ara%eters added to"
>arameter 4)5 4)9 4)<
>osible Oalues *har *har *har
"planation uto values por every ne# record for a particular database.
4)1< *har 4)1B *har &T@>$)T4T PI&$ 4ateQ
ill store the last I&$ date time that the database #as e"ported. It #ill be used for generating 4iff packages bet#een e"port procedures or sending the information to an I& soft#are. ill store the last tag used for comparing dateEtime and in this #ay obtain the modified records. For M)*'1 and common distro databases should be used ::5 tag, but could depend of formats and particular configuration.
Chich data0ases are included inside this distri0ution<
In this distribution #e!ve included the same older databases included #ith IsisMarc and added t#o databases that have some added #ork. +4 database is the default opened database is an e"tract of 1:: record of rgentina!s M)*'1 nion catalog administered by ducation Ministry. It has a lot of entry #orksheets each one oriented to some differents material types. This #ork has been done by *uyo!s niversity librarians. The complete isismarc folder 2inside +4 data could be copied to another database for using this #ork. (o#ever mrclte, mrclts, unimrc and author databases are included in this package.
BIII. ninstall "rocess.
The soft#are could be uninstalled through normal #indo#s *ontrol >anel, ddE)emove >rograms. The inIsis folder, .par files and all 4+I&I& folder #ill remain in computer. ll the databases #ill remain inclusive if you install IsisMarc 21.5 soft#are again. The actual process to delete an entire database and force to be reinstalled is manually delete from 4+I&I& folder.
M/21 6"ort ecords.
From IsisMarc 1.5- is there a ne# feature that admits to e"port the entire or some part from the database as M)*'1 2I&$' embedded library #ill generate automatically a DI> file corresponding to the compressed .mrc file. This feature is accesed through the follo#ing option from main Menu%
nd #ill present the follo#ing #indo#%
This #indo# admits to enter the leader values for position B,=, and 1= for every M)*'1 record that #ill be e"ported. lso it admits to limit the range of records that #ill be e"ported inserting MF0 from and MF0 to. This t#o parameters could be freely combined.
very ne# e"port alters &T@>$)T4T parameter in isismarc'.cip 2if isn!t present #ill be created. This feature admits to create 4iffs from e"ports, for e"ample to e"port only affected records #ithin certain period of time. 0ormally this parameter #ill be used comparing the date #ith ::5 field that is autoAcompleted 2depends from input sheet, could be seen in +ook #orksheet e"amples, if you #ant to do some e"port based on some field% IsisMarc lets you choose #hich field #ill be used for comparing and storing date time values. The SJ button let you choose #here the data file #ill be stored in filesystem disk. diacritics check #ill replace special characters #ith diacritics that reside in LIDM$4 database. This database that could be used also in Import feature, could be opened and modified using inIsis.
If you check M)*A@M #ill obtain an @M file compliant #ith &IM schema
uto=select wor&sheet.
From IsisMarc 1.5-' in advance a ne# feature is added for making relations bet#een the data that is stored in the record and the #orksheet that should be used for entering the data. It s most used #hen the user has different material support inside the same database. In this cases, the user has have to select the appropiate #orksheet to see the particular fields. IsisMarc 1.5-' adds a ne# field to FMT'1 2tag 153 in FMT'1.mst that #ill store an Isis Format condition to use one particular #orksheet. lso FMT'1 ditor #ill include the input field for this data.
The last input te"t #ill admit to store the condition for presenting this #orksheet. In this case, this analitic #orksheet #ill be used #hen the leader!s < position takes a!or b! value. The user could create freely as many conditions as #anted. &hould be considered that IsisMarc #ill use the 7&T parameter defined in isismarc'.cip #hen opens a database, but #ill loop inside all #orksheets to test the conditions that the user have stored. If the default #orksheet has a condition that evaluates to false considering the values stored in the record, and no other #orksheet could be evaluated to true value, IsisMarc #ill present the record in this #ay%
It!s important to say is there no information lost. &imply IsisMarc could not autoselect the #orksheet to be used to present this record. The data for the record could be presented selecting the list bo" for the #orksheet, forcing IsisMarc to use a particular #orksheet or to select all fields to check the problem.
final comment is referred to study the conditions to store in this behaviour to ma"imi;e the confort in cataloging and prevent the above error. The correct behaviour 2using the appropiate conditions should be the follo#ing 2This is only an e"ample.
*omplete +ook orksheet. *ondition 2tag 153 of FMT'1% v3::