
December 22, 2018 | Author: 3csnErik | Category: Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Leadership & Mentoring, Hero, Attention
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Article discussing important frameworks ("quadrants") necessary for making change possible and lasting....


Is Real Change Possible?

by Eric Klein

Leaders who are committed to building  legendary companies know that to move their organization to the next level requires more than a smart smart strategy strategy.. Org Organiz anizaationally and personally these leaders stand on the threshold—where big challenges and big questions meet. meet. The threshold is a place of both great risk and new possibilities.

There is no single explanation for such dis ism mayin ing g re resu sullts ts.. But, most of the the unsuccessful change efforts that we have studied up-close reveal a common pattern: the more obvious and easy-to-address aspects of change are tackled; and the diff di ffic icul ult, t, in invi visi sibl ble, e, an and d ulti ultima mate tely ly mos mostt powerful aspects are ignored.

But, is change really really possible?  possible? 

 While it is easier to see and address the most visible aspects of the organization – the compe competen tencie cies, s, str struct uctur ure, e, and system systems, s, it is the invis invisible, ible, inter internal, nal, and more more person personal al aspects—the conflicting values and unexamined beliefs—that drive or undermine deep and lasting organizational change.

 A study of more than 100 organizations engaged in major change change efforts, conducted by the University University of Michigan, Michigan, dete determine rmined d that 85% of change initiatives don’t yield tangible, tangi ble, much less durable durable results. results. Why Why??

Is Real Change Possible? by Eric Klein

Our typical approach to change efforts is reminiscent of an ancient Sufi story called “The Key”. The Mulla Nassrudin was discovered late one evening on his hands and knees searching intently in the road beneath a street stre et lamp. lamp. His friend, friend, comi coming ng upon him in this this positio position, n, asked asked,, “Mull “Mulla, a, what are you looking for?”   Nassrudin replied,“ I am searching for my keys.” 

Expanding the Focus The following model, based on the work of  Ken Wilber ilber,, can provid providee leaders leaders with with a template for focusing change efforts into those areas areas that are typically typically ignored. ignored. The power of this model is that it gives equal  weight to both the inner/subjective aspects of change and the outer/objective outer/objective aspects. It identifies and recognizes the importance of  focusing on both the individual and the collective aspects of organizational change.

“Where did you you lose them?” the friend inquired. “Across the street, st reet,”” was the ready reply. “Then why,” asked the confused friend, “are you searching so intently over here?” 

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“Oh,” explained Nassrudin, looking up, “Oh,” up, “the light here is much better.” 






 Personal  Meaning  & Engagement 

Skills & Behaviors



Culture & Shared Values

Systems & Structure

QUADRANT 1 •   Personal Meaning : is the subjective/individual aspect of change. This is the interior reality of people. It is the area of values, values, belie beliefs, fs, and identity identity.. It focuses focuses on cogn cogniti itive, ve, psy psycho cholog logica ical, l, ev even en spir spiritu itual al developme deve lopment. nt. In this dimen dimension sion lead leaders ers attend atten d to inner inner developme development, nt, reco recognizin gnizing  g  that no substantive change in the organization is possible without a change in personal meaning or identity.

Is Real Change Possible? by Eric Klein

QUADRANT 2 • Skills: has to do with the objective/individual objective/individ ual aspects aspects of change. This is the domain of technical skills, interp int erpers ersona onall skil skills, ls, and the sci scienc encee (physiology/neurology/psychology) of peak performan perfo rmance. ce. This dime dimensio nsion n is whe where re leaders pay attention to developing skills, defining competencies, competencies, and nurturing nurturing habits that promote peak performance. QUADRANT 3 •   Culture: deals with the subjective/collective aspects of  change cha nge.. Thi Thiss cultu cultura rall doma domain in focuse foc usess on the the interi interior or,, oft often en hidden, hidd en, territ territory ory of our our shared a s sumpt io ns , val ues , an d “unwritte “unw ritten n rules”. rules”. It remind remindss leaders to pay attention to the political and power dynamics that shape what can/cannot be discussed and “how things really   work around here”. here”. In this quadrant, leaders attend to building shared meaning  and investigatin investigating g the “acc “accepte epted” d” wa ways ys of   working  worki ng that limi limitt coll collabora aboration tion and accountability. QUADRANT 4 •   Systems & Structure : has to do with the objective/collective aspects of change—the organizational s y st ems , th e s oc ia l, ec ono mic , a nd regulatory context context in which we work.This work. This is the quadrant of organization design, technology, workflow, policies and proc pr oced edur ures es,, me metr tric ics, s, re rew war ard d syste systems ms,, an and d regulations. This quadrant quadrant reminds leaders that system design determines performance and that if we want to get people to perform

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at a substantive substantively ly higher higher level, level, we need to design systems that support it. Each of these quadrants is related to all the others. other s. Deve Developm lopment ent of of one quad quadrant rant is inextricably bound up with all the others. Ignoring any one of them leads to the dismal results of most change efforts.

Work in All Quadrants  An

all-quadrants approach to change is needed. This is called called taking an integral approach to change.

The integral approach seamlessly blends system, cult cu ltur ural al,, an and d indi indivi vidu dual al development into a single comm co mmit itme ment nt.. Th This is me mean anss giving full attention to the neglected quadrants of personal meaning and and culture. culture. It also means setting  setting  clear standards for behavior and performance while also adjusting the organizational structure and processes to both reflect the cultural values and support desired results. But, the key to accele acceleratin rating g change lies lies in the internal, internal, subj subjectiv ectivee quadrants. quadrants. Thes Thesee are the places of inner work that are often ignored in organizational change initiatives. In our fast-paced world it is easy easy to do. But, there is too much at stake to keep ignoring  the inner inner work work.. If we are serio serious us about about change—personally and organizationally—

Is Real Change Possible? by Eric Klein

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 we need to attend to all four quadrants. powerful and appropriate appropriate interventions. interventions. But, Most leaders leaders we work work with admit, admit, “It is and this is the real “key “key”” to the integral integral easier to work in quadrants 2 and ap appr proa oach ch,, ch chan ange gess in any any quad quadra rant nt 4—the skills and the systems. automatically impact the other three It’ss tangib It’ tangible le stuff. stuff. We’ e’ve ve quad quadrants rants.. And when when the the impact impact is not not done it before. It’s taken into account—the hoped for benefit familiar.. We know how.” familiar how.” of the change is reduced or undermined. These same leaders acknowledge that just In other other cases, cases, orga organizat nizations ions take take a skills skills focusing on systems and development—or quadrant 2—approach to skillss is not enough skill enough.. The They  y  cha change nge.. Rec Recogn ognizin izing g that new new skills skills are tell us that without needed—training programs are designed individual engagement an and d rol rolle led d out out.. Ag Agai ain, n, tr trai aini ning  ng  (quadrant 1) and cultural shifts can be a critical element to a (quadrant 3) 3) – nothing really really takes off. As a  well-executed and integral client of ours has succinctly stated,“Culture st stra rate tegy gy.. Ho Howe weve verr, wh when en eats strategy for lunch.” training is delivered in this manner it can In truth truth,, ignor ignoring ing any quadrant undermines produce backlash— the cha change nge eff effort ort.. Fo Focu cusin sing g only only on either overtly or in the objective dimensions dimensions leaves peoples’ peoples’ minds more insidious form of  and hearts hearts behind behind.. But, focu focusing sing just just on the the organizational cynicism inner work leaves out the necessary changes that labels the training as in organiz organizatio ational nal system systems. s. Lea Leaders ders must must “flavor-of-the month”. attend to all four quadrants to ignite organizational transformation and sustainable Substantive and sustainable change cannot change. occur without attending in a disciplined way  to the neglected quadrants: Incremental and intermittent change is possible by doing what most organizations Quadrant 1: the inner examination of  do. Lea Leade ders rs can tempora temporaril rilyy “r “refo eform” rm” the lead leadershi ership p values, belie beliefs, fs, and identity identity.. organization by tweaking the system – a Quadrant 3: the collective uncovering of our quadrant quad rant 4 appro approach. ach. This is what what is cultu cultural ral values, values, belie beliefs, fs, and unwritten unwritten rules. rules. commonly termed “organizational change”. This might mean conducting a re-org, Is Real Change Possible? overhaul over hauling ing the IT IT system, system, bench benchmarki marking  ng  change possible? Can leaders do agains aga instt com compe petit titors ors,, or res restru tructu cturin ring  g  So, is real change financial financ ial models. models. All these these are potentiall potentially  y  better than an 85% failure rate?

Is Real Change Possible? by Eric Klein

The answ answer er is yes, yes, but only only if if leaders leaders manage change in an integral way—  working in all the quadrants quadrants outlined above. above. This means that organizational change and personal change are inextricably linked.  And that ignoring inner developme development nt is blocking  change chan ge effort efforts. s. For too long the inner dimensions of leadership and the outer dimensions have have been been kept apart. We are living with the consequences of this split in our organiza organizations tions.. It manifests manifests as reduce reduced d productivity and re-current problems. Organizational change is propelled when leaders recognize recognize with Dr. Edward Deming  that, “The “There re can can be no organ organizati izational onal transformation without personal transformation.” matio n.” This means means that real change change is dependent on leaders taking business issues deeply to heart. It requires requires leaders who are  willing to be the change they want for the culture.

Leadership & Change Much of what is termed resistance to change is the struggle people have, indi in divi vidu dual ally ly and and colle col lect ctiv ivel elyy, with wi th reorganizing their sense of identity, meaning, meani ng, valu values, es, powe power, r, and poss possibili ibilities. ties.

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heroic quest heroic quest inv involve olvess inspir inspiratio ation, n, selfdiscovery disco very,, trials trials,, and the disco discovery very of new  and more powerful ways of serving the  world. Today oday,, many leaders recognize that they are alrea alr eady dy on a jou journe rneyy. Th These ese lead leaders ers recognize the subtle but undeniable connection between between peoples’ inner life and the organization’s ability to thrive in times of dynamic change. These leaders confront—on a daily basis— the ways in which consciousness determin dete rmines es performan performance. ce. The Theyy recognize recognize that to move themselves and their organization to the next level requires more than a greatt strategy grea strategy.. It requires requires an inner inner act of  courage and the realization that “I have a contribution make.” There is a part of us that remembers the contribution we most want to make through our leadership. leadership. It knows what we are are here to do. We do not invent invent this this knowing knowing - we detect it and we let it find us. us. When we align our leadership actions with this purpose  we becom becomee full fullyy aliv alive. e. We beco become me ourselves. We become capable of the kind of  leadership that produces real change.


People need help to make this transformational journey. journey. They seldom get it in the way   A Theory of Everything  , Ken Wilber Wilber most change efforts are constructed. constructed. This is  Awakening Corporate Soul, Eric Klein a responsibility of leadership—to guide the and John Izzo transformation of individuals and cultures. To Do or Not To Do: How Successful Leaders The ancient story of the hero’s journey is a  Make Better Decisions, Eric Klein and template for leaders who want to renew  Gary Winters themselve them selvess and their their organiz organizatio ations. ns. The

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