ISAP-2100 CID Operation Manual

December 11, 2016 | Author: Iwan Chiwonk Setiawan | Category: N/A
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IP-DSLAM ISAP-2100 Series Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Craft Interface Operation Manual

Version 1.0 2009/04

OPNET Technologies Co., Ltd. 3F, No.5, Industry E. Rd. IX, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. (TEL) 886-3-5788693 (FAX) 886-3-5772320

ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table of Contents Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Purpose..................................................................................................................1 Organization...........................................................................................................1 Conventions ...........................................................................................................1

Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5


3.2 3.2.1

3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3

3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2

3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2

3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2

3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2


4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4


Quick Start-up ........................................................................... 7

Configure System Connection ...............................................................................8 Display LAN Setting.......................................................................................................... 10

Modify Relay Agent Setting ..................................................................................11 Processes for Setting Binding Port .................................................................................. 12

Enable IGMP Mode..............................................................................................14 Configure ATM Traffic for QoS .............................................................................17 Display ATM Traffic Setting............................................................................................... 17 QoS Types-Shaping.......................................................................................................... 19 QoS Types-Policing .......................................................................................................... 21

VCL Setting ..........................................................................................................25 Display VCL Setting.......................................................................................................... 25 Add & Modify VCL Setting ................................................................................................ 26

Set Ethernet Port .................................................................................................28 Activate Ethernet Port....................................................................................................... 28 Display Status of Ethernet Port ........................................................................................ 31

Set ADSL Port ......................................................................................................32 Modify ADSL Port ............................................................................................................. 32 Display of ADSL Port Setting............................................................................................ 34

Activate ADSL Port...............................................................................................35 Activate ADSL Port ........................................................................................................... 35 Display Line Configuration of ADSL Port ......................................................................... 36

Write System Flash ..............................................................................................38

Chapter 4 4.1

ISAP-2100 User Interface ......................................................... 3

User Interface Mode...............................................................................................3 Access via Console Port ........................................................................................3 Access using the Telnet Session............................................................................4 Control Keys ..........................................................................................................4 Menu Tree..............................................................................................................6

Chapter 3 3.1

Preface....................................................................................... 1

Provision Menu ....................................................................... 39

Bundle Profile Menu.............................................................................................42 Add VCL into Bundle Profile ............................................................................................. 42 Mapping Specified ADSL Ports to Bundle Profile ............................................................ 43 Delete VCL from Bundle Profile ....................................................................................... 44 List Bundle Profile............................................................................................................. 44

VPMT Profile Menu ..............................................................................................45 i

ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4

4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5

4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5

4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3

4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3

4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3

4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3

4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.9.5 4.9.6 4.9.7 4.9.8 4.9.9


Configure VPMT ............................................................................................................... 45 Mapping Specified ADSL Port to VPMT Profile ............................................................... 47 Display VPMT Profile........................................................................................................ 49 Delete VPMT Profile ......................................................................................................... 50

ADSL Line Profile Menu .......................................................................................51 Configure Line Profile ....................................................................................................... 51 Display Line Profile........................................................................................................... 54 Delete ADSL Line Profile .................................................................................................. 54 Apply ADSL Line Profile ................................................................................................... 55 Display ADSL Port Mapping & Line Profile ...................................................................... 56

ADSL Alarm Profile ..............................................................................................57 Configure/Modify ADSL Alarm Profile .............................................................................. 57 Display Alarm Profile ........................................................................................................ 61 Delete Alarm Profile.......................................................................................................... 61 Apply ADSL Alarm Profile................................................................................................. 62 Display ADSL Port & Alarm Profile................................................................................... 63

Forwarding Table Menu........................................................................................64 Set Forward Entry............................................................................................................. 64 List Forward Entry ............................................................................................................ 65 Delete Forward Entry........................................................................................................ 65

MAC Filter Menu ..................................................................................................66 Add MAC Filter ................................................................................................................. 66 List MAC Filter .................................................................................................................. 67 Delete MAC Filter ............................................................................................................. 67

DFC AccGroup Filter Menu ..................................................................................68 Modify AccGroup Filter ..................................................................................................... 68 List AccGroup Filter .......................................................................................................... 69 Delete AccGroup Filter ..................................................................................................... 69

VLAN Config Menu ..............................................................................................70 Add VLAN… ................................................................................................................ 70 Display VLAN.................................................................................................................... 71 Delete VLAN ..................................................................................................................... 71

IGMP Config Menu...............................................................................................72 Add IGMP Router Port...................................................................................................... 72 List IGMP Router Port....................................................................................................... 73 Delete IGMP Router Port.................................................................................................. 73 Add IGMP ACL ................................................................................................................. 74 List IGMP ACL .................................................................................................................. 74 Delete IGMP ACL ............................................................................................................. 75 Add IGMP Member ........................................................................................................... 76 List IGMP Member............................................................................................................ 76 Delete IGMP Member ....................................................................................................... 77

Age Timer Config Menu .......................................................................................77

4.10.1 Modify Age Timer.............................................................................................................. 77 4.10.2 Display Age Timer............................................................................................................. 78

Chapter 5 5.1 5.2

Alarm Menu ............................................................................. 79

List Current Alarms...............................................................................................79 List Alarm History .................................................................................................80


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

Clear Alarm History ..............................................................................................80 Modify Severity and Reporting .............................................................................81 List Severity and Reporting ..................................................................................82 Reset Severity and Reporting ..............................................................................86

Chapter 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4

6.2 6.3 6.4

List System Status................................................................................................87 List Temperature ............................................................................................................... 87 List Fan Status .................................................................................................................. 88 List LED Status ................................................................................................................. 88 List External Alarm............................................................................................................ 89

List Ethernet Port Status ......................................................................................90 List Forwarding Table ...........................................................................................91 List ADSL Port Status ...........................................................................................91

Chapter 7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3

8.1.1 8.1.2

8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3

8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3

List 15m PM Data ............................................................................................................. 93 List 24h (Day) PM Data .................................................................................................... 95 Clear PM Data .................................................................................................................. 96

9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3

9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5

Testing Menu........................................................................... 97

SELT TEST Menu ................................................................................................99 List SELT Test ................................................................................................................... 99 Stop SELT Test ............................................................................................................... 100

DELT TEST Menu ..............................................................................................100 Process DELT Test ......................................................................................................... 100 List DELT Test.................................................................................................................101 Stop DELT Test ............................................................................................................... 102

OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu............................................................................102 Send OAM Loopback ..................................................................................................... 102 Display OAM Loopback .................................................................................................. 103 Clear OAM Loopback ..................................................................................................... 103

Chapter 9 9.1 9.2

PM Statistic Menu ................................................................... 92

List Ethernet Statistic Menu..................................................................................92 List ADSL Statistic Menu ......................................................................................93

Chapter 8 8.1

Status Menu ............................................................................ 87

Administration Menu ............................................................ 104

Display Version Information Menu .....................................................................105 Date and Time Menu..........................................................................................105 Display Date and Time ................................................................................................... 105 Set Date Menu................................................................................................................ 106 Set Time Menu ............................................................................................................... 106

Networks Menu ..................................................................................................107 List SNMP Access Communities .................................................................................... 107 Modify SNMP Access Communities ............................................................................... 107 List SNMP Trap Communities ........................................................................................ 108 Modify SNMP Trap Communities ( * ) ............................................................................ 108 Delete SNMP Trap Communities.................................................................................... 109


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Load Factory Default (*) .....................................................................................109

Chapter 10 Remote Upgrade ................................................................... 110 10.1 10.2

Cable Linkage ....................................................................................................110 Remote Upgrade Procedure ..............................................................................110

10.2.1 Remote Upgrade Command ...........................................................................................111 10.2.2 Reboot Device ................................................................................................................ 112 10.2.3 Error Message Displayed about Loading....................................................................... 112

Chapter 11 Example of Q-in-Q Setting ................................................... 114 11.1 11.2

Configuration Q-in-Q mode ................................................................................114 Procedure of Q-in-Q mode.................................................................................114


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

List of Figures Figure 3-1 Figure 10-1

Elapsed Time of Power Management Example ...................................................................... 37 Cable Linkage ........................................................................................................................110


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

List of Tables

Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 3-8 Table 3-9 Table 3-10 Table 3-11 Table 3-12 Table 3-13 Table 3-14 Table 3-15 Table 3-16 Table 3-17 Table 3-18 Table 3-19 Table 3-20 Table 3-21 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 4-6 Table 4-7 Table 4-8 Table 4-9 Table 4-10 Table 4-11 Table 4-12 Table 4-13 Table 4-14 Table 4-15 Table 4-16 Table 4-17 Table 4-18 Table 4-19 Table 4-20

Configure system IP, Gateway, Mask.........................................................................................8 Display system IP, Gateway, Mask ......................................................................................... 10 Modify Relay Agent ID..............................................................................................................11 Variance Table of DHCP Option 82 Circuit ID ..........................................................................11 Display Relay Agent ................................................................................................................ 12 Enable IGMP Mode ................................................................................................................. 14 Display IGMP Mode ................................................................................................................ 16 Display ATM Traffic.................................................................................................................. 17 Modify & add ATM Traffic ........................................................................................................ 18 Parameters for Shaping .......................................................................................................... 20 Parameters for Policing........................................................................................................... 22 Sub Parameters for Policing ................................................................................................... 23 Display VCL Setting ................................................................................................................ 25 Add & Modify VCL ................................................................................................................... 26 Set Ethernet Port..................................................................................................................... 28 Display Status of Ethernet Port ............................................................................................... 31 Activate ADSL Port.................................................................................................................. 32 Display Status of ADSL Port.................................................................................................... 34 Activate ADSL Port.................................................................................................................. 35 Display Line Configuration ADSL Port .................................................................................... 36 Write System Flash ................................................................................................................. 38 Submenus of Provision ........................................................................................................... 40 Add a Bundle Profile ............................................................................................................... 42 Mapping Bundle Profile to a ADSL port................................................................................... 43 Delete VCL from Bundle Profile .............................................................................................. 44 Display Bundle Profile ............................................................................................................. 44 Configure VPMT...................................................................................................................... 45 Mapping Bundle Profile to a ADSL port................................................................................... 47 Display VPMT Profile .............................................................................................................. 49 Delete VPMT Profile................................................................................................................ 50 Modify ADSL Port Interface Parameters ................................................................................. 51 Display line profile ................................................................................................................... 54 Delete ADSL Line Profiles ....................................................................................................... 54 Apply ADSL Line Profile .......................................................................................................... 55 Display ADSL Port & Line Profile ............................................................................................ 56 Configure/Modify ADSL Alarm Profile ..................................................................................... 57 Display Alarm Profile ............................................................................................................... 61 Delete Alarm Profile ................................................................................................................ 61 Mapping Alarm Profile to ADSL Port ....................................................................................... 62 Display Alarm Profile ............................................................................................................... 63 Set Forwarding Table .............................................................................................................. 64


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 4-21 Table 4-22 Table 4-23 Table 4-24 Table 4-25 Table 4-26 Table 4-27 Table 4-28 Table 4-29 Table 4-30 Table 4-31 Table 4-32 Table 4-33 Table 4-34 Table 4-35 Table 4-36 Table 4-37 Table 4-38 Table 4-39 Table 4-40 Table 4-41 Table 4-42 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 5-4 Table 5-5 Table 5-6 Table 5-7 Table 5-8 Table 5-9 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 Table 6-5 Table 6-6 Table 6-7 Table 6-8 Table 7-1 Table 7-2 Table 7-3 Table 7-4 Table 7-5 Table 7-6

List Forwarding Table .............................................................................................................. 65 Delete Forward Entry .............................................................................................................. 65 Add MAC Filter ........................................................................................................................ 66 List MAC Filter......................................................................................................................... 67 Delete MAC Filter .................................................................................................................... 67 Modify AccGroup Filter............................................................................................................ 68 List AccGroup Filter................................................................................................................. 69 Delete AccGroup Filter ............................................................................................................ 69 Add VLAN................................................................................................................................ 70 Display VLAN .......................................................................................................................... 71 Delete VLAN............................................................................................................................ 71 Add IGMP Router Port ............................................................................................................ 72 List IGMP Router Port ............................................................................................................. 73 Delete IGMP Router Port ........................................................................................................ 73 Add IGMP ACL ........................................................................................................................ 74 List IGMP ACL......................................................................................................................... 74 Delete IGMP ACL .................................................................................................................... 75 Add IGMP Member.................................................................................................................. 76 List IGMP ACL......................................................................................................................... 76 Delete IGMP Member.............................................................................................................. 77 Modify Age Timer..................................................................................................................... 77 Delete Age Timer..................................................................................................................... 78 Submenus of Provision ........................................................................................................... 79 List Current Alarms.................................................................................................................. 79 List Alarm History .................................................................................................................... 80 Clear Alarm History ................................................................................................................. 80 Modify Severity and Reporting ................................................................................................ 81 List Severity and Reporting ..................................................................................................... 82 Alarm Description .................................................................................................................. 83 Alarm Threshold Description................................................................................................... 84 List Severity and Reporting ..................................................................................................... 86 Submenus of Status ................................................................................................................ 87 List Temperature Staus............................................................................................................ 87 List Fan Staus.......................................................................................................................... 88 List LED Staus......................................................................................................................... 88 List External Alarm .................................................................................................................. 89 List Ethernet Port Staus .......................................................................................................... 90 List ADSL Port Staus ............................................................................................................... 91 List ADSL Port Staus ............................................................................................................... 91 Submenus of PM Statistic Menu ............................................................................................. 92 List Ethernet Statistic............................................................................................................... 92 List 15m PM Data-Line PM ..................................................................................................... 93 List 15m PM Data- Path PM.................................................................................................... 94 List 24h (Day) PM Data-Line PM ............................................................................................ 95 Clear PM Data......................................................................................................................... 96


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 8-1 Table 8-2 Table 8-3 Table 8-4 Table 8-5 Table 8-6 Table 8-7 Table 8-8 Table 8-9 Table 9-1 Table 9-2 Table 9-3 Table 9-4 Table 9-5 Table 9-6 Table 9-7 Table 9-8 Table 9-9 Table 9-10 Table 9-11

Set SELT Testing ..................................................................................................................... 99 List SELT Testing..................................................................................................................... 99 Stop SELT Testing ................................................................................................................. 100 Set DELT Testing................................................................................................................... 100 List DELT Testing .................................................................................................................. 101 Stop DELT Testing................................................................................................................. 102 Send OAM Loopback ............................................................................................................ 102 Display Test Result................................................................................................................ 103 Clear Test Result ................................................................................................................... 103 Administrtion Menu ............................................................................................................... 104 Display Version Information Menu ........................................................................................ 105 Display Date and Time Menu ................................................................................................ 105 Set Date Menu ...................................................................................................................... 106 Set Time Menu ...................................................................................................................... 106 List SNMP Access Communities Menu................................................................................. 107 Modify SNMP Access Communities Menu............................................................................ 107 List SNMP Trap Communities Menu ..................................................................................... 108 Modify SNMP Trap Communities Menu ................................................................................ 108 Delete SNMP Trap Communities Menu ................................................................................ 109 Load Factory Default Menu................................................................................................... 109


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Chapter 1


This preface introduces the following items: ● ● ●


Purpose Organization Conventions

Purpose The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information and description of ISAP-2100 series IP-DSLAM, which includes software configuration and other specific features.


Organization This guide contains the following information: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


Preface ISAP-2100 User Interface Initialing the ISAP-2100 Managing the GE Network Uplink Interface Managing the ADSL Subscriber Line Interface Managing the Bridge Interface Managing the VLAN Services Managing the Multicast Services Managing the System Filter Diagnosis and Performance Monitoring Appendix

Conventions This section describes the conventions used in this guide. OpnetView –Application Software system for Element Management System (EMS), it provides controlling specific IP-DSLAM (Node Element) in the network through IP network with SNMP Protocol, it provide GUI interface for host (PC) to establish point-to-point communication with remote DSLAM through Server. Regarding operaton introduction, it is available by referring to SNMP operation manual.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Features of Opnet View are list as following: ● ● ● ● ●

Provide ability to perform NE (nodes) and ports configuration. Provide monitoring of the status at specific NE (nodes). Provide ability to perform specific functions e.g. Software download (Upgrade), diagnostics. Provide ability to filter (enable/disable) alarm report generation and trap forward. Provide ability to assign a severity level to each monitored alarm conditions.

CIT (Craft Interface Terminal) connection with a local console or Telnet through in-band or out-band IP interface.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Chapter 2

ISAP-2100 User Interface

This chapter describes the ISAP-2100 user interface, the instructions describes how to using the command-line interface, and also describes the command editing and command history features that enable you to recall previous command entries and edit previously entered commands. ● ● ● ●


User Interface Mode Access via the Console Port Access using the Telnet Session Command Syntax and Operating Regulation

User Interface Mode The ISAP-2100 provides the user access mode to allow user to access, it requires a password with remote Telnet access.


Access via Console Port Access to menu mode via the Console Port by appling the hyper terminal directly connected with the following procedure: Step 1 Set the communication parameters of hyper terminal as follows: Table 2-1

ISAP-2100 Console Management Setting


Baud rate Data bits Parity Start bits Stop bits Flow control


115200 8 None 1 1 None


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Step 2 Connect the hyper terminal to the ISAP-2100 front panel via Console port. Step 3 Press .


Access using the Telnet Session Remotely access Telnet session onto the assigned IP address of the Network uplink interface. If the IP address has been modified and saved, the Telnet session onto the system will be down. It is necessary to assign the new IP address again. The IP address assigned on Network uplink interface must not be in use with another device on the same network segment to avoid a conflict. The Telnet session required a username and password to access, the default username and password shown on as below: Root A/C User Name: Password: Admin A/C User Name: Password:


root opnet admin admin

Control Keys There are some special functional key are available to operate ISAP-2100 series easily. Control keys are listed as below table. Table 2-2

Command History and Editing

Control Key



View the next available selection, same as ] .


View the next available selection, same as >.


View the previous available selection, same as [.


View the previous available selection, same as 3.Network Menu>2. Modify LAN Setting (*)


Optional function: see Note. ● Modify relay agent for Binding port.

1 6. Administration Menu> 3.Network Menu> 9. Modify Relay Agent Setting (*) 2


Optional function: see Note ● Enable IGMP, Default: Off ● Set IGMP Version/ IGMP ACL Mode

1.Provisioning Menu >14.IGMP Config Menu>1.Modify IGMP Config (*)



Set ATM traffic QoS

1.Provisioning Menu>1.Qos Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles



Set VCL profile

1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles



Set Ethernet ports

1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>2.Modify Setting



Set ADSL ports

1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting



ADSL Line Activate

1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>5.ADSL Line Configuration



Write System flash

6. Administration Menu> 4.Write System Flash Menu







1 2

Note: 1: Reboot device to activate required settings (see commands with sign *). Recommend that above settings could be set together then execute “Write System flash”. reboot Finally reboot device once at convenience. 2: It stands for optional function. To apply optional setting depends on application.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Configure System Connection Assign the specified IP to each ISAP series product. Finishing this step, it would be dominated via all kind operations (CIT, Telnet and SNMP). Note: This setting will not be recovered as default setting even though “Load Factory Default” has been executed. Table 3-1

Configure system IP, Gateway, Mask

Directory 1 : Main Menu > 1.Administration > 2.Network Menu> 2. Modify LAN Setting Purpose:

Configure the Internet connection about IP, gateway and mask.


Network Configurations >>> [1]: 2 Modify LAN Setting (*) Modify LAN Setting? [No]: Yes Link Aggregation [OFF]: OFF Ethernet Type [Giga Auto]: Giga IP Address []: Network Mask []: Default Gateway []: LinkAgg MAC Address[00:00:00:00:00:00]: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Host VLAN ID [16]:7 (Noted:Add same VID into specified Ethernet port) Modify LAN Setting? [No]: No



Link Aggregation

Combine 2 Ethernet ports’ traffic as link aggregation. Valid option includes: 1. On: Enable link aggregation. 2. Off (Default): Disable link aggregation

Ethernet Type

Configure the Ethernet type which needs to be consistent with DTE or Modem. Valid option includes as below: 1. Fast Ethernet (Default): Specify Fast Ethernet 10/100 BASE-T. 2. Giga: Specify Gigabit Ethernet 1000 BASE-T/X and auto-switchable function between Electrical and optical interface.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

IP Address

It specifies the IP address to be deployed for this NE.

Network Mask

It specifies the mask to be deployed for this NE.

Default Gateway

It specifies the gateway to be deployed for this NE.


It specifies a reserved VID for SNMP/ Telnet management purpose.

Noted: Add same VID into specified Ethernet port if it needs to be applied as shown on Directory 43. Default: 16

Add VLAN about HOST VLAN ID Following step enables user to add a VID 7 to be applied in Ethernet port 1 if “Host VLAN ID” deal with SNMP / Telnet management packets. Directory 43: 1.Provisioning Menu >13.VLAN Config Menu >2.Add VLAN Purpose: Configure or modify a VLAN.

Example: LAN Menu >>> [1]: 2 Add VLAN Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ENET Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 VLAN ID [0]: 7 TAGGED (ON/OFF) [OFF]: ON Add VLAN ID 7? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Display LAN Setting

Table 3-2

Display system IP, Gateway, Mask

Directory 2: Main Menu > 1.Administration > 2.Network Menu> 2. Display LAN Setting Purpose:

Display data about system IP, Gateway, Mask.


Network Configurations >>> [2]: 1 Display LAN Setting LAN Setting ------------------------------------Ethernet Type :Fast Ethernet IP Address : Network Mask : Default Gateway : Host VLAN ID : 7


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Modify Relay Agent Setting The 2nd step enables users to modify “Relay Agent ID” for binding port setting if Binding Port needs to be applied. Table 3-3

Modify Relay Agent ID

Directory 3: 1.Provisioning Menu >6.Admininstration Menu>3.Network Menu>9.Modify Relay Agent Setting Purpose: Modify Relay Agent ID to apply binding port setting Example:

Network Menu >>> [1]: 9 Modify Relay Agent Setting (*) Modify Relay Agent Setting? [No]: Yes Enter Circuit ID: []:Circuit 1-${Line}/${VPI}:${VCI}/${Vid} Modify Relay Agent Setting? [No]: Yes Parameters

It specifies unique ID to distinguish which devices that traffic come from. Combination format: string- ${Line}:${VPI}:${VCI}:${Vid} (refer to Table 3-4). Acceptable signs include: “/”,”,”,”: “,”\” and so on. Default: Null

Circuit ID

Table 3-4


Variance Table of DHCP Option 82 Circuit ID

Input Variance





Length: 255 characters



Display Channel (1~N)








VLAN ID of the bridge VLAN ID (Default VID would be applied if port no VLAN ID has been set.)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 3-5

Display Relay Agent

Directory 4: 1.Provisioning Menu>6.Admininstration Menu>3.Network Menu>8.List Relay Agent Setting Purpose: Display relay agent setting. Example:

Network Menu >>> [1]: 8 Display Relay Agent Setting Relay Agent Setting ----------------------------Circuit ID: : Circuit 1-${Line}/${VPI}:${VCI}/${Vid}


Processes for Setting Binding Port After finishing “Relay Agent Setting”, following steps need to be processed: The step 1: add “DHCP” and “PPPOE” into a new group index (ex.ID:2) of DFC AccGroup Filter (refer to Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group). The step 2: Assign specified ADSL port (ex.1) to apply that group ID index (2) of DFC AccGroup Filter (refer to Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting) see below example.

Directory 13 : 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure the specified ADSL Port to apply desired parameters, such as VID, Tag. VCL/VPMT/Bundle profile, DFC accGroup index.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Example: ADSL L2 Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 Modify ADSL Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO Max mac (1~4096) [10]: 10 VPMT mode (NO VPMT/SINGLE VC/MULTI VC) [NO VPMT]: NO VPMT VPMT scheduling (Strict-Priority/Mixed) [Strict-Priority]: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF VLAN tunneling mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF DFC Group index [0]: 2 DFC AccGroup index [0]:2 (Modify this parameter via command Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group) Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO TX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE/VPMT) [VCL]: VCL TX Selected Profile index [1]: 1 RX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE) [VCL]: VCL RX Selected Profile index [1]: 1 Modify ADSL Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Enable IGMP Mode The 3rd step enables users to run IGMP. It is necessary to rebooting ISAP-2100 after finishing below settings: Table 3-6

Enable IGMP Mode

Directory 5: 1.Provisioning Menu >14.IGMP Config Menu>1.Modify IGMP Config (*) Purpose: (A) Activate IGMP mode. (B) Select IGMP version which includes 1/2/3. (C) Select the mode of Access Control List (ACL) to be dealed with. Example:

IGMP Menu >>> [1]: 1 Modify IGMP Config (*) Modify IGMP Setting? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes IGMP Enable (ON/OFF) [OFF]: ON Version [2]: 2 Acl Mode [ON ]: ON Filter Mode [ON ]: ON Proxy Mode [ON ]: ON Robustness Variable [0]: 0 Max Router Ports [10]: 10 Modify IGMP Setting? [No]: Yes Modify done. This command will effect after system reboot!(YES/ON)[No]:Yes Are you sure write settings to system flash(NV-RAM)?[No]:Yes Processing.. It takes about 5 seconds to write settings! Write settings to system flash completed. Parameters IGMP Enable (ON/OFF) [OFF]

Descriptions To enable or disable IGMP mode. (ON/OFF) specifies valid option

includes: 1. On: Enable IGMP mode. 2. Off: Disable IGMP mode [OFF] stands for Default: OFF


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


A c l mo d e

Filter Mode

Proxy Mode

Robustness Variable

Max Router Ports

1: It specifies IGMP version 1 which refers to RFC 1112 and RFC 2236 for information on IGMP version 1. 2: It specifies IGMP version 2 (typically setting) which supports IGMP Query, Report and Leave packets transferred between IP multicast router/switches andd IP multicast host to learn the IP mulicast group membership. 3: It specifies IGMP version 3, which supports “souce filtering”, which enables a multicast receiver host to signal to a router which groups it want to receive multicast from, and from which souce this traffic is expected. Valid option includes: 1. On: Enable Acl mode 2. Off: Disable Acl mode Valid option includes: 1. On: Enable filter mode 2. Off: Disable filter mode Default: ON Enable or Disable IGMP proxy mode which divides the network into two parts, router (upstream) side and hosts (downstream) side. For the hosts’ side, it functions as an IGMP router. On the other hand, the router treats the proxy as it was one host which registered for some multicast groups.Valid option includes: 1. On: Enable proxy mode. 2. Off: Disable proxy mode. Default: ON It specifies how many former packets will be resent for recovering missing IGMP packets. The default robustness variable value is 2. Valid rang: 0~10. Default: 0 It specifies maximum number of router ports. Valid rang: 1~10. Default: 10


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 3-7

Display IGMP Mode

Directory 6: 1.Provisioning Menu >14.IGMP Config Menu>2.Display IGMP Config Purpose: Display IGMP setting after finish setting. Below example is the default setting about IGMP

Example: IGMP Menu

>>> [1]: 2 Display IGMP Config IGMP Setting ----------------------------IGMP Enable :OFF -----------------------------Version :2 ACL Mode :ON Filter Mode :ON Proxy Mode :ON Robustness Variable :0 Max Router Ports :10


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Configure ATM Traffic for QoS The 4th step enables users to configure and modify the ATM traffic QoS. However, this step could be skipped if no advanced requirements compare to default setting (see Table 3-8 ). As for other special QoS applications, refer to & Chapter 3.4.2, Chapter 3.4.3. This session contains the following information: ●


Unshaped Traffice Configuration

Display ATM Traffic Setting Table 3-8

Display ATM Traffic

Directory 7: 1.Provisioning Menu>1.Qos Profile Menu>1. Display Profiles Purpose:

Display the information about a specified ATM traffic. For this case, Example: indicates details of default value QoS-1.

Example: QoS Profile Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Profiles Index Name -----------------------1 QoS-1 2 QoS-2 Show Profile, [1.QoS-1]: 1.QoS-1 QoS Profile Index : 1 QoS Name : QoS-1 QoS Type : BEST-EFFORT, Unshaped Weight :1 Parameters QoS profile name

Descriptions It indicates name of QoS profile. Press hot key “[“ or “ ]” to select required QoS name to be displayed. Default Qos Name: QoS-1


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 3-9

Modify & add ATM Traffic

Directory 8: 1.Provisioning Menu>1.Qos Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles Purpose:

Modify & add ATM traffic profiles.

Example: QoS Profile Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 2 Modify profile 2? [No]: Yes QoS Name [QoS-2]: QoS-2 QoS Type [SHAPING-UNSHAPED]: SHAPING-UNSHAPED Weight [1]: 3 QoS Profile Index : 2 QoS Name : QoS-2 QoS Type : BEST-EFFORT, Unshaped Weight :3 Write profile 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done. Parameters


Select an index

It specifies the index no. of QoS to be added or modified.

QoS type

It specifies the type of traffic. Valid option includes as below and illustrates in Chapter 3.4.2 & 3.4.3.
















It specifies fair queuing according to weight setting in time of congestion. Valid option: 1~7 Default: 1


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


QoS Types-Shaping ATM Quality of Service (QoS) provides the best service on a per-flow guarantee. It used to fix cell sizes and built-in traffic management (traffic shaping). This allows you to fine-tune the levels of services on the priority of the traffic flow. Shaping prevents congestion in network system by monitoring outbound transmission traffic for excess bit rate. It contains follwing items: Shaping Types



Related Parameters

Peak Cell Rate Pea Cell Rate (PCR) is the maximum rate at which the sender can send cells. This parameter may be lower (not higher) than the maximum line speed. 1 Pcr, Cdvt ATM is equal to 53 bytes, so a maximum speed of 832 Kbps gives a maximum PCR of 1962 cells/sec. Sustained Cell Rate


Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) is the mean cell of each Pcr, Scr, Mbs, bursty traffic source. Specifies the maximum Cdvt average rate at which cells can be sent over the virtual connection.


Guaranteed Frame Rate: A guaranteed frame rate (GFR) connection is defined by a set of dual leaky buckets. GFR traffic parameters to the leaky bucket algorithm (MCR is Pcr, Scr, Mbs, similar to SCR, and BT is a function of PCR, MCR and Cdvt MBS). The GFR connection is inserted to the GFR scheduler queue.


Variable Bit Rate (none real time)


Unspecified Bit Rate


Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) is a packet scheduling technique allowing guaranteed bandwidth services. The purpose of WFQ is to let several sessions share the Weight, Weight same link. WFQ is an approximation of Generalized fraction Processor Sharing (GPS) which, as the name suggest, is a generalization of Processor Sharing (PS).


Pcr, Scr, Mbs,Cdvt Mcr, Pcr, Cdvt, ✼Pcr_priority, ✼Mcr_Priority

ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Rate (CIR) Configuration: Frame relay connections are often given a committed information rate (CIR) and an allowance of burstable bandwidth known as the extended Cir, ✼Cir_polling, information rate (EIR). The provider guarantees that the Cbs connection will always support the CIR rate, and sometimes the EIR rate should be adequate bandwidth.


CIR EIR (CIR) Configuration: Frames that are sent in excess of the CIR are marked as discard eligible (DE) which means they can be dropped should congestion occur within the frame relay network. Frames sent in excess of the EIR are dropped immediately.

Cir, ✼Cir_polling, Cbs, Eir, ✼Eir_polling

Valid range of above Parameters (excluded ✼): 0~255 ✼ Valid option includes “Yes”,” No”. Table 3-10

Parameters for Shaping




Peak cell rate [cells/sec] Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Sustained cell rate. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Maximum burst size. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Cell delay variation tolerance. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0

polling_speed / autod

It specifies polling mode/speed for this VCL. Determines the treatment of this channel when its data queue is null. Autod: mean auto detected.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


QoS Types-Policing Policing prevents congestion in network system by monitoring inbound traffic for excess bit rate. It contains follwing: Policing Types


Related Parameters 1. Sub Type (see Table 3-12

Sub Parameters for Policing) ◎Option of Sub Type include: CBR


Constant Bit Rate

Variable Bit Rate: VBR


The Variable Bit Rate (VBR) ATM traffic class is used with bursty connections that used to VBR traffic class can be grouped into real time (rt-VBR) or non-real time (nrt-VBR) connection.

2.Pcr 3.Cdvt 4.Ppd 1.Sub Type (see Table 3-12 Sub Parameters for Policing) 2.Pcr 3.Cdvt 4.Ppd 5.Scr 6.Mbs

Available Bit Rate ABR connections are used for burst, non-real time traffic such as file transfer in an ATM network. The 1.Sub Type (see Table ABR service category is used by connections that 3-12 Sub Parameters do not require a static amount of bandwidth that is for Policing) continuously available during the connection 2.Pcr lifetime. For ABR service, available bandwidth varies in the network, and feedback is used to 3.Cdvt control the source rate in response to bandwidth 4.Ppd, changes. The feedback is conveyed to the source through specific Resource Management (RM) cells.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Unspecified Bit Rate:



Table 3-11

The Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) ATM traffic class is similar to the ABR traffic class for bursty 1.Pcr data transfers. However, while ABR gives 2.Cdvt subscribers a set amount of bandwidth, UBR 3.Ppd doesn’t gurarantee any bandwidth and only delivers traffic when the network has spare bandwidth Guaranteed Frame Rate: A guaranteed frame rate (GFR) connection is defined by a set of dual leaky buckets. The first leaky bucket enforces the peak bandwidth by the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) parameter. The second leaky bucket enforces the Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) and the Maximum Burst Size (MBS). Additional parameters are defined as Maximum Frame Size (MFS).

1.Pcr 2.Scr 3.Mbs 4.Cdvt 5.Polling

Parameters for Policing




Peak cell rate [cells/sec] Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Sustained cell rate. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Maximum burst size. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0


Cell delay variation tolerance. Valid range: 0~255, Default: 0

polling_speed It specifies polling mode/speed for this VCL. Determines the treatment of / autod> this channel when its data queue is null. Autod: mean auto detected.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Table 3-12

Sub Parameters for Policing

Sub Parameters



Constant Bit Rate; count non-conformant-cells


Sustained cell rate; discard non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 1; count non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 1; discard PCR or SCR non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 2 ; count non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 2; discard PCR or SCR non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 3; count non-conformant-cells


Variable Bit Rate mode 3; discard PCR non-conformant-cells and tag SCR non-conformant-cells


Available Bit Rate (only PCR is supported) ; count non-conformant-cells Available Bit Rate (only PCR is supported) ; discard non-conformant-cells Guaranteed Frame Rate mode 1; discard non-conformant and ineligible cells


Guaranteed Frame Rate mode 2; count non-conformant-cells


Guaranteed Frame Rate mode 2; discard non-conformant-cells


Unspecified Bit Rate mode 1; count non-conformant-cells


Unspecified Bit Rate mode 1; discard non-conformant-cells


Unspecified Bit Rate mode 2; count non-conformant-cells


Unspecified Bit Rate mode 2; discard non-conformant-cells


Unspecified Bit Rate mode 2; discard non-conformant-cells


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Example: of QoS Policing: QoS Profile Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]:4 Modify profile 4? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes QoS Name [QoS-4]: QoS-4 QoS Type [SHAPING-UNSHAPED]: POLICING-UBR Sub type [VBR2-D]:CBR1 Pcr [0]: 30 Cdvt [232]: 210 Pbd [0]: 33 QoS Profile Index : 4 QoS Name : QoS-4 QoS Type : CLASS-C, Policing UBR Sub type : CBR1 Pcr : 30 Cdvt : 210 Ppd : 33 Write profile 4? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


VCL Setting The 5th step enables users to configure and modify a VCL if default VCL profile can not meet requirements. However, this step could be skipped if there is no advanced requirement.


Display VCL Setting This menu enables users to view the detailed VCL setting. Below table displays default value of VCL-1. Table 3-13 Display VCL Setting

Directory 9: 1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>1.List Profiles Purpose:

Display the details of VCL.

Example: VCL Profile Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Profiles Index Name ------------------------------1 VCL-1 Show Profile, [1.VCL-1]: 1.VCL-1 VCL Profile Index : 1 VCL Profile Name : VCL-1 VCL VPI : 0 VCL Rx QoS Index : 1 VCL Tx QoS Index : 1 VCL Cross Connect ID: 0 VCL VCI : 35 VCL Priority : 0 VCL Encapsulation : LLC VCL VLAN ID : 16


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Add & Modify VCL Setting

Table 3-14

Add & Modify VCL

Directory 10: 1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles Purpose:

Add & Modify the VCL profile.

Example: VCL Profile Menu >>> [2]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 2 Modify profile 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes VCL Name [VCL-2]: VCL-2 VCL VPI (0~255) [0]: 1 VCL Rx QoS Profile Index [1]: 255 VCL Tx QoS Profile Index [1]: 255 VCL Cross Connect ID [0]: 65535 VCL VCI (0~65535) [35]: 35 VCL Priority (0~7) [0]: 7 VCL Encapsulation (VCMUX/LLC): [LLC] VCL VLAN ID (0~4094)[16]:5 VCL Profile Index : 2 VCL Profile Name : VCL-2 VCL VPI : 1 VCL Rx QoS Index : 1 VCL Tx QoS Index : 1 VCL Cross Connect ID: 0 VCL VCI : 35 VCL Priority :7 0 VCL Encapsulation (VCMUX/LLC): [LLC] VCL VLAN ID : 5 Write profile 2? [No]: Yes Parameters index

Descriptions It specifies VCL profile index. Press hot key “[“ or “ ]” to select required QoS name. Default: 1


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

VCL Name

It specifies VCL name Press hot key “[“ or “ ]” to select required QoS name. Default: VCL-1


It specifies a virtual path identity. Valid range: 0~255. Default: 0

VCL Rx QoS Profile Index

It specifies the received traffic index which refered to the rx traffic descriptor for policing. Valid range: 0~255. Default: 1

VCL Tx QoS Profile Index

It specifies the transmitted traffic index which refered to tx traffic descriptor for shaping. Valid range: 0~255. Default: 1

VCL Cross Connect ID

It specifies the cross connection index which is meanless for ATM-IP conversion. It only meanful for ATM switch. Valid range: 0~65535. Default: 0


It specifies the Virtual connection identity. Valid range: 0~65535. Default: 35

VCL Priority

It specifies the priority. Valid range: 0~7 Default: 0

VCL Encapsulation

Specified a method of Logical Link Control (LLC) to be complied with Modem’s setting. 1. LLC (Default): It means "LLC Encapsulation" method which

allows multiplexing of multiple protocols over a single ATM virtual connection (VC). 2. Vcmux: It means VC Multiplexing which creates a binding between an ATM VC and the type of the network protocol carried on that VC. Thus, there is no need for protocol identification information to be carried in the payload of each AAL5 CPCS-PDU. This reduces payload overhead and can improve efficiency by reducing the number of cells needed to carry PDUs of certain lengths. VCL VLAN ID

It specifies the VLAN ID. Valid range: 0~4094. Default: 16


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Set Ethernet Port The 6th step enables users to set which Ethernet port to be uplink with available functions.

Note: Following settings about Ethernet Port will not be recoveryed as default value after executing “Load Factory Default” command. 3.6.1

Activate Ethernet Port Table 3-15

Set Ethernet Port

Directory 11: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure the Ethernet Port.

Example: ENET Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Setting Select ENET port index [1]: 1 Modify ENET Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Uplink (YES/NO) [YES]: YES Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: All Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO Max mac (1~4096) [1000]: 1005 VLAN stacking mode (ADD VLAN/EXT VLAN/OFF) [OFF]: ADD VLAN VLAN tunneling mode (1Q1Q/OFF) [OFF]: OFF Default VLAN (0~4094) [16]: 16 DFC Group index (0~255) [0]: 0 DFC AccGroup index (0~16) [0]: 0 (Modify this parameter via command Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group)

Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO (to be continued)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

ENET Port Index:1 Uplink: YES Ingress filter: OFF Input tag: All Output tag: NO Max MAC: 1005 VLAN stacking mode: ADD VLAN VLAN tunneling mode: OFF Default VLAN: 16 DFC Group index: 0 DFC acc group index: 0 Protocol based VLAN: NO Modify ENET Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes

Parameters ENET port index


Descriptions It specifies Etherport port number and type. 1: Ethernet port 1 2: Ethernet port 2 3: Link aggregation port 1 and port 2 Uplink: Configure Ethernet port as trunk connection.Valid option: 1. Yes: Support trunk connection. 2. No: Configure Ethernet port for an extended link to the other ISAP devices. It is not the uplink connection to the outside router. Default: Yes

Ingress filter

It specifies ingress filter status. 1. On: Activate ingress filter and optional mode could be set via following options or . 2. Off: Disable ingress filter and discard all packets. Default: On

Input tag

It specifies the acceptable mode of ingressive packets. It means frames would be filtered based on following options. 1. Tagged: Add a VID on the ingressive packets. 2. Untagged: Untagged the VID on the ingressive packets. 3. All: Receive all packets. 4. None: Discard all ingressive packets with any VID Default: All


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Output tag:

It specifies the acceptable mode of egress packets. Valid option: 1. Yes: Add a VID on the egress packets. If the output packet is tagged, the output frame will be added with the tag or double tagged when external vlan is provisioned. 2. No: Untagged the VID on the egress packets. Default: No

Max mac

VLAN stacking mode

It specifies maximum numbers of MAC address that can be learned by specified Ethernet port. Valid Range: 1~4096 Default: 1000 It specifies the way whether to add an additional ID or apply an external VID. Vaild option includes: 1. Add VLAN: Add a new VID. Assigned a new VID 2. EXT VLAN: Extend orginal default VID. 3. OFF: No VID to be added. Default: OFF

VLAN tunneling mode

It specifies the status about Vlan tunnel. 1. OFF: No Vlan tunnel 2. 1q1q: Support Q in Q which applied a condition that traffic with its own VID from DTE. Default: OFF

Default VLAN

It specified default VID. Valid Range: 1~4094 Default: 16

DFC group index

It specified which group to be applied for dynamic filter control. Valid Range: 1~255 Default: 0

DFC acc group index

It specified which group index of accelerated Dynamic Filter Classifier to be applied for this port. To modify DFC acc group index by referring to command Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group

Valid Range: 1~16 Default: 0 Protocol based VLAN

It specified the service status of protocol based VLAN. Valid option includes: 1. Yes: Enable 2. No:Disable Default: No.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display Status of Ethernet Port This menu displays the status of Ethernet port. For this example, default setting of Ethernet port index as show on below table. Table 3-16

Display Status of Ethernet Port

Directory 12: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>1.Display Ethernet Port Purpose:

Display the status of Ethernet Port.

Example: ENET Config Menu >>> [1]: 1 Display Setting Select ENET port index [1]: 1 ENET Port Index:1 Uplink: YES Ingress filter: ON Input tag: ALL Output tag: NO Max MAC: 1000 VLAN stacking mode: OFF VLAN tunneling mode: OFF Default VLAN: 16 DFC Group index: 0 DFC AccGroup index: 0 Protocol based VLAN: NO


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

3.7 3.7.1

Set ADSL Port Modify ADSL Port The 7th step enables users to set ADSL port to be activated with available functions. For same parameters, refer to description as shown on Table 3-15 Set Ethernet Port . Table 3-17 Activate ADSL Port

Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure the ADSL Port.

Example: ADSL L2 Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO Max mac (1~4096) [10]: 10 VPMT mode (NO VPMT/SINGLE VC/MULTI VC) [NO VPMT]: NO VPMT VPMT scheduling (Strict-Priority/Mixed) [Strict-Priority]: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF VLAN tunneling mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: 1Q1Q DFC Group index [0]: 2 DFC AccGroup index [0]:1 (Modify this parameter via command Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group)

Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO TX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE/VPMT) [VCL]: VCL TX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 RX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE) [VCL]: VCL RX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 (omit same data as above) Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Parameters ADSL Port index

Descriptions It specifies ADSL port number. Vaild range: 1-24/48 ports (depend on model type)

Ingress filter Input tag

Refer to page 29~30 about related description.

Output tag Max mac VPMT mode

VPMT scheduling

TX/RX Profile type

TX/RX Selected Profile Index

It specifies the mode of VPMT. Valid option includes: 1. No VPMT: No VPMT application. 2. Single VC: Only one VCL to be applied in VPMT. 3. Multi VC: It specifies multiple VCL to be applied in VPMT. It specifies the way to deal with packets according to VPMT. 1. Strict-Priority: Sent packets out according to queue priority in sequence strictly (SP0>SP1>SP2>SP3). 2. Mixed: Sent packets out according to VPMT queue and WRR (Weighted Round-Robin).

Valid option includes: 1. VCL: Configure ADSL port to apply VCL profile. 2. Bundle: Configure ADSL port to apply bundle profile. 3. VPMT: Configure ADSL port to apply VPMT profile. Only for TX profile type. It specifies index no. of profile types such as VCL/ Bundle/ VPMT (specify profile type refers to TX/RX) about TX/RX. Valid range: 0~255 Default: 1

VLAN stacking mode VLAN tunneling mode

Refer to page 30 about related description.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Display of ADSL Port Setting This menu displays the status of ADSL port. For this example, default setting of Ethernet port index as show on below table. Table 3-18

Display Status of ADSL Port

Directory 14: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>1.Display Setting Purpose:

Display the status of ADSL Port.

Example: ADSL L2 Config Menu >>> [1]: 1 Display Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 ADSL Port Index:1 Ingress Filter: ON Input tag: ALL Output tag: NO Max MAC: 10 VPMT mode: NO VPMT VPMT scheduling: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode: OFF VLAN tunneling mode: OFF Dfc group index: 0 Dfc Accgroup index: 0 Protocol based VLAN: NO TX Profile type: VCL TX Selected Profile index: 1 RX Profile type: VCL RX Selected Profile index: 1


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

3.8 3.8.1

Activate ADSL Port Activate ADSL Port The 8th step enables users to activate specified ADSL port to be connected or applied Rate Adaptation/Power Manage. This setting will be stored in the database to remain the same setting after restarting ISAP-2100. Table 3-19

Activate ADSL Port

Directory 15 : 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>4.ADSL Line Configuration Purpose: Enable or Disable functions such as Line/Rate Adaptation or Power Manage according each ADSL Port. Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [4]: 4 ADSL Line Configuration Config Item [Power Management]: Line Activate Action [Disable]: Enable Select a start port [1]: 1 Select an end port [5]: 12 Apply change? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Config ADSL port 01 to port 12 Line Activate Enable done. Parameters


Config Item

Select specified function to be applied. Valid option includes: 1. Power Manage: Specified ADSL ports to apply power manage. 2. Rate Adaptation: Specified ADSL ports to apply rate Adaptation. 3. Line Activate: Specified ADSL ports to apply to line activate.


Specify functions whether to be applied. Option includes: 1. Enable: Activate function. 2. Disable: Disable function.

Select a start port

Specify which ADSL port to begin for this setting.

Select an end port

Specify which ADSL port to end up for this setting.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Display Line Configuration of ADSL Port This menu display line status about ADSL port. Table 3-20

Display Line Configuration ADSL Port

Directory 16 : 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>5.Display ADSL Line Configuration Purpose:

Display status of Line Activate/ Rate Adaptation/Power Manage about ADSL Port.

Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [4]:5 Display ADSL Line Configuration =============================================================== ADSL Port Power Manage Rate Adaptation Line Activate 01 Disable Disable Enable 02 Disable Disable Enable 03 Disable Disable Enable 04 Disable Disable Enable 05 Disable Disable Enable 06 Disable Disable Enable 07 Disable Disable Enable 08 Disable Disable Enable 09 Disable Disable Enable 10 Disable Disable Enable 11 Disable Disable Enable 12 Disable Disable Enable 13 Disable Disable Disable 14 Disable Disable Disable 15 Disable Disable Disable (omit 16~22) 23 Disable Disable Disable 24 Disable Disable Disable Press Any Key for next page, or ESC to exit. ===========================================================


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

“Power manange” which enables the function of electricity saving. Enable option to activate this setting and vice versa (Default setting: Disable). The ADSL2 and ADSL2+ standards define power management states as below table: State




Full On

The ADSL link is fully functional.


Low Power

The ADSL link is active, but a low-power signal conveying background data is sent from the ATU-C to the ATU-R. A normal data carrying signal is transmitted from the ATU-R to the ATU-C.



There is no signal transmitted on the line. The ATU may be powered or unpowered in L3.

Figure 3-1

Elapsed Time of Power Management Example


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Write System Flash The 9th step enables users to save modifications into database after executing any and a series of commands in case of data lost.

Note: It is recommend that executing “Write to flash” in the last process after finishing any setting. Table 3-21

Write System Flash

Directory 17 : 1.Administration Menu >4.Write System Flash Purpose: Save modifications into database after executing any or a series of commands.

Example: Administration >>> [4]: 4 Write system FLASH Are you sure to write settings to system flash memory (NV-RAM)? (Yes/No)[No]:Yes Processing… It takes about 5 seconds to write settings! Write settings to system flash completed


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Chapter 4

Provision Menu

Main menu is the first screen displayed after login. Main menu lists the first tier commands for ISAP Craft Interface Software Operation. Related commands of main menu are described below Main Menu

Description Submenus includes as below: 1. QoS/ 2.VCL/ 3.Bundle/ 4.VPMT/ 5. ADSL Line/ 6.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu

1. Provisioning Menu

7.Forwarding Table

12.ADSL L2 Config Menu

8.MAC Filter Menu

13.VLAN Config Menu

9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu

14.IGMP Config Menu

10.ENET Config Menu

15.Age Timer Config Menu

11.ADSL L1 Config Menu Submenus includes as below: 2. Alarm Menu

1.List Current Alarms

4.List Severity and Reporting Menu

2.List Alarm History

5.Modify Severity and Reporting

3.Clear Alarm History Menu

6.Reset Severity and Reporting

3. Status Menu

Submenus include list system status, switch status and line card status.

4. PM Statistic Menu

Display statistic data about Ethernet port and Line card.

5. Testing Menu

Perform SELT test, DELT test, OAM loopback test.

6. Administration Menu

Submenus include as following: 1. Display version information 2. Date and time menu 3. Network Menu: Set LAN setting, SNMP access communities, trap Communities and temperature thresholds. 4. Write System FLASH 5. Load Factory Default (*) 6. Remote Upgrade 7. Reboot


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Provision Menu includes submenus to configure IGMP, VLAN, STP, GVRP, switch setting and Load Factory Default as shown on Table 4-1. Table 4-1

Submenus of Provision

The 1st tier of Provision Menu

The 2nd tier of Provision Menu


1. QoS Profile Menu


2. VCL Profile Menu


3. Bundle Profile Menu 4. VPMT Profile Menu

1. List Profiles Menu 2. Modify Profiles Menu 3. Delete Profiles Menu

41 45

5. ADSL Line Profile Menu


6. ADSL Alarm Profile Menu


7. Forwarding Table Menu


8. MAC Filter Menu

1. List MAC Filter Menu 2. Add MAC Filter Menu 3. Delete MAC Filter Menu


9. DFC AccGroupp Filter Menu

1. List DFC Accelerate Menu 2. Modify DFC Accelerate Menu 3. Delete DFC Accelerate Menu


10.ENET Config Menu

1. Display Setting 2. Modify Setting



1. Apply ADSL Line Profile


2. Apply ADSL Alarm Profile


11.ADSL L1 Config Menu 3. List ADSL Profile Mapping

Line Profile-54 Alarm Profile-63

4. Display ADSL Line Configuration


12.ADSL L2 Config Menu

1. Display Setting 2. Modify Setting


13.VLAN Config Menu

1. List VLAN 2. Add VLAN 3. Delete VLAN



ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

The 1st tier of Provision Menu

The 2nd tier of Provision Menu


14.IGMP Config Menu

1. Modify IGMP Config (*) 2. Display IGMP Config 3. List IGMP Router Port 4. Add IGMP Router Port 5. Delete IGMP Router Port 6. List IGMP ACL 7. Add IGMP ACL 8. Delete IGMP ACL 9. List IGMP Member 10. Add IGMP Member 11. Delete IGMP Member


15.Age Timer Config Menu

1. Display Age time 2. Modify Age time


Remark: (*) stands for reboot device to activate it after executing required setting


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Bundle Profile Menu This session describes processes to configure bundle: Step 1st : Set desired VCL profiles (refer to Chapter 3.5). Step 2nd : Set VCL(s) to be included same Bundle profile (see Table 4-2). Step 3rd: Assign specific ADSL port to apply specified bundle profile (Table 4-3).


Add VCL into Bundle Profile Table 4-2

Add a Bundle Profile

Directory 18 : 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>2. Modify Profiles Purpose:

Add some VCLs (ie.profile index 2 in this Example) one by one into specific bundle profile index.

Example: Bundle Profile Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Profiles Select a bundle index [1]: 1 Process [Add VCL]: Add VCL Select a VCL profile index [1]: 2 Add VCL profile 2 into bundle? Are you sure? (YES/NO)[No]:Yes Modify done.

Bundle profile index

It specifies index of bundle profile.

VCL profile index

It specifies index of VCL needs to be applied in the bundle profile.

Note: VCL setting should be set up firstly before adding into bundle profile (refer to Chapter 3.5).


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Mapping Specified ADSL Ports to Bundle Profile Configure specified ADSL port to apply a bundle profile. To assign a bundle index (includes one or multiple VCL(s)) to ADSL port by effecting Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting (see page 32). Table 4-3

Mapping Bundle Profile to a ADSL port

Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting

Purpose: Confiuge specified ADSL port to apply specified bundle index both in transmission and receiving channel. Example: ADSL L2 Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: OFF Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO Max mac (1~4096) [10]: 10 VPMT mode (NO VPMT/SINGLE VC/MULTI VC) [NO VPMT]: MULTI VC VPMT scheduling (Strict-Priority/Mixed) [Strict-Priority]: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF VLAN tunneling mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF DFC Group index [0]: 2 DFC AccGroup index [0]: 0 Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO TX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE/VPMT) [VCL]:Bundle TX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 -(Specified the index of bundle profile to be applied) RX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE) [VCL]: Bundle RX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 -(Specified the index of bundle profile to be applied) (omit same data as above) Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Delete VCL from Bundle Profile Table 4-4

Delete VCL from Bundle Profile

Directory 19: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>3. Delete Profiles Purpose: Delete VCLs index one by one from specific bundl profile index. Example: Bundle Profile Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Delete Delete


Profiles an index [1]: 1 profile 1? (Yes/No):[No]: Yes done.

List Bundle Profile Table 4-5

Display Bundle Profile

Directory 20: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>1. List Bundle Profiles Purpose: Display specific bundl profile index.

Example: Bundle Profile Menu >>> [1]: 3 List Profiles Bundle Profile index : 1 -------------------------VCL Profile Index: 2 VCL Profile Index: 3 ---------------------------


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


VPMT Profile Menu This session introduces process to configure 802.1p VLAN Priority Mapping Table (VPMT). Mapping a series of single or multiple VCLs/Channels (maximum 8 VCLs) with 8 priorities (0~7) and action (pass or deny). It describes which VLAN traffic should be passed based on its own VLAN Priority Mapping Table (VPMT).


Configure VPMT This session describes processes to configure VPMT: This session describes processes to configure bundle: Step 1st : Set desired VCL profiles Step 2nd : Assign singal or multiple VCL(s) to be set into a VPMT profile (see Table 4-6). Step 3rd : Assign specific ADSL ports to apply VPMT profile (see Table 4-7). Table 4-6

Configure VPMT

Directory 21: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.VPMT Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles Purpose: Assign singal or multiple VCL(s) to be set into a VPMT profile Example: VPMT Profile Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 2 Modify profile 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

802.1p Priority 0: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 1 802.1p Priority 1: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 2 802.1p Priority 2: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 3 802.1p Priority 3: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 4 802.1p Priority 4: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 5 802.1p Priority 5: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 6 802.1p Priority 6: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 7 802.1p Priority 7: Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: VCL Profile index [1]: 8









VPMT Profile Index: 2 ------------------------------1.Priority : 0 1.Process : PASS 1.VCL TX Index : 1 2.Priority : 1 2.Process : DENY 2.VCL TX Index : 2 (omit items 3~7) 8.Priority : 4 8.Process : PASS 8.VCL TX Index : 8 ------------------------------Write profile 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done. Index


It specifies index of VPMT. Default: 1 It specifies priority number (0-7).


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


It specifies action of dealing with VCL. Vaild option: pass (allow passing traffic) deny (discard traffic)

VCL Profile index

It specifies index of VCL profile. Vaild option: 1-8



VCL Items



























Mapping Specified ADSL Port to VPMT Profile Configure specified ADSL port to apply a VPMT profile. Assign a VPMT profile index (includes one or multiple VCL(s)) to ADSL port by effecting Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting (see page 32). Table 4-7

Mapping Bundle Profile to a ADSL port

Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting

Purpose: Confiuge ADSL port to apply VPMT index both in transmission and receiving channel.

Example: ADSL L2 Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO (to be continued)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Max mac (1~4096) [10]: 10 VPMT mode (NO VPMT/SINGLE VC/MULTI VC) [NO VPMT]: MULTI VC VPMT scheduling (Strict-Priority/Mixed) [Strict-Priority]: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF VLAN tunneling mode (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF DFC Group index [0]: 2 DFC AccGroup index [0]: 0 Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO TX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE/VPMT) [VCL]:VPMT TX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 -(Specified the index of VCL/ Bundle/ VPMT profile to be applied) RX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE) [VCL]: VPMT RX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 -(Specified the index of VCL/ Bundle/ VPMT profile to be applied) (omit same data as above) Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done. VPMT mode

It specifies the mode of VPMT. Valid option includes: 1. No VPMT: No VPMT application. 2. Single VC: Only one VCL to be applied into VPMT. 3. Multi VC: It specifies multiple VCLs to be applied into VPMT.

TX/RX Profile type Valid option includes: 1. VCL: Configure ADSL port to apply VCL profile. 2. Bundle: Configure ADSL port to apply bundle profile. 3. VPMT: Configure ADSL port to apply VPMT profile. Only for TX profile type. TX/RX Selected Profile Index

It specifies index of VCL/Bundle/VPMT profile (refer to TX/RX Profile Type) about TX/RX. Valid range: 0~255 Default: 1


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display VPMT Profile Table 4-8

Display VPMT Profile

Directory 22: 1.Provisioning Menu >4.VPMT Profile Menu>1.List Profiles Purpose: Display a VPMT profile.

VPMT Profile Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Profiles VPMT Profile Index: 1 ------------------------------1.Priority : 0 1.Process : PASS 1.VCL TX Index : 1 2.Priority : 1 2.Process : DENY 2.VCL TX Index : 2 3.Priority : 3 3.Process : PASS 3.VCL TX Index : 4 4.Priority : 4 4.Process : DENY 4.VCL TX Index : 5 5.Priority : 5 5.Process : PASS 5.VCL TX Index : 6 6.Priority : 6 6.Process : PASS 6.VCL TX Index : 7 7.Priority : 7 7.Process : DENY 7.VCL TX Index : 8 -------------------------------


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Delete VPMT Profile Table 4-9

Delete VPMT Profile

Directory 23: 1.Provisioning Menu >4.VPMT Profile Menu>3.Delete Profiles Purpose: Delete specific VPMT profile.

Example: VPMT Profile Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Delete Delete

Profiles an index [1]: 1 profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


ADSL Line Profile Menu This session introduces commands to configure ADSL port and its own line profile. The parameters cover transmission rate, SNR target margin, and interleave delay, etc. The ADSL port profile is independent and irrelative with other ADSL port interface. Configuration takes effect on specific port only. ATUC: It means upstream. Following parameters are for the traffic coming from the subscriber’s device to the ISAP-2100. ATUR: It means downstream. Following parameters are for the traffic going to the subscriber’s device from the ISAP-2100.


Configure Line Profile Step 1st : Set desired line profiles (see Table 4-10). Step 2nd: Assign ADSL port to apply specified line profile (see Table 4-13). Table 4-10

Modify ADSL Port Interface Parameters

Directory 24: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles Purpose: Configure line profile of ADSL. Example: ADSL Line Profile Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 3 Create a new profile 3? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Profile Name [line-03]: line-03 Atuc Min Rate (kbps) [32]: 33 Atuc Max Rate (kbps) [2048]: 2050 Atuc Min SNR (dB) (1~31) [1]: 22 Atuc Max SNR (dB) (1~31) [31]: 30 Atuc Target SNR (dB) (1~31) [6]: 30 Atuc Interleave Delay (ms) (0~63) [4]: 23


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Atur Min Rate (kbps) [32]: 3276 Atur Max Rate (kbps) [32736]: 32736 Atur Min SNR (dB) (1~31) [1]: 31 Atur Max SNR (dB) (1~31) [31]: 22 Atur Target SNR (dB) (1~31) [6]: 30 Atur Interleave Delay (ms) (0~63) [4]: 10 Profile index 719576832 [line-03] is created as below: [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] Min Rate(bit/s) 33000 3276000 Max Rate(bit/s) 2050000 32736000 Min SNR(dB) 22 31 Max SNR(dB) 30 22 Target SNR(dB) 30 30 Interleave Delay(ms) 23 10 Write profile 3? [No]: Yes done. profile index

It specifies index of ADSL line profile. Vaild range: 1~96

Profile name

It specifies name of ADSL line profile. Vaild range: string 1~20 character

Atuc Min Rate (kbps) Atuc Max Rate (kbps)

Atuc Min SNR(dB) Atuc Max SNR (dB)

Atuc Target SNR(dB)

Configured minmum/maximun transmit rate for downstream. Vaild values: 32~3,840 Kbps for min. /max. rate Default: 32 kbps for min. rate; 2,048 Kbps for max.rate Configured minmum/maximun acceptable SNR margin. If the SNR margin is above this value, the CO ADSL should attempt to reduce its power output to optimize its operation. Vaild values: 1~31 dB for min./ max. SNR Default: 1 dB for min. SNR; 31 dB for max. SNR

Configured target SNR margin. Vaild values: 1~31 dB Default: 6 dB


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Atuc Interleave Delay Interleave Delay defines the mapping (relative spacing) (ms)

Atur Min Rate (kbps)

between subsequent input bytes at the interleave input and their placement in the bit stream at the interleave output. Vaild values: 0~63 ms Default: 4 ms Configured minmum/maximun transmit rate for upstream.

Atur Max Rate (kbps) Vaild values: 32~32,736 Kbps for min./max. rate

Default: 32 bps for min. rate; 32,736 Kbps for max.rate

Atur Min SNR (dB) Atur Max SNR (dB)

Configured minmum/maximun acceptable SNR margin. If the SNR margin is above this value, the CO ADSL should attempt to reduce its power output to optimize its operation. Vaild values: 1~31 dB for min. / max. Snr Default: 1 dB for min. SNR; 31 dB for max. SNR

Atur Target SNR (dB) Configured target SNR margin. Vaild values: 1~31 dB Default: 6 dB

Atur Interleave Delay

Refer to description of Atuc Interleave Delay. Vaild values: 0~63 ms Default: 4 ms


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Display Line Profile Table 4-11

Display line profile

Directory 25: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu>1.List Line Profiles Purpose: Display details of specified line profile. Example: ADSL Line Profile Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Profile

Profile index 00 [DEFAULT] [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] Min Rate(bit/s) 32000 32000 Max Rate(bit/s) 2048000 32736000 Min SNR(dB) 1 1 Max SNR(dB) 31 31 Target SNR(dB) 6 6 Interleave Delay(ms) 4 4


Delete ADSL Line Profile Table 4-12

Delete ADSL Line Profiles

Directory 26: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu >1.Delete Profiles Purpose: Delete specified line profiles.


ADSL Line Profile Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Delete Delete

profiles an index [0]:1 profile 1: (Yes/No)[No]:Yes profile done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Apply ADSL Line Profile Table 4-13

Apply ADSL Line Profile

Directory 27: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>1.Apply ADSL Line Profile Purpose: Mapping the line profile to specific ADSL ports.

Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [1]: 1 Apply ADSL line Profile Select an index of profile [0]:1 Profile index 01 [line-01] [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] Min Rate(bit/s) 32000 32000 Max Rate(bit/s) 2048000 32736000 Min SNR(dB) 1 1 Max SNR(dB) 31 31 Target SNR(dB) 6 6 Interleave Delay(ms) 4 4 Select a start port [1]:1 Select an end port [1]: 2 Applying ADSL port ? (YES/NO) [NO]: Apply ADSL port 01 to port 02 done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Display ADSL Port Mapping & Line Profile Table 4-14

Display ADSL Port & Line Profile

Directory 28: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >3.List ADSL Line Profile Mapping Purpose: Display the mapping table about all ADSL port(s) and its corresponding line or alarm profile. Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [1]: 3 List ADSL Profile Mapping Select a profile type (Line/Alarm)[Line]:Line Select Profile index range: Start Index [0]:0 End Index [0]:3 Collecting profile information, please wait. Available Line Profile List

[profile index] [profile name] [map to adsl port] 00 DEFAULT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 01



Start profile Index

It specifies the beginning profile index of line/alarm type to be displayed.

End profile index

It specifies the ending index of line/alarm type to be displayed.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


ADSL Alarm Profile This session introduces some commands to configure the ADSL alarm profile and mapping available alarm profile to specific ADSL port. The parameters cover alarm types: 1. LOFS (Loss of Frame Seconds) 2. LOSS (Loss of Signal Seconds) 3. LOLS (Loss of Link Seconds) 4. LPRS (Loss of Power Seconds) 5. ES (Errored Seconds) 6. SES (Severely Errored Seconds) 7. UAS (Unavailable Seconds)


Configure/Modify ADSL Alarm Profile Step 1st : Set desired alarm profiles (see Table 4-15). Step 2nd: Assign ADSL port to apply specified alarm profile (see Table 4-18). Table 4-15

Configure/Modify ADSL Alarm Profile

Directory 29 : 1.Provisioning Menu >6.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >2.Modify Profiles Purpose: Configure the alarm profile of ADSL. This command is also useful for modifying existing profiles. Example: ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >>> [2]: 2 Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 1 Add new profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Profile Name [alarm-01]: alarm-01 Atuc 15Min LOFS Threshold (0~900) Atuc 15Min LOSS Threshold (0~900) Atuc 15Min LOLS Threshold (0~900) Atuc 15Min LPRS Threshold (0~900) (to be continued)


Yes [0]: [0]: [0]: [0]:

890 122 234 567

ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Atuc 15Min ES Threshold (0~900) [0]: 890 Atuc 15Min SES Threshold (0~900) [0]: 900 Atuc 15Min UAS Threshold (0~900) [0]: 900 Atuc Rate Up (kbps) (32~32768) [32]: 67 Atuc Rate Down (kbps) (32~32768) [32]: 89 Atur 15Min LOFS Threshold (0~900) [0]: 900 Atur 15Min LOSS Threshold (0~900) [0]: 890 Atur 15Min LPRS Threshold (0~900) [0]: 780 Atur 15Min ES Threshold (0~900) [0]: 900 Atur 15Min SES Threshold (0~900) [0]: 678 Atur 15Min UAS Threshold (0~900) [0]: 567 Atur Rate Up (kbps) (32~32768) [32]: 33 Atur Rate Down (kbps) (32~32768) [32]: 34 Profile index 01 [alarm-01] is created as below: [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] 15Min LOFS Threshold 890 900 15Min LOSS Threshold 122 890 15Min LOLS Threshold 234 15Min LPRS Threshold 567 780 15Min ES Threshold 890 900 15Min SES Threshold 900 678 15Min UAS Threshold 900 567 Rate Up 67000 33000 Rate Down 89000 34000 Write profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Profile index

It specifies index of ADSL alarm profile. Vaild range: 1~96

Profile name

It specifies name of ADSL alarm profile. Type: string 20 characters

Atuc 15Min LOFS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Loss of Frame Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atuc 15Min LOSS

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Loss of Signal Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0


Atuc 15Min LOLS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Loss of Link Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Atuc 15Min LPRS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Loss of Power Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atuc 15Min ES Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Error Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atuc 15Min SES Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Severe Error Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atuc 15Min UAS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of upstream Unavailable Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atuc Rate Up Threshold (kpbs)

Configured the lowest limit of upstream transmission rate increases by this amount then a trap would be sent out. Vaild range: 0~32,768 kpbs Default: 0

Atuc Rate Down Threshold (kpbs)

Configured the lowest limit of upstream transmission rate that decreases more than this number, then a trap will be sent out. Vaild range: 0~32,768 kpbs Default: 0

Atur15Min LOFS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Loss of Frame Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atur15Min LOSS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Loss of Signal Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atur 15Min LPRS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Loss of Power Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Atur 15Min ES Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Error Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atur 15Min SES Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Severe Error Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atur 15Min UAS Threshold

Configured the lowest limit of downstream Unavailable Seconds that is permitted to occur within 15 minutes. Vaild range: 0~900 Default: 0

Atur Rate Up Threshold (kpbs)

Configured the lowest limit of downstream transmission rate increases by this amount then a trap would be sent out. Vaild range: 0~32,768 kpbs Default: 0

Atur Rate Down Threshold (kpbs)

Configured the lowest limit of downstream transmission rate that decreases more than this number, then a trap will be sent out. Vaild range: 0~32,768 kpbs Default: 0


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display Alarm Profile Table 4-16

Display Alarm Profile

Directory 30: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >1.List Profiles Purpose: Display details of specified alarm profile. Example: ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >>> [2]: 1 List Profiles Profile Name [alarm-01]: alarm-01

Profile index 00 [DEFAULT] [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] 15Min LOFS 0 0 15Min LOSS 0 0 15Min LOLS 0 15Min LPRS 0 0 15Min ES 0 0 15Min SES 0 0 15Min UAS 0 0 Rate Up 0 0 Rate Down 0 0


Delete Alarm Profile Table 4-17

Delete Alarm Profile

Directory 31: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >3.Delete Profiles Purpose: Delete details of specified alarm profile.

Example: ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >>> [2]: 3 Delete Profiles Select an index [0]:1 Delete profile 1? (YES/NO)[No]:Yes Delete profile 01 success.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Apply ADSL Alarm Profile Table 4-18

Mapping Alarm Profile to ADSL Port

Directory 32: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >2.Apply ADSL Alarm Profiles Purpose: Mapping the alarm profile to specified ADSL port.

Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Apply ADSL Alarm Profile Select an index of alarm profile [0]: 1 Profile index 01 [alarm-01] [ ATU-C ] [ ATU-R ] 15Min LOFS Threshold 300 2 15Min LOSS Threshold 310 66 15Min LOLS Threshold 120 15Min LPRS Threshold 234 34 15Min ES Threshold 356 89 15Min SES Threshold 100 155 15Min UAS Threshold 120 432 Rate Up 32000 32000 Rate Down 33000 32000 Select a start port [1]: 1 Select an end port [1]: 8 Apply profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Apply ADSL port01 to port08 done. Profile index

It specifies index of alarm profile.

Start port

It specifies the beginning of ADSL port to be configured.

End port

It specifies the ending of ADSL port to be configured.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display ADSL Port & Alarm Profile Table 4-19

Display Alarm Profile

Directory 33: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >3.List ADSL Alarm Mapping Purpose: Display a mapping table about all ADSL port(s) and its corresponding alarm profile.

Example: ADSL L1 Config Menu >>> [1]: 3 List ADSL Profile Mapping Select a Profile type (Line/Alram) [Line]: Alarm Select Profile index range: Start Index [0]: 1 End Index [1]: 48 collecting profile information, please wait. Available Alarm Profile List [profile index] [profile name] [map to adsl port] 01 alarm-01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Forwarding Table Menu This session introduces process for configuring specific static MAC into forwarding table which to be forwarded. It allows certain traffic to be automatically forwarde to a particular Ethernet or ADSL port. FDB is useful for small systems where learning more resources (bandwidth, time).


Set Forward Entry Table 4-20

Set Forwarding Table

Directory 34: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >2.Set Forward Entry Purpose: Configure static MAC address into forwarding table. Example: Forwarding Table Menu >>> [1]: 2 Set Forward Entry Select an index [1]: 1 Modify entry 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ENET Select ENET port index [1]: 1 MAC Address [00:00:00:00:00:00]: a1:2b:4e:5c:6d:7f VLAN ID (0~4094) [16]: 16 Process (PASS/DENY) [PASS]: PASS Forward Index : 1 ------------------------------Port : ENET-1 MAC : a1:2b:4e:5c:6d:7f VLAN : 16 Process : PASS Write profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Set done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List Forward Entry List Forwarding Table

Table 4-21

Directory 35: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >1.List Forward Entry Purpose: Display the MAC table to be forwarded for specified Ethernet/ADSL port.

Example: Forwarding Table Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Forward Entry Index ------------------------------1.ENET-1 Show Entry index.port [1.ENET-1]: 1.ENET-1 Forward Index : 1 ------------------------------Port : ENET-1 MAC : a1:2b:4e:5c:6d:7f VLAN : 16 Process : PASS


Delete Forward Entry Delete Forward Entry

Table 4-22

Directory 36: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >3.Delete Forward Entry Purpose: Delete the MAC from forwarding table. Example: Forwarding Table Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Delete Delete

Forward Entry an index [1]: 1 profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

4.6 4.6.1

MAC Filter Menu Add MAC Filter Table 4-23

Add MAC Filter

Directory 37: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >1.Add MAC Filter Purpose: Use the MAC filtering table to discard frames from MAC address that users specified for Ethernet or ADSL ports. Example: MAC Filter Menu >>> [1]: 2 Add MAC Filter Select an index [1]: 1 Modify Filter 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 MAC Address [00:00:00:00:00:00]: 16:b2:3c:d4:e5:6f MAC Filter Index : 1 ------------------------------Port : ADSL-1 MAC : 16:b2:3c:d4:e5:6f Write profile 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add done.

Filter index

It specifies the profile index of filtering list. Vaild Rang: 1~48

Port Type

It specifies ethernet/adsl port type. Vaild option include: Enet: Ethernet ports. Adsl: Adsl ports

Port index

It specifies which port to be configured.

Mac Address

It specifies MAC address to be filtered.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List MAC Filter List MAC Filter

Table 4-24

Directory 38: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >2. List MAC Filter Purpose: List details about MAC Filter table. Example: MAC Filter Menu >>> [1]: 1 List MAC Filter Index ------------------------------Port : ADSL-1 MAC : 16:b2:3c:d4:e5:6f


Delete MAC Filter Delete MAC Filter

Table 4-25

Directory 39: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >3.Delete MAC Filter Purpose: Delete specified MAC in the Filtering table. Example: MAC Filter Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Delete Delete

MAC Filter an Index [1]:1 Filter 1? (YES/NO): Yes done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


DFC AccGroup Filter Menu Dynamic Field Classifier (DFC) allows you to specify a particular action that should be executed when particular types (res_mc, pppoe, arp, igmp, dhcp) of packet is received for networks processer. The DFC inspects packets for fields that are designated in a rule as a filter. If the field maches the filter, the action is executed for the destination MAC.


Modify AccGroup Filter Table 4-26

Modify AccGroup Filter

Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group Purpose: Configure accelerate DFC group which includes one or multiple filtering mechanism. Example: DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify DFC Accelerate Group Select group id [1]: 2 Modify group 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add res_mc? (YES/NO) [Yes]: Yes Add pppoe? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add arp? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add igmp? (YES/NO) [Yes]: Yes Add dhcp? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes DFC Accelerate Group id: 2 ------------------------------res_mc pppoe arp igmp dhcp Write group id 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.

Group ID

It specifies index no. of accelerate DFC groups. Vaild Rang: 1~16


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

It specifies which mode to be effective. 4 res_mc: Reserved Multicast. 5 PPPoE: Intermediate agent which filter to capture PPPoE traffic. 6 arp: It means “Address Resolution Protocol” which deals with transaction between IP address and MAC address. 7 igmp: Redirect IGMP control fields to the host. 8 dhcp: Deny specific source macs.



List AccGroup Filter Table 4-27

List AccGroup Filter

Directory 41: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.List DFC Accelerate Group Purpose: List an existing group of accelerate DFC which includes one or multiple Mechanism to be filtered. Example: DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >>> [1]: 1 List DFC Accelerate Group Select a group id [1]: 1 Delete group id 1? [1]: 1 Delete group id 1? (YES/NO)[No.]: YES Delete done.


Delete AccGroup Filter Table 4-28

Delete AccGroup Filter

Directory 42: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >3.Delete DFC Accelerate Group Purpose: Delete an MAC from existing group of accelerate DFC. Example: DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete DFC Accelerate Group DFC Accelerate Group id: 1 ------------------------------res_mc pppoe arp igmp dhcp


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


VLAN Config Menu This session introduces commands to add, display and delete VLAN.


Add VLAN Table 4-29


Directory 43: 1.Provisioning Menu >13.VLAN Config Menu >2.Add VLAN Purpose: Configure or modify a VLAN. Example: LAN Menu >>> [1]: 2 Add VLAN Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 VLAN ID [0]: 2 TAGGED (ON/OFF) [OFF]: ON Add VLAN ID 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add done.

Port type

Specifies which port (Ethernet or ADSL port) to transmit packets with specified VLAN ID. Vaild option include: 8. Enet: Ethernet ports. 9. Adsl: Adsl ports

Port index

It specifies index of port. Vaild range: 1~3 for Ethernet port 1~24 or 1~48 (depend on device model)

Vlan ID

VLAN identity number.


It specifies mode of VLAN. Valid option: 1. ON: specified a VLAN with Tagged packets. 2. OFF: specified a VLAN without Tagged packets.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display VLAN Table 4-30

Display VLAN

Directory 44: Provision> 13 VLAN Config Menu> 2.Display VLAN Purpose: Display the existing VLAN. Example: VLAN Menu >>> [2]: 1 List VLAN Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 Port Index: ADSL-1 ------------------------------VLAN ID: 0016 UNTAGGED VLAN ID: 0002 TAGGED VLAN ID: 0003 UNTAGGED -------------------------------


Delete VLAN Table 4-31

Delete VLAN

Directory 45: Provision> 13 VLAN Config Menu> 2.Display VLAN Purpose: Delete a existing VLAN.

Example: VLAN Menu >>> [1]: 3 Delete Select Select Select Delete Delete

VLAN Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL ADSL port index [1]: 1 a VLAN ID [2]: 3 VLAN ID 3? [No]: Yes done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


IGMP Config Menu An Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a series of VLANs listed to receive traffic from a particular multicast source. IGMP allows a bridge port to determine which group’s members to get VLAN. IGMP member is a bridge port through which the VLAN that is targeted for multicast (IGMP group) passes. Withought IGMP snnoping, multicast traffic is treated in the same manner as broadcast traffic (forwarded same packets to all ports). On the other hand, IGMP snooping multicast traffic is only forwarded to ports that are memers of that group. This way significantly reduce multicast traffic storm. This chapter describes the way to configure following settings.


Add IGMP Router Port Table 4-32

Add IGMP Router Port

Directory 46: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >4.Add IGMP Router Port Purpose: Add IGMP router port. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [3]: 4 Add IGMP Router Port Select Port Type [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 10 VLAN ID [16]: 8 Add ADSL Port-10 (8)? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Add done. vlan

It specifies index of VLAN ID.


It specifies which port type needs to be corresponsive. Enet: Ethernet ports. Adsl: Adsl ports

Port index

It specifies which port needs to be mapped.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List IGMP Router Port List IGMP Router Port

Table 4-33

Directory 47: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >4.List IGMP Router Port Purpose: List IGMP router port. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 3 List IGMP Router Port Index Port VLAN ID ------------------------------1. ADSL-10 16


Delete IGMP Router Port Delete IGMP Router Port

Table 4-34

Directory 48: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >5.Delete IGMP Router Port Purpose: Delete IGMP router port. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 5 Delete Select Delete Delete

IGMP Router Port a router port (Port-VLAN) [ADSL-10-8]: ADSL-10-8 router port? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Add IGMP ACL Table 4-35


Directory 49: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >7.Add IGMP ACL Purpose: Configure IGMP ACL. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 7 Add IGMP ACL Multicast IP []: VLAN ID (0~4094) [16]: 17 Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 7 VLAN Provider (0~4094) [16]: 10 Add ADSL Port-7 (17)? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes


List IGMP ACL Table 4-36


Directory 50: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >7.List IGMP ACL Purpose: List IGMP ACL. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 7 List IGMP ACL Index IP VLAN Port VLAN_provider ------------------------------------------1. 12 ADSL-1 13


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Delete IGMP ACL Table 4-37


Directory 51: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >8.Delete IGMP ACL Purpose: Delete IGMP ACL. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 8 Delete IGMP ACL Select an ACL (VLAN IP-Port-VLAN Provider)[12-ADSL-1-13]: 12-ADSL-1-13 Delete ACL? [NO]: Yes Delete done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Add IGMP Member Table 4-38

Add IGMP Member

Directory 52: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >10.Add IGMP Member Purpose: Configure IGMP Member. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 10 Add IGMP Member Multicst IP []: VLAN ID (0~4094)[16]:11 Select Port Type(ENET/ADSL)[ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL Port Index [11]?10 Add ADSL Port-10(11)? (YES/NO)[No]: Yes


List IGMP Member Table 4-39


Directory 53: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >9. List IGMP Member Purpose: List IGMP Member. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 9 List IGMP Member Index IP VLAN Port ------------------------------1 11 10


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Delete IGMP Member Table 4-40

Delete IGMP Member

Directory 54: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >11. Delete IGMP Member Purpose: Delete IGMP Member. Example: IGMP Menu >>> [4]: 11 Delete IGMP Member Select a router port (Port-VLAN) [ADSL-10-11]: ADSL-10-11 Delete router port? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Delete done.


Age Timer Config Menu This session introduces commands to modify age Timer. The maximum age timer specifies the maximum expected arrival time of hello BPDUs. If the maximum age timer expires, the bridge detects that the link to the root bridge has failed and initiates a topology reconvergence.

4.10.1 Modify Age Timer Table 4-41

Modify Age Timer

Directory 55: 1.Provisioning Menu >15. Age Timer Config Menu >2.Modify Age Timer Purpose: Modify Age timer. Example: Age Timer Config Menu >>> [1]: 2 Modify Age Time Aging Timer [60]: 78 Modify Aging Timer = 78? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done. Aging Timer

It specifies mode of VLAN. Valid range: 1~600 (seconds).


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

4.10.2 Display Age Timer Table 4-42

Delete Age Timer

Directory 56: 1.Provisioning Menu >15. Age Timer Config Menu >1.Display Age Timer Purpose:

Display existing timer.

Example: Age Timer Config Menu >>> [1]: 1 Display Age Time Aging Timer = 60


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Chapter 5

Alarm Menu

Alarm Menu includes submens as shown on Table 5-1. Table 5-1

Submenus of Provision

Alarm Menu



1. List Current Alarm

Display present data of current alarm.

2. List Alarm History

Display existing data historical alarm.

3. Clear Alarm History

Clear historical alarm data.

4. List Severity and Repporting

List Severity and notifable option of alarm types.

5. Modify Severity and Reporting

Modify severity (option: major, minor, status, event) and whether to be notified about each alarm type.

6. Reset Severity and Reporting

Recover default setting of Severity and notifiable option about alarm types.

List Current Alarms List Current Alarms menu enables users to view data of current alarm. List Current Alarms

Table 5-2

Directory 57: 2.Alarm Menu >1.List Current Alarms Menu Purpose:

Display present data of current alarm.

Example: Alarm Menu >> [1]: 1 List Current Alarms ======================CurrentAlarm======================= AlarmType Severity Set Time Clear Time Port LOS_ALARM_NE major 04/09/09 15:38:14 -----10 LOL_ALARM_NE major 04/09/09 15:38:14 -----10


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


List Alarm History List Alarm History

Table 5-3

Directory 58: 2.Alarm Menu >2.List Alarms History Purpose:

Display existing historical alarm.

Example: Alarm Menu >> [1]: 2 List Alarm History ======================HistoryAlarm====================================== AlarmType Severity SetTime ClearTime CH DSL_LINK_UPDOWN_EVENT event 04/09/09 15:13:48 04/09/09 15:13:48 10 LOS_ALARM_NE major 04/09/09 15:13:48 04/09/09 15:15:53 10 LOL_ALARM_NE major 04/09/09 15:13:48 04/09/09 15:15:53 10 DSL_LINK_UPDOWN_EVENT event 04/09/09 15:27:28 04/09/09 15:27:28 10 UAS_NE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event 04/09/09 15:29:38 04/09/09 15:29:38 10 LOLS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event 04/09/09 15:29:38 04/09/09 15:29:38 10 UAS_NE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event 04/09/09 15:32:39 04/09/09 15:32:39 10 LOLS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event 04/09/09 15:32:39 04/09/09 15:32:39 10 DSL_LINK_UPDOWN_EVENT event 04/09/09 15:34:05 04/09/09 15:34:05 10 DSL_LINK_UPDOWN_EVENT event 04/09/09 15:38:15 04/09/09 15:38:15 10


Clear Alarm History Clear Alarm History

Table 5-4

Directory 59: 2.Alarm Menu >3.Clear Alarm History Purpose:

Clear data of historical alarm.

Example: Alarm Menu >> [2]: 3 Clear Alarm History This command will erase all history alarms, are you sure? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes History alarms cleared...


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Modify Severity and Reporting Table 5-5

Modify Severity and Reporting

Directory 60: 2.Alarm Menu >5.Modify Severity and Reporting Purpose: Modify severity (option: major, minor, status, event) and whether to be notified about each alarm type.

Example: Alarm Menu >> [4]: 5 Modify Severity and Reporting Alarm type [ES-NE-15M-THRESHOLD]: ES-NE-15M-THRESHOLD Alarm Severity [event]: minor Alarm Reporting [yes]: no Are you sure? (YES/NO) [No]: yes Alarm severity

It specifies which alarm severity of alarm type to be configured including critical, major, minor, status and event. Default: “Major” for all alarm types; “event” for threshold.

Alarm Reporting

It specifies notify way whether alarm types to be reported to trap server. Valid Option: 1. YES: enable to sent out report to trap server when alarm happen. 2. No: disable to sent out report to trap server when alarm


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


List Severity and Reporting List Severity and Reporting

Table 5-6

Directory 61: 2.Alarm Menu >4.List Severity and Reporting Purpose:

List Severity and notifable option of alarm types. The default as show on followings

Example: Alarm Menu >> [1]: 4 List Severity and Reporting ========Alarm Information=============================== ID Alarm Type Severity Report/Non-report 1 ES_NE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 2 SES_NE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 3 UAS_NE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 4 ES_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 5 SES_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 6 UAS_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 7 LOFS_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 8 LOSS_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 9 LPRS_FE_15MIN_THRESHOLD event yes 10 LOSS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event yes 11 LOFS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event yes 12 LOLS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event yes 13 LPRS_NE_15M_THRESHOLD event yes 14 LCD_ALARM_NE major yes 15 NCD_ALARM_NE major yes 16 OOS_ALARM_NE major yes 17 LCD_ALARM_FE major yes 18 NCD_ALARM_FE major yes 19 OOS_ALARM_FE major yes 20 LOS_ALARM_NE major yes Press Enter for next page...... (to be continued)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

===========Alarm Information=============================== ID Alarm Type Severity Report/Non-report 21 LOF_ALARM_NE major yes 22 LPR_ALARM_NE major yes 23 LOL_ALARM_NE major yes 24 LOM_ALARM_NE major yes 25 LOS_ALARM_FE major yes 26 LOF_ALARM_FE major yes 27 LPR_ALARM_FE major yes 28 LOM_ALARM_FE major yes 29 EXT1_ALARM major yes 30 EXT2_ALARM major yes 31 EXT3_ALARM major yes 32 EXT4_ALARM major yes 33 FAN_INDICATION_ALARM major yes 34 ENET1_TRUNK_UPDOWN_ALARM major yes 35 ENET2_TRUNK_UPDOWN_ALARM major yes 36 DSL_LINK_UPDOWN_EVENT event yes 37 DATARATE_DOWN_SHIFT_THRESHOLD_US event no 38 DATARATE_UP_SHIFT_THRESHOLD_US event no 39 DATARATE_DOWN_SHIFT_THRESHOLD_DS event no 40 DATARATE_UP_SHIFT_THRESHOLD_DS event no

Table 5-7

Alarm Type

Alarm Description

Alarm Description

Specified line failures bit field about ATU-C/ATU-R. The meaning of all bits is as follows: 0: No failure present on the line 1: A failure is detected on the line.


It means Loss-of-frame failure. A (far-end) LOF failure is declare+d after 2.5+-0.5 s of contiguous (RDI) SEF defect, except when an (far-end) LOS defect or failure is present (see LOS definition blow). A (far-end) LOF failure is cleared when (far-end) LOS failure is declared, or after 10 +- 0.5 s of no (RDI) SEF defect.


It means Loss-of-signal failure. A (far-end) LOS failure is declared after 2.5 +- 0.5 s of contiguous (farend) LOS defect, or, if (far-end) LOS defect is present when the criteria for (far-end) LOF failure declaration have been met (see LOF definition below). A (far-end) LOS failure is cleared after 10 +- 0.5 s of no (far-end) LOS defected.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


It means Loss-of-power failure. • LPR_NE: An LPR failure is declared after 2.5 +- 0.5 s of contiguous nearend LPR primitive presence. An LPR failure is cleared after 10 +- 0.5 s of no near-end LPR primitive presence. • LPR_FE: A far end Loss of power - LPR-FE failure is declared after the occurrence of a far end LPR primitive followed by 2.5 +- 0.5 s of contiguous near end LOS defected. A far end LPR failure is cleared after 10 +- 0.5 s of no near end LOS defected.


It means Loss of margin failure. This failure will be generated in case of minimum margin for ATU-C/ATU-R is not guaranteed in the system anymore.


Loss of link LOL indicates a loss-of-link condition according to RFC2662.

ATM and PTM Data Path failures occurred in far-end and near-end


It means no Cell Delineation (NCD(-FE)) failure. NCD(-FE) failure is declared when an NCD(- FE) anomaly persists for more than 2.5 +- 0.5 s after the start of SHOWTIME. NCD(-FE) failure terminates when no NCD(-FE) anomaly is present for more than 10 +- 0.5 s.


Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD(-FE)) failure. LCD(-FE) failure is declared when LCD(-FE) defect persists for more than 2.5 +- 0.5 s. An LCD(-FE) failure terminates when no LCD(- FE) defect is present for more than 10 +- 0.5 s.


Out of Sync (OOS(-FE)) failure. OOS failure is declared when an oos-n anomaly persists for more than 2.5 + 0.5 s. OOS failure terminates when no oos-n anomaly is present for more than 10 + 0.5 s.

Table 5-8 Alarm Threshold Description

Alarm Type

Alarm Description


It means Errored Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals with following factors: 1. one or more CRC 8 anomalies summed over all received bearer channels 2. one or more LOS defects 3. one or more SEF defects 4. one or more LPR defects


It means Severely Errored Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals with 18 or more CRC 8 anomalies summed over all received bearer channels and related definition refer to items 2~4 of “ES”. If a common CRC is applied over multiple bearer channels, then each related CRC-8 anomaly shall be counted only once for the whole set of bearer channels over which the CRC is applied.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


It means Unavailable Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals for which the ADSL line is unavailable. The ADSL line becomes unavailable at the onset of 10 contiguous SES Ls. The 10 SESs are included in unavailable time. Once unavailable, the ADSL line becomes available at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SESs. The 10 seconds with no SESs are excluded from unavailable time.


It means Loss of Signal Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals containing one or more LOS defected.


It means Loss of Frame Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals for which the ADSL line is in Loss of frame (LOF) state. An LOF failure is declared after 2.5 + 0.5 s of contiguous SEF defected, except when an LOS defect or failure is present (see LOS definition above). A LOF failure is cleared when LOS failure is declared, or after 10 + 0.5 s of no SEF defect.


It means Loss of Link Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals for which the ADSL line is in Loss of Link (LOL) state. This parameter can be 0 only for near-end.


Loss of Power Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1 second intervals for which the ADSL line is in Loss of power (LPR) state. LPR failure is declared after 2.5 + 0.5 s of contiguous near-end LPR primitive presence. LPR failure is cleared after 10 + 0.5 s of no near-end LPR primitive presence. This parametr can be 0 only for far-end.


Data rate up/down-shift threshold crossing For a detailed description of the information provided with this event please refer to the description of the following structure(s) DSL_G997_DataRateShiftThresholdCrossing_t


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Reset Severity and Reporting List Severity and Reporting

Table 5-9

Directory 62: 2.Alarm Menu >6.Reset Severity and Reporting Purpose:

Recover default setting of Severity and notifiable option about alarm types. The default value as shown on Table 5-8

Example: Alarm Menu >> [5]: 6 Reset Severity and Reporting Warning !!! This command will reset Alarm Severity and Reporting to Default Setting. Are you sure? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Alarm Severity and Reporting has been reset... Fail.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Chapter 6 Table 6-1

Status Menu Submenus of Status

The 2nd tier of Status Menu

The 1st tier of Status Menu

1.Temperature 1. List System Status Menu: Display status of temperature, fan, LEDs, external Alarm about system.

2.FAN 3. LEDs 4. External Alarm

2. List ENET Port Status Menu: Display Linkage status of optical/Ethernet interface of GE-1/GE-2 port in the front panel. 3. List Forwarding Table Menu Display a table of those MAC addresses to be forwarded


4. List ADSL Port Status Menu Display connection rate and status of ADSL port.

6.1 6.1.1

List System Status List Temperature Table 6-2

List Temperature Staus

Directory 63: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >1.List Temperature Staus Purpose:

Display temperature of ISAP.

Example: List System Status Menu >>> [1]: 1 Temperature 34.0 degree C


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


List Fan Status Table 6-3

List Fan Staus

Directory 64: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >2.List Fan Staus Purpose:

Display Fan status of ISAP. Alarm will be occurred when fan is abnormal

Example: List System Status Menu >>> [1]: 2 FAN Status: Normal


List LED Status Table 6-4

List LED Staus

Directory 65: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >3.List LED Staus Purpose:

Display LED status of ISAP. The sign ★ displays LED lighted up about ADSL ports. ON: It stands for LED lighted up. Off: It stands for LED is dim.

Example: List System Status Menu >>> [2]: 3 LEDs Status: POWER LED: ON FAIL LED: OFF ENET 1 LED: ON ENET 2 LED: ON 1 2 3 Line 1~8 * * Line 9~16 Line 17~24 - -

4 * -

Note: (*): ON, (-): OFF


5 -

6 -

7 -

8 -

ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List External Alarm List External Alarm

Table 6-5

Directory 66: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >4.List External Alarm Purpose:

Display the status of external alarm.

Example: List System Status Menu >>> [3]: 4 External Alarm External Alarm Input1 (Door Open): Normal External Alarm Input2 (Fire): Normal External Alarm Input3 (High Temperature): Normal External Alarm Input4 (Other): Normal Alarm Output1 (Critical): Off Alarm Output2 (Major): Off Alarm Output3 (Minor): Off Alarm Output4 (Audio): Off

Alarm Output 1~4

specifies specified the existing status of external alarm types. 1. on: It means specified alarm occurred. 2. off: It means no specified alarm occurred.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


List Ethernet Port Status Table 6-6

List Ethernet Port Staus

Directory 67: 3.Status Menu >2.List Ethernet Port Status Purpose: Display linkage status of GE-1/GE-2 port in the front panel according to optical or electrical interface.

Example: 1 for Copper Interface: Status Menu >> [1]: 2 List ENET Port Status ENET-1 Link Status: Up Media: Copper Duplex Mode: Full Duplex Speed: 1000M ENET-2 Link Status: Up Media: Copper Duplex Mode: Full Duplex Speed: 1000M Example: 2 for Optical Interface: Status Menu >> [1]: 2 List ENET Port Status ENET-1 Link Status: Up Media: Fiber Duplex Mode: Full Duplex Speed: 1000M ENET-2 Link Status: Up Media: Fiber Duplex Mode: Full Duplex Speed: 1000M


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List Forwarding Table Table 6-7

List ADSL Port Staus

Directory 68: 3.Status Menu >4.List Forwarding Table Purpose:

Display a table of those MAC addresses to be forwarded

Example: Status Menu >> [3]: 3 List Forwarding Table MAC VLAN ID PORT_ INDEX Type Process UNK MAC Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF 0109 N/A STATIC PASS UNK MAC DIS FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF 0016 N/A STATIC PASS UNK MAC UC 00:00:03:00:00:01 0016 ENET01 DYNAMIC PASS UNK MAC DIS


List ADSL Port Status Table 6-8

List ADSL Port Staus

Directory 69: 3.Status Menu >4.List ADSL Port Status Purpose:

Display connection rate and status of ADSL port.

Example: Status Menu >> [1]: 4 List ADSL Port Status Select a start port [1]:40 Select a end port [1]:46 [Adsl port][Operation State][Adsl Mode][Upstream Rate][Downstream Rate] (kbps) (kbps) ----------------------------------------------------------------------40 Silent unknow 0 0 41 Showtime G.992.5 1200 26440 42 Silent unknow 0 0 43 Showtime G.992.5 1144 26488 44 Silent unknown 0 0 45 Idle unknown 0 0 46 Dialog Complete G.992.5 0 0


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Chapter 7 Table 7-1

PM Statistic Menu Submenus of PM Statistic Menu

The 1st tier of PM Statistic Menu

The 2nd tier of PM Statistic Menu

1. List Ethernet Statistic Menu: Display data about transmission.

none 1.List 15m PM Data

2. List ADSL Statistic Menu: Display performance data

of active transmission about ADSL line.

2.List 24h (Day) PM Data 3.Clear PM Data


List Ethernet Statistic Menu Table 7-2

List Ethernet Statistic

Directory 70: 4.PM Statistic Menu >1.List Ethernet Statistic Purpose:

Display transmission status of Ethernet port.

Example: Status Menu >> [1]: 4 List Ethernet Statistic Select ENET port index [1]: 1 ENET Port Index:1 Item value ------------------------------In Octets 1276519 In Ucast Pkts 1949 In NUcast Pkts 8737 In Discards 0 In Errors 0 In Unknown Protos 0 In Multi Pkts 104 In Broadcast Pkts 8633 Out Octets 47834 Out Ucast Pkts 297 Out NUcast Pkts 63 Out Discards 6 Out Errors 0 Out Multi Pkts 0 Out Broadcast Pkts 63


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

7.2 7.2.1

List ADSL Statistic Menu List 15m PM Data Table 7-3

List 15m PM Data-Line PM

Directory 71: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Port Status >1.List 15m PM Data Purpose:

Display line (Example: 1) / path (Example: 2) performance counters per 15 minutes about ADSL port.

Example: 1 for Line PM with ATUC direction: Status Menu >> [1]: 4 List ADSL Statistic Menu >>> [1]: 1 List 15m PM Data Select PM Type (line/path) [line]: line Select Direction (atuc/atur) [atuc]: atuc Select ADSL port [1]: 10 Select an interval start (0~96) [0]: 0 Select an interval end (0~96) [0]: 6 ============================================================= ADSL Port10 atuc 15min Line Statistics | FECS | ES | SES | UAS | LOSS | LPRS | LOFS | LOLS ------------------------------------------------------------15m-cur | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 15m-01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 706 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 110 15m-02 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 901 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m-03 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 900 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m-04 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 901 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m-05 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 900 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m-06 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 ============================================================= PM Type

It specifies which PM type to be displayed. Valid option includes Line and Path.

An interval start /end

It specifies PM data to be displayed from the beginning index (start interval) to the ending index (end interval).


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 7-4

List 15m PM Data- Path PM

Example: 2 for Path PM with ATUR direction: List ADSL Statistic Menu >>> [1]: 1 List 15m PM Data Select PM Type (line/path) [line]: path Select Direction (atuc/atur) [atuc]: atur Select ADLS port [1]: 14 Select an interval start (0~96) [0]: 0 Select an interval end (0~96) [0]: 3 ============================================================= ADSL Port14 atur 15m Path Statistics | HEC | Total Cell |User Cell| IBE| CRC_P | CV_P -----------------------------------------------------------15m-cur| 0 | 4550815| 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m- 02| 643 | 55450423| 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 15m- 03| 0 | 5213337| 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 ============================================================


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List 24h (Day) PM Data Table 7-5

List 24h (Day) PM Data-Line PM

Directory 72: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Statistiic Menu>1. List 24h (Day) PM Data Purpose:

Display line/path performance counters per 24 hours about ADSL port.

Example 1 for PATH PM with ATUR direction: List ADSL Statistic Menu >>> [1]: 2 List 24h (Day) PM Data Select PM Type (line/path) [line]: path Select Direction (atuc/atur) [atuc]: atur Select ADLS port [1]: 1 Select an interval start (0~7) [0]: 0 Select an interval end (0~7) [0]: 2 ============================================================ ADSL Port 01 atur 24h (Day) Path Statistics | HEC | Total Cell | User Cell| IBE | CRC_P | CV_P ------------------------------------------------------------Day-cur| 633 | 71514619| 18 | 27585| 0 | 0 Day-01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 =============================================================


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Example 2 for PATH PM with ATUR direction: List ADSL Statistic Menu >>> [1]: 2 List 24h (Day) PM Data Select PM Type (line/path) [line]: path Select Direction (atuc/atur) [atuc]: atur Select ADLS port [1]: 1 Select an interval start (0~7) [0]: 0 Select an interval end (0~7) [0]: 2 ============================================================ ADSL Port 01 atur 24h (Day) Path Statistics | HEC |Total Cell|User Cell| IBE | CRC_P| CV_P ------------------------------------------------------------Day-cur| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 Day-01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 =============================================================


Clear PM Data Table 7-6

Clear PM Data

Directory 73: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Statistiic Menu>3. Clear PM Data Purpose:

Clear specified PM data according to selection types: “history”, “current” and “all”.

Example: List ADSL Statistic Menu >>> [1]: 3 Clear PM data PM Data (History/Current/All) [Current]: Current Clear Current PM Data, are you sure? (YES/No)[No]: Yes


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Chapter 8

Testing Menu

The 1st tier Menu of Testing Menu

The 2nd tier of Testing Menu 1.Process SELT Test

1. SELT (Single End Line Test) Test Menu

2.List Test Result 3.Stop SELT Testing 1.Process DELT Test 2.List Test Result

2. DELT (Dual End Line Test) Test Menu

3.Stop DELT Testing 1.Send OAM Loopback 2.Display Test Result

3. OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu

3.Clear Test Result

This session introduces commands to run or view line diagnosis as below: ● SELT: Single Ended Loop Test ● DELT: Dual Ended Loop Test SELT and DELT achieve a goal which reduces time and effort to deploy a new ADSL line, as well as increasing the efficiency of post-install troubleshooting and maintenance. More information is available via DELT diagnose compares with SELT: ● ● ● ●

Date Rate (up/down) Loop Attenation (up/down) SNR (up/down) Noise (up/down)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Table 8-1

Features Comparison of DELT & SELT Features



Loop Length



Loop Gauge



Bridged Taps Location



Bridged Taps Length



Bridged Taps Gauge



Load Coils Existence


Not Applicable

Load Coils Location


Not Applicable

Short on the Line


Not Applicable

ICN (Idle Channel Noise)

1 direction only


Loop Interference Analysis



Requires Enhanced CPE



Requires dedicated DSLAM port



Process of executing SELT / DELT test Step

Procedure of SELT Test

Procedure of DELT Test


Without modem connection

Connect specified ADSL port with modem


Set SELT Test. See Directory 74: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >1.Process SELT Test

Set DELT Test. See Directory 77: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.Process DELT Test


Get test result after executing SELT testing 90 seconds. See Directory 75: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >2.List SELT Test

Get test result after waiting for 90 seconds. See Directory 78: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.List DELT Test


Stop testing mode. See Directory 76: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >3.Stop SELT Test

Stop testing mode. See Directory 79: 5.Testing Menu >2.DSELT Test Menu >3.Stop DELT Test


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


SELT TEST Menu Table 8-1

Set SELT Testing

Directory 74: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >1.Process SELT Test Purpose:

Execute SELT test while ADSL port without connection with modem.

Example: SELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 1 Process SELT Test Select an ADSL test port [1]: 8 Start the SELT Test on ADSL port 8? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Processing..... SELT takes about 90 seconds to finish


List SELT Test Table 8-2

List SELT Testing

Directory 75: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >2.List SELT Test Purpose:

Display result of SELT test after executing SELT test 90 seconds.

Example: SELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 1 List Test Result Select an tested ADSL port [1]: 8 ADSL port 8 SELT result Frequency Domain Reflectrometry (FDR) tone (real) (image) |tone (real) (image) |tone (real) (image) 1 414237EA C0C6C9C6 | 2 4136C6F5 C306F101 | 3 C3870606 C3DB913A 4 C4206438 C305993C | 5 C463C663 43ACB90C | 6 C4638EB8 447E8CEA (Omit data from tone index 5~253) Idle Channel Noise (ICN) Tone Value |Tone Value |Tone Value |Tone Value 6 BA1A | 7 BA01 | 8 BA16 | 9 BA00 10 BA01 | 11 BA00 | 12 BA01 | 13 BA00 (Omit data from tone index 11~94) 98 BA00 | 99 BA1B | 100 FFFFFFFF


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Stop SELT Test Table 8-3

Stop SELT Testing

Directory 76: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >3.Stop SELT Test Purpose:

Stop running of SELT test after displaying SELT.

Example: SELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 3 Stop SELT Testing Select an ADSL port [1]: 10 Config ADSL port 10 stop test? [No]: Yes Config ADSL port 10 stop diagnostic.

8.2 8.2.1

DELT TEST Menu Process DELT Test Table 8-4

Set DELT Testing

Directory 77: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.Process DELT Test Purpose:

Execute DELT test while ADSL port has been connected with modem.

Example: DELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 1 Process DELT Test Select an ADSL test port [1]: 8 Start the DELT Test on ADSL port 8? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Processing..... DELT takes about 90 seconds to finish


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


List DELT Test Table 8-5

List DELT Testing

Directory 78: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.List DELT Test Purpose:

Display result of DELT test after executing DELT test 90 seconds.

Example: DELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 2 List Test Result Select an tested ADSL port [1]: 1 Choice direction [atuc]: atuc ADSL port 01 atuc DELT result Scalar parameters measured during diagnostic Linear Representation Scale : 65535 Loop Attenuation : 16 Signal Attenuation : 15 Signal to Noise Ratio Margin : 75 Attainable Data Rate : 1004000 Far End Actual Aggregate Transmit Power : 124 Index LIN(real) LIN(imag) LOG QLN SNR 1 8000 8000 03ff 00ff 00ff 2 8000 8000 03ff 00ff 00ff 8000 03ff 00ff 00ff 3 8000 4 8000 8000 03ff 00ff 00ff 5 8000 8000 03ff 00ff 00ff 03ff 00ff 00ff 6 8000 8000 7 e6a8 1550 0075 0097 007d 8 1c10 e218 0063 009a 0072 9 db30 1820 005d 008e 0091 10 30f8 f7b0 0052 0094 0086 (Omit data from tone index 11~249) 63 64

0000 0000

Choice direction

0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

It specifies which direction to be displayed. Valid option includes atuc and atur.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Stop DELT Test Table 8-6

Stop DELT Testing

Directory 79: 5.Testing Menu >2.DSELT Test Menu >3.Stop DELT Test Purpose:

Stop running of DELT test after displaying DELT.

Example: DELT Test Menu >>> [1]: 3 Stop DELT Testing Select an ADSL port [1]: 10 Config ADSL port 10 stop test? [No]: Yes Config ADSL port 10 stop diagnostic.


OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu The Operations and Management (OAM) provides functions as below: ● Fault detection: ● Fault localization ● Performance monitoring OAM defines standardized cells that are sent within the user data stream to provide particular information about a network and its elements.


Send OAM Loopback Table 8-7

Send OAM Loopback

Directory 80: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >1.Sent OAM Loopback Purpose: Sent OAM loop back cell. Example: OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >>> [2]: 1 Send OAM Loopback Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Location ID [All-0s]: All-1s Send Loopback Test? [No]: Yes Send done. Location ID

It specifies the structure of those packets will be send out for testing. Valid option: All-0s, All-1s


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display OAM Loopback Table 8-8

Display Test Result

Directory 81: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >2.Display Test Result Purpose: Display OAM loop back cell.

Example: OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >>> [1]: 2 Display Test Result Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Test result: SUCCESS.


Clear OAM Loopback Table 8-9

Clear Test Result

Directory 82: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >3.Clear Test Result Purpose: Clear OAM loop back cell.

Example: OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >>> [1]: 3 Clear Test Result Select ADSL port index [1]: 2 Clear Test result? [No] Yes Clear done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Chapter 9

Administration Menu

Administration Menu includes submens to configure below setting and Load Factory Default as shown on Table 9-1. Table 9-1

Administrtion Menu

The 1st tier of Administration The 2nd tier of Administration Menu Menu 1. Display version Information

2. Date and Time Menu

3. Network Menu




1.Display Date and Time


2. Set Date


3. Set Time


1.Display LAN Setting


2.Display Test Result


3.List SNMP Access Communities


4.Modify SNMP Access Communities


5.List SNMP Trap Communities


6.Modify SNMP Trap Communities


7.Delete SNMP Trap Communities


4. Write System Flash



5. Load Factory Default (*)



6. Remote Upgrade



7. Reboot




ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Display Version Information Menu Table 9-2

Display Version Information Menu

Directory 83: 6.Administration Menu >1.Display version Menu Purpose: List version information of ISAP. Example: Administration >>> [1]: 1 Display Version Information Version Information ----------------------------------Software Version : 3.1.7 Hardware Module: 48 ports ADSL2+_with splitters Serial Number: 193270006 MAC Address: 00:0A:BE:01:06:C5

9.2 9.2.1

Date and Time Menu Display Date and Time Table 9-3

Display Date and Time Menu

Directory 84: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >1.Display Date And Time Purpose: Display Date and Time of system. Example: Date and Time Menu >>> [1]:1 Display Date And Time 2009/4/17 10:21:27


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Set Date Menu Table 9-4

Set Date Menu

Directory 85: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >2.Set Date Menu Purpose: Set date of system. Example: Date and Time Menu >>> [1]:2 Set Date Current Date: 2009/4/17 Modify date? (YES/NO)[No]: Yes Year [2009]: 2009 Date [17]: 17 Modify date? YES/NO)[No]: Yes 2009/4/17 10:21:27


Set Time Menu Table 9-5

Set Time Menu

Directory 86: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >3.Set Time Menu Purpose: Set time of system. Example: Set Time Current Time: 9:47:14 Modify time? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Hour [9]: 9 Minute [47]: 47 Second [14]: 10 Modify time? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done. Current Time = 9:47:10 2008/11/28 9:47:10


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

9.3 9.3.1

Networks Menu List SNMP Access Communities Table 9-6

List SNMP Access Communities Menu

Directory 87: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >3.List SNMP Access Communities Purpose: Display the authority and SNMP port of SNMP communities. Example: Network Configurations >>> [1]: 3 List SNMP Access Communities SNMP port: 161 Read community: public Write community: private


Modify SNMP Access Communities

Note: This setting will not be recoveryed as default value after executing “Load Factory Default” command. Table 9-7

Modify SNMP Access Communities Menu

Directory 88: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >4. Modify SNMP Access Communities Menu Purpose: Modify the authority and SNMP port of SNMP communities. Example: Network Configurations >>> [4]: 4 Modify SNMP Access Communities Read Community [public]: public Write Community [private]: private SNMP Port [161]: 161 This command will effect EMS. Are you sure? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Done


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


List SNMP Trap Communities Table 9-8

List SNMP Trap Communities Menu

Directory 89: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >5. List SNMP Trap Communities Menu Purpose: List the current IP and Trap port for getting alarm message about ISAP. Example: Network Configurations >>> [4]: 5 List SNMP Trap Communities Trap IP Trap Port Trap Community ---------------------------------------- 163 Trap 3


Modify SNMP Trap Communities ( * ) Table 9-9

Modify SNMP Trap Communities Menu

Directory 90: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >6. Modify SNMP Trap Communities Menu Purpose: Modify the current IP and Trap port for getting alarm message about ISAP. Example: Network Configurations >>> [5]: 6 Modify SNMP Trap Communities Enter a Trap IP: []: Creating a new Trap IP. Enter Trap Port [162]: 162 Enter Trap Community [Trap]: Trap 1 Add this Trap IP? [No]: Yes Done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Delete SNMP Trap Communities Table 9-10

Delete SNMP Trap Communities Menu

Directory 91: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >7. Delete SNMP Trap Communities Menu Purpose: Delete specified trap communities about ISAP. Example: Network Configurations >>> [6]: 7 Delete SNMP Trap Communities Enter Trap IP []: Delete this Trap IP? [No]: Yes Done.


Load Factory Default (*) This command enables users to recover default setting except for following settings which will be remained the final setting value: • Ethernet Port Setting (see Directory 11: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config

Menu>2.Modify Setting) • LAN Setting (*) (see Directory 1 : Main Menu > 1.Administration > 2.Network Menu> 2.

Modify LAN Setting) • Modify SNMP Access Communities (*) (see Directory 88: 6.Administration Menu

>3.Network Menu >4. Modify SNMP Access Communities Menu)

Note: (*) stands for system will auto-reboot to activate this setting. Table 9-11

Load Factory Default Menu

Directory 92: 6.Administration Menu >5.Load Factory Default Menu Purpose: Recover default setting except for above mentioned settings. Example: Administration >>> [6]: 5 Load Factory Factory Default (*) Are you sure load default? (YES/NO) [NO]: Yes Processing.. It takes about 10 seconds to load default setting!


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Chapter 10 Remote Upgrade This chapter describes following processes to execute remote upgrade.


Cable Linkage


Connect TFTP Server with RS-232

See Step 2

Electric Power


TFTP Server: TFTP software applied Figure 10-1


Cable Linkage

Remote Upgrade Procedure Remote upgrade procedure includes three steps as following: Step 1: Make sure location of new firmware in TFTP server. Step 2: Modify the the same type of ① Network and ② subnet between ISAP setting and linkage via Directory 1) (refer to page 8 ). ①“Fast Ethernet” supported in the network linkage so that the LAN setting could be “Fast Ethernet” about ISAP. ② Set ISAP as 10.0.0.x (the same subnet with TFTP server, supposing IP of TFTP server is Note: The sign * displayed the meaning of “auto-reboot” system after modification has been done about Network command. Step 3: Execute Remote Upgrade via menu: 6.Administration >6.Remote Upgrade (see 10.2.1) Step 4: Reboot ISAP-2100 to activate new firmware via menu: 6.Administration >5.Reboot (see 10.2.2)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

10.2.1 Remote Upgrade Command Table 10-1 Remote Upgrade

Directory 93 : 6.Administration >6.Remote Upgrade Menu Purpose:

Upgrade new firmware version via remote site by CIT or Telnet.

Example: Administration >> [4]:6 Remote Upgrade Server IP []: (Specify TFTP server IP which loaded new version of firmware) Server Path []: /tftpboot/isap_img_v318_2107 (Specify file path of new version of firmware) Execute Remote Upgrade? [No]: Yes Prooocessing Downloading image MD5 file...Done. Downloading image file...Done. MD5 Checksum...Ok. ==Erasing and writing flash== Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 2f0000 -- 97 % complete. Writing Image part 1...Done. Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 2f0000 -- 97 % complete. Writing Image part 2...Done. Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 7f0000 -- 99 % complete. Writing Image part 3...Done. Upgrade Completed. OK> Remote Upgrade Completed

(Followings displayed only for those versions superior than v3.1.0) This command will effect after system reboot! (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Are you sure write settings to system flash (NV-RAM)? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Processing...It takes about 5 seconds to write settings! Write settings to system flash completed Are you sure power restart? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

10.2.2 Reboot Device Table 10-2 Reboot Device

Directory 94 : 6.Administration >5.Reboot Purpose:

Reboot device to activate new version of firmfare.

10.2.3 Error Message Displayed about Loading Table 10-3 Error Message: No files

Error Message 1 : Downloading image MD5 file.tftp: server says: No such file or directory Allocation error ERR> Solution: Check up new firmware has been loaded into specified TFTP server and exact directory.

Table 10-4 Error Message: timeout

Error Message 2: Downloading image MD5 file…tftp: timeout Done Download image file…tftp: timeout tftp: timeout Done MD5 Checksum…Ok. Solution: It stands for busy network so that transmission is time out. File should be auto re-upgrade by system.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Table 10-5 Error Message: MD5 Checksum Error

Error Message 3 : Downloading image MD5 file…Done, Download image file…Done. MD5 Checksum…Error. Solution: Check up new file of firmware whether is correct or exact directory.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Chapter 11 Example of Q-in-Q Setting This chapter describes how to configure Q-in-Q mode for specified ADSL ports or Ethernet ports.


Configuration Q-in-Q mode

• Upstream- See Step 3 Configure Ethernet port 1 to apply VLAN with VID 20

• Downstream- See Step 4 Internet

• Apply VCL-2 with VID 10 (step 1 ) • Upstream- Configure ADSL Port index 1 to apply VCL-2 (step 2) Host PC


Phone Line Untagged

VID20( VID10 )

Modem Untagged

• Downstream- See Step 5 Configure ADSL Port index 1 with VID 20 11.2

Procedure of Q-in-Q mode Step 1: Add a new VCL profile (index no.2) with VLAN VID 10.

Directory 9: 1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles Purpose: Add & Modify the VCL profile. Example: Modify Profiles Select an index [1]: 2 Modify profile 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes VCL Name [VCL-2]: VCL-2 VCL VPI (0~255) [0]: 0 VCL Rx QoS Profile Index [1]: 1 VCL Tx QoS Profile Index [1]: 1 VCL Cross Connect ID [0]: 0 (to be continued)


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


VCI (0~65535) [35]: 35 Priority (0~7) [0]: 0 Encapsulation (VCMUX/LLC) [LLC]: LLC VLAN ID (0~4094) [16]: 10 Profile Index : 2 Profile Name : VCL-2 VPI : 0 Rx QoS Index : 1 Tx QoS Index : 1 Cross Connect ID: 0 VCI : 35 Priority : 0 Encapsulation : LLC VLAN ID : 10

Write profile 2? [No]: Yes

Step 2 : Configure ADSL port to apply VCL-2 with Default VID 10 Directory 13:1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure the ADSL Port.

Example: Modify Setting Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 Modify ADSL Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: NO Max MAC (1~4096) [10]: 10 VPMT mode (NO VPMT/SINGLE VC/MULTI VC) [NO VPMT]: NO VPMT VPMT scheduling (Strict-Priority/Mixed) [Strict-Priority]: Strict-Priority VLAN stacking mode (OFF/ADD VLAN/EXT VLAN) [OFF]: OFF VLAN tunneling mode (OFF/1Q1Q) [OFF]: OFF DFC Group index [0]: 0 DFC AccGroup index [0]: 0 Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO TX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE/VPMT) [VCL]: VCL TX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 RX Profile type (VCL/BUNDLE) [VCL]: VCL RX Selected Profile index [1]: 2 (omit same data as above) Modify ADSL Port 2? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Modify done.


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Step 3: Configure Ethernet Port index 1 with stacking mode and VLAN ID 20. Directory 11: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure the Ethernet Port.

Example: Modify Setting Select ENET port index [1]: 1 Modify ENET Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes Uplink (YES/NO) [YES]: YES Ingress filter (ON/OFF) [ON ]: ON Input tag (UNTAGGED/TAGGED/ALL/NONE) [ALL]: ALL Output tag (YES/NO) [NO]: YES Max MAC (1~4096) [1000]: 1000 VLAN stacking mode (ADD VLAN/EXT VLAN/OFF) [OFF]: ADD VLAN Add VLAN ID (0~4094) [20]: 20 VLAN tunneling mode (1Q1Q/OFF) [OFF]: OFF Default VLAN (0~4094) [16]: 16 DFC Group index (0~255) [0]: 0 DFC AccGroup index (0~16) [0]: 0 Protocol based VLAN (YES/NO) [NO]: NO ENET Port Index:1 Uplink: Ingress filter: Input tag: Output tag: Max MAC: VLAN stacking mode: Add VLAN: VLAN tunneling mode: Default VLAN: DFC Group index: DFC AccGroup index: Protocol based VLAN:


Modify ENET Port 1? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Step 4: Configure VID 10 to be passed through by Ethernet Port index 1 with tagged mode (upstream).

Directory 43: 1.Provisioning Menu >13.VLAN Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure VLAN Table.


VLAN Menu >>> [1]: 2 Add VLAN Select port Type (ENET/ADSL)[ENET]: ENET SELECT ENET port index [1]: 1 VLAN ID[0]: 10 TAGGED (ON/OFF)[OFF]: ON Add VLAN ID 10(YES/NO) [NO]: Yes Add done.

Step 5: Configure VID 20 to be passed through by ADSL port index 1 (downstream).

Directory 43: 1.Provisioning Menu >13.VLAN Config Menu>2.Modify Setting Purpose:

Configure VLAN Table.


VLAN Menu >>> [1]: 2 Add VLAN Select Port Type (ENET/ADSL) [ENET]: ADSL Select ADSL port index [1]: 1 VLAN ID [0]: 20 TAGGED (ON/OFF) [OFF]: OFF Add VLAN ID 20? (YES/NO) [No]: Yes


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904


Abbreviations and Acronyms

The abbreviations and acronyms used in this document. Table 0-1

Abbreviations and Acronyms Table


Full Name


ATM Adaptation Layer


Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line


Alarm Indication Signal


Asynchronous Transfer Mode


ADSL Transceiver Unit at the central office end


ADSL Transceiver Unit at the remote end


Constant Bit Rate


Coding Violation


Digital Subscriber line Access Multiplexer


Error Seconds


Ethernet over ATM


Gigabit Ethernet


Internet Protocol


Local Area Network


Loss of Frame


Loss of Signal


Loss of Power


Operation, Administration, and Maintenance


Peak Cell Rate


Power Spectral Density


Permanent Virtual Channel


Real time Variable Bit Rate


Sustainable Cell Rate


Signal-to Noise Ratio


Simple Network Management Protocol


Unavailable Seconds


Unspecified Bit Rate


Virtual Channel


Virtual Channel Identify


Virtual Channel Link


Very high-speed Digital Subscriber line


Virtual Local Area Network


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904


Full Name


Virtual Path


Virtual Path Identifier


Wide Area Network




ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Commands List Directory 1 : Main Menu > 1.Administration > 2.Network Menu> 2. Modify LAN Setting .................................8 Directory 2: Main Menu > 1.Administration > 2.Network Menu> 2. Display LAN Setting .............................. 10 Directory 3: 1.Provisioning Menu >6.Admininstration Menu>3.Network Menu>9.Modify...............................11 Directory 4: 1.Provisioning Menu>6.Admininstration Menu>3.Network Menu>8.List Relay Agent Setting ... 12 Directory 5: 1.Provisioning Menu >14.IGMP Config Menu>1.Modify IGMP Config (*) .................................. 14 Directory 6: 1.Provisioning Menu >14.IGMP Config Menu>2.Display IGMP Config...................................... 16 Directory 7: 1.Provisioning Menu>1.Qos Profile Menu>1. Display Profiles ................................................... 17 Directory 8: 1.Provisioning Menu>1.Qos Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles ..................................................... 18 Directory 9: 1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>1.List Profiles ......................................................... 25 Directory 10: 1.Provisioning Menu >2.VCL Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles .................................................. 26 Directory 11: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>2.Modify Setting .............................................. 28 Directory 12: 1.Provisioning Menu >10.ENET Config Menu>1.Display Ethernet Port................................... 31 Directory 13: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>2.Modify Setting ......................................... 32 Directory 14: 1.Provisioning Menu >12.ADSL L2 Config Menu>1.Display Setting ........................................ 34 Directory 15 : 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>4.ADSL Line Configuration........................ 35 Directory 16 : 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>5.Display ADSL Line Configuration ........... 36 Directory 17 : 1.Administration Menu >4.Write System Flash........................................................................ 38 Directory 18 : 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>2. Modify Profiles............................................ 42 Directory 19: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>3. Delete Profiles............................................. 44 Directory 20: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.Bundle Profile Menu>1. List Bundle Profiles ..................................... 44 Directory 21: 1.Provisioning Menu >3.VPMT Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles ............................................... 45 Directory 22: 1.Provisioning Menu >4.VPMT Profile Menu>1.List Profiles .................................................... 49 Directory 23: 1.Provisioning Menu >4.VPMT Profile Menu>3.Delete Profiles ............................................... 50 Directory 24: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu>2.Modify Profiles........................................ 51 Directory 25: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu>1.List Line Profiles ..................................... 54 Directory 26: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Line Profile Menu >1.Delete Profiles ....................................... 54 Directory 27: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu>1.Apply ADSL Line Profile .......................... 55 Directory 28: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >3.List ADSL Line Profile Mapping.............. 56 Directory 29 : 1.Provisioning Menu >6.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >2.Modify Profiles ................................... 57 Directory 30: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >1.List Profiles ......................................... 61 Directory 31: 1.Provisioning Menu >5.ADSL Alarm Profile Menu >3.Delete Profiles..................................... 61 Directory 32: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >2.Apply ADSL Alarm Profiles..................... 62 Directory 33: 1.Provisioning Menu >11.ADSL L1 Config Menu >3.List ADSL Alarm Mapping ...................... 63 Directory 34: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >2.Set Forward Entry .................................. 64 Directory 35: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >1.List Forward Entry.................................. 65 Directory 36: 1.Provisioning Menu >7.Forwarding Table Menu >3.Delete Forward Entry ............................. 65 Directory 37: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >1.Add MAC Filter....................................... 66 Directory 38: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >2. List MAC Filter ...................................... 67 Directory 39: 1.Provisioning Menu >8.Forwarding Table Menu >3.Delete MAC Filter................................... 67 Directory 40: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.Modify DFC Accelerate Group ......... 68 Directory 41: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >2.List DFC Accelerate Group .............. 69 Directory 42: 1.Provisioning Menu >9.DFC AccGroup Filter Menu >3.Delete DFC Accelerate Group.......... 69


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-ISAP-2100-200904

Directory 43: 1.Provisioning Menu >13.VLAN Config Menu >2.Add VLAN ................................................... 70 Directory 44: Provision> 13 VLAN Config Menu> 2.Display VLAN................................................................ 71 Directory 45: Provision> 13 VLAN Config Menu> 2.Display VLAN................................................................ 71 Directory 46: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >4.Add IGMP Router Port ............................... 72 Directory 47: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >4.List IGMP Router Port................................ 73 Directory 48: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >5.Delete IGMP Router Port ........................... 73 Directory 49: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >7.Add IGMP ACL........................................... 74 Directory 50: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >7.List IGMP ACL............................................ 74 Directory 51: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >8.Delete IGMP ACL....................................... 75 Directory 52: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >10.Add IGMP Member .................................. 76 Directory 53: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >9. List IGMP Member .................................... 76 Directory 54: 1.Provisioning Menu >14. IGMP Config Menu >11. Delete IGMP Member.............................. 77 Directory 55: 1.Provisioning Menu >15. Age Timer Config Menu >2.Modify Age Timer ................................ 77 Directory 56: 1.Provisioning Menu >15. Age Timer Config Menu >1.Display Age Timer ............................... 78 Directory 57: 2.Alarm Menu >1.List Current Alarms Menu............................................................................. 79 Directory 58: 2.Alarm Menu >2.List Alarms History ....................................................................................... 80 Directory 59: 2.Alarm Menu >3.Clear Alarm History ...................................................................................... 80 Directory 60: 2.Alarm Menu >5.Modify Severity and Reporting..................................................................... 81 Directory 61: 2.Alarm Menu >4.List Severity and Reporting .......................................................................... 82 Directory 62: 2.Alarm Menu >6.Reset Severity and Reporting ...................................................................... 86 Directory 63: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >1.List Temperature Staus ............................................ 87 Directory 64: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >2.List Fan Staus .......................................................... 88 Directory 65: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >3.List LED Staus ......................................................... 88 Directory 66: 3.Status Menu >1.List System Status >4.List External Alarm................................................... 89 Directory 67: 3.Status Menu >2.List Ethernet Port Status.............................................................................. 90 Directory 68: 3.Status Menu >4.List Forwarding Table .................................................................................. 91 Directory 69: 3.Status Menu >4.List ADSL Port Status .................................................................................. 91 Directory 70: 4.PM Statistic Menu >1.List Ethernet Statistic .......................................................................... 92 Directory 71: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Port Status >1.List 15m PM Data....................................... 93 Directory 72: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Statistiic Menu>1. List 24h (Day) PM Data ........................ 95 Directory 73: 4.PM Statistic Menu >2.List ADSL Statistiic Menu>3. Clear PM Data ...................................... 96 Directory 74: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >1.Process SELT Test .................................................... 99 Directory 75: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >2.List SELT Test ............................................................ 99 Directory 76: 5.Testing Menu >1.SELT Test Menu >3.Stop SELT Test ........................................................ 100 Directory 77: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.Process DELT Test .................................................. 100 Directory 78: 5.Testing Menu >2.DELT Test Menu >1.List DELT Test.......................................................... 101 Directory 79: 5.Testing Menu >2.DSELT Test Menu >3.Stop DELT Test ..................................................... 102 Directory 80: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >1.Sent OAM Loopback .......................... 102 Directory 81: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >2.Display Test Result............................. 103 Directory 82: 5.Testing Menu >3.OAM F5 Loopback Test Menu >3.Clear Test Result................................ 103 Directory 83: 6.Administration Menu >1.Display version Menu ................................................................... 105 Directory 84: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >1.Display Date And Time....................... 105 Directory 85: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >2.Set Date Menu...................................... 106 Directory 86: 6.Administration Menu >1.Date And Time Menu >3.Set Time Menu...................................... 106 Directory 87: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >3.List SNMP Access Communities..................... 107 Directory 88: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >4. Modify SNMP Access Communities Menu..... 107


ISAP Series Software Operation Guide OPNET-PD-IP DSLAM-200904

Directory 89: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >5. List SNMP Trap Communities Menu.............. 108 Directory 90: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >6. Modify SNMP Trap Communities Menu......... 108 Directory 91: 6.Administration Menu >3.Network Menu >7. Delete SNMP Trap Communities Menu ......... 109 Directory 92: 6.Administration Menu >5.Load Factory Default Menu .......................................................... 109 Directory 93 : 6.Administration >6.Remote Upgrade Menu .......................................................................... 111 Directory 94 : 6.Administration >5.Reboot ....................................................................................................112


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