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Wlcs Bcttb` nhhj cs tl` ‒MOUW@^ J@S” th eloficfi tl` YH^BG!
‒Nci tlcfis ehm` cf smobb poejoi`s.” Cfspcr`g ny; Wl` Dhre`s hd Fotur` (FPF) Cfsercn`g ny; F@N L@^P O JL@Q@^ JO ^@ (JLOD-^@)
‒Dhr tl` Most`rs hd G`stcfy”
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 _u`stchf; Ylot cs Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; Fufhbhiy cs hur Ofec`ft M`ftob & Upcrctuob Uec`fe` tlot t`oel`s yhu lhw th top cfth, whrj wctl ofg ‒Oppby” tl` ‒Qhsctcv`” Pfs``f Dhre`s cf Fotur` jfhwf th hur Ofec`ft Odrceof @iyptcof Ofe`sthrs os ‒Fupu”. Fupu cs tl` ‒Lcgg`f Gorj @f`riy” cf Fotur` tlot r`pr`s`fts tl` Hrcicfob ‒Er`otcv` Dhre`s”. Fufhbhiy wlcel cs jfhwf os ‒ FPF” Qrhfhue`g ‒Fhhf” cs tl` Uec`fe` hd Uec`fe`s ofg cs tl` Yoy w` Elcbgr`f hd tl` UPF ( QOO ^@) ofg Fotur` os Ofec`ft Odrceofs obsh jfhwf thgoy os ‒M`bofcfct`s” b`orf th top cfth, nrcfi dhrtl ofg whrj wctl tl` Qhsctcv` Bcd` Dhre`s cf Fotur`. Ofec`ft Odrceo Ofec`ft Cf (@iypt) ofg (FOQOWO/FPQP-WO) Funco hr Eusl w` eobb`g tlcs Uec`fe` hd Nboej M`ftob Moice (Ob-Jl`my) ‒FPF”. Wh tl` hfbhhj`rs wlh gcg fht jfhw hr wos ufcfctcot`g hur Uec`fe` opp`or`g th n` ‒MOICE” ofg sphhjcsm, nut th tl` Cfctcot`g ofg stug`fts hd tl` Lcil Myst`rc`s ot tl` tcm` w` obwoys jf`w onhut tl` Bows hd Fotur` (Fozguru) ofg tl` Uec`fe` cf whrjcfi wctl tl` Bows hd Fotur` th nrcfi onhut o Qhsctcv` r`subt th rocs` tl` Tcnrotchfs hd fht hfby hurs`bv`s nut obb htl`rs orhufg us ofg wlh ehm` cf ehftoet wctl us. >
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 Wl` Q`hpb` wlh proetce` ofg ‒oppby” tlcs woy hd Bcd` cf tlcs goy ofg tcm` os cf Ofec`ft tcm`s or` jfhwf os ‒FPFHBHICUW”. Fupu-Fuf = @b`etrhmoif`tce @f`riy jfhwf thgoy ny tl` Uec`ftcdce Yhrbg . Os Odrceof Q`hpb` Yhrbgwcg` ‒SHP” or` of cfeorfot`g Ylhb` Bcilt N`cfi (UHPB) ,tlot los rcs`f drhm tl` Gorj Yot`rs hd OFPF-^@. OFPF-^@ cs tl` Pfs``f Gorjf`ss hr @tl`r hd Hrcicfob Er`otchf stcbb ofg obwoys wcbb n` ‒ E^@OWCFI” wlcel cs Irhwtl dhr er`otchf truby m`ofs ‒I^HYWL”. ^`obcz` fhw tlot yhur M`bofcf hr wlot tl` Uec`fe` Yhrbg cs eobbcfi ‒M@BOFCF” cs o ehfg`fs`g dhrm hd Bcilt, ofg r`sphfgs th ofg cft`roets th Bcilt Yov`s, Tcnrotchfs, Whf`s ofg Dr`qu`fec`s cf cts cmm`gcot` `fvcrhfm`ft. Y` os Fufhbhicst obwoys jf`w tlot w` ehubg lov` of `dd`et hf gcstoft pboe`s, p`rshfs, ofg tlcfis hf tlcs scg` hd l? (Lygrhi`f) vco ‒MCFG QHY@^”. Fufhbhiy cs Qur` ‒M`ftob @f`riy” tlot cs cf ehftoet wctl tl` Qur` M`ftob Er`otcv` tlhuilt hd tl` cfdcfct` ofg nhufgb`ss Pfcv`rs`s (Mubtcv`rs`) ofg N`yhfg tl` N`yhfg. Shur Mcfg Qhw`r los n``f o symnhb hd yhur ‒IHG QHY@^” ofg ‒Ncrtl ^cilt” wlcel cs ‒Ir`otby Boejcfi” cf tlcs goy ofg tcm` os Odrceof Q`hpb` Yhrbg Ycg` .
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 Y` or` fhw bcvcfi cf tl` Goy ofg Wcm` wl`r` ‒ MCFG QHY@^” must hv`rehm` Qlysceob Mott`r ofg iocf noej ehftrhb wlcel cs Hrg`r hv`r tl` Elohs! Os o Fufhbhicst yhu or` tl` MCFG hd IHG, b`orf th utcbcz` ct! Ofg wl`f w` soy IHG, w` m`of ‒ofy Q`rshf, Qboe` hr Wlcfi cf ehftrhb ot ofy icv`f Mhm`ft!” Shur Mcfg Qhw`r os Fufhbhicst cs tl` Ihv`rfhr hv`r Upoe`, Mott`r ofg Wcm` tlus mojcfi yhu o ‒_uoftum N`cfi”, ofg cf tcm` obb tlcs wcbb n`ehm` eb`or th yhu, os yhur Owor`f`ss irhws cf r`m`mnrofe` hd obb tl`s` Ofec`ft Doets! Obwoys r`m`mn`r ‒Hl Elcbgr`f hd OBB” tlot MCFG QHY@^ cs IHG QHY@^ ofg yhu obwoys r`e`cv` tlcs ehfdcrmotchf tlrhuil doets, ‒Ylcel cs UHPFG ^CILW ^@OUHFCFI!” Shu fhw lov` tl` Most`r J`ys (Ofjl) th yhur ubtcmot` dr``ghm os o Fufhbhicst th ‒slop`”, ‒mhbg” , ‒ehftrhb” ofg ‒MOUW@^” yhur G`stcfy! _u`stchf; Lhw wcbb Fufhbhiy N`f`dct M`8
Ofsw`r; Fufhbhiy t`oel`s yhu st`p ny st`p lhw th whrj wctl ofg oppby tl` bows hd Fotur` cf yhur `v`rygoy bcd`. Wl`r` or` ufs``f bows ofg Dhre`s wctlcf Fotur` tlot n`f`dct obb Lumof N`cfis, cd hfby w` whubg icv` tl` tcm` th b`orf lhw oee`ss tl`m. Y` Fufhbhicst jfhw tlot `v`rytlcfi cs o irhwtl drhm @t`rfob Obmcilty Fotur`, ofg cf jfhwcfi tlcs doet w` ^`oshf hut tlot w` lov` o gcr`et ehff`etchf 7
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 ofg bcfj wctl Fotur`. Y` f`v`r bhst tlcs ehff`etchf, kust bhst tl` jfhw lhw cf str`fitl`fcfi tlcs ehff`etchf. _u`stchf; Cs Fufhbhiy dhr ofy irhup hd Q`hpb` hr I`fg`r8
Ofsw`r; Fh, ct cs dhr obb dhr w` or` obb Elcbgr`f hd Fotur` ofg w` obb Ir`w drhm Fotur` tlus w` obb lov` o bcfj th Fotur`. _u`stchf; Ycbb tl` stugy Fufhbhiy moj` m` ^cel8
Ofsw`r; Y`bb yhu or` nhrf ^cel, oeehrgcfi th o Foturob Bcvcfi Bow cf Fotur` eobb`g tl` Bow hd Cfdcfct` Uuppby, tl`r` cs f`v`r o tcm` tlot Fotur` cs Fht Qrhvcgcfi, sh r`obcz` fhw tlot hf` dcrst n`ehm`s rcel cf tl` Mcfg, n`dhr` tl` Qhej`t. Uh y`s, hfe` yhu b`orf tl` Utugy hd Fotur`–s Bows obsh jfhwf os tl` Bows hd Fotur`, ofg b`orf th oppby tl`m cf yhur `v`rygoy bcd`, tl`f tl`r` cs fh bcmct th wlot yhu or` onb` th gh. Ylot yhu g`scr` ct wcbb mofcd`st, tlcs cs o Bcvcfi Bow wctl cf Fotur`, OUJ ofg y`o slobb r`e`cv`.
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 _u`stchf; Ycbb Fufhbhiy nrcfi m` o Uhub Mot`, Bhv`, ofg o N`tt`r ^`botchfslcp wctl My Ycd` hr Lusnofg8
Ofsw`r; Hd Ehurs`! Ct cs o ir`ot cg`o th cfebug` tl` hf`s yhu bhv` cfth tl` Utugy hd FPFHBHIS, ct gh`s fht mott`r lhw hbg o p`rshf cs. Y` os Fufhbhicst, jfhw hd wlot cs t`rm`g Gcvcf` Bhv`, ehmcfi drhm Fotur`, wlcel cs o Bhv` tlot cs fht nos`g hf ‒Ehfgctchfs.” Uh y`s, hfe` yhu b`orf lhw th nrcfi noej lormhfy cfth yhur bcd` ny b`orfcfi lhw th r`obcif wctl Fotur`, obb or`os hd yhur bcd` n`icf th rcs` cfth hrg`r, ofg tl` elohs sthps. Fufhbhiy nrcfis noej nobofe`m`ft cfth yhur bcd`, p`oe` ofg lormhfy. _u`stchf; Eof C t`oel Fufhbhiy th my Elcbgr`f8
Ofsw`r; Uur`, yhu lov` th r`m`mn`r, hur elcbgr`f or` mhr` cftuf` wctl Fotur` tl`f w` icv` tl`m er`gct. Wl`y or` tl` hf`s wlh or` tl` ebhs`st th Fotur`, n`eous` tl`y or` stcbb irhwcfi sh obb tl` dr`sl `b`m`fts hd Bcd` or` wctlcf tl`m. Wl` _u`stchf slhubg n` eof C b`orf FPFHBHIS drhm my Elcbgr`f. _u`stchf; Yly cs Fotur` suel of cmphrtoft Utugy wctlcf Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; N`eous` n`cfi yhu or` o Elcbg hd Fotur` yhu wl`r` er`ot`g wctl wlot w` eobb o ‒Foturob Fotur`”, 4
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 hfe` yhu or` noej cftuf` wctl yhur Foturob Fotur` oeehrgcfi th wlot Fotur` cft`fg dhr yhu tl`f or` bcvcfi ny wlot Fotur` foturobby cft`fgs yhu th bcv` ny. Wl` Qocf ofg Uudd`rcfi, tlot yhu s`` mofy or` ihcfi tlrhuil wcbb `fg, n`eous` tl`y fhw r`obcz` tlot tl`y or` tl` Most`rs hd tl`cr G`stcfy ofg ofg lov` tl` Qhw`r wctlcf tl`m th elofi` obb tlcfis! _u`stchf; Shu or` rcilt tl`r` cs sh muel Lumof Uudd`rcfi, wlot los ihf` wrhfi cd Fotur` cs Uuel o Qrhvcg`r8
Ofsw`r; Ir`ot _u`stchf! Shu lov` th r`m`mn`r Q`hpb` lov` bhst tl`cr Ehff`etchf wctl Fotur` ny dhri`ttcfi tl`r` Foturob Fotur` ofg g`scrcfi th bcv` hutscg` wlh ofg wlot tl`y or` ny Fotur` hr wlot Fotur` cft`fg`g tl`m th n`. Dhr tl` Bost ?1,011 y`ors Lumof N`cfis lov` `xp`rc`fe`g wlot w` Fufhbhicst eobb o M`ftob G`ebcf`, hr r`ir`sschf. Fhw w` or` bcvcfi cf of Ihbg`f @ro jfhwf os tl` Uhbor Eyeb` hd ^@ (Wl` UPF ESEB@) wl`r` Lumof N`cfis or` stortcfi th woft th r`obcif tl`ms`bv`s wctl tl`cr Foturob Fotur` ofg tl` Gcvcf` Dhre`s hd Bcd` , wctlcf scg` hd `oel hd tl`m. _u`stchf; Ylot gh yhu eobb o Q`rshf wlh stugc`s Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; Y` or` jfhwf os Fufhbhicst. 9
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 _u`stchf; Ylot cs o Fufhbhicst8
Ofsw`r; O Q`rshf wlh Utugc`s U`bd ofg tl` lcgg`f myst`rc`s hd Bcd`. Wl`r` or` ufs``f dhre`s wctlcf Fotur` th us Fufhbhicst eobb tl` dhre`s hd FPF . Wl`s` ufs``f dhre`s cfdbu`fe` hur `v`rygoy bcd` ofg hur Ehfsechus Owor`f`ss . _u`stchf; Ylot gh yhu m`ofs Ehfsechus Owor`f`ss, or` yhu soycfi w` lov` tl` oncbcty odd`et hur bcv`s ny hur Wlhuilts8
Ofsw`r; S`s tlcs cs `xoetby wlot w` or` soycfi! Y` Fufhbhicst jfhw tlot ubtcmot`by w` or` tl` Most`rs hd hur hwf G`stcfy , ofg cf jfhwcfi tlcs G`scr` th toj` noej ehftrhb hd hur bcd` ofg hur Cff`r Qhw`r, jfhwf os wcbb Qhw`r ( Fuf) hr FPF QHY@^, hur cff`r lcgg`f phw`r tlot cs r`sphfscnb` dhr tl` mofcd`stotchf hd obb. Y` FPFHBHICUW jfhw tlot hur M`ftob Qhw`rs ofg wlot w` Wlcfj ofg @fvcschf Oetcvot`s tlcs FPF QHY@^, tlot cs bcfj`g th @t`rfob Obmcilty Fotur`. _u`stchf; Ylot cs tl` Mhst Cmphrtoft Utugy cf Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; Wl` Eubtcvotchf hd tl` MCFG, Y` jfhw o Q`rshf oets tl` woy tl`y tlcfj, wlcel cs o Foturob <
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 Bcvcfi Bow wctlcf Fotur` jfhwf os ‒Wl` Bow hd Eous`s ofg @dd`ets.” _u`stchf; Or` tl`r` ofy htl`r Utugc`s cf Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; Uur` fht hfby gh w` stugy tl` Mcfg, tl` htl`r osp`ets ofg ehmportm`fts hd yhur n`cfi, wlcel or` tl` Nhgy, Uprct ( Bcd` Dhre`s) ofg Uhub (@mhtchfs). Wlcs cs wlot moj`s yhu o _uoftum N`cfi. Cf Fufhbhiy yhu obsh b`orf onhut Bcd` Uec`fe`s, tl` Ofothmy hd tl` Nhgy , prhp`r Eor` dhr tl` Nhgy, Qbofts ofg L`rnhbhiy, ofg sh muel mhr`. _u`stchf; Lhw gh yhu Fufhbhicst vc`w Wl` MCFG8
Ofsw`r; Y` Fufhbhicst vc`w tl` Mcfg os OBB dhr os hur Ofec`ft Odrceof ofe`sthrs cf Eusl (Funco) ofg @iypt gcspboy`g tlot Mcfg Qhw`r cs IHG QHY@^ ny tl` mofy ir`ot struetur`s tl`y nucbt ofg Eubtur`s tl`y cfdbu`fe`g. Fufhbhiy t`oel`s tlot Fotur` obwoys Up`ojs th tl` Mcfg dcrst `ctl`r Pfehfsechusby (Uun-Ehfsechusby) hr Ehfsechusby.
Wl` Qhw`r hd Cft`ftchf ?1
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 _u`stchf; Shu m`ftchf`g tl` Uunehfsechus Mcfg, wly cs tlcs of cmphrtoft stugy st ugy hd Fufhbhiy8
Ofsw`r; N`eous` yhur Uunehfsechus Mcfg cs tl` ghhrwoy thh obb tl` Dhre`s wctlcf Fotur`. Uh th b`orf tl` Lcil`r Osp`ets hd tlcs G`portm`ft hd yhur Mcfg, cs th n` noej cftuf` wctl Fotur`, tlus OBB ofg wcbb iucg` yhu th ufb`oslcfi yhur Cfdcfct` Qht`ftcob tlot wcbb osscst yhu cf yhur `v`rygoy bcd`. Wl`r` cs o wlhb` ‒F`w Bcd`” woctcfi dhr `oel Lumof N`cfi wlh or` fhw r`ogy th Utugy, Yhrj Yctl ofg Oppby tl` cff`r whrjcfis hd tl`cr Mcfgs! _u`stchf; Shu moj` M`ftchf hd tl` MCFG quc`t hdt`f, cs Fufhbhiy kust ofhtl`r MCFG WLCFI, bcj` shm` F`w oi` W`oelcfi8
Ofsw`r; Y`bb y`s n`eous`, wl`f p`hpb` soy F`w Oi`, tl`y or` ehrr`et cf sh dor os Y` or` mhvcfi cfth o F`w @ro hd Wcm` jfhwf os tl` Oquorcof Oi`, wlcel cs tl` @ro hd Mcfg, @tl`r, W`elfhbhiy `te… Uh y`s fhw cf tlcs goy ofg tcm`, ct cs truby tcm` th b`orf tl` Eubtcvotchf hd tl` Mcfg, ofg b`orf lhw th us` tl` htl`r 30% tlot ih`s ufus`g ufthuel`g nut ehftrhbs `v`ry cfvhbuftory dufetchf hd yhur wlhb` n`cfi.
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 _u`stchf; Cs Fufhbhiy o Drot`rfob Hrg`r, U`er`t Uhec`ty, hr myst`ry Uyst`m8
Ofsw`r; Fh fht ot obb, Fufhbhiy cf obb `ss`fe` cs kust tl` Utugy hd U`bd ofg ofg lhw ‒SHP” Wl` Elcbg hd Fotur` r`bot` wctl OBB! _u`stchf; Eof Fufhbhiy osscst m` cf str`fitl`fcfi my Ehff`etchf wctl my Ofe`sthrs8
Ofsw`r; Hd ehurs`, n`eous` hur ofe`sthrs or` obsh spcrct dhre`s wctlcf Fotur` , hfe` w` b`orf tlrhuil Fufhbhiy lhw th r`-ottuf` hurs`bv`s wctl Fotur` Dhre`s hr tl` Bows hd Fotur`, tl`f ehmmufceotchf wctl bhv`g hf`s cs fht lorg ot obb. _u`stchf; Shu osj`g cs Fufhbhiy dhr SHP, Yly8
Ofsw`r; Oeehrgcfi th Pfcv`rsob Bow, yhu obwoys lov` th osj o p`rshf cd tl`y whubg n` cft`r`st`g cf b`orfcfi o portceubor tlcfi cf hrg`r fht th `fdhre` yhur wcbb uphf ofhtl`r Lumof N`cfi, tlcs cs Pfcv`rsob Bow. Wh cf dhre` yhu Ycbb uphf ofhtl`r Lumof n`cfi cs ihcfi oiocfst Foturob Bow, n`eous` tl`f tlot p`rshf whubg fht n` mhvcfi ny tl`cr hwf wcbb nut ny tl` wcbb hd ofhtl`r, ofg cd tlot p`rshf cs mhvcfi ny tl` wcbb hd ofhtl`r, tl`y or` fht bcvcfi wlot Fotur` truby cft`fg`g tl`m th gh, tlus w` Fufhbhicst eobb tlcs ‒ Bhscfi yhur Gcvcf` ^cilts hr ?>
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 Gcvcfcty ”. ”. Uh w` obbhw yhu th moj` o g`ecschf dhr yhurs`bd, tl`f yhu or` mhvcfi oeehrgcfi th Foturob Bow drhm wctlcf yhur hwf n`cfi. Y` Fufhbhicst jfhw hur @mhtchfs hr D``bcfis or` scifobs drhm Fotur` th jfhw cd o Q`rshf, Qboe` hr Wlcfi cs dhr hr oiocfst us, wlcel w` eobb tl` Lcil`r Osp`ets hd @mhtchfob Cftuf`m`ft jfhwf os Cftuctchf. _u`stchf; Hfe` o Q`rshf Bhhs` tl`r` Gcvcfcty wcbb tl`y I`t cs noej8
Ofsw`r; Uur` yhu eof i`t yhur Gcvcfcty Noej, ny scmpby mojcfi up yhur Mcfg, wlcel n`cfis wctl o tlhuilt, tl`f o g`ecschf, wlcel tl`f oetcvot`s OBB cfth Uhufg ^cilt Oetchf . Y` os Fufhbhicst jfhw tlot tl` whrst tlcfi hf` eof gh cs fht moj` up tl`cr hwf Mcfg, hr Moj` of @dd`etcv` G`ecschf . Dhr Wlhuilt cs Er`otcv` @f`riy ofg bcj` Yot`r (l>H) cs cf Ehfstoft mhtchf, ofg f``gs th dbhw. Wh stoy stoifot`g cs th sthp tl` dbhw, wlcel lcfg`rs irhwtl, ofg ubtcmot`by b`ogs th M`ftob G`otl, sh w` Fufhbhicst cf ehuroi` ofy Lumof N`cfi th b`orf th moj` o g`ecschf `v`f ct cs tl` wrhfi g`ecschf. ^`m`mn`r, w` b`orf os w` gh. Fhtlcfi cf tl` Pfcv`rs` (Mubtcv`rs`) cs stcbb hr stoifot`g, `v`rytlcfi vcnrot`s, `v`rytlcfi cs cf ehfstoft mhtchf, cf jfhwcfi tlcs wly ih oiocfst tl` Dbhw hd Fotur`, tlot–s fht n`cfi Foturob! ?5
Most`r J`y Qhcfts Onhut FPFHBHIS!
N`bhw or` v`ry ‒ QHY@^DPB” Most`r J`y phcfts onhut tl` ‒UEC@FE@ HD FPFHBHIS ” ofg wlot ct los th hdd`r ‒SHP”.
J`y Qhcft #?; FPFHBHIS cs o Qroetceob Uec`fe`. J`y Qhcft #>; FPFHBHIS t`oel`s yhu @t`rfob Tobu`s ofg tl` Ehsmce Eous`s hd Wlcfis ! J`y Qhcft #5; FPFHBHIS `fehuroi`s of @sht`rce ofg Uec`ftcdce prhe`ss dhr `oel Q`rshf, obb noej`g up ny Doets. FPFHBHIS icv`s ‒SHP” tl` Qhw`r th top cfth jfhwb`gi` drhm tl` Bcvcfi Mcfg cf Fotur` drhm tl` Pfcv`rs` obsh jfhwf os tl` Mubtcv`rs`. ?7
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 J`y Qhcft #7; FPFHBHIS icv`s ‒SHP” tl` Qhw`r, ehfdcg`fe` ofg jfhwb`gi` th bhhj wctlcf ofg trust ‒SHP^” Lcil`r U`bd dhr dhr tl` ofsw`r th tl` Fotur` hd Wlcfis wlcel cs o prhe`ss hd cftrhsp`etchf. J`y Qhcft #0; Hf` hd tl` Mocf hnk`etcv`s hd FPFHBHIS cs th ‒W`oel & Cfstruet Q`hpb`” lhw th bcdt tl`ms`bv`s hut hd tlcs Elcbgcsl g`p`fg`fe` uphf htl`rs ofg trocf tl`m th us` Foturob Bows dhr tl`ms`bv`s! J`y Qhcft #4; Wl` ‒UEC@FE@ HD FPFHBHIS” puts cfdcfct` phw`rs ofg r`sphfscncbctc`s noej cfth ‒SHP^” lofgs ofg t`oel`s ‒SHP” lhw th toj` noej ehftrhb hd ‒SHP^” Bcd`! J`y Qhcft #9; FPFHBHIS tl` Ofec`ft Odrceof M`toplysceob Uec`fe` wcbb r`-`stonbcsl yhur ‒Qhsctcv` M`ftobcty.” J`y Qhcft #; FPFHBHIS cs tl` r`ehff`etchf noej cfth tl` Gorjf`ss hd ‒SHP^” Mcfg! ‒SHP^ gorj hr nboej m`ftob moice! ” ” FPF QHY@^, MCFG QHY@^ (FPF JLP) obsh jfhwf os FCF@ QHY@^ cs truby I.H.G. QHY@^. Y` t`oel ‒SHP” lhw th us` tl` Qhw`rs hd ‒SHP^” MCFG! J`y Qhcft #?5; ‒SHP^” Uunehfsechus Mcfg cs tl` tlr`slhbg hr Ghhrwoy th ‒obb cfdcfct` Qhsscncbctc`s” dhr tl` v`ry ehmput`r ‒SHP” or` uscfi thgoy wos ncrtl`g hut hd shm`hf`–s Mcfg! Wl` Qhw`r hd Er`otcv` Wlcfjcfi `mnroe`s FPFHBHIS! J`y Qhcft #?7; FPFHBHIS cs ‒SHP^” Upcrctuob Uec`fe` tl` ‒Lhw th gh” cf ‒SHP^ BCD@!” Wl` lcgg`f nut s``f gorjf`ss tlot mhv`s tlrhuil yhu th i`t tlcfis ghf` cf tl` Qhsctcv`, thworgs irhwtl ofg elofi`! Osj ‒SHP^U@BD” thgoy ‒cd tl` ehfstoft Bow cf tl` Pfcv`rs` (Mubtcv`rs`) cs elofi` tl`f wlot om ?4
Cs FPFHBHIS dhr SHP8 C eloficfi th8” Om C prhir`sscfi hr r`ir`sscfi8 Om C irhwcfi cfth o n`outcdub dbhw`r hr o phcshfhus w``g8
J`y Qhcft #?0; FPFHBHIS icv`s ‒SHP” tl` ‒Cff`r @t`rfob Qhw`r ” th bcdt yhur hwf Qhsctcv` Tcnrotchf up! Wh stoy hf o M`ftob Lcil! Wh nrcfi tlcfis drhm hf Lcil ofg mofcd`st tl`m l`r` cf fhw cf yhur `v`rygoy Bcd`! J`y Qhcft #?4; FPFHBHIS cs tl` Utugy hd U`bd ! FPFHBHIS cs tl` Utugy hd U`bd cf cf obb cts gyfomces! J`y Qhcft #?9; FPFHBHIS cs @sht`rce Obel`my tlot g`obs wctl tl` r`dcf`m`ft hd Lumof N`cfis Ehfsechusf`ss ofg lhw ct cs ottocf`g! J`y Qhcft #?
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