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followed on Indian Railways was first published in 1954. With the introduction of modernization of track structure, Mechanical maintenance of track and introduction of high speed trains in seventies and thereafter, the provisions in the manual relating to track needed updating. This has now been done by bringing out a separate "Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual". It is hoped that the procedures and practices envisaged in the manual will help the Permanent Way men in maintaining the track to better standards, ensuring safety, economy and efficiency.


T. N.

Dated 17th July 1984 Member/Engineering, Railway Board

PREFACE (to First Edition)


|| Index || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || ||Chapter 13 ||Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Concordance ||


PART 'A' Welding of rails General 501 Alumino Thermit Welding of rails 502 Tolerances allowed in the case of Flash butt welds 503 Short pre-heat welding process 504 PART 'B' Short welded rails Definitions 505 Track structure for SWR 506 Conditions of laying 507 Laying of short welded rails 508 Maintenance of short welded rails 509 Gap survey and adjustment of gap 510 Conversion of SWR into LWR 511 PART 'C' Long welded rails/Continous welded rails Reference to LWR/CWR Manual 512

CHAPTER V WELDING OF RAILS : LAYING AND MAINTENANCE OF SHORT WELDED RAILS, LONG WELDED RAILS AND CONTINUOUS WELDED RAILS PART 'A' Welding of rails 501. General - The welding of rails is carried out in a depot by the "Flash butt welding process and at site by the "Thermit Welding" process. The length to which the rails can be welded in a depot depends on the transport facilities available. 502. Alumino thermit Welding of rails: -Alumino Thermit Welding of rails may be carried out in accordance with the detailed procedure laid down in the "Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino Thermit Process, September 1996". A thermit weld done in situ shall be joggle fish plated with four clamps and supported on wooden blocks till tested as good by USFD. 503. Tolerances allowed in the case of flash butt welds �The tolerances allowed in the case of flash butt welds are the same as allowed in the case of Alumino- thermit welds (Para 502). In addition to the tolerances mentioned for thermit weld, the following additional item of tolerance is specified-

In the case of old rails welded together the tolerances can not exceed double the above values stipulated for new rails, keeping the tolerances to the minimum. 504.Short pre-heat welding process -(1) General- The conventional thermit welding process takes about 60 minutes for welding of a joint. To reduce this time in view of non availability of longer time interval between trains this method with shorter preheating time is used.

The principle of this process is essentially the same as thermit process except that (i) Prefabricated mould is used in place of green sand, to reduce the time due to drying of sand. (ii) Larger gap of 22 to 24 mm. is provided at the rail ends. (iii) Rail ends are heated only to 600� C against 950�C. (iv) Preheatin time is reduced to 10 to 12 minutes. (v) Thermit portion is double the quantity for this process. (vi) A stronger burner with larger fuel flow is used. In this case also, the traffic can be allowed only after 30 minutes have elapsed after welding of the joint. The code of practice for welding of rail joints Alumino thermic process issued by R. D. S. O. should be refered for complete details regarding selection of rails for welding, preliminary work prior to welding, the actual details of work of execution of welding, and inspection of welds. PART B Short Welded Rails (SWR) 505. Definitions - (1)Short Welded Rail (SWR) is a welded rail which contracts and expands throughout its length. Note - Normally the length of SWR is 3X 13 M. for Broad gauge and 3X12 M. for Metre gauge. (2) Rail temperature is the temperature of the rail as recorded by an approved type of rail thermometer at site. This differs from the ambient temperature which is the temperature of air in shade at that place, as reported by the meterological department. The Indian Railways have been divided into four rail temperature zones. Annexure 5/1 is a map showing the four temperature zones and the annual mean rail temperatures at all important places are shown in the map. (3) Mean annual rail temperature {tm} is the average of the maximum and minimum rail temperature recorded during the year. tm. will be fixed locally wherever rail temperature records are available for a reasonable period of five years. Where rail temperature records are not available tm. can be read from the rail temperature map (Annexure 5/1) (4) Installation temperature (ti) is the average rail temperature during the process of fastening the rails to the sleepers at the time of installation of SWR. 506. Track structure for SWR (1) Formation - SWR shall be laid generally on stable and efficiently drained formation. (2) Rails - The minimum section of rail shall be 90-R for Broad Gauge and 60-R for Metre Gauge. Only new rails and second hand rails conforming to the standards laid down in relevant cause of the Code of practice for welding of Rail Joints by the Alumino thermit process and the Code of Practice for Flash Butt Welding of rails shall be welded into SWR. (3) Sleepers -The sleepers approved for use with SWR shall be as under (a) Wooden sleepers with anti-creep or elastic fastenings. (b) Cast iron sleepers and steel trough sleepers with key type or elastic fastenings. Wooden sleepers with mild steel bearing plates and rail free fastenings may preferably be used at all fish plated joints when SWR is laid on metal sleepers. Concrete sleepers should be used in cases where SWR is likely to be converted to LWR/CWR immediately. In such cases the fishplated joints shall have wooden sleepers at the joints. (4) Sleeper Density - Reference may be made to Para 244 (4) of the Manual for the details. (5) Ballast:- Only stone ballast shall be used. The recommended depth of ballast below the bottom of sleepers is as indicated in Para 263 (2), the minimum in no case being less than 200 mm. both for Broad Gauge and Metre Gauge. 100 mm. extra width of shoulder ballast over

and above the standard ballast section on tangent track shall be provided on outside of curves upto 875 metres radius in Broad Gauge, 600 metres radius in Metre Gauge. In the case of sharper curves, the extra width shall be 150mm. On existing SWR lengths, where this width is not available, this may be provided on a programmed basis. In the case of 60 kg. Rails LWR profile shall be adopted. 507. Condition of laying : (1) Alignment -SWR shall not be laid on curves sharper that 500 meters radius in both Broad Gauge and Metre Gauge. However, on PSC Sleepers, SWR may be laid on curves with radius not less than 440 meters. Existing SWR laid on sharper curves may, however, be allowed to continue if there is no difficulty experienced in maintaining these lengths. Chief Engineer's approval should be taken in such cases. (2) Junction with insulated joints and points and crossings - SWR shall not butt againist insulated joints, heel of crossing and stock rail joints. Two standard length rails (13M./12M.) shall be interposed to isolate the SWR from such locations. These standard length rails shall be anchored effectively to arrest movement in either direction. (3) Junction with standard length rails on wooden sleepers - When SWR track butts against track laid with standard length rail (13M. for Broad Gauge and 12 M. for Metre Gauge) on wooden sleepers, the latter shall be adequately anchored for at least six rail lengths to check the creep of rails. These six rail lengths shall have a sleeper density of M+7. Additional shoulder ballast should also be provided. (4) Regarding laying of SWR in Level Crossings and Bridges, Para 921 of Chapter on Level Crossings, Para 272(4) of Chapter on Permanent Way Maintenance-Track Structure on Bridges may be referred to. 508. Laying of short welded rails (SWR) - The gaps to be provided for SWR at the time of laying shall be in accordance with Table 1 depending on the installation temperature (ti) and the Zone in which the rails are laid TABLE 1 Initial laying gaps for SWR for various installation temperatures For Zones 1 and II Rail temperature at the time of installation (ti) (in centigrade) -

If the laying has to be done outside the temperature range given in table above, or wherever joint gaps could not be provided as per the table, readjustment of gap shall be carried out within two days of laying before the track consolidates. Along with the gap adjustment, any respacing of sleepers, if required, must be carried out. 509. Maintenance of short welded rails -Regular maintenance operation (1) Regular track maintenance including all operations involving packing, lifting, aligning, local adjustment of curves, screening of ballast other than deep screening, and scattered renewal of sleepers may be carried out without restriction when the rail temperature is below tm. +25� C in the case of zone I & II and tm + 20�C in the zone III and IV. However on curves of less than 875 metres radius Broad Gauge, and less than 600 meteres radius in Metre Gauge or yielding formation, the above temperature limit shall be restricted to tm. +15� C in the case of Zone I and II and tm. + 10�C in the case of Zone III and IV. (2) If the maintenance operations have to be undertaken at temperature higher than that mentioned above in Para 509 (1), not more than 30 sleeper spaces in one continuous stretch shall be opened, leaving at least 30 fully boxed sleeper spacer between adjacent lengths which are opened out. Before the end of the days work it shall be ensured that the ballast is boxed up. (3) As an additional precaution, during summer months, to be specified by the Chief Engineer, for attention to run down track, even if temperature is less the temperature specified in Para 509 (1) not more than 30 sleepers in one continuous stretch shall be opened, leaving at least 30 boxed sleeper spaces between adjacent lengths which are opened up. Further, if joint gaps are not available at the time of opening of the track even when rail temperature are less than those specified in clause Para 509 (1). not more than 30 sleepers in one continuous stretch should be opened leaving at least 30 boxed sleeper spaces between adjacent lenghts which are opened up. (4) Major lifting, major alignment of track, deep screening and renewal of sleepers in continuous length. - Each of these operations shall be done under suitable precautions and normally when the rail temperature is below tm. +15 C in the case of Zones I and II, and tm. +10 C in the case of Zones III and IV. If it becomes necessary to undertake such works at rail temperature exceeding the above values adequate speed restrictions shall be imposed. (5) Adequate number of joggled fish-plates with special clamps shall be provided to the gangs for use in emergencies. (6) In the case of any fracture in the weld or in the rail, the portion of rail with fracture is cut, and removed for a length of not less than 4 M. to carry out the rewelding duly introducing a rail piece of equivalent length, also ensuring that no weld lies closer than 4M. from the fishplated joint. (7) Conversion of 10 rail/5 rail panels into shorter panels - It will be desirable to convert the existing 10 rail panels and 5 rail panels into 2-V2 rail panels wherever maintenance problems cannot be solved otherwise. Whereever conditions permit, conversion of SWR into LWR may also be considered. 510. Gap survey and adjustment of gap(1) General - Gap survey and rectification of gaps is to be carried out, in stretches where track develops excessive creep jammed joints, sun kinks, buckling, wide gaps, battered and hogged joints, fractures at joints and bending of bolts etc. In SWR the gap survey and adjustment should normally be done before the end of February once a year (i.e., before onset of Summer). (2) Gap Survey- (a) The gap survey shall be conducted on a clear and sunny day in the cool hours of the day. (b) The length over which gap survey is to be done should, whereever possible, be divided into suitable sub-sections, each bounded by fixed points such as level crossings, points and crossings etc. The survey should be completed during as short a time as possible, by employing adequate number of parties so that the rail temperature is not likely to vary appreciably. (c) The joint gaps shall be measured by taper gauge in mm. (shown below) and the readings entered in the pro forma as shown in Annexure5/2.

(3) Recommended range of value of gaps - The recommended range of value of gaps (in mm.) during service for various ranges of rail temperature is indicated in the table given below :TABLE For Zones I and II

Note : -(i) The values given above are for 3 rail panels. (ii) The gaps given above are to be distinguished from the values given in Para 508 (Table I) which are intended to be provided at the time of initial laying of SWR. (iii) Gap survey should be carried out when rail temperature is in rising trend only. (4) Calculations for adjustment- The average of the measured gaps is worked out as shown in the pro forma for gap survey (Annexure 5/2). A comparison of the results of the gap measurements recorded and the permissible values of gap (concerned range for gap) given above will lead to one of the following cases :Case 1 - Average gap is within the recommended range, but some of the individual gaps fall outside the range.

Case 2 - Average gap falls outside the recommended range. Case 3 - Average gap as well individual gaps fall within the range. (5) Action to be taken - The action to be taken is as follows :Case 1 - Rectification work should be restricted to correcting the individual gaps, which falls outside the recommended range. Rectification should be done by pulling the minimum number of rails. Under no circumstances shall the adjustment be done by cutting a rail or introducing a longer rail. Case 2 -The joint gaps shall be systematically adjusted from one end to the other end of the subsection. The rails shall be unfastened over convenient lenghts, the gaps adjusted to the initial laying gaps as per Para 508 and rails fastened. In this case introduction of a longer or shorter rail will be involved. Efforts should be made to see that only the minimum number of joint sleepers are disturbed. Case 3 - No action is to be taken. As far as possible, the day chosen for rectification should be a day on which the rail temperature is not likely to vary much during rectification period. 511. Conversion of SWR into LWR - The following additional precuations should be observed when converting SWR into LWR :(1) The anticipated residual life shall be at least 10 years. (2) The rails shall be tested ultrasonically and all defective rails replaced before conversion into LWR. (3) Rail ends which are hogged or battered or have a history of cracks in bolt hole region, shall be cropped before conversion into LWR. PART 'C' Long welded rails/Continuous welded rails 512.Referenceto LWR/CWR Manual - Detailed instructions for laying and maintenance of long welded rails/continuous welded rails are contained in the "Manual of Instructions on long welded rails 1996". It is very important that instructions contained thereon are carefully studied by all Permanent Way officials connected with the laying and maintenance of long welded rails/ continuous welded rails. ANNEXURE-5/1 PARA 505 MAP OF INDIA SHOWING RAIL TEMPERATURE ZONES

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