
December 25, 2016 | Author: Jo Meredith Burke | Category: N/A
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Ireland: Topic 3 The pursuit of sovereignty and the impact of partition, 1912-1949 PAST EXAM QUESTIONS 2012 Answer one of the following questions: 1. How did the threat and use of physical force affect Ireland during the period 19121923? 2. How did the government of Northern Ireland deal with economic problems and/or threats to security, 1920-1945? 3. What was the significance of the Eucharistic Congress, 1932? 4. How did Anglo-Irish relations develop during the period 1923-1949?

2011 Answer one of the following questions: 1. What did one or more of the following contribute to Irish affairs: Patrick Pearse; Arthur Griffith; Countess Markievicz? 2. How did the Irish government contribute to the consolidation of democracy, 19221932? 3. What were the strengths and weaknesses of Éamon de Valera as a political leader? 4. What was the impact on Northern Ireland of international developments during the period 1932-1945? 2010 Answer one of the following questions: 1. During the period 1912-1920, what factors contributed to the partition of Ireland? 2. Who handled Anglo-Irish relations better, W. T. Cosgrave or Éamon de Valera? Argue your case, referring to both. 3. To what extent did the 1932 Eucharistic Congress and/or the language and education policies of Irish governments promote Irish cultural identity? 4. How did the Unionist Party in power respond to the challenges posed by the existence of a substantial nationalist minority within Northern Ireland?

2009 Answer one of the following questions: 1. Why were the Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations controversial? 2. What were the main social and economic challenges facing Northern Ireland, 1920-1945? 3. During the period 1932-1945, which did Éamon de Valera manage better, the economy or Anglo-Irish relations? Argue your case, referring to both. 4. What attempts were made to promote cultural identity, North and South, during the period, 1912-1945? 2008 Answer one of the following questions: 1. To what extent was the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921, responsible for the Irish Civil War? 2. What steps did Irish governments take to consolidate democracy, 1923-1945? 3. What was the significance of the Eucharistic Congress, 1932, for the Irish Free State? 4. How well did the Unionist Party manage the affairs of Northern Ireland, 19201939? 2007 Answer one of the following questions: 1. What were the aims and achievements of Patrick Pearse? 2. How did Anglo-Irish relations develop during the period 1923 – 1949? 3. How was cultural identity promoted in Ireland, North and South, between 1920 and 1949? 4. Following the experience of war, to what extent was the Belfast of 1945 different from that of 1939 2006 Answer one of the following questions: 1. From 1912 onwards, what factors contributed to the partition of Ireland, 1920? 2. Between 1922 and 1932, what steps did the Cosgrave governments take to establish the Irish Free State on firm foundations? 3. How well did Ireland, North and/or South, deal with the social and economic problems presented by World War II? 4. To what extent were language, religion and education used to promote Irish cultural identity during the period, 1920 – 1949?

OLD COURSE QUESTIONS 2005 The Irish Civil War, 1922 – 1923 Outline the origins, course and consequences of the Irish Civil War, 1922 – 1923. Foreign Policy, 1922 – 1966 Discuss foreign policy as pursued by successive Irish governments during the period, 1922 – 1966. Ireland during World War II What were the problems faced by the country during the years, 1939 – 1945, and how did the government try to deal with those problems? First Inter-Party Government, 1948 - 1951 Assess what you consider to have been the successes and failures of the First InterParty government, 1948 – 1951. Ireland, North and South, 1945 - 1966 “The period after 1945 witnessed considerable change in Ireland, north and south.” Discuss. 2004 Partition Discuss the impact of partition on Ireland, North and South, 1922 – 1966. Cumann na nGaedheal “Security, the economy and Anglo-Irish relations were key concerns of Cumann na nGaedheal in power, 1923 – 1932.” Discuss. Anglo-Irish Relations How successful was Eamon de Valera’s handling of Anglo-Irish relations, 1932 – 1945? The Labour Movement Discuss the fortunes of the Irish labour movement, 1922 – 1966. Seán Lemass “The term of office of Seán Lemass as Taoiseach (1959 – 1966) was of pivotal importance in a period of rapid change.” Discuss. 2003 The Irish Economy Treat of the fortunes of the Irish economy during the period 1922 – 1948. Eamon de Valera How far did de Valera dismantle the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 during the period, 1932 – 1938? Irish Neutrality Discuss the problems encountered by the Irish government as a result of its policy of neutrality in the years, 1939 – 1945. Irish Governments, 1948 – 1966

How successful were Irish governments of the period 1948 – 1966 in dealing with the challenges which faced the country at that time? Northern Ireland Treat of the history of Northern Ireland during the period, 1920 – 1966. 2002 The War of Independence, 1919 – 1921 Treat of the origins, course and consequences of the War of Independence. Cumann na nGaedheal, 1922 – 1932 Discuss the view that Cumann na nGaedheal initially faced enormous challenges but had achieved much by 1932. Anglo-Irish Relations, 1922 – 1949 Assess the development of Anglo-Irish relations in the period, 1922 – 1949. Northern Ireland, 1920 – 1966 Describe the problems facing Northern Ireland during the period, 1920 – 1966, and assess the attempts made to solve them. Seán Lemass Evaluate the contribution of Seán Lemass to Irish history up to 1966. 2001 The Decline of Libya before 1911 Account for the decline of Libya during the latter half of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century The Italian Invasion of Libya, 1911 - 1912 Discuss the main features of the Italian invasion and conquest of Libya in 1911 1912. Libya under Italian Rule, 1911 - 1939 Libya prospered economically under Italian Rule between 1911 and 1939. Discuss. Libya during World War II, 1939 - 1945 Treat of the experiences of Libya during World War II, 1939 - 1945. The Revolution of 1969 What were the causes of the revolution that took place in Libya in 1969? 2000 Eamon de Valera Treat of the involvement of Eamon de Valera in Irish affairs from the General Election of 1918 up to his party taking government office in 1932. Economic Policies Discuss the economic policies of successive Irish governments between 1922 and 1948. Northern Ireland What problems faced the government of Northern Ireland during the period, 1920 – 1945, and estimate how effectively these problems were resolved.

Irish Foreign Policy Discuss the main features of foreign policy (including Anglo-Irish relations) pursued by successive Irish governments during the period, 1932 – 1966. Seán Lemass Critically assess the domestic policies pursued by Seán Lemass as Taoiseach, 1959 – 1966.

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