IRC-78-2014 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section VII - Foundations and Substructure (Revised Edition)

March 28, 2017 | Author: Saroon Afshan | Category: N/A
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Download IRC-78-2014 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section VII - Foundations and Substr...



STANDARDSPECIFIGATIONS AND GODEOF PRACTICE FORROADBRIDGES SECTION: Vtl FOUNDATIONS AND SUBSTRUCTURE (RevisedEdition) (lncorporating allAmendments and Erratapublishedupto December, 2013)




PageNo. Personnel of BridgesSpecifications andStandards Committee Background








702 703




701.1 Abutrnent 70'1.2 Afflux 701.3 Balancer 701.4 Bearing Capacity 701.5 BearingStress 741.6 Cofferdam 701.7 Foundation 701.8 Pier 701.9 Piles 701.10 Retaining Wall 70111 Substructure 701.12 WellFoundation Notations Discharge andDepthof Scourfor Foundation Design 703-1 DesignDischarge ot Foundation 743.2 MeanDepthof Scow 703.3 MaximumDepthof Scourfor Designof Foundations Sub-surface Exploration 704.1 Objectives 704.2 Zoneof lnfluence 704.3 Methods of Exploration Depthof Foundation 705.1 General 705.2 OpenFoundations 705.3 WellFoundations 705.4 PileFoundations Loads.Forces.Stability andStresses 706.1 Loads,ForcesandtheirCombinations

3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 I 9 '10 11

12 12 13 13 '13 14 14 15 15 15

IRC:78-2014 706.2 706.3 707

Horizontal Forcesat Bearingt evel BasePressure

16 17






707.2 707.3 707.4


19 21 22 23 23

openFoundations atSloped BedProfile Construction

WellFoundations 708.1







Stabilityof Well Foundations


Tiltsand Shifts
















Sinkingot Wells


Pngumatic Sinkingof Wells


Sinkingof Wellsby Resodingto Btasting


PileFoundation 709.1 709.2 709.3 709.4 739,5 l:9,6

Generat Requiremeniarli s.rallsior Des.blra.!d hj.atbjsr GeotedlnicaCa:a-.i:: PiE Struciuel DesQn :f ?ie Desgn G:Ptb Ca l1ltc,r€xiCgnstbais-, 3ie D;=-a:T,.!=:f

23 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 34 36 40 40




IRC:78-2014 710


Substructure 710]l General l 710.2 Piers 710.3 WallPiers 710.4 Abutments 710.5 Abutment Pier 7'10.6 DirtWalls,WingWallsandReturnWalls 710-7 Retaining Walls 710.8 PierandAbutment Caps 710.9 Cantilever CapofAbutment andPier 710.10. Pedestals belowBearing

44 44 .45 46 46 47 48 49 49 5'1 51

Appendixes 1.

Guidelinesfor CalculatingSilt Factorfor Bed MaterialConsistingof Ctay


Guidelinesfor Sub-surfaceExploration


Procedurefor StabilityCalculation


Precaqtions to be takenduringSir kingof Wells


Capacityof Pile Basedon PileSoil Interaction


FillingBehindAbutments.'Wing and ReturnWalls

7. ,

Part-1-PileLoad Capacityby DynamicTest UsingWave Equation Part-2-standardTestMethodfor Low Strain Pile IntegrityTesting

53 54 67 71 76 82 84 93


ANDSTANDARDs coMMtiTEE (Ason 6.1.2014)


Kandasamy, C. (Convenor)

.Diiectot General {RD}& Go\,.t. of india,Ministyof Road Transport and Highways, TransportBhavan,NewDelhi


Patanka4 VL. lCo-Convenor)

Aoor.ulrecrorUenerat,Ministryof RoadTrenspo.tand Highways Transpo rt Bhavan,NewDelhi


Pathak,A.P (Member-Secretdry )

ChiefEngineer {B)5&R,{Ministryof RoadTranspo.t & Highr"yr, TransportBhavan,NewDelhi . . M a m b e 6-



DG{W), CPWD(Retd.}Ghaziabad


Aliinchandani, C.R.

Chairman& ManagingDirector,STUP (p)Ltd., Consultants Mumbai



ChiefEngineer{Retd.) MORTH,NewDelnr


Bagish,Dr B.P

C-2/2013, VasantKunj,Opp. D.pS.New Dethi


Bandyopadhyay, Dr N.


Director,StupConsultants {p) Ltd.NewDelhi Bandyopadhyay, D. T.K. ioint DirectorGeneral(Retd.)INSDAG, Kolkata

10. Banerjee, A.K.

ChiefEngineer (Retd.) MORTH, NewDelhi

11. lJanerlee, LB.

ChielEngineer (Retd.) MORTH, NewDelhi

12. Basa,Ashok.

DirectortTactr. & Buildersttd., Bhubaneswar ) B. Engineers



AOG(B),(Retil.),MOSI NewDethj

Bhowmick, Alok

ManagihgDirector,Bridge& Structural€ngg.Consultants (P)ltd.,



Bongirwar, PL.

Advisor,L&I Mumbai


Dhodapkar, A.N.



(Retd.)MORTH,NewDelhi ChiefEhgineer Directorand Vicepresident, STUPConsultants {p) Ltd. kolkaia VicePrgsident, STUPConsultants (p) Ltd., Mumbai

18. loglekar,S.G. 19.


ChiefEngineer Me pWDBhopal {Rerd.),



DG(RD) (Retd)MOSI NewDelhi & Addl-Secy.,





ChiefEnginee {Retd.),MORTH,NewDethi DG(RD)& A5,MORT&H (Retd.) NewDethi



(Retd.)UP,pWD, E-in-Chief

IRC:78-2O14 '

' Director,freissinet Prestressedcontiate Co. Mumbai




M.K. Mukherjee,

ChieJEngine€r {.Retd.)MoST, New Delhi


A.K. Nagpal,

Prof.llT,New Delhi

A.D. 27-. Nqrain, 24.


R.K. 29_ Pandey,

Delhi DG (RD)& AS,MORT&H,{Retd.).Ne}v -chief Engineer(Retd.)'MORTHNew Delhi

(Planning), MORTH, NewDelhi Ehgineer Ch-ief


Dr. Pararneswaran, Lakshmy

(BAS), CRRI, NewDelhi ChiefScientist


Pratap5. Raizada,

(Corporate Affairs)-GammonIndiaLtd.Mumbai VicePresident


Rao,Dr MVB.

Pvt.Ltd. lnfrastructure Ms.SNCLAVALTN SeniorConsultant,


Roy,Dr B.C.

lnclia Engg.Servic€s Director,M/s. Consulting SeniorExecutive (Pvl.)Ltd.Curgaon

34. Saha,Dr G.P

(P)Ltd.Mumbai DirectorConstruma Executive Consultancy

6. 35. Sharan,

(Retd.) MoRTH, NewDellhi & Spl.secy DG(RD)

R.5. 36. Sharma,

(Retd.)MORTH , NewDelhi

37. Sinha, N.K.

& s5,{Retd.)MoRT&HNewDelhi DG{RD)

Dr 38. Subbarao, Harshavafdhan

Ltd. Consultancy{P) Director, Construma & Managing Chakman Mumbai

Mahesh 39. Tandon,

ManagingDirector,TandgnConsultants(P) Lld.,NewDelhi


V Velayutham,,

(Reld.)MORH,New Delhi .Chief.Engineer (Retd.)MORTH,New Delhi DG (RD)SS


T. Viswanathan,

7046, Sector B, Pocket10, VasantKunj ,New Delhi


Director TheExecutive

Lucknow RDSO,

K.B. 40. Thandavan,

(B&s) 44.

The Directorand Head, (CivilEngg.),

1. Raina,Dr VK. 2. Singh,R.B.. . -1.

C. Kandasamy, Prasad,Vishnu Shankar

NewDelhi oflndianStandards, Bureau

Coftesponding Memberc (W.8.) Consultant . -Dirpctor,Projects Consllltinglndia (P) Ltd. New Delhi

Ex-officio Members DirectorGeneral(RD)& SpecialSecretaryto Govt.of lndia;MoRT&Hand Fresident,lRC,New Delhi SecretaryGeneral,IndianRoadsCongress,NewDelhi v l


FOUNDATIONS AND SUtsSTRUCTURE BACKGROUND The"Standard Specifications and Codeof pracficefor RoadBridges,, SectionVll _ Foundatjons and Substructure was firstpublished jn July 19gOuJ p"n _ , o"n"r", Featuresof Design.Lalerfirstrevjsi(

Part and il;;,;; ;; "";;;ffiill,]:T: iHT:ff ?#::#:':lx'i:: of thiscodewas undertaken by the Foundation and Structure Committee

and 1S_a; the initialdraftwas finalized by the Committee underthe Convenor"n,f or rnr, * n. Sarma. Subsequenfly, ihe draftwasreconsidered anddiscussed in variousmeetings by thereconstituted Foundatjon, protectjve Substructure and WorksCommjttee (B_4) underConvenorship ofShriS.AReddi.Thefinaldraftas approu"O OfConuenoI. eSS committeewas subsequenfly approvedby ihe Executive committeein its meeting h€ldon 30.8.2000. lt was laterapproved by the Counciljn its 160thmeetinghetd at Kolkaiaon 4.11.2000 for publishing the revisedIRCCodeSectjonVtt;tnC: ZA:ZO0O. Sincethennumerous amendments anderratawerepubljshed to thisCodebasedon development in designandconstrucijon technoloov The curreniRevisedEditionof IRC:78includes all the amendments and errata published fromtimeto iimeuptoDecember, 2013. ' TheRevised Edition of IRC:78'standardSpecifications andCodeof practrce forRoad Bridges" SectionVll - Foundation in(

tirr o-ate was iu'i","0;T:T:"3,r"?il:lll?::"ilH,iil"Tj:f "oo.""o Protective Worksand MasonryStructures jn Committee (B_3) its meettngheldon

'16.10.20'13. TheRevised Ediiion of tR

and standards committee init","etillnffiTjil::Z *:?l"r"T::::l,T[:: h e i do n 0 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 if4o rp u b i i s h i n g .

The composition of the B-3 Committeeis givenbelow: pL. BongiMar, Convenor Joglekar, S.G. Co-Convenor Kanhere, D.K.



IRC:78-2014 M e m b e r s . . i. . : . . chonkar,Ravindra " Deshmukh, Dr.vV Dr.VT. GanPule' (expircd on 15.03.2013)


RK Jaigopal;

(expired on30.12.2012)

Dr'SY Mhaiskar' JaYant Nashikkar, R.v


ur' n suDoarao, Sinqh. M.N. V Velyutham, Members CorresPonding Basa,Ashok

Dr'N' Pitchumani,

Paul,Dipankar R.H.. Sarma,

,. ':'

I Viswanathan,


Dr ZS' Tarapore,


Ex-0fficioMembers C.KandasamY

& Special (RoadDevelopment) Director General lRc MoRT&HandPresident, Secretary,


IRC General, Secretary


700scoPE withthe designand construction of foundations .^::-i* 1*n -"J,u and substructure :3r roadbridges. Theprovisions of thjscode.," rn"uniio nuou ,o oo,n :e designand consiruction "u.Ju engineerc, Ort ,"r" i#u"*?'rnu provisions s:ipulated hereinwillnotrelieveth "nrpf **onsibirirv

andsoundness orrhu dl:il;:j:lJ:|":LT:" ",,.,"r,,u


701 TERMINOLOGY ihe following definitions shallbeappijcable forthepurpose ofthiscode. 701.1 Abutment oJihedeck(superstructure) of a bridge,vihic.h atsoretainsearth,fifl of 1::i1 "rqO:T appfoaches behind Iullyof par y. 701,1.1


Whentheretumwallson twosidesareintegrated withabutment anda backwa parallelto abutment is provjdedat theendof returnswjrhor without addjri";;;i;;;, wa atongor acrossiength,thisstructure is calledboxlypu unO,"*" ,",], ,*n "frrtr"nt "r'""0 701.1-2 Non-loadbearingabutment Abutment, whicl.l supports theendspanof lessthan5 m. I v r. r.r

t\on_sptthrough abulment

An abutment structure wherethesoilis notallowed lo spjllthfough. 701.1.4


isallowed to spillthrough gaps.arongrherength ofaoutment, il i::I:"]"h:'" such "ojl as. corumn structure wherecolumns areplacedbetowoect< ieams a-nJi"i ,no",*"un ia spillearth.(Spilling of earthshoutdnotbe permitted abovea level;f 500mmbelow iheboftom of bearings). 701.2


Theriseinthefloodleveloftheriverjmmediately ontheupstream ofa bridge asa resultof obstruction to naturalflowcausedby theconstruction of thebriOg"unJ'ltsi!proa"f,e". 3

IRC;78-2014 701.3


allowflowofwaterfromonestde on embankmentto provided likestructure Abridgeiculvert up of wateron oneside neaOing to otn"' s'oe,ro' purposeof avoiOing ofthe embankment the entryto theoiherside' or for avoidingblocking 701.4


as bearingstressis referredto as it bearing powerof soil/rockexpressed Thesupporting capacty. 701.4.1

A owablebearingPressure

whichneitherthe soilfails..inshear'(after It is the maximumgrosspressureImensityat bevond i""tor ot sateiy)nor there is excessivesetilement i"t thestructure "oftp,iui" to be detrimentalto ""-"*'"t p"^""i|[ rit't., *nich is expected 701.4.2

ca4acit| Netsafebearing

by a factor of safetyas per Clause It is the nei ultimatebearingcapacitydivided 706. 7O1.4.3 Netultimatebearingcapactty causingshearfailureoi thesoil' It is the minimumnetpressureintensity 701.4.4


*"'* thesoilcal *'ry which pressure ""0 rhemaximum ""tull.Y]I:*:*,:::L"." pressure overburden plus original capacity bearing ttu n"t i. "ufe "ouuiio grossbeaingcapacv 701A.5


at whichthe sorl grosspressureintensityat {he baseof the foundation It is theminimum failsin shear. 701.5



lnfe'sitY GrossPressure

combinations on soildueto thepossible at thebaseofthefoundation It is thetotalpressure of loadandtheweightof theearthflll' 7o1-5.2

intensw NetPressure

IRC;78-2014 pressure. : s::::€rence in intensities oflhegrosspressure andtheoriginal overburden -!1.6


I =J:iure temporary builtfor the purposeof excluding wateror soilsufficiently to permit proceed pumping ::-s'J-dctionor withoutexcessive and to supportthe surrounding ;-jrc. 701.7 --3


oartofa brioge in directcontacl. withandtransmitting loadto thefounding stfata.



.iiermediate supports of thedeck(superstructure) of a bridge. 701.8.1

pier Abutment

pieris designed Generally usein multiple spanarchbridges. Abutment fora condition that it wouldbesafe.Theseareprovided evenif onesidearchspancollapses afterthfeeor flve spans. 701.9




A piledrivenor cast-in-siiu fortransmitting theweightof a structure to thefoundingstrata pile base and friction bytheresistance developed at the by alongits surface.lf it supports the loadmainlybythe resistance developed at iis base,ii !s referred to as an end-bearing pile,andif mainlybyfrictionalongitssurface,as a frictionpile. 701-9-2


A pilelormed withorwithout a casing byboring a holeintheground andsubsequently filling it withplainor reinforced concrete. 701.9.3

pile Drivencast-in-situ

A pileformedin thegroundbydriving a permanent or temporary casing. andfillingit with plainor feinForced concrete. 701.9.4


A piledrivenintothegroundbytheblowsof a hammerbya vibrator. 5

IRC:78-2014 701.9.5, Precastpile A reinforced or prestressed concretepile cast beforedriving,or installingin bore.arid grouted. 701,.9.6

Rakeror bafterpile

A pileinstalled at an inclination to thevertical. 7O1-g.7


One or a row of pjlesdrivenor formedin the groundadjacentto one anotherin a continuous jointor interlock,designed wall,eachgenerallyprovidedwitha connecting to resistmainlylateralforcesand to reduceseepage;it may be verticalor at an inclination. 701.9.8

pile Tension

A pilesubjected to tension/uplift is calledtensionpile. 70i.9.9


Apiletowhicha loadisappliedto determine and/orconfirm (ultimate theloadcharacteristics load/working load)of thepileandthesurrounding ground. pile 701.9.10 Working Oneof thepilesformingthefoundation of thestructure. 70'1.10

Retaining Wall

Awalldesigned to resistthe pressure of earthfillingbehind. 7O1.10.'l Returnwall A walladjacentto abutment generally parallello roador flaredup to increased widthand raiseduptothetopof road. 701.10.2


Awallbuittattheendoftheslopeofearthenent€nkner{ b g€vefltslippingof earthand/ or pitchingon embankment. 6

IRC;78-2014 101.10.3 Wingwatl : ,',alladjacent to abuiment levelnearabutment andslopingdown gfound -::3 levelor a litileaboveattheotheiend.Thisis generally at 4Soto theatignment :'i3ad or parallel to theriverandfollows profile or earthen banks. 701.11


Tre bricjge structure, suchas,pierandabuimentabovethefoundation andsuppontng the su0erstructure. lt shallinclude returns andwingwallsbutexclude bearings. 701.'12


Aiypeoffoundat;on wherea partofthestructure is hoilow, whichjs generally bujltin parts andsunkthioughgroundor waterto ihe prescribed depthby removing earththrough dredge hole. 7'10.12-1 Tiltof a well Theinclination oftheaxisofthewellfrom thevertical expressed astheiangent oftheangle between theaxisof thewellandihe vertical. 701.12.2 Shiftof a wetl ThelTorizontal dispracement of thecentreof thewel at its basein itsfinarpositionfromits position. designed 702 NOTATIONS Forthepurpose of thiscode,thefoilowing notations havebeenadopied; A, A2 B C c C


Dispersed concentric area Loadedarea Width betr,veen outer faces of pile groupin plan parallelto the directionof movement pressure Theallowable bearing withnearuniform distribution onthefounding strata Cohesion The perrnissible d;rectcompressive stressin concreteat ihe bearingareaof the base Diameter of pile

IRC:78-2O14 Db

d d, d Fb


(cumecs) permetrewidth Discharge in cubicmetre/sec, External diameter of circular ' : " .well . . in metre Weighted meandiametelin mmof bedmaterial Meandepthofscourin metrebelowfloodlevel Longitudinal forcedueto braking Centdfugalforce Deformation effects. Horizontalforce" Earthpressure

F Ff F

G G h

K K K"f




Seismicforce trrecnon eITecIS Frictional forceat bearings lmpact dueto floating bodies Secondary effects WaterCurreni Temperature effecta [SeeNcite(i)] Wavepressure ISeeNote(ii)l Deadload Buoyancy Snowload Minimum thickness of steining in metre Co.efficient of activeearthpressure Co-efficient of passiveearthpressure Siltfactor Lengthbetweenouterfaces of pile groupin plan parallelto the direction movemenl Movement of deckoverbearinqs, otherthandueto appliedforce Depthof well Deothof wellin metre. uDto MSL. penetration Standard testvalue Totalactive.pressure _., Totalpassivepressure Liveload

IRC:78-2014 R R

v w G


s, tt. p .D t 6n

Deadloadreaction Liveloadreaction Shearratingof elastomeric bearing Windload Reduction factor. Ratioof longsideto theshortsideof thefooting Undrained shearstrength Undrained chohesion Co-efficient of friction Angleof internalfriction Settlement of pile Settlement of pilegroup

f,OIES; i) Temperature eflects(Fb)inthiscontextis notthefrictionalforce dueto the movement of bearingbutthatwhichis causedby ribshortening, etc. ii) Thewaveforcesshallbe determined by suitable analysisconsidering drawingand inertiaforces;etc.,on siirglestructu€lmenibeisbasedon rationalmethodaor modelstudies.In caseof groupof piles,piers,etc.,pfoximity effectsshallalsobe



DesignDischarge of Foundation

703,1.1 Toprovidefor andadequatemarginof safety,the scourfor foundatjon shall be designed for a largerdischaigeover:thedesigndischarge determined as per IRC:5as givenbelow: Increaseover design Dischargein percerit 30 30-20 20-10 '10

0 - 3000 3000- 10000, 10000--40000 Above- 40000

r\IOIES: i) For inlermediatevaluesoJ catchmentarea, linear interpolationmay be adopted.


t IRC:78-2014 IRC:s dete.mined as-per vertical clearance abovetheHFLalready ii) Theminimum above. discharge calculaied dueto larger neednotbeincreased 703.2

MeanDepthof Scour

flowingover ThemeanscourdepthbelowHighestFloodLevel(HFL)for naturalchannels fromthe following equation: theoretically scourable bedcanbe calculated 1

ct*=134(!K)3 Where permeiiewidthoi effective {of foundation Thedesigndischarge waterway. K,,=

obtained.upto sampleof bedmaterial Siltfactorfor a representative deepestscour. thelevelof anticipated

by dividingthe designdischargefor 703.2.1 The valueof D6 may be determined as givenin IRC:5. andactualeffective linearwaterway foundation by lowerof theoretical meandiameter 703.2.2 'K"r'is givenbytheexpression t.76u[. d, beingtheweighted in millimetre. 703.2.2.1 The valueof K",for virious gradesof sandybed are givenbelowforready andadoption: reference Typeof bed mate al Coarsesilt SilVfinesand Mediumsand Cggl-qe sand Finebajriandsand Heavysand


0.04 0.081to 0.'158 0.223to 0.505 o.725

9 ' 9 8 8. .

1 . 2 9t o 2 . 0 0

0.35 0.5to 0.7 0 . 8 5t o 1 ' 2 5 1.5 1.75 2.Olo 2.42

scourdepthfor bed maierial 703.2.2.2 No rationalformulaor data for determining (normally gravels moreihan2.00mm) havingwelghted diameter consisting of andboulders the mean In absenceof anydaiaon scourfor suchmaterial, andclayeybedis available. givenin Appendix-lfollowing theguidelines scourdepthmaybe calculated dueto concentration of flowin anypartof waterway 703,2,3 lf thereis anypredominant like, upstream or downstream or foranyotherreason, wide bendofthestreamin immediate thenmeanscourdepthmaybe acrossthewidthof channel. variation oftypeoi bedmaterial 10

IRC:78-20'14 i5

jntocompartments = Illated bydividing thewaterway as pertheconcentration offlow i03.2.4 ln caseof bridgemainly adopted as balancer, themeanscourdepth,4,,,may :e iakenas (Highest FloodLevel-Lowest BedLevel) divided by .j.27.


103.2.5 Scourdepthmaybe determined by actualobservations possible. wherever particularly required for clayeyand bouldery sirata.Soundings, whereverpossjble, srall be takenin the vicinityof ihe sjte for the proposedbriOgeand for any structures :earby.Suchsoundings are bestduringor jmmediately aftera floodbeforethe scour r'rcles havehadtimeto be siltedup.Themeanscourdepthmaybe fixedbasedon such observations andtheoretical calculation. 703.3

MaximumDepthof Scourfor Designof Foundation

703.3.'lThemaximum depthof scourbelowtheHjghest FloodLevei(HFL)forthedesign piers of andabutments havingindivjdual foundations without anyfloorproiectton maybe considered asfollows. 703.3.1.1 Floodwithoutseismiccombination - 2.0cl,^ i) Fofpiers

ii)For abutments')


b) 2.00d".withscourallaround. 703.3.1.2 Floodwith seismic combnation Forconsidering loadcombination offrood andseismic (together roads wiihotherappropriate combinations givenelsewhere) ihemaximum depthofscourgivenjn Clause 703,3..1 .1may be reduced by multiplying factorof 0.9. 7433.1.3 Fotlowwaterrever(wirhoutfrood conditions)combined withseismic combination m€ximum levelof scourbelowhighfJoodlevelcanbe assurned as 0.gtimesscourgivenin Clause703.3.1. NOTE:

In respect of viaducURoB havingno possibility of scouf,resistance of soilmaybe considered beJow depthof excavation for services construction, or 2.0 m below ground levelwhichever isgreater.

703.3.2 For the designof floor protectionworksfor raft or openfoundatjons, the following valuesof maximum scourdepthmaybeadopted: i) Ina siraightfeach ii) ln a bend

1.27d '1.50d"11

or onthebasisof concentration of flow

"RC:?&z014 maybe 0.7timesof tl-tesameon downstream Thelengthof apronon upstream scour the maximum for determining studiesshouldbe underlaken 703,4 Special such-as, conditlons, whereabnormal in allsituations depthforthedesignof foundations areencountered; the[ollowing flow,or a curvilinear ona bendof theriverinvolving beinglocated i) a bridge or shoalformation, excessive intheriverhugstq at a sitewherethedeepchannel beinglocated ii) a bridge oneslde,or or heavylocalscours, verythickpiersinducing iii) a bridgehaving or offlowin theriveris considerable, iv) wheretheobliquity acrossa canal,or acrossa to be constructed v) wherea bridgeis required of the relatively of storageworks,with the possibility riverdownstream greater scours. or clearwaterinducing structures or otherirrigation vi) a bridgeinthevicinityof a dam,weir,barrage of bed,eic. are of flow aggradations/degradation whereconcentration of thestructures. likelyto affectthe behavior bfidge, on neartotheexisting bridge whenlocated tow-lane vii)An additional majorrivers. NOTET

videClause discharge calculated fortheincrease shallbeconducted Thesestudies 703.1.1.

lf a riveris of a flashynatureand bed doesnot Ienditselfreadilyto the 703.5 depthof scouras formulafor dsmandmaximum scouringeffectof floods,thetheoretical from themaximum depthshallbeassessed recommended shaltnotapply.Insuchcases, actualobservations.


Obiectives exploration are: of thesub-surface Theobiectives i)

DuringPreliminaryInvestigationstage process geological mzipsandother to studyexisting As a partof siteselection reports, previouslypreparedand availablesite investigation information, aboutriverbed if any,surfaceexamination knowndataof nearbystructures, downofsitesunderconsideration etc.,whichwillhelpin narrowing andbanks, 4a

lRCt78-2014 forfuriherstudiesfor projectpreparation stage. ii)

DetailedInvestigationStage Todetermine thecharacteristics geo-materials. of theexisting like.soil.rock. bedmaterialin watercourses, the zoneof influence of the prooosed parameterswhich bridge sitesinsucha wayastoestablish thedesign influence thechoice anddesign details ofthevarious structural elements, especially the foundation type.

iiD DuringConstructionStage Tocodfirmthecharacteristics of geo-materials established in stage(ii)based onwhichthedesignchoices aremadeandto re-confirm thesameor modifyto suittheconditions metat specific foundation locations. 704.2

Zoneof Influence

Zoneof influence mentioned in Clause704.1(ii) is definedas the full lengthof the bridge portion including of wing/return wallandpartof approaches (butnotrestricted covering, to), thefullfloodzoneforwatercourses, anduptodepthbelowproposed foundation levelswhere influence ofstresses duetofoundation islikelytoaffectthebehaviour ofthestructure, including settlement, subsidence undergroundflowof watef,etc.Thewidihof thelandstripon ejther sideof the proposed structure shouldinclude zonesin whichthehydraulic characteristics cf riverwaterarelikelyto be changed affecting flowpatterns, scour,etc. 704.3

Methodsof Exploration

A largevarietyof investigative methodsare available. A mostsuitableand appropriate combination of theseshallbe chosen. Guidelines for choiceof typesof investigations, properties of geo-materials that needbe established, the in-situtesting,sampling, laboratorytestingare given in Appendix-2.This may be furthersupplemented by specialized techniques depending on theneed.

. 705.1


Thefoundation shallbedesigned towithstand theworstcombination of ioadsandforces evaluated in accordance withthe provisions of Clause706.Thefoundations shallbe takento suchdepththattheyaresafeagainst scouror protected fromit.Apartfromthis, the depthshouldalsobe sufficient fromconsideration of bearingcapacity, settlement, potential, liquefaction stability andsuitability of strataat thefounding levelandsufficient depthbelowIt. In caseof brldges wherethe meanscourdepthdsm'iscalculated with 13

IRC:78-2014 structures sfiallnotbe lessihanthoseof existing 703,2,thedepthof foundation CIause in ihe vicinity. 705.2



tn soit

of anticipated assessment be basedoncorrect in soil.shall of foundations Theembedment givenunderClause 703. thevalues scourconsidering shallowdepihbelowthe bedsudace maybe iakendownto a comparatively Foundation againstscour' is proiected andthefoundaiion pfovidedgoodbearingstratumis available, capacity having safebearing shallbeUptostratum depthofopehfoundations Theminimum bedlevel. bul notlessthan2.0m belowthescdurlevelor theprotected 705.2.2

ln rocks

ofthegeological resting onrock,thedepthofrock,whichintheopinion Foropenfoundaiions into thedepthofembedment in deciding shallbeexcluded orfissured, expertisweathered areto reston crediblerocks'cautionshallbe the rockexistingbelowWherefoundations levelat sufficientdepth,so as to ensureihat they establishthe foundation of the bed.Afterallowing erosion in viewthecontinued keeping do notgetundermined, intotherock of theToundations embedment abovetheminimum stipulaied forconditions byproperly rockproiile canbeprovided whichin caseof sloping belowshallbeasfollows, thefoundat;ors. benching depth Embedment Typeof Rock 0.6m For rocks of moderatelystfong and above in table 2 of 2) having of rock(underclause8.2of appendix classificaiion to take or whereit is noipossible UCSof morethan12.5IVIPA SPT N valueis more coreio get the UCS but extrapoiated than500 1 . 5m weakandbelowin table2 of classifio ) Forrockof moceraiely 2) having cationof rock(underclause8.2of appendix UCS< 12.5MPAbui: 2.5MPAor whereit is notpossible SPTN valueis to takecoreto getthe UCSbutextrapolated morethan100butlessthan500 705.3


705.3.1 ln soit

IRC:78-2014 ':Jrla ,',= onsshallbetakendownto a depihwhichwillprovide gripof i/3'dthe a minimum -:r: -rrm depthof scourbelowthedesignscouf levelspecified ;nClause703,3. ;05.3.2

ln rccks

:s :aras possible, thewellsshallbetakenbyallthemethods of sinking pneumatic includrng : :krng(where considered necessary), d6watering, etc.tofoundation levelandshallbeevenly s::ied all aroundthe periphery on soundrock(i.e.,devoidof fissures, cavities, weathered -:re. likeiyextentof erosion, etc.)by providing adequate embedment. Theextentof seating ::J embedment in eachcaseshallbedecided bytheEngineer-in-charge keepjng inviewihe '::iors n]entioned aboveto ensureoverallandlong{ermsafetyof thestructure. lt is advisable :r .irakea sump(shearkey)of 300mmin hardrockor 600mmin softrockinsidethewellby :i;seling/blasiing. Diameter ofsumpmaybe1.5to2 m lessthaninnerdredge_hole subject toa - n,mJnsizeof Sixdowel barsof25mmdiadeformed ba|smaybeancl-ored 1.5m in '1.5m above. -Jckandprojected These maybeanchored inminimum 65mmdiaboreholes and with1:11, cement mortar. l:outed 705.4


705.4.1 Insoil,theminimum depthoffoundations below thepojntoffixityshould bethe minimum length required fordeveloping fullfixityascalculated byanyrational formula. 705.4.2 In rocks,the pjle shouldbe takendownto rockstratadevoidof anv likelv extension of erosionandproperly socketedas requiredbythedesign. 706 LOADS, FORCES, STABILITY AND STRESSES . 706.1

Loads,Forcesand their Combinations

706.1,'l Theloadsandforcesmaybeevaluated as perIRC:6andtheircombinatjons ior thepurposeof thiscociewjllbe asfo||ows: Combination l): G + fQ or G) + F* + Fr + Fb + c b+ F,,t+ F.e Combinat;on ll):i) + W + F^"

or ii) Combination iii) : G + Fwc+ Gb+ Fep+ F*+ Fr + (W or F.s)


a tRc.Tei-2014 increasein stiessesin the variousmemberswill be 331/3 706.1.2 The permissible withseismic of wind(W and50 percentfor the combinalion p"ri""t t"t tn" 'F ""toination increaseiRallowable basepressureshouldbe 25 percent t ot F,). The permissible' i) However,when temperatureeffects(FJ' ioin"rr Jofr'oinu,tn"exceptcombination in foranymembers effects(fd)arealsoto beconsidered effects(FJ deformation secondarv andallowable members invarious increasiinstresses *iin ii,ri"npermissible ""rii.",il" pressure willbe 15percent. bearing 706.2

HorizontalForcesat BearingLevel



beadngs(other than 706.2.1.1 For simply supportedspan with fixed and free bearinglevel in the Elsiomerlt type) on stiff supports,horizontalforces at the below: shallbe as.given direction longitudinal FixedBearing


1\ Fh-u(R s+ Rq)


iRs+Rq) ii') ++p



wnere = Appliedhorizontal force at thefreeenddueto deadload Rn = Reaction atthefreeenddueto liveload Rq = Reaciion = Co-efficient of frictionat the movablebesring\vhichshallbe lJ values: to havethe allowable assumed i) Forsteelrollerbearings ii) Forconcreterollerbearings


0 03



beadngs: iii) Forsliding a).Steeloncastironor stedonsied







b) Greycastironolt greycastjron (Mechaniies)



c) Concrete overconcrete



d) Telflonon stainless steej

: 0.03aod0.05 (whichever is governing)

- Incaseof simply supported smallspansupto10m andwherenobeaflngs are :.oyided,horizontal forcein thelongitudinal direciion ai thc ltearingieveishallbe F


or /t(Rg) whicheveris greatei Fora strnply supported spansiitingon identical electrcmeirjc bearings at eacnendand.resting on unyielding supports. Forceof eachend= z


n v,t,"

4 = Shearratingcfthe e,ectrontetric beafjflgs /b = Movement of deckabovebearing, otherthandueto appiied iorces Simplysuppartedanclcantinuousspanon flexible supaorts

7?6.2?1..ThedistributionofappliediongiiudjnathoflzontdItbrce(e.g.,braking ',,,,ind, etc.)depends solelyonshearrating ofthesupporis anCmaybees,,-imatec tnproponron :o the fatioof individual shearratingof a suppoftto the sumci fl]e shearratjngso, all the supports. Shearratingof a supportis ihe horjzontal forcerequiredto moveihe iop of ihe suoportthrougha unitdistancetakinginio accounthorizcntal defcfmstiorj cf rhe hr;.r.a iexingofthesupport androtation oftheiouncjaiion. 706.3


The a owabiebearingpressureand the seftiementcharacteflstics under 19-63.1 dii€fent loadsancjstressesmay be determined on the basisof sub_sort exptoration and iesting.Thoughthe help of reievantindianSian.dard Code of pfacticernay be :aken,the allowablebearingpressuremay be calculatedas gfoss so ihai rne gross rfessure at thebasewithout deducting thesoiidisplaceo.can becomputed. 706.3.1.1 Factoraf safety 706. Foropen foundations ancjwellfoundaiion resiing onsoil,theallo!.rabie bearinc !ressureon ultimate bearingcapacitymaybetakenas 2.5fcr soil. 17

IRC:78-2014 bearing restingon rock'theallowable andwellfoundation Foropenfoundations 706. butalsoon of parent,rock pressure on rockmaybe decideduponnotonlyon thestrength like,joints,beddingplanes,faults,weathered deflciencies, particularly iverattcnaracteristics the valueof In absenceof suchdetailsor analysisof overallcharacteristics' .onua, ",". of theparentrockmaybe taken strength compressive Llto, ot s"tetylas"d on unconfined bearing Theallowable on the basisof localexperience indicaied as 6 to 8 unleisotherwise (i) to notover3 MPafor loadcombination is to be{urtherrestricted fressure,thus,obtained the clause7093 2 in caseof pilefoundation ioo.'t.t. ror.Factorof safei1, ;;;ilbi";;; shallbe referred orverysoftrockmaybetreated weathered geo-material likedisintegrated Theintermediate as soll. 706.3.2

settlement Allowableselflement/differential

setilementbetweenthe foundationsof simpiy 706.3.2.1 The calculateddifferential from thetwofoundations beti4/een ofthedistance notexceed1 in4OO "pu*.n"ll hasbeenmadeior rectification "uiport"O ridingqualityunlessprovision oftolerable theconsideration ofthissetilement. limithas thetolerable settlement' to differential sensitive 706.3.2.2 In caseof structures to be flxedforeachcaseseparately 706.3.3

tensionat thebaseof foundation Permissible

of loadson soils underanycombination 706.3.3.7 Notensionshallbe permitted

706.3.3.2|ncaseofrockiftensionisfoundtobedevelopedatthebaseoffoun to a sizewhereno tensionwilloccurandbasepressure thebaseareashouldbe reduced areashouldnotexceedallowable pressure on suchreduced Tnemaxtmum is recalculated. area Suchreducedareashallnot be lessthan67 percentof the total bearingpressure. seismic,or impactof barge'and 80 percentfor otherload including for loai combination combinations. 706.3.4

Factorof safetyfor stability

andslidingaregivenbelowThesearemainlyrelevant ofsafetyagainstoverturning Factors


IRC:78-2014 ftr openfoundations:

i) Againstoverturning ii) Againstsliding iii) Againstdeep-seated failure

Wthout With Seismic SeismicCase uase 1 q 2 1.5 1.25

1.25 1.15

Fd€lional co-efficient between concrete andsoilirock willbeTanO,@beingangleoffriction. Foundingsoil in foundationof bridgebeinggenerallyproperlyconsolidated. following Elues mavbe adopted: Flictionco-efflcient between soilandconcrete Fdctionco-efficient betweenrockandconcrere 706.3.5


0.5 0.8forgoodrockand0.7 forfissuredrock

Theallowable load;the allowable settlemenvdifferential setflement andthe proceoures ro determine thesamefor pilefoundations aregivenin Clause709.



707.1.1 Provision of the Clauseunder707 shallapplyfor designof isolatedfootings and,whereapplicable, to combined footings,andrafts. 707.1-2 Openfoundatioirs may be providedwherethe foundations can be taidin a sfatumwhichis jnerodible or wheretheextentof scourof the bedis reliablyknown.The foundations are to be reliablyprotectedby meansof suitablydesignedaprons,cut_off wallsor/andlaunching apronsas maybe necessary 7O7-2



Thethickness of thefootingsshallnotbe lessthan300mm.



707.2.2.1 Forsoljdwalltypesubstructure wlthone-wayreinforced footing,the bending momentscan be determinedas one-wayslab for the unit widthsubjectedIO WOTST mmbination of loadsandforces. 707-2.2.2 Forlwo-wayfooting,bendingmomentat anysectionof the footingshallbe d€termined by passinga verlicalplanethroughthe footingand computing the moment of theforcesactingoverthe entir€areaof footingsone side of the verticalplane.The 19

IRC:78-20'14 criticalsectionof bendingshallbe at thefaceof thesolidcolumn. in fooiings, the bendingmomenis footings or polygonal 707.2.2.3 ln caseof circular in accordance withanyrationalmethod.Methodsgivenby thefootingmaybe determineci Timoshenko andRowefor PlateAnalysisafe acceptable. for thecriticalsections supporting twoor morecolumns, footings 707.2.2.4 Fot cambined bendingmomenisalongtheaxisof thecolumnsshalibe at thefaceof the columns/walls. of criticalsectionsfor bendingmomentsbetweenthe column/ Further,for determinaiion walls,anyrationalmethodof analysisbe adopied. 707.2.3 Theshearstrengthofthefootingmaybe checkedat thecriticalsectionwhich 'd' is theverticalseciionat a distance fromthefaceof thewallfor one-wayactionwhere 'd' is theeffective depthof thesectionat thefaceof thewall. 707.2.3.1 For two-wa1,actionior slab or footing,the criiicalsectionshould be butneednot perpendicular is minimum, thaiitsperimeter to planof slabandso located loador of concentrated approachcloserthanhalfthe effectivedepthfromthe perimeter reaclionarea. 707.2.4 To ensureproperloadtransfer,a limitingvalueof fatioof depthto length/ widthof footingequalio 1:3 is specified.Basedon this,for slopedfootingsthe depth depthattheenCplusl/3'dofihedistance effective atthecriticalseciionshallbeiherninimum betweentheextremeedgeofthefootingto thecriticalsectionfoi designof thefootingfor aI purposes. bars lengthof reinforcement 707,2.5 The criticalsectionfor checkingdevelopment shouldbe takento be the samesectionas givenin Clause747.2,3and alsoali other Verticalplaneswhereabruptchangesin sectionoccur. 707-2-6


ai leastequal shallprovidea momentof resistance 707.2.6.1 fheEnsilereinfo;cement in accordance withClause7S7.2.2. to thebendingmomenton thesectioncalculated shall be distribuiedacfossihe corresponding 7o7.2.6.2 fhe tensilereinforcement resisitino sectionas below: shall be same as reinforcedfooting,the reinforcement a) ln one-v,/ay forcritical unitwidthas mentioned in Clause707.2.2.1. calculated in eadr squarefooting,ihe reinforcement extending b) In two-wayreinforced shallbedistributed uniformly acrossthefullsectionofthefootirE! directlon


IRC:78-2O14 jn the long c) ln iwo-wayreinforced rectangulaf footing,the reinforcement directionshallbe distributed uniformly across{hefullwidthof thetboting. Forreinforcement in the shortdirection, a centraibandequalio theshort sideof the footingshallbe markedalongthe lengthof ihe footingand portionof ihe reinfofcement determined in accorclance withtheeq.uaiion givenbelowshellbe uniformly distribuied abrossthe centi"al bancl: Reinforcement in centralband lbtal Reinforcement in shortdifection

2 B+1

WhereB = theratioof thelongsideio ihe sho( sideof thefooting The remainder of the reinforcement shallbe uniformly distdbuted in the portions outer of thefooting. Inthecaseofa circuiarshapedfooting,ihe reinforcement shallbeprcvided on the basisof the criticalvaluesof radialand circumfefential bending momenisin the form of radialand circumferential steel.Alternatively, equivalent grid provided. orihogonal canbe 707,2.7 Theareaof tensionreinforcement shouldas per IRC:112,Clausenumber 707.2.8 All facesof the footingshallbe providedu/iiha minimumsteelof 250 mmr/ metrein eachdirection for all gradesof reinforcemeni. SDacing of thesebarsshallnotbe |norethan300mm.Thissteelmaybe considered to be actingas tensilereinfofcement on ihatface,if required fromthe designconsiderations. 747,2,9 ln caseof plainconcrete.brickor stonemasonryfooiings,the loadfromthe pierorcolumn shallbetakenasdisDersed ihrough thefooiing atananglenotexceeding 450 io vertical. 7Q7.3

OpenFoundationsat SlopedBcd Profite

707.3.1 Openfoundations mayreston slopedbedorofileprovideci the stabiliiyof the slopeisensureC. Thefootings shallbe located ona horizonlal base. 707,3.2 Forthe foundations adjacent to each-othe( the pressure comingfromihe icundations laidon the higherleveJ shauidbe dul_v considered on thefoundaiions at th_. ii'"verleveldueto the dispersions of the pressure fromthe foundation at the higlrerlevel. Thedistance between thetwofoundations at dillerentlevelsmaybe decidedin sucha way :f,minimize ihiseffecttakingintoaccount thenature of soij.

IRC:78-2014 707-4


beforethefloodssothatthefoundation worksshallbecompleted Theprotective 707.4.1 doesnotgetundermined. safety shallbe doneaftertakingnecessary on openfoundations Excavation i07.4.2 precautions maybetakenfromlS 3764. forwhichguidance in rock,and is likely 707.4.3 Whereblastingis requiredto be donefor excavation 'to endangeradjoiningfoundations precautions, suchas, necessary or otherstructures, prevent etc. flyingof debris, shallbe suitablemat coverto blasting,providing controlled takento preventanydamage. 707.4.4

Conditionfor laying offoundations

method shouldbelaiddryandeveryavailable theopenfoundations 707.4.4.1 Normally, of waterby wellpoint,etc-.maybe resortedto.A by pumpingor depression of dewatering belowfoundation. shallbe provided in M 10(1:3:6) mmthickness of 1OO levelling course connotbe laid dry or before-hand that the foundations 707.4.4.2 ll it is determined dry the the percolation is too heavyfor keeping foundation the situationis suchthatthe concreiemaybe laidunderwateronlyby tremiepipe.In caseof flowingwater foundation or artesiansprings,theflowshallbe stoppedor reducedas far as possibleat the timeof fromthe time of placingof placingof concrite.No pumpingof watershallbe permitted concreteupto24 hoursafterplacement. pieror otherpermanent by abutments, andnotoccupied 707.4.5 All spacesexcavated ground,withsufficient worksshallbe refilledwithearthuptothesurfaceofthesurrounding mmpactedandin general,its top All backfillshallbe thoroughly for settlement. allowance surfaceshallbe neatlygraded. aroundthefootingshallbefilled-up in rock,thetrenches 707.4.6 In caseof excavation of M 15gradeuptotopof therock. withconcrete 707.4.6.1 lf thedepthof fill requiredis morethan1.5m in softrockor 0.6m in hardrock and maybefilleduptothislevelby M 15concrete level,thenconcrete abovethefoundation groutedwithcement. or by boulders portionabovemaybefilledby concrete the designloadsandforces on rockin riverbridges, 707.4.6.2 Fot designoffoundation 22

IRC:78-2414 in Theloadoffiiling neednotbeconsidered offooting. :rall beconsidered uptoihebottom ::abiitycalculations



locatedin deepwatercannels the supersiruciure 708.1.'l Foundations supporting preferably havinga singledredgehole. caissons shallcomprise of propedy dimensioned ',1,/hile and pierto be selecting the shape,sizeand typeof well,the sizeof abutment flow,thepossibility of theuseof pneumatic streamline accommodated, needforefiecting should andthenaiureof datato be penetrated sinking, theanticipated depthoffoundation m. In dredge-hole shall not be less than 3 dimensions of 3e keptin view Theminimum floatingcaissons maybe usedas per water,properly designed :asethereis deepsianding Clause 708.12. tlowever,in caseof;argerbridgesacrossriversin widefloodplainsproneto scour,delta/ locations, trafficandbridges in coastal/marine withinlandwaterway :ldalrivers, channels foundations shallbe reduced as faras practicable. :i'renumber of intermediate 12 m thenEngineefwellexceeds diametef of singiecircular 708.1.2 lf theexiernal n-charge maytakerecourse to anyof thefollowing: FiniteElement using3-Dimensional shallbeevaluated a) Stressin steining (3DFE[i) or anyothersuitable anal]4ical method. N4ethod well. maybe donefor the singlecircular b) Stiffening by compartments designand wellsshallcallfor supplemenial Designof suchstiffened construction specifications, c)

wellmaybe adopted TwinD-shaped


shouldbe duly The conditions arisingout of sand blow,if anlicipated, analytical methodor using3D FE|\4/suitable whencircular wellis analysed :cnsidered wellsareused. siiifened cifcular upward designed to resistmaximum 708.1.4 Bottomplugof wellshouldbe suitably ':'ce actingon it duringconstruction plugging following as wellas duringlifespanof the S:atlCiUre.



io sinkthe shouldbe suchsc thatit is possible of the steining 708.2.1 Thickness '.elt\vithoui duringsinkingor during andwithoutgettingdamaged excessive kentledge

lRCiTB-20'14 .ec|'ilingtheexcessive iiltsandshifts.Thesieiningshouldalsobe ableto resistdifferential eaithpressure duringsandblowor otherconditions, developed like,sudden drop. Siresses at variouslevelsof the steining shouldbe withinpermissible limitsunderall conditions for loadsthatmaybe transferred to thewell. 708.2.2 Useof cellular steining witfltwoor moreshellsor useof composite material in permitted wellsteiningshallnotbe forwellsupto12 m diameter. 708.2.3


708.2-.3.1 fhe minimum thickness of thewellsteining shallnotbe lessthan500mmand saiisfythefollowingrelationship: h = Kd''F = minimum thickness of steining in m d = external diameter of circular wellof dumbbellshaped wellor in caseof

twinD wellssmaller dimension in planin metres = depihof weilsin melrebelowtop of v,/ellcapor LWLwhicheveris more (forfioatingcaisson'/ ' may-be takenas depthof wellin meiresbelow bed level). = a ccnslalti

Valueof K shallbe as follows: i) \A/eliin cementconcrete ii) U/ellin brickrnasonry iii) T\,vin D wells

K = 0.03 K = 0.05 K = 0.039

708.2.3.2 the minimumsteiningthickness may be vafiedfrom ebove in following conditons:

$trata a) Veil/softclavstrata b) Harcjclaysirata

c) Boulderstraiaoi-wellrestingon iockinvolving blasting

Va!'iationfrom the minimurn

Recornrnended varialionupto

Reduced Increased









However, following aspects mayalsobeconsidered depending on thestrata: a)



Verysoft clay strata;l\,4ain criteriafor reduction in steiningthickness is to preventthewellpenetrating by its ownweight.Whenthe thickness is so reduced, thesteiningshalibe adequately reinforced, to getsufficient strength. Hardclay strata:Depending on tite previousexperience, the increase in steining thickness maybe morethan10percent. Boulderystrataor well restingon rock involvingblasting:higher gradeof concrete, higherreinforcement, useof steelplatesin the lower podions, etc.,maybe adopted.


fhe recommended valuesgivenin Clause709.2.3.2 can be furthervaried :=sedon localexperience andin accordance withCecision of Engineer_in_charge. -i3.2.3.5

lf specialised methods of sinking, suchas,jacl(clownmethod, areadopted :-3r'rihe steiningthicknessmay be adjustedaccordingio designand construction =:uirements-i8.2.3.6

Anyvariaiion fromdimensions as proposed in Clause708.2.3.1 shoutdbe :::ided before framing theproposai. --. Whenthe depthof wellbelowwellcapis equalto or morethan30 m, the ---cknessof the steiningof lhe lvellcalculated as per Ciause709,2.3maybe reduced ::JVe scourlevelin a slopeof t horizontal to 3 verticalsuchthat ]e reduced thickness of '--esteining shouldnotbe lessthanrequired as perClause708.2.3 forthedepthof well -:io scourlevelwith thereduced diameter. :e reduction in thickness shallbe donein theoutersudaceof thewellThedtameier ot -ier dredge holeshallbe keptunifom. -:e

minimum steelandtheconcrete gradein theslopeportion shallbe sameas forthe ::::.lingbelolv scourlevel.

l,"rlmumdevelopment lengthof all the vertical steelbarsshallbe provided beyond ihe - .imumsectionas shownin theAppendix-3(Fig. 1). -- stressin ihereduced secijon of steining shailalsobe checkeci. -:3.3 -:3.3.1

D?sign Considerations Theexieinal Ciameter cf thebrickmasonry wellsshallnotexceed 6 m. Brick 25

IRC:78-2014 masonry wellsfor depthgreaterthan20 m shallnotbe permitted. 708.3-2 Forbrickmasonry wells,bricknotlessthanGrade-Ahaving strength notlessthan usedin cementmortarnotleanerthan1:3 TlMPaconforming to lS 1077shall,be (whether wells,vertical reinforcements mildsteelor deformird 708.3.3 Forplainconcrete bars)in thesteining shallnotbe lessthah0.12percentof grosssectional areaofthe actual provided. Thevertical thickness Thisshallbeequally distributed onbothfacesofthesteining. percent of thevolumeper reinforcements shallbetiedup withhoopsteelnotlessthan0.04 unitlengthof thesteining, as shownin the4 ppendix-3(Fig.2). 708.3.4 ln casewherethewellsteiningis designed as a reinforced conorete element, it shallbe considered as a columnsectionsubjected to combined axialloadandbending. providedin the steiningshallnot be less However, the amountof verticalreinforcement than0.2percent(foreithermildsteelor deformed bars)of the actualgrosssectional area percent (of gross of the steining.On the innerface,a minimumof 0.06 area)steelshall in thesteiningshallbe provided be provided. Thetransverse reinforcement in accordance withtheprovisions fora columnbutin nocaseshallbelessthan0.04percentofthevolume perunitIength ofthesteining. Thehorizontal shallalsobechecked forovalisation moments annularsectionofwellsteining by any rationalmethodtakingaccountof sideearthpressures evaluated as per Clause 7.O8.4. 708.3.5 Thevertical bondrodsin brickmasonry steining shallnotbelessthan0.1percent of the cross-sectional areaandshallbe encasedintocementconcrete of M 15 mixof size '150mmx 150mm.Theserodsshallbeequally distributed alongthecircumference inthemiddle ofthesteining andshallbetiedupwithhoopsteelnotlessthan0.04percent ofthevolumeper Thehoopsteelshallbe provided in a concrete bandat spacing of4 unitlengthofthesteining. metres, RCC timesofthethickness ofthesteining or 3 whichever is less.Thehorizontal bands not less mm wide and 150 mm high, reinforced withbarsofdiameter notless shall be than300 andtiedwith6 mmdiameter as than10mmplacedai thecorners stirrups at 300mmcentres, (Frg.3). shownin theAppendrx-3 708.3.6 Thestressesin wellsteiningshallbe checkedat suchcriticalsectionswhere arelikelyto be maximum tensileandcompressive stresses andalsowherethereis change in theareaof reinforcement or in theconcrete mix. 7OA.4

Stabilityof Well Foundations


Thestability anddesignofwellfoundations shallbedoneunderthemostcritical 26 :

lRc.78-2014 shallsatisfy onfoundations :crbjnationofloadsandforcesasperClause706 Thepfessure --^eprovisions 706 of Clause 708.4.2


givenin as per guidelines may be calculated sideearthresisiance in The use of provisionsIRC:45rnay be usedfor pier well foundations Appendix-g. soil. :ohesionless rc8'4.2'2rhesideearth|esistanceSha|IbeignoredinCaseofwe||foundations then bearingpfessureis lessthan1 l\'4Pa' :n rock.lf rockstratais suchthattheallowable maybetakenintoaccount ::resideearthresistance 708.4.3

on abutments Earlhpressure

in front'the to retainearthand not spilling are designed 708.4.3.1lf the abutments and '3undations the earthpressure to withstand shallbe designed of suchabutments reiained of scourdepthin frontof 1.27d", withapproach forcesfor thecondition :orizontal considered' nol be liveloadmay ullaroundln caseof scourallaround' .nJ z d",*lth ""ort is reliablyproteciedin whereearthspillingfromthe approaches 708.4.3.2 HoweYer, frombottomof well cap afont,reliefdue to the spillingearthin frontmay be considefed iownwards. 708.4.4


stagewhenthere fortheconstruction ofthewellshallalsobechecked 708.4.4.1Stability dueto water to designscour,full pfe-ssure andthe wellis subjected s no superstructure wells as in thecaseof abutment earthpressure fulldesign :urrentand/or of wellswhenit has not reachedthe foundinglevel 7A8.4.4.2 Dwingthe construction to fullpressuredueto water thewellsare likelyto be subjected cr hasnotbeenpiugged, Thismayresultin tilting,slidingandshiftingAs a partof thesafety ,urr"ntuptofrtt ""oi,;this shouldbe considered and safetyof well mustbe ensuredby juring construction, whererequired methods, sultable 708.5

Tilts and Shifts

-:8.5.7 anytiltsandshifts' thewellsshallbe sunkplumbwithout As faras possible, '150mmduetotranslation ina direction (bothadditive) - c'.vever, a tiltof I in80anda shiftof ..,IlchWillcausemostseve|eeffectShalIbeconSideredinthedesignofwelIfo 27


T0B.S.2lftheactualtiltsandshiftsexceedtheabovelimits,thentheremedial theniiseffectonbearing thatlimit.lf it isnotpossible to bringthewellwithin havetoberesorted if andcontrolled shailbe examined, elements pressure, steiningstressind othersiruciural may to changein spanlength.TheEngineer-in-charge by resorting andfeasiLrle, necessary to subject the tiltsandshiftsuptowhichthewellmaybeaccepted themaximum liketo specify thespanlengthif needed' stressbeingwithinlimiis,bychanging presiureandsteining bearing of theresultof anymodification' irrespective andbeyondwhichthewellwillbe rejected 708.6


708.6.1 Themildsteelcuttingedgeshallbestrongenoughandnotlessthan40 kg/mto faciIitate'sinkingoftheWellthroughthetypesofstrataexpectedtobeejcodntered to the wellcurb Forsinkingthrough anyd; shallbe properlyanchored suffering rock,cuttingedgeshouldbe suitablydesigned in a well,the loverend of the 708.6.2 Whenthereare two or morecompartments cuttingedgeof the middlestemsof suchwellsshallbe keptabout300 mm abovethat of theouterstemsto preventrocking,as shownin theAppendix-3(Fig' 2)' 7gA.7

Well Curb

708.7.1Thewel|curbShouldbesuchthatitWil|offertheminimumresistance loads wellis beingsunkbutshouldbe strongenoughto be ableto transmitsuperimposed fromthesteiningto ihe bottomplug. of thecurbas givenin Appendix'3(Fig' 708.7.2 Theslrapeandlhe outlinedimension 'as' Theinternalangleof thecurb as shownin Appendix-3 2) maybetakenfor guidance. basedon or decreased ftg- , shouldbe keptat about30"to 37' andmaybe increased data. pastexperience andgeotechnical of ''nixnot ieaner concrete be in reinforced 7A8.7,3 The wellcurbshalllnvariably of 72 kglcumexcludingbondrods The steel than M 25 with minimumreinforcement shallbe suitablyarrangedto preventspreadingand splittingof ihe curbduringsinking andin service. the innerfaces of the well curb shall be 708.7.4 ln case blasiingis anticipated, proiectedwith sieel platesof ihicknessnot less than 10 mm uptothe top of the well curb.lf it is desiredto incieasethe steelliningabovethe well curbtllen the thickness height.In any case'this extraheightof the can be reducedto 6 mm for that increased steel shouldnot be morethan 3 metresunlessihere is a specificrequirementThe of 10 mm curb in sucha caseshouldbe providedwith additionalhoopreinforcement dia mild steelor deformedbars at 150 mm centreswhichshall also extendupto a heightof3rnintotheWe||steiningabovethecurb.Additionalreinforcement


^sightupiotvrotimesthe ihickness of steinrng shouJd be provided ," :t;:::; ":: ar-lsing ouioi sudden change inlheeiiective section dueio curtailflent plete. oi 703.8


708.8.1 Thebottompiugshallbe provided in ali ureilsandihe topshallbe keptnot .o\,/erihan300 mm in the centfeabovethe iop of ihe curbas shownin the Appendix_3 sumpshallbebelowihelevelofthecuiting fFE.4. A suitable ecge.Beiore concerting the !ctom piug,it sha'lbeensured thatitsinside faceshavebeencleaned thoroughly. 708.8.: Theconcrele mixusedin boiiomplugshallhavea minimum cement content .i 330kg/m3 anda slumpof abcui'150rnrnto perrnjte6syflowof concfete throughtermieto 3iacefi{!upallcavilies. concrete shailbeiaidinoneconiiruorrs opeiation tilldrecige holeis iliedto required height. Foruncier waterccncreting, iheconcfete shallbeplaced bytremie JnCer stiliwaterccndilion andthecemeni conieni o{ rnixbeincreased by 10percent. 708.8.3 In casegrouiedcolcfete, e.g.,ccncreieis used,tite groutmjxshallnot be :eaner itan -l:2ancjil silalibe ensured by suitable means, suchas,contfoliing therateof pumping thatihegrcutfiiis-up aliinierstices uptothetopof theplug. 703.8.4 lf anydewaiering is required it shallbe carried outafter7 da],shaveeiapsed aftefbottornplugging. 708.9

Fillingthe Well

708.9.iThefiiling oftheyreii,if considered necessary, abovelhebotrom plugshallbedone ',vitnsandor excavated materiaifree frornorganicmatier. 708.10


708.10.1 A 300mmthickpiugof &115cement concrete shall.beprovioed overthefilling. 708.11


708.1!.1 Thebottom of wellcapshalibe laidas lowas possible butabovetheLWLin ineactivechennel. Wherethebedlevelis higher thanLWLthebattom oi we| capmayoe suitably faised. 708.11.2 As manylongitudinal barsas possible coming fiomihewellsteining shailbe anchored intothewellcap. 708.1'1.3 Thedesignof theweiicapshallbe basedon;anyaccepied raiionat method, \{orst :onsidering the combination of loacis andforces as perCtause 706. 29

IRC:78-2014 708.12


or anysuitablematerial concrete maybeof steel'reinforced caissons 708,12,1 Floating if Theyshouldhaveat least1.5metresfree boardabovethe waterleveland increased' sinkingsuddenlyowingto of caissons in casetherejs a possibility necessary, considered effectofwaves'sinking of caissons, suchas,scourlikelyto resultfromlowering reasons, in verysoftstrata,etc. 708.12.2 Well caissonsshould be checkedfor stabilityagainstovefturningand whilebeingtowed,andduringsinking,dueto the actionof watercurrent,wave capsizing pressure, wind,etc. as part of foundationunless 708.12.3 The floatingcaissonshallnot be considered is ensured. oroDer sheartransferat the interface 708.13

sinking of Wells

be sunktrueandverticalSinkingshould 708.13.1 Thewellshallas far as possible not be startedtill the steininghas beencuredfor at least48 hours A completerecord etc done blasting, dewatering' tilt andshifts,kentledge' including of sinkingoperating shallbe maintained duringsinking as given guidance maybetakenfromtheprecautions Forsafesinkingof wells,necessary inAppendk4. 708.14

PneumaticSinkingof wells

sinking,it will be data indicatethe needfor pneumatic 708.14.1 Wheresub-surface and its supporling equipment to decideihe methodand locationof pneumatic necessary adapter. 708.14.2 ln case if concretesteiningis provided,it shall be renderedair tight by the tensionin concretewhichwill not exceed3/8d'ofthe modulusof rupture' restricting it to be a thick by assuming Forthecircularwells.thetensionin steiningmaybe evaluated walledcylinder. 708.14.9 The steiningshallbe checkedat differentsectionsfor any possiblerupture strengthened' againstthe upliftforceand,if necessaryshallbe adequately safetyof personnel equipment, of the pneumatic 708j14.4 The designrequirements of lS 4138"SafetyCodefor Working and the structureshallcomplywiththe provisions thatthe heightof the workingchamberin a pneumatic Aii'. lt is desirable in Compressed headroomwhenthecutting shouldnotbe lessthan3 metresto providesufficient caissons 30

IRC:78-2014 edgeis embedded a shortdistancebelowthe excavated leveland in particular to allow forblowing down.Thelimiting depthforpneumatic sinking shouldbe suchthatthedepih of waterbelownormalwaterlevelto the proposed foundatjon leveluptowhichpneumatic sinking is proposed shouldnotexceed 30 . 708.15

SinkingofWetts by Resortingto Btasting

Blasting maybeemployed withpriorapproval of competent authofity to helpsinking ofwell forbreaking obstacles, suchas,boulders orforlevelling therocklayerforsquare seating of wells.Blasting maybe resorted to onlywhenothermethods arefound, ineffective. 709 PILE FOUNDATION 709.1


709.1.'l Pilestransmitthe loadof a structureto competeni sub-surface strataby the resistance developed frombearingat thetoeor skinfriciionalongthesurfaceor both.The pilesmaybe fequired to carryupliftandlateralloadsbesidesdirectverticalload. 709,1.2 Theconstruction of pilefoundaiion requires a careful choiceof pjlingsystem depending uponsubsoil conditions andloadcharacteristics of structures. Thepermissible limitsof totalanddifferential setflement, unsuppoded lengthof pileunderscourandany otherspecial requirements of project arealsoequally irnpo(ant criteria foradopnon. 709.1.3 Designandconstrucfion : Fordesignandconstructjon of pjlesguroance may be takenfromlS 2911subject to limitations/stipulations givenin thiscode.Appendix-s givestfredesignformulae andtheirapplicability. 709.1.4 For pilesin streams, followed:

creeks,etc.,the followingcriteriamay be

Scourconditions areproperly esiablished. ii)

Permanent steelliner shouldbe providedat leastupto maximumscour level.In caseof marine clayor softsoilor soilhavingaggressive material, permanent steellinerof sufficient strengthshallbe usedforthefulldepthof suchstrata. Theminimum thickness of linershouldbe6 mm Forbridges located in land,steellinersof minimum thickness of 6 mmshall be provided in casesgivenbelow. Thelinershallbeprovided upto depihup to whichfollowing prevail. situations Whileconstructing thepilefoundation ihroughverysoftclay(N< 3) ,veryloose sandystrata(N< 8),bouldery formation andartesian conditions, wherein the

IRC:78-2014 bybentonite circulation. cannotbestaDilized wallsof boreholes b) 709.'1"5

as well as siles with Wheresewageleakageis commonphenomenon environment aggressive soil/watef Spacingof pilesandtolerances

709.1.5.1 Spacingof piles a)

piles,connected or by byframestructure on multiple Wherepieris supported tothenature. inrelation ofpiles should beconsidered solidpilecap,thespacing The groups convenience. in andtheexecution theirbehavior of theground, and heave orcompaction regard totheresuliing bechosenwith spacing should number of pilesto be installed to enable thedesired shouldbelvideenough or to withoutdamageto anyadjacentconstruction to thecorrectpenetration thepilesthemselves.


diameter sufficiently piermaybesupported onsinglepilehaving Foriandbridges, pile withreference of installation constructioir tolerances largeio accommodate by the desiEnThe piers as required as well as having skengih lo locaiionof of verticalload eccentricity pileshouldbe designed to cateifor themaximum pile as a pierandget be continued to aci in suchcase.Alternatively, shaftcan due lheeccentricities whichisdesigned to accommodate io piei'cap connecied icierances. toconsiruciion

to thepileheads,or the sizeand the loadfromthe structure Thesizeof a capcatrying type,sizeandspacingof piles. effectivelengthof a groundbeam,mayinfiuence aboveTheworking by manyaspectsmeniioned Thespacingof pilesv/illbe detemi:'red areas iollows: thoughnotalways,suitable, ruleswhichareggnerally, of ihe pileof Forfrictionpiles,the spacingcentreshouldnoi be lessthanthe perirneter theirresistance pile,threetimesthediameter. Thespaiingof pjlesderiving for circular mainlyfromend bearingmaybe reducedbutthe distancebetweenthe surfacesof the shaftsof adjacentpilesshouldbe notlessthanthe leastwidthof the piles. for pilesshallbeas under: toletances 709.1.5.2 Permissible 1 in pilesT5mmat pilingplatform ievelondtiltnotexceeding i) Forvertical 150; ii) Forrakerpilesioleranceof 1 in 25. in piieshallnotexceedthefollowing: raketo be permitted 7 0 9 . 1 . 6 Themaximum i) 1 in 6 forallboredpiles: piies:and ;i) 1 ;n6 ior drivencasFin-situ 32



iii) '1in 4 for precastdrivenpites.

tvr.t.t rne minJmum diameter shallbe 1.0m forrjverlmarjne bridges. Fof brjdges 3eyond thewaterzoneandforbridgeson land,thediameter maybe reduc"ed upto750mm. 709.1.8

Settlement,differentialseftlementand pile capacitv

TheDifferential setflement between two successive foundations takenat pitecaplevel, :naybe esiimated fromthe maximurn setflement expected at twofoundations for thedead :cad,superimposed loads,liveloadandscoureffect. Theincrease in set ementwjthtime in cJayey soilsshallbe accounted acsence of detailed calculaiions, forrnepurpose ef preliminary design, it canbe takenas notmorethanthemaximum settiement of anyof :hetwofoundations. The differential settrement sha be rimiteddepending uponthe fofiowingfunctionar and structural consideraUons: a) FunclionalJy, acceptable differenijal settlement betweentwo neighboring -comfortl piersshallnotbegreaterthanj ih400of ihespanto ensureriding as specified in Clause 706.3.2.1 . o l Theallowable settlement of a singlepileconsidered for estimatino thepile

capacity shallbe arriVed fromcbrrelatioioftheset ementof pitegroupto thatof pefClause709.3.4.

c) rr rs tunherprovided thattheworking loadcapacity ol pilebasedon the

sub-clause b) shallnof exceed40 percentof the loadiorrespondjng to thesettlement of.10 percentof pilediameter(i.e.safetyfactor of 2.5 on ultimaie loadcapaciiy isensured).

709.1.9 ForbothPrecast piles,thevalues andcasFin-situ regarding gradeofconcrete, i?alercementfatio,slumpshallbe asforlows: ConcreteCast-in-situby Tremie urade ot concrete l,4in. cementcontents l.'lax.W.C.ratio

Stump(mm NOTE:i)

M35 400 kg/m3

0.4 '150-200

PrecastConcrele t\,135 400 kg/mr 0.4 50-75

Forimproving penetration of harrnfillelements fromsoiluseot rnineral 33

tRC.78-2014 Bls/lnternational to respective (tlyash,silicafume,GGBSconforming admixtures is recommended andas perIRC:112 standards) protectlon andareasexposedto actionof harmfulchemlcals' '' In marineconditions ii) based'coal{arepoxvbased ii piielaps witttsuitaotecJing ;uch as bituminous aluminacements(i e quicksettingcement)shall Liting muyo" consioered .Hiqh- whenbothchlorides arepresent andsulphates notbeusedInmaflneconottron!Also cementis notrecommenoeo useof sulphate-resistant 7Og.2

Requirementand Steps for Design and Installation

7og'2.lTheinitialdesignofanindividua|pile,confirmationofitscapacityb if y e i t h

of design' modiJlcation of actualsoil parameters' t"sior uv re-coniirmation in-it-iJlo"o deslgn shouldpassthroughfollowingstepsof investigations' anOtinataOoption requireO, andloadtesting: for piles lo and detailedsub-sui{aceinvestigation i) comprehensive frictioncapacity ofendbearingcapacity' thedeslgnparameters determine the pile andlateralcapacityof soilsurrounding for specifiedbearing ii) Designof pile and piie groupbasedon i) above strata.


loadtestingl iii) Initial conlirmation pilefordirect testonpileofsamediameterasdesign lnitialload of design. theexpected conflrming Theinitialloadtestis a parlofthedesignprocess of bearingstrataandthe pilecapacity properties typesof stratametat site' fordifferent .iv) Stepsii) andiii)shouldbe repeated by testsaregivenbelow: Thestepsfor designandconfirmation assumedin thedeslg| soilparameters to reconfirm Sub-soilexploration on tentative ii) Providefor the requireddesigncapacityof pilegroupbased numberanddiameterof pilesin a group' of singlepileshouldbebasedon settlement total/differential iii) Theallowable ofsingle asperClauses709'1'8and709'3'4'Capacity theconsiderations groundcharacteristios' considering fit" i. to o" basedon stalicformula Thisstepalongwithstepii) maybe iterative'


designof Piles. tv) Structural 7092 1 iii) isforaxialloadcapacity in CIause v) lnitialloadtestasmentioned 34



including uplifteapacity, if requjred, on trialpilesof thesamediameter as thedesignpile.Theiestingshallbedoneas pertheprocedure laiddownin part-lvThisloadtestsha be conducted lS:2911, for nottessthan2,/_ iimesthedesignload.Theiniiialloadiestshallbe cyclicloadtestfor pile6 deriving skengthfromendbearingandsiOetriction.Tnemaintained load testcanbe performed forendbearingpileswithoutrelyingon frjction,and forthesocketed pilesin rock.

vi) lf theinitialloadtestgivesa capacity greater than25 percent of thecapacitv calculated by st€tjcformula, andif ii js desired to takebenefitof thehighe; capacity, anothertwo loadtestsshallbe car ed outto confimthe earljer valueandminimum ofthethreeshallbe considered asinitialload testvalue. Thenumberof initiaitestsshallbe determined by the Engineerrn_cnarge takingintoconsideration theborelogand-soil profile. jt js important 709.2.3 For abutment, to consider overallstability of the structure and abutment. The pilesshouldalso be designedto sustainsurcharge effectof embankment. 709.2.4 Routinetoadtest

r) Rouiineloadtestshouldbe doneat locations of alternate foundations of

|.:"olf]T or modifythe a owabtetoads.Verricat andhorizonrat lr'Og:. lo loadtestsshouldbe properly designed to coverparticular pilegroup.The lateralloadtestmaybe conducted on twoadjacent piles.However, results of routineloadtesisshallnotbeusedforupwafdrevision of designcapacity of piles.Theminimum number olteststb beconducted is asgivenbelowfor pilecapacity. confirming Totalnumberof Pilesfor the Bridge Upto50 ijpto 150

3eyond 150


Thenumber of testsmaybejudiciousJy increased depending uponthevariability of loundatrons strata. ii)

Permissible OverLoad Whileconducting routineteston oneof thepilebelonging to a pjlegroup,if 35

IRC:78-2014 criteriaat 1.5 the pile is foundto be deficient(basedon the settlement '10 capacity upto percentofthe reduced timesthedesignload)anovedoad maybe allowed. iii)


of pilecapacity, high-strain dynamictestsmaybe Foraquickdssessment afterestablishing co{elationsusingthe resultsof loadtests. conducted resultsoflhe straindynamictestsshallnotbe usedfor upward However, guidelines areat Appendix-7 of pile.Detailed revision of designcapacity Parf t- Thesemethodscanbe follovred-

concrete andconstruction iv) Tohavea fairlygoodideaaboutthequality-of etc., pile integrity tests are defects like voids, discontinuities, extensivelyconducted-Detailedguilelines and referencesare at . Appendix-7Part2.


Capacityof Pile Geotechnical


Resistanceto verTicalloads

For calculatingdesignedcapacityof pile for load combinationI of Clause706.1.1, of pilegroup, of Appendix-sshouldbe dlovted-Forcalc latingcapacity recommendation andtheallotv"abb setbnEntcliteriaasperClause709.1.8' referclauses709.3.3 and709.3.4 definitixtswillapply. Forpurpose oftheseClausesthefollowing a) Cohesivesoil (clayor plasticsiltwithS" < 0.25MPa); withinlayer) b) Gianularsoil (sand,gravelor noGpbslicsittwith N (average < 50 blows/o,3m (50 blo$rsBocms); Geomaterial c) Intermediate with0.25MPa(2.5tsf)< S,50blows/o.3 (50blows/3o cm); with Su : 2.5MPa(25 tsf) or' d) Rock: Cohesive,CementedGeornaterial guZ 5.0MPa. 709.3.2

Factorof Satuty

The minimumfactorof safetyon ultimateaxial capacitycomputedon the basisof I of Clause706.1.1for pilesin soil.For staticformulashallbe 2.5for loadcombination pilesin rock,factorof safetyshallbe 3 on end bearingcomponentaqd 6 on socket for loadcombinationI of clause706-1.1sijbjedtto further sideresistancecomponent, limitsas stipulatedin Appendix-s.


IRC:78-2014 709.3.3

Capacityof piles/groupaction

The axiaicapacityof a groupof pilesshouldbe determined by a factorto be appliedto 'le capaciiy pilesmultiplied of individual bythenumber of pilesofthegroup. i) Factor maybetakenas I incaseof purely pileshaving endbearing minimum spacing of2.0timesthedjameter pile of andforfrictional pileshaving spacing of minimum 3 timesdiameter of pile. ii) Forpilegroups in clays,thegroupcapacity shallbe iesserofthefollowjnq: a) Sumof ihecapacities of theindividuat pilesin thegroup.


b) Thecapacityofthe groupbasedonblockfailure concept, wherethe ultimate loadcarrying capacity oftheblockenclosing thepilesin estimated. Settlementof pile group

709.3.4.1 fhe capacity ofa pilegroupisalsogoverned byset ementcriterion. Setflement ri a piJegroupmaybe coniputed onthebasisof following recommendations or bv anvother ?tionalmethod. 749.3.4.2 Seftlement ofpilegroupin sands , nesettlement ofa pilegroup isaffected bytheshapeandsizeofgroup, lengih, spactng and :ethodofinstallation piles. given of Meihods in tS8OO9 (parill)ofanyotherrational method -raybe used.Thesetilement group piles of of in sandscanbe calculated by assuming that :'reloadcarriedbythepilegroupis transferred to thesoilthroughan equivalent raftlocated .i onethirdof thepilelengthupwards fromthepileioeforfriction piles.Forendbearingpiles :re settlement canbecalculated byassuming ihe raftplacedat thetoeof thepilegroup. -Cg.3.4.3 SettlemenL ot pilegroupin clays -e l e s settlement of pilegroupin homogeneous claysshallbe evaluated usingTezaghiand -:cK Approach whtchassumes thattheloadcarried pile groupis hansferred bythe to the -.cilthroughan equivalent fooiinglocatedat onethifdof the pilelengthupwardsfronrihe : le toe.Theloadundertheequivalent footing is assumed to spread intosoilat a slopeof 2 ivertical) :1 (horizontal). :3 settlement tor equivalent footingshallbe evaluated in accordance with lS g009 tart-ll). -:

Seftlement ofpilegroupin rock 37

IRC;78:2014 the per1S8009(Partll) considering as computed be may rock in of pilesfounded Settlemeni


to lateral/oads Resistance

where of Pile D = Diarneter L =r r LengthbetweenouterJaces of movement' direction

to in plahPerPendicular


of.pile-sroT.l1"l^1"'j^:,1,:"':li[:;H"::fl resrstance lateral ohthe 70s.3.5.2Ihesafe piredepends rl""o"'"Ji**i"oividuar

"i aswellasthestructural l*';1;1i ffi ffi .Hlil;ilffi t"t"tial reacrro'ioltn"louno"tion "lli ofhorizontal modulus "ub-graoe

{**run*i#ii:,':d H:qv;:'i,;#i."'Jr:.;rti':',rffi r":',";;":;;i,1i4* i t',.:r;i1i:l:ffi :ll:#il"tffi i*,n,",J o*". f ?lI"'1 9".11*qijl:t*:*my":ln'":T1 "i"".o",

g'lil*1fi :;ffi:f"i*:T":",''"T#lllTifl ;:*:l: ::' :|:ilt5i:xt*:s ';,ii$lll""J:"':f :ffi }*llh1ll','"';:", i{iti*j'tiT#:i='f ';[:ftlinT'"',il"tt,1;::t',t;""i'lH#;'t'u]tu'ui orrixitv thepoint rrom *ntir'u'' by or calculated forth')design' tnl aiaiysisperformed trom uten oe can point fixity of Tie gjiven inlS:2911' method simoiified

naturewhen oriemporary of permanent reslstupliftforces to required be may Piles 709.3.6.1 in strucrures as anchorages mornentg'or overturning large to subjected foundations usedin uplifipressure' iiJ. uno"ro""""" .ubjectedto hydrostatic 38

IRC:78-2O14 fhe ultimateupliftcapacitymay be calculated with the expression of shaft -ssistance/skin frictiononly,of the staticformulaefor compression loadsand applyinga 'eduction factorof 0.70on thesame.In caseof rock,thesocketlengthshallbe measured -om 0.3 m depthto actualdepthof socket.The weightof the pile shallalso be taken as actingagainstuplift.Pullout testshallbe conducted for verification of upliftcapacity. = 3.5on theultimate iactorof (2.5/0.7) strength shallbe used. Theupliftcapacjtyof pilegroupis lesserofthe twofollowingvalues: -

thesumoftheupliftresistance pilesinthegroup. of theindividual and the sum of shearresistance mobilisedon the surfaceperimeterof the groupplusthe effective weightof the soiland ihe pilesenctosed in this perimeter. surface

709.3.6.4 Pilesshouldbe checkedfor structural adequacy againstupliftforcestogether ,rithotherco-existent forces,if any. 709.3.6.5 Theminimum factorofsafetyon ultimateupliftloadcalculated ontheaforesaicj :asisshallbe2.5. 709.3.7

Pilessubjectedto downwarddrag

.'/hena soilstratum throughwhichpileshafthaspenetrated intoan underlying hardsiratum lompresses dueto its ownweight,or remoulding, or surfaceloadetc.,additional vertical .ad is generated alongihe pileshaftin suchstratum. Suchadditional loadcomingon pile -ay beassessed onthefollowing basis: i) In the caseof pile derivingits capacitymainlyfrom friction,the value of downwarddragforcemay be takenas 0.2 to 0.3 timesundrained shearstrengthmultiplied by the surfaceareaof pileshaftembedded in compressible soil. ii) In caseof pilederiving itscapacity mainlyfromend beadng. the value of downwarddrag force may be considered as 0.5 limesundrained shearstrength multiplied by the surfaceareaof pileshaftembedded in compressible soil. iii) Fora groupof piles,the dragforcesshallalsobe calculated considering the surfaceareaof the block(i.e.,perimeterof the grouptimesdepth) jn compressible embedded soil.In the eventof thisvaluebeinghigher thanthe numberof pilesin the grouptimesthe individual downward drag forces,thesameshallbe cosidered in thedesign. iv) Thisreduction in capacity of pileis in theultimate capacity 39

lRC.78-2014 709.4

StructuralDesignof Piles




the lqad strengthto transmit membershallhavesufficient 7o;g.4.1 Arpileas a structural if any, temporaryJtresses, tqwithstand i., .tru"trr" io."oit.Thepileshallalsobedesigned permissible to, suchas, handlinganddrivingstressesThe to *ni.n it maybe subjected shouldbeas PerIRC:112' stresses to thefoundation designed !o carrytesl loadsafely Thetestpiteshallbe separately all the loadeffectsand 709.4.2 The pilesmaybe designedtakinginto consideration as a columnTheselfloadof pileor lateralloaddueto capacityexamined theirstructural forc",etQon the portionof freepileuptoscourlevelandupto water'curr"ni earthquake;. lor' bedulyaccounted should levelif applicable liquefaction ootential asdescrjbed in pileshaftca! bqcalculated loadsthqmqments 709.4.3. Eorthehorizontal withrigidcap,thenthepiles ror piteson tand,ifthepilegroupis pror/ided in ciau"ezog.s.s.z. forthispurposeHorizontal direction as havingfixedheadin appiopriate mavbe considered in allpilesin a groupwitha rigidpilecap equally forcemavbedistribqted 709.4.4

p'ies for casFm-slfu Reinforcements

of IRc:1,12, Withtherequiremenls complying beprovided in pi|eShou|d Thereinforcements shallnot be less reinforcemeni areaof longitudinal ua p"r rn" designrequirements-"The in all cast2 5 percentoftheactualareaof cross-section mul o.+p"t""ninot greaterthan barsshallnot be lessthan100 between-vertical pilesiTheclear'spacing i"oitu the same "on"t"t"of not morethantwo barstogethelcan be madefor achieving mm.Grouping I mmdiameter in theformof spiralswithminimum l"tur"t r.uintoi""t"ntshallbe provided linkstying separate ap"aingnottore than150mm Forinnerlayerof reinforcement' "t""t, themtoeachotherandtoouterlayerSSha||beproVided. shoild complywiththe provision 709.4.5 Forpre-castdrivenpiles,the reinforcement anyupliftor bending dueto lifting,stackingandtransport, oi rncrl z, tor r".l.ting stresses effecisTheareaof andbenJingdueto bnysecondary fromthesuperstructure transmitted of the crosspercentages shallnot be.iessthanthe following t"giirol.;l reinforcemeni areaof thePiles: sectional the leastwidth- 1 25 percent; a) Forpileswitha lengthlessthan30 ii|:nes percent;and b) Forpileswiiha length30to 40 timesthe leastwidih I 5 -2 percent' c) Forpilebwitha lengthgreaterthan40 timestheleastwidth . 709.5

Designof PileCaP


taking inio The pile caps shall be'of reinforcedconcreteof size fixed ,40

tRC:78-2014 theallowable tolerance as in Clause 709.1.5.2. A minimum ofisetof 150mm consideration pilesin thegroup.lf the pile shallbe provided beyond thdouierfacesof the ouier-most capis in contact withearthatthebottom, a levelling course of minimum 80 mmthickplain provided. cement concrete shallbe of 709.5.2 Thetopofihe pileshallproject50 mmintoihe pilecapandreinforcements p;ieshallbefullyanchored in pilecap. 709-5.3 In Marine conditions or in areasexposed to theaciionof harmful chemicals, paint.Highalumina witha suitable anti-corrosive cemenii.e. thepilecapshallbe pfotecied quicksetting cernent shallnotbe usedin marine co''rsrfuclions. thickness of pilecapshouldbe '1.5timesthediameter of pile. 709.5.4 Theminimum Sucha pilecapcanbeconsidered as rigid.Thepilecapmaybedesigned asthickslabor, 'strut & tie'method. Allreinforcement in pilecapshallhavefullanchorage capacity byusing pointat whichit is no longerrequired. lt shouldbe specially ascerta;ned ior beyond tl^re pilecapdesigned Wherelafgediameter by'strut& tie'method. barsareusedas main ofpilecapshavelargelocalcoverdueto largeradius of bending thecorners reinforcement, placing bylocally bars. of mainbars.Suchcorners shallbeprotected smalldiameter 709.5.5 Castingof pile cap shouldbe at levelhigherthan wate. levelunless precautions functionally it is required to be belowwaterlevelat whichtimesufficient shouldbe iakento dewater,thbformsto allowconcietingI dryconditions. 709.6

lmportanlConsideration,lnspection/PrecautionsforDifferentTypes of Piles


piles Diven cast-in-situ

siatedinthiscode,guidance isto be obtained fromlS2911 709.6.1,1Exceptotherwise (Part1/Section l). orof mildsteelflat 709.6i.2 fhe pileshoes whichmaybeeiiherof castironconicaltype of theremovable casing tubeinside ihe typeshould havedoublereamsforproperseating spacebetween thereams. ofconcrete, it should beensured thatihere 70g.6.1.3 Beforecommencement of pouring during tubefromthebottom. Furthef adequate control is no ingress of waterin thecasing withdrawal of the casingtube is essentialso as to maintainsufflcientheadof concrete inside ofwithdrawal. thecasing tubeat allstages 41

IRC:78-2014 in pilesshallbe castuptoa minimumheightof 600 mm abovethe 709.6.1.4 Concrete eitherbefore toplevelof pile,whichshallbe strippedoffto obtainsoundconorete designed finalsetor after3 days. 709-6-2

piles Boredcast-in-situ

be maintained at a level suspension.shall 709.6.2.1 fhe drillingmud,suchas,bentonite groundwaterlevelto ensurethe stabilityof the strata abovethe surrounding sufflciently theboringprocessuntilthepilehasbeenconcreted throughout whichis beingpenehated 709.6.2.2 fhe boresmustbe washedby freshbentonitesolutionflushingto ensure andafterplacingreinforcement. cleanbottomat twostagespriorto concreting of piles 709.6.2.3 Concreting requirements are Intremiemethodthefollowing shallbedonebytremiemethod. Concreting particularly applicable. casingshould is carriedout for a pile,a temporary a) Whenconcreting be installedto sufficientdepth,so that fragmentsof groundcannot dropfrom the sidesof the holeinto the concreteas it is placed:The temporarycasingis nol requiredexceptnearthe top whenconcreting underdrillingmud. b) Thehopperandtremieshouldbe a leakproofsystem. of minimum 200mmshallbe usedwith20 mmdiameter c) Tremiediameter downaggregale. shouldbe placedwitha siidingplugpushed d) Thefirstchargeof concrete chargeto prevent downthetubeaheadof it orwitha steelplateofadequate the plugshouldnotbe left in the andwater.However, mixingof concrete asa lump. concrete well intothe concretewith an e) The tremiepipeshouldalwayspenetrate ofthe pipe The withdrawal marginof safetyagainstaccidental adequate tremieshouldbe alwaysfullof concrete. whollybytremieandthemethodof deposition f) Thepileshouldbeconcreted shouldnotbe changedpartway up the pile,to preventthe laitancefrom withinthepile. beingentrapped g) AIItremietubesshouldbe scrupulously cleanedatteruse. 42

IRC:78-20.14 h ) As tremiemethodof concreting is notunderwatefconcreting,

needto add 10 percentextracement. t)

Normally concreting ofthepilesshould beuninterrupted. Intheexceptional caseof interruption of concreting; butwhichcanbe resumedwithin1 or 2 hours,thetremieshallnotbe takenout of the concrete. Insteadit shall be raisedand loweredslowly,fromtimeto timeto preventthe concrete formsetting:Concrefing shouldbe resumedby introducing a littlericher concretewith a sldmp.of about200 mm for easydisplacement of the

partlysetconcrete. lf the concreting cannotbe resumedbeforefinalset of concret6already placed,thepileso castmaybe rejectedor accepted withmodifications. ' l or r), In caseof withdrawalof tremieoutof the concrete,eitheraccidentally to removea chokein the tremie,the hemiemay be reintroduced in the followingmannerto preventimpregnation of laitanceor scumlyingon the topof theconcrete alreadydeposited in the bore. k) The tremieshall be gentlyloweredon to the old concretewith very

ptug/surface littlepenetration initially. A vermiculite retardersshouldbe introduced in thetremie.Freshconcrete of slumpbetween150mmto '175 mmshouldbefilledin thetremiewhichwillpushthe plugfoMardandwill emergeoutof thetremiedisplacing the laitance/scum. Thetremiewill be pushedfurthefin stepsmakingfreshconcrete sweefiawaylaitance/scum jn its way.Whentremie.isburiedby about60 to 100cm,concreting may be resumed. l) The'L bendsinthereinforcements ai thebottomofthepilesshouldnotbe provided to avoidtheformation of softtoe. 709.6.2.4. Removalof concreteabovecut-offlevel It is deshable thatthe concreteabovecui-offlevelis removedbeforethe concreteis sei. Theconcretemaybe removedmanually or by specially madebaileror otherdevice.Such preventing removal of concrete helpsin thedamages of thegoodconcrete belowthecut-off levelwhichresultsfromchipping method. by percussion Theremovalof concretecanbe withint 25 nlmfromthespecified cufofflevelpreferably on the G)side.On removalof thesuchconcrete, the concreteshouldbe compacted with . rammerwithspikes.or it shallbe vibrated. In casethe concreteis not removedbeforesetting,a grooveshallbe madeon outer perimeter by rotaryequipment beforechippingby percussion method. 43

IRC:78-2014 709.6.3


fromlS 2911 statedin thiscode,guidanceis to be obtained 709.6.3.1 Exceptotherwise (Partl/Section 3). whenlengthof pileas per 709.63.2 fhis typeof pilesfor bridgesmaybe adopted degreeof accuracyExtralengthof pile is knownwithreasonable designrequirement the Whenunavoidable, of pilesas faI as possible. maybe castto avoidlengthening is testedof steelmaybe usedonlyafterthemethodof splicing for lengthening splicing earlier. andappfoved The couplers. or by mechanical shallbejoinedbywelding reinforcement Thelongitudinal by heat lengthto avoidspelling concrete at topof originalpileshallbe cutdownio sufficient shallbe suchas reinforcement couplersin neighboring of mechanical of welding.Location between thebars. to permitconcreting of pilesper blowof oi piles,the finalset or penetration 709.6.3.3 Duringinstallation '100 of last blows takingan average hammershouldbe checked



at ihe rateof surfacereinforcement 710.1.1 ln caseof plainconcretesubstruciure, of Spacing andvertically i.e.,bothhorizontally ineachdirection, 2.5kg/m'zshall beprovided (asper in severeenvironment suchbarsshallnoiexceed200mm.Incaseof substructure reinforcement thesurface Clause'14.3.1 of 112or as perclause302.6table5 of IRC:21) should of thesubstructure allowedbutthedimension with,if specifically canbe dispensed stress onlyupto 90 percentof theallowable to keepthestresses be so proportioned belowthelevelof theiop of bedblock, 7'10.1.2 Foi thedesignof subshucture bythefactorsgivenbelow: loadimpactshallbe modified the pressureai the bottom i) Forcalculating cap surfaceof the pier/abuiment


pressure on thetop3 m of ii) Forcalculating cap belowpier/abutment substructure

from uniformly Decreasing 0 5 to zero

IRC:78-2014 iii) Forcalculating thepressure on ihe portjo n ofthesubstructure, at morethan3 m below thepier/abutment cap.


710.1.3 Structuresdesignedto retatnearihfllj shall be proportioned to withstand jn accordance .i'essurecalculated withanyrationaltheoryNostructure snltt,however, be j-^srgned to withstand a horizontal pressurelessihanthaiexerteO ly a nurOweigning +AO kg/m3, in additionto the ljveloadsurcharge, if any. 710.1,4 ThebackfiJj behindthewjngandreturnwallsshallconform to thespecifications in Appendix-,withprovision for properoratnage. 710.2

Piers 710.2.1 piers in streamand channelshould be locatedto meet navrgational r::uiremenls and give a. minimuminterference to flood f-to-wln generat, :l::li?c€ prers shourdbe pracedpara[erwiththedirectionofstream pi"r. cuir"ni"ino-oo inothertocations, tike,viaducts orland "tugu. L" u""oriinn*io'ii"r."0r,r"."n, of the obstacles "pun""norrJ to crossover. 710.2.2 necessary pjersshallbe provjded at bothendswithsuitabty .Where shapedcut jn IRC:6.However, watersas given cut andeasewaterwhereprovided shall extend upto affluxed H.F.L. or higher, if necessary fromconsideration of localc"iOiOnr,fif.", "*"r, ",.. ,^10^_1-t,,r, maybe inpSC, RCC,pCCor masonryOnlysoli rd section , shouldbe adopted for masonry'piers. Thedesi o"''n"ormasonry piers shourd be based onpermi issible #::::::"i

ilfi'rJ,lift ill


Thelhickness ofthewallsof hollow concrete piersshould notbelessthan300mm. 712.2.5 Themulii-column piersofbridgesacrossriverscarryingfloating . debris,trees ortimbershoutd bebracedthroughout thef.,uigt t ot .,upi;by dilin"rugil*u,, muttipte column piers,rvU" ynbraced ",inirm o""o"no,ng uoon,n" ::i::Tg:" of similar penormance structures "rr"ri"l in si of rivet However, ivpeandspacjng of suchbracing,whenadopted, [';i"lTlrt ",l" "n",, shaltbe designed to withstand the toadandforcestransferfed i!! ^1:! .Piers from rnesuperstructure andthe loadandforceson the pieritself,apartirom itte " ettectot its self-weight. ln generat, piermaybe sotjd,nottow or frameostiuJi;;;;.7.10.2-7 rn caseof pierconsisting of iwo or morecolumns, the horizontar torcesat thebearingbe distributed on columnsas required by appropri"," """iV"i.. 710,2.8 lf thepiersconsisiof eithermultiple pilesor tres e columns spacedcloser

IRC:78-2D14 acrossthe directionof flow, the group than three times the width of piles/columns shallbe treatedas a solidpierof the sameoverallwidthand the valueof K takenas to relevantClause213.7of due to watercurrentaccording 1.25for workingout pressure a solidpier thenthegroupshouldbe considered arebraced lRc:6.lf suchpiles/columns of thespacingofthe columns irrespective of '100mm 710.2.9 Hollowpiersshallbe providedwithsuitablylocatedweep-holes freeflowof waterto equaliiethewaterlevelson insideandoutside; diameter for enabling rate of rise/fallof Jlooditidewater.The pier walls shouldbe checkedfor considering pressureand silt pressure.In absenceof detailed water-head/wave expecteddifferential '1.5 of m in waterlevelson twosidesshallbe assumed difference a minimum calculations, Rcc piershallnotbeless ofthewallsof hollowcircular 710.2.10 Thelateralreinforcement shallbe areaofthewallsofthepier.Thislateralreinforcement ofthesectional than0.3percent on innerface. onouterfaceand40 percent distributed 60 percent 710.3


it shallalso 710.3.1 Whenthelengthof solidpieris morethanfourtimesitsthickness, asa wall. be checked equalto O3 vertical reinforcement wallshouldhaveminimum 710.3.2 Thereinforced percentof sectional area. for axialloadwith axialload,the wallshouldbe designed 710.3.3 For eccentric takinginto be distributed momerit.The momentsand the horizontalforces shoLrld method. by anyrational account thedispersal neednot be enclosedby closedslirrups,where 710.3.4 Theverticalreinforcement horizontal reinforcement However, is notrequiredfor compression. verticalreinforcement gross (or hook areaandopenlinks Sloops)with the should notbelessthan0.25percentof metre beplaced at therateof 4 linksin onerunning plicedaround bafshould thevertical load and.axial thedesignmoment 710.3,5 Whenwallsarefixedwithsuperstructure, of thewholestructure. shouldbeworkedoutby elasticanalysis 710.4

Abutments shouldbe designed/ willcarrysuperstructure 710.4.'l Theabutments dimensioned to retainearthfronitheapploachembankment. 710,4-2 The abutmentsshouldbe designedto withstandearthpressurein normal In addition,any fromsuperstructure. to loadandforcdstransferred conditionin additicih 46

IRC:78-2014 loadactingon theabutment itself,including self_weight, is to be considered. 710.4.3 In caseof spillthroughtypeabutment, the activepressurecalculated on the widthofthecolumnshallbeincreased by50percent wheretwocolumns haveoeenprovided andby 100percentwheremorethantwocolumnshavebeenprovided. 710.4.4 All abutments and abutment columnsshallbe designed for a tive load surcharge equivalent to 1.2m heightof earthfill.Theeffective wjd iotthe cotumns need notbe increased as in Clause7i0.4.3for surcharge effectwhenspillthrougnabutment is adopted. 710-4,5 Abutment shouldalsobe desjgned forwaiercurrent forcesduring,scourall roundcondition.

abutment maybeof ptainor reinforced concrete or of masonry The 113;11^. ]rl aourmentmay be eithersolid

type,buttressed type,counterfort type,box type or spiJl through type.Forspillthrough abutment, column typeorwalltype,analysis maybecarried outas for piers.Counterfod typeabutment maybetreatedas T or L tyie as thecasemay be andtheslabmaybe designed as continuous overcounterforts. 710.4.7 Fullyeafthretaining abutments shouldbe desjgnedconsiderjng submerged/ saturated unitweightofearthasappropriate duringH.F.L. orL.W.L. condition. Incaseoftootings, thesubmerged unitweightof soirwhereconsidered shalnotbeJessthan1000ko/m3. Theweightof ea(h fillingmaterialon heelmaybe considered. ln caseoftoe, theweightmaybe consjdered if the bedis protected. 710.4,9 In caseof spillthrough typeabutment, it shouldbe ensured thatthestopejn fronlof the abutmentis wellprotected by meansof suitablydesignedstonepjtchingand iaunching aprons. 710-4,10 In caseof abuiments havingcounterfort, the minimum thickness of the front lvallshouldnotbe lessthan200mmandthethickness ofthecounterfort shoutdnotbe less ihan250mm. 710.4.11 In case of boxtypeabutments, weepholesshallbe provided similarto hollow piersasperClause 710.2.9. 710.5



Abutmentpiersmayhaveto be providedat locations wheretheremaybe a L7

IRC:78-20'14 The designof suchabutmentpiersshallbe waterwaysubsequently. needof increasing suchihat it shouldbe possibleto convertthemto thesimilarshapeas piersin the active channel. 710.5.2 Formultiplespanarchbddges,abuimentpie|sshallbe providedafterevery 'r,\aieYgnii archon onesideof it collapses, for condition fifthspanor closer.Ii is designed s€fe. onothefsidewillremain theoierandarches 710.6

Dift Walls,WingWatlsand RetumVJaIs

710.6.1 Wingwallsshallbe of sufficieniietE= :3 .eein lhe roadwayto the required' againsierc'3'6,r:extentandto provideprotection spillingon 710.6.2 A dirtwallshallbe provided:c ;"s's:::re earthfromapproaches '-E ce9:' ciei ior at least500mmdepthintothe A screenwallof sufficieni the bearings. b of thespillthroughtype,shall fill)to preventsiippingof the backfiliin case:E be provided. 7'l1j.3 The wingwallsmay':€ :: soi:'E :etumwallsmay be of solidor 'JSE"ia-i 3e cbi :' t€iqlcrced concrete or masonry' counterfort type.Thematerial thickness withminimum $"& a-c s€tesrr3{ vaf :€ :{oYiCed 710,6-4 Dirtwall,ballast of 200mm. in theearthpressure :.t?ai.i'-t'.orvithstand

710.6.5 Thev,iing.,,a:ss.c,-"a:e j*n= additionio setf-weighL

710.6.6 Thetopof theving ta::: *als s-al - larEC abovethetopof embankment by at least 100 mmto preventanysoI frct" ser€ sit*:r or \Y"shedawayby rain overits similarto thatforthe forreiljqllt?[rip rd nay-beprovided arangement top.A drainage in Appendix-6abutment specified 71A.6.1

#rec retums'r.,]^z= Thecantilever

gDi^\i ..oibe morethan4 metreslong.

&irrgand tetumwallsshouldbe providedwith 710.6.8 In caseof openfoundaiicrE, foundations witha jointat Lhe:tjur€iic{!.i!'iihire abutment. separate 710.6.9 Wingwallsmay be la-rdai any suilabbangleto the abutment.In caseof ai 45'-Thereturnwallsmaybe provided riverbridges,thesearenormallysplayedin ptran 10withstanda live-load at rightanglesto ihe abutment.Retumvalls shallbe designed to 1.2m heightof earthill. surcharge equivalent 48

IRC:78-2014 714-6:10 rhe boxtypereturnwa atrightangres atbolhendsoftheabutments connected bywalltypediaphragm maybe,adopted wherefoundsuitable, jn Howevel suchcases,no reduciion in the earthpressure forlhe designof theabutment shourdbe considered. The iop of diaphragm shouldslopeinwardsto the.centre of carriageway for facilttatjng proper rolling of theembankment behind theabutmeni 710.6-1'l Solidtype of wing/return wallson jndependent foundations can be suitably steppedup towardsthe approaches d-epending uponthe patteinof Scour,tocatground conditions andits profile;safe bearingcapacity, etc' 710.6.12 Incaseof wjngwallsor return walls,thefoundation shallbetakenadequately intothefim soil. 710.7



Themjnimum thickness of reinforced conireteretaining wallshallbe200mm.

710.7.2 The retajningwallsshallbe designedto withstandea(h pressure Inctuding anyliveloadsurcharge and otherloadsactingon it, including self_weight, in accordance specified jain rorabutments. Stone g:i"::] masJnryand concrete wa s :,ll,l: lr'r"iples .o,'o,Vp" Reinforced concrete wa s maybe of sotid,counterfort, buttressed or :l:.,1,:::l - UtaIruOe_ 710,7.3 Thevertical stemsof caniilever wallsshallbe designed as cantrtevers flxed ,i the base.The verticalor facewallsof counterfort typeandiuttressedtypesha be :esrgneoas continuous.slabs.supported. bycounterforts or buttresses. Thefacewallsshall :e securelyanchored,to the supporiing counterfods or buttresses by meansof adequate --inforcements. 710.7-4 Counterforts shallbe T_beams or L-beams.Buttresses shallbe :'-"ignedas fectangurar beams.rn connection with the,maintensionreinlorcement of iunterforts,thereshallbe a systemof horizontal and vertical barc orstirrupsto anchorthe ':ce wallsand baseslabto thecounterfort. Thesestirrups s.hallbe anchored as neafto the :risidefacesof thefacewallsandas neaito thebottomof thebaseslab practicable. as T10.8 -1C.8.1

Pier and AbutmentCaps Thewidtl"r of theabutment andpiercapsshallbesufficient to accommodate : i)

thebearings leavingan offsetof 1Sommbeyondthem,

ii) Theballast wall. iii) Thespace.forjacksto Iiftihe superstructure for repair/replacement ol bearings. etc. 49

IRC:78-20'14 overand wherenecessary' operations for prestressing iv) Theequipment abovespacefor endblockin castin-situcases' forthewateron thecap' arrangement v) Thedrainage if Provided arfestor' vi) Seismic ladders inspection vii) Toaccommodate should of capoverthe hollowpieror cotumntypeof abutment 710.8.2 Thethickness notbeIessthan25ommbutincaseofSolidplainorreinforcedconcretepiera to 200mm' canbe reduced thethickness to takecare and reinforced capsshouldbe suitablydesigned 710.8.3 Pier/Abutment out fromthe Capscantilevering in pier/abutment pointloadsdispersing of concentraied the liftingof supportsor restingon two or morecolumnsshatlbe designedto caterfor ofjacksshallbe of bearingsThelocaiions on jacksfor repair/replacement superstructure markedon the caps' predetermined andpermanently ihe widthof 7'10,8.4 In case bearingsare placedcentrallyover the columnsand is locatedwithinhalfthe depthof capfrom any externalfaceof the bearings/pedestals to to havebeendirectlytransferred the loadfrombearingswill be considered column's, forflexure columnsandthecapbeamneednotbe designed shallnotbe less piersor abutment of thecapovermasonry 710.8.5 Thethickness of slabandgirder widthat thetopof suchpiersandabutments than5OOmnt.Theminimum bridgesjustbelowthecapsshallbe as givenbelow: 3m Span in metres Top width of Pier carryingstmply u.5u spansin m supported iop *iOtn of abutmentand of piers 0.40 spansin m continuous carrying

6m r.u



4 n

24m . A

thetopsurfaceofcapsshouldhavesuitable 710.8.6 Excepttheporiionunderbearings, slopein orderto allowdrainageof water'

Tlo.S.TReinforcementinPierandAbutmentcapswherethebearingsa lhe piercapsshallbe reinforced statedin Clause307'1of IRC:21, formula square-root of 225mm Thetotal a capthickness steel,assuming of 1 percent witha totalminimum equallyand providedbothat lop and bottomin two directions' steelshallbe distributed in the directionof the lengthof the piershallextendfromend to end The reinfofcement

IRC:78-2014 of thepie;capwhirethereinforcement at rightanglesshatextend forthefuJr widthof the pierscapandbe jn the formof stirrups. ln addition, two iayersof meshreinforcement oneai 20 mmfromtopandtheotherat 100mmfrom t"p p;;.i;;;r; er capeach consisting of 8 mmbarsat 100mmc)entres "1 shall provided in bothdireciions be directly underthebearings. 710.9

Cantilever CapofAbutmentand pier

710.g.1 Whenihedistance between theloaci/centre lineof bearing fron:^: ,::. .: ihe a *,tessthanrhedepthofrhecap(measured att;; r'";;". :-: .:: s:arl ::oj^"jl:-"::", ceoestgned as a corbel. 710.9.2 Theequivalent squareareamaybe workedoutfor circularpier ic ihefaceof support forcalculating ben0rng moments 710,9.3 ln caseof wall pier and the pier cap cantjleverjng out all arc_:: 'neasurement of distance forpurpose of thedesignas bracketanotrr-e oireciion oi :.:. rf reinforcement shouldbe parallelto the linej;ining tf,]"."nt ot-fo"jlO"urtng .,,,,_ learestsupporijng faceof pier "



of thebearing tiesdirecily overthepjer,calcutation oi s_:?.pa(

,;:l"l::::-.] "1*,0

beresrricted onryfortheporrion which i""inJi" 0,,," .,_-

rhearea ofcrosed horizontar stirrups mayouriritJio zsp=..=-,

-lil"""]ll:'1,.::p"es :ithe areaof primary reinforcement. 710.10


7'1010 1 Thepedestars shourd besoproportioned thata crear offsetof 150r. m :..,,:.3 ':e edges oI bearings is avajlable. 110.10.2 Theheighiofthepedestal shouldbe between 150mmandsCC_::. .,,i,nefe :^3 depihsof superstfuctures from two adlacenispanson a commonorar-riier ':quireuse pedesials and of of moreheightbelovr' one of the ap"na,-,n" ai"r" pier oi cap : - ihe djaphragm of superstructure stia be modifie;;o;e-s;;,n" n"",ni, o"o*,un ,o : -:Cmm.Forpedestats whoseheight "i tongitrOin"r islessthanitswidth, rherefrir", uni ''oi.i" -:rnforcement as specified forshortcolumn neednotbe insisted ";;;. -10.10.3 Thealowabre pressure bearing withnearuniform disiribution on theloaded c l


the following bearingor columnshall be givenby area of a footingor base undera equatlon.

t , C=C"x\A > u. wnere

stressin concreieat the directcompressive the permissible bearingareaof thebase similarto the areawhichis geometrically At = disperseoconcentric in thelargestaieathatcanbe coniained 'o"o"o u'"" 'q' unO "lso beyondtheloaded tn" pfun"or e] it'"mum widti of oispersion areatacesnalibe limitedto twicetheheight) footingbeyondthe of thebases.or projection A, = loadedareaandthe onit shallnotbelessthan faceoftheoearingoicoiumnsupported 150mmin anydirection' - oneat 20 mmfromtop andthe other reinforcement mesh of layers two The 710.10.4 of I mmbarsat 100mmin both or pierlf eacnconsisting at 100mmfromtopof peOestat directlyunderthe bearings Oi*",i""", .nar o" provided C. =


IRC:V8-2014 . Appendix-1 (Ctause703.2.2.2) GUIDELINESFOR CALCULATINGSILT FACTORFOR BED MATERIALCONSISTINGOF CLAY of.anyfo.rmul? K"r,maybe determined as perClause703.2.2 anomayoe adopted basedon siteinformation andbehaviour historyof anyexisting structure. The clayeybedhavingweighted diameter normalyressthan0.04mm ofiersinre resistance scourthansandthoughmeandepthof scouras pertheformula givenin Clause703.2 indicates morescourInabsence of anyaccepted rational formula or anydataof scourat thesiteoftheproposed bridge; thefollowing theoretical calculation maybeadopted: Jn case.of soil having6 5"and< 10' = 2.00for @< 5' ii\

Soilshavingo >15'will be treatedas sandysoil even if c ls morethan 2N/mm,andsiltfactorwillbe as perprovisions of Clause203.2.2.


IRC:78-2014 APPendi&2 ' (Clausa704:3)' . .GUIDELINES FOR' SUB-SURFACE EXPLORATION. I GENERAL of the soilor rock' th-esuitabiliiy is to iletermine exploration of sub-surface Theobjective carriedoutin tvvo for bridges-is exploration oibridgesThesub-surface for tneiounOation exploration confirmatory p*rimina-ry anddetailedlt mayreguireadditionali "irg"" "";"fy stage. construction duri-ng maybeiakenfromthefollowing: Guidance maybe for Folrndations i) lS 1892- Codeof Praiticefor SiteInvestigation of data' andcolLection investigation regarding uiilisedfor guidance with relevantpartof lS in accordance ii) Teston soilsshallbe conducted samplesbe 2720- Methodsof Testfor Soils The testson undisturbed to get realistic fieldconditions as far as possibleat simulated conducted values. engineering of Soilsforgeneral andldentification iii) lS 14g8-Classification purposes onlyrotarydrillsshallbe used The invesligation' sub-surface anddetailed Forpreliminary notlessihan150mmuptothelevelof provided with'didmeter's casinoshallalsobe,invariably onlyto shallbe permitied or washboringequipment useof percussion ioll, it unu.However, theboringbutnotfor collection siratafof progressing or gravelly p"n"tr"t"it rougtbouldery detailedborings,thtresistanceto the speedof drilling'i e ' ii l"tpf".. Wliileconducting chart in "Borelog andpresented recorded coreloss,etc.shallbecarefully rateof penetration, sandffom specially typesof sirataanddistinguish thedifferent ani daiastreet'to evaluate claYkomshaleetc sandstone. onlydoubletubediamonddrilling investigation' and detailedsub-surface Forpreliminary tubediamond methodshallbe used.Insoftandweakrockssuchiuffs,softshalesetc ' triple shallbeused drilling 2 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION

2.1Pre|iminaryinvestigaiionshal|inc|udethestudyofexistinggeol geological information,previoussite reports,geologicalmaps, etc ' and surface

IRC:78-20i4 examination. Thesewill helpto narrowdownthe numberof silesundefconsideration andalsoto locatethemostdesirable location fordetailedsub_su-€ce rnvestigatjon.

3 DETAILEDINVESTIGATION 3-J Basedon dataobtained afterpreliminary investigaiicls. :.: r-riae stre, ihe typeof struciure withspanarrangement andthe locatjon anc i;.: :. --_-:aiions. :re orogramme of detaileC ;nvestigations. _:.)...e. etc.shallbe tentarively :::::: :he scopeof detailed investigation including the extentof explor;iic.-_.,:.- :, 33.e roles,typeof tests,number of tests,etc.shallbe decided in closeljais:^,,,:- :-: ::s ci 3ngineer and the exploraiion -.,_.r=.-. :.. ieam,so thai adequate dataconsider-e: Jetajled design andexecution areobtatned. 3.2 Theexploration shallcovertheentirelengthof thebridgear... _. ._.. ..-.end a distance of zone of influence, i.e.,abouttwicethe dept; be!.,, ... .._-_ 3st mainfoundation to assessthe effectof the approach embankrnei: __ :-: :-: 'oundaiions. Generally, the sub-surface investigaiions shouldextendto a .j=:-- :::,., :re anticipated foundation levelequalto aboutone and a halftimesi.e .,,::- :. _: 'oundation. l-iowever, wheresuchinvestigations end jn any unsuitable o: :_:::--::: :cundation material, the exploration shallbe extended to a sufficient ce:,- - _ j-_ :nd stablesoilsor to rock. 3.2.1 Additionaldrill holesiWherethe data madeavailableby deta:le: .. -dicateappreciable variation specially in caseof foundations restinqai ::r_. -:cessary io resort to additional drillholesio establish profle.. :. : , a complete ,r:-ata. Locarion anddepthof additio.tat drillholes\\/illhaveto be decidec t:: , _ --':eextentof variation in localgeologyandin consultation wjthdesignengine_.. Thescopeof thedetailed sub-surface exolofation shallbe fixe: as ---: a::C : para3.1and3.2.However, as a general guidejt shallbe comprenei's ,: a.:_E:i io :"rabJe thedesigner to estimate or determine thefollowinq: i.3

engineering properties of thesoil/rock; location andextentofweaklayersandcavities, ifany betr.,,j.iard founding slrata; thesub-surface geological condiiion, suchas,typeof fock.structure of rock,i.e.,folds,faults,flssures, sheafs,fractures. joinis,dykesand subsidence dueto mining or presence of cavities: 55

IRC:78-2014 iv) . groundwaterlevel; if any:. . v) artesianconditions; vi) qualityof waterin contactwiththefoundation; : :1 " ' r . depthandextentof scour; l'::







foundaiion level; viii) suitable

l ix) safebearingcapacityof foundation stfatum;. x)

settlement andorobable differential settlement of thefoundations: Drobable

xi) likelysinkingor drivingeffort;and

the following and the likely


FoundationsRequiringShallowDepthof Exploration(OpenFoundation)

Theseshallcovercaseswherethedepthof exploration is notlaageanditis possible to take pits plate samplesfromshallow or conductdirecttests,li(e, loadtests,etc.Thiswill also , :, generally protective cover soilfor approach-embankments, thefoundation works,etc. 56

IRC:78-2014 6.2.1 The prrmaryrequirements are stabilityand setflement. for whrchshearing strength characteristics, Ioadsetflement characteristics, etc.needdeterminatron. 6.2.2 Tesls shall be conductedon undisturbedrepresentalive samptes,which may be obtainedfrom openpits.The use of prateroadiest (rs 18g8-t,lethod -or"ssure of Load Teston Soils)is considered desirablefor ascertaining tne Oe"ring and "s:at: settlementcharacteristics. A few exploratory bore hoLs or""fe soundir:gs be made u9"'*1 presence of weak strata undertying the foundatjonl t-:ls srat, extend l! :uf"9J"rg to a depthof abouti 1/,timesihe proposeO wlOthofiounOation. NorE:

Forbetterinterpretation, it wi||bedesirabre --e = !,,,-n tocorrerate therabc.a:::_, ihe in-situ testresutts.

.Thetestsio be conducted for properties of soilaredifferenlic:.::::s .: and cohesionless soils.Theseare indicatedbelow.Whileseleciingthe tests a-_ _-:_-:,i.t h a results,. rac' 'l+the limitations of qpp,&qsr.y applicability e, of urunt chosen ll iests res6 sna shallDe belaken laKen tnto intoaac:*a:4 a^e*:: . TJsi suitable andappropriate combination ofthese shafibechosen, dep"noin_. *:.= .-..e-..s neededfor designandconstructional aspects. l)

Cohesionless Soil a) Laboratory Tests i) Classification tests,indextests,densitydeterminatio j.r.e::. ii) ShearStrengths by triaxial/direct shear,.etc. b) FieldTests i) PlateLoadTest.(aspertS 1808). ii) Siandafdpenetration Tests(asperlS 2.131) iii)Dynamic Conepentration Test,(asperlS4968pad i .: ==: it,. iv)StaticConepenetration Test,(asperlS 496gparilli..


is. expecred, permeabiliry tests .lle.; :€ acnducted It,: ^o:y^11,rq... (aspeftS 2720partXV ).


CohesiveSoil a)


i) ii) iii) iv)

Classification tests,indextests,densitydetermiration etc. Shearstrengths bytriaxial/direcr shear.etc. Unconfined compression test{lS2720partX) Consolidation test(tS2720partV) 57

IRC:78-2014 b) FieldTests i) PlateLoadTesi,(asperlS:1BBB). ii) VaneShearTest,(asperlS;4434) iii) StaticConePenetration Test.(asperl5:4968Partlll). iv) Standard Penetration Test,(asperlsr2131) v) Dynamic ConePenetration Test,(asperlS:4968PartI or Partll). NOTE: 6.3

Where dewateringis expected,permeabilityiesis may be conducted (asperlS:2720 PartXVll).

FoundationsRequiringLargeDepthof Exploration

6,3.1Inthisgrouparecoveredcasesof deepwells,pilefoundations, etc.,wheretheuseof boring equipment, special techniques of sampling, in-situ testing, etc.become In essential. problems foundation addition tothe ofsoiland interaction animportant consideration canbe thesoildatarequired fromconstruction considerations. Oftenin the caseof cohesionless soils.undisturbed samplescannotbe takenand recoursehasto be madeto in-situ fieldtests. Boringand sampling tendsto causeremoulding of sensitive clays.Alsofor fissured or layeredclays,the samplemay not trulyrepresent the in-situproperties, due to disturbance causedbyboringandsampling andstresschanges activity. Insuchcases, in-situtestsshallbe performed. 6.3,2

Thesub-surface exploration canbe dividedintothreezones: i) betweenbed leveland upto anticipated maximumscourdepth(below H.F.L.) ii) ffomthemaximum scourdepthto thefoundation level,and iii) fromfoundaiion leve'to about'11l, timesthewidthof foundation belowit.

6.3.3 Sampling andtesting(in-situ and laboratory) requirement willvaryin each caseand henceare requiredto be assessedanddecidedfromcase-to-case. The subsoilwatershallbe tesiedfor chemicalproperties to evaluatethe hazardof deterioration permeability to foundations. is expected Wheredewatering to be required, characteristics shouldbe determined. 6.3.4 Forthedifferent zonescategorised in para6-3.2.,thedatarequired, methodof given sampling, testing. in Table1.Samples etc.are of soilsin allcasesshallbecollected at every'1to 1 r/, metreor at change of strata.

tRC:7e-20i4 Table1 Sub-SoilDataRequiredfor DeepFoundations Zones

Dala/Charactedstics Required

Bedlevel1oanticipaied i) SoilClassilicatjon maximum scourdeplh ii) Particles sizedistrjbution

iii) Permeabilily, where dewatedng isexpected. l\,4axim!m anticipated scour level tothe foundalion level

i) SoilClassificalionij) Particles sizedistribution iii) I\4oisture content, density, voidntio. iv)Shearstrcngth. v) Compressibility. vi)PenneabiJity where dewatering isexpected. vir)Chemical analysis ofsoiland ground water(foraggessive elernents ).'

Foundation levello about i)SoilClassilication 1.5limes olthewidth of ii)Shear Strenglh foundation andbelow it. iii)Cornprcssibility


SamplingDisiubed samples maybecotleie,J. LaboraloryTestsClassilication Tdsis, p€dich including szedsiibuUon_ In"situTests:Permeability tests. Samplingfor LaboratoryTestsUndistuloed samples shallbe co:!€c=.r:€sa :"-Ss. Aqal excepdon.'or (i dnd( ).ds:-.f,?:s€-: = -;, bepermilted. LaboratoryTestsa)Classitcaiion pal.i:€s.:: festsincJuding dislributron. b)l,loislure conlent, density, voidGit - Tdaxiallesls c)Shear strength tob€d.-€.r jslurbed und samples_ [Jnconfi nec compression teslslo bedonecn!i: s_--: and/or remoulded samples d)Consoiidation tests. In'situ Testsfor Cohesionlesssoilsa)DynamiiCone PenetElion Tesl b)Siandard Penetralion lest. c)Down hole/Crcss holeseismicsu..:,s d)Permeabillty iests. In-situTestsfor CohesiveSoils a) Dynanic ConePenetralion Tesi - co.€zr: s;:. b) Slatic Cone Penehaljon Test restslance c) Field Vane Shear Tesl. Pefineability tests. Down hoie/Cross holeseismi. s-:,e,s Same asabove

Notes: -r

Lrboralofrleq.,o oe coloLcleddlcod n9 to l-e rptevrnrpdis o tS /2.0. use ofsophisli@ted equipmenttike,pessufe melefmay be rnade,iisuitabteco{etationstor inle4€:-i. available Downhole/Cos. ho e -"r.nic sLruey,sratrb" d) pqA5IM a42OlD428lV



Se'smic Methods and/or EJectdc€tResisiiviry l4elhod €n ]re ,sed ior soit/rock proliting. DM could.beusedfor eslablishing etasljcmodutiandrockprontjng at greaierdeplhs

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