Download Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs (unedacted version) ...
Approved for Release: 2014/12/09 C01030196
's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction
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Relea~e : 201~:L?!Q_9
C0 1030196
-Approved for Release: 2014/12/09 C01030196 ---- ·· ·
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(S//NF) Errata sheet for NIE 2002-16Hc; October 2002: Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons ofMass Destruction Change 1
~ Page 7. first sub-bullet under first full bullet.
Replace the following:
(b )(3)
Baghdad has mobile facilities for producing bacterial and toxin B W agents; these facilities can evade detection and are highly survivable. Within several days these units probably could produce an amount of agent equal to the total that Iraq produced in the years prior to the Gulf war.
With this language: •
Baghdad has mobile facilities for producing bacterial and toxin BW agents; these facilities can evade detection and are highly survivable. Within three to six months these units probably could produce an amount of agent equal to the total that Iraq produced in the years prior to the Gulf war.
This change is reflected in the te}l.t as follows:
~ Page 43, last bullet on page. Replace the following:
(b)( 1)
With this language:
(b)( 1) /approximately 14 to 26 weeks to produce the amount UNSCOM assessed was actually produced rior to the Gulf war.
(b)( 1)
I (b )(3)
Approved for Release:20.:!_4{_1 ?/09 C01030196
C0 1030196 >
Approved for Release: 2014/12/09 C01030196 _ _ _
(b )(3) '------- - - - - - '
Change2 L______
__J~ Page 76, second bullet. Replace the following:
Estimate was approved for publication by the National Foreign Intelligence Board under the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.
~repared under the auspices of Robert D
Walpole, National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Strategic and Nuclear Programs: with assistance from Paul Pillar, N/0 for the Near East and South Asia; Lawrence K. Gershwin. N/0 for Science and Technology; and Major General John R. Landry, NIO for Conventional Military Issues. -
may be directed to the NIO [or Strategic and Nitclear Pro,r:rams on I pr (703) 482-7424.
Scope Note (U) This National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) was requested by the Director of Central Intelligence to address the status of and outlook for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. (C) This Estimate builds on the work and judgments of recent Intelligence Community products · on this issue, including:
(b)(3) (b)(3)
• ~ Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015, (NIE 2001-19HJIL):T0P S~ ~of December 2001. •
:tS~ The BW Threat to the Global and US Agricultural Sectors I~6F9Im'/Xl of March 2001. SE
(ICB 2001-09),
• 'tl.Q.. The Biological Warfare Threat (NIC 2290),lJNCb\S~lflEQ of January 2001. •
~ lrao: Steadilv Pursuine W"_!!apabilities, (lCA 2000-00?HCX), TOP JNOF~Ytxl .of December 2000.
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