IPM Stuck Pipe Manual Volume
April 24, 2017 | Author: Meexu Alejandra | Category: N/A
Short Description
IPM Stuck Pipe Manual Volume...
Schlumberger Private
TABLE OF CONTENT 1. PLANNING PHASE........................................................................ 5 1.1. 1.2.
Well Engineering Management System (WEMS) ........................................... 6 Risk identification – offset well analysis. .......................................................... 7
1.2.1. 1.2.2.
Stuck Pipe Triggers – how can you recognise the hazards?.............................. 8 Chance of getting stuck?.......................................................................................12
1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3.
Casing Design Examples .........................................................................................14 Expandable Tubulars. ..............................................................................................17 Hole Size: ....................................................................................................................18
1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.4.3. 1.4.4. 1.4.5. 1.4.6.
Hole cleaning in vertical wells (35deg).........................................................24 How do we achieve good hole cleaning in a directional well? ....................28 Pipe Rotation.............................................................................................................28 Flow Rate....................................................................................................................31 Equilibrium Bed Height.............................................................................................34
1.5.1. 1.5.2.
Trajectories.................................................................................................................38 Directional Strategies...............................................................................................42
1.6.1. 1.6.2. 1.6.3.
Conventional Steerable Assemblies: ....................................................................45 Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS)..............................................................................48 Drilling tools and Equipment...................................................................................49
1.7.1. 1.7.2. 1.7.3. 1.7.4.
Vertical wells - Hole cleaning................................................................................55 Deviated & High Angle wells..................................................................................55 Differential Sticking...................................................................................................59 Reactive/time dependent shales. ........................................................................59
1.8.1. 1.8.2. 1.8.3. 1.8.4. 1.8.5.
Hydraulic capability:................................................................................................62 Rotary capability: .....................................................................................................64 Power Capability:.....................................................................................................68 Hoisting capability....................................................................................................68 Solids Control Equipment: .......................................................................................68
1.9.1. 1.9.2. 1.9.3. 1.9.4. 1.9.5. 1.9.6. 1.9.7. 1.9.8.
Osprey Risk .................................................................................................................80 Drilling Office. ............................................................................................................82 Modeling Hydraulics ................................................................................................82 Modeling Swab and Surge.....................................................................................84 Drill Viz: - 3D Visualization. .......................................................................................86 Rocksolid – Wellbore Instability Analysis ...............................................................87 Stuck Pipe Analysis and Interactive Diagnostic tool – SPAID...........................88 Sticking Risk Assessor for wireline jobs? .................................................................89
Hole Cleaning:.................................................................................................. 21
Directional Planning ........................................................................................ 38 Directional Assemblies. ................................................................................... 45
Drilling Fluid Selection. ..................................................................................... 55
Rig sizing and capability. ................................................................................ 62
Software & Modeling Tools. ............................................................................ 79
2. REAL TIME ANALYSIS – HOW TO MONITOR THE PLAN? ........... 91 2.1. 2.2.
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 92 Surface measurements - Rig Floor measurements...................................... 93
2.2.1. 2.2.2.
Drilling Parameters....................................................................................................93 Torque & Drag Analysis............................................................................................97
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Casing Design/Hole configuration: ............................................................... 14
Downhole Measurements Indicators and Signals ..................................... 102
2.3.1. 2.3.2.
Downhole Weight on Bit. ......................................................................................102 Annular Pressure while drilling (APWD). ..............................................................102
2.4.1. 2.4.2.
PERFORM ..................................................................................................................106 Stuck pipe Indicator – SPIN...................................................................................110
Real Time Software Packages...................................................................... 106
3. BEST PRACTICES....................................................................... 113 3.1.
Communication............................................................................................. 114
3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.1.5. 3.1.6.
Introduction: ............................................................................................................114 Pre-Spud Meeting...................................................................................................114 Pre-Section meeting ..............................................................................................115 Pre-Job Meeting .....................................................................................................115 Pre-Tour Meeting ....................................................................................................115 Handover on the Drill Floor ...................................................................................115
3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4.
Introduction .............................................................................................................118 Drilling........................................................................................................................118 Hole Cleaning pills..................................................................................................122 Circulating Prior to Tripping ..................................................................................123
3.4.1. 3.4.2.
Connection Practices:...........................................................................................126 Surveying - Stuck Pipe Avoidance While Surveying ........................................127
3.5.1. 3.5.2. 3.5.3.
Considerations Prior To Tripping ...........................................................................129 Considerations During Tripping ............................................................................129 Reaming and back reaming. ..............................................................................130
3.7.1. 3.7.2.
Swelling Shales. .......................................................................................................138 Cavings....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2. 3.3.
3.6. 3.7.
Connections & Surveying ............................................................................. 126
Tripping ............................................................................................................ 129
Differential Sticking ........................................................................................ 135 Problematic Shales ........................................................................................ 138
4. IDENTIFYING & FREEING STUCK PIPE ...................................... 148 4.1.
Stuck Pipe Identification ............................................................................... 149
4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3.
Stuck Pipe mechanism Identification Worksheet.............................................149 Stuck Pipe Summary Tables:.................................................................................151 Stuck Pipe Identification Trees .............................................................................153
4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3.
Solids Induced - First Actions ................................................................................161 Differential Sticking.................................................................................................164 Mechanical & Well Bore Geometry....................................................................170
4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3.
Jars ............................................................................................................................171 Accelerator Description........................................................................................174 Jar and Accelerator Positioning..........................................................................175
First Actions to free......................................................................................... 161
Jars & Accelerators........................................................................................ 171
5. STUCK – POINT OF NO RETURN. .............................................. 177 5.1.
Free point Indicator & Backing-off .............................................................. 178
5.1.1. 5.1.2.
Free point Indicator................................................................................................178 Backing-off...............................................................................................................181
Fishing Economic Calculator ...............................................................................183
Fishing Economics .......................................................................................... 183
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Drilling in the box............................................................................................ 116 Hole Cleaning................................................................................................. 118
Decision trees. .........................................................................................................184
5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4.
General ....................................................................................................................187 Kick-off methods.....................................................................................................187 Kick-off plugs ...........................................................................................................188 Kicking-off with a motor. .......................................................................................195
Sidetracking .................................................................................................... 187
Reporting......................................................................................................... 197
6. Acknowledgements............................................................... 199 7. Appendix................................................................................. 200 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4.
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Unconsolidated Formations ......................................................................... 201 Mobile Formations ......................................................................................... 202 Faulted & Fractured Formations .................................................................. 203 Naturally over pressured shale collapse..................................................... 204 7.5. Appendix 4: Induced Over-pressured shale collapse. ............................. 205 7.6. Reactive Formations...................................................................................... 206 7.7. Hole Cleaning................................................................................................. 207 7.8. Tectonically Stressed Formations ................................................................. 208 7.9. Differential Sticking ........................................................................................ 209 7.10. Key Seating ................................................................................................. 210 7.11. Undergauge Hole ...................................................................................... 211 7.12. Doglegs & Ledges ...................................................................................... 212 7.13. Junk .............................................................................................................. 213 7.14. Cement Blocks............................................................................................ 214 7.15. Green Cement ........................................................................................... 215 7.16. Stuck Pipe HARC Analysis.......................................................................... 216 7.17. PowerPak Motors with Adjustable Bends Drill String RPM’s: Curved sections....................................................................................................................... 219 7.18. PowerPak Motors with Adjustable Bends Drill String RPM’s: Tangent/Straight Sections........................................................................................ 220
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1.1. Well Engineering Management System (WEMS) The WEMS is the heart & soul of stuck pipe avoidance. This process combined with the correct technical expertise should: 1. Determine stuck pipe hazards & risks from the offset data: offset reviews EOWR, rig limitations etc. Compile the risks in a risk register. 2. Mitigate the hazards in the design phase: casing design, trajectory planning, HARC analysis, mud selection, rig modifications etc. 3. Review remaining risks. Provide specific procedures in the well operations program to minimise the severity of these remaining risks. 4. Execute the plan: implement the procedures & monitor (real-time analysis). 5. Review the operations and plans. Highlight the lessons learned and feedback into the planning cycle: EOWR, Drill DB, Intouch.
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Figure-1: IPM WEMS flow diagram
1.2. Risk identification – offset well analysis. An offset well review is a fundamental piece of the well engineering design process and is the first opportunity to identify stuck pipe hazards. There are many sources of information (see list below), but the best by far are the day drilling reports. List of documentation that can aid stuck pipe identification. − − − − − − − − −
Daily Drilling/Operations summary report End of Well Reports Time/depth graphs. Directional drilling slide sheets and report. Pore pressure and fracture gradient profile Seismic Cross section and structural maps Drilling log. Surface and down hole drilling parameter Studies – rock mechanics, stress regimes.
Depleted reservoirs in the overburden. SSH17 is at 62bar. Borehole instability in intermediate section. Borehole instability in intermediate section. Depleted reservoir + high perms.
Losses with high MW. Have to set contingency expandable liner. Hole collapse. Sidetrack
Steer around them.
Borehole instability in reservoir section. Rig rate increases for 2nd phase by 20% Fixed costs increasing by 20%.
Hole collapse. Sidetrack.
Maintain correct MW Maintain correct MW Drilling practice + mud properties. Maintain correct MW. Long term contract Fix contracts for field development
Hole collapse. Set contingency expandable Differential sticking. Sidetrack.
Increase in well cost Increase in well cost
Cost €K 1000
Risked Days 3
Risked Cost. 50
Table 1: Shows an example risk register.
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Once the stuck pipe hazards have been identified they should be compiled in the risk register. This is used to evaluate the economic risk of the well and to mitigate/minimize these risks in the planning and/or execution phase. A typical risk register is shown below.
1.2.1. Stuck Pipe Triggers – how can you recognise the hazards? Time-depth graphs: These provide an excellent high level stuck pipe identification tool and are great for highlighting major events. Well-XX Time Versus Depth 0 NAFE 500
Sidetracks are unmistakeable on time/depth graphs
1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
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4,000 4,500 0.0
tim e in days
Figure 2: Example of a time depth graph. Daily drilling reports: These provide the bulk of the data and are invaluable in identifying potential stuck pipe hazards in the area. Typical triggers are: a. O/P’s recorded on trips out. b. Reaming required on trips. c. Caving’s reported during drilling and circulating. d. Sticking tendency during connections. e. Bit balling – packed off BHA on surface (see figure 4) f. Trip times. g. Large volume of cuttings/caving's coming over the shakers h. Actual stuck pipe events. Once the triggers have been identified they have to be linked together to determine the root cause of the problem. In most cases you need to “read between the lines” to come out with the correct root cause. Quality. Daily drilling reports can only be used as a source of information if they have been filled out correctly and the right data has been recorded. Typical information that needs to be captured to aid stuck pipe identification should include:
− − − − − − −
Over pulls: record depth and weight. Caving’s: shape, size, and percentage (compared to cuttings). Reaming: record reaming parameters. Drilling parameters: flow rate (do not record spm unless liner volume is given), rpm, torque, circulating pressure, WOB etc. Circulating parameters prior to tripping: flow rate, rpm, pressure, and amount of cuttings coming over the shakers. Sweeps: volume, type, % increase in cuttings. Drill string & BHA: size of tubulars, bend setting of motor, type of stabs etc.
Without quality data the reports become useless. Surface and down hole drilling parameters “A picture paints a thousand words”. The drilling data provided by real time monitoring systems such as PASON can be extremely effective at highlighting problems, especial whilst tripping. Schlumberger Private
Figure 3: Trip data from a real time rig drilling data system.
The left hand chart shows the hook load for a trip out through a salt sequence. The spikes in the hook load easily identify the problems areas. The chart in the
centre shows the trip back to bottom and the right hand chart shows the final trip out of hole. It can clearly be seen in this case that the check trip really helped in reducing the amount of tight spots in the section. This can now be used in planning stage to help mitigate the hazard in future wells. End Of Well Report: The end of well report is a very valuable document if compiled correctly, but there is a tendency within the industry just to repeat what is in the daily drilling reports. To be of real use to the drilling engineer in the planning stage it must highlight the lessons learnt, discuss the planned versus the actual, and give clear and concise explanations on why certain operations were performed. Pictures and real-time graphs should be included and it’s just as important to highlight the things that worked as the things that didn’t.
Figure 5: Photograph of caving’s with a scale, are much better than a written explanation in an EOWR.
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Figure 4: The pictures show a balled up BHA after drilling surface hole. This type of information can help the engineer build-up an accurate picture of the drilling problems and is a great aide in communicating the hazards to the rig. Pictures like these should be included in the end of well report. Studies: In order to quantify & then mitigate a hazard it is sometimes necessary to look at a specific problem/hole section in more detail. Rock mechanics studies are a good example of this, but it doesn’t have to be as complex. It can be as simple as plotting some basic trends (see Figure 6). Length of 12 1/4" BUS vs time 600
hours & meters
Hours to drill section Hrs to check trip & POOH Length of BUS (m) Total hrs for 12 1/4" section
0 MLM-18
MLM-17 H3
Well number
Figure 6: The graph opposite is a simple plot to show how slight changes in design can have a massive impact on the timings and risk. This examples shows the timings to drill 8deg/30m build-up sections from vertical too horizontal in 12 ¼” hole in the same field, using the same well design. The first 4 wells (MLM 10-14) are straight builds, but after that short tangent sections at 65deg inclinations are included in the trajectory. Initially (MLM15) the tangents are 80m in length, but by the time of MLM-17 they have crept up to 150m. On MLM-18 the tangent length was reduced back to 70m. The graph clearly shows that the inclusion of a tangent had a massive impact on the timings. Analysis concluded that the root cause was poor hole cleaning, which was a direct result of the design of the trajectory & sub optimum hydraulic capacity. No management of change process was applied when the tangents were added and as a result, the rig and trajectory limitations were not anticipated.
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Borehole Azimuth
upper limit = Fracture Gradient @ 18.14 kPa/m
SW1 @ 1.35 sg 16.8
H2 @ 1.29 sg 100
Increasing Optimum Mudweight [Kpa/m]
110 and 90 deg 120 and 80 deg
130 and 70 deg
40 and 160 deg 30 and 170 deg
10 11.8
0 and 20 deg
H2 & SO1
lower limit = Pore Pressure Gradient @ 9.8 kPa/m 9.8 0
Borehole Inclination [deg] Directional drilling slide sheets: These should be kept as part of the well file/end of well report. They can provide valuable information on the hole condition and provide the drilling data for torque and drag analysis (see section 2.2). Logs Calliper logs can help analyse well bore stability and can identify potential problem areas.
1.2.2. Risk of getting stuck? How easy is it to determine our chances of getting stuck? There are four main methods: Experience: This is the most common method and is based on a person’s, or group of person’s previous experience & knowledge. The results of the assessment vary widely, and are influenced by specific problems they have encountered and/or their pet hates. However, if combined with a formal HARC analysis the subjective nature of the exercise can be minimised. Field/area risk sheets:
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Figure 7: The graph shows the optimum mud weight vs. inclination through a shale sequence that is situated in a tectonically stressed area (maximum stress in this case is horizontal). Unfortunately the study was commissioned after a series of stuck pipe events.
This method is excellent if you have plenty of relevant offset data and/or you are involved in a drilling campaign. It takes out the subjectivity that is associated with method one, and can help with identifying trends, especially when changes are made (management of change). Two examples of this are: a. The trend graph in figure- (BUS section graph) is one example. b. Compiling a differential sticking index for an area. This requires a wide offset review focusing on wells that got differential stuck and looking for a consistent trend e.g. wells with inclinations of over 30deg with overbalances of 1400psi or more have a 60% chance of getting stuck. Historical data for different well types (Osprey Risk): Osprey risk has a number of generic risk categories that can be used to highlight areas of high risk in a well design. Osprey risk is described in more detail in section 1.9.1. HARC Analysis.
http://intouchsupport.com/intouch/methodinvokerpage.cfm?method=ITEVIEW& caseid=3858822&outype=3 - File Attachments HARC - Stuck Pipe Final Rev 001.doc HARC analysis does not have to be performed on such a high level. It can be easily used to analysis specific stuck pipe mechanisms in a certain well type e.g. differential sticking when drilling through depleted reservoirs.
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HARC analysis provides an excellent format for assessing risk and identifying control measures. A generic stuck pipe HARC analysis is in InTouch at the following link:
1.3. Casing Design/Hole configuration: Stuck pipe hazards have a major affect on casing design and in some cases drives the design process as much as the well control requirements. Unstable shale’s, hole cleaning and differential sticking are probably the most likely stuck pipe mechanisms to influence and change a design. The next three examples highlight this point, and show how the casing scheme can be changed to mitigate the stuck pipe risk. In some cases an additional string might not be an option, and in these situation the drilling practices and mud selection becomes of paramount importance.
1.3.1. Casing Design Examples Example 1
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SANDSTONE The schematic shows a fictitious geological column with a simple build and hold trajectory. The surface casing is set at the top of the shale to ensure BOP protection for the potential hydrocarbons in the intermediate section. The plan is to drill the intermediate section with Oil Based Mud, and from offset data we know the shale’s are stable with a mud weight of between 1.3-1.35sg. In this situation the main stuck pipe risk is hole cleaning in the intermediate 14
section and as such the drilling procedures should be planned to minimise this risk (see section 1.4 & 3.3). Example 2
SHALE (Time dependent shale)
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SANDSTONE In this next case the shale is time dependent and from offset data the exposure time is estimated at 7days. If a 2-string scheme is used, then the estimated drilling time for the intermediate section is ±6 days. Oil based mud is prohibited in this area so the decision has to be made whether to attempt to drill the section with two strings, or go for the safe option and add an additional string to case of the shale after it has been drilled. In this case the 3-string option has been chosen because: o Running casing takes 2 days o 50% of the intermediate sections require TD logging. If the well is the first one of a 20 well campaign then the ultimate aim would be to reduce drilling, logging, & casing times in the intermediate section to below 7 days. This would allow us to revert back to the original 2-string design.
15 Example 3
SHALE (Unstable shale. MW required = 1.5sg)
SANDSTONE (High Permeable Sand. Estimated overbalance = 10000kPa)
σ1 INTERBEDDED Schlumberger Private
(Unstable shale. MW required = 1.5sg)
SANDSTONE In this third example the maximum stress (σ1) is horizontal and the shallowest sandstone has a high porosity and permeability. Rock mechanic studies indicate that a safe MW to stabilize the main shale and the shale layers in the interbedded section is a mud weight of 1.5sg. To mitigate the shale stability risk it has been decided to use oil based mud and drill with the recommended mud weight. This decision has greatly increased the differential sticking risk from a low to high potential across the sandstone. This is considered unacceptable and it has been decided to drill the sandstone with a minimum overbalance and to introduce a 4th string in to the design. In many cases a 4th string is unrealistic and expensive option and in many cases may not be feasible. An alternative option would be to change the trajectory (see section 1.5.1).
1.3.2. Expandable Tubulars.
Adding an additional casing to a conventional well design can be costly and in many cases will have a massive impact on the project economics. To incorporate the string in to the design we either have to: − −
Keep the top-hole size the same, and size down the final hole size through the reservoir. Or, keep the final hole size the same and size up from the surface.
The first option impacts the productivity of the well and the second impacts the cost. Expandable tubulars can provide a solution to this problem and are becoming more common within the industry. They can also be used as a contingency if the casing is stuck off bottom.
Schlumberger Private Example: In example 2 an additional casing string is required to case of the time dependent shale. If production requires the reservoir hole size to remain the same, we have to up size the well to incorporate the additional string. In this case we have a light rig and upsizing is not possible. An expandable liner provides the solution (see below).
13 3/8”
SHALE (Time dependent shale)
SANDSTONE Expandable liner 3 OD 11 /4” → 12.238” ID expanded → 11.385”
INTERBEDDED Next Section: 2 options. Under ream to 12 ¼” or, Drill 11” or 10 5/8” hole.
Next Casing/Hole: 9 5/8” casing / 7” hole or, SANDSTONE 8 5/8” casing / 6 5/8” hole.
1.3.3. Hole Size: In the drilling industry we tend to drill with conventional hole and casing sizes i.e. 17 ½” / 13 3/8”, 12 ¼” / 9 5/8”, & 7” / 6 1/8”. In most cases this is acceptable, but with respect to stuck pipe avoidance this is not always the case. The table below is the Hughes Christensen tri-cone product line. It clearly shows that there are many different bit sizes available and it is not always necessary to drill conventional sizes.
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Table 2: Shows the tri-cone bit types available for different hole sizes.
Hole size optimization with respect to stuck pipe avoidance, is mainly applicable for the following: −
Hole cleaning: 12 ¼” hole is the hardest to clean and in many cases the rig is working at 100% of its capacity and is “drilling outside the box” (see section 3.2). In order to move back inside the box, 11”, 10 5/8” & 9 7/8” hole instead of 12 ¼” can be a solution. Of course this has to be balanced against the reduction in hole size through the reservoir, but in cases where this is not a major issue, drilling these sizes can be a real advantage (see section 1.4 for flow rate improvement). Sticky / reactive formations: This application is mainly used in top-hole drilling where larger hole sizes are drilled to give more annular clearance for running casing. An example of this comes from a major operator in the Middle East. During an in fill drilling campaign, it was decided to slim down the well design 18
from 17 ½” hole / 13 3/8” casing top hole, to a 12 ¼” hole / 9 5/8” casing. The bottom third of the top-hole section contained reactive/sticky shale’s and it was common to have tight hole/ packed BHA’s when POOH. An offset review of the early wells was made, and they noticed that one other well had been drilled in the slim design. Coincidentally this had the most difficulty in getting the casing to TD and they were close to losing the top-hole section. To mitigate the increased sticking risk with the slim design, they decided to drill a larger hole size to increase the annular clearance e.g. 14 ½” hole instead of 12 ¼”. The difference this made to the reduction in the stuck pipe risk and the improvement in the section timings can clearly be seen on the graph.
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Figure 8: Offset analysis showing improved tophole performance on the last three wells (XXX-28 to 30). The performance can be attributed to drilling with a large hole sizes to minimize the impact of sticky shale’s/clays.
Factors to consider when changing the hole size: 1. Management of change process. 2. Reduction in hole size – impact on ECD? 3. Increase in hole size – impact on hole cleaning. 4. BHA components – stabs, subs etc. 5. Bits. 6. Fishing tools – size, availability? Bi-centered bits & hole opening tools Bi-centered bits & hole opening tools are now widely used within the industry to increase the annular clearance in a hole section. Their main advantage is that
the casing scheme does not need to be upsized to incorporate the larger hole OD, and this is off particular advantage in deeper hole sections. Typically they can enlarge the borehole up to 20% of the bit OD.
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1.4. Hole Cleaning: The facts speak for themselves. A third of all stuck pipe events in non-deviated wells and 80% events in high angle wells are hole cleaning related. The ramp up in percentage is a direct result of the increasing difficulty in achieving good hole cleaning with increasing hole angle (see figure 9).
Hole - Cleaning: Difficulty vs. Angle Difficult
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Relative Difficulty
Figure 9: Graph shows the hole cleaning relative difficulty vs. inclination.
Many of the events, especially in deviated wells, are “failure by design/poor planning” and could have been prevented if the proper measures had been implemented in the planning stage. In this section we will discuss the main components that control the effectiveness of hole cleaning in the well. For a more detailed discussion on the theory of hole cleaning and cuttings transportation then please go to Chapter 7: Trouble Free Drilling Manual.
1.4.1. Hole cleaning in vertical wells (17 ½”. Calculate the maximum ROP for the planned flow rate in the section. Set maximum ROP limits to ensure the annulus is not overloaded. Communicate these limits to the rig and ensure they stick to them. What if’s? IPM have had a number of stuck pipe incidents in vertical wells where the shakers or flowline has been overloaded and the pumps have been stopped to clear the cuttings. On resumption of circulation the hole has packed off. Discuss contingency planning with the well site for these types of situation. Do you have enough shakers? What screen sizes are required? Is the flowline & cuttings shoot large enough?
Table 3: Lists the factors that influence hole cleaning in a vertical well.
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Annular Velocity
Measures that should be taken in the Planning Phase.
1.4.2. Hole Cleaning In Deviated Wells (>35deg) Introduction Figure 11 sums it up. The drilling practices and fluids that work to clean the hole in a vertical well will not work in a deviated wellbore. This combined with a lack of understanding of hole cleaning within the industry makes for a recipe for disaster. Hopefully, this section and Chapter 7 of the Trouble Free Drilling Manual will change this.
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Hole Inclination
Figure 11: Highlights the fact that what works in a vertical section will probably not work in the deviated portion. Recap: The differences between vertical & directional wells. 1.
Gravity works against us.
During drilling, the velocity of the drilling fluid must exert a force high enough to counteract the effects of gravity, which will tend to make the cutting drop to the bottom of the well. Usually, enough velocity is achieved by the drilling fluid to perform this task efficiently in vertical wells. On the other hand, directional wells pose a more difficult problem. Influenced by gravity, the cutting will still try to drop, but due to the inclination of the well it does not have to travel too far before it reaches the lower side of the wellbore. In this situation, the velocity of the drilling fluid has to be higher in order to keep the cutting moving up towards the surface.
Particle Velocity
Particle Velocity
Mud Velocity Mud Velocity
Vertical Well
Directional Well
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Figure 12: Shows particle (cutting) and mud velocity direction in a vertical & deviated wellbore.
Pipe is eccentric.
The drill pipe sits where the cuttings accumulate, on the low side of the hole What are the Effects? - Non-uniform hole shape -
Adhesion of the cuttings in the bed
Increased torque & drag
How does Mud Respond? - The mud on the low side is overloaded with cuttings and they drop out. Mud rheology at low shear rates is critical for good hole cleaning. - Forms a new boundary layer of no flow between the cuttings bed and the mud.
Figure 13: Diagram showing pipe eccentricity in the well bore.
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Flow profile changes.
The pipe eccentricity changes the flow profile in the hole. Unfortunately with the pipe stationary e.g. not rotating, it does not work in our favor!
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Figure 14: Shows the difference in the flow profile (red arrows) between a vertical & directional well. No cuttings are present in this example.
10 ft/min
150 ft/min 100 ft/min
100 ft/min
50 ft/min
0-3 ft/min
50 ft/min
0-3 ft/min
Figures 15: shows the flow profile in a directional well with the DP lying on the low side. The top section of the wellbore has a high-energy flow zone and the bottom has a lowenergy flow zone. This creates a top part with fast moving thin mud and a bottom zone with high solids, slow moving mud. This slow moving high cuttings concentration mud is unable to carry the solids up the wellbore and they “fall out” creating cuttings beds on the low side of the hole.
1.4.3. How do we achieve good hole cleaning in a directional well? There are three main factors that affect the hole cleaning capability and they are all interdependent on each other. They are: 1. Pipe Rotation. 2. Flow rate. 3. Low-end mud rheology (discussed in section 1.7)
Figure 16: Visualisation of K & M’s hole cleaning conveyor belt.
1.4.4. Pipe Rotation. Pipe rotation is critical in cleaning the hole. There are some differences in opinion on the mechanism that causes the improvement in hole cleaning, but there is no doubt that it has a huge impact. The different theories are:
Schlumberger Private
To achieve good hole cleaning the correct rpm’s, flow rates & mud parameters must be chosen for the given hole size. K &M technology group likens the process to that of a “conveyor belt”. If the correct parameters are chosen, the cuttings are thrown up from the low side of the well bore, on to the “conveyor belt” and transported out of the hole.
1. Mechanical agitation: at low rpm’s the drill pipe rolls up the walls and slides back down. At a certain “threshold” rpm, the pipe breaks out of the cutting bed and will rattle around the wellbore and mechanically agitates the cuttings. Chapter 7 of the Trouble Free Drilling Manual promotes this theory, and suggest that a typical threshold rpm for 12 ¼” & 8 ½” hole, occurs around 50 & 75rpm. 2. Hydraulic action: The pipe rotation creates fluid movement in the bed and the whirl moves pipe around the wall creating additional velocity at the sides. This velocity causes frictional drag and lifts the cuttings to where the mud is moving. K & M explain it as the viscous coupling? In reality it is probably a combination of the two and experimental data has supported this. How fast do we need to rotate the pipe? There are different “rules of thumb” out there in the industry. K & M promote that in 12 ¼” & 9 7/8” hole sizes, step improvements in cuttings returns are seen at 100120rpm and at 150-180rpm. The thresholds are not based on a theoretical model, but rather on actual operational experience in high angle well bores. Schlumberger Private
150 - 180 RPM
Relative Cuttings Return Volume
100 –120 RPM
Fine-tuning of pipe RPM from 60-80 RPM is generally not meaningful
Pipe RPM Figure 17: Graph showing relative cuttings return vs. drill string surface RPM for 12 ¼” hole. Note the step changes at 120 & 180rpm.
Table 4 is K & M’s recommended drillstring rpm for different hole sizes. This table is supposedly based on field observations, but it has been difficult to validate. We feel the minimum rpm’s are a more realistic target and if the string is rotated faster e.g. to the desirable rpm’s, then other problems are created e.g. more equipment failures etc. Hole Size
Desirable RPM
Minimum RPM
17 ½”
120 rpm
12 ¼”
120 rpm
9 7/8”
100 rpm
8 ½”
60 rpm
Table 4: Recommended drill string RPM for different hole sizes.
Chapter 7 of the Trouble Free Drilling Manual sets the thresholds much lower, at 50 –75rpm for 12 ¼” & 8 ½”. This is based on field experience with pressure while drilling tools in deviated well bores. In reality the effect of drill pipe rotation is dependent on a number of interrelated factors. These are covered comprehensively on Page 84, Chapter 7: Trouble Free Drilling Manual. SPE 56406 is a good research paper on the affect of DP rotation on hole cleaning and is a recommended read.
MD/RPM/Flow In/Cuttings
Rotary Cuttings Mobilization in 12-1/4” Horizontal Section
PWD g/cc
ECD 1.68 14.02
Cuttings agitated by pipe rpm
1.66 13.88 1.65
1.64 13.67 1.63
ECD Increase in ECD
1.62 13.52 1.61 1.6
1.59 0 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Cuttings flux, kgx10
1.58 13.19 0:00
Figure 18. The graph shows the increase in ECD and cuttings returns at surface (blue line) when the drill string is rotated after a period of sliding. The increase can be attributed to pipe rotation agitating cuttings off the low side of the well into the mud stream.
In general we should be aiming to rotate the pipe as fast as possible within the limits of our downhole tools and surface equipment. For larger hole sizes e.g. > 9 7/8”, this should be higher than 100rpm. Planning Rotation. Pipe rotation must be planned in advanced. It is no good wishing you could rotate at 120rpm when you have a directional assembly in the hole with a 1.5deg bend. The best way of ensuring that you can rotate at the required rpm is to build the well trajectory and directional plan around this condition. This means working closely with the directional company to come up with the optimum solution. In many cases the design will already be fixed, and you will not have a free hand. In these situations the risks in the design need to be highlighted and comprehensive procedures/control measures put in place to mitigate these risks (see section Factors affecting pipe rotation: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Dogleg severity requirement & tortuosity of the wellbore Bottom hole assembly. Topdrive or rotary table torque rating. Connection rating – mainly constrained to ERD wells.
1.4.5. Flow Rate Turbulent flow rules in hole cleaning. Unfortunately for us we very rarely achieve it, and we have to face the fact that we have to clean the hole in a laminar flow environment. The good news is that the industry is fully aware of the importance of pumping at high enough flow rate in a laminar flow regime to clean the hole. However, there is a problem. What is that optimum flow rate for the particular conditions?
Static Static
50 50 fpm fpm
150 150 fpm fpm 100 100 fpm fpm
Figure 19: Shows an MI flow tube. The test shows the changes in flow regime with increasing flow rate – all other parameters have been held constant. The results clearly show a cuttings bed at 50 fpm (feet per min) to turbulent flow and no cuttings bed at 150fpm. Experimental Research Experimental data has also confirmed the importance of flow rate in improving the hole cleaning efficiency in deviated wells. Figure 21 is an example of the research.
Figure 20: The chart shows experimental results of cutting bed erosion rates with varying flow rates. The experiments were conducted on a 30ft 8” flow loop with 4 ½” DP. In this case the flow loop was set at 87deg and there was no pipe rotation. Initially cuttings were injected into the annulus until they built up to an equilibrium height. Injection was stopped and the bed erosion rate was measured. The results clearly show the impact of increasing flow rate, and in this example there is a significant step change between 250gpm to 300gpm. It is interesting to note that at the lower flow rates it is virtually impossible to clean the hole. The chart is taken from SPE63050. How fast do we need to pump? The industry is a wash with tables & rules of thumb for optimum flow rates/annular velocities in different hole sizes. Whilst these can give you an idea of what to pump they don’t take into account the other factors that affect the hole cleaning efficiency i.e. rpm, rheology, inclination etc. The next two tables give optimum flow rates for different hole sizes and inclinations. Hole Size
Desirable Flow rate
Minimum Workable Flow rate
17 ½”
900 – 1200 gpm
800 gpm with ROP at 20m/hr
12 ¼”
800 – 1100 gpm
650 gpm with ROP at 10-15m/hr 800 gpm with ROP at 20-30m/hr
9 7/8”
700 – 900 gpm
500 gpm with ROP at 10-20m/hr
8 ½”
450 – 600 gpm
350-400 gpm with ROP at 10-20m/hr
lpm= 3.785 x gpm
Table 5: Shows K & M’s recommended flow rates for different hole sizes.
Hole Size Flow rate (GPM) 0 to 35 degree 35 to 55 degree 55+ degree
26” 1200 – 1300
OPTIMUM FLOW RATES 17-1/2” – 16” 12-1/4” 900 – 1200 800 – 1100
8-1/2” 450 – 600
750 GPM
500 GPM
6-1/8” 350 – 500
250 GPM 300 GPM 400 GPM
Table 6: Shows the PERFORM manuals recommended flow rates for different hole sizes and inclinations. ECD & hole erosion (unconsolidated sands) need be considered for the smaller hole sizes (8 ½” & 6 1/8”) before the optimum flow rates are used. Typically smaller hole sizes will clean effectively at the minimum flow rates.
The optimum flow rates in both tables concur, and these rates should be used as a good rule of thumb.
1.4.6. Equilibrium Bed Height This next section is discussed in Chapter 7 of the Trouble Free Drilling Manual, but it’s off critical importance in understanding the term “ a clean hole” that we will recap the topic here. If you asked most drilling engineers in the industry how do you get a clean hole they will tell you that by circulating for a time ‘x’, at a flow rate of ‘y’ and pipe rotation of ‘z’ you will affectively clean the hole. If either ‘y’ or ‘z’ is reduced, then an increase in ‘x’ is required to get back to a clean hole. In the industry “4 x bottoms-up” is seen as a good rule of thumb on how much circulation time is required to achieve good hole cleaning in a directional well. However, experimental data indicates (ref SPE56406) that the cuttings bed height is reduced during hole cleaning circulation prior to tripping, but under many conditions will not disappear completely (see figures 21 & 23) Figures 21 & 23 show two tests that have been carried out in the cuttings transport simulator at Tulsa University (Ref SPE56406). Stage 1 represents the accumulation process, where the cuttings concentration in the annulus increases from zero until it reaches a constant value. In stage 2, the cuttings injection rate is equal to the cuttings collection rate and the cuttings mass in the annulus remains constant (equilibrium). Pipe rotation starts in stage 3 and continues until the end of the test. Erosion of the bed begins and continues until a new steady state (equilibrium). This is the beginning of stage 4 in which the cuttings mass in the test section remains constant. At the end of stage 4, the cuttings injection rate is stopped, resulting in further bed erosion. The erosion is shown in stage 5 where the cuttings concentration decreases to its lowest value. Figure 21 shows that under the given conditions, not all the cuttings are removed from the annulus. However, Figure 22 shows that under the same conditions, rotary speed of 90 rpm does clean the hole. 34
Experimental Hole Cleaning Graphs.
Bed height reduces, but does not disappear completely. On the rig the shakers would indicate the hole is clean!
Figure 21: Test graph for 50rpm. Taken from SPE56406. After cuttings injection is stopped, the bed height reduces, but does not disappear completely.
Bed height reduces to zero with an additional 40rpm.
Figure 22: Test graph for 90rpm. Taken from SPE56406. The additional rpm reduces the bed height during cutting injection and cleans the hole completely once injection is stopped.
Significant cuttings bed remains after injection is stopped.
Figure 23: Is taken from the same SPE paper and shows the affect of a reduction in flow rate has on the cuttings bed height. In this case a significant bed height remains after cutting injection is stopped.
What does it mean if we can’t get the hole completely clean when circulating prior to a trip? Well it’s simple, the risk of stuck pipe increases. The amount of risk depends on a number of factors. These are: -
The height of residual cuttings bed. Clearance between downhole drilling equipment and wellbore. Tripping practices i.e. pulling speed, circulations etc
The bed height is dependent on the three main factors: rpm, flow rate and low-end rheology and these have been discussed already.
The amount of clearance between the BHA and wellbore is extremely important because in most cases we leave cuttings beds in the hole. The trick is to have enough annular clearance around the BHA to allow the cuttings bed to pass by without increasing the height of the bed e.g. a steady state situation. However, if the bed height is increases, cuttings build up around the BHA and the risk of pack-off increases and stuck pipe incidents will occur. In this scenario the BHA needs to be designed to maximum annular clearance and this will be discussed in more detail in section 1.6 Acceptable cuttings bed – the hole is not 100% clean, but the bed height is low enough to allow easy passage of the assembly without pumps or rotation.
Unacceptable cuttings bed – the hole is not 100% clean, but the bed height is too high to allow passage of the assembly. The cuttings build up around the x-over between the BHA and DP, and the stabilizers. If pulling out continues the hole will pack-off. In this example the remedial action is to go back down two stands and circulate the hole clean.
Figure 24: Schematic a BHA tripping through open hole.
Lastly good tripping practices are required to stop cuttings building up to a height that can cause the BHA to pack-off. A major factor is the speed at which the BHA is pulled out of hole and the ability to recognise a build-up before it is too late. Recommend tripping practices will be discussed in section 3.5
1.5. Directional Planning 1.5.1. Trajectories. Introduction The well trajectory plays a major role in stuck pipe prevention and many root causes of stuck pipe incidents can be attributed to poor trajectory design. Sadly in many cases the rig is blamed for most stuck pipe incidents, but in reality it was set up for failure even before it started drilling. The good news is that a well planned trajectory and directional philosophy can mitigate/reduce the stuck pipe risks in the well, and allow the rig plenty of margin for error before a stuck pipe incident occurs. Different types of trajectory. The main types of directional profiles are shown on the schematic below.
SANDSTONE 2 Figure 25: Shows the different types of trajectory profile.
J Type (a) A constant build rate is used to kick the well off from vertical, building to a tangent angle that is held constant all the way to the target. J profiles minimize the total depth and required directional work and are the most common profiles in the industry. Points to note: − Kick-off depth & step out determines tangent angle. − Shortest total depth − Care needs to be taken if tangent angle is between 45-60deg – in the cuttings avalanche zone. − Minimises directional work. S Type (b) The S profile is similar to the J profile, but instead of continuing on a tangent, it drops off back to vertical or near vertical to penetrate the objective. This can be used for the following applications: − − − −
Exploration drilling when the well is deviated it. The geological & TVD uncertainty is reduced at the top of the reservoir. Differential sticking risk. The reduction in inclination and directional work can reduce the differential sticking risk. This would be applicable if sandstone 2 in Figure 25 if it had a high differential sticking risk Pay zone cementing may be more reliable. ECD’s through the pay zone may be reduced.
Points to note: − Higher torque and drag compared to the J profile. − Higher tangent inclination compared to the J profile. Continuous build (c) This is based on the natural profile that the drill string would take between two points. The profile is characterised by low build rates of 0.5/1º / 100ft. This profile is not widely used within the industry, but can be applied in certain situations. These are: − −
When building from vertical to horizontal. Reducing the build rates in the build allows you to run with a low bend setting on the motor and allows an increase in the string rpm. Instability in upper zones. This would be an advantage if Shale 1 in figure 25 were unstable. The continuous build profile would allow you to minimise the inclination through the shale, and then increase the build rate after the shale has been drilled (pseudo-continuous).
Points to note: − Additional total depth − Low torque, but in many cases higher drag. − May need additional hydraulic capability.
Double build (d) This is a variation on the J profile, but instead of building once it builds twice. Like the continuous build profile it is not widely used within the industry, but can be applied in certain situations. These are: − − −
Borehole instability in the upper sections. The double build profile allows you to minimise the inclination through these unstable formations i.e. if shale 1 is unstable in figure 25. Slower ROP in the upper formations. The double build minimise the along hole depth through these formations. Depleted zones in the overburden formations. The double build profile allows you to minimise the inclination through these formations i.e. if sandstone1 in figure 25 has a significant differential sticking risk.
Complex builds (3-D). 3-D wells have both azimuthal & inclinational components. They are used in the industry to: − − −
Avoid collision with other wells. Steer around geological hazards. Drill in a preferred direction to minimise the affect of certain geological hazards e.g. dipping formations, stress orientation.
It is important to remember that the rates of build and turn for any given assembly are not the same. Typically a directional assembly will achieve higher doglegs building then it will turning. Horizontal Wells Horizontal profiles are used in development drilling to increase reservoir exposure.
Figure 26: Shows a horizontal profile for a shallow oil producer. The profile has been designed to incorporate an ESP pump positioned in the tangent section. The blue circle indicates the critical hole cleaning section in the well.
The trajectories are typical constrained by production requirements and they have a significant stuck pipe risk. To add to the problems many horizontal wells are drilled in cheap operating environments, in to shallow oil reservoirs. Typical these wells are drilled with light underpowered rigs (many cases with a kelly) and inexperienced crews. Hole cleaning and its associated problems is the main stuck pipe risk in a horizontal well and the trajectory can be key in minimising the stuck pipe risks. The main areas of concern are: Build-up section: Typically this section has more hole cleaning problems than its horizontal counterpart. The explanation for this is pretty simple, the build-up sections are drilled in larger hole sizes, typically 12 ¼”, and they require higher flow rates and rpm’s to clean the hole efficiently. The build rate has a huge influence on the directional philosophy in the build-up section and as a general rule should be minimised at much as practically possible. The trajectory in figure 26 is a case in point, and is an actual well in the Middle East. In this particular scenario the final dogleg severity from the end of the tangent at 45º inclinations to horizontal was 7.5º/30m. To achieve this dogleg a minimum motor bend setting of 1.5º was required. This setting restricted the string rotation to a maximum of 60rpm whilst drilling and circulating. This restriction reduced the hole cleaning efficiency and the affect was compounded when the well was drilled with an underpowered rig, which could only circulate at a maximum flow rate at section TD of 2.6m3/min. The section experienced numerous hole cleaning related problems, and one catastrophic stuck pipe incident occurred (sidetrack required) during tripping. Even on the sidetrack it took 3days to trip out of hole. The investigation concluded that the main root cause of the stuck pipe incident was the underpowered rig combined with high dogleg severity requirement in the final build section. How do we reduce the build rate? − Move the surface location away from the sub-surface target & kick-off higher. This is subject to the surface restrictions in the area that you are drilling in and only applies to land drilling. − Move the subsurface target further away from the surface location & kick-off higher. This needs to be discussed with the production guys, but sometimes a solution can be found. Tangent sections within the build: The key to the tangent section is to try and keep the inclination below 45deg. If the tangent is required for the placement of an ESP (doglegs < 2deg/30m to avoid pump failures) then you must ensure that the tangent length is kept to an absolute minimum. Experience has shown that the inclusion of a tangent section for an ESP into a straight build profile can tip the balance and severely increase the drilling times and the stuck pipe risk. This is highlighted by the graph in section 1.2 figure 6
Horizontal Section: Typically this section tends to be less critical then the build section. The reasons are quite simple: − Smaller hole sizes. Typically 8 ½” or smaller. − Straight section with minimal direction work. BHA’s can be setup for higher string rpm’s e.g. typically bend settings of 0.75deg. − Smaller hole sizes mean cuttings are agitated with less string rpm. Typically 70rpm in 8 ½” hole. − Lower flow rates are required to achieve efficient hole cleaning.
1.5.2. Directional Strategies The recent trend within the industry has been to aim for a one run philosophy from shoe to TD. This has evolved due to an increased reliability in downhole equipment, the advancement in PDC technology and the “drilling the limit” culture. The problem with this philosophy in directional wells is that the best BHA for the build section is not necessarily the best BHA for the tangent section. A good analogy is formula one motor racing. Ferrari does not try and go the hole race without pitting. Instead, he and his team meticulously form a pit stop strategy that over the hole race is much faster than if he didn’t stop at all. A well-planned strategy will not only be faster from shoe to TD, but will minimize the stuck pipe risks. Example Figure 27 includes a build-up section and a tangent section. There are several different ways to drill this section: 1. One run with a conventional motor assembly. The assembly will be set up to achieve the dogleg requirement in the build-up section. The bit will be selected to last for the whole run, typically a PDC that is not too aggressive to allow for directional control. The planned dogleg will dictate the bend setting of the motor, and this impacts the build tendency of the assembly in rotary mode e.g. typically the higher the bend setting = greater the rotary build. This impacts the amount of corrections required in the tangent section and can cause a tortuous well path and poor performance. The bend setting can also impact the amount of string rpm for hole cleaning in the tangent section. 2. One run with a rotor steerable assembly. If the dogleg severity is < 8 deg/30m then a rotary steerable assembly can be used. The merits of rotary steerable tools will be discussed later in this section, but as a general rule if the economics can be justified then this is the optimum solution. A two run strategy can still be used with a rotary steerable tool; the difference between the two runs would be the bit selection.
3. Two runs with a conventional motor assembly. The first BHA would be set-up to drill the build section. The bit selection would focus on directional control and maximizing ROP. To maximize steer ability i.e. reduce reactive torque and help the directional driller, a roller cone bit would be a good option for the build section. It also has the advantage of making you pull the assembly for bit hours, ensuring that you are not tempted too continue drilling with the build assembly in the tangent section. The second BHA would be used to drill the tangent section. It would be set-up to maximize string rotation and ROP. A bend setting of 0.78deg could be used and an aggressive PDC run to improve ROP. Out of the two conventional strategies it is extremely likely that option 3 would be the fastest from shoe to TD. It is the role of the drilling/well engineer to work closely with, and steer the directional drilling company, typically D & M, to develop this strategy. The worst mistake an engineer can make is to give the directional planner two points, the surface and sub-surface target and tell him to get on with it.
SHALE 1 Build-up section
SANDSTONE 2 Figure 27: Schematic showing a standard J profile.
43 Drilling the plan The directional plan is a guideline for the WSS & directional driller. It is not meant to be stuck to religiously and a bit of common sense and local knowledge needs to be incorporated. A good directional driller should factor the following into the plan: −
Build/drop tendency of the directional assembly in rotary mode. If the assembly is known to drop at 0.3deg/30m a good directional driller will aim to be above the line (J type) when he comes out of the build. This way he can allow the assembly to natural drop back to the line in rotary mode. The effect of the formation on the build/drop tendency (see figure 28). This allows the directional driller to anticipate changes and keeps him or her in control of the situation.
When the directional drilling and/or WSS decide to drill on the line with a motor assembly they: − − − −
Increases the amount of sliding. Increases the tortuosity of the wellbore Increases the torque and drag. Reduce the hole cleaning efficiency.
Figure 28: Shows build tendencies in a 12 ¼” build up section. Recording the dogleg severities in different formations allows the directional driller to plan ahead and stay in control of the drilling.
1.6. Directional Assemblies. 1.6.1. Conventional Steerable Assemblies: The majority of directional wells around the world are still drilled with conventional steerable assemblies. The main issues with respect to hole cleaning/stuck pipe are: 1. No rotation when sliding. Cuttings are not thrown on to the conveyor belt. Figure 18 clearly shows this. 2. RPM restrictions are imposed with increasing bend setting. This is to avoid fatigue failure of the bearing housing. The limit might not be high enough to clean the hole. 3. Annular clearance between the wellbore and the sleeve or integral stabiliser.
80 models from 2 1/8 in. to 11 1/4 in.
PDM Bend Setting Sleeve or integral stab.
Figure 29: Shows a typical motor assembly. No String Rotation When Sliding As discussed in the hole cleaning section pipe rotation has a huge impact on the hole cleaning efficiency. Unfortunately for us conventional steerable assemblies cannot be rotated whilst steering and the result of this is a cuttings build-up in the annulus during this period. This disadvantage has been one of the main drives behind the development of rotary steerable systems. Bend Setting & the affect on string RPM. Conventional steerable design is driven by the dogleg requirements of the trajectory. This translates simply to: Higher dogleg = higher the bend setting = greater the restriction in RPM.
This is important to remember when designing the trajectory. If for example a 12 ¼” section has been designed with a build-up rate of 8deg/30m it’s likely that the motor bend setting will have to be either 1.5deg or 1.83deg. The D & M Powerpak Motor Uniform Operating Procedures show that the maximum string RPM that can be applied to the string during drilling of this build-up section is 40rpm – well below what is required for cuttings agitation. To compensate for the lack of rotation you can: 1. Increase the flow rate. In most cases we won’t be able to increase the flow rate to a sufficient rate that would make up for the lack of rotation. 2. Ensure rotation of sufficient speed is achieved in the tangent section after the buildup section. This only applies if there is a tangent section after the build. 3. Change the trajectory. This means reducing the build rates so that a lower bend setting can be used. In order to do this the surface location might have to be moved. 4. Putting in dedicated hole cleaning procedures. This could involve clean-up trips during the build-up section and having dedicated assemblies for different parts of the section i.e. one assembly for the build-up and a different assembly for the tangent section. In wells with inclinations over 50deg it is very unlikely to get stuck whilst drilling. In nearly 95% of the cases we get stuck pulling out of hole and it is important to maximise circulation prior to tripping. This means maximizing the RPM & flow rate even if you have been restricted whilst drilling the build section. See appendix 7.17 & 7.18 for the RPM tables. Intouch Content ID: 3016498: PowerPak Motors Uniform Operating Procedures (v 1.4). Junk Slot Area. Field experience and research has shown that it is very difficult to get a deviated hole 100% clean. Therefore we have to assume that there is a cuttings bed lying on the low side of the hole when we trip. The height of this bed will depend on how efficient our hole cleaning has been. In order to successfully trip out of the hole the cuttings must pass around the BHA without increasing the bed height e.g. a steady state situation. However, if the bed height increases, cuttings will build up around the BHA and the risk of pack-off and stuck pipe incidents increase. The three main factors that influence this are: -
The height of residual cuttings bed. Clearance between downhole drilling equipment and wellbore. Pulling speed.
The bed height is governed by the equilibrium conditions of our rig and well design. Tripping speed is in the hands of the driller and he must be made aware that the hole is probably not 100% clean prior to the trip (even though the proper practices have been followed), and that any resistance is the build-up of cuttings around the BHA – this is an 46
extremely important message to get across. Junk slot area needs to be planned in advanced, and is especially important when the well is being drilled with a sub-optimum flow rate & rpm. In this situation the junk slot area needs to be maximized. Where is the least amount of annular clearance? Typically this is between the sleeve stabilizer on the mud motor and the wellbore. Figure 32 shows the difference between a 12 ¼” FG, 9 5/8” motor sleeve stab & a 12 ¼” FG, 8 ¼” motor sleeve stab. It can clearly be seen that there is a significant reduction in clearance between the two. How to increase the clearance? Note: We will focus on 12 ¼” hole because it tends to be the critical hole size. 1. Run an 8 ¼” mud motor assembly instead of 9 5/8” mud motor assembly. This will increase the annular clearance, but it may reduce the performance. Another problem is that 8 ¼” assemblies tend to build more angle than a 9 5/8” assembly when rotating in a tangent section. To compromise a two assembly approach could be used i.e. 8 ¼” for the build-up & a 9 5/8” for the tangent. 2. Manufacture some 9 5/8” integral blade stabilizer bodies to increase the clearance e.g. 9 5/8” instead of an 11” diameter. At the moment D & M do not supply these, but they can be easily manufactured with enough lead-time. 3. Run a slick assembly. The main issue is a strong drop tendency in rotary mode?
Sleeve stabilizer
Figure 30: Shows the different stabilizer options for a mud motor. Integral blades are normal used on small motors e.g.
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