IPL Digests - Week 10

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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IPL Digests – Week 10

Parke Davis v. Doctor’s Frank v. Benito G. Sell v. Yap Jue Godines v. CA Del Rosario v. CA Smith line v. CA !"##$% Phil Pharma&ealth v. P'(er Creser Precision v. CA Smith line v. CA Smith line v. CA Al)ana v. Director o* Patents

Parke, Davis & Company v. Doctors' Phar Ph arma mac ceuti eutica cals ls,, Inc. Inc. and and V-L -Lab ab Dru Druho hous use e Corporation !"#$"%  Abad Santos, J. J. Ri+hts o* Patentee −

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,n -a /0 12330 Park Parke0 e0 Davis 4 Compan 'led &ith the Court o* First 5nstance o* Ri(al0 Caloocan Cit a Compla Com plaint int &ith &ith Prel Prelimi iminar nar  5n6unc 5n6unctio tion n a+a a+ains instt Doct Doctor ors7 s7 Ph Phar arma mace ceut utic ical als0 s0 5n 5nc. c. and and 89:a) 9:a) Dru+house Corporation o plainti; is a *orei+n corporation or+ani(ed and ece o>ce situated in Detroit0 -ichi+an0 =.S.A o de*endants are corporations or+ani(ed and ece o* the Repu)lic Repu)l ic o* the Philippines *or an invention entitled herape he rapeutic uticall all 8alua alua)le )le ste sters rs and -eth -ethod od *or ,)tainin+ the Same o plainti; plai nti;00 thro throu+h u+h its &hol &holl9o l9o&ned &ned loca locall su)sidiar0 Parke0 Davis 4 Compan0 5nc.0 a domestic corporation &ith main o>ce at -andaluon+0 Ri(al0 has at +reat ermed med

Carlos 5sell v Valeriano Veloso Bap-ue

IPL0 Diests H Ieek 1# H kb H $


Princ Principa ipall cas case e Act Action ion to en6oi en6oin n in* in*rin rin+em +ement ent o* a pate patent nted ed proc proces ess s *or *or th the e ma manu nu*a *act ctur ure e o* curv curved ed handles *or canes0 parasols and um)rellas. o Plaint Pla inti; i; in tha thatt cas case e es esta) ta)lis lished hed ti title tle to a patent coverin+ such process in Muestion. ,)tained a 6ud+ment a+ainst de*endant0 &hich o &as a per perpet petual ual in in6un 6uncti ction on re rest strai rainin nin+ + its in*rin+ement. N5t N5t is or orde dere red d th that at th the e de de*e *end ndan antt a)stain *rom manu*acturin+ canes and um)re um) rell llas as &it &ith h a cu curve rved d han handle dle ) means o* a lamp or )lo&pipe *ed &ith mine minera rall oi oill or pe petr trol oleu eum0 m0 &hic &hich h 

process &as protected ) patent @o. 12""0 issued in *avor o* enr Gsell0 and and ) hi him m tran trans* s*er erre red d to Ca Carl rlos os GsellO. hen the process o* makin+ the the ha hand ndle les s &as &as *u *ull ll  de desc scri ri)e )ed d therein.  he de*endant continued to manu*actur manu*acture e curved cane handled *or &alkin+ sticks and um)rellas ) a process in all respectes identical &ith that used ) the plainti;  under his patent0 e
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