IPIC 2013 Sponsorship Proposal_FINAL 2012 12 01

July 12, 2016 | Author: Amardeep Kaushal | Category: Types, Presentations
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SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION PROPOSAL First International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress ‘Focus on Clinical Care and Diagnosis’ 7-8 November 2013 Estoril (Greater Lisbon), Portugal

an event organised by

Congress Organiser International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies Organising Committee Jose Drabwell, Chair, IPOPI Dr Teresa Espanol, Chair, Medical Advisory Panel Marcia Boyle, IPOPI Amos Etzioni, ESID Sven Fandrup, IPOPI, Vice-Chair and Treasurer Susana Lopez da Silva, Lisbon Santa Maria Hospital Laura Marques, Porto Maria Pia Children Hospital Maria-Joao Mousinho, APDIP Johan Prevot, IPOPI Ricardo Sorensen, LASID

Scientific Committee Bernatowska Ewa (Poland) Bousfiha Aziz (Morocco) Cant Andrew (United Kingdom) De Vries Esther (Netherlands) Cunningham- Rundles Charlotte (United States) Esser Monika (South Africa) Fischer Alain (France) Franco Jose (Colombia) Gaspar Bobby (UK) Mahlaoui Nizar (France) Nonoyama Shigeaki (Japan) Notarangelo Luigi (Italy/USA) Plebani Alessandro (Italy) Singh Surjit (India) Sorensen Ricardo (Chile/USA) Warnatz Klaus (Germany)

Conference Venue Palácio Estoril Hotel Rua Particular 2769 - 504 Estoril Portugal

Hotel rooms are available at a special congress delegate rate


First International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress Dear Colleagues, The International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies invites you to exhibit at or sponsor the First International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress (IPIC), which will be held on 7-8 November 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal. IPIC will provide a unique international multi-disciplinary platform in the world of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) where you can have the opportunity to profile and promote your company to a wide range of key stakeholders in the field. Whilst IPIC’s main scientific programme will primarily target scientific and medical key opinion leaders through sessions aimed at reviewing key clinical developments, its overall programme will include other sessions focusing on issues such as patient access to diagnosis and care, regulatory and policy developments and considerations as well as issues pertaining to the safety and supply of treatment. IPIC intends to be the only PID international meeting providing access to all key issues and developments affecting the PID stakeholder community. We expect to host global congress delegates from disciplines crucial to the field including: • • • • • • • •

Medical and scientific Key Opinion Leaders Patient representatives Regulatory authorities Policymakers Industry – diagnosis, medical devices and PID treatment Nurses Global or regional health institutions Other key stakeholders

I invite you to review this sponsorship proposal and explore the wide range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities. Your participation will not only enable you to reach an internationally diverse audience of key opinion leaders and stakeholders, but it will also contribute to advancing the scientific and research knowledge in the field as well as promoting better access to diagnosis and treatment for PID patients worldwide.. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Director: Johan Prevot Telephone: +351 21 407 5720 [email protected] We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon! Jose Drabwell, Chair, IPOPI -3-

IPIC – Background Information The idea behind the creation of IPIC emanated from IPOPI’s Global Leaders Meetings held in 2009 and 2011. Whilst the Global Leaders Meetings were smallscale closed meetings accessible only to a selection of stakeholders, IPIC intends to open up the format and enable all stakeholders with an interest in the PID field to participate. As such IPIC will propose a comprehensive overview on the main key issues affecting the worldwide PID community, be they medical, scientific, political, legislative, regulatory, societal or others. IPIC will be taking place every two years alternately with IPOPI’s traditional Biennial meeting with ESID/INGID. The purpose of IPIC will not conflict with the purpose of the IPOPI Biennial meeting which remains the meeting for all IPOPI’s national member organisations featuring medical lectures, training, sharing of experiences between NMOs and workshops. The programme and topics of all sessions will be defined by IPOPI in accordance with IPOPI’s strategic priorities and with a view to put the patient’s interest at the centre of the discussions. Scientific sessions will be established similarly with the input of selected advisory key opinion leaders and with a view to complement the programme of scientific regional meetings such as ASID, ESID and LASID for example, by proposing more clinically orientated topics. As IPIC will be an international congress it is our intention to organise IPIC in different parts of the world every two years. IPIC will provide a unique international multi-disciplinary platform in the world of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) where key issues and developments ultimately affecting the access to optimal care and early diagnosis for people living with a primary immunodeficiency can be explored, discussed and ultimately identify the way forward IPIC – The concept “One place, one time, all stakeholders”


Congress Preliminary Programme Wednesday 6 November 2013 16.00-19.00 Registration opens Optional welcome evening social event : cruise of Tagus river Thursday 7 November 2013 9.00-17.00

Exhibition, Poster section and Registration

8.30-9.00 9.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.30 13.30-15.00

Opening session including keynote address Session 1: Topic TBC Coffee Break Session 2: Topic TBC Lunch Session 3: Access to diagnosis & care , stakeholder priorities Coffee Break Scientific Symposium 1: Topic TBC IPOPI Cocktail reception

15.00-15.30 15.30-17.00 19.00-20.00

Friday 8 November 2013 9.00-17.00

Exhibition, Poster section

7.30-9.00 9.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30

Breakfast Scientific Symposium 2: Topic TBC Session 4: Advances in proper diagnosis Coffee Break Scientific Symposium 3: SCID newborn screening – latest developments Lunch Session 5: Topic TBC Coffee Break Session 6: World developments Closure

12.30-13.30 13.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.30 16.30


IPIC EXHIBITION & SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IPOPI offers numerous exhibition and sponsorship opportunities to companies interested in supporting the International Primary Immunodeficiency Congress. There are various options to profile and beneficially represent your company at this milestone event. Please note that should there be several companies interested in the same sponsorship package, IPOPI will work on a first come first served basis. Congress registrations include admission to all sessions, lunches & coffee as well as access to the exhibition & poster area. In this proposal, you will find: 

Sponsorship package opportunities – 3 levels: o Platinum sponsor o Gold sponsor o Silver sponsor

Exhibition opportunities

Scientific symposium opportunities o There will be 3 scientific symposia available

Other sponsorship opportunities o Cocktail reception sponsorship o Congress Lunch sponsorship opportunities o Congress bag/case sponsorship o Congress documentation sponsorship o Coffee Break sponsorship opportunities o Flyers into delegates bags o Hotel key cards o USB Sticks sponsorship o Clinicians scholarship sponsorship opportunities

Please complete and return the exhibition and sponsorship order form which you will find at the end of this proposal by 1 May 2013 at the latest.



Free Booth space, 6m2 (value 5,000€)

3 free complimentary registrations which includes admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities

25% Reduction from the standard charge for Pharmaceutical symposium, subject to availability (there are 3 planned pharmaceutical symposia)

Pre-Event Branding opportunities: o Company logo (Large size) on congress website o Link to company’s corporate website on congress website o 100 word company profile on congress website o Logo (Large size) on pre-event marketing & promotional materials

Event branding Opportunities: o Platinum sponsors will be specifically acknowledged as Platinum sponsor during the opening session o Company logo (Large size) on rolling powerpoint presentation during intervals in main congress room o 3x A4 company corporate materials such as leaflets, brochures, leaflets in congress delegates bag, subject to approval by organising committee o Company logo on congress signage o Company logo (Large size) on congress banners

Post-event branding opportunities: o Thank you email sent to all participants highlighting your company’s involvement as congress platinum sponsor o Report of event highlights in IPOPI newsletter and website highlighting your company’s involvement as congress platinum sponsor



Free Booth space, 6m2 (value 5,000€)

2 free complimentary registrations which includes admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities

15% Reduction from the standard charge for Pharmaceutical symposium, subject to availability (there are 3 planned pharmaceutical symposia)

Pre-Event Branding opportunities: o Company logo (Medium size) on congress website o Link to company’s corporate website on congress website o 75 word company profile on congress website o Logo (Medium size) on pre-event marketing & promotional materials

Event branding Opportunities: o Gold sponsors will be specifically acknowledged as Gold sponsor during the opening session o Company logo (Medium size) on rolling powerpoint presentation during intervals in main congress room o 2x A4 company corporate materials such as leaflets, brochures, leaflets in congress delegates bag, subject to approval by organising committee o Company logo on congress signage o Company logo on congress banners

Post-event branding opportunities: o Thank you email sent to all participants highlighting your company’s involvement as congress gold sponsor o Report of event highlights in IPOPI newsletter and website highlighting your company’s involvement as congress gold sponsor



50% of Booth space, 6m2 (value 2,500€)

1 free complimentary registration which includes admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities

10% Reduction from the standard charge for Pharmaceutical symposium, subject to availability (there are 3 planned pharmaceutical symposia)

Pre-Event Branding opportunities: o Company logo (small size) on congress website o Link to company’s corporate website on congress website o Logo (small size) on pre-event marketing & promotional materials

Event branding Opportunities: o Company logo (small size) on rolling powerpoint presentation during intervals in main congress room o 1 x A4 company corporate material such as leaflets, brochures, leaflets in congress delegates bag, subject to approval by organising committee o Company logo on congress signage o Company logo on congress banners

Post-event branding opportunities: o Report of event highlights in IPOPI newsletter and website highlighting your company’s involvement as silver sponsor



6m2 exhibition space, for a booth/table/chair

1 exhibition pass for stand manager (no access to congress sessions)

1 free complimentary registration for one additional delegate (this includes admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities)

Logo on congress website

Link to corporate company website on congress website

Exhibition space is subject to availability and will be attributed on a first come first served basis

Exhibitors are responsible for the transportation, setting up, storage and dismantling of their booths, exhibition equipment, cabling and documents, and all related costs

Exhibition schedule: 

Wednesday 6 November

from 14.00hrs

set up

Thursday 7 November



Friday 8 November



Friday 8 November

from 16.30hrs


Hotel exhibition room specifications available on request

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There will be three available scientific symposia (15,000€ per symposium)

Theme/Title/Programme of the scientific symposia to be selected from shortlist prepared by Organising Committee

1 free complimentary registration which includes admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities

Logo on congress website

Acknowledgment during symposium as Scientific symposium sponsor

Company logo in main congress room during symposium

Introductory remarks of scientific symposium by company representatives

Reduction to the standard charge apply to Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors (see above sections)

In case of multiple applications being received for the same time slot, IPOPI will apply a first come first served principle

The standard fee includes: o Use of main meeting room o Use of AV equipment available in meeting room o AV technician in the meeting room

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Cocktail reception sponsorship - €10,000 o Main meeting reception on evening of day 1 o Sponsor company name mentioned during opening session o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website o Sponsor logo in relevant area o Sponsor entitled to bring their own standing roll up banners to event o 1 complimentary delegate pass, which includes access to all conference sessions, documentation, networking / exhibition activities

Congress Lunch sponsorship opportunities (per day) - €6,500 o Main Congress lunches on day 1 & 2 o Sponsor company name mentioned during opening session o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website o Sponsor logo in relevant area o Sponsor entitled to bring their own standing roll up banners to event o 1 complimentary delegate pass, which includes access to all conference sessions, documentation, networking / exhibition activities

Congress bag/case sponsorship - €5,000 o Logo of sponsor on congress bags/congress zip-up folders distributed to all participants o 1 x A4 company corporate material such as leaflets, brochures, leaflets in congress delegates bag, subject to approval by organising committee o The sponsorship fee is inclusive of the production o 1 complimentary delegate pass, which includes access to all conference sessions, documentation, networking / exhibition activities o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website

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Congress documentation sponsorship - €5,000 o Logo of sponsor on congress agenda o Logo of sponsor on congress list of participants o Logo of sponsor on notepad o Logo of sponsor on logistical info sheet o The sponsorship fee is inclusive of the production o 1 complimentary delegate pass, which includes access to all conference sessions, documentation, networking / exhibition activities o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website

Coffee Break sponsorship opportunities (per day) - €3,000 o There will be 2 coffee breaks on Day 1 & 2 coffee breaks on Day 2 o Coffee break sponsorship includes both coffee breaks on selected day o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website o Sponsor logo in relevant area o Sponsor entitled to bring their own standing roll up banners to event

Flyers into delegates bags - € 2,000 o Opportunity to include 2 x A4 company corporate material such as leaflets, brochures, leaflets in congress delegates bag, subject to approval by organising committee o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website

Congress Hotel key cards sponsorship - €2,000 o Opportunity to have your logo showing on all delegates’ hotel key cards o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website

USB Sticks sponsorship - donation o IPOPI is looking for a donation of USB sticks which will contain the presentations made at the meeting (available before the meeting) o USB sticks will be distributed with Congress bag/folders to all participants o Opportunity to display corporate logo on USB sticks

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Scholarships for clinicians o The amount for the scholarships for clinicians sponsorship will be decided by Organising Committee. Companies interested by this sponsorship opportunity are invited to contact IPOPI as soon as possible o Sponsor company name mentioned on congress website o Sponsor company name mentioned in thanks to sponsors message in main meeting room

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CONGRESS REGISTRATION AND HOTEL SPECIFICATIONS All rates mentioned below are in euros Registration Rates Delegate registration rates are inclusive of the following benefits: 

Access to all congress sessions

Congress lunches & coffees

Cocktail reception

Congress documentation and congress bag/folder

Networking opportunities

Certificate of attendance


Medical/Other Patient (NMO representatives)/Nurses Industry

Early Bird


before 30 June 2013

after 30 June 2013










Accompanying person*

On Site


*rate for accompanying person = access to cocktail reception

Hotel rates Hotel information rates available on request

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SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION FORM, TERMS & CONDITIONS Please kindly complete the following form and return it by email to the attention of: Johan Prevot, Executive Director Telephone: +351 21 407 5720 [email protected] Please note that all references and acknowledgments of your company will be made using the following information: Company Name: Contact Name: Address: Postcode/City/Town: Country: Telephone: Fax: Email: Terms and conditions  All benefits relating to the various sponsorship and exhibition packages are outlined in detail in the sponsorship proposal.  In case of multiple applicants in the same category, sponsorships are negotiated on a first-come, first-served principle.  Exhibition and some sponsorship packages include complimentary registrations. Full conference registrations include admission to all congress sessions, lunches, coffees, cocktail reception, documentation and networking opportunities. All prices are in Euros and VAT exclusive, unless specified otherwise. Order confirmation & Payment Once you have completed, signed and returned this application form IPOPI will issue an invoice to your company for payment. The invoice constitutes your formal order confirmation. Cancellation Policy Once this application form has been signed and submitted to IPOPI, your company agrees to pay the amount in full. All cancelations must be done in writing and are subjected to the following policy - Cancellations notified to IPOPI: - 120 days or more prior to meeting: - 119-60 days prior to meeting: - 60 days or less prior to meeting:

Reimbursement of 80% of total sponsorship Reimbursement of 30% of total sponsorship No reimbursement

Should the event be cancelled, IPOPI agrees to refund the money in full to the company.

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SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sponsorship packages Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Exhibition booths opportunities Scientific Symposium Opportunities: Symposium #1 Symposium #2 Symposium #3 Cocktail reception sponsorship Congress Lunch sponsorship opportunities: Day #1 Day #2 Congress bag/case sponsorship Congress documentation sponsorship Coffee Break sponsorship opportunities: Day #1 Day #2 Flyers into delegates bags Hotel Key Cards sponsorship USB Sticks sponsorship Clinicians scholarship Total Amount in EUR (Rates exclude VAT)



20.000,00 15.000,00 10.000,00 5.000,00 15.000,00 15.000,00 15.000,00 10.000,00 6.500,00 6.500,00 5.000,00 5.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 2.000,00 Donation On request

Please provide the names of your Company’s representatives who will receive complimentary registrations and tickets according to the terms of sponsorship above: Title: _____ Surname: _________________ First name: _________________ Title: _____ Surname: _________________ First name: _________________ Title: _____ Surname: _________________ First name: _________________ Title: _____ Surname: _________________ First name: _________________ I read and accept terms, conditions and cancellation policy mentioned above: Date:

Print Name



To apply for sponsorship, please fill out this Sponsorship Order Form and send it back to [email protected] before 1 May 2013. - 17 -

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