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IPCLK3000  IPCLK3000  V100R002C01   V100R002C01

User Guide 








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Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

About This Document

About This Document Overview This document describes the structures and functions of the IPCLK3000. It provides guides on how to perform installation, commissioning, and routine maintenance.

Product Version The following table lists the product version related to this document. document.  

Product Name

Product Version



Intended Audience This document is intended for:  


 Network planning engineers engineers Installation engineers


 Network operators


System engineers


Field engineers


Site maintenance engineers

Change History Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes made in earlier issues. Issue 05 (2015-12-07)

Correct “recording recording”” to “information information””. Issue 04 (2015-10-15)

Modify the description of 1.2 and 5.7. Issue 03 (2015-08-30)

Corrected mistakes in writing. Issue 02 (2015-06-10)

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

About This Document

Modified Table 2-1 Clock performance specifications. Issue 01 (2015-03-31)

This is the first issue of the IPCLK3000 the IPCLK3000 V100R002C01 V100R002C01 User Guide. Guide.

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


Contents About This Document ........ .............................. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................. .......................................... ................... ii   1 IPCLK3000 Overview ..................... ........................................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................... ..... 1  1.1 Introduction to Clock over IP ....................................................................................................................................... 1   1.2 Position of the IPCLK3000 in the Network ............................................................... .................................................................................................................. ................................................... 1  1.3 Application of the IPCLK3000 ........................................................................................................................... ............................................................ ......................................................................... .......... 3 

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000....... IPCLK3000............................. ............................................ ............................................. ................................... ............ 4  2.1 Features of the IPCLK3000 .......................................................................................................................................... 4  2.1.1 Carrier-class Reliability Design ......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. ........................................ 4  2.1.2 Highly Compact Synchronization S ynchronization Ports ....................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .............................................................. 4 

2.1.3 Powerful Client Access Capability ............................................................................................................................ ...................................................................... ...................................................... 5 

2.1.4 High-Precision Synchronization ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... ..................... 6  2.1.5 Compliance with Various Network Protocols ............................................................................................................ 6  2.1.6 Support for Customized PTP Tem Templates plates .................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ................................ 6  2.1.7 Small Size and Flexible deployment ............................................................ .......................................................................................................................... .............................................................. 6  2.1.8 Simple O&M ............................................................................................................................................................. 7   2.2 O&M ......................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ................................................... 7  2.2.1 O&M System ............................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ........................................... 7  2.2.2 O&M Functions ......................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. ........................................... 8  2.3 Technical Technical Specifications ...................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ............ 9  2.3.1 Clock Performance Specifications ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ................................ 9  2.3.2 Port Specifications ................................................................................................................................................... 10  2.3.3 Reliability Specifications ........................................................ ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................. ................... 12  2.3.4 Structure Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 12  2.3.5 Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 12  2.3.6 EMC Compliance .................................................................................................................................................... 13  2.3.7 Acoustic Noise Compliance ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................. ....................................................................... ........ 13  2.3.8 Safety Compliance ..................................................................................................................... ....................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 13  2.3.9 Surge Protection Compliance .................................................................................................................................. 13   2.3.10 Environmental Legislation Compliance................................................................................................................. 14  2.3.11 CE Certification ....................................................................................................................... ......................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 14  2.3.12 Environmental Protection Compliance .......................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. ........ 14  2.3.13 Environmental Requirements................................................................................................................................. 14  Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000 ..................... ............................................ ............................................. ................................ .......... 15  3.1 Hardware of the IPCLK3000 ...................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ .............................. 15  3.1.1 Internal and External Structure ........................................................................................................................ ......................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 15  3.1.2 Indicators ................................................................................................................................................................. 16  3.1.3 Ports ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17  3.2 Cables of the IPCLK3000 I PCLK3000 .......................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................... 21  3.2.1 Cable List of the IPCLK3000 .................................................................................................................................. 21  

3.2.2 PGND Cable ............................................................................................................................................................ 22  3.2.3 -48 V DC Power Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 23  3.2.4 110 V/220 V AC Power Cable ................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................... ...................................... 24  3.2.5 Straight-Through Cable ........................................................................................................................................... 24  3.2.6 Optical Cable ........................................................................................................................................................... 25  3.2.7 Satellite Clock Cable ............................................................................................................................................... 26  3.2.8 Unbalanced Input/Output BITS BIT S Signal Cable ......................................................... .......................................................................................................... ................................................. 27  3.2.9 Output Test Clock Cable ......................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ................................................................................. ................... 27  3.2.10 Balanced Input/Output BITS Signal Cable ............................................................................................................ 27  3.2.11 1PPS/8 kHz Input Clock Cable ....................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 28  3.2.12 1PPS/TOD Clock Signal Cable.............................................................................................................................. 29   3.3 Software of the IPCLK3000 ....................................................................................................................................... 30   3.3.1 Host Software .......................................................................................................................................................... 30  3.3.2 LMT Application ..................................................................................................................................................... 30  3.3.3 U2000 Mediation Files ............................................................................................................................................ 34 

4 Installing IPCLK3000 ..................... ........................................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ......................... ... 35  4.1 Requirements for the Installation Environment .......................................................................................................... ......................................................... ................................................. 35  4.2 Preparing for the Installation and Commissioning...................................................................................................... 35  4.2.1 Tools, Tools, Instruments, and Device for the Installation .............................................................................. ............... .................................................................................. ................... 35  4.2.2 Obtaining the Software Package ...................................................................................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 36  4.2.3 Planning Data........................................................................................................................................................... 36  4.2.4 Unpacking the IPCLK3000 ..................................................................................................................................... 37  4.3 Installing the IPCLK3000 Hardware .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 38  4.3.1 Installation Scenarios ............................................................................................................................ .............................................................. ................................................................................. ................... 38  4.3.2 Installing the IPCLK3000 Case in a Cabinet ........................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. .......... 39  4.3.3 Installing Cables ...................................................................................................................................................... 39  4.3.4 Checking the Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 40  4.4 Using the LMT ........................................................................................................................................................... 43  4.4.1 Rights Management ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. .............................. 43  4.4.2 Logging In to the LMT ............................................................................................................................................ 44   4.4.3 Exiting the LMT ...................................................................................................................................................... 47  4.5 Running MML Commands ........................................................ ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................. ................... 47  4.5.1 Introduction to MML Commands ............................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................. .............................. 47 


4.5.2 Introduction to MML Command Window ..................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... .......... 48

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


4.5.3 Running a Single MML Command .......................................................................................................................... .............................................................. ............................................................ 50  4.5.4 Running MML Commands in Batches ........................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ......................................... 51  4.5.5 Setting Parameters in the MML Command Window ............................................................................................... ......................................................... ...................................... 52  4.6 Managing Alarms and Events ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. ................... 53  4.6.1 Basic Concepts Related to Alarms or Events ........................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. .......... 53  4.6.2 Alarm or Event Log ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. .............................. 54  4.6.3 Alarm Severity ............................................................. ........................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 54 

4.6.4 NM Alarm Type ......................................................................................................................... ........................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 54  4.6.5 Browsing Active Alarms or Events .............................................................. .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................ 55  4.6.6 Querying Alarm or Event Logs ........................................................................................................................ ......................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 55  4.6.7 Querying Alarm or Event Configurations ................................................................................................................ ............................................................... ................................................. 57  4.6.8 Setting Alarm or Event Query Properties ................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... ......................................... 58  4.6.9 Querying Alarm or Event Handling Suggestions ............................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................... 59  4.6.10 Manually Refreshing Alarms or Events ........................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................. ......... 60  4.6.11 Manually Clearing Alarms or Events .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... ................... 60  4.6.12 Deleting Cleared Alarms or Events ........................................................................................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ 60 

4.6.13 Saving the Information About Alarms or Events ................................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........ 61  4.7 Managing Message Tracing ................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... ........ 62  4.7.1 Concepts Related to Message Tracing ..................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... .............................. 62  4.7.2 Enabling Clock Message Tracing ............................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................... ........ 62  4.7.3 Disabling Clock Message Tracing .................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................... ......................................... 63  4.8 Managing Performance Monitoring Mo nitoring ................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................ 64  4.8.1 Concepts Related to Performance Monitoring Management ................................................................................... ..................................................... .............................. 64  4.8.2 Starting Monitoring Monitori ng...................................................... .................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .............................. 64  4.8.3 Stopping Monitoring ............................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................... 64  4.9 Managing IPCLK3000 Software ................................................................................................................................ 65   4.9.1 Configuring the FTP Server ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................. ....................................................................... ........ 65  4.9.2 Managing IPCLK3000 Software and Data Configuration File ................................................................................ ............................................................. ................... 66  4.10 Installing and Configuring the ICS I CS U2000 Mediation .............................................................................................. ........................................................ ...................................... 68 

5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000........ IPCLK3000.............................. ............................................. ......................................... .................. 69 

5.1 Basic Commissioning of IPCLK3000 ........................................................................................................................ 69  5.1.1 Adding a Service IP Address for the IPCLK3000 .................................................................................................... .............................................................. ...................................... 69  5.1.2 Changing the O&M IP Address of the IPCLK3000 ........................................................... ................................................................................................. ...................................... 70  5.1.3 Reconfiguring Input Clock Clo ck Sources ......................................................................................................................... ............................................................. ............................................................ 70 

5.1.4 Modifying Output Clock Information ...................................................................................................................... .......................................................... ............................................................ 71  5.1.5 Changing the Clock Source Switching S witching Mode .......................................................................................................... ......................................................... ................................................. 72  5.1.6 Changing the Output Clock Frequency for the Test Port ......................................................................................... ........................................................... .............................. 72  5.1.7 Changing the Working Status of the PTP Ports on IPCLK3000 I PCLK3000 .............................................................................. 73  5.1.8 Modifying the GPS Data.......................................................................................................................................... 73   5.1.9 Configuring the Protocol Module ............................................................................................................................ 73  5.1.10 Configuring the NTP Server .................................................................................................................................. 75 

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


5.1.11 Setting the Number of o f Clients ......................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... ........ 75  5.1.12 Modifying Clock ID............................................................................................................................................... 75  5.2 Configuring the IPCLK3000 as a Time Source (PTP) ................................................................................................ .......................................................... ...................................... 76  5.2.1 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a Time Source Interconnecting with a T TDD DD Base Station ........................................... 76  5.3 Configuring the IPCLK3000 as a Frequency Source (PT (PTP/TOP) P/TOP) ............................................................................... ............................................................ ................... 77  5.3.1 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a PTP Frequency Source Interconnecting with a Base Station ................................... 77  5.3.2 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a TOP Frequency Source Interconnecting with a Base Station ................................... 78 

5.4 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Physical Clock Signals ................................................................................. .............................................................. ................... 79  5.4.1 Scenario 1: Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Time Signals ........................................................................... ........................................................ ................... 79 

5.4.2 Scenario 2: Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Frequency Signals .................................................................. 80  5.5 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Synchronous Ethernet Clock Signals ........................................................... 81  5.6 Configuring the Clock Output Frequency Fr equency of the Test Port on the IPCLK3000 .......................................................... ....................................... ................... 82  5.7 Configuring an IPCLK3000 as a BC .......................................................................................................................... 82   5.8 Verifying Verifying the IPCLK3000 I PCLK3000 Functionality ......................................................... ..................................................................................................................... ............................................................ 83  5.9 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Be Under the Management of the U2000 ......................................................... ................................................................. ........ 84  5.10 Constraints Between the IP Addresses and Routes of Physical Ports on the IIPCLK3000 PCLK3000 ........................................ 85  5.10.1 Why Constraints Are Required ........................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ................... 85  5.10.2 Constraints ............................................................................................................................................................. 85  5.10.3 Method for Checking Whether Tw Two o Network Segments Are the t he Same or Overlap ............................................... 86 

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance...................... ............................................ ............................................. ............................................. ......................... ... 87  6.1 Introduction to IPCLK3000 IP CLK3000 Routine Maintenance ............................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................... 87  6.1.1 Range of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................................... ............................................... ............................................................ 87  6.1.2 Items List and Period of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................... 87   6.1.3 Tools and Utilities of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance ..................................................................... ........................................................................................ ................... 88  6.2 Weekly Weekly Maintenance Guidelines of o f the IPCLK3000 I PCLK3000 .................................................................................................. ............................................................ ...................................... 88  6.2.1 Querying Current Fault Alarms ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. .............................. 88  6.2.2 Querying Event Alarms ........................................................................................................................................... 89   6.2.3 Measuring Alarms ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................ ............................................................................................ .............................. 90  6.2.4 Querying and Saving the Operation Logs of the IPCLK3000 ................................................................................. 91  6.2.5 Querying and Saving Other Logs of the IPCLK3000 .............................................................................................. 92 

6.2.6 Checking the Running Status of the IPCLK3000 .................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ........ 93  6.2.7 Checking the Status of Boards ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. .............................. 93 

6.2.8 Checking the Status of the Traced Clock Source .................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... ................... 94  6.3 Monthly Maintenance Guidelines of the IPCLK3000 ................................................................................................ 94  6.3.1 Checking Power Supply and Grounding System S ystem ............................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................... 94  6.3.2 Checking Appearance of the Equipment .................................................................................................................. ................................................................ .................................................. 95  6.3.3 Setting the Time Zone Zo ne and Daylight Saving Sa ving Time ............................................................. ................................................................................................... ...................................... 96  6.4 IPCLK3000 Maintenance Record ........................................................ ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 96  6.4.1 IPCLK3000 Weekly Maintenance Record ............................................................................................................... 96  6.4.2 IPCLK3000 Monthly Maintenance Record ............................................................................... ............................................................................................................. .............................. 97  6.5 Powering on/off the IPCLK3000 ................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................... ...................................... 97 

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


6.5.1 Powering on the IPCLK3000 ............................................................ ........................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 97  6.5.2 Powering off the IPCLK3000 .................................................................................................................................. 98  6.6 Replacing Components .............................................................. ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................... 98  6.6.1 Replacing the Optical Module ......................................................................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................................................... ........ 98  6.6.2 Replacing Cables ..................................................................................................................................................... 99  6.6.3 Replacing the IPCLK3000 IP CLK3000 ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................ ..................................................................... ...... 100  6.7 Upgrading the Host Software ................................................................................................................................... 102 

7 FAQs .................... .......................................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................. ........103   7.1 What to Do When the GE Port on the IPCLK3000 Is Faulty? ...................................................... .................................................................................. ............................ 103  7.2 What to Do When the O&M Port on the IPCLK3000 Cannot Be Pinged?............................................................... Pinged?................ ............................................... 103  7.3 How to Monitor the CPU Usage .......................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ..................................................................... ...... 104  7.4 How to Monitor Frequency Discrimination .............................................................................................................. ............................................................... ............................................... 105  7.5 How to Monitor Phase Discrimination ..................................................................................................................... 107   7.6 How to Trace Clock Messages ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................. ..................................................................... ...... 109  7.7 How to Trace CMPV2 .............................................................................................................................................. 112 

Acronyms and Abbreviations ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................. .......................................... ................... 114 

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



IPCLK3000 User Guide

1 IPCLK3000 Overview


IPCLK3000 Overview

1.1 Introduction to Clock over IP With the development of IP networks, IP transport is applied to most communications networks. The IP network, however, however, is an asynchronous transport network. The equipment on an IP network fails to extract clock signals from the physical links. Therefore, a new way of clock acquisition is required for the network equipment. As a low-cost IP clock solution, clock over IP is implemented by the IP clock server and IP clock client. The IP clock server obtains clock signals from a clock device, such as a global  positioning system (GPS) or building integrated timing supply sy system stem (BITS) device. After local phase lock and hold, the server transmits IP packets through an IP network to the IP clock client. In this way, the server provides the client with a synchronization clock that has the hold characteristics.

1.2 Position of the IPCLK3000 in the Network IPCLK3000 is cost-effective IP clock solution that delivers carrier-class and high-precision time and frequency synchronization for downstream devices. As a time server that complies with the IEEE 1588-2008 standard, IPCLK3000 provides high-density time input/output ports and can be connected to a large number of clients. IPCLK3000 V100R002C01 supports IEEE 1588v2-2008, ITU-T G.8265.1, ITU-T G.8275.1 、 ITU-T G.8272 and Huawei TOP protocols. IPCLK3000 V100R002C01 is used in the clock solution of a 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, or WiMAX network The typical application scenarios of IPCLK3000 V100R002C01 are as follows:  

Frequency synchronization

As illustrated in Figure in Figure 1-1, a 1-1, a network requiring frequency synchronization comprises base stations, the IPCLK3000, and intermediate transmission equipment. IPCLK3000 obtains its reference clock source from a GPS or BITS, and base stations obtain IEEE 1588 frequency synchronization information from the IPCLK3000 through the intermediate transmission equipment. Two Two IPCLK3000s work in an independent IEEE 1588v2 domain and back up each other.

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

1 IPCLK3000 Overview

Figure 1-1 Application of IPCLK3000 on a frequency-synchronized network


BITS Clock extracted from the transport link

IPCLK3000 Metro Ethernet or private packet network



Router or Ethernet switch

IPCLK3000 Router or Ethernet switch

Router or Ethernet switch


NodeB FE/GE link Clock signal



Time synchronization

Different from a frequency-synchronized network, IPCLK3000 on a time-synchronized network can apply the Grand Master scheme or the Edge Master (for future study)  scheme. Figure 1-2 illustrates the hop-by-hop IEEE 1588v2 deployment scheme, which requires that intermediate transmission equipment support IEEE 1588v2-compliant boundary clocks (BCs). On a time-synchronized network applying the hop-by hop IEEE 1588v2 deployment scheme, the IPCLK3000 implements time synchronization for the next-hop router or Ethernet switch, and base stations obtain timing signals from the last-hop transmission device, not from the IPCLK3000 directly. Figure 1-2 Application of IPCLK3000 on a time-synchronized network that applies the hop-by-hop IEEE 1588v2 deployment scheme


Metro Ethernet or private packet network


IPCLK3000 NodeB

Router or Ethernet switch

Router or Ethernet switch

Router or Ethernet switch

RNC FE/GE link Clock signal

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

1 IPCLK3000 Overview

1.3 Application of the IPCLK3000 The IPCLK3000 is used to support a base station. If you need to use the IPCLK3000 instead of supporting a base station, contact the Huawei engineer for decision.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000


Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

2.1 Features of the IPCLK3000 The IPCLK3000 has the following features:  

Carrier-class Carrier-c lass reliability design


Highly compact synchronization ports


Powerful client access capability


High-precision synchronization


Compliance with various network protocols


Support for customized PTP templates


Small size and flexible deployment


Simple O&M

 

 

2.1.1 Carrier-class Reliability Design  

Two Tw o satellite input ports


1+1 protection for –48 V power


Multi-backup for clock ports


Surge protection and anti-interference


Remote maintenance Powerful exception handling capability


A variety of alarm messages

 


2.1.2 Highly Compact Synchronization Ports The IPCLK3000 provides high-density clock synchronization ports.  


Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

GNSS satellite input port − 

One RGPS port (reserved)


Two satellite input ports (ATN-1 is used for GPS input and ANT-2 is reserved.)

I/O input port − 

4xE1 (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz)


2xT1 (1.544 Mbit/s or 1.544 MHz)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000





2x10 MHz


2x1PPS/8 kHz




4xSync-E (synchronous Ethernet)

I/O output port − 

10xE1 (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz)


2xT1 (1.544 Mbit/s or 1.544 MHz)






4xSync-E (synchronous Ethernet)

All types of clock sources must have a frequency accuracy accuracy higher than stratum-2 clock standard, namely, namely, ±0.016 PPM. For the IPCLK3000, non-standard clock sources need to further meet the following requirements:  

10 MHz clock supplied by BITS: RS422 level; the duty ratio ranges from 45% to 55%.


External 8 kHz clock: RS422 level; the duty ratio ranges from 45% to 55%.

 


External 1PPS clock: RS485 level; high levels should last more than 1 ms. NOTE



IPCLK3000 integrates the GPS receiver and receive antenna into one module. It provides remote GPS (RGPS) ports on its front panel to output 1PPS signals and GPS system messages. The RGPS  ports can meet meet disaster disaster-tolerance -tolerance requireme requirements nts or are use used d in scenarios scenarios where it is difficult difficult to la lay y out GPS cables or the distance between the GPS antenna and IPCLK3000 is greater than 300 m.


The IPCLK3000 can obtain clock signals either through the built-in satellite card or from an external satellite card through the clock signal input ports on the panel.


Currently, the RGPS port and the second GPS antenna port (labeled ANT-2 on the panel) are two reserved ports; if you need to use the two ports, please contact Huawei.

After clock sources are set, the IPCLK3000 can use one clock source as the current clock source input. The IPCLK3000 supports three modes for clock source switching: free, manual, and auto.  

Free: The IPCLK3000 uses the free-run clock signals generated by the internal oscillator


as the clock source input. Manual: The input clock signals at a specific port are manually set to be the clock source input.


Auto: Based on the priorities of the clock sources, the IPCLK3000 automatically selects the clock signals imported to a specific port as the clock source input. If the clock source is faulty, the IPCLK3000 then automatically switches to a clock source that takes priority over the rest available clock sources. For more information about priorities of the clock sources, see the online help for the SET SRVCLKMODE command.

2.1.3 Powerful Client Access Capability The IPCLK3000 is a case-shaped time server that provides powerful client access capability capability.. When the frequency at which packets are sent is 128 Hz in L3 unicast scenarios, an IPCLK3000 server can be connected a maximum of 2048 clients. Each of the four dedicated  ports on IPCLK3000 can be connected to 512 clients. clients.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

2.1.4 High-Precision Synchronization The IPCLK3000 supports built-in rubidium (RB) clocks and oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXOs). When a GPS source is traced, clock accuracy complies with ITU-T G.811 and time accuracy is less than 100 ns. Even when the external reference source is lost, the built-in -11 rubidium clock of IPCLK3000 can have a frequency holding precision of 1x10 /day and a time holding precision of 1 μs/day. An IPCLK3000 which serves as a time synchronization server must be configured with RB clocks. As an IP clock server, server, the IPCLK3000 sends IP clock packets to a base station so that the base station can parse the clock packets and recover the clock from the packets. IPCLK3000s can recover clocks from IP clock packets only if intermediate networks transporting the packets have a jitter less than 20 ms and a packet loss rate less than 1%. The IPCLK3000 can send IP clock packets to a maximum of 2048 home APs at the same time at the following frequency:  


For Huawei proprietary protocol, you can set the packet sending frequency to 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 packets per second. Under default configurations (50 packets per second), IP clock packets from one base station generally occupy a bandwidth of 30 kbit/s, and clock synchronization can be ensured if previously described transmission quality requirements are met. For the IEEE 1588v2 protocol, you can set the packet sending frequency to 1/16 Hz, 1/8 Hz, 1/4 Hz, 1/2 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 16 Hz, 32 Hz, 64 Hz, 128 Hz, or 256 Hz. In unicast mode, the maximum packet sending frequency for SYNC packets can be set to 128 Hz in one_step mode and 64 Hz in two_step mode. In multicast mode, the maximum  packet sending frequency frequency for SYNC packets packets can be set to 256 Hz in both one_step mode and two_step mode. Under default configurations (16 packets per second), keep the  bandwidth for sending the IP IP clock packets packets at 12 kbit/s for each base base station. Ensure that the bandwidth does not exceed 190 kbit/s in a poor network environment.

2.1.5 Compliance with Various Network Protocols The IPCLK3000 supports various network protocols, such as IPv4, IPv6, PTP/IEEE 1588-2008, ITU-T G.8265.1, G.8275.1, NTP(Client), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS, among which HTTPS and FTPS guarantee reliable communication for the configuration and management port. NOTE  

It is recommended that FTPS uses the encryption mode. Otherwise, security risks may result.


It is recommended that HTTPS uses the encryption mode. Otherwise, security risks may result.

2.1.6 Support for Customized PTP Templates For master ports, you can select PTP templates that comply with IEEE 1588v2-2008, ITU-T G.8265.1, or ITU-T G.8275.1, and configure different parameters for these templates. For slave ports, you can add clock links that comply with IEEE 1588v2-2008 and configure different parameters parameters for these links.

2.1.7 Small Size and Flexible deployment The IPCLK3000 is 19-inch case-shaped equipment (1U high).

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

Compact in size, IPCLK3000 can be installed in N68E-22 cabinets or 300 mm deep cabinets, or mounted on tables. The IPCLK3000 hardware is available in DC and AC models. A DC-powered IPCLK3000 supports a –  a – 48 48 V DC power supply, supply, and an AC-powered IPCLK3000 supports a 110 V/220 V AC power supply. When IPCLK3000 is used replace IPCLK1000, plug-and-play can be achieved. Site surveys are not needed, cables can be reused, and installation mode is almost the same.

2.1.8 Simple O&M The operation and maintenance (O&M) of IPCLK3000 is simple and can be implemented through an IP network. You You can use either of the following tools for O&M of IPCLK3000:  

LMT: allows local or remote maintenance of one IPCLK3000.


U2000: allows remote centralized maintenance of several IPCLK3000s.

 

When the Local Maintenance Terminal Terminal (LMT) is used, client software is not required. The Web LMT supports web-based management and man-machine language (MML) commands. The communication security between the Web LMT/U2000 and an IPCLK3000 is ensured by the secure Sockets Layer (SSL) mechanism. The LMT and U2000 connect to an IPCLK3000 through the same O&M port. The IPCLK3000 can capture the clock packets in real time. The real-time capture of the clock  packets enables the user user to observe the message message interaction on the U2000 U2000 or LMT client. client. Therefore, the user can maintain the clock system by tracing the messages sent from the IPCLK3000. The IPCLK3000 provides statistics of the clock packets, including IEEE 1588v2 protocol  packets and proprietary proprietary protocol packets.

2.2 O&M 2.2.1 O&M System The O&M system of the IPCLK3000 uses a customized man-machine interfac interfacee based on the Man-Machine Language (MML) and Graphical User Interface (GUI). Figure 2-1 shows the O&M system of the IPCLK3000.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

Figure 2-1 O&M system of the IPCLK3000 iManager M2000



Ethernet IPCLK3000



  The O&M system of the IPCLK3000 provides the following two consoles:  

LMT The LMT is applicable to local and remote maintenance. It is used to maintain a single IPCLK3000 from aspects such as software upgrade, data loading, alarm data collection, and equipment maintenance.


U2000 The U2000 is applicable to remote maintenance. It is used to maintain multiple IPCLK3000s on the network level from aspects such as software upgrade, data loading, alarm data collection, and equipment maintenance. NOTE



Local maintenance refers to the O&M process during which the maintenance personnel log in to the IPCLK3000 by directly connecting an LMT to the local Ethernet port on the IPCLK3000.


Remote maintenance refers to the O&M process where the maintenance personnel in an equipment room or at a network maintenance center configure IP routes on the LMT or U2000 to log in to the IPCLK3000 remotely.

2.2.2 O&M Functions The O&M system of the IPCLK3000 takes into consideration customers' requirements on the running and maintenance of the equipment.

Security Management The IPCLK3000 provides the following functions for security management:  

Operator information protection If no operation is performed during a certain period, the user interface is automatically locked.

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2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000  

SSL security management mechanism Socket security layer (SSL) is added in the transmission link between the IPCLK3000 and the U2000/Web LMT. Therefore, all MML and BIN instructions and messages can  be encrypted during the transmission.

Configuration Management Configuration management is mainly applied to equipment maintenance and data configuration. For configuration management, the IPCLK3000 performs consistency check on configuration data. Two Two data configuration modes are available: dynamic data configuration and static data configuration.  

In dynamic data configuration mode, the modified data takes effect immediately. immediately.


In static data configuration mode, the modified data takes effect only after the IPCLK3000 is reset.

 

Software Management For software management, the IPCLK3000 has functions such as software version management and software upgrade. You can query the software for its version. You can also upgrade the non-compliant versions to compliant versions.

Alarm Management The alarm management system of the IPCLK3000 detects and reports fault information in real time. The LMT or U2000 then displays the alarm information and provides appropriate handling suggestions. The alarm management system of the LMT or U2000 is connected to an alarm box. It  provides audio and visual indication indication of alarms generated generated by the alarm box.

Log Management The IPCLK3000 records the information about operations in real time. The records are saved as logs, which help locate and solve system problems effectively effectively..

2.3 Technical Specifications Specifications 2.3.1 Clock Performance Specifications Table 2-1 describes the clock performance specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-1 Clock performance specifications



Maximum number of clients supported

In the case of L3 unicast, a single s ingle port supports a maximum of 512 base stations (four service ports available).

Maximum frequency of

Huawei proprietary protocol: 50 pps (packet per second)

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000



 packet transmission

IEEE 1588v2 protocol: 128 pps (packet per second)

Maximum bandwidth of each signal

Huawei proprietary protocol: Maximum value: 25 kbit/s IEEE 1588v2 protocol:  

ONE-WAY & ONE-STEP: a maximum of 100 kbit/s


TWO-WAY & TWO-STEP: a maximum of 375 kbit/s

Frequency accuracy (locked to GPS)

ITU-T G.811

Timing accuracy (GPS tracking mode)

Less than 100 ns

Frequency accuracy (holdover mode)

 Normal temperature: temperature: -11 RB: 1x10 /day -10 OCXO: 1x10 /day

Timing accuracy (holdover mode)

 Normal temperature: temperature: RB clock: 1 μs/day  μs/day  OCXO: 10 μs/day  μs/day 

Frequency synchronization hold-over state 

Seven days 

Time synchronization hold-over state 

One day 

1. The IPCLK3000 configured with the crystal oscillator operates at 25 ℃. If it enters the frequency hold-over state after tracing and locking the GPS/hydrogen clock/cesium clock for one month, the frequency accuracy after seven days is less than 7 ppb. 2. The IPCLK3000 configured with the rubidium clock operates at 25 ℃. If it enters the frequency hold-over state after tracing and locking the GPS/hydrogen clock/cesium clock for three months, the frequency accuracy after seven days is less than 6E (-11).  

2.3.2 Port Specifications Table 2-2 describes the port specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-2 Port specifications



Connector Type


GE/FE optical port for services

IEEE 802.3


Three ports that are used to receive external IP clock packets and support synchronous Ethernet output/input

GE/FE electrical port for services

IEEE 802.3


One port that is used to receive external IP clock packets and supports synchronous Ethernet output/input

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000



Connector Type


Maintenance ports

IEEE 802.3


One remote maintenance (LMT) access port and one remote maintenance (U2000) access  port

Maintenance ports (backup)

IEEE 802.3


Reserved for later development

Clock cascade port



(EXP-SYNC1/EXP-SYNC2)Res erved for later development

Antenna ports



Two antenna ports for the  built-in satellite card (ANT-1 (ANT-1 is used for GPS input, and ANT-2 is reserved for future use.)

RGPS port



An RGPS port (consisting of two TB8 ports and reserved for future use)

1PPS or 8 kHz clock signal input ports



Two input ports

E1/T1 clock signal input/output ports

ITU-T G.703/G.704


Two input/output ports (balanced)

E1 or 2 MHz clock signal input/output ports

ITU-T G.703/G.704


Two input ports and eight output  ports (unbalanced)

10 MHz clock signal input  ports



Two input ports (unbalanced)

1PPS+TOD clock input/output ports

ITU-T G.8271


Two input/output ports and six output ports

2 MHz, 1.5 MHz, or 10 MHz clock signal output  ports



Used to test the output of clock signals

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

2.3.3 Reliability Specifications Table 2-3 describes the reliability specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-3 Reliability specifications



System availability

≥ 99.999%  99.999% 

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)

≥ 355,000 h  h 

MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)

≤ 1 h  h 

2.3.4 Structure Specifications Table 2-4 describes the structure specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-4 Structure specifications



Structure standard

The structure design conforms to the IEC 297, IEC 529, and GB 3047.4.86 standards.

Dimensions (with the mounting ears)

483 mm (width) x 220 mm (depth) x 44 mm (height)


< 5 kg

2.3.5 Electrical Specifications Table 2-5 describes the electrical specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-5 Electrical specifications



Power specifications

Support the following two power inputs:  


 – 48 48 V DC power; input voltage range: –38.4 V to –57.6 V 110 V/220 V AC 50/60 Hz; input voltage range: 90 V AC to 264 V AC

Power consumption

< 85 W

Heat consumption

< 75 W



The circuit breaker's rated current on the power supply circuit is 5 A.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000

2.3.6 EMC Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) specifications in the following standards:  

GB 9254


EN 55022


ETSI EN300 386 ETSI ES 201 468


VCCI V-3:2012


ICES-003 ISSUE 5:2012




AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009


IEC 61000




ITU-T Recommendation K.20


EN 55024




AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009

2.3.7 Acoustic Noise Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the acoustic noise specifications in the EUROPEAN ETS 300 753 standard.

2.3.8 Safety Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the safety specifications in the following standards:  





CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 950-95


UL 1950

2.3.9 Surge Protection Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the surge protection specifications s pecifications in the following standards:  

ETS 300 253


IEC 61000-4-5


ITU-T K.11(1993)


ITU-T K.27(1996)


ITU-T K.44(2003)









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IPCLK3000 User Guide

2 Feature Description of the IPCLK3000  

GB 50057-94



2.3.10 Environmental Legislation Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the specifications in the following environmental legislation:  






2.3.11 CE Certification The IPCLK3000 meets the CE certification requirements in the following standards:  

73/23/EEC LVD











2.3.12 Environmental Protection Compliance The IPCLK3000 meets the environmental protection specifications in the following standards:  

RoHS: Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment


WEEE: The EU Directive on Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

2.3.13 Environmental Requirements The storage, transportation, and working environment of the IPCLK3000 conform to the following standards:  

ETS 300 019-1-1 class 1.1



ETS 300 019-1-2 class 2.3 ETS 300 019-1-3 class 3.2


IEC 60068-2

Table 2-6 describes the working environment specifications for the IPCLK3000. Table 2-6 Working environment specifications

Temperature (°C)

Relative Humidity (%)

Short-term working condition

Long-term working condition

Short-term working condition

Long-term working condition

-5°C to 55°C

0°C to 45°C

95% RH

5% to 85% RH

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IPCLK3000 User Guide


3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

3.1 Hardware of the IPCLK3000 3.1.1 Internal and External Structure The IPCLK3000 is composed of a clock board QW33PCKS, an embedded satellite card, a Rubidium clock (optional), a power module, and fans. NOTE

When the IPCLK3000 is DC-powered, the Rubidium clock module is an optional item. When the IPCLK3000 is AC-powered, the crystal oscillator module is provided instead of the Rubidium clock module.

The IPCLK3000 is 1U case-shaped equipment that complies with the IEC60297 standard. Appearance of IPCLK3000 is shown in Figure in  Figure 3-1 and Figure and Figure 3-2.  3-2.  Figure 3-1 Appearance of IPCLK3000 (DC power)

Figure 3-2 Appearance of IPCLK3000 (AC power)

The dimensions (H x W x D) of IPCLK3000 are 44 mm x 483 mm x 220 mm. Physically, the IPCLK3000 is a case into which the module and boards are integrated. All the Physically,  ports are located on its front front panel.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

Typically, two IPCLK3000s are configured in actually network for the sake of redundancy. If two IPCLK3000s are configured, two clock links must be added on each base station.

3.1.2 Indicators The indicators are on the front panel of IPCLK3000 and indicate the running status of IPCLK3000. Table 3-1 lists the meaning of the indicators on IPCLK3000. Table 3-1 Indicators on IPCLK3000








There is power input, but the IPCLK3000 is faulty.


There is no power input, or the IPCLK3000 is faulty.

0.25s on, 0.25s off

The IPCLK3000 is starting up or downloading a file.

1s on, 1s off

The IPCLK3000 runs properly.

0.25s on, 0.25s off

A critical or major alarm is generated.


No alarm is generated.

1s on, 1s off

A minor alarm or warning is generated.


The board is in active state.

0.25s on, 0.25s off

The link to the remote U2000 is disconnected.


The board is in standby state.


The phase-lock loop is in locked state.


The phase-lock loop is in free-run or heating



state. The phase-lock loop is in fast tracking or hold state.



There is a reference source input.


There is no reference source input.


The current satellite receiver system is functional.


The satellite port is disabled.


The current satellite receiver system is abnormal.











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3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000








In DC power configuration, the first DC  power supply input is available. available.


In DC power configuration, the first DC  power supply input is unavailable. unavailable.


In DC power configuration, the second DC  power supply input is available. available.


In DC power configuration, the second DC  power supply input is unavailable. unavailable.


A link is in normal state.


A link is in abnormal state.


There is 1PPS+TOD signal input.


There is no 1PPS+TOD signal input.


A link is in normal state.


A link is in abnormal state.


There are packets are transmitted and received.


There are no packets are transmitted and received.





IN/OUT2 Yellow

FE/GE-1 to FE/GE-4



When the LOC, REF, REF, and GPS indicators are steady yellow at the same time, the NE is being initialized.

3.1.3 Ports The main external ports on the panel of the IPCLK3000 are the power input port, service ports, O&M ports, and clock ports (including GPS antenna ports).

Power Input Ports The IPCLK3000 supports two types of power supply: -48 V DC and 110 V/220 V AC. AC. You You can choose one as required on site. Table 3-2 describes the power input port on the IPCLK3000. Table 3-2 Power input ports






Leading -48 V DC power to the IPCLK3000

Cord end terminal


Leading 110 V/220 V AC  power to the IPCLK3000 IPCLK3000

Three-pin power female connector

One out of the two, according to the field requirement

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

Service Ports IPCLK3000 provides four service ports, supporting PTP and synchronous Ethernet services. Each service port can connect a maximum of 512 clients. Table 3-3 describes the service ports on the IPCLK3000. Table 3-3 Service ports on IPCLK3000





100M/1000M service port, used to transmit clock  packets



100M/1000M service port, used to transmit clock  packets



100M/1000M service port, used to transmit clock  packets



100M/1000M service port, used to transmit clock  packets




The IPCLK3000 does not support 100M optical modules and it is advisable not to forcibly configure 100M optical modules.

Clock Signal Input Ports The IPCLK3000 supports the following types of clock sources:  

Building integrated timing supply system (BITS) clock


External 8 kHz clock, which is a standard 8 kHz clock provided by an external device


Global Positioning System (GPS) /Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) clock


External 1PPS (1 pulse per second)+TOD clock

 

The BITS clock is further categorized into the following types:  

2xE1 inputs (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz balanced signal inputs)


2xE1 inputs (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz unbalanced signal inputs)


2xT1 inputs (1.544 Mbit/s or 1.544 MHz balanced signal inputs)


2x10 MHz inputs

   

Through software configuration, multiple types of clock signals can be imported to the input  ports on the IPCLK3000. Table IPCLK3000. Table 3-4 describes the types of clock signals that can be imported to each port. At a time, only one type of clock signal can be imported to a port.

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3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

Table 3-4 Clock signal input ports






1PPS+TOD input/output port



1PPS+TOD input/output port



Receiving 1PPS and 8 kHz clock signals


Subject to the network  planning. Multiple ports


Receiving 1PPS and 8 kHz clock signals



Receiving 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz and 2.048 or 1.544 Mbit/s balanced clock signals



Receiving 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz and 2.048 Mbit/s or 1.544 Mbit/s balanced clock signals



Receiving 2.048 MHz and 2.048 Mbit/s unbalanced reference source signals, and 10 MHz clock source signals



Receiving 2.048 MHz and 2.048 Mbit/s unbalanced reference source signals, and 10 MHz clock source signals



Receiving satellite signals



Receiving satellite signals




Receiving RGPS signals



can be configured.

Clock Signal Output Ports IPCLK3000 clock output ports are configurable by software and can output various types of clock signal. Table signal. Table 3-5 describes the clock signal output ports on IPCLK3000. At a time, each  port can output only one type type of clock signal. Table 3-5 Clock signal output ports on IPCLK3000






1PPS+TOD input/output port



1PPS+TOD input/output port


OUT-3, OUT-4, OUT-5, OUT-6, OUT-7, and OUT-8 (left area of the panel)

1PPS+TOD output port


The number of clock ports need to be configured according to the clock output information in the network plan. More than one clock ports can be configured.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000





Outputting 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz, and 2.048 Mbit/s or 1.544 Mbit/s balanced clock signals



Outputting 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz, and 2.048 Mbit/s or 1.544



Mbit/s balanced clock signals OUT-3, OUT-4, OUT-5, OUT-6, OUT-7, OUT-8, OUT-9, OUT-10 (right area of the  panel)

2.048 MHz or 2.048 Mbit/s clock output port



Testing clock output signals, including 2.048 MHz, 1.544 MHz, 10 MHz, or 1PPS signals


O&M Ports


By using the O&M ports, you can operate and maintain the IPCLK3000 either locally or remotely. Table remotely.  Table 3-6 describes the O&M ports on the IPCLK3000. Table 3-6 O&M ports










Connecting to the LMT or U2000 for O&M











Satellite Antenna Ports The IPCLK3000 supports built-in satellite cards for tracing GPS clocks. Table 3-7 describes the satellite antenna port on the IPCLK3000. Table 3-7 GPS antenna ports






Connecting to the satellite antenna system


Used when a built-in satellite card is configured


Connecting to the satellite antenna


Currently not open for use

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000






Connecting the RGPS antenna system


Currently not open for use

3.2 Cables of the IPCLK3000 3.2.1 Cable List of the IPCLK3000 Table 3-8 describes the cables used by the IPCLK3000. Table 3-8 Cable list of the IPCLK3000



Cable Connector

Installation Position

PGND cable

One; required

OT or 2-hole terminal (prepared on site)

Wiring terminals of the PGND on the panel of the IPCLK3000

OT or 2-hole terminal

Wiring terminals on the PGND bar

(prepared on site) Cord end terminal

on site Port for the power module of the IPCLK3000

OT terminal

-48 V DC power port on an external  power distribution frame frame (PDF)

Female connector of the standard three-pin AC socket

Port for the power module of the IPCLK3000

Male connector of the standard three-pin AC socket

External 110 V/220 V AC power socket


Port labeled FE-2 or FE/GE-1 on

-48 V DC power cable

One out of the two;  based on the power module type

110 V/220 V AC  power cable


One (required);

cable, which  provides an O&M channel or FE/GE traffic channel

additional one when the FE/GE port is used for services

Optical cable, which provides a GE-based traffic channel Satellite clock cable

Unbalanced input

Issue 05 (2015-12-10)

the IPCLK3000 RJ45

Associated network device, such as a local area network (LAN) switch

Required when the GE optical ports are used for services


Optical ports on the IPCLK3000


Associated network device, such as a fiber adapter



Type N connector of the satellite  jumper

SMA male

Port labeled ANT on the IPCLK3000

SMB female

IN-1 and IN-2 ports on IPCLK3000


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BITS signal cable

Balanced input BITS signal cable,

Prepared on site according to the field

1PPS/8kHz clock input cable, and 1PPS/TOD clock input cable


BITS unbalanced clock output signal cable

Cable Connector

Installation Position

Prepared on the basis of the types of connectors at the  peer devices

Associated BITS device and clock signal receiving device

RJ45 (prepared on site)

E1/T1-1, E1/T1-2, PPS/8K-1, PPS/8K-2, IN/OUT-1, and IN/OUT-2 ports on IPCLK3000

Prepared on the basis of the types of connectors at the  peer devices; RJ45 for connecting to an 1PPS/8kHz clock device or 1PPS/TOD clock device

Associated BITS device, 1PPS/8kHz clock device, and 1PPS/TOD clock device


SMB female

OUT-3 to OUT-10 ports on the right of IPCLK3000

IPCLK3000 clock output signal

Prepared on site according to the field

RJ45 (prepared on site)

OUT-3 to OUT-8 ports on the left of IPCLK3000



3.2.2 PGND Cable The PGND cable ensures the grounding of the IPCLK3000.

Appearance 2

The green and yellow PGND cable is a single cable with a cross-sectional area of 6 mm . Both ends of the cable are OT terminals. The OT terminals terminals need to be prepared on site. Figure 3-3 shows the PGND cable.

Figure 3-3 PGND cable

If necessary, necessary, prepare a 2-hole 2 -hole terminal at each end of the PGND cable. Figure cable. Figure 3-4 shows a 2-hole terminal. Figure 3-4 2-hole terminal

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3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

Installation One end of the PGND cable connects to the ground screw on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the wiring terminal on the PGND bar of the site.

3.2.3 -48 V DC Power Cable The -48 V DC power cable leads the power from the PDF to the IPCLK3000 case. The -48 V DC power cable consists of the -48 V wire and the RTN wire. W When hen the IPCLK3000 uses -48 V DC power supply, the -48 V DC power cable is mandatory.

Appearance Typically, the -48 V wire is blue and the RTN wire is black. The two types of cable have the same appearance, as shown in Figure in  Figure 3-5.  3-5.  Figure 3-5 -48 V or RTN wire

(1) Cord end terminal


(2) OT terminal


When the IPCLK3000 is installed in a cabinet or 19-inch rack, the power supply to the IPCLK3000 can  be led from the power d distribution istribution b box ox in the ca cabinet binet or rack. In this situation situation,, the cable co connector nnector needs needs to be prepared on site, in order to be compatible with the power distribution box.

Installation Table 3-9 describes the installation positions of the -48 V DC power cable. Table 3-9 Installation positions of the -48 V DC power cable


Type and Installation Installation Position

Type and Installation Installation

of Connector 1

Position of Connector 2



Cord end terminal/At the -48 V DC input port of the power module in the IPCLK3000 case

OT terminal/At the -48 V DC output port of the PDF



Cord end terminal/At the RTN input port of the power module in the IPCLK3000 case

OT terminal/At the GND output port of the PDF



Cord end terminal/At the -48 V DC input port of the power module in the IPCLK3000 case

OT terminal/At the -48 V DC output port of the PDF



Cord end terminal/At the RTN input port of the power module in the IPCLK3000 case

OT terminal/At the GND output port of the PDF

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3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

 NEG1(-) and RTN1(+) RTN1(+) are the first pair, pair, and NEG2(-) and RTN2(+) RTN2(+) are the second second pair. pair. During cable preparation, either or both of the two pairs can be selected.

3.2.4 110 V/220 V AC Power Cable The 110 V/220 V AC power cable leads the AC power to the power module in the IPCLK3000 case. When the IPCLK3000 uses 110 V/220 V AC power supply supply,, the 110 V/220 V AC power cable is mandatory.

Appearance The 110 V/220 V AC power cable is the common three-pin AC power cable.

Installation The female connector of the 110 V/220 V AC power cable connects to the power input port on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the AC power supply. supply.

3.2.5 Straight-Through Cable The straight-through cable has the following functions:  


Provides an O&M channel between the IPCLK3000 and the LMT or U2000. In this case, one cable is required. Provides a traffic channel between the IPCLK3000 and the associated network device. An additional cable is required when the IPCLK3000 uses the FE/GE-1 port to transmit services.

Appearance Both ends of the straight-through cable are RJ45 connectors, as shown in Figure in Figure 3-6.  3-6.  Figure 3-6 Straight-through cable

Pin Assignment Table 3-10 describes the pin assignment for the wires of a straight-through cable. Table 3-10 Pin assignment for the wires of a straight-through cable

X1 End

Wire Color

Wire Type

X2 End



Twisted pair




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IPCLK3000 User Guide

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X1 End

Wire Color

Wire Type

X2 End



Twisted pair












X2.3 Twisted pair

X2.4 X2.5

Twisted pair

X2.8 X2.7

Installation The connections of the straight-through cables are as follows:  

For the straight-through cable providing an O&M channel, one end connects to the port labeled DBG/NMS on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the LMT,, U2000, or associated O&M device. LMT


For the straight-through cable providing a traffic channel, one end connects to the port

 ondevice. labeled FE/GE-1 the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the associated network

3.2.6 Optical Cable The optical cable provides a traffic channel between the IPCLK3000 and the associated network device. Two Two optical cables are required when the IPCLK3000 uses the FE/GE-2, FE/GE-3, or FE/GE-4 optical ports to provide services.

Appearance One end of the optical cable has an LC connector, connector, and the other end has an FC, SC, or LC connector.. Single-mode optical cables are supported, as shown in connector in Figure  Figure 3-7, Figure 3-8, and 3-8, and Figure 3-9.  3-9. 

Figure 3-7 Optical cable (LC/PC-FC/PC-)

Figure 3-8 Optical cable (LC/PC-SC/PC-)

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Figure 3-9 Optical cable (LC/PC-LC/PC-)

Installation You can use two optical cables to connect the IPCLK3000 to the peer device. The LC connector at one end of each cable is linked to the GE optical port on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the FC, SC, or LC connector at the other end is linked to the corresponding  port on the peer device. device.



When interconnecting the IPCLK3000 and the peer device, adhere to the following principles: 

The TX port on the IPCLK3000 connects to the RX port on the peer device.

The RX port on the IPCLK3000 connects to the TX port on the peer device.


3.2.7 Satellite Clock Cable The satellite clock cable connects the IPCLK3000 to the satellite antenna system and transmits satellite clock signals that can serve as a reference clock for the IPCLK3000. This cable is required when the IPCLK3000 is configured with a built-in satellite card.

Appearance One end of the satellite clock cable is an SMA male connector, and the other end is a Type N connector,, as shown in Figure connector in Figure 3-10. 3-10.   Figure 3-10 Satellite clock cable

Installation The SMA male connector at one end of the satellite clock cable is connected to the port labeled ANT on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the Type Type N connector at the other end is connected to the satellite jumper, jumper, which further connects to the satellite surge protector. protector.

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3.2.8 Unbalanced Input/Output BITS Signal Cable The unbalanced input BITS signal cable transmits clock signals from the external BITS clock to the IPCLK3000. The clock signals can serve as a reference clock for the IPCLK3000. Alternatively,, IPCLK3000 provides clock signals to other devices as their clock reference Alternatively sources.

Appearance One end of the unbalanced BITS clock signal cable is an SMB female connector, connector, and the other end should be prepared according to the requirements on site, as shown in Figure in Figure 3-11.  3-11.  Figure 3-11 Unbalanced input BITS signal cable

Installation The SMB female connector at one end of each unbalanced BITS clock signal cable is connected to the port labeled IN-1, IN-2, OUT-3~OUT-10, and the SMA female connector at the other end is connected to the external clock device.

3.2.9 Output Test Clock Cable The output clock cable is used to provide the clock signal for tests. One end of the output clock cable connects to the port labeled TEST on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the associated device.

3.2.10 Balanced Input/Output BITS Signal Cable The balanced input BITS signal cable transmits clock signals from the external BITS clock to the IPCLK3000. The clock signals can serve as a reference clock for the IPCLK3000. Alternatively,, IPCLK3000 provides clock signals to other devices as their clock reference Alternatively sources. One end of each balanced input BITS signal cable connects to a port labeled E1/T1-1 or E1/T1-2 on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the external clock device.

Appearance One end of the balanced BITS clock signal cable is an RJ45 connector, and the other end should be prepared according to the requirements on site, as shown in in Figure  Figure 3-12.  3-12. 

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Figure 3-12 Balanced BITS clock signal cable

Table 3-11 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the balanced BITS clock signal cable. If the pin assignment of the peer device on site is different from the description in the table, you need to prepare a cable according to the field requirements. Table 3-11 Pin assignment for the wires of a balanced input BITS signal cable

X1 End

 Wire Color




White/Orang e













Wire Type

Pin Assignment

Input/Output (Relative to IPCLK3000)

Twisted pair

2.048 MHz/1.544 MHz_0-


2.048 MHz/1.544 MHz_0+


2.048 Mbit/s/1.544 Mbit/s_0-


2.048 Mbit/s/1.544 Mbit/s_0+


2.048 MHz/1.544 MHz_1+


2.048 MHz/1.544 MHz_1-


2.048 Mbit/s/1.544 Mbit/s_1-


2.048 Mbit/s/1.544 Mbit/s_1+


Twisted pair

Twisted pair

Twisted pair

3.2.11 1PPS/8 kHz Input Clock Cable The 1PPS/8kHz input clock cable transmits 1PPS or 8kHz clock signals to the IPCLK3000. The clock signals can serve as a reference clock for the IPCLK3000. One end of each 1PPS/8kHz input clock cable connects to the port labeled PPS/8K-1, PPS/8K-2 on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the associated clock  port. The appearance of the cable is the same as that of a straight-through cable. For details, see section 3.2.5 section  3.2.5 "Straight-Through "Straight-Through Cable." Cable." Table 3-12 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the 1PPS/8kHz input clock cable. If the pin assignment of the peer device on site is different from the description in the table, you need to prepare a cable according to the field requirements.

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Table 3-12 Pin assignment for the wires of an 1PPS/8kHz input clock cable

X1 End

Wire Color

Wire Type

Pin Assignment



Twisted pair

8 kHz_0-















8 kHz_0+ Twisted pair

Reserved Reserved

Twisted pair

1PPS_0+ 1PPS_0-

Twisted pair

Reserved Reserved

3.2.12 1PPS/TOD Clock Signal Cable The PPS/TOD input clock cable transmits 1PPS/TOD clock signals to the IPCLK3000. The clock signals can serve as a reference clock for the IPCLK3000. Alternatively, Alternatively, IPCLK3000  provides 1PPS/TOD 1PPS/TOD clock signals to other devices as their clock clock reference sources. sources. One end of a 1PPS/TOD input clock cable connects to the port labeled IN/OUT-1, IN/OUT-2, OUT-3~OUT-8 (on the left side) on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and the other end connects to the corresponding clock port. The appearance of the cable is the same as that of a straight-through cable. For details, see section 3.2.5 section  3.2.5 "Straight-Through "Straight-Through Cable." Cable." Table 3-13 describes the pin assignment for the wires of a 1PPS/TOD clock input signal cable. If the pin assignment of the peer device on site is different from the description in the table, you need to prepare a cable according to the field requirements. Table 3-13 Pin assignment for the wires of a 1PPS/TOD clock signal cable

X1 End 

 Wire Color 

 Wire Type 

Pin Assignment 



Twisted pair
















Issue 05 (2015-12-10)


Reserved Twisted pair

1PPS0_0+ 1PPS0_0-

Twisted pair

Reserved Reserved

Twisted pair

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TOD0_0+ TOD0_0-


IPCLK3000 User Guide

3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000

3.3 Software of the IPCLK3000 The IPCLK3000 software includes the host software, LMT, LMT, and U2000 adaptation layer. layer.

3.3.1 Host Software Functions The host software is installed on the main board of the IPCLK3000. The software implements the service and O&M functionality of the IPCLK3000.

Installation and Upgrade The host software is installed on the IPCLK3000 before delivery delivery.. Therefore, no installation is required on site. To upgrade the host software, use the LMT or U2000 locally or remotely. The IPCLK3000 can store two versions of host software. If a failure occurs in software upgrade, roll back the software to the original version. Therefore ensuring stable running of the IPCLK3000.  IPCLK3000. 

3.3.2 LMT Application Functions Use the LMT to operate and maintain the IPCLK3000 in any of the following scenarios: When the transport link between the IPCLK3000 and the U2000 is unavailable, use the LMT to start the IPCLK3000 locally. When the IPCLK3000 fails to communicate with the U2000, use the LMT to identify and clear faults locally. When alarms are generated on the IPCLK3000 and related NEs must be replaced locally, locally, use the LMT to identify and clear faults. NOTE


When the IPCLK3000 communicates with the U2000 properly, it is recommended that you operate and maintain the IPCLK3000 at the network management center (NMC). When you must obtain information from the U2000 for fault identification, the U2000 may fail to provide adequate information because it manages many network elements (NEs). At this time, use the LMT to operate and maintain the IPCLK3000.

Requirements for the LMT PC The LMT application can be installed on a PC. The PC to be configured with the LMT application must support the TCP/IP protocols and meet the hardware and software requirements. Table 3-14 describes the hardware requirements for the PC to be configured with the LMT application.

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Table 3-14 Hardware requirements for the LMT PC


Recommended Configuration Configuration

Minimum Configuration


2.8 GHz or above

866 MHz


1 GB

512 MB

Hard disk

80 GB

10 GB

Display adapter resolution

1024x768 pixels or above

800x600 pixels

CD drive



 Network adapter

10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s

10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s


Keyboard, mouse, modem, audio adapter, and sound box


Table 3-15 describes the software requirements for the PC to be configured with the LMT application. Table 3-15 Software requirements for the LMT PC


Recommended Configuration

Operating system

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Microsoft Windows 2003 (patch KB938397 needs to be installed) Microsoft Windows 2008 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7  Note: Currently, the LMT supports only web browsers and 32-bit operating systems.

Default language of the operating system

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English (United States)

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Recommended Configuration

Web browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Firefox 3.X (X indicates any digit)  Note: You must set the security level of the web browser to medium or low. Otherwise, the LMT menus cannot be viewed. Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 are not recommended for the LMT. If the LMT is terminated abnormally or has no responses when using Internet Explorer 6 or 7, a Firefox browser or an upgrade from the Internet Explorer to Internet Explorer 8 is recommended. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Firefox4.0 or later versions are not supported.

JAVA plug-in JRE (JAVA Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment)


 jre-6u26-windows-i586-p-s.exe  jre-6u26-windowsi586-p-s.exe  Note: You can obtain the plug-in from the official JAVA website http://java.com/.


It is recommended that the LMT application be installed on a PC with the recommended configurations, in order to guarantee stable system operation.

Port Connection Requirements If O&M is performed on an IPCLK3000 through the web and a firewall is enabled between the PC and the IPCLK3000, you need to enable ports 20, 21, and 80 on the firewall; if NE access requires a secure mode (HTTPS protocol), you need to enable port 443 on the firewall. To ensure network security, security, it is recommended that you use the FTPS and HTTPS protocols. Ports 20 and 21 are used for the File Transfer Protocol (FT (FTP). P). They need to be enabled in the case of file transfer using FTP. Port 80 is used for Hypertext Transfer Transfer Protocol (HTTP) by default. That is, the port is used for a web server by default. Port 443 is used for HTTPS by default.

Communication Capability Requirements The PC running the LMT must support the TCP/IP protocols. protocols. The minimum effective network bandwidth for the LMT is 512 kbit/s. The recommended value is 2 Mbit/s or larger.

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3 Hardware and Software of the IPCLK3000 NOTE



The network bandwidth limits the web page opening speed. If the recommended effective bandwidth is provided, the LMT runs fast. If a 512 kbit/s bandwidth is provided, all the functions can be  performed  performe d but the LMT runs slowly slowly..


The effective bandwidth is the bandwidth occupied by the LMT. If multiple applications compete for the bandwidth, the LMT may run slowly even if a 2 Mbit/s bandwidth is provided.

Introduction to the User Interface

The main window of the IPCLK3000 LMT is shown in Figure in  Figure 3-13. 3-13.  

Figure 3-13 Main window of the IPCLK3000 LMT

Table 3-16 describes the components of the LMT main window. Table 3-16 Components of the LMT main window



Title bar

Displays names and IP addresses of NEs.


Runs MML commands.


Queries active alarms or events, alarm or event logs, and alarm or event configurations.


Runs MML commands in batches.


Traces IPCLK3000.


Monitors IPCLK3000 performance in real time.

Software Management

Manages IPCLK3000 software.

Online Help The LMT provides the following two types of online help: Issue 05 (2015-12-10)


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LMT online help


MML online help

Table 3-17 describes the LMT online help. Table 3-17 LMT online help



Help Name


LMT online help

Provides the following information:

If using an Internet Explorer of Microsoft:

LMT user guide

Press F1 in the displayed dialog box to display the help information about the dialog box.

Details of alarms Details of events MML online help

Start-up Operation

Press F1 or click Help in the LMT main window to display the LMT online help.

If using Firefox, click Help on the main window of the LMT to display the LMT online help.

Provides the following information

Type an MML command in the Command Input box. Press Enter or click Assist, and then click the Help Information tab. The help information about the command

about an MML command:

is displayed on the tab page.

Function Precautions Parameters Examples Outputs of a query command

3.3.3 U2000 Mediation Files Functions When the IPCLK3000 is considered as a management NE and connected to the U2000, U2000 Mediation files implement adaption functions. T To o be specific, U2000 Mediation files shield the differences between NEs for the U2000, provide same configurations query and delivery interfaces for upper services, and convert original data reported by NEs into the U2000's internal data.

Installation and Upgrade To install and upgrade U2000 Mediation files, upload the configurations files and run the installation commands.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000


Installing IPCLK3000

4.1 Requirements for the Installation Environm Environment ent The IPCLK3000 should be installed indoors. It can be either simply placed on a desk or installed in a cabinet (for example: N68E-22) or 19-inch rack. The installation space must facilitate ventilation and maintenance. NOTE


When theshould IPCLK3000 is placed onan a desk in a room, and the IPCLK3000 has only simple requirements the room be equipped with air conditioner cable trays. Therefore, this document doesthat not describe the requirements of the IPCLK3000 that is placed on an indoor desk.

When the IPCLK3000 is installed in a cabinet or 19-inch rack, the requirement is that the IPCLK3000 does not affect the ventilation of other devices in the cabinet or rack, the typical space requirements of the IPCLK3000 is as follows:  

At least 25 mm on the left of the IPCLK3000 for ventilation


At least 25 mm on the right of the IPCLK3000 for ventilation


At least 50 mm in front of the IPCLK3000 panel for cabling and O&M



Before two IPCLK3000s are side-by-side installed in a cabinet or 19-inch rack, at least a 3 U (1 U = 44.45 mm) space must be available for installation in the cabinet or rack.

4.2 Preparing for the Installation and Commissioning 4.2.1 Tools, Instruments, and Device for the Installation The device required for the installation of the IPCLK3000 is the PC P C to be configured with the LMT application. You You should ensure that the PC meets the requirements. For details about the PC requirements, see Table see Table 3-14 and Table and Table 3-15.  3-15.  For IPCLK3000 installation, you need general tools, special-purpose tools, and instruments. Table 4-1 lists the tools and instruments necessary for the installation.

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Table 4-1 Tools and instruments

General Tools

Measuring Tools

Long measuring tape, 50 m ribbon tape, 5 m measuring tape, 400 mm level, level instrument

Fastening Tools

Auxiliary Tools


Flat-head screwdrivers screwdrivers (M3 to M6)


Phillips screwdrivers (M3 to M6)

Brush, tweezers, paper knife, bellows, plumb, soldering iron, solder wires, fork, ladder, heat gun, solder absorber, PVC insulation tape

Special-Purpose Special-Purpos e Tools

Earth resistance meter, ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, wire stripper, clamping pliers, feeder cutter, crimping tools for SMB, RJ45 crimping tools, impact tool, cable cutter, non-conductive screwdriver, safety knife, peeler for 75-ohm coaxial cables, connector crimping tools for 75-ohm coaxial cables, multi-purpose crimping tools


Multimeter, 500 V megohmmeter (for insulation resistance), BER tester, optical power meter



The instruments must be checked and certified.

4.2.2 Obtaining the Software Package You can obtain the software package from http://support.huawei.com. from http://support.huawei.com.  

4.2.3 Planning Data The onsite planning data for the IPCLK3000 includes network IP addresses and clock sources. Table 4-2 provides 4-2 provides the planning data for network IP addresses. Table 4-2 IP address planning



O&M IP address of the IPCLK3000

For example,

IP address bound to the LMT PC

Service primary IP address (FE/GE-1) of the IPCLK3000

Service secondary IP address (FE/GE-2) of the IPCLK3000

Service IP address (FE/GE-3) of the IPCLK3000

Service IP address (FE/GE-4) of the IPCLK3000

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Table 4-3 provides 4-3 provides the clock source source planning data. Table 4-3 Clock source planning



Clock source type

Description GPS, BITS, or 1PPS/8kHz clock. If the clock source is set to the BITS or 1PPS/8kHz clock, you should also set each port for signal input of each clock source.

Clock switching mode

Free, Manual, Auto If the mode is set to Manual, you should also set the number of the port from which the clock is extracted.

GPS parameters


Working mode of the satellite card


Mask angle


Feeder delay

(Optional; required when the clock signals exported from the IPCLK3000 are

10 MHz or 2.048 MHz, synchronous s ynchronous Ethernet, 1PPS+TOD, E1/T1, 1.544 MHz

needed) output clock frequency

4.2.4 Unpacking the IPCLK3000 After the IPCLK3000 arrives at the site, you should unpack the IPCLK3000 and check the items in the package. This is essential for successful s uccessful installation. NOTE


When transporting, moving, or installing the device, components, or parts, you must:  

Prevent them from colliding with doors, walls, shelves, or other objects.


Avoid touching the uncoated metal surface of the device, components, or parts with sweat-soaked or dirty gloves.

To unpack the IPCLK3000, do as follows:

Step 1  Check the total number of components inside the carton according to the carton label. If...


The total number matches the carton label,

Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

The total number does not match the carton label,

Find the cause and contact Huawei local office.

Step 2  Check whether the packing case is intact.

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The packing case is intact,

Go to to Step  Step 3.  3. 

The packing case is damaged or soaked,

Find the cause and contact Huawei local office.

Step 3  Open the packing case. Check the quantities and types of the shipped components according Packing Li st , and then perform the next step according to the checking result. to the Packing If...


The quantities and types of the components Packing cking L ist , match the Pa

Packing cking L ist  together with the Sign the Pa customer.

There is short shipment, wrong shipment, or equipment damage,

Fill in the Cargo Problems Report.


  To protect the equipment and find out the cause in the case of goods damage, store the unpacked equipment and packing materials indoors for proper storage. T Take ake photographs of the storage environment, rusted or corroded devices, and packing boxes and materials, and then file the photographs. ----End

4.3 Installing the IPCLK3000 Hardware 4.3.1 Installation Scenarios When environmental requirements are fulfilled, the IPCLK3000 supports the following installation modes:  

Installed in a cabinet


Installed in a 19-inch rack


Placed on a desk


The procedure for installing the IPCLK3000 in a cabinet is the same as that for installing the IPCLK3000 in a 19-inch rack. This document takes the procedure for installing the IPCLK3000 in a cabinet as an example.


The procedure for placing the IPCLK3000 on a desk is so simple that you need to install the four rubber feet to the corresponding four circles at the bottom of the IPCLK3000 and place it as required. Therefore, this document does not detail this procedure.

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4.3.2 Installing the IPCLK3000 Case in a Cabinet The IPCLK3000 case can be installed in the spare space in a cabinet to make better use of site space. To install the IPCLK3000 case in a cabinet, do as follows:

Step 1  Hold the case with both hands and align the mounting ears with the holes on the cabinet. Then  push the IPCLK3000 into the cabinet cabinet along the guide rails. rails.

Step 2  Use four panel screws M6 x 12 to secure the IPCLK3000 to the cabinet, as shown in Figure 4-1.  4-1.  Figure 4-1 Installing the IPCLK3000 case in a 19-inch cabinet



If you need to install two IPCLK3000s, you are advised to mount them next to each other in the cabinet and install the lower IPCLK3000 first.


4.3.3 Installing Cables Cabling Specifications Cables need to be routed and installed after the IPCLK3000 case is installed. The power cable should be routed separately from the signal cables. Cables are routed as follows:  

The signal cables from the IPCLK3000 are routed upright along the right column in the cabinet and bound.


The power cable from the IPCLK3000 is routed upright along the left column in the cabinet and bound.


The PGND cable from the IPCLK3000 is routed and connected to the PGND bar in the cabinet.

After the power cable and signal cables are routed out of the cabinet, the cabling on the cable tray is consistent with the cabling for other devices in the cabinet.

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Cables to Be Installed on Site The following cables need to be installed on site for the IPCLK3000:  

Power cable: mandatory; either a DC power cable or an AC power cable


PGND cable: mandatory


Cable for services: mandatory; either an optical cable or an Ethernet cable


Input clock cable: subject to network planning. There can be more than one cable.


Output clock cable: optional; subject to network planning


GPS clock cable: mandatory for the IPCLK3000 configured with a satellite card; not required by the IPCLK3000 without a satellite card


Ethernet cable for O&M: mandatory

   

The actual power port used on site may vary, depending on the site situation. Based on the network planning, however, however, some ports can remain unused. These ports do not have to be connected to cables.

Procedure for Installing Cables When you install cables, install the PGND cable and power cable before you install the signal cables. To install cables, do as follows: Step 1  Route each cable according to the cabling specifications.

Step 2  (Optional) Make connectors as required. Step 3  Connect one end of each cable to the associated port on the IPCLK3000 and the other end to the associated device.

Step 4  Label the cables. Step 5  After all the cables are installed, bind them. ----End

4.3.4 Checking the Installation I nstallation The check on IPCLK3000 installation covers hardware installation, power-on status, and field cleanliness. Before you check the installation, ensure that:  

The IPCLK3000 hardware is installed.


The power switch of the power supply for the IPCLK3000 is set to OFF OFF..

Checking the Hardware Installation After the IPCLK3000 case is installed, you must check the cabinet or rack installation and cable connections. Table 4-4, Table 4-5, and 4-5, and Table  Table 4-6 provide 4-6 provide the checklists for for the IPCLK3000 hardware hardware installation. If any check fails, solve the problem until the check is passed.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

Table 4-4 Checklist for the cabinet or rack installation




The IPCLK3000 is securely installed.


All screws securing the IPCLK3000 are fastened.


The surface of the IPCLK3000 is clean and neat. The external paint is intact.


Labels are correct, legible, and complete.

Table 4-5 Checklist for the signal cable connections




The connectors of signal cables are tight and secure.


The connectors of signal cables are intact.


Signal cables are not scratched or broken.


Signal cables are neatly bound with ties installed at even intervals and to a  proper tightness.


Extra cable ties are cut off. All cuts are smooth without sharp projections.


The cable layout facilitates maintenance and expansion.


Both ends of each cable are correctly and clearly labeled.

Table 4-6 Checklist for the power cable and PGND cable connections




No power cable or PGND cable is short-circuited or reversely connected.


The power cable and PGND cable are separated from other cables.


Labels are attached to both ends of the power cable and PGND cable.


The power cable or the PGND cable is not scratched or broken.


No joint lies in the middle of the power cable or the PGND cable.


 No breaking device device such as a switch or fuse fuse lies in the electric connection of the grounding system.


The redundant part of the power cable or the PGND cable is stripped off but not coiled.


The lugs at both ends of the power cable or the PGND cable are securely soldered or crimped.


The bare wires and lugs at the wiring terminals are tightly wrapped up with the PVC insulation tape or heat-shrinkable tubes.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000




The flat washers and spring washers are well installed to all wiring terminals.

Checking the Power-On Status To check the power-on status, do as follows:

Step 1  Switch on the power supply for the IPCLK3000. Step 2  Use the multimeter to measure the input voltage of the IPCLK3000 and ensure that the value complies with the following specifications. If the value is beyond the range, find the cause until the voltage is compliant. When the power supply to the IPCLK3000 is -48 V DC, the input voltage stays between -38.4 V DC and -57.6 V DC.



When the power supply to the IPCLK3000 is 110 V/220 V AC, the input voltage stays  between 90 V AC and 264 V AC.

Step 3  Check the status of the indicator labeled PWR1 or PWR2 outside the power module. The indicator should be ON.

Step 4  Check the status of other indicators on the panel. They should be in normal states. NOTE


For details about the indicators on the panel, see section section 0"When  0"When the LOC, REF, and GPS indicators are steady yellow at the same time, the NE is being initialized. ". ----End

Checking the Field Cleanliness You should check the field cleanliness. any check fails, solve the problem until the check is  passed.  passed. Table  Table 4-7 provides 4-7 provides the checklistIfffor or field cleanliness. Table 4-7 Checklist for field cleanliness




No tape, tie, wastepaper, or packing bag is present at the installation site.


 No cable ties or other sundries sundries are left in the equipment, in which the IPCLK3000 is located.


No fingerprints or other smears are left on the surface of the IPCLK3000.

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4.4 Using the LMT 4.4.1 Rights Management Concepts Related to Rights Management Table 4-8 describes the concepts related to rights management. Table 4-8 Concepts related to rights management



User type

Local users: This type of users (including the default admin user) is managed  by the LMT. Local users users can log in to the IPCLK3000 IPCLK3000 using the LMT even when it is disconnected from the U2000 server. EMS users: This type of users is managed by the U2000 server in centralized mode. That is, EMS user accounts are created, modified, authenticated, and authorized by the U2000 server. Only authorized EMS users can log in to the IPCLK3000 using the LMT. The authorized EMS users can also log in to the U2000 server through the U2000 client for IPCLK3000 operations. To log directly in to the IPCLK3000 as an EMS user, ensure that the IPCLK3000 is connected to the U2000 server properly.

Operator rights

The LMT operator for IPCLK3000 is a built-in operator (account: admin; default password: hwbs@com). The operator has administration rights. No other operators can be added.

Login  password

To ensure the system security, the default user account is assigned a  password. A user must enter enter the correct user user name and password password when logging in to the LMT. The user can operate the IPCLK3000 only after being verified. Only the admin user is allowed to change the admin login password.

Management of Operator Login Passwords Table 4-9 describes the tasks involved in the management of operator login passwords. Table 4-9 Tasks involved in the management of operator login passwords



Setting login  password  policies


Password policies define how to set login passwords. NOTE

  Password policies define the minimum password length and complexity. If a password does not meet the required minimum password length or complexity, this password cannot take effect.

Password policies define the maximum number of times an incorrect  password can can be enter entered. ed. The d default efault num number ber of attem attempts pts is three. If this threshold is exceeded, the LMT will be locked and then unlocked 30 minutes later. You can specify the length of this duration in the password  policies.

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Description Only the user with the ADMINISTRATOR account user is authorized to set login passwor passwords. ds.

Viewing  password  policies

Changing the  password of a current user account



Run the SET PWDPOLICY command to set login password  policies.


Users can view password policies before setting correct login  passwords.


Run the LST PWDPOLICY command to view password  policies.


The current user can change its own password after login. The new password takes effect upon the next login.


Click Password on the upper right side of the toolbar in the LMT main window. A Password dialog box is displayed. Fill in the Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password text boxes, and click OK .


Be cautious when changing the password of the admin user. If you forget the password, you cannot log in. In this case, contact Huawei for technical support.

4.4.2 Logging In to the LMT You can log in to the LMT to manage the IPCLK3000 locally. After the O&M channel  between the IPCLK3000 IPCLK3000 and the U2000 server is established, you can log in to to the IPCLK3000 using the U2000 server.

Prerequisites Before using the LMT, you must install the JAVA Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE) plug-in of jre-6u26-windows-i586 or a later version in the computer configured with the LMT. The JRE plug-in is a standard Java runtime environment plug-in, which can be downloaded from from http://java.com/.  http://java.com/.    

If the plug-in is not installed on the computer, the system displays the message No Java plug-in is found Login is allowed but the system Java functional module is unavailable.


If the JRE installed in the LMT PC is not of the latest version, a message is displayed when the LMT is started, prompting you to update the JRE. It is advisable to uninstall the existing version before installing the latest version.


If you cannot log in to the LMT after the plug-in is upgraded to the latest version, restart the browser and then log in.

Background Information LMT users are categorized into local users and element management system (EMS) users. For details, see Table see Table 4-8.  4-8.  A maximum of six local users and EMS users can log in to the LMT at the same time. ti me.

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If the colors cannot be displayed in the main window of the LMT, choose Tools > Internet Options from the Internet Explorer menu bar. On the General tab page, click Accessibility. Then, clear the Ignore colors specified on Web pages check box in the Formatting area.


  When the LMT is running, do not change the system time or time zone of an LMT PC. Otherwise, a critical fault may occur in the system. If the system time or time zone has to be changed, perform the operation after the LMT exits.




The refresh function of the browser cannot be used on the LMT. If you use the refresh function in the LMT main window, the LMT is logged out. If you use the refresh function on the monitor window, an error occurs in the script.


When the LMT is used in Internet Explorer, do not change the properties of the cache file

folder. Otherwise, Internet Explorer is automatically refreshed, and therefore, an error occurs in the LMT main window.  

If you choose Start > Run to start File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services, the LMT main window is replaced with the login dialog box of the FTP server. To avoid this problem, choose Tools > Internet Options from the Internet Explorer menu bar. On the Advanced  tab page, under Browse, clear the Reuse windows for launching shortcuts check box.


Before you use the LMT to upgrade or roll back an IPCLK3000, clear the browser's buffer and cookies.


If you press ALT+ to restore the window settings. If the window settings cannot be restored, close the browser and log in to the LMT again.


To use the LMT to log in to the IPCLK3000, perform the following steps:

Step 1  Connect the LMT to the IPCLK3000. Use a crossover cable to connect the Ethernet port on the computer to the DBG/NMS port on the IPCLK3000.

Step 2  In the address box of the browser, enter the IP address of the main control board for local maintenance. The default IP address is Terminal login window is displayed, as shown in Figure in Figure Step 3  Click Go. The Local Maintenance Terminal 4-2.   4-2.

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Figure 4-2 Local Maintenance Terminal login window

Step 4  Enter the user name, password, and verification code in the User Name, Password, and Verify Code text boxes, respectively. Set User Type to Local. NOTE


By default, the user name is admin and the password is hwbs@com. Both are case-sensitive. Change the password after you have logged in to the LMT.  Obtain verify code to change the verification code. If the verification code is illegible, click  Obtain

Step 5  Click Login. The LMT main window is displayed. NOTE


If the login fails because of incorrect information, click R ese eset  t  and  and specify User N am ame e, Password , and V eri fy Cod Code e again to log in to the Web LMT. If the login fails because of other causes, check the communication between the LMT and the IPCLK3000.


To use the U2000 client to log in to the IPCLK3000, perform the following steps:

Step 1  Enter the O&M IP address of the main control board in the address box of the browser. The Local Maintenance Terminal login window is displayed, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-2.  4-2.  NOTE


If the LMT is used in Internet Explorer, perform the following steps before entering the IP address: (a) 

Choose Tools > Internet Options from the menu bar. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed. On the Connections tab page, click LAN Settings. In the displayed LAN Settings  dialog box, select Use a proxy server for your LAN in the Proxy server area, set Address to the U2000 address and set Port Number to 80 for the U2000 client.

(b)  Choose Tools > Internet Options from the menu bar. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed. On the Advanced tab page, select Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections  under HTTP 1.1 settings.

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Step 2  Enter the user name, password, and verification code in the User Name, Password, and respectively. Set User Type to EMS. Verify Code text boxes, respectively. NOTE


EMS user names and passwords are authorized by the U2000 server. If the verificatio verification n code is indistinct, click Obtain verify code to change the verification code.

Step 3  Click Login. The LMT main window is displayed. NOTE


If the login fails because the provided information is incorrect, click Reset and enter the correct information. If the login failure persists, check the connection between the LMT and the main control  board.


4.4.3 Exiting the LMT If you exit the LMT, the LMT is disconnected from the IPCLK3000.

Procedure Step 1  Click Logout in the toolbar in the LMT main window. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Step 2  Click OK . The LMT is disconnected from the IPCLK3000. A dialog box for logging in to the LMT is displayed.

Step 3  Close the browser to exit the LMT. ----End

4.5 Running MML Commands 4.5.1 Introduction to MML Commands Functions of MML Commands You can operate and maintain the entire IPCLK3000 using MML commands. The MML commands enable you to perform the following operations:  

System management


Equipment management


Transmission management


Alarm management


Clock management

Formats of MML Commands The format of an MML command can be "Command Word: Parameter Name=Value;". The command word is mandatory, whereas the parameter name and value are optional. Examples of MML commands are as follows: Issue 05 (2015-12-10)


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An MML command with a command word and parameters: SET ALMSHLD: AID=25600, SHLDFLG=UNSHIELDED;


An MML command with only a command word: LST VER:; 



The value of a string or password parameter must not contain +++ (start characters of an MML message), ---END (end characters of an MML message), or the following characters: < > ! ? \ / ; , = + % * " ' |

Types of Operations Performed Using MML Commands The MML command format is denoted as Action + Object. Object. Table  Table 4-10 describes the most commonly used MML commands. Table 4-10 Most commonly used MML commands












Display (used for dynamic information)


List (used for static information)










Stop or close


Start or open



4.5.2 Introduction to MML Command Window This section describes the components of the MML command window. Figure 4-3 shows the MML command window.

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Figure 4-3 MML command window

Table 4-11 describes the components of the MML command window. Table 4-11 Components of the MML command window





Common Maintenance tab 

Displays the output of an MML command.


Operation Record  Displays the information about all the history commands executed by the operator. tab 


Help Information  tab 

Displays the help information about an MML command.


Pane for manual input of an MML command

Displays the commands and parameter values manually entered.


History Command  text  box

Records all the commands and parameters entered by the operator during one session after login.


Command Input  text box

Displays all the MML commands of the system. You can select an MML command from the drop-down list or directly enter a command.

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Area for settings  parameters of an MML command

Displays all parameters that can be set in an MML command entered in the Command Input text box. The parameters in red are mandatory.


Command output handling options

You can click Save Result, Auto Scroll, or Clear All.



For details about an MML command and relevant parameters, see the MML command help.

4.5.3 Running a Single MML Command You can run man-machine language (MML) commands one at a time to perform routine operation and maintenance.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Background Information You can use one of the following four methods to run a single MML command:  

Enter an MML command in the Command Input text box.


Select an MML command from the History Command drop-down list box.


Choose an MML command in the MML Commands navigation tree.


To manually input an MML command, enter or copy it into the pane for manual input of commands.


Enter an MML command in the Command Input text box.

   

Procedure 

Step 1  Enter an MML command in the Command Input text box. When typing an MML command, you can select the command from the drop-down list.

Step 2  Press Enter or click Assist. The parameters related to the command are displayed in the area for setting the parameters of the command.

Step 3  Set the related parameters. Step 4  Press F9 or click Exec to run the command. The MML command output is displayed on the Common Maintenance tab page. ----End  

Select an MML command from the History Command drop-down list box.

Step 1  Select a historical command from the History Command drop-down list box. Press F7 or click

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to select the previous command, and press F8 or click

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to select the next


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command. The parameters related to the command are displayed in the area for setting the  parameters of the command.

Step 2  Set the related parameters. Step 3  Press F9 or click Exec to run the command. The MML command output is displayed on the Common Maintenance tab page. ----End  

Choose an MML command in the MML Commands navigation tree.

Step 1  Choose and double-click an MML command in the MML Commands navigation tree. Step 2  Set the related parameters. Step 3  Press F9 or click Exec to run the command. The MML command output is displayed on the Common Maintenance tab page. ----End  

To manually input an MML command, command, enter or copy it into the pane for manual input of commands.

Step 1  Manually enter or copy an MML command with complete parameter settings into the pane. Step 2  Press F9 or click Exec to run the command. The MML command output is displayed on the Common Maintenance tab page. ----End




The parameters in red are mandatory, and those in black are optional.


To obtain information about a parameter, move the pointer to the input box of the parameter.


If an MML command fails to be executed, the execution result is displayed in red on the Common Maintenance tab page.  page. 

 

4.5.4 Running MML Commands in Batches To perform an independent function or operation, you can compile a batch file and then run MML commands in batches.


You have logged in to the LMT.


The batch file is ready.

Background Information The batch file (also called data script file) is a text file. It contains a group of commands for a special task. The system automatically runs MML commands in the sequence of the occurrence of MML command scripts.

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Procedure Step 1  In the LMT main window, click Batch. Step 2  Copy a group of command scripts with complete parameter values from the batch file to the  pane for entering MML commands, or manually enter a group of MML commands. commands.



Run the MML commands in batches in debug pattern

Go to Step to Step 3.  3. 

Run the MML commands in batches in common pattern

Go to Step to Step 4.  4. 

Step 3  Click Go To Debug Pattern to specify an execution mode. Step 4  Click Go. The system runs the MML commands one by one. ----End

4.5.5 Setting Parameters in the MML Command Window You can set parameters in the MML Setting dialog box.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  At the upper right corner of the MML tab page, click Setting. The MML Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-4.  4-4. 

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Figure 4-4 MML Setting dialog box

Step 2  Set related parameters as required. Step 3  Click OK . The settings are complete. ----End

4.6 Managing Alarms and Events 4.6.1 Basic Concepts Related to Alarms or Events This section describes the basic concepts related to alarms and events.

Alarm A faulthas alarm is generated a hardware is faulty or astatus major is fault abnormal. Acan faultbe alarm a higher severitywhen than an event. Based on the offunction the faults, alarms categorized into active alarms and cleared alarms.  

If a fault is cleared, the status of the alarm changes to cleared. This type of alarm is called a cleared alarm.


If a fault is not cleared, the status of the alarm remains active. This type of alarm is called an active alarm.



You can search a database for cleared alarms.

Event An event notifies users of important information when the system is running properly. Users do not need to handle an event when it is generated.

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4.6.2 Alarm or Event Log The alarm or event logs record detailed information about each alarm or event generated by the system. In this way, all alarms or events can be easily queried. You can know the detailed information about IPCLK3000 alarms and events based on the alarm/event logs. For details on how to query alarm/query logs, see section section 4.6.6  4.6.6 "Querying Alarm or Event Logs." Logs."

4.6.3 Alarm Severity The alarm severity indicates the severity of an alarm. Based on the severity, all alarms can be categorized into four types: critical, major, minor, and warning. Table 4-12 describes alarm severities and provides handling suggestions for each. Table 4-12 Alarm severities and handling suggestions



Handling Suggestion


Service-affecting condition. Critical alarms Service-affecting require immediate attention, and Critical alarms must be cleared immediately. For example, faulty

Alarms must be cleared immediately. Otherwise, the

devices must be repaired or unavailable resources must be restored.

system may break down.

Major alarm

Degradation of service, not a complete loss of These alarms must  be cleared in time. time. service. Major alarms must be cleared during working hours. For example, the degraded device Otherwise, some important functions  performance or resource performance performance must be cannot be improved. implemented.

Minor alarm

 Non-service-affecting condition. Minor alarms  Non-service-affecting alarms must be handled within a certain period to avoid severer problems.

This helps maintenance  personnel identify and clear potential  problems in time.


Potential service-affecting condition. Warning alarms must be cleared as required.

You only need to learn about the operating status of the system.

4.6.4 NM Alarm Type This section describes alarm types from the perspective of the NM.  

Environment alarm: related to environment of the equipment room


Trunk alarm: related to the transport subsystem


Hardware alarm: related to boards


Software alarm: relates to software.

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Running alarm: related to system running

4.6.5 Browsing Active Alarms or Events  Normal alarms, events, events, and engineering alarms alarms reported to the local maintenance terminal terminal (LMT) are displayed on the Browse Alarm/Event tab page in real time. You can view the detailed information about alarms and events to determine the real-time running status of the system.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  In the LMT main window, click Alarm/Event. In the displayed Alarm/Event window, click the Browse Alarm/Event tab. The Browse Alarm/Event tab page contains Normal Alarm  and Event tab pages. NOTE


On the Normal Alarm tab page, normal alarms generated when the IPCLK3000 is in the common state are displayed.

Step 2  View the alarm or event information on the Browse Alarm/Event tab page. Step 3  To view detailed information about an alarm, double-click the alarm record. The Detailed Information dialog box is displayed.

Step 4  In the Detailed Information dialog box, click Solution to query the description, parameters, impact on the system, system actions, possible causes, and handling procedure. ----End

4.6.6 Querying Alarm or Event Logs You can query the historical alarms or events from the alarm or event logs to determine the  previous running status of the the equipment.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.


GUI mode

Step 1  In the LMT main window, click Alarm/Event, and then click the Query Alarm/Event Log  tab in the Alarm/Event window, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-5.  4-5. 

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Figure 4-5 Query Alarm/Event Log window

To query the alarms or events generated and cleared within the specified time, click the General Option tab.  tab. Table  Table 4-13 describes the fields on the General Option tab page. Table 4-13 Description of the fields on the General Option tab page




Alarm or event type to be selected. By default, all the types are selected.

Raised Time


If you select the Raised Time check box, the alarms or events generated within the specified time are displayed.


If you do not select the Raised Time check box, the alarms or events generated in the following time period are displayed by default:



Any date as the start date and any time as the start time The current date as the end date and the current time as the end time


Severities of the alarms or events to be selected. All the severities are selected by default.

Return Amount

 Number of records in the query result. A maximum maximum of 1000 records can be displayed, and the default number is 64.

To query a type of alarm or event based on the serial number, ID, event type, and board location, click the Detailed Option tab.  tab. Table  Table 4-14 describes the fields on the Detailed Option tab page.

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Table 4-14 Description of the fields on the Detailed Option tab page



Event Type

Event types of the alarms or events to be selected. All the types are selected by default.


IDs of the alarms or events to be selected.

Serial No. Maintenance Mode Flag

Serial numbers of the alarms or events to be selected. Flag indicating the engineering status of the IPCLK3000 that reported an alarm or event.

Board Location

Position of a board that reports an alarm or event, for example, Cabinet No., Subrack No., and Slot No..

Step 2  Set search criteria as required. Step 3  Click Query. The query results are displayed in the Result area. Step 4  To view the detailed information about an alarm or event, double-click the alarm or event record. The Detailed Information dialog box is displayed.

Step 5  In the Detailed Information dialog box, click Solution to query the description, parameters, impact on the system, system actions, possible causes, and handling procedure.

Step 6  Click Close to exit the dialog box. ----End  

MML mode

Run the LST ALMLOG command.

4.6.7 Querying Alarm or Event Configurations By querying alarm or event configurations, you can determine alarm severities, masking status, and modification information.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Background Information The search criteria that can be set are as follows:  





Modification Flag


Shield Flag


Return Amount

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Procedure Step 1  In the LMT main window, click Alarm/Event, and then click the Query Alarm or Event Configuration tab in the displayed Alarm/Event window.

Step 2  Set search criteria as required. Step 3  Click Query. The query results are displayed in the Result area. NOTE


To modify the alarm or event display settings, click Setting in the upper right corner of the Alarm/Event window.


4.6.8 Setting Alarm or Event Query Properties Pr operties Setting alarm or event query properties specifies the settings in an alarm display dialog box. You can customize a color for each alarm or event severity and set alarm or event display columns.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  In the LMT main window, click Alarm/Event. The Alarm/Event window is displayed.

Step 2  Click Setting in the upper right corner of the Alarm/Event window. The Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-6.  4-6.  Figure 4-6 Setting dialog box

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If Enable is selected from the Tips drop-down list, detailed information about an alarm or event is displayed when you move your cursor over the alarm or event record on the Browse Alarm/Event and Query Alarm/Event Log  tab pages.

Step 3  Set the properties of the Alarm/Event window as required. NOTE


To restore the default settings, click Default.

Step 4  Click OK . ----End

4.6.9 Querying Alarm or Event Handling Suggestions You can query the detailed help information about an alarm or event based on alarm or event handling suggestions.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Background Information The detailed help information about an alarm involves the following:  

Alarm description


Alarm parameters


Impact on the system


System actions


Possible causes


Handling procedure

Procedure Step 1  Double-click an alarm on the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm or Event Log tab page. The Detailed Information dialog box is displayed. Step 2  In the displayed Detailed Information dialog box, click Solution. The online help of the alarm or event is displayed. NOTE


You can also right-click an alarm or event and choose Solution to display the online help of the alarm or event.

Step 3  View the definition, attribute, parameters, impact on system, system actions, possible causes, and handling procedure.

Step 4  Click the close button in the upper right corner of the online help to exit it. ----End

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4.6.10 Manually Refreshing Alarms or Events When browsing or querying alarms or events, you can manually refresh the alarms or events displayed on the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  Click Refresh or choose Refresh from the shortcut menu on the Browse Alarm/Event, Alarm/Event, Query Alarm/Event Log, or Query Alarm/Event Configuration tab page. NOTE



The alarms or events are displayed on the Browse Alarm/Event tab page in real time. Therefore, after you refresh the tab page, the cleared alarms or events are not displayed.  displayed. 


The alarms or events are not displayed in real time on the Query Alarm/Event Log  tab page. Therefore, after you manually refresh the tab page, the alarms or events are updated and displayed  based on the original se search arch criter criteria. ia.  


4.6.11 Manually Clearing Alarms or Events When the cause of an alarm or event is located or the alarm or event can be ignored, you can manually clear the alarm or event.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  Select an alarm or event to be manually cleared on the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page.

Step 2  Right-click the alarm or event and choose Clear from the shortcut menu or click Clear in the lower right corner. The Confirm dialog box is displayed.

Step 3  Click OK . The selected alarm or event is cleared, and its color automatically changes to the color of a cleared alarm or event. ----End

4.6.12 Deleting Cleared Alarms or Events When browsing active alarms or events or querying alarm or event logs, you can delete the cleared alarms or events displayed on the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log  tab page.

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Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  On the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page, click Delete All, Delete All Cleared Alarm Alarmss, or Delete Selected Cleared Alarms to clear alarms as required.

Table 4-15 describes the functions of these menu items. Table 4-15 Functions of menu items



Delete All

Deletes all the alarms on the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page.

Delete All Cleared Alarms

Deletes all the cleared alarms on the Query Alarm/Event Log  tab page or on the Normal Alarm tab page of the Browse Alarm/Event tab page.

Delete Selected Cleared Alarms

Deletes all the selected cleared alarms on the Query Alarm/Event Log tab page.


4.6.13 Saving the Information About Alarms or Events You can save all or part of the alarm or event records displayed on the Browse Alarm/Event  or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page as files in .csv format for future reference.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the LMT.

Procedure Step 1  On the Browse Alarm/Event or Query Alarm/Event Log tab page, right-click an alarm or event record to be saved and choose Save Selected from the shortcut menu. The Save dialog  box is displayed.

Step 2  Enter the file name and specify the save path and file type. Step 3  Click Save. ----End

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

4.7 Managing Message Tracing 4.7.1 Concepts Related to Message Tracing The message tracing management function traces ports and users, facilitating daily device maintenance and fault diagnosis. IPCLK3000 provides clock message tracing and CMPV2 tracing. The following uses clock message tracing as an example.

4.7.2 Enabling Clock Message Tracing Prerequisites Clock synchronization links have been established.

Procedure Step 1  In Interface Trace Task , select Clock Messages Trace. The Clock Messages Trace dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-7.  4-7. 

Figure 4-7 Clock Messages Trace dialog box

Step 2  Set related parameters and click Submit, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-8.  4-8.  Figure 4-8 Parameter settings in the Clock Messages Trace dialog box

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

in Figure 4-9.  4-9.  Trace Data is displayed, as shown in Figure Figure 4-9 Trace Data window


4.7.3 Disabling Clock Message Tracing   Right-click and choose Stop Trace Task  from  from the shortcut menu, as shown s hown in Figure in Figure 4-10.  4-10.  Figure 4-10 Stopping a trace task

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

4.8 Managing Performance Monitoring 4.8.1 Concepts Related to Performance Monitoring Management IPCLK3000 provides real-time performance monitoring for the CPU usage, frequency discrimination, and phase discrimination. The following uses CPU usage monitoring as an example.

4.8.2 Starting Monitoring On the LMT window, click Monitor, as shown in Figure in Figure 4-11.  4-11.  Figure 4-11 CPU usage monitoring

The monitoring result is updated in a real-time manner. manner. Figure 4-12 shows results of CPU usage monitoring. Figure 4-12 Results of CPU usage monitoring

4.8.3 Stopping Monitoring To stop performance monitoring, click Cancel.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

4.9 Managing IPCLK3000 Software 4.9.1 Configuring the FTP Server You can download the IPCLK3000 software and data configuration file from an FTP server to the LMT. The FTPS tool is recommended for security.



You have logged in to the LMT.


The FTP server has been configured.

 

Background Information Before you download IPCLK3000 software packages and the data configuration file using FTP, ensure that the FTP server is properly configured. Table configured. Table 4-16 shows the procedures for configuring the FTP server. Table 4-16 Configuring the FTP server

Procedure 1.  (Optional) Download the software of the FTP server


  If the FTP server is unavailable, you need to download the software package of the FTP server.

1. From the LMT main menu, click the Software Management tab. The Software Management tab page is displayed. 2. In the navigation tree, double-click FTP Server Configuration. The FTP Server Configuration pane is displayed, as shown in Figure in  Figure 4-13. 4-13.   3. Click Download FTP Tool. The File Download-Security Warning dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Save. The software of the FTP server (FTPServer.exe) is saved in the specified folder of the computer.

2.  Run the software of the FTP server

Double-click SFTPServer.exe on the PC to start the FTP server. The icon is displayed in the lower right corner of the taskbar after the FTP server is started.

3.  Configure the FTP server

4.  Click the icon and choose FTP server configure. The FTP server configuration dialog box is displayed. 5.  Set User name, Password, and Working directory. Working directory indicates the directory for saving the software package and data configuration file. 6.  Click OK . The FTP server is successfully configured.

Procedure Step 2  From the LMT main menu, click the Software Management tab. The Software Management  tab page is displayed.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

Step 3  In the navigation tree, double-click FTP Server Configuration. The FTP Server in  Figure 4-13.  4-13.  Configuration pane is displayed, as shown in Figure Figure 4-13 FTP Server Configuration pane

Step 4  Enter the IP address in the IP address text box. NOTE


IP the address IP address computer having the LMT installed. IP addressunit must be on same indicates network the segment as theof IPthe address of the LTE main processing andThe transmission (LMPT).

Step 5  Set User name, Password, and File path based on the settings in Table in Table 4-16.  4-16. File path is optional.

Step 6  Click Save. The configuration of the FTP server is saved. NOTE


To change the configuration of the FTP server, click Clear, enter corresponding information, and then click Save.


4.9.2 Managing IPCLK3000 Software and Data Configuration File To add functions or correct defects during IPCLK3000 operation, you may need to upgrade the version software or activate the data configuration file.


You have logged in to the LMT.


The FTP server has been configured.



There is no firewall between the FTP server and the IPCLK3000.


The FTP server user is authenticated to read the specified directory.

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The FTP server is running properly. The IP address of the FTP server must be on the same network segment as the IP address of the IPCLK3000, and the FTP server is  properly connected connected to the IPCLK3000.

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4 Installing IPCLK3000

Background Information The IPCLK3000 software manages the version software and data configuration file. Downloading and activating the data configuration file does not cause the IPCLK3000 to restart. The updated configuration data automatically takes effect next time the IPCLK3000 restarts.



If the IPCLK3000 restarts, all services carried on the IPCLK3000 are interrupted. NOTE


In special scenarios during IPCLK3000 deployment or upgrade, only the smallest LMT package is downloaded. If the complete LMT package is required before the complete LMT package is automatically downloaded, you can run the SPL SOFTWARE command to download the package to the IPCLK3000.

Procedure Step 1  From the LMT main menu, click the Software Management tab. The Software Management  tab page is displayed.

Step 2  In the navigation tree, double-click Download and Activate Software. The Download&Activate Software Software pane is displayed, as shown in Figure in  Figure 4-14.  4-14.  Figure 4-14 Download and Activate Software pane

Step 3  Select the check boxes according to the scenario information, see Table see Table 4-17.  4-17.  Table 4-17 Scenario information


Check Box

Only version software upgrade is required. The data configuration file does not need to  be downloaded or activated. activated.

Download version software and Activate version software

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4 Installing IPCLK3000


Check Box

Version software upgrade and data configuration file download and activation are required.

Download version software, Download configuration file, Activate configuration file, and Activate version software

Version software upgrade and data configuration file download and activation are required.


Step 4  Click Execute. The IPCLK3000 performs the selected tasks from top to bottom as required. NOTE  


If all check boxes are selected, the IPCLK3000 performs the tasks in sequence. When a task is being  performed,  performe d, the progr progress ess bar und under er Execute shows the progress of the task.  task.  


If a check box is not selected, the IPCLK3000 skips this task and proceeds with the next task.


If a task fails, the IPCLK3000 stops this task and following tasks.


If the IPCLK3000 software is successfully activated, the IPCLK3000 automatically restarts and the new software takes effect.


If the IPCLK3000 software fails to be activated, the IPCLK3000 rolls back to the source version.

  


4.10 Installing and Configuring the ICS U2000 Mediation For the method of installing and configuring the U2000 mediation, see the iManager U2000 V200R015 Mediation Operation Guide (Web) (Web)..

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000


5.1 Basic Commissioning of IPCLK3000 The data of the IPCLK3000 is initially configured before delivery delivery.. Therefore, you need to only modify the related data on site, based on the field situations. This section describes major data reconfiguration tasks.

5.1.1 Adding a Service IP Address for the IPCLK3000 By default, no service IP address is preset before the delivery of the IPCLK3000. Y You ou need to add a service IP address for the IPCLK3000 according to the network plan.

Step 1  On the MML client, run the ADD DEVIP command, and set the desired port, and add a service IP address and a subnet mask for the port.



Do not set the subnet mask to 32 bits, that is,

Step 2  (Optional; required when the IPCLK3000 and a client are located on different network segments) On the MML client, run the ADD IPRT command to configure a route for the service port, through which the IPCLK3000 is connected to the client. NOTE


Alternatively, configure a route for the service port when the IPCLK3000 is actually connected to a client.

Step 3  (Optional; required when VLAN is configured for the service port on the client) On the MML client, run the ADD VLAN command to add a VLAN for the service port, ensuring that the IPCLK3000 and the client can communicate with each other. NOTE


Alternatively, add a VLAN for the service port when the IPCLK3000 is actually connected to a client. To query the VLAN, run the  LST VLAN command. To delete the VLAN, run the RMV VLAN  command.

Step 4  (Optional; when the IPCLK3000 is configured with VLANCLASS) On the MML client, run the ADD VLANCLASS command to add a VLAN subinterface s ubinterface for the service port. To query

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

the information of the current VLAN subinterface, run the DSP VLANCLASS command. To delete the VLAN subinterface, run the RMV VLANCLASS command. NOTE


The VLAN subinterface function and the DEVIP function are exclusive of each other; that is, only one IP mechanism functions at a time. After the VLAN subinterface function takes effect, the TOP and 1588 multicast functions fail. Select the VLAN subinterface function or the DEVIP function based on actual requirements.


5.1.2 Changing the O&M IP Address of the IPCLK3000 If the O&M IP address preset before the delivery of the IPCLK3000 does not comply with the network planning, you should change that IP address to the planned IP address. NOTE


This section assumes that the remote O&M terminal is ready while you are performing local commissioning for the IPCLK3000. After this procedure, the IPCLK3000 is connected to the O&M terminal.

To change the O&M IP address of the IPCLK3000, do as follows:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET LOCALIP command to change the O&M IP address and the subnet mask.



Do not set the subnet mask to 32 bits, that is,

Step 2  Exit the Web LMT application. That is because the Web LMT is disconnected from the IPCLK3000 whose IP address has been changed.

Step 3  (Optional; required when the IPCLK3000 and the computer are located on different network segments) Change the IP address of the computer to the same network segment as the IPCLK3000. performed when an to LMT or U2000 is remotely connected to the IPCLK3000) Step 4  (Optional; Reinstall the cables according the field physical networking requirements.

Step 5  Restart the LMT application and log in to the IPCLK3000. Step 6  (Optional; required when the IPCLK3000 and the U2000 are located on different network segments) On the MML client, run the ADD IPRT command to configure a route for the O&M port, through which the IPCLK3000 is connected to the U2000. ----End

5.1.3 Reconfiguring Input Clock Sources The clock source information is the information about clock input to the IPCLK3000. As a server,, one IPCLK3000 can be configured with multiple clock sources at a time. You server You should configure clock sources as planned.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

To reconfigure reconfigure clock sources, do as follows:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST SRVCLKSRC command to check the configuration of input clock sources.

If the result and the planning are…  are… 



This task ends.


Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKSRC command to set the input clock types for the clock port.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the LST CLKPORTSTATUS command to query the clock port status.

If the configured clock source and the planned clock source are…  are… 



End this task.


Go to to Step  Step 4.  4. 

Step 4  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the clock port status to input according to the network plan. ----End

5.1.4 Modifying Output Clock Information The IPCLK3000 can function as a clock source outputting clock signals. You You can configure one IPCLK3000 to output one or more clocks at a time according to the network plan.

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST SRVCLKOUTPARA command to query the output clock type of the clock port.  port.  

If the configured clock source and the planned clock source are…  are… 



End this task.


Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKOUTPARA command to set the output clock type of the clock port.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the LST CLKPORTSTATUS command to query the working status of a clock port.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

If the configured clock source and the planned clock source are…  are… 



End this task.


Go to to Step  Step 4.  4. 

Step 4  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the clock port status to output according to the network plan. ----End

5.1.5 Changing the Clock Source Switching Mode The following modes are available for clock source switching: FREE, MANUAL and AUTO. At a time, the IPCLK3000 can use only one clock source. To change the clock source switching mode, do as follows:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST SRVCLKMODE command to check the clock source switching mode.

If the result and the planning are…  are… 



This task ends.


Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKMODE command to set the clock source switching mode to the planned mode. ----End

5.1.6 Changing the Output Clock Frequency for the Test Port When the IPCLK3000 needs to provide a clock for other equipment, you need to set the output clock frequency. frequency. This clock frequency refers to the frequency of the clock exported by the port labeled OUT-CLK  on  on the panel of the IPCLK3000, which is used to test the output of clock signals.

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST TESTPORTOUT command to check the initial setting of the output clock frequency. frequency.

If the result and the planning are…  are… 



This task ends.


Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET TESTPORTOUT command to set the output clock frequency. ----End Issue 05 (2015-12-10)


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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

5.1.7 Changing the Working Status of the PTP Ports on IPCLK3000 IPCLK3000 provides four PTP ports, corresponding to FE/GE-1, FE/GE-2, FE/GE-3, and FE/GE-4 on the front panel. By default, for FE/GE-1 and FE/GE-3, the PTP function is enabled; for FE/GE-2 and FE/GE-4, the PTP P TP function is disabled. To enable/disable PTP ports, do as follows:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST PTPPORTSTA command to statically query the enabled/disabled status information of PTP ports.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPORTSTA command to set the enabled/disabled status of PTP ports.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the DSP PTPPORTPARA command to dynamically query the enabled/disabled status information of PTP ports.

If 1588 synchronization or a Huawei proprietary protocol is enabled on a service port of an IPCLK3000, ensure that the intermediate network can transmit packets form ports 319, 320, 35001, and 33003.  


5.1.8 Modifying the GPS Data When the IPCLK3000 uses the clock source from the built-in satellite card, you need to configure the GPS-related data, that is, the working mode of the satellite card, the GPS mask angle, and the delay on the feeder. To reconfigure reconfigure the GPS data, do as follows:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST GPSPARA command to check the initial settings of the GPS parameters.

If the result and the planning are…  are… 



This task ends.


Go to to Step  Step 2.  2. 

parameters to the Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET GPSPARA command to set the GPS parameters  planned values. ----End

5.1.9 Configuring the Protocol Module To address different different scenarios, there are six protocol modules, as provided in in Table  Table 5-1. The 5-1. The system uses MODULE1-E2E-UNICAST-FREQ MODULE1-E2E-UNICAST-FREQ by default.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Table 5-1 Protocol modules





End-to-end unicast, frequency synchronization

Used in the GSM, WCDMA, and FDD LTE.


End-to-end multicast,

Used in the GSM, WCDMA, and FDD


frequency synchronization



End-to-end unicast, time synchronization

Used in the WiMAX and TDD LTE.


End-to-end multicast, time synchronization

Used in the WiMAX and TDD LTE.


Point-to-point unicast, time synchronization

Used in the WiMAX and TDD LTE.


Point-to-point multicast, time synchronization

Used in the WiMAX and TDD LTE.

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST PTPFILE command to query the current template type. Step 2  Run the MML command SET PTPFILE and select the desired PTP port number to configure a protocol module.

Step 3  Run the MML command DSP PTPPARA to query the parameter settings of the current  protocol module.

Step 4  Run the MML command SET PTPPARA to set the parameters parameters of a protocol module such as UNICAST/MULTICAST, UNICAST/MULTI CAST, ANNOUNCE, SYNC, and DELAY_REQ.



It is recommended that the parameters including ANNOUNCE, SYNC, and DELA DELAY_REQ Y_REQ should take default values. If these parameters take larger values, the clock link requires higher bandwidth and the access capability of the IPCLK3000 is reduced. The ANNOUNCE ANNOUNCE  parameter should take a larger value value only when the QoS-enabled QoS-enabled network is in bad conditions. conditions. After you run the SET PTPFILE and SET PTPPARA command, you need to reset the IPCLK3000 to validate the configuration. ----End

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

5.1.10 Configuring the NTP Server To maintain and manage the IPCLK3000 and other NEs in the centralized manner, you need to synchronize the date and time (year/month/date/hour/minute/second) (year/month/date/hour/minute/second) between multiple  Network Time Time Protocol (NTP) (NTP) clients through the only NTP server in in real time. Depending on the site requirements, you can start the NTP server in either of the following ways:  

 


At the RNC side, you can start the NTP server through the monitor of the BAM server. At the U2000 server side, the NTP server is integrated into the Sun operating system. For details on how to start the NTP server server,, contact the U2000 administrator.

Step 1  Run the MML command ADD NTPC to add a NTP client. Step 2  Run the MML command LST NTPC to query the NTP client parameters. Step 3  Run the MML command DSP NTPC to query the NTPC status. ----End

5.1.11 Setting the Number of Clients The IPCLK3000 provides MML commands, allowing the number of PTP- or TOP-compliant TOP-compliant  base stations supported by different service service ports to be configured. configured.  DSP CLTINFO Run the MMLsupported commandby query Step 1   base stations different service toports.  ports.   the number of PTP- or TOP-compliant

If the query results are…  are… 


Consistent with the actuality,

End the task.

Inconsistent with the actuality,

Go to Step 2.

Step 2  Run the MML command SET MAXCLT to set the number of PTP- or TOP-compliant base stations supported by different service ports. ----End

5.1.12 Modifying Clock ID The CLOCK ID parameter of each IPCLK3000 to be delivered takes the same value. However, the PTP devices in one PTP domain must have different CLOCK IDs. Therefore, you need to set the CLOCK IDs of the IPCLK3000s (PTP devices) in one PTP domain to different values. The clock IDs of the four service ports on an IPCLK3000 must be different from each other.

Step 1  Run the MML command LST CLOCKID to query the CLOCK ID parameters. Step 2  Run the MML command SET CLOCKID to set the CLOCK ID parameters. ----End

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

5.2 Configuring the IPCLK3000 as a Time Source (PTP) 5.2.1 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a Time Source Interconnecting with a TDD Base Station Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKSRC command to set the input type for a clock  port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the working status of the port to input. Table 5-2 Time input ports on the IPCLK3000

Port Name

Clock Source Type

 Working Status

Port Type



Receiving a 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA reference source




Receiving a 1PPS+TOD_UBX or



The number of time input ports need to be configured according to the network plan. More than one

1PPS+TOD_NMEA reference source GPS1




Input   Input



time input ports can be configured.


Configure one or more clock sources according to the network plan and configure the type and working status for the clock sources based on the actual application scenario.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPORTSTA command, select the desired PTP port, and enable it. Otherwise, IEEE 1588 packets cannot be transmitted or processed.

Step 4  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKMODE command. Retain the default working mode for the reference clock source AUTO or manually specify a reference clock source.

Step 5  On the MML client, run the SET PTPFILE command to set the protocol template type. Step 6  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPARA command to set the protocol template  parameters. NOTE


The modified protocol template type or parameters take effect only after the IPCLK3000 restarts.

Step 7  On the MML client, run the RST BRD command to reset the IPCLK3000. Step 8  On the MML client, run the DSP SRVCLKSTAT command to query the clock status of the server.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000 NOTE


Once the query result shows that the status of the current time phase-locked loop is locked, the IPCLK3000 can function as a time source for interconnecting with a TDD base station.


5.3 Configuring the IPCLK3000 as a Frequency Source (PTP/TOP) 5.3.1 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a PTP Frequency Source Interconnecting with a Base Station Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKSRC command to set the input type for a clock  port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the working status of the port to input. Table 5-3 Frequency input ports on the IPCLK3000

Port Name

Clock Source Type

 Working Status

Port Type



Receiving a 1PPS or 8 kHz clock reference source




Receiving a 1PPS or 8 kHz clock reference source




Receiving an E1, T1, 2.048 MHz, or 1.544 MHz balanced input reference source




Receiving an E1, T1,



The number of frequency input ports need to be configured according to the network  plan. More than one frequency input ports can be configured.

2.048 MHz, or 1.544 MHz balanced input reference source E1/2M_SMB_1

Receiving an E1, 2.048 MHz, or 10 MHz unbalanced input reference source




Receiving an E1, 2.048 MHz, or 10 MHz unbalanced input reference source



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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Port Name

Clock Source Type

 Working Status

Port Type


Receiving a 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA reference source




Receiving a 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA reference source












Configure one or more clock sources according to the network plan and configure the type and working status for the clock sources based on the actual application scenario.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPORTSTA command, select the desired PTP port, and enable it. Otherwise, IEEE 1588 packets cannot be transmitted or processed.

Step 4  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKMODE command. Retain the default working mode for the reference clock source AUTO or manually specify a reference clock source.

Step 5  On the MML client, run the SET PTPFILE command to set the protocol template type. Step 6  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPARA command to set the protocol template  parameters. NOTE


The modified protocol template type or parameters take effect only after the IPCLK3000 restarts.

Step 7  On the MML client, run the RST BRD command to reset the IPCLK3000. Step 8  On the MML client, run the DSP SRVCLKSTAT command to query the clock status of the server. NOTE


Once the query result shows that the status of the current frequency phase-locked loop is locked, the IPCLK3000 can function as a frequency source for interconnecting with an FDD base station.


5.3.2 IPCLK3000 Functioning as a TOP Frequency Source Interconnecting with a Base Station Perform Steps 1 to 3 in section section 5.3.1  5.3.1 "IPCLK3000 Functioning as a PTP Frequency Source Interconnecting with a Base Station" and Station" and then proceed the following steps:

Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET TOPIP command to specify an IP address in DEVIP as a TOP IP address.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Step 2  On the MML client, run the RST BRD command to reset the IPCLK3000. Step 3  On the MML client, run the DSP SRVCLKSTAT command to query the clock status of the server.  NOTE


Once the query result shows that the status of the current frequency phase-locked loop is locked, the IPCLK3000 can function as a frequency source for interconnecting with an FDD base station.


5.4 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Physical Clock Signals 5.4.1 Scenario 1: Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Time Signals Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKSRC command to set the output type for a clock  port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the working status of the port to output. Table 5-4 Time output ports on the IPCLK3000

Port Name

Output Type

 Working Status

Port Type



Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals




Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals



The number of time output ports need to be configured according to the network  plan. More than one


Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals




Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals




Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals



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time output  ports can be configured.


IPCLK3000 User Guide

5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Port Name

Output Type

 Working Status

Port Type


Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals




Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals




Outputting 1PPS+TOD_UBX or 1PPS+TOD_NMEA 1PPS+TOD_NME A time signals






Configure the time output ports according to the network plan and configure output time signals based on the actual scenario.


5.4.2 Scenario 2: Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Frequency Signals Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKSRC command to set the output type for a clock  port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET CLKPORTSTATUS command to set the working status of the port to output. Table 5-5 Frequency output ports on the IPCLK3000


Output Type

Port Type

Quantity The number of frequency output ports need to be configured according to the network  plan. More than one frequency output ports can be configured.


Name E1/T1_RJ 45_1

Outputting E1, T1, 2.048 MHz, or 1.544 MHz  balanced clock signals signals



E1/T1_RJ 45_2

Outputting E1, T1, 2.048 MHz, or 1.544 MHz  balanced clock signals signals



E1/2M_S MB_3

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_4

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



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Port Name

Output Type

 Working Status

Port Type

E1/2M_S MB_5

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_6

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_7

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_8

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_9

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock signals



E1/2M_S MB_10

Outputting E1 or 2.048 MHz unbalanced clock







Configure the frequency output ports according to the network plan and configure output frequency signals based on the actual scenario.


5.5 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Output Synchronous Ethernet Clock Signals the MMLEthernet client, run the DSP SYNCEPORTSTA command to query the status of a Step 1  On synchronous port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET SYNCEPORTSTA command to set the status of a synchronous Ethernet port. NOTE


After being enabled, ports FE/GE-1, FE/GE-2, FE/GE-3, and FE/GE-4 can provide synchronous Ethernet clock signals.  


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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

5.6 Configuring the Clock Output Frequency of the Test Port on the IPCLK3000 Step 1  On the MML client, run the DSP TESTPORTOUT command to query the output clock frequency of the test port.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the SET TESTPORTOUT command to set the output clock frequency of the test port. NOTE


You can configure the test port to output 2 2.048 .048 MHz, 1.544 MHz, 10 MHz, or 1PSS cloc clock k signals.


5.7 Configuring an IPCLK3000 as a BC IPCLK3000 can work as a BC.And the PTP port status such as master and slave needs to be configured manually.Ensure manually.Ensure that you perform this operation according to your network plan.

Step 1  On the MML client, run the SET PORTWORKSTATUS command. Select a desired port and set its working status to SLAVE.



To configure two ports as slave ports, perform this step. s tep. After you run SET PORTWORKSTATUS for a port, the specified state takes effect after after the port restarts.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the ADD DEVIP command to add a service IP address and mask for the port.

CAUTION   Do not add a 32-bit 32 -bit mask, for example,

Step 3  On the MML client, run the SET PTPPORTSTA command to set the status of the PTP port to ENABLE .

Step 4  On the MML client, run the ADD IPCLKLINK  command  command to add an IP clock link.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Figure 5-1 Parameter setting of ADD IPCLKLINK  


Set IP Clock No. to 0 or 1.


Set Port No. to the ID of the port specified in step 1.


Set Clock Net Mode to L3_MULTICAST or L2_MULTICAST.

  


If Clock Net Mode is set to L3_MULTICAST, you need to set IP mode (which can be set only to IPV4 currently), Client IPv4, and Server IPv4.


If Clock Net Mode is set to L2_MULTICAST, you do not need to set IP mode, Client IPv4, or Server IPv4.


Set Domain to the ID of the domain to which the IP clock link being added belongs. Ensure that this parameter value is the same as that on the server side.


Set Delay Type to E2E (end-to-end) or P2P (point-to-point).


Set Profile Type to the protocol used by the IP clock link being added. Only 1588V2 Time Multicast is available currently.


Set Compensation to the value compensated for tracking the IP clock link being added.


Set Link Local ClockClass to the local clock class of the IP clock link being added.

Step 5  On the MML client, run the SET SRVCLKMODE command to specify the method used to switch between reference clock sources.  

MANUAL: If you set Clock Working Mode to MANUAL, set both Selected Clock Source and Selected Time Source to PTP.




FREE: This parameter value is not allowed for this case.

 

the MML client, run the DSP SRVCURSRC command to check whether the currently Step 6  On tracked clock source is PTP.

Step 7  On the MML client, run the DSP SRVCLKSTAT command to check whether the state of the frequency/time phase-locked loop is locked. ----End

5.8 Verifying the IPCLK3000 Functionality Functionality This verification is performed before the IPCLK3000 is connected to clients. Therefore, the focus of the verification is the status of the IPCLK3000. To verify the IPCLK3000 functionality, do as follows:

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Step 1  On the MML client, run the LST ALMAF command to query active alarms. If...


There is an active alarm,

Clear the alarm. For how to clear the alarm, see the alarm help.

Any alarm fails to be cleared,

Contact Huawei.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the DSP BRD command to confirm that the running state s tate of the IPCLK3000 is normal.

Step 3  On the MML client, run the DSP SRVCLKSTAT command to confirm that the clock source status of the IPCLK3000 is normal. ----End

5.9 Configuring the IPCLK3000 to Be Under the Management of the U2000 You can configure the IPCLK3000 to be under the centralized management of the U2000. The  prerequisites for this task task are as follows:  

The IPCLK3000 passes local office verification.


The O&M network passes commissioning. The U2000 is operational.


The version of the U2000 is compatible with the version of the IPCLK3000.

 




When the IPCLK3000 and the U2000 are located on the same network segment, no route needs to be configured before this task.


When the IPCLK3000 and the U2000 are located on different network segments, the route from the IPCLK3000 to the U2000 needs to be configured before this task.


The IPCLK3000 supports 16 O&M IP routes and 128x4 service IP routes.

To configure configure the IPCLK3000 to be under the management of the U2000, do as follows:

Step 1  Connect the IPCLK3000 to the O&M network by connecting one end of the straight-through cable to the hub connected to the IPCLK3000 and connecting the other end to the device such as a hub or router.

Step 2  On the MML client, run the LST IPRT command to check whether any route from the IPCLK3000 to the U2000 is available on the IPCLK3000.



The route is reachable,

This task ends.

 No route is unreachable, unreachable,

Go to Step to Step 3.  3. 

The route is configured incorrectly incorrectly,,

Run the RMV IPRT command to delete the route and go to Step to Step 3.  3. 

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5 Commissioning and Configuring IPCLK3000

Step 3  On the MML client, run the ADD IPRT command to configure a route from the IPCLK3000 to the O&M port on the U2000. In this step, set the destination IP address to the address of the network where the U2000 server is located, and set the next hop address to the IP address of the router connected to the IPCLK3000. Table IPCLK3000. Table 5-6 describes a route from the IPCLK3000 to the U2000 as an example. Table 5-6 Example of route from the IPCLK3000 to the U2000


The IP address of the U2000 server is, and the subnet mask is The IPCLK3000 is connected to the U2000 through a router, whose IP address is 


Run the ADD IPRT command. Set the port type to DEBUG, destination IP address to, subnet mask to, and next hop IP address to 

Step 4   Notify the personnel on the U2000 side to create the the IPCLK3000 on the U2000. U2000. Then, the IPCLK3000 is under the management of the U2000. NOTE


When the IPCLK3000 needs to be connected to another network, you need to set a router to the gateway. For details, see the previous steps for configuring the IPCLK3000 to be under the management of the U2000.


5.10 Constraints Between the IP Addresses and Routes of Physical Ports on the IPCLK3000  5.10.1 Why Constraints Are Required  Required   The DBG/NMS port (O&M port) and FE/GE-1 service port belong to the same routing domain. If the IP addresses of the two ports are on the same network segment, packet transmission becomes abnormal.

5.10.2 Constraints  


Constraints between the IP addresses of a port and routes configured on the port − 

The IP address of a port must be different from the next-hop IP address of a route configured on the port.


When the IP address of a port is referenced by a route of this port (that is, the network segments and masks of the IP address of a port and the next-hop IP address of a route configured on the port are respectively the same), the IP address must not be deleted.

Constraints between the IP addresses and routes of the DBG/NMS port and FE/GE-1 service port − 

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The network segment of the destination IP address of a route configured on the DBG/NMS port and the network segment of the IP address of the FE/GE-1 service  port must be different different and must not overlap. overlap.

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For example, the network segments of A2 and B1 must be different and must not overlap. − 

The network segment of the destination IP address of a route configured on the FE/GE-1 service port and the network segment of the IP address of the DBG/NMS  port must be different different and must not overlap. overlap. For example, the network segments of B2 and A1 must be different and must not overlap.


The network segment of the destination IP address of a route configured on the DBG/NMS port and the network segment of the destination IP address of a route configured on the FE/GE-1 service port must be different and must not overlap. For example, the network segments of A2 and B2 must be different and must not overlap.


The network segment of the IP address of the DBG/NMS port and the network segment of the IP address of the FE/GE-1 service port must be different and must not overlap. For example, the network segments of A1 and B1 must be different and must not overlap.

Figure 5-2 Example IPCLK






LocalIP=A1 MASK=a1





DestinationIP=A2 MASK=a2

DestinationIP=B2 MASK=b2

DestinationIP=C2 MASK=c2

DestinationIP=D2 MASK=d2

DestinationIP=E2 MASK=e2

5.10.3 Method for Checking Whether Two Network Segments Are the Same or Overlap IPaddress=IP1DestinationIP=IP2 MASK=mask1MASK=mask2  

S1 = IP1 & mask1; S2 = IP2 & mask1; S3 = IP1 & mask2; S4 = IP2 & mask2 S1, S2, S3, and S4 are network segments. If S1 = S2 or S3 = S4, network segments of IP1 and IP2 are considered the same or overlap.

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance


IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

6.1 Introduction to IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance 6.1.1 Range of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance The purpose of routine maintenance is to ensure reliability, reliability, stability, and optimum operation state of IPCLK3000. Routine maintenance reduces the risk of system failure by identifying and tackling problems in time. IPCLK3000 routine maintenance includes as follows:  

To perform routine maintenance for the U2000


To perform the equipment maintenance

 

6.1.2 Items List and Period of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance According to the maintenance frequency, frequency, routine maintenance is of the following types: weekly maintenance, and monthly maintenance. Table 6-1 and Table and Table 6-2 list the contents and operation references of the weekly maintenance and monthly maintenance respectively. respectively. You can add or delete maintenance tasks according to the field requirements. Table 6-1 Weekly maintenance tasks




Querying Current Fault Alarms


Querying Event Alarms


Measuring Alarms


Querying and Saving the Operation Logs of the IPCLK3000


Querying and Saving Other Logs of the IPCLK3000


Checking the Running Status of the IPCLK3000


Checking the Status of Boards


Checking the Status of the Traced Clock Source

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Table 6-2 Monthly maintenance tasks




Checking Power Supply and Grounding System


Checking Appearance of the Equipment


Setting the Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time

6.1.3 Tools and Utilities of IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance Tools and utilities of IPCLK3000 routine maintenance involve the U2000 client and the LMT client.

U2000 The U2000 client is used to monitor multiple IPCLK3000s simultaneously. simultaneously.

LMT An LMT is used to perform routine maintenance for an IPCLK3000. When the U2000 client detects a fault of an IPCLK3000, you can log in to the IPCLK3000 through the LMT to locate, analyze, and clear that fault.

6.2 Weekly Maintenance Guidelines of the IPCLK3000 6.2.1 Querying Current Fault Alarms This section describes how to monitor the fault alarms of the IPCLK3000 through the U2000 client.

Prerequisite 

The U2000 client communicates with the IPCLK3000 properly.

You have the permission to query alarms.



Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Topology > Main Topology. The Main Topology tab is displayed.

Step 2  Right-click the IPCLK3000 icon in the physical topological tree. Step 3  Choose Query Alarm/Event > Current Alarm. The Current Alarm tab is displayed, displaying the current fault alarms.

Step 4  Double-click an alarm and then you can view its details in the Details dialog box displayed.

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance NOTE


If an alarm is selected,  

Its details are displayed in Details.


You can click the link in Troubleshooting  to observe the suggestions suggestions in processing this alarm.

Step 5  Contact associated engineers to acknowledge the uncleared alarms and to analyze and acknowledge the automatically cleared alarms.

Step 6  You can click Modify to record the symptom, cause, and processing steps of the fault in Experience of the Details dialog box.

Step 7  Repeat steps 4 through 6 to process the alarms one by one until no fault alarm is raised. ----End

Follow-up Procedure  None

6.2.2 Querying Event Alarms This section describes how to monitor the event alarms of the IPCLK3000 through the U2000 client.


You have logged in to the U2000 client and the U2000 client communicates with the associated NEs properly. properly.


You have the permission to query alarms.

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Topology > Main Topology. The Main Topology tab is displayed.

Step 2  Right-click the IPCLK3000 icon in the physical topological tree. Step 3  Choose Query Event Logs  – Event Event Source > Event Logs. The Event Alarm tab is displayed, displaying the even alarms. Step 4  Double-click an alarm and then you can view its details in the Details dialog box displayed. NOTE


If an alarm is selected,  

Its details are displayed in Details.


You can click the link in Troubleshooting  to observe the suggestions suggestions in processing this alarm.

Step 5  You can click Modify to record the symptom, cause, and processing steps of the alarm in Experience of the Details dialog box.

Step 6  Repeat steps 4 through 6 to acknowledge and process the alarms one by one. ----End

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Follow-up Procedure  None

6.2.3 Measuring Alarms This section describes how to measure the alarms of the IPCLK3000 on the U2000 client by alarm severity or alarm type, and how to save the measurement results.


You have logged in to the U2000 client and the U2000 client communicates with the associated NEs properly. properly.


You have the permission to measure alarms.

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Monitor > Alarm Log Statistics > Event Log Statistics. The Filter dialog box is displayed.

Step 2  Set a query condition in the Filter dialog box.  to start query. The current alarms are displayed on the Alarm Log Statistics or Step 3  Click OK  to Event Log Statistics tab. NOTE


It is recommended that you create a condition template for daily measurement purposes. To create a condition template, template, do as follows:  

Click Template to set query conditions.


Select Save As.


Enter the template name in the displayed dialog box and click OK .

  

The query results are displayed on the Table and Pie tabs.  

The Table tab displays the measurement results in a table.


The Pie tab displays the measurement results in a pie chart.

Step 4  Click Save As and specify the file format and path to save the measure results as a file.  

Click the Table tab in the result pane to save the file in *.txt, *.html, *.pdf, *.xlsx, *.xls,


or *.csv format. Click the Pie tab in the result pane to save the file in *.jpg format.

Step 5  Write the alarm measurement results to the daily maintenance record. ----End

Follow-up Procedure  None

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

6.2.4 Querying and Saving the Operation Logs of the IPCLK3000 This section describes how to save the operation logs of the IPCLK3000 on the U2000 client. You can query the operation logs on the GUI by item and save the query results by category.

Prerequisite 

The U2000 client communicates with the U2000 server s erver properly properly..

The synchronization of the U2000 user logs and the NodeB operation logs is completed. For details on how to configure log synchronization, see the U2000 Operation Guide. Guide.


Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose System > Log Management > Query NE Operation Logs. The interface as shown in Figure in Figure 6-1 is displayed. Figure 6-1 Filtering criteria

Step 2  In the Filter Criteria dialog box, set the conditions for querying NE operation logs.  

Select Succeeded  or Failed in Result based on the actual operation result.


Set the time range for querying operation logs in Time Range.


Select an IPCLK3000 to be queried in Selected NEs.

Step 3  Click OK . The log query results are displayed in Query NE Operation Logs.

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

Step 4  Click Save, enter a file name, and select a file format to save the queried operation logs. The queried operation logs are saved to the specified directory. ----End

Follow-up Procedure  None

6.2.5 Querying and Saving Other Logs of the IPCLK3000 This section describes how to save IPCLK3000 logs on the U2000 client, including the running logs, debug logs, operation logs, exception logs, and board logs.


The U2000 client communicates with the U2000 server s erver properly properly..


The FTP server is set.


The FTP server and the IPCLK3000 are on the same intranet and communicate with each other properly.



 No firewall is deployed deployed between the FTP server and the IPCLK3000. IPCLK3000. You have the permission to run the MML query commands of the IPCLK3000.

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Maintenance > MML Command. The MML command interface is displayed.

Step 2  On the left, choose NE > ICS. The MML command navigation tree of the IPCLK3000 is displayed.

Step 3  Run the ULD FILE command to upload the IPCLK3000 logs to the specified path. Set  parameters as follows: follows:  

Enter a file name in Destination File Name.


Select a file type in File Type.

 


To back up running logs, select RUNLOG.


To back up operation logs, select OPRLOG.


To back up debug logs, select DBGLOG.


To back up exception logs, select EXPT.


To back up board logs, select BRDLOG.


Enter the IP address in Server IP.


Enter the login user name and password in FTP User Name and FTP Password.


Follow-up Procedure  None

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

6.2.6 Checking the Running Status of the IPCLK3000 This section describes how to check the running status of the IPCLK3000 on the U2000 client, including the software status, software synchronization status, and CPU usage.


You have logged in to the U2000 client and the U2000 client communicates with the IPCLK3000 properly.


You have the permission to run MML commands.

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Maintenance > MML Command. The MML command interface is displayed.

Step 2  On the left, select the IPCLK3000. The MML command navigation tree of the IPCLK3000 is displayed.

Step 3  Run the DSP SOFTSTATUS command to query the current software status. Step 4  Run the DSP SOFTSYNCH command to check whether the data stored on the active buffer of the IPCLK3000 is synchronized to the standby buffer.

Step 5  Run the DSP CPUUSAGE command to query the CPU usage of the specified board. ----End

Follow-up Procedure  None

6.2.7 Checking the Status of Boards This section describes how to check the status of the boards of the IPCLK3000 on the U2000 client.


The U2000 client and server are communicating with each other correctly. correctly.


You have the permission to run the MML query commands of the IPCLK3000.

 

Procedure Step 1  The MML Command tab page is displayed. On the U2000 client, choose Maintenance  > MML Command.

The MML command interface is displayed.

Step 2  On the left, select the IPCLK3000. The MML command navigation tree of the IPCLK3000 is displayed.

Step 3  Run the DSP BRD command to query the status of the boards of the IPCLK3000 without setting any parameters.

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance NOTE


If any board is found in an abnormal state, contact associated engineers to rectify the fault. For details, see the IPCLK3000 the IPCLK3000 Alarm Refer Reference ence.. 


Expected Result  None

6.2.8 Checking the Status of the Traced Clock Source This section describes how to check the status of the traced clock source of the IPCLK3000 through the U2000 client.


The U2000 client and server are communicating with each other correctly. correctly.


You have the permission to run the MML query commands of the IPCLK3000.

 

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Maintenance > MML Command. The MML command interface is displayed.

Step 2  On the left, select the IPCLK3000. The MML command navigation tree of the IPCLK3000 is displayed.

Step 3  Run the DSP SRVCURSRC command to query the status of the clock source in position. ----End



If any clock source is found in an abnormal state, contact associated engineers to rectify the fault. For details, see the IPCLK3000 the IPCLK3000 Alarm Refer Reference ence.. 

Expected Result  None

6.3 Monthly Maintenance Guidelines of the IPCLK3000 6.3.1 Checking Power Supply and Grounding System Prerequisite  None

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Procedure Step 1  Carefully check the connection of the power cable. Step 2  Use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the power supply. Step 3  Check whether the PGND cable and ground bar are connected properly. Step 4  Use an earth resistance meter to measure the earth resistance and keep a record. ----End

Follow-up Procedure Step 5  The connections of the power cable are not aging. The connection points do not have corrosion on them.

Step 6  The voltage of the power supply is within the allowed range from -38.4 V DC to -57.6 V DC or from 90 V AC to 264 V AC.

Step 7  The connections of the PGND cable are not aging. The connection points do not have corrosion on them.

Step 8  The grounding resistance of the cabinet is lower than 10 ohms. ----End

6.3.2 Checking Appearance of the Equipment Prerequisite  None

Procedure Step 1  Check whether the appearance of the equipment is intact. Step 2  Check whether the equipment is clean. Step 3  Check whether the indicators work properly. ----End

Follow-up Procedure Step 4  The appearance of the equipment is intact and the equipment label is legible. Step 5  The appearance is clean and the inside of the cabinet is not dusty. Step 6  The indicators work properly. For description about the indicators, see Table see Table 3-1.  3-1.  ----End

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6.3.3 Setting the Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Prerequisite  None

Procedure Step 1  On the U2000 client, choose Maintenance > MML Command. The MML command interface is displayed.

Step 2  On the left, select the IPCLK3000. The MML command navigation tree of the IPCLK3000 is displayed.

Step 3  Run the :LST TZ; command to verify the time zone and daylight saving time. If necessary, enter the :SET TZ command for a reset. ----End

Follow-up Procedure  None

6.4 IPCLK3000 Maintenance Record 6.4.1 IPCLK3000 Weekly Maintenance Record This section provides the IPCLK3000 maintenance record for information weekly routine maintenance on the site. After the weekly routine maintenance tasks are performed, record the checking result in in Table  Table 6-3.   6-3. Table 6-3 IPCLK3000 weekly maintenance record

Basic Information

Operator Time



Criteria for Reference


Querying Current Fault Alarms

There is no fault alarm.


Querying Event Alarms

There is no event alarm.


Measuring Alarms



Querying and Saving the Operation Logs of the IPCLK3000


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Current Result Description


IPCLK3000 User Guide

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

Basic Information

Operator Time



Criteria for Reference


Querying and Saving Other Logs of the IPCLK3000



Checking the Running Status of the IPCLK3000

See the IPCLK3000 the IPCLK3000 MML Command Reference. Reference.


Checking the Status of Boards

The state of the IPCLK3000  board is Available. 


Checking the Status of the Traced Clock Source

The state of the current clock source is Normal.

Current Result Description

6.4.2 IPCLK3000 Monthly Maintenance Record This section provides the IPCLK3000 maintenance record for information monthly routine maintenance on the site. After the monthly routine maintenance tasks are performed, record the checking result in Table 6-4.  6-4.  Table 6-4 IPCLK3000 monthly maintenance record

Basic Information

Operator Time



Criteria for Reference


Checking Power Supply and Grounding System



Checking Appearance of the Equipment



Setting the Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time

Current Result Description

6.5 Powering on/off the IPCLK3000 6.5.1 Powering on the IPCLK3000 The IPCLK3000 can use either the -48 V DC power input or the 110 V/220 V A AC C power input. Before you power on the IPCLK3000, ensure that the voltage of the input power is within the following range:

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6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance  

If the IPCLK3000 uses -48 V DC input, the external input voltage range is from -38.4 V DC to –  to – 57.6 57.6 V DC.


If the IPCLK3000 uses 110 V/220 V AC input, the external input voltage range is from 90 V AC to 264 V AC.

To check the power-on status of the IPCLK3000, do as follows:

Step 1  Connect the power cable of the IPCLK3000 to the power supply. Check the status of indicators on thetwo panel of the IPCLK3000. For description the for indicators, see section 0"Typically, section  0"Typically, IPCLK3000s are configured in actuallyabout network the sake of redundancy. redundancy. If two IPCLK3000s are configured, two clock links must be added on each base station. ".

Step 2  Based on the status of the indicators, perform the next step. If...


The IPCLK3000 indicators are normal,

The IPCLK3000 is powered on.

The IPCLK3000 indicators are abnormal,

Rectify the fault. Then, go to to Step  Step 1.  1. 


6.5.2 Powering off the IPCLK3000 Step 1  Turn off the external power switch of the IPCLK3000. ----End

6.6 Replacing Components The IPCLK3000 is an enclosed case. The components replaceable on site are only the optical module, and cables. If any other component is faulty, you need to replace the entire IPCLK3000. Replacing components of the IPCLK3000 does not affect ongoing services. That is because  both the oscillator of the IPCLK3000 IPCLK3000 and that of the peer clock client can can hold for a period of time, that is, several days.

6.6.1 Replacing the Optical Module Prerequisites  

The new optical module is available.


The connections of the optical cable are recorded.


Tools and materials are ready. ready. They are the ESD wrist strap, ESD box or bag, dustfree cotton cloth, and fiber cleaner.

 

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

Context It takes about four minutes to replace the optical module. The time covers the activities of disconnecting the optical cable, removing the faulty module, installing the new module, connecting the optical cable to the new module, and resuming the services over the optical cable.



Properly wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves during the operation to protect the  boards, modules, or electronic electronic components from damage caused by electrostatic discharge. discharge.



Do not point the optical fiber at your eyes after removing the LC connector of the optical cable.

Procedure Step 1  Press the latch on the LC connector of the optical cable, and pull the LC connector out of the faulty optical module.

Step 2  Turn outwards the puller on the faulty optical module. Then hold the puller and take the faulty optical module out of the IPCLK3000 case.

Step 3  Insert the new optical module into the IPCLK3000 case. Then fasten the puller. Step 4  Insert the LC connector into the new optical module based on the label on the optical cable. ----End

Follow-up Procedure Check the following items after replacing the faulty optical module:  

The optical cable is correctly connected.


On the U2000 or LMT, the related alarms are cleared.

 

Contact Huawei local office to handle the faulty optical module.

6.6.2 Replacing Cables The IPCLK3000 has multiple types of cable, such as the power cable, optical cable, straight-through cable, input clock cable, and output clock cable. Each type of cable is replaceable. Replacing the power cable leads to power failure. Therefore, before you replace the power cable, you must power off the IPCLK3000.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance


The new cable is available.


Tools and materials materials are available, such as the ESD wrist strap, ESD box or bag, dustfree cotton cloth, and fiber cleaner.

Context It takes about 4 to 10 minutes to replace a cable (except for the power cable). The time covers the activities of removing the faulty cable, installing the new cable, and resuming the services.



Properly wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves during the operation to protect the  boards, modules, or electronic electronic components from damage caused by electrostatic discharge. discharge.

Procedure Step 1  Lead the new cable to the peer device along the routing of the faulty cable. Step 2  Disconnect the faulty cable from the IPCLK3000 and the peer device. Step 3  Put the faulty cable into an ESD bag. Step 4  Connect one end of the new cable to the corresponding port on the panel of the IPCLK3000, and connect the other end to the peer device.

Step 5  Bind the cable. ----End

Follow-up Procedure Check the following items after replacing the faulty cable:  

The new cable is tightly and correctly connected.


On the U2000 or LMT, the related alarms are cleared.

 

Contact Huawei local office to handle the faulty cable.

6.6.3 Replacing the IPCLK3000 If any irreplaceable component of the IPCLK3000 is faulty faulty,, you need to replace the entire IPCLK3000.


The new IPCLK3000 is available. The hardware and software configurations of the new IPCLK3000 are the same as those of the faulty IPCLK3000.


Tools and materials are available, such as the ESD wrist strap, Phillips screwdriver, screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, screwdriver, ESD box or bag, dustfree cotton cloth, and fiber cleaner. cleaner.

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

Context It takes about 30 minutes to replace the IPCLK3000. The time covers the activities of removing the faulty IPCLK3000, installing the new IPCLK3000, and resuming the services.


  Properly wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves during the operation to protect the  boards, modules, or electronic electronic components from damage caused by electrostatic discharge. discharge.

Procedure Step 1  On the MML client, run the BKP CFGFILE command to back up the configuration data. Step 2  On the MML client, run the ULD CFGFILE command to upload the data configuration files onto the PC.

Step 3  Label the cables connected to the faulty IPCLK3000. Step 4  Power off the external power supply. Step 5  Disconnect all the cables from the panel of the IPCLK3000 and insulate the cables. Step 6  Remove the faulty IPCLK3000 case and put it into an ESD bag. NOTE


When you remove the faulty IPCLK3000, you should remove the following parts in sequence: the power cable, signal cables, the PGND cable, screws on the IPCLK3000, and the IPCLK3000 case.

Step 7  Take out the new IPCLK3000. Check that the IPCLK3000 is in good condition and that its version and configurations are consistent with those of the faulty IPCLK3000. Then, install the new IPCLK3000.

Step 8  Set the power switch on the IPCLK3000 to ON. For details, see section 6.5.1 section 6.5.1 "Powering on the IPCLK3000. IPCLK3000.""

Step 9  On the MML client, run the DLD CFGFILE command to download the backup configuration data file to the new IPCLK3000.

Step 10  On the MML client, run the ACT CFGFILE command to activate the configuration data file. Step 11  On the MML client, run the LST VER  command  command to check whether the current software version is correct.

Step 12  Upgrade the host software if the current software version is incorrect. For details, see section 6.7 "Upgrading the Host Software." Software."

Step 13  Re-log in to the IPCLK3000LMT. On the MML client, run the DSP BRD command to check that the IPCLK3000 runs properly. ----End

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

6 IPCLK3000 Routine Maintenance

Follow-up Procedure After you replace the IPCLK3000, check the LMT or U2000 to ensure that related alarms are cleared. Contact Huawei local office to handle the faulty of the IPCLK3000.

6.7 Upgrading the Host Software

You can upgrade the host software of the IPCLK3000 either on the LMT or on the U2000. The two ways use the same commands and methods. NOTE


The U2000 supports upgrade of multiple IPCLK3000s in batches, whereas the LMT supports upgrade of only one IPCLK3000 in a single operation. You can choose one of them, based on the field conditions. For details about the operations, see the IPCLK3000 upgrade guide.



Do not use the ACT SOFTWARE command to downgrade software. This command is used only to upgrade software.  

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7.1 What to Do When the GE Port on the IPCLK3000 Is Faulty? When the GE port on the IPCLK3000 is faulty, faulty, do as follows:

Step 1  Run the DSP ETHPORT command to query the attributes of the GE port on the IPCLK3000 server.

Step 2  Query the attributes of the GE port on the client. If...


The attributes of the GE port on the IPCLK3000 server do not match those of the GE port on the client,

Reset the attributes of the GE port on the IPCLK3000 server or client, and ensure that the attributes of the GE ports on both ends are consistent.

The attributes of the GE port on the IPCLK3000 server match those of the GE port on the client,

Contact Huawei for technical support if the fault persists.


7.2 What to Do When the O&M Port on the IPCLK3000 Cannot Be Pinged? The LMT cannot be connected to the IPCLK3000 through the DBG/NMS port on the IPCLK3000, and Therefore the O&M port on the IPCLK3000 cannot be pinged. To To rectify the fault, do as follows:

Step 1  Check that the LMT is connected to the IPCLK3000 through the DBG/NMS port on the IPCLK3000 and that the ALM indicator on the panel of the IPCLK3000 is off steadily.

Step 2  Set the IP address of the LMT PC to the same network segment as that of the O&M port on the IPCLK3000.

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Step 3  On the LMT PC, choose Start > Run. Enter cmd in the displayed dialog box. Step 4  In the displayed window, enter ping x. x. x. x and press Enter. x. x. x. x  indicates the IP address of the O&M port on the IPCLK3000.



The IP address is pinged successfully,

Log in to the LMT.

The IP address fails to be pinged,

Contact Huawei for technical support.


7.3 How to Monitor the CPU Usage You can learn the usage of the CPU usage by monitoring the CPU usage of the IPCLK3000. The range of normal CPU usage is 0% to 75%.

Step 1  On the LMT menu, click the Monitor tab. Step 2  Expand the Monitor node, and then double-click CPU Usage Monitoring. The Add Task  dialog  dialog box is displayed.

Step 3  Set the monitoring parameters in the dialog box, and then click Submit. The CPU Usage Monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in either a list (as shown in Figure in Figure 7-1) or 7-1) or a chart (as shown in Figure in Figure 7-2). 7-2). window –  results  results displayed in a list Figure 7-1 CPU usage monitoring window – 

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window –  results  results displayed in a chart Figure 7-2 CPU usage monitoring window – 



In the chart, the horizontal coordinate represents the time and the vertical coordinate represents the CPU usage (expressed in percentage points). The normal range of CPU usage is 0% to 75%.

Step 4  Click

to close the CPU Usage Monitoring window.


7.4 How to Monitor Frequency Discrimination Frequency discrimination monitoring helps you learn the accuracy of an IPCLK3000's reference/locall clock. reference/loca

Prerequisites A reference frequency frequency source has been configured for the involved IPCLK3000; otherwise, the following message is displayed after you double-click Frequency Discrimination Monitoring. Figure 7-3 Error message

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Procedure Step 1  On the LMT menu, click the Monitor tab. Step 2  Expand the Monitor node, and then double-click Frequency Discrimination Monitoring. The Frequen Frequency cy Discrimination Monitoring dialog box is displayed.

Step 3  Set the monitoring parameters in the dialog box, and then click Submit. Frequency cy Discrimination Monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time The Frequen monitoring results in either a list (as shown in Figure in Figure 7-4) or 7-4) or a chart (as shown in in Figure  Figure 7-5). 7-5). Figure 7-4 Frequency discrimination monitoring window –  window –  results  results displayed in a list

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window –  results  results displayed in a chart Figure 7-5 Frequency discrimination monitoring window – 



In the chart, the horizontal(expressed coordinateinrepresents the time and the vertical coordinate represents the frequency discrimination ppb).

Step 4  Click

to close the Frequency Discrimination Monitoring window.


7.5 How to Monitor Phase Discrimination Phase discrimination monitoring helps you learn the phase discrimination of an IPCLK3000's reference/locall clock. reference/loca

Prerequisites A reference time source has been configured for the involved IPCLK3000; otherwise, the following message is displayed after you double-click Phase Discrimination Monitoring. Figure 7-6 Error message

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Procedure Step 1  On the LMT menu, click the Monitor tab. Step 2  Expand the Monitor node, and then double-click Phase Discrimination Monitoring. The Phase Discrimination Monitoring dialog box is displayed.

Step 3  Set the monitoring parameters in the dialog box, and then click Submit. The Phase Discrimination Monitoring window is displayed, showing real-time monitoring results in either a list (as shown in Figure in Figure 7-7) or 7-7) or a chart (as shown in in Figure  Figure 7-8). 7-8). Figure 7-7 Phase discrimination monitoring window –  window –  results  results displayed in a list

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window –  results  results displayed in a list Figure 7-8 Phase discrimination monitoring window – 



In the chart, the horizontal coordinate represents the time and the vertical coordinate represents the phase discrimination (expressed in percentage points).

Step 4  Click

to close the Phase Discrimination Monitoring window.


7.6 How to Trace Clock Messages You can trace clock message interchange between a base station and an IPCLK3000 by specifying the IP address of the base station on the LMT.

Enabling the Function of Tracing Clock Messages Step 1  In the LMT menu, click the Trace tab. Step 2  Expand the Trace and Interface Trace Task  nodes,  nodes, and then double-click Clock Messages Trace.

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Figure 7-9 Clock Messages Trace window

The Clock Messages Trace dialog box is displayed. Figure 7-10 Clock Messages Trace dialog box

Step 3  In the Clock Messages Trace dialog box that is displayed, set the parameters as follows:  

Select Physical Port No. as required.


Set Clock Net Mode (which is unavailable in V100R001C00) to UNICAST or MULTICAST as required.


Set Address Type as required.

 


If Clock Net Mode is set to UNICAST, set Address Type to IPV4 or IPV6.


If Clock Net Mode is set to MULTICAST , set Address Type to IPV4 or MAC.

 


Set Source IP to the IP or MAC address of the IPCLK3000.


Set Destination IP to the IP or MAC address of the tracked base station.


Set Direction to Trace Receiver, Trace Sender, or Trace Both as required.


Set Report Type to General, Event, BOTH, or TOP.

 

Select Save File so that the traced clock messages are automatic automatically ally saved to the specified  path.

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Step 4  Click Submit. Then, the system displays the clock message interchange process if any clock messages are interchanged between the IPCLK3000 and the IPCLK3000. Double-click a message. Then, the Message Browser window is displayed, where you can browse clock messages. Figure 7-11 Message Browser window


Disabling the Function of Tracing Clock Messages Step 5  On the trace window, right-click and choose Stop Trace Task  from  from the shortcut menu.

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Figure 7-12 Stopping a trace task


7.7 How to Trace CMPV2 Perform this task to trace CMPV2 protocol messages. Only one CMPV2 tracing task can be created.

Starting CMPV2 Tracing Step 1  In the LMT menu, click the Trace tab. Step 2  Expand the Trace and Interface Trace Task  nodes,  nodes, and then double-click CMPV2 Trace. Figure 7-13 CMPV2 Trace dialog box

Step 3  In the displayed CMPV2 Trace dialog box, set the parameters, parameters, which are described in Table in Table 7-1.   7-1.

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Table 7-1 Parameters for CMPV2 tracing



Message Direction

Specifies the message direction and can be set to Trace Receiver (default value), Trace Sender, or Trace Both.

Save File

If you select Save File, tracing results are automatically saved. You can specify names and installation paths for files storing tracing results, which are stored in TMF format by default.

Step 4  Click Submit. Then, the system displays tracked messages. Table 7-2 provides 7-2 provides the meaning of each field in tracking tracking results. Table 7-2 Results of CMPV2 tracing




Displays the serial number number of a tracked CMPV2 CMPV2 message.


Displays the time at which a CMPV2 message is tracked.


Displays the direction of a tracked CMPV2 message

Trace Message Type

Displays the type type of a tracked tracked CMP protocol message. message.


Displays the content of a tracked CMP protocol message. CMP runs version 2. For details, see RFC protocols and TS33.310.


Stopping CMPV2 Tracing Step 1  On the trace window, right-click and choose Stop Trace Task  from  from the shortcut menu. ----End

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IPCLK3000 User Guide

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Abbreviations A


Alternate Current


Access Point


Boundary Clock


Bit Error Rate


Building Integrated Timing Supply System


Certificate Management Protocol Version 2


Central Processing Unit


Direct Current


Differentiated Service Code Point


Electro Magnetic Compatibility


Electrostatic Discharge


European Telecommunica Telecommunication tion Standard


European Telecommunica Telecommunications tions Standards Institute


Fast Ethernet


Secure File Transfer Protocol

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Gigabit Ethernet


Global Navigation Satellite System


Global Positioning System


Global System for Mobile communications


Graphic User Interface


Internet Protocol


International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector


Local Area Network


Local Maintenance Terminal



Man Machine Language


Mean Time Between Failures


Mean Time To Repair


Network Element


Operation and Maintenance


Power Distribution Frame


Protection Grounding


Pulse Per Second


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Radio Network Controller






Transmission Control Protocol




Universal Mobile Telecommunications System


Virtual Local Area Network


Wideband Code Division Multiple Access


Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

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