Iot Refers To The Connection of Everyday Objects To The Internet and To One Another

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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referss to the the connecti connection on of IoT refer everyday objects to the internet and to one another


It is the network of physical objects or things embedded with electroni elect ronics,sof cs,softwar tware,sen e,sensors, sors,and and network network connectivity which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.


Kevin Ashton is the the father father of IoT. IoT.

.He was was started started working working in in IoT since 1999. 1999.


1.collect—Sensors collecting the data from everywhere

2.communicate-datas are communicated through network  3.Analyze—Building report  4.Act—Taking action based on the report


1.Home Automation


3.Medical and healthcare systems


5.Environmental Monitoring


7.Energy Management and so on..


IoT system system consis consists ts of 


2.Internet connectivity

3.IoT platform 

 

The IoT platform is a software that ‘s hosted online. It is a network that all devices are connected to. The platform collect devices data ,analyze,pro ,analy ze,process cess and make decisio decisions ns based based on this data.



Smart locks,

Smart thermostats,

Smart cars etc. 

What makes these smart?

These devices are all part of an emerging category called the Internet of things.


IoT is a whole whole constellati constellation on of inanimate inanimate object is designed with built in wireless connectivity ,so that they can be monitored,cont monitored ,controlle rolled d and linked linked over the internet via a mobile app.


This type of objects span a wide range of categorie categ oriess from wearab wearables les to light light bulbs bulbs to home appliances like coffee maker,washing

machine and even car. car.  IoT is also also being being applied applied to medical medical and health care industry and to transportation systems.


Ex:N Ex :Nes estt ther thermo most stat at.. 

This wifi wifi conn connected ected thermo thermostat stat allows allows you you to remotely adjust the temperature via your mobile device. Nest will turn down the temperature before going to bed at a set time.


Ex:2  Smartthings which is a company acquired by samsung samsun g that offers offers various various sensors sensors and smart home kits that can monitor things like who is coming in and out of your house ,and alert you when water leaks and so on. 

The fitness detects that when tracker have fallen sleep it automatically turnsyou off your light and TV.


Web browsers use http protocols to communicate with the servers.

Likewise Likew ise IoT IoT device devicess use use spec specifi ific c prot protocl oclss to communicateover the internet to each other. other.

Most known protocols protocols used in IoT IoT are,


CoAP-Constrained Application Protocol.

AMQP-Advanced Message Queuing protocol

DDS-Data Distribution service

STOMP-Simple STOMP-Sim ple T Text ext oriented o riented Messaging Messaging Protocol

MQTT-Message MQTT-Me ssage Queue Telemetry Transport


The import important ant featur features es of of IoT includes includes 


connectivity, sensors, active management and

small device use.

 


The import important ant hardwa hardware re of IoT IoT is sensors. sensors.

These devices includes,    

Energy Modules Power management modules RF modules Sensing modules.


RF Modules manage communications through their signal processing Wifi,Zigbee,Bluetooth, radio transceiver, duplexer duplex er,and ,and BAW BAW.


The sensing module sensing through active and passive measurement devices.


Accelerometers---Temperature sensors

Gyroscopes---Image sensors

Acoustic sensors---Light sensors

Pressure sensors---gas RFID sensors  Humid Humidity ity sensors---m sensors---micro icroflow flow sensors sensors 


Head—helmets,glasses  Neck—Jewellary,collars 

 

Arm—watches,wristbands,rings Feet—shocks,shoes


1.RFID—Radio Frequency identification 

RFID technology employs 2 way radio transmitter to track the objects.

2.NFC— 2.NFC —near field communication Communication protocols for electronic devices. 3.Low energy bluetooth 4.Low energy wireless

5.Radio 5.Radi o protocols protocols are,Zigbee,Z-w are,Zigbee,Z-wave,a ave,and nd Thread Thread


Iot devices devices are are prototyp prototyped ed using microcontrollerr platforms such as Arduino,or microcontrolle Arduino,or single board computers like the raspberry pi.

Communication between the micro controller and the connected sensors and actuators.

The embedded programs are developed using c,c++python and javascript.


Communications enables devices to communicate with other devices ,and applications and services that are running in the cloud. Ex:Mesh sh network network are a highly highly scalable scalable and  Ex:Me robust network topology design and are frequently frequen tly adopted a dopted within IoT. IoT. 


Web and Mobile applications provide user interfaces for interacting with and consuming data dat a from from IoT devies devies..


Ardu Ar duin ino o Boar Board d

Raspberry Pi Board


 

The Raspberry Pi is a small board computer. You plug it into a monitor and attach a keyboard and mouse. • What you will need ? 

 

   

A Raspberry Pi computer with an SD card A monitor with a cable (and, if needed, an HDMI adaptor) A USB keyboard and mouse A power supply Headphones or speakers (optional) An ether ethernet net cabl cable e ((optio optional) nal) 



Raspbian, installed via NOOBS


consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) microcontroller) and a piece of software of software,, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.


The Arduino, is a microcon microcontroller troller,, which whic h means it excels at controlling small devices like sensors, motors, and lights.  Ardui Arduino no is best best used for projec projects ts like like building building a wake-up light, motion detector alarm, or even a small robot. 


The Raspberry Pi, isn’t a microcontroller, and isn’t made for controlling sensors and other things like that.  It’s an entire computer, with its own operating system, and is intended to be used as one 


The Arduino’s power supply requirements are very simple; you can plug it into your computer or a battery pack, and it will start running code immediately. If the power is disconnected, it will stop; there’s there’s no need to run a shut-down process. The Raspberry Pi,more on the other hand, because it has a full-featured computing system in place, should be shut down like a regular computer, and can be damaged by power cuts.


The Raspberry Pi comes ready to be connected to the internet; it has a built-in built -in ethe et hern rnet et port port..  The Arduino, on the other hand, doesn’t have any built-in capability for connectivity. If you want to connect it to the internet, 

you’ll need to add extra piece of port hardware hardw are that includes incluan des an an ethernet ethe rnet


The Arduino Arduino comes comes with 32 32 KB of onboard onboard storage, which is just enough to store the code that provides instructions for its current program. You can’t use this storage for apps, videos, photos, or anything else.  The Raspberry Pi, on the other hand, doesn’t 

come anySDonboard have awith micro port, sostorage, you can but additasdoes much storage as you’d like.


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