IoBM Campaign Booklet
January 26, 2017 | Author: Jimmy Zimmerman | Category: N/A
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Special thanks to the many members of the Warseer and Airspace Forum communities for their help and support in getting this project off the ground.
-Bin Mazar• An Astrographic Record • A Terragraphic Record • A Brief History • A Historical Timeline
6 10 12 17
-Investigation of Bin Mazar• The Investigation Begins • Warzones • Notables
19 27 34
-Playing the Campaign• New Units • Squadron Lists • New Scenarios • Dawn Raid • Point Defense • Drop Intercept • Convoy Raid •New Advanced Rules • Ace Pilots • Orbital Landers • Marks of Chaos • He’s Comin’ Outta the Sun • Campaign Rules
39 55 58 58 59 61 62 63 63 66 68 71 73
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
...Source: Scholastica St. Abelgard- Davidius Terminus- Astropath Seth 678/L1-Gamma ...Transit: Astropathic Relay Station Beta-Epsilon-789/Sigma ...Terminus: Astropath: Beacon of Truth- Alpha-Ultra-7895/Beta Prime ...Date: 9124752.M41 ... ... ... ...Begin Transmission Inquisitor Xanatos, I trust this message finds you well, or at least in one piece. Per your request, I have compiled a dossier on the planet Bin Mazar. This was no easy task. Its location far out on the Eastern Fringe means few official records exist. However, I managed to consult several important sources from such groups as the Imperial Navy, the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators, the Ecumenical Missionarium, the Adeptus Terra, and other sources best left unmentioned. Some of this information was acquired at great personal risk as well as cost. I won’t bore you with further details. Instead, I trust you will find the following dossier enlightening. Until next time Inquisitor. Your humble servant,
A. Kliest Adept Majoris- Astrography Scholastica St. Abelgard Davidius Post Script: You will note the additional expenses have been added to my regular stipend. This was cleared with your agent, the honorable H. Gratis. Thought for the Day: Knowledge is power, guard it like a fortress
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar An Astrographic Record Bin Mazar is part of the star system known only as Old Guard-Sigma/Alpha-F3III. At this point, no local or colloquial designation has been determined. Not surprisingly, the system is named for its location in the Old Guard Stars relative to other sectors and the type of star located at its center. The Astronomical designation for Bin Mazar’s star is an F3III. In layman’s terms, the star is a whitish yellow giant. The 3 in the title indicates it has a relatively low luminosity for a star of its size and type. This means that the Bin Mazar star is slightly larger and hotter than Sol. The star itself provides energy and light to a rather uninteresting system. The planets themselves have no recorded names, so we will simply refer to them as Primarus, Secundus, etc. Within the inner orbits close to the F3III is Primarus and Secundus. Primarus is a Gas Giant only remarkable due to its proximity to the star. Primarus has an assortment of small moonlets as satellites. Secundus is a bit more interesting as it maintains a Hydrogen atmosphere completely lethal to life as we know it. Secundus is orbited by a medium moon that appears unremarkable.
Within the inner orbits close to the F3III is Primarus and Secundus. Primarus is a Gas Giant only remarkable due to its proximity to the star. Primarus has an assortment of small moonlets as satellites. Secundus is a bit more interesting as it maintains a Hydrogen atmosphere completely lethal to life as we know it. Secundus is orbited by a medium moon that appears unremarkable. The so-called “Inner Orbits” are then abruptly ended by a particularly wide and dense asteroid belt. Records seem to imply that these asteroids are mostly composed of heavy metals such as iron and nickel. Adeputs Mechanicus Explorator reports inidicate that there are no habitable planets within the orbits potentially considered habitable by their survey teams. This may explain why the system has been mostly ignored by the Imperium. However, that has not dissuaded Rogue Traders from exploring the region further. It is these sources that provide us with the limited information that we now possess. Our survey now takes us to the Outer Systems of Old Guard Sigma/Alpha- F3III. The Tertiary planet is a gas giant. It is orbited by a large moon, and three other smaller satellites. The large moon is of particular importance, as it is Bin Mazar. We will return to this body in a moment.
The so-called “Inner Orbits” are then abruptly ended by a particularly wide and dense asteroid belt. Records seem to imply that these asteroids are mostly composed of heavy metals such as iron and nickel.
Quadrillious is orbited by 5 minor moons of little or no distinction, just barren rocks. Quadrillious is yet another Gas Giant. Again, little of note appears in the records.
Adeputs Mechanicus Explorator reports inidicate that there are no habitable planets within the
This leads us to yet another asteroid belt mostly made up of iron and nickel deposits.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Old Guard Stars Zephyrus
Sigma/Alpha- F3III
Bin Mazar
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
sources that provide us with the limited information that we now possess. Our survey now takes us to the Outer Systems of Old Guard Sigma/Alpha- F3III. The Tertiary planet is a gas giant. It is orbited by a large moon, and three other smaller satellites. The large moon is of particular importance, as it is Bin Mazar. We will return to this body in a moment.
F3IIIF3III- Tertiary Tertiary
Few records exist for this system. It seems to have little or no strategic value, unknown or common mineral values, nothing is unique about it in a astronomical or astrographic sense. This system is literally a throne for a dozen. So, let’s take a closer look at Bin Mazar then. This is where things begin to get interesting. First, to some of the boring astrographical data. Bin Mazar Radius- 4,000 Kilometers Surface Area- 12,566 Kilometers Hydrosphere- 6,846 Kilometers- 54% Cryosphere- 5,720 Kilometers- 46% Day Length- 16 Standard Imperial Daylight- Varies from 10 hours to 0 Gravity- Earth like Atmosphere- Breathable, .5 Standard Density
Bin Mazar Quadrillious is orbited by 5 minor moons of little or no distinction, just barren rocks. Quadrillious is yet another Gas Giant. Again, little of note appears in the records. This leads us to yet another asteroid belt mostly made up of iron and nickel deposits. Next, the planet Pentamus has 3 medium moons of its own. These are mostly ice covered rocks. The final planet, Septimus is a super gas giant that dwarfs all the other planets of the Old Guard-Sigma/Alpha- F3III system. This huge planet has a few ice covered satellites of its own. It is the farthest body away from the system’s star.
What makes this data interesting is, that this technically should not exist. Based on the orbit of the satellite around the planet, and the planets orbit around Star F3III such conditions should not occur in nature. This points strongly to a conclusion that Bin Mazar had been terraformed in its distant past.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Obviously, I would need further study at Bin Mazar to confirm this speculation. The records I was able to obtain do not confirm or deny my suspicions beyond the existence of a livable moon where one should not exist, at least not as it has been reported to us. If you will indulge me in some wild speculation; here are the possibilities: 1. Some natural phenomenon is causing the freak terraforming conditions.
2. The satellite had been colonized and terraformed in the Dark Age of Technology. 3. Bin Mazar was part of a xeno empire that modified the conditions of the moon. To me the first explanation seems the most unlikely. The other two are a toss up. However, I don’t typically operate on speculation. The facts on the ground may reveal something completely different. I look forward to learning more. awk_by_mikkow.jpg
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar A Terragraphic Record This terragraphic record will give you important insight into the nature of Bin Mazar. It will detail the geography, climate, flora, and fauna of the moon. As mentioned earlier, everything you read here is an anomaly based on the moons location within the system.
However, once the night cycle begins, the temperature change frequently triggers short bursts of torrential downpours, followed by a break-up in cloud cover. The temperatures are then reduced to a more comfortable human level.
Due to the planet’s odd orbit, the daylight cycle can be anywhere from 10 to 0 hours. Depending on its location in orbit compared to its planet and star. The light cycle is short, but unusually high levels of carbons in a relatively thin atmosphere act as an insulator. Therefore, during the daylight hours, temperatures tend to rise dramatically, while the night cycles remain relatively hospitable. While operating on the surface I recommend focusing your activities during the night cycles when possible.
As a result of the intense heat followed by longer periods of slow cooling, much of the flora and fawn of the moon have developed nocturnal patterns. For example, the most common flora on Bin Mazar is the Ruffweed. Technically, it is a type of grass that carpeted most of the landscape. It grows about knee high at the most. However, its leaves are tall and thin allowing it to catch enough light from the star for photosynthesis, but limits its exposure to avoid overheating. When the night cycle begins, and after the rains, the plant shoots up several flowering pods from the center, which bloom and spore the plant.
During full daylight, the temperature can become unbearably hot, humid, and windy. The heat evaporates the water from the large oceans on the planet. This leads to rolling cloud banks during the daylight cycle. These formations tend to flow in bands around the moon, casting long shadows upon the surface.
Anyway, I digress. Much of the surface of Bin Mazar has the Ruffweed present. It forms the basic building blocks of the eco-system. The weed is the home of many bacteria and insect species. In turn, the weed is also the main grazing plant of some mid-sized mammalian herbivores. These mammalian creatures are then hunted by packs of small canine type creatures.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta The early colonists brought Grox to Bin Mazar. Some feral specimens now exist, but mostly they are a domesticated breed and food source. As mentioned in the Astrographic details, Bin Mazar is about 50% water and 50% land. The oceans are largely unexplored. The water is potable if suitably treated and processed. Aquatic life exists, and fish are a staple food source.
The land masses are mostly rocky scrub land, with the aforementioned Ruffweed blanketing most of the landscape. Other flora exists, but in much limited numbers. Most of the plant life is scrub brush, with nothing like trees or forests on the surface. The soil is thin and poor. The abundant rain fall tends to run off quickly through a long standing series of natural channels and ravines, and eventually back to the ocean.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar A Brief History The Old Guard stars have been at the fringes of the Imperium for millennia. They were talked of in hushed whispers. Ancient star charts simply had them labelled with the old saying, “Here be Monsters!”. Few had the courage, wherewithal, or insane drive to stray so far into the darkness and away from the guiding light of the Astronomican. However, driven by desperation or madness, the Rogue Trader Hans Digitalis and his cartel began to probe the dark reaches and forgotten space of the Old Guard stars. Their explorations were slow and cumbersome. However, they returned with riches, strange stories, and archeotech. The Cartel was catapulted to fame and status enough to last another two millenia before the Digitalis Cartel faded again into obscurity. Some historians claim that the beginning of the end of the Digitalis Cartel was when the Administratum of Terra declared the Old Guard stars as a new sector of the Imperium. This opened the Old Guard stars up to competing interests, and soon the sector that had once been thought cursed, was a buzz with activity. Much of it was quasi-legal and frontier, but the Old Guard stars were seen as a booming frontier zone. Wracked by visions and prophecy; the woman who would become St. Augustine began to rally and gather a fanatical following, bent on purging the Old Guard stars of the taint of the xeno, the mutant, the heretic, and reclaim the faithful for the Emperor. Her origins are shrouded in Ministorum legend, and it is hard to separate myth from reality. However, what is clear is that St. Augustine managed to gain official Imperial
St. Augustine
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta sanction. With the authority of the Imperium, and at the head of a fleet cobbled together from various Rogue Traders, Inquisitorial agents, faithful pilgrims and crusaders, and elements of Battlefleet Pacificus, she set out on her mission to purge the Old Guard Stars once and for all. The crusade was no easy task. Again, the truth is shrouded in Ministorum doctrine, local myths, and distant legend. The battles were hard fought, with the forces of the Imperial Guard, Space Marine Chapters, irregular Frateris Militia, Militant Orders of the Sisterhood, and Mercenary forces leading the thrust on planet after planet. Most of the worlds that housed lost colonies from the Dark Age of Technology gladly joined the Imperium of the God-Emperor with joy in their hearts. Xeno infested planets were ruthlessly purged. In 485M 36, we have a definitive date. Ancient records indicate that St. Augustine and her fleet believed they had purged 75% of the Old Guard Stars. The Crusade lasted for another decade, but the extent of the gains were unclear. It was at this point, that St. Augustine herself was supposedly martyred to the side of the Emperor at the forefront of the Crusade. Her body was placed in stasis and returned to Ophelia IV. St. Augustine’s Crusade paved the way for the future Imperial colonization efforts. mages/stories/rogue-trader-desc2.jpg
It was these efforts that first brought colonists to Bin Mazar in 120M39. These colonists were amazed to find a moon with such a hospitable environment. They quickly set about building a primitive space port and establishing themselves on the surface. The colony continued to grow, with minimal contact with other worlds. The planet had relatively few exports, and mostly focused on subsistence agriculture. However, a rich vein of minerals allowed them to export for some key luxury goods. For the most part, the early settlers of Bin Mazar kept to themselves. This isolation explains why few if any of her fellow worlds noticed when Bin Mazar abruptly fell out of communication from the Astropathic Choir. Adeptus Astra Telepathic records have recorded the event in their logs, but few outside of their hallowed walls noticed or cared. Life on the Eastern Fringe in the Old Guard Stars was hard and fraught with peril. Colonies and planets passed from memory with hardly a blink of an eye.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta The strange fate of Bin Mazar was not truly “discovered” until a local Rogue Trader made an unscheduled stop on the moon colony. Captain Hermann Octragius was forced to make emergency planet fall after a near catastrophic failure of his Gellar Fields while in transit. He consulted his charts, and made his way to the closest colony; Bin Mazar. His attempts to hail the star port were futile. Augurs indicated settlements, but their was no vox traffic evident. Confronted by the strange circumstances, Captain Octragius decided to make a landing. Once he was on the surface of Bin Mazar, things became even stranger. The space port was abandoned and in ill repair. The accompanying capital was the same. All the colonists had simply disappeared; with no trace of their where abouts. What the fate of those first colonists was, remains a mystery to this day. However, Captain Octragius was able to find the necessary supplies to make repairs to his ship. He soon left Bin Mazar to share the strange tale with the authorities. In 165.M39 Battlefleet Pacificus declared the system “Perditas”. The official reasoning is unclear. However, it is probable that Rogue Trader Hermann Octragius’ tale reached the ears of key members of Battlefleet Command. I could not find any official indication of Imperial or Inquisitorial investigation of the incident. However, the famous (or infamous) Inquisitor Gias Grannickis was active in general region at the time. As you know, Inquisitor Grannickus was shortly after investigated and found Diabolus Extremis by the Conclave of Ammoriss. He was found guilty of consorting with the alien.
However, I digress into facts well known by one such as yourself. Let me return to a discussion of Bin Mazar. Nearly 2,500 years later after the “Perditas” ban went into effect; colonists returned to Bin Mazar. The Imperial Sector Commander; Dolphius Lindgrenitis “The Bold”; authorized the recolonization effort. It is unclear if he willfully ignored the “Perditas” banner or if he simply did not know it existed. Either way, the new colonists made planet fall in 701.M41 The second wave of settlers find little remains of the previous colony. They set about rebuilding the new and improved Bin Mazar. They import Grox to feed off the abundant Ruffweed. Soon, the moon is a thriving agri-world specializing in rare Grox breeds. Such breeds thrive well, and bring relative wealth to some of the larger ranchers on Bin Mazar. However, all is not well on Bin Mazar. Seven short years after land fall, the human settlers quickly discover that Feral Orks have made residence on the moon. Apparently, the Orks did not heed the “Perditas” status of the moon, and took is vacancy as a chance to move in. Those savages are nothing but a stain in the GodEmperor’s domains. It isn’t long before the Orks begin to unify to drive the Imperial settlers from Bin Mazar. Naturally, the humans resist. Savage frontier raids and low intensity conflict slowly build into an all out war. In 735.M41 the Imperial Governor, Lothar Heissmann; officially submits a request to the Departmento Munitorium for aid. However, the request is never responded to. My research never uncovered any evidence that the request was received or filed by the Departmento Munitorium.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Seven years later, the Imperial settlers on Bin Mazar faced a critical setback. In 742.M41, the PDF were ambushed by a huge force of Orks. The Battle of Drunn’s Ridge lasted for three more months as both sides flooded the area with more and more troops. In the final analysis, sheer xeno stubbornness forced its way through the defensive lines of the PDF. The battle had been a massive drain on the human defenders military forces. When the Orks broke through at Drunn’s Ridge, there was next to nothing left to stop them. The PDF had been bled white by the battle. This began a phase of the Ork Wars on Bin Mazar known as the Long Retreat. The human defenders began to give ground to the Ork hordes that swept across the land. Only token resistance was offered to slow down or temporarily halt the advance of the xeno so refugee columns could flee. Long lines of refugees snaked over the surface of Bin Mazar and towards the coasts. For their part, the Ork Hordes eagerly surged forward. They slaughtered anyone not fast enough to evade them. They destroyed any settlement they cam across. Their rabid, xeno
cruelty had been incited. They swept up everything in their path like a swarm of vile locusts. Behind them was only wreckage and ruin. The human PDF could not hope to stem the tide for long. Those that could fled across the ocean and temporary refuge at the Emperor’s Rock. It was an island that sat off the coast Bin Mazar’s main continent. It also was home to the colony’s primary spaceport. It quickly became clogged with civilians clamoring to escape the destruction of their world. The few small landers that were planetside fled to their orbiting freighters. The Captains of these Bulk freighters knew they could do little. Plus, their precious Grox cargos had to be delivered swiftly to market. The ships fled the orbit of the stricken moon. To those on the Emperor’s Rock, things were hopeless. In 748.M41, the Rogue Trader Quintus Octragius decided to intervene with the situation on Bin Mazar. His family had a long history with the moon. You may recall how Captain Hermann Octragius discovered the abandonded first colony. However, Quintus and his cartel had fallen on more difficult times. The crisis on Bin Mazar
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta offered him an opportunity to secure preferential trade rights for the colony’s rare grox breeds. In addition, the Rogue trader hoped to secure unprecedented access to Bin Mazar’s space port. The true extent to his designs on the moon colony are unknown. However, Captain Quintus Octragius and a support fleet jumped in system to support the humans. He arrived just in time. He took station in orbit and together with the batteries of his ragtag fleet was able to slow the Ork advance long enough for the remaining PDF forces to make a fighting withdrawal to the Emperor’s Rock. From there, the Rogue Trader opened negotiations with the civic leaders of Bin Mazar and brokered a deal. Late in 749.M41 he came to an agreement with the residents. The Treaty of the Emperor’s Rock was signed. In exchange for military support from the Octragius Cartel, the citizens of Bin Mazar ceded the ownership right’s of their space port to Captain Octragius. In addition, they signed exclusive rights of trade with the Rogue Trader. As 750.M41 dawned, Captain Quintus Octragius made planet fall with his closest military advisors. There, he along with the PDF leaders of Bin Mazar a counter attack was planned. The Orks would need to be eradicated. Despite the orbital bombardments, the Orks had already managed to make some ramshackle aircraft to harass the penned in colonists with air raids.
barrage to support the attack. It is unclear if this attack was the trigger, or if it was something else. However, the counter-attack was destroyed in the process, as well as most of the Ork defenders. Early in 750.M41, a massive power surge ripped across the surface of Bin Mazar. The source and nature of this energy storm is unknown. Few survivors were left alive to give statements. Those scattered statements we have report a blinding glow that slowly grew brighter. The only noise that accompanied the power surge was a low rumble as the very rock itself protested the approach of the surge. Of course, those who did survive managed to be in shelters or away from the surface of the planet. Their testimony is of limited value.
The records are unclear, regarding the exact timeline of events after this point. The following has been pieced together from various data points and may not be entirely accurate.
However, the crews of Rogue Trader Quintus Octragius’ fleet should be able to provide more insight. However, the Rogue Trader is nowhere to be found. Astropaths and other investigation claim various and contradictory fates for the Rogue Trader. Some claim his ship was wrecked, others that he fled, some claim he is still waiting in the system to determine the source of such power.
The combined forces of the Bin Mazar PDF, accompanied by the Octragius Cartel’s mercenary troops launched a counter attack. This attack was supported with an orbital
I leave it to you to ascertain the truth Inquisitor. After all, that is what you do. Operation: Black Brush will simply add to the mystery around Bin Mazar.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar A Historical Timeline 649.M35 Rogue Trader Hans Digitalis and his cartel begin to explore the area of the Eastern Fringe referred to as the Old Guard Stars. 121.M36 The Administratum declares the Old Guard Stars as a Sector of the Imperium, and it is divided up into smaller Sub-sectors. 485.M36 St. Augustine, at the head of a Crusade fleet; pushes Xeno taint out of 75% of the Old Guard Stars, hence preparing the way for Imperial colonization efforts. 120.M39 The first settlers begin to arrive at Bin Mazar. 140.M39 All communication with Bin Mazar is lost. 160.M39 Investigation by Rogue Trader Hermann Octragius reveal all settlers have “disappeared”, and colony is in disrepair. 165.M39 Battlefleet Ultima declares the system “Perditas” until further notice. 648.M41 Colonization of Bin Mazar is authorized by the Sector Governor. The “Perditas” status of the planet is either ignored or lost to time. 701.M41 The second colonists arrive on Bin Mazar.
708.M41 Orks are discovered on Bin Mazar, and the Ork uprising begins against the Imperial authorities. 735.M41 Requests for aid from Imperial Forces are ignored by the Departmento Munitorium. 742.M41 The Orks decisively defeat the Human PDF at the Battle of Drunn's Ridge. The Long Retreat begins. 748.M41 Rogue Trader Quintus Octragius intervenes at Bin Mazar to stabilize the situation. In exchange, he is given exclusive trading rights with the planet and unlimited access to their spaceport. 750.M41 An unknown power surge rips across the surface of Bin Mazar devastating 90% of the planet's surface. The main continent is left as a barren wasteland with only the coastal areas remaining intact. The last human colony and spaceport are situated off-shore on an island and are spared. 751.M41 Word of the incident is intercepted and suppressed by the Inquisition. Inquisitor Xanatos organizes an expedition to Bin Mazar to open an investigation. The expedition is codenamed: Black Brush 752.M41 Inquisitor Xanatos’ expedition arrives, but his forces are not the only ones interested in learning the secrets of Bin Mazar. Xeno and Chaotic forces have also arrived in system, eager to find the secret of this power source for themselves
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
+++Naval Intelligence Report: +++State of Sigma/Alpha- F3III +++Status: Entry of System +++Date: 495752.M41 +++Ship: Obedient Entry into the Sigma/Alpha- F3III system completed without Incident.
Begin full spectrum Augur scan: Results: Multiple (20+) Unidentified Augur Readings Detected 3 separate battle groups detected and designated Accuracy: 95% Track: Inbound to System. Destination F3III-Tertiary Accuracy: 92% Identity: Unidentified Battle Group Alpha- 10 craft- Eldar- Unknown classes Unidentified Battle Group Beta- 27 craft- Chaos- Ident: Harbinger- Remaining unknown Harbinger: Cross reference- Commander Valsk Unidentified Battle Group Sigma- 31 craft- Unknown Xenos-Unknown Classes Cross-Reference- Tau Empire- Damocles Gulf
Accuracy: 32%
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Investigation of
Bin Mazar
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar The Investigation Begins
751.M41- Operation Blackbrush Inquisitor Draxiz Xanatos was the first member of the Holy Ordos to hear word about the disaster at Bin Mazar. The Ordo Xenos Inquisitor had a long history of activity in the Old Guard Stars and the Eastern Fringe. The exact method that the man learned of the power surge is not clear, but learn of it he did.
In addition to the Imperial Navy forces, the House of Abu Huassas brought a mighty cruiser of their own, the Star of Luxori. Her armored prow would be welcome in the battlefleet. However, only her master, Rogue Trader Saif Abu Huassas knew all her secrets. Accompanying the Rogue Trader were his loyal Arch-militant and mercenary forces.
On his own authority, the Inquisitor began to organize his own expedition. Using his clout in the Eastern Fringe, he was able to convince the admirals responsible for Battlefleet PacificusOld Guard Stars to authorize elements of the fleet for his usage. In addition, Xanatos called in a debt from the Rogue Trader family of the Abu Huassas, an organization familiar with the region.
The final component were the mighty troop transports carrying the Imperial Guard. Inquisitor Xanatos’ personal connection with the Imperial Governor of Davidius paid dividends. The Davidius 125th Rifles were volunteered into Xanatos’ service. Led by Colonel Larz Messier, they were a newly raised regiment eager to serve the Emperor.
Rear-Admiral Benjhamim Jordanis of Battlefleet Pacificus was assigned the holy duty of leading the expedition. The cover was a routine patrol of the Old Guard Stars. The RearAdmiral commanded the formidable Dictator class cruiser, Obedient. This was augmented by an entourage of support craft. The Rear-Admiral’s fleet was accompanied by several wings of the Aeronautica Imperialis in his holds. These fighter craft were commanded by the gallant Commander Louffer Husst.
This motley collection left the fleet base of Port Dean. This formidable fleet set out for Bin Mazar under the moniker; Operation Blackbrush. As the fleet approached the final warp jump point to Bin Mazar, they were joined by yet another element. An Adeptus Astartes Strike Cruiser Blade of Arcterion; awaited them. The ship was from the Blade\masters chapter, but had assembled a collection of Space Marines from across the Old Guard Stars to heed Inquisitor Xanatos’ call for aid.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta 752.M41- Sigma/Alpha F3III Blackbrush arrived in system during the middle stages of the year. Immediately after exiting the warp at the edge of the system, the mission became more complicated. Long range Augurs determined that the Imperials weren’t the only ones interested in the events that occurred on Bin Mazar.
Long range Augurs had determined three other forces were present in the system. All of them were bearing down on the moon from different points in the system. At such long ranges, it was difficult to determine the identity of the other craft. Rear-Admiral Jordanis was reasonably certain that they opposition forces were xeno and traitor in origin. Only later would events reveal the nature of their foes. Inquisitor Xanatos was confident that the interlopers were drawn to Bin Mazar for the same reason his fleet was there. To determine the power source that had destroyed the planet, and to try and harness it for themselves. He had to get to the colony before them. The Imperial forces were not sufficient to guarantee total victory. Therefore, Rear-Admiral Jordanis and Inquisitor Xanatos forbade any prolonged fleet engagements. Instead, the trick would be to sneak in close enough to Bin Mazar, get aircraft into orbit, and then retreat to the safety of the many asteroid belts in system. As the Imperial operation began to evolve, it became clear that their rivals had a similar thinking process. None of them wanted to risk their fleets in an engagement over a relatively useless system. For the remainder of the year, the gathered fleets played elaborate shadow games. Waaagh! Boomshakka It is unclear exactly how or when Orks came to be on Bin Mazar. One day, the colony was a thriving
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta and peaceful settlement. The next, it was suddenly embroiled in a war for survival. Initially, the Ork menace was primitive. The Ork boyz challenged the lasgun armed PDF with spears and stone choppas. The threat was easily contained. However, the PDF did not have the strength to eradicate the Orks. Each year the war continued, the Ork war machine grew in skill and technology. During these years, many Ork warbosses rose to prominence amongst the scattered tribes. As is the Ork tradition, only the strongest or most cunning can lead. So it was that Warboss Boomshakka came to prominence.
His mob was the first to be able to build large numbers of Shootas. With this firepower advantage, Boomshakka was able to quickly subjugate rival Ork tribes. Boomshakka’s cunning lay with his concentration of oddboyz into a crude industrial center. The Orks dubbed this settlement, Da Mek Hut. With the power of the Mek Hut behind him, Boomshakka was able to stay ahead of his rival’s technology curve, and the boyz loyal to him became the best equipped boyz on Bin Mazar. After the subjugation of his rivals, it was only a matter of time before Boomshakka’s attention turned towards the humans on Bin Mazar. The Ork mobz that faced the Bin Mazar PDF were no longer the poorly armed rabble from before. In fact, their technological advantage over the human colonists quickly became apparent. By the time of the Battle of Drunn’s Ridge, the Orks had a clear superiority in firepower, numbers, and aircraft. Warboss Boomshakka maintained the advantage and forced the Imperials into the Long Retreat to the Emperor’s Rock. Boomshakka’s victory appeared inevitable until the Energy Surge.
The Orks refer to the calamity as Gorkz (Or possibly Morkz) Rage. Those Gork (or possibly Mork) deemed unorky were consumed by the power surge. Those that remained could only be the toughest, roughest, and most Orky. After the day of Gorkz (or possibly Morkz) Rage, the Orks were scattered. The vast amounts of territory they had conquered had been reduced to wasteland and wreckage. Almost immediately, Ork warbands were drawn to each other, and they fought for control. All of Warboss Boomshakka’s work to unite the Orks of Bin Mazar had been undone. Warboss Boomshakka himself survived Gorkz (or possibly Morkz) Rage. He has set about rebuilding his Waaagh!. The epicenter of his power lies on the coast, one of the few areas not devastated by the surge. He and his loyal Nobz are attempting to gather up the loose Ork bands.
The sudden arrival of new Imperial and Xeno threats have caused a stir in the Ork psyche on Bin Mazar. Orks that had been squabbling the day before are beginning to band together and seek out other Orks. The Waaagh! Energy is building on Bin Mazar, and it is only a matter of time before Waaagh! Boomshakka is back on track to reclaiming the moon.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Visions in the Darkness On’Elusia had drifted the space at the fringes of the Galaxy for millenia. Her ancient Farseers had guided her through the aeons of time and space and kept her safe. They stood eternal vigil along the ley lines of fate in order to protect their brethren from the darkness of the Universe. The Eldar were an ancient race, their past glories were manifold, but their fall had been spectacular. There were none now who could speak of those terrible times from memory, but all knew. All could sense the stirrings and hunger of the Great Enemy. Therefore, the visions of their Farseers on the eve of a showing of the Great Dance brought acute concern. The seers spoke of it in whispers amongst themselves, unwilling to alarm their fellows. A great tangle of fate, twisting and turning. A shadowpoint, or nexus of potential futures loomed. The Shadowpoint blinded the aged and powerful Farseers of what lay ahead. The only point of clarity that they could all agree on, was that the Shadowpoint hinged upon events on a small, insignificant Mon’keigh moon. That moon was Bin Mazar. The High Council of On’Elusia convened in a
secret session. There the Craftworld elders discussed the situation. Farseers, Autarchs, Exarchs, and others shared their views. The council was in disarray and divided. The Avatar itself had not stirred, surely no harm was in the craftworld’s future. Others were not convinced. The Shadowpoint could be shrouding his vision too. It was then, unbidden and unannounced the Harlequin Shadowseer known as the Nameless One appeared in the chamber. He cordially requested an audience, which was granted. He then spun a tale, a tale of times long ago. A tale of things best left forgotten. A tale no member of the High Council has since repeated, and indeed has sworn themselves to silence on penalty of death. After the Nameless One spoke, all agreed. On’Elusia would go to war. The Corsair Princess Yrissa was summoned back to On’Elusia. There the High Council bade her favor to investigate this small moon on their behalf. She agreed, and her Corsair fleet was stockpiled and supplied. Farseer Elad accompanied her to Bin Mazar. Their mandate from the council was simple. Unravel the mystery of the Shadowpoint.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
The Harbingers of Chaos The ebb and flow of the warp is a fickle thing. There are those who claim to be able to control it, to shape it, to predict it; but such boasts are pure folly. The Warp has no master. It is the home of countless predators, none more powerful than the Chaos Gods. There are foolish and weak willed mortals willing to risk their very souls for a chance at power. For a chance at immortality and demonhood. The vast majority fall far before achieving such heights; but a rare few succeed. These successes are enough to spur on the hopes and aspirations of others. One of these aspiring champions of Chaos was Commander Traz Valsk. He had once been a loyal captain in the Imperial Navy, but like many before, he fell to the seductive call of chaos. Since those dimly remembered days, Traz Valsk had been a pirate prince on the Eastern Fringe. There, he had acquired a following, the Harbingers of Chaos. The Harbingers of Chaos had marauded and plundered there way across the Old Guard Stars, staying one or two steps ahead of their pursuers. Traz Valsk knew that such petty pursuits were little in the eyes of his true masters. He craved more, to carve his name into the very stars, and proclaim his devotion to Chaos. Then, his twisted prayers were answered. His agents brought word of a terrible calamity that befell a minor Imperial outpost called Bin Mazar. A strange power source had wreaked devastation on a massive scale. If harnessed, the kind of scale that could raise Commander Traz Valsk beyond that of the pirate prince. The kind of harnessed power that could raise him to a god! The Harbingers of Chaos had a new mission. Find the power source, and make it theirs!
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The Greater Good Commander Swiftspeed had been a veteran of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. His forces had fought with distinction at the sept world of Dal’yth. In exchange for his bravery the Ethereals sent Commander Swiftspeed on a special mission. The Commander was given a small commerce fleet and sent out to map the far edges of the Imperium. The Ethereals now understood the true threat and also true potential of the Imperium of Man. For the Greater Good, intelligence of the enemy had to be obtained. For eight long years, Commander Swiftspeed’s taskforce, Tau Expeditionary Fleet EF-024; had skirted the edges of the Old Guard Stars. In addition to mapping, they also forged trade contracts, seeded water caste spies, and gathered intelligence on Imperial strength in the region.
The extended cruise was coming to an end. Commander Swiftspeed had all ready reached the furthest terminus of his mission. EF-024 was on the return leg of their expedition. It was during a meeting with a friendly Rogue Trader of the Estragian Cartel that word of the incident at Bin Mazar reached him. His Earth Caste associates were excited by the stories. However, Commander Swiftspeed was too much of a pragmatist to put much stock in them. However, his chief Water Caste and Earth Caste representatives persuaded him to detour the fleet to investigate. Surely such a vast power source would be immensely valuable to the Tau Empire? Upon arrival in system, Commander Swiftspeed’s mission was clear. Locate the source of the power surge. Determine if it was retrievable, and take it. Failing that, make sure no one else recovered it.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
+++Naval Intelligence Report: +++State of Sigma/Alpha- F3III +++Status: Opposition Forces +++Date: 495752.M41 +++Ship: Obedient
Traitor Forces: Harbinger- Styx Class Heavy Cruiser Commander Valsk DoomKaller- Devastation Class Cruiser Unknown Hatred of Morn- Slaughter Class Cruiser Captain Gaius Malthus 13 Escort Class Ships 11 Auxiliary Ships
Eldar Forces: On’Elusia’s Wrath- Eclipse Class Cruiser Princess Yrissa Bane of Aghred- Eclipse Class Cruiser The Four Winds- Aurora Class Light Cruiser 7 Escort Class Vessels
Tau Forces: The Way of Goodness- Explorer Class Vash’Ya Configuration Commander Swiftspeed Peace to Balfor- Merchant Class Kelshan Configuration Harmonious Tides- Merchant Class Kelshan Configuration Unity and Brotherhood- Merchant Class Dal’yth Configuration 12 Escort Class Vessels 15 Auxiliary Ships
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar The Warzones Bin Mazar has been sub-divided into the following six search areas to ease prosecution of the Investigation. Due to the nature of the investigation, they will be referred to as Warzones. Princes of Bahdad
Space Port
Bashir Manor
Port Lawrence Port of Hormuz
Da Mekz Hutz
Drunn’s Ridge
Madeena Lake Elamein
Kairn Line
Ahab Idiosyncrasy
The Wash Basin
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 1- The Blasted Lands The vast bulk of Bin Mazar was pastoral lands of rolling hills, shallow gullies, and vast stretches of prairie, all of covered in the ubiquitous Ruffweed. Amongst these pastoral scenes, herds of Grox would graze freely. Only scattered ranch houses and small communities dotted the landscape. The power surge ended that. Everything the surge touched was laid to waste and ruin. Streams were instantly evaporated, grox disintegrated, Ruffweed annihilated, and all signs of humanity and Ork alike blasted into ruin. Now, as far as the eye can see, lay only a blasted landscape. Bare rocks lay exposed to the distant sun. Dust blows slowly across the surface. The dark tones of bare soil the only thing visible across the hills of Bin Mazar. There are few if any features of note. Each brown hued mile runs into the next, making it all too easy to become disoriented and lost. Even a few years after the event, the Ruffweed is only starting to return. The Orks and humans are starting to return as well, but for different reasons. They are searching the Blasted Land. Areas of Note The following areas are of note in this Warzone: Drunn’s Ridge This is the location of the fateful battle of Drunn’s Ridge. It is a long, defensible crest of rock that cuts across a nearly flat plain on either side. Both sides of the ridge are permanently etched with the trench works and crater damage. The skeletons of abandoned and destroyed war machines still dot the landscape. All the moldering bodies were engulfed by the Surge.
This site of past glories has become a popular haunt of Orks. They scurry and scavenge to build new war machines to fuel their need for slaughter. The various Ork bands fight each other over the loot scraps. Each Mob trying to cut out their own territory, and each Nob trying to build his own warband. Da Mek Hutz In days before the Surge, this had been Warboss Boomshakka’s key to victory. Here, he had gathered all the Oddboyz of his tribe to build the war machines they would need to sweep the human’s from the surface. It was the disorganized and sprawling complex that allowed the Warboss to overcome his fellow Ork rivals. Now, it is just another set of ruins that dot the Blasted Lands. The Oddboyz and their Grot assistants were long ago killed by the Day of Gork’s (or possibly Mork’s) Rage. The factories and workshops are long since a shutdown and left to ruin and decay. Occasionally, a brave ork warband will wander in for loot, but they never stay long. There is a dark reputation, and even the Orks fear to linger in this place.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 2- The Coast of Last Hope After the defeat at Drunn’s Ridge, those settlers that could fled to the coast. There, they attempted to evacuate any way they could to the last bastion, the Emperor’s Rock. As a result, this stretch of coast line became know as the Last Hope. Bin Mazar never had a large population. However, on this coastline the largest settlements were found. To most Imperial citizens, they would be considered quaint refuges. Their populations as nothing compared to the great Hive cities. It was to these settlements on the coast that the ranchers would drive their herds of Grox. Here, they would be slaughtered and transported via the sea to the Spaceport for export off-world. Fishing boats would depart from these scattered towns and reap the harvest of the sea. Now, these towns are just shells, the inhabitants long fled, or destroyed by the Surge. Fishing boats rock gently in their births. The labyrinthine slaughter yards sprawl silently outward. Due to the moisture carried by sea breezes, the Ruffweed has already started to return here. Vast carpets of new growth spread from the edge of the beaches inward, slowly trying to reclaim the vacuum of the Blasted Lands.
Areas of Note: The following areas are of note in this Warzone: Port Lawrence Port Lawrence was an important settlement on Bin Mazar prior to the calamity. It was the largest settlement away from the Space Port, and served as a de facto capital. Here were some of the largest centers of religious, education, and culture on Bin Mazar. It is home of the St. Augustine Chapel and Schola, the Imperial Governor’s House, and the Arbites’ Precinct House. Like all settlements on the Coast of Last Hope, it is nothing more than ruins. The spire of the Chapel still juts defiantly skyward, but the bells toll no longer. The stained glass and other ornamental works have fallen into disrepair. Dust blows through the halls of the Governor’s House. Lake Elamein The lake is one of the few inland bodies of water on Bin Mazar. It was a popular destination for high born families and recreation. Stately manor houses surrounded the lake, the closer to the lake; the more powerful the family. Each manor was surrounded by stately gardens and ornamental artworks.
Like all things on the mainland of Bin Mazar, they are nothing but ruins. The gardens were destroyed, and now Ruffweed grows in its place. The lake itself survived the Surge, but is much smaller.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 3- Emperor’s Rock The Emperor’s Rock, the last refuge of humanity on Bin Mazar. After the crushing defeat at the Battle of Drun’s Ridge, the Imperial settlements on the main land became untenable. Those that could, fled across the ocean here. The island had been home to the Bin Mazar space port. As such, much of the island was left relatively uninhabited except for space port staff and crew. The noise, hazardous pollution, and potential for a crash made great colonization untenable. The edges of the island had large harbor facilities to facilitate the off-world transport of Grox meat. These harbors became the new homes for the people of Bin Mazar that survived the Ork offensive. From here, the great undertaking of reclaiming their world would be launched. The retreat to the Emperor’s Rock proved to be a fortuitous plan as the Surge that suddenly struck Bin Mazar seemed to only impact the continental land mass. The Emperor’s Rock was spared the destruction and left largely intact. Those inhabitants that had managed to find shelter on the island praised the Emperor for their luck. Now, as the Imperial forces return to Bin Mazar, the people of the Emperor’s Rock eagerly cried out for their aid. Surely, the survivors were thrice blessed by the God-Emperor! First they survived the Long Retreat, then The Surge, and now the forces of the God-Emperor had returned to Bin Mazar. It was truly a time to celebrate! Areas of Note The following areas are of note in this Warzone: St. Augustine Primaris Space Port The key feature of the Emperor’s Rock is the space port. It is this facility that forms the life
line between Bin Mazar and the greater galaxy. By Imperial standards it is relatively primitive and sparse. The majority of its cargo had been Grox meat, and the volume was not sufficient for larger facilities. However, it is still a functional facility for medium and light bulk lifters. The space port is staffed by a mixture of local workers and Adeptus Mechanicus personnel. What remains of the Adeptus Arbites on Bin Mazar have also made their home at the space port. The Arbites and Ad-mech have maintained joint security and operation of the facilities since the Surge struck the colony. Port of Hormuz The largest port on the Emperor’s Rock is now the home of the new capital. Here the surviving government of the colony had fled, along with other Imperial officials. The colony all ready had an existing set of harbors, air fields, and communications equipment. It was a natural choice for the new capital. Since the days of the Surge, the inhabitants have begun to create a new cathedral. So far, efforts have been hampered by a lack of material, and the edifice is mostly a plain rockcrete structure. However, it is a sign of the inhabitants of Bin Mazar’s buoyed-up morale and faith.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 4- The Far Shore The far shore had been a sparsely populated, rural section of the mainland. Most of the land was grox ranches and scattered fishing villages. The inhabitants lived far apart from each other, and the population density of people was outnumbered by that of Grox. This light density of population left it relatively safe from Ork marauders, who tended to go more towards the heavier population of the opposite shore. However, the few Ork raids that entered this area found little resistance as the ranchers took to underground shelters and farmers went to sea. With no real fight, the Orks would soon leave and head where the action was, leaving looted, burning wreckage and dead Grox behind them. Like the rest of the continent, this area was scorched bare by the Surge when it struck. Only now, is the Ruffweed slowly starting to creep back inwards. Fresh shoots probe inward from the edge of the beaches. The only difference between now and before is that the Grox are gone. It is unclear if any of the inhabitants of this region survived the Surge in their underground bunkers. They had served to protect them from Orks, but this was a different enemy. It struck quickly and with little warning. No survivors have yet been found.
Areas of Note The following areas are of note in this Warzone: The Wash Basin Not far from the ocean front was a grouping of natural springs that bubbled from the surface of Bin Mazar. At first, the local inhabitants only used them to water their Grox. However, a legend soon sprung up around the spring waters. They were claimed to have medicinal properties. This lead to a local legend that the Wash Basin had been touched by the hand of Lord General Abel Gard, of St. Augustine’s crusade fleet when Bin Mazar was first purged. His holy touch has purified the waters and blessed them. The site became a pilgrimage site for the faithful. Local scholars find it unlikely that this event ever occurred, but that did not stop the pilgrims. Today, the springs still flow, but no colonists have visited the site since the Surge. Medeena This was the largest town on the far shore. Like Port Lawrence, the site acted as a staging point for Grox to be sent to the space port on the Emperor’s Rock. However, it fell out of favor after being sacked early in the Ork wars. The population was reduced significantly, and the town never recovered from the attack. Even before the Surge, it was in disrepair, but the loss of all inhabitants has only made the problem worse. Cross Reference: Grox, Common The Grox is a large reptilian animal. It possesses many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any environment and to thrive on even the most indigestible food. Grox meat itself is also extremely palatable and nutritious, and nearly every single part of the beast is edible.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 5- The Dead Sea This area used to be called the Sea of Abbis Ada. It was a relatively thriving inland sea. The sea itself was ringed with hydro-fisheries that specialized in the breeding and raising of edible and valuable fish and mollusks only found in this sea. These fisheries were generally part of private estates and manors. Each manor formed a small community of the owners and a variety of servants, laborers, and overseers. Each one was its own isolated community. The main Ork drive had been mostly focused on the inhabitants on the opposite side of the continent. Only a few roving marauders seeking easier prey ventured to the shores of Abbis Ada. For the most part, the Ork wars had left the estates unharmed. The Surge did not spare them. The power and heat evaporated much of the water in the Sea of Abbis Ada. The level of the sea is said to have dropped twenty feet. The shore side fisheries ceased to exist as the sea hissed away in a cloud of steam. This sudden loss of water, coupled with extreme heat led to a mass kill of sea life. However, as they floated to the surface, they were quickly disintegrated by the Surge. The human inhabitants fared no better. Their manor houses now stand as empty ruins. Monoliths to a once prosperous cluster of humanity. Like everywhere else on Bin Mazar, the Surge spared no one. Now all that is left are empty ghost towns. Areas of Note The following are areas of note in this Warzone:
Bashir Manor The largest and most successful of the former hydro-fisheries had been the Bashir Manor. Prior to the collapse of the colony, the Bashir name had been one of the leading political names. This manor house was their primary residence. It was renowned for its stable of exotic sea life, and amazing beaches.
Of course, it is now nothing but another abandoned villa. The well-connected family nothing more but memories. Only a few lesser members of the household survived the Surge. Those that were away at the space port for business. The rest have vanished along with the rest of the mainland population of Bin Mazar. They are presumed dead. The Princess of Bahdad Once, the docks of these prosperous manor houses were visited by the opulent Princess of Bahdad liner. This vessel was a floating resort and casino for those of a certain privileged class of the colony. The ships name was spoken around the planet, and was a symbol of the colony’s success. Now, the ship has been grounded. The rapid evaporation of the Sea of Abbiss Ada’s waters left her beached upon a sand bar. This would have been a great concern for the crew, but they were annihilated by the Surge at the same time as the ship ran aground. It is just another rusting wreck of what once was.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warzone 6- Ocean of Bin Mazar Due to Bin Mazar’s relative small size and lack of a massive industrial base, the Ocean of Bin Mazar has never been truly exploited for its full potential. Unlike many planets in the Imperium, the ocean on Bin Mazar is still full of aquatic life. During the colony’s hey-day, these resources were tapped by local fisherman to serve the domestic market. It is unclear what, if any other resources lie beneath the ocean of the moon. The ocean did serve as an important travel method to move Grox meat from the shores of the mainland to the Emperor’s Rock. A modest freighter fleet and supporting industries had grown up to help support these efforts. The vast majority of the Ocean was left mostly ignored by the colonists. Little data is available beyond orbital imagery. What lies beneath the surface is even more of a mystery.
Areas of Note The following are areas of note in this Warzone: Kairn Line The Kairn Line is a series of Promethium Drilling Rigs anchored in the ocean. These rigs were tapping into the only known deposits of promethium on the moon. They are all aligned relatively close together and form a short, visible line across the water. The Kairn Line is maintained mostly by Adeptus Mechanicus personnel and lay followers. The resources drilled from the line have been consumed domestically on Bin Mazar. New crews are not rotated in, and they have formed their own self-perpetuating community. The Kairn Line survived the Surge, as it only impacted the Bin Mazar continent. However, with the arrival of so many xeno and heretical factions in system, communication with the Kairn Line has been cut-off. The fate of those on board is unknown. Ahab Idiosyncrasy Named after the unlucky captain who discovered it, the Ahab Idiosyncrasy is an area of ocean that causes all machine spirits to become uncooperative and restless. Often, the machinespirits become inconsolable and therefore unusable. However, once beyond the borders of the Ahab Idiosyncrasy, they return to their normal complacent state. No serious study has ever been conducted by the Adeptus Mechanicus, as the nature of the Idiosyncrasy as it is easily avoided and ancillary to most shipping functions. However, it has been an area of great interest to lay members of the Cult Mechanicus. However, to date, no one has provided a plausible explanation as to the nature of the Ahab Idiosyncrasy.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar Notables Inquisitor Draxiz Xanatos “The Cyclops” - Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Inquisitor Xanatos is a long standing member of the Holy Ordos with a long history of battling Tau Expansionism on the Eastern Fringe. Xanatos is ever eager to challenge the foes of the Imperium wherever they rear their heads. As a result, he has suffered severe damage, and his body is a patchwork of scars and healed wounds, including a head injury so severe as to lead to a permanent loss of his right eye. The Inquisitor’s curiosity was piqued when word of the strange power surge reached his ears. Fearing this was some new unknown and malicious xeno weapon, Xanatos endeavored to find the truth. Hence, Operation: Blackbrush was formed. Rear Admiral Benihamim Jordanis- Imperial Navy- Obedient Jordanis hails from a career naval family that has served Battlefleet Pacificus for twenty generations. He himself has worked his way from lowly ensign to Rear-admiral due to effort, strong staff work, and family connections. The Rear-Admiral and Inquisitor Xanatos have worked together on prior assignments, but the navy man does not consider the Inquisitor a friend. Their relationship is a working one at best. Both of them have too strong of an ego, and the master and subordinate relationship is constantly a source of friction.
Saif Abu Huassas- Rogue Trader- House Abu Huassas- Star of Luxori The House of Abu Huassas has been a well respected and established Rogue Trader family on the Eastern Fringe for at least two centuries. Initially, the House was a single trade charter, but careful planning, contract negotiations, and strategic marriages has seen the number of charters within the House rise. They have now expanded into several lucrative markets and fields beyond Rogue Trading.
Saif Abu Huassas is the current head of Abu Huassas trade wing. He is the third son in the dynastic line. The title Saif is a moniker of position. The Saif has journeyed to Bin Mazar to fulfill a long standing contract between his House and that with Inquisitor Draxiz Xanatos. He is eager to exploit what drew his rival, the Octragius Cartel to the moon for the benefit of his own House.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Colonel Larz Messier – Imperial Guard- 125th Davidius Rifles Colonel Messier grew up in the wild and untamed plains outside the great Hives of Davidius Prime. He joined the planetary PDF as soon as he was eligible to enroll in order to escape the harsh conditions of his home. He quickly took to military life. However, he had a reputation as a firebrand and religious zealot, and that ended his PDF career at the rank of Colonel. As the tithe approached, the PDF high command on Davidius saw it as the perfect chance to rid themselves of the rabble rousing colonel, and he was assigned the honor of leading one of the newly raised infantry units due to be tithed to the Imperial Guard. When Inquisitor Xanatos called upon troops from the Governor of Davidius, the 125th were the only combat ready unit for the upcoming tithe. He gladly assigned them to the Inquisitor’s service.
Commander Louffer Husst- Imperial Navy- Aeronautica Imperialis Like Rear-Admiral Jordanis, the Commander comes from a long line of naval officers. However, his family is one of lesser noble standing. Therefore, the family has traditionally found itself in the service of the Aeronautica Imperialis as administrators and pilots. It is tradition that all sons after the first become pilots. As the third son of the house; Louffer became a pilot. . Commander Husst is a former Thunderbolt Ace that was promoted through the ranks of the Imperial Navy’s Aeronautica Imperialis. He has earned a reputation for hard fighting, hard drinking, and so-so flying. It is not unheard of for him to don a flight suit from time to time to show the youngsters how it is done. In short, he is a dyed in the wool killer. His killer instinct has led to the honor of commanding the air operations above Bin Mazar. The pilots and squadron leaders that serve under him have taken to calling him “Papa Lou”, which Husst heartily endorses. Bladebrother Athos–Blademasters Chapter- Blade of Acterion The Blademasters have a long history of cooperation with Inquisitor Xanatos. They have provided troops for a number of the Inquisitor’s purges and operations on the Eastern Fringe. The Inquisitor is said to be on good relations with the Chapter Master, as the two share a passion for pre-Imperial Old Guard Stars power swords. Bladebrother Athos is the equivalent of a Sergeant in the chapter. The Inquisitor put out a general call for volunteers to assist him in his actions at Bin Mazar to many Space Marine Chapters operating in the area. Those that volunteered their services were gathered by Bladebrother Athos in one of the Chapter’s strike cruisers. It is said that brothers from as many as eight chapters volunteered themselves for service. They are nominally led by the Bladebrother, but are free to act at their own discretion.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Warboss Boomshakka Laka Boom– Ork Warboss It is unclear how or when Orks came to Bin Mazar, all that matters it that they are there. The vast majority were wiped out in the Day of Gork’s (Or possibly Mork’s) Rage. However, Orks being Orks, their numbers are growing rapidly. Warboss Boomshakka is still considered by the remaining Orks to be the big boss. Now, the warboss has noticed the humans and other xenos landing all over the continent. Unsurprisingly, the Orks see this as a threat, and they are eager to defend their turf. After all, all those abandoned and ruined buildings still need to be looted! Plus, Orks aren’t known for being good neighbors, and Boomshakka is no exception. Commander Swiftspeed– Fire Warrior Shas’O- Fleet EF-024 The Tau Commander is a veteran of fighting in the Damocles Gulf around Darl’yth. Afterwards, the Tau Ethereals sent several Expeditionary Fleets out into the Eastern Fringe to learn more about this new threat, find new resources, and spread the word of the Greater Good. Swiftspeed was assigned to lead fleet EF-024. The Commander has spent the greater part of the last ten years fulfilling his duties. His time dealing with humans has left him ambivalent about their role and benefit to the Greater Good. Privately, he sees them as nothing more than savage brutes, barely better than Orks. However, he is no fool and has realized the massive threat that the Imperium poses to his small empire. Commander Swiftspeed understands that the Tau will need greater strength to prevail against humanity when war comes again. Princess Yrissa– Eldar Corsair- On’Elusia’s Wrath The Eldar are an ancient and complex race. In order to focus their minds and emotions, they have developed a complicated and alien set of thinking structures known as the Eldar Path. Each Path focuses the mind, being, and essence of the participant in order to protect the Eldar soul from the predations of Chaos. Yrissa follows the path of the Corsair. On the Path of the Corsair, an Eldar can experience things they would never know in the peaceful life of their Craftworld. Such sensations were a powerful pull on Yrissa’s mind. This path has allowed her to leave her Craftworld behind and venture into the reaches of the Old Guard Stars. There she has created a powerful reputation for herself and gathered a following of fellow corsairs. As such, she has been elevated to the position of Pirate Princess. Despite being a Corsair, Yrissa is still loyal to her people. When summoned by the High Council, she willingly returned to do her part for her people.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Farseer Elad– Eldar Farseer- On’Elusia Craftworld Farseer Elad had been in the High Council chambers when the Nameless One spun his tale. It was a tale that the Farseer did not want to remember, but the Nameless One had made it impossible. It was a tale that he could tell no one, not even Princess Yrissa. Elad was the youngest of the Craftworld’s Farseers. His powers were potent, but the Shadowpoint confounded them. The future was unclear, but he knew the resolution of that shadow in fate was at Bin Mazar. The diminishing of his powers by the Shadowpoint was a constantly felt frustration. However, he didn’t need his powers of farsight to know that Bin Mazar held something that would tip the future of his Craftworld. Commander Traz Valsk –Harbingers of Chaos- The Harbinger In distant memory, during the St. Augustine Crusade, Commander Traz Valsk was a Captain of one of the Imperium of Man’s mighty starships. Like RearAdmiral Jordanis, Valsk’s family had a long naval tradition. However, taint was buried deep within his soul. The many warp jumps weakened him, and the whispers of chaos slowly and insidiously devolved him into madness. During a routine warp jump, the Harbinger of the Emperor simply failed to rendezvous as expected. Most wrote it off as just another victim of the Warp. That was true, in one sense. Soon, Captain’s Valsk ship resurfaced, but this time attacking loyalist freighters and colonies. Valsk and his ship had been twisted in soul and form by Chaos. For centuries, the Harbingers of Chaos raided and pillaged the Old Guard Stars unimpeded, with none able to finally put an end to her. Now, Commander Traz Valsk has come to Bin Mazar to discover and harness the power of the Surge.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Playing the
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Playing the Campaign New Units Stormraven The Stormraven gunship is a recent addition to the Armory of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter. The craft serves in the roles of gunship, drop ship, and strike aircraft. It is not clear how the craft came into being; some Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus whisper that its Standard Template Construct (STC) data file was found by a Blood Angels Techmarine in the early 41st Millenium in a forgotten Mechanicus archive on Mars. Smaller than the far more common Space Marine Thunderhawk, the Stormraven is no more maneuverable than that gunship, thanks to the Thunderhawk's wide array of vectored thrusters. Yet, it is this maneuverability and the Stormraven's smaller size that makes it an ideal support craft in close environs like the crowded spaces of a hive city, where the use of Thunderhawks would be impossible.
Only a very small handful of these craft were available for action on Bin Mazar. The Battlemaster’s Strike Cruiser that rendezvoused with the Blackbrush fleet was accompanied by marines from many chapters. Two squads of Blood Angels from the fourth company had volunteered for service in the expedition, and were accompanied by their Stormraven aircraft.
StormRaven Type:
Max Speed:
Min Speed:
2 Special
Max Altitude: 9 (Rocket) Weaponry: Weapons
Hurricane Bolters
Extra Damage 4+
Assault Cannons
All around
Extra Damage 5+
Special Rules: Orbital Lander- This aircraft may have the Orbital Lander rules for +5 points. Additional Weaponry: Weapons Bloodstrikes
Arc Front
Firepower 2/2/2
Damage 3+
Ammo 2
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage 6+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Space Marine Land Speeders Land Speeders are light anti-gravity vehicles, serving as the primary reconnaissance, scouting, resupply and fast attack vehicles of the Imperial Space Marine Chapters. Land Speeders are based on STC data recovered in M31, and afterwards became widely produced and used throughout the Imperium. Anti-gravity technologies required to create Land Speeders have become increasingly rare, and so only extremely resource rich planets or organizations can afford to create them. Space Marine Land Speeder Type: Manuever: Max Altitude: Weaponry: Weapons Heavy Bolter
Special Rules:
The basic Land Speeder is piloted by a crew of two Space Marines. One acts as the pilot. The other crewman acts primarily as a gunner and spotter. On Bin Mazar, the Land Speeder would be ideal for patrolling and investigating wide areas of the wastelands quickly. However, their low speed and inability to gain altitude will make them vulnerable to enemy interceptors and ground defenses.
Fighter Very High 3
Hits: Max Speed: Thrust:
1 5 2
Transport: Min Speed:
0 0
Arc Forward Sides
Firepower 3/2/0
Damage 5+
Ammo 3
Speeder- If the Tempest goes to Altitude 0, the pilot will avoid crashing into the ground with a successful pilot roll. Once at Alt 0, no additional rolls need to be made if the Tempest stays at Alt 0
Additional Weaponry: Weapons
1. Typhoon Missile Launcher
2. Assault Cannon
Extra Damage: 5+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Playing the Campaign New Units Space Marine Land Speeder Tempest The Land Speeder Tempest is a popular variant of the Space Marine Land Speeder. It is fully enclosed, with a single pilot, a fixed-forward Assault Cannon and twin-linked Missile Launchers. It also has an improved power plant, larger engines, and heavier armor. The design has proven popular with many chapters. It can be used in the same roles as a regular Land Speeder. However, it is better Tempest- Space Marine Land Speeder Type: Fighter Manuever: Max Altitude: Weaponry: Weapons Assault Cannon Special Rules:
suited for Reconnaissance in force, quick fire support, or to operate in support of other Speeders.
On Bin Mazar, the Land Speeder Tempest would be sent in to clear potential landing zones for inbound drop pods and Thunderhawks. In addition, they were used to help protect the more vulnerable Speeder scouts. Unfortunately, the Tempest has some of the same weaknesses as normal Land Speeders against dedicated interceptors and ground defenses.
Very High 5
Max Speed: Thrust:
5 2
Min Speed:
Arc Front
Firepower 4/3/0
Damage 4+
Ammo 4
Special Extra Damage: 5+
Speeder- If the Tempest goes to Altitude 0, the pilot will avoid crashing into the ground with a successful pilot roll.
Once at Alt 0, no additional rolls need to be made if the Tempest stays at Alt 0 Additional Weaponry: Weapons Typhoon Missile Launcher
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta and its front hull to punch through starship hull armor and to deploy its soldiers in boarding actions against enemy ships. However, its smaller size, increased speed, and heavy armor allows it to maneuver through heavy firezones and battlefields to deploy its complement of soldiers. To add to its assault capabilities, it has teleporter homers and Frag Assault Launchers, making it a potent transport vehicle in both space battles and on the ground.
Caestus Assault Ram The Caestus Assault Ram, one of several assault rams in use in the Imperium, is the primary assault ram of the Space Marines. It is mainly used to board enemy ships, but it can also be used as an orbital dropship to land troops directly in the battlefield, despite its smaller size compared to a Thunderhawk. The Caestus' main weapon is the magna-melta, a melta weapon used to penetrate starship hull plating, but can also be used against tanks, vehicles, and infantry, leaving devastation in its path. Some Caestus' also have the Firefury missile launcher, which launches all of its missile in one shot, saturating the area of effect with smaller warheads. Because of its role as an assault ram, it has shield generators on its front, meaning it can resist attacks and impact collisions on its front hull. All have afterburners, which can propel the assault ram faster than its standard speed, and extra armor for its role as an assault ram. It can transport 10 soldiers.
During the Investigation of Bin Mazar, the Caestus Assault Ram would be used to help ferry troops down to the surface of the moon. There, these units would scout pre-selected coordinates for information relating to the mysterious power surge. Typically, Assault Rams were only deployed when the Imperials expected heavy resistance from ground defenses. The Rams would also be used to launch preemptive and spoiler attacks on the bases of rival factions. Again, the Caestus strong armor would protect the Space Marines on the approach, while the potent weapons would tear through enemy craft caught on the ground.
A powerful assault ram, it uses its melta weapon Caestus Assault Ram Type:
Max Speed:
Min Speed:
Max Altitude:
Extra Damage 4+
Special Rules: Orbital Lander- See Campaign Rules Additional Weaponry: Weapons
1. Firefuries
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage, 6+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Imperial Vendetta Gunship The Vendetta is an upgunned aircraft using the Valkyrie STC chassis. The aircraft’s primary role is to act as a roving tank hunter for close air support. As a result, the weapon systems of the Vendetta have been upgraded to wing and nose mounted twin-linked lascannons. In addition, the Vendetta has been given an upgraded sensor package that is mounted in the nose of the craft. Like its sister aircraft, the Valkyrie; the Vendetta Gunship can be used as a heavy tranport. It maintains its transport capabilities. The number of Vendettas produced are limited compared to the Valkyrie, however they have become popular with Imperial Guard Vendetta- Imperial Guard Gunship Type: Fighter Manuever: Very High Max Altitude: 7 Weaponry: Weapons Arc Las-cannons Front
commanders across the Galaxy. Demand for these relatively rare aircraft in the Old Guard stars has outstripped the Munitorium and Ad-Mechs abilities to produce them. However, Operation: Blackbrush was spared no expense, and the valuable Vendettas were attached at Inquisitor Xanato’s request. During the Investigation of Bin Mazar, the Vendetta was attached to elements of the Imperial Guard forces to provide them additional support. The Vendetta would be mixed in with larger flights of Valkyries and Vultures. The flights would then sweep into the target locations to drop their troops. After the infantry would sweep the area for clues, they flight would then air lift the Imperial Guardmen back to base.
Hits: Max Speed: Thrust:
2 3 1
Transport: Min Speed:
Firepower 0/1/1
Damage 2+
Ammo 3
Special Extra Damage 6+
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage 6+ Ground Attack Extra Damage 6+
Additional Weaponry: Weapons 1. Las-cannons
Arc Front
Firepower 0/2/2
Damage 2+
Ammo 3
2. Hellstrikes
1 0
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Ajax Tactical Lander
units in the drop zone.
The Imperial Navy makes use of a wide variety of craft designed to bring troops and cargo from the ships in orbit to a planet’s surface. These range from huge city sized landing craft capable of moving entire regiments all the way down to the humble Aquila Lander. There are literally hundreds of types of landers in the arsenal of the Imperium.
The Ajax is ubiquitious across the Old Guard Stars. It is a simple design. The controls are simple, and the interiors are spartan. They are often referred to as the “Flying Brick” by their crews. However, the Imperial Guard units assigned to drop in them often refer to them as the “Sky Urn”.
The Ajax is one of several STC designs for landers known as Tactical Landers. The role of a tactical lander is to get a platoon sized force to the planet’s surface in one piece. A tactical lander is typically well armored to protected against ground defenses, and armed to help fend off interceptor craft or assist in suppressing
On Bin Mazar, Imperial Navy strategos expected to use Ajax Landers to drop elements of Imperial Guard forces at various key sites across the surface of the moon. These platoon sized elements would then scout the surface of the planet looking for clues to the strange power surge. With the appearance of so many enemy units, the plan may have to change.
Ajax Lander- Imperial Navy Tactical Lander Type: Bomber Hits: Manuever: Low Max Speed: Max Altitude: 9 (Rocket) Thrust: Weaponry: Weapons Arc Firepower Auto-cannons Front 2/2/1 Heavy Bolters Up, All 3/2/0 Special Rules:
4 4 1
Transport: Min Speed:
6 1
Damage 5+ 5+
Ammo 6 6
Special Ground Attack
Ammo 2
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage 6+
Orbital Lander- See the Campaign Special Rules
Additional Weaponry: Weapons Hellstrikes
Arc Front
Firepower 2/2/2
Damage 3+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Argus Cargo Hauler
There is an old military saying, “Amateurs talk tactics, real soldiers talk logistics”. Once an army or military force is deployed, it must be maintained in fighting form. Food, ammunition and fuel all must be fed into the war machine daily in order to keep it functioning at peak performance. No war machine is bigger than that of the Imperium of Man.
The Argus is simple, easy to manufacture, easy to fly, and rugged. All traits needed by an Imperial workhorse. However, it is not a very good flyer, and has very limited armor or protective firepower. This makes them vulnerable to enemy attack.
The Argus Cargo Hauler plays a key role in keeping the war machine of the Imperium operational. The Argus is a heavy lift cargo carrying aircraft. Its hold can carry the supplies needed to keep the Imperial soldiers equipped to landing strips and forward bases across the
The Argus would be the main logistical supply aircraft during the Investigation. They would accompany investigation groups into the warzones. From the hold of the Argus, the scout teams would be able to stay in the field for longer than otherwise possible. This would allow more complete research and scouting.
Argus - Cargo Hauler Type:
Max Speed:
Min Speed:
Max Altitude:
Heavy Stubbers
Rear. Up
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta in the war.
Thunderhead Airship The Thunderhead is an ancient STC design popular in the Old Guard Stars. The Thunderhead is designed to be a long haul cargo carrier. It is an exceedingly efficient design, perfect for resource poor settlements, such as Bin Mazar. The Thunderhead is one of the few aircraft found on Bin Mazar prior to the intervention of Rogue Trader Octragius. Most of the Thunderheads were civilian freighters. However, the PDF used the Thunderhead as an observation platform, artillery spotter, and cargo craft. Alone, they were no match for the ork junk fightas that the feral orks began to field late Thunderhead Airship- Long Range Cargo Hauler Type: Bomber Hits: Manuever: Max Altitude: Weaponry: Weapons Heavy Stubbers Special Rules:
Despite the cataclysm that turned most of Bin Mazar into a wasteland, many Thunderheads survived. Their bases and ports were clustered around the Spaceport and on the Emperor’s Rock. They remained mostly grounded, with the few survivors having little use for the craft.
With the return of the Imperial Navy, the Thunderhead Airships again have a role to play. As the Imperials push back, they Thunderheads will provide a vital logistical link between the Emperor’s Rock and the forward strike bases. Of course, the airships are vulnerable to enemy predation, so escorts will be required. 3
Min Speed:
Ammo 5
Max Speed:
Arc Down, All
Firepower 3/2/0
Damage 6+
Zeppelin- Zeppelins do not gain or lose speed for going up and down in altitude. Explosive- Any weapon that causes Extra Damage gains a +1 to the roll to determine if Extra Damage was inflicted.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Chaos Hell Fang The Hell Fang is a blasted abomination of deamonology and heretek. Unlike the Hellblade or Hell Talon, the Hell Fang is a dedicated air superiority fighter. Thankfully for Imperial pilots the Hell Fang is exceedingly rare. The exact specifications of the Hell Fang are unknown. None have fallen into Imperial hands for careful examination. Like her fellow Hell class aircraft, any downed Hell Fangs seem to be consumed by the fury of the demons bound within. Despite the lack of a physical test craft, the general abilities of the craft make it similar
to an Imperial Thunderbolt. The firepower of a Hell Fang is far superior to other Chaos craft, and it combines this with the deadly maneuverability of its fellows. It is unclear how many of these craft have been deployed to Bin Mazar to aid in the traitor’s investigation. Commander Louffer Husst, the officer coordinating Aeronautica Imperialis operations on Bin Mazar, has ordered the destruction of Hell Fangs as a top priority. The traitors are expected to use Hell Fangs to spearhead key raids and intercept priority targets.
Chaos Hell Fang- Air Superiority Fighter Type:
Max Speed:
Min Speed:
Max Altitude:
Extra Damage 6+
Additional Weaponry:
Weapons None
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Chaos Thunderhawk The vast majority of the Imperium of Man has no knowledge of the dark times of the Horus Heresy . However, to the Traitor Legions those days still burn in their souls. The humiliation of defeat, their own foul treachery, has left them bitter and insane. Even today, their long war against the Emperor breathes life and purpose into these traitor astartes. Since those terrible days, the Traitor legions have largely disintegrated into warbands. Charismatic and successful traitor commanders draw renegades and heretics to their banner in order to fulfill each champion’s own deranged
whims. However, only the most powerful can claim to possess a chaos Thunderhawk. Amongst the loyal Space Marines, such a craft is a chapter relic. A sacred device gifted to their armories by the blessed adepts of Mars. However, to a traitor, they are just another tool to bring death to those who foolishly follow the Corpse God-Emperor. On Bin Mazar, these aircraft would be few in number. However, they would be used to perform the toughest missions, and investigate the most heavily defended landing sites. A Chaos Thunderhawk is a serious threat.
Chaos ThunderHawk- Chaos Raiders Type:
Max Speed:
Min Speed:
Max Altitude:
9 (Rocket)
2 Special
Weaponry: Weapons
Heavy Bolters
Heavy Bolters
Down, All
Ground Attack Extra Damage 6+
Ground Attack Extra Damage 3+
Special Rules:
Orbital Lander- The Chaos Thunderhawk may have the campaign special rules for an Orbital Lander for +5 Points
Additional Weaponry: Weapons
Wing Bombs
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage 3+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Hellmaw Missile System Traitor forces have access to the most dangerous power in the known universe, the Warp. Unhindered by the technological dogma of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the traitors are free to make blasphemous technology. The merging of warpcraft, weapon smithing, and technology is amply demonstrated with such creations as the Hellblade and Helltalon. The Hellmaw builds on these principles of warp craft and weaponry. Instead of simply stealing STC designs, the traitors have unprecedented abilities to improve them. The Hellmaw missile system is just such a design.
used by IN squadrons in pounding ground troops back from objectives. The system comprises a launcher and a small number of missiles, which are fired singly. Instead of an explosive warhead, the missile contains a warp field generator that creates a bubble of warp space around the target for a few seconds. The unstable warp space is capable of swallowing even large aircraft whole, but its effects are unpredictable, and sometimes an aircraft suffering even a direct hit may emerge totally unscathed. These diabolical weapon systems were deployed by the chaos traitors to the surface of Bin Mazar. They would be a potent deterrent for any counterattacks.
The Hell Maw is a response to the bomber waves HellMaw Missile System- Chaos Ground Defense Weaponry: Weapons
All Around
Special Rules:
Warp Rift- Roll a d6-2 to determine damage when the missile hits.
Special See Below
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Ork Landa
the Imperial Ajax.
Orks are a space faring race, much to the dismay of everyone else in the Galaxy. The most well known method for Orks making planet fall is to simply crash their ships and roks into the surface of the target planet. However, not all Ork vessels are so eager to destroy themselves to get planet side. Some “kunning” Ork Kaptins will use Ork Landaz to get their boyz planetside instead.
The Ork population on Bin Mazar started simply as a horde of low tech feral Orks. However, as the battle with the human PDF intensified, the Ork technology increased exponentially. Where they started with only crude blunderbusses and choppas, they broke through at Dunn’s Ridge with fightas and battlewagons.
The Landa is a large craft, barely capable of atmospheric flight. They carry an unknown number of Ork boyz below. They perform a similar role as an Imperial Tactical Lander. The Ork version is probably a crude copy. Sometimes, they are simply a looted version of Landa - Ork Light Orbital Lander Type: Bomber Manuever: Low Max Altitude: 9 Weaponry: Weapons Arc Shootas Left Shootas Right Tail Shootas Rear, Up Special Rules:
How the Orks initially got to Bin Mazar is unclear. Chances are, any Landaz encountered during the investigation are simply relics from their initial landings. However, it is also possible that isolated Ork pirate ships will be drawn to the growing Ork Waagh energy and attempt to land on the surface.
Hits: Max Speed: Thrust:
6 4 1
Transport: Min Speed:
8 1
Firepower 6/3/0 6/3/0 2/1/0
Damage 5+ 5+ 5+
Ammo Unl Unl 2
Damage 3+ 4+
Ammo 2 2
Orbital Lander- See Campaign Rules
Additional Weaponry: Weapons 1. Rokkits 2. Attak Kannon
Arc Front Front
Firepower 0/2/1 4/2/0
Ground Attack
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Ork Warkopta Ork Mekaniaks carry the knowledge of their trade ingrained in their DNA. No matter where Orks end up, they bring the knowledge they need to make war. However, each Mek adds his own unique “vision” to these designs. The Warkopta is no exception. These intricate and more than slightly crazed flying machines are designed for one thing only; getting a mob of boyz into combat as fast as possible, with the added bonus of being able to shout insults at the footsloggers down below as they fly over their heads. It is great for getting behind enemy lines and dropping off loads of Kommandos, helping stormboyz get stuck in, or just strafing enemy positions. The downside is the Warkoptas are relatively slow (compared to a Fighta) and vulnerable to ground defenses and enemy interceptors. Warkopta- Ork Transport Type: Fighter Manuever: Very High Max Altitude: 5 Weaponry: Weapons Arc Big Shoota Front, Side Down Additional Weaponry: Weapons Bombs
Arc Rear
The Warkopta is generally two huge rotor blades powered by a large chain drive. It is not unheard of for an unlucky grot oiler to get torn to shreds getting too close to the Warkoptas chain drives. It makes for a good laugh for the boyz. Some reports have even cited massive thrusters being added to the sides to help speed the Ork contraption into battle. The Warkopta played a decisive role in the Ork victory at Drunn’s Ridge. They remain a popular choice for moving boyz around quickly so they can get the boot stuck in with the invading traitors, xenos, and Imperials. These craft give the Orks of Bin Mazar a potent aerial rapid response element.
Hits: Max Speed: Thrust:
1 3 1
Transport: Min Speed:
1 0
Firepower 3/1/0
Damage 5+
Ammo 4
Firepower 2/0/0
Damage 2+
Ammo 1
Special Ground Attack Extra Damage 5+
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Grot Bomb Launcha Ork society is a rigid class system where every orkoid has a place. The Orks themselves are divided into various nobz, boyz, klans, tribes, and oddboyz. However, in addition to the large orkoids, there are several smaller sub-species such as gretchin, snotlings, and squigs. Gretchin form a slave caste within Ork society. These small, thin, and malicious creatures do all the things that Orks don’t want to do. Vital tasks in any society like fetching, carrying, and scampering about. Gretchin want to do the things that their larger cousins do, but they just aren’t built for it. For a laugh, sometimes the boyz will let the grotz tag along with them to war.
That’s where the Grot Bomb comes in. A Grot bomb is a guided missile, only it is not guided by targeters or the machine spirit, but by a single Gretchin who sacrifices himself to aim the missile. The Grot Bomb Launcha is simply a wartrak or wartruk with a launch system on the back. They are cheap, expendable weapons that the Orks use to defend their territory from air attack. Grot Bomb Launchas in conjunction with Ork Flakwagons and Heavy Kannons, were used to knock the clumsy PDF Thunderhead airships out of the sky. As the Investigation of Bin Mazar expands, the Orks can be expected to contest the Imperial, traitor, and xeno presence by attacking whenever possible with whatever weapon they have at hand.
Grot Bomb Launcha- Ork Ground Defense Weaponry: Weapons
Grot Bombs
All Around
Special Rules:
Grot Bombs-Grot Bomb Launcher uses the special rules for Grot Bombs
Special Grot Bombs
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Tau Barracuda IX-01- Interceptor The Tau are a technologically advanced race. Their advancement over the last 5,000 years has been nothing short of amazing. Many attribute this sudden technological development to the Tau’s relatively brief lifespan, others to their highly structured culture, but some whisper of darker influences.
of the standard Tau Barracuda Air Superiority Fighter.
Whatever the case, the Tau Earth Caste are not afraid to experiment. Their engineers are eager to uncover new ways of doing things, and they are not restrained by the technocrtaic dogma that binds the Imperium of Man. One example of this drive to innovate is the various versions
On Bin Mazar, the IX-02 was part of the Tau Expeditionary Fleet EF-024. The IX-02 is a relatively rare variant, and still considered to be experimental. However, the moon of Bin Mazar seemed like an ideal chance to pit the new interceptor against a variety of opponents.
The IX-02 Interceptor is one example. Instead of the traditional weapons package, the Tau Earth Caste substituted advanced Smart missile technologies. The idea is to give the Tau air cadre an enhanced stand-off capability.
Tau Barracuda IX-02- Tau Air Superiority Fighter Type: Fighter Hits: Manuever: High Max Speed: Max Altitude: 9 Thrust: Weaponry: Weapons Arc Firepower Ion Cannons Front 3/3/2001 Drone Seeker Pods All Around 1/1/2001 Additional Weaponry: Weapons Internal Seeker Missile Bays
2 6 2
Transport: Min Speed:
0 1
Damage 4+
Ammo 5
4 efaultFW/xlarge/Taubaradflt.jpg
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Void Spectre The Void Spectre is a seldom-seen variant on the Eldar Vampire airframe. The Vampire Raider's transport capability is replaced completely with the arcane mechanisms required to power a pair of wing-mounted distortion cannons (known as D-cannons). These weapons are capable of opening precisely aimed warp rifts that can suck nearby aircraft into warp space, causing the target to vanish without trace. The D-cannons are capable of destroying any target with a single direct hit, although even a glancing hit or near miss can send enemy aircraft spiraling out of control because of the severe turbulence and disruption that the warp rift causes in the air. Against ground targets, the weapons are just as effective, and the shock waves caused by volumes of air being suddenly removed can flatten and explode buildings and emplacements. However, as with any warp technology, even that of the Eldar; the results can be unpredictable. The most famous use of the Void Spectre is known among the Eldar as the Salvation of MinFelirath. This remote Eldar world fell under Void Spectre- Eldar Vampire Variant Type: Bomber Manuever: High Max Altitude: 9 (Rocket) Weaponry: Weapons Arc Scatter Laser Front D-cannon Front
Special Rules:
attack by a renegade Titan Legion, and it lacked the size of webway portal necessary to supply super-heavy reinforcements. The Eldar armour was outmatched and fell back again and again, until help from the Ulthwé craftworld - nearly its whole contingent of aerospace power - arrived. Escorted by Phoenix strike fighters, the Void Spectres formed the second wave of the air assault. Once Vampire Hunters and the Phoenix escorts had stripped away the Chaos Titans' void shields, the strike force tore into the unprotected Titans with waves of D-cannon fire, emerging from webway portals generated by the first wave as they made their exit through the same portals. Arriving so close to the Chaos forces, the Void Spectres struck without warning, destroying six enemy war engines and crippling several more on their first pass.
On Bin Mazar, the Void Spectres would be a potent danger to the larger Tactical Landers employed by many of the rival factions. Unfortunately for the Princess Yrissa’s Kith, the numbers of Void Spectres would be limited. However, the mere presence of Void Spectres gave Imperial, traitor, and xeno tacticians much to fear.
Hits: Max Speed: Thrust:
4 7 1
Transport: Min Speed:
0 2
Firepower 6/3/0 2/1/0
Damage 6+ X
Ammo 5 4
See Rules
Eldar Field: The Vampire's protective shield gives it a 5+ save against all damage it recieves D-Cannon: Aircraft hit by a D-cannon are being sucked into the warp as the weapon opens a rift into warp space. If hit by a D-cannon, an aircraft or ground installation suffers d6 points of damage. On a roll of a 6+, the target is destroyed and removed from play. No saves are allowed against instant death from a D-cannon.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar Squadron Lists factions were broken down as follows:
Picking Squadrons Players use the squadron lists found here to supplement the Squadron Lists found in the main Aeronautica Imperialis rulebook. These lists are designed to be additional add on forces for use in the Investigation of Bin Mazar. Missions may restrict the number of points of types of aircraft used. Players should write their squadron choices down on a piece of paper prior to any game being played. In addition, be sure your opponent is aware of any rules that they may be unfamiliar with before the game begins. Finally, each aircraft or ground defense must be represented by an appropriate model or marker. During the Investigation of Bin Mazar the
•Operation: Blackbrush- Imperial Navy •House of Abu Huassas- Imperial Navy •Blade of Arcterion- Imperial Navy •Waaagh! Boomshakka- Ork Air Waaagh •Kith of Yrissa- Craftworld Eldar •Harbingers of Chaos- Chaos Raiders •Tau Expeditionary Fleet EF-024- Tau Air Cadre As a result, players representing these factions can choose from the appropriate list in the core rulebooks as well as the aircraft listed below. For example, a force representing Operation:Blackbrush can use the aircraft in the Squadron List here, the Squadron List for the Imperial Navy in Aeronautica Imperialis core rules, or any combination of the two.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Imperial Squadron Lists Operation: Blackbrush Fighter Vendetta Gunship +Additional Weaponry +Jump Troops
House of Abu Huassas Points 10 +10 +5
The Rogue Trader Cartel can only take up to 50% of its point in Thunderbolts, Lightning, or Marauder Variants. Fighter Sentry* +Additional Weaponry Skyhammer* +Additional Weaponry
Points 12 +2 12 +4
Bombers Argus Cargo Hauler Thunderhead Airship
6 5
Orbital Lander Ajax Tactical Lander +Additional Weaponry
16 +4
Bombers Argus Cargo Hauler Thunderhead Airship
6 5
Ground Defenses Sentry Spotlight*
Orbital Lander Ajax Tactical Lander +Additional Weaponry
16 +4
Blade of Acterion Fighter Land Speeder +Additional Weaponry Land Speeder Tempest +Additional Weaponry
Points 8 +5 10 +4
Orbital Landers Storm Raven +Additional Weaponry +Jump Troops Caestus Assault Ram +Additional Weaponry
15 +4 +10 16 +6
*= Unit can be found in the War Over Zephyrus Campaign Booklet Here.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Traitors and Xenos Squadron Lists Harbingers of Chaos Fighter Hell Fang Hell Razor* +Additional Weapons Locust*
Waaagh! Boomshakka Points 24 20 +4 10
Bombers Tormentor* +Additional Weaponry
16 +8
Orbital Landers Chaos Thunderhawk +Additional Weaponry +Jump Troops
24 +6 +15
Ground Defenses Hellmaw Missile System Hydra Sabre AA Platform
Points 8 +1
Bomber Buzz’Ard* +Jump Troops Waaagh! Bomma* +Additional Weaponry
12 +10 14 +4
Orbital Landers Ork Landa +Additional Weaponry
18 +4
Ground Defenses Grot Bomb Launcha
20 12 4
Expeditionary Force EF-024
Kith of Yrissa Bomber Void Spectre
Fighter WarKopta +Additional Weaponry
Points 45
Fighter NX-01 Barricuda* +Additional Weaponry IX-02 Interceptor +Additional Weaponry
*= Unit can be found in the War Over Zephyrus Campaign Booklet Here.
Points 20 +4 24 +6
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar New Scenarios Dawn Raid Background Imperial reconnaissance flights discovered the location of a forward Tau base after days of being plagued by hit-and-run raids, obviously mounted from an unknown base nearby. A strike force was hastily assembled using aircraft from the nearest Imperial squadrons. Much of Bin Mazar’s orbital cycle is spent in darkness, with relatively short windows of daylight. The Imperial attack was timed for just before dawn. With both sides hastily calling in reinforcements, luck played as much of a part in the outcome of the fight as any planning or skill. Attackers Thunderbolt + weapons load Thunderbolt + weapons load Vulture + weapons load, IR targeting Vulture + weapons load, IR targeting Reinforcements Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Total: 128
Defenders Sky Ray Sky Ray Sky Ray Barracuda Barracuda Reinforcements Tiger Shark AX-2-2 Remora Remora Total: 112
Special Rules This mission uses the Night Fighting rules for the first two turns.
Victory Conditions Add up VPs as normal. The side with the most VPs wins the scenario.
Divide the table into halves the short way. The defending player places an airbase consisting of 4 landing pads, a control building and a runway strip anywhere wholly within his table half. The attacking player gains extra VPs for destroying parts of the airbase.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Point Defense Background The War Over Zephyrus saw a great number of aerial battles, usually between two or more factions' air forces. However, some more unusual engagements took place such as the desperate interception mission performed by Dagger Squadron, an air wing associated with the Alpha Legion. Part of the Imperial Navy's strategy had been a reliance on long-range missiles launched from relatively secure batteries deep within the Imperial stronghold of Njord. Fired from heavy tracked launchers, Deathstrike missiles could traverse thousands of miles. While some Deathstrike variants followed a sub-orbital arc, others employed jet engines and stub wings to cruise at high speed and often at low level. Auspex stations could sometimes track these latter types long enough to vector fighters in to intercept and shoot down the missiles, although finding and hitting such a small target was extremely difficult. Dagger Squadron was scrambled to meet a heavy missile bombardment that had been launched from modified Marauder missile carriers. Approximately 35 missiles were identified, and while the interception was not a total success, Dagger Squadron's intervention drastically reduced the damage caused by the strike, with more of the missiles shot down by ground defenses in the last few seconds before they struck their targets.
Attackers 10 Deathstrike Cruise Missiles* * The missiles are travelling at speed 6 and at altitude 2, and have 1 hit each. Any suitable model or marker may be used to represent the missiles.
Defenders Hellblade (Ace pilot) Hellblade Hellblade Hellblade Hell Talon Hell Talon Total: 100pts
Alternative forces Any suitable forces may be used to try and intercept the missiles, counting each missile as being worth 10pts. For example, 2 Nightwings (56pts) would have to intercept 6 missiles. Ground units are not suitable for this scenario and may not be used.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Special Rules Play lengthways on a 6' by 4' table composed of 2' by 4' boards. The attacking player deploys the missiles on his short table edge at speed 6 and altitude 2. The missiles may use maneuver cards 1-3, but may not change altitude or speed as they are pre-programmed machines! The defending player may deploy his aircraft at any permissible speed and altitude along his short table edge. Normal rules apply to hit the missiles - their relatively small size is offset by their lack of ability to evade pursuit. This scenario uses a 'rolling' table - if a missile reaches the defender's short table edge, the 2' by 4' board at the attacker's edge is removed and replaced at the defender's edge in order to extend the table. Any aircraft or missiles still on this board are removed as if they have disengaged. The boards can be 'rolled over' a maximum of 3 times, effectively doubling the play area. Since the missiles will cover around 15" per turn (12" of movement plus the maneuver card), this should allow 8-9 turns of play.
Victory Conditions Each missile shot down gives the defending player 10VPs. Each missile that reaches the defender's last board edge (after 3 board rollovers) gives the attacking player 20VPs. Add any VPs for missiles or aircraft that disengaged because their board was removed during play.
Alternatively, for a really desperate defence, this mission can be played as an "all or nothing" game where if a single missile reaches the defender's last board edge, the attacker wins! Agree with your opponent how to determine victory before starting the game.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Drop Intercept Background Off-world assistance to embattled planets is often delivered using landing barges and drop craft. However, such convoys make juicy targets for interceptors and are often targeted as a priority, to stop the enemy resupplying. Attacking the landing craft can be harder than it looks, since they enter the atmosphere at orbital speeds and the window of opportunity can be short. Armed craft such as Thunderhawk Gunships, Ork Landas, Mantas or Vampire Raiders are commonly used to ferry supplies to 'hot' landing zones, with escorting fighters. This technique would be used by all forces in order to land investigation forces on the surface of Bin Mazar. Without a webway portal to use on the planet, the initial Eldar assault was made by planet falling formations of Vampire Raiders, escorted by Nightwing and Phoenix fighters. Each of the Vampire Raiders carried within its hull a portable webway portal generator, which could be used immediately to bring reinforcements from the craftworld. The whole operation lasted less than 18 minutes, and despite some fierce resistance, the Eldar forces swept through the unprepared Orks like a hurricane. Attackers Defenders Vampire Raider Fighta (Ace pilot, rokkits) Vampire Raider Fighta (rokkits) Nightwing Fighta Nightwing Fighta Fighta-bommer (kustom big shootas) Total: 120pts Fighta-bommer (kustom big shootas) Fighta-bommer Total: 122pts Special rules Play lengthways on a 6' by 4' table. The attacker's drop zone is a 12" square in the middle of the table, marked in a suitable manner. The attacking player in this mission must choose at least one aircraft with the Orbital Lander rules. A successful drop requires the transport to land in the drop zone to disgorge its cargo. For each point of transport capacity that is successfully delivered, the attacker scores +10VP. Transports that disengage after dropping their loads are worth half VPs. The attacker's aircraft must be deployed at his table edge at maximum altitude and speed, having entered the atmosphere from orbit. The defender deploys his aircraft as normal.
Victory conditions
Count up VPs as normal, taking into account extra VPs gained by successfully dropping supplies. If the attacker destroys all the transports before they can drop their supplies, he automatically wins.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Convoy Raid Background On Bin Mazar, outposts and scattered investigation camps were scattered across the moons surface. These camps were necessary to hunt down the source of the strange power surge that ravaged the colony. The outposts were necessary, but were a logistical nightmare to support. It was common for transport aircraft to be used to get needed supplies to the scout bases, and soon these supply runs were prime targets for attack. A typical example would be the Ork attack on Imperial convoy XB-219. The convoy consisted of a light defensive force, accompanying transports. The Orks swooped in on the convoy as it moved over the blighted wastelands. The battle was over in minutes, but tons of key supplies were lost. Attacker Fighta (Ace,Rokkits) Fighta Fighta Fighta-bomma Fighta-bomma
Defender Lightning Lightning Arvus Lighter Arvus Lighter Arvus Lighter Aquila Lander
Total: 80 points Reinforcements: Thunderbolt + weapon load Thunderbolt +weapon load Total: 100 points Special Rules The game is played on a 6x4 table going the long way. The Defenders are placed on the table anywhere as within a 12” box from the center. They can be deployed at any altitude and speed, but the Lightnings may not be moving faster than the slowest aircraft. Reinforcements deploy on any short table edge. Attackers can be placed along any board edge, at any speed, or altitude.
The Defender earns the VP for each transport that makes it off one of the short board edges. Once an aircraft leaves the board, it cannot return.
Victory conditions Count up VPs as normal, taking into account extra VPs gained from transports leaving the board. If the attacker destroys all the transports before they can leave the board, he automatically wins.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar New Advanced Rules
The following section details new optional rules for use in your game of Aeronautica Imperialis. They are optional and not required. Both players should agree to their use before play actually begins.
The rules found in this Campaign Booklet will allow you to add personality to the individual pilots and fighter squadron as they progress in the campaign.
Pilots earn experience for completing missions, Ace Pilot Rules destroying enemy aircraft, taking out ground Gaining Experiencetargets, and generally surviving. Each pilot is When the campaign begins, all pilots are assumed to start with an Exp rating of 0. assumed to be at the same skill level. They Purchased Aces will have 20 XP, Double Aces follow the basic rules for pilots found in the AI will have 40 XP, and so on and so forth. See the rulebook. The only exception to this is Ace chart below for more information: Pilots purchased at squadron creation. These pilots start with a pilot skill rating as stated in the AI Rulebook on page 17. Title: XP Skill Rolls Pilot Skill* Pilot 0 Per rulebook Ace 20 1 Skill Roll -1 Double Ace 40 2 Skill Rolls -1 Veteran Ace 60 3 Skill Rolls -1 Acclaimed Ace 90 4 Skill Rolls NA Hero Ace 120 5 Skill Rolls NA Legendary Ace 160 6 Skill Rolls NA *A pilot skill may never improve beyond 2+. A 1 is always a failure. In addition, the starting Pilot skill varies from race to race. See the main AI Rulebook page 17 for more information.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta You earn XP for the following actions: Action Survive a mission Complete the mission objective Destroy a ground target Destroy an enemy aircraft Destroy a ground defense
XP Earned 1XP 2 XP 1 XP 4 XP 2 XP
Advanced Tailing Emergency Maneuvers Yo-Yoing Sustained Burst Extreme Maneuvers Pilots that are not Aces may not complete these maneuvers. However, all pilots may Eject no matter what their skill level is.
Survive- The pilot is not killed. That includes successfully ejecting from his aircraft. Complete a mission objective- The pilot is flying the aircraft that is responsible for completing the mission objective. This may not apply in all scenarios. Destroy a ground target- the pilot is responsible for taking off the last damage point of a ground based target. This can be done with bombs, strafing, etc. Destroy an enemy aircraft- the pilot removes the last damage point from an enemy aircraft. Destroy a ground defense- the pilot is responsible for removing the last damage point from a ground defense system. It is important to note that the XP is stackable. For example, if the mission is to destroy a ground factory and the pilot destroys the factory, they gain 1 Xp for damaging a ground target, 2 XP for completing the mission objective, and 1 XP for surviving; for a total of 4 Xp earned on the mission. Becoming an Ace When a pilot becomes an Ace, it gives them the following special abilities that are found in the AI rulebook on page 17:
Skill Rolls When a pilot attains the next XP level, he can roll on the Skill Roll table in order to generate a special skills unique to himself and his aircraft. Simply roll a 2d6 and consult the chart below: 2- No new skill is learned. If the pilot is already at a Pilot Skill of 2+, he may re-roll. 3- Turn and Burn 4- Dead-eye Shot 5- On Your Wing 6- Stick Like Glue 7- Going Ballistic 8- Top Gun 9- On Your Six 10- Striking Cobra 11- Lucky 12- You may choose the new skill from the table.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
SKILLS Turn and Burn- The Pilot may always execute an Extreme Manuever without making any Pilot rolls. On Your Wing- This pilot is an especially good wingman. Any friendly aircraft within 6 inches and one altitude band at the start of the movement phase are considered his wingmates. The pilot with this skill allows his wingmates to reduce their Pilot skill by 1, to a limit of 2+. Dead-Eye Shot- The Pilot chooses one weapon on his craft. Any shots made with this weapon gain the Extra Damage special rule at 6+. If the weapon all ready has the Extra Damage rules, the target number is reduced by 1. For example, a Lascannon with Extra Damage 6+ would become Extra Damage 5+. Stick Like Glue- The Pilot automatically passes any Advance Tailing pilot rolls. No dice roll is actually needed. Going Ballistic- The pilot has access to a special maneuver called Going Ballistic. This skill is similar to the Power Dive Maneuver, except the reverse. Instead, the plane goes up. The plane gains 1d3+1 levels of altitude, but its speed is reduced by 1 per altitude increased. Top Gun- This pilot can choose two maneuver cards in the “Choose Maneuvers” phase. When this pilot is activated in the movement phase, he can choose which to reveal and use during the movement phase.
On Your Six- This pilot is especially good at Tailing Fire. Even if they are one altitude band away from the tailed target, they can still hit on a 5+. Striking Cobra- This pilot has mastered a rare and dangerous maneuver referred to as the Cobra. This skill provides the pilot with a new maneuver. This maneuver uses the Fly Straight card though only High or Very High maneuverability planes may use it. When the plane is activated the maneuver card is immediately placed behind the plane. Move the plane along the card as normal (in this case the plane will end up behind its starting location). The plane then loses D3 speed. Using the plane’s new speed, move forward with all remaining movement. Lucky- The pilot gets to re-roll 1 dice once per game. This can be used at any time, but the second result must be used even if it is worse than the initial roll.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Cost of Aces As pilots gain Xp, their cost in Squadron selection also increases. For each level of Ace that flies the aircraft, the aircraft's cost is increased by +5. For example, if you are purchasing an Ork Fighta with an Ace pilot, the cost is a Fighta of 14 points and Ace +5 points equals 19 total points. In the same example, an Ork Fighta being piloted by a legendary Ace would be +14 Fighta and +40 for a LegendaryAce equals 54 pts. Purchasing Aces Aces can be purchased with their Aircraft during Squadron selection. Make all appropriate skill rolls before the game begins. Changing Planes The Ace gains a profound affinity for the aircraft they fly. They begin to understand it better than anything else in their life. As a result, losing that craft is very traumatic. If the Ace survives by ejecting, they can be assigned a new aircraft. If the aircraft is of the same type they lose 1d6 XP. If they are placed into a new type of aircraft, they lose 2d6 Xp. If the XP loss reduces them a level, the pilot also loses one random skill roll and the appropriate Pilot rating. The pilot will gain another skill roll and Pilot rating reduction when he achieves the necessary XP level again.
Orbital Lander Some units during the Investigation of Bin Mazar are equipped with the special rule called Orbital Lander. These aircraft are designed to travel in and out of planetary Orbit in order to land troops on the planet’s surface. They are frequently equipped with extra armor plating to absorb heat damage, basic avionics, and improved engines to help them break away from a planet’s gravity and return to their mother ship. These craft are essential for getting boots on the ground if a spaceport is not available. Orbital landers come in all shapes and sizes. In the Imperial Navy, it is not uncommon to find Orbital Landers large enough to carry an entire regiment of Imperial Guard down to the surface. Such huge behemoths are out of the scope of these rules. Instead, the Orbital Lander rule will focus on “tactical” Orbital Landers. A tactical Lander is much smaller and designed to insert troops to very specific points on a planet’s surface. Their small size helps them avoid space defense detection systems and weapon batteries. However, typically, they carry much smaller loads than their larger “Strategic” Lander brothers. Ideally, such Tactical Orbital Landers will be protected in the planet’s atmosphere by friendly fighters, as they descend to their drop point. The small size of a Tactical Lander allows it to infiltrate a planet’s atmosphere (or airspace) relatively safely. However, once there they can become easy targets for marauding enemy aircraft.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Orbital Lander Rules Rocket Booster- All Landers are assumed to be equipped with a Rocket Booster per the standard rules. Crash Assault- All Landers can engage in a Maneuver called a Crash Assault. It is a type of consider a Land maneuver. However, unlike a normal landing (which requires the craft to be at Speed 0 and Alt 0 after a straight Maneuver) the Lander can choose to perform a Crash Assault after any move that reduces its speed to 0. Once crashed, the ship may not take off again and is assumed to be Disengaged. Any troops inside must roll to determine if they survive the crash. Roll once per transport point, those that make the roll are consider to survive for the purposes of Landing. Altitude Alt 9 Alt8- Alt 7 Alt6-Alt5 Alt4-Alt3 Alt2-Alt1 Alt0
Survival Roll Dead (No roll is needed) 5+ on a d6 to survive per transport point 4+ on a d6 to survive per transport point 3+ on a d6 to survive per transport point 2+ on a d6 to survive They Survive (No roll is needed)
Reserves- The Lander can start the game in reserve. They may be activated just like another aircraft. Roll a d6 and subtract the game turn. If the roll is 4 or more, the Lander can enter the board in the scenario’s normal deployment zone. The Lander can immediately choose a maneuver and move as normal. If the game should end before a Lander can deploy from reserves, it is considered destroyed for purposes of Victory Points. Transports- An Orbital Lander can be used in any scenario that requires a transport aircraft. Orbital Lander Upgrade- The following existing Aircraft can be upgraded with the Orbital Lander special rule for +5 points. •Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship •Space Marine Thunderhawk Transporter •Imperial Aquila •Imperial Arvus Lighter •Tau Orca •Tau Manta •Eldar Vampire
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Marks of Chaos The servants of chaos have aligned themselves with the dark powers of the warp. They worship and serve the Chaos gods. In exchange for their eternal damnation, the followers of Chaos are offered a quick and easy path to power. The most successful of those chosen by Chaos can aspire to eternal life as a Demon Prince of Chaos. A Mark of Chaos refers to the physical and spiritual changes that are bestowed upon a loyal follower by one of the Chaos gods. Thus marked, a follower becomes more than a mere cultist; he is elevated to the status of a Champion of Chaos. These Marks make the gods favor obvious to all who look upon him. Only the most able, faithful, and ambitious are bestowed the Mark. There are four primary Chaos gods, and each has its own Mark of favor for their champions. Those who do not dedicate themselves to a particular god considered to be champions of Chaos Undivided. This Mark provides no special benefit. The pilot simply progresses upon the normal advancement tables for an Ace. This is the most common Mark.
and hatred fill their souls. However, followers of Khorne are not just bloodthirsty berzerkers. A Khornate pilot must be more than a simple berzerker. They are not mindless killing machines. For no pilot in such a state would last long. Unlike a Khorne Berzerker, a Khornate pilot must carefully apply what firepower is available to him to bring the most death and destruction. The greater the opponent that is killed, the greater glory that is offered to Khorne. Due to this strange paradox, Khornate pilots have been known to bypass those considered beneath them to engage a more skilled opponent. In the end, all Khornate pilots know the truth, Khorne cares not from where the blood flows. Whether it is the blood of his champion’s enemies, or the champion’s own blood. All is welcome to the Blood God. The Mark of Slaanesh
The Mark of Khorne Slaanesh is the youngest of the Chaos Gods. She is the Prince of Pleasure. The universal decadence of the ancient Eldar spawned Slaanesh, and his coming into the Warp brought the downfall of the Eldar race. Khorne is the Chaos god of bloodshed and slaughter. His followers are hardened killers, caring not from whom the blood flows. They are fearless and often blood crazed, the use of combat drugs and narcotics is common. Rage
The followers of Slaanesh are addicts. Their addiction is to pleasure and sensation. They strive for perfection in order to realize the highest peaks of experience. However, the further down the dark path they tread, the number they become.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta A Slaaneshi pilot will radiate confidence and power. His flying will be exquisite, and his percision with his weapons astounding. Those pilots who follow the Prince of Pleasure will exalt in the speed and power of their craft, and the accuracy of her weapons. Despite the glamour, despite the power, all Slaaneshi pilots can never sate their cravings. Their desires are always yearning. Not matter how precise the shot, how fast the aircraft, how strong the adrenaline rush. They remain hollow shells, which brings the Prince of Pleasure no amount of joy. The Mark of Nurgle
The Mark of Tzeentch
Tzeentch is the Changer of Ways. Nothing delights Tzeentch more than a twisting path of corruption, plots within plots, and betrayal for no other reason than betrayal. He is the master of sorcery for the very nature of the warp is ever changing. The pilots devoted to Tzeentch are a scheming lot. They wish nothing more than to change their methods simply for the sake of change. They are unpredictable and secretive. In addition, they frequently are in tune with the Warp, and have powers and abilities far beyond the mortal ken.
Nurgle is the Chaos god of decay, disease and despair. All things pass, and in the process what was once beautiful withers, that which was strong weakens. These are the delights of Nurgle. He is inevitable. The Nurgle pilot is purposeful, diligent, and relentless. He is infested with the Grandfather Nurgles most pestilent gifts. Each moment is a spent in blissful agony as his body is wracked by disease and plague. The only thing that relieves his burden is to bring destruction and decay to others. In exchange, the followers of Nurgle are relieved from the burden of mortality. They are strong and resilient. Normal pain is nothing to them. The Grandfather Nurgle loves all his children and gifts them with his hideous blessings.
Of course, the twisting schemes of Tzeentch and his followers are infinite and ever changing. More than one of the Changer of Way’s follows has discovered that he himself is the one being played for a fool.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Earning a Mark Chaos pilots are the only pilots who can earn a Mark of Chaos. Any time a chaos pilot improves an Experience level, they can choose to gain a Mark of Chaos instead of the normal skill roll. The Mark costs the same amount as the equivalent as the Skill roll would have cost. The pilot also gains the associated Pilot Skill improvement as normal. For example, Kargos Bloodborn is an Ace. He earns enough XP to become a Double Ace. He chooses to get a Mark of Khorne instead of the second skill roll. He still has his Pilot skill reduced by 1. Since Kargos is now a Double Ace he costs an additional +10 points to purchase.
Marks and Squadrons Individual pilots in the squadron can have different Marks. However, the Chaos gods have ancient rivalries. These rivalries limit what marks can be present in a squadron. The different philosophies are diametrically opposed and cause conflict. Eventually, one or the other kills their opposed rival.
•Undivided Pilots can operate with any other Mark •Khorne Pilots refuses to operate with Tzeentch or Slaaneshi Pilots and vice versa. •Nurgle Pilots and Tzeentch Pilots will not operate in the same squadron, or vice versa.
Marks of Chaos Mark of Khorne- Followers of Khorne are eager to close with their enemies to shed the blood of their foes. They give up the long range firepower in exchange for close range lethality. All weapons on the Pilots aircraft have the following firepower changed +1/-1/-1 Mark of Slaanesh- Pilots that worship Slaanesh are obsessed with delivering the perfect killing blow. They will ignore other possible shots in order to conserve their ammo for the perfect fire trajectory. When in a Tailing position, all damage rolls decrease by 1 (5 becomes a 4), when not tailing the weapons damage roll is increased by 1 (5 becomes 6). Mark of Nurgle- The aircraft of followers of Nurgle are bulky and covered in fleshy pustules. This makes them more durable, but less aerodynamic. Aircraft gains the Durable 6+ special rules, but the Max Speed is reduced by 1.
Mark of Tzeentch- The Changer of Ways allows the pilot to see many possible paths of the future, but not all futures are THE future. Before Maneuver Cards are revealed, the pilot can change his Maneuver Card on a roll of a 6 on a d6. If a 1 is rolled, the opponent may change the Maneuver Card.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
He’s Comin’ Outta the Sun! If you have watched movies about World War I and II fighter pilots you have likely heard a phrase like the title at some point. The rules here are designed to capture that cinematic effect in your games of AI. In the 40th Millennium, cinematic effect is still important. Placing The Sun Every star system has a star at the center that provides heat and light. For convenience’s sake, this star will be referred to as the Sun going forward. Determine the location of the sun before any forces are set-up and while the board terrain is being placed. Take the small (or Large) blast marker from 40K. This will represent the position of your sun on the tabletop. Prepare to roll a d6. North is the opposite board edge of the person rolling the dice. Therefore, East will be to the right, and around as normal. Roll the d6 and consult the chart to determine which board edge the Sun will be close too.
1= 2-3= 4= 5-6=
North East South West
Walk to that table edge, and face the table. Roll a 3d6. This is the number of inches to place the Sun from the left board edge. Measure from the edge of the board to the center of the blast template. Now, roll another 2d6. This is how far the Sun should be placed forward onto the board. Again measure from the board edge to center point of the marker. AAAAAAAAAzI/KSzATemgOuQ/s1600/Thunderbolt%2525 20%25281%2529.jpg
Place the Sun marker at this point. The location of the Sun is now determined. The Sun In the Game Here are some general rules to remember when dealing with the Sun in AI. • The Sun is above Alt 9 •The Sun does not impede movement, and can be moved over (under) normally •If an aircraft is firing at a target at the same altitude or above, and the target is between the firer and the Sun; the firing aircraft must re-roll any hits. •If an aircraft has the Sun in its rear arc, and is firing at a target below it, the aircraft can re-roll misses.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Sun Examples
The Tau Barracuda is firing on the Eldar Phoenix:
1. The Phoenix is 1 altitude below the Barracuda 2. The Sun is in the Barracuda's rear arc Therefore: The Tau Barracuda can re-roll misses when firing at the Eldar Phoenix
The Eldar Phoenix is firing on the Tau Barricuda: 1. The Phoenix is 1 altitude below the Barricuda 2. The Sun is behind the Barricuda Therefore: The Eldar Phoenix must re-roll hits when firing at the Tau Barricuda
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta
Bin Mazar Campaign Rules,%20Commissar,%20Imperial%20Guard.jpg
Welcome to the Investigation of Bin Mazar campaign. This campaign is an online campaign open for all factions and all players of Aeronautica Imperialis to participate in. You participate by buying, painting, and playing with your Aeronautica Imperialis models. What fun! FACTIONS The Investigation of Bin Mazar includes the following Factions: Operation Blackbrush- Imperial, Space Marine, and Rogue Trader squadron lists Harbingers of Chaose- Chaos Raiders and Harbingers of Chaos squadron lists Expedition Fleet 024- Tau Air Cadre and EF024 squadron lists Kith of Yrissa- Kith of Yrissa and Craftworld Eldar squadron lists Waaagh! Boomshakka- Waaagh! Boomshakka and Ork Air Waaagh squadron lists
FACTION BASE Each faction has a home territory in the Investigation of Bin Mazar. This warzone is where the faction will begin the campaign. Any points scored that are not assigned will automatically be applied to the Faction Base. Operation: Blackbrush- Warzone 3, The Emperor’s Rock, Space port Harbingers of Chaos- Warzone 4, The Far Shore, The Wash Basin Expedition Fleet 024- Warzone 5, The Dead Sea, Bashir Manor Kith of Yrissa- Warzone 6, Ocean of Bin Mazar, Kairn Line Waaagh! Boomshakka- Warzone 1, The Blasted Lands, Da Mekz Hutz SCORING POINTS There are four primary ways to score points in the campaign. The points system is based on a single digit basis. 1 point = 1 campaign point.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta WINNING Each faction is attempting to explore all the territory of Bin Mazar to search for the source of the mysterious Surge. The factions do this by controlling the air space of as many territories as possible. The more territory that is controlled, the easier it is to investigate the surface of the moon.
You control air space by scoring more campaign points in a warzone than any other faction. The methods for scoring points are detailed below. At the end of the Investigation of Bin Mazar, the faction that controls the most warzones is declared the winner. -Purchasing: You can earn Campaign Points by buying new Aeronuatica Imperialis models or rulebooks. In order to score the points for purchasing, you must do the following: •Post a picture of your new purchase in the appropriate campaign thread •Detail what you have purchased, and where (i.e. FLGS, E-bay, ForgeWorld Website, etc.)
•Detail when you purchased the product. You can include products purchased up to 1 month before the start of the campaign. Purchase Campaign Points can only be allocated to the Warzone that contains the Faction Base. Points earned: Every two fighters= .5 point Every Bomber= .5 point Aeronautica Imperialis Core Rules= 5 points Tactica Imperialis= 3 points
For example, Greg buys the Aeronautica Imperialis Bundle from the Forge World website. This would earn his faction 8 points. -Modeling The second way you can earn Campaign Points is by scratch building or converting Aeronautica Imperialis aircraft. Since this campaign has new aircraft types that do not exist in the current model range, scratch building and converting will be an important factor if you wish to use these aircraft in your games. In order to score points for scratch building or modeling you must do the following: •Post a picture of what you built in the appropriate campaign thread •Detail what it represents Modeling Campaign Points can only be allocated to the Warzone that contains the Faction Base Points earned: Convert existing models= .25 points per model Every fighter= .5 point Every bomber= .5 point Ground defense= .5 point Other= Campaign Moderators Choice Post a tutorial with pictures = 5 points For example, Greg builds a pair of Locust fighters for his Harbingers of Chaos force. He posts the pictures to the Investigation of Bin Mazar thread. In addition, he includes a tutorial (with pictures) of how he built them on the site. Greg has earned his faction 6 points.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta -Painting The third way to score Campaign Points is to paint your models. In order to score points for painting you must do the following. •Post a picture of the unfinished model (partial painted or base coated count as unfinished) in the appropriate campaign thread
•Post a picture of the final result •Allocate a Warzone for points Painting Campaign Points can be used to attack other Warzones or to boost the Faction Base. Points Earned: Every fighter= .5 points Every Bomber= 1 point Ground Defenses= .5 point Other= Campaign Moderators Choice Post a tutorial with pictures = 5 points For example: Greg has a pair of vultures for Epic. He decides to paint them up for the campaign. He shows the unfinished models, which have a simple base coat. He finishes off the detail work and reposts the final product that day. He chooses to allocate the points to The Blasted Lands. Greg has earned 1 Campaign Point for his faction to try and gain control of the air space of the Blasted Lands. Note: It is possible to score Campaign Points for purchasing, converting and painting the same model in the same Campaign Turn.
-Battles The final and most effective way to score Campaign Points is to play battles and post battle reports (Batreps). To enter a battle report, you need the following pieces of information: • Batreps must be posted in the appropriate campaign thread •Batreps must clearly state what faction was the winner and which faction was the loser •Batreps should specify the Warzone they took place (Winners choice) Batrep points can be used to boost a Faction Base or to attack other warzones. It is important to note, that both factions that appear in a Batrep earn points. Points earned: Lose= 1 points Draw= 2 points Win= 5 points Narrative Batrep = +3 points for writer Pictures for the Batrep= +3 point for writer
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta For example: Greg plays a battle with his new Vultures in the list. He is playing the Opertion: Blackbrush forces versus his friend Chad; who plays the Harbingers of Chaos. He posts the following in the batrep thread: Imperials versus Chaos. Imperials win. Warzone 3: Emperor’s Rock Greg has earned 5 points for the Imperials, and Chad earned 1 point for his faction. Later that day, Chad posts the same battle, but he adds a narrative report with some pictures for the battle. This means that the point earned for the game are: Greg (Imperials) 5 points, and Chad (Chaos) 7 points. Chad earned +3 points for the narrative, and another +3 points for the pictures. Later, Greg returns and adds a narrative of his own, and some new pictures. He has now increased the Imperial points total to 11. Both Greg and Chad must clearly state that these additional posts are follow-ups to the previous battle, or they risk earning 0 additional points. Bonus Points During the campaign, it will be possible to score bonus points for your faction. The following rules will detail ways to earn Bonus Points for the campaign. Bonus points can be used to attack or bolster the Warzone a faction Base is present in. •Buy, scratch build, or paint a campaign specific aircraft= +1 campaign point Note: It is possible to score more than one bonus point for each model
•Play a Campaign scenario from the Investigation of Bin Mazar or the War Over Zephyrus campaign booklets. = +1 campaign point for each faction involved
• Mention a Bin Mazar landmark in your narrative report= +.25 Campaign Points for the writer •Include a Bin Mazar Notable in your narrative report= +.25 Campaign Points for the writer •Follow the Instructions for the campaign turn posted in the Campaign Special Events thread= The campaign points earned will be detailed in the Special Event thread. Using the example above, Chad and Greg played a Bin Mazar mission; Orbital Intercept. They earn an additional +1 campaign point each. Chad also sprinkles his campaign report with references to the Port of Hormuz and his loyalty to Commader Traz Valsk. He has earned another .5 campaign points. +.25 for the landmark reference, and +.25 for the Bin Mazar notable reference. This brings the point totals for each faction for the one battle to; Imperials (Greg) 12, and Chaos (Chad) to 8.5 in Warzone 3. Not bad for one battle. **Number of Players** As a side note, these types of campaigns tend to have very few players. It is possible that some factions will have an overwhelming number of players compared to another faction. The scoring system takes this into account, but it is a background element. The important thing for players to worry about is scoring Campaign Points for their faction. In addition, it is possible that a certain faction will have no active players. The dual scoring for participants in a Battle is an attempt to remedy this to some degree. Otherwise, it would be possible for a single faction to flood the campaign early. Other factors have also been included in the background of the scoring to help deal with this possibility.
Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/Zeta Reference: Investigation of Bin Mazar Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta EARNING MEDALS Players can earn faction specific medals for their Airspace Signature lines. There are three colors, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. As you score more campaign points for a faction, you will be awarded a medal for that faction, using the following break points:
CAMPAIGN UPDATES Campaign updates will occur one week after the end of the Campaign Turn. These updates will give a narrative style update for each warzone. They will not include total points in each warzone by faction, but will make it clear who is in control of the air space of each warzone for every update.
Level Bronze Silver Gold
Other updates may occur during the Campaign Turn as time or events permit.
Points Earned 15 points 45 points 75 points
CAMPAIGN TURN Each Campaign Turn is two weeks long. Each Campaign Turn starts at 12:01AM GMT on Monday. The deadline for a campaign turn is midnight, GMT of second Sunday. The only exceptions will be the opening day of the campaign Sept 1st, and the final day on November 30th. The Campaign Moderator will be using the forum GMT time stamp for reference.
DURATION The Investigation of Bin Mazar Campaign will last three months from the start of the campaign. That means there will be approximately six full Campaign Turns. CAMPAIGN MODERATOR The overall Campaign Moderator is Easy E. The Campaign Moderator is the final arbiter of points and Campaign results. The Campaign Moderator will also settle any rules disputes, and make judgments on the flow of the Campaign.
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