A lecture from the RSM222 class at the university. This lecture looks at in depth detail about the process of investing ...
2. Investment Under Certainty
Intertemporal consumption ( Ho) does an investor investor decide decide *et)ee *et)een n consumi consumin+ n+ today and de,errin+ consumption until next period( %upp %uppos osee &is &is inc incom omee is Y today and Y 1 next period ( I, inve invest sto or can can lend or borrow at /same0 rate R" t&en &e can position &imsel, any)&ere on t&e budget line t&at passes t&rou+& /Y "Y 10 )it& slope /1R0
IB253 Principles of Finance 1 Lecture 3
Consumption next period
lend lend Y at rate R consume Y /1R0 Y 1 next period
2 borr borrow ow Y 1/1R0 at rate R consume Y Y 1/1R0 now
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Consumption vs. Investment
Capital Investment ( %upp %uppos osee inve invest stor or can can inve invest st I now in a capital pro6ect t&at )ill pay C 1 for sure next period Consumption next period
( I, R89R" capital pro6ect adds value (Y
) (1+ R)
− I ⋅
ALL investo investors rs )ill )ill underta:e underta:e pro6ec pro6ect" t" re+ardles re+ardlesss o, t&eir individual pre,erences a*out )&en to consume t&eir )ealt&
(Y + C ) 1
Y 1+C 1
Y 1
( 7ate o, o, re return RP on capital pro6ect is +iven *y slope –(1+ RP) o, line t&at 6oins / Y "Y 10 to /Y I "Y 1C 10
Y − I 0
Y + C 1 1 1+ R
Consumption next period invest I no) in capital pro6ect lend Y I at rate R consume /Y I 0/1 0/1R0 Y 1C 1 next period
Y 1+C 1
invest I no) in capital pro6ect consume Y I no) consume Y C next period
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>i,,erent lendin+ and *orro)in+ rates
;is&er %eparation ( 8rovid 8rovided ed lendin lendin+ + and *orr *orro)i o)in+ n+ rates rates are are equal" t&en all investors a+ree on )&et&er capital pro6ect adds value or not ( Criterion Criterion ,or capital capital in investm vestment ent is t&at t&at ecision to invest in capital pro6ect is separate ,rom consumption decision
Consumption next period slope RL
Y 1+C 1
Y 1+C 1
slope RB @ R8 Y
slope RB9R8
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