Investigatory project (Built in Air Cooler out of Ice Dispenser)

April 3, 2019 | Author: John Christopher Sibal | Category: Air Conditioning, Chemistry, Nature, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Energy And Resource
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ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

Chapter 1


Air condition conditioning ing is the process process of altering altering the condition condition of air by removing heat and humidity to achieve a more comfortable inte interi rior or envi envirronme onment nts, s, typi typica call lly y with with the the aim aim of dist distri ribu buti ting ng the the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a building or a vehicle to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality.  In common use, an air conditioner is a device that removes heat from the air inside a building or vehicle, thus lowering the air temperature.  The cooling is typically achieved through a refrigeration refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Conversely, air conditioning (including ltration, humidication, cooling and









safe, hypoallergenic atmosphere in hospital operating rooms and other environments environments where proper atmosphere is critical to patient safety and well!being. "#cessive air conditioning can have a negative e$ect on s%in, causing it to dry out, and can also cause dehydration.


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City


'pecically, it see%s answers to the following questions &. )ow can a built!in air conditioner out of ice dispenser dispenser help you save electricity* +. oes having a built!in air conditioner out of ice dispenser helps in recycling*


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City


&. -ull )ypothes )ypothesis is A built!in built!in air conditioner conditioner out of ice dispenser dispenser cannot help you to recycle and save electricity.

+. Alter Alternat native ive )ypoth )ypothesi esis s A built! built!in in air condit condition ioner er out of ice dispenser can help you to recycle and save electricity.

ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

Si!i"#a!#e o$ the St%&y

This study aims to provide a built!in air conditioner out of ice dispenser. This dispenser. This study is benecial benecial for everyone everyone who wants to save elec el ectr tric icit ity y an and d ha have ve a ca calm lm an and d co cold ld en envi virron onme ment nt,, th this is ca can n encourage everyone to recycle which helps the nature.


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

S#ope a!& Li'itatio!s

 This study will mainly focus on the benets of a built in air conditioner out of ice dispenser wherein we used tube ice and mini des% fan for an alternative source of cool air of an air conditioner.


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

De"!itio! o$ Ter's

syst stem em fo forr co cont ntrrol olli ling ng th the e hu humi midi dity ty,, Air Air Co!& o!&itio itio!i !i! ! ( a sy ventilation, and temperature in a building or vehicle, typically to maintain a cool atmosphere in warm conditions.

Dehy&ratio! Dehy&ratio! ( condition caused by the e#cessive loss of water from the body, which causes a rise in blood sodium levels.

H%'i&ity ( is the amount of water vapor in the air. Hypoa))ere Hypoa))ere!i# !i# ( is used to describe items that cause or are claimed to cause fewer allergic reactions. allergic  reactions.

Ther Ther'a 'a)) Co'$ Co'$or ortt ( is the condition of mind that e#presses satisfaction with the thermal environment. environment.

Chapter * Re+ie, o$ Re)ate& Literat%re a!& St%&ies


Lo#a)- 1ar% 'chnubel (+223 4hen mobile air conditioning

was rst introduced, it was considered a lu#ury. Its usefulness, however, has made it a necessity. As a matter of fact, if a vehicle


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

is not equipped with air conditioning, its value is dramatically reduced on the resale mar%et.


Forei!- 6illy 7angley (+222 There are basically two reasons for

the use of an air conditioning system. The rst is to improve some indust industri rial al or manufa manufact cturi uring ng proce process, ss, and and the second second is to provi provide de human comfort. The indoor conditions required are determined by the need and the desire of the occupants or the process. Thus, for human comfort applications, an understanding of the required body functions is fundamental to a proper understanding understanding of air conditioning. )uman comfort depends on the rate at which the body loses heat. The human body is a heat machine that uses food as its fuel. The food that we eat contains contains the component components s carbon carbon and hydrogen. hydrogen. The energy energy in thes these e comp compon onen ents ts is relea elease sed d by o#ida #idati tion on of the the food food.. 4hen 4hen we breathe in air, the o#ygen that is ta%en from the air is necessary for the o#idation of the food. 4hen we consider the products of combustion that occur in a gas 8ame, we %now that the products of combustion (o#idation are carbon dio#ide and water vapor.


ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City


Lo#a)- avid Chadderton (+2&/ As the world:s population

deve develo lop p thei theirr econ econom omie ies, s, the the need need for for air air cond condit itio ioni ning ng will will incre increase ase,, along along with with its attend attendant ant power power demand demand.. Those Those who who thin% fossil fuel atmospheric emissions, have to come to terms with economic development around the world by those who do not now have air conditioning, food refrigeration, T; and smart phon phones es.. 1a 1a% %e up your your own own mind mind abou aboutt how how the the worl world d can can develop and be sustainable into future generations.  The e#tent of the cooling season determines energy use and running costs for air conditioning. Tropical regions have a cooling sea season son that that last lasts s all all thr through ough the the yea earr, with no winte interr as compared with "urope. 1any tropical regions have few periods of  clear blue s%y and bright sunlit conditions.

ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF NOVA NOVALICHES, INC. Congressional Road, Rainbow Village Village 5, Caloocan City

Metho&o)oy Materia)s

4ater =ug

1ini des% fan

 Tube  Tube Ice

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