Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Clarkson

April 26, 2017 | Author: Ankan Bhattacharya | Category: N/A
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mtR-wllst. mmdmd-& the i m w m h l s






Port One General %laeonto!ogical Concepts 1 Principles of palaeontology 1.1 I t ~ t r o d ~ ~ c t m r ~ 1 2 Ocuurrcticc nf irlvcrtcbrate fossils 111 Pharlerozoic rocks Hard-part prercrv~tion 'loft-part prcscrvarion 1.3 llivlciotls of itivcrtcbratc p ~ l x o ~ ~ t o l ~ g 'T'axonorny The spcuc5 C O ~ I C C ~ ~ Noi~lenclarurcand ~ d c r ~ t i t i c a t ~ofo nh s s d specie5 T ~ s o n o m i r111er;rrzhy ~ Usr of st$1t1stac;11 ~netliod~

~l~cut>i~\ P~I'I~o~c~~Io~ Functiorlnl rrlorpholoq, firowtl~and form Strnt~gaphy L~tbostmtiqnphv Hioaratqrrphv Chronostra tlgrnphy H~lrl~cyrapli~ !$(\oh, trcatlsrs a t ~ dsymposia I~idividualpaprrs a n d other refere~lces

2 Evolution and the fossil record 2.1 Introductiori 1.2 Ilanvln. t l ~ ccpecit.5 and tlatural sclcctioil Inllcritanuc a11d the qource of varintiorl W1lt.r~drwc variation cnmc from? Sig~iifica~~ce of allclcq Mutation 'iprr'id of ~ u ~ ~ t a t i nthrnugh tlf popiilat~otls Ilutir>i~ Allupatnc rpcci,~nnii klctcrorllrnny T c ~ t ~ m~crorvolut~o~ldr)'i ng pntturnc Ar~aly

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t Two Invertebrate Phyla 4.1 1)31!-lan1Porifcra: spntlgcs

4.2 Cla\\ificatinri -1.3 C~.I\F D~nio~potigra S p i ~ ~ idl ~~ nr ~ o s p ~ ) i i g c ~ S~l~rospotlycs I:l~.~~tctids Strrunaroporoirls Spl~iiicrozt~ai~s 4.4 C:lais C;ilc;~rca ?... Clngc rracfi l ~ l l ~ l i ~ ~ ~ . l p l ~ ~

trcatircs nt~dsytrlposia lrldiridual pnprrs and othcr rcL.rcncc~ Iintlks,

5 Cnidarians .;,I It~trod~~ctiotl .i 2 Mgor cl~arnctcristic-c; ~ i i dC ~ ; I C C C 43f ( I111y113m Cnidilrin 7,; C1.1i.;Hyrlrc>zn;i Orrlcr Hychroirl:~ Orrlcr Hydrortx-~llina i . 4 Clxs Scyphoz0:1 i,i Claw S \ I I ~ ~ I ~ Z O ; I Sul~r.l,~ss Ccriantip.~thana Subclass C)ctc~rr)mllin Sr~l~clasr Zonntlt:~ri~: cornls Ortier l < i ~ y c > < ~ Ordur T ~ h u l a t , ~ OrJur S ~ l ~ r a c t i ~ l i a Cur.11 reefs C;uulogic,il 11sc~ clf vt~ral5 Cnr~~lq ar colorlics: thc lirnitr nf ztlnntharinn evolution Mir~osordcn I!iblingr.~ph?; Uotlk~,trcatiscs a ~ i dryrriporia Ir1d1rid1tnlpapcrs nrlA clthcr rcfcrcnuc~ Bryozoans h l lntrod~ict~nn h 2 T n o tuamplrc of l i v ~ n ghrl;c>zt,nn~ Rrl~r>rrl)nr~ km ,57l~!ttl??,?





7 Brarhiopods 7.1 I ncrodrir-tlor~ 7.2 M o r ~ I l o l ( i ~ ~ Subyln lunl 1x11ync \ ~ u t i c l l ~ L > r l l l c ~ h , l ( r p l ~ o l o ~ofy t l ~ r c cgcrlcra I - " r ~ \ ~ ~ v d t i\ot i~l , , d3tlJ ~ c l ~ ~ ~ i f i ~ a t of 1 0 ;lrt1~1113tcd 11 ~~KIC~IU~C~JS M.Gor L~nttirc.?of br,lc I~it,purI~ r ~ o i p l ~ o l o ~ Etidopu~~ct,itinil .u1~1p w ~ ~ d r ~ p u n c t n t lin c mthcllr '+,ti t,phvlurn 1 ~np~lifi>rrnca !-it!y~i/lltogclly 7.4 Clafeitic.~tic>n 7.5 Evcrlutinii.lrv Iii5tr)i~ 7.h rc nlom .uirI d i c r r i h u u ~ n ~ E Lu l r > h ~t ~inch\ f lclu.11 rpcclus 1:pit I I ~ I I . Ih~ r c ~ c I ~ ~ o p o d ~ F:ii:ltrt:~un.ll hr,zt hiitpods !lt.rcllit>pod , ~ s ~ c r n ' t , l ~ 1~1cd'~o111111~rnltv' \ c l'crrrunn 1 c c f . I F ~ O C I tions ~I Mc\c>7rricb r . ~ c h ~ o p cnrsuclatiul~s d 7.7 Faun;] prrn irlcc\ 7,s S t r ~ t i ~ , r p l l ~L c dI ~ 13lhliograpIiv Boo'k5. trc.lrirei ~ r \!nrpusrd ~ d I nciib itlu.11 p p C n ,>ndnthcr rr=fvrviiccq


mollusc^ r ~ t n ~ i . ~ r n c not nr ly ~ l l i ~ ~ t ~ o t l 8.2 C:P.IWl hc.lrloll 8.3 S o n ~ c.~cpcct\of thcll t r ~ o r ~ h o 31ld l o ~yo\%-th C o ~ l c dlloftm I~thogrnphiclirncctonc. Hnvann

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12.7 I c h n o l n p Clnu~ifiratinno f trace cocrils Morphologic.11 m d prcccnratlonal rlascitication 13chnvto~~r.~l cI.~c~ifirntioi~ Phylngcilcric cla5sific ~tiola Urcq of ~ c l l n o l r , g C; ctlvironlllent Crratigrapl~y Fossil l>chav~our Fiil~lio~~pli~~ Rook(,,I! l b l i F L ' a t O ~ { l r l ~ l 1002, ~i cI.c~ . Hrigps, r :o~:I! St,rrltton :~rld Ii;~chcl\T!t~nd p v t cxctllcnt take11 iiito a ttlureutrl ill my 113tivr N C W C ~ S ~ ~ P - I I ~ O ~ IVI~-;> . l r tl~chrytitlil~gc>t'tlic p r o j ~ c r;IS to IIOW I T y n c , to cscape from the min. 'rhcrc. in a dusv &rr ,111Iil prr~t-chcdn-it11 thc ti-~urtlj cditiotl, and r havu casc wort two g s n t arnniniai teq (probably 7'i!r111irrs nri t l ( \ . ~ r t i~logctht,r u.itl1 IJ;~vidHarper, Pcrur had lrvud iirdtioris of y e d s J ~ O Thcv hl~clLl~\i~. S~~s;aii Iligly, Liz H.arpcr, Dick JctT'i.rics. r ~ a t ~ owhich ti has c n n t ~ n u e d~11inEnow, and I all1 still lLgt-m~: ( ' ( ~ 1 ~ A . l ~ t lt . h ~ * ~ rL h ~~ ~ F ;i I ~~ I Oorhcn i~ I ~ Ilavc glad to cscapc to t l . 1 ~hills on a f r u h sutrlrncr mom]I!I,\~L! 111i- ,9r ,111 ~ ~ likc. l r l .lhovC 311, r o rccord r r y hc;jstfclt lifc, a t ~ do f the rncthods avallablc for ~ t sscirntific ri~.~:~h< r r > Irly trut rid st:ll\~nrrfricnd Ct-cilia Tnylor, ,111 tlw \ u p ~ ~ o.und r t l~clpfl~l ~uq;crtinttr ~ h c 112s study. If ro, 1 will havc achlcvcd \\,hnt 1 srt orit 20 do. ,

' l F c fin1 rllr~c.cditiclns o f tl~ictcxtbook wcru

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CD-ROM T h c Nnt~ir;llH15tury Mtr~rtirrlLc>nd(>ndnd Dr E.N.K. Clnrkcon havc uollahoratcd oil thc d c v c l o p m r ~ ~crft thl\ ~ n i p o r t a trlcw ~ f initlatlvc In pnla~.ontology ttcnc11111g. :I l r l c r q J ; ~ ~O~IiIl L'IL < K O I I II C .I carrrbincci Itnage I~bmn;m d database, c o r l t ~ i i i ~ nrecnrdr g fur 1000 k r y fowl gciicra. E ~ c hrcroi-(1 iotltnln.; .I hct of i l l l d g ~ c ,;i11~1itlform~riono n stratrgrmphic rangc, hard-part rrunrmlog. pnlacoorolnt;.v, p ~ ~ l ~ c o h ~ o ~ tcrc. ~ o The ~ r ~ ~maycs ~ p l ~ havc ~ , bren captured 1ivng thc Natural Hirtow Muscunl'r l ~ i g rc\ol~itioi~ l~ I'AI.AEC>VlSION diptal lmnpng cvcte~n.atld the data arid It~iagtgrcude 111 tlic Gvrtlt~,Srrntcint~barcrn;lilnpcr. Thi\ qwtctn ~ l l o w rthe u w r gc,at flcxlhillt): in di~playingdat;l. For example, users cnn \imply broww frol~i rccnrd t o rcrorcl; pull lip fnsrllc frortr a taxorlonlic indru; o r sclcct and sort record< h-! gt'ogr3pl11~U I I ~ C . lift' linhit, ~ t r ~ t l p n p h range. ic or hy ,I v.~rictyof other cntcaln. l k ~ i i g ccl~artsand p a l n c o h i a g c o ~ ~ ~ iniaps ~ ~ l ~+Ire ic pvrr \tl~crcappropnntc. and thc uwr ran print records. or cxport tlleill illto other ;~pplrcat~o~rs. Wltllin each rrf rhr Ir1,ljor gn>i1p rlicrc ,Ire a 11u111berof labcllcd irnngcc and dldgrarns to allow rhc 11cv1 to bccolnc fnm~li.~r n,ltll ke!. rncvphnlo~icaltcrnls. .'llitrvt;(;)scil< (111 UU-KC_S:\I tn.1). hc urcd as A I I a d ~ u n c tto 111vfbrrrhratcPrlfoeot~rth,yy,o r a? A qtn~~dalorlc prntluct. T a v n 1 1 3 been ~ ~ ~clcctrtlfor tlicir rclcv~t~ct. to Earth qcicncc tcnching \vorldwidc.

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For furtllrr ~ z l t r r n ~ ~ t ianri c ~ r c~rrlcr~ny t rlet.~lls,p1e;lsc contact:

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Amixeras cf. hartmanni (Oppel], an assembla e oF immature ammonites from the Lower Jurassic of Black Ven, Charmwh, England [ h e r Sinemurion). These specimens were pro&bly ca~strophicall~ buried, since he soft parts must hare been in when +,e, died prwenting sediment penetrofing the chambers. Po~nf~ng by Roisin Moron; original specimen in the James Mitchell Museum, University Callege, Galway, Ireland.


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n o record of terre5trinl , ~ t u r t ~rnltll ~ l r rnuch I,~rct.I n

of nur u~lrlerstandl~lg of t l ~ c11istc)i-y o f lifr-, pcrl1.1p~tlic rno5t significant of all C V C I I ~ F ID(>^ ~ I : I C C about 343 Ma ago nt about the Gcprlnlliq ot' t h c ~ ~ I I I .(l l, ~ l l t )~i11111ot1 vc.lrc . i g ~t h c Earth carrlr inti) C:nmbrlan Pcriod, For nt tlliq sta.yc tlrcrc \\:IF A q ~ c i .II~:,yrrllh~lllt fi>rriijnqf r r ~ i .I~ lionrlcnr~ngdlrc of den pmllfcration oidifl?sent kiilds nf lllarlttc ii~\vcrsl I I L lr.,. ~ l l t r t,iiid g;i\. I\ 111~11 t;lteci rouild t r b m t c ~ . 13un11g rh~scritical period r l ~ cpriiicipnl I, 51r1i 1 , I r y r p~rt~c.lcleof P!lanrrozo~c tltrle. nrc dictinpirchccl 1s). .I 1rh111tlic t i n t 30";I O F tlw ~ J , I I T C ~ * F l~i~ltm-y, Tl~ert. r i c h l ~ c r i t a ~of c the fossil rcunmnq of thu invcstcc r ~ * r i ~ , l l{n>\ < \ I T T I ~ ~ OL .~ ~ I I I \ I I I( ~ c t c r, IjI ~ I L ~'h111rE~rntef that rvolvcd thro~~g!rsucccssivc Ii~qtnncnl ,,rlc,rc', or L-ynt1ol7acrcn.1)i t ? rock? 341 It 1 ,Ma pcnndq; their ~ t l i d vI$ the dornail~of in\rcrtchr;~rc .1 ,rl l~ir. prcwnl,~l~lv onpnntrd hciorc cl1t.n. pal.wnntnlo~?;nlid rhe qul?iect of thi\ book. Tt.c\: rrnit~lcform< r,f !iir hcc111 ~o hnvc dom~rl.~ted itcrlth cL,r thc 11c~ut2ll01) Mn. nnd evolut~nll t h . ~ t tllrlt, \v,~c vcn slozv. Nr\~enlieless, tllc rr\cib,ictc.n,~atld phato~y~ltlrcricb , ~ c t e r ~ awerc I [ ,r~u!rlcr~tnl 111 ch.111y111~ thc cnvirniitllcllt. fur they #:I: jltf LK!grn i i ~ t o,irl .Itrnosphcrc t11.1t war previLI~vtjiil ~ t \, L I dint nr~imallife eventually IIIIC y~lv.~hl~. hlly \vll~.~r qnlilc. of thc cnrly Irvitly lbeaiirl,ln,cl~,ingc,.~ct-clcratrd, and with it all lirncr~e\. FIIJICS., ~ it~rc)ner l n r ~ d~-nucf~tot~cs but o n 11 I I I I ~ ofL 'IIC'W ~ . ~ c ) ~ + I \ > II ~I 'I~~~I Cupened cF up to rlic WIIOIC nrr not cor.larno11 m s a i i d ~ t a ~ ~ e s . ivlv:~~.l~ir. Thi5 \ n n t 1ir1t11coiiip~rativclvl ~ t e Scdimcnt.iry ironcrorlc< iilny t~avc rich fo\sil 11 :~rl~1~~gc,~l hissnn. a t i d tl~crt*,we 110 tbrcil ~nltnals rern;~ins.Occnsionally they nre f i ~ ~ m111dFonw conme IIO>L\III L ~ YI ~ L ~ I I I I P t)ldcr I > ~ \ t11aii s h o ~ ~ 7tbO t MA. mcks F U C ~A F L~cy%vnc-kernr~dcvcn coirglo1nerntr5. A:wn tc>g~-thcr tllc. c!~eiilical h c d ~cullrditung ~l111ci)r ,IEI tlic w$r-l-rnrlicd clr- ~ r ~ r i i t i pornclcs, 111~11tr1t1 t l ~ ct;nun,r tvr-ll. 'l'llr.\c ~ r rrninc.n~cly ? cig- halamcc i r uilrtnblc. T h r \cdirncrrt 1i1111 bc in r t w l n ~ cal cquil~briuni(>lily.iftcr dlngcnctic pl1!.cict7clrciilii ~ i f t u . i r ~itb r pn l,~contc\lr*,q. Il.~vct:tkcn pl.~cc.Tlic\c t r ~ . ~~iivolvr y T h c olclcior.~ ( c i ~ , , ~ i -fti i l r ~ itrncc inqctlc) nsc pre~cn,cd. t l i e ~ cchow rridy b~ V and thC h i v l , ~ c s r r ~ ~ b l .prcrciit yc< in t h t rnck nlny tht* rturly of cucli ~-rlould\arc clcccribcrl in ccctirrn llavc tlccrl ~ T J I I F ~ O I . ~ C CL CO~I I I ~C ! I E ~ J I ) L - C . nbradcd. dnm- 7.2. with rcGrct~cc rt> h r ~ ~ l ~ i c ~ p r >Ifc l \.I. fowl lIy FFBCL-, ,i'r For il~sc.~ncr a ~ r and d rnl1xt.d \I it11 eleinellcc nf n t l ~ c rfizln~r.Even cncloccs ,111 c ~ r i ~ i n . ~ 11ollou~ hchvccn the p,Iir nf khclls tlf .I bivalve ur br,~tliln(hit k-~hcI1c.d ,111j1n.1litycrc ~ r i ~ n , ~preqeiit ll\ 111 .I f>und, t1lc.y rnay not br p r c ~ r ~ \ ' r 111 d : C . I I I L ~~~ ~ 6 1 -pod. tliir qpnrr may citlicr hc lcfi rrr~pr).or Lwcomc nle11t- I T ] \ V ~ I I L -t~l r ~ - ~ ~ - c ~ i~lv. ~ it ti cnrer~~rtci~li~-, for tjllcd w r h ~tclvnicnt.In thC 1.1twr C R C C .I ~ ~ d i l ~ l c ~ i t core t f prcrmn,t.d. ~ ~ ~ l ict>rricc i c h n ~ i illtdct t W ~ I C tI1~1 ~ I I l F t d t I C C ' . C " I ~ C . ~ ~ C O I511~ll~ IC 1 1 1 ~ 1~~ F W I > \vltkl~ll ~ V ~ .I fc\V I C J ~ S L l c f i ~ rt~h r \e~lliilri~t r . ( v > ~ p , \ ~tilrn t ~ d rnrk. rock i c crnckcd ilpcil. Thiu hcnrh upon ~ t cc l ~ r t ; ~,I:)~ t , hinct. ihc. ica floor is !lot al\vny+a rcgroll r d ct-mt~r~~t-intetnal mould of thc Lwil shcll. whctcas cxcerous scdirnetlt dcpour~on.rllanv a p p a r t n t l ~corznliu- nal moulds art- left i n thc caviry from \1,311cli lr came. In rx-c cirruitistnncr< the r-orc nr t l ~ cslrcll, nr ut15 r e d i r n r r ~ t . ~\rqucucc< ~ c o ~ ~ t a ~rluinrrmir ti both. tn;rv he rcplaccd hv an cntirclv d~ffcrcntmln51n,tU-scalr Ihrsa ks ( d i a s t ~ m s )rcprcrcn ting yerlodq lc In iroiit l spccicq \V,IF Irvir~g.!-l-lurcm lirr the oldcct 2nd 111mi gcncsal .1ppI1carioil of n~vcrtrl-rr.~te pnlacon mlrrh? : biostratigraphy. Uslrly the qcqucllrc o f fr~\nl K ~ l i i l . t ~tllc . geolo9cal cnhuil~llh a i been c I I ~ ~ F ClipJ C1i7tn ~ .I ht'nrq I~~vcn-tchr~~tc p ~ l . ~ c n r ~ tI \r ~non~i.i!/v l r ~ ~ ~ 5~ t i l ~ ~ JS l ~ d of m.lior gcc3ulapcal t i ~ n eurlttr {prnndc). chit-li ot subdivi~inno f qr'olop, . I < i t iq t ~ i r l ~Enrtl~ n \cit.ncc \vhicl, i~furthcr d~vidcdnltc3 ,I Iiirr,ll-thv nf ~ n ~ n l l t h ~ it< t w n t c c t , ~ ~ ~ l i ~ . ~ lti ir .i >Itt I.l s111 .~lct)t)c- rci.11 ~c unlts. Tlrr \\ 11rrlc b ~ < fur a tl115 li~rtoncnlcSlroiinlop .I bt'ologt'c~l ~ u h l c r t I, x ~ tlilc t rh,lt h,i\ thc uiirqur pcr- i~ tflc dnvumentcd qcqucncc r ~h5cll.; f 111 rhr rtjck~. G p c C t i v ~o f p . v j l i y i ~ . ~ t111l~. l W1tl1111 tllr ~ l t ~ r l ~ ; lof i n Uuc difTcrriit h n d s of (05~11q 11.ivc diftcrrnt iostmtipa- ivhicll thcy occur ~ i a t l ~ r d l ytllc : lnttcr i c ~oinctirilcc 1"" I \ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ t qhl .r ~I 'j ~+Rc~ dC ~ C > Z C ~C I C ~ J I I ~ I C I Iknon.r~ ~ ~ . a5 synecology. ;ilrl~ou:l+rni~-r~ . ~ l a t ~ FChlRUIIh \rc ntd T.~x.ionnmy, or systrmatics .I.; ~t winctltlr~, iiiovciiiciitc m.~\\c\. k ~ ~ o w ii si ,tlic \rrc.ncc o f ~ l , l r q i h ~ . ~ ror ~ onrgnlllrim ii All nf rhtrr aqiccr$ ~ r t ' p : ~ l : i c o ~ ~ t carc > l nii~rclrc~ ' It n the oldesr of dl1 thc h o l o q c a l diwipliiicr. 1.1rcd. rid :III ,~rlv.uiccit1 nnc iii.1~h : l \ ~.I hc.>nng thc pnlKl~!t'> i~titlinrdLlv Cni-1 t;ti\tn\' I ~ ~ ? n , i r r ~ . iipnn nnv ~ > t I l ~ T = rh. ~ w.I p : ~ r t ~ r u lctutly . ~ r i r ~fiii~c- ( 1 7117-1 77s)in htq pioncrnny S)~,ft'~ri~t rrrrrrr?.rtc, ~ r . tlnt~:~I n ~ c > q ? h n l n ~ t11.1y y ytvr irit;,im.itinr nil chll in uqc tr,dny. though ~ ~ ? ; i t lilr.r~diticrl v In8' p~lacc>~=cologv ,1111- ~ ( I F E I ~ IYC~ITIC* Y ~ C ' C C I F M C ~ to tnw311- curcndcrl. o n ~ p:a\ \~1.11.L i k ~ivi\c. rccchllr r t - t i n r t ~ l c r i~l lt ~t.iuonotnlc pr.1~-clccli,ivc cr1.1blcd ~ h c dcvr.lnprncnr . nf .i The species concept rrluc: 11 nirlrc, prrbilsn~piv~~itlc rlf IvI~lnq,?c,~l ongill can Anim.11 ~ p c c ~ c(sc g. Sy\vcctcr-Uradlry, I'l.5f1) Jrl 1101~ hrb rccovcrrd frclm ,rnc~c-n t lrkr ,lnli f ~ m nrl~c q r o u p a f ~r~dividualr rhar gcncr~llylook ltkc cat1 h,lrir of biornolecular palaeontology. Such fnisil ntlicr .lnd can intcrbrccd to product ~tTil .4iid leopard, rcq-cc- h.ncd upnn type specimens, which arc n1wav.i rherc,~kcrkept 111 n InuGcmm o r rc~catch~nctitutc.. *. 111 fulF t;lronotnic t ~ o m c ~ ~ c l a ~the i i rn~lthnr'l, c~ ' .ltld the dLltco f pllL7l1~,ltl0tl 31.C glVrl1 R ~ T t Cl l~ ~ U ~ u a l l yniic of thew. tl1c holotype, is. ~ c l c r t c dnr thc refereilcc spccimcn and fully 11luc;tratcd;coinrtwt irnrn ,I rclnted qpccic~.In rnrc nn cs~'itinggenuc, or if rhcrc I$ 1 1 0 dcscsil~cdKcnus t~ ---: t h i q ran bu ~lipplci~~r.~ztcrl b\- .b cornp,rwon nf to \vhtch i t pcrtnin~thcn a ncrv gcnuq muqt ~ 1 s hc l:herr~i~tn. of thc \hell. .I< Ilac provcd e.A,T. En tnxoriunlv h i ~ h c LIXJ r Arc t i r ~ ~ , ~dlil~v h n p ~ i ~ h r r rt!llr\C* l LTc H a r p e ~dcwnbcd n Earsc inuna frmn thr Glrvan hy thcir suffix (i.c. -ca, -3. ~ t r . )AF . ,171 c-xamplc, thc oi(lcr o t d~qtnc-tof Scnrl,mJ. 2nd ~ ~ r ~ t cl hi t~~hc n recop-rlizcd folluwitlg docurncritq rlit= clns~~fic~tion of' tlic ?I l ~ ~ l ~ c hvo w b < p c c ~ cof r I:'. i l r l r ~ i ~ r r Ear t. ' t o n ~ c \ v l ~ ditfcrcnr at CSrdnvics,~n hracl~iopnrl Fnriroli~ta ndru.lrlr pi?rf/lc , Llct !ding r n s r q nnd d ~ s t ~ n p l ~ r h chv c l rllliinr rlltFc;.rc~~cc+i In rcfcrrcd tn carlicr, accnrrling to 3 tnsnnnrnlc qchcn~r fi l \ ~ ~ t ~ ~ > n r o r p h n l o ~ Thccc. . 111 I-larl?cr's ( 1 08") ~ ~ l l o ~ ~ u p a 111 p hwhich , thc aurhor of thc taxnn : ~ n drlic ycnr nt 11~1,: lilt :I 11-1 ,ire \i7ntrc11 ~ i o d ~ ~ ~ t~~ it d - r~c ~cl for ~ C C I O I I F ~ T Itin? IC phylogeny. S l ~ ~ i t l r( 1994) '~ c ~ ~ l ~ n of r nrladist~c n ~ ~ r r 1 ~ i ( . I l ~IIC ,71111~1;115 ~ L Y C ~ I ~ J,111~ ~ C ,~rlotlicr Sccnnd, ~ylageacticrelationship? .Irr ~lr,iigwith phc- nlcthodology i ~ c rn L-c>mprrhci~sivcthat mJv hrlef rrc r ~ ~ r c r n h ~ .corlc~dc.rc~I ii~c~ ~~nport:iiit, By thlq is commc.nts ,trc ~ ~ v hcrc. c u rhc 1v.1~(2s h r .I\ c,~rl bc d~.tcnnincd) in Hcnirip war of rllc aysinlnn that rccciicy of coluI l r 11 ,~nlnl.ilq nrr a c t ~ ~ . ~rclntcd llv to C A C othvr, ~ 1.c. Inon o r ~ g i coulcd i~ b c ~ hc t choliln 11). rlir sl~nrrdpoctrnnv nf rcccncv o f c c m i t n o t ~~3rigi11.\vIii~hCIF w ~ snil r of cvolu tiom? novc-lnc~ clr 'drrlvcil urw yr.rrlcr intn ~ ~ ~ l l ~ i t i i~~. IrS~O. Ii I~O\ ~~Thr I I ~ . ~11.1rnttcr;~. Thus in clorcll; rel,brrd g r o ~ i pwc ~ \vould srr~i~r OV ' i l l ~ ~ c ~ ~ 111 i 0 1C7 ~ Crot k r ~ c o r d, ~ n dgcn' ~ l ~ a r cderived d c'l~ar,~ctcrr' (synapomorphics) ~ ~ p l l i c ndincupt war that in a11j7 g o n p lTrlnnmv,whi~-htook . ~ l l h c t n n into ronq~dcr.~tinn. char~cters,lrc ci thcr 'prim1 tivc' (symplesiomor1.11 for n Fni19 tlnlc I ~ P T the~ backhcli~cnf p a l ~ ~ o r ~ r ophic) or 'dcrivcd'. TIILIY 211 vcrtchsatcr hnvc lurk! lac,rf cP:iredto r l l t r ~ o l - t l i e , ~a~~t l d11orthwc9t hy wlcr ivat?r arm\, biit tI1ouq11 this is part of the &'orAtlannc troptcal shrPtprovincc it ha? hcen iwtrll for ~ lI\ r > hich ~ ~ c:111 c*rcinnl i k "lighlv cnn~rrriiii~-rl by g c ~ n ~ c t nrules. t' Il* L!h*iii~c.cri trcvl~fu\r~lrzcclrcrnalllc ,~lotir-.IYC p-t~wrh ~ o \ v t l i~ ~ O C C S F C F2nd , t h r proprrtlcq n f !l~:itcrinls ~ 1 1 ~hn11 1 Fn!In\viii~ tlic C I ~ I ~ \ I ~worL nf ~ 1 ' A r c v Thlr wggc~tq t I ~ t . q v c n ct~ougli titiic and an rc3c.i



cxtren~clv Enrpe numhcr of cvolrit~onary cspennlcnts. the rlisco\,en I I ~ nrgnnicrn5 n f "good" dcsigns - t h u ~ are viahlr 2nd can be con5mnictcd \\qtl~.1rall3ble matcrinls - w.1~incvitablc and in pnnriple predrctnblc. . . tlic recurring d c r i ~ l sw e n h w n ~ cnrt. n t t r J c t n ~ ,ordcrfy and ctablc contipurarlotls uF nl.ltter that nllirt I I C C C F S ~ ~CIncrTc ~V ~n the course of cvolutlnn' fTho~na\and Rcit; lqq3). It1 p o i t ~ tof h c t ~ I I C p ~ t r t ~ t i a ,~vnilable l 11~sbeer) vcrv wril exploitrd by Ilvin y: crc,itltrcc. t h o u y l ~speciiic constraint< fcldoin ,~llnwthc product~on of idcal orKazlism.;. Natz~rc~vorkqnr .I r ~kcrcr, i rathcr than a< JII c n ~ t 2 r e (lacob. r lEJ77:scc ~ l \ Chapter n 3) - a point to be bonlr In m i i d in ccm~~dcrirlg =llIlivin? 311d tbssll

stratigraphy nnd chronostratipaphy. aU o f wl~icli are w n y of ordering rock stsdta Into m c n n i n ~ r l utlitr (Hedbcrs. 197h; Hnllatld rr n l . , I W X ) .

I< t





i ni ~ % ~




rill- tlir~ct (-8

Lithostmtigraphy ~l~llllil~l rIIIIIIr~llIr[' Lithostratipayhv 15 i-ot~ccrnrdwith rhc c-rec-tlnn 171 IlT t 4 \ . tfll? becn deposited . ~ tthe o ~ i etittle; slilce it cut\ acrnr tlorl \ \ ~ 1 t I i z ~ ~ nplnnes e i t i q snid to be diachronous. Sucf, i l f * ~ ~fl~l ) l l l ~~i.irlr M es~creda t the qamc time XVithiti a qnl;lll qyacc - ,I has ch.ltigcd itz,irtrr r,lpidlv. The 11ldivid~131 ~snrI%ronc l.l\tl.(l \(Wll Inycr, for lnlta~lue,passlnp ~ntna n some diaance nw,rv. Litliustratigmphv IS t h u ~only r)l bedding p1a11c.s.T l ~ c hcciJ~ng ~c pl,~ncsare time honi t 1% $111,w of bottom- notably bv thc Gcrlilan palaeontolopist A. Orjpcl 111 du dliny invcrtcl~rawr,arc hcicc roiirrnlled. Thev the 1R.ills. lqvcd In particular cnvlrnnmcnrq nnly. c.g. I ~ m e It was Oppel too w h o fimt recoplizrd t l ~ there r ~ n u d\chi Ruor. sccf. l ~ )trcut) p x n c dijtiiulticu in t ~ ~ n l i i nprcii5r y zo~r;~l Ivriri!lcvr. NC1I~~tiotr. C l l ~ p n l > nk ~ 1 l a ~ t / . 1 2 ~LIOII, 3~~ :#,I, rrf cq11iv.1lcnt 4 1 ~ r 'ill \ v i ~ l ~ ~srl-r>ratc~l ly arc:)$, (Nc\.v. V ~ ~ ~ ~ .IIILI U I I rc;~d;thlc. F tcst) i II! fn'ni~ilxrcIur.nrrn\, tl~cl u ?I, \vull d o u ~ n r l c n t c i\r'itli i i$ricgs+D.E.C;. ,ant1 Crc~\vtIlrr~ i3. (I t3tJO) f'L71L~r~~/jr+ll(!tf)~: ir ,111 c l ~ ~.Irc.i, c rn,iy collt.iin vcr! fcrv r . l c ~ r ~ c ~in~ t c .Sptrhcsi~. Ill.~c,liwrll. CJxlrrrLl, 583 py. (-Tlir. ~ L * < I ,111~1 . ~ l ~ ~ ~ r~f t i ~n i~~r,d ~ ,.1r1d1 ~, ~ t;ill, E1nt.r. d i c y hcltrr~gtn Inmt 11seh11p 4 r l ~ ~ r u r ~ t o lCo ~~ ~c IC~~I I~ R - T 11f:dI) I ~ ~ I J ~ ~ I . ( 1 {)74) ilf,in'1r~Z ~ ~ ~ x ~ i - e i ~ tblcllnlitntion of G~ln.11proviilcc\) !.!? nc5, IIC)LVC\~~,T. tilt- I l n ~ ~ i ~ c lof ~ r siir'l~ i~% H n ~ t o ~ i [>.I-. . 2nd Harprbr, 13.A.T. (1 9')4!) Micm-$:,I\ y I I J I : ~ n~cillatctlto . ~ n dfro. '['F~crcnr:~! L ~ O I ~ I I J I I ~ C T \ 111 p ~ l : ~ c o ~ ~ t o l of .p' ~. ~ r ~ ~ r i i ~ rqtt/' i ~I//(~n>~ .!~lri.~r)rc ,Iilllcal- d c r l ~ r - r ~o~f c~ d l n c ~ hullal nt prtlvP ~ i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ +3 I~I tI X ~ t~ tJ i~I.Ill~I ~/ o~370. ,t i ~\ -1~ ~fE.( # pqwrs) IU.A111 vrrtic,~lSLICL~ w i ( w ,T \ I L I $ C I C I ~ ~ T : Isrrilti~I~I~ Cuwcrr, Irt., r l r . ~ s r,ldinnwtrii cl,itin: lvill Fnlrhndpr.. R.W. ,1nd J~hlnrlski, I). (ctls) (11)7')1 '1111. .!~!+l*ncilc p ~ l . u r o n r n l o ~ ~ccvrcl.ltion; ~-,~l t31t. two .arc I ~ ~ ~ c ~ * r / q~j~Efirt/~ p t * ~.Sr;ct~r-tx, l i ~ i Veil, V l l + TJtt*L't~yc!ryi,dr(r 1il'r:I~ ( - t ~ l t ~ ~ 3 l e l 1 .~lFTLi ~ ~ ~ tI1c t , ~ lp-vGlr ~ ~ ~ sLlc.c-r-5$ l>f (I{ Pftlt~i~trrolaqy.I ) n t v d r l ~ . H u t c h ~ r ~ r r >a~~i r d I G l c s , :l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it]~,p~ttm ~ tr d~ 11% g tl -~ ; i ~~ ~i ~ lt l~mvcs ~t .i v ~ ~ ~Strnudslm-g, . i'cnn. (lnv.11u.tblr rctrrcl~cc) II,;!YII to 17vtl1. Tlic 11s~c~f'.rutnln.~tic d c ~ t a - p r i ~ c c w i t i g G n i c I r i ~ ~Ii~~tralrr~r). ritr~ ~ m f t c m r r ,Wl~ckw~ll, C3?rl'nrLi (Lucid rxplanatiun o f rladiitlc mcthodulop) Iluckwnrth. Lnr~clnr~(E:nit~rnr~n~ty r r r n i ? ~ r n i t ~ t ~ n n r ) 5ylve~tcr-Hradley,1j.C. (cd.) ( 1 Y 5 h ) 77ic Sperie'cr Colrit.ppr rrl! P I r b t ~ t ~ t ~ r l ~S/y~~~tqcyn,~ r t i c,4~~ocintio11, < London. (13avc M ~ - K c t m \ v S, . ~ r l dSCC?~CCC, C . R . (cJcI (IC)C)O) Palaeo701c. work nf r c v c n l papcrq on pdaculltological tas@narriv~ Tcicl~crt,C. (1075) 'Trticltrsr o ~ rIrrr~cn~bro!uPaleattr(~lq~y, I1nrt W (Suppl. I ) , 7i.iart. F ~ r r r l r ar~ti Pro/~ir.t~ini~m. p + ~ r s ~ I I C B U ~ I I I ~I'~~.I'C'ZCIIC \1orI11 n1.11lc) Crolugc-af S o r t r w oKhrlerica, Lawrmcc, Kan. M~ddlclii~rs,F. A,, I i i ~ ~111r rI ' W B I ,111dI I U I ~~111~1islict-I by (.'3111l~i~!i~- u t rcirrlrrulllir> r c o l o q .~ardp : ~ l , ~ c n e r o l (ill Ii1;d C~~t.~~~!ic~ttorr L! / ) ~ T ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ O I ~ I I (~ cI Ih~ II tI .IW. ~ J P Sc~ntt T Univcruitv 3 'rc.;.;) 'rh0r.t311. (;. ( 1 L):l 1 ILtfi?i t t t l ~SI>J,UJor!d U ~ i v ~ ~ k i t y ,111tl 1 t . K LVrstl. Ilou.rlrir, I ! U I C ~ > I I ) F ~ I I J I I ~ J ~ ~ t39, o h ~ 1y-IC]-3. 511:d~b{Lo\vcr Carbonlicrnr~lution ailcl rlrvcrqzty in by the rondridc +~nrl~zatchingtthc car7 go p x t but the fowiI rcuord. 111 t 1 1 ~rrc.oild part of. tlliq chuptcr thc G.11.1p.l ~ t ~ t l ~niiy a n ~de,i t oil>c>\vtheir cngincq ~ r ~ o r kto' . UFL' t h c r r is a inore cutendcd auccrunt of ~ v h a ttlie fosril r ~ic(~ii~ Umziwtr's ( 1 973) p ~ p h ~wct ~ i l e . For tlic fos~il rccord can tcll uq about thc n;\tnrc of rvoIutio!~nr)' EX.73. Icd rrcord cannot wvc n~lirli~nform,inr>rl nu the xncchchangc. d~vcrrrtyin .11liqrn of rvnlutintlnr). rhangc; this has to hc progroup "f bl iriiled by gci~ctlcq,c v r o l o ~ , niolcculnr , b l n l n q and origii,~l pn population t h o u ~ h t .,tnd clrlwl!, cnrrcct, hut to this pniiit wc \l1,111 rctrirt> I.ltrr. \xitIi I T I < cornlp.lrJrlvc aii,lLrlrllv. Thu C3f tllr prc-1Janviui;lii rvnlut~otii~t:,tl~c. ttiort i~l.-finp-rrr\,n r prilt.ui,~c~ l I i. n ~ l ~ higlicr vrrtr-- p r c > ~ n i rt~ r ~ i the Frcllc h i i ~ t ~ ~ r , l JC~~~1-l%iptir\I.i17sc.,~1111rrstncnnn nf n ~ v l i ~ cmade h nni1nL~l< bccnrnc iilorrnC ~ I T I P I CHC E . frlt 1 1


Evolution and the fossil record clrpnrlq ttruct iri\tv horn lrciv I I C ~ C L \ and t h ~ a thu nnturc of' v ~ r i a t ~ r ~ and r l hCrrdity wal I~scc there '~url~ritc~d c.h,~r,)c.tcrund. fi>rt l l ~ ,n105r S C * ~ ~ I I I I~C ' c ~ k ~ivwof tlic r h c t ~ r y , Ir pr~,ily, ~\ n~,rw. F n l l i ~ w i n~~h l c p-occ5s of sw~tcliingolr of stnicniral gcricy rs FIVCII I V ~ I C M .I rr,murription', ,I fu~rthrr ~ r ~ ~ l ~ c(mcwcngcr ulc wnsnr gciie receive? a n JpFropnatc 7 tllnnl~rc. 14 t~jnnerl.ivhir 1 mcwcr oiit of' rhc t ~ ~ ~ c l e i i c , Slriiplr orcnrusrlrs such A S bactcr~aand f ~ m p have I tlir~utghprrc.5 ln thc nuclear u~crnlir~ir~e.cets of;l$acent grn.ut-sk r ~ o ~asv operons, ~l cndrrrg h r Ill ; ~t%clt' rn thc nlwconir. (TI116 I C 1101 a a p a r t ~ c u l ~ tl~ctaholic r path\v,ly. a'l~chc can b ~ . a1 nlI 1'1 ''CiF- b l 1 3 ~ . c ~for ~ ~.IT r . tli~sst,i?r the Tencs r~vitclicdr r f i a n d or1 tngetlrcr. In Iugllci- ~ ~ ~ J ~ F T I I S tls*~~~\r.l~cr arc innil~frc~l. I t IlaX 13ern chorr~iirrccn tly Ilnwover, g e l w ~vhicllror~tsold~tlircritp.lrts of .I 111:






Evolution and the fossil record


%conrdin,itr.rl Ilrogr:imnic, m.iz hc ~itt' tc) t h r broprrrph,~w.t.rlhcrc two ccnrnolcc moyc to nppnn~-r~trt>t~ of a pnlcq nnd a ' ~ p i ~ l ~ f l(>T c ' r r n t ~ i n t J i ~ c . ~.ippc> d~ : n A t niet.~ph.lwthc ntirlc.i~-tiicn~hr1 9 /--*\ pnrtic~ilal- c l ~ . i r ~ c t ~ A r. . s o ~ i ~ cgericas .ITC h ~ h % , ~ {thcm. pleiotropir; thar ~ u , tl~r'y i k h t .;vl-cr,ll cli.lnctcrc vnnlsJlcs . ~ n dthc chror;lmolnc< 11nc up .1Jn11g t l y -\;. . uncc tht. v n l c gciir- prod~rrtqmav uwJ 111 d~ffcr- m c d ~ nplanc, ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ 1cpllthng 1 111 h 1'0 FO that c.v c n t biocl~cmic~il p.1rl1w.a~~. A p l ~ c r ~ c ~ r n c\n~oli ~ i ;c ~ h t chrcrt~r~ttd bccortlcc 3 Jnughtc.r cl~rcrlrlotlrcr.TIir\. r n ~ c ~ ~ c r nor r n t l l e ~111ob11e ~ or yztnf;l- thc h u n ~ ~dcmcq,hut nor co~ilplerelysn, fcjr thnugk ~ r n ~ yl cn r t i c c v c i ~ t- ,I p h r ~ ~ o n ~ r n1%-Enrh on has c.~chp ~ n o d c r n cc ~ r r i c s~ t so ~ v ngcnc pool tl~crcir clc.~r irripl~ratiorl\Lor r.lp~drvnltrtlon n l ~ dfor t l ~ c come pmcihility of r s c l ~ a ~ i g31id e IICIIC'C q c i i ~flnv; nngin of I I ~ X Vtvpc'c ut' hcrwccn the pools. A II~IY .~llclc,f'ornltd llv ~ r ~ i ~ t . l t i n r ~hcntab'c , I t i s within such nn.111 natural popul.ltiol~r t11,1t and will prnducc chatlyc5 In our or mnre chnr.lctcr~ f;~vourahlctnutatiorls. eeprc~allvthnw nllorvinq llc'r111 thc ilry3mstn. Thcsc. rh,~tl ~. ~ I C IITI I J ~I C A ~ tn ncw or thc. p ~ p ~ ~ l ,it1 ~ tthc i o gnmnden>c ~~ wlth~rirc,l,~t~vch m r n c a ~ h . i t ciiff rcrit clinr~crsm ~\pZl~cl~ msv c a F fr\v grncration~. It 111;rv then ~ p r r i r lt ( ~ nttlc't qomc .~r.lcctive; i i f v . i ~ l r a ~A~n. ~ c l v a tagcuuc n muta- p x i ~ o d r n l ein~ thc v i c ~ n ~ t )iucrcaqiny ., tlic c f k c t i \ c tion. wl-tich IlIav ctnlv II.IVC J n i ~ t p n n l l ybriirtjcld rnngr of the u s e f ~ m ~ l l t n n t coiid~non.Surli n rnuzint cfft.ct,will nrllv be ~1-3cto sprmd ~f (1) it ic rccurrcnt condition, especially ~f occurring in 3 peripheral w i t h ~ n rhc poyu1,itroil 40 rhnt net%, recruit5 arc isolate (i.c. a s i n ~ l small cluctcr r)! continu.illv addrd to thc rnurnnt crack. (2) ir g a ~ n n d c ~ l ~oil e s tlae fringes n i n lnrgcr ~vidccyrr.~d ranics rurilc selertrvr advanr~gt. w that fhc populatio~~), will he the finr step toward7 thc frmn.4Hardy-IWcl~tberg eql~ilibrrutn19 ~ h l t i ~~n d I ~ Ffavnur tlun o f a new and disr~nctspecrcx. The nccurnulaticlr ,111d (3) thc p o p ~ i l a t ~ o11rn qtnnll c t i o ~ ~ gfist h ~t t o bc o l a fe\v more inutattnns rnny thcn iin rnut,iticlrl: tnultigik of spec~esfro111 such periphcrnl 1xolntr.s i q kuowti ;llldt.v h ~ v cx-I\eil .it d~tf'crrnttiincs. 5 o m r inutatlt allopatric speciation ( r ~ ~ n c 2.3). l n Wlicn the mica allclcc r~iavs p o ~ ~ t a ~ ~mzitntc e o u ~ lback ~ ~ > g i n to tl~c. h - 1 7 ~is sterile wittl the pfirnt srnrk, Iuvinp rliverpcd nriyinal qcnc csprrlclorl from uhic-h they arose. c l ~ o u q h grr~etrcnllv, thc 'parei~r' 2nd ' J ~ i i g htcr' T h c ratcq of 1n~tt.iti~111 \';In wztll ti]? sr-1lC. SOIIICarc spccics n r t then c r ~ t ~ r e rli4titlct. ly niucla h ~ s h c rt1i.111 ntllcts. but rhcy ,lrc h~ricr;tll~ lLct-cssive niutntlons rprcnd c-nn>p~r.~t~vrJ\ %lr>~vlv low, onc n ~ ~ l ~ ; ~ lt t~~cE 0l t0l1 10 ti)r .I p.irti~l~lar ~ e n t ~ r l doidy in urlall pnrr~lnnnnc~vithclosc i 11hrt.c.dirie bcing c a n ~ i d c r r d,25 I~igh.The t7tc of rrultat~onc ~ u I F thcrr any I~kclihaod of ulorc r ~ p i d+yrmd~n: Z,t. 1~1crca.icdb\ rt~dl.itrnt~. ~ t i c l ~ ~ d irxpo\trrc ng to Holvc~rer,recewve n ~ t ~ t ~ t t ~c.111 o l i \OCCC>~~ICJunlrultravio1c.t light, u r 1v . cl~etrucnlnlr.itnr. I I X H ~ i~ridrr certnln circun~qt,ulccq Fspcrirner~tt have c h o ~ m that chan_rcs in tcrnpcr.irurc .ilon. mag bc ctio~rgli ro rnndlfv tlir dornrnnncc of .. geuc. I r l n n h i r ~ ipoplilat~on ~ 13c111g Cut C ~hr)t,c.Hut 111.1y I\c cq1 It

\ogl L-JI I+ Llr triicroli, LT

!4?ylc-:llor l7 t l O 1 1 ~% t11;i1 rh t l r ~brcrc

ltirhiy coy i:cIlctIc irlcl I l i z r , bccaua L

Ic>catiotlq oi

tllc Ilvhridv T l l r t c nr >clr~c.vcJ.P frcvui ci tot irlrn ITI,+IJV ~ ! , I t l ( > l l 15 11

I1 1,IY L-ollle 41111\'

,3 ~CIV R E I e~ ~mc't. The* I' C ciitTcrc,nt cllroiiiosnrric ltngths or ~ r l drcrotnbination. Thcy m;ly 1 3 ~'st;ll~1117~:d'111 ,I tlon\ c?i allr.lcr, rcc-unlh~natit>nir trnpo'i\il7lc .inti pnrticular kind of sclcction t h ~ tnutu;~ll\.prcvcnt< I1ybnd\ nlwrt In r.~rjhn.r~ nr Jrr ~tcrllc. cvolutinn i r i ,I I,lrgc population, fnr ~f rluc ~ p c s l cir~ 111'rcArc r ~ t l l I~V rJ Y ~111 wlilrh i.~ol.ltlc>n might bc $ ~ i c c c ~ dwiJc.;prc-ad ~~l, and well adapted to i n cnrrlr r c d . A pnp~il,ation' ~ - x p l < t ~ uot r~ II~IFII, r" dcnvcd ronmcnt, t h t o i i d r ~ ~ m h l are t s \vccdcd unt -trid tllc I I J f ~ i l l ~ d cpopillation. r rn;lv initl.~ll~cxpnnd OIIIV i-qwr.~tinrl,~l srlecrion I C stabilizing s~lcction. I lnlanv rwn arras in M hlcll rorr~pctirionor prcThir tl; an~logouqto what Mivarr pmpo3cd in Irlc III I\ rniii~nral. A h tlic tint HII+II. IICI\\JC~,CT, criciquc of D ~ n v i i ~ On . thc ~ r h r rhand, qcztc fieI k v ,111~equally ~ ~ sudden ~ crash. which 1c:lvcs qucticics bcpn to ;ilter when thc rnwrniiincnt : J irw rtnall tsvZated p o p ~ i I , ~ t ijvidcly ~ ~ ~ ~ sccat. changcv to becnrnc castcr ar harhhcr nr whcn .I popII I I ? ~ ~r3ch \i-itll its own sarnplc ot'nrhc total gcnc ulntior nligrgratcq into a 11cw area and. ki11~11117littlr I b e w In turn t11,iv act a5 foundurr of new cnnipctitinn. hcpnq to dift'crcntiatc c . c o l n ~ ~ c ~ l l v . :$, at Ica\t. sonlr of wllich may runrivc. WI~cre Thc ~ntcnsity o f hclcctinn unclcr t h c ~ elatrcr ell-cum1 1 1 , : r a i Y ~I J I ~ C ~ O ~ L I I . I I I C I I ~ I C hccn bur ivipcd 5 t ~ n c cis~ much LTCJ~C~.. At F I I C ~ nIrlc5 rhr'rr 1 ~ 1 , i j r 1 qrinic ~ ~ t . ~ ~ t ~ otllr p I iqvcirs c, nidv rcc0vc.r occur directional selcctio~itnw;~tcivollr cxtrvrrlc ir, 1 ,YFIIIL ,~q.~in. ~ !i(>ue w r , I L ]XI> p.iqscd t l v n ~ i q al ~ rc111tlic t nni$r, at h i n I ~ > ! ~ c~.l~r l~ ~ + cMCIICCIII.T~ lh'. drive in coil- looks I ~ k e T . h c ~ csrru~to work 011 aiid iiitt.h~atetll,, h:~vc.varic.~ ~ c i ~ ~ i u m:1v ~ l c cIlc . ~ ~ l n t h c w.\y r i r l wliich qprci~q~ ~ 1 1 1 qiqinlc produccd by thc qcpnenmtmon grnrr. PI I1;rs 17ci-11 ~ r i \ c . .~r-r-i~lt.nt.~ll\., . ~ n d IIV non-Mcndrli;n~ causc.5. nlllK,lllOll In .-I homeotic g?ilr corr~plcs111:iv pmducl I~c'n vcw Thuk \ V ~ I ! ( . r ~ , i t l l r ; l l \ ~ I ~ c t isi otrL~rfi~onall\r ~~ under- n dlipE~cntrw g i l e n t , re~ultinp.for rc,a~rrplc.l r r a f l ~ r v c n over I-.ire rhnt E~CILWI .'< i ~ p c ~; \r lt ~i Ic'vc'! r~ ~ ~of thr n r ~ G ~ n i smid r n 1% 1wt11 four pcrfcctlv Conned w i r l q ~irlsteaduC hvo. lilnd,~n~~nt;lllv ~ c l . ~ ~ r i vmolt-cuI,~r c, dnvc rs non~ltlc\not 1 Tlic-sctlircc group^ of penes ~ c nil t easlt tltlirr 11, . ~ d a p t i \ ,17irl ~ c+pu.\ ttlc t c ~ c lof tlic g c n n n ~ I~t . s r c l ~ e i i cnnd ~ pre~umahlyc n d e for proteiilc tli;lt u \t,1rt\. %?TI m.~y a h Itc cr>r~tr,~stcd with t:cr~ctic drift, w l i ~ c h turn Iinvc t l i e ~ rc%ct oil other griier, u i c l ~ i ~ l i l ~l:u t ~ o i lr i r t opcr.irl-r I C t h It-vcl ~ octhc orprusrn I w t is ncm-ndayrie~llvd ~ v thost. cnn trolling stnicturc. Snmc qcrlec (1313 tmlal ,~J.lptc*ilti) ttvc. hlr>Yc.citl,~r 4irtt.c m.iv \vcll prrlvc to bc rhc third seyinrntnl and crpeclnlly hntneotic) c o i i t ~ i i,\ ~sl-tun c+liw cd\pcr ~ . t t i o n ;hut I I I < h.?rd to fcc Ilnw z.ipifiIi~glily cnnscnrative D N A wcltierlcr (or ~ t l o t ~ l ' radiation! CRllt .icI;~pt,~tinl~ ~llj!:I~r .ITICC thcrcfrorn. known 35 the hornenbox. It 15 1XO bare palm Iunc rvolutlcm N r ~ t l l c ruC tlri. 'tic-~~rral' o r t f ~ c'inolcc-ulnr drivr' , ~ n drnnstnnt in vzc a n d &ape. 'l'lie 11t~uenhnuw.lL ~tr.3tiyr~p1 thcnncc F[:I-IOM~!J. IIIIC~~~T~IH nco-nanvinicrn. CF 6nt dircovercd in homcotic gene? 111 IJlnco~rlriE~i \olllllj. rllc to tl1u cuu They 110,Jjni~,c.t'ci-.TAICCt l q~irstiurl ~ o f llow ni~icfi IOX4, but hnc nnw her11 shnwii to hc hnr~~nlnq+:tlu$ of thc \ ~ ~ r i . ~ l i n.? n i i SCL' I C ~ I I C ~ C~ C C J L ~ of W (.h~nc-~% llatLlrc d in varint~?i n ~ e r t c b r ~poupr. tr including prii-n~tkir ~1011r~ 1 1 dliio~v [I\LI~-II 11.15 , \ C C I I I I I ~ ~ ~ I l~ C ~ Cc~ c ~ it~ ~ mct~7n,lnx. i~c d ~ cl :t e d ,ti11 h u t n l ~ o ti vcrtrhmtcs, ~ i l c l ~ ~ d i ~ f l l l l ,17cc.1 act!r,~llvcon li-rr r \r.lcctivc .~civ.inragc. h u r n n n ~ Hoinrohns-coiit:\i~iii~p . ge~iecnlwt be vrr I ~ ~ r t h kcZi i . ; i ~ \ . ~ r i c k.I[ t l ~ um o l c c . ~ ~ lcvcl l . ~ r iliclucic nnclcnt. at l r n ~ 5r 0 0 Ma old. cincc they nrr found Thew trar?$pnwix, J I I L ? c:1111.~ tivrlv tliic nc.w ~txL>rnm,~t~or~ ~Eetail111 th d ~ v c n c l v .and tlicy alrvny F~ii~ctiir~i in wpneilttl r31e outce n ~ ~I ~ iA V~C t3 hc.~ri~ir:lipon m p d but coordin~tcd anim:lE< in conrrrrlling t h r r p o t ~ ~cxpiyrccxinn l nf tl:, ~ Y O ~ U T ~ C I I I JcTl C ~ .~ ~ l t '.!irrl c - , the ~1r1qi11ut' ~ I Z Wn r p u i body axis. Thcy arc. hon,rv~*s.prrqcnt 111 nnn-rrg- gct~eticicts ~ n t r o n n pJrtrrfiE l clmcntcd phyla ;and cvidcntly thcy d o riot nlw.~\ I'he c l i , ~ \ C I C C ~ ~ V1C npcratc in tllc snme way. It qecrnc t h ~ three t high1 tdkr Il1JI1\ con~crvativr h o l ~ ~ r n h o gcr,c~ s can t-rrol,t orljc r hlncrions, snd w. in thc cvolunon nf dc\~clnpnicnr,~l rcpreelciltel Gene ragulati;on during development l.c.~ltl~ngp PTC>CC\SPF 'tlir r;.lnIc rcpilator). dcmcnn arc rccnnlK q ~ c ,in t ~ ,~du)rcvF:,llilittcd into ncw dcvdoptncntal n~;~ciiincc* (Rnh cted to r 3 c r y . it clucq FII , I ~ :~~.cftrig L WI .1 prrdete~-r~?ined pnch- f 0%). Clearly thr hnrncnbox ccv~ccpth n ~o n c v - cvnlut~nn Micme! \V,IV, corrtrnllctl IIL \pr.r.~ficpcrlcs Thrrtl yerres nsc dcnt hearing on unc o f t h t m q u r nrcnr of cvclluriru>r\x*~tch~cl o n : ~ t l r l uffLl r i r e q ~ t a rrcqlrenrc. and nny a r v yalaeontc,lop?.;h o w nc\v body plan? origlrlltl ~ ~ ~ l t h51% ll crror in this prticcs, r uulil hc Ictli.~l.Tll r p r o d ~ ~ of c r d n d how they can bc ~nodificd. In thtr ctrtitc\' k01~1one unc grii~, IS Iikclv ti, I~avr.n st.qucnrl~ll ctlicct oil p , ~ l ; ~ t = o n t o lcupplic~ o~y rhc tirnc dir~\cilintnt~ v can r can be ir~tcyrntcdlvith scnctlc and n~olcclilnri1.1t.1 cprclc\ lulr clrv1r;lzc A 'c..I\c , I L ~ CIC !:r.iit'hc C L ~ I ~ O I C . TI~IIE o gcne ~ ' i t l iaddp r w i t ~Iicd r m . o r r~~rrlt-d oil; ,it , 1 1 7 ~n n r rleurlopn~cnrnoJe\ W ~ I tal rf.llrc c o l ~ r r n hthe. cxyrcccion {lirxhcr genes nt n
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