INV - Inventory Beginers Guide

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide

Beginner’s Guide

Oracle Inventory

Thampy Mathew

Thampy Mathew

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Foreword Thesee no Thes note tess are are co comp mpil iled ed keepi keeping ng in view view of st stude udent ntss ju just st be begi gin n to le lear arn n Or Orac acle le Applications. Even though there is nothing very complicated in Oracle Inventory, a  beginner finds itthe very confusing andfaculty, complicated initially time. While attending lectures, under guidance of the the students dofor allsome the relevant exercises. But, af aftter the the lect lectur uree hour hourss when hen he/ he/sh shee is try trying ing to do the sa same me exer exerci cisse al alll by himself/herself, he/she will find that the steps are not remembered properly. The lecture notes are not of much use because that is not written properly or there is no mention of  certain steps in the notes. This in turn leads the student to a kind of desperation. The  purpose of these notes is to save the students from the kind of desperation mentioned above. These notes are definitely not describing Oracle Inventory in detail. For an in depth study, the students must go through the given Course Material, Help Files and PDF Files. Any body will opt for an advanced study only when they understand the preliminaries. The object of these notes n otes is to make a student comfortable with the preliminaries. In these notes wherever I have used the word ‘Choose’ you have to pick a value from an available LOV by pressing the keys Ctrl + L. Similarly, wherever the word ‘Enter’ is used you have to type the value in that field. If the students in general feel that the notes are of some help while practicing at the initial stage, I will feel that my work borne fruit.


Thampy Mathew

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Contents 1.0 1.0

Se Sequ quen enci cing ng the the impl implem emen enta tati tion on of Inve Invent ntor ory y


Define Flexfields 1.1.1 Item 1.1.2 It Item Categories

1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6

Page 1

1 1 1 Define Value sets Define Flex Structure Compile the Flex Structure Enter Possible Values for Each Segment Define Category Codes (Category Names) Define Category Sets As Assign Items to Category Codes 1.1.2 1.1 .2.8 .8 Li List st the the Ite Items ms Bel Belon ongi ging ng to to a Part Partic icul ular ar Cat Catego egory ry

3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6

Item Catalog Group St Stock Locators Ac Account Aliases Sales Orders

1 1 1 1

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.2 0

Assign Default Category Sets Define Workday Calendar Define ATP Rules Define Picking Rules Define Locations Define Organizations Define Shipping Networks Define Units Of Measures Define Item Attribute Control Levels Define Item Status Templates Define User Item Types Define User Item Type Templates Define Asset Items and Assign to Organizations Define Expense Items and Assign to Organizations Define UOM Conversions Define Item Revisions Define Item Relationships Create Item Catalog Define Define Asset Asset Subinv Subinvent entori ories es and Assign Assign Items Items

7 8 10 10 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 19 19 20 21 23 23 24 25

1.21 1.2 1 1 .22

Define Def Expens Exp Subinvent entori ories es and Assign Assign Items Items De D efiine ne V ehense iclee Subinv

26 2 7

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 1.23

Define Container Types


Contents 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32

Define Containers Define Freight Carriers Define Transaction Source Types Define Transaction Reasons Define Account Aliases Define Shipping Methods Define Transit Times for Shipping Methods Define Organization Access Launching Transaction Managers

Page 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30


Open Inventory Accounting Periods



Miscellaneous Transactions


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

30 31 31 32 42



Miscellaneous Receipt Miscellaneous Issue Transferring Items Between Subinventories Transferring Items Between Organizations Without ISO Tracking Materials in Intransit Inventory

Inventory Controls


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

43 44 46 47

Revision Control Locator Control Lo L ot Control Serial Control

Inventory Planning



Min-Max Planning 5.1.1 1.1 Organization Leve vell Min-Max Planning for Buy Items 5.1.2 1.2 Subinv nveentory Level Min-Max Pl Plann nniing fo for Buy Items 5. 5.1. 1.3 3 Orga Organi niza zattion ion Lev Level el MinMin-Ma Max x Pla lann nnin ing g fo forr Ma Make ke It Item emss

50 50 52 54


Reorder Point Planning


5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4

56 56 57 59

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Set the Required Item Attributes Define a Forecast Define or Generate Safety Stock Run the Reorder Point Report 

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 5.2.5

Do Requisition Import from Purchasing


Contents 5.2.6 5.2. 6

5.3 5.4 6.0


Page Find Find out the Requis Requisiti ition on Numb Number er from from the Requis Requisit ition ion Summar Summary y window. Page 60

Replenishment 61 Kanban




6.1 6.2 6.3

65 68 70

ABC Analysis Cycle Counting Using ABC Compile Physical Inventory

Inventory Costing


7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6

73 73 74 75 76 76

Cost Elements Cost Sub-elements Cost Types Define Item Cost Updating Item Cost Viewing Different Costs of an Item at Different Times


Purchase Order Receipts



Ch C hecking ATP



Attaching Documents



Transferring Transactions to GL



Closing Inventory Accounting Periods


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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 1. 1.0 0

Sequ Sequen enci cing ng the the impl implem emen enta tati tion on of Inv Inven ento tory ry  1.1

Define Flexfields 1.1.1

Item Refer the Item Categories described in 1.1.2

1. 1.1. 1.2 2

Item Item Cat Categ egor oriies Define Define Value Value sets Define Define Flex Structure Structure Compile Compile the Flex Structure Structure Enter Possibl Possiblee Values for Each Segment Define Define Category Codes (Category (Category Names) Define Define Category Category Sets Assign Assign Items to Category Category Codes xList the Items Items Belonging to a Particular Category

1. 1.1. 1.3 3

Item Item Cata Catalo log g Grou Group p Refer the Item Categories described in 1.1.3

1. 1.1. 1.4 4

Stoc Stock k Loca Locattors ors Refer the Item Categories described in 1.1.3

1. 1.1. 1.5 5

Acco Accoun untt Al Alias ases es Refer the Item Categories described in 1.1.3

1.1.6 1.6

Sales Or Orders Refer the Item Categories described in 1.1.3

Flexfields Flexfields are of two types (1) Descriptive Flexfields and (2) Key Flexfields. As the name suggests, Descriptive Flexfields are used for providing extra information about a particular record. They normally remain hidden. On the screen, you will find only a very small box slightly bigger than a check box. When the cursor  enters into the box, a When biggerfinished text boxthe appears which user canand enter the required information. longerintext box the disappears it will

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide appear as a small box as usual. With the help of this type of an arrangement, the  programmers save the much needed screen space. Key Flexfields are slightly different in its construction. They are attached to certain specific fields of the screen. As the cursor enters that particular text box to which a Flexfield is attached, multiple text boxes, which otherwise remain hidden,  pop up. The user enters values in the text boxes that pop up and when finished, they disappear and the values arranged one after another, separated by a dot or  hyphen, appears as a single value in the normal text box. For example, suppose we have attached a Flexfield with three text boxes in one of the text boxes, Text   Box 1 on your screen. In the normal situation, you will not see the three text boxes of the Flexfield. But, as the cursor enters the Text Box 1 to which the Flexfield is attached, the three text boxes will pop up. Suppose you entered a value of 01 of  01 in the first text box, a value of  02 in the second text box and a value of  03 in the third text box. When you click on OK, all the three text boxes disappear, and a value of 01.02.03 of 01.02.03 appears in Text Box 1. Which field in your screen can be made a Flexfield is decided in the Application Level. user cannot change it. But, how many textThe boxes pop decide up when the cursor A enters into it is decided at the user level. usershould can also what shall be the kind of data (Character or Numeric) that can go into each one of the text box that pop up and also he can decide how many characters or digits a pop up text box can accept. Technically, a pop up text box is called a  Segment  and the combination of the data type (Character or Numeric) and the maximum length (Maximum number of  characters or digits that can go into a text box) is called a Value Set . You have to create one value set for each segment and you can choose as high as 30 segments for a Flexfield. The method method of defini defining ng the Fl Flexf exfiel ield d remain remainss the same same through through out Oracle Oracle Applications. Though there are six flexfields, as listed above, can be created in Oracle Inventory, as the method of creation is exactly the same, we will discuss only one, which is the Item Category Flexfield. Suppose you want to segregate all the items in your subinventories. You have  Electronic,, Mechanical  and Others Others.. After the first decided to classify them as  Electronic classification, you will get three groups of items under three different headings.  Now, you have decided to classify each group as Buy, as  Buy, Make and Others Others.. After the seco second nd clas classi sifi ficat catio ion n you you wi will ll get nine nine gr grou oups ps of it item emss as  Electronic.Buy,   Ele Elect ctron ronic. ic.Ma Make ke,, El Elect ectron ronic ic.Ot .Other herss Mech Mechani anica cal. l.Bu Buy, y, Mech Mechani anical cal.M .Make ake,, Mechanical.Others, Others.Buy, Others.Make and Others.Others Others.Others..

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide  Now, look at the classification names. Each one is made up of two words, one is to the left side of the dot and the other is to the right side of the dot. So, we can say say th that at categ categor ory y na name mess in the the ex exam ampl plee gi give ven n ab above ove ar aree made made up of tw two o segments. Now, if we list the possible values for Segment 1 and Segment 2, it will  be as follows. Possi ossibl blee Val Value uess ffor or Se Segm gmen entt 1 Electronic Mechanical Others

Pos Possibl ible Val Value uess ffor or Segm egment ent 2 Buy Make Others

From the above list we can find that the values for Segment 1 are made up of  characters and the length of the longest value is 10. Similarly, the values for  Segment 1 are also made up of characters and the length of the longest value is 6. So, we can finalize that we have to define two value set as follows. Value Set 1 Data Type Max Length

: Character

Value Set 2 Data Type

: Character  

: 10 (12 on safer side)

Max Length

: 6 (8 on safer side)

We have now made all basic preparations needed for creating a Flex Structure.  Now, we will see how it can be implemented.

Define Value sets Value Set for the First Segment (a) N  Setup  Flexfield  Validation  Sets (b) Enter a Name (Say VS 1) (c) Enter Enter a Descrip Descriptio tion n (d) Choose a Data Type (Char) (Char) (e) Choose the Max Max Size Size (12) (12) (f) Save Value Set for the Second Segment (a) N  Setup  Flexfield  Validation  Sets (b) Enter a Name (Say VS 2) (c) Enter Enter a Descrip Descriptio tion n (d) Choose a Data Type (Char) (Char) (e) Choose the Max Size Size (8) (f) Save

Define Flex Structure (a) N  Setup Flexfield  Key  Segments (b) F11, Keep the cursor cursor in ‘Application ‘Application’, ’, Type O%I%, Ctrl + F11

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Beginner’s Guide See that Oracle Inventory appeared in the field ‘Applications’ (c) Move Cursor Cursor to the field field ‘Flexfield ‘Flexfield Title’ Title’ (d) Press the the down arrow key repeatedly repeatedly till till the value Item value Item Categories appears in the field. (e) Enter a name for your Structu Structure re (Say ‘My Structur Structure’) e’) (f) Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion (g) Click on the the push button button ‘Segment ‘Segments’ s’ (h) Enter Enter Num Num (1) (1) (i) Enter a name name for your first first segment segment (Elect/Mec (Elect/Mech) h) (j) Enter a window prompt prompt for your your first first segment segment (Electronic/Mechanical) (k) In the field field Column Column choose the the value SEGMENT1 (l) In the Value Value set field field choose choose the name of the the Value Set Set defined defined for  the first segment. That is VS 1 (m)Move cursor to the next line (n) Enter Enter Num Num (2) (2) (o) Enter a name for your second second segment (Buy/Ma (Buy/Make) ke) (p) In Enter prompt prompt for your first SEGMENT2 segment (Buy/Make) (q) the afield fiwindow eld Column Column choose the the value (r) In the Value set set field choose choose the name of the Value Value Set defined defined for  the second segment. That is VS 2 (s) Save

Compile the Flex Structure

(Continuation) (t) Come back to to the first first window window by closing closing the current current window window (u) Check Check the check check box box Freeze Flexfield Definition (v) Click on the the push button button ‘Compile’ ‘Compile’ (w)Click on OK  (x) Hel Help  View My Request (y) Click on the the push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ (z) See that the Server processed your your request to compile the Flexfield Flexfield definition

Enter Possible Values for Each Segment

(a) (b) (b) (c (c)) (d)

N  Setup  Flexfields  Key Values Choo Choose se the ra radi dio o but button ton Valu Valuee Set Ente Enterr tthe he na name me of the the fir first st Va Valu luee Set Set (VS (VS 1) 1) Click on on tth he pu push bu button ‘F ‘Find’

(e) (f)

Enter values Electronic, Mechanical and Others Save

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide (g) (h) (i) (j (j)) (k) (l) (m)

Close N  Setup  Flexfields  Key Values Cho hoo ose the radio button Value Set Ente Enterr the the nam name of of the the first irst Val alue ue Set (VS 2) Click on on tth he pu push bu button ‘F ‘Find’ Enter values Buy, Make and Others Save

Define Category Codes (Category Names) Here, you are defining the necessary combinations. In our example, we have seen that nine combinations are possible. But it is absolutely not essential that you should create all the possible combinations. You need to create create only that many combinations combinations which you wish to use as Category Names.   (a) N  Setup  Item  Categories  Category Codes (b) Keep the cursor in line line one and choose the Structure Structure Name (My Structure) (c) Tab. As soon as the cursor enters enters the field field Category, Category, the flexfields flexfields   pop up with two text boxes named ‘Mechanical/Electronic’ ‘Mechanical/Electronic’   and ‘Buy/Make’. Choose the value  Electronic in the first field and a  Buy in the second field. value of  Buy (d) (d) Cl Clic ick k on OK  OK  (e) Optionally enter a description for the combination just created (f) Move Curso Cursorr to he next next line and repeat repeat steps steps (b) to (d) till till all the required combinations are made. (g) Sa Save ve Define Category Sets (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

N  Setup Item  Categories  Category Sets Enter a name for the Category Category Set (My Inventor Inventory y CS) Optionally Optionally enter enter a descri description ption Choose the Flex Flex Structure Structure (My Structure Structure)) Choose a value for the ‘Control ‘Controlled led At’ field field (Organization (Organization or Master). If Master  If Master is is selected as value for this field, the Items assigned to this Category Set can not have different category names in different organizations and if it is controlled at Organization level the Items assigned to this Category set can have different Category Names in different organizations.

(Further explanation for this shall be given in step 1.2) (f) Choose Choose the the combin combinati ation on Others.Others as Default Category

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Beginner’s Guide (Explanation shall be provided in step 1.2 (g) Check Check the chec check k box Enforce box Enforce Valid Categories (h) In the lines lines below create only those combinations that you want a user to use them as category names. (i) Save You will be able to create combinations that are already defined in step But, here you are permitted to exclude certain combinations that are already created in   step Because you have checked the check box  ‘Enforce Valid Categories’ a user will be able to use only those combinations that are made below. When crea When creati ting ng comb combin inat atio ions ns,, see see that that you you ar aree no not  t  creating the same combination that is already mentioned  in step (f) above (Others.Others in this case). Assign Items to Category Codes (Continuation) (j) Click Click on the push push button button ‘Assi ‘Assign’ gn’ (k) Choose the the first item item and Tab to the field field Category Category (l) Cho Choose ose a Cate Categor gory y Code Code (m)Move cursor to next line and repeat steps (j) to (l) (n) Repeat till till all the required required items are assigned assigned to the required Category Code (o) sav avee List the Items Belonging to a Particular Category Change organization to V1-Vision Operations

(e) (f) (f) (g)

Help  View My Request Cl Clic ick k on on tthe he pu push sh bu butt tton on ‘S ‘Sub ubmi mitt a Ne New w Req Reques uest’ t’ Choose tth he rreeport n naamed Item Categories Report  Ente Enterr the the fol folllowi owing para param met eter erss Cate Ca tegor gory y Set Set : My In Inven vento tory ry CS CS Category From:(Choose a combination to which you have already assigned items. Cate Ca tego gory ry To : Choo Choose se the the sam samee valu valuee ment mentio ione ned d abov above. e. Click on OK   Cl Cliick on the pus push but buttton ‘S ‘Sub ubmi mitt’ Click on No


Click on ‘Find’

(a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (d)

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Beginner’s Guide (i) (i)


When When the the rep repor ortt proc proces essi sing ng is is comp comple lete ted, d, cli click ck on on the the push push but butto ton n ‘View Output’. You will see that the report lists all items that were assigned to the category selected in step (d) above.

Assign ign D Def efau aullt C Cat ateg ego ory Se Sets ts Oracle Applications identifies eight functional areas in any organization as follows. Inventory Purchasing Planning Service Costing Engineering Order Entry Internal Orders Out of the 158 attributes of an item, eight are called Key Attributes or  Status Attribute. Each Key Attribute stands for one of the functional areas given giv en above. above. It is mandatory mandatory that every every functi functional onal area must must have a Category Set and each item must be assigned to the respective Category Set as soon as you enable the corresponding Key Attribute. To achieve this we assign a Default Category Set to each functional area listed above. Functional Area Inventory Purchasing Planning

Key Defining Attribute Inventory Item Purchased MS/MRP Planning

Service Costing Engineering Order Entry Internal Orders

Serviceable Product Costing Enabled Engineering Item Customer Ordered Internal Ordered

1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2. 2 1.2.3

Enabling Value Yes Yes MRP  Planni anning ng MPS Planning Yes


Yes Yes Yes Yes

N  Setup  Items  Categories  Default Category set Choose Choose a Cate Categor gory y Set agains againstt each each funct function ional al area. area. Save

(Please do not change the existing Category Set)

In step (e) we have seen that a Control Level is required to be defined when you define a Category Set. Similar to this the Item attributes also can be controlled at two levels (Master or Organization). Also we

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Beginner’s Guide have seen that enabling the Key Attribute is the point of time when an Item is assigned to its respective functional area by the system. Because of  this very reason, if a particular Key Attribute is controlled at Master Level, the Category Set assigned to its corresponding functional area also must be controlled at Master Level and if the Key Attribute is controlled at Organization Level, then the Category Set assigned to its corres respon pondin ding functi tio ona nall are area als lso o must be contro trolle led d at Organization Level. We have also seen that in a Category Set there will be many Category Name Na mes. s. Now, Now, the quest questio ion n is, ou outt of the many many Categ Category ory Name Namess available in a Category Set assigned to a particular functional area, the syste system m sh shoul ould d as assig sign n the the item item to wh which ich Categ Category ory Nam Name. e. The The syst system em wi will ll alwa always ys as assi sign gn all all the the it item emss on only ly to that that part partic icul ular ar Category Name which you have defined as the Default Category in the Category Set defining window. Refer step (f). After defining the items, you have to reassign the actual category as follows. From the Item defining window, Special  Categories In the window that appears, you can change the category name.


Defin efinee Work rkda day y Cale alend ndar ar 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.3 1. 1.3. 3.4 4 1.3.5 1.3.5

1.3.6 1.3.6 1. 1.3. 3.7 7 1. 1.3. 3.8 8 1. 1.3. 3.9 9

1.3.10 1.3.11 1.3.12 1.3. 12 1.3.13 1.3.14 1.3.15 1.3. 15

N  Setup  Organization  Calendars Ente Enterr a name name ffor or the the Cal Calen endar  dar  Optio Optiona nall lly y enter enter a desc descri ript ptio ion n Sele Select ct a Qua Quart rter erly ly Typ Typee Choos Choosee the the Cal Calen enda darr Date Date Range Rangess (Choose the From date in such a way that the starting day is a Monday) Click Click o on n the the push push butt button on ‘Wor ‘Workda kday y Patt Pattern ern’’ Ente Enterr a Se Seq. q. Numb Number  er  Ente Enterr day dayss On (s (say ay 6) Ente Enterr day dayss Off Off ( ssay ay 1) If your your calen calendar dar star starts ts on a Monda Monday, y, th this is pa patt tter ern n me means ans th that at Sunday is Off. Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Click on the the push push button button ‘Shift ‘Shifts’ s’ Enter Enter a Shift Shift No No (sa (say y 1) Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Move cursor cursor to to the next line and and enter 2 and so on on Keep the the cursor cursor in shift number number 1 and click click on the push button button ‘Workday Pattern’

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Assumi Assu ming ng that that yo your ur ca cale lend ndar ar st stat atss on Mond Monday ay,, if yo you u want want Wednesday Off for your first shift enter the pattern as follows. Seq On Off   1 2 1 2 4 0 Always ensure that the total of the On/Off must be equal to 7

1.3.16 Save 1.3.16 Save and close close the the window window 1.3.17 Keep the cursor cursor in shift shift number 2 and define define the workday patter pattern n as mentioned above. 1.3.18 Keep the cursor cursor in Shift Shift 1 and click on the push button button ‘Times’ ‘Times’ Suppose the first shift timing is from morning 7.00 to evening 3.30 with a break of ½ an hour from 11.00 to11.30, enter the values as follows. Start


7 :0:0 :0:0 00 11 30

15 1::3 00 0::0 00 0 1

1.3.19 Save 1.3.19 Save and Close Close the the window window.. 1.3.20 Move cursor cursor to the next shift shift and define define the second second shift timin timings gs as above. 1.3.21 Click on the the push push button button ‘Dates’ ‘Dates’ 1.3.22 Whichever Whichever dates you you want to make as holiday holidays, s, just click click on those dates.

Creating Holidays Using Calendar Exception Templates This is an alternate way of marking the holidays. If you adapt this method, then you need not to do step 1.3.22.

Creating a Calendar Exception Template (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

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N  Setup  Organization  calendar Exception Templates Enter a name for for the templat templatee Optionally Optionally enter enter a descri description ption In the field field named Dates, enter all dates which which are the holidays holidays Save

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Applying the Exception Template to Your Calendar 1.3.23 1.3. 23 After After step 1.3.21 1.3.21 skip step 1.3.22 1.3.22 and clic click k on the push button button ‘Exception List’ 1.3.24 Click on the the push push button button ‘Load…’ ‘Load…’ 1.3.25 Choose the Templat Templatee that you have have created created 1.3.2 1.3.26 6 Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  1. 1.3. 3.27 27 Sa Save ve The dates that entered in the template will be marked as holidays in your Calendar.

Building the Calendar 1. 1.3. 3.28 28 Spec Specia iall  Build 1. 1.3. 3.29 29 Hel Help  View My Request 1.3.30 1.3. 30 Click Click on ‘Find ‘Find’’ See that your request is processing is complete. Any changes made in a Calendar will come into effect only after Building it.


Define ATP Rules  N  Setup  Rules  Available To Promise (Refer page 347 of the Inventory Course Material)


Define Picking Rules  N  Setup  Rules  Picking Refer page 58 of Inventory Course Material


Define L Lo ocations  N  Setup  Organizations  Locations Refer page 6 of Inventory Course Material An organization can have multiple locations defined for it. The name and address of the exact place where the organization is located will be the  primary location. Apart from this you can define additional locations for  this this organ organiz izat atio ion. n. The The other other loca locati tions ons may may be th thee lo loca cati tions ons of th thee organization’s Godowns at other places.

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide If an outside location is shared by more than one organization, don’t attach an Inventory Organization in the location definition. If the location is used  by single organization, it is always suggested to attach the corresponding organization name in the location definition. Note: If you choose a particular location as the Ship-To location in one of  your purchase orders and if no Inventory Organization is attached to that location, then you have to pen the Shipment window of the PO and select the organization there. On the contrary, if the Ship-To location loca tion selected selected in your PO is having having an Invento Inventory ry Organiz Organizatio ation n attached atta ched to it, the corresp correspondi onding ng organiz organizatio ation n will automat automatical ically ly default in the Shipment window of your PO.


Define Organizations 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.2

N  Setup Organizations  Organizations Ente Enterr the the name name of your your orga organi niza zati tion on

1.7.3 7.3 1.7.4 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7. 5 1.7.6 1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7. 8 1.7.9 1.7.9 1.7.10 1.7. 10 1. 1.7. 7.11 11

Cho hoo ose a Type Enter Enter the the Establ Establish ishmen mentt date date of your your organi organizat zation ion Choose Choose the locati location on of of your your organi organizati zation on Choose Internal   Internal as as value for the field Internal/External Save Bring Bring the cursor cursor to the the Organiz Organizati ation on Classi Classific ficati ation on block  block  Choos Choosee the the clas classi sifi fica cati tion on Inventory  Inventory Organization Check Check the check check box ‘Enab ‘Enabled led’’ Sa Save ve

Entering Accounting Information of the Organization 1.7.12 1. 1.7. 7.13 13 1.7.14 1. 1.7. 7.15 15 1. 1.7. 7.16 16 1. 1.7. 7.17 17 1.7.1 1.7.18 8 1.7.1 1.7.19 9 1. 1.7. 7.20 20

lick on the the push push button button ‘Others’ ‘Others’ Choo Choose se Accounting  Accounting Information Press the tab tab key (Flexfiel (Flexfield d pop up) up) Choo Choose se Vision Operations as the GRE/Legal Entity Choo Choose se Vision Operations Operations as the Operating Unit Choo Choose se Vision Operations as the Set Of Books Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  Sa Save ve

Entering Inventory Parameters of the Organization 1.7.21 Click on the push button button ‘Others’ ‘Others’ again again 1. 1.7. 7.22 22 Choo Choose se Inventory  Inventory Information

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 1.7.2 7.23 Enter an orga gan nization Code (Can use a maximum of 3 alphanumeric characters) 1. 1.7. 7.24 24 Choo Choose se Vision Operations as the Item Master Organization  Organization  Though you can choose any Inventory Organization as the Item Master organization, so long as you practice in Concourse, always choose Vision Operations as the Item Master Organization. If the Item Master Organization is any thing other than Vision Operations,, when you try to assign items to organizations, you Operations will find that your organization is not listed.

1.7.25 Choose the the Calendar Calendar that you you have already already defined defined 1.7.26 1.7. 26 Check Check or unchec uncheck k the check check box box Allow Negative Balances If the check box is checked, during inventory transactions, if the qty of any item is driven negative, the system will not object. If the check box is unchecked, you will not be able to do any transaction  by which the qty of any item will be driven negative. 1.7.27 1.7. 27 Chose Chose the locato locatorr control control 1.7.28 Change 1.7.28 Change region region to ‘Costing Information’ 1.7.29 1.7. 29 Choose Choose a Costi Costing ng Method Method If BOM and WIP are installed always Standard  as the Costing Method, because Average Costing is not possible were BOM and WIP are installed. 1.7.30 Check or uncheck uncheck the check check box ‘Transfer ‘Transfer Details Details to GL If this check box is unchecked, only summary of the Inventory Transa Tra nsacti ctions ons will will be trans transfer ferred red to GL, and not the comple complete te details. Checking this check box can lead to system slow down when the transactions are transferred to GL. 1.7.31 Check or uncheck uncheck the the check box box ‘Reverse ‘Reverse Encumbr Encumbrance’ ance’ 1.7.32 Choose all the Valuat Valuation ion Account Accountss 1.7.33 Change 1.7.33 Change region region to ‘Revision, Lot, Serial’ 1.7.34 Enter a Starting Starting Revision Revision (any single single alphanumeric alphanumeric character character)) Any item assigned o this organization, if placed under revision control will use this value as the first revision. 1.7.35 Choose a Lot Lot Control Control Uniqueness Uniqueness (Across Items or None) 1.7.36 1.7. 36 Choose Choose a Lot Number Gener Generati ation on Level (At organization level, At  item level or  level or User-defined) User-defined) 1.7.37 Enter a Lot Number Number Prefix Prefix (Any alphanume alphanumeric ric characters characters)) 1.7.38 Enter the the total total length length of the Lot Lot Numbers Numbers 1.7.39 1.7. 39 Choose Choose the Serial Serial Number Number Uniquene Uniqueness ss (Within Inventory Items, Within Organization, Across Organizations)

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Beginner’s Guide (At item item le leve vel, l, At  1.7.4 1.7.40 0 hoose hoose the the Se Seri rial al Numb Number er Gener Generat atio ion n Le Leve vell (At organization level) 1.7.41 Enter a Serial Serial Number Prefix Prefix (any alphanumer alphanumeric ic character) character) 1.7.42 Enter a Starti Starting ng Serial Serial Number  Number 

1.7.43 Change 1.7.43 Change region region to ‘ATP’ Pick, Item Sourcing’ 1.7.44 1.7. 44 Choose Choose an an ATP ATP Rule Rule If no ATP Rule is attached, you will not be able to do Sales Order  Scheduling in Order Entry. 1.7.45 1.7. 45 Choose Choose a Pick Picking ing R Rule ule 1.7.46 Enter a Subinvento Subinventory ry Order (The (The value you enter enter here will be used used as a default for all the Subinventories of the organization) 1.7.47 Enter a Locator Locator Order Order (The value value you enter enter here will be used used as a default for all the Subinventories of the organization) 1.7.48 1.7. 48 Choose Choose the the Item Sour Source ce Type Type (Supplier  (Supplier or  or  Inventory)  Inventory) 1.7.4 7.49 If   Inventory is sel elec ectted as the Sour ource Type Type,, ch choo oose se th thee Organization from where you source the items. 1. 1.7. 7.50 50 If the the orga organi niza zati tion on na name me is en ente tere red, d, ch choo oose se th thee na name me of th thee Subinventory from where you source the material. (The values you enter here doesn’t have too much of meaning. Even if you enter  Inventory  Inventory as the Source Type, you can purchase items from Suppliers) 1.7.51 Change 1.7.51 Change region region to ‘Inter-org Information’ 1.7.52 Choose a Inter-o Inter-organi rganizatio zation n Transfer Transfer Charge Charge type 1.7.53 1.7. 53 Choose Choose all all the Accoun Accounts ts 1.7.54 1.7. 54 Change Change region region to ‘Other Accounts’ 1.7.55 1.7. 55 Choose Choo alClos l the Accounts ts 1.7.5 1. 7.56 6 Sa Save ve se and andall Cl oseeAccoun

Entering Receiving Options for the Organization If you fail to define the Receiving Options for the Organization, you wi will ll not be allow allowed ed to make make any purchas purchasee or orde derr recei receipts pts in that that organization.

1.7.57 Click on the push button button ‘Others’ ‘Others’ again again 1. 1.7. 7.58 58 Choo Choose se Receiving  Receiving Information 1.7.5 1.7.59 9 The The op opti tion onss yo you u se sele lect ct in this this window window wi will ll be us used ed as defaul defaultt values.

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Beginner’s Guide The critic critical al infor informa matio tion n that that the the sy syste stem m seeks seeks fr from om this this windo win dow w is the Rece Receivi iving ng Accou Account. nt. Witho Without ut provi providin ding g an account you will not be allowed to save. This account is used to create automatic journal entries when PO receipts are made.

1. 1.8 8 De Defi fine ne Sh Ship ippi ping ng Ne Netw twor orks ks If you want to transfer materials between organizations, you have to define the Shipping Network  We assume that we want to transfer from M1 to M2 and M2 to M1

1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8. 2 1.8.3 8.3 1. 1.8. 8.4 4 1.8.5 1.8.5 1. 1.8. 8.6 6 1.8.7 1.8.7

1. 1.8. 8.8 8

N  Setup  Organizations  Shipping Network  Choose Choose your your current current organi organizat zation ion in the the field field Organiz Organizati ation on Cho hoo ose a Sc Scope (To Organization, From Organization or  or From From or  To Organization) Move Move cur curso sorr to to the the lin lines es Choos Choosee M1 M1 in in the the From From fiel field d Choo Choose se M2 in the the To fiel field d (Direct or   Intransit) Choos Choosee the the Tr Trans ansfe ferr Type Type (Direct  or  Intransit) If you have chosen Direct  chosen Direct as as the Transfer Type, then the remaining two fields will be disabled.  Intransit as If you you ha have ve se sele lect cted ed Intransit  as the Transfer Type, then choose an FOB  Receipt  : The shipping organization owns the goods until the receiving organization receives it. Shipment  : The destination organization owns the goods as soon as Shipment : the shipping organization ships it.

If the the Tr Tran ansf sfer er Typ Typee is sel selec ecte ted d as Intransit, as Intransit, then choose a Receipt Standard or  Inspection  Inspection Required) Routing (Direct, Standard or  1.8.10 Check or uncheck uncheck the check check box ‘Internal ‘Internal Orders Orders Required’ Required’.. If this check box is checked, you will have to create an Internal Sales Order, whenever you want to transfer material from M1 to M2.

1.8.9 1.8.9

1.8.10 1.8.10 1.8.11 1.8. 11 1.8.12 1.8. 12 1.8.13 1.8. 13

Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line Choose Choose M2 in the the From From field field Choose Choose M1 in in the To fiel field d Repeat Repeat steps steps 1.8.7 1.8.7 to 1.8.1 1.8.10 0

1. 1.8. 8.14 14 Sa Save ve

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Beginner’s Guide 1.9 Def Define ine U Uni nitt Of Me Measu asures res The UOM definition involves two steps as follows  Define UOM Classes 

Define UOM

Define UOM Classes 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9. 2

N  Setup  Unit Of Measure  Classes Create Create a blan blank k row by press pressing ing Ctrl Ctrl + Down Down Arrow Arrow keys keys

1.9.3 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9. 5

Ente Enterr a name name ffor or the the UOM UOM Cl Clas asss Optio Optiona nall lly y enter enter a desc descri ript ptio ion n Enter Enter the the name name of the UOM UOM that that you you want to to use as the the base base unit unit of  measure. There is no hard and fast rule to decide the Base UOM for a UOM Class. The very frequently used UOM can be taken as the base UOM for that class. When UOM Conversions are defined, the conversions will be defined as one particular UOM of the  same class is equal to how many base UOM’s. For example, if KG is defined as the base UOM of a UOM Class named ‘weight’ then the conversions will be defined as: 1 Quintal 1 Ton 1 Gm

1.9.6 1.9.6 1.9.7

= 100 KG’s = 1000 KG’s = 0.001 KG  

Ente Enterr a Code Code for for the the def defin ined ed UOM UOM Save

Define Unit Of Measures (Continuation) 1.9.8 1.9.8 1.9.9 1.9. 9

Click Click o on n the the push push butt button on ‘Uni ‘Unitt of Mea Measur sure’ e’ In this this window, window, you you will will find find that the the Base Base UOM is ther theree already already.. But, you can define additional ad ditional UOM’s for this Class as follows 1.9.1 1.9.10 0 Ente Enterr a na name me for the next UOM of the same Class Class where where your  your  cu curs rsor or was was when when you you cl clic icke ked d on th thee pu push sh bu butt tton on ‘Uni ‘Unitt Of  Measure’. 1.9.11 1.9. 11 Enter Enter a code code for the the above above UOM UOM 1.9.12 Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion 1. 1.9. 9.13 13 Sa Save ve

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Beginner’s Guide 1.10 1.1 0 Def Define ine Item Item A Attr ttribu ibute te Co Contr ntrol ol L Leve evels ls One hundred and fifty eight attributes are there for every Item. The way in whi which ch wecan setbethe attrib attributes utes decides decid es the functi onalit lity y(2) ofOrganization. he ite item. m. The attributes controlled at two levels (1)functiona Master and

Master Level Item Attribute Control If a particular attribute is controlled at Master Level, you will be able to update it only at the Master Level. (That is, you have to enter into the item definition window by the navigation N  Items  Master Items.) When ever you update an attribute that is controlled at the Master Level, the made change will reflect in all organizations to which the item is assigned.

Organization Level Item Attribute Control If a particular attribute is controlled at organization level, you will be able to update it only at the Organization Level. (That is, you have to enter into the item definition window by the navigation N  Items  Organization Item Items. s.)) When When ev ever er yo you u updat updatee an at attr trib ibut utee th that at is contr control olle led d at th thee Organization Level, the made change will not reflect in any organization other oth er than than the organi organizat zation ion where where the change change is done. done. For exampl example, e,  Inventory ory Item is controlled at Organization Level. suppose the attribute  Invent When you defined an item you set the above attribute to ‘No’ and assigned to tw two o orga organi niza zati tion onss M1 an and d M2. M2. Af Afte terr th that at you you updat updated ed th thee it item em Inventory Item fr defini def initi tion on by setti setting ng ‘Yes’ ‘Yes’ to   Inventory from om th thee It Item em Mast Master  er  Organization (V1). If you check the organization attribute in M1 or M2 for  the above item, you will find that the attribute   Inventory Item is still disabled. In this case, if you want to enable Inventory enable  Inventory Item in M1, first you change the working organization to M1 and then navigate N  Items  Organization Items and enable the attribute Inventory attribute  Inventory Item. Item. If you want to enable this attribute in M2 also, then change your working organization to M2 and then navigate N  Items  Organization Items and enable the attribute Inventory attribute  Inventory Item  In short we can say that an attribute controlled controlled at Master level will have thee same th same valu valuee alwa always ys in all all the the or orga gani niza zati tion ons, s, but but an attr attrib ibut utee controll cont rolled ed at organiz organizatio ation n level level can have differen differentt valuesin valuesindiff differen erent  t  organizations

Out of the 158 attributes the below given 2 attributes can be controlled only at the master level 18 can be controlled only at the organization level.

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Beginner’s Guide Attributes That Can Be Controlled Only At The Master Level 1. Base Mo Model 2. BOM BOM Item tem Type Type

Attributes That Can Be Controlled Only At The Organization Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Engi Engine neer erin ing g Ite Item m Prepr Preproc oces essi sing ng Lea Lead d Time Time Proce Process ssin ing g Le Lead ad time time Post Post pro proce cess ssin ing g Lead Lead Tim Timee Cumula Cumulativ tivee Manuf Manufact acturi uring ng Lead Lead Time Time Cumu Cumula lati tive ve Tot Total al Lea Lead d Time Time Fixed xed Lea Lead d Ti Time Vari Variab able le Le Lead ad Time Time

9. Cost Cost of Goo Goods ds Sol Sold d Acco Accoun untt 10. Encumbrance Encumbrance Account 11. Expens Expensee Account Account 12. Sales Sales Account Account 13. Pl Planne anner  r  14. Planning Planning Exception Exception Set Set 15. Source Source Organizat Organization ion 16. Source Source Subinventor Subinventory y 17. WIP Supply Supply Locator  Locator  18. WIP Supply Supply Subinventor Subinventory y 1.10.1 N  Setup  Items  Attributes This window is divided into two blocks. In the upper block, 150 attributes attri butes are listed and in the lower block, the 8 Status Attribut Attributes es or Key Key At Attr trib ibut utes es ar aree list listed ed.I .Int nthe he up upper per bl block ock,, aga again inst st ea each ch attribute you can choose a value for the ‘Controlled At’ field. (Master or  (Master  Organization) or Organization) In the lower block also you can choose a value of  Master  or  Organization for the ‘Controlled At’ field. Apart from the control level setting, in the case of Status Attributes, you have to choose a value for the field ‘Status Setting’

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Beginner’s Guide Status Setting of the Key Attributes In the ‘Status Setting’ field of the key attributes, you can choose   Defaults Value or  Sets Value. Value. If  Defaults   Defaults Value is selected, either  Defaults the users will be able to make changes whenever they want. On the contrary, if  SetsatValue is selected, the valuesif Sets even the Master Level.a user will not be able to update The window of Attribute Control Control will be accessible only by a very high authority of the organization in a real situation. 

1. 1.11 11 De Defi fine ne IIte tem m St Stat atus us T Tem empl plat ates es 1.11.1 N  Setup  Items  Status Codes 1.11.2 1.11 .2 Enter Enter a name name for the the templat templatee 1.11.3 Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion You can see that all the 8 Status Attributes are listed below with a check box against each one of them. Whether you can check or  uncheck the check box as per your requirement. The ‘Usage’ field is only a display field where you can see what is the Status Setting for each Key Attribute. For example, in the Attribute Control window, suppose you have selected a value of    Defaults Value for the attribute ‘BOM Allowed’, a value of  Sets Value for the attribute ‘Build in WIP and a value of  None of  None for the attribute  Purchasable  Purchasable.. In the current window you will see the following values in the ‘Usage’ field. Status Attribute

Status Setting


BOM Allowed Build in WIP Purchasable

Defaults value Sets Value None

Default Item Attribute Sets Item Attribute Not Used

Once when this template is applied to an item and hen saved, even from the master organization no body will be able to update the  Build in WIP. If any situation arises in which you want to attribute Build attribute update the Build the Build in WIP attribute WIP attribute of the above-mentioned item, you have to change the Status Setting of  Build of  Build in WIP  to ‘Defaults Value’ from the ‘Attribute Control’ window. The Attribute Control window will be normally available for a higher authority of an organization.

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Beginner’s Guide 1. 1.12 12 De Defi fine ne Us User er Item Item Ty Type pess User Item Types are nothing but a label for the item. In a given time when a user wants to find out the general functionality of an item, it is difficult to go the through all thementioned regions ofabove, the item user  from difficulty wedefinition use a labelwindow. or nameTo or save ItemaType to roughly understand the way in which the attributes are set in general. By seeing the name, say, ‘Purchased Item’ we get an idea about the  possible attribute setting of that item. Similarly, by seeing the name, say, ‘Finished Good’ we get an idea about the possible attribute setting of that item. This name or better to say this User Item Type is assigned in the first window of Item definition.   1.12.1 N  Setup  Items  Item Types 1.12.2 1.12 .2 Click Click o on n the the Lines Lines 1.12.3 1.12 .3 If no blank blank row is availab available, le, create create one by pressi pressing ng the keys Ctrl and Down Arrow together. 1.12.4 Enter a Code for the Item Item Type Type 1.12.5 1.12 .5 Enter Enter a Meani Meaning ng for the Code Code The word(s) word(s) you enter enter a ass  Meaning  will be the word(s) that is  going to be displayed in the LOV of the field named ‘User Item Type’ in the Item definition window. 1.12.6 Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion 1.12.7 Optionally Optionally enter enter an ‘Effecti ‘Effective ve From’ From’ date. 1.12.8 1.12 .8 Check Check the check check box ‘Enab ‘Enabled led’’ 1. 1.12 12.9 .9 Sa Save ve

1.13 1.1 3 Def Define ine Us User er Item Item Typ Typee T Temp emplat lates es 1 .13..2 1 1.13.2 1.13 1.13.3 1.13.4 1.13 .4

N Items Templates Enter Enter Setup a name name for the the Templat Temp latee Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Choose Choose an organi organizat zation ion code code only if you want to restrict the use of  this template only n a particular organization, otherwise leave this field blank  1.13.5 Choose values values for all all those attribut attributes es that are common common for a set of  items. 1. 1.13 13.6 .6 Sa Save ve

1.14 Defin Definee A Asse ssett IItems tems and Ass Assign ign to Orga Organiza nizations tions Caution:  In no case, the Primary Unit Of Measure assigned to an item CAN NOT  be changed after saving.

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Beginner’s Guide 1. 1.14 14.1 .1 Item Itemss  Master Items 1.14.2 Enter a name name (code) (code) for for the the item item 1.14.3 Enter a descript description ion for the the item (mandat (mandatory ory field) field) Setting the Attributes Copying from a User Item Type Template 1. 1.14 14.4 .4 Spec Sp ecia iall  Copyby From… 1.14.5 Choose the the required required Template Template name (Leave the item item field field blank) 1.14.6 Click on the the push push button button ‘Done’ 1. 1.14 14.7 .7 Sa Save ve

Assigning the Items to Different Organizations (This must be done in continuation to the step 11.14.7)

11.14.8 Special  Organization Assignment (This option in the Special menu will be available only if the item definition is saved) 11.1 .14 4.9 The nam namees an and co codes of of al all or organiza zattions th that ar are co coming under the current item master organization will be there in this window with a check box to the right of each organization name. Check the above said check box against all those organization names to which you want to assign the current item. 11.14.10 Save Note: In your organization definition, if any organization other than V1Vision Operations, then you will not find your organization in the above window.

1.15 Defin Definee Ex Expens pensee It Items ems and Ass Assign ign to Organ Organizati izations ons 1.15. 1.15.1 1 The The compl complet etee proce procedu dure re is ex exac actl tly y th thee sa same me as in th thee ca case se of  defin def inin ing g an as asse sett item item.. Al Alll th that at yo you u have have to do is is,, af afte terr st step ep 11.14.6, that is, after applying the template, change the region to ‘Costing’ and set the following attributes. Costing Enabled Asset Item

- No - No

After ensuring the above attribute setting, you can proceed with the steps from 11.14.7

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Beginner’s Guide 1. 1.16 16 De Defi fine ne UO UOM M Co Conv nver ersi sion onss You can define two types of UOM Conversions.  

Standard Conversions Item Specific Conversions

The Item Specific Conversions can conversions can again be made in two ways. o o

Inter Class Conversions Intra Class Conversions

Standard Conversions St Stan anda dard rd Conv Conver ersi sion onss ar aree de defi fine ned d be betw twee een n st stan anda dard rd UOM’ UOM’ss li like ke Kilogram, Gram, Meter, Centimeter, Each, Dozen etc. As the defined co conve nvers rsio ion n fa fact ctor orss ar aree un univ iver ersa sall lly y ac acce cept pted ed fi figu gure res, s, it ca can n be made made applicable to any item. Standard Conversions can be defined even before defining the item Assumptions: Unit of Measure Class : Weight UOM’s defined defined for the above above class : Gm, Kg, Quintal Quintal and Ton Base UOM : Kg StandardConversion factor for: Gm = 0.001 Quintal = 100 Ton

= 1000

1.16.1 N  Setup  Unit of Measures  Conversions 1.16.2 Choose the region ‘Standard’ ‘Standard’ 1.16. 1.16.3 3 Choos Choosee a UOM UOM other than the Base Unit of Measure in the field ‘Unit’. (Gm, Quintal or Ton) 1.16.4 Tab to to the the field field ‘Conver ‘Conversion’ sion’.. 1.16.5 1.16 .5 Enter Enter the Conversio Conversion n factor factor (for (for Gm, enter enter the value 0.001, 0.001, for  Quintal, enter the value 100 and for Ton, enter the value 1000) 1. 1.16 16.6 .6 Sa Save ve Read the display field at the bottom of the screen

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Beginner’s Guide Item Specific Conversions Item Specific Conversions can be defined only after defining items.

There bectin many when use different an be itema when wh en will tran transa sact ing g it. itsituations . If a diff differ erent entyou UOM UOwant M istous used, ed,a nat natur ural ally ly UOM th ther eree for must must relationship established between the involved UOM’s. We have already seen that when standard conversions are defined between different UOM’s of the same class, it is not item specific. It need not be item specific because the conversions are done between UOM’s of the same class and moreover, the used conversion factors are world wide accepted standards.  Box for a  Now, let us look into a practical situation where you use a UOM of  Box Many . Even though both the  particular item. Here the question is 1 Box = How Many. UOM’s involved in this conversion belong to the same class, the answer to this question can be given only if the item is specified. We can say that if the item Each . If item A02 is packed into the box, A01 is packed into the box, 1 Box = 50 Each. 1 Box = 25 Each. Each . That is, if conversions are defined for non-standard UOM’s, they must be Item Specific.  Now, let us analyze a situation when you want to define a conversion between UOM’s UOM ’s of two differen differentt classe classes. s. Assume Assume that that we want want to define define conver conversio sion n   between KG and Cubic Meter. In this case also, we will be able to derive a conversion factor only if the item is known. So, a conversion between UOM’s of  different classes, is also will be Item Specific. A conversion defined for an item between two UOM’s of the same class is known as Intra Class Conversion. A conversion defined for an item between two UOM’s of different classes is known as Inter Class Conversion.

Intra Class Conversions 1.16.7 N  Setup  Unit Of Measures  Conversions 1.16.8 Change region to Intra-class 1.16.9 Choose an item 1.16.10 Choose a UOM other than the Base UOM in the field named ‘Unit’ 1.16.11 Choose a conversion factor in the field named ‘Conversion’ 1.16.12 Save 1.16.13 Move cursor to the next line and repeat steps 1.16.9 to 1.16.12

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Beginner’s Guide Inter Class Conversions The conversions of this type are always defined with the primary UOM of the item.

1.16.7 N  Setup  Unit Of Measures  Conversions 1.16.8 Change region to Inter-class 1.16.9 Choose an item As soon as you choose the item, in the Source block  the ‘Base Unit’ of  the class to which the item’s primary UOM belongs will default. 1.16.10 Choose a base UOM of a different class other than the Class to which the   primary primary UOM of the selected selected item belongs, belongs, in the field field named ‘Base ‘Base Unit’ of the Destination block  1.16.11 Choose a conversion factor in the field named ‘Conversion’ 1.16.12 Save 1.16.13 Move cursor to the next line and repeat steps 1.16.9 to 1.16.12

1. 1.17 17 De Defi fine ne Item Item Re Revi visi sion onss When an item is placed under Revision Control, the value assigned to the field ‘Starting Revision’ in the organization definition will be used as the first revision. When subsequent revision numbers are required you have to define it separately as follows. 1.17.1 N  Items  Organization Items 1.17.2 1.17 .2 Enter Enter the the item item name name 1.17.3 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Spec Specia  Revisions Enter Ent erial al new revi revisio sion n Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Enter an effecti effective ve From From date. date. You can assign a future date also as the effective date 1. 1.17 17.8 .8 Sa Save ve

1. 1.17 17.4 .4 1.17 1.17.5 .5 1.17.6 1.17.7

1. 1.18 18 De Defi fine ne IIte tem m Re Rela lati tion onsh ship ipss 1.18.1 N  Items  Item Relationships 1.18.2 1.18 .2 Choose Choose a From From Item Item 1.18. 1.18.3 3 Choos Choosee a To Ite Item m 1.18.4 1.18 .4 Choose Choose the the relatio relation n Type (Related  (Related or  or Substitute) Substitute)

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Beginner’s Guide 1.18.8 Indica 1.18.8 Indicate te whether whether the relation relationshi ship p is one way or recipr reciprocal ocal by checking or unchecking the check box ‘Reciprocal’

1.19 1.19 Cr Crea eate te IIte tem mC Cat atal alog og Item Catalog is used to query item by one of its values. We will create a Catalog with the items and values as given below. Descriptive Elements

CCD Color/Mono Lens Size Resolution Monitor Size Pixels

Values for Items A01 ½” Color 6 x 24 330 -

A02 1/3” Mono 6 x 36 400

A03 ¼” Color 6 x 48 450

A04 Color 300 17” 300 x 400

A05 Mono 400 14” 600 x 400

A06 Color   400 21” 800 x 400

Define Catalog Group and assign Descriptive Elements 1.19.1 1.19.2 1.19.3 1.19.4 1.19.5 1.19.6 1.19 .6 1.19.7 1.19 .7

N  setup  Items  Catalog Group Enter a name name for the Catalog Catalog Group Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Click on the push button button ‘Details’ ‘Details’ Change region region to to ‘Descript ‘Descriptive ive Elements Elements’’ Enter Enter a Seq number  number  Enter Enter the first first name of the Descrip Descriptiv tivee Elemen Elements ts of this this catalog catalog

Group 1.19.8 Check or uncheck uncheck the check check box ‘Required’ ‘Required’ If this check box is checked, when you assign an item to the Catalog Group, for any item, you will have to enter a value for this descr des crip ipti tive ve elem elemen ent. t. On the the ot other her ha hand, nd, if th this is ch chec eck k box is uncheck unch ecked, ed, a value value for this fi field eld,, whi while le assign assigning ing items to the Catalog Group, will be optional. 1.19.9 1.19 .9 Move Curs Cursor or to th thee next line line 1.19.10 Repeat steps 1.20.5 to 1.20.8 till all the descriptive elements are entered.

Assign Items to the Catalog Group 1.19.11

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N  Items  Master Items

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Beginner’s Guide 1.19.12 1.19.13 1.19.14 1.19.15 1.19.16

F11, en enter a partial iittem na name, Ct Ctrl + F11 Special  Catalog Choose the Ca Catalog Gr Group Name Check tth he check bo box ‘Catalog Co Complete’ Click on the ‘Lines’

1. 1.19 19.1 .17 7Catalog All Al l the thedefaults. desc descri ript ptiive el elem emen ents ts that hat you you have have en ente terred fo forr the the Group 1.19 19..18 Enter va values of of th the iittem qu quer eriied in in st step 1. 1.20.10 for for each Descri Des cripti ptive ve Elemen Element. t. If a parti particula cularr descri descripti ptive ve elemen elementt is not applicable for a particular item, then you can leave that field blank. 1. 1.19 19.1 .19 9 Quer uery tthe he next next item and and rep repea eatt ssttep epss 1.2 1.20. 0.11 11 to 1.20 1.20.1 .16 6 til tilll all the required items are assigned to the Catalog Group

Searching for Item in the Catalog by Specifying a Descriptive Element Value 1.19.20 1.19.21 1.19.22 1.19.23

N  Items  Items Search Choose tth he rreequired or organization Change the region to Item Catalog  Choose the ca catalog Gr Group Name

All the descriptive elements defined for the catalog group will default 1. 1.19 19.2 .24 4 Ent Enter a val value ue ag agai ains nstt one one of th thee des descr criipt ptiive el elem emen entts. Sa Say y, we en ente tere red d a va valu luee of 400 400 ag agai ains nstt th thee de desc scri ript ptiv ivee el elem emen entt ‘Resolution’. 1.19.25 Click on the push button ‘Find’ The items A02, A05 and A06 must be listed as these three items are having a value of 400 of 400 for the descriptive element Resolution element Resolution..

1.20 1.2 0 Def Define ine As Asse sett Subi Subinve nvento ntorie riess and As Assi sign gn Ite Items ms Subinventories are always organization specific. So, you have to define subinventories separately for each organization. Between organizations, the subinventory names can be repeated. 1.20.1 1.20.2 1.20 .2 1.20.3 1.20.4 1.20.5 1.20.6 1.20. 1.20.7 7

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N  Setup  Subinventories Click Click on the pu push sh button button ‘New’ ‘New’ Enter a name name for the Subinve Subinventory ntory Optionally Optionally enter descripti description on Check the the check check box ‘Qty Tracked’ Tracked’ Check the the check box box ‘Asset ‘Asset Subinvent Subinventory’ ory’ Check Check or un unch check eck the re rema main inin ing g ch check eck boxes boxes (Include in ATP,  Allow Reservation, Nettable) as per your requirement. Page 30


Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Prespecified, d, Dynami Dynamicc 1.20.8 1.20 .8 Choose Choose a ‘Locat ‘Locator or Control’ Control’ option option (None, Prespecifie  Entry or  Item Level) or Item 1.20.9 Optionally Optionally enter a ‘Picking ‘Picking Order’ Order’ 1.20.10 Optionally enter the following Lead Times.  Preprocessing,  Processing   Post Processing  1.20.11

Optionally enter the following item Sourcing details Type : (Supplier o   r  Inventory)  Inventory) or  Organiz Orga nizati ation on : (If ‘Type’ ‘Type’ is selected selected as ‘Inventor ‘Inventory’, y’, then then optionally choose an organization Subinv Sub invent entory ory : (If ‘Type’ ‘Type’ is selecte selected d as ‘Inventor ‘Inventory’, y’, then then optionally choose a Subinventory)


Change region to ‘Accounts’

1.20.13 1.20.14

Choose all the accounts Save

Assign Items (Continuation) 1.20 20..15 1.20.16 1. 1.20 20.1 .17 7 1. 1.20 20.1 .18 8 1.20.19

Click on on the the pu pussh but buttton ‘I ‘Item/Subinvent nto ory’ Choose the Item Move Move cur curso sorr to the next next lin inee and and choo choose se the next next item Repe Repeat at the the abo above ve step tep ti till you fini nish sh as asssig igni ning ng al all tthe he ite tem ms Save

1.21 Defin Definee E Expen xpense se Subi Subinven nventorie toriess a and nd Ass Assign ign Item Itemss N  Setup  Subinventories Click Click on the pu push sh button button ‘New’ ‘New’ Enter a name name for the Subinve Subinventory ntory Optionally Optionally enter descripti description on Uncheck the check box ‘Qty Tracked’ As soon as you uncheck the check box ‘Qty Tracked’, al the remaining check boxes will be automatically unchecked. 1.21.6 1.21 .6 Change Change region region to ‘Accou ‘Accounts nts’’ 1.21.7 1.21 .7 Choose Choose all all the acco account untss 1. 1.21 21.8 .8 Sa Save ve 1.21.1 1.21.2 1.21 .2 1.21.3 1.21.4 1.21.5

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Beginner’s Guide Assign Items (Continuation) 1.21.9 Click on the the push button button ‘Item/Su ‘Item/Subinvent binventory’ ory’ 1.21.10 1. 1.21 21.1 .11 1 1. 1.21 21.1 .12 2 1.21.13

Choose the Item Move Move cur curso sorr to the next next lin inee and and choo choose se the next next item Repe Repeat at the the abo above ve step tep ti till you fini nish sh as asssig igni ning ng al all tthe he ite tem ms Save

1.22 .22 Defin efinee V Veh ehic iclle 1.22.1 1.22.2 1.22.3 1.22. 1.22.4 4 1.22.5 1.22.6 1.22 .6 1.22.7 1. 1.22 22.8 .8

N  Items  Master Items Enter the the name of the vehicle vehicle in the Name Name field field Enter a descript description ion (mandat (mandatory) ory) Choos Choosee the the ‘U ‘Use serr Item Item Type’ Type’ as Vehicle from the LOV. Do not copy any template) Change region region to to ‘Physical ‘Physical Attri Attributes’ butes’ Check Check the check check box ‘Vehicl ‘Vehicle’ e’ Optionally Optionally you can enter enter the remaining remaining Physical Physical Attributes Attributes Sa Save ve

1. 1.23 23 De Defi fine ne Co Cont ntai aine nerr T Typ ypes es 1.23.1 1.23.2 1.23 .2 1.23.3 1.23.4 1.23 .4

N  Setup  Items  Container Types Click Click o on n the the Lines Lines Enter a Code Code for the Contain Container er Type that that you are are defining defining Enter Enter a meanin meaning g for the Code. Code. This meanin meaning g that that you enter here here will be available every where else in the LOV where ever you want to choose a Container Type

1.23.5 1.23.6 1.23.7 1.23 .7 1. 1.23 23.8 .8

Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Enter an effecti effective ve From From date date Check Check the check check box ‘’Enabl ‘’Enabled’ ed’ Sa Save ve

1.24 1.24 De Defi fine ne Co Cont ntai aine ners rs N  Items  Master Items Enter Enter the Conta Containe inerr Name Enter Enter a descr descript iption ion Choose Choose the ‘User ‘User Item Item Type’ Type’ as Box, as  Box, carriage etc from the LOV. Do not copy any template) 1.24.5 Change region region to to ‘Physical ‘Physical Attri Attributes’ butes’ 1.24.6 Check the check box ‘Contai ‘Container’ ner’ 1.24.1 1.24.2 1.24 .2 1.24.3 1.24 .3 1.24.4 1.24 .4

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Beginner’s Guide 1.24.7 Choose a Container Container Type Type from from the the LOV 1.24.8 Optionally Optionally choose choose the remaining remaining Physical Physical Attribute Attributess 1. 1.24 24.9 .9 Sa Save ve

1. 1.25 25 De Defi fine ne Fr Frei eigh ghtt C Car arri rier erss  Normally people consider Freight carrier as a Vehicle. As far as Oracle Applica Appl icatio tions ns is concern concerned ed this this is not true. In Oracle Oracle Appps, Appps, the term Freight Carrier means, a transporting company. Vehicle you have to define as an Item as mentioned in 1.23. 1.25.1 1.25.2 1.25 .2 1.25.3 1.25.4 1. 1.25 25.5 .5

N  Setup  Freight Carriers Enter Enter a Carr Carrier ierNam Namee Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Choose a ‘‘Distr Distributi ibution on Account’ Account’ Sa Save ve

1.26 1.2 6 Def Define ine Tra Transa nsacti ction on Sou Source rce Typ Types es 1.26.1 1.26.2 1.26.3 1.26 .3 1.26.4 1.26 .4 1. 1.26 26.5 .5

N  Setup  Transactions  Types Change region region to ‘User-defi ‘User-defined’ ned’ Choose Choose a Source Source Type Type Choose Choose an action action Sa Save ve

Note: Refer page 190 of the Course Material to find the list of Source Types and actions that you can choose in steps 1.27.3 and 1.27.4

1. 1.27 27 De Defi fine ne T Tra rans nsac acti tion on Re Reas ason onss 1.27.1 1.27.2 1.27 .2 1.27.3 1. 1.27 27.4 .4

N  Setup  Transactions  Reasons Enter Enter a transac transactio tion n reason reason Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Sa Save ve

1. 1.28 28 De Defi fine ne Ac Acco coun untt Al Alia iase sess 1.28.1 1.28. 1.28.2 2 1.28.3 1.28.4 1. 1.28 28.5 .5

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N  Setup  Account Aliases Ente Enterr an Alia Aliass Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion Choose an Account Account for for which the the Alias is is defined defined Sa Save ve

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Beginner’s Guide 1. 1.29 29 De Defi fine ne Sh Ship ippi ping ng Me Meth thod odss 1.29.1 N  Setup  Organization  Shipping Methods 1.29.2 Enter a Code for for the the new shippi shipping ng method method 1.29.3 Enter a meaning meaning for the above above Code. This This meaning meaning that you enter  enter  here will be the value that you are going to get in the LOV wherever a Shipping Method is to be selected. 1.29.4 Optionally Optionally enter a descript description ion 1.29.5 Enter an effecti effective ve From From date date 1.29.6 1.29 .6 Check Check the check check box ‘Enab ‘Enabled led’’ 1. 1.29 29.7 .7 Sa Save ve

1.30 1.3 0 Def Define ine T Tran ransi sitt Tim Times es fo forr Sh Shipp ipping ing M Meth ethod odss N  Setup  Choose the the From Organizatio Organization n and Location Location Choose the To Organizatio Organization n and Locatio Location n Choose Choose the Shipp Shipping ing Metho Method d Ente Enterr the number of days that the specified shipping method will take to transfer material between the organizations mentioned in steps 1.31.2 and 1.31.3. 1.30.6 Move cursor cursor to the next line line and repeat steps steps 1.31.4 1.31.4 and 1.31.5 till till then Intransit Times for all the possible Shipping Methods are defined. 1.30. 1.30.7 7 Check Check the the check check bo box x ‘D ‘Def efau ault lt Meth Method od’’ on only ly fo forr th that at Ship Shippi ping ng Method which you frequently used. 1. 1.30 30.8 .8 Sa Save ve

1.30.1 1.30.2 1.30.3 1.30.4 1.30 .4 1. 1.30 30.5 .5

1. 1.31 31 De Defi fine ne O Org rgan aniz izat atio ion n Ac Acce cess ss 1.31.1 N  Setup  Organizations  Organization Access 1.31.2 1.31 .2 Choose Choose an Organ Organiza izati tion on 1. 1.31 31.3 .3 Choo Choose se a ap appl plic icat atio ion n (Or (Orac acle le Purch Purchasi asing, ng, Orac Oracle le Human Human  Resources etc) in the field named ‘Application’ 1. 1.31 31.4 .4 Choo Choose se a Responsibility name in the field named ‘Name’ 1.31.5 Move cursor cursor to the next next line and repeat repeat steps steps 1.32.2 1.32.2 to 1.32.4 1. 1.31 31.6 .6 Sa Save ve Note: The organization names can be repeated Thee co Th comb mbina inatio tion n of  ‘Application’  and ‘Responsibility’  can cannot not be re repea peate ted. d. That That is, the the value value de deriv rived ed by co comb mbini ining ng the the value valuess of  ‘Application’  and ‘Responsibility’  mu must st be uniqu unique. e. You You ca can n make make combinations as follows.

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Beginner’s Guide Application Oracle Purchasing Oracle Purchasing

Name PO Super User Local User

1.32 1.3 2 Lau Launch nching ing Tra Trans nsact action ion Man Manage agers rs If the Cost Manager is inactive for an organization, in WIP, the Resources an and d Mate Materi rial alss wi will ll no nott be co cost sted ed when when as asse semb mbli lies es ar aree move moved d fr from om operation to operation or during Closing the Job. If the Cost Manager is inactive, you can activate it as follows. 1.32.1 N  Setup  Transactions  Interface Managers If the the st stat atus us of the the ‘Co ‘Cost Manag anager er’’ is Acti Active ve do not not do anything. Else activate it as follows. 1.32.2 Keep the cursor in ‘Cost Manager’ 1.32.3 Special  Launch Manager  1.32.4 Close the Form 1.32.5 N  Setup  Transactions  Interface Managers See that the status of ‘Cost Manager’ is change to ‘Active’

2. 2.0 0

Open Open Inve Invent ntor ory y Acco Accoun unti ting ng Pe Peri riod odss You will be permitted to do any transaction in Oracle Inventory, only in an Open Period.

2.1 N  Accounting Close Cycle  Open Inventory Accounting Periods 2.2 Keep the cursor in the current month and click on the push button ‘Change Status’ 2.3 Choose the option ‘Open’ 2.4 Move cursor to one step above and repeat steps 2.2 and 2.3

3.0 3.0

Mi Misc scel ella lane neou ouss Tr Tran ansa sact ctio ions ns 3.1

Miscellaneous R Reeceipt 3.1.1 3. 3.1. 1.2 2 3.1.3 3.1. 3

N  Transactions  Miscellaneous Transactions Choo Choose se the Type Type as Miscellaneous Receipt  Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’

3.1.4 1.4 3. 3.1. 1.5 5

Cho hoo ose an an It Item Choo Choose se the the Subi Subinv nven ento tory ry

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Beginner’s Guide 3.1.6 1.6 3. 3.1. 1.7 7 3.1.8 3.1.8 3.1.9

Enter tthe he Qty Choo Choose se the the Acc Accou ount nt Optio Optiona nall lly y choo choose se a Rea Reaso son n Save

Checking the On-hand Quantities N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities Ente Enterr the Ite Item m Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ If On-hand On-hand quant quantity ity exis exists ts for for the item item a new windo window w will will be opened with details of the on-hand quantities 3.1.14 Click on the push button button ‘Subinvento ‘Subinventory’ ry’ You can now see Subinventory wise distribution of the item.

3.1.10 3.1.1 3.1.11 1 3.1.12 3.1.13 3.1. 13


Miscellaneous Issue 3.2.1 3. 3.2. 2.2 2 3.2.3 3.2. 3 3.2.4 2.4 3. 3.2. 2.5 5 3.2.6 2.6 3. 3.2. 2.7 7 3.2.8 3.2.8 3.2.9

N  Transactions  Miscellaneous Transactions Choo Choose se the Type Type as Miscellaneous Issue Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’ Cho hoo ose an an It Item Choo Choose se the the Subi Subinv nven ento tory ry Enter tthe he Qty Choo Choose se the the Acc Accou ount nt Optio Optiona nall lly y choo choose se a Rea Reaso son n Save

Checking the On-hand Quantities 3.2.10 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.2.1 3.2.11 1 Ente Enterr the Ite Item m 3.2.12 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ 3.2.13 3.2. 13 If On-hand On-hand quant quantity ity exis exists ts for for the item item a new windo window w will will be opened with details of the on-hand quantities 3.2.14 Click on the push button button ‘Subinvento ‘Subinventory’ ry’ You can now see Subinventory wise distribution of the item.

3. 3.3 3

Tr Tran ansf sfer erri ring ng Item Itemss B Bet etwe ween en S Sub ubin inve vent ntor orie iess 3.3.1 3. 3.3. 3.2 2 3.3.3 3.3. 3 3. 3.3. 3.4 4

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N  Transactions  Subinventory Transfer  Choo Choose se the Type Type as as Inventory  Inventory sub transfer  Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’ Choo Choose se the Item Item

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Beginner’s Guide 3.3.5 3.3.5 3. 3.3. 3.6 6 3.3.7 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.8 3.3.9

Choose Choose the the Subin Subinven ventor tory y (F (From rom Subi Subinve nvento ntory) ry) Choo Choose se the the ‘‘To To Subi Subinv nv’’ Ente Enterr the the Qty Qty to be be tran transf sfer erre red d Optio Optiona nall lly y choo choose se a Rea Reaso son n Save

3.3.10 3.3. 10 Check Check On-hand On-hand quantiti quantities. es. You must see that the Qty enteredinstep 3.3.7 is incremented in the Subinventory that is selected in step 3.3.6 and decremented in the subinventory that is selected in step 3.3.5.


Tra Trans nsfer ferrin ring g IItem temss Bet Betwee ween nO Orga rganiz nizati ations ons Wi Witho thout ut ISO ISO You will You will be able able to trans transfer fer items items betwe between en organi organiza zatio tions ns on only ly if  Shipping Ship ping Network Network is defined defined for the organiz organizatio ations ns involved involved.. Refer Refer step 1.8 above. If the check box ‘Internal Orders Required’ is Required’  is checked in the Shipping Network, you will be able to transfer items only through an Internal Sa Sale less Orde Order. r. How How an Inte Intern rnal al Sa Sale less Orde Orderr is cr crea eate ted d shal shalll be described in the Order Entry Notes.

When you transfer transfer items items between between organiza organization tionss without without using using an Inter Int erna nall Sales Sales Orde Order, r, ther theree are three three ways ways depen dependin ding g upon upon the Transfer Type (Direct  or Intransit) or  Intransit) and Receipt Routing (Standa (Standard rd or   Inspection Required) you defined in the Shipping Network. If the defined Transfer Type for a particular Shipping Network is  Direct , the qty in the corresponding subinventory of the Destination organization will be incremented as soon as you transfer qty from the Sourc Sou rcee organ organiza izatio tion. n. You You ne need ed not not to re rece ceiv ivee the mater material ial in the Destination organization. If the defined Transfer Type is  Intransit  and the Receipt Routing is  Standard  for a particular Shipping Network, then you have to first Receive the transferred item in the destination organizati organization on and later in a separate transaction, the received items should be delivered to the required Subinventory. If the defined Transfer Type is  Intransit  and the Receipt Routing is  Inspection  Inspecti on Required for Required  for a particular Shipping Network, then you have to firstinReceive the transaction transferredyou item in the destination organization. Then a separate have to inspect  the received items

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Beginner’s Guide an and d late laterr in a thir third d tr tran ansa sact ctio ion, n, the the ac acce cept pted ed it item emss shou should ld be delivered to the required Subinventory.

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Beginner’s Guide Direct Inter-organization Transfer 3.4.1 3. 3.4. 4.2 2

N  Transactions  Inter-org Transfers Choo Choose se the To Org Org

3. 3.4. 4.3 3

Ct Ctrrl + L. The Type Type wi will ll defau defaullt as per per the defi defini nittion in the Shipping Network  3.4.4 3.4. 4 Enter Enter a value value in the fiel field d named named ‘Number ‘Number’’ in the ‘Shi ‘Shipme pment’ nt’ block  block  (This is a mandatory field) 3. 3.4. 4.5 5 Opt Optional onallly en ente terr the  Freight Carrier, waybill/Airbill, Containers and Expected Receipt Date 3.4.6 3.4. 6 Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’ 3. 3.4. 4.7 7 Choo Choose se the item item 3.4.8 3.4.8 Choos Choosee the the (sour (source ce)) Subin Subinven vento tory ry 3.4.9 3.4. 9 Choose Choose the the (dest (destina inati tion) on) ‘To ‘To Subi Subinve nvento ntory’ ry’ 3.4.1 3.4.10 0 Ente Enterr Qt Qty y 3.4.11 3.4. 11 Option Optionall ally y ente enterr a Reason Reason

Entering Inter-org Transfer Charge If  Requested Value is selected as the option in the organization definition for the field ‘Inter-org Transfer Charge’, then the actual value can be entered while doing the inter-organization transfer as follows. 3.4.12 Move cursor cursor to the the field field named named ‘Added Value’ 3.4.13 3.4. 13 Enter Enter a value value in this this field field 3. 3.4. 4.14 14 Sa Save ve If  Requested  Requested Percent  is selected as the option in the organization definition forbethe field Transfer Charge’,nization then thetransfer  actual  perce  percent nt can entered enter ed ‘Inter-org while doing the inter-organizat inter-orga ion trans fer  as follow follows. s. Th This is pe perc rcen enta tage ge that that yo you u en ente terr he here re is the the percentage of the Transaction Value. 3.4.14 Skip 3.4.14 Skip steps steps 3.4.12 3.4.12 to 3.4.14 3.4.14 3.4.15 Move cursor cursor to the field field named named ‘Transfer ‘Transfer Charge’ Charge’ 3.4.16 Enter the percentag percentagee of transaction transaction value value that you wish to include include as transfer charge. 3. 3.4. 4.17 17 Sa Save ve

Entering Freight Charges 3.4.18 Move cursor cursor to the field field named ‘Transport ‘Transportation ation Cost’ Cost’ 3.4.19 Enter the the freight freight charge charge in this this field field

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Beginner’s Guide 3. 3.4. 4.20 20 Sa Save ve 3.4.15 Change organiza organization tion to the the Destination Destination Organiza Organization tion

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.16  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.17 Enter 3.4.17 Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.18 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You must see that the transferred qty is incremented in the Destination organization.

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Beginner’s Guide Intransit/Standard Intransit/S tandard Inter-organiza Inter-organization tion Transfer 3.4.1 3. 3.4. 4.2 2

N  Transactions  Inter-org Transfers Choo Choose se the To Org Org

3. 3.4. 4.3 3

Ct Ctrrl + L. The Type Type wi will ll defau defaullt as per per the defi defini nittion in the Shipping Network  3.4.4 3.4. 4 Enter Enter a value value in the fiel field d named named ‘Number ‘Number’’ in the ‘Shi ‘Shipme pment’ nt’ block  block  (This is a mandatory field) 3. 3.4. 4.5 5 Opt Optional onallly en ente terr the  Freight Carrier, waybill/Airbill, Containers and Expected Receipt Date 3.4.6 3.4. 6 Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’ 3. 3.4. 4.7 7 Choo Choose se the item item 3.4.8 3.4.8 Choos Choosee the the (sour (source ce)) Subin Subinven vento tory ry 3.4.9 3.4. 9 Choose Choose the the (dest (destina inati tion) on) ‘To ‘To Subi Subinve nvento ntory’ ry’ 3.4.1 3.4.10 0 Ente Enterr Qt Qty y 3.4.11 3.4. 11 Option Optionall ally y ente enterr a Reason Reason

Entering Inter-org Transfer Charge If  Requested Value is selected as the option in the organization definition for the field ‘Inter-org Transfer Charge’, then the actual value can be entered while doing the inter-organization transfer as follows. 3.4.12 Move cursor cursor to the the field field named named ‘Added Value’ 3.4.13 3.4. 13 Enter Enter a valuein valueinthi thiss fiel field d 3. 3.4. 4.14 14 Sa Save ve If  Requested  Requested Percent  is selected as the option in the organization definition forbethe field Transfer Charge’,nization then thetransfer  actual  perce  percent nt can entered enter ed ‘Inter-org while doing the inter-organizat inter-orga ion trans fer  as follow follows. s. Th This is pe perc rcen enta tage ge that that yo you u en ente terr he here re is the the percentage of the Transaction Value. 3.4.15 Skip 3.4.15 Skip steps steps 3.4.12 3.4.12 to 3.4.14 3.4.14 3.4.16 Move cursor cursor to the field field named named ‘Transfer ‘Transfer Charge’ Charge’ 3.4.17 Enter the percentag percentagee of transaction transaction value value that you wish to include include as transfer charge. 3. 3.4. 4.18 18 Sa Save ve

Entering Freight Charges 3.4.19 Move cursor cursor to the field field named ‘Transport ‘Transportation ation Cost’ Cost’ 3.4.20 Enter the the freight freight charge charge in this this field field

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Beginner’s Guide 3. 3.4. 4.21 21 Sa Save ve 3.4.22 Change organiza organization tion to the the Destination Destination Organiza Organization tion

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.23 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.24 Enter 3.4.24 Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.25 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You will You will see that the tr tran ansfe sferr rred ed qty qty is NOT NOT incre increme mente nted d in the Destination organization.

Receiving the Item in the Destination Organization 3.4.26 3.4.27 3.4.28 3.4.29 3.4. 29

3.4.30 3.4. 30 3.4.31 3. 3.4. 4.32 32 3.4.33 3.4.34 3.4. 34 3. 3.4. 4.35 35

N Transactions  Receiving  Receipts Enter the the Number Number you entered entered in in step 3.4.4 3.4.4 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Close Close the the Receip Receiptt Hea Header  der  You will see that there is a value of  Receiving  of   Receiving  in the field named ‘Destination’ Ensure Ensure that your curren currentt organi organizat zation ionss locati location on is defaulted defaulted as value for the field named Deliver-To named Deliver-To Check the check check box at the extrem extremee left side side of each line line Sa Save ve Click on the the push push button button ‘Header’ ‘Header’ Note Note down he Recei Receipt pt Number  Number  Cl Clos osee

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.36 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.37 3.4. 37 Enter Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.38 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You will see that the transferred qty is still NOT incremented in the Destination organization.

Delivering the Received Item to a Suitable subinventory of  the Destination Organization  3.4.39 3.4.40 3.4.41 3.4.42

N  Transactions  Receiving  Receiving Transactions Enter the the Receipt Receipt Number Number noted noted down in step step 3.4.25 3.4.25 Click o the push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Check the check check box at the extrem extremee left side side of each line line You will see that the ‘Destination’ is automatically changed to  Inventory

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 3.4.4 3.4.43 3 Choos Choosee a su subi binve nvent ntor ory y na name me to whic which h yo you u want want to de deli live verr th thee received item as value for the field named ‘Subinventory’ 3. 3.4. 4.44 44 Sa Save ve

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.45 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.46 Enter 3.4.46 Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.47 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ This time you must see that the Delivered Qty is incremented in the destination organization.

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Beginner’s Guide Intransit/Inspection Intransit/I nspection Required Inter-organi Inter-organization zation Transfer 3.4.1 3. 3.4. 4.2 2

N  Transactions  Inter-org Transfers Choo Choose se the To Org Org

3. 3.4. 4.3 3

Ct Ctrrl + L. The Type Type wi will ll defau defaullt as per per the defi defini nittion in the Shipping Network  3.4.4 3.4. 4 Enter Enter a value value in the fiel field d named named ‘Number ‘Number’’ in the ‘Shi ‘Shipme pment’ nt’ block  block  (This is a mandatory field) 3. 3.4. 4.5 5 Opt Optional onallly en ente terr the  Freight Carrier, waybill/Airbill, Containers and Expected Receipt Date 3.4.6 3.4. 6 Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’ 3. 3.4. 4.7 7 Choo Choose se the item item 3.4.8 3.4.8 Choos Choosee the the (sour (source ce)) Subin Subinven vento tory ry 3.4.9 3.4. 9 Choose Choose the the (dest (destina inati tion) on) ‘To ‘To Subi Subinve nvento ntory’ ry’ 3.4.1 3.4.10 0 Ente Enterr Qt Qty y 3.4.11 3.4. 11 Option Optionall ally y ente enterr a Reason Reason

Entering Inter-org Transfer Charge If  Requested Value is selected as the option in the organization definition for the field ‘Inter-org Transfer Charge’, then the actual value can be entered while doing the inter-organization transfer as follows. 3.4.12 Move cursor cursor to the the field field named named ‘Added Value’ 3.4.13 3.4. 13 Enter Enter a value value in this this field field 3. 3.4. 4.14 14 Sa Save ve If  Requested  Requested Percent  is selected as the option in the organization definition forbethe field Transfer Charge’,nization then thetransfer  actual  perce  percent nt can entered enter ed ‘Inter-org while doing the inter-organizat inter-orga ion trans fer  as follow follows. s. Th This is pe perc rcen enta tage ge that that yo you u en ente terr he here re is the the percentage of the Transaction Value. 3.4.15 Skip 3.4.15 Skip steps steps 3.4.12 3.4.12 to 3.4.14 3.4.14 3.4.16 Move cursor cursor to the field field named named ‘Transfer ‘Transfer Charge’ Charge’ 3.4.17 Enter the percentag percentagee of transaction transaction value value that you wish to include include as transfer charge. 3. 3.4. 4.19 19 Sa Save ve

Entering Freight Charges 3.4.20 Move cursor cursor to the field field named ‘Transport ‘Transportation ation Cost’ Cost’ 3.4.21 Enter the the freight freight charge charge in this this field field

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Beginner’s Guide 3. 3.4. 4.22 22 Sa Save ve 3.4.23 Change organiza organization tion to the the Destination Destination Organiza Organization tion

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.24 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.25 Enter 3.4.25 Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.26 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You will You will see that the tr tran ansfe sferr rred ed qty qty is NOT NOT incre increme mente nted d in the Destination organization.

Receiving the Item in the Destination Organization  3.4.27 3.4.28 3.4.29 3.4.30 3.4. 30

3.4.31 3.4. 31 3.4.32 3. 3.4. 4.33 33 3.4.34 3.4.35 3.4. 35 3. 3.4. 4.36 36

N Transactions  Receiving  Receipts Enter the the Number Number you entered entered in in step 3.4.4 3.4.4 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Close Close the the Receip Receiptt Hea Header  der  You will see that there is a value of  Receiving  of   Receiving  in the field named ‘Destination’ Ensure Ensure that your curren currentt organi organizat zation ionss locati location on is defaulted defaulted as value for the field named Deliver-To named Deliver-To Check the check check box at the extrem extremee left side side of each line line Sa Save ve Click on the the push push button button ‘Header’ ‘Header’ Note Note down the the Receipt Receipt Numbe Number  r  Cl Clos osee

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.37 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.38 3.4. 38 Enter Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.39 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You will see that the transferred qty is still NOT incremented in the Destination organization.

Inspecting the Received Item 3.4.40 N  Transactions  Receiving  Receiving Transactions 3.4.41 Enter the the Receipt Receipt Number that that you noted noted down in step step 3.4.25 You will see that the ‘Destination’ is still Receiving  still  Receiving  3.4.42 Click on the the push push button button ‘Inspect ‘Inspect’’ 3.4.43 3.4. 43 Enter Enter an Action Action 3.4.44 3.4. 44 Choose Choose a Status Status Accept   Accept  3.4.45 3.4. 45 Enter Enter the the Qty accep accepted ted

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Beginner’s Guide 3.4.46 3.4. 46 Move cursor cursor to the next line line if the accepte accepted d qty is less less than the received qty 3.4.47 3.4. 47 Enter Enter an Action Action 3.4.4 3.4.48 8 Choos Choosee a statu statuss Reject  3.4.49 3.4. 49 Enter Enter the the qty reje rejecte cted d The total of the accepted qty and the rejected qty should match with the qty received  3. 3.4. 4.50 50 Sa Save ve

Check On-hand Quantities 3.4.51 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.52 3.4. 52 Enter Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.53 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ You will see that the transferred qty is still NOT incremented in the Destination organization.

Delivering the Received Item to a Suitable subinventory of  the Destination Organization  3.4.54 N  Transactions  Receiving  Receiving Transactions 3.4.55 Enter the the Receipt Receipt Number Number noted noted down in step step 3.4.25 3.4.25 3.4.56 Click o the push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Thiss time Thi time yo you u wi will ll see that that the ‘Dest ‘Destina inatio tion’ n’ is change changed d to  Inventory 3.4.57 Check the check check box at the extrem extremee left side side of each line line 3.4.5 3.4.58 8 Choos Choosee a su subi binve nvent ntor ory y na name me to whic which h yo you u want want to de deli live verr th thee received item as value for the field named ‘Subinventory’ 3. 3.4. 4.59 59 Sa Save ve

Check On-hand Quantities

3.4.60 N  On-hand Availability  On-hand Quantities 3.4.61 3.4. 61 Enter Enter the transf transferr erred ed item 3.4.62 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ This time you must see that the Delivered Qty is incremented in the destination organization.

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Beginner’s Guide 3. 3.5 5

Tr Trac acki king ng Ma Mate teri rial alss iin n IInt ntra rans nsit it In Inve vent ntor ory y Intransit Inventory Intransit Inventory is not a defined subinventory. The material is in Intransit Inventory means that the material is on the road or better to say that the material is on the move. Till Till the the tr tran ansf sfer erre red d quan quanti titi ties es ar aree re rece ceiv ived ed in the the De Dest stin inat atio ion n organization, organiza tion, you will be able to see the Intransit Intransit Inventory only from the Source Organization 3. 3.5. 5.1 1

3.5.2 3.5.3 5.3 3.5.4 3.5. 4 3.5.5 3.5.5

Chan Change ge Orga Organi niza zati tion on to the the Orga Organi niza zati tion on fr from om wher wheree the the transfer is made. N  Transactions  Transaction Summaries Enter aan n It Item Click Click on the push push butt button on ‘Summa ‘Summariz rize’ e’ Chang Changee rregi egion on to to ‘In ‘Intr tran ansi sit’ t’ Here you will be able to see the quantities of material lying in the Intransit Inventory.

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide

4.0 4. 0 Inven nvento torry Cont Contro rols ls ‘Inventory Control’ means how individual item or a group of items can be tracked when transactions are performed on it. Oracle Inventory is capable of handling four different types of controls on the items that are assigned to an organization. They are: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Revision control Locator Co Control Lot Control Serial Control

The pu The purp rpos osee of ea each ch type type of co cont ntro roll an and d in Or Orac acle le In Inven vento tory ry how you can implement one or two or three or all the four controls on an item shall be discussed below.


Revision C Co ontrol Revision Control is normally adopted for identifying a modified item. Let us take the example of an item, Oracle Application Applicationss. Even though the name Oracle Applications remains the same for all the versions, they are not one and the same. Depending on the version number, the item named Oracle Applicatio Applications ns var varies ies though though the differ differenc encee is margin marginal al in many many cases. Thus, when you want to identify identify the changes made in an item, item, you can place that item under Revision Control. 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1. 2

N  Items  Organization Items Enter Enter the the item item that that you want want to to place place under under Revisi Revision on Contro Controll

4.1.3 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1. 5 4.1.6

Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Chang Changee rregi egion on to to ‘In ‘Inve vent ntor ory’ y’ Check Check the the check check box box ‘Revis ‘Revision ion Contro Control’ l’ Save Hereafter you will not be able to do any transaction with the above item without specifying a valid Revision. Caution: You cannot change revision control when an item has on-hand quantity. If Revision Control is controlled at Master level, the check for on-hand qty is against the sum of on-hand quantities quantities in all child organizations.

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Beginner’s Guide Testing 4.1.7 1.7 4. 4.1. 1.8 8 4.1.9 4.1. 9

Transaction onss  Miscellaneous Transactions Choo Choose se the Type Type as Miscellaneous Receipt  Click Click on the push push button button ‘Trans ‘Transact action ion Line Lines’ s’

4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12 4.1. 12 4.1.1 4.1.13 3 4.1.14 4.1. 14 4.1.15 4.1. 15 4. 4.1. 1.16 16

Choose the item item selected selected in in step 4.1.2 Do not choose choose a value in the field field named ‘Rev’ Choose Choose the Subin Subinven ventor tory y Ente Enterr Qt Qty y Choose Choose the Account Account Option Optionall ally y choos choosee a Reason Sa Save ve You will see that the system does not permit you to save it, as you have not provided a valid revision in step 4.1.11. Now, chose a revision in the field ‘Rev’ and save. You will see that the transaction is effected.

When you want a ne When new w re revis visio ion n for a part particu icular lar item item that that should be defined as given in step 1.17


Locator Control Locator Control is adopted to find out where exactly the item is lying in a store. Normally Locator Control is adopted for items smaller in size. The locators are defined as Row, Rack Bin. You can customize your Item Locator key flexfield to suit your exact requirement.

Pre-specified Locator Control 4.2.1 4.2.1

4.2.2 4.2. 2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2. 4 4.2.5 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.6 4.2.7 2.7 4.2.8

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In the the organ organiz izat atio ion n defin definit itio ion n (I (Inve nvent ntor ory y Pa Para rame mete ters rs re regi gion) on),, ensure that you selected the option  Determined at Subinventory  Level  for the field named ‘Locator Control’ In the subinv subinvent entory ory defin definiti ition, on, ensure ensure that that you selec selected ted the the value  Item Level  for the field named ‘Locator Control’ N  Items  Organization Items Enter Enter the the item item that that you want want o plac placee under under Locato Locatorr Contro Controll Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Chang Changee rregi egion on to to ‘In ‘Inve vent ntor ory’ y’ Cho hoo ose a value Prespecified  in the field named ‘Locator Control’ Save

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Defining Locators for a Subinventory 4.2.9 N  Setup  Organization  Subinventories 4.2.10 F11, Enter Enter the Subinve Subinventory ntory name, name, Ct Ctrl rl + F11 F11 4.2.11 Click 4.2.11 Click o the pus push h button button ‘Open’ ‘Open’ 4.2.12 Click o the push button button ‘Locator ‘Locators’ s’ 4.2.13 By keeping keeping the cursor in the first first item, item, define the locators locators for it in the lower block named ‘Locators for this Item Subinventory’ 4.2.14 4.2. 14 Move cursor cursor to the next item item in the upper upper block and repeat repeat the above step. 4. 4.2. 2.15 15 Sa Save ve Now, you cannot do transactions with the above item without choosing a valid locator.

Testing 4.2.1 4.2.16 6 4.2.17 4.2. 17 4.2.18 4.2.19 4.2.20 4.2.21 4.2.22 4.2. 22 4.2.2 4.2.23 3 4.2.24 4.2. 24 4.2.25 4.2. 25 4. 4.2. 2.26 26

Tr Tran ansa sact ctio ions ns  Miscellaneous Transactions Choose Choose the Type Type as Miscellaneous Receipt  Click on on the push push button button ‘Transacti ‘Transaction on Lines’ Lines’ Choose the item item selected selected in in step 4.2.4 Choose a value value in the the field field named named ‘Rev’ ‘Rev’ Do not choose choose a value for for the field field named named ‘Locator’ ‘Locator’ Choose Choose the Subin Subinven ventor tory y Ente Enterr Qt Qty y Choose Choose the Account Account Option Optionall ally y choos choosee a Reason Sa Save ve You will see that the system does not permit you to save it, as you have not provided a valid Locator in step 4.2.21. Now, chose a Locator in the field ‘Locator’ and save. You will see that the transaction is effected.

Dynamic Entry Locator Control 4.2.2 4.2.27 7 In the the organ organiz izat atio ion n defin definit itio ion n (I (Inve nvent ntor ory y Pa Para rame mete ters rs re regi gion) on),, ensure that you selected the option  Determined at Subinventory  Level  for the field named ‘Locator Control’ 4.2.28 4.2. 28 In the subinv subinvent entory ory definit definition ion,, ens ensure ure that you select selected ed the value  Item Level  for the field named ‘Locator Control’ 4.2.29 N  Items  Organization Items 4.2.30 Enter the the item that that you want o place under under Locator Locator Control Control 4.2.31 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’

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Beginner’s Guide 4.2.32 Change region region tto o ‘Invent ‘Inventory’ ory’ 4. 4.2. 2.33 33 Choo Choose se a va valu luee   Dynamic Dynamic Entry Entry in th thee fi fiel eld d named named ‘L ‘Loc ocat ator  or  Control’ 4. 4.2. 2.34 34 Sa Save ve 4.2.35 Do the Testing Testing as mentione mentioned d in step 4.2.16 4.2.16 to 4.2.26 4.2.26


Lot Control Lot Control is adopted to identify a group of items. If you are a Textile Manufacturer, the cotton that you receive may be placed under lot control. Each truckload of cotton may be treated as one lot. 4.3.1 4.3. 1

Ensure Ensure the follo followin wing g values values for Lot Contr Control ol fields fields (Revi (Revisio sion, n, Lot, Serial region) in your organization definition. Uniquen Uni quenes esss : Acr Across oss Ite tem ms Generation : At Item Level Prefix : Enter an alphanumeric character as prefix Total Tot al Len Length gth : Enter Enter a value value of 4 if you you want want to genera generate te three-digit lot number. (The extra 1 is for the prefix)

4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3. 3 4.3.4 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.5 4. 4.3. 3.6 6 4.3.7 4.3. 7

N  Items  Organization Items Enter Enter the the item item that that you you want want to plac placee under under Lot Lot Contro Controll Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Chang Changee rregi egion on to to ‘In ‘Inve vent ntor ory’ y’ Choo Choose se a val value ue of Full Control for the field named Lot Control Enter Enter a Starti Starting ng Lot Prefi Prefix x (an alphan alphanume umeric ric chara characte cter) r)

4.3.8 4. 4.3.8 3.9

Ente En Star arti ting ng Lot Lot Num Number  ber  Savter er a St

Testing 4.3.1 4.3.10 0 4.3.11 4.3. 11 4.3.12 4.3.13 4.3.14 4.3.15 4.3.16 4.3. 16 4.3.1 4.3.17 7 4.3.18 4.3. 18 4.3.19 4.3. 19

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Tr Tran ansa sact ctio ions ns  Miscellaneous Transactions Choose Choose the Type Type as Miscellaneous Receipt  Click on on the push push button button ‘Transacti ‘Transaction on Lines’ Lines’ Choose the item item selected selected in in step 4.3.3 Choose a value value in the the field field named named ‘Rev’ ‘Rev’ Choose a value for for the field field named named ‘Locator ‘Locator’’ Choose Choose the Subin Subinven ventor tory y Ente Enterr Qt Qty y Choose Choose the Account Account Option Optionall ally y choos choosee a Reason

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide 4. 4.3. 3.20 20 Sa Save ve You will see that the system does not allow you to save the transaction as you have not selected a valid lot number for the qty received.

4.3.21 Click on the push button button ‘Lot/Seri ‘Lot/Serial’ al’ 4.3.22 Click on the the push push button button ‘Generat ‘Generate’ e’ You will fin a new lot number appears in the field named Lot  4.3.23 4.3. 23 Enter Enter a partia partiall qty of the total total rec receiv eived ed qty, in the fi field eld named named ‘Quantity’. 4.3.24 4.3. 24 Move curs cursor or to th thee next field field 4.3.25 Click on the the push push button button ‘Generat ‘Generate’ e’ 4.3.26 Enter the the remaining remaining qty in in the ‘Quantit ‘Quantity’ y’ field field 4.3.27 When finishe finished d click click on the push push button button ‘Done’ ‘Done’ Note: It is definitely not necessary to do steps 4.3.24 to 4.3.26, if you wish to give the same lot number for all the received qty. In that case, you have to enter all the received qty in step 4.3.23.


Serial C Co ontrol Serial Number Control is adopted when you want to track individual  pieces of an item. This is generally used for costly items. 4.4.1 4.4.1

Ensu Ensure re the the foll follow owin ing g value valuess fo forr Se Seri rial al Cont Contro roll fi fiel elds ds (Revi (Revisi sion on,, Lot, Serial region) in your organization definition. Uniqueness : Within Inventory Items Generation : At Item Level  Prefix : Enter an alphanumeric character as prefix Starting Serial Number : Enter a number 

4.4.7 4.4. 7

N  Items  Organization Items Enter Enter the the item item that that you want want to to place place under under Serial Serial Cont Control rol Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Chang Changee rregi egion on to to ‘In ‘Inve vent ntor ory’ y’ Choose a value of    Predefined  fo forr th thee fi fiel eld d na name med d Seri Serial al Generation Enter Enter a Startin Starting g Serial Serial Prefi Prefix x (an alphanum alphanumeri ericc characte character) r)

4.4.8 4.4.8 4.4.9

Ente Enterr a Sta Start rtin ing g Seri Serial al Num Numbe ber  r  Save

4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4. 3 4.4.4 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.5 4.4.6

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Beginner’s Guide Generating Serial Numbers 4.4.10 N  On-hand Availability  Generate Serial Numbers 4.4.11 Chose the the following following parameter parameterss for the report report Item Quantity 4.4.1 4.4.12 2 4.4.13 4. 4.4. 4.14 14 4.4.15

: Chose the item selected in 4.4.3 : Ent Enter the the tot total num number of se serial num numbers you want to generate this time.

Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  Click on the the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit’’ Hel Help  View My Request Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ See that the server processed your request 

Testing 4.4.1 4.4.16 6 4.4.17 4.4. 17 4.4.18 4.4.19 4.4.20 4.4. 20 4.4.21 4.4. 21 4.4.22 4.4.22 4.4.2 4.4.23 3 4.4.24 4.4. 24 4.4.25 4.4. 25 4. 4.4. 4.26 26

Tr Tran ansa sact ions nsType Transactions Choose Choo sectio the TypeMiscellaneous as Miscellaneous Receipt  Click on on the push push button button ‘Transacti ‘Transaction on Lines’ Lines’ Choose the item item selected selected in in step 4.4.3 Choose Choose a value value in the field field named ‘Rev’ ‘Rev’ (assume (assumess that the same item is under Revision control also) Choose Choose a value value for the field field named named ‘Locat ‘Locator’ or’ (assum (assumes es that the same item is under Locator control also) Choose Choose the Subin Subinven ventor tory y Ente Enterr Qt Qty y Choose Choose the Account Account Option Optionall ally y choos choosee a Reason Sa Save ve You will see that the system does not allow you to save the transaction as you have not selected a valid lot number and a valid serial number for the qty received.

4.4.27 Click on the push button button ‘Lot/Seri ‘Lot/Serial’ al’

4.4.28 4.4.2 4.4.29 9 4.4.30 4.4.31 4.4.32 4.4.33

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If the item is under lot control also, then Click on the the push push button button ‘Generat ‘Generate’ e’ Ente Enterr a Qt Qty y Click on the the push push button button ‘Serial ‘Serial’’ Choose the radio button button ‘Range’ ‘Range’ The Qty field field will display display the the total qty you you are receiving receiving Choose the last last number number that is to be assigned assigned to the last last item of the the received qty.

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Beginner’s Guide Suppose you are receiving 100 items, you must ensure that 100 or more serial numbers are generated before trying to receive the item. 4. 4.4. 4.34 34 Sa Save ve

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Beginner’s Guide 5.0

Inventory Pl Planning 5.2

Min-Max P Pllanning Min-Max planning is generally adopted for items, which are regularly  purchased. Say, for example, let us consider the purchase of bearings, v belts etc. The consumption of these types of items will be more or less same every month. So, you can fix a minimum and maximum stock level for these items considering the consumption level. Once an item Once item is plac placed ed unde underr MinMin-Ma Max x Pl Plan anni ning ng,, you you ca can n make make arrangement to create purchase requisitions automatically when the item’s on-hand qty falls below the minimum level fixed for the it. You can do the Min-Max planning for Buy items as well as Make items. If  a Buy item is placed under Min-Max Planning, you can do the planning to generate purchase Subinventory Level.requisitions at two levels, viz Organization Level and If a Make item is placed under un der Min-Max Planning, the system creates WIP Discrete Jobs instead of purchase requisitions. Min-Max Planning for a make item can be done only at Organization Level

5.2.1 Organ Organizati ization on Lev Level el MinMin-Max Max Pl Plannin anning g for Buy IItems tems 5.2.1 .1 N  Items  Organization Items 5.2. 1.2 Enter Enter the item that you want want to place place under under organi organizat zation ion Level Min-Max Planning Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ Change region region to ‘General Planning’ Planning’  Buy as value for the field named ‘Make or Buy’ 5.2. 1.5 Choose Choose Buy 5.2. 1.6 Choose Choose Supplier  as va valu luee fo forr th thee fi fiel eld d na name med d ‘S ‘Sou ourc rcee Type’ 5.2.1 5.2 .1.7 .7 Choo Choose se the the   Min-Max Planning  as va valu luee fo forr th thee fi fiel eld d named ‘Inventory Planning Method’ Enter a Minimum Minimum Qty Enter a Maximum Maximum Qty Enter the Minimum Order Qty Enter the Maximum Order Qty optionally enter the Fixed Lot Multiplier Save

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Create Purchase Requisition Automatically Ensure that the on-hand qty of the item is well below the MinMax minimum qty. Help  View My Request Click on the push button ‘Find’ Click on the push button ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the report ‘Min-Max Planning Report’ Select the following parameters for the report Planning Level : Organization Item Selection : Items under minimum quantity Item Itemss From From : Choo Choose se yo your ur it item em To : Choose the same item Restock : Yes Include PO Supply : No Incl Includ udee WIP WIP Supp Supply ly : No No Include Interface Supply : No Click on OK Click on the push button ‘Submit’ Click on No Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then your request is  processed by the server. Click on the push button ‘View Output’ Click on the push button ‘Next You must see that all the relevant data have come there. Note: When Whe n you you ru run n the ‘Min ‘Min-Ma -Max x Plann Planning ing Repo Report’ rt’,, the the data data required to generate a purchase requisition are transferred to the Inter Interfac facee Table Tables. s. These These data data wi will ll be conve converte rted d into into a purchase requisition only when you do ‘Requisition ‘ Requisition Import’ from Oracle Purchasing.

Requisition Import from Oracle Purchasing Caution:  Before doing the Requisition Import from Purchasing, you must  ensure the following. You have been defined as an Employee Your Employee name is attached to your User name You have bee defined as a Buyer 

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Oracle Inventory

Beginner’s Guide Switch Responsibility to ‘Purchasing’ Help  View My Request Click o the push button ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the report ‘Requisition Import’ Select the following parameters for the report Import Source : INV  Group By : Item Click on OK Click on the push button ‘Submit’ Click on No Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then the server   process your request. Click on the push button ‘View Output’ You must see the message requisition created.

Finding the Number of the Created Requisition N  Requisition  Requisition Summary Enter the item Click on the push button ‘Find’ In the the wi windo ndow w that that appea appears rs,, you you ca can n fi find nd ou outt th thee re requ quis isit itio ion n number.

5.2.2 Subin Subinvent ventory ory Lev Level el MinMin-Max Max Pl Planni anning ng for Bu Buy y Item Itemss 5.2.2 .1 N  Setup  Organizations  Subinventories F11, Enter the subinventory name, Ctrl + F11 Click on the push button ‘Item/Subinventory’ ‘Item/Subinventory’ Click Click on that particula particularr line whose item you want to place under Min-Max Planning Check the check box ‘Min-Max ‘Min-Max Planning’ Planning’ Enter a Minimum Minimum Qty Enter a Maximum Maximum Qty Enter the the Minimum Minimum Order Qty Enter the the Maximum Order Order Qty Optionally enter the Fixed Lot Multiplier Choose Item Sourcing as Supplier Save

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Beginner’s Guide Create Purchase Requisition Automatically Ensure Ensu re that that the on-h on-han and d qty of the the item item in the abov abovee Subinventory is well below the Min-Max minimum qty. Help  View My Request Click on the push button ‘Find’ Click on the push button ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the report ‘Min-Max Planning Report’ Select the following parameters for the report Planning Level : Subinventory Subinventory :C Ch hoose th the Su Subinventory Item Selection : Items under minimum quantity Item Itemss From From : Choo Choose se yo your ur it item em To : Choose the same item Restock : Yes Include PO Supply : No Incl Includ udee WIP WIP Supp Supply ly : No No Include Interface Supply : No Click on OK Click on the push button ‘Submit’ Click on No Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then your request is  processed by the server. Click on the push button ‘View Output’ Click on the push button ‘Next You must see that all the relevant data have come there. Note: When you run the ‘Min-M ‘Min-Max ax Planning Planning Report’ Report’,, the data data required to generate a purchase requisition are transferred to the Inter Interfac facee Table Tables. s. These These data data wi will ll be conve converte rted d into into a purchase requisition only when you do ‘Requisition Import’ from Oracle Purchasing.

Requisition Import from Oracle Purchasing Caution:  Before doing the Requisition Import from Purchasing, you must  ensure the following. You have been defined as an Employee

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Beginner’s Guide Your Employee name is attached to your User name You have bee defined as a Buyer Switch Responsibility to ‘Purchasing’ Help  View My Request Click o the push button ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the report ‘Requisition Import’ Select the following parameters for the report Import Source : INV  Group By : Item Click on OK Click on the push button ‘Submit’ Click on No Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then the server   process your request. Click on the push button ‘View Output’ You must see the message requisition created.

Finding the Number of the Created Requisition N  Requisition  Requisition Summary Enter the item Click on the push button ‘Find’ In the the wi windo ndow w that that appea appears rs,, you you ca can n fi find nd ou outt th thee re requ quis isit itio ion n number.

5.2. 5.2.3 3 Or Orga gani niza zati tion on Le Leve vell Mi Minn-Ma Max x Pla lann nnin ing g for for Ma Make ke Items 5.2.3 .1 N  Items  Organization Items 5.2. 3.2 Enter Enter the item that you want want to place place under under organi organizat zation ion Level Min-Max Planning Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ Change region region to ‘General Planning’ Planning’ 5.2. 3.5 Choose Choose Make as value for the field named ‘Make or Buy’ 5.2.3 5.2 .3.6 .6 Choo Choose se the the   Min-Max Planning  as va valu luee fo forr th thee fi fiel eld d named ‘Inventory Planning Method’ Enter a Minimum Minimum Qty Enter a Maximum Maximum Qty Enter the the Minimum Minimum Order Qty the Maximum Order Qty

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Beginner’s Guide Optionally enter the Fixed Lot Multiplier Save N  Items  Master items F11, Enter the Item Name, Ctrl + F11 Change region to ‘Purchasing’ Uncheck the check box named ‘Purchasable’ Save

Create Discrete Job Automatically Ensure that the on-hand qty of the item is well below the MinMax minimum qty. Help  View My Request Click on the push button ‘Find’ Click on the push button ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the report ‘Min-Max Planning Report’ Select the following parameters for the report Planning Level : Organization Item Selection : Items under minimum quantity Item Itemss From From : Choo Choose se yo your ur it item em To : Choose the same item Restock : Yes For Re Repetitive Item : Create discrete job Include PO Supply : No Incl Includ udee WIP WIP Supp Supply ly : No No Include Interface Supply : No Click on OK Click Click on on the No push button ‘Submit’ Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then your request is  processed by the server. Click on the push button ‘View Output’ You will get the number of the Discrete Job created from this window.

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Beginner’s Guide 5.2

Reorder P Po oint P Pllanning A complete Reorder Point planning involves the following steps.

5.2.1 Set the Requ Required ired Item Attr Attribut ibutes es 5.2. 1.1 Set the follow following ing item item attri attribut butes es at organi organizat zation ion level level as follows. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

N  Items  Organization Items Enter Enter the the item item Click on the push button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Change region region to ‘General ‘General Planning’ Planning’ ‘Invent ‘Inventory ory planni planning ng Method’ Method’ : Reorder point  Make or Buy : Buy O Orrder Cost : Enter a value

((h i)) (j) (k) (k) (l)

C g yCpoest Percent So SoaurrrycienT Safety Safety Stock Stock Method Method Saf afet ety y St Stock ock Buc Bucke kett Day Dayss Safety Stock Percent

Enter a value :: Supplier  : Non-MRP Planned  : Ent Enter er a val value ue : Enter a value

5. 5.2. 2.2 2 De Defi fine ne a F For orec ecas astt 5.2.2 .1 N  Planning  Forecasts  Sets Enter a ‘Forecast ‘Forecast Set’ Set’ name Optionally Optionally enter enter a descripti description on Choose a ‘Bucket ‘Bucket Type’ Type’ (Days) Choose a ‘Level’ ‘Level’ (Item) Click Click on the the Lines Enter a ‘Forecas ‘Forecast’ t’ name Optionally Optionally enter enter a descripti description on Move cursor cursor to the next line line Enter the second ‘Forecast’ name Optionally enter a description for the second Forecast Repeat till all the Forecast names are entered Click on the first Forecast name Click on the push button ‘Forecast Items’ Choose the item Move cursor to the next line Choose the second item and so on Click on the push button ‘Details’

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Beginner’s Guide Choose the Bucket Type (Days) Choose the starting date of your demand in the field named (From) Date Choose the last date of your demand in the field named ‘End Date’ Enter your demand in the field named (Current) Quantity The Quantity you enter here is the requirement per bucket. Say, for example, if your Bucket Type is selected Days selected Days and you entered a qty of 70 means that your demand for the item is 70 per day. If the selecte selected d Bucke Buckett Type Type is Weeks an and d if yo you u entered a Qty of 70, means that your demand for the item is 70 per week or 10 per day. Optionally enter a ‘Confidence Percent’ The ‘Confidence Percent’ represent the accuracy of Forecast. If you entered a Qty of 100 and a confidence Percent of 90, the actual demand will be considered as 100 – (100 x 90/100) = 90. Close the window Click on the second line and repeat steps to Close the Details window Close the Forecast Items window. Click on the second Forecast name Repeat steps to Save Note: Onee ‘For On ‘Forec ecas astt Se Set’ t’ ca can n co cont ntai ain n mult multip iple le ‘F ‘For orec ecas asts ts’, ’, A Forecast can be used to define the demand for specific period of a year or to define the demand for a particular region of  sales.

5.2.3 5.2 .3 Def Define ine o orr Gen Genera erate te Saf Safety ety S Stoc tock  k  Define a safety Stock Manually N  Planning  Safety stocks Click Click on the push button button ‘New’ Choose the item item

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Beginner’s Guide Enter an an Effective Effective date Enter the Qty that you want as Safety Stock 5.2. 3.6 Save Save

Generate Safety Stock as a Percentage of Forecast Demand 5.2.3 .1 N Planning  Safety Stock F11, Enter the item you entered entered in step, Ctrl + F11 Click Click on the push button button ‘Open’ 5.2. 3.4 Specia Speciall  Reload Choose/Enter the following following report parameters Selection Item Method Forecast

: Specific inventory item : Choose the item : User-defined percent  : Cho Choose t he he F or orecast ( Yo You s ho hould

choose Forecast Forecasta set name name and not a Safety Stock%: Enter a value Click Click on OK Click Click on the pus button ‘Submit’ ‘Submit’ 5.2. 3.8 Help Help  View My request Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ Click on ‘Refresh’ till your request is processed by the Server.

Viewing the Generated Safety Stock N  Planning  Safety Stock F11, Enter the item name, Ctrl + F11 Click on the push button ‘Open’ You will see that the system has assigned a new value for the field ‘Quantity’. Also you can see that a value of 0 is assigned for the field named ‘Quantity’ from the day on which there exists no demand for the item as per the Forecast selected for the ‘Reorder Point Report’ parameter. Note: For doing the ROP Planning, you need to generate a Safety Stock using any one theanother methods described above. Do not use both methods one of after

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Beginner’s Guide 5.2.4

Run the Reorder the Reorder Point Report  Ensure that the on-hand qty of the item is well below the Safety Stock qty. Help Help  View My Request Click on the push button ‘Submit ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the the report named ‘Reorder point planning’ Choose/Enter the following parameters parameters for the report Item Selection Sort By Range From To Demand Cutoff Cutoff Date Date Suppl Supply y Cuto Cutoff ff Da Date te Create Req Requisitions Forecast

: : Inventory item : Full Listing  : Enter your item : enter the same item selected above : Choose Choose the the current current date : Enter Enter today today’s ’s date date or a date ahea ahead d of today’s date : Yes : Choose a Forecast name Click Click on OK Click Click on the push button ‘Submit’ ‘Submit’ 5.2. 4.7 Click Click on No Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ Click Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ ‘Refresh’ ti till ll then your request is  processed by the Server. Click on the push button ‘View Output’

Click on the push button ‘Next’

You must see that all the relevant data are available here.

5.2.5 5.2 .5 Do Re Requi quisit sition ion IImp mport ort ffrom rom P Purc urchas hasing ing Caution:  Before doing the Requisition Import from Purchasing, you must  ensure the following. You have been defined as an Employee Your Employee name is attached to your User name You have bee defined as a Buyer Switch Responsibility to ‘Purchasing’ 5.2. 5.2 Help Help  View My request

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Beginner’s Guide Click on the push button ‘Submit ‘Submit a New Request’ Choose the the report named Requisition named Requisition Import Choose the following following parameters for the report Import Source

: INV 

Group By

: Item Click Click on OK Click Click on the push button ‘Submit’ ‘Submit’ 5.2. 5.8 Click Click on No Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ Click on the push button ‘Refresh’ till then your request is  processed by the Server  5.2

Click on the push bu buttton ‘View Output’

You must get the message ‘requisition created’

5.2.6 Find out the Requisition Number Requisition Summary window.


the 5.2.6 .1 N  Requisition  Requisition Summary Enter the item item Click Click on the push button button ‘Find’ In the the wi windo ndow w that that appea appears rs,, you you ca can n fi find nd ou outt th thee re requ quis isit itio ion n number.

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Beginner’s Guide 5.3

Replenishment The Replenishment is normally used to replenish Expense Subinventories. You can use this this featur featuree to replen replenish ish Asset Asset Subinv Subinvent entori ories es also. also. The Expense item, while assigning them to an expense subinventory can be  placed under Min-Max  placed Min-Max Panning as usual. In the example give below, it is assumed that the item is not under Min-Max Planning. 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3. 3 5. 5.3. 3.4 4 5.3.5 5.3.5 5. 5.3. 3.6 6 5. 5.3. 3.7 7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.3. 10 5.3.11

N  Counting  Replenishment Counts  Counts Cl Clic ick k on the the push push bu butt tton on ‘Ne ‘New’ w’ Enter Enter a name name for the Replen Replenish ishmen mentt Count Count Choo Choose se the the Subi Subinv nven ento tory ry Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Li ‘Line nes’ s’ Choo Choose se the item item Choo Choose se the the Coun Countt Typ Typee as Order Quantity Enter a Qty Save Close Close the the Lines Lines windo window w Click on on the push push button button ‘Process ‘Process and and Report’ Report’

5. 5.3. 3.12 12 Hel Help  View My Request 5.3.13 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ 5. 5.3. 3.14 14 Clic Click k on the the pu push sh bu butt tton on ‘Ref ‘Refre resh sh’’ ti till ll th then en your your re requ ques estt is  processed by the Server 

Do Requisition Import from Purchasing Caution:  Before doing the Requisition Import from Purchasing, you must  ensure the following. You have been defined as an Employee Your Employee name is attached to your User name You have bee defined as a Buyer 

5.3.15 5. 5.3. 3.16 16 5.3.17 5.3.18 5.3. 18 5.3.19

Switch Switch Responsibil Responsibility ity to ‘Purchasin ‘Purchasing’ g’ Hel Help  View My request Click on on the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit a New Request’ Request’ Choose Choose the the report report named named Requisition  Requisition Import  Choose the the following following paramete parameters rs for the the report Import Source Group By

5.3.2 5.3.20 0 Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK 

: INV  : Item

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Beginner’s Guide 5.3.21 Click on the the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit’’ 5.3.2 5.3.22 2 Cl Clic ick k on on No No 5.3.23 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ 5. 5.3. 3.24 24 Clic Click k on the the pu push sh bu butt tton on ‘Ref ‘Refre resh sh’’ ti till ll th then en your your re requ ques estt is  processed by the Server  5.3.25 Click on the push button button ‘View Output’ Output’ You must get the message ‘requisition created’

Find out the Find the Req Requis uisiti ition on Nu Numbe mberr from from the the Req Requis uisiti ition on Summary window. 5.3.26 N  Requisition  Requisition Summary 5.3.2 5.3.27 7 Ente Enterr the ite item m 5.3.28 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ In the the wi windo ndow w that that appea appears rs,, you you ca can n fi find nd ou outt th thee re requ quis isit itio ion n number. Note: In step 5.3.7, you can choose the options, Order Maximum or On-hand  quantity provided that the item is placed under Min-Max Planning at Subinventory Level. If  Order Maximum is selected as the option, you need not to enter a Qty at all. The system will generate a purchase requisition for the Min-Max maximum qty. On the other hand, if the option selected is On-hand Quantity, then the Qty you enter will be compared with the Min-Max minimum qty and if the entered qty is less than the Min-Max Min-Max minimum qty, then a purchase purchase requisition will be generated for a qty of Min-Max maximum qty. You can use You use the Reple Replenis nishm hmen entt Count Count to re reple plenis nish h an as asset set item item assigned to an Asset Subinventory also if required.

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Beginner’s Guide 5.4

Kanban 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.2 5. 5.4. 4.3 3 5. 5.4. 4.4 4 5.4.5 5.4. 5 5. 5.4. 4.6 6 5. 5.4. 4.7 7 5. 5.4. 4.8 8 5. 5.4. 4.9 9 5.4.10 5.4.11 5.4. 11 5.4.12 5.4. 12 5. 5.4. 4.13 13

N  Kanban  Pull Sequences Cl Clic ick k on the the push push bu butt tton on ‘Ne ‘New’ w’ Choo Choose se the item item Choo Choose se the the Subi Subinv nven ento tory ry Choose Choose a locat locator or if the item item is is under under Locat Locator or Contr Control ol Choo Choose se the Stat Status us Active  Active Choo Choose se a Car Card d Sta Statu tuss New Choo Choose se the the Sou Sourc rcee Type Type as as Supplier  Choo Choose se a Sup Suppl plie ierr Nam Namee Tab to the field field named named ‘Kanban Size’ Size’ and enter enter the the Kanban size size Enter Enter he Numb Number er of Cards Cards Enter Enter the the Min Min Order Order Qty Qty Sa Save ve

5.4.14 lick on the the push push button button ‘Cards’ ‘Cards’ 5.4.15 5.4. 15 Enter Enter a Card Card Numbe Number  r  5.4.16 Click on the push button button ‘Replenish’ ‘Replenish’ See that the Card Status is changed to Empty to Empty

Do Requisition Import from Purchasing Caution:  Before doing the Requisition Import from Purchasing, you must  ensure the following. You have been defined as an Employee Your Employee name is attached to your User name You have bee defined as a Buyer 

5.4.17 5. 5.4. 4.18 18 5.3.17 5.3.18 5.3. 18 5.3.19

witch Respons Responsibil ibility ity to to ‘Purchasin ‘Purchasing’ g’ Hel Help  View My request Click on on the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit a New Request’ Request’ Choose Choose the the report report named named Requisition  Requisition Import  Choose the the following following paramete parameters rs for the the report Import Source Group By

5.3.2 5.3.20 0 5.3.21 5.3.2 5.3.22 2 5.3.23

Cl Clic ick k on on Click on Cl Clic ick k on on Click on

OK  OK  the the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit’’ No No the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’

: INV  : Item

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Beginner’s Guide 5. 5.3. 3.24 24 Clic Click k on the the pu push sh bu butt tton on ‘Ref ‘Refre resh sh’’ ti till ll th then en your your re requ ques estt is  processed by the Server  5.3.26 Click on the push button button ‘View Output’ Output’ You must get the message ‘requisition created’

Find out the Find the Req Requis uisiti ition on Nu Numbe mberr from from the the Req Requis uisiti ition on Summary window. 5.3.26 N  Requisition  Requisition Summary 5.3.2 5.3.27 7 Ente Enterr the ite item m 5.3.28 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ In the the wi windo ndow w that that appea appears rs,, you you ca can n fi find nd ou outt th thee re requ quis isit itio ion n number.

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Beginner’s Guide 6.0

Accuracy In an any y orga organi niza zati tion, on, du duee to mi miss ssin ing g tr tran ansa sact ctio ions ns or in inac accu cura rate te en entr trie iess of  transactions, there will be every possibility for differences in the system on-hand quantities and the actual quantities lying in the Subinventory. In order to correct the differences, people physically count the items and correct the system on-hand quantities periodically. This we generally call as Stock Taking. Oracle Inventory is capable of managing the Stock Taking in two ways. The two ways are (1) Cycle Counting and (2) Physical Inventory (1) Cycle Counting

Instead of counting all the items simultaneously, you can plan and count only a few items every day or every week. For doing Cycle Counting of an item, you must set the item attribute  Enabl  Enablee Cycle Counting to Counting  to Yes. Normally high value items are placed under Cycle Counting. For planning planning the number of times times an item to be counted per year, you can use an ABC compile. (2) Physical Inventory

In Physical Inventory you will have to count all the items. This is equal to the Half Yearly or Annual Stock Taking of an organization.


ABC Analysis A complete ABC Analysis includes the following    

Define a ABC Compile Define ABC Classes Define ABC Assignment Group and Assign Classes to it Assign Items to Various Classes

Define an ABC Compile An ABC Compile is nothing but sorting the items based on a specific criterion. 6.1.1

ABC Codes  ABC Compiles

6.1.2 6. 1.2 6. 6.1. 1.3 3 6.1.4 6.1.4

Ente En rse a name nam e nten ffor or the th e Com Cope’ ompi le Choo Chter oose a ‘Co ‘Cont ent t Scop Sc e’pile (Organization) Choos Choosee a ‘V ‘Val alua uati tion on Sc Scope ope’’ (Organization)

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Beginner’s Guide 6.1.6 6.1.6

Choose Choose a Criter Criterion ion in the the ‘Compi ‘Compile le Specif Specifica icati tion’ on’ block. block. (Current  on-hand value) Cl Clic ick k on the the push push butto button n ‘Comp ‘Compil ile’ e’


Help  View My Request

6.1.5 6.1. 5

6.1.8 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1. 9

Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Click Click on the pus push h button button ‘Refres ‘Refresh’ h’ till till then the serve serverr process process your  your  request. 6.1.10 Click on the push button button ‘View Output’ Output’ In this window, you can see the result of the ABC Compile

Content Scope: The Content Scope specifies list of items to be considered in the ABC  Compi Com pile. le. If a va value lue of ‘organ ‘organiza izatio tion’ n’ is selec selected ted here, here, all all the items assig ass igned ned to the curre current nt organ organiza izatio tion n will will be inclu include ded d in the ABC  Compi Com pile. le. If a va value lue of ‘Subin ‘Subinve vento ntory’ ry’ is select selected ed,, then then yo you u have have to  specify a Subinventory. In this case, the items assigned to the selected   Subinventory only will be included in the ABC Compile. Valuation Scope The Valuation Scope specifies, in which all areas the system should   search for the items selected as per the ‘Content Scope Scope’. ’. For example, if    Subinve Subinventor ntoryy is selecte selected d as the Content Content Scope and Organiza Organization tion is   ssel elec ecte ted d as the the Valu Valuat atio ion n Sc Scop ope, e, then then the the sy syst stem em will will se sear arch ch all  all   subinventories of the current organization for finding the items assigned  to the Subinventory selected in the Content Scope. Compile Criteria that You can Use 1. Current on-hand quantity 2. Current on-hand value 3. Historical usage value 4. Historical usage quantity 5. Historical number of transactions 6. Forecasted usage value 7. Forecasted usage quantity 8. Previous cycle count adjustment quantity 9. Previous cycle count adjustment value 10. MRP demand usage quantity 11. MRP demand usage value

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Beginner’s Guide Define ABC Classes 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1. 12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1. 14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.1.17 6. 6.1. 1.18 18

N  ABC Codes  ABC Classes Enter Enter a Class Class name name Optionally Optionally enter enter descripti description on for the above above class Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line Enter the name name of the second second Class Optionally Optionally enter enter a descripti description on for the second second Class Class Repeat steps steps 6.1.14 to 61.1.16 61.1.16 till till all the Class Class names are entered entered Sa Save ve

Note: You can enter any number of classes. Need not to limit to only three classes named A, B and C.

Define ABC Assignment Group and Assign Classes to it 6.1.19 N  ABC Codes  ABC Assignment Groups 6.1.20 6.1. 20 Enter Enter a Group Group Name Name 6.1.2 6.1.21 1 Choos Choosee an ABC ABC Comp Compil ilee na name me in th thee fi fiel eld d na name med d ‘Com ‘Compi pile le  Name’ 6.1.22 6.1.23 6.1.24 6.1.25 6.1.26 6. 6.1. 1.27 27

Click on on the push push button button ‘Group Classes’ Classes’ Choose a ‘‘Prior Priority’ ity’ (say 1) Choose an ABC ABC Class Class name in the the field named named ‘Class ‘Class Name’ Move cursor cursor to the next next line and repeat repeat steps steps 6.1.23 6.1.23 and 6.1.24 Repeat till till all the the classes classes are assigned assigned to to the Group Sa Save ve

Assign Items to Various Classes 6.1.28 Close the the ‘Group Classe Classes’ s’ window window opened opened in step 6.1.22 6.1.22 6.1.29 Click on on the push push button button ‘Assign ‘Assign Items’ Items’ All the Classes belong to the Group defaults 6.1.30 Enter a value value in the the field field named named ‘Seq’ ‘Seq’ Suppose you entered a value of 100 in the above step, means that  the first 100 items listed in the ABC Compile is assigned to the A Class. Refer step 6.1.10. 6.1.31 6.1. 31 Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line 6.1.32 Enter a value value for the field field named named ‘Seq’ ‘Seq’ Suppose you entered a value of 200 in the above step, means that  the items from 101 to 200 listed in the ABC Compile is assigned to the B Class.

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Beginner’s Guide 6.1.33 Repeat steps steps 6.1.31 and and 6.1.32 till all all the items items are assigned. assigned. 6. 6.1. 1.34 34 Sa Save ve

6.2 6.2

Cy Cycl clee C Cou ount ntin ing gU Ussing ing A ABC BC Co Comp mpil ilee 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2. 3 6.2.4 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2. 8 6.2.9 6.2. 9 6.2.10 6.2.11

N  Counting  Cycle Counting  Cycle Counts Ente Enterr a name name ffor or the the Cycl Cyclee Count Count Option Optionall ally y ente enterr a descri descripti ption on for the the Cycle Cycle C Coun ountt Choos Choosee a Work Workday day Cale Calend ndar  ar  Choos Choosee an an Adj Adjus ustm tmen entt Acc Accoun ountt Check Check the the che check ck box box ‘Aut ‘Auto o Sche Schedu dule le’’ Choos Choosee an aut auto o sche schedu dule le fre frequ quen ency cy (day) Check Check the the check check box box ‘Coun ‘Countt Zero Zero Quanti Quantity ty’’ Enter Enter a value value in in the field field named named Starti Starting ng Seq Seq Check the the check check box ‘Unsche ‘Unscheduled duled Entrie Entries’ s’ Check the the check box box ‘Display ‘Display syste system m Qty’

6.2.12 6.2. 12 Change Choose Choose the option opt  All for ‘Count for  ‘Count Subinventories’ 6.2.13 region regio n ion All to ‘Adjustme ‘Adj ustments, nts, ABC’  If out of tolerance as value for the field named ‘Required’ 6. 6.2. 2.14 14 Choo Choose se If in the Approval block  6.2.15 6.2. 15 Enter Enter the the toler toleranc ances es 6.2.16 6.2. 16 Choose Choose the ABC Assignm Assignment ent Group Group as value value for the field named named Group’ in the ABC Initialization block. Refer step 6.1.20 6.2.1 6.2.17 7 Choos Choosee the optio option n  None in the field named ‘Option’ in the above  block.

Entering Count Frequencies 6.2.18 Click on the the push push button button ‘Classes ‘Classes’’ 6.2.19 Choose the first first Class Class name 6.2.20 6.2. 20 Enter Enter the number number of times times you wis wish h to count count the A class class items items in the field named ‘Counts Per Year’ 6.2.21 6.2. 21 Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line 6.2.22 6.2. 22 Choose Choose the the second second Class Class name name 6.2.23 6.2. 23 Enter Enter the number number of times times you wish to count the B class class items items in the field named ‘Counts Per Year’ 6.2.24 Repeat steps steps 6.2.21 to to 6.2.23 till till count frequencie frequenciess are entered entered for  all the items.

Generating and Listing the Count Schedules 6.2.25 6.2.26 6.2.27 6. 6.2. 2.28 28

N  Counting  Cycle Counting  Cycle Counts F11, Enter Enter your your Cycle Cycle Count Name, Name, Ctrl Ctrl + F11 F11 Click on the the push push button button ‘Open’ Spec Specia iall  Perform Full Cycle Count This request is comprised of three reports as follows

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Beginner’s Guide Generate automatic schedule requests Generate cycle count requests Cycle count listing  6.2.29 6.2. 29 Click Click in the field field ‘Parame ‘Parameter ters’ s’ of the first first report report and enter enter the following parameters. All Cycle Counts : No Cycl Cy clee Count Count Name Name : Cho Choos osee your your cy cycl clee count count na name me Include Inclu de Control Control Items : No 6.2.3 6.2.30 0 Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  6.2.31 6.2. 31 Click Click in the field field ‘Param ‘Paramete eters’ rs’ of the second second report report and enter enter the following parameters. All Cycle Counts : No Cycl Cy clee Count Count Name Name : Cho Choos osee your your cy cycl clee count count na name me Include Inclu de Control Control Items : No 6.2.3 6.2.32 2 Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  6.2.33 6.2. 33 Click Click in the field field ‘Param ‘Paramete eters’ rs’ of the third third report report and enter the following parameters. All Cycle Counts : No Cycl Cy clee Count Count Name Name : Cho Choos osee your your cy cycl clee count count na name me Include Inclu de Control Control Items : No 6.2.3 6.2.34 4 Cl Clic ick k on on OK  OK  6.2.35 Click on the the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit’’ 

6. 6.2. 2.36 36 Hel Help onView My Request 6.2.37 Click the the push pus h button butt on ‘Find’ ‘Find’ 6.2.38 Click on the push push button ‘Refresh’ ‘Refresh’ till till then the server server process process your  request. 6.2.39 Click on the the report report name ‘Cycle ‘Cycle Count Listi Listing’ ng’ 6.2.40 Click on the push button button ‘View Output’ Output’ You must see the items scheduled for cycle counting

Entering Count Quantities 6.2.41 N  Counting  Cycle Counting  Cycle Count Entries 6.2.42 6.2. 42 Enter Enter the Cycle Cycle Count Count name name 6.2.43 Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’

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Beginner’s Guide 6.2.44 6.2. 44 Enter Enter the counte counted d quantit quantities ies for all the lis listed ted items items in the field field named ‘Quantity’ 6. 6.2. 2.45 45 Sa Save ve

Approving the Cycle Count Entries N  Counting  Cycle Counting  Approve Counts Enter Enter the Cycle Cycle Count Count name name Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Choose Choose the require required d radio button button (None, Approved, Rejected or   Recount) for each line as appropriate. 6. 6.2. 2.50 50 Sa Save ve 6.2.46 6.2.47 6.2. 47 6.2.48 6.2.49 6.2. 49


Physical IIn nventory A complete Physical Inventory involves the following actions      

   

Define Physical Inventory Take a Snapshot of System On-hand Quantities Generate Physical Inventory Tags Print the Generated Tags Attach the Tags to its respective item Count the actual quantities and enter them in the respective tag. Collect all the Tags Enter the quantities recorded in the Tag in the System Approve the Physical Inventory Launch Adjustments

Define Physical Inventory 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3. 2 6.3.3 6.3.3 6.3.4 6. 6.3. 3.5 5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3. 7 6.3.8

N  Counting  Physical Inventory  Physical Inventories Enter Enter a name name for for your your Physic Physical al Inve Invento ntory ry Optio Optiona nall lly y enter enter a desc descri ript ptio ion n Choose  If out of tolerance as value for the field named ‘Required’ in the Approvals block. Ente Enterr the the tole tolera ranc nces es  All as Choose All  as value for the field ‘Count Subinventories’ Check Check the the check check box box named named ‘All ‘Allow ow Dyna Dynamic mic Tags’ Tags’ Save

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Beginner’s Guide Take a Snapshot of System On-hand Quantities 6.3.8 6.3.8

Cl Clic ick k on the the push push butto button n ‘Sna ‘Snaps pshot hot’’

Generate Physical Inventory Tags N  Counting  Physical Inventory  Tag Generation Choose the the physical physical inventory inventory name name in the ‘Name ‘Name field field Choose Choose the the ‘Type ‘Type’’ as Default  as Default  Check or uncheck uncheck the the check box box ‘Show ‘Show Serial Serial on Tags’ Tags’ Enter Enter a Star Startin ting g Tag Enter Enter the Digit Digit Incr Increme ement nt  If the ‘Starting Tag’ is entered as A001, then the ‘Digit Increment’  must be entered as 0111 6.3.15 6.3. 15 Enter Enter an an Endin Ending g Tag Tag The Number of Tags will default 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 6.3. 11 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3. 13 6.3.14 6.3. 14

6.3.16 Click on the the push push button button ‘Generat ‘Generate’ e’

Print the Generated Tags Hel Help  View My Request Click on on the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit a New Request’ Request’ Choose Choose the report report ‘Physical Inventory Tag Report’  Click on the the push push button button ‘Submit ‘Submit’’ Cl Clic ick k on on No No Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Click on the push button button ‘Refr ‘Refresh’ esh’ till till then the request is processe processed d  by the Server  6.3.24 Click on the push button button ‘View Output’ Output’ 6. 6.3. 3.25 25 Acti Action on  Print

6. 6.3. 3.17 17 6.3.18 6.3.19 6.3. 19 6.3.20 6.3.2 6.3.21 1 6.3.22 6.3.23

Attach the Tags to its respective item This has to be done manually

Count the actual quantities and enter them in the respective tag. This has to be done manually

Collect all the Tags This has to be done manually manua lly

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Beginner’s Guide Enter the quantities recorded in the Tag in the System N  Counting  Physical Inventory  Tag Counts Enter the Physi Physical cal Inventor Inventory y name name Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ All the the items items will be listed listed now in in the lines lines Enter the counted counted quantitie quantitiess in the field named named ‘Qty’ for for each item. item. Check the check check box named ‘Void’ ‘Void’ for all all those those items, items, which are not deliberately counted.   If voiding is not done for any missing entry, the system will  assume a qty of zero when posting adjustments 6. 6.3. 3.32 32 Sa Save ve 6.3.26 6.3.27 6.3.28 6.3.29 6.3.30 6.3.31


Approve the Physical Inventory 6.3.32 N  Counting  Physical Inventory  Approve Adjustments 6.3.33 6.3.34 6.3.35 6.3. 35 6. 6.3. 3.36 36

Enter the Physi Physical cal Inventor Inventory y name name Click on the the push push button button ‘Find’ ‘Find’ Choose Choose the action action None,  None, Approve or  or Reject  Reject for for each line. Sa Save ve

Launch Adjustments 6.3.37 6.3.38 6. 6.3. 3.39 39 6.3.40 6.3. 40 6.3.41 6.3. 41 6.3.42

N  Counting  Physical Inventory  Physical Inventories F11, Enter Enter the Physica Physicall Inventory Inventory name, name, Ctrl + F11 F11 Spec Specia iall  Launch Adjustments Enter Enter an Adjustm Adjustment ent Accoun Accountt Enter Enter an Adjust Adjustmen mentt Date Click on on the push push button button ‘Launch ‘Launch Adjustment Adjustments’ s’

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Beginner’s Guide 7.0

Inventory Costing Costing is broadly classified Costing classified into Standard Costing and Average Average Costing. Costing. Under  cost.. The system will Standard Costing, you will have to manually define the item cost not generate the cost by averaging the PO prices. In Avera Average ge Cost Costin ing, g, you you need need no nott defin definee th thee It Item em Cost. Cost. The The syst system em wi will ll automatically generate the Cost by averaging the PO prices prices.. If BOM and WIP are installed, you cannot adopt Average Costing. The only op opti tion on you you ca can n se sele lect ct is St Stan anda dard rd Cost Costin ing. g. (T (The he Cost Costin ing g Meth Method od fo forr an organization is selected in the organization definition.) Because of this reason, we will discuss only the things that you are supposed to do under Standard Costing. Using Usin g Or Oracl aclee Inve Invent ntor ory y is inst instal alle led d yo you u ca can n do th thee In Inven vento tory ry Costi Costing ng.. In Inventory Costing, you can define and update the item costs. If Inventory and BOM installed,BOM you can Expected of manufacturing an item. Ifare Inventory, and find WIPout are the installed, youCost can find out the Actual of Cost of manufacturing of an item.


Cost Elements The following are the Cost Elements    

Material (Material Cost) Material Overhead (Procurement cost of materials) Resource (Resource Cost) Over Ov erhe head ad (Any (Any ov over erhe head ad cost cost ot other her th than an th thee Mate Materi rial al overhead) Outs Ou tsid idee proc proces essi sing ng (t (the he co cost st in incu curr rred ed du duee to ou outs tsid idee  processing)

These elements are standard you cannot add or remove the above stated Cost Elements. But, for each Cost Element, you can define as many Subelem element entss as you you like like.. When When you you defin definee a SubSub-el elem emen ent, t, yo you u ha have ve to specify, for which Cost Element you are defining the Sub-element.


Cost Sub-elements Sub-element Sub-e lementss are containers containers to hold a piece of cost of cost of a particular  particular  Cost Element. For example, can haveMaterial two Sub-elements named Order  Cost and Unloading Cost for you the Element of a particular item.

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Beginner’s Guide Material Sub-element 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2. 3 7.2.4 7.2.4 7.2.5

N  Setup  Costs  Sub-elements  Material (for defining Material Sub-elements) Enter Enter a Sub-e Sub-elem lement ent name name in the the field field named named ‘Mat ‘Materi erial’ al’ Option Optionall ally y ente enterr a descri descripti ption on for the the Sub-e Sub-elem lement ent Choos Choosee tthe he Defa Defaul ultt Bas Basis is as as Item  Item Save

Overhead Sub-element N  Setup  Costs  Sub-elements  Overhead (for defining Overhead Sub-elements) 7.2.7 2.7 Enter an Overhead Sub-element name ame in the fiel eld d named ‘Overhead’ 7.2.8 7.2.8 Choos Choosee the the Cos Costt Ele Eleme ment nt as Overhead  7.2.9 7.2.9 Optio Optiona nall lly y enter enter a desc descri ript ptio ion n 7.2.10 7.2. 10 Choose Choose an Absorpt Absorption ion Acc Accoun ountt 7. 7.2. 2.11 11 Sa Save ve



Cost Types Cost Types are logical containers for holding the cost of an item. A Cost Type is made up of certain or all Cost Elements and their corresponding Sub-elements. It should be note that the values of cost are held by Subelements and not by Cost Elements. Even if there is only one piece of cost for a particular Cost Element, say, Material, you have to define a Material Sub-element for holding that piece of cost. Oracle Inventory provides two predefined Cost Types. (1) Frozen and (2) Current.. Frozen is used as the Default Cost Type under Standard Costing Current and Current is used as the Default Cost Type under Average Costing. Under stan Under standa dard rd co cost stin ing, g, we ha have ve se seen en th that at th thee it item em co cost st is de defi fine ned d manually by a user. This will necessitate to updating the cost of an item  periodically. The updation cannot be done directly by changing the values once after transacting the item. What you have to do for updating the cost of an item is to create a separate set of costs under a different Cost Type and then update the original cost from the new Cost Type created. Now the item is having two Cost Types associate with it. One is the running cost held by the Default Cost Type (Frozen) and the other is the cost held  by another Cost Type created for updating the Default Cost. In this way you can create any number of costs for an item using different Cost Types. Afterwards, if you want, you can compare the costs of different Cost Types.

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Beginner’s Guide 2001’  for  Suppose you have created Cost Types named ‘Cost 2000’, ‘Cost 2001’ for  holding the item costs of the year 2000 and 2001. You used this Cost Types to update the Default Cost Type (Frozen) in the years 2000 and 2001. Now, you got three Cost Types with values in it. You can now make comparison among the costs of 2000 and 2001. N  Setup  Costs  Cost Types Cl Clic ick k on the the push push bu butt tton on ‘Ne ‘New’ w’ Ente Enterr a name name ffor or the the Cost Cost Type Type Optio Optiona nall lly y enter enter a desc descri ript ptio ion n Choos Choosee the the Def Defau ault lt Cos Costt Type Type as as Frozen Check Check the check check box named named ‘Mult ‘Multii-Or Org’ g’ if you want want this this Cost Type name to be available in organizations other than your current organization. If this check box is checked, only the Cost Type name will be available to other organizations and not the cost defined in it. 7.3.7 7.3. 7 Check Check the the check check box box named named ‘Allow ‘Allow Update’ Update’ 7.3.8 7.3. 8 Check Check the check check box name named d ‘Avail ‘Availabl ablee To Engin Engineer eering ing’’ 7.3.9 7.3. 9 Check Check the the check check box named named ‘Com ‘Compone ponent nt Yiel Yield’ d’ 7.3.10 Check the the check check box named ‘Element’ ‘Element’ 7.3.11 Check the the check check box named ‘Operation ‘Operation’’ 7. 7.3. 3.12 12 Sa Save ve

7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.5 7.3.6 7.3.6


Define Item Cost You will be able to define the cost of an item directly only before performing transactions on the item. If any transaction is performed, the system will assign a cost of zero for the item and you will not be permitted to change it directly. In such cases, you have to define the costs in a new Cost Type and then update the existing cost from the new Cost Type.

N  Costs  Item Costs F1 F11, 1, Ent Enter er the the ite item m name name,, Ctrl Ctrl + F11 F11 Keep Keep the curso cursorr in the Cost Cost Type Type Froze Frozen n and click click on the push push  button ‘Open’ 7. 7.4. 4.4 4 Ente Enterr the the Lot Lot Size ize 7.4.5 7.4.5 Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Co ‘Cost sts’ s’ 7.4.6 7.4.6 Choos Choosee the the Cost Cost Eleme Element nt (Mat (Mater eria ial) l) 7.4.7 7.4. 7 Choose Choose a Sub-ele Sub-elemen mentt defined defined for the the Cost Elem Element ent ‘Mate ‘Materia rial’ l’ 7. 7.4. 4.8 8 Choo Choose se the Basi Basiss Item 7.4.9 7.4.9 Ente Enterr the the Rat Ratee or or Amoun Amount. t. 7.4.10 7.4. 10 Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line 7.4.11 Choose the the Cost Element Element (Mater (Material ial Overhead) Overhead) 7.4.12 7.4. 12 Choose Choose a SubSub-ele elemen mentt

7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.3

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Beginner’s Guide 7.4.1 7.4.13 3 Choos Choosee a Basi Basiss Lot  7.4.14 7.4. 14 Enter Enter a Rate Rate or Amount Amount The entered value will be divided by the Lot Size entered in step 7.4.4 to derive the Unit Cost due to this sub-element. 7.4.15 7.4. 15 Move curs cursor or to th thee next line line 7.4.16 Repeat 7.4.16 Repeat steps steps 7.4.11 7.4.11 to 7.4.14 7.4.14 7. 7.4. 4.17 17 Sa Save ve


Updating Item Cost 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5. 2

N  Costs  Standard Cost Update  View Cost Update Choose/ Choose/ent enter er the follow following ing parame parameter terss Cost Type

: Choose th the Co Cost Ty Type ffrrom wh which you want to update the existing cost Adju Ad just stme ment nt Acco Accoun untt : Choos Choosee

D scrRipatnio Iteem gn e Update Option Specific Item Save Details 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.5. 7

:: Specific Enter   Item : Item costs : Choose : Yes

Click on on OK  OK  Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Su ‘Subm bmit it’’ Help  View My Request Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’ Click Click on the pus push h button button ‘Refres ‘Refresh’ h’ till till then then the Server Server proce processe ssess your request.


7.5.8 N  Costs  Item Costs 7.5.9 7.5.9 F1 F11, 1, Ent Enter er the the ite item m name name,, Ctrl Ctrl + F11 F11 7.5.1 7.5.10 0 Keep Keep the the cu curs rsor or in the the Cost Cost Type Type Fr Froz ozen en and cl clic ick k on the push  button ‘Open’ 7.5.11 Click on the the push push button button ‘Views’ ‘Views’ You must see that the item cost is changed.


Viewing Different Costs of an Item at Different Times 7.6.1

N  Costs  Standard Costs Update  View Cost History

7.6.2 7.6. 2 7.6.3 7.6.3

Enter Enter the the item item whose whose cost cost you want to see see Cl Clic ick k on the the pus push h butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find’ nd’

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Beginner’s Guide You can now see the various costs under different Cost Types

8.0 8.0

Pu Purrchase hase Orde Orderr Rec Receeipts ipts Refer the Purchasing Notes.

9. 0

Checking ATP You can check ATP for an item from inventory with different ATP Rules. By using different ATP Rules you can find out the supply level by including/excluding Supply and Demand Sources of your choice.   9.1 N  On-hand Availability  Available To Promise 9.2 9.2 Choos Choosee an ATP ATP Rul Rulee iin n the the fie field ld na name med d ‘De ‘Defa faul ultt ATP ATP Rule’ Rule’ 9.3 9.3 Choos Choosee the org organ aniz izat atio ion n in the the fiel field d named named ‘Cal ‘Calen enda darr Organi Organiza zati tion on’’ 9.4 9.4 Choos Choosee a da date te in the the fie field ld ‘D ‘Def efau ault lt Re Requi quire red d Dat Date’ e’ 9. 9.5 5 9.6 9.7 9. 9.8 8 9.9 9.10 9.10 9.11 9.1 1

Clic Click k on on the the pu push but button ton ‘It ‘Item emss’ Choose tth he O Orrganization Chose the item Ent Enter the ‘R ‘Req equi uirred Quant uantit ity y’ Enter the ‘Required Date’ Cl Clic ick k on the the push push butto button n ‘Vi ‘View ew Resu Result lts’ s’ Click Click on tthe he push push butto button n ‘Peri ‘Period od ATP’ ATP’ for for viewi viewing ng ATP ATP by peri periods ods (The periods are automatically created by the system. One period is the duration of time between one supply date and one day before the next   supply date.)

10.0 10 .0 At Atta tach chin ing g Do Docu cume ment ntss Creating and adding an attachment to a record is a common feature supported by many modules of Oracle Applications like Inventory, Purchasing, Order Entry, BOM, WIP etc. The method of creation and attaching a document is more or less the same in all the modules.

Creating a Document 10.1 10.2 10. 2 10.3

N  Setup  Attachments Enter Enter a Desc Descrip riptio tion n for for your your docum document ent (mandat (mandatory ory field) field) Choos osee a Data Type Short Text for Text for text below 2000 characters  Long Text for Text for text above 2000 characters  Image for pictures

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Beginner’s Guide 10 10.4 .4 10 10.5 .5 10.6

Chec Check k the the che check ck box box na name med d ‘Sha ‘Share re’’ Ente Enterr the the docum documen entt cont conten entt in the the blan blank k area area belo below w Save

Attaching the Document to a Record 10.7

10.8 10 10.9 .9 10.10 10.11 10. 11 10.12 10. 12 10.13 10. 13

 N  Items  Organization Items Enter th the it item na name Clic Click k on the the push push butt button on ‘Fi ‘Find nd’’ Edit  Attachments Click Click on the pu push sh button button ‘Docum ‘Document ent Catal Catalog… og…’’ Enter Enter the the Descri Descripti ption on of your your docum document ent Click Click o on n the the push push butt button on ‘Fin ‘Find’ d’

The Document details appears in the lower block  10.14 Click 10.14 Click on the push push button button ‘Att ‘Attach ach 1’ 1’ The Document is attached to the item. You can attach the same document to different items at the same time.

Deleting an Attachment N  Items  Organization Items Ente Enterr tthe he item item name name Click Click o on n the the push push butt button on ‘Fin ‘Find’ d’ Edit  Attachments  If any document is attached to this item, it appears now. 10.19 Edit  Delete

10.15 10 10.16 .16 10.17 10. 17 10.18

Note: When you delete an attachment, the original document is not getting deleted. Instead the association of the document with the record is removed.

11.0 11. 0 Tra Transf nsferr erring ing Tr Trans ansact action ionss to GL A summarized summarized Inventory/WI Inventory/WIP P activity activity for a given period can be transferr transferred ed into the GL interf interface ace tables tables.. Then, Then, using using Journa Journall Import Import in General General Ledger Ledger the information can be posted to GL. The General Ledger transfers can be done at any time in an open period – not just at period close. When more than one period is open, the transfer selects the transactions from the first open period up to the entered transfer date and passes the correc correctt account accounting ing date date and financi financial al inform informati ation on to the GL Interf Interface ace,, including both Inventory and WIP entries. When detail entries are transferred, the

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Beginner’s Guide tran transa sact ctio ion n da date te is the the ac acco coun unti ting ng da date te wi with th a li line ne fo forr li line ne tr tran ansf sfer er.. When When summary entries are passed with two periods open, and a transfer date is entered in the second period, the transfer process assigns an end date to period one for all the summarized transactions in period one, and assigns the entered transfer date for the summarized transactions in period two. Using Journal Import and Post Journal Process in GL, this information can be  posted to GL. 11.1

N  Accounting Close Cycle  Transfer Transactions to GL

12.0 Clos Closing ing Inven Inventory tory Accounting Accounting Periods Periods When you When you cl clos osee a pe peri riod od,, al alll Inve Invent ntor ory y an and d WIP WIP tr tran ansa sact ctio ions ns will will be automatically transferred to GL. 12.1 12.2 12.2 12 12.3 .3 12.4

N  Accounting Close Cycle  Inventory Accounting Periods Keep Keep the the ccurs ursor or in the period period that that is is to to be closed closed.. Cl Clic ick k on the the push push butto button n ‘Ch ‘Chang angee Sta Statu tus’ s’ Choos osee the option Close

Note: You cannot close a period if any prior period(s) is open. That is, if the period Jan 2001 is open, you cannot close the period Feb 2001. First you have to close Jan 2001 and then Feb 2001

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