Introduction To Zeolite Molecular Sieves - UOP
November 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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An Introduction to
Zeolite Molecular Sieves
ry Purify Separate Dry Purify Separate Dry Purify Sep
What are zeolite molecular sieves? undreds of systems for the
Unlike other adsorbents, zeolit zeolite e
Why they are used
drying and purification of
molecular sieves have precisely
Use of zeolite molecular sieves to dry,
liquids and gases rely on the
uniform pore sizes and molecular
purify and separate liquids and gases
high adsorption efficiency of zeolite
dimensions. dimensio ns. This translat translates es into a
prevents unwanted side reactions,
molecularr sieves. molecula sieves. These unique unique
sieve-like selectivity where molecules
helps meet product specifications,
adsorbents are a result of synthetically produced crystalline metal alumino-
of varying size and polarity may be readily adsorbed, slowly adsorbed or
and avoids costly complications from equipment corrosion and freeze-up.
silicates that have been activated for
completely excluded. This selectivity selectivity,,
adsorption by removing their water of
combined with a high capacity over
hydration. hydr ation. Since little little or no change change
a wide range of operating conditions,
in structure occurs during this
gives each zeolite molecular sieve a
dehydration, highly porous adsorbents
high level of adsorption efficacy.
are formed that have a strong affinity for water and specific molecules.
Used successfully in hundreds of commercial systems for drying and purifying liquids and gases, zeolite molecular sieves are the most universally applicable adsorbents in the process industries.
Other beneficial performance characteristics include: • Dehy Dehydrati dration on to water content content less than 0.1ppm • High capacity capacity for for water above above 200°F (93°C)
Table of Contents Purification tion and dehydrat dehydration ion • Purifica in one operation • Dehy Dehydrati dration on without adsorbing adsorbing valuable product or altering the composition • High produ product ct recovery recovery • Numer Numerous ous purificati purification on and dehydration cycles are possible due to the reversible adsorption process
Specific, unif Specific, uniform orm pore size is the key to adsorbentt efficiency adsorben and selectivity… Based on size and charge distribution in a molecule, zeolite molecular sieves can adsorb individual molecules readily,slowly readily, slowly or not at all.
Page Pa ge 2 What What are are zeolite zeolite molecular sieves? Page Pa ge 4 Zeolite Zeoli te resea researc rchh and synthetic production Pag agee 6 Crysta Crystall structur structuree and molecular sievee types siev ty pes
• High cyclic cyclic capacity with with sufficient sufficient thermal or pressure swing purging
Page Pa ge 8 Adsorp dsorption tion base basedd on molecular size, polarity and degree of unsa unsatura turation tion Page Pa ge 12 Zeolite Zeolite mole molecula cularr sieves and adsorption efficiency Pag agee 13 Zeolit Zeolitee molecu molecular lar siev sieves es and co-adsorption Pag agee 15 15 Re Rege gener nerati ation on cyc cycle less Pag agee 17 17 Appl plic icat atio ions ns Pag agee 18 Put Put UOP’ UOP’s experi experienc encee and technology to work for you TM
MOLSIVTM Adsorbents
Salt Steam
Ion Exchange Tank Ion-Substituted Zeolite Sodium Silicate Sodium Aluminate
Wash Water
Clay Binder
Steam Makeup Tank
Zeolite Crystals
Crystal Slurry
Crystallization Tank
Weigh Hopper
Naturally occurring crystalline
molecular dimensions were
had for commercial commercial use, they began to
zeolites, a subset of molecular sieves,
synthesized synth esized and and patented. patented. The
delve into adsorption technology and
were first noted two centuries c enturies ago.
synthetic zeolites’ sieve-like selectivity
design processes that could rely on
Their ability to release water when
offered the consistent performance
these new materials.
heated and readsorb upon cooling
necessary necessa ry for for commercia commerciall use. use. By
was known at that time, but their
1953, more than 30 pure zeolite
capacity to selectively adsorb
species had had been prepared. prepared. Their
molecules other than water was not
crystal structures and adsorption
recorded record ed until until the 1920s. 1920s. In the early early
properties had been characterized,
1930s, X-ray diffraction studies
and researchers had learned how to
revealed the zeolites as crystalline
regenerate them for repeated use in
materials with precisely arrayed
commercial applications. Extensive QC testing insures superior
cavities and pores within each crystal. Since zeolites found in nature have a high degree of chemical and physical variability,, these products were not variability viable for commercial separation processes. proces ses. In the the early early 1950s, a division of Union Carbide Corporation, that is now part of UOP, UOP, was searching for an adsorbent to separate atmospheric gases and to be used in other industrial applications. As a result of this research, structures of silicon and aluminum oxides with uniform pore sizes and precise
product quality and consistency
Zeolite research and synthetic production Zeolite research spawns commercial adsorption technology technol ogy nce engineers recognized
the incredible potential zeolite molecular sieves
As a consequence of their research, zeolite molecular sieves were substituted into existing dryer and simple adsorber systems with amazing results. resul ts. The use of zeolite zeolite molecular molecular sieves improved the drying and purifying of various gas and liquid process streams with minimal changes in technology technology.. For more more advanced advanced uses, howev however er,, additio additional nal proces processs engineering knowledge was required. To address this problem, problem, Union
Wash Water
Manufacturing process for the production of activated zeolite molecular sieves.
Activated Molecular Sieve Product Mixer
Particle Forming
Kiln Screen
Carbide formed a large, large, process engineering group to develop new and
Forming final product
comprehensiv compr ehensive e adsorption technology technology and design guidelines. guidelines. Starti Starting ng with
Once separated and washed, the filter
fundamental adsorbent data, the researchers studied adsorption equilibria,
cake is conveyed conveyed to hoppers. To form
adsorption kinetics, deactivation phenomena, cyclic life and scale-up factors.
commercial 1/16-in and 1/8-in (about
After much research, the group discovered how to economically economic ally manufacture
1.6-mm and 3.2-mm) pellets (extrudates) or
the zeolites in commercially useful forms without adversely affecting their
beads (spheres), crystals from the filter are
adsorption properties.
mixed with specially formulated clay
In November of 1954, Union Carbide announced the availability of the first
binders. The crystals crystals are then fed through through
limited commercial quantities. The pure zeolites were then then used within the
forming equipment to produce pellets
chemical, manufacturing and petroleum refining industries to solve difficult gas
or beads. The various various product forms forms are
purification and dehydration dehydration problems. Today oday,, by altering existing crystalline
then dried,screene dried, screened d and fired in a rotary
structures for improved functionality, functionality, UOP continues to manufacture many
kiln to drive out the water and activate the
types of zeolites for a myriad of industries.
zeolite molecular molecular sieves. The adsorbents adsorbents are
How zeolite products are manufactured
then immediately packaged to prevent any moisture pick up.
Sodium silicate, alumina trihydrate and sodium hydroxide hydroxide are batch-weighed into mix tanks and stirred stirred until homogenous. The mixture forms forms a gel that is pumped into a crystallization tank where it is monitored under closely
Many tests are used to determine product quality from crystallization to final firing. Examples include x-ray diffraction, McBain-
controlled conditions.
Bakr adsorption,loss adsorption,loss on ignition, crush
Filter, wash and exchange
strength, streng th,densit densityy and particle particle size. Quali Quality ty
After crystallization is complete, a rotary filter separates and washes the
control techniques including Statistical
zeolite zeolit e crystal slurry. slurry. For cationic cationic exchange exchange to take place (calcium, (calcium, potas potassium sium
Process Control and adherence to ISO 9000
or other cations substituted for sodium in the crystal), the filter cake is
standards ensure that crystallization and
transferred to a heated tank where it will be mixed with a solution of the appropriate metal salt. The exchanged exchanged forms will then be washed and
other manufacturing processes achieve exact specifications.
filtered in the same manner as the original crystal slurry. 5
Structural model of a zeolite.
Crystal structure and molecular sieve types
he basic formula for zeolite molecular sieves is M 2/nO • Al2O3 • xSiO2 • yH2O
where whe re M is a cat cation ion of of n valen valence. ce. The fun fundam dament ental al buil building ding blo block ck of of the the molecular sieve crystal structure is a tetrahedra with four oxygen anions
surrounding surrou nding a smaller silicon or aluminum aluminum cation. Sodium ions or other cations cations make up the positive charge deficit in the alumina tetrahedra,and each of the four oxygen anions is shared, in turn, with another silica or alumina tetrahedron tetrahedron to extend the the crystal lattice in three dimensions. dimensions. In all molecular sieve types, types,the the sodium ion can be exchanged exchanged to form other functional products. The crystal structure of zeolite molecular sieves is honeycombed with relatively large cavities. cavitie s. Each cavity cavity is connected through through apertures apertures or pores. pores. The water of hydrat hydration ion is contained contain ed within these cavities. cavities. Befo Before re product is used,the water of hydration is removed by heating.
Skeletal Tetrahedron
Packed Spheres
Solid Tetrahedron
Illustrations of the rigid, three-dimensional framework of SiO4 and Al04 tetrahedra
The crystallization of molecular sieve Type A from a hydrous gel as seen through the electron microscope. microscope. Photo 1 shows shows development of crystallization after two hours at 100º C. Photo 2 shows completely crystallized A.
Commercially useful zeolite species In general, the elasticity and kinetic
• The Type A molecular sieve sieve
Type 3A
energy of incoming molecules allows
has a framework composed of
Type 3A crystals are produced when
for easy passage of molecules of up
truncated octahedra joined in
some of the sodium ions are replaced
to 0.5 angstroms larger than the
a cubic array array. The result result is
by potassium potassium ions. Since potass potassium ium
free diamete diameterr of the the aperture. aperture. In
a central truncated
ions are larger than than sodium ions, the
addition, the size and position of the
cube-octahedron with an
pore size is effectively reduced to
exchangeable cations may affect the
internal cavity 11 angstroms
about 3.2 angstroms.
free aperture size in any type of
in diameter (alpha cage).
molecular molecu lar sieve. The zeolite zeolite molecular molecular
• Each centr central al cavity cavity,, or alpha alpha
sieves that are most commonly used
cage, is entered through six
include Ty include Types pes A and X. Unit cell formulas and structural details for
circular apertures formed by a nearly regular ring of eight
each type are outlined o utlined below.
oxygen atoms with a free
Type A Na12 [(AlO2 )12 (SiO2 )12] • 27H2O Note: Not e: Na+ (sodium) can be replaced
diameter of 4.2 angstroms. • The cavities cavities are arrange arranged d in a continuous three-dimensional pattern forming a system of
by other cations.
Type 4A
Type 4A sodium-bearing crystals have a free aperture size of 3.5 angstroms in diameter. diameter. At typical typical operating temperatures, molecules with an effective diameter of up to four angstroms may be passed through this aperture. °
4.2 A
unduloid-like channels with a Type A contains roughly spherical
maximum diameter of 11
cavities that are approximately 11
angstroms and a minimum
2.6 A °
11.4 A
angstroms in diameter and about 925 of 4.2 angstroms. • The truncated truncated octahed octahedra ra encl enclose ose
cubic angstrom angstromss in volume. volume. They account for nearly half of the total
6.6 A
a second set of smaller cavities
crystalline volume that is available
6.6 angstroms in internal
for adsorption.
diameter diamet er (beta (beta cages). cages). The smaller cavities are connected to 2
the larger cavities via a distorted
Above: Two adjacent unit cells of
ring of six oxygen atoms of
Type 4A — light circles represent
2.2 angstroms free diameter d iameter..
(1) Truncated Truncated octahedron. (2) Face Face of cubic cubic array of truncated octahedra.
oxygen ions and dark circles represent sodium cations.
Type 5A
High silica molecular sieves
When some of the sodium sodi um ions in
Like Types A and X, high silica zeolites selectively adsorb molecules based
Type 4A are replaced with calcium
on their size. Howev However er,, they differ from Ty Types pes A and X in that they have
ions,Type ions,T ype 5A is is produced. produced. It features features the largest pore opening of the A
a significantly higher proportion of SiO 2 to AlO2 in their molecular structure. struct ure. With the reduced reduced amount of AlO AlO2 and the corresponding
types, with a free aperture aperture size of
reduction in cation density, density, the high silica zeolites are hydrophobic and
4.2 angstroms.
organophilic adsorbents. The high silica silica zeolites are also stable at low
Type X Na86 [(AlO2 )86 (SiO2 )106] • 264H2O Note: Not e: Na+ (sodium) can be replaced
pH ranges and high temperatures up to 1,292ºF (700ºC).
by other cations. Although Type X is based on the same building blocks as Type Type A, the beta cages are linked tetrahedrally instead of in a cubic arrangement. The Type X crystal has a larger larger,,
Adsorption based on molecular size, polarity and degree of unsaturation
umerous zeolite species that differ in chemical composition,crystal composition, crystal structure and adsorption adsorption properties are known. By selecting selecting the appropriate adsorbent — one that allows entry of those molecules small
elliptical-shaped internal cavity of 13 angstroms in diameter with a pore diameter of approximately 8 angstroms for the sodium form.
enough to pass into the pore system — and by choosing the proper operating conditions, zeolite molecular sieves can be adapted to suit specific applications. While the external surface area of the molecular sieve crystal cr ystal is available for adsorption of molecules of all sizes, the internal area is available only to those
Zeolite molecular sieve characteristics and applications Type†
Nominal Pore Diameter Angstroms
Common Form
Bulk Density lb/cu-ft (gm/cc)
Heat of Adsorption (max) btu/lb H2O (kcal/kg H2O)
Equilibrium H2O Capacity* wt-%
Molecules Adsorbed**
Powder 1/16-inch Pellets
35 (0.56) 40(0.64)
1800 (1,000)
26 21
Molecules with an effective diameter 5 >5 an angstroms (iso (i so co comp mpou ound ndss and and al alll 4-c 4-car arbo bonn rin rings gs))
• Sep Sepaara rate tess nor norma mall pa para raff ffiins fr from om br braanc nche hedd-ccha hain in and cy cyccli licc hydrocarbons th through a selective ad adsorption pr process • Pre Press ssur uree swi swing ng pu puri rifi fica cati tion on of hy hydr drog ogen en
value typically corresponds to a complete filling of the internal void volume with the adsorbate. When adsorbed molecules are desorbed
Molecu Mol ecules lesangstroms withh an wit an effec ef(C fectiv tive diamete F e)diam N eterr >8 493
• (Used Ussed commer genera gas dryin gas dr g, and air plan air pliquid lantt feed feed pur purifi ificat cation ion imucom ltanemercia ouscially relly mofor val gen of Heral Ol and COying, ), 2 2 hydrocarbon and natural gas sweetening (H2S and mercaptans removal)
via heat or by b y displacement with another material, material, the crystal’s chemical state remains unchanged.
2. The relative relative size size of molecules molecules
Water Vapor Adsorption at 25 C °
(Equilibrium Data)
and molecular sieve pores
Molecular Sieve Type A
y t i c % a t p a w C
Silica Gel
forces between molecular
requires less than six hours for the
sieves and adsorbate
adsorption step, additional beds can
be added to permit continuous
Fundamental adsorption systems
cooled. When the the process process design design
4. Adsorp Adsorption tion tempera temperature ture Activated
bed is being heated, purg purged ed and
3. The strength strength of adsorpt adsorptive ive
to purify the fluid while the other
Relative Humidity Percent
Adsorption on zeolite molecular sieves produces a Langmuir-type isotherm.
processing of the feed.
Depending on the type of operation,
Single-bed adsorption
zeolite molecular sieves may be used
Single-bed adsorption can be used
in one of three basic types of
when interrupted product flow can
adsorption systems:
be tolerated. tolerated. When the adsorpt adsorption ion
• Multi Multiple-be ple-bed d adsorp adsorption tion
capacity of the bed is reached, it can
• Sin Singlegle-bed bed adsorpti adsorption on
be regenerated for further use either
• Sta Static tic adsorp adsorption tion
in place or at another location.
With zeolite molecular sieve
Alternatively,, it can be discarded Alternatively di scarded
powders,, no hysteresis powders hysteresis occurs
Multiple-bed adsorption
during desorpti desorption. on. Adsorp Adsorption tion and
Multiple bed adsorption is ideal for
desorption are completely reversible
most commercial, commercial, large large-scale -scale fluid
Static adsorption
with their respective isothermal
purification purific ation operat operations. ions. Conve Conventiona ntionall
When manufactured into various
curves coinciding coincidi ng completely. completely.
fixed-bed, heat-regenerated adsorption
physical forms, zeolite molecular
However,, with zeolite molecular sieve However
systems syste ms are commonly commonly used. A typical
sieves can be used as static desiccants
pellets or beads, further adsorption
dual-bed installation places one bed
in closed gas or liquid systems.
may occur at pressures near the
if economically feasible.
saturation satur ation vapor pressur pressure. e. This can occur as a result of condensation in the pellet or bead voids external to Out
the zeolit zeolite e crystals. crystals. In addition, addition, hysteresis may take place during desorption of the adsorbate in the macro-pore region of the binder.
A brief review of adsorption principles and systems
Heater Out Liquid Stream
n o i t p r o s d A
n o i t p r o s e D
Cooling Gas In
Purge Gas
The rate at which molecules are
adsorbed into formed zeolite molecular sieves depends on the
Cooler Condenser
following four variables: 1. The rate rate at which which molecules molecules
General flow chart for liquid drying.
being adsorbed can diffuse to activated crystals within the pellet or bead
Multiple bed adsorption for H 20 and C0 2 removal from natural gas before methane liquification.
Zeolite molecular sieves and adsorption efficiency
eolite molecular sieves are
The isobars plotted below illustrate zeolite molecular sieve performance
employed in numerous
over a spectrum of operating temperatures. The solid lines assume the the
installations and operations
use of completely regenerated adsorbents. The capacity is lowered lowered by any
due to their exceptional adsorption
residual water left on the adsorbent, a factor of particular importance in
efficiency efficien cy.. The following following details
high temperatur temperature e drying operations. operations. As an example, example, the dotted dotted line isobars
typical conditions where they
show the effect of two percent residual water at the start of adsorption
are effectively used.
on silica gel, gel, zeolit zeolite e molecular molecular sieves and and activated activated alumina. alumina. In some
When very dry streams are required In industry, industry, drying by adsorption is favored due to its ability to produce a much drier liquid or gas than other commerc commercial ial methods. methods. When extremely dry streams are required,
applications, this residual water can completely consume the the adsorption capacityy of silica and alumina capacit alumina type adsorbents adsorbents.. For this reason, reason, it is best to use silica and alumina type adsorbents for the bulk separation of water. They are very effective for this purpose and offer the additional benefit of extending the life of zeolite molecular sieves. After bulk separation processes have taken place, zeolite molecular sieves can then then be used to achieve very low dew point levels.
zeolite molecular sieves are selected
Water Vapor Adsorption Isobars at 10mm Hg Partial Pressure
because they can reduce water concentrations to less than 0.1 ppm.
(Equilibrium Data) 25
In addition, they are effective over a
Silica Gel
wide range of operating conditions. co nditions.
When operating at high temperatures Zeolite molecular sieves are also a good choice when drying streams at high temper temperature atures. s. In fact, fact, they are the only adsorbents that remain effective under very hot conditions. For example, at 200ºF (93ºC) and
20 Zeolite
d e b 15 r o s d % A t r w t e 10 a W
Molecular Sieves
Activated Alumina
above, zeolite molecular sieves have more than 13 weight-percent capacity while other adsorbents have none.
0 (-18)
100 (38)
200 (93)
300 (149)
400 (204)
500 (260)
Temperature F ( C) °
Drying power of silica gel, zeolite molecular sieves and activated alumina under various operating temperatures.
When purifying acidic streams s treams
he chemical stability of
hydrocarbo hydr ocarbons, ns, alcoho alcohols, ls, esters, ethers,
of 5 to 12, 12, and a few few are stable stable in
zeolite molecular sieves
amines, amides, ketones and and others.
solutions having a pH as low as 3.
allows them to dry, dry, purify
and separate numerous types of materials including inorganic gases, hyd hydrocarb rocarbons, ons, halog halogenated enated
Zeolite molecular sieves are alkaline in nature with a pH range in water slurry of 9 to 11. Most types are stable in solutions within a pH range
They are stable in most organic streams, strea ms, howev however er in vapor phase phase processes, gases that will hydrolize to form strong acids will readily react with the adsorbents.
Zeolite molecular sieves and co-adsorption
n some drying applications, components other than water may may be adsorbed. In many chemical process streams,this altering of stream composition, or co-adsorption,can co-adso rption,can cause serious problems. problems. When product composition composition is
critical, zeolite molecular sieves can be used to solve these co-adsorption difficulties.
Co-adsorption and pore size Co-adsorption can be avoided through
adsorbed. adsorb ed. To further enhance enhance this
proper selection of zeolite molecular
selectivity for water, water, the temperature
sieve type. type. The zeolite molecular molecular sieve
of the adsorbent bed can be raised.
should have a critical pore diameter small
Although the rate of adsorption will wil l
enough to prevent all stream components
be somewhat reduced if the water
except water from being admitted to the
has to displace another material
active inner surfaces of the adsorption
before it can be adsorbed, zeolite
cavities. In this this way way, co-adsorp co-adsorption tion of
molecular sieves still offer better
molecules other than water (including polar and unsaturated components), components),is is
performance when compared to other adsorbents.
eliminated.. By eliminating eliminated eliminating co-adsorp co-adsorptions tions
Due to the ability of zeolite molecular
the molecular sieve will provide
sieves siev es to produc produce e a drier drier liquid liquid or gas, gas,
maximum capacity for water and reduce outlet water concentrations
industry operations typically favor drying by adsorption over other commercial methods.
to less than 10 ppm.
Co-adsorption and affinity for water Zeolite molecular sieves feature an
Zeolite molecular sieves’strong attraction for water prevents co-adsorption problems in chemical process streams.
extremely high adsorptive attraction for water water. This affinity affinity is so strong that water will normally displace any other material that is already 13
Carbon Dioxide Capacity at 25 C °
Molecular Sieve Type A (Equilibrium Data) One-step drying and purifying
In addition to water,impurities water, impurities in a process stream can be removed via proper operating conditions and appropriate zeolite
15 y t i c a % 10 p t w a C 5
molecular sieve sieve selection. Since zeolite molecular sieves sieves adsorb
water more strongly strongly than other material, the adsorbed water
concentrates at the inlet end of the bed. Here, it displaces other 5 0 0
impurities that have have been previously previously adsorbed. These desorbed 2
impurities are then then re-adsorbed farther farther down the column. column. The desorbed impurities will begin to appear in the eff luent stream
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Carbon Dioxide Pressure, mm Hg
Hydrogen Hyd rogen Sulfide Capacity at 25 2 5 C °
Molecular Sieve Type A (Equilibrium Data)
continue until little adsorbate, adsorbate, other than water, water, is left on the bed. However,, it is possible to design and operate a zeolite molecular However sieve adsorption system so that impurities are retained on the adsorbent rather than re-entering the purified stream. To accomplish this, sufficient bed must be provided to contain
the impurities impurities in addition addition to the water. water. See the figure figure below for an example of a co-adsorption system.
15 y t i c a % 10 p t w a C 5
8 6
Pad Gas
Sweet LPG Product
as displacement continues. continues. This displacement can be allowed to
Heater 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Hydrogen Sulfide Pressure, mm Hg
Ammonia Capacity at 25 C Sulfur Dioxide Capacity at 25 C °
) p e t S n n o i i Adsorption t o t p a (Desulfurization r i z o r s Step) u d f l A e u s D (
Regeneration e n i L g n i l o o
Molecular Sieve Type A (Equilibrium Data)
Sulfur Dioxide
) n p e o t i t Regeneration S a r (Heating e g n i n t e Step) a g e e R H (
Separator Cooler
40 30
Regeneration Gas In
Sour LPG Feed
Typical co-adsorption system. Since zeolite molecular molecular sieves have the ability to adsorb hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and water, the propane
y t i c a % 20 p t w a C 10
feed is simultaneously purified (sweetened) and dried.
Ammonia These three graphs depict the equilibrium capacity of zeolite molecular sieves for various various gas impurities. Through co-adsorption, co-adsorption, zeolite molecular molecular sieves
will remove these materials in addition to water.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Pressure, mm Hg
Regeneration cycles yclic regeneration,
surface. reactivation vation surface. Once the reacti
Purge gas stripping
or desorption,
temperature is reached, the bed is
This method uses non-adsorbing
can be classified into
flushed with a dry purge gas or
purge purg e gas. The purge purge gas desorbs the
four types.Used types. Used separately or in combination, the major adsorption-
reduced in pressu reduced pressure. re. It is then returned to adsorption conditions.
bed by reducing the partial pressure
desorption cycles are:
As a result, high loadings of water
higher the operating temperature and
and impurities on the adsorbent
the lower the operating pressure, the
can be obtain obtained, ed, foll following owing
more efficient efficient the stripping stripping.. The use
a cooling step.
of a condensable purge gas offers
• The Thermal rmal sw swing ing • Pre Pressu ssure re swin swing g • Pur Purge ge gas gas stripping stripping • Dis Displa placeme cement nt
Pressure swing
of the adsorbed adsorbed compone component. nt. The
the following advantages: • Reduc Reduced ed power power requirem requirements ents
Pressure swing swing cycles, operating at
Thermal swing Thermal swing cycles reactivate the sieve by elevating the temperature.
nearly isothermal conditions, use
gained by using a liquid pump
either a lower pressure or a vacuum
instead of a blower
to desorb the the bed. Advan Advantages tages of this this
Typically,, the operating temperature Typically
• An effluent strea stream m that that may
technique include fast cycling with
is increased to 400 - 600ºF (204 –
be condensed to separate the
reduced adsorber dimensions and
316ºC). 316ºC ). The bed is heated heated either by
desorbed material by simple
adsorbent inventory, inventory, direct production
direct heat transfer via hot fluid in
of a high purity product and the
contact with the bed or by use of indirect heat transfer through a
ability to use gas compression as
Displacement cycles
the main source of energy.
Displacement cycles use an adsorbable purge to displace the
Residual Loading After Regeneration Minimum Obtainable Dew Point
previously previo usly adsorbed adsorbed material. material. The stronger the adsorption of the purge
(Dynamic Data) 120 (+49) +80 (+27)
) C+40 ° ( F
, 0 (-18) t n-40 (-40) i °
media, the more completely the bed is desorbe desorbed. d. In this this case, case, less lesser er
4.0 WT–% 3.2 WT–% 2.3 WT–% 1.7 WT–% 1.0 WT–% 0 WT–%
amounts of purge purge can be used, but it is consequently more difficult to remove the adsorbed purge.
o P -80 (-62) w e D-120 (-84)
-160 (-107)
This graph is used to find the minimum obtainable dew point as a function of
-200 (-129)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 (-18) (38) (93) (149) (204) (260) (316) (371) Bed Temperature, F ( C) °
residual loading and effluent gas temperature temperature during adsorption. Also shown is residual loading after regeneration as a function of regeneration temperature and purge gas dew point.
Air dryers with a desiccant-type in-line filtration system supplies clean, dry air to truck air brake systems aiding in the prevention of air line freezeups.
Zeolite molecular sieves keep
Zeolite molecular molecular sieves are
dual pane windows free of
used to purify industrial gases
moisture and vapors.
and for the bulk separation of oxygen from air.
The chart below provides a brief review of how and where zeolite molecular sieves are used in industry today. Application Air dryers
Oxygenn concentr Oxyge concentrators ators for respir respiratory atory patien patients ts Air brakes
Insula Ins ulated ted gla glass ss (du (dualal-pan panee wind windows ows))
Poly Po lyme merr fo form rmuula lati tion onss
Rad adio ioac acti tivve cle cleaanu nupp Refrigeratio Refrig erationn and air-con air-condition ditioning ing (A/C) (A/C) systems systems
Role of zeolite molecular molecular sieves • Dehydration of plastic pellets before they are molded • Dehydration for instrument air • Dehydration of room air with molecular sieve impregnated dessicant wheels • Adsorption Adsorption of nitrog nitrogen en from from compress compressed ed air air using using a press pressure ure or or vacuum vacuum swing swing system system to to obtain oxygen purity up to 95% • Dehydration of compressed air on brake systems of heavy- and medium-duty trucks, buses and trains • Pressure swing dryers are used to reduce the dew point of air in the brake reservoir below ambient temperature to prevent freeze-up and corrosion • Remo Removal val of ini initial tial tra trappe ppedd mois moistur turee insi inside de the dua dual-p l-pane ane win window dow and the moi moistu sture re tha thatt will will permeate during the life of the unit to prevent fogging • Removal of vapors from organic sealing materials, paint and cleaning solvents introduced during window manufacture • De Dehhyd ydrrat atio ionn of mo mois istu turree-se sennsi siti tivve fo form rmul ulat atio ions ns — ad adde dedd to po poly ly coa oati ting ngss, epo epoxxie iess and urethanes to control the curing process and coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers, metal-rich paints and vinyl foams to eliminate unwanted water reactions • Remo Removval of of rad radio ioaacti tivve nu nucle leooti tide dess by by io ion ex excha hang ngee — ces esiu ium m an and str stroont ntiu ium m ar are exc exchhan angged preferentially into the zeolite molecular sieves to greatly reduce the volume of liquid waste • Dehydratio Dehydrationn of automotive automotive A/C, A/C, transport transport refrigera refrigeration, tion, home refrig refrigerato erators, rs, freezers freezers,, residential residential A/C, heat pumps and commercial refrigerants to prevent freeze-up and corrosion • Dehydration to protect system materials from adverse adverse chemical reactions reactions • Re Rem moval of of od odor or or ta taste fr from pe personal-care pr products an and pl plastics wi with hi high si silica (hydrophobic) zeolite molecular sieves. Odors are adsorbed, not masked
Pac ackkag agee deh dehyd ydrrat atio ionn
• De Dehhyd ydrrat atio ionn wit withh ze zeol olit itee mol molec ecul ular ar sie ieve vess whe whenn ve very lo low w hum humid idit ityy co cond ndit itio ionns ar are req requuir ired ed.. Small desiccant packets or tablets protect products such as pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostic reagent kits, vitamins, food, candy, batteries, dry fuel propellants, machine parts, film and instruments
Air separation
• Removal of water and carbon dioxide from air before liquefaction and cryogenic separation of nitrogen, oxygen and other atmospheric gases • Separation of oxygen and nitrogen with pressure swing or vacuum swing adsorption systems
Natural gas
• De Dehydration before cryogenic recovery of hydrocarbon products and helium • Dehydration of high acid gas content content (CO2 and H2S) natural gas and natural gas condensate streams • Removal of sulfur compounds from ethane, propane and butane • Removal of water and CO 2 before methane liquefaction • Removal of water and sulfur compounds to protect gas transmission pipelines • Dehydration of natural gas liquids • Desulfurization of feed streams for ammonia and other chemical plants • Removal of mercury, preventing damage to aluminum heat exchangers
Petr Pe trol oleu eum m re refi fini ning ng
• De Dehhyd ydrrat atio ionn of of alk alkyyla lati tion on fe feed ed,, re refi fine nery ry ga gass st stre ream amss pri prior or to cry ryog ogeeni nicc se sepa parrat atio ion, n, na nappht htha ha and diesel oil • Purification of feedstocks to protect isomerization catalysts • Removal of water, HCl and H 2S from reformer streams • Removal of oxygenates from etherification raffinate streams and alkylation feed • Removal of nitriles from etherification feed • Dehydration of ethanol • Dehydration and desulfurization of LPG streams • Separation of normal paraffins from branched chain and cyclic compounds • Purification by pressure pressure swing adsorption for upgrading hydrocarbon hydrocarbon streams
• Dehydration and purification of NGL/ethane/propane feed • Dehydration of cracked cracked gas, gas, C2 and C3 splitter feed and hydrogen • Dehydration and purification of salt-dome-stored ethylene, propylene and various other feedstocks • Removal of water, carbon dioxide, methyl alchohol and other oxygenates, hydrogen hydrogen sulfide and
Volatile organic compound removal
sulfuruscompounds, and mercury from ethylene, propylene, butylenes, amylenes and vario various solvents and solvents andammonia co-monomers co-monomer s • Removal of trace volatile organic compounds from air streams • Removal of volatile organic compounds from moisture-laden process streams 17
Put UOP's experience and technology to work for you OP's expertise and innovation extends from
technical support staff, and manufacturing facilities facilities
research and development to manufacturing
located around the globe, UOP continues to lead the the
and from application product selection to
industry through our commitment to our customers.
technical tech nical services. services. To meet customer needs, UOP offers
Whether you are looking to dr y, purify or separate,
the broadest portfolio of molecular sieve and activated
you'll find the adsorbent solution with UOP. UOP.
alumina products products in the world. world. With sales, 18
UOP Adsorbent Sales Offices UOP LLC Adsorbents 307 Fellowship Fellowship Road, Road, Suite 207 Mt. Laur Laurel, el, NJ 0805 08054 4 (856) 727-9400
UOP Canada Inc. 444 5th Avenue S.W. Suite 1860 Calgary Calg ary,, Albe Alberta rta T2P 2T8, Cana Canada da (403) 777-3750
UOP GmbH. Steinhof 39 D-40699 Erkrath, Germany 49-211-24903-25
UOP LLC Adsorbents PO Box 163 Riverside, IL 60546-0163 60546-0163 (708) 442-4092
UOP Ltd. 5th Floor Marine House Rakhman Rakh manov ovsky sky pe perr. 4, bld bld.. 1 127051 Moscow Moscow,, Russia 7-095-258-2893
UOP S.r.l. S.r .l. Viale M.S., MilanoFiori Strada 1, 1, Palazzo E1 I-20090 ASSAGO MI Milan, Mil an, Ital Italyy 39-02-89224200
UOP Middle East Co. Dubai World Trade Center, 25th Fl. P.O. Box 9428 Dubai, United Arab Arab Emirates Emirates (971-4) 3313-841
Union Showa KK Sanwa San wa Bui Buildi lding ng,, 4F 27-17, 27-1 7, Hamam Hamamatsu-c atsu-cho, ho, 1 chome Minato-ku,T Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013 Japan 81-3-3432-7553
UOP LLC Adsorbents 25111 Country Club Blvd., Suite 265 N. Olmste Olmsted, d, OH 4407 44070 0 (440) 734-0086 UOP LLC Adsorbents 13105 Northwest Freeway Suite 600 Houston,TX 77040 (713) 744-2840 UOP LLC Adsorbents Danville Business Center 4115 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, Suite 100 Danville,, CA 94506 Danville (925) 648-2060
UOP Ltd. “Liongate”” Ladymead “Liongate Guildford Surrey GU1 1AT United Kingdom 44-1-483-466139
Shanghai UOP UOP Ltd. Ltd. (Sales) Suite 1203, 1203, Huiy Huiyin in Plaza, Plaza, South 2088 Hua Shan Road Shanghai 200030 People’s Republic of China 86-21-54070555
UOP France s.a.r.l. 24 Rue Saarinen Silic 252 94568 Rungis Rungis Cedex, France
Universal Oil Products Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 101 Thomson Road #16-03/04 United Square
33 (1) 41-80-1660
Singapore,, 307591 Singapore 65-6-253-1652
Separate Dry Purify Separate Dry Purify Separate Dry
25 East Algonquin Road Des Plaines, Plaines, IL 600 6001717-501 5017 7 847-391-2000 www
Separate Dry Purify Separate Dry Purify Separate Dr
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