Introduction to Town Planning

March 13, 2017 | Author: S.Rengasamy | Category: N/A
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S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences

S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Town Planning

No urban area will prosper unless it attracts those who can choose to live wherever they wish. My interest is in the future, because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Content Urban India Box: How India’s Urban Settlements are administered Town Panchayats / Municipalities / Corporations Box: Basic Feature and Pattern of India's Urbanization Table: No of towns and percentage of urban population by size class Table: Million Plus Cities in India Box: Town Panchayats (Nagar Palikas) in India – The case of Tamilnadu Box: Municipal Administration in India: The case of Tamilnadu Box: Some Definitions Box: Town Planning Explanations & Definitions Box: If town planning is not there Box: Planning –Definitions Obstacles identified in the optimum development of urban centers Social and economic aims of town planning Box: Components of town planning Box: Basics of Town Planning Meaning and Components of Town Planning Box: Urban Facts Characteristics of successful Town Planning Civic Design Urban Planning Picture: Growth of a city Box: Objectives of Town Planning

Box: Background factors and problems in Town Planning Individual control of small parcels of urban land Arbitrary political boundaries Irregularity of the environmental site Heritage of past construction Anticipation of future change Methods of Town Planning: Major aspects of the master plan

General land use pattern Table: Percentage of land use Spatial locations for various functions Pic: Contrasting Urban Scenario Industrial location Commercial location Residential location; Streets and transportation facilities Urban planning education

Legislative frame work for urban planning Challenges in urban planning for local bodies in India Box: Problems of Urban Local Bodies [ULBs] Box: The rationale to use Town Planning: Advantages Long history Democratic and participatory: Fair Respects property Non-coercive and non-authoritarian Win-win proposition Transparent Tested in law courts Making development pay for the cost of infrastructure Box: Limitations of Town Planning Lengthy time frames Inadequate attention to substantial issues No asset management framework is in place Centralized processes Disconnect with the city budgeting process Box: Potentials of Town Planning TPS as an infrastructure financing tool TPS as a tool to introduce innovative planning concepts TPS as a tool to build accurate maps and land records for the city Box: Rural Urban Relationship Box: Responsibilities assigned to Rural local government 11th schedule-243G Box: Responsibilities assigned Urban local government 12th schedule- 243w Issues in Urban Planning The Master plan Approach – Concepts, Objectives and Functions The functions of the Master Plan / Development plan Critique of the Master Plan Approach 16 Points Modifications suggested in Master Plan 17 Points


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Urban India In India out of the total population of 1027 million as on 1st March, 2001, about 742 million live in rural areas and 285 million in urban areas. The net addition of population in rural areas during 1991-2001 has been to the tune of 113 million while in urban areas it is 6 million. The percentage decadal growth of population in rural and urban areas during the decade is 17.9 and 31.2 percent respectively. The percentage of urban population to the total population of the country stands at 27.8. The percentage of urban population to total population in the 1991 Census (including interpolated population of Jammu & Kashmir where Census could not be conducted in 1991) was 25.7 percent. Thus, there has been an increase on 2.1 percentage points in the proportion of urban population in the country during 1991 – 2001 Level of Urbanization

Total Rural Urban

urban Population of India Persons Males Females 102,70,15247 53,12,77078 49,57,38169 27.8% 74,16,60293 38,11,41184 36,05,19109 28,53,54954 15,01,35894 13,52,19060


Population Size No.of Towns Class I 1,00,000 & above 393 Class II 50,000 - 99,999 401 Class III 20,000 - 49,999 1,151 Class IV 10,000 - 19,999 1,344 Class V 5,000 - 9,999 888 Class VI Less than 5,000 191 Unclassified 10* All classes 4378

Among all the States and Union territories, the National Capital Territory of Delhi is most urbanized with 93 percent urban population followed by Union territory of Chandigarh (89.8 percent) and Pondicherry (66.6 percent). Among the major States, Tamil Nadu is the most urbanized state with 43.9 percent of the population living in urban areas followed by Maharashtra (42.4 percent) and Gujarat (37.4 percent). The proportion of urban population is the lowest in Himachal Pradesh with 9.8% followed by Bihar with 10.5 percent, Assam (12.7 percent) and Orissa (14.9 percent). In terms of absolute number of persons living in urban areas, Maharashtra leads with 41 million persons which is 14 percent of the total population of the country. Uttar Pradesh accounts for about 35 million followed by Tamil Nadu 27 million. The number of towns and cities have increased to 4378, as detailed in the above table: The number of metropolitan cities having million plus population has increased to 35 as per 2001 census. The names of such cities are given in the following table: Indian Cities having million (+) Population in 2001 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Urban Agglomeration/City Greater Mumbai Kolkata Delhi Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad Ahmedabad Pune Surat Kanpur Jaipur Lucknow Nagpur Patna Indore Vadodara Bhopal

Population (Lakhs) 163.7 132.2 127.9 64.2 56.9 55.3 45.2 37.5 28.1 26.9 23.2 22.7 21.2 17.1 16.4 14.9 14.5

Rank 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Urban Agglomeration/City Coimbatore Ludhiana Kochi Visakhapatnam Agra Varanasi Madurai Meerut Nashik Jabalpur Jamshedpur Asansol Dhanbad Faridabad Allahabad Amritsar Vijaywada Rajkot

Population (Lakhs) 14.5 14.0 13.5 13.3 13.2 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.2 11.0 10.9 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.1 10.1 10.0


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

How India’s Urban Settlements are administered After the 74th Amendment was enacted there are only three categories of Urban Local Bodies: 1.Nagar Panchayat (Town Panchayat) 2.Nagar Palika (Municipality) 3.Nagar Nigam (Municipal Corporation) Town Panchayat - Nagar Panchayat A Town Panchayat (Nagar Panchayat) is a form of an urban body in India comparable to a Municipality.A town panchayat means an urban centre with more than 30,000 and less than 100,000 inhabitants is classified as a Nagar Panchayat. However, there are some exceptions. All the previous Town Area Committees (Urban centers with a total population of more than 5,000 and less than 20,000) are reclassified as Nagar Panchayat. Nagar Panchayat have a chairman with ward members. It consists of a minimum of 10 elected ward members and three nominated members. Municipality / Nagar Palika In India a Nagar Palika, / Municipality is a Urban Local Body that administers a city of population 200,000 or less. Under the Panchayati Raj system, it interacts directly with the state government, though it is administratively part of the district it is located in. Generally smaller district cities and bigger towns have a Nagar Palika. The members of the Nagar Palika are elected representatives for a term of five years. The town is divided into wards according to its population and representatives are elected from each ward. The members elect a president among themselves to preside over and conduct meetings. A chief officer, along with officers like an engineer, sanitary inspector, health officer and education officer who come from the state public service are appointed by the state government to control the administrative affairs of the Nagar Palika. Municipal Corporation / Nagar Nigam Nagar Nigams a.k.a (Municipal Corporations) in India are state government formed departments that works for the development of a city, which has a population of more than 1 Million. The growing population and urbanization in various cities of India were in need of a local governing body that can work for providing necessary community services like health centers, educational institutes and housing and property tax. They are formed under the Corporations Act of 1835 of Panchayati Raj system which mainly deals in providing essential services in every small town as well as village of a district/city. Their elections are held once in five year and the people choose the candidates. The largest corporations are in the four metropolitan cities of India, namely Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta and Chennai. These cities not only have a large population, but are also the administrative as well as commercial centers of the country. Basic Feature and Pattern of India's Urbanization Basic feature of urbanization in India can be highlighted as: 1 Lopsided urbanization induces growth of class I cities 2 Urbanization occurs without industrialization and strong economic base 3 Urbanization is mainly a product of demographic explosion and poverty induced rural - urban migration. 4 Rapid urbanization leads to massive growth of slum followed by misery, poverty, unemployment, exploitation, inequalities, degradation in the quality of urban life. 5 Urbanization occurs not due to urban pull but due to rural push. 6 Poor quality of rural-urban migration leads to poor quality of Urbanization (Bhagat,1992). 7 Distress migration initiates urban decay


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

To get more details visit: Tamil Nadu is the first State to have introduced a classification in the status of local bodies as ‘Town Panchayat’, which was planned as a transitional body between Rural and Urban Local Bodies. The Town Panchayats were conferred with individual administrative powers and unique functional characters have been in existence for over a century. The Town Panchayats adopt well devised accounting and auditing procedures and the service delivery to the public has been better. Town Panchayats are under the administrative control Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department, at Govt. level. The Town Panchayats are places of importance such as Division / Taluk headquarters, Tourist Spots, Pilgrim Centers and Commercial/Industrial towns. This has necessitated special attention to the civic needs of the Town Panchayats. District Municipalities Act The Town Panchayats are governed by Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act 1920. There are 561 Town Panchayats in the state which are classified into four grades, based on the income criteria: Grade No of TP Income Criteria Special Grade 13 Above Rs. 20 Lakhs Selection Grade 245 Above Rs. 16 Lakhs Grade I 221 Above Rs. 8 Lakhs Grade II 32 Above Rs. 4 Lakhs Total 561 Town Panchayats Administration Executive Officer is the Executive authority of the Town Panchayat. He is assisted by Head Clerk, Junior Assistant, Bill Collector, Typist for the maintenance of records, Collection of taxes, maintenance of assets and in ensuring the publicity and propaganda and in implementation of Government Programmes. Functions of Town Panchayats The Town Panchayats are responsible in delivery of the following civic services: • Providing Basic Amenities o Roads Street Lights Water Supply Public Health Drainage • Granting of Building Licenses • Levying of Taxes o Property Tax Vacant Land Tax Profession Tax Non Tax Water Charges • Issuing Birth & Death Certificates • Issuing Dangerous & Offensive Trade Licenses • Implementation of State / Central Schemes Sources of Revenue of Town Panchayats The revenue of the Town Panchayats is derived from the sources as below: § Property Tax Professional Tax License Fees, Rents and other charges such as water charges § Surcharge on Stamp duty Devolution grants from the Government § Other miscellaneous incomes such as interest on deposits Programs /Schemes in Town Panchayats 1. Anaithu Peruratchi Anna Marumalarchi Thittam 2. Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) 3. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 4. Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) & Basic Service 5. Part II Schemes 6. Infrastructure gap filling fund 7. Solid Waste Management 8. 12th Finance Commission Grants 9. Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) 10. Supply of Computers and Soft wares 11. Human Resources Development


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Municipal / Urban Administration in Tamilnadu The Municipalities in Tamilnadu are classified into five grades based on the annual income /population. under the Tamil Nadu Municipalities (Norms for Classification of Municipalities) Rules2008.,. The current status of the ULBs is given in the table Grade Annual Income (Rs. In No. of crores) Municipalities Special Grade Above 10.00 20 Selection Grade 6.00 - 10.00 29 Grade I 4.00 - 6.00 29 Grade II Below 4.00 21 Grade III Population exceeding 30000 49 Total 148 Municipal Corporations in TN 1. Chennai Corporation 2. Madurai Corporation 3. Coimbatore Corporation 4. Salem Corporation 5. Trichy Corporation 6. Tirunelveli Corporation 7. Erode Corporation 8. Tiruppur Corporation 9. Vellore Corporation 10.Thoothukudi Corporation

SOME DEFINITIONS Urban. Settlements or localities defined as “urban” by national statistical agencies. Urbanization. The process of transition from a rural to a more urban society. Statistically, urbanization reflects an increasing proportion of the population living in settlements defined as urban, primarily through net rural to urban migration. The level of urbanization is the percentage of the total population living in towns and cities while the rate of urbanization is the rate at which it grows. Urban growth. The increase in the number of people who live in towns and cities, measured either in relative or absolute terms. Natural increase. The difference between the number of births and number of deaths in a given population. The urban transition. The passage from a predominantly rural to a predominantly urban society.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning TOWN PLANNING EXPLANATIONS:

Town Planning - Definitions City planning is a process of planning for the improvement of urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities, and aesthetic surroundings. Planning that also includes outlying communities and highways is termed regional planning.Columbia Encyclopedia Urban, city / town planning is the integration of the disciplines of land use planning and transport planning, to explore a very wide range of aspects of the built and social environments of urbanized municipalities and communities. Regional planning deals with a still larger environment, at a less detailed level- Wikipedia Town planning means determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community Town planning means the physical, social and economic planning of an urban environment (such as a town) Urban planning is a mixture of science and art. It encompasses many different disciplines and brings them all under a single umbrella. The simplest definition of urban planning is that it is the organization of all elements of a town or other urban environment. However, when one thinks about all the elements that make up a town, urban planning suddenly seems complicated - and it is. Town planning includes village planning, town planning, city planning, metropolitan planning, regional planning and national physical planning. This wider aspect is ignored and town planning became synonymous with plan for streets, houses and civic amenities. In its actual practice town planning may seem to take away the land of somebody, deprive somebody of building a house, or place restrictions on the number of storey to built etc. The new emerging concept of City Development Plan (CDP) is an action plan for equitable growth in a city, developed and sustained through public participation to improve the quality of life for all citizens. ‘A City Development Plan (CDP) is both a perspective and a vision for the future development of a city. It presents the current stage of the city’s development – where is the city now? It sets out the directions of change – where does the city want to go? It identifies the thrust areas — what does the city need to address on a priority basis? It also suggests alternative routes, strategies, and interventions for bringing about the change – what interventions should be made in order to attain the vision? It provides a framework and vision within which projects need to be identified and implemented. It establishes a logical and consistent framework for evaluation of investment decisions. The basic framework outlining the methodology for preparation of CDPs is given in The CDP is therefore the crucial link that weaves together the three basic elements of the mission - namely integrated development of infrastructure, basic services for the poor and adoption of urban sector reforms, into an integrated whole. It lays the foundation from which would follow DPRs not only for the mission period but also for the near future (say next decade or so). The quality of the CDP, therefore, is one of the most imperative links on which the success of the mission would depend. It may also be used by the city to promote itself to potential investors. If town planning is not there 1. Industries may spring up with less regard to social convenience and before roads are built 2. Houses may be constructed and occupied even before water supply and drainage facilities are provided 3. Schools may be located in total disregard of the population which uses that school 4. Roads may be widened without long lasting effect.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Planning Is... Planning defined: "Planning" means the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities. Responsible planning has always been vital to the sustainability of safe, healthy, and secure urban environments. Canada's population is growing and, with more people migrating from rural to urban areas, the planning profession must increasingly deal with urbanization issues, such as: 1. Conversion of land from natural habitats to urban built areas, 2. Maintenance and use of natural resources and habitats, 3. Development of transportation related infrastructure, 4.Ensuring environmental protection. Not only do planners deal with land use, but also: 1. Planning social and community services, 3. Managing cultural and heritage resources, 2. Creating economic capacity in local communities, 4.Addressing transportation and infrastructure,

Obstacles identified in the optimum development of urban centers: 1. High percentage of undeveloped or vacant land within the corporate limit. 2. Unbalanced, competing and deleterious use of land. 3. Lack of common facilities like transportation system, housing, water supply, sanitation and adequate open spaces etc. 4. Lack of strong and wide economic space. 5. Uncontrolled peripheral development. 6. High cost of land and development further aggravated by the speculative element. Other obstacles noted: 1. Agglomeration in large size towns of both industry and other work opportunities thus attracting larger population movements towards them. 2. Lack of incentives and resources for small towns to develop; most of them being overgrown villages at present with a sizeable percentage of working force engaged in agriculture. 3. Because of the low economic level of the migrant labour, generally unskilled, creation of slums in urban areas. 4. Because of the low literacy and economic level, the social characteristics of migrant population tend to be incompatible with urban ways of life. Social and economic aims town planning; 1. Socially successful planning tends to make people’s life happier, because it results in physical environment which is conducive to health; facilitates social intercourse and gives visual attractiveness 2. It increases wealth, by efficiently arranging communication routes to carry out human activities in a more efficient and less wasteful manner through proper spatial arrangement.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Basics of Urban Planning Urban Planning Basics The goal of planning is to guide the development of a city or town so that it furthers the welfare of its current and future residents by creating convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient and attractive environments. Most urban planners work in existing communities, but some help develop communities -- known as new towns, new cities or planned communities -- from scratch. Either way, urban planners must consider three key aspects of a city as they map out their programs: The physical environment: A city's physical environment includes its location, its climate and its proximity to sources of food and water. Because drinking water is so crucial, many cities are founded at the head of a river or at the fall line, the point where rivers descend from the regions of older, harder rocks toward the softer sediments of the coastal plain. The rapids that often form at the fall line mark ideal locations for towns and villages to evolve. Coastal cities also have a great advantage in that their accessibility positions them to become important trading centers. Coastal cities, enjoy certain advantages by having access to the ocean. They also face certain challenges, including exposure to hurricanes. The social environment: The social environment includes the groups to which a city's residents belong, the neighborhoods in which they live, the organization of its workplaces, and the policies created to impose order. One of the biggest issues in most cities is the inequitable distribution of resources. For example, more than 50 percent of the population of Mumbai and New Delhi (cities in India) live in slums, while in Lagos and Nairobi (cities in Africa), more than 60 percent of households aren't connected to water [source: United Nations Human Settlements Program]. As a result, the social environment can be a risk factor for disease and mortality as much as individual risk factors. Planners work with local authorities to make sure residents are not excluded from the benefits of urbanization as a result of physical, social or economic barriers. The economic environment: All cities work hard to support the retention and expansion of existing local businesses. Primary employers, such as manufacturing as well as research and development companies, retail businesses, universities, federal labs, local government, cultural institutions, and departments of tourism all play strong roles in a city's economy. The programs of an urban planner should encourage partnerships among public agencies, private companies and nonprofit organizations; foster innovation and competitiveness; provide development opportunities and resources to small businesses; and nurture, preserve and promote local arts and creative industries in order to sustain a city's cultural vitality. As you can imagine, urban planners must do a great deal of research and analysis to fully understand how the physical, social and economic aspects of a city interact. Before they ever put pen to paper, they study: * The current use of land for residential, business and community purposes * The locations and capacity of streets, highways, airports, water and sewer


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Meaning and Components of Town Planning; Town and country planning might be described as the art and science of ordering the use of land and the character and siting of buildings and communication routes, so as to secure the maximum practicable degree of economy, convenience and beauty. Urban Facts The year 2007 marks the first time in the history of mankind when the number of people residing in cities has overtaken those staying in villages. India's 300 million city dwellers contribute a significant one-tenth of the world's urban population. Some facts garnered from the study by Urban Age were that Greater Mumbai has a density of 27,348 people packed in each square kilometer, as against Kolkata's 24,454, Bangalore's 19,040 and Delhi's 9,340. In its 'peak density' area, Mumbai can boast, or bemoan, 101,066 people packed in a single square kilometer - more than any other of the nine cities globally included in this study. Yet, as she houses 12 million inhabitants in an area half the size of Berlin, less than half of Greater Mumbai is covered by built-up land and infrastructure. The greater half includes a national park and open areas, coastal wetlands, mangroves, agricultural land and even beaches. Population growth in India's urban areas has been no less dramatic. Between 1950, 2007 and 2020 (projected), Mumbai has ballooned from 2.8 million to 18.9 million and will touch 23.9 million. Some believe it could cross Tokyo as the most populated city globally. Delhi has zoomed from 1.4 million to 16.6 million to reach 23.7 million and Kolkata from 4.5 million to 14.8 million and 18.7 million. Bangalore's growth moved from .7 million to 6.9 million at present and is estimated to touch 9.5 million by 2020. Keeping these projections in mind, Mumbai and Delhi would be among the most populous in the world by 2020, followed by Mexico City (22.1 million), New York (20.3 million), Kolkata (18.7 million), and Shanghai (18.4 million). Compounding Greater Mumbai's extremely high population is traffic congestion, loss of wetlands, flooding and critical housing issues. Delhi's problems are said to arise from a rapid population growth and large unplanned urbanization. Besides this, add stretched-out infrastructure, unaffordable housing, growing slums, traffic congestion and "significant ecological degradation". Kolkata's bowl of woes includes the loss of city wetlands, frequent floods, traffic congestion, inadequate infrastructure and pollution. The Garden City Bangalore ails from rapid urbanization, pollution, waste disposal and sewerage and sanitation problems, loss of its tree cover, and high traffic congestion. Coming to city commutation, around 55.5 percent Mumbaites walk, 21.9 percent go by train, 14.4 percent opt for the bus, and only 1.6 percent takes their car. Rickshaw and taxi, two-wheelers and cycles are used by only a small number of people. Surprisingly, Mumbai has the lowest level of car ownership with 29 cars per 1,000 residents, a stark contrast to Mexico City's 383. Kolkata and Bangalore have the highest number of cars per kilometer among Indian cities. With 1,421 cars per kilometer, Kolkata's car density beats even than of Berlin. Someone living in Mumbai has a life expectancy of 68.1 years as against 79.2 years in London or 75.9 years in Mexico City. Looking at the brighter side of life, Indian cities have relatively low murder rates, similar to London and Shanghai.

Characteristics of successful Town Planning; Ø Promotion of accessibility Ø Employment of resources as economically as possible Ø The separation of incompatible land uses from each other and association of compatible or mutually helpful uses. Ø Carrying out of all developments in a visually pleasant and practical manner The principal of good neighborliness—the right to do what they like with their property subject to the limitation that their action should not be harmful, either to themselves or to the neighborhood— This neighborliness recognizes the need for planning legislation. 12

S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

In the beginning civic designs through planning provided colour and texture of the fabric of environment. With the gradual diffusion of ownership of land, such planning has given place to building codes and legislative measures to assemble diffused ownership as a unified whole amenable for development/redevelopment At macro level—a tool for appropriate assembly of land as optimal planning units Civic design At micro level—detailed design of the buildings as well as their spatial relationship Good neighborliness and civic design form the warp and resource allocation the weft of the fabric of planning. Planning legislation will then the loom on which the fabric is woven and the administration the salesman. Urban Planning Ø Control within the city Ø Urban planning refers to those activities by which a metropolis systematically undertakes to control its spatial functional pattern Growth of a City

300 years before

150 years before



S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Background factors and problems in Town Planning Some important factors that complicate the tasks of planning for a metropolis are discussed under 5 headings Ø Individual control of small parcels of urban land. Ø Arbitrary political boundaries. Ø Irregularity of environmental sites. Ø Heritage of past construction. Ø Anticipation of future change 1. Individual control of small parcels of urban land: Within the city both govt. and private citizens own parts of land area. Private Citizens own 55% & govt. owns about 45% of the urban land (i.e. public—streets, parks, play grounds & govt. buildings). Private ownership (i.e. Residences, stores, factories, commercial, recreation) Why municipal legislation is necessary to control the undesirable consequences of private ownership of small parcels of urban land 1. A owner may build a store or factory in an residential area thereby decreasing the value of nearby houses. 2. In a deteriorated urban neighborhood, remodeling of old houses or to build a new one depends upon the neighbors willingness ie. Ready to do the same 3. A owner who owns single strategic plot may either block a development effort or may delay it by demanding a price considerably higher than the ordinary market value. (So municipal regulation is necessary to control this) 2. Arbitrary political boundaries; An adequate urban plan covers not only the built up area of the city but also such parts of the unoccupied hinterland as need to be controlled in order to secure both orderly future growth of the metropolis and reasonable protection of its residences. Lack of control over the peripheral land may result in Ø During a real estate boom, private owners in various sub divisions may break up tracts of farm land into town sized building plots. Such sub dividing activity distorts local land values and interferes with ordinary urban growth. Ø Houses built in unzoned area, may later surrounded by cheaply constructed homes or hedged in by objectionable factories and other buildings. Traditional political boundaries make difficult, the control of haphazard urban growth in the unincorporated fringe area of the metropolis. 3. Irregularity of the environmental site: Every urban site has its own unique features Ø Underlying soil and terrain conditions has different advantages and disadvantages for various kinds of buildings. Ø Topography affects the routes of transportation. Transportation in turn influences the location of factories, stores and residences. Ø Breaks transportation eg. Land to water vice versa. Ø Some parts of the city provide better amenities than other eg. Beach—exceptional view. 4. Heritage of past construction: Town planning activity may be limited or modified by the heritage of past construction. Unfortunately, the heritage of the past does not always satisfy contemporary needs. Eg. Narrow streets were enough for horse and buggy days. Cannot handle the huge volume of today’s motor traffic. Factories once properly located finds themselves surrounded by residences. Cost factor inhibits remodeling of the built up area e.g. widening of the narrow streets So the urban planners leave this condition as it is and effect changes slowly. 5. Anticipation of future change: Emergence of real estate mafias and increasing the land value not affordable for the poor and middle class


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Methods of Town Planning:

Major aspects of the master plan: The master plan deals with the natural city as a whole. It offers a broad picture of the projected spatial pattern.. Three aspects of the master plan are:1. City beautification as emphasized by the architects. 2. Transportation and safety as stressed by the engineers 3. Land use pattern as emphasized by economists, geographers and human ecologists. General land use pattern; Planning for effective land use within the city involves decisions about; Ø The various types of utilization that requires distinctive sub areas. Ø The percentage of total occupied space that should be apportioned to each types and grade of utilization. Ø The proper location for each type of functional area. Wholesale Stores

Retail Storage and switching facility Light

Factorie s Private land use

Heavy Nuisance Low

Residences Medium High

Public Land Use

Parks Playgrounds Civic centers Roads

Percentage of land use; (Bartholeama study) Occupied urban space was split among various functions as follows Residences (Single family: 36%, Two family: 2%, ultiple:1%)

Stores & other commercial Utilization Industry Rail roads Streets Parks & play grounds Other public and semi- Public facilities


39 % 2% 6% 5% 34 % 6% 8%

27-59 % 01-04 % 03-11 % 03- 08 % 21-59 % 01-19 % 01-15%

**The percentage may vary according to the function performed by the city


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Percentage of land utilized by various functions exhibited considerable regularity and that suggests that urban planners may employ them as rough guidelines in apportioning percentages urban land to various categories of utilization

An ideal master plan places every sub area of a city in a location so related to every other, thereby Ø The total cost of moving men and material from place to place is minimized. Ø Safety and beauty are maximized. Ø Constructive social contracts are streamlined. Even though a planner must begin with the existing pattern, he has numerous divisions to make regarding future changes. 1. What additional industrial sites will be required and where should they be located? 2. What changes should be made in the number and size of commercial areas? 3. What existing residential areas should be altered in type or grade? 4. How much additional vacant space will be needed for residences and where? 5. What provisions should be made in various areas for playgrounds, parks, public and semi public places? Contrasting Urban Scenario

Industrial location Where –near the central business district? Along lines of transportation? At periphery or near by hinterland? Care has to be taken to 1. Prevent loss of property values by wrongly intermixing industries and residences. 2. Clustering of independent industries 3. To provide heavy transportation services to industries 4. To prepare for the expansion and migration of industries within the city it self Commercial location What? –Major shopping and luxury goods. Shopping goods and convenience goods. Parking facility Commercial areas for each residential area.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Residential location; The other functions performed by these locations should be taken care of. ie. Education, Worship and Recreation. Streets and transportation facilities; The major function of urban transportation is that of connecting one area with another area, so that men and materials can move with greater safety and at less cost Railroads . Bus line Facilities which link city with Truck line hinterland and foreign areas Private vehicles Air lines Wire, Cables, Radio & TV Local streets Water pipes Facilities which link various parts Sewers of the city Telephone & power lines Rail lines Types: Multi purpose main highways High speed expressways By-pass routes Streets Neighborhood streets Scenic parkways Three aspects of effective street use; Ø Traffic counts and calculation of street requirement Ø Elimination of bottle necks and dangerous intersections. Ø Special high & speed express ways and by-pass routes. City Beautification; Federal Buildings Architecture State Buildings Parks

Modification of built up area

Slum Elimination Preplanned peripheral areas

Urban planning education; **As the urban societies grew more complex, the responsibilities of urban planners whose task is to guide the changing urban area, becomes ominous. **The urban planner’s task is not confined to only “preparing and carrying out a plan for the use and development of land. It also includes giving present and future generation a chance of satisfying living. **The initial period of planning was cast within the concept of “city beautiful” syndrome largely arising out of the concerns of the professional architects. Urban planning then was synonymous with the physical development of the urban centers.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

**Urban planning profession gained legitimacy through various statutory provisions concerning the preparation of master plans and the institutionalization planning as a govt. activity. The famous triad of beauty, health and convenience defined the planner’s task. **There is a growing school of thought in the west that views the structure of the city including its land use and activity patterns, as the result of capital in pursuit of profit. Planning in this framework is considered “as a historically specific and socially necessary response to the self disorganizing tendencies of privatized capitalist, social and the property relations as they appear in the urban space. **Three major orientations in urban planning – 1. Traditional role of physical development; 2. Analyst role of understanding the complex socio-economic urban system; 3. Advocate role of working with and for the people, particularly the poor. Legislative frame work for urban planning: Whether state legislations are competent to make a town planning law? (Maneklal & Makwana ). The answer is “Yes”. Array of legislations relating to town planning & development. Municipal Acts. Improve Trusts Act. Development Authority Act.---------------------- acts created Slum Clearance and Authority Act.--------------- for some Housing Board Acts.-------------------------------- special Peripheral / Ribbon Development Control Act. purpose Water Supply & Sewerage Boards Acts. Pollution Acts. Urban Land Ceiling Acts. Urban Arts Commission Acts. Town Planning in Tamilnadu; Tamilnadu Town and Country Planning Act.1971, provisions to prepare hierarchy of development plans at three different levels. Ø Regional plans. Ø Urban (Master) Plans. Ø Local (Detailed Development ) Plans Tamilnadu is divided in to eight panning regions-ie. Regional planning areas. District Collector –Chairmen Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning.—Member Secretary. They graft plans after wide public discussion. Zoning; Zoning is the division of community in to different zones or districts according to present and potential use of properties for the purpose of controlling and directing the use and development of these properties. It is concerned primarily with the use of land and buildings, the height and bulk of the buildings, proportion of a lot which buildings may cover, and the diversity of the population of the given area. Zoning is an instrument of of plan implementation, deals primarily with use and development of privately owned land and buildings rather than with public land buildings and facilities.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

CHALLENGES IN URBAN PLANNING FOR LOCAL BODIES IN INDIA In India out of the total population of 1027 million as on 1st March, 2001, about 742 million live in rural areas and 285 million in urban areas. The net addition of population in rural areas during 1991-2001 has been to the tune of 113 million while in urban areas it is 6 million. The percentage decadal growth of population in rural and urban areas during the decade is 17.9 and 31.2 percent respectively. As a result, most urban settlements are characterized by shortfalls in housing and water supply, inadequate sewerage, traffic congestion, pollution, poverty and social unrest making urban governance a difficult task. The Constitutional Amendment Act 74 The CAA74 mandates compulsory reconstitution of municipal bodies within a stipulated time frame, thus ensuring continuity of local representatives. The twelfth schedule of the CAA74 has listed 18 functions and responsibilities to local bodies. Importantly the CAA74 expressly recognizes a role for the ULBs within the constitutional framework and provides for devolution of financial powers from the state government for strengthening of municipal finances. The CAA74 also provides for constitution of Ward Committees in municipalities with a population of more than 3 lakh, Metropolitan Planning Committees and District Planning Committees for consolidation and preparation of plans of spatial, economic and social development. From a "top down” approach, the emphasis has thus shifted to the" bottom up" approach. In view of the challenges facing by ULBs the planners have to prepare themselves for a new role and much wider responsibilities. As a bridge between the civil society and the politico-economic structure, the planners have to perform the role of the catalysts of change. With the ongoing globalization, economic liberalization and devolution of power to local bodies, gone are the days of armchair professionals. In the context of decentralization of power from Central / State Governments to local levels, there is a clear need to strengthen the Urban Local Bodies and endowing them with the finances, commensurate with their assigned responsibility. The experience indicates that the first and foremost priority should be to strengthen the local bodies and improve their performances that have the primary responsibility to provide urban services. Problems of Urban Local Bodies [ULBs] Urban Local Bodies [ULBs] which are statutorily responsible for provision and maintenance of basic infrastructure and services in cities and towns are under fiscal stress. To even operate and maintain existing services, let alone augment them, would be difficult. There has been little or no increase in their revenue base; user charges continue to be low or non-existent. ULBs are becoming increasingly dependent on the higher levels of government for their operation and maintenance requirements. Many ULBs have accumulated ‘large’ debts and face serious problems in servicing them. Other problems Restriction to a small resource base poor planning process, lack of periodical revision of municipal tax rates / user charges, and poor information system and records management are some of the basic weaknesses in the present municipal administration.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

The rationale to use Town Planning: Advantages • Long history: The process has a long history—it was introduced in 1915 by legislation, and since then the legislation has been continuously improved to make the process more responsive to the changing context of development. • Democratic and participatory: The process is democratic and participatory, with a built-in mechanism for dispute resolution—the landowners are involved in the process of planning and have ample opportunity to present their views on the proposals and place on record their objections. • Fair: The process is fair, as all owners loose the same proportion of land. • Equitable and inclusive development: The process facilitates equitable and inclusive development; a portion of land is appropriated for accommodating urban poor. • Respects property rights and is non-disruptive: The process respects property rights and is nondisruptive; the landowners are not thrown off their lands and are given a better-shaped land parcel, usually very close to the original land parcel. • Non-coercive and non-authoritarian: The process is non-coercive and non-authoritarian; the proposals are reviewed at several stages that are formally prescribed in the act. • Win-win proposition: The process has been a “win-win” proposition for both the landowners and the planning agencies—both gain from the appreciation in the land values • Transparent: The process is transparent: it is very clearly described in legislation, planners have mastered it, and people understand and accept it. • Tested in law courts: It is tested in law courts; it has been challenged in law courts and has withstood the challenges successfully. • Making development pay for the cost of infrastructure: The cost of infrastructure is in a sense paid for by the owners directly, and the planning agency and development authority is not required to make huge investments up-front. Limitations of Town Planning Despite the TPS mechanism being well articulated and widely accepted, there are a few shortcomings, which result in the growth not being managed in time, renewal of areas, although possible, becomes difficult and development occurs before the provision of infrastructure in some instances. The following are a few of the limitations: • Lengthy time frames: The timelines proposed in the regulatory framework-four years—are far too long. The State Government actually takes much longer to approve the various stages. The TPSs thus take far too long to prepare and implement. These time frames were determined when computerization was nonexistent, communication technologies were cumbersome, and there was virtually no private sector in place to assist the public sector. In view of changes in technology, the timelines can be easily reduced. • Inadequate attention to substantial issues: Substantial issues are dealt with in an inadequate manner. These need to be supported by preparing manuals and guidelines. • No asset management framework is in place: The significant land assets generated by the local authority are not managed in an appropriate manner. Most local authorities or development authorities do not even have a comprehensive list of all such land assets created. • Centralized processes: The processes are far too centralized—too much power is vested in the State Government to approve and sanction the DPs and TPS. The State Government is responsible for undertaking both substantial reviews and procedural reviews of each and every DP (there are about 150 urban areas) and for innumerable TPSs. There are no limits on the time it takes for this and there is a tremendous amount of corruption that takes place at this stage. Inadequate capacities in terms of lack of staff and qualified planners add to the problem. • Disconnect with the city budgeting process: At the moment, there is no clear linkage of the DPs and TPS with the city budgeting process.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Potentials of Town Planning The TPS has tremendous potential that needs to be demonstrated effectively to the planners practicing in the public sector. This will considerably reinvigorate the urban planning system that is so critically required at this stage to transform Indian cities. • TPS as an infrastructure financing tool: Although several TPSs have been done and a land bank is being built up with the planning authorities, there is no systematic asset management framework in place. As a consequence, valuable land parcels created are not efficiently leveraged to finance infrastructure in cities. The present manner in which land valuation is done needs to be overhauled and made more systematic and rational so that it is realistic and in sync with the market prices. At present, land valuation is dictated by the concern to match the revenue in the form of betterment charges to the expenditure incurred by the Development Authority to develop the infrastructure and compensation. • TPS as a tool to introduce innovative planning concepts: Until now, the task of preparation of DPs has been restricted to land use zoning and the arterial road network structure. The TPSs have until now been treated as mechanical exercises in reconstituting land parcels, and not enough attention has been paid to planning concerns, be it in terms of the road network or responding to special site features. Three dimensional aspects are not addressed. Further, the manner in which the land for public uses is appropriated is highly fragmented. The TPS tool offers and opportunity to consolidate public lands. This has happened partly because this potential has never been demonstrated and partly because, the technical capacities of the town planning staff are severely constrained. • TPS as a tool to build accurate maps and land records for the city: No city in India does have an accurate surveyed map of the city after 60 years of independence. While a DP is prepared, the first task is to prepare a base map. When the TPSs are prepared, very accurate cadastral maps and landownership details are developed.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

RESPONSIBILITIES ASSIGNED TO RURAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELEVENTH SCHEDULE (Article 243G) 1. Agriculture, including agricultural extension. 2. Land improvement, implementation land reforms, land consolidation and soil conservation. 3. Minor irrigation, water management and watershed development. 4. Animal husbandry, dairying and poultry. 5. Fisheries. 6. Social forestry and farm forestry. 7. Minor forest produce. 8. Small scale industries, including food processing industries. 9. Khadi, village and cottage industries. 10. Rural housing. 11. Drinking water. 12. Fuel and fodder. 13. Roads, culverts, bridges, ferries, waterways and other means of communication. 14. Rural electrification, including distribution of electricity. 15. Non-conventional energy sources. 16. Poverty alleviation programme. 17. Education, including primary and secondary schools. 18. Technical training and vocational education. 19. Adult and non-formal education. 20. Libraries. 21. Cultural activities. 22. Markets and fairs. 23. Health and sanitation, including hospitals, primary health centers and dispensaries. 24. Family welfare. 25. Women and child development. 26. Social welfare, including welfare of the handicapped and mentally retarded. 27. Welfare of the weaker sections, and in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. 28. Public distribution system. 29. Maintenance of community assets.

RESPONSIBILITIES ASSIGNED URBAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT TWELFTH SCHEDULE (Article 243W) 1. Urban planning including town planning. 2. Regulation of land-use and construction of buildings. 3. Planning for economic and social development. 4. Roads and bridges. 5. Water supply for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes. 6. Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management. 7. Fire services. 8. Urban forestry, protection of the environment and promotion of ecological aspects. 9. Safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society, including the handicapped and mentally retarded. 10. Slum improvement and upgradation. 11. Urban poverty alleviation. 12. Provision of urban amenities and facilities such as parks, gardens, playgrounds. 13. Promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects. 14. Burials and burial grounds; cremations, cremation grounds and electric crematoriums. 15. Cattle pounds; prevention of cruelty to animals. 16. Vital statistics including registration of births and deaths. 17. Public amenities including street lighting, parking lots, bus stops and public conveniences. 18. Regulation of slaughter houses and tanneries.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

Issues in Urban Planning It is now being recognized that cities are the engines of growth at both regional and national level. To facilitate and sustain this growth, cities have to provide both a high quality of life and an efficient infrastructure for economic activities. Urban planning is basically resource generation, resource development and resource management exercise. The efficiency of urban settlements largely depends upon how well they are planned, how economically they are developed and how efficiently they are managed. Planning inputs largely govern the efficiency level of human settlements. There is a widely held view that the Master planning methods adopted over the last few decades have not produced a satisfactory physical environment. The urban development planning process in the past has been unduly long and has been largely confined to the detailing of land use aspects. The plans have paid inadequate attention to the provision of trunk infrastructure, environmental conservation and financing issues. They have been unrealistic and have not been accompanied by investment programs and capital budgets. Integrated urban development planning approach, taking into account regional, state and national strategies, and spatial, functional and other linkages between human settlements, has not been given much recognition. The Master plan Approach – Concepts, Objectives and Functions The master plan, which was perceived to be a process rather than a conclusive statement, provides guidelines for the physical development of the city and guides people in locating their investments in the city. In short, Master Plan is a design for the physical, social, economic and political frame work for the city, which greatly improves the quality of Urban Governance also. The functions of the Master Plan / Development plan: 1. To guide development of a city is an orderly manner so as to improve the quality of life of the people 2. Organize and coordinate the complex relationships between urban land uses 3. Chart a course for growth and change, be responsive to change and maintain its validity over time and space, and be subject to continual review 4. Direct the physical development of the city in relation to its social and economic characteristics based on comprehensive surveys and studies on the present status and the future growth prospects; and 5. Provide a resource mobilization plan for the proposed development works. Critique of the Master Plan Approach There is a widely held view that the Master Planning methods adopted over the last few decades have not produced a satisfactory physical environment. The urban development planning process in the past has been unduly long and has been largely confined to the dealing of land use aspects. The major criticisms of the Master Plan approach adopted in the country are as follows: 1. Plan Preparation Techniques: The Master plan details out the urbanized and urbanisable areas under its jurisdiction and suggests land use up to the neighborhood level. The tendency to over-plan the urban environment, with minute detailing, has resulted in lack of flexibility and has hindered individual self-expression. 2. Plan perspective: The plan projects and ’end state’ scenario for 20-25 years and is not detailed enough for short and medium-terms actions. 23

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3. Static Plan: The plan is mostly static and not amendable to quick mid-course corrections. 4. Delays: Inordinate delays in Master Plan preparation and approval and, in addition, difficulty in obtaining possession of land sought to be acquired for the purpose is one of the main handicaps in the speedy and successful implementation of the Master Plan. 5. Growth of the City: The efficacy of the master Plan is adversely effected by the divergence between the precept and practices concerning the preparation of the Master Plan and its implementation. 6. Ineffective Public Participation: The mechanism for public participation is ineffective in the process of development planning, in both its preparation and implementation. It is more top-down than a bottom-up approach. 7. Weak information Base: Master Plan preparation is undertaken with a very weak information base especially on socioeconomic parameters, housing and environment. 8. Impractical Physical standards: The plans prescribe impractical densities and layout high standards in an effort to improve the quality of life in a city. These are generally higher than what the city population, particularly the poor, can afford. 9. Lack of Financing Plan: Estimates of financial outlay do not match the development works envisaged in the Master Plan. The strategies for raising resources required for plan implementation are never an integral part of the plan. 10. Spatial Planning vis-à-vis Development Planning: Urban planning in India has been totally over-shadowed by its spatial content instead of realization of social and economic objectives. Town planning exercises have tended to concentrate on physical order and environmental quality of city, and have been isolated from the mainstream of development planning, decision-making and implementation strategies. 11. Land Policy and Management: The absence of machinery for systematic and continuous collection of data on the movement of land and tenement prices undermines the implementation of the master Plan. 12. Private Sector Participation: Through a significant portion of the development is due to the initiative of the private sector, this factor is not recognized in the Plan. 13. People’s Needs: The Master Plan does not incorporate the exact needs and priorities of the people. Instead of reflecting the aspirations of the community at large, the plan more or less reflects the values of the administrators and planners. 14. Regulatory mechanism: The regulatory mechanisms in the Master Plan are to enable better management of the city. However, development control mechanisms are observed more in breach than in compliance. 15. Plan Implementation: The root-cause of the urban maladies has been the divorcing of the plan preparation from plan implementation. 16. Ineffective plan Monitoring: An Institutional and information system does not, generally, exist for plan monitoring. Since the budgetary system does not explicitly take into account the requirement of plan implementation, problem of resources are not periodically highlighted.


S.Rengasamy – Madurai Institute of Social Sciences – Introduction to Town Planning

For a more dynamic urban planning exercise, the following modifications in the planning approach are recommended: i.Flexibility: Plans must have flexibility to provide for ever-growing and ever-expanding city boundaries and provide quality of life to all inhabitants. The plan should be flexible to respond not only to the present needs but, also, the changing conditions in foreseeable, future. ii.Role of Actors: People’s participation in preparation of policies, perspective plan, development plan and annual plans should be ensured through elected representatives in the municipal council / corporation and ward committees. iii.Information system: A well maintained information system can make possible the fine-tuning of the plan proposals at the various stages of implementation of the plan according to the changing urban scenario. iv.Urbanisable Areas: The development potential may be assessed for the areas located in the periphery of the developed areas. A profile of the development potential and the possibility of optimizing the existing infrastructure should determine the prioritization of development of these areas. v.Growth Centers: Given the paucity of resources, it would be more feasible and desirable to promote strategic development initiatives in the selected secondary cities, growth center and their hinterlands. In the growth centers, the location of infrastructural and environmental services could form the ‘core’ of the Development Plan. vi.Policy Guidelines: Policy guidelines notified under law, can help in identifying priority areas, subsequent modifications in the plans and administration, in general. vii.Mixed Land Use: With a view to provide for development, the zoning regulations need to be simplified. The land use package should not be allowed to be changed by any authority, except as a part of the review of the Development Plan at the city / town level. viii.Financial Planning: Land development and infrastructure investment need to be coordinated through integration of physical, financial and investment planning. There is the need to link spatial development plan with resource mobilization plan focusing on credit enhancement mechanisms. ix.Services and Environment: City plans which provide for up-gradation of the services for greater equity in the availability of water, sewerage and sanitation throughout the city, would have a higher probability of success. x.Needs of the informal sector: The plan must provide for and cater to the needs of the informal sector so as to make them as an integral part of the city development process. xi.Land Policy and Management: As opposed to the process of compulsory land acquisition, and the related issue of low compensation rates, the ULBs should adopt collaborative approaches within the existing legal framework. xii.Legal Framework: Plan implementation would call for a legal framework so as to make it enforceable and mandatory. The legal framework has to be supported by an effective and efficient machinery which would see that no distortion of master plan proposals take place at the ground level.


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xiii.Standards: Plot sizes, layout and social overheads need to be designed to reduce costs aligned to the affordability of different income groups and also the sale price for lower income groups can be reduced by differential pricing. xiv.Building Bye-laws: Building bye laws and zoning regulations for the city / town should match the local needs. However, the existing bye-laws need to be simplified and transparent, and there should not be an aliment of discretion. Adequate provision for parking facilities should be made. xv.Database at Metropolitan, district and state levels: The planning exercise need continuous data collection, analysis interpretation and updating of data. A computer-generated data base and information system in GIS environment should be developed at various levels which would provide support to planners in development planning. xvi.Simplification of measure and Procedures: The preparation of Development plans should be completed within a period of 12 months and should be approved within 3 months after the plan approval and the total period for preparation and approval should not exceed 18 months. The approval authority of Development plans should be the ULB, in consultation with the Director of Town planning departments. The perspective plan could also be approved by the state Government through Directorate of Town Planning. xvii.Strengthening Planning Mechanism and Institution: The Town and Country planning acts need to be modified to enable the formulation of inter-elated plans by specifying the definition, scope and contents of various plans. The administrative, technical, managerial and financial capacities of the ULBs need to be strengthened. The ULBs and the town planning departments should work under the same state department for better coordination. The cost recovery procedures and revenue collection methods of ULBs need to be strengthened


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