Introduction to Swahili
April 1, 2017 | Author: Taylor Scott | Category: N/A
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BASIC VOCABULARY, NOUN & VERB STRUCTURES Swah Swahil ilii is a cont contin inua uall lly y chan changi ging ng lang langua uage ge that that is stil stilll grow growin ing g which resulted from the great Swahili culture that was established along the east African coast. Grammatically it is one of the African Bantu group and most of the words are of this origin with about a third of all words coming from Arabic – Swahili derives from the Arabic Arabic word word for Plain. Plain. Many Many words words have have been been incorp incorpora orated ted from from English especially words of a more technical nature. Swahili and English are the two official languages of Tanzania but Swahili is far more widely spoken and is most people’s second language after their tribal language. The dialect of Swahili spoken in Mtwara is very different from that spoken in Kenya and is influenced by the local tribal language, Makonde. English is not widely spoken. It must be remembered that many people speaking Swahili are relatively poor and illiterate so it remains a language that is largely spoken and heard not written and read and so there can be many variations in spelling, usage etc. Thi This s guid guide e has has been been writ writte ten n by a flue fluent nt Swah Swahil ilii spea speake kerr and and adjusted after the experiences of several years’ worth of volunteers. It is tailored to the experiences of volunteers in their first weeks and months in Tanzania, it is not an exhaustive guide but a starting point for study and a quick reference when in country. There are no exercises for you to do so practice your own using the grammar rules and the Nicholas Awde dictionary and use the interactive CD to get a better understanding of the sounds of Swahili. Practice makes perfect which is hard to do but the more you know before departure the more things will make sense when you arrive. The most important things to concentrate on are the basic words, the greetings and the basic verb structure. The nouns are a bit complicated so do not worry about them too much, try and develop a good good workin rking g leve levell of usef usefu ul Swah wahili ili rathe atherr than han lear learni ning ng everything. Bahati Njema!
CONTENTS Alphabet, Pronunciation & Important Words Greetings Questions & Grammar Verbs Nouns Adjectives Numbers Time Other Points Noun Vocabulary
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Verb Vocabulary General Vocabulary
19 21
Alphabet and Pronunciation Swah Swahil ilii is writ writte ten n in the the Roma Roman n alph alphab abet et and and pron pronun unci ciat atio ion n is gene genera rall lly y the the same same as in Engl Englis ish h but but ther there e are are the the foll follow owin ing g exceptions - listening to the CD ROM will give you the best idea: A E I O U Dh Ng’
Pronounced aah, aah, as in ‘far’ or a as in ‘man’ Pronounced between eh as in ‘bed’, and é in ‘café’ Pronounced eee as in ‘Lima’ or ‘Swahili’ Pronounced oh as in ‘Promise’ or ‘Mambo’ Pronounced oo as in ‘Fool’ Pronounced th as in ‘that’ A guttural sound a bit like in ‘finger’
R and L are interchangeable so Laura could be Raura, Laula or Raula. NB: Unlike English, all syllables end in a vowel – this is what allows Swahili to flow flow fluently and quickly in conversation. conversation. Each vowel in a word is sounded separately; for example, saa (watch) is pronounced sa-a. sa-a.
Important Words Hello See you later Welcome Thank-you What is your name? My name is… Please Excuse-me Yes No But OK And Is/Are Or Perhaps Because Good Bad Sorry Very No Problem What is this?
Jambo Baadaye Karibu Asante Jina lako nani? Jina langu… Tafadhali Samahani Ndiyo Hapana Lakini Sawa Na Ni Au Labda Kwa sababu Nzuri, safi, njema Mbaya Pole Sana Hakuna matatizo Hiki nini?
Today Tomorrow (also good night) Good Night
Leo Kesho Usiku Mwema
Greetings Conversations almost always start with a series of greetings – this is much much more emphasi emphasized zed than than in Englis English. h. It is importan importantt to offer offer greetings out of courtesy, and to reply appropriately when greeted. Comb Combin inat atio ions ns of gree greeti ting ngs s are are used used to inqu inquir ire e abou aboutt some someon one, e, including asking about their health, work, school or home – almost anything that they are strongly associated with. There are two forms of greetings which fall into a ‘system’ and then a series of other greetings. They may seem complicated to start with but understanding how greetings work will greatly assist you in understanding Swahili as a whole.
Habari? Habari lite litera rall lly y mean means s ‘new ‘news’ s’ and and ther there e is a huge huge vari variet ety y of greetings that use this as their core but they are actually incredibly simp simple le and and vers versat atil ile e to use when hen you you have ave got got the basi basics cs.. Essentially people will ask for the news of your day, family, work, evening or any other thing that seems interesting. One thing to bear in mind is that the answers are all very basic and generally it is bad mann manner ers s to say that that anyt anyth hing ing is bad bad so even even if you you canno annott understand exactly what has been asked of you then you just say it is good. Easy. Common Habari greetings: Habari? Habari gani? Habari yako? Habari zenu? Habari za leo? Habari za asubuhi? Habari za mchana? Habari za jioni? Habari za usiku? Habari za nyumbani? Habari za kazi? Habari za safari?
How is it? How are things? How are you? How are you lot? (Pl) How is your day? How is your morning? How is your afternoon? How is your evening? How is your night? How is your household? How is work? How was your journey?
Generally when greetings are for anything else it will always be Habari za … One other point is that often the habari will be dropped from the ques questi tion on and and so they they migh mightt say, say, Za asubuhi asubuhi instead of the full sentence. There are several positive responses to use to these greetings:
Safi, Nzuri, Salama, Njema And a negative response is Mbaya. Mbaya. To say it is very good/bad you use sana after the response i.e. Safi sana. sana. Or if it is just good then it is Safi tu. tu.
Jambos The The most most basi basic c gree greeti ting ng in Swah Swahil ilii is to say say Jambo and and is the the greeting you are most likely to hear as a tourist (volunteers are banned from using it). What jambo means in Swahili is an issue or problem so effectively it is the reverse of saying ‘Alright’ in English. There are many greetings that use jambo as a base but also have the negative person marker i.e. you don’t have a problem. So these greetings take the form of a question and an answer. So to greet an individual you would say: Hujambo? You don’t have a problem? Sijambo. I don’t have a problem. So the following greetings apply: Greeting Individual Hujambo? Group Hamjambo? Hatujambo To inquire after an individual Hajambo? To inquire after a group Hawajambo? Hawajambo
Response Sijambo
A slight slight variation on this but possibly possibly the greeting that you will use most of all is to say Mambo. Mambo. Mambo is the plural of Jambo and literally means ‘problems’ yet it has just become a word used in gree greeti ting ngs. s. This This is a gree greeti ting ng used used for for peop people le your your own own age age or younger and generally all children will say it to you. The correct response is Poa which means ‘cool’ but again is just a greeting. There are also a number of other words now used like bomba and fresh instead of poa. Also mambo might be followed by vipi, vipi, or just vipi with out the mambo. The other extremely common greeting and one that is important to get right is Shikamoo. Shikamoo. It is a respectful greeting to anyone older than than ones onesel elff and and shou should ld alwa always ys be used used to thos those e olde older! r! The The response is Marahaba. Marahaba. There are some other greetings that can be used: Greeting As-salaam aleykum with you
Response Meaning Aleykum as-salaam
Peace be
Salama Nzima means good
Salama Nzima
Peace (also safe) Just
You must know the following: Habari… greeting Hujamb Hujambo/ o/Ham Hamjam jambo bo (S/Pl) Shikamoo Mambo
Very general
Sijamb Sijambo/H o/Hatu atujam jambo bo Marahaba Poa
How are you? For older people For children/youths
Questions Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Which? How much/many?
Nani? Nini? Wapi? Lini? Kwa nini? Vipi? Gani? Ngapi?
How much money? What time (is it)?
Shilingapi? Saangapi?
According to Swahili sentence structure, the above words come at the end of the sentence; i.e. Unataka nini? = What do you want? Also Also Swah Swahil ilii is diff differ eren entt to Engl Englis ish h in the the sens sense e that that if you you ask ask someone, ‘You have not seen Laura, have you?’ the reply is, ‘No, I have not seen Laura’. In Swahili the answer is, ‘Yes, I have not seen Laura.’ Which is actually the more logical answer.
Grammar It is worth understanding these terms before going further: Verb: a verb is an action: walk, speak, hit. Noun: a noun is a thing, object or person: car, tree, child. Tense: a tense is when something happens: in the future, present or past. Subject: the subject is the person or thing doing the verb: I hit, Laura drove. Laura, Object: is the person or thing that has the verb act on it: I hit Laura, Laura drove the car . Marker: the marker is the word that shows the tense, subject or object. Prefix: a word or part of a word that goes in front of the item in question.
Suffix: a word or part of a word that goes after the item in question.
Sentence Structure The most noticeable thing with Swahili is that there are far fewer word words s in a sent senten ence ce than than in Engl Englis ish. h. This This is beca becaus use e inst instead ead of having different words for the subject, object and tense markers they are all merged into one word which allows the language to flow more easily. This will all make sense when we have looked at each aspect of the sentence in turn.
Verbs The verb stem is the core of the sentence. In Swahili all verbs work as ‘to have’ rather like the ‘avoir’ verbs of French which is generally the reverse of English. So in English ‘I am hungry’ is ‘I have hunger’ in Swahili. The ‘infinitive’ of a verb is the way a verb is said or stated. In English if the verb stem is ‘want’ then the infinitive is ‘to want’. In Swahili the same verb stem for want is taka and the infinitive is ku, ku, and so it is written kutaka. kutaka.
Subject and Tense Markers For the moment we will only use the present tense, the present tense marker marker is – na -. In Swahili Swahili the subject and tense marker is in the same order as in English which is: Subject I Ni
Tense do na
want taka
But the Swahili sentence is one word and so it is: Ninataka. Ninataka. 1st Person Singular 2nd Person Singular 3rd Person Singular 1st Person Plural 2nd Person Plural 3rd Person Plural
I You He/She/It We You They
So some examples are as follows:
You are leaving U-na-toka He is laughing A-na-cheka They are walking Wa-na-tembea
Tenses In Swahili there are far fewer tenses than in English which means you can grasp them quite quickly and also they are more regular than in English. In English the perfect tense is I have done, she has seen, the past tense is I talked , we went . In Swahili the Perfect tense is used much more than in English and is used most of the time for actions in the past. There is no imperfect tense in Swahili – in English the is when ‘was’ or ‘where’ are used. There is only one future tense in Swahili. In English you can say, ‘I am going to eat’. The same does not apply in Swahili: the verb to go, kuenda, kuenda, means to go and not to do something in the future.
Tense Perfect Past Present Future
Marker -me-li-na-ta-
The The senten sentence ce struct structure ure is the same as before before but with differ different ent tenses: I have done You (pl) talked He likes They will sleep
Ni-me-fanya M-li-ongea A-na-penda Wa-ta–lala
Object Markers This is where a Swahili sentence differs to an English one as the object comes before the verb. English Swahili
Subject I Subject Ni
1st Person Singular 2nd Person Singular 3rd Person Singular 1st Person Plural 2nd Person Plural 3rd Person Plural
Tense will Tense ta Me You Him/Her/It Us You Them
Verb h it Object m
Object him Verb piga
Now we can make more complex sentences: 7
I like you You lot will see them I planted it
Ni-na-ku-penda M-ta-wa-ona Ni-me-m-panda
So brought together these are the different components in a basic sentence: Subject Ni U A Tu M Wa
Tense me li na ta
Object ni ku m tu wa wa
Ve r b penda taka ona la la ongea fanya
Irregular Verbs Unfortunately it is not all that straight forward as there are some irregular verbs and they happen to be some of the most common ones used. So far all of the verbs we have used have been just the stem i.e. ona instead of kuona. kuona. Irregular verbs keep the ku when used used,, so for for exam exampl ple, e, ‘I will will eat’ eat’ beco become mes s Nitakula. la. Comm Common on irregular verbs are: Kula to eat, Kunywa to drink, Kwenda to go (note there is no u anymore).
Negatives In Swah Swahil ilii the the nega negati tive ve requi require res s a diff differe erent nt subj subject ect and and tens tense e marker. They fit into the sentence in exactly the same way as the positive markers. Well, apart from the present tense which is a bit different. If you have learnt your Jambo greetings then you already know the negative subject markers.
1st Person Singular 2nd Person Singular 3rd Person Singular st 1 Person Plural 2nd Person Plural 3rd Person Plural
Negative Subject Markers SiHuHaHatuHamHawa-
Tense Perfect Past Future
Negative Tense Marker -ja-ku-ta-
So the following are some examples I did see him. Ni-me-m-ona. Ni-me-m-ona. They will not like him. I have not understood
I did not see him. Si-ja-m-ona Hawa-ta-m-penda Si-ja-alewa. Si-ja-alewa.
The present tense does not follow the same rules. The negative subject markers are the same but the tense marker does not appear after the subject marker. Instead, the last letter of the verb stem becomes an - i. I like Ni-na-penda He does not smile We won’t do it
I do not like Si-pend-i Ha-chek-i Hatu-fany-i
Passive Voice The passive voice can easily be learnt and will double your verb vocabulary in an instant. The passive voice is used to describe when a verb is acted against/on someone or something. It is formed by adding a letter ‘w’ to the verb stem before the final vowel. It is easiest understood by seeing it in action. To hit To love
Ku-piga Ku-penda
To be hit To be loved
Ku-pigwa Ku-pendwa
Modal Verbs Modal verbs include include the words ‘should’, ‘could’ and ‘may’. The most common common by far in Swahili is ‘should’ ‘should’.. This is formed formed by adding adding the subject marker to the verb stem needed without a tense marker, and changing the final vowel to an ‘ e’. The negative negative is formed formed by adding ‘si’ after the subject marker as well. For example: I should go We should win You shouldn’t leave
Ni-ende Tu-shinde U-si -ondok -ondok e
The Conditional and Connective Tenses The conditional tense introduces a new form of tense marker into verb gramma grammar, r, but the previou previous s rules rules still still apply. apply. The marker marker for condit condition ional al presen presentt tense tense is ‘nge’ and its negative equivalent is ‘singe’. For example: If I were to want If you were tall If they don’t like If he didn’t want
Ni-nge-taka U-nge-kuwa mrefu Wa-singe-penda A-singe-taka
The The conn connec ecti tive ve tense ense ofte often n acts acts as a simp simple lerr vers versio ion n of the the conditional tense, and uses the markers ‘ka’ for ‘and’, and ‘ ki’ for ‘if’: And I want If I want
Ni-ka-taka Ni-ki -taka -taka
Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns are generally generally used used more in Swahili Swahili than in English English.. It is common for a sentence to start with a pronoun, even when not needed. For example: Mimi, ninakwenda translates as Me, I am going. Me Mimi You Wewe Him/Her Yeye Us Sisi You Nyinyi Them There is no Swahili equivalent Pronouns are not used instead of the subject markers but as an addition to them.
Nouns In English there are no real noun classes – there are irregularities but that is a different thing. In Swahili there are a number of noun classes. Depending on which class the noun is in depends on how the noun behaves and changes. The most common way in which a noun changes in English is when we are looking at the quantity. In English the plural is (generally) marked by the addition of an s/es at the end of a word i.e. Car, Cars or family, families. In Swahili the first letter/s of the noun marks whether it is in plural or negative. The table below gives the three most common noun groups. Group
1. People. M/Wa
2. Plants, objects. M/Mi
3. Inanimate objects.
Singula Plural r MW aM-toto Wa-toto MWa zungu zungu MMi M-ti Mi-ti M-fuko Mi-fuko KiVi-
Person/people White person/people Tree/trees Bag/bags
Ki/Vi Ki-tu Ki-b Ki-bir irit itii
Vi-tu Vi-b Vi-bir irit itii
Thing/things Match/matches
. Other groups are not used in the same way: 4. Generally begins with N and has many plant and animal names. The singular and plural are the same: Cow/s: Ngombe, Ngombe, Snake/s Nyoka, Nyoka, Postal Letter/s: Barua 5. This Ma- class is a general class when there is no singular prefix. So: car Gari, Gari, Cars Ma-gari. Ma-gari. Exercise book Daftari, Daftari, Exercise books Madaftari The only rare variation is when the noun is monosyllabic and then the singular prefix is ji-. Eye Ji-cho Eye Ji-cho,, Eyes Ma-cho. Ma-cho. 6. This This is the the grou group p for for subs substa tanc nces es or abst abstra ract ct noun nouns. s. As with with English there is no singular/plural. Love: Upendo, Upendo, Flour: Unga, Unga, Sand: Mchanga, Mchanga, Fire: Moto, Moto, Water: Maji. Maji. 7. Just for one word derived from Arabic. Place: Pahali/Mahali 8. The verbal-noun class, which is where nouns are derived from verbs, there are no plurals. Singing: Kuimba, Kuimba, Writing: Kuandika It is important to note that in Swahili there is no definite article – essentially you cannot say ‘the’ or ‘a/an’. So nyumba means: house, a house and the house.
Possessives A possessive is the way of saying who the noun belongs to, in English this is shown by prefixes like my car, your love, his baby. In Swahili there is a suffix that follows the noun. The Swahili suffix is slightly more complicated as there is a stem where the first letter/s change to match the noun class. Many of these will be familiar from some of the greeting and basic phrases. 1st Person Singular 2nd Person Singular 3rd Person Singular 1st Person Plural 2nd Person Plural
My/mine Your/yours His/her/hers/its Our/ours Your/yours
-angu -ako -ake -etu -enu 11
3rd Person Plural
And the noun classes’ prefix to the stem. Noun Class 1. M/Wa-
Prefix W-
2. M/Mi-
3. Ki/Vi-
4. N-
5. Ma-
6. U-
Examples M-toto w-ako, w-ako, your child Wa-toto w-angu, w-angu, my children M-fuko w-ake, w-ake, his bag Mi-fuko y-etu, y-etu, our bags Ki-tabu ch-ako, ch-ako, your book Vikombe vy-ao, vy-ao, their cups Ndisi y-angu, y-angu, my banana Ng’ombe z-enu, z-enu, your (pl) cows Gari l-etu, l-etu, our car Ma-gari y-ao, y-ao, their cars Upendo w-ako, w-ako, your love No Plural
Conjunctives Similar to possessives is the conjunctive. In English we have two ways of expressing ownership, one is by saying ‘of’ ie the people of Tanzania. More commonly is the use of an apostrophe at the end of the noun, usually followed by an ‘s’ i.e. Laura’s eyes. In Swahili there is only one method which is similar to ‘of’ and again it is dependant on the class of the noun. This time the stem is the letter ‘–a’ which is preceded by the noun prefix. The examples explain it best. The people of Tanzania Tanzania The book of the teacher (the teacher’s book) mwalimu The eyes of Laura (Laura’s eyes) e yes) Laura
Wa-tu w-a Ki-tabu ch-a Ma-cho ma-a
Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns – tall, expensive, good etc. In Swahili the adjective is again dependant on the noun that it describes, again the first letters of the adjective change to match the noun class, taking on the same first letter/s. Unlike English the adjective follows the noun, car fast and not fast car. Noun Class 1. M/Wa2. M/Mi3. Ki/Vi-
Swahili M-tu m-lefu Wa-toto wa-fupe M-fuko m-zuri Mi-koba mi-zuri Ki-tabu ki-zuri Vi-tu vi-zito
English Tall person Short children Good bag Good wallets Good book Heavy chairs
The word ‘all’ is formed again by matching the noun prefix (as with possessives) to a stem, this time the stem is ‘– ote’. All people All cars All books
Wa-tu w-ote Ma-gari l-ote Vi-tabu vy-ote
‘Any’ is formed by saying the prefix twice before the stem (with no consecutive vowels added). Any people Any car Any book
M-tu wow-ote Gari lol-ote Ki-tabu choch-ote
Demonstratives Demonstratives are used to distinguish between nouns, in English it is very straightforward with four words used – this, these, that and those. In Swahili, however, the noun classes come into play again as each noun class has its own set of demonstratives. It is not a terrible thing to get them mixed up as generally you will be understood so concentrate on learning the first three noun classes. Noun Class
This These That 1. M/Wa Huyu Hawa Yule 2. M/Mi Huu Hii Ule 3. Ki/Vi Hiki Hivi Kile 4. N Hii Hizi Ile 5. Ma Hili Haya Lile 6. U Huu Hizi Ule This person M-tu M-tu huyu, huyu, These cups Vi-kombe hivi
Those Wale Ile V ile Zile Yale Zile
Comparatives Comparatives are used, as the name suggests, to compare different things in conjunction with an adjective. For example, Tim is better than Laura. In Swahili the word kuliko acts in the same way as ‘than’ in English. Ni precedes the adjective, in the negative it is si. si. Tim is better than Laura He is not taller then me
Tim ni m-zuri kuliko Laura Yeye si m-lefu kuliko mimi
Superlatives A superlative is the most that an adjective can be and is equivalent to adding –est to an English adjective i.e. tallest, fastest. In Swahili it is formed like a comparative but uses the word ‘all’ –ote, with a prefix to match the adjective. We are best of all
Sisi ni wa-zuri kuliko w-ote 13
Numbers and Ordinals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 moja 13
Sufuri/Ziro Moja Mbili Tatu Nne Tano Sita Saba Nane Tisa Kumi Kumi na moja Kumi na mbili
Kumi na tatu
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
Ishirini Thelathini Arubaini Hamsini Sitini Sabini Themanini Tisini Mia moja Elfu moja Elfu kumi Laki moja Millioni
In Swahili, the numbers between ten and twenty are formed by literally saying ‘ten and one’ (meaning eleven), ten and two, ten and three etc. The same is true with all larger numbers 44 arubaini na nne 593 mia mia tano ano tisi tisin ni na tatu tatu 305726 laki tatu elfu tano mia saba na ishrini na sita Ordinals denote rank and placement associated with numbers, i.e. first, second and third etc. They are formed by putting the the letter ‘a’ and and the the appr approp opri riat ate e pref prefix ix (acc (accor ordi ding ng to the the noun noun clas class s of the the object) in front of the number number in question. question. The only exceptions exceptions are the the word words s for for ‘fir ‘first st’’ and and ‘sec ‘secon ond’ d’.. To find find the the pref prefix ixes es see the section on possessives. First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
-a kwanza -a pili -a tatu -a nne -a tano -a sita -a saba -a nane -a tisa -a kumi
Time/Hour/ Day Minute Jumatano Week Month Ijumaa Year Second Yesterday Today Tomorrow Dakika Now Later
Saa Siku
Monday Tuesday
Jumatatu Jumanne Wednesday
Alhamisi Friday
Dakika Wiki Mwezi Mwaka Sekondi
Saturday Sunday
Jumamosi Jumapili
Quarter Half Minute
Leo Kesho Sasa Baadaye
Saa is an Arabic word that can mean hour, time, clock or watch. It is the same origin as the Surname Saatchi which is Arabic for clock smith. Telling the time in Swahili is made difficult by the use of a different system. As the Swahili zone is equatorial the length of the day is roughly equal throughout the year, sunrise and sunset is at about six o’clock. The Swahilis start the day with sunrise and so seven o’clock is one o’clock to the Swahilis. It is difficult to learn, but is made more simple by taking six away from the number that you would say say in English English and transla translating ting into into Swahili. Swahili. The number number is stated in the same way, whether am or pm.
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm
Saa kumi na mbili Saa moja Saa mbili Saa tatu Saa nne Saa tano Saa sita Saa saba Saa nane Saa tisa Saa kumi Saa kumi na moja 15
Saa kumi na mbili
When asking the time it is common to say Sasa saangapi? The reply is formed as follows: 1100 1115 1120 1130 1145 1150
hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs
Bado Alafu
Saa Tano Saa tano na robo Saa tano na dakika ishirini Saa tano na nusu Saa sita kasoro robo Saa sita kasoro dakika kumi Not yet After
Approximate times of day 0600-1200 1200-1700 1700-2000 2000-0600
Morning Afternoon Evening Night
Asubuhi Mchana Jiono Usiku
Other Points -ni Addi Addin ng –ni –ni to the end end of a word ord has two purp purpo oses. ses. Firs Firstl tly y if addressing a group then many words can be made into the plural by adding the ni. For example shikamoo-ni, shikamoo-ni, pole-ni, pole-ni, asante-ni. asante-ni. The other use is to say inside something. So in the school is shule-ni or in the bedroom chumba-ni. chumba-ni. Mzungu Mzungu means a white perso rson but does not have a racist connotation, indeed it is used very often to call a white person. It literally means ‘He who wanders around’. Indeed, it is not at all rude to refer to anyone by their trade, tribe, age or size.
Money The unit of currency in Tanzania and all Swahili countries is the Shilli Shilling ng or in Swahil Swahilii Shillingi. Shillingi. When When aski asking ng some someon one e how how much much someth something ing costs costs there there are two ways: ways: Bei gani? gani? Whic Which h is ‘Wha ‘Whatt price?’ and Shillingi Ngapi? ‘How many Shillings?’ Shillingi ngapi is usually contracted to Shilingapi? One of thing that is contracted is shillingi ishirini, ishirini, twenty shillings, to shingshirini. shingshirini. Twende! Formed from the verb to go, kuenda, twende means ‘lets go’. Lion King Hakuna matata is most famous because of the Lion King films but you will not hear it in Mtwara as the local equivalent is Hakuna matatiso or more commonly Hamna shida. shida. Hakuna literally means he does not have and hamna means you (pl) don’t have. Matata, Matata , matatiso and shida all all mean mean prob problem lems/ s/wo worri rries es.. Ha Hamn mna a is used used generally to say there is nothing in the sense if you went to a shop and asked for champagne, the answer would be Hamna. Hamna. Where is something? If you ask someone where something is, the Swahili is …iko wapi? The answer could be hapa here, pale here, pale there or kule. kule. Kule means over there and the higher the pitch it is said in the further away it is. Nearby is karibu and far away is Mbale. Mbale. Left Right Straight ahead
Kushoto Kulia Moja kwa moja (literally meaning one by one)
Noun Vocabulary Class 1 – M/Wa (in singular singular form) Person Child Son/Daughter Man Woman Husband Wife Fiancée Elder White Person African
Mtu Mtoto Mwana Mwanaume Mwanamke Mume Mke Mchumba Mzee Mzungu Mwafrika
Prisoner Vagrant Midwife Farmer Nurse Sorcerer Weaver Cook Preacher Blacksmith Tenant
Mfungwa Mhuni Mkunga Mkulima Mwuguzi Mchawi Mfumi Mpichi Mhubiri Mhunzi Mpangaji 17
Christian Muslim Indian Guest Tourist Resident Ill Person Dead Person Kind " Greedy " Grumpy " Very Old " Generous " Lazy " Intelligent " Jealous " Madman English American Swahili Tanzanian Chinese
Mkristo Mwislamu Mhindi Mgeni Mtalii Mkaaji Mgonjwa Mfu Mhisani Mlafi Mgomvi Mkongwe Mpaji Mvivu Mwanagavu Mwivu Mkichaa Mwingereza Mmarekani Mswahili Mtanzania Mchina
Traveller Craftsman Scientist Musician Judge Fisherman Lawyer Mason Teacher Student Hunter Thief Baker Liar Drunkard Poet Lover Seducer Victim Gossiper Slave Coward
Msafiri Msanaa Mtaalamu Mtribu Mwamuzi Mvuvi Mwanasheria Mashi Mwalimu Mwanafunzi Mwindaji Mwizi Mwokaji Mwongo Mlevi Mshairi Mpenzi Mtongozi Mteswa Mpayukaji Mtumwa Mwoga
Coffee bush Baobab tree Tea tree Mangrove Cashew tree Ebony Tree Cassava Sugar cane Millet Election Belt Example Range Series
Mkahawa Mbuyu Mchai Mkandaa Mkorosho Mpingo Mti Muhogo Mua Mtama Mchaguo Mkanda Mfano Mfiko Mfulizo
Class 2 – M/Mi (in singular form) Bag Juice Game Whip Scissors Mat Tin Wallet Region Necklace Spear Door Fire Football River
Mfuko Mchuzi Mchezo Mjeledi Mkasi Mkeka Mkebe Mkoba Mkoa Mkufu Mkuki Mlango Moto Mpira Mto
Pillow Lever Mosque Luggage Light Load Copy Square Circle Line Cross Fishing Line Trap Gas Season End Month Year Bread Uncooked Rice Spinach
Mto Mtambo Msikiti Mwamba Mwanga Mzigo Mwigo Mraba Mviringo Msafa Msalaba Mshipi Mtego Mvuke Msimu Mwisho Mwezi Mwaka Mkate Mchele Mchicha
Proclamation Distribution Collision Support Inspection Contract Vigil Obstacle Meeting Help Test Style Summons Miracle Muscle Body Tail Mouth Back Leg Arm
Mgambo Mgawo Mgongano Mhimili Mkaguo Mkataba Mkesha Mkingamo Mkutano Msaada Mtihani Mtindo Mwaliko Mwujiza Musuli Mwili Mkia Mdomo Mgongo Mguu Mkono
Verb Vocabulary To Be Able To Abandon To Abuse To Accept To Accuse To Be Afraid To Agree To Be Angry To Answer To Arrive To Ask To Awake To Be* To Bear Offspring To Begin To Believe
Weza Acha Tukana Kubali Shtaki Ogopa Patana Kasirika Jibu Fika Uliza Amka Kuwa Zaa Anza Amini
To Dance To Decrease To Deliver To Despise To Dig To Draw To Dream To Drink To Drive To Be Drunk To End To Enter To Explain To Fail
Cheza Punguza Peleka Dharau Chimba Chora Ota Nywa Endesha Lewa Isha Ingia Eleza Shindwa
To Fall To Farm
Anguka Lima
To Bite To Boil To Be Born To Break To Bring To Build To Burn To Bury To Be Busy To Buy To Call To Care For To Carve To Catch To Change To Choose To Clean To Climb To Close To Come To Congratulate To Cook To Cool To Cry To Cut To Damage To Knock To Know To Be Late To Laugh To Learn To Leave To Lift To Like To Lie To Listen To Live To Lose To Make To Marry To Meet To Mistake To Mix To Move To Need To Open To Pay
Uma Chemsha Zaliwa Vunja Leta Jenga Choma Zika Shughulika Nunua Ita Tunza Chonga Daka Badili Chagua Safisha Panda Funga Kuja Pongeza
To Fight To Find To Finish To Fish To Fly To Follow To Forget To Forgive To Get To Give To Go To Be Happy To Harvest To Have* To Hear To Help To Hire To Hit To Hold To Hope To Hug
Pigana Tafuta Maliza Vua Ruka Fuata Sahau Samehe Pata Pa Kwenda Furahi Vuna Kuna Sikia Saidia Kodi Piga Shika Tumaini Kumbatiana
Pika Poa Lia Kata Haribu Gonga Jua Chelewa Cheka Jifunza Ondoka Beba Penda Danganya Sikia Ishi Potea Tengeneza Oa Kuta Kosa Changanya Sogea Hitaji Fungua Lipa
To Imagine To Increase To Joke To Judge To Kill To Show To Shut To Sit To Sleep To Speak To Stand To Start To Steal To Stop To Suffer To Swear To Sweep To Swim To Take To Taste To Teach To Tell To Thank To Think To Throw To Be Tired
Waza Zidi Tania Hukumu Chinja Onyesha Funga Kaa Lala Ongea Simama Anza Iba Simama Umwa Tukana Fagia Ogelea Chukua Onja Fundisha Ambia Shukuru Fikiri Lusha Choka 20
To Place To Play To Prevent To Rain To Read To Receive To Remember To Repair To Rest
Weka Cheza Zuia Onyesha mvua Soma Pokea Kumbuka Tengeneza Pumzika
To Return
To Ridicule To Rot To Rub To Run To Say To Sell To Sew
Dhikika Oza Futa Kimbia Sema Uza Shona
To Travel To Try To Turn To Understand
Safiri Jaribu Pinda Elewa
To Use To Wait To Walk To Want To Wash (clothes) To Wash (people) To Watch To Wear To Win To Withdraw To Work To Worship To Write
Tumia Subiri Tembea Taka Fua Oga Tazama Vaa Shinda Toa Fanya kazi Abudu Andika
* To Be ‘Kuwa’ – The present tense is different, formed formed using the word ‘ni’, meaning is/are. The negative form is ‘si’. For example: Mimi Mimi ni mwali mwalimu mu I am a teach teacher. er. To Have ‘Kuna’ – The past and future tenses are formed using the verb verb Kuwa Kuwa.. For For exam exampl ple: e: I will will have have good good luck luck Nita Nitaku kuwa wa na bahati nzuri I had a lot of money Nilikuwa na pesa nyingi
General Vocabulary Food and Drink Chakula na Vinywyaji Bread Maji Butter Maziwa Eggs Rice (cooked) Kahawa Maize flour porridge Biscuits Drink Soda Peanuts Pombe Cashew Nuts
M il k
Mayai W ali
Tea Coffee Ugali
Beer Biskuti
Bia Soft
Nyanya S a lt Pepper Kabeji Sauce Barmia Mcicha Soup
Chumvi Pili pili
Onions Cabbage
O k ra Spinach
Coconut Carrot
Mnazi -
Karoti Fish Shark Squid Octopus Mboga Lobster Matunda Prawn Crab
Samaki Papa Ngisi Pweza
Aubergine Biringani Potatoes Viazi Salad Saladi Vegetable
Kamba kochi
Kamba Kaa
Chicken Goat Kijiko Beef Lamb Duck
Kuku Mbuzi Ngombe Kondoo Bata
Lemon Meza Mango Orange Banana Pineapple Papaya
Knife Fork Spoon
Kisu Uma
Plate Glass Cup Bottle
Sahani Glasi Kikombe Chupa
Embe Chungwa Ndizi Nanasi Paipai
Other Useful Vocabulary Country
Car M ji
Town Baiskeli Village Piki piki S tr e e t Ndege Address House Shop
Gari Bicycle
Anwani Ship Nyumbani Duka Clothes
M e ri Nguo
Garden Viatu Farm Mosque Koti Church Shati School Sirwali College Saa Market Chumba Kazi Kitchen Toilet Door Window Key Balcony Simu Sun
Shamba Msikiti
Kanisa Shule Chuo cha elimu Sokoni
Kofia Coat Shirt Trousers
Watch Room Work
Jikoni Choo Mlango Dirisha Ufunguo Baraza
Business Holiday
Biashara Sikukuu
Telephone Mother Father
Baba Moon
Nyota Bahari
Grandpa Aunt
Bibi Stars S ea
Shangazi River Rafiki Lake Clouds Rain Ic e Wind T re e Grass Sand
Ziwa Mawingu Mvua Barafu Upepo Mti Nyasa Mchanga
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