Introduction to Pharmacy Reviewer

June 26, 2016 | Author: Maiah Beatrice Dinglasan | Category: Types, School Work
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*Reviewer w/o answers :) *Dosage Forms, Classification of Drugs, Drug Lists, Common Latin Terms...


Dosage Forms ____________1. Enclosed in a soft or hard shell ____________2. Intended to dissolve slowly in mouth ____________3. One liquid is dispersed throughout another liquid in the form of small droplets ____________4. Sweetened hydro alcoholic liquid containing dissolved active ingredient for oral use ____________5. Contains one or more dissolved chemical substance in a suitable solvent or mixture of solvents ____________6. Semi-solid drug containing one or more drug substance dissolved or dispersed in a suitable base ____________7. Intended for parenteral administration for constituting or diluting a parenteral article prior to administration ____________8. Intended for external preparation to the skin or mucous membrane ____________9. Dry mixture of finely divided substance or chemicals ____________10. Consists of solid particles dispersed throughout a liquid phase in which the particles are not soluble ____________11. A solid body intended to be inserted into the body orifice. ____________12. Solution or suspension of one or more drug substance administered by the nasal or oral respiratory route for local systemic effect ____________13. Any aggregates of powder particles that may contain one or more active ingredients w/ w/o other ingredients

____________2. Distinctive combination of letters and numbers assigned to a particular lot. ____________3. Approved clinical use ____________4. Pharmaceutical form of the preparation ____________5. Propriety/Brand name ____________6. Date of the product was completed ____________7. Total amount/quantity number of the dosage form in a certain container ____________8. Part of the label that is most likely to be displayed, presented, shown or examined under customary condition of display ____________9. Classification of the product based on the therapeutic reaction ____________10. Conditions wherein the use of the product may cause harm ____________11.Scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredient ____________12. Statement regarding potential hazard and side effect ____________13. Name and amount of active ingredient per dosage unit ____________14. Site and manner the product is to be introduced or applied ____________15. Date after which the product is not expected to retain its claimed safety, quality and potency ____________16. Prevailing specified range of temperature, humidity, and other environmental factor ____________17. First pack containing the individual wrapped product

____________14. Alcoholic or emulsion applied by rubbing on the skin for treating pain and stiffness

____________18. Label on the immediate container, and other printed material that are made available with the product

____________15. Containing a high concentration of sucrose or other sugar

____________19. Instruction and special care required in the use of the product to avoid undesired effect

____________16. Solid dosage form containing medicinal substances w/ or w/o diluents

____________20. Part of the label that is most likely to be displayed, presented, shown or examined under customary condition display

Prescription Parts ____________1. Physician’s Sig. Lic. No. PTR No. S2 No. ____________2. Amoxicillin 250 mg/5mL susp. Contains the medication

Medical Terms ____________1. Inflammation of the nose ____________2. Inflammation of the lungs ____________3. A medication used to increase the flow of the bile ____________4. Lack of desire for food

____________ 3. “Thou shall take” Rx

____________5. A substance given to counteract a poison

____________4. Name of the Patient

____________6. A medication or agent which causes contraction or constriction of tissues

____________5. Sig. Take 1 table spoon for 7 days Direction of physician to the patient

____________7. Has the capacity to inhibit or destroy microorganisms in a dilute solution

____________6. Reconstitute with water to make 60mL susp; Direction of physician to the pharmacist

____________8. A substance which relieves itching ____________9. Inflammation of the large intestine (colon)

Parts of the Box/Labelling

____________10. An agent that prevents passage of active spermatozoa from the vagina into the uterus

____________1. Distinctive combination of letters and numbers assigned to a particular batch

____________11. Painful or difficult menstruation ____________12. A substance that masks offensive odors

____________13. Inflammation of the skin

____________45. A protective agent which is employed primarily to alleviate irritation particularly of mucous membranes

____________14. Inflammation of the veins ____________15. A medication given to relieve a form of treatment directed toward relief than a cure

____________46. Proteins whose biologic function is the catalysis of chemical reactions in living system that are highly specific

____________16. Drugs that stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus ____________17. Inflammation of the membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord

Common Latin Terms Latin Phrase

English meaning

1. Rx



2. Stat.



3. t.i.d.



4. p.c.



5. b.i.d.



6. dext.



7. gtt.



8. a.c.



9. h.s.



____________18. Failure of menstruation ____________19. A drug that induces loss of appetite for food ____________20. A CNS stimulant which is employed primarily to counter-act drug-induced respiratory depression ____________21. An agent that prevents flatulence ____________22. A drug used to relieve or prevent spasm ____________23. A tropical agent that causes destruction of tissues the site of application ____________24. Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of eyelids ____________25. An agent which stimulates sexual desire

10. m.



____________26. An agent capable of producing ataraxia (Calmness, tranquilizer)

11. ad



____________27. An agent used to promote sweating

12. pulv.



____________28. Inflammation of the mouth

13. conc.



14. ft.



15. o.d.



16. aur.



17. laev.



18. p.r.n.



19. ss.



20. sig.



21. c.c



____________29. Inflammation of the kidney ____________30. Inflammation of the nerves ____________31. Preparations used to remove hair from the body ____________32. Increases salivary and gastric secretion and to improve appetite ____________33. Soft, semi-liquid external application which either stimulate a body surface or alleviate an inflamed area by supplying medicating substance in the presence of heat and moisture ____________34. Includes alcohol and several creams cool by evaporation ____________35. A drug used in the treatment of malaria ____________36. Chemically inert powder which have the ability to adsorb gases, toxins and bacteria ____________37. A medication used to combat or relieve the distress and pain of arthritis ____________38. Inflammation of the stomach ____________39. Inflammation of the gums ____________40. An agent that releases the hemoglobin content of the blood ____________41. Inflammation of the urinary bladder ____________42. An agent that kills microorganisms or suppresses their multiplication or growth ____________43. A drug used to treat both intestinal and extra intestinal forms of amebic infections. Eliminates cysts from the intestines ____________44. A bland. fatty, or oleaginous substance which may be applied locally (skin and also to the mucous membranes)


LT a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u.

bis in die fiat/fiant post cibum statim ter in die dexter cum cibos ad hora somni guttae omni die ante cibum signa auris recipe misce concentratus, a, um pro re nata laevus, a, um semis pulverisatus, a, um

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u.

Mix Take With food Before food Left When required After food The ear The half Right Let it be made/let them be made Powdered Three times daily Concentrated To produce Everyday Label At bedtime Twice daily The half immediately

Classification of drugs

Choices: Classif. Examp.


Used for the treatment of viral infections



Increases the output of urine; abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces of the body is a frequent complication of cardiovascular disease 3. Drugs that promote digestion of food in the GI tract 4. Produce and maintain sleep 5. Promotes defection 6. Inhibiting the cough reflex 7. Nausea and vomiting are common causes of a wide variety of diseases and drugs that stimulate the vomiting center of the brain 8. Used to relieve chest pain associated with increased oxygen demand by heart muscle 9. Inhibiting the clotting mechanism 10. Used for the relief of pain (mild to moderate) 11. For cardiac depression with a slow heart rate (brady cardia) 12. For fast heart rate (tachy cardia) 13. Organic compounds that are normally produced by the endocrine glands 14. Vasoconstrictors; they cause the shrinking of mucous membranes 15. Produce a sense of detach calmness w/o depression of mental faculties 16. Used to induce vomiting 17. Used to relieve pain by interfering with nerve transmission; depresses the central nerves 18. Act to decrease GI activity, absorb toxins and replace bacterial flora 19. Used to rid the body of worm manifestation 20. Lowers the blood pressure



_____ _____ _____ _____

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21. Used to relieve gastric hyperacidity 22. Used to depress the brain nerve firing to control convulsive seizures and epilepsy 23. Inhibit cholinergic nerves that are primarily responsible for gastrointestinal hyper secretions and motility 24. Used to antagonize the pathological effects of histamine that is released including allergies, hay fever, asthma 25. Function by destroying rapidly multiplying cells associated with cancer. 26. Inhibit the growth (bacteriostatic) or destroy (bactericidal) microorganisms. 27. Relax bronchial smooth muscle which dilates airway
















Classification a. Anticholinergic b. Antiviral c. Cardiac Stimulant d. Analgesic e. Digestants f. Cardiac Depressant g. Emetics h. Antiemetics i. Antianginal j. Bronchodilators k. Hypnotics & Sedatives l. Tranquilizers m.Hormones n. Laxatives & Cathartics o. Decongestants p. Antineoplastics q. Antihistamine r. Antidiarrheals s. Antihypertensives t. Anesthetic u. Anticoagulant v. Anthelmintics w. Anti-infectives x. Antivirals y. Diuretics z. Antitussive aa. Anticovulsant

Drug Lists Gen.


1. Tempra



2. Siverol



3. Celebrex



4. Dolfenal



5. Durogesic



6. Voltaren



7. Calpol



8. Advil



9. Biogesic



10. Cataflam



11. Midol



12. Alvedon



13. Bayer Aspirin



14. Dolan



15. Calpol



16. Alaxan



17. Simeco



18. Feldene



19. Omepron



20. Claritin



21. Pariet



22. Nexium



23. Aerius



24. Telfast



25. Virlix



26. Tums



27. Hista-bloc



28. Histacort



29. Celestamine



30. Kremil S























31. Zantac Generic Name a. Ca Carbonate 32. Aleva b. Dimeticone c. Paracetamol 33. Iselpin d. Desloratadine e. Cetirizine34. Interax f. Esomeprazole g. Ranitidine35. Tagamet h. Mefenamic 36.Acid Xyzal i. Cimetidine j. Sucralfate37. Gaviscon k. Loratadine l. Fentanyl 38. Flanax m. Ibuprofen 39. Maalox n. Tramadol o. Celecoxib40. Prevacid p. Naproxen Na q. Diclofenac r. Omeprezole s. Ebastine t. Hydroxyzine u. Al(OH)3, Mg(OH)3 v. Chlorphenamine w. Lansaprazole x. Piroxicam y. Loratadine z. Na Alginate aa. Chlorphenamine ab. Rabeprazole ac. Fexofenadine

Classification a. Antacid b. Antihistamine c. NSAIDS d. Opioid Analgesic e. Analgesic (Antipyretic, Non Opioid)

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