Introduction to MASM

January 4, 2017 | Author: Gnanasambanthan Rajendran | Category: N/A
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Introduction to MASM .model: Model is an assembler directive. It is to inform the assembler that how many logical segments are used in the program. .model tiny: In this model all the memory is treated as single segment. .model small: In this model we have one code segment and one data segment. .model large: In this model we have two code segments and two data segments. .segment: Segment is an assembler directive. It is to tell the assembler that it is the starting of the logical segment. Ends: It is an assembler directive which informs the assembler that it is the end of the segment. Proc: Proc is used to call a subroutine. Assume: This makes the logical segment into physical segment. Masm: To convert the source code into object code and show errors. Syntax: masm filename.asm Link: To convert the object file into executable file. Syntax: link filename.obj Debug: To run the program. Syntax: debug filename.exe u: To unassembled the program. q: To quit the program. g: go(complete execution). t: trace the program(step by step execution). eds: To enter the data into data segment. dds: To display the data from data segment. Posted by A Chandra Shaker Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: ALP, Assembly Language Programs, Macro Assembler Programs, MASM Programs, Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab, MPI Lab

Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab - 2 MASM Programs - 1 8-bit Addition code:.model small .code main proc mov al,02h mov bl,05h add al,bl hlt main endp end main output:ax=0007 8-bit Addition using address location code:.model small .code main proc mov si,5000h mov al,[si] mov di,4000h mov bl,[di] add al,bl hlt main endp end main output:-eds:5000 5 -eds:4000 4 ax=0009 8-bit Subtraction code:.model small .code main proc mov al,12h

mov bl,21h sub al,bl hlt main endp end main output:ax=00f1 8-bit Subtraction using address location code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2145h mov al,[si] mov di,5432h mov bl,[di] add al,bl hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2145 10 -eds:5432 4 ax=000c 8-bit Multiplication code:.model small .code main proc mov al,12h mov bl,15h mul al,bl hlt main endp end main output:ax=017a 8-bit Division code:-

.model small .code main proc mov al,10h mov bl,02h div bl hlt main endp end main output:ax=0008 16-bit Addition code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,0245h mov bx,0436h add ax,bx hlt main endp end main output:ax=067b 16-bit Subtraction code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,0245h mov bx,0324h sub ax,bx hlt main endp end main output:ax=ff21 16-bit Multiplication code:.model small

.code main proc mov ax,0245h mov bx,0123h mul ax,bx hlt main endp end main output:ax=946f 16-bit Multiplication using address location code:.model small .code main proc mov si,5112h mov ax,[si] mov di,1224h mov bx,[di] mul bx hlt main endp end main output:-eds:5112 12 21 -eds:1224 22 13 ax=ba64 16-bit Division code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,0245h mov bx,0124h div bx hlt main endp end main output:-

ax=0001 16-bit Division using address location code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2432h mov ax,[si] mov di,5413h mov bx,[di] mul bx hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2432 44 24 -eds:5413 22 22 ax=0001 Factorial code:.model small .code main proc mov cl,05h mov al,cl dec cl go:mul cl loop go hlt main endp end main output:ax=0078 Factorial using address location code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cx,[si]

mov ax,cx dec cx go:mul cx loop go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 05 00

ax=0078 Posted by A Chandra Shaker Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels: ALP, Assembly Language Programs, Macro Assembler Programs, MASM Programs, Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab, MPI Lab Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab - 3 MASM Programs - 2 Sum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,04h mov al,[si] repeat:inc si add al,[si] loop repeat hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 08 06 0a 04 03 ax=001f Average of Numbers code:-

.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,04h mov bl,05h mov al,[si] repeat:inc si add al,[si] loop repeat div bl hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 02 04 05 03 06 ax=0004 Sum of Squares code:.model small .code main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,[si] mov bx,00h next:mov al,cl mul cl add bx,ax dec cl jnz next hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 04 bx=001e Sum of Cubes code:.model small .code

main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,[si] mov bx,00h next:mov al,cl mul cl mul cl add bx,ax dec cl jnz next hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 04 bx=0064 Ascending Order code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov bl,05h dec bl go:mov cl,bl repeat:mov al,[si] inc si cmp al,[si] jb next xchg al,[si] dec si mov [si],al inc si next:loop repeat mov si,2000h dec bl jnz go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 06 08 04 03 01

-dds:2000 01 03 04 06 08 Descending Order code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov bl,05h dec bl go:mov cl,bl repeat:mov al,[si] inc si cmp al,[si] ja next xchg al,[si] dec si mov [si],al inc si next:loop repeat mov si,2000h dec bl jnz go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 0f 03 0a 09 05 -dds:2000 0f 0a 09 05 03 Maximum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,05h mov al,[si] inc si go:cmp al,[si] jb next jmp next1 next:mov al,[si]

next1:inc si loop go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 23 45 12 56 32 67 ax=0067 Minimum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,04h mov al,[si] inc si go:cmp al,[si] ja next jmp next1 next:mov al,[si] next1:inc si loop go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 23 45 12 56 32 ax=0012

Sum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,04h

mov al,[si] repeat:inc si add al,[si] loop repeat hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 08 06 0a 04 03 ax=001f Average of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,04h mov bl,05h mov al,[si] repeat:inc si add al,[si] loop repeat div bl hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 02 04 05 03 06

ax=0004 Sum of Squares code:.model small .code main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,[si] mov bx,00h next:mov al,cl mul cl add bx,ax dec cl jnz next hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 04 bx=001e Sum of Cubes code:.model small .code main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,[si] mov bx,00h next:mov al,cl

mul cl mul cl add bx,ax dec cl jnz next hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 04 bx=0064 Ascending Order code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov bl,05h dec bl go:mov cl,bl repeat:mov al,[si] inc si cmp al,[si] jb next xchg al,[si] dec si mov [si],al inc si next:loop repeat

mov si,2000h dec bl jnz go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 06 08 04 03 01 -dds:2000 01 03 04 06 08 Descending Order code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov bl,05h dec bl go:mov cl,bl repeat:mov al,[si] inc si cmp al,[si] ja next xchg al,[si] dec si mov [si],al inc si next:loop repeat mov si,2000h dec bl

jnz go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 0f 03 0a 09 05 -dds:2000 0f 0a 09 05 03 Maximum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,2000h mov cl,05h mov al,[si] inc si go:cmp al,[si] jb next jmp next1 next:mov al,[si] next1:inc si loop go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:2000 23 45 12 56 32 67 ax=0067

Minimum of Numbers code:.model small .code main proc mov si,3000h mov cl,04h mov al,[si] inc si go:cmp al,[si] ja next jmp next1 next:mov al,[si] next1:inc si loop go hlt main endp end main output:-eds:3000 23 45 12 56 32 ax=0012 Logical AND code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,3f0f h mov bx,0008h and ax,bx

hlt main endp end main output:ax=0008 Logical OR code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,3F0Fh mov bx,0008h or ax,bx hlt main endp end main output:ax=3f0f Logical NOT code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,3F0Fh not ax,bx hlt main endp end main

output:ax=c0f0 Logical XOR code:.model small .code main proc mov ax,3F0Fh mov bx,0008h xor ax,bx hlt main endp end main output:ax=3f07 Length of String code:.model small .stack 100h .data a db 'chandra' b dw $-a .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov si,offset a mov cx,b int 21h

main endp end main output:cx=0007 Display a String code:.model small .stack 100h .data a db 'abcd' b dw $-a .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov si,offset a mov cx,b repeat:mov dl,[si] mov ah,02h int 21h inc si loop repeat mov ah,04h int 21h main endp end main output:abcd

Reverse a String code:.model small .stack 100h .data a db 'abcd' b dw $-a .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov si,offset a mov cx,b add si,cx dec si repeat:mov dl,[si] mov ah,02h int 21h dec si loop repeat mov ah,04h int 21h main endp end main output:dcba Palindrome Number code:-

.model small .code main proc mov si,4000h mov cl,04h mov ax,[si] mov bx,[si] xchg al,ah ror al,cl ror ah,cl cmp ax,bx jc next mov dl,00h jz exit next:mov dl,01h exit:hlt main endp end main output:-eds:4000 12 21 dx=0000 FAQ - 1 1. Define microprocessor? A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, registerbased electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory accepts binary data as input and processes data according to instructions, and provides result as output. 2. Define microcomputer?

A computer that is designed using a microprocessor as its CPU. It includes microprocessor, memory, and I/O. 3. Define ROM? A memory that stores binary information permanently. The information can be read from this memory but cannot be altered. 4. What is an ALU? The group of circuits that provides timing and signals to all operation in the computer and controls data flow. 5. Define small-scale integration? The process of designing a few circuits on a single chip. The term refers to the technology used to fabricate logic gates on a chip. 6. What is an instruction? An instruction is a binary pattern entered through an input device in memory to command the microprocessor to perform specific function. 7. What are the four primary operations of a MPU? a. Memory read b. Memory write c. I/O read d. I/O write 8. What do you mean by address bus? The address bus is a group of 16 lines generally identified as A0 to A15. The address bus is unidirectional: bits flow from MPU to peripheral devices. 9. How many memory locations microprocessor with 14 address lines?






The 8085 MPU with its 14-bit address is capable of addressing 214 =16,384 (ie) 16K memory locations.

10. Why is the data bus bi-directional? The data bus is bi-directional because the data flow in both directions between the MPU and memory and peripheral devices.

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