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Introduction to Health Law and Medical Law Muhammad Endrio SH (Undip) MCL (IIUM)
Droit Medical
Gesundheit Recht
Gezondheit Recht
Health Law
Medical Law Huum !esehatan
Huum !edoteran
Defnitions "ccordin# to $ERHU!I $ERHU!I Huum !esehatan adalah semua aturan
%an# &erhu&un#an lan#sun# den#an pemeliharaan atau pela%anan esehatan dan penerapann%a' serta ha dan ewai&an se&a#ai penerima la%anan esehatan' maupun dari piha pen%elen##ara pela%anan esehatan dalam aspe or#anisasi' sarana' pedomanpedoman medis nasional dan internasional' huum di &idan# esehatan' %urisprudensi serta ilmu pen#etahuan &idan# esehatan edoteran*
Menurut +$H, !etentuanetentuan huum %an# men#atur !etentuanetentuan tentan# ha dan ewai&an' &ai dari tena#a esehatan %an# melasanaan upa%a esehatan' maupun dari indi-idu atau mas%araat %an# menerima upa%a%aitu esehatan terse&ut dalam se#ala aspen%a' aspe promoti.' pre-enti. urati.' dan reha&ilitati.' dan diperhatian pula aspe or#anisasi serta sarana*
Suggested Defnitions
Health law is all le#al rules #o-ernin# the administration o. health and health ser-ice
Medical law is all le#al rules #o-ernin# the practice o. medicine
Sources o Law
International Medical $rocedure
Medical Literatures
Important Legislations
Health Minister Decree /010 ($ermenes ,o 212 3h /010 )
Health "ct /004 (UU ,o 45 3h /004)
Go-ernment Decree /006 ($$ ,o 54 3h /006
Medical $ractice "ct "ct 4778 (UU ,o 40 3h 4778)
Subject Health Law
Health Care $ro-ider
Health Care Recei-er
Medical Law Doctor
Health Law Relationship &etween health care pro-ider and health care recei-er
Medical Law Relationship &etween doctor and patien
atient"s !ights /* Ri#ht to in.ormation 4* Ri#ht to mae consent 5* Ri#ht to choose doctor and hospital 8* Ri#ht to the second opinion 2* Ri#ht to see medical record 6* Ri#ht to reect or stop medical m edical
Doctor"s Obligations /* 3o deal with the standard o. pro.ession 4* 3o to the more competent doctor 5* 3o eep con.idential in.ormation 8* 3o #i-e medical emer#enc% care 2* 3o respect patient
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