Introduction To Google Voice
July 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
Hmtribugthim ti Liilac Zihgc R`hs biguncmt privhbcs em hmtribugthim ti Liilac Zihgc, e jrcc eppahgethim privhbcb oy Liilac. \ht` Liilac Zihgc, yiu gem nekc emb rcgchvc aigea emb hmtcrmethimea geaas, WNW, emb vihgcnehas. Hm irbcr ti usc Liilac Zihgc, uscrs mccb e Liilac Eggiumt emb e veahb Smhtcb Wtetcs p`imc munocr.
Grcethml e Liilac Zihgc Eggiumt `ttps6//www.liilac.gin/vihgc 5. Li ti ti `ttps6//www.liilac.gin/vihgc ?. Hj yiu earceby `evc e Liilac Eggiumt, cmtcr t`c Cneha HB emb Tesswirb hm t`c Liilac Eggiumt erce.
7. Hj yiu bim‘t `evc e Liilac Eggiumt, gahgk im Grcetc em eggiumt emb jhaa hm eaa rcquhrcb hmjirnethim ti grcetc e Liilac Eggiumt. Imgc yiu Whlm hm, yiu erc prinptcb ti g`iisc yiur munocr. Gahgk im
Wcerg` munocrs ejtcr ij cmtcrhml t`c ‐Erce gibc, ghty i irr zhp gibc‘ emb/ir evehaeoac ‐\irb, p`resc, munocr‘ yiur g`ihgc.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
Wcacgt e munocr ir gahgk im Mcxt 3 ti jhmb nirc munocrs ij yiur g`ihgc.
Cmtcr e 2-bhlht phm ti eggcss yiur vihgcneha oy p`imc emb easi eggcpt Liilac Zihgc‘s tcrns emb prhvegy piahgy piahgy.. Gahgk Gimthmuc.
Cmtcr t`c T`imc Munocr ti w`hg` eaa yiur Liilac Zihgc p`imc geaas whaa oc jirwerbcb.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
Ebb Emit`cr T`imc Liilac Zihgc privhbcs eggcss ti jirwerb hmginhml geaas ti nirc t`em imc munocr. Xiu gem easi gustinhzc ti geaa e perthguaer p`imc oescb im w`i hs geaahml ir t`c thnc-ij-bey. Ri ebb emit`cr p`imc, gahgk im Ebb emit`cr p`imc umbcr Wctthmls hm yiur
Liilac eggiumt.
Mitc6 Liilac Zihgc munocr rcnehms t`c senc cvcm w`cm yiu g`emlc yiur gerrhcr ir scrvhgc privhbcr.
Geaa Wgrccmhml Liilac Zihgc eaaiws yiu ti emswcr e geaa ge aa ir rcgchvc e vihgcneha. \`cm e pcrsim geaas, yiu gem `cer e pert ij t`c ncsselc emb gem fihm t`c geaa. 5. Ri cmeoac Geaa Wgrccmhml , gahgk im Cbht Liilac Zihgc Wctthmls umbcr Gimtegts.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
?. Ri cmeoac ir bhseoac geaa sgrccmhml, gahgk Cbht umbcr Cmeoac Geaa sgrccmhml jir t`hs gimtegt, scacgt t`c bcshrcb ipthims, emb sevc g`emlcs.
Mitc6 \`cm ‐geaa sgrccmhml‘ hs cmeoacb jir e gimtegt, w`cm e pcrsim geaas, yiu erc prinptcb ti emswcr t`c geaa ir rcgchvc e vihgcneha. Hj yiu scacgt vihgcneha, yiu gem fihm t`c geaa oy prcsshml t`c estcrhsk (*) im yiur gcaa p`imc emythnc burhml t`c vihgcneha.
Cmfiy Winc Uuhct Rhnc wht` ‐Bi Mit Bhsturo‘ Liilac Zihgc eaaiws yiu ti oaigk geaacrs; yiu gem oaigk eaa t`c geaas jir gcrtehm pcrhib ij thnc ir oaigk e perthguaer geaa. 5. Oaigk eaa Geaas6 Liilac Zihgc nekcs ht cesy jir yiu ti swhtg` hmti ‐ Bi Mit Bhsturo‘ nibc. Ht eaaiws yiu ti bhseoac eaa t`c p`imc geaas t`et erc gimmcgtcb ti Liilac Zihgc. R`hs sctthml gem oc tillacb im ir ijj jrin t`c sctthmls ncmu ir oy geaahml yiur Liilac Zihgc munocr. G`cgk t`c outtim Cmeoac Bi Mit Bhsturo umbcr Zihgc Wctthmls hm t`c sctthmls ipthim ij yiur Liilac eggiumt. Xiu gem gustinhzc t`c burethim ij geaa-oaigk.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
?. Oaigk e perthguaer geaacr6 Ri oaigk e perthguaer geaacr, gahgk im Oaigk geaacr umbcr t`c nirc brip-biwm ncmu jir t`et perthguaer geaacr.
Wcmb WNW ti Nuathpac _cghphcmts Liilac Zihgc eaaiws yiu ti scmb WNW ti nuathpac rcghphcmts et imgc. 5. Gahgk im t`c Rcxt outtim et t`c tip ij yiur Liilac hmoix, cmtcr munocrs ir mencs (scperetcb oy ginnes) hm t`c ‐Ri‘ jhcab, wrhtc e ncsselc hm t`c ‐Ncsselc‘ oix, oix, emb gahgk Wcmb. ?. _cpahcs jrin ceg` rcghphcmt whaa oc t`rcebcb hmti scperetc gimvcrsethims, si t`et eaa t`c ncsselcs jrin ceg` rcghphcmt erc lriupcb tilct`cr. Ht `caps hm kccphml tregk ij ceg` imc hm yiur Liilac Zihgc hmoix. Mitc6 Sscrs nust scacgt e Liilac Zihgc munocr jir tcxt ti wirk. R`c nexhnun munocr ij rcghphcmts hs jhvc pcr ncsselc.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
Rcxt Ncsselcs es Cnehas Rcxt ncsselcs scmt ti yiur Liilac Zihgc munocr whaa oc evehaeoac im yiur gcaa p`imc emb easi hm yiur Liilac Zihgc eggiumt. Xiu gem easi gimjhlurc yiur Liilac Zihgc ti yiur Lneha eggiumt, si t`et yiu whaa rcgchvc cneha ncsselcs ti yiur Lneha. Xiu gem rcpay ti t`c cneha emb Liilac Zihgc whaa gimvcrt yiur cnehas ti tcxt ncsselcs.
gimjhlurc t`c eggiumt, li ti Wctthmls emb gahgk im Zihgcneha & Rcxt, Ri G`cgk t`c Rcxt Jirwerbhml g`cgkoix g`cgkoix emb gahgk im Wevc g`emlcs.
Mitc6 R`crc whaa oc mi g`erlcs hmviavcb jir t`c tcxt ncsselcs jrin emy niohac scrvhgc privhbcr.
Rremsgrhoc, Wcerg`, emb W`erc Zihgcnehas \ht` Liilac Zihgc, vihgcneha ncsselcs gem oc tremsgrhocb ti tcxt. Xiu gem egtueaay rceb t`c ncsselcs hm ebbhthim ti ahstcmhml ti t`cn. Xiu gem easi scerg` emb s`erc t`c vihgcneha ncsselcs. Wcerg` Zihgcnehas6 Xiu gem rctrhcvc emy ncsselc w`cm yiu mccb ht. Rypc t`c wirb(s) hm t`c Wcerg` outtim, emb yiu gem jhmb eaa t`c vihgcnehas pcrtehmhml ti t`c p`resc.
Gahgk ti ahstcm ti t`c Zihgcneha
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
W`erc Zihgcnehas6 Xiu gem s`erc vihgcnehas jrin imc geaacr ti emit`cr oy scmbhml t`c vihgcneha es em cneha. Gahgk Cneha umbcr t`c nirc ipthim emb t`c cneha whaa oc scmt ti eaa yiur rcghphcmts.
Tcrsimeahzc Zihgcneha Lrccthmls Liilac Zihgc eaaiws yiu ti pcrsimeahzc vihgcneha lrccthmls oescb im w`i hs geaahml. Ri sct e vihgcneha lrccthml ti e geaacr, 5. Li ti Gimtegts, scacgt t`c geaacr, emb gahgk im Cbht Liilac Zihgc Wctthmls.
?. G`iisc e lrccthml yiu `evc earceby rcgirbcb ir gahgk im _cgirb Mcw ti rcgirb e mcw lrccthml. 7. Liilac Zihgc whaa geaa yiur p`imc emb yiu gem stert rcgirbhml e mcw lrccthml.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
2. Ri sct e pcrsimeahzcb lrccthml jir e lriup, gahgk im Lriups umbcr Wctthmls emb gahgk Cbht ti g`iisc t`c lrccthml jir t`c lriup.
Nekc Geaas \ht`iut e T`imc Liilac Zihgc privhbcs yiu eggcss ti nekc emb rcgchvc geaas jrin Lneha. R`hs ipthim hs vcry `emby w`cm yiu bim‘t `evc e p`imc wht` yiu ir rcaheoac givcrelc. Sscrs rcquhrc e nhgrip`imc ti nekc emb rcgchvc geaas. Ri rcgchvc e geaa, g`cgk t`c oix mcxt ti Liilac G`et hm yiur ahst ij jirwerbhml p`imcs. Ri nekc e geaa, gahgk im t`c Geaa p`imc ahmk hm yiur Lneha emb cmtcr emy munocr ir menc jrin yiur ebbrcss oiik.
Mitc6 Emy thnc burhml t`c geaa, `ht t`c estcrhsk (*) im t`c Lneha bhea peb emb yiur it`cr Liilac Zihgc jirwerbhml p`imcs whaa rhml.
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
[ Mit jir Ghrguaethim ^
Hmtcrmethimea Geaahml Liilac Zihgc eaaiws yiu ti paegc hmtcrmethimea geaas jir aiwcr retcs. Ri ebb grcbht ti yiur eggiumt, gahgk im Ebb Grcbht; privhbc yiur grcbht gerb emb ohaahml
ebbrcss bctehas. Ri g`cgk hmtcrmethimea geaahml retcs, gahgk im _etcs. Ri hmhthetc em hmtcrmethimea geaa, gahgk t`c Geaa outtim hm yiur Liilac Zihgc eggiumt emb cmtcr t`c menc ir munocr. Imgc yiu gahgk Gimmcgt, Liilac Zihgc whaa rhml yiur p`imc ti hmhthetc t`c geaa.
Mitc6 Xiu gem easi nekc hmtcrmethimea geaas oy geaahml yiur Liilac Zihgc munocr jrin yiur p`imc.
Liilac Zihgc Niohac Epp Liilac Zihgc niohac epp lhvcs yiur p`imc ebvemgcb jceturcs jir geaahml emb vihgcneha v ihgcneha jumgthimeahthcs.. R`c niohac epp hs jrcc emb ggurrcmtay jumgthimeahthcs urrcmtay evehaeoac jir Oaegkocrry, hT`imc, emb Embrihb piwcrcb p`imcs. Xiu gem scmb emb rcgchvc WNW tcxt t cxt ncsselcs, wht`iut g`erlcs jrin t`c niohac scrvhgc privhbcr. n.liilac.gin/vihgc hm hm yiur p`imc's oriwscr. Ri eggcss t`c niohac epp, vhsht n.liilac.gin/vihgc
Hmjirnethim Rcg`miaily Wcrvhgcs, SHW
Egkmiwacblcncmts6 Winc hnelcs emb gimtcmt jir t`c `embiut erc jrin Liilac, Hmg.
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