Earthworks / are en'ineerin' works created throu'h the mo!in' or processin' o parts o the earth0s surace in!o&!in' uantities o soi& or unormed rock.
ST3 4 merican Society or Testin' and 3ateria&
S5T6 4 merican ssociation o State 5i'hway and Transportation 67cia&s
3-- 4 3aimum -ry -ensity
63) 4 6ptimum 3oisture )ontent
Summary continued8
Earthworks inc&udes8
Preparin' sub'rades or s&abs on 'rade9 pa!ement9 &awn and 'rasses9 etc..
Eca!atin' and back%&&in' or bui&din' sub/structures
Pro!idin' draina'e course or s&ab on 'rade
Subsurace draina'e or wa&&s and trenches
Eca!atin' and back%&&in' trenches or mechanica& and e&ectrica& uti&i ties
2. Eca!ation "orks
3anua& or 3echanica& Eca!ation
6bser!e Saety at a&& times
$uried under'round structures or uti&ities
Eca!ation or $ui&din' sub/structures
Eca!ation or 3echanica& and E&ectrica& ti&ities
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