Introduction To Device Management

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SAP IS-U Device Management



• Dev Device ice Man Manage agemen mentt Ove Overvi rview ew • Technology • Installation • Met Meter er Rea Readin ding g • Met Meter er Rea Readin ding g Est Estima imatio tion n • Devic Device e Insp Inspectio ection n


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Device Management Overview


Functional Scope of Device Management


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Technical Master Data (From ISU & R/3 perspective) Device Management


Device Category




Technical Data

Inventory Management

Register Group, Input / Output Group, Register Group, Command Group, Winding Group, etc.



Plant Maint Maintenance enance

Installation, removal, replacement, device & register allocation

Warehouse Manag Warehouse Managemen ementt Classification Management

Meter Met er Rea Readin ding g Organization, Order, Result

Inspection Sampling Procedure, Certification, Replacement

Quality Management

Integration in Logistics 5

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Business Scenario – Scenario – Data flow: R/3 to ISU

Purchase Order 

Meter Reading

Validation & Certification

Goods Receipt

Removal / Modification

Stock Transfer 

Goods Issue



Legend MM ISU


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Device Management Functions Inventory Management

Inspection & Certification

Technical Master Data

Installation, Removal & Replacement

Meter Reading


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Devic Device e Management Management - Technol echnology ogy


Technical Master Data • It groups devices of the same category • Fixed by SAP system – system – Meter, Transformer, Audio frequency ripple controller, Remote meter, Counter, Corrector, Pressure regulator, Basic Device Sensor and Others Category

Device Category



• It groups together all devices with similar features (for example, price class, register group or certification data) • Corresponds to Material

• Physical entities • Meter Meter,, Control (Audio frequency ripple), Process data (correctors) and Protect and Adjust (pressure regulators)

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Device Category Data Basic Data Logistics Planning

• Material Description • Calculation, price •  Allocated documents • Storage • Ware • Transport Data & Quality Management • Procurement Planning • Procurement Planning

• Costing

General Certification  Additional Data


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Construction Class and Function Class Used primarily for search functions Function class: • Several device categories or construction classes can be grouped together into function class • Example: Example: Meter Double-rate meter

Device Category

• Example: Example: Analog meters / Digital Digital meters


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Function Class


Meter Doublerate meter 

Device Category 2

Construction class • Device categories which are constructed in the same way, can be grouped together 

Construction Class

Device Category 3 Device Category 4


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Price Class & Price Level Price Class • Classifies device categories that are handles in the same way in terms of price

Price Class

Price Level

• Determines the rental price (together with price level)

Household Rate

Residential Rental price – price – 0

Industry Rate

Industrial Rental price – price – 200,000

Price Level • Differentiate different ratesdevices of same type with


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Certification Data Internal Internal Certification

External Certification

Certification Period – Period  – 10 Years Calibration validity – validity  – 15 Years



Certify Device

Certify Device

Internal nal Certi Certifica fication tion • Inter • Us Used ed to ca calc lcul ulat ate e th the e ne nex xt re repl plac acem emen entt yea earr of th the e de devi vice ce • If device category is subject to extern rnal al certification, calibration validity takes precedence over intern rna al certif cer tifica icatio tion n per period iod (Us (Usual ually ly,, int intern ernal al cer certif tifica icatio tion n is sho shorte rterr tha than n cal calibr ibrati ation on val validi idity ty)) • Ext External ernal Certi Certifica fication tion • St Stat atut utor ory y ti time me pe peri riod od wh whic ich h de dete term rmin ines es wh when en an ex exte tern rnal ally ly ce cert rtif ifie ied d de devi vice ce mu must st be re rece cert rtif ifie ied d •  Also used to calculate next replacement year of device 13

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Technical Groups • Register Group • Winding Group • Input/Output Group • Command Group

Points to remember  • We cannot allocate all group data to all basic device categories • Some elements of device category are only for information • When Pressure Regulator is installed, measured pressure is allocated, which can be relevant for billing


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Register Group Registers • Measure consumption and demand • Can be physical entities or registers in electronic devices

Register Group • Groups a device’s registers • Can cover multiple division categories • Can be allocated to multiple device categories Register Relationship • Relationship between registers in a register group Register Configuration • Propose Register at Installation/Repla Installation/Replacement cement indicator  • Default values

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Register Data Register Configuration


Meter Reading

- Reg. Categor Category y - Registe Registerr type type

- Reason Reason / Status

- Pre-de Pre-decimal cimal /

-Type, Reader 

Decimal places

-MR dates

Register  Technology - UoM UoM Reactive/Active

Register Relationships

- Transformatio Transformation n Ratio Meter Reading - No. of MR Results - Non-counting Non-counting register  -Billing Relevant

Legend Operational Data Technical Data


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Winding Group

Windings: • It is wire coil inside transformer which reduces current flow or voltage • Define transformation ratio of transformers • Two types: Primary and Secondary winding • PT/CT ratio is the quotient of primary and allocated secondary current/voltage in the windings • PT/CT ratio also determines billing ratio (used to calculate actual consumption) Winding Group: • Groups windings that apply to same device/device category • Contains at least one primary and at least one secondary winding • Mandatory when transformers are mapped as devices in IS-U • Within the winding group, the minimum and maximum voltage and/or current data of the primary side is compared to secondary side


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Input/Output Group

Input/Outputs are interfaces of devices • Example: Remote meter may have several pulse input points and modem interface

Input/Output Group • Groups interfaces that apply to same device category/device • Contains technical data (input/output function, other values values –  – mostly information only)

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Command Group

 A command • Is signal sent out by utility company that causes Audio Frequency Ripple Control Receivers (ARCR) to initiate a switching procedure • Contains the switching time

 A command group • Groups command together (mostly information only) • Example: Command group for street lights could consist of three commands commands –  – switch on, decrease demand and switch off 


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Device Category and Device Data

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Transaction Codes Important Transaction Code s

Transaction Code


EG01, EG02, EG03

Device Category

IQ01, IQ02, IIQ Q03, IIQ Q04, IIQ Q08, IIQ Q09


EG04, EG05, EG06, EG06,

Register Register Group

EG07, EG08, EG09

Input / Output Group

EG14, EG15, EG16


EG17, EG18, EG19

Command Group


Winding Group


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Importa Important nt Tables Tables




Device Category




Register Group


Input / Output Group


Command Group




Winding Group


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Device ice Manag Manageme ement nt - Ins Instal tallat lation ion Dev

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Device Installation

Technical Installation of Device • Device is physically installed • Link is created between Device and Device Location • 1:1 Relationship

Billing relevant Installation of Device •  Allocate Device to installation which which contains billing relevant data (Rate category, category, Rate type, Billing factor factor etc) • Link is created between Installation and device • 1:N Relationship (Device to Installation Installation –  – Example: In deregulated market, if billing takes place on behalf of third party service provider there can be a device on multiple installations)


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Device Location

• Independent of division • Exact location of the device • Location can be described in detail • Device Location can be assigned to Premise • Multiple devices can be installed at Device Location (from various divisions) • Corresponds to functional location in PM

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Utility Installation

• Link between technical and business master data • Serves as the basis for billing of devices • Groups for joint billing •  Allocated to Premise Premise •  Applies to one division division • Linked to  – Billing via Rate Category  – Scheduling via MRU (Meter Reading Unit)  – Regional Structure via Premise (in turn with Connection Object)  – Business Partner during Move-In (Contract creation)

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Device Information Record

Device Info Record •  Also called as Device • Used in Billing-oriented approach • Only contains device data relevant for billing • Billing related installation, Device allocation and register r egister allocation are possible • Treated as normal devices for processing Meter Readings

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Device Group

• Group of Devices or Device Info Records that make logical unit • Example: • Transformer Groups which is made of current and voltage transformers linked to each other. Transformer groups have specific transformer ratio • Two integrated water meters installed together, measured consumption separately, however billed together  • Devices in Device Group cannot be accidentally removed/installed separately •  Any Replacement has to be expressly confirmed confirmed

Device  A

Device B

Device Group  ABC


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Device C

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Installation of Devices

• Types of installations:  – Technical installation only only,, for example if a meter is not to be billed. This would apply in the case of a control meter or a meter that belongs to the utility company.  – First technical , then billing-related installation, for example if Meters in an apartment building are installed first and assigned to apartments later   – Both steps are carried out by different agents  – One technical installation and several billing-related installations. This would apply in the case of a pressure regulator or an ARCR that controls several installations.  – Full installation, as in the case of a single-family home.

• Process flow:

 –  An installation order for a device device or a device group is c created. reated. This may result result from customer requirement for a new connection  – The installation order is executed and returned.  – The removal of the device is entered in IS-U.


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Removal of Devices

• Types of removals:  – Technical removal only only,, if a device (such as a control meter) has undergone technical installation only only, if a device in an installation is no longer to be included in billing  – Billing-related removal only,  – First billing-related and technical removal later , for example if billing and technical areas in a utility company are managed by different employees  – One billing-related and several billing-related removals. This would apply in the case of a pressure regulator or an  ARCR that controls several several installations  – Full removal, for example in the case of a single-family home that is dismantled

• Process flow:  –  A removal removal order is created for a device or a device device group. This m may ay result from company requirement such such as the dismantling of an object  – The removal order is executed and returned  – The removal of the device is entered in IS-U


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Replacement of Devices

• Replacement of a device with another device from same or a similar device category • New device takes on the same task as old device • During Replacement, following data is automatically transferred to new device: • Rate Data • Register Relationships • Device Relationships • Register related Period Consumption • Disconnection Status • Business cases • Customer request – request – Installed device is damaged or running fast • Company request – request – Periodic Replacement for inspection and certification

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Reversal of Device Installation/Removal/Replacement

• Installation • Remove device from installation for billing purpose as of the installation date • Delete device allocations and register relationships • Technical reversal of device installation • Removal • Perform technical reversal • Define device allocations and register relationships again • Re-install the device for billing purpose • Replacement • Remove the new device from installation for billing purpose • Delete device allocations and register relationships for old device • Perform technical reversal • Define device allocations and register relationships for new device

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• Reinstall the removed device for billing purpose SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng


Installation Structure

Technical Data + Billing-relevant Data + Periodic Consumption • Installation structure = Technical

• Technical Data includes:  – Device Allocations  – Register Relationships  – Logical Registers

• Billing-relevant Data:  – Register’s relevance for billing billing  – Rate Type  – Price Class/Device Rental

• Periodic Consumption

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echnical cal Data Techni

• Device Allocations  – To maintain/describe dependencies between devices  – During Installation, system automatically defaults device allocations e.g. ARCR defaulted as controlling device

• Relationship between registers  – Relationship of registers to each other. The registers can also belong to devices in different installations  – Examples – Examples – Allocation  Allocation of reactive to active active registers to calculate cosine phi, Serial switching, switching, Linking rregisters egisters to different register types (on/off peak rate)

• Logical Registers  – Describes the allocation of a certain task to a register   –  A logical register number is autom automatically atically assigned to all device registers upon technical technical installation of devices. The number is not displayed on the screen and is only used in the program.  – In case of replacement, the old device and new device must have same logical register numbers so that the billing component will know which register will take on the function of old register 


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Billing-relevant Data

• Rate Type  – Rate data is dependent on the installation and therefore can only be maintained if the device is allocated to an installation  – Rate data at the register level is required for settlement of consumption and demand

• Price Class  – Rate data at the device level is required for device rental prices

• Billing relevance of register   – Indicator whether a register is relevant for billing or not


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Periodic Consumption

• The period consumption is used to determine the expected meter reading of a register for a certain period if meter reading results are not available for some reason

• However, However, the period consumption or the period unit is used only if a representative base period does not yet exist (for example, for meter readings after installation and move-in)

• It is determined at the time of device installation. However can be changed during move-in or maintenance of installation structure


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Serial Switching – Switching – Classic Example

• Reg 1 serial switching relationship with Reg 2 & 4 • Reg serial switching relationship with Reg 3 • Consumption for Reg 1 = Reg 1 – 1  – Reg 2 – 2 – Reg 4 • Consumption for Reg 2 = Reg 2 – 2  – Reg 3


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Important Transaction Code s Transaction Codes Transaction Code EG44, EG45, EG46

Description Device Info Record

EG27, EG28, EG29

Device Grouping


Full Installation


Technical Installation


Billing Related Installation


Full Removal


Technical Removal


Billing Related Removal

EG30 EG50

Full Replacement Technical Reversal (Inst/Remv/Rep)


Device Modification


Device Allocations


Change Rate Data

EG75, EG76, EG77

Register Relationships


EL56, EL57

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Period Consumption

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Importa Important nt Tables Tables




Device Info Record


Device Grouping


Technical Data for installed register   Billing Data for installed register  


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Device Inspection

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Device Inspection and Certification • Manages device inspections and certifications • Device passes an inspection in accordance with prescribed margins of error  • Device is certified in one of the following ways: • Sampling Procedure • Periodic Replacement • SD Order  • Two types of certifications • External Certification: Certification: Calibration validity of a device is renewed via an external certification carried out in accordance with legal requirements • Internal Certification: Certification: The quality of a device is inspected according to internal certification guidelines • Calibration Validity: Validity: Statutory period which determines when an externally certified device must be recertified


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Sampling Procedure • Lot creation • Create a lot master record that contains the lot data • Allocation of devices to the lot • Determine the scope of the lot by allocating devices to the lot • You can perform this function more than once • Determination of lot devices • Prepare for lot drawing by creating a table of devices allocated to the lot. This serves as a basis for drawing sample devices. • Drawing sample devices • The sample devices are drawn from the devices allocated to the lot. The number of sample devices and spare sample devices is dependent upon the lot size, the lot type or other legal requirements. • Renewal of lot certification • If the sample devices meet the criteria for re-certifying the entire lot, the lot status in the lot master record is changed and the lot is re-certified.


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Periodic Replacement • During a periodic replacement, devices due for certification are removed and replaced with equivalent devices • Devices to be replaced are managed by using the periodic replacement list • Devices that are to be replaced on certain date are selected from periodic replacement list • Work order or notification is then created for the devices that are to be replaced • If desired, the list only for devices of a specific division category can also be created • Functions of Periodic Replacement • Generation of annual periodic replacement list: All installed devices are included whose periodic replacement year is greater than or equal to the specified periodic replacement year  • Extension/renewal of periodic replacement lists •  Add devices with with an advanced replacement year year to periodic replacement lis lists ts


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Work Order/Notification • Devices can be selected from the Periodic Replacement List based on the various criteria like Device Category,, MRU, Regional Structure etc. Category • Selection of sample devices or spare devices from the Sampling Procedure • The order/notification is executed on the field for replacement or field testing of devices • Devices to be replaced are managed by using the periodic replacement list • Before creating orders/notifications, order/notification codes must be allocated to order profiles •  An interval check can be carried out for all devices for which which the system determines whether a meter reading is scheduled for a given device after the scheduled order date  – Further processing is dependent upon the Display date overlap indicator   – If this indicator is set, a list of all devices is shown which has overlapping dates  – The list specifies whether a replacement order is to be created for the device or whether only an entry in the statistics log is to be made  – If this indicator is not set, a message is written to the statistics log for each device with overlapping of dates.


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Meter Test Scenarios

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Transaction Codes Important Transaction Code s

Transaction Code


EG80, EG81, EG82

Sampling Procedure - Lot


Compile Lot

EG84 EG85

Determine Lot Devices Draw Sample Devices

EG88, EG89

Periodic Replacement List


Create Notifications/Work Notifications/Work Orders for Device Replacement




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Importa Important nt Tables Tables




Sample Lot


Periodic Replacement List


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Device Dev ice Mana Managem gement ent - Met Meter er Read Reading ing


Reading – Scheduling Basics Meter Reading –

• Portion: Grouping of contracts that we want to bill together 


Billing dates

• MRU (Meter Reading Unit): Installations grouped together for purposes of meter readings • Parameter Record: Data Record that contains control parameters for generating schedule records

Parameter Record

MR Unit

MR Dates

Budget billing dates


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Meter Reading Organization: Street Route

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Meter Reading Order 

• Pre-requisite for a meter reading • Has data: • Meter Reader  • Date •  Address • Expected Meter Reading • Can be printed or transferred to external energy systems (example: MDE device) • For tracking and monitoring purpose •   Note: When a meter reading result is entered/uploaded for an object for which no meter reading order exists, then meter reading order (and billing order, where necessary) is created automatically 


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Data Data –  – Meter Reading Order 

Header Data

Time Based Data

Meter Reading Data

Entry Specific Data

• Device • Equipment • ID of meter reading document

• Planned MR date • Planned Billing date

• Expected Meter Reading and Consumption • Meter Reading Upper Limit • Maximum consumption

• Entry No., Check Number, MDE number, Meter Reader, Control Group • Meter Reading Reason, Planned MR category, MR Status, MR Type • Service Order / Notification

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Meter Reading Order Creation

Individual Orders for MRU, Contract, Installation or device

Mass Order for several MRUs

Meter Reading Category

Service Orders or notification for aperiodic meter reading

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Meter Reading Order 

• User defined pool of texts containing placeholders that can be turned into individual messages • Example: • Beware of Dog • Please call X’s house • Messages would would be printed on field worker’s meter reading order  • We can use up to 5 variables in a note • Variables can be picked from Connection Object/Device Location


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Reading – Manual Monitoring Meter Reading – • Monitoring is possible at: • Installation

• List with information: • Meter Reading Status

• Meter Reading Unit

• Meter Reading Reason

• Business Partner 

• Meter Reading Validation

• Device and so on • Monitoring of:

• Environment Data, access to

• Schedule Records

• Contract

• Meter Reading Orders

• Installation

• Billing Orders

• Meter Reading Order

• Meter Reading Results

• Service Order and so on


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Reading – Automatic Meter Reading –  Automatic Monitoring

monitoring of missing and implausible implausible meter reading results are possible: •  Automatic monitoring

• Follow-up actions are started after specific periods depending on MR status, MR Reason and MR Type Type • Follow-up actions can also defined by SAP enhancement EDMLADUE • If follow-up action is not defined, the Meter Reading Result is estimated automatically


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Entry of Meter Reading Results

• Mass Entry for periodic meter readings •  Automatic: upload using using IDoc ISU_MR_Upload • Manual (fast entry)  – Without Correction: implausible values are reset  – With Correction: validation is possible

• Single entry • Used in case of interim and control reading • Entry possible even if meter reading orders are not created previously. previously. • Status is set by system (example: billable or automatically blocked) • Meter Reading Document ID is key field for uploading MR results • MR Document ID is transferred to external system during download and then managed by external system


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Monitoring an MR Upload

Meter Reading Results Uploaded (by Interface)

List of Meter Reading Results

Status: Plausible

Status: Implausible

Meter Reading Result

Meter Reading Result needs correction

Status: Error  

Manual Interruption (Only possible, if data can be recognized)


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Transaction Codes Important Transaction Code s

Transaction Code


EL40, EL41

Street Route


Meter Reading Unit

EL01, EL06

Meter Reading Order Creation


Entry of Meter Reading Results (Single)


Correction of Meter Reading Results (Plausible)


Correction of Meter Reading Results (Implausible)


Reverse Meter Reading R Re esult


Entry of Meter Reading Results (Accelerated without correction)


Entry of of Me Meter Re Reading Results ((A Accelerated with correction)


Monitoring of Meter Reading Data (Manual)


Monitoring of Meter Reading Data (Automatic)


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Importa Important nt Tables Tables






Meter Reading Unit


Meter Reading Document MR Reasons in MR Document


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Device ice Manag Manageme ement nt - MR Estim Estimati ation on Dev


Weighing Procedure & Extrapolation

• Weighing Procedure involves internal system procedures to determine expected values • Weighing Procedure are predefined as: • Linear weighting • Weighting of energy feeding • Degree day weighting • Sprinkling water portion • General weighting • SAP Enhancement EDMLELHR – EDMLELHR – to create extrapolation procedures by own • Base value of extrapolation: • MR Result history • Period Consumption • Highest priority to Meter Reading Results (as they best reflect consumption patterns) followed by period

consumption • SAP Enhancement EDMLELAH – EDMLELAH – to customize prioritization of IS-U extrapolation 63

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Linear weighting

• Fixed, Linear portion •  Absolute value or percentage percentage • Does not take seasonal fluctuations into account • the weighting units are distributed equally over the year  • Define Periods for Consumption Portions to be Weighted Linear: Maintained during device installation/installation installation/ins tallation structure (Device Management  Meter Reading  Weighting Procedures  Define Periods for Consumption Portions to be Weighted Linearly)


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Example Example –  – Linear Weighing 31-March-2010



MR – 100 kWh

MR – 700 kWh

MR – ??? kWh

Weighing example1 ** Apr April il - 10 ** May - 5

Weighing example1 ** Apr April il - 10 ** May - 5 ** 4kWh linear portion per day

• Estimated Meter Reading – Reading – 1000 kWh  April – •  April  – 600 kWh • May May –  – 300 kWh

• Estimated Meter Reading – Reading – 1060 kWh •  April  April –  – (480 + 120) kWh • May May –  – (240 + 120) kWh


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Validation – Validation  – Meter Reading Upload

Independent Validation

Dependent validations


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Independent Validation • Fixed Validation •  Are performed automatically automatically • Validation of pervious meter reading  – Is pervious meter reading plausible

• Validation of fixed value deviation  – No Consumption for inactive and blocked installation  – Meter Reading from previous removal reading

• Validation of resetting register   – Does the number of resets agree with number of meter reading

• Variable Validation • Zero consumption validation • Permitted number of customer meter readings or estimations •  Absolute, relative and floating tolerance limits • Usage hours in relation previous period or fixed value

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• Maximum/minim Maximum/minimum um contract demand • Meter overflow 67

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Dependent Validation • During dependent validations, registers in a relationship are validated together  • Control meter validation (fixed value against relative value) • Whether the total consumption of the settlement registers matches the consumption of the control register  • Serial switching validation • Whether the total consumption of secondary installations exceeds the consumption of the primary register  • Cosine phi validation • The cosine phi is calculated from reactive/active registers • In validation 04, the system checks whether values fall below a lower limit defined in Customizing • In validation 05 (check against cosine phi of previous period), the system compares the cosine phi of the current and previous period(s) • Consumption ratio validations (fixed value and previous period) • The system creates a ratio for the consumption of registers in a register relationship. The system then checks whether the ratio matches either the fixed value or the consumption ratio of the previous period


SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng

Copyright © 2014 Deloi tte Devel opment LLC. All rights reserved.


Meter Reading Correction • Correction

•  At Correction Screen:

• Implausible meter reading upon entry

• Current Meter Reading

• Plausible meter reading

• Previous Meter Reading • Consumption

•  Actions possible: possible: • Correct the MR results • Release the MR results

• Forecast Data – Data – Forecast Period, Expected values, source of forecast values

• Reset the MR results • Estimate the MR results

• Inspection results

• Print out a correction order  • Print out a control meter reading order 

• Device Data


SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng


Meter Reading Reversal • Meter Reading Reversal is possible at: • Meter Reading Unit (MRU) • Contract • Installation • Device • Planned Meter Reading Date • Meter Reading Reason

• Following objects are deleted during reversal process (if they exist): • Meter Reading Order  • Billing Order  • Meter Reading Result

Copyright © 2014 Deloi tte Devel opment LLC. All rights reserved.


SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng

Copyright © 2014 Deloi tte Devel opment LLC. All rights reserved.


Transaction Codes Important Transaction Code s

Tra ran nsa sact ctio ion n Co Code de

Desc De scri rip pti tion on


Activation of Estimate MRR (Individual Installation)


Deactivation of Estimate MRR (Individual Installation)

EL61 EL28

Activation of Estimate MRR (Multiple Installation) Entry of Meter Reading Results (Single)


Correction of Meter Reading Results (Plausible)


Correction of Meter Reading Results (Implausible)

S_KK4_ S_KK 4_74 7400 0007 0708 08 S_KK S_ KK4_ 4_74 7400 0007 0705 05

Defi Define ne Ene Energ rgy y Feed Feedin ing g per per Peri Period od Defi Define ne Deg Degre ree e Day Day Coef Coeffi fici cien ents ts


SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng

Copyright © 2014 Deloi tte Devel opment LLC. All rights reserved.


Important Importa nt Tables Tables




Meter Reading Document


MR Reasons in MR Document


SAP Plant Maintenance  – Campus Recruit Traini ng


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Copyright © 2014 Deloi tte Devel opment LLC. All rights reserved.

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