Introduction to Data Analytics

July 2, 2016 | Author: Malineni Maurya | Category: Types, Presentations
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Short presentation of Data Analytics for beginners...



 TYPES OF ANALYSIS Descriptive Exploratory Inferential Predictive Causal ec!anistic 

DESC"IPTI#E  Typically t!e $rst %ind of data analysis perfor&ed on a data set  Co&&only applied to lar'e volu&es of data( suc! as census data   T!e description and interpretation processes are di)erent steps  *nivariate and +ivariate are t,o types of statistical descriptive analyses  Type of data set applied to. Census Data Set / a ,!ole population 

E0PLO"ATO"Y Exploratory &odels are 'ood for discoverin' ne, connections   T!ey are also useful for de$nin' future studies12uestions  Exploratory analyses are usually not t!e de$nitive ans,er to t!e 2uestion at !and( 3ut only t!e start  Exploratory analyses alone s!ould not 3e used for 'enerali4in' and1or predictin'  "e&e&3er. correlation does not i&ply causation   Type of data set applied to. Census and Convenience Sa&ple Data Set 5typically non6 unifor&7 / a rando& sa&ple ,it! &any varia3les &easured 

INFE"ENTIAL  Inference is co&&only t!e 'oal of statistical &odels  Inference involves esti&atin' 3ot! t!e 2uantity you care a3out and your uncertainty a3out your esti&ate  Inference depends !eavily on 3ot! t!e population and t!e sa&plin' sc!e&e  Type of data set applied to. O3servational( Cross Sectional Ti&e Study( and "etrospective Data Set / t!e ri'!t( rando&ly sa&pled population 

P"EDICTI#E  T!e &odels predicts( 3ut it does not &ean t!at t!e independent varia3les cause  Accurate prediction depends !eavily on &easurin' t!e ri'!t varia3les  Alt!ou'! t!ere are 3etter and ,orse prediction &odels( &ore data and a si&ple &odel ,or%s really ,ell  Prediction is very !ard( especially a3out t!e future references  Type of data set applied to. Prediction Study Data Set / a trainin' and test data set fro& t!e sa&e population 

CA*SAL  I&ple&entation usually re2uires rando&i4ed studies  T!ere are approac!es to inferrin' causation in non6 rando&i4ed studies  Causal &odels are said to 3e t!e 8'old standard9 for data analysis  Type of data set applied to. "ando&i4ed Trial Data Set / data fro& a rando&i4ed study 

EC:ANISTIC  Incredi3ly !ard to infer( except in si&ple situations  *sually &odeled 3y a deter&inistic set of e2uations 5p!ysical1en'ineerin' science7  ;enerally t!e rando& co&ponent of t!e data is &easure&ent error  Type of data set applied to. "ando&i4ed Trial Data Set / data a3out all co&ponents of t!e syste& 

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