Introduction To CCN

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CCN for Dummies -Ashish Kalgaonkar 


What is CCN? • Charging Control Node  –  As the name suggests suggests CCN CCN is a charg charging ing application application on top of a TS node!  – "t is one of the nodes in the ecos#stem of the $Charging S#stem% CS net&ork – currentl# CS '!(!  – )sed primaril# to facilitate real time charging of prepaid accounts!  – No& " ha*e used the &ord $facilitate% i!e CCN itself does not maintain user accounts nor does it perform real time charging! That is done +# the SD ,Ser*ice Data oint .! Which +rings us to the /uestion -


Wh# CCN? •  A little +ackground from the SS0 net&ork  – SD and SC form the core of the SS0 net&ork!  –  As mentioned Ser*ice Ser*ice Data oint ,SD is the core of the rereaid Ser*ice ,S net&ork and holds account data and rating mechanisms!  – 1or *oice calls a Ser*ice Control oint ,SC &ith S-"N scripts is used in front of SD! SC handles the call control and interrogates the SD to check the account le*el to see if the call is allo&ed to start!  –  After call esta+lishment2 esta+lishment2 &hile ser*ices are +eing used2 the SC interrogates the SD to deduct mone# from the account and again to check the account le*el to see if the call is allo&ed to proceed ,real time charging!  – SC and SD communicate according to the Charging "nterrogation rotocol ,C" formerl# referred to as "NA CS34 ,"ntelligent Net&ork Application Application art Capa+ilit# Set pu+lished +# "T)-T!


Call 5sta+lishment • 6SC-A starts call esta+lishment2 as a result of recei*ing a setup message o*er the air interface from the A-part#2 and it in*okes an "N ser*ice in the SC! •  At ser*ice in*ocation in*oc ation and e*ent notification2 notificat ion2 the 6SC copies information from the signaling message ,i!e! the "S) message toelements the "N control message ,CA657 or "NA! The SC decides ho& to control this call2 +ased on the recei*ed information!


Wh# CCN? • 8efore Charging Control Node ,CCN &as introduced into the Charging Net&ork &ith S 9!:;Charging S#stem 3!:2 acket S&itched ed cost per S6S!


8efore CCN  

Charging Net&ork +efore CCN Business Support


Multi Mediation (BGw) SMS#C

Financial etwor!



8efore CCN – &e had had d#namic charging of CS traffic onl# ,oice and S6S!



Protocol Protocol  - "NA "NA CS34 CS34 no& referred toas C"!


Packet switched calls charged via CDRs.





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SGS 3-


 After CCN  

Charging Net&ork after CCN With CCN With CCN – Business &e Support introduced d#namic charging protocols for
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