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Introduction to CATIA Parameters and Automation Tom Swindell IBM PLM Technical Support
Topics • • • • •
Constraints Parameters Creating Formulas from Parameters Creating Design Tables from Parameters Creating Catalog from Design Tables
Constraints • To create a Pad (solid) in V5, the Sketcher workbench is used. • A sketch is created on a 2D plane in 3D space. • The geometry is ‘sketched’ roughly in position using various tools.
Adding Constraints to a Sketch • Since geometry is roughly sketched, it must be modified to capture design intent. • Geometry can easily be modified by applying / changing constraints. • Contextual horizontal and vertical constraints are added first. Other contextual constraints include, parallel, concentric, coincident, etc. • Dimensional constraints, similar to dimensions, are added next.
Sketch with Constraints Added • Constraints can be easily modified by double-clicking and changing the values. • Geometry is automatically updated.
Sketch with Constraints Modified
Parameters • Constraints are the starting point for automation. • Constraints are made up of Parameters. • The Formula function is used to work with the constraint Parameters. • The function is included with base CATIA configurations.
Editing Parameters of Constraint • Renaming PartBody\Sketch.1\Length.13\Length….
Editing Parameters of Constraint • …. to block_length • This makes the parameter easier to find and gives it a functional name that can be used later.
Editing Parameters of Constraint • We can use constraints to control other constraints using Formula Editor. • Examples: Set one constraint = to another Set one constraint = to another/2 etc.. •
Formula Editor is accessed by right-clicking (MB3) constraint.
Editing Formula of Constraint • Right-click constraint. • Select Edit Formula
Formula Editor • Setting Length.14 = block_length/2 • Double-click block_length from right side of panel. • Enter formula: block_length /2
Modified Constraint
Set Tools-Options to Visualize Formula in Tree
Editing Parameters to Control Features • Features such as holes, fillets, chamfers, drafts, etc. can be turned off/on by changing parameters.
Editing Parameters to Control Features • Hole is deactivated when Activity = false • Can easily be reactivated. • Can be controlled by program / macro.
Design Tables • Parameters can be stored in a table or Excel file to control multiple configurations of a part. • This allows control over the design, limiting the combinations allowed. • Parameters (constraints) included in Design Table cannot be changed by the user. • User does not have to guess if modifications will work.
Design Tables • Assume we want to make multiple bottles using the Sketch constraints.
Design Tables • Not all constraint changes are good. • Proven constraint values are tabulated to provide viable designs. • Can easily switch between configurations and part updates accordingly. • Decreased likelihood of bad designs. • Capture company knowledge.
Renaming Parameters for Design Table • Change names to something meaningful. • Easier to find parameters when creating design table.
Creating Design Table Renamed parameters will be added to Design Table • Design Tables are included with base CATIA configuration.
Creating Design Table •
Select renamed parameters to add to design table.
Creating Design Table • Design table is created. • Select ‘Edit table’ to edit .xls file.
Creating Design Table •
Excel file is created with renamed parameters and their values.
Creating Design Table •
Values are added to the spreadsheet to create other bottle designs.
Creating Design Table • Design Table is shown in the tree. • Double-click Configuration to change part configuration.
Applying Design Table Configurations •
Select and Apply configuration to see part update.
Creating Catalog from Design Table • Catalogs are collections of part to be used in multiple places. • Catalog items are instantiated (copied) to CATProducts. • Design Tables can be used to populate Catalogs.
Creating Catalog from Design Table • Create Catalog using File-New-CatalogDocument. • Add ‘Part Family’ in Catalog Editor workbench.
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