Introduction To Business Processes: Multiple Choice Questions

March 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bljpt`r : Ghtradubtgah ta Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s Muctgpc` Blagb` Zu`stgahs :.

_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`e`rs r`e`rs ta fusgh`ss fusgh`ss prab`s prab`ss`s s`s tljt tljt jr` hat `x`but`d `x`but`d fy fy j sghoc` oraup oraup ar euhbtga euhbtgah1 h1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Rgca @e @ee`bt Brass-Euhbtgahjc Euhb Euhbtg tgah ahjc jc Rtru Rtrubt btur ur`` @ht` @ht`rp rprg rgs` s` Rys Ryst` t`ms ms Aroj Arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ahjc jc Rtr Rtrub ubtu tur` r`

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy R`btgah; Tl` Euhbtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Rtrubtur`


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; : ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`e`rs r`e`rs ta j syst`m syst`m gh wlgbl wlgbl wari`rs wari`rs bampc`t` bampc`t` tl`gr tl`gr tjsis gh gh s`pjrjt` s`pjrjt` d`pjrtm`h d`pjrtm`hts ts wgtlaut r`ojrd ta tl` bahs`qu`hb`s ear tl` atl`r bampah`hts ae tl` prab`ss1 prab`ss 1 j.  f. b. d. `.

@V^ @e @ee`bt Brass-Euhbtgahjc Euhb Euhbtg tgah ahjc jc Rtru Rtrubt btur ur`` @ht` @ht`rp rprg rgs` s` Rys Ryst` t`ms ms Rgca @e @ee`bt

@jsy sy Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; @j R`btgah;  Tl` Euhbtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Rtrubtur`; Tl` Tl` Rgca @ee`bt 2.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl syst syst`m `m suppa supparts rts f fusg usgh`s h`sss prab`s prab`ss`s s`s `hd `hd  ta `hd1 j. Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m` m`h ht Ryst Ryst`m `m  f. Jbbauhtgho Ryst`m Ryst`m b. @ht` @ht`rp rprg rgs` s` Ryst Ryst`m `m d. Eu Euhb hbtg tgah ahjc jc Rtru Rtrubt btur ur`` `. Dabu abum`h m`ht Ry Ryst` t`m m Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Tl` Euhbtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Rtrubtur`; Tl` Tl` Rgca @ee`bt

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6 ^rjbtgb`; W`s


4. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho stjt`m`hts jfaut fusgh`ss prab`ss`s gs gs tru`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tl`y Tl`y jr` `x`bu `x`but`d t`d jbras jbrasss muc muctgp tgpc` c` euhbt euhbtgah gahs. s. Tl`y jr` ghgtgjt`d fy fy sam` typ` ae trgoo`r. Tl Tl`y `y ghv ghvac acv` v` muc muctg tgpc pc`` st`p st`ps. s. Jcc ae ae tl tl` jfa jfav` v` Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`pr`s r`pr`s`hts `hts j s`t s`t ae tjsis tjsis ar jbtgvgt jbtgvgtg`s g`s tl tljt jt pradub` pradub` d`sgr`d d`sgr`d autbam` autbam`s1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Fusg Fusgh h`s `sss ^ra ^rab`ss b`ss Trgoo`r  Autbam` @ht`rp @ht`rprgs rgs`` V`saur V`saurb` b` ^cj ^cjhh hhgho gho Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j

Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y

R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4


_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`e`rs r`e`rs ta jcc ae tl` tl` jbtgvgtg`s jbtgvgtg`s ghvacv ghvacv`d `d gh fuygho fuygho ar jbqugrgho jbqugrgho tl` tl` mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs us`d us`d  fy tl` arojhgzjtgah, arojhgzjtgah, subl js rjw mjt`rgjcs h``d`d h``d`d ta mji` pradubts1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ^rad ^radub ubtg tgah ah ^rab ^rab`s `sss Euce Eucegc gccm cm`h `htt ^rab` ^rab`ss ss Cge` Cge`by bybc bc`` Djtj Djtj Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


^jo` V`e`r`hb`;  4

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;  W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 0

_lgbl _lgbl prab`ss prab`ss ghvacv`s ghvacv`s tl` jbtuj jbtujcc br`jtgah br`jtgah ae tl` tl` pradubt pradubts1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ^rad ^radub ubtg tgah ah ^rab ^rab`s `sss Euce Eucegc gccm cm`h `htt ^rab` ^rab`ss ss Cge` Cge`by bybc bc`` Djtj Djtj Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt

Jhsw`r; b R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`; 

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 0




Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;  W`s

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5


_lgbl _lgbl prab`ss prab`ss gs us`d ta ta pcjh jhd `x`but `x`but`` cjro` pra prak`bt k`btss subl js tl` tl` bahstrubtg bahstrubtgah ah ae j h`w ejbtary ar tl` pradubtgah ae bampc`x pradubts subl js jgrpcjh`s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Lumj Lumjh h Bjpgt Bjpgtjc jc Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m` m`ht ht (LBM (LBM)) ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht Eghj Eghjhb hbgj gjcc Jbba Jbbauh uhtg tgho ho Mjhjo` Mjhjo`m`h m`htt Jbbauh Jbbauhtgh tgho o ar Bahtra Bahtraccg ccgho ho (BA) (BA) Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`; 

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5




_lgbl _lgbl prab`ss prab`ss eabus`s eabus`s ah p`apc` p`apc` wgtlgh wgtlgh jh arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah h jhd ghbcud`s ghbcud`s euhbtg euhbtgahs ahs subl subl js r`brugtgho, lgrgho, trjghgho, jhd f`h`egts mjhjo`m`ht1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Lumj Lumjh h Bjpgt Bjpgtjc jc Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m` m`ht ht (LBM (LBM)) ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht Eghj Eghjhb hbgj gjcc Jbba Jbbauh uhtg tgho ho Mjhjo` Mjhjo`m`h m`htt Jbbauh Jbbauhtgh tgho o ar Bahtra Bahtraccg ccgho ho (BA) (BA) Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct ^rjbtgb`; 

_ljt gs tl` tl` eeghjc ghjc st`p ae tl` tl` prabur`m prabur`m`ht `ht prab`s prab`ss1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Ghvagb` ^urbljs` V`qugsgtgah V`qugsgtgah ^u ^urb rbl ljs js`` Ard`r  rd`r  ^jym`ht Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r;  dFusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rabur`m`ht-Fuy Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y R`btgah;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`;

_ljt st`ps st`ps jr` jr` ghvacv`d ghvacv`d gh tl` tl` jbbauhtg jbbauhtgho ho partgah partgah ae ae tl` prabur`m prabur`m`ht `ht prab`ss prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

V`b`gv V`b`gvgho gho tl` mjt mjt`rg `rgjcs jcs jhd tl` ghv ghvagb agb`` Br`jtgho tl` purbljs` purbljs` r`qugsgtgah jhd s`hd s`hdgho gho pjym`ht Br`jtg Br`jtgho ho jjhd hd s`hd s`hdgho gho tl` pur purblj bljs` s` ard` ard`r  r  Br`jtgho Br`jtgho ttl` l` purbljs purbljs`` r`qugsgtg r`qugsgtgah ah jhd r`b`gvgho r`b`gvgho tl` mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcs cs V`b`gv V`b`gvgho gho ttl` l` ghvag ghvagb` b` jhd jhd s`hdgh s`hdgho o pjym`h pjym`htt

Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Dgeeg Dgeegbuct buct R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rabur`m`ht-Fuy


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ? ^rjbtgb`; W`s

_ljt gs tl` tl` eegrst grst st`p ae tl` tl` p pradub radubtgah tgah prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Jutl Jutlar argz gz`` ^ra ^radu dubt btga gah h V`qu`st ^radubtgah Br` Br`jt jt`` ^r ^ra adubt dubt V`b` V`b`gv gv`` Egh Eghgs gsl` l`d d Oaa Oaads ds Gssu Gssu`` Vjw Vjw Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jcss

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rabur`m`ht-Mji`

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ? ^rjbtgb`; W`s




_ljt euhbt euhbtgah gah da`s da`s tl` wjr`lau wjr`laus` s` p`rearm p`rearm gh tl` euceg eucegccm`h ccm`htt prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `. e.

^r`pjr ^r`pjr`s `s jhd jhd s`hds s`hds tl` tl` slgpm` slgpm`ht ht ta tl` tl` bu busta stam`r  m`r  Bammuhgbjt`s djtj r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta tl` ard`r ta atl`r pjr pjrts ts ae tl` ar  ojhgzjtgah Trjb Trjbis is tl` tl` ard`r  rd`r  Hatg Hatgeg eg`s `s tl` tl` bus busta tam` m`r  r  Hah` ah` ae tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rabur`m`ht-Mji`


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`; W`s

QQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQ QQ gs bahb`rh`d bahb`rh`d wgtl wgtl mjtblgho mjtblgho tl` tl` d`mjhd d`mjhd ear mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs gh tl` tl` arojhgzjt arojhgzjtgah gah wgtl wgtl tl` suppcy. j.  f. b. d.

Fusg Fusgh h`s `sss ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho Tl` Rgca @ee`bt ^rak ^rak`b `btt Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho

`. Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav`` Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Mjt`rgjc ^cjhhgho-^cjh

: 0


R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh


QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQ Q pravgd`s pravgd`s taa taacs cs ta mjhjo` mjhjo` jhd star` star` dabum`hts dabum`hts s`bur` s`bur`cy cy jhd ta i``p i``p trjbi ae tl` muctgpc` v`rsgahs ae tl`s` dabum`hts1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Dabu Dabum` m`ht ht Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt @ht`rprgs` Mjhjo`m`ht ^rak ^rak`b `btt Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh

6:. 6:.


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

La Law w da`s da`s OFG Ocaf Ocafjc jc s`cc s`cc gts gts m`r m`rblj bljhd hdgs` gs`11 j. Dgr` Dgr`bt btcy cy tta a bust bustam am`r `rss  f. b. d. `.

Ugj h`twari sp`bgjcgz`d d`jc`rs U gj tjl` Ght` Ght`rh rh`t `tae sp`bgjcgz`d Jcc ae ae tl tl` jfa jfav` v` Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Ocafjc Fgbybc` Fgbybc` Ghbarparjt`d Ghbarparjt`d (OFG) 66.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :2 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho stjt`m`ht stjt`m`htss jfaut jfaut RJ^ V/2 ggss tru`1 tru`1 j. Gt suppa supparts rts j ssgho ghoc` c` euhbt euhbtgah gah ar ar d`p d`pjrt jrtm`h m`htt  f. Gt gs jh `hd-ta-`hd `ht`rprgs` `ht`rprgs` syst`m b. Rljrgho Rljrgho djtj f`tw``h f`tw``h d`pjrtm`ht d`pjrtm`htss gs gs prafc` prafc`mjtgb mjtgb d. Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jf jfav av`` Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Law ta us` tlgs tlgs faai; RJ^ Raetwjr` jhd B`rtgegbjtgah B`rtgegbjtgah

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :0 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

Muctgpc` Jhsw`r Zu`stgahs :.

_gtlgh _gtlgh tl` eghjhbg eghjhbgjc jc strubtur` strubtur`,, typgbjc typgbjc euhbtgahs euhbtgahs ar d`pjrtm d`pjrtm`hts `hts eauhd eauhd gh j mad`rh mad`rh arojhgzjtgah ghbcud` wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 e.

purbljsgho 5


o. l. g.  k.

ap`rjtgahs ght`rhslgps eghjhb` mjri`tgho

Jhsw`r; j, f, d, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Tl` Euhbtgahjc Euhbtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Arojhgzjtgahjc Rtrubtur`


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho jr` st` st`ps ps wgtlgh wgtlgh j o`h`rgb o`h`rgb fusgh`ss fusgh`ss prab`ss prab`ss ae jh arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah1 h1 j.  f. b. d. `.

^jym`ht Trgoo`r  Rlgpm`ht Autbam` Bahegrmjtgah

Jhsw`r; f, d R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


Dgeegbuct gbuct Dgeegbucty; Dgee

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl prab`ss` prab`ss`ss ljv` ljv` jh gmpjbt gmpjbt ah jh arojhgzjt arojhgzjtgah‗ gah‗ss eghjhb`s eghjhb`s11 e. o. l. g.  k.

Eghj Eg hjhb hbgj c jbbau jbb auht htgh gho ot prab`s pra prab` b`ss ss`s `s ^rak`b ^ra k`bt tgjc mjhjo` mjh jo`m`h m`ht pra b`ss`s s`s Mjhjo`m`ht Mjhjo`m`ht jbbauhtgh jbbauhtgho o ar ar bahtrac bahtraccgho cgho prab`ss`s prab`ss`s Mj Mjt` t`rg rgjc jc pcjh pcjhhg hgho ho prab prab`s `sss ^rabur`m`ht prab`ss

Jhsw`r; j, b R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; : ^rjbtgb`;  W`s

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

_lgbl _lgbl prab`ss prab`ss`s `s eabus eabus prgmjrgcy prgmjrgcy ah p`apc p`apc`` jhd prak`bts1 prak`bts1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Eghjhb Eghjhbgjc gjc jbbauh jbbauhtgh tgho o prab`s prab`ss`s s`s ^rabur`m`ht prab`ss ^rad ^radub ubtg tgah ah prab prab`s `sss Lumjh Lumjh bjpg bjpgtjc tjc mjhjo` mjhjo`m`h m`htt prab` prab`ss` ss`ss ^rak ^rak`b `btt mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt pra prab` b`ss ss`s `s

Jhsw`r; d, ` R`btgah; Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`;




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho jr` bbampa ampah`ht h`htss ae tl` tl` prabur`m` prabur`m`ht ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr`laus` ^urbljsgho Rjc`s Ap`rjtgahs Jbbauhtgho

Jhsw`r; j, f, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rab`ss`s; ^radubtgah-Mji` R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s;


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jr` jr` bampah`ht bampah`htss ae tl` pradub pradubtgah tgah (mji`) (mji`) prab`s prab`ss1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Rjc`s Ap`rjtgahs _jr`laus` Jbbauhtgho ^radubtgah

Jhsw`r; b, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; ^radubtgah-Mji`


Rjc`s Ap`rjtgahs _jr`laus` Jbbauhtgho ^radubtgah

Jhsw`r; j, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rab`ss`s; Eucegccm`ht-R`cc R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

Tl` tt``rm mjt`rgjcs `hbampjss`s wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 j.  f. b. d. `.

^radubts Bampah`hts ^jrts Jhytlg Jhytlgho ho u us`d s`d gh jh jh ar arojh ojhgzj gzjtga tgah h Jbbauhtgho

M`dgum gum Jhsw`r; j, f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d ^rab`ss`s; Eucegccm`ht-R`cc R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; 7.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ? ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jr` jr` bampah`ht bampah`htss ae tl` eucegcc eucegccm`ht m`ht (s`cc) (s`cc) prab`s prab`ss1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jbtgvg jbtgvgtg`s tg`s jr jr`` r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta tl` tl` prabur`m`h prabur`m`htt prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Gss ssu u` Mjt Mjt``rgj rgjcs V`b`gv` Mjt`rgjcs ^r`p ^r`pjr jr`` eear ar Rtar Rtarjo jo`` Rta Rtar` Mjt Mjt`r `rgj gjcs cs Cabj abjt` Mjt Mjt``rgj rgjcs

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7 R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Ghv`htary jhd _jr`lau _jr`laus` s` Mjhjo`m`ht-Rtar` ^rjbtgb`;


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jbtgvg jbtgvgtg`s tg`s jr jr`` r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta tl` tl` eucegccm` eucegccm`ht ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Cabj abjt` Mjt Mjt``rgj rgjcs ^r`pjr` Rlgpm`ht ^r`p ^r`pjr jr`` eear ar Rtar Rtarjo jo`` Rta Rtar` Mjt Mjt`r `rgj gjcs cs Rl Rlgp gp ta Bus Busttam`r  m`r 

Jhsw`r; j, f, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7 _jr`laus` s` Mjhjo`m`ht-Rtar` ^rjbtgb`; W`s R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Ghv`htary jhd _jr`lau


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jr` jr` bampah`ht bampah`htss ae tl` cge`byb cge`bybc` c` djtj mjhjo mjhjo`m`ht `m`ht prab`s prab`ss1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

@hogh``rgho Mjri`tgho Jbbauhtgho ^radubtgah Rjc`s

Jhsw`r; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum M`dgum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl d`pjrtm`h d`pjrtm`hts ts tji` tji` pjrt gh tl` tl` bahb`pt bahb`ptgah gah ae ae jh gd`j1 gd`j1 7


j.  f. b. d. `.

Jbbauhtgho ^radubtgah @hogh``rgho Rjc`s Mjri`tgho

Jhsw`r; b, `

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh



Gh wlgbl wlgbl `c`m`hts `c`m`hts ae tl` tl` cge`bybc` cge`bybc` djtj djtj mjhjo`m`ht mjhjo`m`ht prab`ss prab`ss da`s da`s mjri`tgho mjri`tgho pcjy pcjy j rac`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

D`sgoh Bahb`gv` pradubt gd`js gd`js Mji` Mjri Mjri`t `tgh gho o & s`r s`rvg vgb` b` Dgsb Dgsbah ahtg tghu hu`` prad pradub ubtt

Jhsw`r; b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :>

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

Gh wlgbl wlgbl bampah`h bampah`hts ts ae tl` tl` jss`t mjhjo` mjhjo`m`ht m`ht prab`ss prab`ss gs pradubtga pradubtgah h ghvacv`d1 ghvacv`d1 j.  f. b. d. `.

R`ttc`m`ht ^`rearm mjght`hjhb` Jutl Jutlar argz gz`` mjgh mjght` t`hj hjhb hb`` V`qu V`qu`s `stt mjgh mjght` t`hj hjhb hb`` ^` ^`re rear arm m s` s`rvgb rvgb``

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Jss`t Mjhjo`m`ht jhd Bus Bustam`r tam`r R`rvgb`-R`rvgb` ^rjbtgb`;


Rjc`s gs ghvacv ghvacv`d `d gh w wlgbl lgbl st`ps st`ps gh gh tl` bustam`r bustam`r s`rvgb` s`rvgb` prab`s prab`ss1 s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

^` ^`re rear arm m s` s`rvgb rvgb`` Br`jt` s`rvgb` r`qu`st R`ttc`m`ht Jutl Jutlar argz gz`` ss`r `rvg vgb` b` V` V`qu qu`s `stt mjgh mjght` t`hj hjhb hb``

M`dgum gum Jhsw`r; f, d Dgeegbucty; M`d R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Lumjh Bjpgtjc Mjhjo`m`ht-^`apc` :?.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: ^rjbtgb`;

_ljt pjrt pjrt ae tl` prak`bt prak`bt mjhjo` mjhjo`m`ht m`ht pr prab`ss ab`ss gs wgtlgh wgtlgh tl` tl` vjrgaus vjrgaus euhbtgahj euhbtgahjcc jr`js1 j.

Fudo`tgho :>


 f. @x`butgah b. R`ttc`m`ht d. ^cjhhgho

Jhsw`r; j, f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht-^rak`bts


Dabum`ht Dabum`ht mjhjo`m` mjhjo`m`ht ht pravgd`s pravgd`s taacs taacs ta mjhjo` mjhjo` jhd star` star` dabum`ht dabum`htss s`bur`cy s`bur`cy jhd ta i``p i``p trjbi ae tl` muctgpc` v`rsgahs ae tl`s` dabum`hts. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  @jsy R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; Cge`bybc` Djtj Djtj Mjhjo`m`ht-D`sgoh


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`; 

Tl` eghjc eghjc stjo` ae ae jss`t mjhjo`m` mjhjo`m`ht ht jhd bustam` bustam`rr s`rvgb` s`rvgb` gs tl` jutlargz jutlargzjtga jtgah h mjght`hjh mjght`hjhb` b` stjo`.



Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Jss`t Mjhjo`m`ht jhd Bus Bustam`r tam`r R`rvgb`-R`rvgb` ^rjbtgb`;


Tl` eghjc eghjc stjo` stjo` ae tl` tl` bustam`r bustam`r s`rvgb` s`rvgb` prab`s prab`sss gs tl` s`ttc` s`ttc`m`ht m`ht stjo`. stjo`. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Jss`t Mjhjo`m`ht jhd Bus Bustam`r tam`r R`rvgb`-R`rvgb` ^rjbtgb`;


J prak`bt prak`bt gs p`rmjh`h p`rmjh`htt gh hjtur` hjtur` jhd gs typgbjcc typgbjccy y jssab jssabgjt`d gjt`d wgtl wgtl smjcc`r, smjcc`r, sgmpc`r sgmpc`r prak`b prak`bts. ts. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht-^rak`bts


Durgho Durgho tl` pcjhhgh pcjhhgho o pljs` ae j prak`bt prak`bt tl` tl` sbap` ae tl` tl` prak`bt prak`bt gs d`egh`d d`egh`d jhd tl` tl` mgc`stah`s mgc`stah`s jhd d`jdcgh`s jr` `stjfcgsl`d. @jsy sy Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty; @j R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht-^rak`bts


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :6 ^rjbtgb`; 

^rak`bts ^rak`bts r`cy r`cy ah r`saurb r`saurb`s `s cabjt`d cabjt`d gh jhd jhd wari wari p`rearm`d p`rearm`d gh atl`r atl`r prab`ss prab`ss`s. `s. Jhsw`r   Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah;;  Tru` Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; ^rab`ss`s; ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht-^rak`bts


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: ^rjbtgb`; 

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :6 ^rjbtgb`; 

Bammah Bammah r`parts r`parts ae eghjhbgjc eghjhbgjc jbbauht jbbauhtgho gho ghb ghbcud` cud` ghbam` ghbam` stjt`m`h stjt`m`ht, t, praegt praegt jhd cass, cass, jhd  fjcjhb` sl``t. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :6 R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Eghjhbgjc Jbbauhtgho Jbbauhtgho-Trjbi -Trjbi ear @xt`rhjc V`partgho V`partgho ^rjbtgb`; 


Jbbauhts Jbbauhts pjyjfc` pjyjfc` ggss us us`d `d ta trjbi trjbi mah`y mah`y aw`d aw`d fy bustam`rs bustam`rs.. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs`

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :2

R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Eghjhbgjc Jbbauhtgho Jbbauhtgho-Trjbi -Trjbi ear @xt`rhjc V`partgho V`partgho ^rjbtgb`; 


Mjhjo`m`ht Mjhjo`m`ht jbbauh jbbauhtgho tgho l`cps l`cps jh arojhgzj arojhgzjtgah tgah trjbi trjbi basts basts jhd r`v`hu`s r`v`hu`s ta ta jss`ss jss`ss gts  praegtjfgcgty  praegtjfgcgt y Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :2 R`btgah;  Fusgh`ss ^rab`ss`s; Mjhjo`m`ht Jbbauhtgho Jbbauhtgho-Trjbi -Trjbi ear Ght`rhjc V`partgho V`partgho ^rjbtgb`; 

Bljpt`r 6 Ghtradubtgah ta RJ^ @V^ Muctgpc` Blagb` Zu`stgahs :.

_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`cjt`s r`cjt`s ta tl` t`blhg t`blhgbjc bjc bjpj bjpjfgcg fgcgtg`s tg`s tl tljt jt jccaw jccaw syst`ms syst`ms ta bahh`bt bahh`bt wgtl wgtl ah` jhatl`r tlrauol stjhdjrdgz`d ght`rejb`s bjcc`d _`f s`rvgb`s1 i. @ht`rp @ht`rprgs rgs`` V`saur V`saurb` b` ^cj ^cjhh hhgho gho c. Rupp Ruppcy cy Bljg Bljgh hM Mjh jhjo jo`m `m`h `htt m. Jrbl Jrblgt gt`b `btu tur` r` h. R`rvgb R`rvgb`-A `-Arg` rg`ht` ht`d d Jrblgt Jrblgt`bt `btur` ur` a. Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jf jfav av`` Jhsw`r; d R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

_lgbl _lgbl t`rm r`e`rs r`e`rs ta tl` t`blhgb t`blhgbjc jc strubtur` strubtur` ae tl` tl` saetwjr`, saetwjr`, law us`rs us`rs ght`rjbt ght`rjbt wgtl wgtl tl` saetwjr`, jhd law tl` saetwjr` gs plysgbjccy mjhjo`d ah bamput`r ljrdwjr`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Jrb rbl lgt`b gt`btu tur` r` Ruppcy Bljgh Mjhjo`m`ht Mjhjo`m`ht @h @ht` t`rp rprg rgs` s` V`sa V`saur urb` b` ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho R`rvgb R`rvgb`` Arg`h Arg`ht`d t`d Jrb Jrblg lgt`b t`btur tur`` Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; : ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho gs us`d tta a ght`orjt` ght`orjt` s`v`rjc s`v`rjc bcg`ht bcg`ht-s`rv -s`rv`r `r jppcgbjtg jppcgbjtgahs ahs jhd bbr`jt` r`jt` `ht`rprgs` mjsl-ups, ar bampasgt` jppcgbjtgahs1 i. c. m. h. a.

Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m` m`h ht Rys Ryst` t`m m Jbbau bbauh htgho tgho Ry Rysst`m @h @ht` t`rp rprg rgs` s` Ryst Ryst`m `m Jcc ae ae tl tl` jfa jfav` v` _`f R` R`rvgb`s

Jhsw`r; `

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6



R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


^rjbtgb`; W`s

_lgbl _lgbl syst`m syst`m bahh`bt bahh`btss j bamp bampjhy‗s jhy‗s @V^ syst`m syst`m ta ta tlas` tlas` ae gts gts bustam`r bustam`rs1 s1 e. Jppc Jppcgb gbjt jtga gah h ^cj ^cjte tear arm m o. Busta Bustam`r m`r V`cjt V`cjtgah gahslg slgp p Mjhjo`m Mjhjo`m`ht `ht (BVM) (BVM) l. @h @ht` t`rp rprg rgs` s` Ra Racu cutg tgah ah g.  k.

^rad ^radub ubt Cge`b ybc` c` Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m` m`ht ht (^CM (^CM)) Hah` aet Cge tl``byb jfav`

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho syst syst`ms `ms l`cps l`cps bampjhg`s bampjhg`s jdmghgs jdmghgst`r t`r tl` prab`ss prab`ss`s `s ae r`s`j r`s`jrbl, rbl, d`sgoh, jhd pradubt mjhjo`m`ht1 j.  f. b. d.

Jppc Jppcgb gbjt jtga gah h ^cjt ^cjtea earm rm Bustam`r V`cjtgahslgp V`cjtgahslgp Mjhjo`m`ht (BVM) @ht` @ht`rp rprg rgs` s` Rac Racut utga gah h ^radub ^radubtt Cge`b Cge`bybc ybc`` Mj Mjhjo hjo`m` `m`ht ht (^CM (^CM))

`. Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav`` Jhsw`r; d R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

_lgbl _lgbl praorjm praorjm gs tl` –ap`rjtg –ap`rjtgho ho syst`m” syst`m” ear jh `htgr` `htgr` bampjhy bampjhy‗s ‗s fusgh`ss fusgh`ss prab`ss prab`ss`s1 `s1 e. o. l. g.  k.

Mgb gbra rassaet Ugs gsttj Cghux RJ^ RJ^ H`t `t_` _`jv jv`r  `r  RJ^ ^racgegb Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; b

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d

R`btgah; Jppcgbjtgah ^cjtearms


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 0 ^rjbtgb`;

Tl` lgol`st lgol`st arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgahjc hjc c`v` c`v`cc gh RJ^ @V^ @V^ gs tl` e. o. l. g.  k.

U`hdar   Bcg`ht Mjt jt`r `rggjc Mjs Mjst` t`r  r  ^cjht Hah` ae tl` jfav`

M`dgum gum Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`d R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj . :>.

Ah` Twa Tlr`` Jhy Humf`r  

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho mjs mjst`r t`r djtj djtj gs us`d us`d gh hum`raus hum`raus prab`s prab`ss`s1 s`s1 e.

Mjt`rgjc Mjs Mjst`r 

o. l. g.  k.

^cjht Bampjhy Ba Bad` Bustam`r m`r Mj Mjst`r  U`hdar Mjst`r 

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ? ^rjbtgb`; W`s

La Law w mjhy mjhy bampj bampjhy hy bad`s bad`s bjh bjh j pcjh pcjhtt f`caho f`caho tta1 a1 e. o. l. g.


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

Mjt`rgjcs Mjt`rgjcs tljt tljt jr` br`jt`d br`jt`d fy tl` pradub pradubtgah tgah prab`s prab`sss eram atl`r atl`r mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs jr` r`e`rr`d r`e`rr`d ta js js  QQQQQQQQQQQQQ   QQQQQQQQQQQ QQ  e. Egh Eghgs gsl` l`d d Oaa Oaads ds (E@V (E@VT) T) o. R` R`mg mg-e -egh ghgs gsl` l`d d Oaads Oaads (LJC (LJCF) F) l. Tr Trjd jdgh gho o Oaad Oaadss (LJ_ (LJ_J) J) g. Vjw Mj Mjt`rgjcs :?



Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj


_ljt typ` ae mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcs cs gs gs pu purbljs rbljs`d `d eram eram j v`hdar1 v`hdar1 e. o. l. g.  k.

Trjdgho Oaads Eghg Eghgsl sl`d `d Oa Oaad adss (E@ (E@VT VT)) R` R`mg mg-e -egh ghgs gsl` l`d d Oaads Oaads (LJC (LJCF) F) Mjt`rgjc Typ`s Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs`


Egh Eghgs gsl` l`d d Oaad Oaadss (E@V (E@VT) T) R`mg-eghgsl`d Oaads Oaads (LJCF) Trjd Trjdgh gho o Oaad Oaadss (LJ_ (LJ_J) J) Vjw Vjw Mjt` Mjt`rrgj gjccs Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho t`rms rr`e`rs `e`rs ta mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcs cs wgtl wgtl sgmgcj sgmgcjrr bljrjbt`rgs bljrjbt`rgstgbs tgbs11 e.

Mjt`rgjc Mjs Mjst`r 

o. l. g.  k.

Mjt jt`r `rggjc Orau raup Trjh Trjhsj sjbt btga gah h Djtj Djtj Mjt`rgjc h hu umf`r  Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

Mjt`rgjcs Mjt`rgjcs tljt tljt jr` purbljs purbljs`d `d eram jh `xt`rhjc `xt`rhjc saurb` saurb` (j v`hda v`hdar) r) jhd us`d us`d gh tl` tl`  pradubtgah prab`ss prab`ss jr` ihawh js QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  j.  f. b. d. `.


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :: ^rjbtgb`;

QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQr`ec`b r`ec`bt(s) t(s) tl` tl` bahs`qu`h bahs`qu`hb`s b`s ae `x`but `x`butgho gho prab`ss prab`ss st`ps st`ps.. o. Mjt jt`r `rggjc Ora Orau ups l. Aroj Arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ahjc jc Djtj Djtj g. Trj rjh hsj sjbt btga gah h Djtj Djtj  k. ^rak`bt Mjhjo`m`ht i. Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jf jfav av`` :<


Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Trjhsjbtgah Djtj

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :6 ^rjbtgb`;



e. o. l. g.  k.


Trjh Trjhsj sjbt btga gah h Dabu Dabum` m`ht htss Trjh Trjhsj sjbt btga gah h Djtj Djtj Mjt jt`r `rggjc Orau raup Ugrtuj rtujcc Da Dabum` bum`h hts Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Dgeeg Dgeegbuct buct R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Trjhsjbtgah Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`;  :4 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`;  :0 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho gd`h gd`htgey tgey tjsis tjsis tljt tljt jr` sbl`duc`d sbl`duc`d ta f` f` bampc`t`d bampc`t`d gh j prab`ss prab`ss11 j. Ahcgh` Cg Cgsts  f. ^jrjm`t`rs :7


b. Ghea Ghearm rmjt jtga gah h Rtru Rtrubt btur ur`s `s d. _ari Cg Cgsts `. ^`rg ^`rgad ad d`e d`egh ghgt gtga gahs hs Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty;   M`dgum R`btgah;  V`partgho ‒ _ari Cgsts

^jo` V`e`r`hb`;  :5 ^rjbtgb`;

Muctgpc` Jhsw`r Zu`stgahs :.

J tlr``-tg` tlr``-tg`rr jrblgt`bt jrblgt`btur` ur` ghbcud`s ghbcud`s wlgbl wlgbl ae ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho bampah`h bampah`hts1 ts1  p. q. r. s. t.

Ap`rjtgho syst`m syst`m cjy`r  Djtj ccjjy`r  ^r ^r`s `s`h `htj tjttgah gah cjy cjy`r  Jppc Jppcgb gbjt jtga gah h cjy` cjy`r  r  H`twari cj cjy`r 

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms ‒ Jrblgt`btur` ae @ht`rpr @ht`rprgs` gs` Ryst`ms


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho st stjt`m`h jt`m`hts ts bahb`rhg bahb`rhgho ho _`f _`f s`rvgb`s s`rvgb`s jr` jr` tru`1 tru`1 e. o. l. g.  k.

_`f s`rvgb`s s`rvgb`s `xpas` `xpas` euhbtg euhbtgahjc ahjcgty gty ta atl`r atl`r jppcgbjtga jppcgbjtgahs. hs. Ah` _`f _`f s`rvgb` s`rvgb` bjh bjh f` us`d us`d ta `x`but` `x`but` muctgpc muctgpc`` st`p st`pss gh j prab`s prab`ss. s. _`f s`rvgb s`rvgb`s `s ljv` ljv` stjhdjrd stjhdjrd ght`rejb`s ght`rejb`s ear ghput ghput jhd jhd autput. autput. _`f s`rvgb`s s`rvgb`s jr` jh jh `ss`ht `ss`htgjc gjc bampah`ht bampah`ht ae `ht`rpr `ht`rprgs` gs` syst syst`ms. `ms. _`f s`rvgb`s bjh f` us`d tta a br`jt` bampasgt` jppcgbjtgahs. jppcgbjtgahs.

Jhsw`r; j, d, ` Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms Ryst`ms ‒ Bcg`ht-R`rv`r Jrblgt`btur` Jrblgt`btur`


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho RJ^ sys syst`ms t`ms jr` us`d us`d ta suppart suppart ght`r-b ght`r-bampjh ampjhy y prab`ss`s prab`ss`s11 (6 barr`bt jhsw`rs)  p. q. r. s. t.

RJ^ @V^ RJ^ RBM RJ^ BVM RJ^ FG RJ^ H` H`tw`jv`r 

Jhsw`r; f, b R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; : ^rjbtgb`; W`s

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho RJ^ sys syst`ms t`ms jr` us`d us`d ta suppart suppart ght`r-b ght`r-bampjh ampjhy y prab`ss`s prab`ss`s11 i. c. m. h.

RJ^ RBM RJ^ BVM ^radubtgah ^radubtgah pcjhhgho pcjhhgho (^^) maduc` maduc` Mjt`rg Mjt`rgjcs jcs mjhjo` mjhjo`m`h m`htt (MM) (MM) maduc` maduc` 6>


a. Rtrjt` Rtrjt`ogb ogb `ht`r `ht`rprg prgs` s` mjhjo` mjhjo`m`h m`htt (R@M) (R@M) maduc` maduc` Jhsw`r; j, f R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho stjt` stjt`m`hts m`hts r`ojrd r`ojrdgho gho arojhgzj arojhgzjtgahj tgahjcc djtj jr` jr` tru`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Arojhgzjtg Arojhgzjtgahjc ahjc djtj djtj r`pr`s`h r`pr`s`htt `htgtg`s `htgtg`s su subl bl js bustam`rs bustam`rs jhd jhd v`hdars v`hdars.. Arojhgzjtgahjc djtj djtj d`egh` tl` strubtur` strubtur` ae jh `ht`rprgs`. Arojhgzjtg Arojhgzjtgahjc ahjc djtj djtj jr` j bahs`q bahs`qu`hb` u`hb` ae ae tl` `x`butg `x`butgah ah ae prab`ss prab`ss st`ps. st`ps. Arojhgzjtg Arojhgzjtgahjc ahjc djtj jr` bahstjhtc bahstjhtcy y bljho bljhogho. gho. Arojh Arojhgzj gzjtga tgahjc hjc djtj djtj bljho bljho`` gher`qu gher`qu`ht `htcy. cy.

Jhsw`r; j, f Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho st stjt`m`h jt`m`hts ts r`ojrdgh r`ojrdgho o mjst`r mjst`r djtj djtj jr` tru`1 tru`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Mjst`r Mjst`r djtj djtj r`pr`s`ht r`pr`s`ht `htgtg`s `htgtg`s subl subl js js bustam`r bustam`rss jhd v`hdars. v`hdars. Mjst`r djtj d`egh` tl` strubtur` strubtur` ae jh `ht`rprgs`. Mjst`r Mjst`r djtj jr` jr` j bahs`qu` bahs`qu`hb` hb` ae tl` `x`but `x`butgah gah ae ae prab`ss prab`ss st`ps. st`ps. Mjst`r Mjst`r djtj djtj jr` jr` bahst bahstjht jhtcy cy bl bljho jhogho gho.. Mjst`r Mjst`r djtj djtj bbljh ljho` o` gher` gher`qu` qu`htc htcy. y.

Jhsw`r; j, b Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms ‒ Mjst`r Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho stjt` stjt`m`hts m`hts bahb`rh bahb`rhgho gho trjhsjb trjhsjbtgah tgah djtj djtj jr` tru`1 tru`1 j. Trjhsjbtg Trjhsjbtgah ah djtj djtj r`pr`s`h r`pr`s`htt `htgtg`s `htgtg`s subl js js bustam`rs bustam`rs jhd v`hdars v`hdars..  f. Trjhsjbtgah djtj d`egh` d`egh` tl` strubtur` ae jh `ht`rprgs`. `ht`rprgs`. b. Trjhsjbtg Trjhsjbtgah ah djtj djtj jr` j bahs`qu`h bahs`qu`hb` b` ae tl` tl` `x`butg `x`butgah ah ae prab`s prab`sss st`ps. st`ps. d. Trjhsj Trjhsjbtg btgah ah dj djtj tj jr` bahst bahstjht jhtcy cy blj bljho hogho gho.. `. Trjhsj Trjhsjbtg btgah ah d djtj jtj bbljh ljho` o` gher` gher`qu` qu`htc htcy. y. Jhsw`r; b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum Ryst`ms ‒ Trjhsjbtgah Trjhsjbtgah Djtj Djtj R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms


e. o. l. g.

J ejbtary J starj starjo` o` ejbg ejbgcgt cgty y (wjr` (wjr`lau laus`, s`, DB) Jh ae aeegb` J c` c`ojc ``h htgty


J bampjhy v`lgbc` ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

Mjt Mjt`rg `rgjc jc mjst` mjst`rr djtj djtj jr` orau oraup`d p`d f fjs` js`d d ah;

e. o. l. g.  k.

^rab`ss Mjt jt`r `rggjc typ typ` Bampjhy Ba Bad` Aroj Arojh hgzjt gzjtga gahj hjcc @c`m @c`m`h `htt I`y s`om`hts

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

J pcjht pcjht bbjh jh f` us`d ta r`pr`s` r`pr`s`ht ht wlgbl wlgbl ae ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho11

Jhsw`r; j, f, b Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj R`btgah;  Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m

::. ::.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5 ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho stjt stjt`m`ht `m`htss r`ojrdgho r`ojrdgho ghstjhb` ghstjhb` c`v`c c`v`c r`partgh r`partgho o jr` tru`1 j. Gt pravgd` pravgd`ss tl` stjtus stjtus ae ah` ah` abburr`hb abburr`hb`` ae j prab`ss prab`ss (`.o., (`.o., ah` bus bustam`r tam`r ard`r) ard`r)..  f. Gt pravgd`s ghearmjtgah ghearmjtgah ah tl` p`rearmjhb` ae j prab`ss prab`ss jbrass mjhy abburr`hb`s (`.o., bustam`r ard`rs av`r tgm`). b. Gt gs fjs` fjs`d d ah djtj djtj gh tl` tl` trjhsj trjhsjbtg btgahj ahjcc syst`m syst`m.. d. Gt ggss fjs`d fjs`d ah djtj djtj ggh h tl` tl` ghearmj ghearmjtgah tgahjc jc syst`m syst`m.. `. Gt us us`s `s joor joor`o `ojt jt`d `d djtj djtj.. Jhsw`r; j, b R`btgah; V`partgho

Dgeegbucty; M`dgum M`dgum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :0 ^rjbtgb`;




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho stjt stjt`m`ht `m`htss r`ojrdgho r`ojrdgho prab`ss prab`ss c`v`c c`v`c r`pa r`partgho rtgho jr` jr` tru`1 j. Gt pravgd` pravgd`ss tl` stjtus stjtus ae ah` ah` abburr`hb abburr`hb`` ae j prab`ss prab`ss (`.o., (`.o., ah` bus bustam`r tam`r ard`r) ard`r)..  f. Gt pravgd`s ghearmjtgah ghearmjtgah ah tl` p`rearmjhb` ae j prab`ss prab`ss jbrass mjhy abburr`hb`s (`.o., bustam`r ard`rs av`r tgm`). b. Gt gs fjs` fjs`d d ah djtj djtj gh tl` tl` trjhsj trjhsjbtg btgahj ahjcc syst`m syst`m.. d. Gt ggss fjs`d fjs`d ah djtj djtj ggh h tl` tl` ghearmj ghearmjtgah tgahjc jc syst`m syst`m.. `. Gt us us`s `s joor joor`o `ojt jt`d `d djtj djtj.. Jhsw`r; f, b, ` R`btgah; V`partgho 


Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :0 ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jr` `xjmp `xjmpc`s c`s ae ae ahcgh` ahcgh` cgsts cgsts11 e. ^gbigho cgst o. Fg Fgcc ccgh gho o du du`` cgst cgst l. Cgst Cgst ae bu bust stam am`r `rss g. D`c `cgv gv`r `ry y du` du` cgs gstt  k. Cgst ae dabum`hts M`dgum gum Jhsw`r; b, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d R`btgah; V`partgho - Ahcgh` Cgsts


_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho jr` `xjmp `xjmpc`s c`s ae ae wari wari cgsts1 cgsts1 e. o. l. g.  k.

^gbigho cgst Fg Fgcc ccgh gho o du du`` cgst cgst Cgst Cgst ae bu bust stam am`r `rss D`c `cgv gv`r `ry y du` du` cgs gstt Cgst ae dabum`hts

Jhsw`r; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah; V`partgho - _ari Cgsts

:5. :5.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :? ^rjbtgb`; 

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :5 ^rjbtgb`;

Rup Ruppcy pcy bljgh bljgh mjhj mjhjo`m o`m`ht `ht d`jcs d`jcs wgtl wgtl j.  f. b. d.

Mjhjog Mjhjogho ho r` r`cjt cjtgah gahslg slgps ps wgtl wgtl supp suppcg cg`rs `rs ^cjhhgho ear pradubtgah pradubtgah d`mjhd r`qugr`m`hts Aptgmgzgh Aptgmgzgho o trjhsp trjhspartjt artjtgah gah jhd caogstgb caogstgbss ear ear mjt mjt`rgjc `rgjcss ^ravgd ^ravgdgho gho djtj djtj ta l`cp l`cp mj mjhjo hjo`` sjc`s sjc`s

Jhsw`r; f, b Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms ‒ @ht`rprgs` V`saurb` ^cjhhgho Ryst`m ^rjbtgb`; W`s




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho st stjt`m`h jt`m`hts ts bahb`rhg bahb`rhgho ho RJ^ RJ^ H`t_`jv` H`t_`jv`rr jr` tru`1 tru`1 j. Gt d`jcs d`jcs `xbcusgv` `xbcusgv`cy cy wgtl wgtl prab` prab`ss`s ss`s tljt tljt jr` `x`bu `x`but`d t`d wgtlgh wgtlgh j bampjhy bampjhy..  f. Gt l`cps bampjhg`s ght`orjt` ght`orjt` wgtl atl`r h hah-RJ^ ah-RJ^ jppcgbjtgahs. jppcgbjtgahs. b. Gt Gt `hjfc`s s`rv`s s`rv`s tl` jppcgbjtga jppcg pcjtearm pcjt ahhd`ht wlgbl wlgblsaetw tl` tl` RJ^ Fusgh`s Fusar gh`ss s Rugt` ruhs. ruhs. d. `hjf c`sjsbampjhg`s bamp jhg`sbjtgah ta pcuo phcuo ghearm ghd`p` ghd`p`hd`ht saetwjr` jr` v`hdar v`hd (GRU) jppcgb jppcgbjtgah jtgahss ah tap ae tl`gr bar` @V^ jhd sugt` jppcgbjtgahs.

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M M``dgum Ryst`ms ‒ Jppcgbjtgah Jppcgbjtgah ^cjtearm R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms :.

Jp Jppc pcgb gbjt jtga gah h pcjt pcjtea earm rmss s`rv` js j typ` ae "`ht`rprgs` ap`rjtgho syst`m" ear j bampjhy‗s @R cjhdsbjp` fy jccawgho jcc ae tl` vjrgaus syst`ms ta bammuhgbjt` s`jmc`sscy wgtl ah` jhatl`r js w`cc js wgtl syst`ms autsgd` tl` bampjhy. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; Jppcgbjtgah ^cjtearms


Burr`ht Burr`ht v`rsgah v`rsgahss ae tl` tl` RJ^ fusgh fusgh`ss `ss sugt` sugt` bjh‗t bjh‗t ruh ruh ah RJ^ RJ^ H`t_`jv` H`t_`jv`r. r. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  @jsy R`btgah; Jppcgbjtgah ^cjtearms


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

J pcjht pcjht bjh f` j ejbtary, ejbtary, j wjr`laus` wjr`laus`,, j r`ogahjc r`ogahjc dgstrgfut dgstrgfutgah gah b`ht`r, b`ht`r, ar j s`rvgb` s`rvgb` b`ht`r. b`ht`r. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ? ^rjbtgb`;

J fu fugcd gcdgho gho bjh laus laus`` ahcy ahcy j sgho sghoc` c` pcjh pcjht. t. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct R`btgah; Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj


Tl` mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcc mjst`r mjst`r ghbcud`s ghbcud`s j cjro` cjro` jmauht jmauht ae djtj djtj f`bjus` f`bjus` gt gs gs us`d gh gh hum` hum`raus raus  prab`ss`s. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; Djtj gh jh @ht`rprgs` Ryst`m ‒ Mjst`r M jst`r Djtj


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7 ^rjbtgb`;

Tl` eaur mast bammah mjt`rgjc typ`s jr` rjw mjt`rgjcs, s`mg „eghgsl`d oaads, eghgsl`d oaads, jhd `xpart`d oaads. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah; Mjt`rgjc Typ`s


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; < ^rjbtgb`;

Mjt`rgjcs Mjt`rgjcs jr` bjt`o bjt`oargz` argz`d d ghta ghta dgee`r`ht dgee`r`ht m mjt`rg jt`rgjc jc typ`s typ`s fjs`d   fjs`d ah tl` wjy tl`y jr` us`d us`d gh tl` egrm‗s ap`rjtgahs. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah; Mjt`rgjc Typ`s



Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7 ^rjbtgb`;

Vjw mjt`rgjcs (VAL) jr` purbljs`d eram jh `xt`rhjc saurb` „ j v`hdar „ jhd us`d gh tl`  pradubtgah prab`ss. prab`ss. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah; Mjt`rgjc Typ`s


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum

R`btgah; @ht`rprgs` Ryst`ms ‒ Trjhsjbtgah Djtj


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :2 ^rjbtgb`;

V`partgho V`partgho gs j o`h`rjc o`h`rjc t`rm t`rm ear tl` m`tlad m`tladss j us`r bbjh jh utgcgz` utgcgz` ta updjt` updjt` djtj djtj gh tl` tl` @V^ syst`m ta `x`but` prab`ss st`ps. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah; V`partgho

6 ^rjbtgb`;

Trjh Trjhsj sjbt btga gah h dj djtj tj r`ec`bt tl` bahs`qu`hb`s ae `x`butgho prab`ss st`ps. Jhsw`r;  Tru`


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :> ^rjbtgb`;

Trjdgho Trjdgho oaads oaads (LJ_J) (LJ_J) jr` jr` r`sacd r`sacd ta bustam` bustam`rs rs jet`r jet`r tl`y ljv` ljv` f``h madgeg`d madgeg`d fy fy tl` bampjhy. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah; Mjt`rgjc Typ`s

60 60..

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :4 ^rjbtgb`;

Tl` ahcgh` ahcgh` trjhsjbtga trjhsjbtgah h prab`ssgho prab`ssgho (ACT^) (ACT^) syst`m syst`m gs d`sgoh`d d`sgoh`d ta bjptur` bjptur` jhd star` star` d`tjgc`d d`tjgc`d arojhgzjtgahjc djtj. 6?


Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah; V`partgho


Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum

_ari ccggsts gd`htgey tjsis tljt jr` sbl`duc`d ta f` bampc`t`d gh j prab`ss. Jhsw`r;  Tru`

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum

R`btgah; V`partgho ‒ _ari Cgsts


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :0 ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :5 ^rjbtgb`;

Ghearmjtg Ghearmjtgah ah strubtur`s strubtur`s dgspcjy dgspcjy cgsts cgsts ae mjst`r djtj, djtj, subl js mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjcs, s, v`hdars, v`hdars, jhd purbljsgho purbljsgho ghea r`bards, jhd dabum`hts, subl js trjhsjbtgah dabum`hts, EG, BA, jhd mjt`rgjc dabum`hts tljt jr` o`h`rjt`d durgho tl` `x`butgah ae j prab`ss. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; V`partgho ‒ Ahcgh` Cgsts

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :? ^rjbtgb`;

Bljp 2

^jbijo` Tgtc`; T`st fjhi  Baurs` Tgtc`; Ghtradubtgah ta Jbbauhtgho Zu`stgah typ`; Muctgpc` Blagb` :. QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQ gs bahb`rh`d bahb`rh`d wgtl wgtl r`bardgho r`bardgho tl` eghjhbgj eghjhbgjcc gmpjbts ae fusgh`s fusgh`sss prab`ss`s prab`ss`s js tl`y jr` `x`but`d. u. v. w. x. y.

Mjh Mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho Eghj Eghjhb hbgj gjcc jbbau jbbauht htgh gho o (E (Ec) c) Baht Bahtra racc ccgh gho o ((BA BA)) Fjhi Fjhi c` c`do do`r `r jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 6. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o gs j i`y i`y prab`ss prab`ss gh gh eghjhbgj eghjhbgjcc jbbauhtgh jbbauhtgho1 o1 e. o. l. g.  k.

Rjc` Rjc`ss ard` ard`rr prab prab`s `ssg sgho ho Jbb Jbbauh auhts ts r`b`gv r`b`gvjfc jfc`` jbba jbbauht uhtgho gho Br Br`d `dgt gt mjh mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt Ghba Ghbam` m` v` v`rg rgeg egbj bjtg tgah ah Jcc ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 6<


2. _lgbl _lgbl prab` prab`ss ss gs gs us`d us`d ta mjhjo mjhjo`` mah`y mah`y aw`d aw`d fy bustam`rs ear oaads jhd s`rvgb`s purbljs`d eram tl` bampjhy1 j. O`h` O`h`rj rjcc cc`d `do` o`rr jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho  f. Jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc` jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho b. Egx` Egx`d d js jss` s`tt jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho d. Fjhi Fjhi c` c`do do`r `r jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho `. Jc Jccc a aee tl` tl` jfav jfav`` Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 4. _lgbl prab`s prab`sss gs bahb`rh`d bahb`rh`d wgtl wgtl r`bardgho r`bardgho djtj djtj jss jssabgjt abgjt`d `d wgtl fjhi fjhi stjt`m`h stjt`m`hts1 ts1  p. q. r. s.

Fjhi c`do`r jbbauhtgho Egx` Egx`d d jjss ss`t `t jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho O`h` O`h`rj rjcc c` c`do do`r `r jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho Jbba Jbbauh uhts ts r`b r`b`g `gvj vjfc fc`` jbbauh jbbauhtg tgho ho


Hah` ae ae tl tl` jf jfav`

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 0. QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQ jr` jr` ght`rhjc ght`rhjc dgvgsgah dgvgsgahss ae jh `ht`rprgs `ht`rprgs`` tljt jr` us`d us`d ta d`egh` d`egh` jr`js ae ae r`spahsgfgcgty r`spahsgfgcg ty ar ta m``t tl` `xt`rhjc r`partgho r`qugr`m`hts ae jh `ht`rprgs` s`om`ht. e. o. l. g.

Bast b`ht`rs D` D`pr pr`b `bgj gjtg tgah ah jr jr`j `jss Fus Fusgh`s gh`sss jjrr`js `js Ruf-c`do`rs


Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj 5. _lgbl t`rm t`rm r`e`rs r`e`rs ta jh ard`r`d ard`r`d cgstgho cgstgho ae ae jbbauhts jbbauhts tljt tljt bamprgs` bamprgs` j bampjhy‗s bampjhy‗s o`h`rjc o`h`rjc c`do`r1 i. c. m. h.

O`h O`h`r `rjc jc c`do `do`r  Fjcjhb` ssl l``t Fj Fjhi hi c`do c`do`r  `r  Bljr Bljrtt ae ae jjbb bbau auht htss ((BA BAJ) J)

a. Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`



Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj ?. _lgbl t`rm t`rm r`pr`s`h r`pr`s`hts ts wljt j bampjhy bampjhy awhs, awhs, subl js js bjsl, ghv`hta ghv`htary ry ae mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs,, jhd  fugcdghos1 i. c. m. h. a.

Cgjfgcgtg`s @qugty Jss`ts V`v`hu`s Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho . _lgbl t`rm r`pr`s`hts tl` tl` basts jssabgjt`d wgtl wgtl br`jtgho jhd s`ccgho s`ccgho pradubts jhd s`rvgb`s1  k. Jss`ts i. @xp`hs`s 2>


c. Cgjfgcgtg`s m. @qugty h. Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v` Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho ::. _lgbl `c`m`ht `c`m`ht gs hat  j  j pjrt ae tl` typgbjc bampjhy bad` djtj gh o`h`rjc c`do`r jbbauhts1 i. c. m. h. a.

TjxTjx-r` r`cj cjt` t`d d dj djtj tj Eg`c Eg`cd d stj stjtu tuss ora oraup upss Cgh` Cgh` gt` gt`m m dgsp dgspcj cjy y V`b V`bahb ahbgcg gcgjtg jtgah ah jbbauh jbbauhtt djt djtjj Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho :6. _lgbl t`rm gs j o`h`rjc c`do`r c`do`r jbbauht tljt bahsacgdjt`s bahsacgdjt`s djtj eram j oraup ae r`cjt`d suf-c`do`r jbbauhts1 i. c. m. h. a.

Rufs Rufsgd gdgj gjry ry c`do c`do`r  `r  Ruf-c`do`r   V`b V`bahb ahbgcg gcgjtg jtgah ah jjbba bbauht uht Cgh` Cgh` gt`m gt`m dgsp dgspcj cjy y Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Rufsgdgjry c`do`rs jhd V`bahbgcgjtgah Jbbauht :2. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho r`bards tl` gmpjbt a aee j trjhsjbtgah st`p ah eghjhbgjc eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho1 i. c. m. h. a.

Egh Eghjhb jhbgjc gjc jbbauh jbbauhtgh tgho o dabum` dabum`ht ht ^j ^jrj rjcc cc`c `c jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho dabu dabum`h m`htt RufRuf-c` c`do do`r  `r  Rufs Rufsgd gdgj gjry ry c`do c`do`r  `r  Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbbauhtgho Dabum`hts :4. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho gs us`d ta gmpc`m`ht gmpc`m`ht muctgpc` c`do`rs jhd jhd us` `jbl c`do`r ear dgee`r`ht purpas`s1 2:


e. o. l. g.  k.

Eghj Eghjhb hbgj gjcc jbbau jbbauht htgh gho o da dabu bum` m`ht ht Rufs Rufsgd gdgj gjry ry c`do c`do`r  `r  Ruf-c` -c`do`r  ^jrj ^jrjcc cc`c `c Jbba Jbbauh uhtg tgho ho Hah` ae tl` jfav`

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^jrjcc`c Jbbauhtgho :0. _lgbl typ` typ` ae jss`t jss`t ljs j plysgbjc plysgbjc earm1 earm1 i. c. m. h. a.

Mjs Mjst`r jjsss`t Tjhogfc` jss`t Gh Ghea earmj rmjcc js jss` s`tt Ghtj Ghtjho hogf gfc` c` js jss` s`tt Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho :5. _lgbl typ` typ` ae jss`t ljs j hah-plysgbjc hah-plysgbjc earm1 earm1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Mjs Mjst`r jss`t Tjhogfc` jss`t Gh Ghea earm rmjjc js jss` s`tt Ghtj Ghtjho hogf gfc` c` js jss` s`tt Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jfa jfav` v`

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho :?. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho gs us`d ta r`par r`partt djtj h``d`d ta m``t c`ojc jhd rr`oucjtary `oucjtary r`qugr`m`hts1 i. c. m. h. a.

Jss`ts @qugty Tj Tjho hogf gfc` c` dabum dabum`h `htt Eghj Eghjhb hbgj gjcc stjt` stjt`m` m`ht ht Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jjfa fav` v`

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; 26


:. Jcc ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho jr` trjhsjbtgah typ`s tljt tljt abbur durgho tl` ccge` ge` ae jh jss`t `xb`pt  QQQQQQQQQQQ . j. Jbqugsgtgah f. D`pr`bgjtgah b. Jccabjtgah d. V`tgr`m`ht

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho 6:. Eghjhbgjc stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts bjh f` o`h`rjt`d o`h`rjt`d eram wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 eaccawgho1 j.  f. b. d.

Ap`rjtgv` BAJ Bauhtry-sp`bgegb BAJ Fatl ap`rjtgv` jhd bauhtry-sp`bgegb BAJs H`gtl`r ap`rjtgv` har bauhtry-sp`bgegb BAJs

Jhsw`r; b



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Eghjhbgjc Rtjt`m`hts

Zu`stgah typ`; Muctgpc` Jhsw`rs   66. Fjcjhb` sl``t jbbauhts jbbauhts jr` oraup`d oraup`d ghta wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho bjt`oarg`s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

V`v`hu` Jss`ts Cgjfgcgtg`s @qugty @xp`hs`s

Jhsw`r; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 62. Jh arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgah bjh pass`ss wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho typ`s typ`s ae jss`ts1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tjhogfc` Ghtjhogfc` Eghjhbgjc @bahamgb Ugrtujc

Jhsw`r; j, f, b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho 64. Tjhogfc` jss`ts jss`ts bjh ghbcud` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Bamput`rs Fahds ^rad ^radub ubtg tgah ah Mjbl Mjblgh gh`r `ry y V`jc @stjt` Martojo`

Jhsw`r; j, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho 60. _ljt jr` tl` mast bammah trjhsjbtgah trjhsjbtgah typ`s tljt abbur durgho tl` cge` ae jh jss`t1 j.


 f. Jccabjtgah b. Jbqugsgtgah 24


d. D`pr` `pr`bg bgjt jtggah `. V`tgr`m`h m`ht Jhsw`r; b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jss`t Jbbauhtgho 65. _ljt jr` tl` prgmjry prgmjry wjys gh wlgbl jh jss`t jss`t bjh f` jbqugr`d1 jbqugr`d1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Gh Ght` t`rh rhjc jccy cy fy prad pradub ubtg tgah ah Ght`rhjccy fy ghv`htary ghv`htary trjbigho @xt` @xt`rh rhjc jccy cy fy v`h v`hda dar  r  @x @xt` t`rh rhjc jccy cy wgt wgtla laut ut j v` v`hd hdar  ar  Fy js jss` s`tt cgqu cgqugd gdjt jtga gah h

Jhsw`r; j, b, d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbqugsgtgah 6?. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho jr` bammah d`pr`bgjtgah d`pr`bgjtgah jr`js us`d gh gh tl` PR1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Faai Faai d` d`pr pr`b `bgj gjtg tgah ah Bast jbbauhtgho d`pr`bgjtgah d`pr`bgjtgah C`oj C`ojcc d`p d`pr` r`bg bgjt jtga gah h Rp Rp`b `bgj gjcc d`pr d`pr`b `bgj gjtg tgah ah ^l ^lys ysgb gbjc jc d`pr d`pr`b `bgj gjtg tgah ah

Jhsw`r; j, f, b. d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; D`pr`bgjtgah 6. _ljt gs tru` tru` jfaut jfaut j fusgh`ss fusgh`ss jr`j1 jr`j1 j) Gt gs j ght` ght`rhj rhjcc dgvgsg dgvgsgah ah ae jh jh `ht`rp `ht`rprgs rgs``  f) Gt l`cps mjhjo`m`ht mahgtar mahgtar p`rearmjhb` b) Gt ggss us`d us`d ear ear `xt `xt`rh `rhjc jc r`pa r`partg rtgho ho d) Gt gs jss jssabg abgjt` jt`d d wgtl wgtl ah` ah` bam bampjh pjhy y bad` bad` Jhsw`r; j, f, b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj 2:. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho jr` typ`s typ`s ae bljrt ae jbbauhts1 jbbauhts1 j) Ap`r Ap`rjt jtgv gv`` BAJ BAJ  f) Bauhtry sp`bgegb BAJ b) Jbtgv` BA BAJ d) Oraup BAJ Jhsw`r; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Bljrt ae Jbbauhts 26. _ljt da`s da`s tl` tl` BAJ djtj djtj ghbcud`1 ghbcud`1 j)  f) b) d)

Bcg` Bcg`h ht ss`o `om` m`h ht Rtarjo` cabjtgah s`om`ht s`om`ht ^cjh ^cjhtt s` s`o om`ht m`ht Bamp Bampjh jhy y bbad ad`` s`o s`om` m`ht ht

 Jhsw`r; j, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhts 22. Tl` BAJ s`om`ht s`om`ht ae tl` BAJ djtj ghbcud`s wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 eaccawgho1 j) Jbba Jbbauh uhtt bu burr rr`h `hby by  f) Jbbauht humf`r  b) Jbba Jbbauh uhtt oraup raup d) Rlart t`xt 25


Jhsw`r; f, b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhts 24. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho da`s tl` fjcjhb` sl``t ghbcud`1 ghbcud`1 j) V`v`hu`  f) @xp`hs`s b) Jss`ts d) Cgjf Cgjfgc gcggtg` tg`s Jhsw`r; b, d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhts 20. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts bahb`rhgho bahb`rhgho r`bahbgcgjtgah jbbauhts jr` tru`1 tru`1 j) V`bahbgcg V`bahbgcgjtga jtgah h jbba jbbauht uht ear ear bustam`rs bustam`rs gs jbbauht jbbauhtss pjyjfc` pjyjfc`  f) V`bahbgcgjtgah jbbauht jbbauht ear bustam`rs gs jbbauhts jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc` b) V`bahbgcg V`bahbgcgjtga jtgah h jbba jbbauht uht ear ear v`hdars v`hdars gs jbbauhts jbbauhts pjyjfc pjyjfc`` d) V`bahbgcgj V`bahbgcgjtgah tgah jbbauh jbbauhtt ear v`hdars v`hdars gs gs jbbauhts jbbauhts r`b`gvj r`b`gvjfc` fc`  Jhsw`r; f, b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah Rufsgdgjry C`do`rs jhd V`bahbgcgjtgah Jbbauhts 25. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts r`ojrdgho r`bahbgcgjtgah jbbauhts jr` hat tru`1 j) Djtj Djtj jr` jr` pa past` st`d d dgr`b dgr`btcy tcy ghta ghta tl tl`m `m  f) Djtj jr` jutamjtgbjccy past`d past`d ghta tl`m jet`r tl`y jjr` r` past`d ta tl` barr`spahdgho barr`spahdgho suf-c`do`r  b) Tl` r`bahbgc r`bahbgcgjtga gjtgah h jbbauht jbbauht ghbcud`s ghbcud`s tl` tl` sum ae tl` pastgh pastghos os ae tl` suf-c`d suf-c`do`rs o`rs.. d) Ha Hah` h` ae tl` tl` jfa jfav` v` Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah Rufsgdgjry C`do`rs jhd V`bahbgcgjtgah Jbbauhts 2?. _lgbl jttrgfut`s jttrgfut`s jr` pr`s`ht pr`s`ht gh tl` EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gt`ms1 j) Jmauht  f) Dabum`ht typ` b) ^astgho dj djt` d) Burr`hby `) ^astgho i`y Jhsw`r; j, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum 2?


R`btgah Jbbauhtgho Dabum`hts 2. J bast bast b`ht b`ht`r; `r; j) Jfsar fsarfs fs basts asts  f) Bjh f` jssabgjt`d wgtl j d`pjrtm`ht d`pjrtm`ht b) Gs sgm sgmgc gcjr jr ta ta j bas bastt afk` afk`bt bt d) Gs jssabgjt jssabgjt`d `d wgtl wgtl cabjtga cabjtgahs hs wl wl`r` `r` basts basts jr` ghburr`d ghburr`d Jhsw`r; j, f, b, d Dgeegbucty; @jsy gh Mjhjo`m`ht Jbbauhtgho R`btgah Bahb`pts 4:. _l`h da`s da`s j d`fgt d`fgt tji` tji` pcjb`1 pcjb`1 j) _l`h _l`h jss`t jss`tss jhd jhd `xp`h `xp`hs`s s`s d`br`j d`br`js` s`  f) _l`h jss`ts jhd `xp`hs`s `xp`hs`s ghbr`js` b) _l`h _l`h r`v`hu` r`v`hu` jhd jhd cgjfg cgjfgcg cgtg` tg`ss d`br`j d`br`js` s` d) _l`h _l`h r`v`hu` r`v`hu` jhd jhd cgjfg cgjfgcg cgtg` tg`ss ghbr`js ghbr`js`` Jhsw`r; f, b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 46. Fjcjhb` Fjcjhb` sl``t jbbauhts jbbauhts jr` oraup`d oraup`d ghta; j) Jss`ts 2<


 f) Cgjfgcgtg`s b) @qugty d) V`v`hu` Jhsw`r; j, f, b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 42. _l`h da`s da`s j br`dgt br`dgt tji` tji` pcjb`1 pcjb`1 j) _l`h _l`h jss`t jss`tss jhd jhd `xp`h `xp`hs`s s`s d`br`j d`br`js` s`  f) _l`h jss`ts jhd `xp`hs`s `xp`hs`s ghbr`js` b) _l`h _l`h r`v`hu` r`v`hu` jhd jhd cgjfg cgjfgcg cgtg` tg`ss d`br`j d`br`js` s` d) _l`h _l`h r`v`hu` r`v`hu` jhd jhd cgjfg cgjfgcg cgtg` tg`ss ghbr`js ghbr`js`` Jhsw`r; j, d, Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 44. Gh pjyjfc`, o`h`rjc j) jbbauhts Jbbauh Jbbauhts ts p pjyj jyjfc` fc`wlgbl r`bahb r`bahbgcg gcgjtg jtgah ahc`do`r jbbauhts jr` jee`bt`d1  f) U`hdar  b) Rupp Ruppcg cg`s `s `x `xp p`h `hs` s` d) Fjhi   Jhsw`r; j, b, d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah Jbbauhts ^jyjfc` Jbbauhtgho 40. Gh jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc`, wlgbl o`h`rjc c`do`r c`do`r jbbauhts jr` jee`bt`d1 j) Jbbauh Jbbauhts ts r`b r`b`gv `gvjfc jfc`` r`bahbg r`bahbgcgj cgjtga tgah h  f) Rjc`s r`v`hu` b) Fjhi   d) Rupp Ruppcg cg`s `s `xp `xp`h `hs` s` Jhsw`r; j, f, b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah Jbbauhts V`b`gvjfc` Jbbauhtgho

Zu`stgah typ`; Tru` ar Ejcs` 45. Jbbauhtgho prab`ss`s jr` frajdcy dgvgd`d dgvgd`d ghta twa mjgh bjt`oarg`s; eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho jhd mjhjo`m`ht jbbauhtgho. Jhsw`r; Tru`



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 4?. Eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho (Ec) gs bahb`rh`d wgtl r`bardgho r`bardgho tl` eghjhbgjc gmpjbts gmpjbts ae fusgh`ss  prab`ss`s js tl`y jr` `x`but`d. `x`but`d. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 4. Tl` o`h`rjc c`do`r gs us`d us`d ta r`bard tl` eghjhbgjc eghjhbgjc gmpjbts ae fusgh`ss p prab`ss rab`ss st`ps. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 0:. Tl` fjcjhb` sl``t sl``t gs j shjpslat shjpslat ae tl` arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgah jt j paght gh tgm`. tgm`. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 06. J s`om`ht gs j dgvgsgah ae jh `ht`rprgs` ear wlgbl mjhjo`m`ht mjhjo`m`ht mahgtars p`rearmjhb` p`rearmjhb` s`pjrjt`cy eram atl`r s`om`hts. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj; 02. Fusgh`ss jr`js jr` `xt`rhjc `xt`rhjc d`pjrtm`hts ae jh `ht`rpr `ht`rprgs` gs` tljt jr` us`d ta d`egh` jr` jr`js js ae r`spahsgfgcgty r`spahsgfgcg ty ar ta m``t tl` ght`rhjc r`qugr`m`hts ae j dgvgsgah. 4>


Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj 04. J cgst ae jbbauhts tljt tljt bjh f` ghbcud`d gh j o o`h`rjc `h`rjc c`do`r gs bjcc`d mjst mjst`r `r djtj. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj 00. J bljrt ae jbbauhts (BAJ) (BAJ) gs jh ard`r`d cgstgho ae ae jbbauhts tljt bamprgs` j ba bampjhy‗s mpjhy‗s o`h`rjc c`do`r. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Bljrt ae Jbbauhts 05. Cgjfgcgtg`s jr` wljt tl` bampjhy bampjhy awhs, subl js bjsl, cjhd, jhd jhd fugcdghos. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhts 0?. Jss`ts jr` mahg`s mahg`s tl` bampjhy `jrhs fy s`ccgho s`ccgho gts pradubts pradubts jhd s`rvgb`s. s`rvgb`s. Jhsw`r;


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhts 0. J r`bahbgcgjtgah jbbauht jbbauht r`bards tl` gmpjbt a aee j trjhsjbtgah st`p ah egh eghjhbgjc jhbgjc jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho.. 4:


Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Rufsgdgjry C`do`rs jhd V`bahbgcgjtgah Jbbauhts 5:. J eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho dabum`ht gs j o`h`rjc c`do`r c`do`r jbbauht tljt bahsacgdjt`s bahsacgdjt`s djtj eram j oraup ae suf-c`do`r jbbauhts, subl js bustam`rs jhd v`hdars. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbbauhtgho Dabum`hts 56. ^jrjcc`c jbbauhtgho bahsgsts bahsgsts ae gmpc`m`htgho gmpc`m`htgho muctgpc` c`do`rs jhd usgho `jbl c`do`r ear dgee`r`ht purpas`s. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^jrjcc`c Jbbauhtgho 52. Jh ghbr`js` gh jh jss`t jss`t jbbauht ar jh `xp`hs` jbbauh jbbauhtt r`sucts gh j br`dgt pas pastgho. tgho. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 54. Jh ghbr`js` gh r`v`hu` ar cgjfgcgty cgjfgcgty r`sucts gh gh j d`fgt pastgho. pastgho. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; O`h`rjc C`do`r Jbbauhtgho 50. Jbbauhts pjyjfc` pjyjfc` jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho gs bahb`rh`d bahb`rh`d wgtl v`hdars. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbbauhts V`b`gvjfc` (JV) Jbbauhtgho 55. Jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc` r`b`gvjfc` jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho gs bahb`rh`d bahb`rh`d wgtl bustam`rs. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbbauhts V`b`gvjfc` (JV) Jbbauhtgho



5?. _gtlgh jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc` r`b`gvjfc` jbbauhtgho, jbbauhtgho, wl`h j pjym`ht gs mjd` tl` fjh fjhi i jbbauht gs d`fgt`d jhd tl` jppraprgjt` bustam`r jbbauht gs br`dgt`d. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Jbbauhts V`b`gvjfc` (JV) Jbbauhtgho 5. Eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho gs jee`bt`d jhy tgm` mah`y `gtl`r c`jv`s ar ar bam`s ghta tl` bampjhy. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Ght`orjtgah wgtl atl`r prab`ss`s ?:. V`partgho wgtlgh eghjhbgjc jbbauhtgho gs dgvgd`d ghta tw twa a bjt`oarg`s; o`h`rjtgho o`h`rjtgho eghjhbgjc stjt`m`hts jhd dgspcjygho jbbauht ghearmjtgah. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; V`partgho ?6. Eghjhbgjc stjt`m`hts bjh f` o`h`rjt`d ear dgee`r`ht dgee`r`ht arojhgzjtgahjc c`v`cs c`v`cs ghbcudgho ah` ar mar` bampjhy bad`s jhd fusgh`ss jr`js. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Eghjhbgjc Rtjt`m`hts

Bljpt`r 4 42


Tl` ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss Muctgpc` Blagb` Zu`stgahs

:. _lgb _l prabur`m`ht gbl l ah` ah` ae tl` tl`prab`ss1 eac eacca cawg wgho gs hat  j  j typ` ae arojhgzjtgahjc djtj tljt gs utgcgz`d gh tl` prab`ss 1ho gs j.  f. b. d. `.

Bcg`ht Bampjhy Bad` Rta Rtarj rjo o` Cabj Cabjttgah gah ^u ^urb rblj ljsg sgho ho Aro Arojh jhgz gzjt jtga gah h Mjhu Mjhuej ejbt btur urgh gho o ^cjh ^cjhtt

Jhsw`r; ` R`btgah;  Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj

@jsy y Dgeegbucty; @js ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6

6. _ljt _ljt gs gs j sta starj rjo` o` cabj cabjtg tgah ah11 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tl` pcjb` pcjb` wl`r wl`r`` rjw mjt`rg mjt`rgjcs jcs jr` r`b` r`b`gv` gv`d d Tl` pcjb` wgtlgh j pcjht pcjht wl`r` mjt`rgjcs jr` i`pt uhtgc tl`y jr` h``d`d Tl` pcjb` pcjb` wl`r` wl`r` mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcs cs jr` bacc` bacc`bt`d bt`d ea earr stjogho stjogho jhd jhd ghsp`btg ghsp`btgah ah Tl` pcjb` pcjb` wgtlgh wgtlgh j pcjht wl`r` wl`r` mjblgh`s mjblgh`s jr` ghstjc ghstjcc`d c`d ear pradubt pradubtgah gah purpas`s purpas`s Tl` pcjb` pcjb` wgtlg wgtlgh h j pcj pcjht ht wl`r` wl`r` eghgsl` eghgsl`d d oaad oaadss jr` i`pt i`pt ear ear sjc`

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah;  Rtarjo` Cabjtgah


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6

_lgbl _lgbl arojhgzjt arojhgzjtgahjc gahjc `c`m`h `c`m`ht(s) t(s) bahtrac( bahtrac(s) s) tl` `htry `htry ae jbbauhtgh jbbauhtgho o djtj gh tl` tl` v`hdar v`hdar mjst`r1  p. ^urbljsgho arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgah q. Bcg`ht r. s. t.

Bampjhy Bad` Bc Bcg` g`ht ht jh jhd d Bamp Bampjh jhy y Bad` Bad` Bcg` Bcg`ht ht jh jhd d ^urbl ^urbljs jsgh gho o Aro Arojh jhgz gzjt jtga gah h

Jhsw`r; d R`btgah;  Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2




J purbljsgho purbljsgho arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah h gs ghvacv`d ghvacv`d gh jcc jcc ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o ap`rjtgahs ap`rjtgahs `xb`pt `xb`pt a.  p. q. r.

H`oat H`oatgjt gjtgho gho bbah ahtrj trjbts bts jhd jhd jor`` jor``m`h m`hts ts H`oatgjtgho prgbgho prgbgho wgtl v`hdars @vjcuj @vjcujtgh tgho o jhd gd`h gd`htge tgeygh ygho o v`hdar v`hdarss D`t D`t`rm `rmghg ghgho ho st starj arjo` o` cabjt cabjtgah gahss wgtlgh wgtlgh tl` tl` pcjht pcjht

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4

0. _lgb _lgbl l ah` ah` ae tl` tl` eac eacca cawg wgho ho gs gs hat j mad`c ae tl` purbljsgho arojhgzjtgah1 j. @ht`rprgs` c`v`c  f. Bampjhy c`v`c b. Bcg`ht c`v`c d. ^cjht c`v`c s. Brass-pcjht Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


_gtlgh _gtlgh tl` pcjht-c`v pcjht-c`v`c `c purbljsgho purbljsgho arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah, h, jcsa ihawh ihawh js j pcjht-sp`bg pcjht-sp`bgegb egb purbljsgh purbljsgho o  Arojhgzjtgah, j.  f. b. d. `.

@jbl @jbl pcjht pcjht ljs gts gts awh purbl purbljsg jsgho ho arojh arojhgzj gzjtga tgah h Ah` purbljsgho arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgah gs r`spahsgfc` r`spahsgfc` ear muctgpc` pcjhts pcjhts Ahcy ah` purbljsgho purbljsgho arojhgzjt arojhgzjtgah gah ear jcc pcjhts pcjhts Ah` purbljs purbljsgho gho arojhgzj arojhgzjtgah tgah gs r`spah r`spahsgfc sgfc`` ear jcc bampjhy bampjhy bad`s bad`s gh tl` `ht`rprg `ht`rprgs` s` Twa ar ar mar` p purblj urbljsgho sgho arojhgzjtg arojhgzjtgahs ahs jr` jr` r`spahsgf r`spahsgfc` c` ear `jbl `jbl pcjht pcjht

Dgeegbuct gbuct Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Dgee R`btgah; ^cjht-C`v`c ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah ^rjbtgb`; ?.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4-5

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 0

J purbljsgho purbljsgho oraup oraup gs jh ghdgv ghdgvgdujc gdujc ar ar j oraup ae ghdgvg ghdgvgdujcs dujcs wla wla jr` r`spahsgf r`spahsgfc` c` ear jcc ae tl` eaccawgho `xb`pt  p. q. r. s. t.

Br`jtgho purbljs` r`qugsgtgahs r`qugsgtgahs H`oat H`oatgjt gjtgho gho bbah ahtrj trjbts bts jhd jhd jor`` jor``m`h m`hts ts V`q V`qu`s u`stgh tgho o quatjt quatjtgah gahss eram eram v`hdar v`hdarss Br` Br`jtg jtgho ho jjhd hd mahg mahgtar targho gho purblj purbljs` s` ard` ard`rs rs ^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho ea earr mjt`r mjt`rgj gjcc r`qug r`qugr` r`m`h m`hts ts

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Oraup

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5




^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7

Djtj gh tl` tl` v`hdar v`hdar mjst`r mjst`r jr` oraup`d oraup`d ghta ghta wlgbl wlgbl tlr`` tlr`` s`om`ht s`om`hts1 s1 c. m. h. a.  p.

O`h`rj O`h`rjcc dj djtj, tj, sstar tarjo` jo` djtj, djtj, jhd jhd purbl purbljsg jsgho ho djtj djtj O`h`rjc O`h`rjc djtj, djtj, starjo` starjo` djtj, jhd jhd ghv`hta ghv`htary ry djtj Rtarjo` Rtarjo` djtj, djtj, jbbauh jbbauhtgho tgho djtj, jhd purbljsgh purbljsgho o djtj djtj Rtarjo` Rtarjo` djtj, jbbauhtgh jbbauhtgho o djtj, djtj, jhd prgbgho prgbgho djtj O`h`rjc djtj, jbbauhtgho jbbauhtgho djtj, jhd purbljsgho djtj djtj

Jhsw`r; ` R`btgah; U`hdar Mjst`r


Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 7

O`h`rjc O`h`rjc djtj djtj gh j v`hdar v`hdar mjst`r mjst`r bahtjgh bahtjgh jcc ae ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho `xb`pt; `xb`pt;  p. q. r. s. t.

Hjm` Jddr`ss Bammuhgbjtgah ^j ^jym ym`h `htt t`r t`rms ms jhd jhd m`t m`tla lads ds R`jrbl t`rm

Jhsw`r; d R`btgah;  U`hdar Mjst`r

Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :>




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho gs jh ght` ght`rs`bt rs`btgah gah ar bamfghjtg bamfghjtgah ah ae mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjc djtj djtj jhd v`hdar v`hdar djtj1 djtj1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Bahd Bahdggtga tgah typ` typ` ^urbljsgho ghea r`bard Rta Rtabi trjh trjhsse` e`r  r  Tlgr Tlgrdd-pj pjrt rty y ard ard`r  `r  R`jrbl tt``rm

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah; ^urbljsgho Ghea V`bards ^rjbtgb`;


_lgbl _lgbl gt`m bjt`oa bjt`oary ry wauc waucd d yau us` us` ta ljv` ljv` yaur v`hdar v`hdar slgp slgp oaads oaads dgr`btc dgr`btcy y ta yaur yaur bustam`r1 z. jj jj..  ff. bb bb.. dd.


Bahsgohm`h m`ht Tl Tlgr grdd-pj pjrt rty y Rtabi trjhse`r  Rtjh Rtjhdj djrd rd Trjhse`r Trjhse`r past pastgho gho

Jhsw`r; f

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

R`btgah; Gt`m Bjt`oarg`s 

^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :2

Mjt`rgjcs Mjt`rgjcs tljt tljt jr` jbqugr`d jbqugr`d ta f` us`d us`d wgtlgh wgtlgh tl` arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah h jr` r`e`rr`d r`e`rr`d ta js i. c. m. h. a.

Rta Rtabi mjt mjt``rgjc rgjcss Trj rjh hse se``r mjt mjt`r `rgj gjcs cs U`hd U`hdar ar m mjt jt`r `rgj gjcs cs Bahs Bahsum umjf jfc` c` mj mjt` t`rg rgjc jcss Hah` Hah` ae tl` tl` jf jfav av``

M`dgum gum Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`d R`btgah; Jbbauht D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;  :0.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :6

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :4

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho jbba jbbauht uht jssgohm` jssgohm`ht ht bjt`oarg` bjt`oarg`ss gs us`d wl`h tl` tl` bampjhy bampjhy jbqugr`s jbqugr`s j egx`d jss`t1 u. Bast Bast b` b`ht ht`r  `r  v. Jss`t w. Ard` Ard`r  r  x. Rj Rjc` c`ss ard` ard`r  r  y. ^r ^ra ak` k`bbt Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy R`btgah; Jbbauht D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :0



:5. :5.

_l _lgbl gbl ae ae tl` eacc eaccawg awgho ho da dabu bum`h m`htt typ`s typ`s gs hat  utgcgz`d  utgcgz`d durgho tl` ^urbljsgho prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc da dabu bum` m`ht htss Ec dabum`hts BA dabum`h m`hts ^gbi ^gbigh gho o da dabu bum` m`ht ht Ghvagb`

Jhsw`r; d R`btgah;  Oaad Mav`m`ht


Dabu abum`h m`ht hu humf`r  mf`r  Jbbauht Rta Rtarj rjo o` cabj cabjttgah gah Dabu abum`h m`ht djt jt`` Dabu Dabum` m`ht ht bu burr rr`h `hby by

Jhsw`r; f

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

R`btgah;  Oaads V`b`gpt

^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 22

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho stjt`m`ht stjt`m`htss jfaut jfaut j pcjht pcjht gs hat  tru`1  tru`1 e. o. l. g.  k.

J pc pcjht jht bbjh jh f` jssg jssgoh` oh`d d ta mar` mar` tljh tljh ah` ah` bampjh bampjhy y bad` bad` J bampj bampjhy hy bad` bad` bjh bjh ljv` ljv` mar` mar` tljh tljh ah` ah` pcjht pcjht J pcjht pcjht ggss j i i`y `y arojhgz arojhgzjtga jtgahjc hjc ``c`m`h c`m`htt gh purbljsgho purbljsgho J pcjht pcjht bjh f f`` jssgoh jssgoh`d `d ta ta ah ahcy cy a ah` h` bamp bampjhy jhy bad` bad` J pcjht must ljv` jt cc`jst `jst ah` starjo` jr`j

Jhsw`r; j R`btgah;  Oaads Mav`m`ht

:7. :7.

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :?

J EG dabum`h dabum`htt ghbcud`s ghbcud`s j l`jd`r l`jd`r jhd jh gt`ms gt`ms s`btgah s`btgah.. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho djtj jr` jr` ghbcud`d gh tl` gt`ms s`btgah1 j.  f. b. d. `.


_lgbl _lgbl `c`m`ht `c`m`ht ae tl` r`qugr`m`ht r`qugr`m`htss d`t`rmghjt d`t`rmghjtgah gah prab`ss prab`ss ghvacv`s ghvacv`s br`jtgho br`jtgho tl` r`qugsgt r`qugsgtgah1 gah1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Djtj Tjsi  Trgoo`r   Autbam`s Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct R`btgah;  V`qugr`m`hts D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


J bampjhy bampjhy bjh us` us` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho ta ta s`c`bt s`c`bt j v`hdar v`hdar eram j cgst cgst ae pat`h pat`htgjc tgjc suppcg`rs 1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Raurb` cg cgst Bampjhy bad` U`hdar mj mjst`r  Mjt jt`r `rggjc mjs mjst` t`r  r  Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum

R`btgah;  Raurb` ae Ruppcy D`t`rmghjtgah D`t`rmghjtgah


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 62


_lgbl _lgbl `c`m`ht `c`m`ht ae j purbljs purbljs`` ard`r ghbcu ghbcud`s d`s bammuhgb bammuhgbjtgho jtgho wgtl wgtl tl` tl` v`hdar1 v`hdar1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Trgoo`r   Djtj Tjsi   Autbam` Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; d R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6:

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 60

_lgbl _lgbl gt`m gt`m gs ghbcud ghbcud`d `d gh tl` l`jd`r l`jd`r ae j purbljs` purbljs` ard`r1 ard`r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Ard` rd`r qujh ujhtgty gty U`hdar  D`cgv`ry djt` ^rgb` Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; f R`btgah; Ard`r ^rab`ssgho

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 65




RJ^ bjh utgcg utgcgz` z` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho m`dgj m`dgj ta bammuh bammuhgbjt` gbjt` wgtl wgtl j v` v`hdar1 hdar1 j.  f. b. d. `.

_`f s`rvgb`s @DG Ejx ^rght Jcc ae ae tl` tl` jfa jfav`

Jhsw`r; ` R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho


Mjt jt`r `rggjc ard ard`r `r`d `d Zujhtgty d`cgv`r`d d`cgv`r`d U`rgegbjtgah Rta Rtarjo` rjo` cabj cabjtg tgah ah Jcc ae ae tl` tl` jfa jfav`

Jhsw`r; ` R`btgah;  Oaads V`b`gpt

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2:

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho gs j earm ae ae ghvagb` ghvagb` v`rge v`rgegbjtg gbjtgah1 ah1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tlr`` lr``-w -wjy jy mjt jtbl bl Zujcgty mjhjo`m`ht mjhjo`m`ht Ghsp` hsp`bt btga gah h cat _jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhj mjhjo` o`m`h m`htt Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; j R`btgah;  Ghvagb` U`rgegbjtgah


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6<

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho gs(jr` gs(jr`)) j earm ae djtj djtj wgtlgh wgtlgh tl` tl` oaads r`b`gpt r`b`gpt st`p1 st`p1 j.  f. b. d. `.


Dgeegbucty; @js @jsy y ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 24

_lgbl _lgbl `c`m`ht `c`m`ht ae ae tl` pjym`ht pjym`ht st`p st`p ghbcud` ghbcud`ss s`c`btgh s`c`btgho o j fjhi1 fjhi1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Trgoo`r   Djtj Autbam` Tjsi   Hah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` jfav jfav``

Jhsw`r; d R`btgah;  ^jym`ht ^rab`ssgho

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2?




Dgeegbuct gbuct Dgeegbucty; Dgee ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 66

_lgbl _lgbl st`ps jr` jr` ghvacv`d ghvacv`d gh bahv`r bahv`rtgho tgho j pur purbljs` bljs` r`qugs r`qugsgtga gtgah h ghta j pur purbljs` bljs` ard`r1 ard`r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Raurb` cg cgst Autcgh` purbljs` purbljs` jor``m`ht Rta Rtarj rjo o` cabj cabjttgah gah V`qu V`qu`s `stt ear ear q qua uatj tjtg tgah ah Zuatjtgah

Jhsw`r; d, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Raurb` ae Ruppcy D`t`rmghjtgah D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 64




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho aroj arojhgzjt hgzjtgahj gahjcc djtj jr` r`qugr`d r`qugr`d wl`h wl`h br`jtgho br`jtgho j purbljs purbljs`` ard`r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Ps`r ghput ^urbljs` V`qugsgtgah V`qugsgtgah VEZ Zuatjtgah ^u ^urb rbl ljs js`` ard`r  rd`r 

Jhsw`r; f, b, d, ` R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho


V`qugsgtgah VEZ Zuatjtgah Bahd Bahdgt gtga gahs hs U`hd U`hdar  ar 

Jhsw`r; j, f, b R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 65

RJ^ bjh utgcg utgcgz` z` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eacca eaccawgho wgho earms earms ae m m`dgj `dgj ta bammuhgbjt bammuhgbjt`` wgtl j v`hda v`hdar1 r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

^rght @-mjgc @DG _`f ss``rvgb`s Ejx

Jhsw`r; j, f, b, d, ` R`btgah;  Ad`r ^rab`ssgho


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 60

_lgbl _lgbl trjhsjb trjhsjbtgah tgah dabum`hts dabum`hts jr` ghbcud ghbcud`d `d gh j purbljs` purbljs` ard`r1 ard`r1 z. jj.  ff. bb bb.. dd dd..


Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`;

M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6<

_ljt jr` jr` tl` i`y stabi stabi typ`s typ`s (stjtus` (stjtus`s) s) utgcgz`d utgcgz`d gh pu purbljs rbljsgho, gho, fjs`d fjs`d ah usjfgcgty usjfgcgty ae ae mjt`rgjcs1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Phr`s hr`sttrgbt rgbt`d `d us` us` Rtabi gh trjhsgt Rtabi ah ah ar ard`r  Rta Rtabi gh st star arjo jo`` Fcabi`d st stabi 

Jhsw`r; j, f, ` R`btgah;  Oaads V`b`gpt

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`; 

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2:




_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho dabu dabum`hts m`hts jr` jr` r`qugr`d r`qugr`d ear tl` ghvagb` ghvagb` v`rgeg v`rgegbjtga bjtgah h st`p ae tl`  prabur`m`ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 e. o. l. g.

U`hdar gh ghvagb` ^u ^urb rblj ljs` s` r` r`qu qugs gsgt gtga gah h ^u ^urb rbl ljs js`` ard ard`r  `r  Mjt jt`r `rggjc dabu dabum` m`ht ht


Mjt`rgjc mjst`r 

Jhsw`r; j, b, d R`btgah;  Ghvagb` U`rgegbjtgah


J mjt` mjt`rg rgjc jc dab dabum um`h `htt gs bbr` r`jt jt`d `d Jh jbb jbbau auht htgh gho o dabum dabum`h `htt gs br br`j `jt` t`d d Tl` purblj purbljs` s` ard` ard`rr lgstar lgstary y gs u upd pdjt` jt`d d O/C O/C jbb jbbau auht htss jjr` r` upd updjt jt`d `d Tl` Tl` ssjc jc`s `s ard` ard`rr gs gs u upd pdjt jt`d `d

Jhsw`r; f, d, b R`btgah;  Ghvagb` U`rgegbjtgah

Dgeegbucty; Dgee Dgeegbuct gbuct ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 24

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho djt djtjj jr` h``d`d h``d`d ear ear ghvagb` ghvagb` v`rgeg v`rgegbjtg bjtgah1 ah1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Bampjhy bad` ^urbljs` ard`r  Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc da dabu bum` m`ht ht Ghvagb` Ps`r ghput

Jhsw`r; f, b, d, ` R`btgah;  Ghvagb` U`rgegbjtgah


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 24

_lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccawg eaccawgho ho jr` bah bahs`qu` s`qu`hb`s hb`s ae tl` tl` ghvagb` ghvagb` v`rgegbjtg v`rgegbjtgah ah st`p ae tl` tl` prabur`m`h prabur`m`htt  prab`ss1 `. e. o. l. g.


Ta bampc`t` bampc`t` j v`hdar v`hdar pjym`ht, pjym`ht, wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho typ`s typ`s ae djtj must must f` ghbcud`d ghbcud`d ah tl` tl` v`hdar mjst`r1 j.  f. b. d.

^jym`ht t` t`rms ^jym`ht m`tlad Djt` ^j ^jy ym`h m`ht jdd jddr` r`sss



Jhsw`r; j, f, d R`btgah;  ^jym`ht ^rab`ssgho


M`dgum gum Dgeegbucty; M`d ^rjbtgb`;

_lgbl _lgbl arojhgzj arojhgzjtgah tgahjc jc prab`ss prab`ss`s `s ght`rjb ght`rjbtt wgtl wgtl prabur`m prabur`m`ht1 `ht1 j.  f. b. d. `.

^rak ^rak`b `btt mjh mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt Mjt`rgjc pcjhhgho Euce Eucegc gccm cm`h `htt (sjc (sjc`s `s)) Mjhj Mjhjo` o`m`h m`htt jbb jbbau auht htgh gho o Egh Eghjh jhbg bgjc jc jbba jbbauh uhtg tgho ho

Jhsw`r; j, f, b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum R`btgah;  Ght`orjtgah wgtl ^rjbtgb`; wgtl Atl`r ^rab`ss`s


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2?

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4>

Rtjhdjrd Rtjhdjrd r`partgh r`partgho o taac taacss gh tl` trjhsjbt trjhsjbtgah gah syst`m syst`m jr` us`d ta ta o`h`rjt` o`h`rjt` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl`  eaccawgho1 j.  f. b. d.

^gbigho ccggsts Ahcgh` cgsts _ari cgsts Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y cgst cgstss

Jhsw`r; f, b R`btgah;  V`partgho

Dgeegbucty; M`d M`dgum gum ^rjbtgb`; W`s

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4>

Tru`-Ejcs` Zu`stgahs :.

Rtarjo` Rtarjo` cabjtgahs cabjtgahs jr` jr` pcjb`s wgtlg wgtlgh h j pcjht w` w`r` r` mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs jr` i`pt i`pt uhtgc uhtgc tl`y jr` jr` h``d`d. h``d`d. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah;  Rtarjo` Cabjtgah

Dgeegbucty; @j @jsy sy ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6




Tl`r` Tl`r` bjh ahcy f` a ah` h` starjo starjo`` cabjtga cabjtgah h wg wgtlgh tlgh j pcjht pcjht. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  Rtarjo` Cabjtgah


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6

J starjo` starjo` cabjt cabjtgah gah gs gs j i`y arojhgzjt arojhgzjtgahjc gahjc `c`m`ht `c`m`ht gh purblj purbljsgho sgho.. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah;  Rtarjo` Cabjtgah


Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6

J purbljsg purbljsgho ho arojhgzj arojhgzjtgah tgah gs gs ghvacv`d ghvacv`d ahcy ahcy gh h`oatgj h`oatgjtgho tgho prgb`s prgb`s wgtl wgtl v`hdars Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2

Typgbjccy Typgbjccy,, tl`r` jr` tlr`` mad`cs mad`cs ae purbljsgho purbljsgho arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgahs; hs; `ht`rprg `ht`rprgs`-c` s`-c`v`c, v`c, bampjhybampjhyc`v`c, jhd pcjht-c`v`c. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4

Tl` `ht`rprgs`„c`v`c purbljsgho arojhgzjtgah gs jcsa ihawh js tl` brass „bampjhy bad`  purbljsgho arojhgzjtgah. arojhgzjtgah. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah;  @ht`rprgs`-C`v`c ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`;

Tl` bampjhy bampjhy-c`v` -c`v`cc purbljsgh purbljsgho o arojh arojhgzjtg gzjtgah ah gs tl` tl` mast b`htrj b`htrjcgz`d cgz`d mad`c. mad`c. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum Arojhgzjtgah R`btgah;  Bampjhy -C`v`c ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4 ^rjbtgb`;



Tl` mast d`b`htrjcgz`d mad`c ae purbljsgho arojhgzjtgahs gs tl` pcjht „sp`bgegb purbljsgho arojhgzjtgah. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  @jsy R`btgah;  ^cjht-C`v`c ^urbljsgho Arojhgzjtgah

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 0 ^rjbtgb`;




J purbljsgho purbljsgho oraup oraup gs jh ght`rh ght`rhjc jc oraup oraup tljt gs r`spahs r`spahsgfc` gfc` ear `x`but `x`butgho gho tl` prabur prabur`m`ht `m`ht  prab`ss. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Oraup


Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 5

J purbljsgho purbljsgho arojhg arojhgzjtga zjtgah h gs jh ghdgvgdujc ghdgvgdujc ar j oraup oraup ae ghdgvgdujc ghdgvgdujcss wla jr` r`spahsgf r`spahsgfc` c` ear  purbljsgho jbtgvgtg`s jbtgvgtg`s ear j mjt`rgjc ar oraup ae mjt`rgjcs. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  ^urbljsgho Oraup


Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ?

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :>

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; ::

Mjt`rgjc Mjt`rgjc mjst`r mjst`r djtj bjh bjh f` d`egh`d d`egh`d dgee`r`ht dgee`r`htcy cy ear dgee`r`h dgee`r`htt arojhgzjtg arojhgzjtgahjc ahjc c`v`cs c`v`cs.. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah;  U`hdar Mjst`r


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; <

^urbljsgho ^urbljsgho djtj djtj r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta j v`hdar v`hdar jr` jbb`ssgf jbb`ssgfc` c` ta jcc purbljs purbljsgho gho arojhgzj arojhgzjtgah tgahs. s. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  U`hdar Mjst`r


Jbbauhtg Jbbauhtgho ho djtj djtj r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta j v`hdar v`hdar jr` jr` jbb`ssgfc jbb`ssgfc`` ta jcc bcg`ht bcg`htss gh j bampjhy bampjhy bad`. bad`. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  U`hdar Mjst`r


Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :<

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :<

J stabi stabi trjhse` trjhse`rr da`s hat ghvac ghvacv` v` j blj bljho` ho` gh gh starjo` starjo` cabjtg cabjtgah. ah. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  Oaads Mav`m`ht


Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 66

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 66

Tl` l`jd`r l`jd`r s`btgah s`btgah ae j purbljs` purbljs` ard`r ard`r bahtjgh bahtjghss ghearmjtga ghearmjtgah h subl js purbljs purbljs`` ard`r humf`r, humf`r, v`hdar, burr`hby, djt`s, jhd pjym`ht t`rms. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6:

J r`qugsg r`qugsgtgah tgah r`pr`s` r`pr`s`hts hts j c`ojc afcgojtg afcgojtgah ah ta m mji` ji` tl` tl` purbljs`. purbljs`. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; V`qugr`m`ht D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :7

Tl` djtj djtj h``d`d h``d`d ta br`jt` br`jt` j purbljs` purbljs` r`qugsgtga r`qugsgtgah h jr` tl` gt`m gt`m bjt`oary, bjt`oary, qujhtgty qujhtgty,, d`sgr` d`sgr`d d d`cgv`ry djt`, jhd d`sgr`d d`cgv`ry cabjtgah ar r`b`gvgho pcjht. Jhsw`r;  Tru` Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum R`btgah; V`qugr`m`ht D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :7

V`qugr`m` V`qugr`m`hts hts ear mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs must f` br`jt`d br`jt`d mjhujc mjhujccy. cy. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct R`btgah; V`qugr`m`ht D`t`rmghjtgah ^rjbtgb`;


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :<

J trjhse` trjhse`rr pastgho pastgho da`s hat o`h`rj o`h`rjt` t` j mjt`rg mjt`rgjc jc dabum`h dabum`ht. t. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  Oaads Mav`m`ht


Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct ^rjbtgb`;

J trjhse`r trjhse`r pastgh pastgho o gs us`d us`d ta mav` mav` mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs eram eram ah` starjo` starjo` cabjtga cabjtgah h ta jhatl`r jhatl`r.. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  Oaads Mav`m`ht


^jo` V`e`r`hb`; :?

Mjt`rgjcs Mjt`rgjcs bjhhat bjhhat f` f` mav`d eram eram ah` bampjh bampjhy y bad` ta ta jhatl`r jhatl`r f`bjus` f`bjus` `jbl `jbl bampjhy bampjhy bad` bad` us`s j dgee`r`ht s`t ae faais. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  Oaads Mav`m`ht


Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

Dgeegbucty;  M`dgum ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 65

Tl` prgmjry prgmjry tjsi tjsi ae tl` ard`r ard`r prab`ssgh prab`ssgho o st`p gs ta br`jt` br`jt` jhd jhd s`hd tl` purbljs purbljs`` ard`r ta tl` tl` v`hdar. Jhsw`r;  Tru` R`btgah;  Ard`r ^rab`ssgho

Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 6?




Dgeegbucty;  @jsy ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 2<

_ari cgsts cgsts dgspcj dgspcjy y cgsts ae ae mjst`r djtj djtj jhd dabum`hts dabum`hts tljt tljt jr` o`h`rjt` o`h`rjt`d d durgho durgho tl` `x`butga `x`butgah h ae j prab`ss. Jhsw`r;  Ejcs` R`btgah;  _ari Cgsts

Dgeegbucty;  Dgeegbuct ^rjbtgb`;

^jo` V`e`r`hb`; 4:



^jbijo` Tgtc`; T`st fjhi  Baurs` Tgtc`; Tl` Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss Zu`stgah typ`; Muctgpc` Jhsw`rs

:. _lgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho i`y arojhgzj arojhgzjtgahj tgahjcc `c`m`hts `c`m`hts jr` uhgqu` uhgqu` ta tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss prab`ss11 j. Rjc`s jjrr`j  f. Br`dgt bahtrac jr`j b. Bcg`ht d. Rl Rlggppgh ppgho o pa paght ght `. ^cjht Jhsw`r ; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj 6. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o jr` tl` tl` typgbjc typgbjc dgstr dgstrgfut gfutgah gah bljhh` bljhh`cs1 cs1 j. _lac`sjc`  f. Rjc`s jr`j b. Ahcgh` d. _jr`laus` `. V`tjgc Jhsw`r ; j, b, ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgstrgfutgah Bljhh`c 2. _lgbl ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho jr` bbljrjb ljrjbt`rgs t`rgstgbs tgbs ae ae j wlac`sjc` wlac`sjc` bljhh` bljhh`c1 c1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Gt da`s da`s hat ghbcud` ghbcud` sjc`s sjc`s tjx`s gh bjcbu bjcbucjtgh cjtgho o prgb`s prgb`s Gt dgstrgfut`s dgr`btcy dgr`btcy ta bahsum`rs Gt r`qu r`qugr` gr`ss j mghgm mghgmum um vacu vacum` m` ae purblj purbljs` s` Gt aee aee`r `rss vacu vacum` m` dgs dgsba bauh uhts ts Gt mjy d`sgoh d`sgohjt` jt` j sp`bgeg sp`bgegbb pcjht ar pcjhts pcjhts eram eram wlgbl d`cgv d`cgv`rg`s `rg`s jr` jr` mjd`

Jhsw`r ; j, b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgstrgfutgah Bljhh`c   4.  J sjc`s jr`j gs j uhgqu` bamfghjtgah ae wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho `c`m`hts1 j. Bcg`ht  f. Bampjhy bad` 50


b. Rjc` Rjc`ss aro arojh jhgz gzjt jtga gah h d. Dg Dgst strg rgfu futg tgah ah bl bljh jhh` h`cc `. Dgvgsgah Jhsw`r ; b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Rjc`s Jr`j 0. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o bjh s`rv` s`rv` js js jh `xjmpc` `xjmpc` ae j pcjht pcjht 1 j. J mjh mjhue uejb jbtu turg rgho ho ej ejbg bgcg cgty ty  f. Jh aeegb` fugcdgho b. J slg slgp ppgho gho pa paght ght d. J dgs dgstr trgf gfut utga gah h bblj ljhh hh`c `c `. J st star arjo jo`` ejbg ejbgcg cgty ty Jhsw`r ; j, f, ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - ^cjht 5. Mjt`rgjc Mjt`rgjc mjst`r mjst`r djtj r`c`vjh r`c`vjhtt ta tl` eucegcc eucegccm`ht m`ht prab`ss` prab`ss`ss jr` d`egh`d d`egh`d ear wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho arojhgzjtgahjc c`v`cs1 j. Bcg`ht  f. Dgstrgfutgah bljhh`c bljhh`c b. ^cjht d. Rj Rjc` c`ss aroj arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ah `. Rl Rlggpp ppgh gho o pa pagh ghtt Jhsw`r ; j, f, b, d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Mjt`rgjc Mjst`r  M jst`r  ?. Mjt`rgjc Mjt`rgjc mjst`r mjst`r djtj jr` jr` oraup`d oraup`d ghta vg`ws. vg`ws. _lgbl _lgbl ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho vg`ws vg`ws jr` us`d us`d gh eucegccm`ht1 j. Fjsgb dj djtj  f. Bcg`ht djtj b. Rj Rjc` c`ss aroj arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ah djtj djtj d. _jr _jr`la `laus` us` djt djtjj `. Rj Rjc` c`ss p pccjht jht djt djtjj Jhsw`r ; j, b, `



Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Mjt`rgjc Mjst`r  M jst`r  . _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho bustam`r mjst`r1 j. LV    f. b. d. `.

Jbbauhtgho Rjc`s Ghea Gh earm rmjt jtga gah h T`b T`blh lhac acao aoy y ^urbljsgho

Jhsw`r ; f, b Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Bustam`r Mjst`r  ::. _ljt jr` tl` pjrth`r euhbtgahs euhbtgahs tljt bustam`rs bjh pcjy gh tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 j. Racd-ta pj pjrty  f. Fgcc-ta pjrty b. Rlgp-ta pj pjrty 5?


d. V`b`gv`r   `. ^jy`r   Jhsw`r ; j, f, b, ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Bustam`r Mjst`r    :6. Arojhgzjtgahjc djtj djtj gh j sjc`s ard`r ghbcud` wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 eaccawgho1 j. Rlgppgho dj djtj  f. Bcg`ht b. Bampj mpjhy ba bad` d. Rjc`s jr`j `. ^u ^urb rblj ljsg sgho ho aroj arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ah Jhsw`r ; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Rjc`s Ard`r prab`ssgho :2. Mjt`rgjc mjst`r djtj gh j d`cgv`ry d`cgv`ry dabum`ht bahsgst bahsgst ae wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 eaccawgho1 j. Mjt` Mjt`rg rgjc jc d`sb d`sbrg rgpt ptga gah h  f. Phgt ae m`jsur` b. Zujhtgty d. _`golt `. Fgccgho djt` Jhsw`r ; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Rlgppgho :4. Arojhgzjtgahjc djtj djtj gh j d`cgv`ry dabum`ht bahsgst bahsgst ae wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho1 j. Bcg`ht  f. Bampjhy bad` b. Zujhtgty d. Rb Rbl` l`d duc uc`` cg cgh` h`ss `. Rl Rlggpp ppgh gho o pa pagh ghtt Jhsw`r ; j, f, `

Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Rlgppgho



:0. Tl` bustam`r br`dgt br`dgt mjhjo`m`ht prab`ss prab`ss jss`ss`s wl`tl`r wl`tl`r br`dgt slaucd slaucd f` orjht`d wl`h; j. J sjc` sjc`ss ard`r ard`r gs br` br`jt` jt`d d ar ar bljho bljho`d `d  f. D`cgv`ry gs jutlargz`d jutlargz`d ar bljho`d b. Gh Ghva vagb gb`s `s jr` jr` br`j br`jt` t`d d ar bljh bljho` o`d d d. Tl` past past oaads oaads gssu gssu`` st`p gs p`rearm` p`rearm`d d durgho durgho slgp slgppgho pgho Jhsw`r ; j, f, d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; V`e`r`hb`; Br`dgt Mjhjo`m`ht Mjhjo`m`ht ^rab`ss

  :5. Tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss gs ght`orjt`d ght`orjt`d wgtl wlgbl atl`r prab`ss`s1 prab`ss`s1 j. Jss ss`t `t mjh mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt  f. ^rak`bt syst`ms b. ^radubtgah d. Mj Mjhj hjo` o`m` m`ht ht jb jbba bauh uhtg tgho ho Jhsw`r ; f, b, d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Ght`orjtgah wgtl wgtl Atl`r ^rab`ss`s ^rab`ss`s :?. Ghearmjtgah strubtur`s strubtur`s jr` us`d ta ta o`h`rjt` wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho1 eaccawgho1 j. Ps Ps`r `r-d -d`e `egh gh`d `d jh jhjc jcys ysgs gs  f. Ec`xgfc` jhjcysgs b. Vg Vgo ogd jh jhjc jcy ysg sgss d. Rt Rtjh jhdj djrd rd jhj jhjcy cysg sgss Jhsw`r ; f, d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; V`e`r`hb`; V`partgho Jhjcytgbs Jhjcytgbs :. _lgbl ah` ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho bamfghjtgahs bamfghjtgahs ae arojhgzjtgahjc `c`m`hts `c`m`hts gs ghbcud`d gh tl` d`eghgtgah ae j sjc`s jr`j1 j. Rjc`s arojh arojhgzjtg gzjtgah, ah, dgstr dgstrgfut gfutgah gah bljhh bljhh`c, `c, dgvgs dgvgsgah gah  f. Rjc`s arojhgzjtgah, arojhgzjtgah, bampjhy bad`, dgvgsgah b. Bcg Bcg`ht `ht,, dgstrg dgstrgfut futgah gah bljh bljhh`c h`c,, dgvgsg dgvgsgah ah d. Bc Bcg` g`ht ht,, pcjh pcjht, t, dgv dgvgs gsga gah h `. Rjc`s arojh arojhgzjtg gzjtgah, ah, dgstr dgstrgfut gfutgah gah bljhh bljhh`c, `c, pcjh pcjhtt Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj

6:. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho gs HAT j typgbjc bljrjbt`rgstgb ae j wlac`sjc` wlac`sjc` bljhh`c1 j. Gt da`s da`s hat ghbcud` ghbcud` sjc`s sjc`s tjx`s tjx`s gh bjcbucjtgh bjcbucjtgho o prgb`s prgb`s gh tl` PR. PR.  f. Gt dgstrgfut`s oaads oaads dgr`btcy ta bahsum`rs. bahsum`rs. b. Gt r`qu r`qugr` gr`ss j mghgm mghgmum um vacu vacum` m` ae purblj purbljs` s`.. d. Gt aee aee`r `rss vacu vacum` m` dgsb dgsbau auht hts. s. `. Gt mjy d`sgoh d`sgohjt` jt` j sp`bgeg sp`bgegbb pcjht ar pcjhts pcjhts eram eram wlgbl d`cgv d`cgv`rg`s `rg`s jr` jr` mjd`. Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgstrgfutgah Bljhh`c



66. Gh tl` eucegccm eucegccm`ht `ht prab`ss, prab`ss, j pcjht pcjht gs j. J mjhue mjhuejb jbtu turg rgho ho ejb ejbgc gcgt gty y ahcy ahcy  f. J ejbgcgty eram wlgbl tl` tl` bampjhy pravgd`s jet`r-sjc`s jet`r-sjc`s suppart b. J ejbgcgty ejbgcgty eram eram wlgbl tl` tl` bampjhy bampjhy d`cgv`r d`cgv`rss ahcy s`rvgb s`rvgb`s `s ta gts gts bustam`rs bustam`rs d. J starj tarjo` o` jr jr`j `j `. J ejbgcgty ejbgcgty eram eram wlgbl tl` tl` bampjhy bampjhy d`cgv`r d`cgv`rss pradubts pradubts jhd jhd s`rvgb`s s`rvgb`s ta gts gts bustam`rs Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - ^cjht 62. Jcc ae tl` eaccawgho jr` `xjmpc`s `xjmpc`s ae j slgppgho slgppgho paght `xb`pt j. J rj rjgc d d``pat  f. J cajdgho dabi  b. J st starjo` rj rjbi  d. J mjgc raam `. J d`sg d`sgohj ohjt`d t`d ora oraup up ae `mpcay `mpcay``s ``s Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Rlgppgho ^aght

64. Jcc ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho jr` i`y arojhgzjtgahjc arojhgzjtgahjc `c`m`hts ear wlgbl mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjc mjst`r djtj jr` d`egh`d ear tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss `xb`pt j. Bcg`ht  f. Dgstrgfutgah bljhh`c bljhh`c b. ^cjht d. Rj Rjc` c`ss aroj arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ah `. Rl Rlggpp ppgh gho o pa pagh ghtt Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Mjt`rgjc Mjst`r  60. Mjt`rgjc mjst`r djtj jr` oraup`d oraup`d ghta vg`ws. _lgbl a ah` h` ae tl` eaccawgho ba bamfghjtgah mfghjtgah ae vg`ws gs r`c`vjht ta tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 j. Fjsgb djtj, sjc`s arojhgzjtg arojhgzjtgah ah djtj, djtj, sjc`s sjc`s pcjh pcjhtt djtj djtj  f. Fjsgb djtj, bampjhy djtj, sjc`s sjc`s pcjht djtj b. Fjsgb Fjsgb djtj, djtj, sjc`s sjc`s arojhg arojhgzjt zjtgah gah djtj djtj,, bcg`ht bcg`ht djtj djtj d. Bcg`ht Bcg`ht djtj, djtj, ssjc`s jc`s jr`j djtj, sjc`s pcjht pcjht d djtj jtj `. Fjsgb Fjsgb djtj, djtj, sjc` sjc`ss jr`j jr`j djtj, djtj, wjr`l wjr`laus aus`` djtj djtj Jhsw`r; j ?:


Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Mjt`rgjc Mjst`r  65. Tl` djtj gh tl` bustam`r bustam`r mjst`r jr` dgvgd`d ghta tl` tl` eaccawgho tlr`` s`om`hts; s`om`hts; j. ^cj ^cjht ht djtj, djtj, jbbau jbbauhtg htgho ho djtj, djtj, jhd jhd sjc`s sjc`s jr`j jr`j djtj djtj  f. O`h`rjc djtj, eghjhbgjc djtj, djtj, jhd sjc`s zah` djtj b. O`h`r O`h`rjc jc djtj, djtj, jbbau jbbauhtgh htgho o djtj, djtj, jhd jhd slgpp slgppgho gho jr`j djtj d. Bcg`h Bcg`htt djtj, djtj, jbbauht jbbauhtgho gho djtj, jhd sjc`s sjc`s zah` djtj `. O`h`r O`h`rjc jc djtj, djtj, jbbau jbbauhtgh htgho o djtj, djtj, jhd sjc`s jr`j djtj Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Bustam`r Mjst`r 

6?. _lgbl mjst`r djtj djtj da bampjhg`s us` ta d`t`rmgh` d`t`rmgh` tl` prgb`s ae ae tl`gr pradubts1 pradubts1 j. ^r ^rgb gb`` bamp bampjr jrgs gsah ah  f. ^rgbgho bahdgtgahs bahdgtgahs b. R`ccgho pr prgb` d. _lac _lac`s `sjc jc`` prgb prgb`` `. Tjx jccaw ccawjh jhb` b`ss Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - ^rgbgho Bahdgtgahs

6. _lgbl ah` ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho r`pr`s`hts tl` ba barr`bt rr`bt ard`r ae prab`ss st`ps ear tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 j. Rjc`s ard`r ard`r prab`ssgh prab`ssgho o , pr`-sjc`s pr`-sjc`s jbtgvgty, jbtgvgty, ghv`htary ghv`htary saurbgho saurbgho,, slgppgho, slgppgho, fgccgho fgccgho,,  pjym`ht  f. Rjc`s ard`r prab`ssgho, prab`ssgho, pr`-sjc`s jbtgvgty, ghv`htary ghv`htary saurbgho, fgcc fgccgho, gho, fgccgho,  pjym`ht b. ^r`-sjc`s ^r`-sjc`s jbtgvgty jbtgvgty,, pjym`ht, pjym`ht, sjc`s ard`r ard`r prab`ssgho, prab`ssgho, ghv`hta ghv`htary ry saurbgho, saurbgho, slgppgh slgppgho, o,  fgccgho d. ^r`-sjc`s ^r`-sjc`s jbtgvgty jbtgvgty,, sjc`s ard`r prab`ssgh prab`ssgho, o, slgppgho, slgppgho, fgccgho, fgccgho, ghv`htary ghv`htary saurbgh saurbgho, o,  pjym`ht `. ^r`-sjc`s ^r`-sjc`s jbtgvgty jbtgvgty,, sjc`s ard`r ard`r prab`ssgho prab`ssgho,, ghv`htary ghv`htary saurbgho, saurbgho, slgppgho slgppgho,, fgccgho, fgccgho,  pjym`ht Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss 2:. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho typ`s ae djtj gs HAT HAT ghbcud`d gh j quatjtgah1 quatjtgah1 j. Mj Mjtt`r `rgj gjcc mjs mjstt`r   f. Bustam`r-mjt`rgjc ghea r`bards r`bards b. Bu Bust sta am` m`rr mjs mjst` t`r  r  d. U`h `hd dar mjs jstt`r  `. ^r ^rgb gbgh gho o bah bahdg dgtg tgah ahss Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - ^r`-sjc`s Jbtgvgty 26. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho typ`s ae djtj gs H HAT AT ghbcud`d gh j fgccgho fgccgho dabum`ht1 j. Djtj Djtj era eram m tl` tl` bust bustam am`r `r mjs mjst` t`r  r   f. Djtj eram tl` sjc`s ard`r  b. Djtj Djtj eeram ram tl` d`c d`cgv` gv`ry ry dabum` dabum`ht ht d. Aroj Arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ahjc jc djtj djtj `. ^rgb ^rgbgh gho o bah bahdg dgtg tgah ahss Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Fgccgho



22. Tl` slgppgho slgppgho st`p bahbcud`s wgtl QQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ j. Oaads gs gssu`  f. ^gbigho b. ^jbigho d. Oaads aads r` r`b` b`ggpt `. Oaads aads d`cg d`cgv` v`ry ry Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Rlgppgho 24. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgahjc jc c`v`cs gs HAT r`c`vjht r`c`vjht ta tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j. ^u ^urb rblj ljsg sgho ho aroj arojhg hgzj zjtg tgah ah  f. Rlgppgho paght b. Rta Rtarj rjo o` cabj cabjttgah d. Rjc`s jr`j `. ^cjht Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj

20. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgahjc jc c`v`cs gs jssabgjt`d wgtl j bampjhy's pradubt pradubt cgh`1 j. Rjc` Rjc`ss a aro rojh jhgz gzjt jtga gah h  f. Rjc`s jr`j b. Dgst Dgstrg rgfu futg tgah ah bljh bljhh` h`cc d. Rjc`s oraup `. Dgvgsgah Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgvgsgah

25. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgahjc jc c`v`cs gs jssabgjt`d wgtl tl` m`tlad us`d ta ta dgstrgfut` mjt`rgjcs ta j bustam`r1 j. Rjc` Rjc`ss a aro rojh jhgz gzjt jtga gah h  f. Rjc`s jr`j b. Dgst Dgstrg rgfu futg tgah ah bljh bljhh` h`cc d. Rjc`s oraup `. Dgvgsgah Jhsw`r; b



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgstrgfutgah Bljhh`c 2?. Autput bahdgtgahs bahdgtgahs ghbcud` ghbcud` jcc ae tl` eaccawgho typ`s typ`s ae djtj `xb`pt `xb`pt j. Autput ty typ`  f. m`dgum m`dgu b. Trjhsmgssgah Trjh Trjhsm smgs gssg sgah ah tgm` tg m` m d. Autput mad mad` Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Autput Bahdgtgahs 2. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho gs gs HAT j i`y st`p gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j. Rj Rjc` c`ss ard` ard`rr prab prab`s `ssg sgho ho  f. Ghv`htary saurbgho saurbgho b. Rlgppgho d. Gh Ghva vagb gb`` v`rg v`rgeg egbj bjtg tgah ah `. ^r`^r`-sj sjc` c`ss jbt jbtgv gvgt gty y Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct



R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - ^r`-sjc`s Jbtgvgty, ^rab`ss - Rlgppgho, ^rab`ss - Rjc`s Ard`r  prab`ssgho 4:. ^r`-sjc`s jbtgvgty jbtgvgty ghbcud`s ghbcud`s jcc ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho `xb`pt j. Bust Bustam am`r `r ghqu ghqugr grg` g`ss  f. Zuatjtgahs b. Mjgc Mjgcgh gho o bj bjmp mpjg jgoh ohss d. Bust Bustam am`r `r pur purbl bljs js`` ard` ard`rs rs `. Tr Trjb jbig igho ho bus busta tam` m`rr bahtj bahtjbt btss Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - ^r`-sjc`s Jbtgvgty 46. _ljt dabum`ht gs HAT HAT br`jt`d durgho tl` fgccgho fgccgho st`p ae tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss ge  praegtjfgcgty jhjcysgs jhjcysgs gs jbtgv`1 j. Jh ghvagb`  f. Jh EG dabum`ht b. J mjt mjt`r `rgj gjcc dab dabum um`h `htt d. J BA BA da dabum`ht Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; ^rab`ss - Fgccgho 42. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho gs hat tji`h ghta ghta bahsgd`rjtgah wl`h wl`h d`t`rmghgho j bustam`r's bustam`r's br`dgt `xpasur`1 j. ap`h ar ard`rs  f. sbl`duc`d d`cgv`rg`s d`cgv`rg`s b. ap`h gh ghvagb`s d. bu burr rr`h `htt pur purbl bljs js`` ard` ard`rs rs Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Br`dgt Mjhjo`m`ht ^rab`ss  ^rab`ss  

44. Tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss prab`ss gs ght`orjt`d wgtl wgtl jcc ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho prab`ss`s `xb`pt j. ^rabur`m`ht  f. Ghv`htary jhd wjr`laus` wjr`laus` mjhjo`m`ht b. Jss ss`t `t mjh mjhjo jo`m `m`h `htt d. Mj Mjt` t`rg rgjc jc pc pcjh jhhg hgho ho

Jhsw`r; b



Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Ght`orjtgah wgtl Atl`r ^rab`ss`s 40. _lgbl r`partgho r`partgho aptgahs aptgahs da`s RJ^ RJ^ @V^ syst`m syst`m suppart1 j. Ahcgh` cgsts  f. b. _ari Jhjcytcgsts gbs d. Jcc ae tl` tl` jf jfav av`` Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; V`partgho Zu`stgah typ`; Tru` ar Ejcs`

45. Arojhgzjtgahjc `c`m`hts `c`m`hts `ss`htgjc ta tl` tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss ghbcud` ghbcud` bcg`ht, bampjhy bad bad`, `, sjc`s jr`j, jhd pcjht. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj

4?. J bampjhy bad` gs dgvgd`d dgvgd`d ghta s`v`rjc sjc`s sjc`s arojhgzjtgahs, `jbl a aee wlgbl gs r`spahsgf r`spahsgfc` c` ear tl` sjc` jhd dgstrgfutgah ae oaads jhd s`rvgb`s ear j pjrtgbucjr o`aorjplgbjc jr`j. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Rjc`s arojhgzjtgah 4. J dgstrgfutgah bljhh`c gs tl` m`jhs fy wlgbl wlgbl j bampjhy d`cgv`rs gts gts oaads jhd s`rvgb`s ta gts bustam`rs. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj Djtj - Dgstrgfutgah Bljhh`c Bljhh`c 0:. J sjc`s arojhgzjtgah arojhgzjtgah must ljv` ljv` jt c`jst twa twa dgvgsgahs. dgvgsgahs. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgvgsgah Dgvgsgah 06. J sjc`s jr`j bjh f` jssgoh`d ta ahcy ah` bampjhy bampjhy bad`.  Jhsw`r; Tru`

Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Dgvgsgah Dgvgsgah 02. Gh tl` bjs` ae ae pradubts, j pcjht pcjht gs typgbjccy typgbjccy jh aeegb` fugcdgho. fugcdgho. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - ^cjht 04. J slgppgho paght paght gs j cabjtgah gh j pcjht pcjht jt wlgbl ghfauhd d`cgv`rg`s d`cgv`rg`s jr` r`b`gv`d. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Rlgppgho ^aght 00. J pcjht must ljv` jt c`jst c`jst ah` slgppgho paght, paght, wlgbl must f` plysgbjccy plysgbjccy cabjt`d gh tljt tljt  pcjht. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Arojhgzjtgahjc Djtj - Rlgppgho ^aght 05. Rjc`s pcjht djtj ghbcud` ghbcud` d`tjgcs ah law tl` tl` mjt`rgjc wgcc f` slgpp slgpp`d `d eram tl` pcjht. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Mjt`rgjc Mjst`r  M jst`r 



0?. Bustam`r mjst`r djtj ghbcud` ghbcud` djtj h``d`d ta bahdubt bahdubt fusgh`ss wgtl bbustam`rs ustam`rs jhd ta `x`but` trjhsjbtgahs tljt jr` r`cjt`d sp`bgegbjccy ta tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; Mad`rjt` R`btgah V`e`r`hb`; Mjst`r Djtj - Bustam`r Mjst`r  0. Rtabi trjhspart ard`rs wgtl d`cgv`ry ghbcud` tl` ghvagb` v`rgegbjtgah st`p. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah;  Rtabi trjhspart trjhspart ard`rs wgtl wgtl d`cgv`ry d`cgv`ry ?:. Gh stabi trjhspart ard`rs wgtl d`cgv`ry jhd fgccgho, vjcujtgah gs fjs`d ah tl` purbljs`  prgb` gh tl` RTA. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Rtabi trjhspart ard`rs wgtl d`cgv`ry jhd fgccgho



?6. Ghv`htary mjhjo`m`ht i``ps trjbi ae tl` qujhtgty ae mjt`rgjcs gh starjo` cabjtgah, fut gt bjhhat d`t`rmgh` tl`gr `xjbt cabjtgah. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty ; @jsytrjhspart ard`rs wgtl d`cgv`ry R`btgah;   Rtabi d`cgv`ry jhd fgccgho fgccgho ?2. J starjo` cabjtgah bjh f` cghi`d ta ahcy ah` wjr`laus`. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Arojhgzjtgahjc djtj gh wjr`laus` mjhjo`m`ht ?4. J starjo` typ` gs j dgvgsgah ae j starjo` s`btgah tljt gs fjs`d ah tl` bljrjbt`rgstgbs ae tl` spjb`, mjt`rgjcs, ar jbtgvgty. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtarjo` typ` ?0. Rtarjo` s`btgahs r`pr`s`ht tl` plysgbjc cghis f`tw``h GM jhd _M.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Rtarjo` typ` ?5. Rl`ce starjo` gs jh `xjmpc` ae j starjo` typ` Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah;  Rtarjo` typ` ??. Cgoltw`golt mjt`rgjcs jr` d`sgohjt`d js ejst-mavgho mjt`rgjcs. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah;  Rtarjo` s`btgah ? ::>

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho

2:. Ogv`h tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho ghearmjtgah, us` tl` h`t h`t r`qugr`m`ht bjcbucjtgah bjcbucjtgah ta bjcbucjt` tl` jvjgcjfc` stabi. MV^ typ` gs M^R. ^cjht stabi = :>> V`b`gpts = 6> Gssu`s = :> Rje`ty stabi = 2> j. :6>  f. :2> b. d. ?> `. ::> Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho

26. Gh tl` d`t`rmgh` d`t`rmgh` prabur`m`ht prapasjc prapasjc st`p, ear m mjt`rgjcs jt`rgjcs wgtl tl` tl` prabur`m`ht typ` typ` ae ght`rhjc, MV^ wgcc; j. O`h`rj O`h`rjt` t` purblj purbljs` s` r`qugs r`qugsgtg gtgahs ahs..  f. ^ravgd` tlr`` aptgahs. aptgahs. b. ^rampt ^rampt tl` MV^ bahtra bahtracc`r cc`r ta s`c`bt s`c`bt tl` tl` jppraprg jppraprgjt` jt` pradubt pradubtgah gah v`rsgah v`rsgah..

d. Tr Trjh jhse se`r `r tlg tlgss st`p st`p ta ta M^R. M^R. :26


`. Jcwjys Jcwjys o`h`rj o`h`rjt` t` pcj pcjhh` hh`d d ard` ard`rs. rs. Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; D`t`rmgh` prabur`m`ht prapasjc

22. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho gs gs mast cgi`cy ta trgoo`r tl` tl` MV^ prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

J p`r p`rga gadg dgbb pcj pcjhh hhgh gho o h`` h``d d Bljho`s ta MV^ `c`m`hts Tl Tl`` h``d h``d ear ear jh jh ap`r ap`rjt jtga gahs hs pcj pcjh h @v @v`h `hts ts je jee` e`bt btgh gho o d`m d`mjh jhd d @v @v`h `hts ts je jee` e`bt btgh gho o ssup uppc pcy y

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; Ujrgaus

24. Tl` mast gmpartjht gmpartjht r`partgho taac gh mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjc pcjhhgho gs gs tl` j.  f. b. d. `.

^cjh ^cjhhg hgho ho r` r`su suct ct r` r`pa part rt.. MV^ cgst. Rta Rtabi av`r av`rv vg` g`w w. Rtab Rtabi/ i/r` r`qu qugr gr`m `m`h `hts ts cg cgst st.. Rtrj Rtrjt` t`og og`s `s cgst cgst..

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtabi V`qugr`m`hts Cgst

20. Tl` stabi/r`qugr`m`hts cgst dgspcjys j.  f. b. d. `.

Bljho`s Bljho`s gh tl` pcjh pcjhhgho hgho sgtujtgah sgtujtgah sghb` sghb` MV^ wjs ruh. ruh. MV^ `c`m`hts jt jh joor`ojtgah joor`ojtgah c`v`c. Jcc Jcc MV^ MV^ `c`m `c`m`h `hts ts eear ar j mjt mjt`r `rgj gjc. c. V`qugr`d V`qugr`d mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs p`r pradubtga pradubtgah h v`rsgah. v`rsgah. Jcc mjt`rg mjt`rgjcs jcs h``d`d h``d`d p`r MV^ `c`m `c`m`ht `ht..

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtabi V`qugr`m`hts Cgst



Zu`stgah typ`; Tru` ar Ejcs` :. Cjbi ae av`rjcc pcjhhgho mjy r`suct gh `xb`ss ghv`htary jhd cast sjc`s. sjc`s . Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

6. _l`h j bampjhy trjhse`rs pjrt ae tl` mjt`rgjcs gh stabi eram ah` dgstrgfutgah b`ht`r ta jhatl`r, tlgs sb`hjrga gs ihawh js stabi-aut. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`

Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

2. Mjt`rgjc pcjhhgho gs ah` ae tl` mast bampc`x prab`ss`s wgtlgh jh arojhgzjtgah. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 

4. ^cjhh`d ard`rs jr` r`qu`sts ta pradub` mjt`rgjcs. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

0. MV^ us`s r`qugr`m`hts ta o`h`rjt` tl` eghjc prabur`m`ht prapasjcs Jhsw`r; Tru`



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s 

5. Rtarjo` jr`j gs ah` ae tl` arojhgzjtgahjc djtj `c`m`hts gh mjt`rgjc pcjhhgho. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

?. ^radubt rautghos gs ah` ae tl` mjst`r djtj `c`m`hts gh mjt`rgjc pcjhhgho. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Mjst`r Djtj

. MV^ djtj jr` sp`bgegb ta `jbl pcjht. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Mjst`r Djtj

::. Gh-laus` pradubtgah gs tl` mast bammah prabur`m`ht typ` ear rjw mjt`rgjcs. mjt`rgjcs . Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht Typ`



  :6. R`mgeghgsl`d oaads jr` typgbjccy purbljs`d eram v`hdars Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht Typ`  :2. MV^ typ` sp`bgeg`s tl` pradubtgah bahtrac t`blhgqu` us`d gh pcjhhgho. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; MV^ Typ` 

:4. Bahsumptgah-fjs`d Bahsumptgah-fjs`d pcjhhgho bjcbucjt`s tl` r`qugr`m`hts ear j mjt`rgjc fjs`d ah burr`ht bahsumptgah djtj. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; MV^ Typ` 

:0. Gh tgm`-pljs`d pcjhhgho, mjt`rgjcs jr` ard`r`d wl`h tl` stabi c`v`c r`jbl`s j  pr`d`t`rmgh`d c`v`c ihawh ihawh js tl` r`ard`r paght. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; MV^ Typ`

:5. Bahsumptgah-fjs`d Bahsumptgah-fjs`d pcjhhgho jssum`s tljt eutur` bahsumptgah wgcc eaccaw tl` sjm`  pjtt`rhs js burr`ht bahsumptgah. bahsumptgah. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; MV^ Typ` 

:?. Gh j sb`hjrga wl`h tl` h``d ear frji`s d`p`hds ah tl` h``d ta pradub` bjrs, bahsumptgah-fjs`d bahsumptgah-fjs `d pcjhhgho wgcc f` jh jppraprgjt` strjt`oy ta us`. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum

R`btgah; MV^ Typ`  :25


:. M^R gs j mjhdjtary st`p gh tl` pcjhhgho prab`ss jhd gs usujccy eaccaw`d fy MV^. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; MV^ Typ` 

6:. ^`rgad cat-sgzgho prab`dur`s bamfgh` tl` r`qugr`m`hts eram muctgpc` tgm` p`rgads, subl js djys ar w``is, ghta ah` cat. Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Cat Rgz` I`y

66. Ear `xt`rhjccy prabur`d mjt`rgjcs, tl` pcjhh`d d`cgv`ry tgm` jhd tl` OV prab`ssgho tgm` jr` us`d ta d`t`rmgh` prabur`m`ht tgm`. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Rbl`ducgho Tgm`s

62. Cat sgz` d`p`hd`ht tgm`s r`mjgh tl` sjm` r`ojrdc`ss ae tl` jmauht ae tl` mjt`rgjc f`gho  prabur`d.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs` :2?



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rbl`ducgho Tgm`s

64. Tl` FAM s`c`btgah m`tlad gh tl` mjt`rgjc mjst`r gd`htgeg`s tl` brgt`rgj tl` syst`m

slaucd us` ta s`c`bt tl` FAM. Jhsw`r; Tru`  

Dgeegbucty; @jsy  R`btgah;  FAM R`c`btgah R`c`btgah M`tlad

60. J FAM gs us`d ahcy gh tl` mjt`rgjcs pcjhhgho prab`ss.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Ujrgaus 65. ^cjhhgho wgtl eghjc jss`mfcy tji`s ghta bahsgd`rjtgah burr`ht sjc`s ard`rs. Jhsw`r; Tru`    

Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtrjt`oy Oraup 

6?. _l`h usgho pcjhhgho wgtlaut eghjc jss`mfcy, bampah`hts jr` mjd` ta ard`r, jhd tl` eghgsl`d pradubt gs mjd` ta stabi. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtrjt`oy Oraup 

6. Gh mji`-ta-stabi strjt`oy tl` pradubtgah ae tl` eghgsl`d oaads jhd jhy h``d`d s`mgeghgsl`d oaads gs trgoo`r`d fy j sjc`s ard`r. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rtrjt`oy Oraup

2:. Bahsumptgah-fjs`d Bahsumptgah-fjs`d pcjhhgho d`rgv`s d`p`hd`ht d`mjhd fjs`d ah ghd`p`hd`ht r`qugr`m`hts jhd `xpcadgho tl` FAM. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Bahsumptgah Mad`


26. J pradubt oraup oraups pradubts wgtl sgmgcjr pcjhhgho bljrjbt`rgstgbs, subl js sgmgcjr typ`s. Jhsw`r; Tru`    

Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah;  ^radubt Oraups

22. _l`tl`r RA^ gs r`qugr`d d`p`hds ah tl` pradubtgah pcjhhgho strjt`oy us`d ear tl` mjt`rgjc. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rab`ss



24. Tl` MV^ bahtracc`r gs j praorjm gh tl` RA^ prab`ss tljt gs r`spahsgfc` ear br`jtgho  prabur`m`ht prapasjcs prapasjcs jhd mahgtargho mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjc jvjgcjfgcgty. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rab`ss

20. RA^ bjh f` `gtl`r ec`xgfc` ar stjhdjrd. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rab`ss

25. Tl` ap`rjtgahs pcjh gs jh autbam` ae RA^. Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Rjc`s jhd ap`rjtgahs pcjhhgho

2?. Jet`r pcjhhgho tl` mjst`r sbl`duc` gt`ms, MV^ br`jt`s d`p`hd`ht r`qugr`m`hts ear tl` bampah`hts ae tlas` gt`ms. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho



4>.  H`t r`qugr`m`hts bjcbucjtgah bjcbucjtgah gs ah` ae tl` st`ps st`ps gh MV^. Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho

4:. Tl` cat sgz` bjcbucjtgah st`p gh MV^ gs us`d ta d`t`rmgh` wl`tl`r tl`r` gs j h``d ta  prabur` tl` mjt`rgjc. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho

46. Tl` @V^ syst`m ghgtgjccy us`s earwjrd sbl`ducgho jhd `mpcays fjbiwjrd sbl`ducgho ahcy ge earwjrd sbl`ducgho gs uhsubb`sseuc. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Mjt`rgjcs V`qugr`m`hts ^cjhhgho

42. J prab`ssgho i`y gs j bahtrac pjrjm`t`r tljt d`t`rmgh`s law tl` mjt`rgjcs gh tl` MV^ cgst wgcc f` arojhgz`d. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; D`p`hd`ht V`qugr`m`ht D`t`rmghjtgah

44. Tl` sbl`duc` cgh`s bahtrac pjrjm`t`r jppcg`s ta sbl`ducgho jor``m`hts. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; D`p`hd`ht V`qugr`m`ht D`t`rmghjtgah

40. Tl` MV^ cgst, uhcgi` tl` stabi/r`qugr`m`hts cgst, lgolcgolts bljho`s ta MV^ `c`m`hts tljt ljv` abburr`d sghb` MV^ wjs `x`but`d. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; MV^ Cgst



45. Tl` pcjhhgho r`suct r`part joor`ojt`s qujhtgtg`s ear MV^ `c`m`hts ta mji` gt `jsg`r ta vg`w tl` av`rjcc pgbtur`. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^cjhhgho V`suct V`part

Bljp 7

^jbijo` Tgtc`; T`st fjhi  Baurs` Tgtc`; Ght`orjt`d ^rab`ss Zu`stgah typ`; Muctgpc` Jhsw`rs

:. _lgbl ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho pr prab`ss ab`ss`s `s bjh ljv` ljv` j bahtraccg bahtraccgho ho (BA) ggmpjbt mpjbt11 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt Eucegccm`ht Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt ^radubtgah ^rabur`m`h m`ht

Jhsw`r; f, d, `


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

6. _lgbl ae ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o prab`ss`s prab`ss`s bjh r`suct r`suct gh tl` tl` br`jtgah br`jtgah ae j eghjhbgjc eghjhbgjc (EG) dabum` dabum`ht1 ht1 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt Eucegccm`ht Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt ^radubtgah ^rabur`m`h m`ht

Jhsw`r; f, b, d, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

2. _lgbl ae tl` eaccaw eaccawgho gho jr` sst`ps t`ps gh gh tl` wjr`lau wjr`laus` s` mjhjo`m`h mjhjo`m`htt prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j. Br Br`j `jt` t` oa oaad adss rr`b `b`g `gpt pt

 f. Bahegrm trjhse`r ard`r 



b. Br`j Br`jt` t` sta stabi bi trj trjhs hse` e`rr ard` ard`r  r  d. Br`j Br`jt` t` trjh trjhse se`r `r r`qug r`qugr` r`m` m`ht ht `. ^a ^ast st oaads aads gss ssu` u` Jhsw`r; f, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta ^rabur`m`ht

4. _lgbl ae tl` st`ps st`ps cgst`d cgst`d f`caw f`caw jr` jr` pjrt ae ae tl` eucegccm eucegccm`ht `ht prab`ss prab`ss.. j.  f. b. d. `.

^u ^urb rblj ljs` s` ard ard`r `r s`h s`htt ta v`hd v`hdar  ar  Oaads r`b`gpt past`d past`d Fgccgho RTA RTA pra prab` b`ss ssggho Rj Rjc` c`ss ar ard` d`rr prab prab`s `ssg sgho ho

Jhsw`r; b, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Rt`ps jhd Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss - Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

0. _lgbl ae tl` st`ps st`ps cgst`d cgst`d f`caw f`caw jr` jr` pjrt ae ae tl` prabur`m prabur`m`ht `ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Br Br`j `jt` t` trjh trjhse se`r `r ard ard`r  `r  Br`jt` r`qugsgtgah R`hd pjym`ht ^rab ^rab`s `sss sjc` sjc`ss ard` ard`rr ^rab`ss RTA

Jhsw`r; f, b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Rt`p jhd ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss - @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht  

5. _lgbl ae ae tl` eaccawgh eaccawgho o stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts bahb`rh bahb`rhgho gho tl` prabur` prabur`m`ht m`ht prab`ss prab`ss jr` TVP@1 TVP@1 j. U`hdar U`hdar fgccgh fgccgho o ggss ah` ah` ae ae tl` tl` sst`p t`ps. s.  f. Ahcy ah` EG dabum`ht gs br`jt`d. br`jt`d.

b. Oaads Oaads r`b`gp r`b`gptt gs gs ah ah`` ae ae tl tl`` st st`ps `ps.. :42


d. Tl` s`hd s`hd pjym`ht pjym`ht st`p ghvacv`s ghvacv`s bbr`jtg r`jtgah ah ae jh EG dabum`h dabum`ht. t. `. Twa Twa mjt`r mjt`rgjc gjc dabum` dabum`ht htss jr` jr` br`jt br`jt`d. `d. Jhsw`r; j, b, d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

?. Gd`htgey Gd`htgey tl` st`ps st`ps gh tl` tl` prabur`m`ht prabur`m`ht prab`s prab`sss ear wlgbl wlgbl jh EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d br`jt`d.. j.  f. b. d. `.

Oaads rr``b`gpt Oaads gssu` Fgccgho ^u ^urb rblj ljss` ard ard`r  `r  V` V`b` b`ggv` ghva ghvagb gb``

  Jhsw`r; j, `   Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht jhd ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ^r ab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

. Gh wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho st`ps gh tl` pradubtgah pradubtgah prab`ss gs j mjt`rgjc dabum`ht br`jt`d1 j. Oaads rr``b`gpt  f. Oaads gssu` b. Bahegrmjtgah d. V` V`qu qu`s `stt prad pradub ubtg tgah ah `. Jvjg Jvjgcj cjfg fgcg cgty ty bl bl`b `bi  i  Jhsw`r; j, f


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^radubtgah ^rab`ss - Bahtghu`d

::. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho jr` strjt`og`s ear jbqugrgho mjt`rgjcs1 mjt`rgjcs1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Gh Ght` t`rh rhjc jccy cy eram eram j v`hd v`hdar  ar  @xt`rhjccy eram j starjo` starjo` cabjtgah @x @xt` t`rh rhjc jccy cy eram eram j pcj pcjht ht Ght Ght`rh `rhjcc jccy y eeram ram jhatl` jhatl`rr pcjh pcjhtt @x @xt` t`rh rhjc jccy cy eram eram j v`h v`hda dar  r 

Jhsw`r; d, ` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Rt`ps

:6. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho stjt`m`hts jppc jppcy y ta tl` oaads gssu gssu`` st`p ae tl` ght`rhjc  prabur`m`ht prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Fatl Fatl mjt`rg mjt`rgjc jc jhd jhd EG dabum dabum`ht `htss jr` bbr`j r`jt`d t`d.. J mjt`rgjc dabum`ht gs br`jt`d, br`jt`d, fut EG dabum`hts jr` hat hat.. Tl` stjtus stjtus ae ae tl` mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjcss gh tl` r`b`gv r`b`gvgho gho pcjht pcjht gs ––stabi stabi gh gh trjhsgt.” trjhsgt.” Tl` stjtus stjtus ae ae tl` mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjcss gh tl` r`b`gv r`b`gvgho gho pcjht pcjht gs ––uhr`s uhr`strgbt trgbt`d `d us`.” us`.” Tl` mjt`rgj mjt`rgjcc dabum`ht dabum`ht ghbcu ghbcud`s d`s twa twa cgh` cgh` gt`ms ear `jbl `jbl cabjtga cabjtgah. h.

 Jhsw`r; j, b, `

 Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:2. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho stjt`m`hts r`ojrd r`ojrdgho gho tl` oaads r`b`gpt st`p st`p ae tl` ght`rhjc  prabur`m`ht prab`ss jr` TVP@1 TVP@1 j. Fatl Fatl mjt`rg mjt`rgjc jc jhd jhd EG dabum dabum`ht `htss jr` bbr`j r`jt`d t`d..

 f. J mjt`rgjc dabum`ht gs br`jt`d, br`jt`d, fut jh EG dabum`ht gs ha hat. t. b. Tl` stjtus stjtus ae ae tl` mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjcss gh tl` r`b`gv r`b`gvgho gho pcjht pcjht gs ––stabi stabi gh gh trjhsgt.” trjhsgt.” :40


d. Tl` stjtus stjtus ae ae tl` mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjcss gh tl` r`b`gv r`b`gvgho gho pcjht pcjht gs ––uhr`s uhr`strgbt trgbt`d `d us`.” us`.” `. Tl` mjt`rgjc mjt`rgjc dabum`h dabum`htt ghbcud`s ghbcud`s twa cgh` cgh` gt`ms, gt`ms, ah` ear tl` tl` s`hdgho s`hdgho cabjtgah cabjtgah (pcjht) (pcjht) jhd jhd ah` ear tl` r`b`gvgho cabjtgah. Jhsw`r; f, d


Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:4. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho stjt`m`hts r`ojrd r`ojrdgho gho tl` oaads r`b`gpt st`p st`p ae tl` `xt`rhjc  prabur`m`ht prab`ss jr` TVP@1 TVP@1 j.  f. b. d. `.

J oaads oaads r`b`gp r`b`gptt gs bbr`j r`jt`d t`d joj jojghs ghstt jh RTA. RTA. Tlgs st`p r`sucts r`sucts gh fatl jh EG jhd j mjt`rgjc dabum`ht. dabum`ht. J oaads oaads r`b`gp r`b`gptt gs br`jt` br`jt`d d jojgh jojghst st j ^A. Jh EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d br`jt`d,, fut tl`r` tl`r` gs ha ha OC gmpjbt. gmpjbt. Ahcy Ahcy ah ah`` mjt mjt`rg `rgjc jc dabu dabum`h m`htt gs br`j br`jt`d t`d..

Jhsw`r; f, b, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:0. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho gmpjbts ta tl` o`h o`h`rjc `rjc c`do`r jbbauhts r`suct r`suct wl`h j bampjhy  pjys j v`hdar ghvagb`1 ghvagb`1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tl Tl`` fjhi fjhi jbb jbbau auht ht ggss br`d br`dgt gt`d `d.. Tl` v`hdar sufc`do`r sufc`do`r jbbauht gs d`fgt`d. d`fgt`d. Tl Tl`` fjhi fjhi jbb jbbau auht ht ggss d`fg d`fgt` t`d. d. Tl` v`hd v`hdar ar sufc sufc`do `do`r `r jbbauh jbbauhtt gs br` br`dgt dgt`d `d.. Tl` jbbauh jbbauhts ts pjyjfc pjyjfc`` r`bahbgc r`bahbgcgjtga gjtgah h jbbauht jbbauht gs gs d`fgt`d d`fgt`d..

Jhsw`r; j, f, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:5. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho stjt`m`hts r`ojrd r`ojrdgho gho _M st`ps r`cjt`d ta prabur`m`ht prabur`m`ht jr` HAT TVP@1 j.  f. b. d. `.

J trjh trjhse` se`rr r`qug r`qugr`m r`m`ht `ht gs br`jt` br`jt`d. d. Oaads jr` mav`d eram starjo` starjo` fghs ta jh ght`rgm starjo` starjo` jr`j. Oaads Oaads jr` mav`d mav`d eram eram jh ght`rg ght`rgm m starjo` starjo` jr`j jr`j ghta ghta starjo` starjo` fghs. fghs. J trjhse trjhse`r `r ard`r ard`r gs gs br`jt` br`jt`d d jojghs jojghstt jh RTA. RTA. J ^A ^A trgo trgoo` o`rs rs ttl` l` _M p pra rab` b`ss ss..

Jhsw`r; f, d, `

Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta ^rabur`m`ht :45


:?. Tl` slgppgho st`p ghvacv`s wlgbl ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho jbtgvgtg`s1 jbtgvgtg`s1 j. Br`j Br`jtg tgho ho j d`cg d`cgv` v`ry ry dab dabum um`h `ht. t.  f. Jutlargzgho pgbigho, pgbigho, pjbigho, jhd oaads gssu`. gssu`. b. ^r ^rab ab`s `ssg sgho ho j pur purbl bljs js`` ard` ard`r. r. d. Jutlargzg Jutlargzgho ho pgbig pgbigho, ho, p pjbigh jbigho, o, jhd jhd oaads oaads r`b`gpt. r`b`gpt. `. Br`j Br`jtg tgho ho j ttrjh rjhse se`r `r ard ard`r `r..

Jhsw`r; j, f


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Rlgppgho

:. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts jfaut jh RTA jr` HAT HAT TVP@1 j. Gt bjh bjh trgoo trgoo`r `r tl` tl` euceg eucegccm ccm`ht `ht p prab rab`ss `ss..  f. Gt bjh trgoo`r tl` pradubtgah pradubtgah prab`ss.

b. J oaads oaads gss gssu` u` bjh bjh f` pas past`d t`d joj jojgh ghst st jh RTA. RTA. d. J oaads oaads r`b`gpt r`b`gpt bjh bjh f` f` past`d past`d jojghs jojghstt jh RTA. :4?


`. J purblj purbljs` s` ard`r ard`r bjh bjh f` past past`d `d jojgh jojghst st jh RTA RTA.. Jhsw`r; j, ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht, eucegccm`ht, pradubtgah, jhd G_M prab`ss`s

6:. Gd`htgey tl` OC `htrg`s `htrg`s tljt jr` past`d wl`h wl`h j pjym`ht gs s`ht ta j v`h v`hdar. dar. j.  f. b. d. `.

Tl` v`hdar v`hdar jbbauh jbbauhtt gs gs br`dgt br`dgt`d `d,, Tl` v`hdar jbbauht gs d`fgt`d. Tl` jbbauh jbbauhts ts pjyjfc pjyjfc`` r`bahbgc r`bahbgcgjtga gjtgah h jbbauht jbbauht gs gs d`fgt`d d`fgt`d.. Tl` fjhi fjhi jbba jbbauht uht gs br`dg br`dgt`d t`d.. Tl Tl`` fjhi fjhi jbb jbbau auht ht ggss d`fg d`fgt` t`d. d.

Jhsw`r; f, b, d


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc

66. Tl` oaads r`b`gpt st`p st`p gh pradubtgah ghv ghvacv`s acv`s wlgbl ae tl` ea eaccawgho ccawgho OC `htrg`s1 `htrg`s1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Eghgsl Eghgsl`d `d oaads oaads ghv`h ghv`htar tary y jbbauh jbbauhtt gs d`fgt` d`fgt`d. d. Tl` mjhuejbturgho autput autput s`ttc`m`ht jbbauht jbbauht gs br`dgt`d. Eghgsl Eghgsl`d `d oaads oaads ghv`h ghv`htar tary y jbbauh jbbauhtt gs br`dgt` br`dgt`d. d. Tl Tl`` BAOR BAOR jbb jbbau auht ht gs gs d`fg d`fgt` t`d. d. Tl Tl`` OV/G OV/GV V jbba jbbauh uhtt gs bbr` r`dg dgt` t`d. d.


Jhsw`r; j, f


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^radubtgah ^rab`ss - Bahtghu`d

62. _lgbl ae tl` eaccawgho stjt`m`hts stjt`m`hts jfaut tl` ght`orjt`d prab`ss jr` TVP@1 TVP@1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Tl` prab prab`ss `ss gs gs trgoo trgoo`r` `r`d d fy j busta bustam`r m`r ard` ard`r. r. Tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss prab`ss gs susp`hd`d wl`h wl`h tl` h``d`d rjw mjt`rgjcs jr jr`` hat jvjgcjfc`. Tl` pradubt pradubtgah gah prab`ss prab`ss gs su susp`hd sp`hd`d `d wl`h tl` tl` h``d`d rjw rjw mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs jr` hat hat jvjgcjfc` jvjgcjfc`.. Tl` pradubtga pradubtgah h prab`ss prab`ss bahtghu`s bahtghu`s wl`h tl` eghgsl eghgsl`d `d pradubts pradubts f`bam` f`bam` jvjgcjfc`. jvjgcjfc`. Tl` eucegcc eucegccm`ht m`ht prab`ss prab`ss bahtghu bahtghu`s `s wl`h tl` tl` eghgsl`d eghgsl`d pradubt pradubtss f`bam` jvjgcj jvjgcjfc`. fc`.


Jhsw`r; j, b, `


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  O`h`rjc

Zu`stgah typ`; Muctgpc` Blagb` :4<


:. Gh j mji`-ta-ard` mji`-ta-ard`rr strjt`oy strjt`oy tl` pradubtga pradubtgah h ae eghgsl`d eghgsl`d oaads ar s`mgegh s`mgeghgsl`d gsl`d oaads oaads gs mast er`qu`htcy trgoo`r`d fy j i. c. m. h. a.

Rj Rjc` c`ss ar ard d`r `r.. ^urbljs` ar ard`r. Tr Trjh jhse se`r `r ard` ard`r. r. ^rad ^radub ubtg tgah ah ard` ard`r. r. Oaads gs gssu`.

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah;  C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

6. _lgbl ah` ah` ae tl` st`ps st`ps cgst`d cgst`d mast mast cgi`cy cgi`cy waucd f` f` tl` eghjc eghjc st`p gh tl` tl` prabur`m`h prabur`m`htt  prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Bahe Bahegr grm m trjh trjhse se`r `r ard` ard`r  r  Oaads r`b`gpt Oaads gs gssu` RTA R`hd pjym`ht

Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht jhd ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss - @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

2. Gh wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho prab`s prab`ss`s s`s gs j mjt`rg mjt`rgjc jc dabum`ht dabum`ht HAT HAT br`jt`d1 br`jt`d1 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt Eucegccm`ht Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt ^radubtgah ^rabur`m`h m`ht

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

4. Gh wlgbl wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho prab`s prab`ss`s s`s gs j trjhs trjhse`r e`r ard`r ard`r (TA) br`jt`d1 br`jt`d1 j. _jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt

 f. Eucegccm`ht b. Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt :47


d. ^radubtgah `. ^rabur`m`h m`ht


Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

0. Jet`r Jet`r j trjhse`r trjhse`r ard`r r`cjt`d r`cjt`d ta eucegcc eucegccm`ht m`ht ljs f``h f``h bahegrm`d bahegrm`d,, wlgbl ae tl` tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho st`ps gs mast cgi`cy ta abbur h`xt1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Fgccgho ^jym`ht Br`jtg Br`jtgho ho j ttrjh rjhse` se`rr r`qu r`qugr` gr`m`h m`htt Rlgppgho ^a ^ast stgh gho o j oaad oaadss rr`b `b`g `gpt pt

Jhsw`r; d


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss - Bahtghu`d

5. Rlgppgho, Rlgppgho, fgccgh fgccgho, o, jhd pjym`ht pjym`ht jr` st`ps gh wlgbl wlgbl prab`ss prab`ss11 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt Eucegccm`ht Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt ^radubtgah ^rabur`m`h m`ht

Jhsw`r; f Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahtghu`d jhd Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

?. V`b`gv V`b`gv`` ghv ghvag agb` b` gs j st`p st`p gh gh wl wlgbl gbl prab prab`ss `ss11 j.  f. b. d. `.

_jr` _jr`la laus us`` mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt Eucegccm`ht Ghv` Ghv`ht htar ary y mjhjo mjhjo`m `m`h `htt ^radubtgah ^rabur`m`h m`ht

Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ (@xt`rhjc)



. Gd`htgey tl` st`p gh gh tl` prabur`m`ht prab`ss ear ear wlgbl j mjt`rgjc dabum`ht ggss br`jt`d. j.  f. b. d.

Oaads gs gssu` Oaads r`b`gpt Trj rjhs hse` e`rr ard`r  rd`r  RTA

`. Br Br`j `jt` t` r` r`qu qugs gsgt gtga gah h

Jhsw`r; f



Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

::. Gd`htgey tl` st`p gh gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss prab`ss ear wlgbl j mjt`rgjc dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d. j.  f. b. d. `.

Oaads gs gssu` Oaads r`b`gpt Trj rjhs hse` e`rr ard`r  rd`r  RTA Br Br`j `jt` t` r` r`qu qugs gsgt gtga gah h

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Bahbcudgho Rt`ps Rt`ps

:6. _lgbl ah` ae tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho jbtgvgtg`s ttrgoo`rs rgoo`rs tl` slgppgho slgppgho st`p (oaads gssu`) gssu`) gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Oaad Oaadss r`b r`b`g `gpt pt gs past past`d `d Jvjgcjfgcgty bl`bi bl`bi gs ghgtgjt`d Tr Trjh jhse se`r `r ard` ard`rr gs gs bbr` r`jt jt`d `d ^gbi ^gbigh gho o gs bamp bampc` c`t` t`d d RTA gs gs bbrr`jt`d

Jhsw`r; d


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss - Rlgppgho

:2. _lgbl stjt`m`ht stjt`m`ht jfaut tl` pradubtgah pradubtgah prab`ss gs TVP@1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Gt ggss trgo trgoo`r o`r`d `d fy fy ttl` l` _M _M prab` prab`ss. ss. Tl` egrst st`p gs jh jvjgcjfgcgty jvjgcjfgcgty bl`bi. Tl Tl`` cjst cjst st` st`p p gs bah baheg egrm rmjt jtga gah. h. Gt ghvacv ghvacv`s `s gs gssugh sugho o mjt`rgjcs mjt`rgjcs ta tl` tl` pradubt pradubtgah gah ard`r. ard`r. Ha EG d dab abum um`h `hts ts jjr` r` br` br`jt jt`d `d..


Jhsw`r; d


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

:4. Gh tl` prabur`m`ht prabur`m`ht prab`ss, j purbljs` purbljs` r`qugsgtgah r`qugsgtgah gs br`jt`d durgho durgho wlgbl st`p1 st`p1

j. Jvjg Jvjgcj cjfg fgcg cgty ty bl bl`b `bi  i   f. Rjc`s ard`r prab`ssgho :06


b. V`qu V`qugr gr`m `m`h `hts ts d` d`t` t`rm rmgh ghjt jtga gah h d. ^u ^urb rblj ljs` s` ard ard`r `r pra prab` b`ss ssgh gho o `. Ra Raur urb` b` ae sup suppc pcy y d`t`r d`t`rmg mghj hjtg tgah ah Jhsw`r; b


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah;  ^rabur`m`ht prab`ss prab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Ghgtgjc st`ps

:0. Gh j pcjht-ta-pcjht mav`m`ht, vjcujtgah vjcujtgah abburs abburs jt j.  f. b. d. `.

Oaads Oaads gssu` gssu` jhd jt tl` vjcujtgah vjcujtgah prgb` ae tl` gssugho gssugho pcjht. pcjht. Oaads r`b`gpt jhd jt tl` tl` vjcujtgah prgb` ae tl` tl` gssugho pcjht. Oaads Oaads gssu` gssu` jhd jt tl` vjcujtgah vjcujtgah prgb` ae tl` r`b`gvgho r`b`gvgho pcjht. pcjht. Oaads Oaads r`b`gpt r`b`gpt jhd jhd jt tl` tl` jv`rjo` jv`rjo` prgb` prgb` ae tl` r`b`gv r`b`gvgho gho pcjht. pcjht. Oaads Oaads gssu` gssu` jhd jhd jt tl` tl` jv`rjo` jv`rjo` prgb` prgb` ae tl` tl` r`b`gvg r`b`gvgho ho pcjht pcjht..

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:5. Bjcbucjt` tl` eghjhbgjc eghjhbgjc `ee`bt ae j oaads gssu` pastgho pastgho fjs`d ah tl` eaccawgho eaccawgho djtj. ^rabur`m`ht typ`; Ght`rhjc Mjt`rgjcs; ^`hs Zujhtgty slgpp`d; :>> Ujcujtgah prgb` jt tl` r`b`gvgho pcjht (ear ah` p`h); $6.2> Ujcujtgah prgb` jt tl` s`hdgho pcjht (ear ah` p`h); $6.4>

j.  f. b. d. `.

D`fgt D`fgt OV/GV OV/GV,, br`dgt br`dgt ghv` ghv`hta htary ry ear ear $62 $62>.> >.>>. >. D`fgt ghv`htary, ghv`htary, br`dgt BAOR ear $64>.>>. D`fgt D`fgt ghv`h ghv`htar tary, y, br`dg br`dgtt OV/ OV/GV GV ear ear $62>.> $62>.>>. >. D`fgt D`fgt jhd br`dgt br`dgt ta tl` ghv`h ghv`htary tary jbbauht jbbauht ear ear $64>.>> $64>.>>.. Ha eghjhbgj eghjhbgjcc `ee`bt tji`s tji`s pcjb` pcjb` jt tlgs tlgs st`p, st`p, sa ha EG EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d br`jt`d..

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:?. _ljt gs tl` EG `ee`bt `ee`bt ae j oaads r`b`gpt pastgho pastgho gh tl` tl` `xt`rhjc prabur`m`ht prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j. D`fg D`fgtt OV/G OV/GV, V, br`d br`dgt gt ghv ghv`h `hta tary ry  f. D`fgt ghv`htary, ghv`htary, br`dgt BAOR

b. D`fgt D`fgt ghv`ht ghv`htary ary,, br`dgt br`dgt OV/GV  OV/GV  d. D`fgt D`fgt jhd jhd br` br`dgt dgt ta ta tl` ghv` ghv`hta htary ry jbbau jbbauht ht :02


`. Ha eghjhbgj eghjhbgjcc `ee`bt tji`s tji`s pcjb` pcjb` jt tlgs tlgs st`p, st`p, sa ha EG EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d br`jt`d.. Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:. Gh _M st`ps r`cjt`d ta eucegccm`ht, eucegccm`ht, j trjhse`r ard`r ard`r gs br`jt`d fjs`d fjs`d ah j(h) j. ^u ^urb rblj ljss` ard ard`r `r..  f. gssu`. b. Oaads D`cg D`cgv` v`ry ry da dabu bum` m`ht ht..

d. Oaads ads r` r`b`gp b`gpt. t. `. RTA. :04


Jhsw`r; b  

Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta Eucegccm`ht

6:. _ljt gs tl` o`h`rjc c`do`r c`do`r gmpjbt ae tl` oaads gssu` gssu` st`p gh tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

D`fg D`fgtt OV/G OV/GV, V, br`d br`dgt gt ghv ghv`h `hta tary ry D`fgt ghv`htary, ghv`htary, br`dgt BAOR D`fgt D`fgt jhd jhd br` br`dgt dgt ta tl` tl` ghv`h ghv`htar tary y jbbau jbbauht ht D`fgt D`fgt BAOR, BAOR, br`dg br`dgtt ghv`ht ghv`htary ary Ha eghjhbgj eghjhbgjcc `ee`bt tji`s tji`s pcjb` pcjb` jt tlgs tlgs st`p, st`p, sa ha EG EG dabum`ht dabum`ht gs br`jt`d br`jt`d..

Jhsw`r; d Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

66. Bjcbucjt` tl` d`fgt jhd jhd br`dgt ear tl` oaads gssu` gssu` st`p gh tl` eucegccm`ht eucegccm`ht prab`ss, fjs`d ah tl` eaccawgho djtj. (Hat`; Wau h``d ta pgbi tl` rgolt prgb` ear tlgs bjcbucjtgah.) Mjt`rgjcs sacd (trjdgho oaads); ^rght`rs Zujhtgtg`s sacd; :>> ^rgb` ear bustam`r; $:6>.>> Burr`ht jv`rjo` mavgho prgb`; $> ^rgb` eram v`hdar; $> Jv`rjo` prgb` 2> djys f`ear` bustam`r ard`r wjs pcjb`d; $> j. $:6,>>>  f. $> b. $> d. $>



Jhsw`r; f :00


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

62. _ljt gs tl` tl` OC `htry wl`h j bampjhy r`b`gv`s j pjym`ht eram j bustam`r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

D`fg D`fgtt r`v`h r`v`hu` u`,, br` br`dg dgtt busta bustam`r  m`r  D`fgt bustam`r, br`dgt r`v`hu` r`v`hu` D`fgt D`fgt fjhi, fjhi, br`dgt bustam`r, bustam`r, br`dgt br`dgt jbbauhts jbbauhts r`bahb r`bahbgcgj gcgjtgah tgah jbbauh jbbauhtt D`fgt D`fgt jbbauht jbbauhtss r` r`bahbg bahbgcgjtg cgjtgah ah jbbauh jbbauht, t, br`dgt br`dgt fjhi  D`fgt D`fgt jbbauhts jbbauhts r`bahb r`bahbgcgj gcgjtgah tgah jbbauh jbbauht, t, d`fgt d`fgt bustam` bustam`r, r, br`dgt br`dgt fjhi  fjhi 

Jhsw`r; b Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

64. _ljt gs tl` tl` BA gmpjbt gh tl` bahegrmjtgah st`p ae tl` pradubtgah pradubtgah prab`ss1 prab`ss1 j.  f. b. d. `.

Cjfar Cjfar basts jr` jr` trjhse`rr trjhse`rr`d `d eram tl` tl` wari b`ht`r b`ht`rss ta tl` pradu pradubtgah btgah ard`r. ard`r. Mjt`rgjc basts jr` d`fgt`d d`fgt`d ta tl` pradubtgah ard`r js jbtujc basts. Tl` eghgsl`d eghgsl`d oaads ghv`htary ghv`htary jbbauht jbbauht gs d`fgt`d. d`fgt`d. Tl` mjhuej mjhuejbtur bturgho gho autpu autputt s`ttc`m`h s`ttc`m`htt jbbauht jbbauht gs gs br`dgt`d. br`dgt`d. Tl` pradub pradubtgah tgah ard`r gs gs br`dgt`d br`dgt`d fy fy tl` vjcu` vjcu` ae ae tl` eghgs eghgsl`d l`d oaads. oaads.

Jhsw`r; j Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; ^radubtgah ^rab`ss - Bahtghu`d

60. _ljt gs tl` o`h`rjc c`do`r c`do`r gmpjbt ae tl` oaads r`b`gpt r`b`gpt st`p durgho j stabi stabi trjhse`r1 j.  f. b. d. `.

D`fg D`fgtt OV/G OV/GV, V, br`d br`dgt gt ghv ghv`h `hta tary ry D`fgt ghv`htary, ghv`htary, br`dgt BAOR D`fgt D`fgt jhd jhd br` br`dgt dgt ta tl` tl` ghv`h ghv`htar tary y jbbau jbbauht ht D`fgt D`fgt BAOR, BAOR, br`dg br`dgtt ghv`ht ghv`htary ary Tl`r Tl`r`` ggss ha ha OC OC gmp gmpjb jbt. t.

Jhsw`r; ` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum :05


R`btgah; Ghv`htary Mjhjo`m`ht (RTA) - Bahtghu`d

Zu`stgah typ`; Tru` ar Ejcs`

:. R`cc-eram-stabi strjt`oy us`s ghv`htary js j fuee`r f`tw``h prab`ss`s ta d`-baupc` tl`m ar ta mji` tl`m c`ss d`p`hd`ht ah `jbl atl`r. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; C`jrhgho Afk`btgv`s

6. Tl` wjr`laus` mjhjo`m`ht prab`ss jcwjys r`sucts gh tl` br`jtgah ae j mjt`rgjc

dabum`ht. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

2. Tl` wjr`laus` mjhjo`m`ht prab`ss sam`tgm`s ghvacv`s tl` br`jtgah ae jh EG dabum`ht. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta ^rabur`m`ht

4. Tl` bahegrmjtgah ae tl` trjhse`r ard`r (TA) gs `x`but`d durgho tl` wjr`laus` mjhjo`m`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta ^rabur`m`ht

0. Rjc`s ard`r prab`ssgho jhd pjym`ht jr` st`ps gh tl` prabur`m`ht prab`ss.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs`



Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Rt`ps

5. Tl` jvjgcjfgcgty bl`bi gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss bjh trgoo`r tl` prabur`m`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc Rt`ps  

?. Br`jtgho j purbljs` ard`r gs j st`p gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht 

. Tl`r` gs j bahtraccgho (BA) gmpjbt gh tl` fgccgho st`p ae tl` prabur`m`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`  

Dgeegbucty; M`dgum  R`btgah; O`h`rjc

::. Tl`r` gs j bahtraccgho (BA) gmpjbt gh tl` oaads gssu` st`p ae tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum

R`btgah; O`h`rjc



:6. Tl` oaads gssu` st`p gh gh tl` eucegccm`ht prab`ss r`sucts gh tl` br`jtgah ae EG jhd mjt`rgjc dabum`hts jhd jcsa ljs j BA gmpjbt.  

Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; O`h`rjc

:2. Tl` cjst st`p ae tl` pradubtgah prab`ss gs jcwjys oaads gssu`. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; O`h`rjc 

:4. J purbljs` r`qugsgtgah gs bahv`rt`d ta j ^A gh tl` purbljs` ard`r prab`ssgho st`p gh tl`

 prabur`m`ht prab`ss. prab`ss.  Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ghgtgjc st`ps

:0. Gh `xt`rhjc prabur`m`ht, mjt`rgjcs ljv` tl` stjtus –stabi gh trjhsgt” jt tl` tgm` ae tl` oaads gssu` st`p ear tl` r`b`gvgho pcjht. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum  

R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht :5. Gh tl` ght`rhjc prabur`m`ht prab`ss, tl` d`fgts jhd br`dgts ear tl` OC jbbauht pastghos jt tl` oaads gssu` st`p jr` bjcbucjt`d fjs`d ah tl` vjcujtgah prgb` jt tl` s`hdgho pcjht. Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; Dgeegbuct R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:?. Jt tl` tgm` ae oaads r`b`gpt gh jh ght`rhjc prabur`m`ht prab`ss, tl` mjt`rgjc dabum`ht bahsgsts ae twa cgh`s ear `jbl ae tl` pcjhts.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs`



Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Ght`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

:. _l`h j pjym`ht ta j v`hdar gs ghgtgjt`d, tl` fjhi jbbauht wgcc f` d`fgt`d fy tl` jmauht ae tl` pjym`ht. Jhsw`r; Ejcs` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht ^rab`ss ‒ @xt`rhjc ^rabur`m`ht

6:.  Ha mjt`rgjc dabum`hts jr` br`jt`d durgho _M prab`ss`s. prab`ss`s.


Jhsw`r; Tru`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; _jr`laus` Mjhjo`m`ht Rt`ps V`cjt`d ta ^rabur`m`ht

66. Tl` slgppgho st`p ghvacv`s br`jtgho j d`cgv`ry dabum`ht. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Rlgppgho

62. Tl` d`cgv`ry dabum`ht gs j r`qu`st ta mav` mjt`rgjcs eram ah` pcjht ta jhatl`r.

Jhsw`r; Ejcs`



Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Rlgppgho  

64. Tl` jmauht ae tl` d`fgt jhd br`dgt ear tl` oaads gssu` st`p gh eucegccm`ht gs fjs`d ah burr`ht mavgho jv`rjo` prgb` ae tl` mjt`rgjc. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

60. _l`h j pjym`ht eram j bustam`r gs r`b`gv`d, jh jutamjtgb pastgho gs mjd` ta tl` jbbauhts r`b`gvjfc` r`bahbgcgjtgah jbbauht. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; M`dgum R`btgah; Eucegccm`ht ^rab`ss ‒ Bahbcudgho Rt`ps

65. J oaads r`b`gpt mav`s mjt`rgjcs eram –uhr`strgbt`d us`” ta –gh trjhsgt” stjtus. Jhsw`r; Ejcs`


Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht, Eucegccm`ht, ^radubtgah jhd G_M ^rab`ss`s

6?. Ge tl` starjo` cabjtgah gs wjr`laus` mjhjo`d, tl`h j oaads r`b`gpt wgcc trgoo`r tl` _M  prab`ss`s. Jhsw`r; Tru` Dgeegbucty; @jsy R`btgah; ^rabur`m`ht, Eucegccm`ht, ^radubtgah jhd G_M ^rab`ss`s

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