Introduction of Britannia
Short Description
INTRODUCTION OF BRITANNIA BRITANNIA The story of one of India's favorite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once upon a time, time, in 1892 to be precise, precise, a biscuit company company as started started in a nondescript nondescript house in !alcutta !alcutta "no #olkata$ #olkata$ ith an initial initial investme investment nt of %s. 29&.Initially 29&.Initially,, biscuits biscuits ere manufactured in a small house in central #olkata. ater, the enterprise as ac(uired by the )upta brothers mainly *alin !handra )upta, a renoned attorney,and attorney,and operated under the name of +.-. rothers.+ In 1918, !./. /olmes, an 0nlish businessman in #olkata, as taken on as a partner and The ritannia iscuit !ompany imited "!o$ as launched. The umbai factory as set up in 1923 and 4eek 5reans6#, ac(uired a controllin interest in !o. iscuits ere in bi demand durin 7orld 7orld 7a 7arr II, hich ave a boost boost to the companys companys sales. sales.
s time moved on, the biscuit market continued to ro... ro... and ritannia re alon ith it. In 19:&, the ritannia iscuit !ompany took over the distribution of biscuits from 4arry's ho till no distributed ritannia biscuits in India. In the subse(uent public issue of 19:8, Indian shareholdin crossed ;ch ristened ritannia Industries imited "I$. 5our years later in 198?, it crossed the %s. 1+0at /ealthy, Think etter+ >and made its first foray into the dairy products market..
ritannia strode into the 21st !entury as one of India's biest brands and the pre> eminent food brand of the country. It as e(ually reconiAed for its innovative approach to products and marketin.In reconition of its vision and acceleratin raph, 5orbes
)lobal rated ritannia 'One amonst the Top 2day crackers$ ere part of thestaple diet of 0nlish and merican sailors for many centuries. In fact, the countries hich led this seafarin chare, such as those in 7estern 0urope, are the ones herebiscuits are most popular even today. iscotti is said to have been a favorite of !hristopher !olumbus ho discovered mericaC
akin ood biscuits is (uite an art, and history bears testimony to that. Durin the 1:thand 18th !enturies in 0urope, bakin as a carefully controlled profession, manaed throuh a series of 'uilds' or professional associations. To become a baker, one had to complete years of apprenticeship > orkin throuh the ranks of apprentice, Eourneyman,and finally master baker. *ot only this, the amount and (uality of biscuits baked ere also carefully monitored.
The 0nlish, -cotch and Dutch immirants oriinally brouht the first cookies to the6nited -tates and they ere called teacakes. They ere often flavored ith nothin more than the finest butter, sometimes ith the addition of a fe drops of rose ater. !ookies in merica ere also called by such names as +Eumbles+, +plunkets+ and +cry babies+.
s technoloy improved durin the Industrial %evolution in the 19th century, the price of suar and flour dropped. !hemical leavenin aents, such as bakin soda, became available and a profusion of cookie recipes occurred. This led to the development of manufactured cookies.
Interestinly, as time has passed and despite more varieties becomin available, the essential inredients of biscuits haven't chaned > like 'soft' heat flour "hich contains less prote in than the flour used to bake bread$ suar, and fats, such as butter and oil.Today, thouh they are knon by different names the orld over, people aree on one thin > nothin beats the biscuitC
Soe interestin' facts on the ori'in of other fors of %iscuits+
The recipe for oval shaped cookies "that are also knon as boudoir biscuits, spone biscuits, spone finers, *aples biscuits and -avoy biscuits$ has chaned little in 9shaped cookie called +lady finers+ hen visitin ouis F of 5rance.
The macaroon > a small round cookie ith crisp crust and a soft interior > seems to ha ve oriinated in an Italian monastery in 1:92 durin the 5rench %evolution.
-4%I*)>uhr>lee, have been traditional !hristmas cookies in ustria and avaria for centuries. They are made from a simple e, flour and suar douh and are usually rectanular in shape. These cookies are made ith a leavenin aent called ammonium carbonate and bakin ammonia.
The inspiration for fortune cookies dates back to the 12th and 1?th !enturies, hen !hinese soldiers slipped rice paper messaes into moon cakes to help co>ordinate their defence aainst onolian invaders.
%0I07 O5 IT0%0T6%0 arketin stratey is a set of obEectives, policies and rules that leads the company's marketin efforts. . In mass marketin, the seller enaed in the mass production, mass distribution and mass promotion of one product for all buyers . Throuh this the choice of distribution channels, and communication channels become much easier. The positionin re(uires that every tanible aspect of product, price, place and promotion must support the chosen positionin stratey. !ompany should develop a uni(ue sellin proposition "6-4$ for each brand and stick to it, 44 consistently promotes its D4 fertiliAer by /iher yield at loer cost.
%0-0%!/ 0T/ODOO)G -urvey is a fact findin study. 6nder this method of research the research is interested in knoin somethin about the hole population. ut revelry he done it. /e studies only sample dran from population. The data are collected directly from the sample by interviein or mailin (uestionnaires at particular period of time.It is the data, hich are collected by some body for some other purchases.In this study the sample siAe as 1
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