Introduction of Animals Cruelty

March 24, 2019 | Author: Aayush | Category: Cruelty To Animals, Applied Ethics, Animal Welfare, Animals And Humans, Justice
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animal cruelety...





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Submitted B:SA(SHAM )AIN BA#LL#B *!d SEM

INTRODUCTION OF ANIMALS CRUELTY Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse or animal neglect, is the intentional infliction by humans of  suffering or  harm upon any non-human animal, regardless of whether the act is against the law. More narrowly, it can be the causing of harm or suffering for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur ; opinions differ about the extent of cruelty associated with a given method of slaughter. Cruelty to animals sometimes encompasses inflicting harm or suffering for personal amusement, as in zoosa dism. !aws concerning animal cruelty are designed to prevent needless cruelty. "#illions of animals, mostly frogs are killed every year expressly for educational use. $his action leaves the impression that animal lives can be wasted if this benefits humanity."%& 'ivergent approaches to such laws occur in different (urisdictions throughout the world. )or example, some laws g overn methods of killing animals for food, clothing, or other products, and other laws concern the keeping of animals for entertainment, education, research, or pets. Cruelty to animals is not the same thing as disrespect towards animals. *n broad terms, there are three conceptual approaches to the issue of cruelty to animals. $he animal welfare position holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research, but that it should be done in a way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering, sometimes referred to as "humane" treatment. +tilitarian advocates argue from the position of costs and benefits and vary in their conclusions as to the allowable treatment of animals. ome utilitarians argue for a weaker approach which is closer to the animal welfare position, whereas others argue for a p osition that is similar to animal rights. nimal rights theorists criticize these positions, arguing that the words "unnecessary" and "humane" are sub(ect to widely differing interpretations, and that animals have basic rights. $hey say that the only way to ensure protection for animals is to end their status as property and to ensure that they are never used as commodities.



/bviously there are many many forms of cruelty towards animals. 0owever, (ust  because you eat meat doesn1t mean you are a bad person. 'on1t get me wrong, *1m a  passionate animal lover, but * do love hamburgers from time to time. *1m a normal human being. 0umans have been using animals for food for a very long time.

s for this 2uestion, everyone has such different views about this particular sub(ect, so * was (ust curious to read opinions from other people and how they feel about this.

*, personally, think animal testing should be illegal and banned. Certain medical testing is alright, but there have been proven alternatives to where you don1t even need to use animals. Cruelty to animals comes in different colors. ome not so pretty and some are (ust  plain ugly. $ake for example3 the owner of a race dog, to them this is (ust an investment and rarely will any of them humanize the dog. $hey are in it for the money and not looking for a pet. $he 2uestion is, what happens to the dogs when they are retired at an early age4

 5ow take a look at puppy mills or animal factories, as some like to call them. $he  people that operate them are also in it for the money and could care less about generics. *t1s a business to them and not a very honorable profession. $he biggest disappointment ends up with the uneducated buyer who must tend to the problems 2 tistics.html?referrer=

inherited or give up their pet. $he dog is sent to a shelter and hopefully will get a second chance at life.

!et6s take a look at the ugly, what is the prime reason behind dog fights4 /r any other type of sport where animals are pitted against each other for the pleasure of a few betting low life individuals.

Cruelty to animals is inexcusable, 7ou hear about the horror stories and wonder why these things happen. t the end of the day there is only one answer. M/587 and what some people will do at the expense and cruelty to animals to get it.

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