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\b``y Zrlbtg Hulse Qe`bces Kbssloe Zerre Ibhe``y O. Zrlbtg
Bsoubhe _upbrlgr db Edil`lstreolÿ` Zufhloe (B_EZ)
Bsoubhe Alhgsÿaloes y oeiflgs peredlciåtlogs
Gsoer Cbrie` Ig`tehvg Hg`dgõg
db ieyg db 6:65
B` fesb eh tbxtg hbédg sgfrb he l`trgduoolÿ` e he alhgsgaée db he olb`ole mbigs rbspg`dldg setlsaeotgrleib`tb bh oubstlg`erlg. 5. ·Ouåh bs bs bh pu`tg pu`tg db pertlde pertlde db db he olb`ole7 olb`ole7 Dbal`e Dbal`e he he olb`ole olb`ole ogig eotlvl eotlvlded ded y ogig rbsuhtedg.
Bh pu`tg db pertlde db he olb`ole bs b` bh igib`tg b` qub `eobigs, he olb`ole ogig eotlvlded bs muie`e, olb`téaloe y hliltede pgr `ubstres oepeoldedbs ogc`gsoltlves y hliltede e hgs gfkbtgs qub og`gobigs. Eu` esé, bs sgrprb`db`tb hg iuomg qub pgdbigs og`gobr e pertlr db hg pgog qub pbrolfligs sb`sgrlehib`tb sb`sg rlehib`tb y pertb dbh dbsbg l``etg b l`seolefhb pgr fusoer he vbrded. Bs u`e fûsqubde fûs qubde slstbiåtloe y rlcurgse db bxphloeolg`bs qub pbrilte` pb rilte` rbsghvbr prgfhbies Ogig rbsuhtedg bs og`golilb`tg dbigstredg qub ve iås ehhå db he bxpbrlb`ole grdl`erle. R` og`golilb`tg qub, edbiås, prgcrbse y `gs pbriltb dgil`er hgs prgobsgs `eturehbs.
6. ·Ouåh bs he oheslaloeolÿ` trlpertlte db hes olb`oles7 Bhefgrb u` iepe og`obptueh qub qu b prbsb`tb dlome oheslaloeolÿ`.
?. ·Ouåhbs sg` hgs al`bs u gfkbtlvgs cb`brehbs db he olb`ole bxpbrlib`teh7
Bh og`golilb`tg bs he fesb pere he pråotloe y hgs prgfhbies pråotlogs sg` u` bstéiuhg pere he fûsqubde db og`golilb`tg. Og`gobr y dgil`er he `eturehbze sg` hgs dgs al`bs cb`brehbs db he olb`ole. Hg qub oereotbrlze pgstbrlgrib`tb e u`e olb`ole og`orbte bs bh tlpg db gfkbtlvgs pertlouherbs qub pbrslcub y he rbheolÿ` qub bxlstb b`trb hgs gfkbtlvgs tbÿrlogs y pråotlogs db bse olb`ole.
4. ·Uuì bs he alhgsgaée db he olb`ole7 ·Ouåhbs sg` hgs gfkbtlvgs g tbies prl`olpehbs db su bstudlg7
B` he eotuehlded, he alhgsgaée db he olb`ole bs u`e db hes reies alhgsÿaloes iås ogiphbkes, pbrg sb pubdb dbal`lr ogig bh bstudlg alhgsÿalog dbh og`golilb`tg olb`téalog, db su `eturehbze y db su vehgr db he dlib`slÿ` ogc`gsoltlve y db he dlib`slÿ` pråotloe db he olb`ole. Hgs gfkbtlvgs g tbies prl`olpehbs sg`;
Dbtbril`er he olb`ole Dbtbril`er ouåh ouåh bs bs he bh `eturehbze vehgr db he db olb`ole.
Ehcu`gs eutgrbs prgpg`b` u`e bplstbighgcée `eturehlzede `bce`dg he `bobslded g he pgslflhlded db edgpter u`e pbrspbotlve ibte-olb`téaloe pere bstudler he olb`ole. sbcû` bhhgs, he olb`ole dbfbrée sbr bstudlede ibdle`tb iìtgdgs olb`téalogs.
2. ·Uuì slc`laloe qub he alhgsgaée db he olb`ole dbfb rbspbter he eutg`giée db hes olb`oles7
Bstg slc`laloe hg slculb`tb; _g` 6 vbrtlb`tbs, olb`ole y alhgsgaée mgy`ldée ve` db hesufkbtlve. ie`g y sbB` dbfb rbspbter pgrqub he olb`ole `g bs ogiphbteib`tb gfkbtlve, he alhgsgaée eifes dlrboolg`bs `bobslte` u`e db he gtre y `g peser pgr b`olie db hg qub meste bh igib`tg sb me dbigstredg sl `g trefeker db he ie`g pere hhbcer e bh al` qub bs bh igdg E`åhgcg.
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