September 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Republic of the Philippines WEST CELEBES COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, INC. Brgy. Aurelio F. Freires Sr.,Lebak, Sultan Kudarat
COURSE SYLLABUS IN CC 101 (INTRO TO COMPUTING) First Semester, S.Y 2017-2018
Intro to Computing 3 units
3 hours per week None
This course provides a solid foundation for further study in any of the computer information programs. Topics include facets of obtaining timely and accurate information through the use of contemporary computer systems; hardware concepts for first-time users; and hands-on experience with modern software during the computer labs. The Microsoft Office Professional for Windows software package including Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint is used to solve a variety of business problems.
At the end of the semester, the stude students nts are able to: 1. Use technology to locate, access, evaluate, and use information, and appropriately cite resources from digital/electronic media. 2. Understand the core IT concepts in a range of current and emerging technologies and learn to apply appropriate technologies to a range of tasks. 3. Understand many of the key ethical, legal and social issues related to information technology and how to interpret and comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations regulations,, and institutional policies. 4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate communicate,, create, and collaborate effectively using state-of-the-art information technologies technologies in multiple modalities.
Understand the essential issues related to information security, how to take precautions and use techniques and tools to defend against computer crimes.
Introduction; Counting Expressiveness; Number Systems Expressiveness; Number System Conversions; Binary Arithmetic The Computer System Word Processing Using MS Word Spreadsheet Application using MS Excel Presentation Application using MS Powerpoint Internet
THE LEARNING PLAN Desired Learning Outcomes
At the end of of the unit, th the e students can be able to: Recognize different types of number
systems as they relate to computers Identify and define unit, number, base/radix, positional notation, and most and least significant digits as they relate to decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal and hexadecimal number systems. systems. Add and subtract in binary, octal, and hexadecimal and hexadecimal number systems. systems. Convert values from decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, and binary-coded decimal number systems to each other and back to the other systems. Add in binary-cod binary-coded ed decimal
Course Content /Subject Matter Chapter I Introduction Introduction;; Counting Expressiveness Expressiveness;; Number Systems
Number System Conversions; Binary Arithmetic
Norman Ross Scott Computer Number Systems and Arithmetic
Teaching and Learning Activities -Lecture -Discussion -Visual Presentation
Assessment Tasks -Written Test -Oral Recitation
Resource Materials -Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
Time Table 9 hours
-define the computer system -determine the primary functions of a computer system
UNIT 2 -Introduction to Computer System -Functions of Computer System -Elements of Computer System
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology,
-Lecture -Discussion -Visual Presentation
-Written Test -Oral Recitation
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
5 hours
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
5 hours
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Bring Home Activity
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
5 hours
Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan
-define the different elements of computer systems
Feria, C.M (2009) Introduction to Information Technology and OpenOffice.Org. New Day Publisher, Quezon City Demafeliz, R. (2010) Educationall Module in Educationa
-recognize different office tools -characterized office tools a and nd its usage -distinguished word processors for making documents
UNIT 3 -Understanding Word - Creating, Saving, and Printing Documents
Computer Development. SKSU-Kalamansig Campus Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan
-Basic Editing Tasks Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System
- differentiate the importance of the commonly used font, borders and shades for creating an formal and informal office document
UNIT 3 -Fonts, Borders, and Shading
-identify the commonly used method in formal setup of indention, line spacing, margins, pages and section and alignment of different paper formats like reviewed
-Tabs and Line Spacing
-Indents and Justification
-Margins, Pages and Sections
Moffat, S Word Advance Part II Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office
journals and and articles
Moffat, S Word Advance Part II
-can arrange and label the different lists and enumerate it in number or symbol format -create and evaluate graphs and tables in interpreting numbers and figures figures - design and criticiz e good graphics illustrations
UNIT 4 Numbers, Headers and Footers -Numbered and Bulleted Lists -Working with Tables -Using Columns in a Document -Working with Graphics
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Written Quiz -Bring Home Activity
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Written Quiz -Bring Home Activity
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
5 hours
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Written Quiz -Bring Home Activity
-Laptop -Projector -Internet -Books
5 hours
Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System Moffat, S -appreciate numbers without difficulty - change numbers in different formats - to modify and examine ways manipulate data entry in different cells
UNIT 5 -Understanding -Understandin g Excel -Creating, Saving, and Printing Workbook Files -Entering Different Kinds of Data -Changing How Numbers Look -Editing Entries -Working with Ranges -Inserting and Removing Cells, Rows and Columns Columns
Word Advance II & Albano, G.,A. Part Atole RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Frye, C. Step by Step MS Excel 2007 Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System
-analyze and calculate using formulas in different cells easily -interpret numbers in terms of creating charts illustration
UNIT 6 -Performing Calculations with formulas and Functions -Copying Formulas and Functions Creating Charts Charts
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Frye, C. Step by Step MS Excel
2007 Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System -develop visual presentations
UNIT 7 -Understanding -Understandin g PowerPoint -Creating, Opening, saving a presentation
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Bring Home Activity
5 hrs
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Presentation of Output
5 hrs
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion
-Oral Recitation -Laboratory Exercises -Presentation of
3 hrs
Muffat, S. MS Office Powerpoint 2007:Part II Murray, First LookK. 2007 Office System -practice common ways in using slides - design and integrate themes, objects, and animation in making interactive presentation
UNIT 8 -Working with slides in different views (Copying, Inserting, Deleting Slides) -Working with objects -Applying templates, layout, color schemes - Animation (objects and slides)
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Muffat, S. MS Office Powerpoint 2007:Part II Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System
-use links and action buttons to open other files with easy navigation -use multimedia like audio and videos to catch audience attention
UNIT 9 -Hyperlink and Action Buttons -Working with Multimedia
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology,
Output s
Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Muffat, S. MS Office Powerpoint 2007:Part II Murray, K. First Look 2007 Office System -recognize and appreciate internet in terms of technology -know the risks and importance of having the computers and internet
Suggested Reading and References
UNIT 10 -Definition of Internet -History of Internet -Internet: A Resource for All of Us
Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan
-Lecture -Demonstration -Discussion -Watching
Demafeliz, R. (2010) Educationall Module in Educationa Computer Development. SKSU-Kalamansig Campus Campus Albano, G.,A. Atole & RJ Ariola (2003) Introduction to Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, Bulacan Demafeliz, R. (2010) Educational Module in Computer Development. SKSU-Kalaman SKSU-Kalamansig sig Campus Baldauf S., The S., The World of Information Technology Technology Electronic Materials Frye, C., Step by Step Microsoft Excel 2007 2007 Murray, K., First Look 2007 Office System System Moffat, S., MS Office Powerpoint 2007:Part II II
Course Requirements
Moffat, S, Word Advance Part II II 1. Hands-On Activities ( MS Word, MS Excel & MS Powerpoint) 2. Power Point Presentation
3 hrs
Grading System
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Attendance Quizzes & Assignments Performance Class Requirements Examination
Classroom Policies
1. 2. 3. 4.
Each student must comply all activities regarding MS Word and MS Excel Each student must present their Formal & Informal Powerpoint Presentation Each student must have their expanded folder for compilation of their activities. Student must follow the instruction given by the instructor. instructor.
Teacher’s Contact Information
Email Address:
[email protected] Mobile Number: 09104114926
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