Intro to Adv Fin Reporting

July 19, 2019 | Author: jamie8889 | Category: Databases, Replication (Computing), Enterprise Resource Planning, World Wide Web, Technology
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Epicor ERP Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course 10.0.700.2

Disclaimer This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of i ts date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically di sclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contain ed herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epi cor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publ ication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation.

ED894905 90521-10-2001-58310702 10.0.700.2 Revision: July 25, 2014 2:19 a.m. Total pages: 53 course.ditaval

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course


Contents Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course......................... Course........................................ ............................. ................5 ..5 Before You Begin............................ Begin.......................................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ................6 ..6 Audience Audi ence.......... ...................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ..............6 ..6 Prerequisi Prere quisites.................. tes............................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ..............6 ..6

Environment Setup........................... Setup.......................................... ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................7 ..............7 Overview................ Overvie w............................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ..........................8 ............8 Application Tools and Modules........................ Modules...................................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ........................10 .........10 Epicor AFR Replication Monitor...................... Monitor................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............10 ...10 AFR License Requester and Logon Server................... Server............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............11 ...11 Report Designer................... Designer............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................11 .....11 Report Viewer.................... Viewer................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................12 .......12 AFR Report Server.................... Server................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............12 .12 AFR Financial Data Security Manager.................... Manager................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................13 .......13

Setu Se tup....................... p..................................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................. ........................14 .........14 Design Financial Reports......................... Reports........................................ ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................ ...................14 .....14 Row Sets and Definitions..................... Definitions................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............14 .14 Row Definitions.................... Definitions................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................15 .........15 General.................... Gene ral................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ..............15 ..15 Row Definition - Expression Builder....................... Builder................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................16 .....16 Account Sum..................... Sum................................ ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................16 .........16 Account List..................... List................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................18 ...........18 Expressi on.......................... on..................................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................18 .........18 Row Sum..................... Sum................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............19 ...19 List................ Lis t............................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ .............20 .20 Workshop - Create a Row Set.................... Set................................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................20 ...........20 Name the Row Set..................... Set................................ ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................20 .........20 Define Rows.................... Rows................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................21 .......21 Define Additional Rows..................... Rows................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............22 .22 Reorganize Rows..................... Rows................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................22 ...........22 Add a Row...................... Row.................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................23 .......23 Delete Rows.................... Rows................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................23 .......23 Column Sets and Definitions.................... Definitions............................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................23 .........23 Detail........................... Detail...................................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ..................24 .......24 Column Definitions..................... Definitions................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............24 ...24 Column Filters..................... Filters................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............25 ...25 Column Definitions - Expression Builder........................ Builder.................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................27 .........27 Workshop - Create a Column Set...................... Set.................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............30 ...30 Name the Column Set..................... Set................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............30 ...30 Define a Column..................... Column................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................30 ...........30 Define Additional Columns................... Columns............................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................31 .........31

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Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Add Column Filters...................... Filters................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................32 .......32 Reports.............. Repor ts......................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ............33 33 Securi Sec urity................. ty............................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............33 .33 Parameter Para meters............... s.......................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ .....................34 .........34 Workshop - Create a Detailed Income Statement Report............................ Report........................................ ....................... ....................... ...............35 ...35 Select Report Components.................. Components.............................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............35 ...35 Add Report Parameters................. Parameters............................. ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................36 .........36 Header Footer................... Footer............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............37 .37 Workshop - Design a Report Header and Footer..................... Footer................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................38 ...........38 Option Opt ions................ s........................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... .............39 ..39 Workshop - Format the Numeric Values for the Report.................... Report................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .............39 .39 Workshop - Preview the Report and Improve Details.................... Details................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .................40 .....40 Report Definition Language Files...................... Files.................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................40 .....40 Workshop - Generate an RDL File....................... File................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...................40 .......40 Workshop - View the Report.................... Report................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................41 .....41 Drill Down Report..................... Report................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................41 .....41 Workshop - Copy and Update a Report.................... Report................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............41 .41 Copy an Existing Report.................... Report................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................41 .....41 Add User Security Rights..................... Rights................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............42 ...42 Update Copied Data..................... Data................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................42 ...........42 Update Row Definitions..................... Definitions................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................43 .....43 Update Column Definitions..................... Definitions................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................44 ...........44 Workshop - Add a Drill Down Report.................... Report................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................44 .....44 Workshop - Generate an RDL File....................... File................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...................44 .......44 Workshop - Drill Down to Report Details.................... Details................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................45 ...........45 Reporting Trees.................... Trees................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................46 .....46 Detail........................... Detail...................................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ..................46 .......46 Nodes............................... Nodes........................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .............46 .46 Reporting Tree Nodes.................... Nodes............................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................46 .....46 Dictionary..................... Dicti onary................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ............49 49

View Financial Reports....................... Reports...................................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ........................50 .........50 Workshop - Review, Drill Down, and Update Financial Reports................... Reports............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................50 .....50 Launch the Report from within the Report Designer.............................. Designer.......................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............50 ...50 Drill Down the Report..................... Report................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................50 ...........50 Update Report Parameters in the Report Viewer..................... Viewer................................ ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................50 .......50 Workshop - Export a Report to Excel®............................................................................................................51 Workshop - Navigate to the Report Viewer and Review Available Functionality..................... Functionality................................ ....................... ...............52 ...52

Conclusion............. Conclusion ........................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .........................52 ...........52


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course The Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting course is designed for users who are new to Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR), or for those who want to reinforce their knowledge of report designing basics. The goal of this course is to help users utilizing AFR better understand the modules and application tools that make up AFR, as well as how to create, manage, and view basic general ledger (GL) reports via AFR. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: •

Understand the application tools and modules that make up the AFR application.

Know the significance of the AFR data replication process.

Design financial report dimensions (row sets, column sets, and reporting trees).

Work with the Expression Builder in the Report Designer to define the data on which you want to report.

Add a report header and footer.

Copy and paste reports and report dimensions.

Drill down a summary report to display a detailed report.

Generate report previews.

Generate report definition language (RDL) files.

View, print, and export reports you design.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Before You Begin

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Before You Begin Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Audience Specific audiences will benefit from this course. •

Account Manager


System Administrator

Financial Report Designers

Prerequisites To complete the workshops in this course, Epicor Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) must be installed, licensed, and configured with the training environment for your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (for example, Epicor ERP, or Prophet 21). Also, the setup steps found in the Environment Setup topic must be already in place. For information on how to install, license, or configure AFR, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager ([email protected]) or Technical Support.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Environment Setup

Environment Setup Review the following environment setup steps to ensure successful completion of the workshops in this course. Verify the following items are installed and functional, or contact your system administrator for assistance. 1.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2012 is installed, and Reporting Services enabled.


An Epicor ERP Training Environment is: •


Updated to the application's current service pack and patch


Refreshed with the latest version of the Epicor demonstration database prior to starting the course. (The demonstration database is available on EPICweb

Epicor Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) is: •



Configured to the AFR Logon Server

Configured to the Epicor ERP Training Environment (via replication - see below) Important  Users completing this course must be given security rights to edit reports in the Report Definition Database setup for training.


AFR Report Designer (and, if you do not intend to view reports in a web browser, AFR Report Viewer) is completely configured as specified in the AFR Installation Guide (available on EPICweb


For Epicor ERP databases (based on SQL): •

Epicor AFR Replication Monitor  is •


SQL replication tasks are set up Note  For basic details on replication setup, see the AFR Installation Guide.


The Epicor AFR ODBC Driver is installed. This is required to generate and view the report i n Microsoft® Excel®.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Overview Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) simplifies general ledger (GL) report creation by exposing a user friendly interface that speaks to the user in financial terms and does not require familiarization with SQL query syntax or the production database structure outside of the chart of accounts. The reports you build using AFR contain financial information from various sources you define, and each report can be set up to pull information from one or multiple books -- reflecting the financial requirements of multi-company organizations. Advanced Financial Reporting consists of the following four main components which flow together to effectively create financial reports:

Rather than reporting directly from the regularly refreshed GL data in your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application (such as Epicor ERP), AFR uses a process that pulls the required data from the GL to a standardized Reporting Database. The Reporting Database is the dataset created by replication tasks. AFR uses the Reporting Database regardless of whether you have one or multiple GL books, companies, or ERP applications. Use the Report Designer to define and preview your custom financial reports. After you complete your design, and the data displays as you expect in the preview, the Report Designer holds the financial reports you create in a Report Definition Database. You define the Report Definition Database to use while logging in to the Report Designer.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course


The AFR Financial Data Security Manager  enables companies to restrict which users can access financial data stored in AFR financial databases, when creating or viewing financial reports. This standalone program is part of the main AFR installation package. Once you have generated a Report Definition Language (RDL) file for your report definition, you can view the report in a web browser, or in the Report Viewer. In either case, the report pulls the data from the Reporting Database and the report definitions from the Report Definition Database. The output of reports you design are deployed and generated out to the web browser (or Report Viewer) by way of the AFR Report Server, using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). The reports are interactive, so you can change report parameters and view the updated data. You can publi sh reports to the Web or to Microsoft SharePoint®. Some additional effort must be made to format the report template the first time you run a report. After you format the template once, all future reports you run can use the same template, and thus display in the correct format for your company. After the initial format is set, end users running the report only have to refresh the report data rather than go back to the Report Designer and generate a new report. A great benefit of using AFR is that running financial reports does not burden your transactional/production database. Since the Reporting Database offloads the report and analysis processes from the production database, transactions are able to process uninterrupted. Additional components of AFR include the ability to import/export report definitions, as well as the scheduling of reports.

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Application Tools and Modules

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Application Tools and Modules This section of the course reviews the application tools and modules you install which make up your Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) application. Each component has a unique function you use during the report creation process. Use the AFR application tools to obtain a license from Epicor for your AFR application (AFR License Requester) and connect your server to the Epicor licensing service (Logon Server). Use the AFR modules to create a report definition database and design financial reports (Report Designer), as well as organize and view your financial reports (Report Viewer - optional).

Epicor AFR Replication Monitor The Epicor AFR Replication Monitor , together with the in-built AFR Replication Wizard, are programs designed specifically to enable easy setup of SQL data replication from ERP system databases to an Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) financial database. The AFR Replication Monitor al so provides subsequent monitoring of replication tasks. The AFR Replication Wizard, which you launch from within the AFR Replication Monitor, creates SQL replication tasks which provide data synchronization between the Epicor ERP and AFR databases, using a plugin specific to the Epicor ERP system. This program creates a publisher, subscriber, and job in Microsoft SQL Server. The wizard sets up SQL replication from the source ERP database to the target AFR financial database by creating a publication on the source SQL server and subscribing to it on the target SQL server. Once the wizard completes the setup, and replication is initialized, the replication continues by means of SQL server. This is not dependent on the Replication Monitor. Therefore, the Replication Monitor can then be cl osed. The AFR Replication Monitor displays information about active replication tasks and their statuses, and enables users to activate, deactivate, reinitialize, edit, and delete replication tasks. Important  You can set up replication tasks from multiple source databases. Also, these can be a variety of database types, for example Epicor 9.05, Epicor 10, Prophet 21, iScala. Replication Types

The Replication Wizard creates two types of replication tasks: •

Operational Data - Business transactions, GL daily/periodic balances, and so on. Setup Data - Includes chart of accounts, chart of accounts segment values, company, GL book, fiscal periods, and so on.

There is always just one Setup Info task created for each database, which replicates date-independent setup data for all the companies, books and fiscal years being replicated. This task is separate, so if you need to re-initialize only setup data, it is not necessary to re-initialize operational data, which might take l onger. Example  A new account segment description is not displaying in the target AFR database. In this case,  just re-initialize the Setup Info task.

For a list of Operational and Setup tables for the various plugins, review the Appendix - Operational and Setup Tables in the Epicor AFR Replication Monitor online help. . Granularity


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Application Tools and Modules

The Replication Wizard enables setup of individual data replication tasks for each company, book, and fiscal year in your Epicor ERP database. Equally, you can combine company, book, and fiscal year data into one replication task. The separation of companies and/or books into separate tasks can be an advantage when large amounts of data are replicated. If it is necessary to reinitialize replication for just one company, it will be much quicker if that company has a separate task. If you have to re-initialize replication for all companies in the one task, it could take considerably longer.

AFR License Requester and Logon Server Before you can use Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR), you must receive a license for the application from Epicor. You receive this license by running the AFR License Requester application tool. The AFR License Requester is a tool that automatically generates a machine identifier which you need to email back to Epicor for verification. In the email you send back, you must enter your name, the li cense duration you require, and how many concurrent users need access to AFR during the licensing period. Once your license is received and verified, you can activate AFR. After activation, you have access to the AFR application. Logon Server

The Logon Server connects your server to the Epicor licensing service. Refer to the Epicor Advanced Financial Reporting Install Guide for instructions on how to install the Logon Server. To start the AFR Logon Service, navigate to: Windows Path: Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

Report Designer Use the Report Designer module to create custom general ledger (GL) reports. Within the Report Designer, create reports, define data criteria to report on, design basic report layouts, generate Report Definition Language (RDL) files, and preview your financial reports. The financial reports you create have three general report dimensions; these dimensions are Row Set, Column Set (required), and Reporting Tree (optional). Use the designer to develop each dimension individually and then combine the dimensions to produce the various reports end users need without having to recreate these reports each time they run. For example, if you want to view a financial report that illustrates a comparison of budget vs. actual, you can combine one row set with two different column sets and generate separate reports. Within each report, you can display multiple companies to i mmediately compare the results for the selected companies. You can also use the Report Designer to create report Dictionaries. In each dictionary you create, enter common expressions to use within row sets, column sets, and reporting trees. The definitions you create are typically made up of commonly used expressions, but when added to a dictionary, these expressions can be used to pul l in complex data results. For example, if a set of revenue accounts i s spread across multiple account numbers and are not in an exact range because of the chart of accounts structure, create a dictionary definition to set up an expression that automatically pulls in all of these account numbers. By creating a dictionary definition that tells the report which accounts are revenue accounts, you avoid having to specify details each time you include those accounts together in a row set, column set, or reporting tree. Reporting trees are hierarchies that use elements of GL account codes or database fields to define subsets of data by which you can filter the report. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Tools and Modules

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Once you generate a report, you can preview the report data, generate a Report Definition Language (RDL) file, review the report structure, and add Drill Down  options to other reports. This gives end users the ability to display more detailed reports that relate to the information contained within the report rows.

Report Viewer The Epicor AFR Viewer (Report Viewer) is an optional module that you can use instead of a web browser to organize and run the financial reports you design in the Report Designer. When you first launch the Report Viewer, you are directed to the SQL Server Reporting Services Home page. Here, you have the option to create folders in which you can organize your reports, identify data sources that pull in specific financial data for display in the report, and upload reports and resources you create within a workstation environment. When you view reports in the Report Viewer, you can update the parameters previously defined for the report to specify the data you want to generate each time the custom financial report runs. In the Report Designer, you have the option to review the data that pulls into the report before you generate and deploy a Report Definition Language (RDL) file for the report. Once you create an RDL file, you can launch the Report Viewer from within the Report Designer, to verify the report contains all the necessary information. If you like the results, you can refine the final look of the report through the available report layout tools. At any time you are not satisfied with the data that displays i n the Report Viewer, return to the Report Designer and make any necessary changes. Note  By default, the AFR Report Viewer is not installed when you install the AFR package, as much the same functionality is available via a web browser.

AFR Report Server The AFR Report Server, part of the AFR installation pack, creates a web service, which enables users to view AFR reports in a web browser. AFR works with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to provide a place to organize, manage, upload, and view financial reports. You connect to the web service via the AFR Report Server option in the Windows Start menu. This launches your default web browser, and displays the SSRS Home page. From there, you can access and view your AFR reports. If the AFR Report Viewer is not installed, the web service also launches when you click View Report in the Report Designer. Note  To use this feature, Internet Information Services (IIS) must be set up, and the AFR Report Server must be installed. For installation details, view the AFR Installation Guide.

You can also export reports to the following formats:


XML file with report data

CSV (comma delimited)

Acrobat (PDF) file

MHTML (web archive)


TIFF file

Microsoft Word

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Application Tools and Modules

Data in the reports display in real-time; users can adjust the report parameters to suit their reporting requirements. You can also launch reports from within the Report Designer. Simply select the report RDL file from the tree view, and click View Report. The report launches in the default web browser. Note  If AFR Report Viewer is installed, the report displays in AFR Report Viewer instead. In such cases, to view reports in a web browser, run the AFR Report Server command from the Windows Start menu.

AFR Financial Data Security Manager Use the AFR Financial Data Security Manager to restrict unauthorized access to confidential company financial data stored in AFR financial databases. This standalone program enables you to define permissions for certain users or user groups to access restricted portions of financial data in reports. If AFR Financial Data Security is activated, and a user has not been explicitly granted permission to view restricted parts of a report, the user is not able to view this confidential data. You can restrict access for different users or user groups at the database, company, book, or account level.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Setup Once your Advanced Financial Reporting (AFR) license is active, install and configure your application modules. In addition to the AFR License Requester, you must install the Report Designer (and optionally the Report Vi ewer) on the report server. If you plan to build advanced financial reports on more workstations, you must also install these modules in those environments. For a more detailed explanation of AFR setup and configuration processes, download the most current Epicor Advanced Financial Reporting Installation Guide from EPICWeb ( ). Also, refer to the Epicor Advanced Financial Reporting User Guide - Chapters 1-3.

Design Financial Reports This section of the course introduces you to the report dimensions and tools available in the Report Designer that allow you to create and preview your financial reports. This topic covers the following report dimensions and tools: •

Row Sets

Column Sets

Reporting Trees


The Expression Builder

Report Definition Language (RDL) files

Report generation

Row Sets and Definitions Use the sheets under the Row Sets > Detail  tab to create, name, describe, and delete row sets, rows, row definitions, row expressions and row groupings, and to define row set security. You can also define alternate reports to drill down to from the current report. You can copy, paste, and update a row set. This is useful if you want to create a second row set that slightly differs from your first. The following row types are available: •


Account Sum - Use this type to select accounts, a range of accounts, or account categories to display on the selected row at a summary level. This row type gives a summary and the total of all items that equal the parameter you select. Account List - Use this row type to create detail reports rather than summary reports. When this row type is used, you do not have to define each row individually to get a detailed report. Use this row type to select a list of current accounts that fit a single selected parameter. Once the parameter definition is set in pl ace, you do not have to return and amend this row to include new accounts. For example, add one Account List row to display all your income items. When run, the report displays a list of all the current income accounts based on the parameter added to the single Account List row.

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Design Financial Reports

Row Sum - Use this type to add a selection or series of other rows together. Formatting Rows - Use the various formatting row types to add breaks to your report. For example, double line, a single under score, or a page break. Expression - Use this type to add mathematical equations based on row references, accounts, account categories, or another parameter. Group Start - Use this type to designate the beginning of a row group. If you enter a Group Start row, you must also enter a Group End row. Group End - Use this type to designate the end of a row group. All rows between a Group Start row and its corresponding Group End row are included in the group. Note

Do not use a row of Page break type as the first row in a row set. Setting the Page break as the first row in a row set does not result in an empty first page. Set the first row to any other type, then you can set each subsequent row, beginning with the second, to the Page break type, if you want the following row to be rendered on the next page.

Row Definitions Use the sheets under the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions  tab to add, delete, format, reorder, and review report rows. You can also hide specific rows if necessary, create row groupings, and set up rows with drill down capabilities and specific numeric value formatting.

General Use the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > Detail > General  sheet to assign a description, type, expression, and alternate numeric format to each report row. Also use this sheet to enter values in each row for user-defined properties. In addition, you can hide specific rows if necessary and format (text color, cell color, font type, size, and style) each row differently. The following row types are available for entering expressions to specify what data displays in the row: Expression, Account Sum, Account List, and Row Sum. See the topic Row Definition - Expression Builder for more details. There are two row types used together to set up row groupings, which enable you to display groups of rows as summaries on the report: Group Start and Group End. There are also row types for including l ines or under scores in the report: Single under score, Double under score, Single line, and Double line. Use the Page break row type to display subsequent rows on a new page in the report. Note  The Page break row type can be used in any row the first row.

Leave a report row blank to display a space on the report form. You do not need to define an expression for a blank row, but it is necessary to select a row type. The row type you select can be either Account Summary or Account List. The display does not change, although the application requires the selection of one of these two row types. If you do not enter a numeric format on a row definition, the values default in from the format you define on the Reports > Options sheet. Note  You can also set the numeric format for columns. Column numeric format overrides row numeric format, and row numeric format overrides report numeric format.

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Row Filters

You can also filter individual rows by GL company/book, and by Period From/To. On the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > Detail > General sheet (or the List sheet), you can enter filter values for a specific row in the Book, Period From and Period To fields. The same functionality also exists for columns. To filter by company/book, simply enter or select the required Company.Book string. To filter by period, enter the required date or period expression in the Period From and Period To fields. You can also use the Expression Builder to assist you. These row filters override the report-level Book, From and To parameters (set on the Reports > Detail > Parameters sheet). Important  If period filters are specified for both rows and columns, the results are intersected. For example: •

Row.From = Period (2013,1) and Row.To = Period (2013,12)

Column.From = Period (2013,4) and Column.To = Period (2014,4)

The effective filter for the cell is: Period From (2013,4) - Period To (2013,12).

Row Definition - Expression Builder On the Row Definitions > Detail > General  sheet, use the Expression Builder to select the account(s), account category(s), or dictionary definition for each report row. The Expression Builder form presents you with options based on the type of row you select. The following sub-topics describe each row type that uses the Expression Builder and the data available for selection in the builder for each. To access the Expression Builder form, click the ellipsis (...) button next to any Expression field. For more information on the Expression Builder, refer to the Expression Bui lder topic in the Application Help.

Account Sum In the Expression Builder, select a category to limit the amount of data avail able to work with as you create your expression. The expressions available in the Account Summary row type are Accounts, Account Categories, and Dictionary. Accounts

When you build an expression based on general ledger (GL) accounts or segment values, use the Available Accounts/Segments section to view and select accounts or segments values from which the current row can pull data. The segment and account values available are based on the selection made i n the Company and Chart of accounts fields. There are two sheets within the Available Accounts/Segments section: Values of segment and Accounts of chart. Use the Values of Segment 'seg' sheet (where 'seg' is the relevant segment, for example 'Chart', 'Division') to select segment values for the expression. Use the Accounts of Chart 'coaval' sheet (where 'coaval' is the selected chart of accounts, for example 'Main') to select full GL accounts for the expression. When using the Values of Segment sheet, if you know the segment value you want to work with, narrow the list by entering the value in the Value field. This technique also applies to the Description field. If you know the description of the account/segment for which you are searching, start entering the description in the Description field and your search list becomes value-specific. Select the segment value or range of segment values with which you want to work. As you select data, it displays in the Account Builder section as well as in the Expression field. Tip  To select a range of segment values, highlight the starting value, hold down the Shift key, and select the ending value. A range of segment values displays in the Expression field as follows: Starting Value:Ending Value, for example, 1300:1500.


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To select multiple segment values that are non-sequential, in the Available Accounts/Segments section, select the first segment. The value selected displays in the Account Builder section and in the Expression field. The best way to add more segment values is to directly use the Expression field. In the field, manually enter each value you want to add, using a comma to separate them. Alternatively, after entering a comma, click on the next required segment value in the Available Accounts/Segments section. Tip  In the Expression field, use an asterisk (*) to identify wildcards. For example, if you want an expression to include all chart segment values that start with the number 5, enter 5* in the Expression field. If you want to include all accounts that have a chart segment value that starts with the number 5, are linked to division 01, and to any department, in the Expression field, enter 5*-01-*. These examples assume that your chart of accounts segment structure is chart-division-department. Note  If you make an error while entering data in the Expression field, the cursor changes to the color red and the OK button disables.

When using the Accounts of Chart sheet, selecting GL accounts is slightly different. Use this sheet to select full GL accounts for your expression. The GL accounts available are based on the selection made in the Company and Chart of accounts fields. To select a GL account, right-click on the account in the Available Accounts/Segments section, and select Add from the menu. Similarly, to select a range of GL accounts, click on the first account in the range, and drag the cursor to the l ast account in the range. All the required accounts are then highlighted. Right-click and select Add from the menu which displays. To exclude a GL account or range of accounts from a range which you have already entered, select the account or range you wish to exclude, right-click on it and select Exclude. Example  Your expression shows the range 1000-01-00:6000-01-00. You then exclude account 3000-01-00. The resulting expression is: 1000-01-00:6000-01-00 ^ 3000-01-00

To enter non-sequential GL accounts, right-click on each GL account in the Available Accounts/Segments section and select Add. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl and select each account with the mouse, then right-click and select Add. You can also replace a GL account or range with another account or range. In the Expression  field, click anywhere on the account or range you want to replace, then select the new GL account or range i n the Available Accounts/Segments section, right-click on it and select Replace from the menu which displays. Account Categories

When building an expression based on account categories, use the Account Categories section to review and select categories from which the current row can pull data. The available account categories are from the company and the chart of accounts that display in the Expression Builder. Account categories display in the parent/child format. This is helpful for report organization because you have the option to select the Include Subcategories check box to display a parent category along with its attached children categories. In the Expression field, a double hash (##) before a Category ID displays when child categories are selected along with the parent. Dictionary

To build an expression based on a dictionary, you must first create and define that dictionary. For i nformation on creating dictionaries, refer to the Dictionary and Dictionary Definitions topics in the Application Help. Once you create and define dictionaries, in the Dictionary Selector section of the Expression Builder, select a dictionary to use in the expression for the current row.

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Account List The Expression Builder form, available when you select the Account List row type, is similar to the one that displays when you select the Account Sum row type. The difference between the two row types is in how the data displays on the end report. For instance, the Account List row type displays a detailed view of the selected data rather than a summary view. Note  The Account List row type is best used when you create de tail reports. For example, create a Summary Income Statement using Account Sum row types with multiple accounts, account ranges, or account categories to define each row expression. Next, create a main Income Statement. To do this, take a copy of the Summary Income Statement row set and change all Account Sum row types to Account List row types.

The following keywords can be embedded into the description field of Account List rows. For more information about these keywords, refer to the Column Definitions - Expression Builder topic bel ow. Keyword Name

Expression Syntax


RowDescription value of the column

Account code




Account description


{AccountDescription}:{Account} Payroll:8000-01

Note  If the row is within a row group, the field(s) specified in the Group Start row's Expression field is also available. For more information about groups, refer to the Row Grouping topic.

In Account List rows, you can also specify which account segments are used to group data. In the Settings field, click the ellipsis (...) button next to the Settings field. In the editor window that displays, select the check box for each segment you want to display. This selection groups data by each different account combination. The expression in the Settings field uses * (asterisk) to represent segments which will display, separated by - (dash). Example  You want to group data in an account list row by segments 1 and 3. The expression is therefore: *--*------------- .

Expression The Expression Builder form available when you select the Expression row type is similar to the one available when you select the Account Summary row type. The main difference is that there are additional categories available from which you can create more sophisticated and formulaic row definitions. The additional categories are as follows: •

Functions (includes Math (for example, Sum), Constants (for example, True, Infinity), and Logical (If)

References - Rows (also available in the Row Summary row type)

Accounts, Account Categories, and Dictionary definitions.

In the following table, review the syntax, descriptions, and examples of Expression row type expressions. Expression Name

Sum function


Expression Syntax




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Expression Name

Expression Syntax

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Where arg is one of the following:

Binary operators

Row range

Account range

Dictionary definition


Each field of the resulting Sum([R10]:[R50]) row is a sum of the fields in the same column of the rows in range. Sum of the accounts range. Sum({1000-01-100}:{9999-99-999}) The columns define the summarized metrics. For example, if there is a column with the expression DebitAmount, then the debit amounts are summarized. The argument is replaced Sum($payroll) with the expression defined in the definition of the dictionary that is linked to the row set. These binary operators (-1)*Sum({1*})/[R20]+Sum([R50]:[100]) allow you to combine values from rows and accounts in the same row. Operators are applied on a column basis.

Row Sum The Expression Builder form, available when you select the Row Summary row type, allows you to select a group of rows and then builds an expression based on your selection. Tip  Row Sum rows are the equivalent of Expression rows that use the expression: Sum([Rn]:[Rx])

In the following table, review the syntax, description, and an example of a Row Sum expression. Expression Name

Expression Syntax Description


Simplified row range



A range of row definitions starting with row number "n" and ending with row number "x". Each field of the resulting row is a sum of the fields in the same column of the rows in range. You can also specify just one row.

Note  The row sum function only applies to columns which contain financial data, for example, DebitAmount, Opening Balance).

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Example  There is a column set: •

C10 RowDescription C20 Debit+Credit CurrentPeriod()-1

C30 Debit+Credit CurrentPeriod()

C40 If ([C30]>[C20],[C30],[C20])

In this column set, the row set function is only applied to columns C20 and C30.

List Use the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > List  sheet to review, update, and format rows in a list view. Use of the list view is important, especially if you choose to update the font, size, or color of the report row context. The list view is the best place to view a preliminary layout of the report rows. This view displays rows in the way they will display after you generate the report. The Row Definitions > List sheet is also useful if you want to add, delete, change the sequence of, or append rows contained in an existing row set. Tip  To delete a row from the Row Definitions > List sheet, highlight the row and, on the standard tool bar, click Delete. To add a row to the row set, scroll to the bottom of the list of rows and click the Asterisk field that displays in the Number column. To change the sequence of rows, update the Number field on the row you want to change. You can also use the Renumber Rows function from the Actions menu, to renumber the rows according to a set increment.

Workshop - Create a Row Set In this workshop, create a detailed income statement row set that will display financial data for specific account ranges. In addition to creating a row set, this workshop walks you through reorganizing, adding, deleting, and defining expressions for rows in a row set.

Name the Row Set Open Epicor Financial Report Designer . 1. From the New menu, select Row Set. Verify the Row Sets > Detail > General  sheet displays. 2. In the Name field, enter XXXDetailed_IS (where XXX are your initials). 3. Click Save.


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Define Rows Navigate to the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > List  sheet. Note  Twenty undefined rows display on the List sheet (10-200). These are the default rows created when you add a new row set. You can change the default number of rows, and the increment, on the Tools > Settings > General sheet. 1. In row number 10, in the Description field, enter Revenue. 2. Select row number 10. Tip  To do this, click the field to the left of the Number field.

3. Use the font toolbar to update the font type, size, spacing, and background color of the cells in row number 10. Use the following table as a guide: Font

Font Size

Font Enhancement

Cell Spacing

Background Color



B (bold)

Center text vertically in the Gray 50% cell

Tip  Use the paint pallet drop-down list to assist you in selecting a background color.

4. Click Save. 5. In the Type field, select Account Sum from the drop down list. 6. In row number 20, in the Description field, enter Sales. 7. In the Type field, select Account List. The mixture of Account Sum and Account List rows will demonstrate the difference in results when you later view the report. 8. In the Expression field, click the ... (ellipsis) button. The Expression Builder displays. 9. From the tree view, select Accounts. To the lower right side of the tree view, the Available accounts/segments section displays. 10. In the Company field, select EPIC06. 11. In the Chart of accounts field, select [Master] Master Chart of Accounts . 12. Verify the Values of segment 'Chart' grid displays. 13. In the Value field, enter 4. After you enter a value in this field, the Segment Values list brings all segments that start with that value to the top of the list in numerical/alphabetical order. 14. Select value 4000.

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At the top of the builder, in the Expression field, 4000 displays with a yellow background. This indicates that the expression is accepted. Note: Because you know there is more than one sales account in company EPIC06, use a range to indicate which accounts you want to display in this row. 15. Update the Expression field to 4000:4100. The Accounts grid displays the Start and End accounts for the range and the Values of segment 'Chart' grid displays the selected accounts highlighted i n orange. 16. Click OK. 17. Click Save.

Define Additional Rows 1. In row number 30, in the Description field, enter Cost of Sales. 2. In the Type field, select AccountList. 3. In the Expression field, enter 50*. The asterisk is the wildcard in this expression. In this example, it tells the application to report on all natural accounts that start with 50. 4. Click Save. 5. Use the data from the following table to add two additional rows. Click Save after you create each row. Number


40 50



Single under score Gross Profit

Row Sum


Note: In row number 50, the expression 20:30 tells the report to display the sum of rows 20 and 30. If there were rows between 20 and 30, they would al so be included in the sum since a colon (:) indicates a range. 6. Click Save.

Reorganize Rows 1. Click in the Number field of row number 60. 2. Delete 60 and enter 15. 3. Click Save. 4. Click the Number column header twice. Clicking the Number column header rearranges the rows to descend by number. Clicking the header again puts the rows back to ascend by number, and row 15 is now between rows 10 and 20 5. Click Save.


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Add a Row 1. On the bottom row, click the asterisk (*). The asterisk changes to 210. The new row number defaults as 10 more than the previous row. 2. In the Description field, enter your name. As soon as you start to enter data i nto the new row, a new asterisk displays below. 3. Click Save.

Delete Rows 1. Select row 15. 2. Hold down Ctrl and select row 210 Both rows are selected. 3. Click the Delete icon. 4. To the message, Are you sure you want to delete selected rows? click Yes. 5. Select row 100. 6. Hold down Shift and select row 200. All rows in the range are selected. 7. Click the Delete button. 8. To the message, click Yes. Note  It is not necessary to delete empty rows at the end of row sets.

9. Click Save.

Column Sets and Definitions Use the sheets under the Column Sets tab to enter, define, and delete column sets and columns, and to define column set security. You can enter details in report columns in several ways. The most relevant column types, with regards to financial reporting, are included in the following list: •

Account Balance


Account Description

Separate Debit and Credit Amount columns; this allows you to display the debits and credits of a single account or transaction separately

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Mathematical Formulas; this allows you to combine columns together to display items such as variances

You can copy, paste, and update a col umn set. This is useful if you want to create a second column set that slightly differs from your first. This functionality is also available for row sets, reports, and reporting trees.

Detail On the Column Sets > Detail  sheet, review the base table for the column set. In addition, create, delete, and name new column sets. Optionally, define dictionaries to use for column expressions. When you create a new column set, the Create New Column Set window displays. In this window, select the base table for the column set. The base table you select determines the items or details you can use on each column you add. The two available options and their descriptions are as follows: •

Summarized Balances - Use this standard base table to display a Period or Year to Date balance financial report. Transaction Lines - Use this base table to set up a report to display detailed transactions. This will often be a drill down from another summary or detail report. Important  The value you add in the Name field for the column set cannot have any spaces. The application allows you to use underscores (_) in the column name, however Epicor recommends limited use of characters in this field that are not alphanumeric.

Column Definitions Use the Column Sets > Column Definitions > Detail  sheet to enter, delete, define, hide, assign parameters to, and add expressions to report columns. Column sets can be simple or very complex. The purpose of a column set is to describe the row sets contained in a report. Examples of column sets could include Current Year to Date and Detailed Current Year to Date . In the Header field, enter the description or name for each column as you want it to display on the report. You can also enter expressions in this field. Right-click in the Header field to define expressions based on specific reporting data, such as period, currency, company ID, and so on. You have the option to hide columns on the report, or set conditions which determine whether or not a column displays on the report. Use the Visible field to set this up. The options available in the Visible drop-down list are: •

True - The column displays in the report.

False - The column does not display in the report.

Column.IsNotZeroOrEmpty - The column only displays if there is at least one field in the column which contains a text value or non-zero integer. Column.FromPeriod >= @FromPeriod - The column only displays if the column's Period From filter is equal to or later than the FromPeriod value in report parameters. Column.ToPeriod Column Definitions > Detail  sheet, use the Expression Builder to select the keyword(s), reference(s), function(s), financial data, parameter(s), or dictionary definition for each report column. The Expression Builder form presents options based on the field from which you access the program. The data available for selection in the buil der is context specific. The base table selected on the current Column Set (Summarized Balances or Transaction Lines) also affects the data available for selection in the Expression Builder. The following topics describe the fields on the Column Sets > Column Definitions > Detail sheet from which you can access the Expression Builder, and the data availabl e in the builder for that field. Note  To access the Expression Builder, click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of any of the following fields: Expression, Period From, Period To, Account Mask, and Book. Expression

Select a category to decrease the amount of data available for you to work with as you create an expression. The categories available from the Expression field builder are Keywords, References, Functions, Financial Data Keywords, and Dictionary. You have the option to use a combination of categories to create an expression. For example, in a Balance column, you may want to calculate OpeningBalance + DebitAmount - Credit Amount. To do this, your expression must use both financial data as well as math functions.

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The following tables list the available categories, the expression names, description, and syntax available in each category, and an example of each expression. Table 2: Keywords Expression Name Expression Syntax Description

Row description


Returns the description of the current row definition.

Row expression


Returns the expression of the current row definition.

Row number


Returns the ordinal number of the current row definition.

Account description AccountDescription Applies only to Account List row types. Returns the description of each general ledger (GL) account defined in the account definition table. For all other row types, it returns a blank string.


"Account" + AccountDescription



Applies only to Account List row "Account" + Account types. Returns a formatted account string for each GL account taken from the account definition table. The segment values are separated with '-'. For all other row types, it returns a blank string.

User-defined properties


Returns the value entered for the selected user-defined property in the row definition. This value can be different for each row.

Column name

ColumnName(column Returns the name of the column, reference) specified in the argument.



Column expression ColumnExpression(column Returns the expression of the ColumnExpression([C10]) reference) column, specified in the argument. Column number

ColumnNumber(column Returns the number of the column, ColumnNumber([C10]) reference) specified in the argument.

Table 3: Math, Constants, and Logical Functions Expression Name

Expression Syntax


Sum(Column range or list, Related to using column cell list) references and ranges separated with the '+' operator.





Sum([C10]:[C20],[C40] Is the same as [C10]:[C20] + [C40]

IF(logical expression, value Evaluates the logical IF([C10] > [C20], "Over if true, value if false) expression and returns the budget!","") second argument value if true, otherwise it returns the third argument value.

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Expression Name

Expression Syntax




Trunc(numerical expression)

Truncates the decimal part Trunc([C10]/[C20]) of a floating point value and returns the integer part.



A constant that represents a Nan value. For instance, when 0 is divided by 0



A constant that represents an infinite value. For instance, when a number is divided by 0.



A constant that represents a True true boolean value.



A constant that represents a False false boolean value.

Table 4: References Expression Name Expression Syntax Description


Column reference


A reference to a column definition whose number is 'n'.


Column range


A range of row definitions from [C10]:[C50] column number 's' to column number 'e'. You can only use ranges as arguments of an aggregate function.

Column list

[Cn], ...[Cx]

A comma separated list of [C10],[C20],[C30] columns. You can only use column lists as arguments of an aggregate function.

Cell reference


A reference to a cell in row [R10,C20] number 'x' and column number 'y'.

Cell list

[Rx,Cy], [Ra,Cb]

A comma separated list of cells. [R10,C20], [R50,C70] You can only use cell lists as arguments of an aggregate function.

Binary operators

+,-,*, /, >, =, Detail tab to add and update report structures, add and remove report column sets, select report parameters, and define report security before running a report. You can copy, paste, and update reports. This is useful if you want to create a second report that only slightly differs from your first. For example, a detailed version of a summary income statement.

Security Use the Reports > Detail > Security  sheet to define the Windows users and groups who can view or edit the selected report. Two levels of security rights are available. You can indicate which users and groups have View rights, which means these selected users/groups can launch and review an AFR report, but cannot make changes to it. You can also assign Edit rights; users assigned this security level can both view and change the report. Only existing Windows accounts for users and groups can be entered on this sheet. When you create a new report, a default edit account and view account are automatically added to the Security sheet. You define which accounts display by default in the Tools > Settings window, on the General tab. For more information about these fields, review the Settings > General > Fields topic. When users are not assigned either View or Edit rights and they try to launch the report, they will receive an error message. For reference, this message lists the users and groups who do have access to the report. Report Security and Report Element Security

Each element in a report, for example a column set, can have different security settings from the report itself. The security settings interact according to the logic in the following example: •

There is a report, Report1.

RowSet1 and ColumnSet1 are assigned to Report1.

Users JSmith and HSanchez have Edit and View rights to Report1.

Only user JSmith has Edit rights to RowSet1.

Users HSanchez and KChu have Edit rights to ColumnSet1.

Based on the above settings, the behavior is as follows: •

User JSmith cannot edit ColumnSet1, but can add other column sets to Report1, and remove Columnset1 from Report1. User HSanchez cannot edit RowSet1, but change the row set assigned to Report1. User KChu cannot edit Report1, cannot add/change row sets/column sets in Report1, cannot edit RowSet1, but can edit ColumnSet1.

A report or report element cannot be edited or deleted if the user does not have Edit rights for it. This includes adding, editing, or deleting access rights to the report or element itself. Also, when importing reports and report elements which were exported from AFR, edit access is verified immediately. If an element already exists in the database, and the user does not have edit access to it, an error message displays, and the import is not possible. Each report and report element must have at least one Edit permission. Otherwise, the element cannot be saved.

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Security Setup

When AFR is installed, an AFR Administrator login i s defined, which automatically populates with the Windows credentials for the current user. This user then has access to the Security sheet and can assign users and groups access rights to specific reports. For all other users, the Security sheet is hidden. This security information is stored in a report definition database table. The data is encrypted and so is protected from tampering. If AFR detects any tampering with its secure information, an error message displays.

Parameters Use the Parameters sheet to select or update report parameters for a specific report generation. Parameters default in from the column set, if specified. You can change the report parameters before you gen erate a Report Definition Language (RDL) file. Changing the parameters does not override the column parameters. The column parameters become a subset of the report parameters. You must have report parameters selected on this sheet prior to generating an RDL file, because these parameters tell the report from which companies, general ledger books, and time frame you want to bring in data. You can select or enter other values for the parameters in the Report Viewer at report runtime. Important  Column period parameters, if specified, override the report parameters. This may affect the data you expect to see on the report.

There are two presentation styles, which affect how you can select parameters in the Report Viewer at runtime: Standard, and Advanced. With the Standard style, each parameter (except Reporting Tree Node) is presented as a simple text-box in Report Viewer, in which you can manually type the required values. These parameters are accompanied by a NULL check box, for when a field is left blank and not in use. The Advanced presentation style enables you to decide what kind of drop-down list, check box, or calendar pop-up is available for each parameter, according to the particular report requirements. For example, you can determine whether the report's book selection is multi-book, or restricted to just one book. Similarly, you can decide whether to have drop-down lists to select the fiscal year and period, or a calendar pop-up to select specific dates. You can also specify how currency conversion is executed for the report. Set all these options in the Advanced Presentation Options section. Note  Once you have generated an RDL file, you can change the presentation options on the RDLs sheet, then save the changes. You do not have to regenerate the RDL file after making such changes.

The following table provides a li st of available parameters and a description and example of each value. Parameter



A general ledger (GL) account string or account category "1000", "ASSETS", by which to filter the report. "4000-01-02"


GL company ID or a list of strings representing "EPIC03.Book1","EPIC06.Book1" multiple companies and book IDs. You can display financial results from multiple companies and/or books within a single report.



A period or date expression for the starting point of the Date(2010,08,16) report. -orPeriod(2010,8)



A period or date expression for the end point of the report.

Date(Year(@FromDate) + 1, Month(@FromDate), Day(@FromDate))

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Design Financial Reports


-or@FromPeriod + 12 ReportingTreeNode The current reporting tree node name. Select a value from the list to set the node name. Currency

The currency code of the report currency.


CrossRateCurrency The currency against which exchange rates are applied. EUR Values are converted from the book currency to the cross-rate currency, and then to the specific report or column currency. CurrencyConversions The exchange rates for any currencies assigned to a book selected in the Book field.


Note  You can select all company/book combinations in the report parameters Book field, using the * (asterisk) as a wildcard.

You can also limit the expression to a specific book within al l applicable companies, with the expression *.BookID (where BookID is the book you require). In addition, if you enter only the company ID, you set the expression to include all books within that company. Click ... (ellipsis) to launch the Expression Builder. Here you can select , individual companies, or a particular chart of accounts (COA). If you select a COA under a particular company, all company/book combinations which use that COA within the company are i ncluded. Select a book ID under the node to include all company/book combinations that use the selected book. Important  For Prophet 21 data, a single book per company is hard-coded with the name 1.

Workshop - Create a Detailed Income Statement Report In this workshop, create a detailed income statement. Later in the course, this report is attached to a summary income statement as a drill down report.

Select Report Components 1. From the New menu, select Report. The Reports > Detail > General  sheet displays. 2. In the Name field, enter XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials). 3. In the Row Set field, select XXXDetailed_IS (where XXX are your initials). 4. Click Save. 5. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > Column Sets  sheet. 6. Click the Add icon to search for and select column set, XXXAccountDet (where XXX are your initials). 7. Click Save. A message displays, asking if you want to shrink all columns to fit the current page size.

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8. Click Yes.

Add Report Parameters 1. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > Parameters  sheet. 2. In the Presentation Style section, select Standard. 3. Select the following default values for the report: Note: In this table, YYYY is the current calendar year. Name


Default Value


leave blank 


EPIC06.MAIN (Epicor Education - Main Book)


Period (YYYY,1)


Period (YYYY,12)


accept default value 


US Dollar


leave blank 


leave blank 

4. Click Save.


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Design Financial Reports

Header Footer Use the Reports > Detail > Header Footer  sheet to define or update the report header and footer. You can specify what you want to print in the left, middle, and right sections of the report. You can enter multiple lines and insert images in any section of the report header and footer. Formatting, such as font selection, size, color, and spacing, is available for each cell in the header and footer. Parameter values, based on the report parameter values from the application, are also available to select in each cell. Note  As a reference, review the Reports > Parameters topic for available parameter values. Items with the @ prefix refer directly to report parameters.

Various expressions can be embedded into cell text, for example: Expression Syntax



Displays the period number for the 11 From or To value in report parameters.


Displays the fiscal year for the From 2012 or To value in report parameters.


A comma delimited list of book names in which Book ID(s) are specified in the Book report parameter.


A comma delimited list of currency USD, EUR codes taken from the currency code(s) defined on the Book ID(s) specified in the Book report parameter.


A comma delimited list of Book I Ds MAIN, CONS specified in the Book report parameter.


The name of the company whose ID Epicor USA is specified in the Book report parameter.


The ID of the company specified in the Book report parameter.



Defines a comma delimited list of column set names linked to the report.

ColumnSet1, ColumnSet2


The reporting tree node selected in ANZ Region the ReportingTreeNode report parameter.


The report page number.



The total number of pages in the report.



The name of the report.


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Output Example

Main Book, Consolidation Book


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Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

Expression Syntax


Output Example


The description of the report.

Balance Sheet Report


The name of a reporting tree linked Regions to the report.


A comma delimited list of row sets linked to the report.

BalanceRow, RowSet2


The user logon name. If Windows authentication is used, the workstation logon name displays.


You can also adjust the width of header and footer columns. Drag column dividers in the header or footer to adjust the width. A dotted line on the right of the page shows the current page width limits. If you make the overall header or footer wider than the page width, when you click Save a warning displays, with the option to keep the changes, reduce the width to fit the page, or return to the Report Designer. If the total width of the header or footer is higher or lower than the page width, select Fit Header and Footer from the Actions menu to automatically change the width to fit the page width exactly.

Workshop - Design a Report Header and Footer In this workshop, add a report header and footer, to display on the report each time i t runs. Add the company name, page number, and book currency code to the report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > Header Footer  sheet. 2. In the top row of the Header section, click the * (asterisk). The row opens for data entry. 3. Right-click in the Center cell and select Company > > Name. {Company.Name} displays in the cell. 4. Click in the next gray row to create an additional header row. 5. In the new row, in the Center cell, enter Detailed Income Statement. 6. Click Save. 7. In the Footer section cells, click in the gray row to open the row cells for data entry. The row opens for data entry. 8. Right-click in each of the following cells and select the appropriate data as it displays in the table below: Left




Book > > CurrencyCode

9. Click Save.


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Design Financial Reports

Options On the Reports > Detail > Options  sheet, select the Hide rows with zero values  check box if you want the generated report to automatically hide rows with zero values. Note  If a row has a Description, but the Expression field is empty, the row is not hidden. This is useful when you use such a row as a section title, for example.

You can also configure the numeric value format for the selected report. By default, the format you define on the Numeric Format panel applies to all rows in the current report. To override the format for a specific row, you can select the Override report numeric format  check box available in the row definition's general properties (Row Set > Row Definition > General sheet). The following numeric values are available for formatting: •

Decimal places - Enter the number of decimal pl aces with which you want the report values to display (up to 12). The default decimal places value is 2. Thousand separator symbol - Enter the separator symbol of your choice. When this field is left blank, values display without a separator symbol. For example: 1000 instead of 1,000. Currency symbol - Enter the symbol for the current report's currency. For example - $. Note  You can also use non-currency symbols, for example: %.

Wrap negative numbers in symbols - In their rightful fields, enter an open symbol and a close symbol in which you want negative numbers to display. For example, ( ). Show zero as - Select one of four ways to display 0 values on the selected report: As is, 0, Blank, or ?. When 'As is' is selected, the other formatting options apply to zero values. For example, if the currency symbol field has a value of $, and the decimal places are set to 2, zero values on the current report display as 0.00 $. Show currency after value - Clear this check box to have the defined currency symbol display before values instead of after. For example, $531.80. By default, this check box is selected. Important  If you also set numeric values for columns, using the Override row numeric format function in the column set, the column format takes precedence over the row format.

Use the Date / Fiscal Period formatting  section to specify the display format for dates and fiscal periods in the selected report. In the Date format field, right-click to select from various standard or custom date formats. In the Fiscal Period format field, right-click to select a custom format for displaying fiscal periods. In the Page Size section, set the page orientation for the report - either Portrait or Landscape (the default is Portrait), and select from a number of standard page sizes in the Paper Size field (the default is A4). If required, you can enter the size manually in the Width and Height fields.

Workshop - Format the Numeric Values for the Report In this workshop, create a default numeric value format for the report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > Options  sheet. 2. In the Thousand separator symbol field, enter a , (comma). 3. In the Wrap negative numbers in _ _ symbols  fields, enter ( and ). 4. In the Show zero as field, select 0.

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5. In the Date format field, right-click and select Custom Date formats > Full Month . MMMM dd, yyyy displays in the field. 6. Accept all other defaults and click Save.

Workshop - Preview the Report and Improve Details In this workshop, preview the data that displays as defined by the report parameters and dimensions, then adjust the column set for greater clarity.

Report Definition Language Files On the Reports > Detail > RDLs  sheet, review details and update presentation options for previously-generated Report Definition Language (RDL) files. Once you generate RDL files, on the Reports > Detail > RDLs sheet, select a file you want to review, and from the Actions menu, select View Report. This action reads the RDL file, generates a report, and launches that report in a web browser. On the RDLs sheet, you can also change the presentation options for an existing RDL file, for example Range selection type, or Book selection type. When you click Save after making changes, the RDL file is automatically updated; you do not have to regenerate the RDL file. The Merge on Save field determines how the system deals with existing customizations in the RDL file after you make certain changes to the file in the Report Designer. You have the option to automatically merge according to default criteria, or merge manually. For Manual merge, when you save an updated report definition, the Merge window displays, where you can select which elements to retain or overwrite. From the Actions menu, you also have the option to open the RDL file in Microsoft Visual Studio®. In Visual Studio, you can reformat the report layout and deploy that layout for future use. With the AFR application, Epicor has released four generic RDL file templates. These templates provide you with an excellent starting point for designing your own report templates. In a generated RDL file, both the header and footer of the report have a width equal to the width of the report body tablix. Generated RDL files display on the tree view under the Reports node.

Workshop - Generate an RDL File Generate a Report Definition Language file for your report. 1. In the tree view, select the report XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials. 2. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > RDLs  sheet. 3. From the Actions menu, select Generate RDL file . The Rdl generator window displays. 4. In the Template file field, select EpicorTemplate.rdl. 5. Click Upload. The report begins uploading. 6. To the Report uploaded successfully message, click OK.


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Design Financial Reports

7. Click Close.

Workshop - View the Report You can launch the report in a web browser from within the Report Designer. In this workshop, launch the RDL file you uploaded and view the report. 1. In the tree view, expand the Reports node and the node for your report XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials). 2. Select the RDL file for you report: AFR/XXXDetailedIS. The AFR/ prefix represents the folder where the RDL files are saved. 3. From the Actions menu, select View Report. 4. A Windows Security window pops up. Enter User name: Administrator and Password: epicor. Your default web browser opens and displays your report with the generic RDL template provided by Epicor. 5. Review the report and close the web browser.

Drill Down Report Use the Row Sets > Detail > Drill Down  sheet to optionally select a report as drill down from the current report. For more specific details from a particular row, you can also select a drill down report on the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > Detail > Drill Down  sheet. When you select a drill down report, parameters from the top level report's row set (or row) pass to the report to which you are drilling down. The data on the report to which you are drilling down only displays as i ndicated by those parameters. It is common for a company to set up a summary report (row set) and a detail report (row set). When you use this technique, on the summary report (for example, the Summary Income Statement), you can select the detail report (for example, the Income Statement) as the drill down report. This allows you to drill down to report details as necessary, but still have the summary totals at a gl ance. When you select a report as a drill down, note the Display as Inline Sub-report  check box. If you select this check box, the drill down report details di splay within the parent report, by means of a expand/collapse (+/-) functionality on each report row. On the other hand, if you clear the check box, the drill down launches as a separate report when you click a line in the parent report.

Workshop - Copy and Update a Report In the Report Designer, you are able to copy and paste row sets, column sets, reporting trees, dictionaries, and reports. In this workshop, copy the report (and all its dimensions) you created in the Workshop - Create a Detailed Income Statement Report. After you copy a report and select paste, a window di splays to inform you of the dimensions l inked to the copied report (such as dictionaries, drill down reports, row sets, column sets, and reporting trees). In this window, you have the option to select the linked items you want to copy from the report.

Copy an Existing Report 1. From the tree view, highlight the report you created in the Workshop - Create a Report.

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The report name is XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials). 2. From the Edit menu, select Copy. 3. From the Edit menu, select Paste. The Copying a report window displays. 4. In the window, clear the check mark from Reporting Tree. 5. Click Paste. The tree view displays the new report, row set, and column set as Copy_Of_XXXDetailedIS, Copy_Of_XXXDetalied_IS, and Copy_Of_XXXAccountDet (where XXX are your initials).

Add User Security Rights 1. From the tree view, select the Copy_Of_XXXDetailedIS report (where XXX are your initials). 2. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > Security  sheet. 3. In the Edit rights pane, click the * (asterisk). The field enables for data entry. 4. In the available field, enter your user name or group and click Save. Per the Environment Setup steps provided at the start of this course, the user name or user group with which you log into the Report Definition Database must have security rights to edit and view reports. If you receive an error, contact your system administrator. 5. In the View rights pane, click the * (asterisk). The field enables for data entry. 6. In the available field, enter your user name or group and click Save. If you receive an error, contact your system administrator.

Update Copied Data 1. From the tree view, select row set, Copy_Of_XXXDetailed_IS (where XXX are your initials). 2. Navigate to the Row Sets > Detail > General  sheet. 3. In the Name field, update the default name to XXXSumm_IS  (where XXX are your initials). 4. Click Save. 5. From the tree view, select column set, Copy_Of_XXXAccountDet (where XXX are your initials). 6. Navigate to the Column Sets > Detail  sheet. 7. In the Name field, update the default name to XXXCurrYTD (where XXX are your initials). 8. Click Save. 9. From the tree view, select report, Copy_Of_XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials).


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10. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > General  sheet. 11. In the Name field, update the default report name to XXXSummaryIS (where XXX are your initials). 12. Click Save.

Update Row Definitions 1. From the tree view, select row set, XXXSumm_IS (where XXX are your initials). 2. Navigate to the Row Sets > Detail > Row Definitions > List  sheet. 3. For row numbers 20 and 30, update the Type field to Account Sum. Updating Account List row types to Account Sum provides an easy way to obtain a summarized version of the current detailed report. 4. Click Save.

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Update Column Definitions 1. From the tree view, select column set XXXCurrYTD  (where XXX are your initials). 2. Navigate to the Column Sets > Column Definitions > List  sheet. 3. Select column number 20 and click Delete. 4. Select column number 30 and click Delete. 5. In column number 40, in the Number field, update the value to 20 and the Name value to C20. 6. In column number 50, in the Number field, update the value to 30 and the Name value to C30. 7. Click the * (asterisk). Column number 40 displays. 8. In column 40, in the Expression field, enter ([C30] / [R20,C30]) *100. This expression advises the report to use the following formula to calculate the year to date percentage of sales:

([Column30] / [the cell found in Row20,Column30]) x 100. 9. In the Header field, enter Percentage of Sales. 10. Click Save.

Workshop - Add a Drill Down Report Once you have a summary version of the income statement, attach to this report your detailed version of the same report. To do this, add a drill down report to the Summary Income Statement row set. 1. From the tree view, select row set, XXXSumm_IS (where XXX are your initials). 2. Navigate to the Row Sets > Detail > Drill Down  sheet. 3. In the Drill Down Report  field, select XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials). Parameters for the drill down report display. 4. Click Save.

Workshop - Generate an RDL File Generate a Report Definition Language file for your report. 1. In the tree view, select the report XXXSummaryIS (where XXX are your initials. 2. Navigate to the Reports > Detail > RDLs  sheet. 3. From the Actions menu, select Generate RDL file . The Rdl generator window displays.


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Design Financial Reports

4. In the Template file field, select EpicorTemplate.rdl. 5. Click Upload. The report begins uploading. 6. To the Report uploaded successfully message, click OK. 7. Click Close.

Workshop - Drill Down to Report Details Preview the summary version of your income statement. Within the report preview, drill down to the detailed version of the report. 1. From the Actions menu, select Generate Report Preview. A preview of the report displays in a new window. 2. Select the Sales row. 3. Double-click in the Year to Date field. The detailed version of the report displays. Note the differences between the reports. 4. Click Close.

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Reporting Trees Use the sheets under the Reporting Trees tab to add, update, and del ete reporting trees, as well as the nodes which define the tree structure and data contained in each tree. You can also define reporting tree security settings. Reporting trees are hierarchies set up and then selected on reports at runtime. Reporting trees use elements from general ledger account segments to define subsets of data from which i nformation is filtered into a financial report. These reporting hierarchies select the financial data based on relationships between the parent and child nodes in the reporting tree hierarchy. The data each node collects depends on its position in the reporting tree hierarchy, and any child node filters below it. Reporting trees determine the data that displays on each node using both AND logic and OR logic. Any parent nodes above a node use AND logic, while any child nodes below the same node use OR logic. The child nodes always act as filters that define the selected financial data. In the Epicor Financial Report Designer, the logic of a reporting tree is bottom up. At the bottom level, define all elements that form a particular item. Effectively, the roll up levels are summaries or mathematical equations of the bottom level. Tip  You can copy, paste, and then update a reporting tree. This is useful if you want to create a second reporting tree that slightly differs from your first.

To simplify the process of creating reporting trees, you can use the Reporting Tree Wizard, which enables you to create complex reporting trees in a few simple steps. You can then edit the resulting reporting tree as required, in the Report Designer.

Detail Use the Reporting Trees > Detail sheet to add, update, and delete reporting trees. Each reporting tree must have a name that does not contain any spaces or gaps. You have the option to associate an existing dictionary with each reporting tree you create.

Nodes Use the sheets under the Reporting Trees > Nodes tab to add, update, and delete reporting tree nodes and the group by expressions associated with each node.

Reporting Tree Nodes Use the Reporting Trees > Nodes > Detail  sheet to add, update, and del ete reporting tree nodes. Each node must have a name and number. Reporting tree node names cannot contain any spaces or gaps. The AFR Report Designer assigns default tree node numbers in intervals of 10 for each node. You can update the number if necessary. In addition to a name and number, each reporting tree node contains an Account and Expression field. In the Account field, you can use the Expression Builder to create expressions based on accounts, account segments, account categories, or dictionary definitions. This works in a similar way to the Expression field in Account Sum or Account List rows within a row set. Equally, you can enter values manually.


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Design Financial Reports

In the Expression field, enter a logi cal expression, based on database fields. You can use the Expression Builder to help select available fields. Example  You want a node to display data from all previous years. The expression would be FiscalYear < 2014 (assuming 2014 is the current year).

Filters imposed by selecting a reporting tree node are always additive to the combined filter of the effective cell. The effective filter for a cell is a combination of the filters defined by: 1.

Report parameters


Row account expression


Column filters


Effective filter of the cell from the parent drill down report Tip  Use the mask *- for the first account segment when applying a filter only to the second segment. Example  If a row has an expression that specifies account 1* and the expression in the reporting tree node is {*-2*}, the resulting filter is 1*-2*.

The effective filter for a node is calculated using the following additive rules: 1.

If the expression of the selected node is blank, all its child nodes (1 level down) are OR expressions. If the selected node does contain an expression, the expression of the node is used and the expressions of the child nodes are ignored. Example

All is not a reporting tree node. It is an option in the Reporting Tree drop-down list in the Report Viewer at runtime, and is the default setting when a report is first run. When All is selected at runtime, no reporting tree filters are used. 2.

The filter of the selected node i s an AND expression. This expression includes all parent node filters from the selected node to the root of the reporting tree.

The following expressions are available to use in the Account field within a reporting tree node: •


Account list

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Design Financial Reports


Account range


Category list

Dictionary definition

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Design Financial Reports

Dictionary Use the sheets under the Dictionary tab to define dictionary definitions you can use in any report or reporting tree expression. Dictionaries contain reusable definitions for groups of accounts, row expressions, column expressions, and reporting tree hierarchies. You can also define dictionary security settings. Create dictionaries when you need to reuse a large set of parameters within multiple reports. You can select a specific dictionary on row sets, column sets, and reporting trees. On the Detail sheets under Row Set, Column Set, and Reporting Tree, select an existing dictionary in order to use its definitions within that report element. Each dictionary you create contains a Description field, where you can describe its main purpose. You then add as many definitions as you need to indicate the various elements you want to reuse. Example  A company has Revenue as a general ledger item, but because of their chart of accounts (COA) structure, revenue is spread across multiple account numbers (for instance, 5000s, 6000s, and 7000s). The COA was set up this way to easily report revenue by different product groups. As a result of this structure, revenue accounts are separated by other elements of the revenue, such as Cost of Goods Sold.

In this example, it makes sense to define a dictionary named Revenue that states: Revenue = Accounts 5100-5299 AND 6000-6200 AND 7000-7200. The company can use the Revenue dictionary definition to define this select group of accounts on rows, columns, and reporting trees. Another useful dictionary definition is Balance = OpeningBalance + DebitAmount - CreditAmount. This conveniently reduces an expression commonly used in columns to just one word. To refer to a dictionary definition within an expression, enter $Name, where Name is the definition. Important  In order to use a dictionary and its definitions, you must first select the dictionary in the relevant row set, column set, or reporting tree Detail sheet.

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View Financial Reports

Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

View Financial Reports When you view reports, you can select different parameters and refresh the report to display data according to the new settings. For example, you select different fiscal periods, reporting tree node, or company/book. Note  Data in the reports display in real-time, and the users can adjust the report parameters according to reporting needs.

You also have the option to export reports in various formats: •

XML file with report data

CSV (comma delimited)

Acrobat (PDF) file

MHTML (web archive)

Microsoft® Excel®

TIFF file

Microsoft® Word®

Workshop - Review, Drill Down, and Update Financial Reports Launch your web browser from within the Report Designer to view the reports you previously created. Drill down from the Summary Income Statement to the Detailed Income Statement and update parameters within the browser.

Launch the Report from within the Report Designer 1. From the Report Designer tree view, navigate to Reports > XXXSummaryIS > AFR/XXXSummaryIS (where XXX are your initials). 2. From the Actions menu, select View report. The Summary Income Statement displays in your default web browser.

Drill Down the Report 1. In the Gross Profit row, in the Year to Date column, click the value that displays. The Detailed Income Statement displays. 2. Click the Back (green arrow pointing to the left) icon to return to the Summary Income Statement.

Update Report Parameters in the Report Viewer 1. At the top of the form, locate the report parameters. 2. Update the From field to Period(2013,1)


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Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting Course

View Financial Reports

3. Update the To field to Period(2013,12). 4. Click the View Report button. The report updates and displays new values.

Workshop - Export a Report to Excel ®  Within Epicor AFR Viewer, you can export reports to several different formats. In this workshop, export your report to Microsoft Excel. 1. From the Export drop down list, select Excel. Note  Several other formats are available for export.

2. Click Save and save the file to your desktop. The Download complete window displays. 3. Click Open. 4. Review the report in Excel. 5. Close Excel and exit Epicor AFR Viewer.

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Workshop - Navigate to the Report Viewer and Review Available Functionality In addition to launching reports from within the Report Designer, you can navigate to the report server by opening your web browser directly from Windows. In this workshop, launch AFR Report Server and review the available functionality. 1. From the Windows Start menu, launch AFR Report Server. . Windows Path: Start > All Programs > Epicor Software > Advanced Financial Reporting > AFR Report Server 2. From the Home page, navigate to the AFR folder.

A list of all reports with RDL files generated in the Report Designer displays. 3. Select XXXDetailedIS (where XXX are your initials). 4. Review the report and then click the back arrow. 5. Exit the web browser.

Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Advanced Financial Reporting course.


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