1: What is difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller ? Microprocessors generally require external components...
c 1: What is difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller ? c c c c cc c c c c c c c ccc cc c ccc c c c c c c c c c cc cccc cc c cc cc c ccc c c c 2: Why is Zener Diode always used in Reverse Bias condition ? ! c" c cc# c cc" $c%c&c c c cc cc c c"c# c c$c$ cc cccc$c c c c c c$c c#c cc$ c'c$c$ c c c cc" &# c$ c(cc c c#c c cc c$ c ( &# cc cc c c cc c# ccc) cc c ccc cc$ c*#cc cc" c cc +c'c" &# c$ c cc cc,) c$ ,cc) cc c 3: Difference between FM and AM, which is preferred & its advantages.cc 'c c $ cc- c$c c :c .c ÿc c- c c# $ccc"cc cc " c cc#c$c$c cc c c* "c/0(+c#cc c c c /c ! $c cc c c cc c cc# $c c#c c c 1 c c c"# c " c c 2c ÿc c#c 0c !c c$c cc$ c c#c 3 $ cc- 4c .c 1 c cc c cc cc- ccc c c c c /c - c c c c 55c ccccc c cc"# c c c$cc$c#c c$c c c c c ccc c c c#c c#c cc" &c" c c cc c& 5 # $5 c c c $c c c- c# $c c c c c c c" &c c cc( #c* cc c/cc c+c 2c c c$c c cc c c D: Questions on different coding techniques ?
c : Questions on signal processing techniques ? Analog signal processing c c ccc c c $c c" c)c c c c c c c c$ c c'c $$c c ccc
c $cc $cc $cc c c c cc c $$c 5 ccc c c c* cc c$ 5 c +c$ 5 c$ 5 c c c 5 &cc Discrete time signal processing 3cc c ccc c c c c c c c c c c c cc c cc c )c cc"c c c c c5c c cc c c" c c c$cc
c c ccc c5$ cc c c c c c " &ccc'c c# c ccc c c c*c "#+c cccc c $ c cc )c c 'c cc5c c c ccc c c c c "c c c" cc c c c#c & c ) c c c c Digital signal processing 3 c c ccc c c $c" c)c6 cc c" c 5ccc" c ccc c17c5 "c c
cc ) c cc*316c+c c c 6: What is RS in RS-232 ? 15//c* c1 c5c//+cc c c cc" c c c"# c$cccc ccc# c$c &cc cc c cc'c$c c ccc c c3'8c* c c +c c378c* c c +9cc c
cc cc$ c
7: What is Lenz law ?c c c c cc # c cc c c cccc cc c c c# $ccc c c$cc*+c c c ccc # c c c c c cc cc#cc#ccc c#c c c cccc ccc cc c cc c ccc c cc"c cc c c ccc cc cc cc c c cccc c ccc c ccc c cc c cc cc c c cccc c c 8: What is Transmission Frequency of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX ? (cc c c c c 5 c cc#cc cc c" c c c c &ccc ccc:;c" c*.c ' c c 11.Which interrupt has the highest priority? c ' 6c ccc c c
12.Name different addressing modes? c c3c c c cc cc c 13.How many interrupts are there in 808? c 'c c./c c c0c c 1D.What is clock frequency for 808? c c '1cc 'c c#ccc c cccc cc$ c c c c $c 4 cc c
c c c c c 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c c c c
Flip flop and their working What is metastable state in flip-flops? Construct a d flip-flop from a t flip-flopDifferentiate b/w flip-flop and latches What is totem pole? Draw the state graphs for a given problem like sequence generator, flip flop etc Implement Boolean expressions using MUX (2 to 4,3 to ,etc) Design a decade counter Explain internal organization of memory chips What is a bit? What is CMOS? Draw the circuit of an adder using NAND gate What is a Karnaugh map?
0c What are the four methods to reduce a Boolean? c What is the difference b/w half adder and full adder? 2c What are the advantages of CMOS and TTL?What technology is used in CMOS logic?What are VLSI and ULSI? What is the number of components in both? 3c Explain synchronous and asynchronous counter 4c Minimize the function using Quine McClusky:f=xy+x͛y+yz+x͛y͛z͛ 5c What is prime implicant? Which is the universal flip-flop? 6c What is SRAM and DRAM? Compare the two, relative cost of the two c What will happen in the case of a power failure for the above? c What is tristate or high impedance state? c What are the difference between open collector output and totem pole out put? 20c Find the highest clocking frequency of a digital circuit give the rise time ,fall time and propagation delay? · c c c c Obtain a square wave from sine wave from Zener diodes 2c What is the difference between oscillator and multivibrator? 3c What is emitter follower? What is an opamp? 4c What is the ideal gain of an opamp? 5c ow is amplification possible in a transistor? 6c Classify power amplifiers c ow does a diode look(internally)? Explain the working using internal diagram c Explain processes taking place in the depletion junction of a forward biased diode c What is a buffer? What is the gain of a buffer? 0c What is an oscillator? c ow do you forward bias a transistor? 2c What are the practical applications of a transistor? 3c What is reverse recovery time and how does it affect a diode? 4c Draw and explain the working of a monostable vibrator using op amp 5c State Thevenin͛s theorem and Norton͛s theorem What are their applications? 6c What is the virtual ground in an op amp? c Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor c· c What is a thyristor and differentiate between thyristor and a diode 2c Switching action of an SCR and triggering Draw the diagram of thyristor 3c Draw an internal block diagram of a normal voltage stabilizer 4c What is a reference variable? c c Define control systems Why are they so important? 2c What are the different types of control systems? 3c Explain open loop with block diagram examples 4c What are the advantages and drawbacks of closed loop? 5c ow can you design a stable system? Explain different stability criteria 6c Explain Ruth-urwitz rule in one sentence What are poles and their significance? c Is there any control system in this room(interview hall)? c Draw the block diagram of a control system and write its transfer function c What is ROC? Explain transformation between s and z planes 0c Differentiate between open and closed loop control systems c What is meant by adaptive control system? 2c Find the transfer function of a given RLC circuit
c What is packet switching and circuit switching? What is the protocol used in telephone network? 2c What is modulation? Why is needed? What are the various types?Compare AM,FM, PMWhich waves will travel a longer distance- FM or AM and why? 3c What is the mode of transmission of television signals?
4c Compare the bandwidth requirements of AM and FM 5c What do you know about antennae? 6c Why is linking up frequency greater than the down linking frequency? c c c c c What is a modem? Draw its internal diagram 2c What is VoIP? 3c What is the most important advantage of Bluetooth? 4c What is wave studio? What is Bit rate? 5c What is the difference between mp3 and WAV formats? 6c What is sampling? What is a database? What is VDL? What is a complier? c What is FSF? Cite any current relevance c Volume control in TV is logarithmic Why? c What is the mathematics used in DSP and from which domain to which domain is it converted? 0c Differentiate between macros and functions in C Explain the booting process of a computerWhat is round robin technique of interrupt arbitration
c c c c c c c c c c c c c
1. Expand ECE.c 8 cDc7 c8 c 2. What is Electronic?c 'c c c c c c $c c c " c cc#c c c c c c c c 3. What is communication?c 7 c c c c c c c c #c c c c c cccc" c cc$c*+ c c c c c cc c cc c c c c D. Different types of communications? Explain.c c c c c c c c ccccc & c c cc$c c*c c$+c
c cc c cc3 c ccc cc" & cc c c
c" c c#cc cc$c cc c" c ccc,.,c c,,c 3 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c"c c #cc c c #c cc c$ cc# c c#c c c . What is engineering?c 'c cc ccc cc c c c c c#c c& #c c c c c c c c " c c c c c c
c #c % c c $c # c c c c c c c c c ccc" cc & c 6. Difference between electronic and electrical.c 8 c #&c c 37c c #c c $ c c c 52$37c c L2$37c c c c $c c c c c c # c c c #c "c c c c #c #c $cc7c$ c c c ccc c37c$ c c" cc$c 8 4c7c c'cc 8c $c c c $ c *./$7c /2$7c +c 8c $c c c "c c c c c 37c c "c #c "c c 37c $ c "$c 2$c 8 4c c cc cc$cc 7. What is sampling?c 'ccc" c ccc cc c c ccc*+ccc c c c c
8. State sampling theorem.c c c c#c & cc cc c c cc cc"c & c c c c c cc ccc c c#cccc c cc c c cc& # c cc> c c 9. What is cut-off frequency?c 'c c c#cc cc5(c#cccc c c 10. What is pass band?c 6 " ccc cc cc# $ c c c cc cc#c " c c 11. What is stop band?c c" cc c " c c c "# c cc c #c ccc c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c "$c c c" c c$c 12. Difference between mobile and a cell phone.c 'cc c c%c cc#ccc cc cc c( c c c c c "c c c F1c c 1c c c c c c c c 8$ c c 8c c c c 'c = c c c c , ,c #c c 8 c c c
c c
%$c c c c c c c c
c c c ,c ,c 'c c c(c c c8 cc c$ c c cc c#cc $ c c&cc c$ c c c c&c c&c'ccc c
c c c cc8 c ccc#cccc#cc cc c c 13. Explain RF?c
c c* -+cc c cc cc c# cc cc "cc $cfeedbackcc cc csystemcc $c cc c 9c c#ccc c c c c Positivec" &4c'c cc cc6$c" &cccc
c , $c ,c c cfeedbackcc c c #c c c c cperturbationc*" c c c c c c c c c c " c c c c +c c c c c c c " c c c c c c c c c " c c c c c c c cnegative feedbackc c ( c" &4c#c cc cc cc 31. Advantages of negative feedback over positive feedback.c c c c " c $ c " c c c $c " &c c " c $c " &c c c c # c "c c 6$c " &c c c $ c c c c c c c c c c # c c "c c" c c c cc 32. Example for negative feedback and positive feedback.c 8 ccS$c" &cc555c ccL$c" &ccScA c 33. What is Oscillator?c c cc cc c c c# $ccc cc c c'c#c c cc c c c c c'c c c $cc $c# $c#c c c $c# $c#c c c 3D. What is a transducer and transponder?c c cc
c $c celectricalcelectroniccelectromechanicalcelectromagneticcphotonicc cphotovoltaicc c $c c c cenergycc c "c c c c $ c c c c c c c ctelecommunicationccc c*5_ 5 c c c ""$ cc?63 c?6>3 c'63 cc'6+c cc# c 4c ác ác
cautomaticcdevicec creceivescamplifiesc retransmitsc csignalc c c cfrequencyc*c broadcast translator+c c c$c c c c cmessage cresponsecc c c$c c
creceiver-transmitterc c#c c c c c c celectroniccinterrogationc
ccommunications satelliteJcchannelsc c c c " c c c c ctransceiverccrepeaterc 3. What is an Integrated Circuit?c c cc*7+c c c ccc c ccc c c cc'c c $ c c#cc#c#cc c c$ c c)c 36. What is crosstalk?c 7 &c c c c c c c " c c c " c c 'c c c cc c c # c $ c cc c7 &c c c c c c$ c #& c c c$ cc c 37. What is a rectifier?c cc c c c cc c'ccc c c 'cc c ccc cc 5# $c5# $c c"ccccc cc c $c#c cc c c c c
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