January 19, 2017 | Author: asadraza123 | Category: N/A
1.what are the tools you are using for performance tuning in a object? A.)Code Inspector ,Runtime Analysis. 2.) what is the usage of Enhancement category in tables? A.) When a table is created you need to set enhancement catagory. The reason for
encancement catagory is to say what type of fields you can have in your table. For the SAP tables when you want to make enhancements( adding your own fields- append structure)what type of field you can add it depends on how they set the enhancement catogary. 1> Can be enhanced deep: You can have any type of fields and if it is a standard table you can add any type of field whether it may be a character type, reference type or even a table type ( deep means structure within structure) fields. 2>Can be enhanced (character-type or numeric): Now you can add only flat data type fields not a reference type or deep structures ( a table type within a table). 3>Can be enhanced (character-type) : In a table for which this technical attribute is set you can have only character type fields and in standard tables you can enhance it by adding only character type fields not even integer or float or packed.(C, N, D and T are the character type fields and your table should contain these type of fields.). 4>Cannot be enhanced: This table cannot be enhanced means you cannot add further fields into this table. 3.)Different ways of finding badi and bapi? A.) find the extract for finding BADIs from one of the SDN posts Finding BADIsBusiness add-ins are enhancements to the standard version of the system. Business Add-In is a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.They can be inserted into the SAP system based on specific user requirements.Each Business Add-In has:• at least one Business Add-In definition• a Business Add-In interface• a Business Add-In class that implements the interface In order to enhance a program, a Business Add-In must first be definedSubsequently two classes are automatically generated:• An interface with ‘IF_EX_’ inserted between the first and second characters of the BADI name.• An adapter class with ‘CL_EX_’ inserted between the first and second characters of the BADI name. The Application developer creates an interface for this Add-In. There are multiple ways of searching for BADI. • Finding BADI Using CL_EXITHANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE• Finding BADI Using SQL Trace (TCODEST05).• Finding BADI Using Repository Information System (TCODE- SE84). 1. Go to the Transaction, for which we want to find the BADI, take the example of Transaction VD02. Click on System->Status. Double click on the program name. Once inside the program search for ‘CL_EXITHANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE’.Make sure the radio button “In main program” is checked. A list of all the programs with call to the BADI’s will be listed.The export parameter ‘EXIT_NAME’ for the method GET_INSTANCE of class CL_EXITHANDLER will have the user exit assigned to it. The changing parameter ‘INSTANCE’ will have the interface assigned to it. Double click on the method to enter the source code.Definition of Instance would give you the Interface name. 2. Start transaction ST05 (Performance Analysis).Set flag field "Buffer trace"Remark: We need to trace also the buffer calls, because BADI database tables are buffered. (Especially view
V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT)Push the button "Activate Trace". Start transaction VA02 in a new GUI session. Go back to the Performance trace session.Push the button "Deactivate Trace".Push the button "Display Trace".The popup screen "Set Restrictions for Displaying Trace" appears.Now, filter the trace on Objects:• V_EXT_IMP• V_EXT_ACT Push button "Multiple selections" button behind field ObjectsFill: V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT All the interface class names of view V_EXT_IMP start with IF_EX_. This is the standard SAP prefix for BADI class interfaces. The BADI name is after the IF_EX_.So the BADI name of IF_EX_CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA is CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA 3. Go to “Maintain Transaction” (TCODE- SE93).Enter the Transaction VD02 for which you want to find BADI.Click on the Display push buttons.Get the Package Name. (Package VS in this case) Go to TCode: SE84->Enhancements>Business Add-inns->DefinitionEnter the Package Name and Execute. for BAPI First go to transaction BAPI,in alphabetical tab. There is lists all of the BAPIs, you can then look thru them by business object. 4.)How to sort the table without sorting it? A.)Declare it as IT TYPE SORTED TABLE OF KNA1. 5.) Based on certain condition how can we show different columns in output of ALV?? For Ex if Condition A is met we need to show 1 5 and 7 column , If condition B is met we need to show 1 2 and 4 and if condition C is met we need to show 1 3 and 6.
A.)built three diffrent filedcatlogs for three diff conditions and display output. if cond x. perform buildcat1. perform alv display1. elseif cond y perform buildcat2. perform alv display2. elseif cond z. perform buildcat3. perform alv display3. endif.
If BDC is developed in Development system with no data , where do we do the recording? A.) 7.) Why do we use CALL FUNCTION ..IN BACKGROUND TASK and CALL FUNCTION ...STARTING NEW TASK? What is the difference? A.)How do u know which internal table should be created for specific requirement?
A.)Most of the time we go for standard internal table. However, where main operation is key access, Hashed internal table is most appropriate. Hashed internal tables are useful if you want to construct and use an internal table which resembles a database table or for processing large amount of table. If you are not sure about it, then go for standard internal table. 8.)What is X parameter in BAPI? A.) to make a changes in BAPI Parameter we will be using staemt 'X". 9.) while implementing badi what are the tables u find?? A.) 10.)In which case will u use badi and userexit? A.)
in more elaborative way...i can say that user exit has a single implementation , badi has multiple implimentations , the more added advantage of badi compared to exit is , we can deactivate particular implementation in the production server, if the particular implimentation need not be executed.but for such opportunity lacks. 11.) IF I SAVE A TRANSACTIONAL DATA TABLE IN APPL0 INSTEAD OF APPL1 DURING TECHNICAL SETTINGS OF A NEW TABLE WHTHER IT WILL CREATE ANY PROBLEM OR IT WILL WORK SMOOTHLY??? A.) Yes, APPL0 is the technical settings for Master Table which
changes seldom whereas APPL1 is for Transaction Table which changes frequently. We should save the data of the database table on its appropriate disk space otherwise will create disk space problem, fatal disk problem etc. Saving the transaction table in appl0(master table) would give an error when the code inspection will be performed over it. Because The Code Inspector tool uses the data class as a categorization of the table with respect to it's data content. Since this influences some of the tools' check results, you should correctly maintain whether a table contains master data (data class APPL0), transactional data (APPL1), or configuration data (APPL2).
12.)How to move even records from one internal table to another? A.) TABLES:ZKNA11,ZKNA12. DATA:it TYPE TABLE OF zkna11, it1 TYPE TABLE OF zkna12. data:wa like LINE OF it, wa1 like LINE OF it1. data: LN type I VALUE 2. data: LN1 type I . data: LO type I VALUE 1. SELECT * FROM ZKNA11 INTO TABLE IT UP TO 4 ROWS. LOOP AT IT INTO WA. IF SY-TABIX = LO. wa1-kunnr1 = wa-kunnr. wa1-NAME11 = wa-name1. wa1-LAND11 = wa-LAND1. APPEND WA1 TO IT1. LO = LO + 2. ENDIF. IF SY-TABIX = LN. wa1-kunnr2 = wa-kunnr. wa1-NAME12 = wa-name1. wa1-LAND12 = wa-LAND1. LN1 = LN - 1. MODIFY IT1 FROM WA1 INDEX LN1 TRANSPORTING KUNNR2 NAME12 LAND12. LN = LN + 2. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. 13.) How can we create Search Help, without using table field? for example I have two fields in one table and I required one more field in search help how? A.) create first a view of the two table in SE11 transaction. Then create the search help based on that view. 14.)Diff b/w interactive and drill down reports? Interactive report means ,suppose in 1st list u have to show some header details and show item details in futher list.But drill down list means if u click on the field specified,it will take u to the corresponding transactions like MM01,XK01 etc by calling the
transactions and set parameter.In both cases we use 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'(I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND).IN normal interactive report,we use the events like at line-selection,at user-command. 15.) What is the use of update Function Module ? Where it is used and purpose ? A.) Update Function Modules are used for SAP Logical Unit of Work. This function
modules are triggered when an Explicit or Implicit COMMIT WORK is encountered. 16.) Can we use instance attributes inside a static attributes? say yes or no ? A.) no we can't use because static attributes are created when a class is declared and we can use before instance created to that class but the instance attributes are get initialized and activated only after the class is instantiated. 17.)What is AT SELECTION-SCREEN EVENT? A.)AT-SELECTION EVENT Triggers When a user enters the parameter on selection screen depending on the selection which user made the following screen or following changes would appear on the screen. 18.) what is the difference Lsmw and Bdc? A.) LSMW is generally for normal SAP applications, while BDC is mainly for any
customized application. LSMW provides various methods for the migration of data, namely, those of direct input, Batch input recording and IDOC. BDC however, simply makes use of recording. There are two ways of implementing BDC, the call transaction method and the session method. In LSMW, mapping is taken care of with the help of SAP, whereas in BDC one has to provide explicit mapping directions. Coding is not very flexible in LSMW, whereas in BDC, coding is very flexible and applications can be easily customized. This is mainly because LSMW is devised specially for functional consultants who do not perform coding, while BDC is mainly made use of by technical consultants, who do perform coding. 19.) WHICH LANGUAGE IS USED TO WRITE ABAP CODING PART? A.)COBOL Language 20.) which commands are allowed if you are working with an
internal table of type sorted? A.)APPEND KEYWORD is not allowed.Remaining allowed. 21.) Factory calendar contain company specific dates such as alternate working Saturdays, Plant shutdown etc. You can create your company factory calendar via transaction code 'SCAL'. Assignment of the factory calendar
by plant is done in transaction code 'SM30 - V_T001W'. An example of a SAP application that uses the factory calendar is the SAP MRP modules. Assuming that you have a specified an alternate working Saturday, MRP will postponed the planned orders to the next working day if it happened to falls on a non-working Saturday. Function module related to Factory calculator are 1.FACTORYDATE_CONVERT_TO_DATE 2.DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE 22.) In the process of creating a delivery tere is a firld date which needs to be saved, there is an userexit available but that exit does not have that date field in it, how would you overcome this. You have the delivery no that got created instead A.) We have TO "Append Structure" OF The Custom Date Field To the Reruired Table And Enhance that Table. B.) try to find that date field in structure (Local & global) after putting break point at that user exit. once you find the structure you can fetch data using field symbol. field-symbol type (type of that date field). var(30) type c. var = (Program/include name)date-field. if sy-subrc = 0. assign field symbol to var. 23.)There is a delivery that is being created through the ABAP code and in the middle it says delivery created but someone is modifying , how would you rectify this issue A.) We can restrict other users from editing our programs/FMs with the help of "editor lock" Concept. The editor lock prevents other users from making changes to the program. This includes attributes, documentation and text elements, as well as the functions "Rename" and "Delete". This will be helpful for the crucial reports.
24.)How u can add custom search help in ur program? a.) Another is by calling the function module 'F41F_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' ,U CAN ADD search help to a field. 25.) How Group 10 sets of records per group of Internal Table in ABAP. Good Afternoon All, I have one internal table which have 400 records ,i need to group these records in set of 10 records . for example: ID value 2 100 1 95 3 90 4 85 6 80 7 75 8 70 10 65 9 60 ---------------------------------Total : 720--------------------------------------1st group ------------------------------11 59 13 58 12 55 14 54 15 52 18 51 16 50 17 49 19 40 20 39 ------------------------------Total : 507 -----------------------2nd Group -----------------------------.......... .......... ........ please help me
....how i get this in abap.
A.) CLEAR:lv_lines,lv_n,lv_mod,lwa_final,lv_p,lv_ch,lv_a,lv_b.. SORT lit_final BY vtweg vkorg vkbur pltyp matnr. DESCRIBE TABLE lit_final LINES lv_lines.
lv_p = lv_lines / 10. lv_ch = lv_p. SPLIT lv_ch AT '.' INTO lv_a lv_b. IF lv_b NE '00'. lv_n = lv_a + 1. ELSE. lv_n = lv_a. ENDIF.
lv_mod = lv_lines MOD 10. lit_finaltp[] = lit_final[].
DO lv_n TIMES. lit_final[] = lit_finaltp[]. REFRESH : lit_finalt[],lit_finaltp[]. CLEAR : lwa_finaltt. LOOP AT lit_final INTO lwa_final. IF sy-tabix LE 10. APPEND lwa_final TO lit_finalt. MOVE-CORRESPONDING lwa_final TO lwa_finaltt. CLEAR lwa_final. ELSE. APPEND lwa_final TO lit_finaltp. CLEAR lwa_final. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.
lit_final[] = lit_finalt[]. ENDDO. 26.)How to trigger outbound Idoc in Sap? A.) Case 1: A customer wants a order acknowledgment for his order, another wants a invoice in EDI formats. In this case you will enable IDoc output through output determination in VA01 and VF01 transactions, you will assign ORDERS, INVOIC message types. The triggering function module would be EDI_PROCESSING
Case 2: A business wants to distribute its material data from its main ERP system where all materials are maintained to non SAP warehouse management systems, price cataloging systems, all of which require some part of material master. For this you will enable ALE, create distribution model with the other systems as receivers, generate partner profiles and activate change pointers, which will trigger MATMAS idoc type whenever important fields on material master are changed via MM* trxns. Here internally you are using MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE or externally BD10 transaction.
Case 3: You are getting EDI messages from your business partners like payment advices, orders etc. You would need to create IDocs and post the documents to respective transactions like VA01 etc. You are getting the EDI message in a file and map it to ORDERS idoc file on OS. Now you can use EDI_INCOMING data, and if all other configurations like partner profile, inbound process code, message and idoc types are setup, you will be able to post the payment advice or create a sales order
Case 4: You have to post a transaction internally within the system, then you will use IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS or SYNCHRONOUS.
Case 5: You want to directly trigger SAP from an external system, posting an inbound IDoc, you would need to call IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS via tRFC connection and ALE by using WE02 OR WE05 TCODE we can see the IDOC is reached to destination or not..and also we can see the where the IDOC is currently 27.)How u can call both session and Call transaction methods in ur program? A.)BDCRECX1 28.) Suppose in the BDC call transaction we updated one record into the database. In the message log it is showing successful, but it was not updated into the data base? How can we handle? A.)Use Commit Work IN CALL TRANSACTION,BY DECLARING THE 'RETURN' PARAMETERS WE GET STATUS OF THE RECORDS.WEATHER THEY ARE UPDATED OR NOT. 29.)Difference b/w Session and Call transaction Method? A.) Session Method : It supports small amount of data as well as large amount of data transfer. It supports both foreground and Background process. Data will be updated in the database only after processing the session and data processing is asynchronous and data updation is synchronous. It supports multiple transaction at one time. Call Transaction: It supports only for small amount of data transfer. It won't support background process. Data will be updated automatically and data processing is synchronous and data updation will be synchronous and also asynchronous. It support single transaction at one time. Processing is faster. 30.)How to find userexits of SD module? A.) Goto vmod. All of the userexits in SD are contained in the development class VMOD. Go to object navigator(SE80) and select package from the list and enter VMOD in it. Press enter and you will find all includes which contain userexits in SD for different
functions like PRICING, ORDER PROCESSING etc. Select the userexit according to the requirement and read the comment inserted in it and start coding. 31.)Diff b/w DATA AND TYPES? A.) using the statement -Types we can declare own data types TYPES dtype [TYPE type|LIKE dobj] ... where as using DATA statement we can declare own variables or instance attributes of classes DATA var [{TYPE type}|{LIKE dobj}] ... 32.) How can we display multiple alv's without using containers? A.)BLOCKED ALVS
33.) User ‘A’ put the Exclusive Lock for one table and User ‘B’
want to put the Shared Lock for the same table. Is it Possible? A.) No it's not possible. Because Once Exclusive Lock is activated for one table it's not allowed another lock like Shared or Exclusive lock. While in case of Shared Lock it is possible. 34.)Can we store data in cluster table? A.)No, table cluster should be used exclusively for storing internal control information. 34.) What is the Comparison between Class and Function Module in Data Point of View? A.) 35.)In pooled and Cluster table,which table u can convert into transparent table? A.) pooled tables , You can easily convert pooled tables to transparent table with the transparent flag of the technical settings. You can use this option to access a pooled table from outside the R/3 System. 36.) Among pooled and Cluster tables, in which table data used to store in Row Format? a.) pooled table is stored entries with out row separator . and coming to the cluster the entries are stored with row separator 37.)How to upload data from excel to internal table? A.)no i think these fm doesn't work with excel files. the above fm are used to upload the txt files means note pad filessivas
in order to upload the xl file usually we use the fm alsm_text_convert_to_xls_format : to download internal table data to xl file sap_convert_xls_to_internal_table : to upload the xl file data to internal table . 37.) how to genernate 21 sencondary index A.) SUBMIT REPORT from 20 th interactive report . . 38.) I have 100 records in a table, how to read every 7Th record each in that... A.) 39.) I have 2 inputs in Module pool prgm, if i click on the input i need to get drop down list..How to get it.. A.)DOMAIN(FIXED VALUES) ATTRIBUTES(DROPDOWN,LISTBOX) VRM_SET_VALUES 40.) I have 250 records in an internal table, tell me how to
randomly delete the each 5th record...i,e 5,10,15,20 like this. A.) Do. T = sy-index * 5. Read table itab index T. If sy-subrc = 0. Delete itab index T. Else EXIT. ENDDO. 41.)How to display dynamic logos in smartforms? A.) 1.Register/import logos in SAP - TAC SE78 2.Create Z* table to map logos and pages to which they have to be displayed 3.Create a variable in Smartform which will be populated in the beginning of each page and which will find the correct logo for the page based on the Z* table 4.Display the logo using standard Smartform image object using the variable you found in step 3. 42.) In Interactive report, how to go back to 3rd list directly, from 9th list?
A.)Use WHEN SY-LSIND = ‘9’. SY-LSIND = ‘3’. 43.) What is the effect on Customer Exits and User Exits maintained in a system on Up-gradation . A.) Customer Exits are enhancements hence protected against up-gradation however, User Exits are considered as modifications to ABAP program and are not protected against the up-gradation and hence are overwritten during upgradation.
44.) did u done enhancement framework?how u implemented? A.) 45.) how to modify a a paritcular field value of BDC table ? suppose im filling company code in of of the screens.Now i want to use the same BDC table with just compant code different. A.) 46.) I have multi use BAdi,i implemented 5 time for that BAdi.so
want to give sequence for that like First implementation 4 second 3 .. .. So how it is possible? A.) very wrost question... sequence of the Implementation is not possible. it will trigger based on the scenario, no ascending and decending order. 47.)How to debug a background Job? A.) Use SM37 to get list of jobs, put the cursor on the job, type JDBG in the command line ( no '/' ), and press ENTER You are in debug mode now. Step through SAP program (press F7 couple of times) until you get to code you need. 48.) i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
A.) Go to Smartforms-> select the perticular window and choose the conditions option, there place the condition like 1 = 2 ... then the perticular window will not be printed. 49.) what is the role of CUID in Business Objects Import Wizard? A.) the update option checks the CUID. If the CUID doesn't
match, it will NEVER overwrite objects. Perhaps in your case, it seems to me that the CUIDs are different but the names are same. In such a case, Import Wizard will not import objects unless the rename option is checked. Alternatively, you can delete that object from the destination system and perform the import again, this will be better going forward. 50.) Why do we use Process On Value Request(POV) event instead of
data element,search help in module pool. A.) 51.)What is the use of field symbols in ABAP? A.) By the use of field symbol u can modify the internal table, work area, user command etc without using modify keyword. U can also modify internal table of standard program by field symbols. field-symbol type any. 52.) Hi, My question is " How to display 3rd highest salary record from the internal table. The internal table has 2 fields named emno(Employee number) and salary.". Send answer to my mail
[email protected]. Thanking you A.) 53.) What is inheritance and multi-level inheritance? Explain with
example ? A.) Inheritance is nothing but acquiring the properties of one class(base class) to another class(child class). Multi-level Inheritance is nothing but one parent class that have more than one child class. For Ex, P1 is parent Class and C1 and C2 are the Child classes, now C1 can acquire the properties of Parent class P1 and C2 can acquire the properties of both Child calss C1 and Parent Class P1. SAP ABAP SUPPORTS MULTI-LEVEL INHERITANCE... SAP ABAP NOT SUPPORTS MULTIPLE INHERITANCE, ACHIEVES THROUGH INTERFACES CONCEPT...
54.) What is upcasting and downcasting?
A.)When the level of hierarchies are considered, it is the super class at higher level & sub class at lower level. Hence the assignment of subclass to a superclass is up casting & super to a subclass is down casting. 55.)Diff b/w enhancement and Modification? A.) enhancement is adding additional functionality to standard sap program without modifying the original object. modification means changing standard code as per user requirement. 56.)Userexit and Badi? A.) User Exit: 1)it is procedural approach. 2)Program are written in between form endform. 2)it Need access key . BADI: 1) it is object oriented approach. 2) Reusable because of oops concept . 3) first definition (se18) then implementation (se19) 57.) how to Implement a BADI in which it restricts the access when purchase order is created against contract using definition ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED. please tell me the answers if any one knows. thanks in advance. :ravikiran 58.) will a break-point statement trigger in background job? say
yes or no. then whats is the reason? A.) break-point will not trigger in the background job because it is a dialogue instance statement. 59.) what precautions or prerequisites do you follow to update a record into database table and how A.) Hi Check this out... 1) Lock data to be edited(creating a lock object from dictionary and call the FM Enqueue_lock). 2) Read the data 3) Process data and write it to database 4) Release the locks(Use FM Dequeue_lock) 60.) How do you send the output of a script as an email attachment?
61.)What is version Management?How to maintain it in sap scripts? A.) Version is used to differentiate the current active version
and previous active version. if our current active version is wrong we can retrieve the previous version. path to version management : Utilities -> versions >version management. you can compare current verison and previous active version also. for Script released versions ... goto Tcode SE03 ---> select SEARCH FOR OBJECTS IN REQUESTS/TASKS In object selection, we can see selections like PROG,FUGR, CLASS etc.. in the blank space give FORM and press enter, enable the check box and give the form name and execute. it displays all the released requests and tasks . 61.) What will happen if we run call Transaction in BDC for large volume of data? A.) this will take more time than session method takes
62.)Where will store all custom programs in SD Module? A.)TRDIR 63.) How many domains will create for one data element?
A.)Only one domain for one dataelement.One domain can be used For many datalements. 64.) How to give programe name as input in BDC report of abap ? A.) 65.) For particular transaction you want to upload the data using
any of bdc method...if the transaction contains any of pop window functionaliy and having radio button in the window..Any one of the radio button must be selected then only the next data can be inserted how will you handle this scenario in your program
A.) while recording through transaction SHDB. check 'Not a batch input session', then you will get the popups in recording. just continue the recording. . 66.)What is assistance class? A.) It is the global class in which we write our required logic from oopsabap & Web dypro abap point of view. 67.) check sy-subrc = 0 and if sy-subrc =0 difference explain A.) 68.) i have two purchase orders in smartform.i need to print them in two different pages.how to do that. 69.)
i have 2 fields on selection screen of a Report along with a check box.My requirement is initially that first field sud be mandatory but when we click on the check box the first field which was mandatory sud now be optional and the second field now sud be mandatory.Please provide the solution asap. thank u. REPORT ztest2. TABLES t001w. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1. SELECT-OPTIONS s_werks FOR t001w-werks OBLIGATORY. SELECT-OPTIONS s_land FOR t001w-land1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2. PARAMETERS chk AS CHECKBOX USER-COMMAND click. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. * This event is then triggered when a user selects an option from CHECKBOX IF chk = ''. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'S_WERKS-LOW'. screen-required = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ELSEIF screen-name = 'S_LAND-LOW'. screen-required = ''. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSEIF chk = 'X'.
LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'S_WERKS-LOW'. screen-required = ''. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ELSEIF screen-name = 'S_LAND-LOW'. screen-required = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF.
AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. * This event is also trigged to re-draw ABAP report screen so can be * used to hide or display fields IF chk = ''. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'S_WERKS-LOW'. screen-required = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ELSEIF screen-name = 'S_LAND-LOW'. screen-required = ''. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSEIF chk = 'X'. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'S_WERKS-LOW'. screen-required = ''. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ELSEIF screen-name = 'S_LAND-LOW'. screen-required = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. " INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. 70.)How to create Database table using program? A.) Report ypriyatest.
p_table(15) TYPE c. DATA: MSG LIKE BDCMSGCOLL, T_MSG LIKE TABLE OF MSG, MESSAGE(72) TYPE C. PERFORM PROCESS. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form fill_screendata *&--------------------------------------------------------------------form fill_screendata
value(p_0015) value(p_0016).
BDCDATA-PROGRAM = P_0015. BDCDATA-DYNPRO = P_0016. BDCDATA-DYNBEGIN = 'X'. APPEND BDCDATA TO T_BDCDATA. CLEAR BDCDATA. endform. " fill_screendata *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FILL_FIELD_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------form FILL_FIELD_DATA
value(p_0020) value(p_0021).
71.)CALL SCREEN AND SET SCREEN? A.) when call-screen is given the control is transferred to the screen number that has been specified along with callscreen and once the execution of the called screen is completed the control returns to the statement just below the call-screen statement. set-screen changes the current screen number to the number with the screen number specified with set-screen but the control is transferred only when the leave screen statement is encountered here the it is different from call-screen as the control doesnt get transferred back to the calling screen. 72.)How to create dynamic internal table?
A.) PARAMETERS: table(20), rows TYPE i DEFAULT 100. * Declare the variable for holding your internal table DATA: itab TYPE REF TO data. * Three field symbols requried 1. for acessing table data..second work area and third individual fields. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE ANY TABLE, TYPE ANY, TYPE ANY. TRY. * Create internal table CREATE DATA itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (table). * Let our Field Symbol point to it so we can acess its data afterwords. ASSIGN itab->* TO . * put data into internal table SELECT * FROM (table) UP TO rows ROWS INTO TABLE . * Loop over internal tabel with the help of field symbol pointing to its data LOOP AT ASSIGNING . DO. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE TO . IF sy-subrc EQ 0. WRITE: . ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ULINE. ENDLOOP. CATCH cx_sy_create_data_error. WRITE 'Wrong Database!'. ENDTRY.
73.)What is Bapi? A.) BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces to object-oriented programming methods that enable a programmer to integrate third-party software into the proprietary R/3 product from SAP. For specific business tasks such as uploading transactional data, BAPIs are implemented and stored in the R/3 system as remote function call (RFC) modules.
A BAPI is a point of entry to the R/3 System- that is, a point at which the R/3 System provides access to business data and processes. Each object in a BOR can have many methods, one or more of which can be implemented as BAPIs. BAPIs can have various functions: • Create an object • Retrieving the attributes of an object • Changing the attributes of an object A BAPI is an interface that can be used for various applications: -Internet Application Components, which make individual R/3 functions available on the Internet or an intranet for users with no R/3 experience. • R/3 Components compositions, which allows communication between the business objects of different R/3components (applications). • Visual Basic/JAVA/C++ - external clients (for exalternative GUIs) that can access business data and processes directly. 74.) how to Implemented a BAPI to upload Payroll summary information into SAP R/3 system? A.) There are several ways to upload the payroll master data to the info type 0015 for the employeee master data you can call any one of the fallowing pls BAPI_HRMASTER_SAVE_REPL_MULT* or Business Object BAPI_GET_PAYROLL_RESULT_LIST BAPI_EXTPAYROLL_INSERT_LEGACY or HRCM_PAYROLL_RESULTS_GET FM for the Payroll HR info type 0015 75.)What is Protect and EndProtect in Sap scripts? A.)To avoid Page Breaks. 76.)What are the components of Message? A.)I-Information E-Error S-Status A-Abend X-Exit 77.) what is the impact of issuing of worning message inside the event of start of selection?
Now a warning MESSAGE in AT SELECTION-SCREEN works like a normal warning message, but the same warning MESSAGE in STARTOF-SELECTION is somehow converted to an error message, causing ejection from the transaction. 78.)Diff b/w break point and Watchpoint? A.) BREAK-POINT.... it stops the processing of the program at a certain Executable Statement... It can be static (i.e., writing BREAK-POINT command in code) It can be dynamically set during Debgging... WATCH-POINT... is used on a particular variable/ data object, so that we will specify certain condition ( like wa_t001-bukrs = 1000 ) to halt the processing... If the processing founds that the condition reached... then the BREAK-POINT triggers... 78.)What is Pick statement in ABAP? A.) Ans: The pick statement is used to it will capture the user action. ex: if sy-ucomm = 'x'. This statement is used to capture the user action. 79.)What are Repository & Non Repository Objects in sap? A.)Tables are repository,Images,files on presentation are non repository. 80.) what will happen if will write the code of PAI module in PBO module.will it execute successfully or it will show error?if so what will be the error. a.) 81.)Set Screen and Call screen? A.) when u r calling a screen dynamically,we have to use the call
screen keyword.so the control will return to the statement where it was called for. but when we are calling a screen statically we are using set screen keyword.and here for back to the statement from where the screen was called, we have to use the leave to screen keyword. 82.)How to Find duplicates records from Table? A.) 83.) will sorted internal tables help in performance?
what is type group?how to create it and what is the use of it? what is table maintenace generator? How to create it?
84.)Why u are writing a driver program when u can write the same code in smartforms itself? A.) Moreover, To run the Smartform from Report, we write the dricer program, so that we can pass input from Report. Also to declare some constants or variables, we need driver progra. 85.)BAPI AND RFC? A.) In Bapi, You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA In this case you only specify the business object and its method from external system, in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call 86.) how much exact time will take binary search option using along with read statement? A.)
if we use the linear search fo search a record the response time is directly prapotional to the no of records. if we use binary search the response time is logarithamically prapotional to the no of records. 87.)User Exits and Customer Exits? A.) USER-EXITS: THIS ARE SUB ROUTINES WHERE WE HVE TO OUR CUSTOM CODE . TECHNICALLY THIS ARE CALLED AS "MODIFICATIONS" . WE NEED ACCESS KEY FOR USER EXITS. THESE ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN SD MODULE . CUSTOMER-EXITS : THIS ARE INCLUDE PROGRAMS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE IN FUNCTION MODULE . TECHNICALLY THIS ARE CALLED AS "ENHANCEMENTS" . WE DNT NEED ANY ACCESS KEY FOR CUSSTOMER EXITS. THESE ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN ALL MODULE 88.)Diff b/w primary and Secondary Index ?
A.) when we want to get the details based on a field in select statement we should use always primary key fields to improve the performence. but in any case needed to get detais based on non primary key fields then we go for secondary index . ie based on which non primary key fields we need to fetch the data using select st for those fields we create secondary index in sell. 89.) How to attach a search help? how can you validate the entries in TMG? A.) 90.) 1.In Change pointers ,
Using BD61 I activate globally and I enable the MATMAS message type When I Ran the "RBDMIDOC" SYSTEM GIVES information messagge 253 MASTER IDOCS CREATED. MY Question IS :1.what is 253 2.PlZ explain internal PROCESS ,HOW ITS GENERATE 253 MASTER IDOcs? A.) 253 - is number of master idocs created..it means system found changes in 253 material masters. Master Idocs are Idocs without receiver and sender details in it....they are only created in memory and not in database..based on configuration of distribution model / Partner Profile the receiver details are put into idocs and as many communication idocs are creates based on number of recipients. Communication idocs are stored into the database 90.) 1.If there is one receiver,then
To send 10 materials at a time through BD10 tcode, How many Master Idoc create? 2.If there is one receiver,then To send 1 material at a time through BD10 tcode, how many Master Idoc generated? A.) 91.)How to write in Selection Screens? A.)Selection-Screen:Comment …. 92.)How to transport table entries from one client to another? Or How to attach table entries to a request Number?
A.) http://www.saptechnical.com/Tips/Basis/Transport/TableEntries.htm 93.) As an ABAP developer, how can we check after we release our
object as to where has it reached(i.e. testing client box
,production client box etc)? In case it is not possible please let me know the same. A.) before release the object it will be avileble under modifible objects in se09 tcode. once we release it will not be avileble in modifible and avileble under released objects. basis consultents will move to these test server for testing after development is over, basis consultents will move these to prodction server for golive after after several tests is is over in testing server and client approvel is finished. 94.) In the performance standards we have SE30 for Run time analysis where it will show the system count,abap count,data base count if it is more than means then what we will do let us take my abap count will be some 30% and data base will be 60% and system count 50% now what i want to do A.) 1) if Abap count is high we need to take care with loop.. endloop, Read, sort , basically we need to take care with fetching of data from internal table statement. 2) if the Data base count is high, we need to take care with fetching of data from database.. like Select statement. 3) am not sure about this count, i hope it seems to be at basis level settings.. 95.) In Interactive Report ,can I have more than 20 interactive Lists? Is it Possible ,If Yes How can i do it? A.) Submit is the Keyword to call one report from the other .
After reaching the 20th list ,you can call anouther executable prg by using the Submit Keyword ,likewise you can go beyond 20th list . 96.) Can I create a Transaction code for a custom Table ? If Yes How can I ? A.) 97.) to find an enhancement we will go to smod and check with the
given package. but how can we know that a particular funx exit is used for particular enhancement( for eg: mm06e005 for mm22n screen exit.) will it be given by SD people or we have to find it? A.) genarally based on reading the description of tha exits . or else we need to put the break point for each exit and check for all . that means at which break point of exit that transaction is triggure is correct.
97.) What is the diffrence between Abstract Class and an Interface in OOABAP. A.) the main difference between interface and abstract class is
interface wont be having implementations where as the emthods in abstrct can be created with and without implementations. 98.) WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHECK TABLE AND VALUE TABLE? A.) value table is the table specified in the definition of a domain and is
checked against all the fields that points the domain. check table is that table if you define a foreign key that points this domain then the value table is considered to be a check table for that foreign key. a table which is defined at field level called chek table. but a table which is defined at domain level called value table. so all the taables fields refering to this domin will be validated to this table/ 99.)What is a table control? A.) 100.) what is the prerequisite for control-break statements A.) 101.) what is difference between method and function module? A.) method is nothing but a function defined inside or outside
of a class where as class is a collection of objects where every object is different from the other one......
Function modules allow you to encapsulate and reuse global functions in the R/3 System. They are stored in a central library. 102.) what is the difference between [select single xxx from ...] and [select * from ... up to one row]? A.) select single xxx from...] means we are choosinf=g
aparticular field which we want to show on the particular page at teh run time. And the [select * from ....up to row] means to select all the fields placed in that particular row. And remember one thing that a row may be one but number of coloumns can lie inside it. 103.)What are diff message types available in Message types? A.) General Message types / IDoc types / BAPI
Customer DEBMAS / DEBMAS03 Accounting Message types / IDoc types / BAPI G/L account GLMAST / GLMAST01 Cost center COSMAS / COSMAS01 Cost element COELEM / COELEM01 Cost center group COGRP1 / COGRP01 Cost element group COGRP1 / COGRP01 Activity type COAMAS / COAMAS01 Activity group COGRP1 / COGRP01 Activity price COACTV / COACTV01 Profit center PRCMAS / PRCMAS01 Profit center group COGRP1 / COGRP01 Profit center account group COGRP1 / COGRP01 Logistics Message types / IDoc types / BAPI Article master ARTMAS / ARTMAS02 / RetailMaterial.Clone Additional MMADDI / MMADDI01 / RetailMaterial.SaveAdditionalReplicas Product catalog PRDCAT / PRDCAT01 Product catalog item PRDPOS / PRDPOS01 Price list PRICAT / PRICAT01 Assortment ASSORTMENT / ASSORTMENT01 / Assortment.SaveReplica Material master MATMAS / MATMAS03 - (See Template) Service master SRVMAS / SRVMAS01 Characteristic CHRMAS / CHRMAS02
Class CLSMAS / CLSMAS03 Classification CLFMAS / CLFMAS01 Document DOCMAS / DOCMAS04 Purchasing info record INFREC / INFREC01 Conditions COND_A / COND_A01 Order book SRCLST / SRCLST01 Change master ECMMAS / ECMMAS01 Bill of material BOMMAT / BOMMAT01 Document BOM BOMDOC / BOMDOC01 Work breakdown structure Project / PROJECT01 Human Resources Message types / IDoc types / BAPI PA object type person HRMD_A / HRMD_A03 PD object types HRMD_A / HRMD_A03 Basis Message types / IDoc types / BAPI User master record USERCLONE / USERCLONE01 / User.Clone
104.) why are we using events in reports than control break statements? A.) 105.) How to print continuous pages in smartform?my requirement is i need to print 3 pages for each customer i.e 2 pages for purchase order forms and 3rd page is terms and condition page.Likewise how can i print 100 customer pages at once continuously? A.) Let us say P1,P2,P3 are the 3 pages then First Page is P1 In P1 Next page should be P2.
In P2 Next page should be P3. And finally P3 Next page should be P1. 106.) 1. If I send 5 entries of table from one system to another system, if the only 4 entries there in the target system what I have to do? 2. If I send the customer master IDOC from one SAP system to another system, if one field is missing in target table what is the steps? 3. If I want to access the 4th row 3rd column in the hashed table how to do it? 4. Whether there is any other statement than MODIFY statement to modify the content of internal table? A.) 107.) what is the difference between interface and global diffinations in smartforms? A.) Form Interface is the interface between your driver program
and Smartform. You are passing the necesssary value of tables or fields from your Driver program to Smartform in runtime. Global Definition is used the variables which can be used in Smartform only. Where you do processing and using the output. Simple example is Global and Local Varialbles which can be used in a simple report. 108.) Is Multiple Inheritance possible in ABAP ? If Yes How ,If no How ? A.)
no,multiple inheritance is not possible in abap.because suppose we inherit two classes in your class.Suppose we have two classes A and B and both having method m with same signature and different implementation.Now we inherit these two classes in your Class C.Now when you create object of class c and try to access the m method then there is cofusion for which method to be called either of class A or class B.i.e. there is a conflict in method selection.This problem can be overcome with conceopt of interfaces. 109.)BAPI & RFC? A.) BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. In this case you only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized
BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI. It is not possible to connect SAP to Non-SAP systems to retrieve data using RFC alone. RFC can acces the SAP from outside only through BAPI and same is for vice versa access. RFC is the protocol used by SAP for remote communication, that is, for communications between remote (independent) systems. RFC is used for communications between two independent SAP systems, or for communications between an SAP system and a nonSAP system, such as an external application. It can also be used for communications between modules on the same system. Using the RFC interfaces you can extend the functionality of R/3 applications from an external program. rfc is standalone doen not comunicate with another rfc. but bapi comunicate with another bapi because bapi is a part of business object. 110.) if bdc session method is to be executed at some particular time without using sessions? how? A.)Using RSBDCSUB 111.) if data is inserted only using bdc open and bdc insert and
not bdc close session funx module wat will happend? will data b inserted? A.)Data is inserted into session but session cannot be processed. 112.) Insert Table in a Table - NO Structure in a Structure - YES Structure in a table - YES Table in a structure - YES (AAFAB) 113.) difference between batch input and direct input and call transaction ? A.) batch input method or batch data comunication both are the same. it worls on the principle of simulating user input to the transaction screen via abap program. it can handle errors explicitly . features also include logging and synchronous processing.generally data is given in a flat file in which i undergoes through a screen and screen validation finally inserts in a database. eg: session method and bdc call transaction method but direct input is asynchrounous.data is directly uploaded in a database by doing some field validations. errors cant be handled. it inserts data using some inbuilt
function modules. eg: LSMW 114.)User exit,customer exit,Badi? A.) User exit,Customer exit and BADI are the enhancement techniques which are used to write your custom code with out modifying the standard application. User Exit is subroutine where we write custom code.We need SAP Access key to write user exit. It will available for only SD module. Customer Exit is Z include program where we write custom code.We don't need SAP Access key. Customer exit and user exit can implement only in a single project. BADI can be implemented in multiple project. 115.) what is meant by enhancement category? A.) 116.) what are the steps in oops alv reports? A.) 1) create a module pool and link it to the report like screen 100. 2) Place custom controller on the screen and name it.declare reference variable and create the instance for container class.In PBO module 3) Declare reference variable and create instance for ALV Grid and custom container object in PBO module. 4) since alv grid instance is ready now we can call methods i.e to display,layout etc. 116.) how to navigate to report from report? note: no transaction code created to report. A.) We can use SUBMIT key word with different options.SUBMIT generally bypasses the selection screen if the called report has any. syntax for calling a report from another report: SUBMIT [VIA SELECTION-SCREEN] [USING SELECTION-SET ] [WITH ] [WITH FREE SELECTIONS ] [WITH SELECTION-TABLE ]. 117.) why to create a custom BAPI if the BAPI already exists? y to find BAPI again? frankly even i dint undstnd tne question properly. if any one come across this q please do anser me. A.)
118.)Is Structure holds any data? A.) structure is data dictionary obj which contain commenly
reuseble fields from multiple db tables or a db table. structures does'nt store any data . in any mandatory case if we want we can store single record in structure. generally we get this situation while we using structure in reports . if any body doubts about this try it once 119.)How to get spool numbers in smartforms? A.)SP01 120.) I have one sender and three Receiver..so how many idocs generate in outbound(sender)? A.)One master and three communication idocs. 121.) How to add more than one message to one idoc? Tell me Process A.) WE82 is the transaction code to assign message type to Idoc. we can assign more than one message type to a single IDOC 1.message type1 - IDOC - version 2.message type2 - IDOC - version 122.) What is update task A.) The IN UPDATE TASK statement allows you to call a function module but it will not be executed until an update task is initiated by the 'COMMIT WORK' statement. This means that the program logic after calling the FM will immediately continue with the next line of ABAP code and the FM will sit and wait for the commit work. This also allows you to execute several sections of code asynchronously by calling the ABAP function module with the IN UPDATE TASK statement then performing the commit work command. See example below! Execute FM in update task with separate unit of work CALL FUNCTION 'Z_FMODULE' IN UPDATE TASK EXPORTING P_UNAME = sy-uname. commit work. "Commits all work to database and also starts all FM's running in update task "loop at it_ekko. "program continues with next line of ABAP without waiting for update and FM to finish
"... "endloop. 123.) In ALV, i have to display list in which some records has to display. starting of each record it should display checkox. and we have to display push button delete. when user select chekc box and press delete button, that entry should delete. please tell me how to do it? A.) hi mr zubera try it in the way
create userdefined type types : begin of mara check type c matnr type mara-matnr...take neceassery fields. create itab ,wa. In manual field catalog declaration: wa_fcat-Checkbox = 'X'. now display using grid display or list display using set pfstatus create one custom button on list screen. and use below in that if sy-ucomm = 'deleate' "fct code of deleate button deleate it_fcat where checkbox = 'x'. now all the checked records will be deleated. now display the it_fcat using loopat which will display only unchecked records 124.) i have created bdc prg and executed. i got output in system. same bdc prg again executed in other system but i dint get the o/p. both system r in n/w connection. wats the prob.plz help me to get o/p. A.) Events triggered through the BAPI Or RFC call or work flow to trigger the program 125.) how to find the report is classical or intractive report in debugging mode A.) In the debugging mode if you cursor goes into At line - selection event or you can use sy-ucomm variable to check the what user action has been made for eg double click on the list generates a function code called Pick. If these objects are present then it is an interactive report with the events else a simple classical report.
126.) how can we use the text randomly or circularly in smartforms.... means... suppose i have 'abap' horizantally... but i want it in vertically... how can... plz any body tell me this.... A.) 127.) How manny master idocs 10 recievers of same data? A.)1 Master and 10 Communication Idocs. 128.)How u can handle multiple records in Table control? A.) in table control field names depends on the no of details
for each record. Ex:if bank has details like city bankkey bank account etc... each field in table control can assigned to index.. i.e knbk-banks(01) bank country key knbk-bankl(o1) bank key. if the fields in second row it will increment to (02). logic: it_knb1 is the table for list of customers bank details. data:v_index type n. data:v_fnam like bdcdata-fnam loop at it_banks into wa_banks. increment by 1 each time for all records. v_ndex = sy-tabix. concatenate knbk-banks ('v_index') into v_fnam. wa_bdcdata-fnam = v_fnam. wa_bdcdata-fval = wa_banks-banks. append wa_bdcdata to it_bdcdata. 127.) how will you go for row level locking of a z table A.) 1)Create a lock object, suppose EZLOCK in SE11 for the table ZLOCK (having fields..field1, field2, field3). 2)Activate it, system will automatically generates two function modules for locking and unlocking. 3) How to use them in program ? Here you go.. loop at itab into wa_tab. * For Locking the table ZLOCK CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_EZLOCK' EXPORTING mode_ZLOCK = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt field1 = wa_zlock-field1 field2 = wa_zlock-field2
field3 = wa_zlock-field3 EXCEPTIONS foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 OTHERS = 3. * For Unlocking the table ZLOCK CALL FUNCTION 'DEQUEUE_EZLOCK' EXPORTING mode_ZLOCK = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt field1 = wa_zlock-field1 field2 = wa_zlock-field2 field3 = wa_zlock-field3 endloop. 128.)Inner and Outer Join? A.) he inner join joins the columns of every selected line on the left- hand side with the columns of all lines on the right-hand side that jointly fulfil the join_cond condition. A line in the resulting set is created for every such line on the right-hand side. The content of the column on the left-hand side may be duplicated in this case. If none of the lines on the right-hand side fulfils the join_cond condition, no line is created in the resulting set. Resulting set for outer join The outer join basically creates the same resulting set as the inner join, with the difference that at least one line is created in the resulting set for every selected line on the left-hand side, even if no line on the right-hand side fulfils the join_cond condition. The columns on the righthand side that do not fulfil the join_cond condition are filled with null values. 129.) How to add a column to a table control while using alphanumerical layout editor ? A.) 130.) Can we create a field without data element ? If yes what is
the difference?
A.) Yes we can create. While creating fields in tables, we should associate some PREDEFINED TYPE to them. We can create tables with direct data types associated to the fields or by associating the Dictionary data types. Creation of tables with direct data types has the following drawbacks. 1. Data is global for all clients. 2. Data in current R/3 can't be communicated with another R/3. 3. Table to Table relation is not possible. 4. Search Helps can't be created. 131.) How do we use BDC in real production scenarios ? Is BDC used on regular periodic intervals to upload data into SAP ? (say you recieve the data daily from non-sap system, like mainframes and you update the data in SAP) OR Is BDC used on adhoc basis ? A.) One of the ways as if I know is, You create BAPI of BDC. Call this bapi created from your codes in real production scenario. Ofcourse, in this way you can conclude that BDC is used on regular periodic intervals to upload data into sap.
132.) In Open SQL statements such as Insert update delete which one is FASTlLY retrieve the results and which one is Efficient? A.) update is the statement which will retrieve faastly. and efficent as well B.) hai mr venkata satish it's vary simple create one pg . and use these open sql statements for operations on a custom ztable. st05 is the tcode to identify that which opensql st taking how much time for excution i.e called performence tunig. now u will get the answre. 133.) Output type is not selecte automatically with billing type ...Pls solve this issue A.)Nace tcode 134.) What do you like best about working for, in this company? a.) 135.) What is Buffering Concept? When should a Table be buffered?
A.) Only transparent tables and pooled tables can be buffered.
Cluster tables cannot be buffered. The following two points speak against table buffering:1: The data read by the application must always be up-to-date. Delays caused by the synchronization mechanism cannot be accepted. 2: The table data is frequently modified. In this case the cost of synchronization could be greater than the gain in performance resulting from buffering. Roughly speaking, it does not make sense to buffer a table if more than one percent of the accesses to the table are modifying accesses. Buffering is primarily to speed up data retrieval. If a table is buffered on application server, then database hits will be reduced thereby speeding the ease of access. There are 3 types of buffering: 1. single record buffering : only one table record will be buffered when it is read from database 2. Full table buffering: If one record is read from a table, then all records of table will be buffered. 3. Generic buffering: - The table records matching generic key are buffered. The generic key is the one that we define while setting the buffering settings for table. Tables buffered: A)Cluster tables should not be buffered. B.)Master tables and transactional tables should not be buffered. C.)Tables frequently modified and frequently read should not be buffered. D.)TCURR(Very small amount of data tables should be buffered). 136.) How to debug a smartform using SMARTFORM_TRACE....and how to see its results? A.) Using the Smart Form trace, you can trace how a Smart Form was processed during printing. You can then see, for example, the sequence in which the nodes were run or the point at which processing terminated due to an error. 137.) what is the output of given code? data : f1 type i, f2 type i.
write : / f1, f2. do 2 times. perform addfld. enddo. write : / f1, f2. form addfld. data : f1 type i, f2 type i. add 1 to f1. add 1 to f2. write : / f1 , f2. endform. A.)00 11 11 00 138.) Suppose in an ALV report in grid we have to disply matnr,
ernam,ebeln,ebelp etc.But when we bring the cursor on that specified field it will show "material number" for matnr, "purchase Document Number" for ebeln etc. how do you acheive this? A.) To achieve this functionality in fieldcatalog section activate the field " REPTEXT_DDIC" i.e. REPTEXT_DDIC = 'X'. 139.) why we use 4 msg variable in BDCMSGCOLL stucture in BDC? why not more or less than 4? A.)
Because structure has only 4 fields to fill the messages, they are just 4 because there are the same number of system variables that are filled with message data SY-MSGV1...SY-MSGV4, even if we had more fields those would be filled with our messages, the system will not know the existence of thos variables. 140.)How to block selection screen? A.) loop at screen. screen-input = 1 screen-active = 0 or screen-invisible = 0. endloop. 141.)Template in smartform? A.) Template contains a fixed number of rows and columns, where output is fixed. Table can have variable number of rows and columns.
142.) what is EDI ,ALE , Debugging, Smart Forms ,IDOC'S & BDOC'S A.) EDI (electronic data interchange) is used to communicate SAP to NONSAP systems.The NON-SAP systems cannot understand the SAP code .For this problem we use Middleware tools like TIBCO ,SAPXI. ALE(Application Link Enabling) is a Network.it used to communicate two or more servers which are geographically existed. Debugging : Detailed error analysis source code level.it is executed the program in line by line . Smartforms : Smartforms is a TOOL .which is used to generate Business Legal Processing Documents .The Tcode of Smartforms is SMARTFORMS.it is advanced version of Scripts. IDOC's(Intermediate Document) : it is a collection of segments .segment is a collection of fields.IDOC is used to transfer the data between two servers.Tcode for IDOC is WE30. 143.) 1) How to maintain lists in dialog programming? 2)How to send greeting with different languages to different regions in smartforms? 3)Can we transfer 100 screen data to pass 200 screen? 4)In reports 1st list o/p can be consider as i/p of 2nd list how it maintains? 5) In lsmw data length 20 chars only but there is 24 chars field how can u manage? 6)What is the diff b/w OK_CODE n SY_UCOMM? A.) 1)by using table control 2)by using tcode se63 3)yes we can transfer 100 screen data to pass 200screen. 4)by using at line-selection 6)1. It is not possible to clear the content of sy-ucomm since it is a system variable but we can clear the content of ok_code. 2. The length of sy-ucomm is fixed but the length of ok_code is not fixed. we can take any length 1. by using table control 2. i dunno but i l go for se63 as above said. 3.yes by selecting push button or function key or double click or menu button.take the the cursor position values as the input and provide code for next scree. 4. hide, get cursor, read line these are some of the methods used to maintain the line data that is output selected data. 5. even i dunno that it accept 20 chars only 6.ok_code is user defined and sy_ucomm is system defined.lenth of ok_code is not fixed but sy_come is fixed. we can clear ok_code data as it varies but sy_ucomm is system defined so cant be deleted.
144.)Folder in smartforms? A.) there are two uses by using folder nodes. 1.page protection: as said earlier it is used as a protect endprotect in scripts 2. logical grouping. if you want to put a condition on group some text elements then you can write the code in folder and apply condition writing at once. 145.) In table control how to maintain 10 records in first page, other 10 records in ohter page? A.) 146.) what is the differenc between table control and table control wizard? A.) 147.) how to change col colors in alv reporting?
1.slis_specialcol_alv. 2.lvc_s_scol & Emphasize
148.) How to maintain subtotals n grand totals in smart forms? A.) subtotal: for dis initially find which field having price values, Then go to table inside we are having Headder,Mainarea,footer then go for main area,select the field right click select->Flow logic-> program lines here u have to specifyI/p & O/p parameters. Grand total: for this go to table-> right click ->select Text then write the grand total is &v_total&. 149.) how to track records from data dictionary? A.) 150.) after creating lock object if does n't access record by second user what should we do? A.) 151.) In Scripts How to maintain value like 1234- instead of
-1234? A.)
usually By default the values will print 1234to make the sign to print at left side.... use &WA-TDULPOS()& 152.) Q : I want to see material details in secondary list based on material No. from basic list. I will double click on any row, any field of basic list (not on field containing material no.) & the secondary list will display material details according to material No. on that row. Is it possible? If so how? A.)
using sy-lisel will give you the entire row you have selected,but you should know the correct offsets ,otherwise you will be ending in wrong selections , better to give a hot spot on the material no and on selecting that you can display the details in the secondary lists. B.) using sy-lisel. using hide technique using get cursor also but it allows only perticular field clicking 153.) n smart forms page no will be displayed as 2 of 15, 9 of 15 but while printing 10 of 15 it does not print correctly tell me how to handle this scenario. A.) Hi Vikram !! That is because of the space which is not
sufficient. For that you can you Condense to display correctly. Eg: use &symbol(C)& which will solve the issue. B.)For this create a window name is "PAGENO",Right click on it create text- from there u Have to specify "&page&/&smartforms-formpage(C)& Then it will declare in the form 1/10, 2/10......like this. 154.) In SAP Script,How to display a single field(like matnr)at the right end of the form.? a.) 155.) 1 . how do u design technical documentation in abap ? 2 . what u currently devloped in sap abap ? A.) 156.) what is diff between idocs,bdc,rfc and bapi. give real time
answer A.) IDOC
BAPI IDocs are text encoded documents with a rigid structure that
are used to exchange data between R/3 and a foreign system
BAPIs are a subset of the RFC-enabled function modules, especially designed as Application Programming Interface (API) to the SAP business object, or in other words: are function modules officially released by SAP to be called from external programs. Idocs are processed asynchronously and no information whatsoever is returned to the client,
BAPIs are called synchronously and (usually) return information The target system need not be always online. The IDOC would be created and would send the IDOC once the target system is available (tRFC concept). Hence supports guaranteed delivery
whereas for BAPIs the client code needs to do the appropriate error handling. With asynchronous links the sub-process on the client can be finished even if the communication line or the server is not available. In this case the message is stored in the database and the communication can be done later
Problems with synchronous links occur if the communication line or the server is temporarily not available. If this happens, the sub-process on the client cannot be finished (otherwise there would be data inconsistencies). The disadvantage of asynchronous links is that the sub-process on the server cannot return information to the calling sub-process on the client. A special way for sending information back to the client is required. In addition, a special error handling mechanism is required to handle errors on the receiving side.
Synchronous links have the advantage that the sub-process on the server can return values to the sub-process on the client that has started the link.
IDOCs may be more changeable from release to release.
BAPIs are not totally immune to upgrades IDOCs are poorly documented
BAPIs are reasonably well documented. 157.) im trnsfering 10 data records from outbound though idocs but 8 records are transferred , what about remaing records but it did not show any error? A.)
Just Check the Filter settings.Remove the filter for the fields and then transfer the datarecords again.If the filter is set it will not show any error. 158.) How can we add another field to display in standard SAPSCRIPT? Ex. we have customer address in layout, now we have to add customer Phone no in the same. A.) copy the standard code to custom code. and design according to our requirement. add an external subroutine in the script. and write the functionality in ex-subroutine by using itput tabs and output tabs of structure itcsy. now go to naco take standard script and replace it with custom. go to transaction and configure it. goto->messages change message type. and save it. 159.) what is the meaning of SCREEN-INPUT = '0/1', SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0/1'. in event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT A.)
when screen-active component is zero then input = 0,output = 0 statically.screen field is invisible they are not ready for input. when active component is 1 then field is ready to accept the input from user. 160.) What are text elements in smartforms ? A.) TEXT ELEMENT IS USED IN SMARTFORMS TO PRINT TEXT LITERALS AND FIELDS 161.) How will you add colour in a row using ALV ? A.) In final internal add a field line_color(4) type C. Insert value like 'C710’ according to your color choice in this field. Define a Layout Data: gd_layout type slis_layout_alv,
Define Routine Form disp_layout. gd_layout-info_fieldname ='LINE_COLOR' endform. Call this routine before display the grid. 162.) Which and How will you use function module for ALV Interactive report? A.)
n case of interactive alv to get all 17 events we use one fm i.e reuse_alv_events-get . using read table statement we read required event form above itab to which all 17 events is exported in above fm. using the reuse_alv_commentary_write fm to displa any thing on list screen. 163.) why SAP script is clint dependent and smartform is clint indepedent ? A.)
generally in abap text's are client dependent .when a sap script is genrated it is stored as text .but when a smartform is excuted at backend one funtion module is genrated .which is not(function modules are client independent ) client dependent in sap.
164.) How to type casting in OOPS ABAP and ABAP ? A.) 1. Narrow casting 2. Wide casting Demo on "Narrow Casting" Parent class->M1 , Child class>M1,M2 Attributes of super class can only be accessed. Methods defined at Super class(M1) can only be accessed. Methods with REDEFINED Logic(M1) will be called Methods in child class (M2) cannot be accessed Demo on "Wide Casting" Parent class->M1 , Child class->M1,M2 Assign address of PARENT to CHILD Class object Methods defined at child class(M2) can also be accessed with Parent reference. Methods with REDEFINED Logic (M1) will be called The cast is only possible if the object was instantiated as the child and then it was casted to the parent object and then back again to the child object. The child has everything the parent has so there is no problem with this path. two types of casting 1.narrow casting
2.wide casting it will comes under inheritance concepts. like creating object for subclass by using that object we will call super class methods 164.) Report zabc. Top-of-page. Write : 'Hello'. End-of-page. What is the output of the program. A.)
Event Top-of-page is not triggered. Thus you will not get the expected output (without linefeed!) 'Hello'. You need a WRITE statement between Report and Top-of-page statement (implicit START-OF-SELECTION) to trigger the Top-of-page event. Explicit START-OF-SELECTION or END-OF-SELECTION can also be used for WRITE. 165.) A database table contains 3 fields(Student_no,Section,Total_marks).I want retrieve top 10 students from each section.Note:(Section contains data like A,B,C.Each section contains more than 10 students).
165.) visibility of a field string declared using tables statement? true/false. A.) 166.) can any body tell what is idoc archieving and how to do that A.) Archiving means collection of HISTORIAL Idocs that can be stored out side of The Database,By using this We can reduce load on the data base. "WE10" is the TCODE for archive idoc info structure. Here 2 options is availabale. 1. Database 2. Archive -> We can select Archive idoc then it give the information about This. *Thats information i know guys if any one knows more than this PLZ tell me..* 167.) Where do you find info on new developments in SAP? A.) 168.) When would you use a BAPI rather than an IDOC A.) idoc is used to transfer data from sap to sap systems. but bapi is used to transfer
data from sap to non-sap systems also.
169.)Explain V2 Updates? A.) V1 update takes priority over V2 updates. V1 update can be performed asynchronously, synchronously & locally whereas v2 update can only perform asysnchronosly. 170.) What is the structure of CTU PARAMS ? A.) We should use this structure in BDC call transaxction for the refference of mode,update and default size mode TYPE ctuparams-dismodeupmode update TYPE ctuparams-upmode defzize TYPE ctuparams-defsize "setting the size of the output paze 171.)What is partner profile? A.) The tcode for creating the partner profile is WE20 . These partner profiles are used when generating idocs i.e sending and receiving idocs.(partner profiles are nothing but sendor and receiver information ) In this the mandatory things to remember is port number , logical system , inbound parameters , out bound parameters. 172.) What are the methods of interfacing to SAP? A.) 173.)What is SAP Package? A.) A Package is Type of Development object which act as a
container to store a development objects such as screens , menus, function , transactions 174.) you have to select fourth vendor no in basic list go to open new list ( secondary list) . what is the coding in interactive report ?.. tell me the coding clearly plz?... A.) 175.)How to debug sap script? A.)RSTXDBUG
go to se71 specify the form name, utilities under that activate debugger sap scripts was debugger. go to me23n click on print preview, one popup will display like sap script was debugger click on ok button
here it will display the form painter, here we can debug the form 175.) how to print only one line item at every page in smart forms in main window .for ex for sales order i will get so many items i need to display only at one page like 1st line at one page and second line at 2nd page .pls answer itttt A.) use new page command just after the command line of the main window. it process
other window on a page and then go to the next page.don't use page break command 176.) what are various ways of triggering a new page in reports ? A.) trigger the command new-page. 177.) what will happen if called program is not executable ? A.) 178.) How do you set background job automatically ? A.) To maintain or monitor SAP background jobs, enter the Select
Background Jobs screen by using transaction code SM37 or menu path System ® Services ® Background jobs ® Job overview. The window is a selection screen. A listing of background jobs will appear according to this window. 178.) How can you change properties of screen elements dynamically in Module pool Programming ? A.) In PBO event , loop at screen & modify different screen element. eg.-> deactivate a parameter loop at screen. if screen-name = 'Material Number'. screen-Input = 0. screen-active = 0. endif. endloop. 179.) Can we use transfer dataset to transfer data in internal table ? A.) 180.) What are different ways in which data upload can be done using LSMW? A.) 181.) What is COMMIT concept in BAPI? A.) 182.) How are exceptions handles in bapi's ?
A.) 183.) How are exceptions handles in bapi's ? 184.) Why cant we use Normal function module for data transfer? A.) 185.) How are BAPI different from normal function modules? A.) 186.) What is direct input method ?
A.) In bdc, direct input method can handle exclusively large amount of data only.It is also can process foreground and background. It also having log file default. difference with session method is validations can be done by sap predefine function modules. It is faster than session method. In case of errors direct input mechanism provides restart mechanism for this we have to execute in the background only this rbmvshow or tcode bmv0. 187.) Can you call a bdc from a report program ? A.) 188.) How to read files and process BDC's automatically ? A.) 189.) Is it possible to include two transactions with one group
name in one program in session method ? A.) Yes, it is possible, for every new transaction we need to use bdc_insert function module. 190.) How do you Export a session ? A.) 191.) Which method of
BDC’s would u apply ? Session or call transaction ? why ? Which is more good ? Its advantages ? A.) Well, it depends upon the two scenarios of requirement: 1. if we have bulk data, then we should use bdc session method so that one session can process lot of screens with data with log analysis w.r.t the benefit of sm35 tcode. 2. But if we have adequate/less data to process, then we
should use call transaction method to get the immediate feedback about a relevant tcode. 192.) How to get
the status of an IDOC in a report without WE02 transaction ?
A.)EDIDS TABLES 193.) How will u handle the situation – In a report using function module to generate a IDOC, How will u handle the error IDOC in the same report ? A.) 194.)What is distribution Model? A.) 195.) Difference between MACRO and SUBROUTINE ? A.) we cant pass the values in macros and macros cant be called in the other report just
as external subroutine. report specific. 196.) what is a binary search ? and how it is useful in a sorted internal table ? A.) Definition: Search a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. Begin with an interval covering the whole array. If the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the interval, narrow the interval to the lower half. Otherwise narrow it to the upper half. Repeatedly check until the value is found or the interval is empty. 197.) when you are using 2 internal table in program, you have decided to use for all entries statement to retrieve data but unfortunately there are no records in the first internal table. What will be the result? (2nd internal table contains records). A.) 198.) what is the difference between standard and sorted internal tables? (in performance wise A.) Standard tables:This is the most appropriate type if you are going to address the
individual table entries using the index. Index access is the quickest possible access. You should fill a standard table by appending lines (ABAP APPEND statement), and read, modify and delete entries by specifying the index (INDEX option with the relevant ABAP command). The access time for a standard table increases in a linear relationship with the number of table entries. If you need key access, standard tables are particularly useful if you can fill and process the table in separate steps. For example, you could fill the table by appending entries, and then sort it. If you use the binary search option with key access, the response time is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries.
Sorted tables:This is the most appropriate type if you need a table which is sorted as you fill it. You fill sorted tables using the INSERT statement. Entries are inserted according to the sort sequence defined through the table key. Any illegal entries are recognized as soon as you try to add them to the table. The response time for key access is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries, since the system always uses a binary search. Sorted tables are particularly useful for partially sequential processing in a LOOP if you specify the beginning of the table key in the WHERE condition. 199.)What is TYPE-POOLS SLIS? A.) It is the type group/library which consists of all global type definitons w.r.t the alv grid structure. 200.) Difference between top-of-page and top-of-page during at line- selection? How to create a check box/option button in a list? How to create a button in selection screen ? If you write a write statement after end-of-selection, will that be triggered ? What is the difference between end-of-page and end-of- selection? What is the Size of the internal tables ? What is open sql vs native sql ?
Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one and why ? A.) 202.) the `select' statement what is group by ? Can ‘where’ clause be used when updating database entries? How to create secondary index ?
What is the secondary index? In ALV reporting when u execute your report which event gets triggered. what is the difference between FOR ALL ENTRIES and SELECT * FROM ? Difference between Read and Get cursor? Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one and why ? What is the difference between Initialization and parameters ? What are the Different Types of tickets in Realtime Scenario ? How to Raise a Particular Ticket in Realtime ?
deloitte ibm
Can i know some of the Realtime tickets that anyone has been faced ? How to Solve a Particular Ticket in Realtime ? What are Tickets in Realtime ? What are Pull and Push Methods?
203.) How to Reprocess an Idoc ? 204) What is the relation between Badi and Bapi ? 205.) 1. what is IDOC monitoring ? what is the tcode used for idoc monitoring ? 2 . what is change pointer in ale ? 206.) Why we are using Macros instead of Function Modules 207.)What are lock objects? A.) Lock objects are use in SAP to avoid the inconsistancy at
the time of data is being insert/change into database. SAP Provide three type of Lock objects. - Read Lock(Shared Locked) protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but not write access to
the locked area of the table - Write Lock(exclusive lock) protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other transactions neither read nor write access to the locked area of the table. - Enhanced write lock (exclusive lock without cumulating) works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also protects from further accesses from the same transaction. You can create a lock on a object of SAP thorugh transaction SE11 and enter any meaningful name start with EZ Example EZTEST_LOCK. Use: you can see in almost all transaction when you are open an object in Change mode SAP could not allow to any other user to open the same object in change mode. Example: in HR when we are enter a personal number in master data maintainance screen SAP can't allow to any other user to use same personal number for changes. Technicaly: When you create a lock object System automatically creat two function module. 1. ENQUEUE_. to insert the object in a queue. 2. DEQUEUE_. To remove the object is being queued through above FM. 208.)What is composite key? A.) A table can have one or more primary key columns. EX: MARC (It contains both material number and plant as primary key) and When you have such a table which define more than one column as your primary key, then it is called a composite primary key. 209.) In smart form how can we convert the decimal to whole no. for ex. i have date like 5.456. now i want convert to whole no. after point value more then 5 means the no should come 6. below 5 means its come 5. any body can help me with code. its urgent. 210.) i want to block some spaces after end of page in classical report?how to do that?
A.)Use RESERVE LINES STATEMENT 211.) i want to populate 10 fields in smartforms..uptil 9th it is
taking but reason?
10th one is not populating?what might be the
A.) Change the window height and also check windows are overlapping or not. 212.)How to insert Signature in Smartforms? A.) INSERT-->GRAPHICS--->graphics means it takes BMP so here u
have to add ur BMP file. digital Signature : upload this digital Signature image to SAP . u have to two ways to upload image into SAP. 1.RSTXLDMC : which converts TIFF file to Standard text. 2.SE78 : which take BMP file into SAP and u can directly call this BMP in Smartforms. 213.) In the BADI,they are multiple Implementation.Could you please tell is there any procedure which are the implementation will execute and any order is the execute all the implementation for that Badi A.) Compiler usually lists the implementations of a BAdI in an
arbitrary sequence. You can modify this arbitrary sequence so that implementations are called in a way you define it. All you need to do is to implement a Sorter BAdI (BADI_SORTER) and define a sub screen in an own function group. The sub screen allows you to enter data used for sorting. The BADI_SORTER to determine sequence of implementation calls is a Single Use Filter dependent BAdI, i.e. for one single filter value only one implementation is allowed. A situation results in runtime errors where in a customer environment a sorting mechanism is implemented and SAP delivers later the same. 214.) we can write the select query or any code after the end of selection? A.)Yes 215.) If we put Top of Page in between
End-of-selection and what happenes
Start-of-selection and
AT LINE SELECTION AT USER COMMAND AT PF TOP OF PAGE DURING LINE SELECTION 217.) How to reprocess the failed IDOC? How wil u know idoc is failed?What are tcodes? A.) by using tcode for reprocessing IDocs BD87/bd88
218.) In Realtime, how you get flat file for BDC session method.. through email or any other source? Who will send you flat file..your team lead or project lead or project manager etc? A.) The flat file can be either be either placed in directories in Application Server (Tcode-AL11) or can be loaded from Presentation server (Local PC). 219.) What is pseudo comment (#EC) and How it is different from normal comments(i.e. '*' and '"') A.) useful in extended synatax check to supress error message
display 220.) What is a difference between - RETURN, EXIT, CHECK, STOP & REJECT - To leave the processing blocks
A.) STOP: This terminates the block and executes end-of selection.
EXIT: It terminates the loop processing and process the next statements. CHECK: It evaluates the subsequent logical expression if it is true the processing continue with the next statement. CONTINUE terminates the current loop pass, returns the processing to the beginning of the loop and starts the next loop pass, REJECT: it terminates the current event, even from loops or subroutines. 221.) While Transporting Smartform form Dev to Test to Production, it is possible that Name of the Function Module change, Why? In which case it changes and in which case it remains same? A.) 222.) Hello all ABAP gurus. I want to ask 2 3 qtns.1)How many layou types we have in smartforms & difference between them..? 2)how to do pagebreaks in SMARTFORMS..? 3)Do we develope Smartform from scratch or do we use standard smartforms in real time..? please rply me... & thanks in advance. A.) Hi 1)layout type is one which we can modified the existing one or developed the new one from scratch. 2)in smartforms we will do the page breaks using of the command. 3) in real time it will depends on the requirement if client if the standard available we will continue with standard it is not available we will develope form scratch. 223.) Hi to all abap gurus iam new to abap and my querry is as follows . and i feel so happy if u give exact anwers ? Querry1: i have one page( named "page1" )in my script with three windows(logo,adress,main windows) my requirement is to display some dynamic data in the script that is list of orders of the customer whn u give the customer number in selction-screen .then we can go for main window only to dispaly dynamic data ? or is there any other option ? then what should we give as apage number in the next page attribute in the header information. suppose if i dont give "page1" in the next page attribute as anext page what will happen ? i mean that dynamic data will be displayed or not ? Querry2: one one more querry incase if we have two pages in my layout .in page1 (3 windows as said above ) and page2 ( only logo and address window ) and no main window in page2. now if we give "page2" as next page in the next page attribute of page1 then that dynamic data will be displayed or not ? 224.) Hi to all abap guru's my question is how to print the page
numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms
A.) declare a global variable pg_no. write a command-node like:pg_no = sfsy-page * 2. (dont forget to set input/output parameter as "PG_NO") now place a sec window with: &pg_no&
225.) Hi to all abap guru's my querry is as follows How to trigger
the page break in smartforms forcibly ? and how to trigger the page break in the scripts forcibly ? means for every 10 records i have to trigger the page break ? and in smart form also ? A.) in SMARTFORMS. as of me we have to use 'command' from create------->flowlogic---------->command. but dont write command node in main window by using this u can do page break.
226.) Is BAdI client Indpendent A.)Yes
227.) In se11 -->Tech. settings --> Data class. If I save table as Mater data OR Transaction data, what effect will it has for 'Storage' in Database after activation. or In Database how it will store in both the cases. A.) 228.) How we will handle the Page Breaking in Smart Form? A.) By using command Node
229.) I a custom table some one has edited and deleted something, So how we should maintain the log for changed and edited datas A.) once the ztable fields is created, we will click the technical settings.in that, down we have check box called LOG DATA CHANGES.if we select the check box, the log is activated and changes to the existing data record by an application program is recorded in a log table in the database. 230.) Hi Toall abap gurus what are the variants in alv reports ?
and what is the use of reuse_alv_variants_get ? and what is the purpose of i_save parmaetr in the resue_av_grid-display funmodule? what is the purpose of reuse _av_default_varinat_get ? A.)
A.)Variants in ABAP are like any other variants that we use in ABAP. It helps us get a default value on our screen fields. In short, it works like saving your pwds on your mail accounts. The reuse_alv_default_variant_get helps you to give a default value( had you mentioned in the program ) to your screen field. This default variant is generally stored in the struc CS_VARIANT of your program. i_save in reuse_alv_grid_display : As mentioned above cs_variant from the reuse_alv_default_variant_get is passed to your functional module via i_save.. If i_save = '' variants cannot be saved. i_save = X std save mode.
i_save allows u to save the alv layout variant,
i_save = ' ' or X is variant globally available i_save = 'U' is user specific variant. 231.) while transporting any report program do we need to trasnport the text elements seprately or not reuired ? if it is so how do u transport the text elemtns ? A.) Text elements or any GUI elements get stored in a separate repository called MIME in ABAP. If you want to transport text elements or GUI elements of your report, the only thing you have to take care is - Transport your report in a specific package, Go to the Object navigator and make sure you transport the relevant text and GUI objects via the same package. Transporting / not transporting purely depends on the requirement. 232.) Is there any other way to create data elements apart from
se11 tocde as we dont use the se11 in real time generally ? A.) ya we can create data element through se80. se80. select dictionary then select data type. here u can create data element. In real time we cant use se11, se38 etc. So we can do everything in se80. 233.) How do u do performance analysis means and what is the diffrence between extended syntax check and code inspector and how do use them to test the performance of the any abap program ? A.) Extended syntax check,ensures the removal of mistakes we overlook while coding. advantages: obsolete stmts. autorization checks problematic stmts. Code inspector is a tool that gives PERFOEMANCE OF PROGRAM. syntactical check security check performance check search func. 234.) if i remove the select stmt from start-of-selection and put the select stmt in end-of-selection it is triggering then what is the use of start-of-selection? A.) Actually Start-of-selection is a default event that's been triggered while executing a ABAP Report or Program. Here if
you've used Initialization event or AT Selection Screen event, then you need to mention the Start-of-Selection event explicitly. The use of Start-of-Selection is to fetch the data from the database. 235.) Which technical field in the BDCDATA table holds the last cursor position A.)FVAL. 236.) What loop do you code for a READ DATASET Statement A.)DO ..ENDDO. 237. How do you write a squential file
a.)TRANFER DATASET 238.)How do ur write a local sequential file? a.)Read dataset 239.) if i want to take some matter from a smart form to another smart form .then how is it possible? A.) open smartform select node or text --> utilities --> download form -->save it by providing the location . then, open another smartform where you want paste that object put curser on the target then utilities --> upload -->save smartform. if clipboard space issue is there then download clipboard software for more space so, that u can copy larger containt . 240.) what is process code used in ale idocs ? A.) Process code is used to identify the fm which is post the data to SAP system.It is for inbound Idoc. 241.) how can i transport a idoc from development system to production system? in idoc we are doing bd64 for distribution model view is it mandatory for idoc? and is it possible without creating a distribution model view we can generate a idoc? A.) In SM59 Lgoical Sytems area we will have to define the
Source and Target client. Then partner profile has to be created to transport the Development to Production System. It's possible to generate an IDoc with out creating a distribution model.
242.) what exact functionality of the END-OF-SELECTION event? and in a report im using the END-OF-PAGE and END-OF-SELECTION events which one will triggers first?
A.) 243.) 1. what r the step followed for ALE Idocs ? 2. what is process code ? where it is define A.) 244.) hi friends i am having one doubt. if i have main window in secondpage also in smart form wether it will trigger are not? A.) 245.) WHAT IS DATA DICTIONARY??
AND WHICH OBJECT IN DATA DICTIONARY??? A.) It is centrally discribed and manages all the data definitions used in the system. 246.) The structure of a table has been changed in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Which of the following adjustments in the relevant database table is correct, if you want to retain the previous data? A.) The database utility is the interface between the ABAP Dictionary and the relational database underlying the R/3 System. You can use the database utility to edit all the database objects that are generated from objects of the ABAP Dictionary. These are database tables that are generated from transparent tables or physical table pools or table clusters, indexes, database views. It is mainly used when a table is changed in the ABAP Dictionary.At that time,we must ensure that the database structure of the table is adjusted to the change in the ABAP Dictionary during activation. You can call the database utility from the initial screen of the ABAP/4 Dictionary(SE11) with Utilities -> Database utility or using T-code SE14. The database structure of a table can be adjusted to its changed ABAP Dictionary definition in three ways: * By deleting and recreating the database table The table is deleted in the database. The revised version of the table is then activated in the ABAP Dictionary and created again in the database. Data in the table is lost during this
process. * By changing the database catalog (ALTER TABLE) Only the definition of the table is changed in the database. Data in the table is retained. The indexes on the table might have to be rebuilt. * By converting the table . The database table is renamed and serves as a temporary buffer for the data. The revised version of the table is activated in the ABAP Dictionary and created in the database. The data is reloaded from the temporary buffer to the new database table (with MOVE-CORRESPONDING) and the indexes on the table are built. The database utility provides a number of options for administering and monitoring requests for database modifications. You can perform these functions directly in the initial screen of the database utility. 246.) what are the processing modes of a function module? A.) There r mainly 2 processing modes of for functional modules. ----> Normal mode , in this we can call Function Module Locally with in SAP system. ----> Remote Enabled mode , in this we call function module for non sap system by giving destination in SM59 transaction code 247.) if multiple badi can be active at a time, how will we know which implementation will be fired first . how to know the sequence in which implementation is fired. A.) 248.) By Applying Sort Method we can execute the BADI'S in any order. GO to SE18 transaction code and Utilities>Sort, where in Interface Tab we can give the list of implementations in a order. What ever the ordre we are mentaining in that order the BADI implementations will execute. Is it ok else if you need more info let me know. 249.) why do you selected sap abap as your career as there are many technical modules are there? 250.) How to get the table name from a field?
NOTE:if only the field name is given in a flat file. A.)DD03L 251.) What are Lock Objects, and their Differences
A.) Lock objects (their developer given names should begin with EZ or EY) are resident in the ABAP dictionary once they are created and activated by the ABAP developer. Each lock object, on activation, creates two function modules – ENQUEUE_EZ and DEQUEUE_EZ. In ABAP dictionary, we can create a lock object by stating the table name (primary table) we want to lock, its lock mode (there are three types of lock mode E, S and X described at the end of this answer) and lock parameters giving the primary key fields if only a single table is involved or foreign key field(s) to join this table with any other required (secondary) table(s) as the process might demand. To understand why lock objects are required / needed is best comprehended by understanding the LOCK (locking of data about to be changed by business transaction) concept and lock management first. Locking of data (in tables or resources) prior to making a change to the data becomes very necessary to maintain consistency of data when several people are working on the same data (table / application) adding, changing and deleting (records or table entries) records to it. A very good example of this kind of high end activity on a table data is seen in a multi-user environment like airline booking system. A person queries the database for currently available seats on a flight. If seats are available indeed, then a booking has to be done. Between the time of query of seats availability and time of actually booking the required seats, many seconds/minutes elapse and in the meantime another person might have already booked thus bring the balance of seats down and rendering earlier read balance incorrect. Therefore, when the query is fired, the user locks the table entry (or entries as the case might be). After this locking, nobody else gets access to the same entry until the entire booking is done and balance seats are decreased and lock released finally. It is imperative to realize that locks once set must get released as soon as the need for them is over so that resources (tables) are released for others to use. There is a default internal locking mechanism (database lock administration) of ABAP but this is not sufficient (the reason is these locks are implicitly released whenever a
screen changes and this would harm the integrity of a business SAP transaction under process/progression which could run through a series of dialog steps/screens).
Before firing a SELECT query to enquire seat availability, developer must (a) issue a call to function module ENQUEUE_EZ to logically lock the table (s)/resource(s). (b) On successful locking, book the tickets, reduce balance of seats available and (c) then issue a call to function module DEQUEUE_EZ to release the logical lock placed on the global lock table (the enqueue work process coordinates this activity with the global lock table). If locking is not successful, the transaction has to be exited. Lock Modes: S for Shared Read Lock. X for Extended Write (Non-cumulative) lock E for Exclusive Write lock (Cumulate) E – When this lock is set, then the user (aka owner of lock) who sets it can only have exclusive access and edit records locked. A request for any other write lock or read / shared lock is rejected. Only the lock owner can set the lock again (cumulate). S – Shared read lock. Several users can read the locked record(s). A write lock request is rejected (to prevent ‘dirty read’ situation). However, additional read share locks from other users are accepted by the system. X - This type of write lock can be requested only once even by the same SAP transaction/lock owner. All other subsequent lock requests of any kind, even by the lock owner fails 252.)Is it possible to create secondary index on a view? A.)NO 253.)Types of views. A.) Maintenance View: Created by joining two or more related (by foreign key) tables. Join conditions are always using the foreign key. Data can be changed, viewed and created using such maintenance views. This type of view implements outer join (where those records that do not have a corresponding
entry in some of the tables participating in the view also show up) against database views that implement inner joins (where the user sees only records which have a corresponding entry in all tables participating in the view). In tcode SE54, generate table view, and select view type as 'maintenance view'. More information is available in manuals/books on how to create a one step and two step maintenance view. A database view can be READ only (formed by joining two or more tables) and of course, if the appropriate option is selected while creating it, it could write into the underlying table also. If a database view involves more than one table, then it can only be a READ ONLY view. Projection View is formed out of exactly only one table and it is a projection view (selective columns are displayed from the table). Help views also implement an outer join in the tables participating in the view. Typically these are used when one creates a F4 help in a field of a data entry screen. A database view could also be linked to a search help but must be avoided because database views use an inner join and therefore some records may get hidden and may not therefore really HELP. 254.)What is indexing? A.) Index on a table or indexing a table can speed up record
access in the table. Index is a copy of the database table but in its reduced form (only certain key fields exist in the index along with a pointer)The data stored in the index is in a sorted order of the primary key in a primary index and secondary (alternate) key in a secondary index. Primary index is automatically created when the table is activated after creation. A secondary index is created manually (by ABAP developer or admin person as per dictates of the workshop) if it is felt that a large table is accessed too many times based on some field (like employee name in the EMPLOYEE MASTER) or fields that do not participate in the primary key formation. It is possible to specifiy while creating secondary index if
this index should be created on table activation. And then these secondary indexes can give a performance gain only on certain database systems and therefore these database systems can be specified while creating the secondary index so that such an index is created only on those specific database systems. Also user created secondary indexes must begin with Y or Z and can have three character position names. Must not use 0 (zero) as this is reserved by SAP for primary index.
255.) What is the Difference between Transparant Tables , Pooled & cluster Tables? A.) The first most common type known to all is the 'Transparent Table' which is a logical definition (in teh ABAP data dictionary) of a physical table in the database. Several tables logically defined in ABAP data dictionary can be combined in a physical table (pool or cluster). When functionally dependent data spread in many different tables are kept in one database table, it comes to be known as a cluster table. The key fields of these cluster tables form the cluster key. Pool table is just the opposite where tables are kept together but they are not functionally dependent - rather say all small master tables kept together as a pool would form a pool table. The true benefits of a cluster / pool table is data is stored ina compressed form, so less memory space and less network load. There are some minus points also: No native SQL can be used, no views, no joins, no scondary indices, no GROUP BY, ORDER BY can be used. Table appends not possible. 256.)MASTER ,TRANSACTIONAL AND CUSTOMIZING DATA? A.) Master Data: Under this category we would group data more
or less static once entered. Examples would be Customer Master, Supplier Master, Employee Master, Department
Master, Accounts (Code) Master etc. This kind of data is referenced in operations to pick up a name, description or details like basic salary which do not change very often. Data is said to be more or less static and classified under 'Master Data'. Transaction Data: When compared to Master Data, activity in a transaction data set is very high. Daily operations/transactions like add / change / delete act on 'Transaction Data' and make it a very dynamic set. Examples would be customer order, stocks, purchase order, invoices, receivables, payables. Customizing Data: When a standard business software application (examples in SAP would be SD, MM etc) is made, very often, it will be required to be tailored to suit a particular business organization's need. To give an example, there may be an application that can suit a manufacturing organization, a purely dealership organization, or an organization that manufactures as well as simply acts as a dealer buying (from suppliers) and selling items (to its customers). When installing such an application, one has to indicate to the application, what sort of company is it - a manufacturer, a dealer or both. We are said to be customizing the application data based on the needs/nature/context of the organization where it is being installed. Now based on this customization, many other business processes inside this application would be turned on (active) or off (inactive) as appropriate. 257.)Session and CTM? A.)
Until unless sessions are not processed the data is not update in the database. it Should not return any value Error screens are stored into the error logs (SM35) Update the records synchronous Call Transaction method: Update the records fastly. It should return the value For error records it will stored the Internal table BDCMSGCOLL Update the Databae Both synchronous and asynchronous. 258.) what is direct input method and list out the standard programs available. give the list A.) go se38--> give rm*--> click on search help button . now it
display all the direct i/p programs.
ex: RMDATIND FOR MATERIAL MASTER RM06EE10 FOR PURCHAGE ORDER 259.) while uploading a flat file through bdc call trans, then the
system get CRASHED. how do i know how many records have been updated. A.) function module " format_message" holds the data that has not updated ,describing in which screen & fied has occured error.so that u can get how many records have got updated b4 occuring error. B.) Normally, in real time it will not happen. But programmer need to maintain a log manually about the processed and unprocessed records. When the system crashes, where is the chance of checking a function module. So its not possible in that case. C.) Even though it is bulk data processing, but updating the database always record by record only. so after calling the transaction , maintain the status of call transaction in to one custom table including the record details. so that we can check the custom table for the latest details 260.) explain the role of CTUPARAMS structure in call transaction A.) 261.) different ways to process/run the session? A.)SM35 RSBDCSUB 262.) which method is suitable for call transaction asynchronous
or synchronous A.) That depends upon the requirement and the nature of transaction if updates should take place one after another then we select Syncronus mode if it is not an restriction then we will select asynchronous mode 263.) 1.How can u set more than one selection screen for one report? 2.Where u can provide initial values other than in INITIALIZATION event? A.)VARIANT,DEFAULT OPTION 264.) If u r working with call transaction method .any problem occurs error records r stored in BDCMSGCOLL structure.How
do u find that an error has occured at a particular point,how can u handle to rectify and process it successfully? If a file has 10000 records where 3 records doent having right format,how do u tackle with this issue either by using call transaction or session method to transfer data perfectly into database table?tell me the steps how to procede? A.) We can create new session with error records and run that session online then we can see what cause that error and fix it. 265.) If i wont like to change the standard print program where i copied standard script to customer namespace,in this case is it possible to retreive the data if u connect the script with standard program.if yes how?if no why? Is it possible to print the logo in first page only,where the form consists of 10 pages.How can u do this? How can u set a table format where it cosists of fields like cust no, custname, amount ...in a script? How do u know that the particular BADI is suitable for the existed report.How do u findout this?When do u opt for BADI OR USEREXIT?did functional people tell u to adopt BADI or USEREXIT? What is the difference between SY-INDEX & SY-TABIX ? I have a report with fields Status,time & date. the contents it consists are Status Time Date AAA 01:20:15 05-06-10 AAA 11:02:32 O3-06-10 AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10 AAA 09:14:46 05-06-10 HOW DO U WRITE A CODE TO DISLAY A ROW WHICH WAS RECENTLY EXECUTED?( for this question it should display AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10 AS Output) 266.) if some one deleted your records from ztable how o u see
the records? A.) There is no specific method to see deleted record from the ztable if table log is active we can just see the user id date and time when the record was deleted. 267.) How to deactivate the sort button from the alv output A.) In IT_EXCLUDING parameter of 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' append the sort function key (&OUP(for sorting in ascending) and &ODN for sorting in descending). It will disable or deactivate the sort pushbutton. IT_EXCLUDING parameter is used for excluding function keys of standard ALV toolbar. IT_EXCLUDING short text Table of inactive function codes Description Optional IMPORTING parameter IT_EXCLUDING is an internal table. You must only fill this table if the caller uses the standard interface of the list tool but does not need certain interface functions and therefore wants to disable
them. In this case, you must enter the function codes of these standard functions into the table. 268.) When writing BDC for MM01 how do you take care of views? A.) First check that all the view are same way arrange in DEV QAS and PRO server and all the field contain same properties in all the server. 269.)Diff b/w 4.7 and ECC 6.0. A.) difference between 4.7 and ecc 6.0 4.7e in this version when u debugging the program it will display only one screen this is not compatible for advanced technologies like adobe forms and framework ecc 6.0 in this version when u debugging the program it will display the two screens one is debugging screen other one is the report screen. this is compatible for all the advanced technologies like adobe forms, framework and object oriented programming also. 270.) what is difference between (internal table types)standard table and sorted table in sap abap.... a.) 271.)Steps for working with Smartforms? A.) for creating smartforms the trans code : smartforms.
-first u have to create a style (tran code :smartforms):for ex -zstyle1. in which u can define some paragraph formats and character formats,which u can apply it to the form texts. -now go back to the transaction code smartforms again and create a form. there u'll have the nodes . - select field attributes and one tab will be open beside it. -select the radio button -do not translate.
now select general attributes and give style name which u have created in the output style which acts as a default style for ur smartform. we can add the windows to the form in two ways. -- click on 'form painter' in the tool bar -- right clk on pagewindows then create then window. now create a text element under the window.to do this right clk on window then add then text. -click on text in general attributes tab u can type the text . now check the smart form activate it. every smart form will return a function module after activating it.u have to call this fm in ur abap program (se38). to see the fm name after activating the form goto environment-> form name. form name will be displayed as information . 272.) how 2 create the normal form by using functional module? 273.)Scripts & Smartforms diff? A.) 1) Script is Client Dependent.
Smartforms are Client InDependent. 2) Multiple Page formats are possible in Smartforms. Multiple Page formats are notpossible in Scripts. 3) We can maintain Background Graphics in Smartforms. 4) Scripts doesnot generate any Functionmodules. Smartforms generate Functionmodules. 5) We can add colours in scripts. We cannot add colours in Smartforms. 6) Scripts maintains 99 mainwindows . Smartforms maintains only one Main window.
7) We can add colours in Smartforms We cannot add colours in Scripts Additions: 8) Smartforms are 100% portable by exporting to .xml format. Scripts layouts are not portable. Even if we import a Script into a smartform, its not 100% imported. 9) Templates are available in Smartforms but not in Scripts.
274.)What are DDIC objects? 275.) In sapscript when u set debugger mode on from which window it will start debugging .My sapscript has header window,logo window,address window,main and footer window.so from which window it will start debugging?? A.) When u start the debugging the script first it will start from the Main Window. Once main window is complete the debugging then it will go to the other windows. 276.) Can I write AT SELECTION SCREEN & AT USER COMMAND event in single program?If yes how?and if no what error will it give?? A.) hellow mr navven all above answeres were wrong. at_selection_screen we use this event for multiple selection scteen field validation. this is the default event triguured automatically . but at_user_command this event is triggured when ever the end user makes an aciton by clicking menu options or buttons on tool bar. 277.) If there are errors in BDC Call Transaction method, once the correction of errors is made how will you run this as Session method ? A.) First process the errors in call transaction method,then pass the tcode into bdc session method. bdc_insert. 278.) If there are two table with Foriegn Key relationship, and if any
changes is made to the check table in Table Maintanance Generator how will this the other table? A.)Inconsistency Occurs. 279.) How will you know which BADI is being, if there are multiple implementations of BADI in the same project. A.) We can check using Enhancement implementation -> Overview and see the active badi which is in yellow color. 280.) What is the Use of LDB PNPCE in ABAP HR? what is NODES statement? I think we have to use GET PERAS event while using PNPCE. Can we use the same using PNP LDB? If yes,how? please give me some example to demonstrate PNPCE? A.) Yes - You can use the PNP LDB.
As for the syntax wise it is same Get . 281.) Where are the LSMW events :BEGIN_OF_PROCESSING, BEGIN_OF_TRANSACTION and BEGIN_OF_RECORD declared? Why? A.) 282.) How would you design a BDC (session method ) in which session will get executed itself. user do not need to go to SM35. A.)RSBDCSUB 283.) What is the difference between Search help and Match code ? A.) 284.)What are diff types of interfaces in ABAP? A.) In SAP R/3 system, 3 main types of interfaces are System Interface,User Interface and Communications Interface. In OOABAP, above two local and global. But in ABAP, Outbound and Inbound Interfaces. Outbound Interfaces - Retrieving data from SAP and sending to other systems. Inbound Interfaces - Sending data from other system to SAP. Example: Outbound interface is used to send IDocs to the ALE server. Inbound interface is used to analyze the received Idoc. 285.) Why is smart form more preferred printing utility than sap script ?
A.) 1. Smartform creates a function module, so it is not client dependent, and SAP script is client dependent. 2. Smartform is having all code, condition, text, table... option in windows. Which makes it more specific & advance than Script. 3. Allignment problem in print page, (specially at the time of changing printer at user side)is more for Script. 4. No need to use subroutine pool if date is not available in print structures like - vbdka, vbdkr..., declaration is possible in Smartforms only.
286.) how to maintain the quantity field in bdc? A.) FVAL is the quantity field of an internal has a structure of BDCDATA. It is reference field to bdc_field subroutine. fnam and fval are its reference fields. 287.) How does system know that your SAP login userid is assigned to a perticular employee number (PERNR)? A.)
By using Function Module RP_GET_PERNR_FROM_USERID, get PERNR by giving USRTY = '0001'. And also in the table PA0105, with SUBTYPE '0001' and with the value USRID = 'SY-UNAME', get the PERNR 288.)Value & Check Table. A.) Value table helps in domain level data validation whereas Check table in field level data validation. The Value table is the table attached to a field at the domain level, where the entry to the field can be only from the value table. It cannot be used in the Input Help. The Check Table is the dependent table to which the relationship is defined using foreign keys. The contents of the check table field can be shown in the input help for the referenced field. 289.) If pass table name as parameter how can i get table contents? a.) select * from (parameter) into table. use this select statement then you can get result
290.) if we have to upload the legacy data by using one transaction ex.me22, in bdc which way we will choose i.e. session method or call transaction? how we will choose that way? can we use both method in single program? A.) Both methods we cannot use in the same program. Depend upon the requirement and volume of data only we have to choose the method weather we have to session method or otherwise call transaction method. But most of times we have to use only session method. Because the while processing the session if any errors occured those error screens are stroed into Error session logs. (SM35). And also the update the database also synchorouous. Such facility is not aviable in call transaction method. 291.) My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue? A.) Write a complicated loop or while statement that means in a loop each take 1000 records and pass into the select statement and result store into final iternal table. the memory can be increased in the application server.This is usually done in basis. 292.)Why cluster tables are not buffered? A.) Cluster tables is acombination of less no. of large tables. Higly updated tables cannot be buffered,hence cluster tables cannot be buffered. 293.) HOW MANY IMPLEMENTATIONWE CAN CREATE IN BADI? WHAT IS THE USE OF REUSABLE IN BADI? HOW MANY IMPLEMENTATION IS ACTIVE IN PRODUCTION SYSTEM AT A TIME? A.) One can have multiple implementations in BADIs. After all that is what BADIs are meant for. However, there can be some BADIs which can have only single implementation. We need to check that the checkbox has been checked or not to support multiple implementations. At a time multiple implementations can be active based on filter values like country, currency etc. 294) what is the difference between Ale abd Bapi? A.) ale is nothing but a its a link between the two sap systems. ex: if want to process the idoc from one system to another system by using ale we can process the idoc.
BAPI:Business Application Programming Interface. is a interface is used to connect from non sap sytem to sap systems. Ex: access the data from V.B or JAVA to SAP by using the BAPI Interface. 295.) Uses of runtime analysis and sql trace with example(coding). A.)
Runtime analysis (se30)is a tool used to analyze the performance of any transaction and program within the workbench. sql tgrace (st05) is atool to examine the db.calls by reports and transactions.
296.) What's the difference between AT NEW and AT END OF events? A.)
297.) What's the use of AT PF event? A.)
When the user chooses a function code PF ( can be between 01 and 24), the system always triggers the AT PF event. In the standard list status, the function keys F that are not reserved for predefined system functions all have the function code PF as long as a corresponding event block is defined in the program. AT PF. . These event blocks are executed when the user chooses the corresponding function key. The position of the cursor in the list is irrelevant. If you use these event blocks at all, it should only be for temporary test versions. In production programs, you should only use AT USER-COMMAND with a dialog status of your own to assign function codes to function keys. When you use your own interfaces, the system displays a function text explaining what the function does. This does not happen when you use AT PF event blocks.
298.) how many ways to delete ztable field values without using table maintenance generator? what is that? 299.) i can give default values in select-options also then what
is use of INTIALIZATION event?
ya u r right.But, It is poosible to perform some calculations before selection screen is appeared using INITIALIZATION and presents along with selection screen. i.e to display uptodate date,time, etc. 300.) at the same time can i call two transactions in bdc call transaction method?what happens if use like that? A.) As per the standard Syntax - only one transaction will be called at a time If you want to call second transaction then first transaction will be called later second one 301.) can we transport text elements and text symblos in reports from devlopment to quality?is it necessary? A.) once we created text element or text symbols..we must assign text element to transport request through program RSTXTRAN. 302.) what is main difference b/w reports and module pool?exact answer? A.) Report: executable program.it only retrieves data,doesnt supports data updation. eventhough we make updations thru open sql,but SAP doesnt supports. Module program: online executable program.supports data updation as we r using Transaction. 303.) can we transfer variants from development to Quality?how can we transfer?is it necessary? A.) the variant is atached to the object's stuff (like screens, transactions, fields, tables, screens , etc). No need to look at variant , while transporting the object B.) Yes, we can transfer variants across landscape. We can do that by attaching to a transport request. However this is not necessary. 304.)What is a macro? A.) If you want to reuse the same set of statements more than once in a program, you can include them in a macro. For example, this can be useful for long calculations or complex WRITE statements. You can only use a macro within the program in which it is defined, and it can only be called in lines of the program following its definition. The following statement block defines a macro macro: DEFINE makro. statements
END-OF-DEFINITION. You must specify complete statements between DEFINE and END‑OF‑DEFINITION. These statements can contain up to nine placeholders &1, &2,...., &9). You must define the macro before the point in the program at which you want to use it. 305.)AT SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT AND AT SELECTION SCREEN ON FIELD A.) At selection-screen : This event mainly used to validate the user inputs. At selection-screen output : This event is used for processing screen . We can enable or disable the screen blocks and we can make some field active or deactivate at run time. 306.) how many main windows you can maintain in a smartform? wt is the types of window in smartform? A.)
U ca have only one main window in smartforms. 307.) how to convert sapscript to email... A.)
There are several ways to do this. Best and most practiced way is convert script to PDF and send this PDF as attachment in mail.We use "CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF" function module to convert script to PDF. We can also use "CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF" function module to do this. In 4.7 version of SAP, we can use standard program RSTXPDF2T to serve this purpose.
After converting script to PDF, we use "SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API" to send this PDF as attachment to mail. 308.) In Sapscript , For example : I want to define font in Arial? And that font is not available in my system ? how can i get this font into my sapscript?
Go to SE73, select True type font installation button,then in the font name give the font name and if required bold and italic options select the attibute then in the font name file parameter give the font file (.ttf format) then execute the same. 309.) Can we create a search help for a particular user ? if yes..How ? A.)
It is not possible for user.
search help supports for FIELDS. 310.)What is SE30 AND ST05? A.) These transactions are widely used in performance tuning of any program. We use ST05 tcode to SQL trace. we use SQL trace to analyse the time consumed by various select statements in program. If any select statement is taking long time to retrieve data from Database, we can re-look into that and make necessary changes. We use SE30 for runtime analysis. This is for overall evaluation of program. By using this, we can know about time consumed by various processes (dialog,select) .Best practice is make the time consumed by SQL statements very less. 311.) how can we do performance tuning after coding? A.)
There are many techniques we follow . 1. Avoid nested select statements/loop. 2. Use "for all entries" instead of select inside loop. 3. Use field symbols 4. Specific usage of fields from a table. 5. By providing primary keys or key fields as input to a select statement( order is also important). 6. Do extended program check and remove all errors and warnings . 7. SQL trace and Runtime analysis. 312.) i want to use standard script and driven program.how can i modify standard driven program?in real time how can we execute the standard script?can any one tell me the procedure plz? A.) 1. You cant modify ,u can add new fields. 2. by connecting the layoutset with printprogram using NACE,then execute with corresponding Transactioncode. 313.) how can we change general report to alv report?
314.) For a package or transaction we will be having multiple no
of user exits .Out of these exits how we will find out that the particular exit is the exit which we have to code A.) 1. Put break point with user name and check how the user exit or badi is triggering. 2. Check for interface parameters like export , import, Changing and table parameters. Is this interface is suitable for your requirement ? Based on above analysis, one can come to conclusion which one to be used. Badi is preferable over user exit. User exit is preferable over funky exits( Routones like MV45AFZZ or MV50AFZ1). 315.) what is search help exit ? can any body explain briefly A.) Search help exit is predefined function module provided by SAP with which we can add additional functionality to the existing search help by adding additional fields. 316.) How to find out the no of implementations done for a badi A.) In the transaction SE18, enter the BADI name and then display it. In the menu Implementation->Display, you will see the list of implementations done for that BADI. There, implementations which are highlighted in yellow represent the active implementations and the rest are inactive. 317.) what is the main difference between lsmw and bdc ? in which situation we will go for lsmw instead of bdc? A.) what is the main difference between lsmw and bdc ?
in which situation we will go for lsmw instead of bdc? 318.) loop at itab. select matnr from mara into table itab upto 10 rows. endloop. will it work? A.) Yes, this will work but will giv a warning saying we cannot delete or overwrite the internal table within a Loop over itself. 319.) how to debug dialog box? A.) We have to Drag and Drop the txt file which is generated by sap->setting, then the dialog box can be debugged. 320.) for example in client 710 i update the records for tcode me21 using bdc,in the same server if i update 5 records and in the mean while other user do the same bdc update for me21 for 3 records how do u resolve the remaining 2 records.
A.) by lock mechanisom we can solve this problem 321.) Print options in smartforms? 322.)What is luw(both at screen and database level)? A.) Logical Unit of Work.its avoid the critical operation in
both database level and in screen level.it means one user deleting some records and second user trying to modifying those records but it's creating problem to avoid this problem we have this LUW feature in SAP R/3.It works like first user working on one transaction second user work on the same transaction only possible the first user come out from transaction then only second user work the transaction.This is the importence of LUW. 323.) Can we debug RFC's? If yes how can we do? A.) Yes we can . Put external debugger while login with same user in R/3 as ESS user . 324.) why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are cliet independent,plz give me a brief explanation,thank u. A. By design sap script is a word processing tool which displays data on the form with the help of text elements where the logic of those is written in the print program and Forms were designed to be driven from print program, hence are often termed as client dependent. Smart forms are client independent. Bcoz it doesn’t use any text elements. it will be executed through a function module. When a print program calls a Smart Form, the form itself takes over to produce output, without any further direction from print program. 325.) what is meant by HIDE statement? A.) HIDE statement is used to store key field value of selected row and transfer that value to AT LINE-SELECTION event block so that additional information findout for that selected row. 326.) Difference between table control and step loop? Plz answer me its urgent! A.) TABLE CONTROLS are simply enhanced STEP LOOPS that display data with the look and feel of a table widget in a desktop application. But from a programming standpoint, TABLE CONTROLS and STEP LOOPS are almost exactly the same. One major difference between STEP LOOPS and TABLE CONTROLS
is in STEP LOOPS their table rows can span more than one line on the screen. By contrast the rows in a TABLE CONTROLS are always single lines, but can be very long. ( Table control rows are scrollable ). The structure of table controls is different from step loops. A step loop, as a screen object, is simply a series of field rows that appear as a repeating block. 327.) Can we acheive everything using OOPs? If not? What cant be acheived? Have you encountered any scenario liike, you cannot acheive it using Function modules & can be acheived using Oops? What is the advantage of BADI over UserExit? Difference between BAPI and RFC? A.) OOps has data encapsulation and other security feature in default.rather in case of API(FM). BADI - you may have many instance for the same class rather for same enhancement.order of execution is SAP specific. User EXIT- you can have only one instance for a pirticular enhancement. BAPI - ALL bapi are RFC enabled Function module, but all RFC enabled Function modules are not BAPI. BAPI is designed by SAP for specific operation like(Material master Creation BAPI etc.) 328.) HOW CAN YOU CALL A PAGE EXPLICITLY IN SMART FORMS? 329.) HOW CAN YOU USE A PAGE COUNT IN CALLING A PAGE IN SMARTFORM? 330.) How to write long-text in SAP scripts?
EX: I want to write text like below: * Terms and Conditions: 1>.... 2>.... 3>.... A.) goto-->tcode SO10 Crete a text , say Z_text with the required data and goto script(se71)--->insert--->standard text--/: include Z_text object texx id ST hence we can get any amount of data 331.)What is SY-LOOPC? A.) It might be sy-loopc, as you might be ware that all the system fields are found in structure call SYST. Number of lines currently displayed in a table control.It
Can be used to determine the step loop blocks in the screen and for scrolling functionality. 332.) how to debug ale/idocs and how to correct errors and how to find out where the exact error occur 333.) when we use bdc and lsmw and bapis and ale idocs? 334)what is the output? A.)DO N TIMES. WRITE:/ SY-INDEX, SY-TABIX. ENDDO. 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
334.) Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced in the recent intvws: a) Can we execute the script individually? If yes How? Else what we need to do so? b) Are Layout sets Client independent? c) How do you assign a print program to a script? d) Can we call a subroutine in a script? If so, how? e) What are the steps to print SAP script form?
A.) a)yes its possible. goto menu utilities -> Printing test
b)no Clinet dependent c)we can assign print program andscript in NACE T-code in the output type c)yes, by using Perform statement in scripts 335.) how to copy client to client in scripts? A.)RSTXCPY, If it is to copy script between clients then, se71, utilities-copy frm client. 336.) what is Composite key in table creation? what is the use? A.) A composite key consists of two or more columns, designated together as a table's primary key. Multiple-column primary keys can be defined only as table-level constraints: A composite key has more than one attribute (field).
Used in database management systems as a key which has two or more fields in the columns in the table, or in a file. 337.) what is the difference between Blocked ALV and interactive ALV? A.) 338.)Diff fm and subroutines? A.)
1)subroutines may or may not require input parameters . function module require input as well as output parameters , 2)subroutines does not have exceptions but function mod can have exceptions , 3)subroutines do not have a return value funct have return value . 4.) Function module is a global to the program where as subroutine is local to the program. 339.) How to add background picture/graphics in alv report? A.) 340.) How to test a script?how to find versions in scripts? A.) To test a script, goto menu utilities -> printing test
to find versions of the script goto menu utilities -> vesions 340.) WHY WE NEED TO CREATE A PORT IN ALE IDOCS? A.) port acts as medium inbetween sendor and receiver. port carries the idoc from sendor to receiver. port creatin is we21 and provide the reciver name should casensitive. 341.)What is the diff b/w Sy-cprog and Sy-repid? A.) sy-cprog : Main Program Name. sy-repid : Current Program Name. 342.) by which function module we are going to put data into sapscript ? A.)WRITE_FORM 343.) How many times we can use At Selection Screen Output and on field event in report? A.) At Selection Screen Output can be used only once in the report program. At Selection Screen On field can be used mutilple times if the fields are different. e.g At Selection Screen On field1 if field1 is empty display error message.
At Selection Screen On field2 if field2 is empty display error message. 344.) Is der any other criteria for using For All Entries except if not itab is initial? A.) after select statement of itab check for SY-SUBRC and write for all entries.. 345.) when is the POV AND POH event used? 346.) Is logo in script 1st stored as tiff format before uploading or in jpeg format?and where is that stored after uploading? 347.) What is collect statement?explain with example? A.) if an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT
statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry 348.) What will happen if i dont use initialization and start of selction event in report? A.) by default start-of-selection event present fieeld get their initial values 349.) Can we change the IDoc number ? if yes..How ? 350.) I am getting the (first) page number and the remaining records displayed in another list in another page BUT the PAGE Number is not displayed? What is the code/solution? 351.) In Interactive Report : How to come from Secondary List 10 to secondary list 4? what is the Program code? A.) from list index 10 to come bck to list index 4 we can use the code as follows.....put
some function code button on application or menu tool bar then code as below case 'FNCODE'. when CLICK CHECK LSIND = 10. LSIND = 4. endcse. 352.) Create a Function module that can be called from JAVA using JCo with an example. A.) Only thing that you need to do when creating the FM is to make it RFC enabled. Once you make the any FM RFC enabled java environment will be able to consume it. 353.) How to write file to application server? A.) Read dataset for output. loop at itab into wa. transfer wa into . endloop. close dataset . 354.) what is file handling?
A.) 355.) I wrote one script program,Now i want to transfer this program from development to production system so that output is displayed correct in production.please give me the steps.In development showing correct output but whereas in production somewhat difference.So what is the problem? A.) Attach the same printer name which user is going to use & again allign at Dev. then transfer the request on Production. B.) script is client dependent.so if u want to transfer script program then firstly u need to make a copy of ur script form from development server to production server with T-code SCC1 then your script program will run properly. 356.)How to debug smartforms? A.) 1) One way to debug smartform is to debug the Function Module of that smartforms. If you want to debug particular smartform node that the solution would be, insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint. break-point. So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this breakpoint and you can debug onwards. 2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS. 357.)Leave screen,Set Screen,Call Screen. A.) With SET SCREEN the current screen simply specifies the next screen in the chain , control branches to this next screen as sonn as th e current screen has been processed .Return from next screen to current screen is not automatic .It does not interrupt processing of the current screen.If we want to branch to the next screen without finishing the current one ,use LEAVE SCREEN.
- With CALL SCREEN , the current (calling) chain is suspended , and a next screen (screen chain) is called .The called can then return to the suspended chain with the statement LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN 0 .Sometime we might want to let an user call a pop up screen from the main application screen to let him enter secondary information.After they have completed their enteries, the users should be able to close the popup and return directly
to the place where they left off in the main screen.Here comes CALL SCREEN into picture .This statement lets us insert such a sequence into the current one. 358.) Which FM do you use to find out who is reporting to whom
What is object in OM A.) In OM STANDARD OBJECTS ARE
O------> ORG.UNIT C------> JOB S------> POSITION T------> TASK A------> WORK CENTRE P------> PERSON K------> COST CENTRE What are the FM do we use in OM A.) RH_GET_PERSONS_FROM_POSITION
RH_CUT_INFTY Delimit OM Objects: RH_CUT_OBJECT Update database for OM objects operation in background RH_UPDATE_DATABASE Determine whether a position is vacant: RH_GET_VACANCY
What is the transaction code to modify the hr form
What is features and transaction code
What is functions and transaction code
What is schema and transaction code A.) The payroll schema contains calculation rules to be used by
the payroll driver during payroll accounting. T-code: PE01 How do you execute the payroll
What is payroll area
What is personnel sub are
What is wage type
In which cluster time results are stored B2 CLUSTER
What is retro active accounting
How do you read the data from clusters
Explain the concept of clusters in payroll
Explain the concept of clusters in payroll
Where the payroll results are stored
Where the payroll results are stored
What is payroll driver
What is the transaction code to display the payroll results
What are advantages and disadvantages of logical data base
What is off cycle payroll run
How do you execute the payroll
What is off cycle payroll run
What is For-period and In-period
What is sequence number
359.)Why we require logical database? 360). By using which FM we can upload data into Infotype A.) HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION 361.) Can we develop program without logical database for hr module data retrieval A.)Yes,HR_READ_INFOTYPE 362.) How do you retrieve the data for repetitive structures A.) REPORT RPABAP06. TABLES:PERNR. INFOTYPES: 0008. DATA: BEGIN OF WAGETYPES, LGA LIKE P0008-LGA01, BET LIKE P0008-BET01, ANZ LIKE P0008-ANZ01, EIN LIKE P0008-EIN01, OPK LIKE P0008-OPK01, END OF WAGETYPES. GET PERNR. RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST P0008 SPACE PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA. DO 20 TIMES VARYING WAGETYPES FROM P0008-LGA01 NEXT P0008-LGA02. IF WAGETYPES-LGA IS INITIAL. EXIT. ELSE. WRITE: / WAGETYPES-LGA, WAGETYPES-BET. ENDIF. ENDDO. 362.) What is the difference between select statement and provide
Statement? A.) 1. Provide: statement is used with predefined Macros, if we use macros it is assured that will work properly, the data has been retrived based on structures tables. and it cant be used without logical data base or GETPERNR Statement. 2. Select: statement is used to retrive data from transparent tables,if you use this statement for retriving data of info types make sure to do proper QA other wise it may gonna give prob with begda and endda. 363.) What is PNP-SW-FOUND? A.) its very much like sy-subrc , its used for rp_provide_from_last in abap hr. Google for more details 364.) What are the standard macros do we use in HR ABAP A.) RP-PROVIDE-FROM-FRST RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST 365.) What is Macro 366.) What are the organizational related Infotypes? A.) 367.) What are the personnel administration related Infotypes A.) 368)Time related infotypes? A.) 0007 Planned working hours
2001 Absence 2002 attendances 2003 Substitutions 2004 Availability 2005 Overtime 2006 Absence Quota 2007 attendance quota 2010 Employee Remuneration Info 2011 time pairs 2012 Time Transfer Specifications 2013 quota corrections 369.)Payroll realated infotypes? 370.)What is PS STRUCTURE? 371.) What is PAKEY structure, PSHD1 structure and what type of fields it contains? a.) Each PA Infotype consists of 4 structures-
1. PAKey- Personnel Administration key fields It holds infotype key fields’ data like Personnel No, Start date, End date e.t.c. 2. PSHD1- It contains Infotype log details like change date (AEDTM), user details e.t.c. 3. PSxxxx- It contains the Infotype related specific fields. In other words, fields related to that particular Infotype. Note: - Developer can create this structure. 4. CI_Pxxxx- It will exist only for standard Infotypes. CI stands for ‘Custom Include’. By using this structure, we
can enhance a standard Infotype. The standard infotype will then have the custom fields on screen along with standard SAP fields. 372.) How can we decide weather we can enhance the standard Infotype or not a.) We can enhance the info types in SAP HR, which is done by ALE( application enable link) and User Exits. 373.) Importance of PA20, PA30 and PA40 a.) In brief PA20 : Is used to display the master records/data of the employee( Resigned and active).
PA30 : Is used to create , update the Master data of the employee. Pa40 : IS used to create the Personnel Events 374.) What is the process to enhance the Infotype 375.) What are the transaction codes to create the Infotypes? a.) pm01 for personal administration custom infotypes
ppci for organizational management custom infotype 376.) Why do we require Infotypes for HR module a.) As HR is related to time, we require old data as well as new data. The data we enter into the infotypes are automatically checked for accuracy and against the table entries. In simple, HR data is huge and to access data easily we require Infotype 377.)Infotype and Table. a.) Infotypes are also called information types and are predefined templates to enter sensible related information for an employee or applicant. for eg an address infotype would have fields like street & house no, city, pin code.This infotype is unique and is represented by an infotype number eg address has infotype no 0006. There other infotypes like 0000 - Actions (to capture employee movement info in the orgnization) 0001 - Organizational Assignment (to capture employee positioning in the organization) 0002 - Personal Data 0006 - Address 0007 - Planned Working Time (Store planned working hours for the employee.) 0008 - Basic Salary 0009 - Bank Details
0014 - Recurring Payment 0015 - Additional payment 0016 - Contract Elements 2006 - Absence Quotas 378.) What is report category and for what purpose do we use report category? A.) logical data is important part in ABAP hr programming sap provides many LDB to use the data in perfect way without much coding. We normally use PNP, PNPCE LDB in hr abap reports and use standard LDB screens reports. LDB screen are based on report category. Sap provides many report category for each LDB so it can be use for multiple purposes. Sometimes during for custom report development, we don’t find the report category as per our requirement and we need to add the unwanted fields on selection screen SAP provides options to create custom report category which user can design based on the requirements. 379.) What are the program names for logical database PNP and PNPCE? A.) SAPDBPNP and SAPDBPNPCE 380.) Explain the program flow when we use logical database PNP or PNPCE? A.) Data declaration START_OF_SELECTION. GET PERNR. retrieve the data from internal tables to output internal tables END_OF_SELECTION. Display the data retrieved above. From GET PERNR to END_OF_SELECTION ; it will loop with the employee numbers selected from the selection screen. 381.)What is logical database? A.) A logical database is simply an ABAP program that combines the contents of the database tables.A logical database is linked into ABAP report program as one of the program attributes. 382.) What is the difference between ABAP and HR ABAP? 383.) What are the different OK Codes that can be used in batch input processing? A.) /n – terminates current batch input transaction and marks as incorrect. /bdel – delete current batch input transaction from session /bend – terminate batch input processing and mark session as incorrect /bda – change display mode to process the session on screen instead of displaying only errors /bde – change display mode to display only errors instead of processing the session on the screen 384.) what is call back in alv?
385.) how to restict the data display in smart form like if i want to display directly in secondary window.? A.) Add a condition node and specify conditio n like say
1=2 386.) How to Handel Duplicate entries in LSMW. A.) Sort Internal table and use Delete Adjacent Duplicate Statement 387.)Nodes in smartforms? A.) There are diff nodes avilable in SF like: -window -Graphic -Address -Text -Table -Template -FlowLogic -Folder, etc.. 388.) i want to see a material master data which is at client side.How can i view that? A.) 389.) i want to change alighnment of windows in scripts.How can i
do that? A.) if u have window which is already created, select that page window and change the measurements(width,height,etc) of that according to the new alignment place. 390.) Can we create internal table in smart forms or scripts?if yes where and how? 391.) How to delete the field created using APPEND STRUCTURE (.APPEND) A.) To delete the .append structure you should have strong reason. To delete the append structure go to the transaction rsa6 select your data source ex:2lis_02_itm double click on that and then click on .append structure select change mode and then click on delete row. So you can delete / modify the .append structure. finally activate the .append structure and save it. other way is go to se11 enter your .append structure name and then click on extract structure and delete. prefer first method. 392.)Diff b/w SE16 and SE17? A.) SE16 allows you to create entries and SE17 doesnot allow that option 393.) If there are 100 records...explain the BDC session method step by step how you gonna do A.) 1) move the 100 records into internal table
2) using the BDC_OPEN_group open the session which takes the program name, and session name 3) using bdc_insert insert all records into session, which takes the T-code 4)close the session using BDC_CLOSE_GROUP. 5) run the session from SM36 394.) how to migrate standard text in sap script to smart form? A.) You can migrate a SAPscript form into a Smart Form and
convert a SAPscript style into a Smart Style. When converting a SAPscript style into a Smart Style, the system converts all paragraph and character formats with all their properties and attributes without any changes. Thus you can use the converted Smart Style without making any adaptations.
Converting a SAPscript style 1. Go to the Smart Styles inital screen (transaction SMARTSTYLES ). 2. In the Style name field enter the name of the Smart Style you want to create. 3. Choose Smart Styles ® Convert SAPscript style. 4. Enter the name of the SAPscript style you want to convert and Press Enter. 5. Alist of the converted styles appears. 6. Choose Back. You can now change the Smart Style (Change).To activate the Smart Style choose Activate. 395.) how to find the driver program of a script without touching its print program? A.) Generally, we modify existing sap scripts provided by SAP
rather than creating one. Unless you have to do something new for your client like Labels or Packaging card, etc., MEDRUCK is the form for PO. You don't create a PO using MEDRUCK. MEDRUCK is the form used to print a PO that has been created.
Goto SE71, there is an option in Utilities as COPY ffrom Source client (000). Copy the from MEDRUCK into a Zname form. The common changes wud b inserting a logo, using Std text for Terms and Conditions, alignment of windows as per client requirement, get xtra data if client is asking for somethign more.
There are structures used in Scripts which hold the data
entered by the user. These structures are used to get data from Database. Look at MEDRUCK form and it would have a print program. you can find in tcode NACE. There might be some requirment like you have to copy medruck as zmedruck. after making modificatons in it you need to execute zmedruck ie instead of medruck zmedruck should be executed. The possible way to do it :: 1) Go to T-code 'NACE' 2) click on Application 'EV' click on push button 'output types'. 3) In Output types select 'NEU' tab now dounble click on processing routines. 4) Change to change mode For short text 'Print Output' Change form name freom 'MEDRUCK' to 'ZMEDRUCK'. 5) Now save and go back. 6) now whenever u execute 'ME23N' The form ZMEDRUCK will be displayed insted of MEDRUCK. 396). Did u create the script or u have only modified?how did u modified Medruck?did u came across any errors while modifying?after adding the logo wer did u store that? A.) Either you can using submit & return Statement or assign a
tcode to that report and call that tcode from your module pool prog 396.) How can u call a Report from a module pool program? A.) READ LINE LINE VALUE INTO V_LINE
GET CURSOR FIELD VALUE And ofcourse we can use HIDE Technique also 397.) Is der any any alternative Statement instead of HIDE which u can use in reports? A.) 398.) what will happen if you dont give any value in parameter and select options in report??will it fetch any value? A.) 399.) Why is bdc _cursor and GET_Cursor used? A.) 400.) i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how? 401.) i have 4 primary keys and i want to use only one primary key for select single.What changes will occur in the system?can i use it?
A.) In select single, you have to mention all the key fields in
where condition. Only in Select upto n rows there is no need to specify all the key fields 402.) have 3 screens say S1,S2,S3 and i want to validate only S3.What code shud i write in the flowlogic of the screen?? A.) 403.) What are the exact sequences in which the reporting events trigger.I mean starting from 1st to last.And how many times we can use At-Selection screen or Start-of-selection in a report?? A.) IN CLASSICAL REPORTS
1. Load-of-program 2.Initialization 3.At selection-screen output 4.At selection-screen 5.At selection-screen on value-request 6.At selection-screen on help-request 7.start-of-selection 8.end-of-selection 9.top-of-page 10.end-of-page following r the addition to the above in interactive report at line-selection at user-command at pf-key top-of-page during line-selection end-of-page during line-selection 404.) how to handle multiple line items in bdc?? A.) LOOP AT IT_ITEM INTO WA_ITEM WHERE VBELN = WA_HEADER-VBELN.
INDX = INDX + 1. CONCATENATE 'WA_SO2-MATNR('INDX')' INTO V_MATNR. perform bdc_field using V_MATNR WA_ITEM-MATNR. CONCATENATE 'WA_SO2-MENGE('INDX')' INTO V_MENGE. perform bdc_field using V_MENGE WA_ITEM-MENGE. perform bdc_field using BDC_OKCODE '/00'. ENDLOOP. 405.) how can you display data say "your name"in smart forms without print program or driver program?? A.) 406.) We have got some values for Field F1 say 1,2,3,4 and F2 say 10,10,10,10.Now can you tell me what would be the output for F1 if we use At End Of event?and what would be the output for F2 if we use At Last event?Also i want to know what is the difference between Total calculation for At end event and grand total for At last event??? A.) 407.)Breakpoint & Watchpoint? a.) BREAK POINT
The BREAK POINT is a debugging aid. When we run a program normally, it is interrupted at the statement, and the system automatically starts the debugger, allowing you to display the contents of any fields in the program and check how the program continues. If the program is running in the background or in an update task, the system generates a system log message. WATCH POINT Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at a particular point. 408.) What is the difference between OpenSQL and Native Sql? a.) OPEN SQL Open SQL allows you to access all database tables known to the SAP system, regardless of the database manufacturer. Sometimes, however, we may want to use database-specific SQL statements called Native SQL in the ABAP/4 program. Native SQL Native SQL allows you to use database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP program. This means that you can use database tables that are not administered by the ABAP Dictionary, and therefore integrate data that is not part of the R/3 System. 409.) What happens when we initialized the internal table with OCCURS 5 ? a.) hi guy's i dont think so . because once an itab is declared by default 8kb size will be declared initially. if we specify occurs 5 then if the initialized size is not enough for storing the records the after it allocates the memory for five records.again if the records are more than 5 records the again it allocates memory for 5 records. this process continious up to end of the records.` 410.)Types of internal tables? A.) STANDARD table : Key access to a standard table uses a linear search. This means that the time required for a search is in linear relation to the number of table entries. You should use index operations to access standard tables. SORTED table: Defines the table as one that is always saved correctly sorted. Key access to a sorted table uses a binary key. If the key is not unique, the system takes the entry with the lowest index. The runtime required for key access is logarithmically related to the number of table entries.
HASHED table: Defines the table as one that is managed with an internal hash procedure You can only access a hashed table using the generic key operations or other generic operations ( SORT, LOOP, and so on). Explicit or implicit index operations (such as LOOP ... FROM oe INSERT itab within a LOOP) are not allowed. INDEX table: A table that can be accessed using an index. Index table is only used to specify the type of generic parameters in a FORM or FUNCTION. That means that you can't create a table of type INDEX. Standard tables and sorted tables are index tables. Syntax : DATA itab TYPE table type of line type [WITH UNIQUE/NON-UNIQUE KEY ] [Iinitial size n] [WITH HEADER LINE] How do I get the row count of an internal table? Ans : DESCRIBE TABLE LINES After the call, variable contains the number of rows of the internal table 411.)Select single * and Select upto 1 rows? A.) select single:it selects the first record which matches the condition defined in WHERE clause.so if there many records which matches the criteria will be ignored,so its not unique select upto 1 rows:it retrieves all the records which matches the condition mentioned in WHERE clause and puts aggregate,average and gives the result 412.) What is the difference between Selection Screen on Request and Selection screen on input? A.) On request will execute on press of F4, and selection screen input will execute on input of a value in the screen. 413.) 2-What is the difference between At New and On change Of inside a loop??I want inside a loop difference not basic difference?? A) 1.at new is always followed by single field. eg: AT NEW MATNR. if any changes in matnr occurs at new event triggers. at this case right side fields of matnr appears like this.right side character fields appears like **** & numeric field become null in work area. 2.on change of follows by single or more fields. eg: ON CHANGE OF MATNR OR LABST OR WERKS.
here any change in any field on change of event triggers.here we can see all fields in work area. B) 1.At new statement is used inside the loop and end loop. 2.At new f3 : at new will trigger if any F1,F2,F3 field value changes 1.on change of is used with in loop end loop, select end select,do,do while. 2 on change of F3, on change of will trigger when only F3 value changes, it won't bother about F1 and F2 changes. 414.) 1-What is a Text Table? A.) ABAP programmers are often suppose to save language
depended data within ABAP applications. One of the possible way how to store such a data is to create a text table for transparent table in ABAP dictationary tool (TA code: SE11). 415.) how u define that idoc is generated for ale or edi method ? A.) If we define the comminication medium accross the system as
RFC then it is for ALE at the same time if we define the communucation medium across the system as File Interface then is will work for EDI OONLY! 416.)BAPI IMPLEMENTATION? A.) step 1: Create a Structure with Required Fields regarding
to Client(Customer) Specific. step 2: Create a Remote Function Module and the FM must having the Exporting as RETURN parameter and Release the FM. step 3: Create a Business Object in SWO1. step 4: Release Business Object as well as it's parameters like methods,interface etc. step 5: Generate the BO. step 6: Go Bapi Tcode and Check our Bo comming or 417.)RFC & BAPI? A.) RFC Stands for Remote Function Call this is similar to Bapi
the main difference between Bapi and RFC is Bapi for accessing the servers remotly both sap and non-sap but one msut be sap but using RFC technology we can access the servers remotly with in sap. 418.) how to handle double click event in table contorl... A.) go to GUI status in ure program, then goto funtion keys---->then recommended function key. here assign a fct code to choose icon. next in PAI use the following code GET CURSOR FIELD VALUE .
BY DOUBLE CLICK IN TABCONTROL u can get the field name and field value.in the above variable(,) 419.) In a report prg there is an event called : at SELECTION-SCREEN on VALUE-REQUEST FOR . pls tell me that when i am using a module pool prg how do I call the above event. In other words what is the module pool equivalent for the above event which is used in a report prg. Hope I am able explain my query. A.) you need to use FM 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' to read the screen fields if you are not using OKCODE as ENTER. For this functional module you need to pass passing the program name, screen number and get the screen field vale in dynpfileds table in the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. see the sample code below. PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. FIELD v_item MODULE f4help_item. refresh it_dynpfields. wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'. append wa_dynpfields to it_dynpfields. CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' EXPORTING dyname = sy-repid dynumb = sy-dynnr * TRANSLATE_TO_UPPER = ' ' * REQUEST = ' ' * PERFORM_CONVERSION_EXITS = ' ' * PERFORM_INPUT_CONVERSION = ' ' * DETERMINE_LOOP_INDEX = ' ' tables dynpfields = it_dynpfields. * EXCEPTIONS * INVALID_ABAPWORKAREA = 1 * INVALID_DYNPROFIELD = 2 * INVALID_DYNPRONAME = 3 * INVALID_DYNPRONUMMER = 4 * INVALID_REQUEST = 5 * NO_FIELDDESCRIPTION = 6 * INVALID_PARAMETER = 7 * UNDEFIND_ERROR = 8 * DOUBLE_CONVERSION = 9 * STEPL_NOT_FOUND = 10 * OTHERS = 11 .
IF sy-subrc 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. LOOP AT it_dynpfields into wa_dynpfields. IF wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'. V_VBELN = wa_dynpfields-fieldvalue. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF NOT v_vbeln IS INITIAL. SELECT vbeln posnr FROM vbrp INTO TABLE it_posnr WHERE vbeln = v_vbeln. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING * DDIC_STRUCTURE = ' ' retfield = 'POSNR' * PVALKEY = ' ' dynpprog = 'Z42778_F4_TEST' dynpnr = '1000' dynprofield = 'V_ITEM' * STEPL = 0 * WINDOW_TITLE = * VALUE = ' ' value_org = 'S' * MULTIPLE_CHOICE = ' ' * DISPLAY = ' ' * CALLBACK_PROGRAM = ' ' * CALLBACK_FORM = ' ' * MARK_TAB = * IMPORTING * USER_RESET = TABLES value_tab = it_posnr. * FIELD_TAB = * RETURN_TAB = * DYNPFLD_MAPPING = v_project * EXCEPTIONS * PARAMETER_ERROR = 1 * NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2
* OTHERS = 3 ENDIF. 420.)AS A TL WHAT TOOLS USED ON SAP? A.) During SAP projects, there are several tools that are forgotten or not very well known, but which helped us to create better custom solutions that you can take advantage of. In many cases, these tools help to avoid generating new proprietary code. A too-high percentage of consultants does not know all of these tools, or does not use them because of lack of knowledge or because of some myths or false assumptions about them. Without going into a deep and detailed analysis, I will mention some of the most important tools we should consider for our project: Reporting: • Report Writer, Report Painter, and ABAP-Queries, the three report generators available in R/3, very powerful, and relatively easy to use. • Business Warehouse, the data warehousing tool included in the SAP licenses: highly configurable and with easy dataextraction functionalities to all other SAP solutions and integration with almost all standard architectures (Crystal, Ascential). • Information Systems, the standard reporting structures in some SAP solutions (R/3). • ABAP List Viewer, a set of ABAP-Objects available to develop highly configurable reports (lots of standard SAP reports are developed with these objects). • IViews/MiniApps, standard solutions which include standard SAP data, graphics, and transactions into a browser environment (mySAP Workplace/mySAP Portal). Interfaces: • BAPIs (Business Applications Programming Interfaces), a set of standard RFCs (Remote Function Calls) to access and enter SAP data without the typical maintenance problems of custom developments (SAP maintains these BAPIs). • IDOCs, the EDI objects for connecting on-line with other systems/solutions. • DCOM Connector, a development kit to simplify the development of interfaces to SAP solutions from COM+ applications. • SAPGUI Off-line entry tools, a set of different tools to enter or access SAP data with standard tools like the Microsoft Office Suite. • SAP Console, a small server to convert graphic screens
from SAP into text screens (typically used to access SAP transactions with a text-enabled wireless device like some barcode readers). • LSMW, an R/3 transaction for developing interfaces. Programming screens and logic: • GuiXT, non-proprietary SAP software included in the standard SAPGUI. It provides the ability to change the appearance of screens without changing the standard SAP code. (It works on the front-end level.) • Input Assistance, just like GuiXT. It works on the frontend level, and permits users to change some logic of the SAP transactions without changing the standard SAP coding. (It needs an additional license from the manufacturer.) • SAP Console (already stated above). • BAPIs (already stated above). • SAPGUI Off-line entry tools. • User-Exits, predefined places in the SAP code where some proprietary code can be included. (SAP guarantees to maintain this code for subsequent versions without alteration of the logic.) • Field-Exits, a possibility to include some code to control or change the content of input fields. • match codes, a way to add or change available filters and queries to search for the content of particular fields. • Workflow/Webflow, the workflow functionality found across every solution/module of SAP, to trigger automatic events when a specific situation occurs. • Validations and substitutions, customizing tools to avoid codification of controls and substitutions of fields found in some areas/modules of SAP Solutions. • IViews/Miniapps (already stated above under Reporting). Forms: SAPScript and SAPForms, two different tools to develop output forms and to avoid using ABAP code. SAPForms is much more user friendly and the new (and recommended) tool to be used. Today, with the new NetWeaver™ technology, there are additional tools that should be analyzed: • XI (Exchange Infrastructure – The EAI Solution of SAP). • SAP Enterprise Portal for e-collaboration, knowledge management, etc. • MDM (Master Data Management to ensure information integrity and harmonization across the business network). • SAP Web AS (Web Application Server for Web services).
421.) I have developed a program where i have used Ranges and the program is running fine in DEV and Quality server but as soon as it goes to Prod server it shows some errors.What can be done in this case?? A.) 422.) If i have locked a program using Locking and iam in bangalore.How can i give authorization to other user to use my program who is another place say Pune?is it possible? A.) f you wish to Lock or UnLock a program Editor Lock it can be done by the program given below. The SAP System Table TRDIR has a field called EDTX which is basically the EDITOR lock filed. Edit Lock facility is given in the PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. The EDITOR LOCK is a check box given in the PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. If this field is SET then the program gets locked and if this is Unchecked the the program is unlocked. If the EDITOR lock is ON then only the program's author user who has created the program can edit it. Please find the program below. REPORT ZEX_LOCKUNLOCKED . ************************************************************ ** * ABAPLOVER.BLOGSPOT.COM * * Editor Lock * * * ************************************************************ ** * Table Declaration TABLES: TRDIR. "System table TRDIR *Parameters-------------------------------------------------* Parameter: P_PROG LIKE TRDIR-NAME, P_EDITOR LIKE TRDIR-EDTX. * Select the entered Program SELECT SINGLE * FROM TRDIR WHERE NAME = P_PROG. * Set/Remove the lock
TRDIR-EDTX = P_EDITOR. MODIFY TRDIR. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Successful ', TRDIR-NAME. IF TRDIR-EDTX = 'X'. WRITE: ' Lock'. ELSE. WRITE: ' UnLock'. ENDIF. ELSE. WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Unsuccessful ', TRDIR-NAME. ENDIF. 423.) With the use of secondary index we can make a program run faster but we are advised not to use secondary index why is that so?? A.) B'coz secondary index is just like a copy of data base table reduced to specific fields.So,insertion and updation in database become slow after creation of secondary index where as read from table become fast. This is b'coz additional indexes can also place a load on the system since they must be adjusted each time the table contents change. Each additional index therefore slows down the insertion of records in the table 424.)BAPI & RFC? A.) 1) BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI. The following standardized BAPIs are provided: Reading instances of SAP business objects GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range of object key values, for example, company codes and material numbers.
The BAPI GetList() is a class method. GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an instance of a business object type are retrieved and returned to the calling program. The instance is identified via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method. BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a business object type The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be programmed so that they can be called several times within one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved consistently in the database. Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( ) The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. These BAPIs are class methods. Change( ) The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. The BAPI Change () is an instance method. Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an instance of an SAP business object type from the database or sets a deletion flag. The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs are instance methods. Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel() cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional instance is created and this is the one that is actually canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method. Add ( ) and Remove ( ) The BAPI Add adds a subobject to an existing object inst! ance and the BAPI and Remove removes a subobject from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
2) No it is not possible to connect SAP to Non-SAP systems to retrieve data using RFC alone. RFC can acces the SAP from outside only through BAPI and same is for vice versa access. 3) Each Bapi Object has Interface, Key Fields, Attributes,Methods and Events. Bapi Function Modules can be attached to these Bapi objects .Function module has a single bound functionality while a BAPI object can contain many functionalities --> BAPI's are kind of methods to call the Business repository objects from external system, but there is no direct system call where as RFC are direct system call. -->When ever we are trying to update the chnages to DB using BAPI then we had to use the Transaction_commit FM externally to update the changes where this is not used for RFC. Now when it comes to BADI i think its totally different functionaly BAPI's are used for DB commits etc where as BADI's are used as enhancement concepts to modify the standrad programms of SAP with out effecting the std functionality.BADI is used to enhance the functionality. 425.) what is basic difference between BDC&dialogprogramming? what is basic difference between reports&dialogprogramming? A,) BDC is used to upload Mass data in SAP. BDC at the end gives a Call to the transaction for which it uploads the data. Dialog Programming is a process were in different screens are designed to take input from user do a process on it and give output. Reports are programs which take input from the user and display data in the output. 426.) please any one can tell me modifytable keyword used in DDIC? what is a basic diffrence between modify table and update key word? A.) Update statement updates only the existing records if the key matches. Modify statement also acts like update statement, but in addition to it if the primary key does not match then new record will be inserted to database. 427.) how can u hilight perticular row in popwindow in report programming?please any one can tell me?
A.) 1.intially declear variable type Slis_specialcol_alv.(v_color type Slis_specialcol_alv) TYPES:BEGIN OF ls_mara, matnr TYPE mara-matnr, ersda TYPE mara-ersda, ernam TYPE mara-ernam, cell TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv, END OF ls_mara. 2.declare one more variable in out side of the types DATA: fs_cell LIKE LINE OF wa_mara-cell. LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara. fs_cell-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fs_cell-color-col = '6'. endloop. in dis way we can highlate row in ALVS. 428.) where can u use secondary index in program please tell me? is there any tool to test in development client?is there any performance tool is thre pleaseeee tell me? A.) When the selection criteria of select does not use primary keys. Also the performance of the select for the fields of criteria is poor then we can create secondary index through se11 on that table . use code inspector SCI tcode or st05 as performance tool for this. 429.) can any one can give me the Fi and co flow? and the tables ? A.) 1.general ledger 2.A/Creceivable 3.A/C payable 4.assets 5.funds 6.travel management 7.consolidation 8.bank management
BSIK,BSAS,BSID,BSAD,BSIK,BSAK,ANLB,ANLA 430.) any one can tell me which is the tables can store in ddic plese dont say db02l,please give me different ways of resideing the tables ? 431.) ANY one can tell me what is basic diff b/w keywords STOP,CONTINUE,CHECK,EXIT, ATEXITCOMMAND? A.) stop : The statement STOP is only to be used in executable
programs and in the following event blocks:
AT SELECTION-SCREEN (without additions) START-OF-SELECTION GET You leave these event blocks via STOP, and the runtime environment triggers the event END-OF-SELECTION. CONTINUE : The CONTINUE statement can only be used in loops. If it is used, the current loop pass is ended immediately and the program flow is continued with the next loop pass. CHECK : If the statement CHECK is executed in a loop and log_exp is incorrect, the statement CHECK immediately terminates the current loop pass and the program continues with the next loop pass. For log_exp, you can specify any logical expression. Note Outside a loop, the statement CHECK exits the current processing block EXIT ; If the EXIT statement is listed within a loop, it leaves the loop by ending the current loop process. Program execution is continued after the closing statement in the loop. Note Outside of a loop, the EXIT statement leaves the current processing block. AT EXIT-COMMAND : it is used in module pool programming to leave the screen without entering madatory fields.it is the 1st module in pai. 432.) in bdc session method. if u run the record in fore ground manually i have a 7 records but at the time of record processing first record produces the error how can u process records manually in fore ground please tell me any one knows? 433.) please any one can tell me How to validate the data in Table maintinance generator?how can u validate the table field values if u r entering the data into fields .it shows record is wrong? wher we can done validation in table maitenance generator before getting the data as out ? 434.) How to run a report in background??and if we try to run in
foreground it says"this report sud be run in background".what can be done in this case??
2-And how sud we stop a report running in background?? To shedule report in background use transaction code : sm36 and to stop report running in background use transaction code : sm37. 435.)How u can make s_matnr-high field is mandatory? a.) AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'S_DATE-HIGH'. screen-required = 1. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. 436.) Suppose i have table with 2 columns say 1st with Numerics and 2nd with words like 1 for one and 2 for two......so.if i want to change the 9 numeric word as some twenty...how? A.)Use modify keyword. read table with key Numerics = '9'. table-words = 'twenty'. modify table. clear table. 437.) I have 100 records and 75th record contains error,if i use call transaction how many records will update the data base and if i use session method how many will update? A.) in CT method upto 74th record all the records will be updated to the database and we have to correct the the 75th row and then we can update it to database whereas in SM not a single record will be updated to database unless and until you clear the error. B.) n case of Call transaction method, up to 74 all the records are processed and on 75 th row user has to correct error then only it will process further and finally updates the database. In case of Session method all the non error rows will be processed by leaving 75th row. The error row will be shown in the error message list. 438.) In Dialog Programming Table Control,how to make only one row editable? A.) 439.) What is the use if we define the BAPI as method in BOR? Purpose..... A.)
440.)BAPI & RFC? A.) BAPI and RFC enable function module works in similar way.
But when we create BAPI that will be registered in BOR in SAP. The main difference the way how we will call from out side of SAP. For RFC we need call directly which is static method of calling. But for coming to BAPI we need to create object which is present in BOR and the same object can be called several times with single instance this will apply OO concept 441.) what is difference b/w like and type statements?give example? when to use like and when to use type? A.) when refering to type-pool you need to use TYPE
declaration, and LIKE is used to refer your already declared variable. And for declaring native types 'N' 'C' you cannot use LIKE there. data: matnr like mara-matnr, matnr1 type mara-matnr. will not make any difference in the program. however data: matnr type mara-matnr, matnr1 like matnr. when the attribute of matnr changes will affect matnr1 also. and LIKE statement become obselete in Object programming. you can use TYPE statements only there. 442.) how can we print both side in smartforms? what connects smartform to it's driver program? in which event validation is done? A.) We can print page in both sides , By setting print mode as
'DUPLEX' in Print attributes of page node. 443.) Can any tell me some std BAPI's which r used regularly....and they use and means of it?Please it was urgent????????????? 444.) bapi_po_create bapi_class_create bapi_charact_create 445.) what is the z-transaction?? what's the use of it?? A.) Z transaction is used for the execution of customized programs or reports. for example we did created a BDC for a Vendor invoice transaction for the legacy data migration according to the client data. Now that inorder to provide access to end user we create a t-code for it and give
authorization to end user using se93 transaction. The same applies for any customized report also. 446.) How to validate the entry in Screen & dialog proframming?? Is there any way to send the error?? A.) at PAI of screen write CHAIN. FIELD MODULE module_name. ENDCHAIN double click on module name and write the code with error message. it'll through the message and will give the chance to correct it. 447.) How to find function module or Bapi for particular transaction in sap? A.) 1)Execute SE93 Give your transaction code.For eg. ME23N click on Display Identify the package (here it is ME) 2)Execute SE80 select Package in the left side drop down list and give the package name that is observed in the first step click on Display Expand Business Engineering Expand Business object types select your object. here it is BUS2012(purchase order) double click on it. Expand the methods All the tick mark which are in green color we can use. double click on your methods based on the description click on ABAP tab Here you can identify the BAPI 448.) In BDC,i have 3 transaction and one flat file with data for all those 3 transaction requires........i want to process these 3 transaction at a time using that single flat file,if 3rd transaction fails to upload the record,can we roll back the remaining 2 transaction or we can't?Is it possible in BDC,How? A.) Its possible through bapi's because it has explicit Commit
work.. 449.) In alv Reports,how the Output is displayed ad editable and how i can edit the same and how it will reflect the DB?Please help...........
A.) we can edit that by using field catalog , for that particular field for which one we want to make in edit mode make FIELDCATALOG-EDIT = 'X' and we can save in the data base also. by first we will modify the work area.then transfer that value to temporary internal table.update the database by using this value by using key word 'UPDATE or MODIfy based on your requirement. But modify the Z table only. For sap table use BDC or LSMW or BAPI. 450.) What is Project management?I was asked weather u worked on This? A.)Life cycle project. 451.) I have 3 transactions,where the output of one transaction is input of another and output of 2nd transaction is input of 3rd transaction.i have one flat file with all data for the 3 transaction.if the 3rd transaction failed can we rollback the remaining 2 transactions or not.Is this possible in BDC,How/ 452.) What is the diff b/w load of program and Initailazatio Events? Which event triggers each time we exectute the program a.) LOAD-OF-PROGRAM :
================= The Purpose of the load-of-program is to load the program into system memory so that the program can be executed. INITILIZATION: =============== This triggers when the program is loaded into memory to initilize the values. => When you execute program load-of-program must be triggered and initilization event exist in the program then it triggers next. 453.) In MPP,i have to create a input/output Button when i click ther i have to move some other transaction How? A.) module USER_COMMAND_9000 input. if sy-ucomm = 'SALES_ORDER'. " sales_order is Fcode CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01'. ENDIF. endmodule. 454.)How to create extended idoc? a.) Extended IDOC is standard IDOC segments + additional segments. Steps =====
1) Create additional segments which you required ( WE31) 2) Create an IDOC type with reference to standard IDOC and add the new segements to it. (WE30) 3) Link Message type + Extend IDoc type ( WE82) 4) Every IDOC have two Exits( Outbound exit and Inbound exit). Implement code in outbound exit to prepare data for additional segments. 4) In the outbound partner (WE20) you have to maintain extended IDOC type along with standard IDOC type. 455.) Which event in Reports is equal to PBOin Module Pool Program? A.)AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. 456.) I have 2 transactions,the output of 1st transaction is input
of 2nd transaction.In this senario...Which method we use to upload the Data,Call trans or Session maethod?How? A.) 457.)In the event at selection-screen output we use loop screen,what is screen intenal table,structure or DB table?
A) At the runtime,attributes for each screen field is stored in a system defined internal table with header line called as SCREEN TABLE 458.) IN scripts we have std layouts like medruk,in smartform do we have any?if i copy the std script in zscript and migrate will it work? A.) In Smartforms also have standard Forms. Goto Smartform-> Form -> F4 You can find all the standard smartforms.
2) Whenever you copied standard script you have to change the configuration in NACE then it will work. 459.)What is Abap workprocess? A.) work processes are responsible to execution of the programs. Each request sent from the presentation server is collected by the dispatcher and assigned to different work processes in First In First Out Basis. There are only 5 work process: Dialog Work Process - at least 2 work process/ dispatcher Update Work Process - at least 1 work process/ dispatcher Spool Work Process - at least 1 work process/ dispatcher
Enqueue Work Process - There is only one Enqueue Work process for each system. Background Work Process - at least 2 work process/ dispatcher Message Server, Gateway Server, and ICM are services! 460.) In a screen i have 2 radio buttons and 2 text fields,if i select the one radio button one text field has to be enable and when i select another one,other text field has to be enable,in the at selection screen output event how it was happen?this event has to effect once i press enter naa.......... how the screen knowing that? A.) At selection-screen output triggers before the actual display of the list. So, when u press ENTER button, 'Loop at screen' written under the event gets triggered. And u can set the screen parameter 'INVISIBLE' of the corresponding field to '1'. This is how it works! 461.) In Dialog Prog,i have created a screen and places one input/output box and named it was "A".In PBO i have given A=0 and In PAI A=1.when i run i program what i'll get and when i press enter(execute) wat i'll get output? A.) When you run a program A = 0 because 1st PBO triggers. After displaying screen you if press enter, PAI triggers but A = 0 only because once PAI triggers again PBO triggers. But In the PBO A = 0 so that it is displaying the same output. 462.) Can any please explain me what r bundling technics in SAP? A.) A logical unit consisting of dialog steps, whose changes are written to the database in a single database LUW, is called SAP LUW. SAP bundling techniques are: 1) Call function in Update task 2) Perform on Commit 3) Call function in Background task B.) one of the bundling technic is update bundling. there are some disadvantages in LUW.to avoid that update bundling concept is there. EX: imagine an application has 15 screens.here n/w trafic is high btw application server and dbserver (whenever implicit commit and explicit commit happens a network is maintained btw app server and dbserver).since the screens are more it happens so many times so the n/w trafic increases. To avoid this n/w trafic we have to maintain a buffer in application server.we have to maintain explicit logic to create a buffer in app server. with update bundling ,buffer can be maintain in application server.But it is not preferable .by default sap follows LUW. even LUW has disadvantages of n/w trafic,data will be safe
&secure in the database server.so it can only supports LUw apart form its disadvantages.update bundling is not preferable for big application 463.) Diff b/w LUW and Lock Mechanism? A.) 464.) In Scripts,if we forgot to give the Elements Parameter in the Functional Module Write_form,then what will happen? A.)No data display 465.) How to write message without using message class in report? How to go to edit mode in classical display report, means that how to edit one of the column after displaying classical report, not in ALV. A.) write:/ 'Buddula' INPUT. B.) WA_FCAT-EDIT = ‘X’. 466.) Can search help be assigned to more than one table? Can matchcodes be assigned to more than one table? A.) Search help can't be assigned to Table, it's to the field of table of sel-screen. Types of search help Elementary Collective (Multiple Elemetary) 467.) how can be restore a project deleted in lsmw? A.) You can't restore a project deleted in LSMW. However, if you have taken a backup of your LSMW project, you can restore it. There are options in LSMW to download current project. When downloaded, it's in the form of a text file. You can open it using notepad. Now, if you delete or your LSMW project is lost, you can retrieve it by uploading the text file you saved/downloaded previously. Entire project including field mapping and custom code will be retrieved. 468.) BDC CALL TRANSACTION carry on synchronous processing and update the database both synchronously and asynchronously,where session method carry on asynchoronous processing and update the database synchrousnously.I want to know the meaning of synchronous and asynchronous processing and also the meaning of synchronous and asynchronous database update. A.) synchronous means one after the other.
Asynchronous is whole at a time. Synchronous processing means processing the transactions(i.e records) one by one.i mean a transaction is done if and only if the previous transaction is completed.
Synchronous Update means after processing of transactions records are stored into the database synchronously.I mean if one transaction is processed it is immediately updated to database. Asynchronous processing means processing the transactions all at a time. Asynchronous update means updating the database with all the records at a time. i.e not one by one in session method all the transactions are processed and kept in session.the session is then processed and records are updated to database one by one. 469.)What is hashed tables? A.) You can imagine a hashed table as a set, whose elements you can address using their unique key. Unlike standard and sorted tables, you cannot access hash tables using an index. All entries in the table must have a unique key.Hashed table is useful when your have to work with very big internal table and to read it with "READ TABLE WITH KEY ..." . Sample code for Hashed table Creation : types: begin of typ_pernr, pernr like pa0001-pernr, ename like pa0001-ename, end of typ_pernr. data: ls_pernr type typ_pernr, lt_pernr type hashed table of typ_pernr with unique key pernr. ... select pernr ename into table lt_pernr from pa0001. ... loop at itab. read table lt_pernr with table key pernr = itab-pernr into ls_pernr. write: ls_pernr-ename, itab-data. endloop. 470.)What is cardinality? A.) Cardinality is define in foreign key relationship.. i.e cardinality is looks as X:Y X refers Primary Key table and Y refers foreign key table..
it desribes For each value in primary key table(check table), how many rows of data are allowed to be in the foreign key table. 471.) I faced the below questions in written exam, its simple only but i am not able to find the answer in Google also. Can any of our family ppls pls give the answer the below questions? 1.How many days once password will get expire? is it really in adminstrator hands or what? 2.SAP Logon Password length for ECC-6 and ECC-5 3.Which is the highest organizational level in SAP? Explain the various level of organizational structure in SAP? 4. You have one idoc, we need to send 3 different system. It will generate how many master idoc and how many communication idocs? 5.What is the default parameter in subroutne? call by value or call by refference? 6. Scope creep is responisible for what? 7.Who approves the project design? 8.When LUW will starts? 9.Which Website used for SAP support? 10.When a print request is not sent, which of the following is used to send the request again to the printer?..... a) print changes b) print directly c) both of the above d) none of the above 11. Its possible to transfer data into same client using ALE? 12. Customization changes are automatically stored in a Transport request or not? Explain 13 User id in SAP support system is called as what? a) Userid b). SAP userid c) S userid d) None of the above. 14. The sap for utilities is a. Program b) Function c) Approach d) Industry Solution 15.In Work flow whats the use of WF-BATCH? 472.) What is the difference between data base objects and runtime objects? A.) Database objects are permanently stored in the database and exist even after the execution of program. Whereas, run time data objects are the variables, tables, constants that exist only during the execution of the program. They allocate memory only for the run time. The memory is released after that. 473.) Is der any other way or tcode to process the session except SM35?
474.) How can I get the default values (like date, company code) in module pool programming before the screen is displayed?? I dont wanna use VARIENTS.. a.) WE CAN DEFINE IN SCREEN FIELD ATTRIBUTES BY GIVING ID IN
SET & GET PARAMETER 475.) what is OSS?please answer if anybody knows A.) OSS is an online sap services portal which will have all kind of updates about sap patches and latest note information. It raises message to get the answer. you can use transaction SNOTE for downloading and implementing note. 476.) There are 4 internal tables containing data. How to put it into a final table? A.) u have to do by loop the internal table which having more records compare to other internal table. Then read the other internal table by using read statement.After that move the records into final internal table. 477.) Is multiple implementation possible for one BADI definition? If possible the how can you know that which BADI is active. A.) yes multiple implementation is possible for one BADI.
To find the badis existing or implemented for a particular transaction we can use ST05 (a bit time consuming process) Goto ST05 --> Active trace --> then goto ur TCODE --> Run it completely --> come back to ST05 again --> Deactive trace and then Click on Display trace. Enter two values V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT in OBJECTS selectoption click enter, you can see the BADI's existing for the TCODE and any active implementations for it. 478.) Whom you report if you face difficulty in understanding the business process given in Functional Spec. A.) Intitially we will discuss with TL. Later we can arrange a call with onsite people to solve the difficulty in FS. 479.) Tools used for internal communication. A.)Lotus notes 480.) Which function module you will use to attach a search help to a field in Selection screen? a.) F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST 481.) Events in Reporting. Which events we can ignore while coding. A.) we can ignore Start of selection,should not be preceeded by any Event. 482.) How do you do effort estimation? Based on which parameters? A.) Yes its correct. Each company has some estimator tool that decides, what would be the complexity of the Object. After that Functional people decides the complexity from their end.
Eventually having discussion between Functional and technical management team its decided 483.) Worked on support project? How do you handle serious production issue? Severity? Time taken to resolve the issue? How you get issues/tickets? A.) 484.) n an internal table you want to modify content of a particular field in a row. How to do it? A.)Modify keyword 485.) There is a file in application server. How can you upload it
and separate it as per different fields? A.) open dataset p_file for input in textmode encoding default. if sy-subrc = 0. do. read dataset p_file into w_rec. if sy-subrc = 0. split w_rec at ',' into wa_final-fld1 wa_final-fld2 . . . append wa_final to i_final. enddo. 486.) How do you monitor sessions? A.) You Can Monitor the session by using SM35, SM37. 487.) For which transaction you used BDC? A.)
If Iam correct ,there are certain transactions for which the recording is not possible hence we can not have BDCs for them for eg transaction CT04.. as one of the alternatives we can look for standard bapi which updates the data. 488.) Performance tuning. How can you know which line of code taking long time to execute? A.)ST05(SQL TRACER) 489.) What are the steps need to setup before creating an IDoc? A.) Communication Settings: 1) Create and Assining Logical Systems -- SALE 2) Maintain RFC destination -- SM59 3) Maintain TRFC Port -- WE21 ( Above configuration required irrespective of sending or receiving an IDOC). Mandatory Outbound Configuration:
Matain Distibution Model -- BD64 Maintain Partner Profile -- WE20 490.) What was the purpose of the BADI you have used? A.) have implimented BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST & ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST for validation of certain fields on ME21N AND ME51N T-CODES. 491.) What is parameter id? Where you can find parameter id for a field? A.) 492.) What are the developments you have done with data
dictionary? A.) 493.) what are the types of lists in pf-status in mod pool? A.) list types are--1. normal screen. 2. dialouge box. 3. context menu. 494.) how to create interactive report from alv ? A.) 495.) what is the code for basic list to 2ndry list? A.) 496.) suppose you are using session method for 1000 records and
there is error in 400 and 500 records.how many records will be updated to the database? A.) Remaining 998 records will be updated to DB and the 2 error records will be placed in session log for further correction. If you correct those 2 records and run the session again, the 2 records will also be updated to DB. 497.)TYPES OF SESSION IN SESSION METHOD? A.) we can say that depends upon the status as new session,error session,locked session,inprocessing session, session being creation, session in background etc.. 498.) what are the Pre requisites for binary search? A.) 499.) what are the diff page formats available in SMARTFORMS ? A.)LANDSCAPE & PORTRAIT 500.)What is serialization? A.) Serialization plays an important role in distributing interdependent objects, especially when master data is being distributed. IDocs can be created, sent and posted in a specified order by distributing message types serially. Thus Errors can then be avoided when processing inbound IDocs. Types of Serialization: Interdependent messages can be serially distributed in the following ways: • Serialization by Object Type • Serialization by Message Type
• Serialization at IDoc Level (Not for IDocs generated from BAPI-ALE interfaces) 501.) the sap standard SAPSCRIPT for picking a list ? A.) RVPICKSIN is standard program for picking list. 502.) what data types allows length specification ? A.) The ABAP types C - character, N -numeric and X -hexadecimal needs length specification. If you do not declare a length when you define a data object, the system assigns the default length of 1. 503.)Full buffering is suitable for which tables? A.) For tables up to 30 KB in size. Tables best suited to full buffering are small, frequently read, and rarely updated. 504.) what is result set of an inner join at database level ? A.) f we use inner join it shows the data from parent table which has data in child table. 505.) how do find a name of a print program? A.)TNAPR TABLE 506.) program name for displaying colors , and program name for displaying symbols in list ? A.) DEMO_LIST_FORMAT_COLOR_1 Possible Colors in Lists DEMO_LIST_FORMAT_COLOR_2 Using Colors in Lists 507.) WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FILE PORT AND TRFC PORT ? A.) FILE port is used for EDI IDOCS TRFC port is used for ALE IDOCS 508.) CAN WE DEBUG A MACROS ? HOW DO TO MATHEMATICAL ON TWO NUMBERS ? A.)NO 509.) EXPLAIN ABOUT RANGES ? A.) RANGES is a keyword which works like select-options.But the difference is 1)select-options create a selection screen by default where as in ranges no selection screen is available by default. 2)And in select-options,sign is I and option is BT by default. but in ranges we have to mention the sign & option explicitly. 510.) how do you transport FORM from one server to another server ? A.) use the T-CODE SCC1. B.) while creating a form it will gives request No like (DEV900000)then we need to release it in Tcode SE01 then basis consultant will transport that request to targeted client 511.) list some middlewares used in EDI ?
A.)XI,PI,TIBCO. 512.) what objects can be generated by the batch input recorder? A.) Screens along with field name & field value 511.) what is meant by leave -list processing? A.) 512.) You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do to reduce the execution time. A.) Ideally we should follow following thing for good performane 1. Avoid select inside loop (select out of loop and read it inside) 2. Avoid nested loop and unnecessary extra loop in code 3. Change loop to read if there is a chance 4. Avoid join better use 'for all entries' 5. read internal table using binary search ( Sort it first) 6. If select statement creating problem then index could be created 513.) How did you test the form u developed? how did you taken print? A.) 514.) what types of request are used to transport repository objects? A.) 515.) which part of the internal table syntax determines how ABAp
accesses the rows of the internal table ? A.) 516.)BADI & ENHANCEMENT? A.) Enhancements are procedural approach to add new functionality to the standard functionality BADIs are Object Oriented approach. 517.) how should post data from my internal table to flat file manually in bdc .please explain step by step A.) 519.) what is the effect when a clear ststement is used on an
internal table without header line? A.) 520.) which releationship can be established in watchpoints A.)ONE TO MANY 521.) 1.Have you created custom table? Do you always use existing data elements and domains or create new ones? whatis the transaction code to see existing data elements and domains? 2.Performance wise inner join is better or For..ALL entries? why? 3.Where will you place data element domain and field together in an ABAP Program? 4.How will you pass the data/programs from one system to other system? 5.How will you print TOP-OF-PAGE in ALV Report?How will you make ALV Report interactive? 6.In Interactive report if i try to go to 20th list and my report has only 19 list what will be output? 7.Have you worked on Function Modules? How will you raise EXCEPTIONS in function modules? 8.Why you say Call transaction is faster than session? 9.How the business is carried out in your organisation?How did you get specs for
coding ? Explain me complete step by step scenario from client deciding to switch SAP to your role of coding and after coding explain me how the object reaches back to client? Dont explain me about 5 phases like Business blueprint,realization etc? 10.To find User exit in SD module we can use development class VMOD and find out related exits. Which development class you use for MM FICO and PP Modules? A.) 522.) 1/ what r the driver programe used in your script ?
2 / can we change from classical report to report ? A.) 1.The standard program is RSNATOO.
2. Yes, we can change the classical report to interactive report by using events. The changing state of field is known as an event. we can use events to change the classical report to interactive report. 523.) How do we see the data in Cluster table? A.) Through Export Statment u can get data from cluster table 524.)Performance A.). a. loop within loop. b. select endselct. c. Occur (statements) d. Move corresponding. e. use of cluster tables. f. use select * (all feilds) g. use of OR statement in select statement. h. use of negative conditions. 2. Use the following :a. loop with reads if needed to be read multiple time. b. Use of IN statement in select statement instead of OR. c. use of maxium key feilds with select statement. d. use of function modules instead of select statement if it is available. In select query Use For All Entries while pulling data from database. Frequently don't use inner join in your program While Looping create work area and process the record These are some points to improve performance of program 1. Clear understanding of requirement. 2. Construct the how-to before actual coding starts.
3. Avoid using multiple read to the same database table. 4. Make sure to use indexed field while reading to database table. 525.) while sending idoc's to receiving system,i got msg type 3 and 12 in sender side.but in receiving side while executing we02 ,i am getting error 'no idocs selected' instead of getting msg type 53.here i am simply sending one material from one client to other client.if anybody knows that problem ky revert back. A.) Just check Inbound Partner Profile Once. The Problem is in Inbound Partner profile 526.) Table ztest has a secondary index on the following fields: tnum, tcode. Select * from ztest where tnum ne '123' and tcode = '456'. Why is the index not used in the above case? Choices: a) Indexes are not allowed on Z tables b) Variables must be used, NOT literals c) Select individual fields, not select * d) Client is not in the where clause e) NE invalidates the use of an index Info: Can someone explain in detail why this happened? It will be really helpful to handle to case in Secondary index: A.) E: NE invalidates the use of an index 527.) how to call the smart form from the report?is it Possible or not? A.) yes it is possiple to call smartform from a report, all we have to do is at first execute the smarform once, it will generate a function module number. Go to the report where to call the smartform call the funcntion module(ctrl+f6)give function name SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME press enter. In the export parameters FORMNAME give the smartform name within single codes and in import parameters FM_NAME (F_NAME TYPE RS38L_FNAM ), give F_NAME which stores the function module number generated after executing the smart form. 528.) how to make split command reusable 529.) 1/ what r the parameter used in alv report ? 530.) What is the max no of screen no's we create? A.) 1 TO 9999 531.)BAPI & FUNCTION MODULE. A.) Bapi is nothing but a function module which is remote
That means it can be accessed from another application other than SAP. Like it can be accessed from Visual Basic, JAva etc. Functional modules are not RFC enabled. They can not be accessed from other applications. Moreover , BAPI internally works on business objects in the Object oriented way. But Function module is not object oriented. 532.) I want to display the different data on the multiple main windows of the form in Sapscript. Is it possible ? If yes, then How? A.) call the write form with the loop for the different data dispaly at the multiple layout use the &PAGE& commnad and use the ELEMNTS to trigger the perticular data 533.) How you can perform field-validation in your dialog program ? A.) You can validate your fields in the PAI module of the program by placing them between the CHAIN & ENDCHAIN Statement. 534.) How we can give authorization on the fields of table control in a dialog-programming? 535.) What is the table & field to identify the no of items (bottles) stored in one case? 536.) Suppose Idoc is strucked in the Q then how can I resend it? A.) To resend the Idoc use WE19 to copy the Idoc and make
necessary changes. 537.) what is DATA ,TYPES,PaRAMETERS called in ABAP terms? A.) Types is used to declare data types, that is what will be the structure of the data object . and data word is used to define the data object as a structure of a data type. Type is the template and the data is the implementation. Parameter is almost like a data with only one difference from data that is the value odf parameter is taken from user at run time and it is connected with selection-screen 538.) 1.How to pass the variables to form? 2. How did you test the form you developed? 3.what are the outpout types and tcodes? 4.what mean by performance analysis? A.)
1. by using the call by value and call by reference we can pass the data into the form.
2. by using the debug statement. 3. output types are the whenever display the document the output is assosiated with the form. so output type is one type of standard program sap will provided. 4. performance analysis is used to how much time ur program to execute at the runtime of the system. using the transaction code is SE30 539.) WHAT IS THE USE OF SECONDARY INDEXES AND WHAT IS MAX LIMIT OD SECONDARY INDEXES? A.) SECONDARY INDEXES ARE USED FOR FAST RETRIEVAL OF DAT FROM THE DB TABLES. WE CAN CREATE MAXIMUM OF 15 SECONDARY INDEXES. 540.) WHAT IS TABLE BUFFERING AND ADVANTAGE? A.) Buffering of data from database tables defined in a table buffer in the shared memory of the current application server. The definition determines whether and how a database table is buffered. Buffering generally leads to greatly enhanced performance (by a factor of between 50 and 500) and is administrated by the database interface. Buffering usually becomes effective when Open SQL commands are used for database access. However, some variants do not use the buffering process. The following Open SQL statements implicitly bypass the SAP buffer and access the database tables directly: SELECT with the addition FOR UPDATE, Access to a table using single-record buffering without selecting a single record using SINGLE SELECT or by specifying the primary key in the WHERE condition (this behavior depends on the current implementation of the database interface and may be different in future releases). SELECT with the addition DISTINCT, SELECT with aggregate expressions, Open SQL statement with the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED, without specification of the client ID in a WHERE condition, SELECT with JOIN expressions Access to a generically buffered area without full specification in a WHERE condition Open SQL statements with IS [NOT] NULL in the additions
WHERE and HAVING, Use of a subquery in a WHERE condition, SELECT with the addition GROUP BY, SELECT with the addition ORDER BY, whereby the sort key is not the primary key. 541.) WHAT IS FIELD-SYMBOLS? A.)
FIELD-SYMBOLS ARE THE PLACE HOLDERS TO POINT THE DATA OBJECTS AT RUNTIME. B.) Fields symbols are just like pointers in C. They points to the data object at runtime but do not allocate any memory for that data object. 542.) what is partner profile. in which table it can be stored? a.) when we talk regarding partner functions ,like in SD module are Bill to party , sold to party ,ship to party (these are partner functions .the output of one function is the input for another . for getting the partner function details,follows the detail and table name. vbpa==sd partner functions knvp == customer partner functions EKPA = Partner Roles in Purchasing WYT3 = vendor partner function 543.) what is the Currency and Quantity field in BDC? A.) In BDC, for currency, quantity, date and time fields you need to take the data into a char variable of enough length and use WRITE TO statement to take care of user settings. EG: WRITE l_curr TO l_char CURRENCY 'Currency code'. CONDENSE l_char. Pass l_char to BDC. 544.) How to handle Error in LSMW. This is urgent anybody know this answer plz post me... A.) 545.) hi what is difference between REUSE_ALV_GRID_display and reuse_alv_list_display . A.) reuse_alv_list_display gives u the the normal list display where as REUSE_ALV_GRID_display gives u the grid as display with more graphical options like some features in layout B.) In Grid display TOP-OF-PAGE event will be used and we can display logos in REPORT. But where as in case of LIST
display it is not possible. Even edit is not possible in LIST display but in grid display it is possible 546.) 1/ how can u move a logo from presentation server to application server ? 2/ The logo uploaded using rstxldmc prog . where it is going to store ? 3/ The logo is got inverted then how u handle this situation ? 4/what r clients ? what r the client no available in a company ? 800 client for which application ? 5/if i will display data by writing statement on start-ofselection then what is need of end-of-selection in classical reporting ? 6/ can u use at-line-selection & user-comand at atime in same programe ? A.) 1) when we upload a graphic from SE78 tcode its moved to application server 2) The report RSTXLDMC allows a TIFF graphics file to be uploaded from the file system of the R/3 GUI to a standard text in the R/3 word processor SAPscript 4) Client is a there didgit number which we enter while logging which helps in data security by preventing the data from being visible to users in other client 1) A commercially, organizationally, and technically selfcontained unit within an SAP system 2) Clients have own master records and set of tables 3) Client is the highest level in the SAP system hierarchy I think 800 client is IDES server for traing purpose
5) END-OF-SELECTION is must when there are Logical Database used in the program when STOP statemnt is used and in cases where you need to change the O/P after printing for example if we need to print the page numbers in the form 1/10 its not possible directly but through endof-selection.
6) yes we can use. In the PF STATUS we must give the tcode PICK beside the function key F2 in freely assigned keys 547.) 1/ what is the diff between parameter & range ? 2/ what is the methodology used in your project ? 3/ what is system symbol ? 4/ what is the diff between support project & implimented project ? A.) 1.Difference between Parameter & Ranges : Ranges :it gives 2 values ie) fromvalue and tovalue.we can use select-options also ranges.It creates 4 selection table (sign,option,low,high). parameters do not create selection table and it shows only 1 value.with paramters we can define checkboxes and radiobuttons. 2.Methodology: project preparation(as-is,to be),business blueprint,realization,final preparation and go-live. 3.system symbol is the standard symbol used in r/3 for defining date time,month etc. 4.support project: makes changes or configurations after implementation projects by means of raising tickets . implementation projects : doing end-end implementation projects ie)covering all phases in methodology.implementing SAP from conventional system. 548.)BAPI IS EFFICIENT THAN BDC? A.) Yes BAPI is efficient than BDC. The BAPI and BDC are actually meant for different pruposes. BAPI are developed for webservices in which the calling application can directly call the BAPI and carry out the required operations, where as in BDC we have to write a code and then we need to get the data in SAP system in a perticular format and validate the same and then carry out the updation or other operations, in case of BAPI is a business object repository object which can be called from any application. where as for BDC program we need to get the input file and execute it manually or as a batch job. Many of us face probelms in upgradation projects for BDC programs as the screen sequance of some other settings gets changed so we need to redo the coding(recording) of BDC and for some transactions its not possible to record as well such a enjoy transactions, in these cases BAPI is a very good and proper alternative.
549.) What is the difference between field string and internal table? A.)Fieldstring(workarea) 550.) What is the purpose of Edit Masking? A.) Edit Mask is Used for Editing Output in ABAP Editor. for example : DATA TIME TYPE T VALUE '154633'. WRITE (8) TIME USING EDIT MASK '__:__:__'. Output: 15:46:33 551.)What is substring? A.) get some data in the string. ex: string= subrahmanyam.if you willinh go onliy in bitween the r and a then use substr. sy: str1 = str+4(7). here 4 specifys that staring position of capture data. 7 specifys how meany char can capturng data. 552.) Withou using SLIN transaction how would you check custom programs? A.)SCI 553.) Why we do Version comparison? A.) Version Comparision is very helpful to the programmers, it helps us in checking the changes done to a particular code. we can compare and check if the changes are moved from our Development system to the test/production system or not. We can also check what changes were made in which transport. 554.) You have 5lakh records to transfer to sap from flat file.which method of bdc you wiil choose and why? A.)SESSION METHOD 555.) How would you debug custom programs at runtime?
A.) Give /h to go to debug when executing. This is also applicable for standard code. But system debugging has to be switched on. 556.) What is Deep structure and Flat structure? A.) A flat structure only references elementary types. A deep structure references at least one table type. 557.) How to disable the function in alv tool bar. A.) n Functional Module 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY', there is an Optional IMPORTING parameter IT_EXCLUDING. It is an internal table. You must only fill this table if the caller uses the standard interface of the list tool but does not need certain interface functions and therefore wants to disable them.
In this case, you must enter the function codes of these standard functions into the table. 558.) My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue? A.) That type of issue never occurred .If there is exceeding limit, it will be automatically increased memory. For example we have declared a internal table. IT type table of Table with initial size n. If there is exceed record more than n, automatically increased memory allocation for next multiple of n. 559.) how to create the new page in alv.(ex: after 50 records it will trigger new page or based on some condition). A.)LINE-COUNT 560.) how do the sub-total in sap scripts? A.) We will do that in smart forms.here some commands are there to displwy the subtotals.i.e by using "at end of " 561.)HASHED,STANDARD,SORTED TABLES? A.) So Both Standard and Sorted Internal Tables Can be accessed by Indexes. Whereas Hashed Internal Tables Can be accessed By Only Key Fields. For Hashed Tables System automatically maintain a Hash Algorithm to retrieve the records with one time hit. For sorted Tables system automatically uses Binary Search to retrieve the records. For Standard Tables System Follows Linear Search. 562.)BADI A.) As explained above BADI's are the enhanced versions of UserExits. Please refer the below steps to find BADI's for standard trasactions. Goto SE24. Give Object Type cl_exithandler and f8. Double click GET_INSTANCE menthod. In this method apply brake point for CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface Then give respective TCode and execute then Debugger will be getting activated. Then is changing parameter we can find the all the BADI's for the given TCode. 563.)TYPES OF WINDOWS IN SMARTFORMS? A.) Main window: In a main window you display text and data,
which can cover several pages (flow text). As soon as a main window is completely filled with text and data, the system continues displaying the text in the main window of the next page. It automatically triggers the page break. Secondary Window: In a secondary window you display text and data in a predetermined output area. There is no flow text display with page break. If you position a secondary window with the same name on several pages, the system displays the contents of this secondary window on each page. Copy window You use the copies window to define an output area for the print output, whose content you want to appear either only on the copy or only on the original. This allows you to flag copies as copies when the form is printed. Final window: You may want to display or query values on the first page that are determined only during processing. For example, you may want to name the grand total in the letter text of an invoice. However, this amount is determined only after listing all individual items. Or you may want to query on the first page within a condition the total number of pages, which the system calculates only after processing all pages. In such a case, you use the final window: Processing first skips all windows of this type in the tree and works its way to the end of the tree. Only after the actual processing is finished, the final windows are processed in the order in which they appear in the tree (from top to bottom). Now any information is available that is known only at the end of the form processing. 564.) The multiple page format is not possible in SAP SCRIPT. Control form command is used to pass SAPscript control statements such as an unconditional page break to the form. How to create one page in landscape and the other page in portrait in Scripts? 565.) Is BSEG and BKPF transaparent tables? A.) BKPF is the transparent table but BSEG is the cluster table. BKPF,VBAK,VBAP,KNA1,COEP are transparent table. user can allow to create secondary index and allow to do buffer.
BSEG , BSCE are cluster table.should be access by primary key.not allow secondary index...user can call all field by select * from BSEG. 566.) What is a Normal,Constant and Variable Window? A.) main window - for continous data variable window - has a certain area if the data exeeds the area it dont get printed constant window - for constant data ex:rules and regulations,warnings ... 567.) Purpose of the statemement TABLE in a report? A.) Declaration of TABLE statement in Report Program Creates a WORKAREA for that table(s) in thr Report program. TABLES: MSEG, MKPF. This comes handy when you write SELECT QUERY as select single * from mseg client specified where mandt = sy-mandt and mblnr = pmblnr and mjahr = pmjahr. So your Data against the parameters will be colected in the workarea(MSEG). If you dont declare TABLE(S) & try to to use Select single * you will get SYNTAX ERROR....... 568.)Protect ….Endprotect in sap script? A.) it is used to keep a block of text in the same page.. it enables u to prevent lines from splitting across pages. 569.) We give KEEP in BDC structure...what is its purpose? A.) It is Indicator to keep processed sessions. i.e. If this flag is set, then session is kept after processing also. Otherwise, session will be deleted after processing. 570.) What are the compulsary values in RESUSE_LIST_DISPLAY and RESUSE_LIST_GRID? A.) I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM IT_FIELDCAT T_OUTTAB 571.) Want to stop the BDC session in progress.How? A.)/BEND 572.) how to print barcode in vertical manner A.) checked out in the transaction se73 where we can see the barcodes.
In that for each barcode there is a field called Rotation. Will this help you. There if we see the value of 90 then i think it will print in vertical direction 573.) variant attached in the report. can be transportable from one server to another server A.) Yes variant can be transported from one server to another, for that you have to manually attached the variants in th transport order. In version 46C (I'm not sure about earlier versions), you can create a transport request in SE38 for the variants of a program. You could then use transaction SCC1 to copy those changes from one client to another. To create transport: 1) Go to transaction SE38 and enter the program name. 2) Click the radio button next to the "Variants" subobject and click the "Change" button 3) On "ABAP: Variants" screen, select menu path "Utilities > Transport request" 4) Enter the variant(s) you want to copy into the "Variant name" box. 5) Click the execute button and save the data to a new change request. To copy to new client: 1) Log on to target client and goto transaction SCC1. 2) Enter the source client and change request number from above. 3) Click the execute button. Please note that if you're doing this in a downstream system (i.e. not a development box) you may need to change the client settings temporarily to carry out the client to client copy in SCC1. 574.) how to code in SMARTFORMS for MULTIPLE RECORDS? A.) If it is regarding printing the mutiple line items in main window then below steps need to follow in smartform In Main Window create TABLE --> create Table line
Loop through TABLE into WA Create program lines inside loop and pass data to table line field. This will print the mutiple line items in smartform. 575.) I have 10 records in flat file. In that 7th record is error record. I want to update to data base. If i used Call transaction method what about 7 record and what about 8,9,10 records. If i used Session method what happen. Is it updated or stop at 7th record? A.) In call Transaction method it depends upon the synchronous and asynchrounous update in synchrounous it will stop at 7 th record and 7,8,9 record is not updated and BDCMSGCOLL gives error msg the 7th record. in asynchronous all the records are updated except 7 record In sesion method database table is not updated and it will go to sesion log file . and can analise or correct the error foud in the data file or program. if find the error in data file u can correct them interactevely . other wise u modified the batch input program. ok thank u 576.) what is diffrence subroutine in report and subroutine in script..... A.) 1. in SCRIPT we nedd to give name of the Include Program in the PERFORM statement. e,g. PERFORM F_GET_ADDRESS IN PROGRAM ZRETURNORDER. .... ENDPERFORM In report program we nedd not give any program name e.g. PERFORM f_get_data 2.In script we need to write command PERFORM....ENDPERFORM In report program we dont use PERFORM...ENDPERFORM but only the PERFORM 'name_of_form'. 3.In script the PERORM ...ENDPERFORM will be in window of script (SE71)and there is separate INCLUDE prorame(SE38) In report we can write PERFORM and FORM in the same program (SE38) 577.) if i login in english then top-of page will display in english.if i login in german then it will display in german as on .. abap report how.........
A.) Let see it with an example.. in TOP-OF-PAGE we have.. .following text GOOD MORNING in text-element text-001 we have to translate this text in the language..in which we want to login and see the report in that language.. We translate this text by text-element->goto->translation select the program and write the translation of all the text-elements in the program(in our case say FR). Now, the translated text is present in the system. Now if i login in FR and execute the same report. i will find the tranlsated text in the report. this is done by the system variable sy-langu. As the login language is FR... the text will be displayed in french. Note- if the tranlsation does not exist in the system, then the text will not at all appear in the report. 578.) what happend if a select statement inside aloop.... A.) There are cookbook rules in PERFORMANCE issues that are needed to be addressed while coding. One of those rules being .. Not to use a SELECT statment in a loop - Reason (The basic idea of querry is to limit DB hits). 579.)How to debug ale? 580.)) How can u create a new page in scripts? A.) in SE71,click on the pages tab go to the menu bar expand Edit->Create Element click on create element 581.) Pls reply me 1)can i debuging the idoc. 2)give some example of pool table and cluster table. 3)what is update module. A.) yes we can debug the IDOC by using WE19 tcode . By using this tcode we can test the IDOC and reprocess the IDOC. pooled tables: prps. Clusted tables: Bseg. totally 3 types 0f function modules. 1.RFC. 2.Normal F.Module. 3.Update In update we have 2 types. v1 with restart.
v1 without Restart. v2 with restart. By using this F.M we have To Manage the SCREENS. 582.) what is Catch Command? A.) In TRY...ENDTRY, CATCH statement is used to specify the exception classes whose exceptions are to be caught and handled in following code. 583.) How we can Hide buttons on application toolbar.? A.) You can hide specific buttons on application toolbar by using the command SET PF-STATUS .... EXCLUDING ..... eg. DATA: fcode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sy-ucomm. APPEND 'SAVE' TO fcode. APPEND 'PRINT' TO fcode. ->SET PF-STATUS 'PF' EXCLUDING fcode. 584) if i want to insert 10 laks MM records and for inserting one record it takes 1 min by using call transaction or session method . so here is there any alternative A.) use bapi..run in bacground B.) HI, Break the records into 100/1000 sessions and process ur session it ll take same time as it takes for single sessions. 585.) In sap script how to print bar code in vertical manner. 586.) can we write a select query under end-of-selection event. and will it fetch data. A.) Yes,You can write and it will fetch data.But the problem is that it leads to performance issue multipule selection on database.It is not encouraged. Useually you use END-OF-SELECTION for formating the outp 587.) how to see the last updated record in a table? A.)CDHDR,CDPOS(ARRANGE THE DATES IN DESCENDING ORDER). 588.) Wats the difference between package and devolopment class?? A.)BOTH ARE SAME(IN OLD VERSIONS PACKAGE IS KNOWN AS DEV CLASS) 589.) what are the prerequisites for using a bapi in your program?
A.) 1) objects should reside in BOR. 2) BAPI BROWSER(check whether it is released or not). 3) from BAPI browser decide which fm has to use in fact go and check fm with ur sample data. 590.) wat is a source list?
A.) Source list is nothing but the list of vendors providing the rawmaterials or the goods required for the cmanufacturing customer. 591.) can we fetch data , when we write a select query under end of - selection event. A.) No,because END_OF_SELECTION event specifies that the database read is completed and it releases the lock on the logical data base(LDB) 592.) CAN WE DEBUG A IDOC? IF YES HOW TO DEBUG IN INBOUND SIDE AND OUTPUT SIDE. A.) we able to test the inbound idoc follow the below steps to debug the inbound idoc 1) we 19 give the idoc number execute 2) click on inbound function module select the radio button in fore ground 3) check the check box call in debug mode enter in will go through the function nmodule debug mode. 593.) A function group contains globally defined internal tables and function modules defined in it. FMOD1 populates itab1 and when FMOD2 is called will itab1 contains those values being populated by FMOD1? a.) If FMOD1 is called before FMOD2 then itab1 contains values. 594.) To avoid screen resolution problem while recording, A.) Set Default size = 'X' in CTUPARAMS 595.) In module pool, when table controls are used the command that is written in both PBO and PAI is A.) The commands used in the PBO and PAI events of table control are: (1) PBO:loop at int_tab_nam with control control_nam cursor control_nam-Top_line.
Endloop. (2) PAI:Loop at int_tab_nam. endloop. 596.) To avoid page skipping and to write the contents in the
same page itself in SAP script, command used is A.)PROTECT…ENDPROTECT A.) Which of the following is not an exit command? Exit, Back, Cancel, Stop. 597.) IN SCRIPTS IF WE HAVE EMPTY SECOND LAYOUT AND IF WE HAVE MENTIONED ABOUT IT IN NEXT PAGE ATTRIBUTE THEN IN OUTPUT HOW WE GET THE SECOND PAGE OUTPUT. a.) 598.) What is SQL Trace, how would you carried out performance analysis of ABAP code using SQL Trace? Give the steps? A.) 599.) project preparation,prepare blue print and realization what
do u mean by this? A.) Project preparation:In this phase project manager and Adminstrator can be involed to analyes the project requirement. Bluprint:In this phase Project manager and Function people can be involed.they analyse which predefined applications are can be used in this project like that. Realization:In this Phase Functional people and ABAP deverlopers can be involved.Functional people will prepare the functional Specs and ABAP Develpoers can anlyse the FS and prepare the TS.After Approvel of TS they will start coding. After that objects are transport to production After that project will go to Supporting meaning making some changes. 600.) suppose i want to print sap script output in different printers at a time what are the settings i'll have to make? A.) 601.) what is use of sap script text file header? A.) we can give any header type elements in that field
602.) what is difference between include structure and append structure? A.) a.Normal Structures (which are includes) starts with .include where as Append structures starts with .append b.Append Structures are used only to enhance standard tables where as Includes are used to enhance Ztables. c.Append structures should be added at the end of a standard table. This is a must because we should not change the original standard table in the middle whereas Include structure allows adding one or more structure into structure or table. Also placed positioning anywhere. Up to 9 include structure can be
used in a table. d.Note: Some standard tables for which there are long data type fields cannot be enhanced because, long type fields should always be at the end and append structures should also be at the end, so there will be a conflict. 603.) when we are using at new?should we use this inside the loop or outside?what will be the effect? A.) At New field: it compares with the previous record of the internal table whether the value is different or not, if different the event is triggered...all the fields on the right hand side of the at new field is marked as *...this is maily bcoz at runtime their are many records for the at new field say for a carrid there r many connid...ur carrid is the at new carrid...so if you want to access a connid system will not undersatand to which connid you really want to access At New 1. When a new record comes at new triggers. Atnew only used inside loop and endloop. 2. At new is controlbreak statment on at new the left side field change, the event trigers and the values become 0 and * 604.) what is use of info records,condition records in material master? A.) If a customer manages a material with a material code that is different from the one your company uses, a customermaterial information record is created. Condit 605.) WHEN TO GO LSMW ,BAPI,BDC FOR UPLOADING DATA.GIVE ME DIFFERENT SCENARIOS(EXAMPLES). 606.) what is itcsy structure? what is the importance of it? give me the detailed information of it ? A.) ITCSY is a sturcture. It is used to pass data from the form to subroutine without modifying the print program.