Interview Question and Answers

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Secondment letter to

be provided from current sponsor if work Visa.

Tell me about yourself? What part of my work experience would you like me to talk about? Ibest have been inisthe related for more thanmy a decade now. One of my strength mysafety problem solving skills and attention to details. lus I am a team player. When I set out to work on a task or pro!ect I always make sure its gets there.

Well as a teenager I was dreaming about become a civil engineer which brought me to gcc countries because here there was a lot of civil engineering pro!ect. "ut as a beginner I faced real difficulty to find a decent !ob. Then after # months of miserable !ob hunting circuss I went back to India$ southern part of India which I belong and did a diploma course related to safety engineering. Then I go back to %ubai and within one month I got my !ob. It was a mep company. Indian management. I did work work for & years years there then I move on to another company uhud building contractors. They were doing civil pro!ects and I work with them for # years. Then I resign from them and came back to 'atar and !oined  with cegelec 'atar which was an important decision that I made because I have learned advanced lessons in safety related issues from there. I was in ras laffan for # years with them but I ran out of luck because they didn(t get new pro!ects in 'atar but they invited me to move with them to %ubai but I re!ected their offer because I liked it here in 'atar. )t last I did finish & years with geo force trading and contracting. They are in civil engineering contractors$ I worked as a safety supervisor. )nd nowadays they don(t have enough pro!ects so they will give me noc papers for giving with you$ you don(t have to bother about my visa and all because they will give me attested noc from ministry of immigration which which is for * months and it(s renewable. renewable. If I am selected I can start working with you immediately. With my certificates and all you can find that I am an ideal candidate for you. Well that(s it.

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Why did you leave your last job?


Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?

Why have you had so many jobs in such a short period of time?

Can you explain this gap in your employment history?

Why should we hire YOU? — What can you do for us that someone

else can not? •

What would you hope to accomplish in your first 90 days here?

Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me

how you solved it.

Describe a decision you made that was unpopular, and how you

handled implementing it. •

Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to

influence someone's opinion. •

Walk me through the steps you took to reach an important long-term

goal. •

What's your biggest weakness? Give some examples of areas where

you need to improve. •

Share some examples of how you've been able to motivate other

people. •

What was your role in your department's most recent success?

Question: Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it.  


STRATEGY: They'll be examining your planning, critical thinking skills, and

thought process. The problem you select to use as an example should be as similar as possible to a problem you are likely to face at your new job. LISTEN for their "pain points," explain the OUTCOME or RESULT you achieved by solving something


similar, then get them to agree with you that your experience in that area is exactly what they're looking for.

• Here's the proven formula:  (read this carefully)

42ure$ at my last !ob we had a problem where the situation was 4/4 ... the action I took was 454 ... and the positive outcome was

"Z" ... I was commended by 2usan in )ccounting for solving the problem and cutting costs about 678 for that pro!ect. I thin that!s the  type of experience experience you are looking to bring to your team ... isn9t it?4 • Learn how to cite specific success metrics  (numbers,  (numbers, percentages,

fractions) that you contributed to achieving at the past few jobs on your résumé or CV.   These training materials show you several ways of coming up with these numbers based base d on your own work wor k experience — It's as easy as fill f ill in the blank bl anks and so powerful in your interview!— PLEASE be prepared to use numbers to backup your examples. You'll learn to create statements like this:

4I think my experience with :;ompany /5savings for that pro!ect. What kinds of challenges are you as a manager currently facing in your department? ... hat miht I do to help solve this

problem in my first couple months on the !ob?4 See how you followed up your answer with a great question about THEIR needs? ... Smart.

"... Shows You Word-for-Word Exactly What You Need To Say To Get Hired ..."  hat did you lie best and least about your previous  job 


STRATEGY: This is potenitally a trick question. You want to indicate that what

you liked best about your last job are things that will appeal to the Hiring Manager. Show that your last job allowed you to demonstrate many of the positive and desirable Behavioral Competencies  that  that are discussed in-depth at the beginning of the Guide. Give specific examples of how your last job allowed you to flex your skills and show your maturity. When answering about what you liked least, keep it short and do not be negative.

4What I liked about my last !ob was the fact that there was good on the !ob training. I was able to really develop my 4/4 skills$ which I


know will help me succeed here if I am fortunate enough to be able to  !oin your team. hat are the ualities and sills of the people  who

have been most successful in your department?4 4One thing I liked about my last !ob was that it allowed me to

develop my project manaement sills ... O@ 0/)A30$ I was put in charge of a pro!ect where I had to earn the 4buy>in4 of people from multiple different departments B and I had all the responsibi responsibility  lity  for  for getting this pro!ect completed on time but no real authority  over  over my teammates. I was successful because I involved key stakeholders early>on to get their feedback on my ideas. With those ideas is mind$ I negiotiated with the team to an agreement about deadlines. Then day> to>day I made sure that each team member was completing their work on time. I did this by setting up a progress tracking system. /an I tell

 you about it- ... 4 4What I liked least about my last !ob was that the management style was pretty hands off$ and this was fine for me because I am self'

motivated and wor hard to achieve. "ut the lack of structure sometimes allowed some of my teammates to slack off from time to time B and I often ended up having to pick up the extra work. I had to

constructively constructi vely approach my manaer  and  and let her know what was going on WITCODT creating any friction between me and my co>  workers. In the end$ it worked out well$ because I was pro>active. B Cave you ever run into that type of situation as a manager?4 Duties and responsibilities will include:   - Acting as a 'Technical Authority' for technical safety/HSE engineering projects and deliverables, providing technical safety support and advice to clients - Project anager for technical safety/HSE engineering projects, responsible for !anaging and leading project tea!s - "acilitating a #ide range of ha$ard identification and ris% assess!ent #or%shops &eg HA()P, HA(*+, S*, )PA, S*)PS and o#-Tie assess!ent. - onducting physical effects !odelling and 0uantitative ris% assess!ents of process facilities - +eveloping AA1P de!onstration for process safety ris%s and developing Safety/HSE ases &for +esign and )perations phases. - Producing for!al technical reports, Safety/HSE ases and other project deliverables on ti!e and to budget - aintaining up-to-date %no#ledge of standards, !ethods, data and use of appropriate soft#are - anaging and developing clients and internal project tea!s

- +eveloping ne# business  


1e0uired 2ualifications3 - 2ualified to degree level in relevant engineering or science discipline, preferably #ith a second degree in a recognised safety engineering discipline - ini!u! 45 years relevant e6perience in the oil 7 gas industry - Project !anage!ent in a consulting or internal service environ!ent - Previous e6perience of #or%ing in the iddle East oil 7 gas industry and %no#ledge of sour gas design and operations standards #ill be an advantage - Technical safety and ris% assess!ent bias -anage!ent E6cellent #or%ing %no#ledge of industry standard tools,and in particular Shell Ha$ard Soft#are tools &"1E+, Shepherd. andsoft#are +89 Phast Phast 1is%   Key Attributes:  - :ood interpersonal s%ills - Sound technical base - :enuine tea! player  - Self !otivated - Strong co!!unication s%ills &#ritten and verbal. - *nterested in helping to e6pand the business - Practical, co!!on sense approach   Rewards:   As #ould be e6pected by the high calibre calibre of people people #e e!ploy e!ploy and the seniority seniority of this role, role, #e offer a highly co!petitive pac%age of salary and benefits, including private !edical insurance, contributions into a pension sche!e, e!ployee share sche!e and profit share ;hilst ideally candidates #ould already bepac%age based in#ill thebe iddle East region, for the right candidate a co!prehensive e6patriate relocation provided

HSE MANAGER A minimum of Ten (10) years experience of managing healh an! safey on ma"or inernaional an! local consrucion consrucion sies# of $hich he las %i&e (') years shall inclu!e experience of ma"or inernaionalregional roa!s# infrasrucure an! !rainage pro"ecs Mem*er of +nsiuion of ,ccupaional Safey an! Healh (+,SH) is re-uire!# minimum le&el .harere! Mem*er (.M+,SH)

What is a job hazard analysis?  A job ha$ard analysis is a techni0ue that focuses on job tas%s as a #ay to identify ha$ards before they occur *t focuses on the relationship bet#een b et#een the #or%er, the tas%, the tools, and the #or% environ!ent *deally, after you identify uncontrolled ha$ards, you #ill ta%e steps to eli!inate or reduce the! to an acceptable ris% level

What is a risk assessment? Ris/ assessmen is he process $here you •

+!enify haar!s

Analye or e&aluae he ris/ associae! $ih ha haar!

2eermine appropriae $ays o eliminae or conrol he

haar! +n pracical erms# a ris/ assessmen is a horough loo/ a your $or/place o i!enify i !enify hose hings# siuaions# processes# ec ha may cause harm# paricularly o people Afer i!enificaion is ma!e# you e&aluae ho$ li/ely an! se&ere he ris/ is# an! hen !eci!e $ha measures shoul! *e in place o effeci&ely pre&en or conrol he harm from happening


What is a hazard?  A ha$ard is the potential for har! *n practical ter!s, a ha$ard often is associated #ith a condition or activity that, if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury or illness

What is risk? Risk is

he chance or pro*a*iliy ha a person $ill *e harme! or experience an a!&erse

healh effec if expose! o a haar! + may also apply o siuaions $ih propery or e-uipmen loss

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